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Apostolic Church. A. Woolford

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/30/2019 Apostolic Church. A. Woolford


    Allison Woolford

  • 7/30/2019 Apostolic Church. A. Woolford



    Church History

    In 1904 and 1905, arevival took place inWales, where 100,000

    people were added to thechurch.

    The main revival leader

    was Evan Roberts.
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    On Christmas Day in 1904, Robert preached a sermon inLoughor, Wales that inspired DP Williams to become aminister at Pen-y-groes Congregational Church.
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    During this time, spiritualhunger began to ignite thelives of Christians living in

    the United States, especiallyin Los Angeles. FrankBartleman, an early leader ofthis new revival, wrote to

    Evan Roberts to pray for LosAngeles. These Christianswere anxiously praying for arevival. In 1906, thecongregation of a smallchurch on Bonnie Brae Streetstarted speaking in tongues.


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    As word got out about this strange manifestation, thechurch had to purchase a bigger building on AzusaStreet, where people from all over the world wereattending.
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    In 1909, the first PentecostalChurch in Britain (TheEmmanuel Mission Hall,

    Bournemouth) was startedby William OliverHutchinson. In 1914, thisbuilding would become the

    headquarters for theApostolic Faith Church(AFC), which was a largegroup of Pentecostalassemblies.
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    The Apostolic Faith Church believed that it was Godsintention to restore the ministry of Apostle and Prophet

    to the church(
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    During the London Convention for the Church in 1914,DP Williams was ordained an Apostle by William OliverHutchinson, the Chief Apostle, to lead the Apostolic

    Faith Churches in Wales. This was due to a word ofprophesy that was given during the convention.

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    The Split

    During the 7th Conference ofthe Apostolic Faith Churchthat was held in Bournemouth

    tension started to mound overthe administration of thechurch.

    A huge offering wascollected after a propheticword was delivered stating

    bring your treasure to theApostles feet. DPWilliams felt that acommittee of seven menshould decide on how tohandle to money wisely.William Oliver Hutchinsonbelieved that it was hismoney and he would dowith it as he pleased.

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    As a result, DP Williams and a number of other Welsh

    assemblies broke away from the AFC to form the ApostolicChurch in Wales (ACW).

    From 1916-1922, the ACW grew with more and moreindependent Pentecostal congregations becoming affiliatedwith them. These congregations included the Burning BushPentecostal congregation in Glasgow, the Apostolic Church inHereford and the Apostolic Church of God in Bradford.

    During an Easter meeting in 1922, a prophetic word directedthese four main groups to form an administrative union; wherePen-y-groes would be the government center, Glasgow thefinancial center and Bradford the missionary center.

    The Birth of the Apostolic Church

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    Teachings that were given to the Apostles by Jesus.

    The bible reference is Acts 2:42.

    The whole New Testament is the Apostles Doctrine since itwas written by Apostles as they were inspired by the HolyGhost.

    Using John 8:31, they believe that the church, which is the body

    of Christ, is commanded to continue in the teachings.

    Apostles Doctrine

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    The Bible is the inspired Word of God and it showsthat there is no salvation outside of following the

    teachings found in it.

    There is only one God (Deut 6:4) and he createdheaven and earth and all living things.

    God is seen within humanity as the Father (Creator,John 4:24); the Son (Jesus Christ, Savior, Romans 1:3);and the Holy Ghost (indwelling Spirit, John 14:16-26,Romans 8:9-11).

    The Apostles Doctrine and the Bible,God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost

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    Moving away from the law or commandments of Godis sin (1 John 3:4).

    Salvation is the act of turning away from sin, beingwater baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christfor the remission of sins, being baptized in the Holy

    Ghost and then living a godly life (Acts 2:36-41).If a person doesnt accept salvation, the wages of sin is

    death (Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:14)

    The Apostles Doctrine and Sin andSalvation

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    Water baptism is an essential part of New Testament

    salvation because it symbolizes Jesus death, burial

    and resurrection, and is to be administered only byimmersion.

    Holy Ghost baptism is the birth of the Spirit (John 3:5),is necessary for somebody to enter the kingdom ofGod and is evidenced by speaking in tongues.

    Water Baptism and the Holy GhostBaptism Two Separate Things

    Th A l D i d

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    The Apostles Doctrine andSpeaking in Tongues

    A miraculous sign of speaking anotherlanguage that is unknown to the speaker.

    This can be classified in two different ways

    Initial evidence of being baptized in the Holy

    Ghost (Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6).The gift of tongues as described in I

    Corinthians 12:1-12 and 14:1-40

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    Once saved from sin, one must live a

    holy, righteous, and sober life.Also, they must separate themselves from

    the all worldliness.

    John 8:11, Titus 2:12, Hebrews 12:14,Romans 12:1, II Corinthians 7:1

    The Apostles Doctrine and


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    They can heal the sick by laying

    hands on them and anointing themon the forehead with oil.

    The oil would be Extra Virgin OliveOil (EVOO).

    James 5:14-16

    The Apostles Doctrine and

    Divine Healing

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    Jesus is coming back to Earth in a bodily form to take to heaven

    those that have accepted redemption through His blood, by

    birth of water and of the Spirit, and who are found faithfulwhen He comes.

    This is happening soon due to everything that is going on inthe world (earthquakes, storms, society and politics corruption,

    people filled with pride). II Timothy 3:1-13, Daniel 12:4, Luke 21:24-28, Matthew 24:6

    The Apostles Doctrine and theSecond Coming of Jesus Christ

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    The dead will rise again regardless if they died just or unjustly.

    John 5:28-29; Revelation 20:12-13

    After the Rapture, everybody will go before Gods seat ofjudgment.

    The just will inherit the kingdom and the unjust will be castinto everlasting fire.

    II Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 25:32-34, 41, 46

    The Apostles Doctrine and The

    Rapture and Judgment

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    If you take a look closer, one will notice that

    different churches have separate set of rulescalled tenets.

    These are locals rules established by the local

    clergy (i.e. senior Bishops).


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    Some churches believe that it is okay forwomen to have authority over the church whileothers dont.

    1 Timothy 2:11-14 is used to disprove womenpreachers.

    John 4:7-42 is used to prove that women can bepreachers (the Samaritan woman).

    Women Preachers

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    Women should wear clothing that doesnt

    cause a man to lust after her, causing him tohave committed adultery.

    I Timothy 2:8-10

    I Peter 3:1-5Women should also not wear clothes that we

    created for a man

    Deuteronomy 22:5

    Modest Apparel

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    Titled Offices

    Wh i it i t t i k i

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    It is good to know what the Apostolic Church congregationsknow so that you can defend the Church of Christ

    Why is it important in knowing

    about the Apostolic Church

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    Based on the Apostolic Church's history one can see that thechurch was founded by man in the early 20th century while

    Christ's Church was founded in 33 A.D. by Jesus Christ.

    Church History

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    I Corinthians 14 discusses speaking in tongues. Speaking intongues was a miraculous gift given to the Apostles to edify

    and grow the Church but for somebody to speak in tongues,there has to be a couple of people there to interpret what isbeing said. Nothing good can come out of somebody speakingin tongues if there is nobody there to interpret what the personis saying to others. God is not going to allow there to beconfusion within His church.

    Speaking in Tongues

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    The Apostolic Church upholds old traditions of the Law liketithing and putting oil on people's foreheads. Romans 10:4 tells

    us that Jesus is the end of the Law and Romans 15:4 tells us thatwhat was written before hand, the Law, is for our learning. 1Corinthians 15:3 states that the law doesn't bind us anymore sothere is no reason biblical reasoning to continue in thetraditions of the Law. Acts 15:10 states that those living beforeChrist could not bear the Law just like those living after Christwouldn't be able to.

    Old Traditions

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    As started in Bro. Leslie James's sermon from December 2,2012, there are no more apostles living today because you had

    to meet specific requirements to be an Apostle. First, you haveto be a male. Second, you have to have seen the risen Christ.Lastly, you have to be able to work miraculous gifts (i.e.bringing people back from the dead).


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    The History of the Apostolic Church. The Christian Centre.

    History. Apostolic Church in the United Kingdom.

    Apostolic Doctrine. Bethel the House of God. The Scriptures Decree Modesty in Dress. Word Press #6104.

    The Apostles Doctrine. Word Press #6103.

    The Apostles Doctrine Concerning. Apostolic Network.

    concerning&catid=44:oldies-but-goodies&Itemid=46 What is the Apostles Doctrine (based on Acts 2:42). John M. Powell.
