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Apr 14, 2018



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    Esta apostila contm duas unidades que explicam as tcnicas de leitura

    e recursos gramaticais utilizados para uma eficiente leitura de textos em ingls,

    para a maior fixao e incio de treinamento na leitura da lngua, foram

    adicionados como anexos exerccios do cotidiano em pesquisas de pginas da

    internet , livros tcnicos da rea e de artigos cientficos de matrias j estudadas.

    Bom estudo e Good Luck!




    Unidade I

    Tcnicas de Leitura

    As tcnicas de leitura, como o prprio nome diz, vo nos ajudar a ler um texto.

    Existem tcnicas variadas, mas veremos as mais utilizadas. Ao ler um texto em Ingls,

    lembre-se de usar as tcnicas aprendidas, elas vo ajud-lo. O uso da gramtica vai ajudar


    As principais tcnicas so: a identificao de cognatos, de palavras repetidas e de

    pistas tipogrficas. Ao lermos um texto vamos, ainda, apurar a idia geral do texto (generalcomprehension) e utilizar duas outras tcnicas bastante teis: skimming e scanning.

    a) Cognatos

    Os cognatos so palavras muito parecidas com as palavras do Portugus. So as

    chamadas palavras transparentes. Existem tambm os falsos cognatos, que so

    palavras que achamos que tal coisa, mas no ; os falsos cognatos so em menor

    nmero, estes ns veremos adiante.

    Como cognatos podemos citar: school (escola), telephone (telefone), car (carro),

    question (questo, pergunta), activity (atividade), training (treinamento)... Voc

    mesmo poder criar sua prpria lista de cognatos!

    b) Palavras repetidas

    As palavras repetidas em um texto possuem um valor muito importante. Um autor

    no repete as palavras em vo. Se elas so repetidas, porque so importantes

    dentro de texto. Muitas vezes para no repetir o mesmo termo, o autor utilizasinnimos das mesmas palavras para no tornar o texto cansativo.

    c) Pistas tipogrficas

    As pistas tipogrficas so elementos visuais que nos auxiliam na compreenso do

    texto. Ateno com datas, nmeros, tabelas, grficas, figuras... So informaes




    tambm contidas no texto. Os recursos de escrita tambm so pistas tipogrficas.

    Por exemplo:

    ... (trs pontos) indicam a continuao de uma idia que no est aliexposta;

    negrito d destaque a algum termo ou palavra; itlico tambm destaca um termo, menos importante que o negrito; (aspas) salientam a importncia de alguma palavra; () (parnteses) introduzem uma idia complementar ao texto.

    d) General ComprehensionA idia geral de um texto obtida com o emprego das tcnicas anteriores.

    Selecionando-se criteriosamente algumas palavras, termos e expresses no texto,

    poderemos chegar idia geral do texto.

    Por exemplo, vamos ler o trecho abaixo e tentar obter a general comprehension

    deste pargrafo:

    Distance education takes place when a teacher andstudents areseparated

    by physicaldistance, andtechnology (i.e., voice, video anddata), often in concert

    withface-to-facecommunication, is usedto bridge the instructionalgap.

    From: Engineering Outreach

    College of Engineering University of Idaho

    A partir das palavras cognatas do texto (em negrito) podemos ter uma idia geral do

    que se trata; vamos enumerar as palavras conhecidas (pelo menos as que so

    semelhantes ao Portugus):

    distance education = educao a distncia students = estudantes, alunos separeted = separado physical distance = distncia fsica technology = tecnologia




    voice, video, data = voz, vdeo e dados (ateno: data no data) face-to-face communication = comunicao face-a-face used = usado (a) instructional = instrucional

    Ento voc poderia dizer que o texto trata sobre educao a distncia; que esta

    ocorre quando os alunos esto separados fisicamente do professor; a tecnologia

    (voz, vdeo, dados) podem ser usados de forma instrucional.

    Voc poderia ter esta concluso sobre o texto mesmo sem ter muito conhecimento

    de Ingls. claro que medida que voc for aprendendo, a sua percepo sobre otexto tambm aumentar. H muitas informaes que no so to bvias assim.

    e) Skimming

    skim em ingls deslizar superfcie, desnatar (da skimmed milk = leite

    desnatado), passar os olhos por. A tcnica de skimming nos leva a ler um texto

    superficialmente. Utilizar esta tcnica significa que no precisamos ler cada

    sentena, mas sim passarmos os olhos por sobre o texto, lendo algumas frases aqui e

    ali, procurando reconhecer certas palavras e expresses que sirvam como dicas na

    obteno de informaes sobre o texto. s vezes no necessrio ler o texto em

    detalhes. Para usar esta tcnica, precisamos nos valer dos nossos conhecimentos de

    Ingls tambm.

    Observe este trecho:

    Using this integrated approach, the educators task is to carefully select

    among the technological options. The goal is to build a mix of instructional media,

    meeting the needs of the learner in a manner that is instructionally effective and

    economically prudent.

    From: Engineering Outreach

    College of Engineering University of Idaho




    Selecionando algumas expresses teremos:

    integrated approach = abordagem (approach = abordagem, enfoque)integrada

    educators task = tarefa (task = tarefa) do educador s significaposse = do

    tecnological options = opes tecnolgicas (tecnological adjetivo) goal = objetivo a mix instrucional media = uma mistura de mdia instrucional.

    Com a tcnica do skimming podemos dizer que este trecho afirma que a tarefa do

    educador selecionar as opes tecnolgicas; o objetivo ter uma mistura de

    mdias instrucionais de uma maneira instrucionalmente efetiva e economicamente


    f) Scanning

    Scan em Ingls quer dizer examinar, sondar, explorar. O que faz um scanner?

    Uma varredura, no ?! Logo, com a tcnica de scanning voc ir fazer uma

    varredura do texto, procurando detalhes e idias objetivas. Aqui importante que

    voc utilize os conhecimentos de Ingls; por isso, ns vamos ver detalhadamente

    alguns itens gramaticais no ser Estudo da Lngua Inglesa.

    Olhe este trecho:

    Teaching and learning at a distance is demanding. However, learning will

    be more meaningful and deeper for distant students, if students and their

    instructor share responsibility for developing learning goals: actively interacting

    with class members; promoting reflection on experience; relating new information

    to examples that make sense to learners. This is the challenge and the opportunity

    provided by distance education.




    Poderamos perguntar qual o referente do pronome their em negrito no

    trecho?Utilizando a tcnica de skimming, seria necessrio retornar ao texto e

    entender a sentena na qual o pronome est sendo empregado. Their um

    pronome possessivo (e como tal, sempre vem acompanhado de um substantivo) da

    terceira pessoa do plural (o seu referente um substantivo no plural). A traduo de

    their instructor seria seu instrutor . Seu de quem? Lendo um pouco para trs,

    vemos que h students; logo conclumos que their refere-se a students, ou seja,

    instrutor dos alunos.

    g) Prediction:

    a atividade pela qual o aluno levado a predizer, inferir o contedo de um texto atravs do ttulo

    ou de outros elementos tipogrficos, como ilustraes, por exemplo. Sendo uma atividade do tipo

    pr-leitura, a prediction contribui para estimular o interesse e a curiosidade do aluno pelo contedo

    de um texto que o tpico sugere.

    Quanto mais cultura geral (background knowledge) tiver o leitor, mais fcil ser a suaprediction. Tomemos como exemplo o ttulo "ecologia". Um leitor com um conhecimento razovel

    poderia ordinariamente predizer sobre o assunto listando palavras como: Meio-ambiente Poluir

    Desastroso Poluentes Matar Devastao Poluio Florestas tropicais Animais em extino Proteger

    Protestos Chuva cida Produtos qumicos: Natureza Reflorestar Envenenar Etc... Estas palavras

    poderiam at no fazer parte do texto, mas muito provvel que faam. Observe agora o mesmo

    ttulo em ingls e avalie o grau de dificuldade comparado com aquele em portugus.

    h) Critical Reading:

    Ao final de cada leitura, o bom leitor deveria estar atento para tudo o que lhe foi transmitido atravs

    do texto, procurando avaliar o contedo do mesmo mediante perguntas tais como: O texto

    interessante?...por que? A leitura do texto acrescentou algo novo aos seus conhecimentos? O texto

    foi apresentado de modo objetivo, superficial, profundo, confuso..? Voc discorda ou concorda com

    as idias do autor? O autor foi imparcial ou tendencioso? Voc conseguiu captar alguma Segunda

    intenso nas entrelinhas do texto? Voc acrescentaria algo que no foi mencionado?




    j) Contextual Reference:

    Normalmente existem no texto elementos de referncia que so usados para evitar repeties e parainterligar as sentenas, tornando a leitura mais compreensvel e fluente. Esses elementos aparecem

    na forma de pronomes diversos: Pessoais: he, she, it, they, etc. Demonstrativos: this, that, those,

    such; Relativos: who, whom, whose, that, which; Adjetivos possessivos: his, her, our. Veja

    alguns exemplos abaixo:

    - I asked my students why they had chosen the ESP course.

    - This description is very simple. It follows a diagram in numbered stages.

    - Geologists use explosive charges and seismic refraction to find oil storages. These

    techniques have proved to be successful in the desert.

    Texto 1

    LOS ANGELES Come summer 2006, Warner Brothers Pictures hopes to usher

    Superman into thousands of theaters after a 19-year absence. But given the tortured

    history surrounding that studios attempts to revive Superman, the forerunner of

    Hollywoods now-ubiquitous comic-book blockbusters, the Man of Steels arrival would benothing short of a miracle. Since Warner began developing a remake of the successful

    comic-book franchise in 1993, it has spent nearly $10 million in development, employed no

    fewer than 10 writers, hired four directors and met with scores of Clark Kent hopefuls

    without settling on one. The latest director Bryan Singer, who directed X-Men and its

    sequel, was named on July 18 to replace Joseph McGinty Nichol, known as McG, who left

    the project after refusing to board a plane to Australia, where the studio was determined to

    make the film.

    The New York Times, July 22, 2004.




    Texto 2

    [In: Antunes, Maria Alice. Insight. So Paulo: Richmond Published, 2004. pg. 289.]




    Unidade II

    Grupos Nominais I

    Grupos nominais so expresses de carter nominal em que prevalecem os substantivos e

    adjetivos, cuja ordem na frase ordinariamente no corresponde ao portugus. Observe os exemplos

    a seguir e note que a disposio das palavras na traduo no correspondente ao ingls: A

    charismatic leader Black Africa Um lder carismtico frica negra South American Societies

    Brazil's high cost of living Sociedades da Amrica do Sul O alto custo de vida do Brasil Sempre

    existe no grupo nominal uma palavra mais importante (headword), que normalmente um

    substantivo, como voc pode ver nos exemplos acima: leader, Africa, societies, cost.

    Voc tambm notou que em torno das headwords orbitam outras palavras, como adjetivos,

    advrbios ou mesmo outros substantivos, que so chamados modificadores (modifiers). Vejamos

    outros exemplos e a posio das headwords e dos modifiers: The economic crisis. Affixation: Como

    voc sabe, existem palavras que so derivadas atravs de afixos (prefixos e sufixos) e que esses

    afixos podem alteram a classe gramatical das palavras, ou o seu sentido. Por isso, reconhec-las e

    saber o seu significado, representa um valioso recurso adicional da compreenso do texto. Ento

    vejamos: Inadequate (inadequado), Disconnect (desligar), Brazilian (Brasileiro), Formation

    (formao), Inconstitucional (inconstitucional). Grande parte dos afixos em Ingls so semelhantes

    ao Portugus devido sua origem grega ou latina, conforme os exemplos acima. Devemos ter em

    mente, porm, que muitos outros no possuem a mesma origem e so, por isso, mais difceis de


    Unhappy (infeliz), Underground (subsolo), Misunderstanding (desentendimento), Useful (til),

    Useless (intil), Wisdom (Sabedoria), Unforgetable (inesquecvel). Quando acrescentamos um

    sufixo, a palavra geralmente muda sua classe gramatical, sem alterar o significado.

    Palavra Classe gramatical Significado

    General Adjetivo Geral

    Generally advrbio Geralmente




    No caso do prefixo, torna-se uma nova palavra, porm sem alterar a classe gramatical.

    Palavra Classe gramatical SignificadoFunction substantivo funo

    Disfunction substantivo disfuno

    Form verbo formar

    Reform verbo reformar


    Grupos Nominais II

    Um grupo nominal um grupo de palavras formado por um substantivo e seus

    modificadores que podem ser artigos, numerais, quantificadores, pronomes e/ou adjetivos,

    por exemplo. O substantivo o ncleo semntico, ou seja, a palavra-ncleo ou chave

    (headword=H) e os demais elementos so modificadores (modifier= M). Um dos desafios

    em seu reconhecimento que a grafia da palavra a mesma, mas a ordem em que ela

    colocada pode trazer significados diferentes. Observe:

    1) ... the master control program

    1 2 3 4 (H)

    2) ... the master program control

    1 2 3 4 (H)

    Em 1 a palavra program que recebe os modificadores ao passo que em b a

    palavra control que recebe os modificadores. Essa diferena significativa, pois o assunto

    diferente apesar da palavra estar escrita de forma idntica. No entanto, em Ingls, a

    ORDEM significativa. Ela tem significado. Conforme exemplos, a ltima (da esquerda

    para a direita) palavra da cadeia a palavra principal, ou seja, ela diz o que a coisa ,

    enquanto que as precedentes apenas descrevem o item. Para se entender o significado




    destes grupos nominais em ingls, preciso ler a fila de palavras de trs para frente. Na

    leitura teramos:

    1) ... the master control program

    4 3 2 1 (H)

    2) ... the master program control

    4 3 2 1 (H)

    Os grupos nominais formam assim unidades de significado que podem se combinar

    em sentenas. Para permitir a construo de seqncias lineares h elementos quefuncionam como elos de ligao:preposies. Observe a frase a seguir:

    A three-dimensional TV picture over a huge wooden box in the empty


    A palavra dentro do crculo caracteriza a cpsula verbal (appears) que ao

    identificada pode ser separada e classificada de acordo com as frmulas no quadro de

    formas verbais estudado anteriormente. Conforme o referido quadro : sentena=

    S+V(s)+C= Presente simples). Essa diviso reduz a sentena a trs segmentos principais, a

    saber: S +V+ C. Com o propsito de leitura e entendimento, o que resta pode ser

    subdividido ainda em grupos nominais tendo as preposies como elementos separadores

    de unidades de sentido. Cada subdiviso por sua vez formada de uma palavra-ncleo (N)

    e modificadores (M) e o elemento de ligao (preposio) entre elas chamado de

    LINKER (L) pela funo de ligao sinttica e semntica que exerce. Observe a mesma

    frase aps a subdiviso e identificao de termos (o smbolo indica a separao entre ostermos).

    A three-dimensional TV picture appears over a huge wooden box in the empty room.

    m m m H V L m m m H L m m H





    O conhecimento da cpsula verbal e do grupo nominal fornece uma melhor noo

    de como as palavras se organizam em sintagmas para veicular mensagens. O

    reconhecimento das partes constituintes da cpsula verbal e do grupo nominal,

    respectivamente, tambm d condio de analisarmos a hierarquia entre os elementos

    quando se trata do entendimento textual. Tendo claro o objetivo de leitura, a viso dessa

    hierarquia decisiva como critrio para a busca de palavras no dicionrio.


    Grupos Verbais


    Opresent tense do verbo be (ser/estar) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form Short Form SignificadoI am I'm eu sou / estou

    you are you're tu s / estshe is he's ele / estshe is she's ela / estit is it's ele(a) / estwe are we're ns somos / estamosyou are you're vs sois / estaisthey are they're eles(as) so / esto

    na negativa:

    Full Form Short Form Short Form

    I am not I'm notyou are not you aren't you're nothe is not he isn't he's notshe is not she isn't she's notit is not it isn't it's notwe are not we aren't we're notyou are not you aren't you're notthey are not they aren't they're not




    na interrogativa: na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Formam I?are you?is he?is she?is it?are we?are you?are they?

    Full Form Short Formam I not? aren't I?are you not? aren't you?is he not? isn't he?is she not? isn't she?is it not? isn't it?are we not? aren't we?are you not? aren't you?are they not? aren't they?

    2 As formas contradas do verbo be na afirmativa nunca ocorrem no fim de uma frase:

    Example SignificadoAre you a student?Yes, I am. / Yes, I'm.

    s estudante?Sim, sou.

    Is he English?Yes, he is. / Yes, he's.

    Ele ingls?Sim, ele .

    Do you know where she is?

    Do you know where she's?

    Sabes onde ela est?

    3 Emprega-se o verbo be para:

    (a) identificar pessoas ou algo:

    Example SignificadoWho is it? It is John. Quem ? o Joo.

    What is that? It is a pen. O que aquilo? uma caneta.

    (b) descrever o estado fsico ou mental:

    Example SignificadoI am tired. Estou cansado.They are tall. Eles so altos.She is happy. Ela est feliz.He is angry. Ele est zangado.




    (c) falar sobre profisses:

    Example SignificadoHe is a doctor. Ele mdico.She is an architect. Ela arquiteta.They are(1) mechanics. Eles so mecnicos.John and I are(1) teachers. Eu e o Joo somos professores.

    (1) No se utiliza o artigo indefinido a(n) no plural.

    (d) falar sobre a idade:

    Example SignificadoMary is(2) ten (years old).(3) A Maria tem dez anos.The house is(2) ten years old. A casa tem dez anos.

    (2) bastante frequente os estudantes portugueses da lngua inglesa empregarem o verbo tohave (que incorreto) em vez do verbo be para fazer referncia idade de pessoas ou algo.(3)years oldpode ser omitido quando se refere idade de pessoas.

    (e) falar sobre o tempo, horas, preos, etc.:

    Example SignificadoIt is cold today. Hoje est frio.It is three o'clock. So trs horas.It is 10. So 10 libras.

    (f) falar sobre posses:

    Example SignificadoThis is my book. Este meu livro.

    This is mine. Este meu.This is John's. Este do Joo.

    (g) falar sobre a localizao:

    Example SignificadoShe is in the bedroom. Ela est no quarto de dormir.Lisbon is in Portugal. Lisboa fica em Portugal.





    Texto complementar 3:What is a Computer Processor?

    The computer memory or computer RAM of a computer is a collection of integrated

    circuits that temporarily holds data and program information for the computer to use. When

    the computer is shutoff the memory in the computer RAM is erased. There are many

    different types of computer memory, but the most common kind that we use in our

    desktops today is DDR (Double Data Rate), DDR2, and DDR3 DRAM. The difference

    between the 3 variations of DDR is that DD2 has higher clock speeds than DDR, and

    DDR3 has an even higher clock speed than the DDR2 computer RAM. A laptop uses the

    same kinds of computer memory, but they come in a different packaging called SO-

    DIMMS, so be wary when upgrading a laptops memory that you pick you out the right






    Opresent tense do verbo there+be (haver) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form Short Form Significadothere is there's h (no singular)there are h (no plural)

    na negativa:

    Full Form Short Form Short Formthere is not there isn't there's notthere are not there aren't

    na interrogativa: na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Formis there?are there?

    Full Form Short Formis there not? isn't there?are there not? aren't there?

    2 A forma contrada do verbo there+be na afirmativa nunca ocorre no fim de uma frase:

    Example SignificadoIs there any water?Yes, there is. / Yes, there's.

    H gua?Sim, h.

    3 Consideremos a frase seguinte:

    Example SignificadoA boy is at the door. Est um rapaz porta.




    O sujeito da frase (a boy) satisfaz duas condies:

    indefinido seguido do verbo be (is)

    Sendo assim, mais frequente dizer-se em ingls:

    Example SignificadoThere is a boy at the door. Um rapaz est (1) porta.

    sem alterar o sentido da frase, colocando there no incio da frase e o sujeito (a boy) a seguirao verbo be (is).

    Vejamos mais alguns exemplos:

    Example Significado(Many people are in the party.)There are many people in the party.

    Muita gente h / est na festa.

    (Someone is in the kitchen.)There is someone in the kitchen.

    Algum est (1) na cozinha.

    (A man is smoking a cigar.)

    There is a man smoking a cigar.

    Um homem est (1) fumando charuto.

    4 Quando o verbo be usado para exprimir existncia, a utilizao do there+be necessria:

    Example SignificadoThere is plenty of time. H muito tempo.There are a lot of mistakes. H muitos erros.

    Repare que estes exemplos no podem ser convertidos como os do ponto anterior:

    From ToThere is plenty of time. Plenty of time is.There are a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes are.




    5 Em todos os exemplos anteriores, a palavra there no acentuada. Compare os doisexemplos seguintes, e repare no significado da palavra there:

    (a) there no acentuada:

    Example SignificadoThere is a girl I would like to see. H uma garota com quem eu gostaria de


    (b) there acentuada:

    Example Significado

    There is the girl I would like to see. A est a garota com quem eu gostaria defalar.

    Repare que o sujeito (a girl) do primeiro exemplo indefinido, e o sujeito (the girl) dosegundo definido.

    6 Em linguagem informal, a forma singular there is por vezes empregada para exprimiralgo no plural em vez de there are. Esta forma no singular , no entanto, considerada pormuitos incorreta.

    Example SignificadoThere's two boys at the door. Dois rapazes esto (1) porta.

    (1) Literalmente, deveria ser h.






    Opast tense do verbo be (ser/estar) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form SignificadoI was eu fui / estive (1)you were tu foste / estiveste (1)hesheit

    was eleelaele(a)

    foi / esteve (1)

    we were ns fomos / estivemos (1)you were vs fostes / estivestes (1)they were eles(as) foram / estiveram (1)(1) A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao dopast tense do verbo be apenasum exemplo entre vrias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbal dependente docontexto de uma frase.

    na negativa:Full Form Short Form

    I was not I wasn't

    you were not you weren'thesheit

    was not hesheit


    we were not we weren'tyou were not you weren'tthey were not they weren't

    na interrogativa: na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Formwas I?were you?was he?


    were we?were you?were they?

    Full Form Short Formwas I not? wasn't I?were you not? weren't you?was he


    not? wasn't he?she?it?

    were we not? weren't we?were you not? weren't you?were they not? weren't they?




    2 Emprega-se opast tense do verbo be para:

    (a) identificar pessoas ou algo:

    Example SignificadoWho was it? It was John. Quem foi? Foi o Joo. /

    Quem era? Era o Joo.What was that? It was the dog. It wastrying to jump over the fence.

    O que foi aquilo? Foi o co. Estava a tentarsaltar por cima da vedao.

    (b) descrever o estado fsico ou mental:

    Example SignificadoI was tired. Eu estive / estava cansado(a).They were tall. Eles(as) eram altos(as).She was happy. Ela esteve / estava feliz.He was angry. Ele esteve / estava zangado.

    (c) falar sobre profisses:

    Example Significado

    He was a doctor. Ele foi / era mdico.She was an architect. Ela foi / era arquiteta.They were (2) mechanics. Eles foram / eram mecnicos.John and I were (2) teachers. Eu e o Joo fomos / ramos professores.

    (2) No se utiliza o artigo indefinido a(n) no plural.

    (d) falar sobre a idade:

    Example Significado

    Mary was (3) ten (years old) (4). Maria tinha dez anos.The house was (3) ten years old. A casa tinha dez anos.

    (3) bastante freqente os estudantes portugueses da lngua inglesa empregarem o verbo tohave (que incorreto) em vez do verbo be para fazer referncia idade de pessoas ou algo.

    (4)years oldpode ser omitido quando se refere idade de pessoas.

    (e) falar sobre o tempo, horas, preos, etc.:




    Example SignificadoIt was cold yesterday. Ontem esteve / estava frio.It was three o'clock. Eram trs horas.It was 10. Foram 10 libras.

    (f) falar sobre posses:

    Example SignificadoThat was my book. Aquele era o meu livro.This was mine. Este era meu. / Esta era minha.This was John's. Este era do Joo.

    (g) falar sobre a localizao:

    Example SignificadoShe was in the bedroom. Ela esteve / estava no quarto de dormir.Salisbury was the capital of Zimbabwe. Salisbria foi / era a capital de Zimbabwe.


    Texto complementar 4:

    Someone to remember(texto adaptado)

    Mahatma Gandhi was Born on Octuber 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India. At that time,India was a colony of the British Empire and many people lived in poverty because theBritish exploited the countrys wealth.

    When Gandhi was 19 years old, he went to England to study Law and became alawyer. In London, Gandhi began to develop his philosophy of life. He read religiousclassics and studied different religions.

    When he went back to India, people celebrated his arrival but Gandhi was not happy

    because he wanted to live a simple life in the Indian countryside. So he traveled by trainthroughout India in third class and he saw the country and how people lived and workedthere. He encouraged people to fight for Indias independence and organized manydemonstrations, but he never used violence.

    After the war, in 1947, India became independent.On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was assassinated. A Hindu fanatic, who opposed

    Gandhis program of tolerance of all creeds and religions, shot him three times. The manwho preached and practice non-violence his hole life, died violently.

    [In: Antunes, Maria Alice. Insight. So Paulo: Richmond Published, 2004. pg. 52.]




    O tempo verbalpast simple (ou simple past) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa (verbos regulares, por ex. to ask):

    Full Form SignificadoI asked eu perguntei (1)you asked tu perguntaste (1)he / she / it asked ele(a) perguntou (1)we asked ns perguntamos (1)you asked vs perguntastes (1)they asked eles(as) perguntaram (1)

    na afirmativa (verbos irregulares, por ex. to buy):Full Form SignificadoI bought eu comprei (1)you bought tu compraste (1)he / she / it bought ele(a) comprou (1)we bought ns compramos (1)you bought vs comprastes (1)they bought eles(as) compraram (1)(1) A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao do tempo verbalpast simple apenas um dos exemplos possveis entre vrios, estando este tempo verbal dependente docontexto de uma frase.

    na negativa:Full Form Short Form

    I did not ask /buy I didn't ask /buyyou did not ask /buy you didn't ask /buyhesheit

    did not ask /buy hesheit

    didn't ask /buy

    we did not ask /buy we didn't ask /buyyou did not ask /buy you didn't ask /buythey did not ask /buy they didn't ask /buy

    na interrogativa:Full Form

    Did I ask /buy?Did you ask /buy?Did he


    ask /buy?

    Did we ask /buy?Did you ask /buy?Did they ask /buy?




    na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Form Short FormDid I not ask /buy? Didn't I ask /buy?Did you not ask /buy? Didn't you ask /buy?Did he


    not ask /buy? Didn't hesheit

    ask /buy?

    Did we not ask /buy? Didn't we ask /buy?Did you not ask /buy? Didn't you ask /buy?Did they not ask /buy? Didn't they ask /buy?

    nas respostas breves:

    Full Form / Short FormYes, I / you /

    he / she / it /we / you / they


    No, I / you /he / she / it /we / you / they

    did not / didn't.

    2 Veja as regras ortogrficas dos verbos regulares na afirmativa do tempo verbalpastsimple.

    3 Na afirmativa, os verbos irregulares do tempo verbalpast simple variamconsideravelmente, e no terminam em -ed:

    Base Past Simple Significadobuy bought comprar

    cut cut cortareat ate comergo went irtake took levar; tomar

    Para consultar a lista dos verbos irregulares veja irregular verbs (na segunda colunapastsimple).




    4 Na negativa, os verbos tanto regulares como irregulares formam-se da seguintemaneira:

    did not+ (base do verbo) = didn't+ (base do verbo)

    Full Form Short Form SignificadoI did not ask I didn't ask eu no pergunteiyou did not buy you didn't buy tu no comprastehe did not work he didn't work ele no trabalhouwe did not see we didn't see ns no vimos

    5 Na interrogativa, os verbos tanto regulares como irregulares formam-se da seguintemaneira:

    did+ (sujeito) + (base do verbo) ?

    Full Form Significadodid I ask? eu perguntei?did you buy? tu compraste?did he work? ele trabalhou?did we see? ns vimos?

    NOTA: O verbo auxiliar didno possui nenhum significado em particular, mas a suautilizao necessria tanto na negativa como na interrogativa.

    6 O tempo verbalpast simple estabelece uma relao somente com o passado.

    7 Emprega-se opast simple para descrever:

    (a) aes que ocorrem num momento bem definido do passado:

    Example SignificadoI saw her yesterday. Eu vi-a ontem.She bought a car last week. Ela comprou um carro na semana passada.The First World War began in 1914. A Primeira Guerra Mundial comeou em

    1914.He arrived two hours ago. Ele chegou h duas horas atrs.




    (b) aes que ocorrem num momento (que no mencionado) do passado e que pode seridentificado a partir de um contexto conhecido entre os intervenientes:

    Example SignificadoI saw her in London. Eu vi-a em Londres.She arrived late. Ela chegou atrasada.He gave me the book. Ele deu-me o livro.

    (c) aes repetidas do passado:

    Example SignificadoI phoned you three times. Eu telefonei-te trs vezes.He knocked at the door several times. Ele bateu porta vrias vezes.

    (d) hbitos do passado:

    Example SignificadoHe always studied at night. Ele sempre estudou noite.She never liked garlic. Ela nunca gostou de alho.

    I played football every week when I was achild. Eu brincava futebol todas as semanasquando eu era criana.

    (e) aes que decorrem durante um perodo de tempo no passado sem nenhuma relaocom o presente:

    Example SignificadoI lived in Lisbon for ten years beforemoving to Oporto.

    Eu vivi em Lisboa durante dez anos antesde me mudar para o Porto.

    She lived in England during the Second

    World War.

    Ela viveu na Inglaterra durante a Segunda

    Guerra Mundial.

    (f) aes quando se pergunta ou responde sobre o tempo:

    Example SignificadoWhen did you come to Portugal? Quando vieste para Portugal?I came to Portugal ten years ago. Eu vim para Portugal h dez anos atrs.





    1 Opast tense do verbo there+be (haver) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form Significadothere was houve (1) (no singular)there were houve (1) (no plural)


    A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao dopast tense do verbo there+be apenas um exemplo entre vrias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbaldependente do contexto de uma frase.

    na negativa:

    Full Form Short Formthere was not there wasn'tthere were not there weren't

    na interrogativa: na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Formwas there?were there?

    Full Form Short Formwas there not? wasn't there?were there not? weren't there?

    2 Consideremos a frase seguinte:

    Example SignificadoA boy was at the door. Um rapaz esteve / estava porta.

    O sujeito da frase (a boy) satisfaz duas condies:

    indefinido seguido do verbo be (was)

    Sendo assim, mais frequente dizer-se em ingls:




    Example Significado

    There was a boy at the door. Esteve / Estava


    um rapaz porta.

    sem alterar o sentido da frase, colocando there no incio da frase e o sujeito (a boy) depoisdo verbo be (was).

    Vejamos mais alguns exemplos:

    Example Significado(Many people were in the party.)There were many people in the party.

    Muita gente houve / havia / esteve / estavana festa.

    (Someone was in the kitchen.)There was someone in the kitchen.

    Algum esteve / estava (2) na cozinha.

    (A man was smoking a cigar.)There was a man smoking a cigar.

    Um homem esteve / estava (2) a fumarcharuto.

    (2) Literalmente, deveria ser houve /havia

    3 Quando o verbo be empregado para exprimir existncia, a utilizao de there+be necessria:

    Example SignificadoThere was plenty of time. Houve / Havia muito tempo.There were a lot of mistakes. Houve / Havia muitos erros.

    Repare que estes exemplos no podem ser convertidos como os do ponto anterior:

    From To

    There was plenty of time. Plenty of time was.There were a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes were.






    Ofuture simple tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form Short Form SignificadoI shall do

    will doI

    'll doeu farei (1)

    you will do you 'll do tu fars (1)hesheit

    will do hesheit

    'll do eleelaele(a)

    far (1)

    we shall dowill do

    we 'll do

    ns faremos (1)

    you will do you 'll do vs fareis (1)they will do they 'll do eles(as) faro (1)(1) A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao dofuture simple apenas umexemplo entre vrias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbal dependente docontexto de uma frase.

    na negativa:

    Full Form Short Form

    I shall not dowill not do I shan't do / won't do /'ll not doyou will not do you won't do /'ll not dohesheit

    will not do hesheit

    won't do /'ll not do

    we shall not dowill not do

    we shan't do / won't do /'ll not do

    you will not do you won't do /'ll not dothey will not do they won't do /'ll not do

    na interrogativa:

    Full Formshall /will I do?will you do?will he / she / it do?shall /will we do?will you do?will they do?




    na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Form Short Formshall /will I not do? shan't /won't I do?will you not do? won't you do?will he / she / it not do? won't he / she / it do?shall /will we not do? shan't /won't we do?will you not do? won't you do?will they not do? won't they do?

    nas respostas breves:

    Full Form / Short FormI / we shall /will.Yes,you / he / she / it / they will.I / we shall not /shan't.

    will not /won't.No,

    you / he / she / it / they will not /won't.

    2 Ofuture simple forma-se da seguinte maneira:

    SHALL / WILL + (base do verbo)

    onde SHALL / WILL = verbo auxiliar modal

    Emprega-se o shall:

    na 1 pessoa do singular e plural principalmente em ingls britnico em linguagem formal na escrita, no se emprega a forma contrada 'll

    Emprega-se o will:

    em todas as pessoas (incluindo a 1) do singular e plural em forma contrada 'll em linguagem informal




    Em ingls britnico, no existe nenhuma diferena em significado entre o shall e o willquando estes so empregados para informar ou prever algo no futuro. No entanto, o shall menos utilizado hoje em dia.

    Na negativa, adiciona-se nota seguir ao verbo auxiliar modal shall / will.

    Na interrogativa, invertem-se o verbo auxiliar modal shall / will e o sujeito.

    3 Emprega-se ofuture simple para:

    (a) fazer uma previso no futuro:

    Example SignificadoI'll be in the office tomorrow. Estarei no escritrio amanh.

    (b) exprimir um facto no futuro:

    Example SignificadoShe'll be eighteen next week. Ela far dezoito anos na prxima semana.

    (c) exprimir uma deciso espontnea:

    Example SignificadoIt's okay. I'll open the window. Deixe-se estar. Eu abro a janela.

    (d) se oferecer para fazer algo. Emprega-se somente o shall na 1 pessoa do singular nainterrogativa:

    Example SignificadoShall I make a cup of tea for you? Queres que eu lhe faa um ch?

    (e) fazer uma sugesto. Emprega-se somente o shall na 1 pessoa do plural na interrogativa:

    Example SignificadoShall we go? Vamos?




    (f) fazer um pedido. Emprega-se somente o will na 2 pessoa do singular / plural nainterrogativa:

    Example SignificadoWill you open the window, please? Abre a janela, por favor.

    (g) exprimir uma opinio. Normalmente, emprega-se um dos seguintes verbos (ex. think,suppose, doubt if, assume) ou advrbios (ex. perhaps, probably, possibly):

    Example SignificadoI think he'll come. Penso que ele vir.

    He'll probably come. Ele provavelmente vir.

    (h) exprimir uma forte probabilidade no presente:

    Example SignificadoSomeone's ringing the bell.Oh, that'll be John.

    Algum est a tocar a campainha. Ah, oJoo.

    (i) fazer uma ameaa:

    Example SignificadoI'll tell your father if you do that again. Vou dizer ao teu pai se fizeres isso

    novamente.You'll regret this! Arrepender-te-s disto!

    (j) fazer uma promessa:

    Example Significado

    Don't worry! I'll talk to her! No te preocupes! Vou falar com ela!

    (k) fazer uma recusa:

    Example SignificadoI won't leave the room until you tell mewho she is.

    No sairei da sala at me disseres quem ela.




    NOTA:O future simple nas alneas (a-b) por vezes conhecido por pure future, porque exprimealgo que ir acontecer no futuro. No entanto, nas alneas (c-k), o mesmo no pode serconsiderado como tal, porque existe uma inteno pessoal.

    4 Em ingls formal, arcaico, ou literrio, shall por vezes empregado na 2 e 3 pessoado singular e plural para:

    (a) fazer uma promessa:

    Example SignificadoYou shall have a computer for yourbirthday.

    Ters um computador no teu aniversrio.

    (b) fazer uma ameaa:

    Example SignificadoYou shall die. Morrers.

    (c) exprimir uma proibio:

    Example SignificadoYou shall not go to the theatre. No irs ao teatro.

    (d) fazer uma concesso:

    Example SignificadoThey shall have what they want. Eles(as) tero o que quiserem.





    Texto complementar 5:


    Ofuture "going to"tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form SignificadoI am going to do eu vou fazer (1)you are going to do tu vais fazer (1)hesheit

    is going to do ele(a) vai fazer (1)

    we are going to do ns vamos fazer (1)you are going to do vs ides fazer (1)they are going to do eles(as) vo fazer (1)

    As formas contradas na afirmativa so:I'm / you're / he's / she's / it's / we're / they're going to do

    (1) A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao dofuture "going to" apenas umexemplo entre vrias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbal dependente docontexto de uma frase.




    na negativa:

    Full Form Short FormI am not going to doyou are not going to do you aren't going to dohesheit

    is not going to do hesheit

    isn't going to do

    we are not going to do we aren't going to doyou are not going to do you aren't going to dothey are not going to do they aren't going to do

    As outras formas contradas na negativa so:I'm / you're / he's / she's / it's / we're / they're not going to do

    na interrogativa:

    Full Formam I going to do?are you going to do?is he


    going to do?

    are we going to do?are you going to do?are they going to do?

    na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Form Short Form

    am I not going to do? aren't I going to do?are you not going to do? aren't you going to do?is he


    not going to do? isn't hesheit

    going to do?

    are we not going to do? aren't we going to do?are you not going to do? aren't you going to do?are they not going to do? aren't they going to do?




    nas respostas breves:

    Full FormI are.he/she/it is.we are.


    they are.

    Full Form / Short FormI am not / 'm are not /'re not /aren't.he/she/it is not /'s not /isn't.we are not /'re not /aren' are not /'re not /aren't.


    they are not /'re not /aren't.

    2 Ofuture "going to"forma-se da seguinte maneira:

    BE + GOING TO + (base do verbo)

    onde BE = verbo auxiliar be nopresent tense(ex. am, is, are)

    Na negativa, adiciona-se nota seguir ao verbo auxiliar be.Na interrogativa, invertem-se o verbo auxiliar be e o sujeito.

    3 Emprega-se ofuture "going to"para:

    (a) prever algo num futuro imediato ou prximo. A previso baseia-se no que sabemos,vemos, ou sentimos no momento em que falamos:

    Example SignificadoThey're going to talk to her. Eles(as) vo falar com ela.Look at the clouds!I think it's going to rain.

    Veja as nuvens!Acho que vai chover.

    (b) exprimir uma inteno, um plano, ou uma deciso:

    Example SignificadoI'm going to buy a car next week. Vou comprar um carro na prxima semana.I'm going to show you how to use thismachine.

    Vou mostrar-lhe como se utiliza estamquina.




    4 Embora a combinao entre "going to + go"(ou "going to + come") seja possvel, amesma normalmente evitada por falta de boa sonncia. Como alternativa, emprega-se otempo verbalpresent continuous:

    Example SignificadoI'm going to the cinema tonight.

    (em vez de)I'm going to go to the cinema tonight.

    Vou ao cinema esta noite.

    Are you coming to the party tonight?

    (em vez de)Are you going to come to the party


    Vens festa esta noite?


    Ofuture continuous (oufuture progressive) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:Full Form

    I shallwill be doingyou will be doinghesheit

    will be doing

    we shallwill

    be doing

    you will be doingthey will be doing

    Na afirmativa, somente a forma contrada de will empregue:I / you / he / she / it / we / they 'll be doing

    (1) A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao dofuture continuous apenas umexemplo entre vrias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbal dependente docontexto de uma frase.

    na negativa:




    Full FormI shall


    not be doing

    you will not be doinghesheit

    will not be doing

    we shallwill

    not be doing

    you will not be doingthey will not be doing

    Forma contrada de shall not:

    I / we shan't be doing

    Forma contrada de will not:

    I / you / he / she / it / we / theywon't be doing

    I / you / he / she / it / we / they'll not be doing

    na interrogativa:

    Full Formshallwill

    I be doing?

    will you be doing?will he


    be doing?


    we be doing?

    will you be doing?will they be doing?

    na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Form Short Formshallwill

    I not be doing? shan'twon't

    I be doing?

    will you not be doing? won't you be doing?will he


    not be doing? won't hesheit

    be doing?


    we not be doing? shan'twon't

    we be doing?

    will you not be doing? won't you be doing?will they not be doing? won't they be doing?






    Example SignificadoThis time tomorrow I'll be watchingfootball on television.

    Amanh a esta hora ver futebol nateleviso.

    John will be working for another companyin two weeks' time.

    O Joo vai trabalhar para uma outracompanhia dentro de duas semanas.

    Don't call me after six because I'll beteaching.

    No me telefones depois das seis porqueirei dar aulas.

    (b) perguntar sobre os planos de algum, ou pedir informaes sobre algo, de uma formadelicada:

    Example Significado

    Will you be coming with your wife? Vem com a sua esposa?Will you be joining us for the party? Vens nossa festa?Will you be using this classroomtomorrow?

    Vais usar esta sala de aula amanh?


    1 Ofuture perfect continuous(ou future perfect progressive) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form SignificadoI shall

    willhave been doing eu estarei fazendo (1)

    you will have been doing tu estars fazendo (1)hesheit

    will have been doing eleelaele(a)

    estar fazendo (1)

    we shall


    have been doing ns estaremos fazendo (1)

    you will have been doing vs estarieis fazendo (1)they will have been doing eles(as) estaro fazendo (1)

    Na afirmativa, somente a forma contrada de will empregue:I / you / he / she / it / we / they 'll have been doing

    (1) A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao dofuture perfect continuous apenas um exemplo entre vrias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbaldependente do contexto de uma frase.




    na negativa:

    Full FormI shall

    willnot have been doing

    you will not have been doinghesheit

    will not have been doing

    we shallwill

    not have been doing

    you will not have been doingthey will not have been doing

    Forma contrada de shall not:

    I / we shan't have been doing

    Forma contrada de will not:

    I / you / he / she / it / we / they won't have been doing

    I / you / he / she / it / we / they 'll not have been doing

    na interrogativa:

    Full Formshallwill

    I have been doing?

    will you have been doing?will he


    have been doing?


    we have been doing?

    will you have been doing?will they have been doing?




    na interrogativa negativa:

    forma completa e contrada de shall not: shall I / we not have been doing? shan't I / we have been doing? forma completa e contrada de will not: will I / you / he / she / it / we / they not have been doing? won't I / you / he / she / it / we / they have been doing?

    nas respostas breves:Full Form / Short Form

    I / we shall /will.Yes,you / he / she / it / they will.

    I / we shall not /shan't.will not /won't.No,you / he / she / it / they will not /won't.

    2 Ofuture perfect continuous forma-se da seguinte maneira:

    SHALL / WILL HAVE BEEN + (base do verbo) + ING

    onde SHALL / WILL HAVE BEEN = verbo auxiliar have nofuture perfect simple

    Emprega-se o shall:

    na 1 pessoa do singular e plural principalmente em ingls britnico em linguagem formal na escrita, no se emprega a forma contrada 'll

    Emprega-se o will:

    em todas as pessoas (incluindo a 1) do singular e plural em forma contrada 'll em linguagem informal

    O shall menos utilizado hoje em dia.

    Na negativa, adiciona-se nota seguir ao verbo auxiliar modal shall / will.

    Na interrogativa, invertem-se o verbo auxiliar modal shall / will e o sujeito.




    3 Ofuture perfect continuous empregue para descrever uma ao contnua (muitasvezes j em progresso) que acaba antes de um determinado momento no futuro, e frequentemente utilizado com by+(expresso temporal):

    Example SignificadoBy the end of next month I will have beenliving here for three years.

    No fim do prximo ms faz trs anos quevivo aqui.

    By the end of the month he will have beenteaching for twenty years.

    No fim do ms faz vinte anos que eleleciona.

    She will have been working for this schoolfor 20 years next year.

    No prximo ano vai fazer 20 anos que elaest no servio nesta escola.

    Ofuture perfect simple tem as seguintes formas:na afirmativa:

    Full Form SignificadoI shall

    willhave done eu farei

    you will have done tu farshesheit

    will have done Eleelaele(a)


    we shallwill have done ns faremos

    you will have done vs farieisthey will have done eles(as) faro

    Na afirmativa, somente a forma contrada de will empregue:I / you / he / she / it / we / they 'll have done

    na negativa:

    Full FormI shallwill

    not have done

    you will not have donehesheit

    will not have done

    we shallwill

    not have done

    you will not have donethey will not have done

    Forma contrada de shall not:I / we shan't have done

    Forma contrada de will not:

    I / you / he / she / it / we /they won't have done

    I / you / he / she / it / we /they 'll not have done




    na interrogativa:

    Full Formshallwill

    I have done?

    will you have done?will he


    have done?


    we have done?

    will you have done?will they have done?

    na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Form Short Formshallwill

    I not have done? shan'twon't

    I have done?

    will you not have done? won't you have done?


    not have done?won't


    have done?


    we not have done? shan'twon't

    we have done?

    will you not have done? won't you have done?will they not have done? won't they have done?

    nas respostas breves:

    Full Form / Short FormI / we shall /will.Yes,you / he / she / it / they will.I / we shall not /shan't.

    will not /won't.No,

    you / he / she / it / they will not /won't.




    2 Ofuture perfect simple forma-se da seguinte maneira:


    onde SHALL / WILL HAVE = verbo auxiliar have nofuture simplee PAST PARTICIPLE = verbo principal no particpio passado

    NOTA: O PAST PARTICIPLE dos verbos regulares termina em -ed (ex. washed, played,listened, etc.). Dos irregulares, terminado de forma diferente (ex. broken, done, known,etc.).

    Emprega-se o shall:

    na 1 pessoa do singular e plural principalmente em ingls britnico em linguagem formal na escrita, no se emprega a forma contrada 'll

    Emprega-se o will:

    em todas as pessoas (incluindo a 1) do singular e plural em forma contrada 'll em linguagem informal

    O shall menos utilizado hoje em dia.

    Na negativa, adiciona-se nota seguir ao verbo auxiliar modal shall / will.

    Na interrogativa, invertem-se o verbo auxiliar modal shall / will e o sujeito.

    3 Ofuture perfect simple empregue para descrever algo que ter acabado antes dequalquer outro tempo ou algo no futuro, e frequentemente utilizado com by+(expressotemporal):

    Example SignificadoBy the end of the year I will have saved500.

    At ao fim do ano eu pouparei 500.

    By the end of this week he will havewritten twenty letters.

    At ao fim desta semana ele escrever vintecartas.

    She will have done all her exams byFriday.

    Ela far todos os exames at sexta-feira.

    If you don't hurry, the train will have leftbefore you get there.

    Se no apressares, o comboio partir antesde tu l chegares.




    1 Ofuture do verbo there+be (haver) tem as seguintes formas:

    na afirmativa:

    Full Form Significadothere will be haver (1) (singular / plural)

    A forma contrada na afirmativa there'll be.

    (1) A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao do future do verbo there+be apenas um exemplo entre vrias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbaldependente do contexto de uma frase.

    na negativa:

    Full Form Short Formthere will not be there won't be

    na interrogativa: na interrogativa negativa:

    Full Formwill there be ?

    Full Form Short Formwill there not be ? won't there be ?

    2 Consideremos a frase seguinte:

    Example SignificadoSomeone will be in the warehouse. Estar algum no armazm.

    O sujeito da frase (someone) satisfaz duas condies:

    indefinido seguido do verbo be(will be)

    Sendo assim, mais frequente dizer-se em ingls:

    Example SignificadoThere will be someone in the warehouse. Estar (2) algum no armazm.




    sem alterar o sentido da frase, colocando there no incio da frase e o sujeito (someone)depois do verbo be (will be).

    Vejamos mais alguns exemplos:

    Example Significado(Many people will be in the party.)

    There will be many people in the party.

    Haver (ou Estar) muita gente na festa.

    (Someone will be in the office.)

    There will be someone in the office.

    Algum estar (2) no escritrio.

    (Someone will be waiting for you.)

    There will be someone waiting for you.

    Algum estar (2) sua espera.

    (2) Literalmente, a palavra traduzida deveria serHaver.

    3 Quando o verbo be empregue para exprimir existncia, a utilizao do there+be necessria:

    Example SignificadoThere will be plenty of time. Haver muito tempo.There will be a lot of complaints. Haver muitas queixas.

    Repare que estes exemplos no podem ser convertidos como os do ponto anterior:

    From ToThere will be plenty of time. Plenty of time will be.

    There will be a lot of complaints. A lot of complaints will be.

    Texto complementar 6:

    * Atividade na plataforma





    1 Osfalse cognates oufalse friends so palavras que tm a mesma forma, ou forma

    semelhante, em duas lnguas, mas que tm significados diferentes. Essas semelhanascostumam induzir os estudantes portugueses da lngua inglesa em empreg-lasincorrectamente

    a = um, umaa (artigo definido) = the

    actual = real, verdadeiroactual = current, present

    actually = na realidade, efectivamente

    actualmente = at present, nowadays

    agenda = ordem do diaagenda = diary

    alias = tambm chamado; pseudnimo, outro nomealis = as a matter of fact; besides; incidentally; nevertheless

    almond = amndoaalmndega = meatball

    bank = banco (instituio bancria); margem (do rio)banco (de assento) = bench, stool

    boat = barco, bote, pequeno navioboate (clube nocturno) = nightclub

    cave = caverna, grutacave = basement, wine-cellar

    celebrate = celebrar (no sentido de festejar, comemorar)celebrar (um contrato) = make (a contract)

    comprehensive = completo, abrangentecompreensivo = understanding

    condescending = com ar de superioridade; com ar protectorcondescendente = complaisant, acquiescent, obliging

    constipation = priso de ventreconstipao = a cold






    maggot = larva de insectomagote = a crowd of people; a heap of things

    manifestation = manifestao (no sentido de mostrar, revelar)manifestao (no sentido de protesto) = demonstration

    notorious = de reputao duvidosa, com m famanotrio = well-known

    paper = papel; jornal; prova de examepapel (de um actor) = role

    particular = especfico; especial; exigente, minuciosoparticular (pessoal) = private

    pass = passar; passar em; passar por; aprovarpassar (a limpo) = make (a fair copy)

    petrol = gasolinapetrleo = oil, petroleum

    pilot = piloto (de avio, barco, ou porto); prtico (de nutica)piloto (automvel de corrida) = racing driver

    prejudice = preconceito

    prejuzo (dano) = damage, harm, loss

    presently = em breve, logopresentemente = at present

    pretend = fingir, simularpretender (fazer) = intend (to do)

    process = tratar, processar (substncia, material, etc.)processar (jurdico) = prosecute, sue, take proceedings against

    prorogue = interromper sesso parlamentarprorrogar = extend, prolong; adjourn

    prosecute = processar (no sentido jurdico)prosseguir (estudos) = continue

    push = empurrarpuxar = pull

    reclaim = recuperar; reivindicar; desbravar; aterrar (com terra)reclamar = complain; claim; demand




    reform = reformar (no sentido de modificar, melhorar, corrigir)reformar (no sentido de aposentar) = retire

    repair = consertar, repararreparar (no sentido de notar) = notice

    resume = retomar, reassumir, reatar, recomearresumir = summarize, sum up, condense

    revise = rever, reexaminarrevistar = search, frisk, inspect

    secretary = secretrio, secretria (pessoa)

    secretria (mesa) = desk, writing-desk

    sensible = sensato, razovelsensvel = sensitive

    soldier = militar (do exrcito)soldado (raso) = private

    stranger = pessoa estranha; desconhecidoestrangeiro = foreigner

    sympathetic = compreensivo, compassivosimptico = kind, nice

    tranquillize = tranquilizar (com sedativo)tranquilizar = calm, quieten, reassure





    (Lexical Ambiguity of Portuguese)

    comum a todas as lnguas a ocorrncia de palavras com significado ou funo

    gramatical mltiplos. Freqentemente este mltiplo sentido em um idioma no tem

    correspondente em outro. Quer dizer: os termos nem sempre cobrem as mesmas reas de

    significado entre diferentes idiomas. Este fenmeno, tambm chamado de polissemia,

    ocorre com qualquer idioma; assim como o portugus, o ingls tambm tem inmeras

    palavras de mltiplo significado. , entretanto a ocorrncia do fenmeno na lngua me doaluno que causa maior dificuldade. Partir do geral para o particular sempre mais difcil do

    que o inverso. Generalizar ou representar diferentes idias atravs de um nico smbolo

    pode se comparar ao ato de misturar o feijo e o arroz numa mesma panela: uma tarefa que

    no exige muito esforo. Especificar diferentes idias, as quais estamos acostumados a

    generalizar em uma nica palavra, em palavras diferentes da lngua estrangeira, pode-se

    comparar ao ato de separar o arroz e o feijo que haviam sido misturados. Certamente uma

    tarefa muito mais difcil.

    Portanto, sempre que diferentes idias representadas pela mesma palavra na lngua

    me do aluno corresponderem a diferentes palavras na segunda lngua, o mesmo ter

    dificuldades em expressar-se corretamente. As diferentes palavras do ingls que

    correspondem aos diferentes significados da palavra do portugus, podem eventualmente

    funcionar como sinnimos, portanto neutralizando o contraste entre os dois idiomas.

    Exemplos no link:[]






    A Morfologia ocupa um lugar importante no ingls tcnico e cientfico. Muitas palavras so

    formadas pelo acrscimo de uma slaba ou partcula antes (prefixo) ou depois (sufixo) de

    sua raiz.

    Para interpretar o significado da palavra atravs de sua anlise, deve-se decompor a

    palavra em pequenas partes, tais como: raiz, prefixo e sufixo.

    Prefixo o elemento que vem antes da raiz e altera o significado da palavra.

    Sufixo o elemento que vem depois da raiz e geralmente faz com que a palavra mude declasse gramatical.


    IN-, IM-, UN-, IL-, A-, NON-, DE- (so prefixos que expressam negao: no, oposto a)

    Exs.: inactive, impossible, unusual, irrellevant,illegal, amoral, non-smoker, deforestation.

    mis - (expressa incorreo, erro). Ex.: miscalculate

    dis - (expressa negao). Ex.: disconnect.

    mal - (pejorativo). Ex..: malformed.

    pseudo (imitao). Ex.: pseudo-christianity.

    Prefixos que expressam tamanho ou grau:

    Super (acima, mais do que). Ex.:

    Out (fazer alguma coisa mais rpida, etc. do que). Ex.: outrun.

    Sur (sobre e acima). Ex.: surtax

    Sub (menos, mais abaixo do que). Ex.:subhuman.Over (demais). Ex.: overeat.

    Under (de menos). Ex.: underprivileged.

    Hyper (extremamente). Ex.: hypercritical.

    Ultra (extremamente e alm de). Ex.: ultra-violet.

    Mini (pouco). Ex.: miniskirt.

    Arch (supremo). Ex.: archduke.




    Prefixos Locativos:

    Super (sobre). Ex.: superstructure

    Sub (abaixo, em grau inferior). Ex.: subconscious.

    Inter (entre). Ex.: international.

    Trans (atravs de, de um lugar para outro). Ex.: transatlantic.

    Prefixos de tempo e ordem:

    Fore (antes). Ex.: foretell.

    Pre (antes). Ex.: pre-marital.Post (depois). Ex.: post-classical.

    Ex (anterior). Ex.: ex-husband.

    Re (novamente de volta). Ex.: re-evaluate.

    Prefixos de atitude:

    Co (juntar). Ex.: cooperate.

    Counter (contra, em oposio). Ex.: counter-revolution.

    Anti (contra). Ex.: anti-war.

    Pro (a favor de). Ex.: pro-common market.

    Prefixos de nmero:

    Uni (um). Ex.: unilateral.

    Mono (um). Ex.: monotheism.

    Bi (dois). Ex.: bifocal.

    Di (dois). Ex.: dichotomy.Tri (trs). Ex.: tricycle.

    Multi (muitos). Ex.: multi-racial.

    Poly (muitos). Ex.: polygamy.




    Outros prefixos:

    Auto (prprio). Ex.:autobiography.

    Neo (novo). Ex.: neo-gothic.

    Pan (todo, universal). Ex.: pan-African.

    Proto (primeiro, original). Ex.: prototype.

    Semi (metade). Ex.: semicircle.

    Vice (adjunto). Ex.: vice-president.


    Formam substantivos:

    -ER, -EER, -OR, -STER (aquele que faz ao). Ex.: driver, engineer, instructor, gangster.

    -ANT, -ENT, (agente). Ex..: consultant, resident.

    -ATION, -TION, -ION, -MENT (estado, ao). Ex.: exploration, location, creation,


    -ee (significado passivo). Ex.: employee.

    -al (ao). Ex.: refusal.

    -age (quantidade). Ex.: wastage.

    -ing (atividade, resultado de uma atividade). Observe que a terminao ING pode indicar a

    forma de gerndio em ingls ou pode formar substantivos que funcionam como adjetivo.

    Ex.: She is driving now. / Inflation is a serious problem for developing countries. / This is

    na exciting idea.

    -ery (RY) (corpotamento, lugar de atividade, coletividade). Ex.: slavery, refinery.

    -let (sem importncia). Ex.: booklet.-ette (compacto). Ex.: kitchenette.

    -ess (forma o feminino). Ex.: waitress.

    -ese (nacionalidade). Ex.: chinese.

    -i (an) (pertence ou ligado a). Ex.: parisian, Elizabethan.

    -ite (membro de). Ex.: Israelite

    -dom (condio de). Ex.: kingdom.













    [ ]

    Exerccio 1:

    No site Computer history v em em faa um resumo

    comparativo da histria do software e da histria do computador nos anos de

    39 a 49.









    Hi everyone, na semana passada fiz o pedido do livro deMichael A. Jacobs,Como no aprender Ingls. A encomenda chegou e noconsigo parar de ler. Eu recomendo principalmente para os estudantes queesto ou passaram do nvel pr-intermedirio. Sabe aqueles erros bobos que agente comete toda hora? Aquelas dificuldades que somente quem falaPortugus tm? Ele responde.

    J no prefcio, o Prof. Michael faz um questionamento interessante.

    Voc gostaria, precisa ou quer aprender ingls? Eu acredito que dessas trsatitudes, aquela que te levar mais longe o querer. Vocs j perceberamque a desculpa do no tenho tempo superada pela motivao? Imagine queaquela pessoa que voc est de olho a um tempo te convide para um jantar.Voc vai dizer no? Se voc realmente quer, tempo no problema.

    Vou contar uma historinha. Entre os anos de 2003 e 2004, eu trabalhavao dia todo, de noite tinha que ir para a faculdade e nos finais de semana eu mededicava aos trabalhos atrasados. Resultado, no tinha tempo livre paraestudar as coisas que eu realmente gostava, uma delas era o Ingls. A soluoque encontrei foi acordar 30 minutos mais cedo todos os dias e estudar umalio, eu usava um daqueles cursos vendidos em banca de revista. Foi sofrido,mas valeu a pena. Calma gente, no precisa chorar. Eu fiz isso porque estavamotivado. A disciplina muito importante. If you dont want to lose it, use it.


    The influence of job and career attitudes on learning

    motivation and transfer

    Eddie W.L. Cheng

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Danny C.K. Ho

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong


    In the twenty-first century, fierce

    competition among organisations will

    continue to be the central issue. While

    employee performance is one of the critical

    measures emphasised by the top

    management, employees are more concerned

    about their own productivity and are

    increasingly aware of the accelerated

    obsolescence of knowledge and skills in this

    turbulent environment. Better equipping

    oneself by learning new knowledge becomes

    a survival strategy in the career world. As a

    result, ``upgraded'' employees look for

    improving their job performance, as well as

    enhancing their future career prospects.

    Obviously, when employees transfer the

    learning content to their jobs, a win-win

    situation for both organisations and

    employees can be accomplished. This

    inevitably provides the strong ground for

    undertaking the test of the degree of actual

    transfer of newly acquired knowledge and

    skills to the jobs.

    During the past decade, learning transfer

    was a popular research topic that had

    attracted a lot of applied psychologists and

    management researchers to examine its

    effectiveness in task skill learning. In

    general, learning transfer can be defined as

    the application, generalisation and retention

    of newly acquired knowledge and skills in the

    workplace (Ford and Weissbein, 1997). Yet,

    among all kinds of knowledge and skills,

    managerial skills (also known as

    management knowledge) are relatively more

    crucial but less focused (Ford and Kraiger,

    1995). Managerial skills, including

    interpersonal and supervisory skills, are said

    to be transferable to different work settings

    while task skills are specific to individual job

    requirements. Research focusing on

    managerial skills should therefore have

    higher value to learning transfer literature

    with regard to the applicability of learning.

    In addition to improving job performance,

    upgrading managerial skills may enhanceemployees' employability. Management

    development is therefore essential in the

    contemporary management philosophy,

    which involves the provision of management

    learning programs. Generally, management

    learning programs can be either formal

    education programs (e.g. Master's degree in

    Management) or other short-term skill-

    specific courses (e.g. Certificate of

    Interpersonal Skill Training). In the sense of

    management development, formal programs

    are more appropriate and become more

    popular. Kirkbride and Tang (1990), in a

    recent survey, revealed that formalmanagement courses were the most popular

    method of management development in Hong

    Kong. This may be explained by the cultural

    preference of Chinese who are fond of

    didactic teaching and learning styles

    (Kirkbride et al., 1989). Besides, due to a high

    credentialism in Asia, employees with a

    higher level education (e.g. a higher degree)

    are what Asian organisations want. Among

    different higher degree programs, the MBA

    (Master of Business Administration) degree

    is widely accepted as the most promising

    stepping-stone to management development.

    Since an MBA program incurs a ratherexpensive investment to both employees and

    organisations, it is worth ascertaining the

    transferability of the MBA knowledge to the


    The past learning transfer literature is not

    expected to have high value in helping

    practitioners to increase positive transfer

    (Baldwin and Ford, 1988). Although the early

    work of Noe (1986) and Baldwin and Ford

    (1988) attracted many research efforts to

    investigate factors affecting transfer of

    learning, the growth of theoretical

    knowledge and the advancement of training

    practices are loosely coupled. In fact, training

    The research register for this journal is available at

    The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at

    [ 2 0 ]

    Career DevelopmentInternational6/1 [2001] 2027

    # MCB University Press[ISSN 1362-0436]


    Learning, Motivation,

    Job satisfaction, Involvement,Commitment,

    Career development


    This article examines a

    parsimonious model that specifies

    the effects of job involvement and

    career commitment on learning

    motivation and learning transfer,

    using structural equation

    modelling. The ``best fitting''

    model is achieved because it has

    surpassed all the goodness-of-fit

    indices including the chi-square

    statistic. The results indicated

    that career commitment was

    positively related to learning

    motivation and learning transfer.

    In addition, suppressor effect may

    help to explain the non-significant

    relationships between job

    involvement and learning

    motivation, and between job

    involvement and learning transfer.




    and Schmitt (1986) found that highly job-

    involved trainees are more motivated to

    learn and transfer the skills to the job. Clark,

    cited in Facteau et al. (1995), also found thatthe variation in training motivation is

    significantly explained by individuals' job

    involvement. So, in the current study, job

    involvement is hypothesised to predict

    learning motivation and learning transfer


    H2a: Job involvement will be positively

    related to learning motivation.

    H2b: Job involvement will be positively

    related to learning transfer.

    Career commitmentTrainees with high commitment to their

    career or work are likely to exertconsiderable effort towards learning the

    training content, because these trainees have

    the intention of improving their job

    performance. When they attend training

    programs, they invest more effort in learning

    new skills or knowledge. The purpose of their

    investment is to increase their competence in

    performing their work and/or to secure their

    employability. Although career commitment

    and work commitment are correlated, they

    are two different concepts (Hall, 1971;

    Morrow, 1983) and may often have different

    antecedents and consequences (Morrow,

    1983).Career commitment is a component of the

    subjective dimension of career. It is defined

    as ``an affective concept which represents

    identification with a series of related jobs in

    a specific field of work and is behaviourally

    expressed in an ability to cope with

    disappointments in the pursuit of career

    goals'' (Aryee and Tan, 1992, p. 189). One who

    shows more career commitment is able to

    persist in pursuing career goals, even if

    confronting obstacles and setbacks (Colarelli

    and Bishop, 1990).

    Career commitment has been included in

    several integrative models of organisationalbehaviour to study its relationship with

    various work-related outcomes (e.g. Aryee

    and Tan, 1992; Mobley et al., 1979; Price and

    Mueller, 1981). For example, it is positively

    and significantly related to both skill

    development (Aryee and Tan, 1992) and job

    performance (Darden et al., 1989), whereas it

    is negatively related to actual turnover

    (Bedeian et al., 1991). Although its effect on

    training has not been widely studied, the

    influence of its energising component (i.e.

    career planning) on learning transfer has

    been investigated (London, 1985).

    Colarelli and Bishop (1990) also suggestedthat career commitment is specifically

    relevant to individuals who try to develop a

    high level of skills, as it can help them persist

    long enough through years of training,

    development and experience across different

    organisational settings. In an MBA program,

    which involves a high level of skill

    acquisition, individuals with a high level of

    career commitment may be motivated tosustain learning when they think that

    acquiring new knowledge and skills would

    help them remain in their chosen careers.

    Therefore, career commitment is proposed to

    influence learning motivation and learning

    transfer positively.

    H3a: Career commitment will be positively

    related to learning motivation.

    H3b: Career commitment will be positively

    related to learning transfer.

    Research method

    ParticipantsData for the study were collected from those

    who had graduated from part-time MBA

    programs offered in Hong Kong not more

    than one year ago. Graduates within this

    range were assumed to be more likely to

    prevent memory distortion of perception

    responses and avoid obsolescence of the

    learned MBA content. All MBA program

    providers in Hong Kong (altogether 45 local

    and overseas higher institutions) were

    invited through telephone contacts. Only

    four (two local and two overseas) universities

    agreed to participate. Of those 155 identicalquestionnaires already sent out, 81 completed

    questionnaires were returned and usable,

    representing a response rate of 52.3 per cent.

    With respect to the demographic profile,

    70.4 per cent of the respondents were in the

    31-40 age group (n = 81). This was consistent

    with the job positions in that 63 per cent (n =

    81) were middle level managers. In addition,

    77.8 per cent of the respondents (n = 80) were

    male, while 66.7 per cent (n = 77) were

    married. Approximately half of the

    respondents (49.4 per cent, n = 80) reported

    that the organisation in which they worked

    employed more than 900 employees. Of therespondents, 77.8 per cent (n = 81) were

    working in the service sector, which might

    reflect the importance of this sector in Hong

    Kong's economy. Respondents' (n = 81)

    undergraduate majors were Business (34.6

    per cent), Social Science (8.6 per cent), Arts

    and Humanities (8.6 per cent), Engineering

    (28.4 per cent), Computing and Information

    Management (8.6 per cent), and others (11.2

    per cent). Their job functions included

    Human Resources (11.1 per cent), Marketing/

    Sales (17.3 per cent), Finance/Accounting

    (19.8 per cent), Production (12.3 per cent), MIS

    (9.9 per cent), Engineering (8.6 per cent), and

    others (21 per cent). The demographic profile

    of respondents indicates that non-response

    biases were not likely to affect further


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    Eddie W.L. Cheng andDanny C.K. HoThe influence of job and careerattitudes on learningmotivation and transfer

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    MeasuresThe endogenous and exogenous variables

    depicted in the model were measured using

    multi-item scales. Measures for the variablesexamined in the study are described


    Learning transferThe respondents were asked to provide their

    answers according to a ``perceived'' learning

    transfer measure. A 4-item scale was used to

    measure the extent to which MBA graduates

    transfer what they have learned back to the

    workplace. Response options ranged from (1)

    ``strongly disagree'' to (5) ``strongly agree''. A

    sample item is ``I incorporate skills,

    competencies, and knowledge learned in the

    MBA program into my daily work activities''.The scale's alpha reliability in this study is


    Learning motivationA 4-item scale was used to measure the

    degree of learning motivation in an MBA

    program. Response options ranged from (1)

    ``strongly disagree'' to (5) ``strongly agree''. A

    sample item is ``I tried to learn as much as I

    could from the MBA program''. The scale's

    alpha reliability in this study is 0.85.

    Job involvementA 4-item scale was used to measure the

    degree of job involvement of MBA graduates.Response options ranged from (1) ``disagree

    very much'' to (6) ``agree very much''. A

    sample item is ``I am very much involved

    personally in my job''. The scale's alpha

    reliability in this study is 0.76.

    Career commitmentA 4-item scale was used to measure the

    degree of career commitment of MBA

    graduates. Response options ranged from (1)

    ``strongly disagree'' to (5) ``strongly agree''. A

    sample item is ``I strongly identify with my

    chosen line of work/career field''. The scale's

    alpha reliability in this study is 0.71.

    Statistical methodStructural equation modelling (SEM) was

    used to examine statistically the specified

    relationships for this study. Recently, SEM

    has been extensively used for model testing.

    It is a powerful statistical tool that can

    examine the extent to which the model fits

    the data and the level of statistical

    significance of the hypothesised

    relationships. This research involved the test

    of the relationships between variables that

    could not be directly observed and measured

    (known as latent constructs), which were

    then measured by some observable

    indicators or items. These observable

    indicators formed the multi-item scales,

    which, for ensuring measurement adequacy,

    must secure reliability and construct,

    convergent and discriminant validity. SEM

    can be used to validate scales and possibly

    modify scales for better psychometric

    properties since the validity of measuringscales is crucial to establish the confidence in

    substantive theory building and research

    findings (Chau, 1997). SEM permits the

    simultaneous estimation of both the

    parameters linking observable indicators to

    latent variables (the measurement equations)

    and the parameters linking the latent

    variables to each other (the structural

    equations). The model allowed for reciprocal

    causation among variables and correlated

    measurement errors (Joreskog and Sorbom,


    Procedurally, it helps to find the ``best

    fitting'' model by, in the first stage,establishing the ``best fitting'' measurement

    model, which then enters the second stage of

    testing the hypothesised structural model.

    The measurement model (or confirmatory

    factor model) specifies the relationships of

    the observed indicators to their posited

    underlying factors, while the structural

    model specifies the causal relationships

    among the latent variables as posited by the

    underlying theories (Segars and Grover,

    1993). For computing the measurement and

    structural equations, LISREL (Linear

    Structural Relationships), which is a popular

    commercial statistical software, was used.Hypothesised relationships with strong

    theoretical support, multivariate normal

    distributions, interval scales, and an

    adequate size of sample are essential for

    model testing using LISREL (Chau, 1997).


    The measurement modelTable I presents the goodness-of-fit indices

    for the a priori measurement model or the

    so-called ``combined'' measurement model

    (Clark et al., 1993). These indices suggested amoderate fit of the measurement model to the

    data. Except for the chi-square statistic and

    AGFI, other indices surpassed the

    recommended values suggested by Chau

    (1997). As shown in LISREL output, some

    indicators had very large positive

    standardised residuals, and attempted to load

    on more than one factor, as demonstrated by

    large modification indexes. These indicators

    were then deleted one by one, since the

    deletion of one indicator in a model may

    affect other parts of the model

    simultaneously (Segars and Grover, 1993),

    until the ``best fitting'' measurement modelhas been achieved.

    Based on the above-mentioned revisions,

    the revised measurement model, as shown in

    Table I, attained improvements in all

    goodness-of-fit indices (12/df: 2.21 ? 1.15;

    [ 2 3 ]

    Eddie W.L. Cheng andDanny C.K. HoThe influence of job and careerattitudes on learningmotivation and transfer

    Career DevelopmentInternational6/1 [2001] 2027



    AGFI: 0.55? 0.80; RMSR: 0.095? 0.071; NNFI:

    0.89 ? 0.99; CFI: 0.90 ? 0.99), and a non-

    significant chi-square statistic (p = 0.15)

    which exceeded the recommended level

    (p > 0.05). Individual measurement models

    for each variable were also computed to

    check whether they achieved a good fit to the

    data (Chau, 1997). As shown in Table II, all

    individual measurement models achieved a

    very good fit. Thus, the ``combined''

    measurement model possessed good

    psychometric properties. The correlation

    matrix was shown in Table III. After the

    measurement model had been ``cleaned'' and

    said to be the best fit to the data, the revised

    model would enter into the second stage for

    testing the structural model.

    The structural modelThis stage of analysis involved the testing of

    the hypothesised relationships among the

    latent variables. The computation was based

    upon a simultaneous regression of the

    endogenous variable in the structural model

    on the predicted antecedents. Table IV

    presents the goodness-of-fit indices for the

    hypothesised structural model. All these

    indices surpassed the recommended values,

    and indicated that the model had a very good

    fit to the data (12/