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Innova&ve Perspec&ves on Global Challenges through the LAUNCH Collec&ve Genius Beth Beck Virginia Tech PhD Student NASA Open Innova;on Program Manager h>p:// Associa;on for Public Policy Analysis & Management 2014 Fall Research Conference

APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

Jul 05, 2015


Beth Beck

Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Conference paper to discuss my PhD research, Knowledge Alchemy through Collaborative Chaos, using LAUNCH as the case study. LAUNCH is a non-traditional public-private partnership between NASA, USAID, State Department, and Nike to search for and identify transformative solutions to sustainability challenges facing humanity.
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Page 1: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

Innova&ve  Perspec&ves  on    Global  Challenges  

through  the  LAUNCH  Collec&ve  Genius  

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  h>p://  

Associa;on  for  Public  Policy  Analysis  &  Management    2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

Page 2: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

“Those  studying  chao%c  dynamics  discovered  that  the  disorderly  behavior  of  simple  systems  acted  as  a  crea%ve  process.  It  generated  complexity:  richly  organized  pa;erns,  some=mes  stable  and  some=mes  unstable,  some=mes  finite  and  some=mes  infinite,  but  always  with  the  fascina=on  of  

living  things.”  –  James  Gleick    

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    


Page 3: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

✓The  world,  as  we  know  it,  is  con;nually  transformed  by  rapid  shi<s  in  technology,  dwindling  natural  resources,  and  ever-­‐fluctua&ng  human  dynamics.      ✓Change  is  the  only  constant  we  know.  Reality  of  dwindling  natural  resources  and  uncertainty  of  our  global  climate  force  us  to  face  limits.      ✓Limits  disrupt  our  status  quo,  which  triggers  a  need  for  reflexive  thinking.    

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

Global  Reali&es    


Page 4: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

✓The  space  program  has  given  us  a  galac&c  perspec&ve  of  our  home  planet  from  the  outside  in.      ✓Earth’s  fragile  ecosystem  is  protected  from  the  extremely  hos&le  environment  of  space  by  a  thin  blue  line  of  atmosphere.      ✓No  other  planet  can  sustain  human  life  –  at  least  one  that  we  can  travel  to  with  exis;ng  space  transporta;on  capabili;es.      

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

Galac&c  Perspec&ve    


Page 5: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

With  no  other  viable  alterna;ves  for  a  host  planet  to  support  7  billion  (and  coun;ng)  humans,  we  must:    

 ✓embrace  our  limits,      ✓create  innova;ve  ways  to  leverage  what  we  have,  and    ✓learn  to  care  for  the  planet  that  sustains  us.    

 We  need  to  apply  new  perspec&ves,  new  behaviors,  and  new  choices  to  the  challenge  facing  humans  who  occupy  Earth  and  future  habita;on  of  other  life-­‐sustaining  planets  in  the  future.      NASA’s  solu&on:  LAUNCH  Collec&ve  Genius  for  a  BeMer  World  

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

Call  to  Ac&on    


Page 6: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

✓A  non-­‐tradi;onal  public-­‐private  partnership  between  NASA,  USAID,  State  Department,  and  Nike  to  search  for  and  iden&fy  transforma&ve  solu&ons  to  sustainability  challenges  facing  humanity.      ✓A  collabora&ve  testbed  for  innova;ve  thinking,  as  we  solicit  collaborators  from  diverse  backgrounds,  disciplines,  and  exper;se.    ✓A  fluid,  evolving,  co-­‐crea&on  of  new  ways  of  knowing  through  a  collabora;ve  community  of  prac;ce  –  a  case  of  new  knowledge-­‐crea%on  through  complex  collabora&on.    

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

What  is  LAUNCH?    


Page 7: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

LAUNCH  is  comprised  of:      ✓Founding  partners,  NASA,  USAID,  State,  and  Nike;      ✓LAUNCH  Council  members  and  their  suppor;ng  organiza;ons;  

 ✓LAUNCH  Innovators;  and      ✓Accelerator  organiza;ons  that  mentor,  advise,  incubate,  and      invest  in  the  innovators.    

 LAUNCH  sustainability  selec;on  cycles:  

       ✓Water            ✓Health            ✓Energy    

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

LAUNCH  Collec&ve  Genius  

✓Beyond  Waste  ✓Materials    ✓Green  Chemistry  


Page 8: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius


Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

Biofashionista  Suzanne  Lee  created  sustainable  fabric  using  cellulose-­‐based  biomaterial  grown  from  fermented  green  tea,  yeast,  and  bacteria.  h>p://­‐lee.    Aydogan  Ozcan  of  LUCAS  devised  a  miniature  microscope  cell  phone  capability  to  detect  bacteria  and  parasites  remote  areas  without  medical  capabili;es.  h>p://­‐ozcan.    Tara  Sutherland  and  her  team  at  Honey  Bee  Silks  developed  a  biosynthe;c  silk.  h>p://­‐sutherland.    Joseph  Atnafu  of  Sanergy  created  an  innova;ve  small  business  model  for  efficient  sanita;on  facili;es  in  the  slums  of  Kenya.  h>p://­‐atnafu.    

Sample  of  LAUNCH  Innovators  


Page 9: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius


Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

Lisa  Dyson  of  Kiverdi  created  a  bioprocess  that  uses  waste  biomass  as  feedstock  for  chemical  processing  h>p://­‐dyson.    Ramesh  Raskar  of  Netra  created  eye  exams  using  a  small,  portable  device.  h>p://­‐raskar.    Sam  Harrington  of  Ecova&ve  Design  grew  mushrooms  in  his  dorm  room  to  create  biodegradable  materials  to  replace  plas;cs.  h>p://­‐harrington.    Rana  Gupta  of  Geckskin  developed  an  a>achment  device  that  uses  biomimicry  to  replicate  a  nature-­‐based  Gecko  release  method.  h>p://­‐gupta.    

Sample  of  LAUNCH  Innovators  


Page 10: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

✓The  complex  collabora&ve  prac&ce  of  LAUNCH  provides  a  unique  empirical  lens  to  look  at  collabora&ve  communi&es  of  prac&ce.      ✓Original  LAUNCH  tagline,  Accelera%ng  Innova%on  for  a  Sustainable  Future,  evolved  into  the  Collec%ve  Genius  for  a  BeJer  World.      ✓LAUNCH  is  an  adap&ve  ecosystem  of  collec&ve  behavior  that  serves  as  an  incubator  for  new  and  unexpected  ways  of  doing  of  thinking  –  i.e.  emergent  knowledge.    

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

The  Case  of  LAUNCH  


Page 11: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius


Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

In  the  prac&ce  of  LAUNCH,  we  iden;fied:      ✓innova&ve  technological  solu&ons  to  global  sustainability  issues,    

 ✓new  ways  of  doing  business  within  the  federal  government,  and      ✓new  innova&on  plaTorms  for  problem-­‐solving.  

 We  experienced  the  human  reality  of  instability,  uncertainty,  and  disrup&on  through  intensely  emo&onal  delibera&ons,  YET  these  interac;ons  yielded  “reconstruc&ve  knowledge”  through  the  “dialogic  nature  of  inquiry  within  the  group”  (Raskin  and  Bernstein  1987:  279).    We  discovered  that  the  world  of  innova&on  is  always  in  the  making.      

LAUNCH  Collec&ve  Prac&ce  


Page 12: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

 The  chaos  of  human  collabora&on    

provides  a    fer&le  breeding  ground  

 for    innova&ve  thinking  and  new  knowledge  crea&on  

 that  can  be  applied  to    complex  global  challenges.  

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

What  I  learned  from  LAUNCH?    


Page 13: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

✓Innova&ve  knowledge-­‐crea&on  through  collabora&ve  chaos:  an  endless  cycle  of  mutually  interac;ve  processes  that  create  new  outcomes,  new  prac;ces,  new  rela;onships,  and  new  ways  to  approach  rela;onships,  prac;ces,  and  outcomes.      ✓Collabora&ve  prac&ce  (Nicolini,  Gheranrdi,  and  Yanow  2003):  chao;c,  turbulent,  disrup;ve,  uncertain,  and  destabilizing  –  inci;ng  crea&ve  abrasion  (Leonard-­‐Barton  1995).      ✓Crea&ve  abrasion  generates  abduc&ve  reasoning  (Reichertz  2010,  Mar;n  2007)  from  which  new  knowledge,  in  the  form  of  innova;on,  emerges.      ✓Knowledge  alchemy:  the  crea&ve  transforma&on  of  ideas  into  novel  ways  to  view  the  world.    

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

Research  defini&ons  


Page 14: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    


Page 15: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius


Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

The  prac&ce  of  knowledge  alchemy  mirrors  Kant’s  descrip;on  of  human  thought:      “not  just  the  idea  of  the  idea,    

 it  is  also  the  con%nuous  process  of  rela%ng  ideas  to  ideas,        of  finding  contradic%ons  and  restoring  uni%es,          an  endless  process  of  crea%ng  and            ordering  the  products  of  the  mind”                    (  Albrow,  Mar;n  1990:  116).  

Knowledge  alchemy    


Page 16: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius


Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference    

The  chaos  of  collabora&on  is  our  key  to  crea;ng  the  knowledge  alchemy  with  which  we  can  solve  complex  challenges  caused  by  7  billion  humans  inhabi;ng  planet  


We  have  much  work  to  do.      

Let’s  collaborate!    

Find  out  more  about  LAUNCH:  h>p://    

What’s  Next?  


Page 17: APPAM 2014 Innovative Perspectives on Global Challenges through LAUNCH Collective Genius

             Sources:    Albrow,  Mar;n.  Max  Weber's  Construc=on  of  Social  Theory.  New  York,  NY:  St.  Mar;n's  Press,  1990:  116.    Gleick,  James.  Chaos:  Making  a  New  Science.  New  York,  NY:  Penguin  Books,  2008:  43.    Leonard-­‐Barton,  Dorothy.  Well  Springs  of  Knowledge:  Building  and  Sustaining  the  Sources  of  Innova=on.    Boston,  MA:  Harvard  Business  School  Press,  1995.    Mar;n,  Roger.  The  Opposable  Mind:  How  Successful  Leaders  Win  through  Integra=ve  Thinking.    Boston,  MA:  Harvard  Business  School  Press,  2007.      Nicolini,  Davide,  Silvia  Gheranrdi,  and  Dvora  Yanow.  Knowing  in  Organiza=ons:  A  Prac=ce-­‐Based  Approach.    Armonk,  New  York:  M.E.  Sharpe,  2003.    Raskin,  Marcus  G.,  and  Herbert  J.  Bernstein.  New  Ways  of  Knowing:  The  Sciences,  Society,  and  Reconstruc=ve  Knowledge  Totowa,  NJ:  Rowman  &  Li>lefield,  1987:  279.      The  Sage  Handbook  of  Grounded  Theory,  edited  by  Antony  Bryant  and  Kathy  Charmaz,  214-­‐28.  Thousand  Oaks,  CA:  SAGE  Publica;on,  2010.      Weber,  Edward  P.,  and  Anne  M.  Khademian.  "Wicked  Problems,  Knowledge  Challenges,  and  Collabora;ve  Capacity  Builders  in  Network  Sepngs."  Public  Administra=on  Review,  no.  March/April  2008.    

Beth  Beck  Virginia  Tech  PhD  Student  

NASA  Open  Innova;on  Program  Manager  

Innova;ve  Perspec;ves  on  Global  Challenges  through  the  LAUNCH  Collec;ve  Genius  

APPAM  2014  Fall  Research  Conference