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Appendix A – ILEX Centre Accreditation Quality Standards Centres are required to show a commitment to quality in centre and programme provision by meeting the following: Requirements relating to students: 1. Centres are required to provide accurate and up-to-date information, guidance, support and registration advice to ILEX students. 2. Centres are required to have an appropriate policy for entry and enrolment to ensure that an adequate assessment of the students’ existing skills, knowledge and understanding is made prior to registration for a particular programme. 3. At the start of an ILEX programme, centres are required to provide students with a Student Handbook or information covering the following: Programme structure Syllabus coverage Contact details for programme tutors Student induction programme Timetable Learner support ILEX registration and exam entry closing dates Rules on enrolment Fees Attendance Student conduct and cancellation rules Past assessment materials Centre resources Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy Complaints and Appeals procedures ILEX contacts Details of Boards of Study meetings. 4. Centres are required to put in place robust procedures and control mechanisms covering: Student attendance Student performance Provision of feedback following assessments (if applicable) Distribution and collation of student satisfaction questionnaires Complaints procedures Appeals procedures Annual programme review procedures 5. Centres are required to ensure that valid and reliable assessments of ILEX students’ achievements are conducted and that details of these are made available to ILEX at the appropriate time in an appropriate way. 6. Centres are required to ensure that they fully understand the assessment specifications provided by ILEX and that they comply with its provisions. 30

Appendix A – ILEX Centre Accreditation Quality Standards Accreditation Standards.pdf · Appendix A – ILEX Centre Accreditation Quality Standards . Centres are required to show

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Page 1: Appendix A – ILEX Centre Accreditation Quality Standards Accreditation Standards.pdf · Appendix A – ILEX Centre Accreditation Quality Standards . Centres are required to show

Appendix A – ILEX Centre Accreditation Quality Standards Centres are required to show a commitment to quality in centre and programme provision by meeting the following: Requirements relating to students:

1. Centres are required to provide accurate and up-to-date information, guidance, support and registration advice to ILEX students.

2. Centres are required to have an appropriate policy for entry and enrolment

to ensure that an adequate assessment of the students’ existing skills, knowledge and understanding is made prior to registration for a particular programme.

3. At the start of an ILEX programme, centres are required to provide

students with a Student Handbook or information covering the following:

Programme structure Syllabus coverage Contact details for programme tutors Student induction programme Timetable Learner support ILEX registration and exam entry closing dates Rules on enrolment Fees Attendance Student conduct and cancellation rules Past assessment materials Centre resources Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy Complaints and Appeals procedures ILEX contacts Details of Boards of Study meetings.

4. Centres are required to put in place robust procedures and control

mechanisms covering:

Student attendance Student performance Provision of feedback following assessments (if applicable) Distribution and collation of student satisfaction questionnaires Complaints procedures Appeals procedures Annual programme review procedures

5. Centres are required to ensure that valid and reliable assessments of ILEX

students’ achievements are conducted and that details of these are made available to ILEX at the appropriate time in an appropriate way.

6. Centres are required to ensure that they fully understand the assessment

specifications provided by ILEX and that they comply with its provisions.


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Requirements relating to staff:

1. Centres are required to have in place appropriate staff, or have plans in place to appoint appropriate staff, before the ILEX qualifications are made available, in accordance with the requirements of the ILEX qualification(s).

2. Centres are required to provide all ILEX tutors with appropriate inductions

and professional development (including a development plan) to ensure that they can maintain their expertise and competence to deliver the ILEX qualification(s).

3. Centres are required to ensure that ILEX programme managers, course

coordinators and tutors are competent and have access to appropriate training, guidance and support.

Requirements relating to resources:

1. Centres are required to have adequate systems and resources in place, including staff, equipment, materials and software, to support the delivery of the ILEX programmes.

2. Centres are required to use buildings that provide access for all students,

in accordance with relevant legislation including without limitation the Disability Discrimination Act and any successor legislation, and provide the following facilities:

Lecture rooms Private study Learning resources and IT facilities Refreshments Examinations venue (with appropriate provision for invigilation and

security or make appropriate alternative arrangements).

3. Centres are required to adhere to any assessment requirements in accordance with the ILEX qualification(s) requirements.

4. Centres are required to ensure the security and confidentiality of

assessment materials and records, including examination question papers, examination scripts, records of marking, portfolios and Professional Skills assessments before, during and after the assessment has taken place.

5. Centres are required to have a documented quality management system

in place that is systematically reviewed to ensure that students and staff needs are addressed, that all appropriate persons are kept up-to-date with the quality policy, procedures and standards, and that responsibilities for the management of these systems are clearly and appropriately allocated.

6. Centres are required to have an appropriate and effective system for the

management of all sub-contracted services and that all policies and requirements referred to within the ILEX Centre Accreditation Handbook will apply to all satellite sites affiliated to a centre, for example, remote assessment sites or delivery points.


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Requirements relating to a centre’s obligations to ILEX: 1. Centres are required to keep complete and accurate records, for at least

three years from the end of the year to which they relate, for all ILEX qualifications and make these available to ILEX upon request.

2. Centres are required to report immediately to ILEX any suspected

malpractice in line with the statutory regulation and respond speedily and openly to all requests for an investigation into an incident.

3. Centres are required to ensure that any breach in security is reported to

ILEX immediately. 4. Centres are required to agree to provide ILEX and the regulatory

authorities, on reasonable notice, with access to premises, people and records as required, and to fully cooperate with ILEX’s monitoring activities, including but not limited to providing access to any premises used (including satellite sites).

5. Centres are required to comply with all relevant legal, regulatory criteria

and codes of practice as updated and amended from time to time and to ensure that all centre policies are up-to-date and reflect any legal changes which have been implemented or changes to the centre.

6. Centres are required to forward a copy of the minutes from their Board of

Study meeting to the ILEX Centre Liaison Officer within six weeks of the meeting being held.


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B





Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Postal town Postcode Main telephone enquiry number Main email enquiry address Main fax number Website address


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B Will ILEX programmes be delivered at this site? (Please tick the appropriate box) Yes No If no, please state the actual site/premises where they will be delivered: Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Postal town Postcode 4. TYPE OF ORGANISATION:

Please state the type of organisation your centre is. For example, Sixth Form College, Community College, FE College, HE College, University, Private Training Provider or Other (Please specify) 5. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE: Please provide brief details of the organisational structure in place at your centre relating to programme delivery


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B 6. COURSE COORDINATOR/PROGRAMME MANAGER’S DETAILS: Please provide details for the individual responsible for all enquiries regarding the delivery of ILEX programmes at your centre Name and job title Direct contact telephone number Direct email address Fax number 7. QUALITY ASSURANCE CONTACT DETAILS: Please provide details for the individual responsible and accountable for the quality assurance of ILEX programmes at your centre, if different from the named contact above Name and job title Direct contact telephone number Direct email address Fax number 8. EXAMINATIONS OFFICER DETAILS: Please provide details for the individual responsible for the management of examinations/assessments at your centre Name and job title Direct contact telephone number


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B Direct email address Fax number 9. HEAD OF CENTRE DETAILS: Name Direct contact telephone number Direct email address 10. FUNDING: Please indicate how your centre will fund ILEX programmes. For example, will students be required to pay for the programme costs and/or will your centre receive public funding? Please tick as many boxes as appropriate Employer funding (Wholly) Self funding Employer funding (Part) Public funding Other funding (Please specify) 11. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF ILEX TUTORS: Please detail a full list of tutors who will be teaching each subject/unit of an ILEX programme. You are required to confirm in Section 15.2 of this application form that the tutors listed have the minimum qualifications and subject expertise necessary to perform the role for the programme, as outlined in Section 3.4 of the ILEX Centre Accreditation Handbook 2008/2009


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B 12. OTHER AWARDING BODY ACCREDITATIONS: Has your centre been accredited by another Awarding Body? (Please tick the appropriate box) Yes No If yes, please list names of other awarding bodies below In the past 5 years, has your centre ever been refused or had centre accreditation withdrawn by another Awarding Body? (Please tick the appropriate box) Yes No If yes, please provide the following details: Name(s) of the Awarding Body Date of withdrawal/refusal Reason for withdrawal/refusal 13. PRIVATE TRAINING PROVIDER APPLICANTS ONLY: Please tick the boxes below to confirm that you will enclose the following information with your application. Your organisation’s last Annual Report will deal with both of these requirements. All information will be returned to you within 10 working days of receipt. A copy of your last company accounts The names and addresses of the organisation’s directors


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STATEMENTS: Please tick the boxes below to confirm that your centre has in place the relevant and up-to-date arrangements/documentation relating to the policies, procedures and requirements. If you are applying as a prospective centre, you are required to submit these policies/documents with your initial application. If these are not already in place, please indicate the date by when they will be implemented under Notes below. If you are applying as an ILEX Accredited Centre seeking re-accreditation, you are only required to submit documentation which has been updated or significantly revised since your initial application. Please specify the date of the revised document under Notes below. Required documentation: Notes:

Health & Safety Policy

Employer and Public Liability Insurance Data Protection Policy Equal Opportunities Policy

Quality Assurance Policy

Access to Fair Assessment Statement Compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995

Code of Practice Complaints Procedure

Malpractice Policy Reason Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy Appeals Procedure for Students Student Handbook


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B 15. CENTRE AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION: All applicants are requested to read, tick the boxes as appropriate and sign below. This declaration must be signed by an authorised signatory in his/her own name for and on behalf of your centre. 15.1 Centre requirements relating to students I declare that my centre:

will ensure that an adequate assessment of the students’ existing skills, knowledge and understanding is made prior to registration for a particular award and that there is an accurate record of the students’ progress and achievements.

will provide students with accurate and up-to-date information about the awards and qualifications available at the centre. will ensure that we fully understand the assessment specifications provided by ILEX and that we comply with its provisions. will take all necessary steps to ensure that work submitted is the student’s own. will have documented procedures for handling student disputes and appeals against our centre’s internal assessment decisions.

will ensure that valid and reliable assessments of students’ achievements are conducted and that details of these are made available to ILEX at the appropriate time in an appropriate way. will provide students with centre policies and complaints procedure if requested. will agree to provide adequate safeguards to protect the interests of students and liaise with ILEX where programme provision is to be terminated. will inform ILEX immediately if we are aware that a student needs access to reasonable adjustments.


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B 15.2 Centre requirements relating to staff I declare that my centre:

will provide all ILEX tutors with appropriate inductions and professional development (including a development plan) to ensure that they can maintain their expertise and competence to deliver the ILEX qualification(s).

will supply staff CVs and other evidence (for example original certificates) to ILEX in a timely manner upon request.

understands that any misleading information provided, and/or failure to supply CVs and/or other evidence upon request, may prevent approval for centre accreditation being granted.

has in place appropriate staff and relevant systems, or has

plans in place to appoint appropriate staff and put in place relevant systems, before the ILEX qualifications are made available, in accordance with the requirements of the ILEX qualification(s).

will ensure that ILEX programme managers, course coordinators and tutors are competent and have access to appropriate training, guidance and support.

15.3 Centre requirements relating to resources I declare that my centre:

will have adequate systems and resources in place, including staff, equipment, materials and software, to support the delivery of the ILEX programmes. will adhere to any assessment requirements in accordance with the ILEX qualification(s) requirements.

will use buildings that provide access for all students for assessment purposes, in accordance with relevant legislation including without limitation the Disability Discrimination Act and any successor legislation.

will ensure the security and confidentiality of assessment materials and records, including examination question papers, examination scripts, records of marking, portfolios and Professional Skills assessments before, during and after the assessment has taken place.


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B

has a documented quality management system in place that is systematically reviewed to ensure that students and staff needs are addressed, that all appropriate persons are kept up-to-date with the quality policy, procedures and standards, and that responsibilities for the management of these systems are clearly and appropriately allocated. has effective communications systems in place both internally and with ILEX and students, and agrees to inform ILEX immediately should any changes occur to the information supplied in this application. has an appropriate and effective system for the management of all sub-contracted services and that all policies and requirements referred to in this application will apply to all satellite sites affiliated to our centre, for example, remote assessment sites or delivery points.

15.4 Centre requirements relating to its obligations to ILEX I declare that my centre:

will be aware that the information supplied to ILEX could be required by the regulatory authorities. will ensure that internally assessed work is submitted to agreed deadlines as specified by ILEX. will keep complete and accurate records, for at least three years from the end of the year to which they relate, for all ILEX qualifications and make these available to ILEX upon request. will report immediately to ILEX any suspected malpractice in line with the statutory regulation and respond speedily and openly to all requests for an investigation into an incident. A nominated representative of our centre will personally supervise all investigations resulting from an allegation of suspected malpractice / maladministration. will ensure that any breach in security is reported to ILEX immediately. will agree to provide ILEX and the regulatory authorities, on reasonable notice, with access to premises, people and records as required, and to fully cooperate with ILEX’s monitoring activities, including but not limited to providing access to any premises used (including satellite sites).


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CAA Form 2008/2009 Appendix B

complies with all relevant legal, regulatory criteria and codes of practice as updated and amended from time to time. will ensure that all of our centre policies are up-to-date and reflect any legal changes which have been implemented or changes to the centre. agrees to comply with additional requirements as requested by ILEX following reasonable notice.

15.5 Centre agreement to the terms and conditions set out

Please note that ILEX reserves the right to view all materials detailed within this application either through the application process (inclusive of a centre visit) or via a post-accreditation monitoring activity. I ……………………………………………………………………[insert name in capital letters] declare that my centre agrees to adhere to the procedures and policies of ILEX in respect of this application and accept that if my centre defaults on the commitments made in this application it may lead to the suspension or withdrawal of its ILEX Accredited Centre status. I confirm that my centre understands that if this application is accepted it will form the contract between the centre and ILEX.

I declare that I am authorised by my centre to supply the information given above and, at the date of signing, the information provided is a true and accurate record to the best of my knowledge. Signature Post held Date 16. PAYMENT/RETURN DETAILS All applicants are requested to complete this section to confirm the centre’s preferred method of payment of the ILEX Centre Accreditation annual fee. Please refer to Section 2.9 of the ILEX Centre Accreditation Handbook for full details of the fees for the academic year 2008/2009, methods of payment and ILEX bank details. Do you wish to pay by cheque? Yes No


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(If yes, please make the cheque payable to: Institute of Legal Executives. Prospective centres - Please ensure you enclose this with the application) OR Do you wish to pay via BACs? Yes No (If yes, please ensure you forward a copy of the BACS payment notification once known) OR Do you require an invoice? Yes No Please ensure you enclose all of the required documentation in support of your application and return with your completed form to: Pauline Scrivener, Centre Liaison Officer, ILEX, Kempston Manor, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7AB Email: [email protected]

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CPR Form 2008/2009 Appendix D


Please complete the following information as outlined in Section 4.3 of the ILEX Centre Accreditation Handbook 2008/2009



Name of Course Coordinator/Programme Manager Direct contact telephone number Direct email address

3. CONFIRMED PROGRAMME DETAILS: Please use the right hand column in the tables below and on pages 2 and 3 to indicate the ILEX programmes/subjects/units your centre will be running in 2008/2009:

Current Level 3 Qualifications

Insert ‘X’ to confirm programme running

ILEX Level 3 Professional Diploma in Law (Examination Route) N.B. This route is not available to prospective centres

ILEX Level 3 Professional Diploma in Law (Mixed Assessment Route) N.B. This route is not available to prospective centres

Confirmed start date Confirmed mode of delivery


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CPR Form 2008/2009 Appendix D

New Level 3 Qualifications (introduced September 2008)

Insert ‘X’ to confirm

programme/units running

ILEX Level 3 Certificate in Law and Practice/Professional Diploma in Law and Practice

Unit 1: Introduction to Law and Practice Unit 2: Contract Law Unit 3: Criminal Law Unit 4: Land Law Unit 5: Law of Tort Unit 6: Employment Law Unit 7: Family Law Unit 8: Law of Wills and Succession Unit 9: Civil Litigation Unit 10: Conveyancing Unit 11: Criminal Litigation Unit 12: The Practice of Family Law Unit 13: The Practice of Employment Law Unit 14: Probate Practice Unit 15: The Practice of Law for the Elderly Client Unit 16: Client Care Skills Unit 17: Legal Research Skills Confirmed start date Confirmed mode of delivery


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Level 6 Qualifications Insert ‘X’ to confirm programme/subjects

running ILEX Level 6 Professional Higher Diploma in Law

Law of Intellectual Property Law of Contract Law of Tort Criminal Law Family Law Commercial Law Employment Law Landlord and Tenant Law Law of Evidence Company and Partnership Law Social Welfare Law Local Government Law Public Law European Union Law Land Law Probate and Succession Planning Law Equity and Trusts Immigration Law Civil Litigation Criminal Litigation Family Practice Company and Partnership Practice Conveyancing Probate Practice Confirmed start date Confirmed mode of delivery 4. RETURN DETAILS:

I confirm that I am authorised by my centre to supply the information given above and, at the date of signing, the information provided is a true and accurate record to the best of my knowledge. Signature Post held Date

Once completed, please return this form to: Pauline Scrivener, Centre Liaison Officer, ILEX, Kempston Manor, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7AB Email: [email protected]

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EVC Form 2008/2009 Appendix E

EXAMINATION VENUE CONFIRMATION FORM Please complete the following details as soon as they can be confirmed, as outlined in Section 4.4 of the ILEX Centre Accreditation Handbook 2008/2009. Please note, delays in notifying us of these details may jeopardise your students from sitting their examinations at your centre and/or result in correspondence and examination/assessment materials being sent to the incorrect contact and/or venue.

1. EXAMINATION VENUE ADDRESS: N.B. This is the venue where your students will sit their examinations - This information will be issued to students via their Candidate Admission Permits Name of venue Location of venue Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Postal town Postcode Venue telephone number Venue fax number


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EVC Form 2008/2009 Appendix E Venue seating capacity


BE SENT: N.B. This is the address where examination papers/assessment materials and stationery will be delivered Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Postal town Postcode 3. CHANGE IN EXAMINATION OFFICER DETAILS: N.B. This section should be completed if the contact details have changed since your centre applied for Centre Accreditation Name of new contact Job title With effect from? Direct contact telephone number


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Direct email address Fax number 4. ANY OTHER EXAMINATION VENUE RELATED CHANGES: Please specify


I confirm that I am authorised by my centre to supply the information given above and, at the date of signing, the information provided is a true and accurate record to the best of my knowledge. Signature Post held Date Once completed, please return this form to: Awards-Operations Department, ILEX, Kempston Manor, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 7AB Email: [email protected]