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(Aplikasi Ekstraksi) Solid-Liquid Extraction With an Ammoniacal EDTA Solution the Separation of Traces of Copper From Alumunium

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 (Aplikasi Ekstraksi) Solid-Liquid Extraction With an Ammoniacal EDTA Solution the Separation of Traces of Copper F…





    Solid-Liquid Extraction with an Ammoniacal EDTA

    the Separation of Traces of Copper from Aluminum

    Solution for

    Masataka HIRAIDE,Yasushi MIKUNI nd Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI

    Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nagoya University,

    Nagoya 464, Japan

    Keywords Extraction, copper, aluminum, EDTA, graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

      Although modern instrumental determination

    methods are highly sensitive and selective, preliminary

    separation techniques are often required to improve the

    precision and accuracy of analytical results. Solid-

    liquid extraction is a useful separation technique: the

    desired trace elements are quantitatively extracted from a

    solid matrix with a simple 1 3 A metal sam-

    ple is first dissolved in a solvent and then evaporated to

    dryness to redistribute the trace elements on the surfaces

    or in the interstitial spaces of agglomerates of pure matrix

    crystals. The trace elements are selectively extracted

    into an appropriate solvent for the determination by

    instrumental analytical methods. Extraction solvents

    used heretofore were mainly organic solvents containing

    small amounts of acids.

    In a previous work4, we proposed the use of diluted

    nitric acid for the multielement extraction of impurities

    in high-purity silver metal samples. Extraction with

    such aqueous solvents allows the direct combination with

    different determination methods, including inductively

    coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-

    AES), ICP-mass spectrometry and different electro-

    chemical techniques. The present communication de-

    scribes the scope of solid-liquid extraction with aqueous

    solvents, by taking the separation of copper(II) from an

    aluminum matrix as an example. The aluminum was

    converted into its hydroxide, through which traces of

    copper were extracted with an ammoniacal EDTA

    solution. The proposed separation technique has been

    successfully applied to the determination of traces of

    copper in high-purity aluminum.



    A Seiko I & E SAS-760 atomic absorption spectro-

    meter equipped with an SAS-715 graphite furnace

    atomizer was used for the determination of copper. The

    graphite tube was gradually heated to 150° C, held for

    10 s and then heated during 5 s to 400° C and held for 15 s.

    The tube was further heated to the atomization tem-

    perature of 2400° C for 2 s for measuring the absorbance

    at 324.8 nm.

    A Seiko SPS 1100H ICP-atomic emission spec-

    trometer was employed for the determination of

    aluminum under the following operating conditions:

    wavelength 309.27 nm, RF power 1.2 kW; argon flow

    rates (dm3 min 1)16, 0.7 and 0.6 for outer, intermediate

    and carrier, respectively.

    The evaporation apparatus consisted of a Yamato HF

    41 heater and an aluminum heating block (12 holes,

    25 mm diam.X65 mm depth), where Pyrex glass test

    tubes (20 mm inside diam., 24 mm outside diam.,100 mm

    height) were inserted to evaporate solvents.

    A Tokyo Rikakikai AU-60C ultrasonic cleaning bath

    (28 kHz, 210 W) was used for the extraction of copper

    from the aluminum matrix. A Hitachi ECV-843 BY

    clean bench was used for separation procedures.


    An aluminum solution (20 mg cm-3) was prepared by

    dissolving aluminum chloride hexahydrate in 0.1

    mol dm 3hydrochloric acid and purifying the solution by

    extraction with APDC and chloroform.5,6 The purifi-

    cation was effective because no copper was detected, as

    described below.

    A standard copper(II) solution (1 µg cm 3, in 0.1 mol

    dm-3 hydrochloric acid) was prepared from a commercial

    standard solution and diluted with 0.1 mol dm 3 hydro-

    chloric acid to appropriate concentrations immediately

    before use.

    An ammoniacal EDTA solution (0.01 mol dm 3) was

    prepared by dissolving EDTA (disodium salt dihydrate)

    in 1 mol dm-3 aqueous ammonia.

    Water was purified by distillation and ion exchange,

    and then passed through a Millipore Milli-Q purification

    system. All reagents used were of reagent grade and

    were employed without further purification, unless

    otherwise stated.


    A synthetic sample solution (containing 20 mg of

    aluminum and nanogram amounts of copper), 2 cm3, was

    placed in a Pyrex glass test tube and sealed with a

    silicone-rubber stopper bearing two glass tubes. The

  • 8/19/2019 (Aplikasi Ekstraksi) Solid-Liquid Extraction With an Ammoniacal EDTA Solution the Separation of Traces of Copper F…




    solution was evaporated to dryness by heating at 150°C

    for 20 - 30 min. During the evaporation, nitrogen gas

    (previously filtered through a 0.1-µm membrane filter)

    was introduced into the test tube at a flow rate of

    0.5 dm3 min 1 to provide a clean atmosphere and to

    sweep out the solvent vapor. The residue was cooled to

    room temperature and pulverized with a Teflon rod.

    After adding 2 cm3 of ammoniacal EDTA solution, the

    test tube was irradiated with ultrasound for 10 min to

    extract the copper from the aluminum matrix. The

    extraction solvent was separated by centrifugation at

    1000g for 15 min and a 10-mm3 aliquot (after dilution, if

    necessary) was injected to the graphite cuvette for the

    determination of copper by AAS. The measurement

    was repeated three times and the absorption readings

    were averaged. A calibration graph was prepared by

    using ammoniacal EDTA solutions containing nano-

    gram quantities of copper.

    Results and Discussion

    Selection of extraction solvent

    Generally, extraction solvents are selected from the

    viewpoints of (1) sufficient solubility of the desired trace

    elements, (2) minimum solubility of the matrix element,

    and (3) no interference in the subsequent determination


    EDTA reacts with many elements to form stable and

    water-soluble chelate compounds. Large amounts of

    aluminum ions, however, generate bulky and amorphous

    hydroxide precipitates from moderate alkaline solutions,

    even in the presence of EDTA. Therefore, aqueous

    ammonia containing EDTA was examined for the

    extraction of copper from aluminum.

    A sample solution (containing 20 mg of aluminum and

    100 ng of copper) was evaporated to dryness and then the

    residue was treated with the extraction solvent. With

    0.01 mol dm-3 EDTA in 1 mol dm 3 aqueous ammonia,

    the copper was quantitatively extracted with a recovery

    of 94 -100%, while the dissolved aluminum was less than


    The EDTA was essential for the complete extraction.

    With aqueous ammonia alone, no copper was extracted

    because the copper was strongly trapped in the flocculent

    aluminum hydroxide.

    Effect of ultrasonic irradiation on extraction

    Because the application of a sound field accelerated the

    extraction rates2'3, he effect of ultrasound was studied by

    changing the irradiation time. As shown in Table 1,

    almost constant and complete recoveries were obtained

    by applying ultrasound for 3 - 30 min. This indicates

    that the ammoniacal EDTA solution is a powerful

    solvent, because the irradiation of 30 - 60 min was

    usually required in the previous studies.2,3

    Separation and determination of copper in aluminum solutions

    Different amounts of copper ions were added to 1 cm3

    of aluminum solution, and evaporation, extraction and

    determination were carried out. The copper added was

    nearly completely recovered, as shown in Fig. 1.

    The aluminum accompanying the copper was

    determined by ICP-AES and found to be 600 - 700 µg;

    this amount did not interfere in the subsequent

    determination of copper.

    Analysis ofhigh purity aluminum metal

    The proposed method was applied to the analysis of

    high-purity aluminum metal. A sample of commercial

    metal was dissolved in aqua regia and diluted to 20 cm3

    with water. An aliquot of the solution (containing

    20 mg of aluminum) was placed in a test tube; the

    separation and determination were carried out as de-

    scribed in Procedure.

    Table 2 summarizes the results obtained for two

    samples: No. 1 (99.999% purity, 3 mm diam.X10 mm

    long rods, Mitsuwa Pure Chemicals) and No. 2 (99.99%

    purity, l OX2OX mm chips, Nakarai Chemicals). Cop-

    per added previously to the sample was quantitatively

    recovered and successfully determined. The relative

    standard deviations were 4.9% (for No. 1) and 0.8% (for

    No. 2). Blank values through the whole procedure were

    less than the detection limits (

  • 8/19/2019 (Aplikasi Ekstraksi) Solid-Liquid Extraction With an Ammoniacal EDTA Solution the Separation of Traces of Copper F…




    (e.g., Co, Ni,


    Zn, Cd) are expected to behave similarly to


    1. A. Mizuike, Enrichment Techniques for Inorganic Trace

    Analysis , p. 52, Springer, Berlin, 1983.

    2. A. Mizuike, K. Fukuda and Y. Ochiai, Talanta, 19, 527


    3. M. Hiraide, Y. Mikuni and H. Kawaguchi, Analyst

    [London], 119, 1451 (1994).

    4. M. Hiraide, Y. Mikuni and H. Kawaguchi, Fresenius' J.

    Anal. Chem., in press.

    5. E. B. Sandell and H. Onishi, Photometric Determination

    of Traces of Metals: General Aspects , p. 529, Wiley, New

    York, 1978.

    6. 0. G. Koch and G. A. Koch-Dedic, Handbuch der

    Spurenanalyse (Tell 1) , p. 308, Springer, Berlin, 1974.

    (Received April 7, 1995)

    (Accepted May 24, 1995)

    Table 2


    Determination of copper in high-purity aluminum



    50 ng of Cu was added.

    100 ng of Cu was added.