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“The Number one weekly report which · 2018-11-26 · Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg

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Page 1: “The Number one weekly report which · 2018-11-26 · Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg
Page 2: “The Number one weekly report which · 2018-11-26 · Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg

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Page 3: “The Number one weekly report which · 2018-11-26 · Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg

Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report

I cannot believe 12 months have gone by so quickly since the 2013 Bilderberg meeting which took place in Watford England. Last year we also devoted a whole edition of the Global Watch Weekly as a tribute to Bilderberg researcher, Jim Tucker who died after years of research in exposing this elite group.

The last week has witnessed the 2014 Bilderberg meeting which took place in Copenhagen Denmark. An interesting choice considering that Copenhagen was also home for the global summit on climate change which took place back in 2009.

Whilst the last decade has seen an attempt by the media to bring secret groups into the limelight as a method to dilute the “secret” and “sinister” traits as “conspiracy rambling the truth still remains that the Bilderberg group was born through royal houses of Europe seeking to create vehicles by which they could influence continents and nations.

In 1954 Prince Bernhard the grandfather of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherland was a co-

founder of the international Bilderberg Group, which has met annually since then to discuss corporate globalization and other issues concerning Europe and North America. He was forced to step down from the group after being involved in the Lockheed Bribery Scandal. Prince Bernhard (now deceased) claimed descent from the House of David through the Merovingian dynasty, a claim that was acknowledged to be valid by the Carolingian dynasty that supplanted them, by other monarchs and by the Roman Church of that time.

Its just really interesting how this word “Merovingian” always seems to be popping up time and time again and that is linked to the birth of one of the most powerful elite groups today.

In this weeks edition of the Global Watch Weekly we take a look at key agenda items that were discussed as well as take a look back at one of the most incredible platforms for a Bilderberg researcher to share his concerns about the influence of this group.


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Page 4: “The Number one weekly report which · 2018-11-26 · Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg


The 62nd Bilderberg meeting took place this last week from 29 May until 1 June 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. A total of around 140 participants from 22 countries confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media were invited.

The key topics for discussion this year included:

• Is the economic recovery sustainable?

• Who will pay for the demographics?

• Does privacy exist?

• How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing?

• Big shifts in technology and jobs

• The future of democracy and the middle class trap

• China’s political and economic outlook

• The new architecture of the Middle East

• Ukraine

• What next for Europe?

• Current events

Inside sources claim that the elite conference, centred around how to derail a global political awakening that threatens to hinder Bilderberg’s long standing agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic

Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which was undoubtedly a central topic of discussion at this year’s meeting.

The TTIP represents an integral component of Bilderberg’s attempt to rescue the unipolar world by creating a “world company,” initially a free trade area, which would connect the United States with Europe. Just as the European Union started as a mere free trade area and was eventually transformed into a political federation which controls upwards of 50 per cent of its member states’ laws and regulations with total contempt for national sovereignty and democracy, TTIP is designed to accomplish the same goal, only on a bigger scale.

The deal is being spearheaded by Obama’s U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, a Wall Street insider and a CFR member, Bilderberg’s sister organization. Froman is simultaneously helping to build another block of this global government, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is a similar project involving Asian countries.

Given that Bilderberg schemed to create the Euro single currency as far back as 1955 (Bilderberg chairman Étienne Davignon bragged about how the Euro single currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg in 2009 interview), the results of the European elections are sure to have stirred outright alarm amongst Bilderberg globalists who are aghast that their planned EU superstate is being eroded as a result of a populist resistance mainly centered around animosity towards uncontrolled immigration policies. 4


Page 5: “The Number one weekly report which · 2018-11-26 · Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg

In Denmark itself, the buzz is centered around Morten Messerschmidt and the Danish People’s party, which won 27% of the vote in the Euro elections and doubled its number of MEPs. Although some are wary of Messerschmidt’s far right inclinations, his success reflects a general resentment not only in Denmark but across Europe towards immigration and the welfare state, concerns that the EU has only exasperated.

Meanwhile in France, Marine Le Pen is carving out a role as the face of a conservative movement that threatens “to break up one united Europe,” with her European election win being described as an “earthquake” that has rattled the political heart of Europe.

Voters in the United Kingdom also delivered a thumping rejection of the EU and in turn Bilderberg with the success of Nigel Farage and UKIP, a Euroskeptic triumph some are labeling the “most extraordinary” election result for 100 years.

As well as TTIP and the fallout from the European election disaster, Bilderberg tackled a number of other key issues, most of which revolved around the continued effort to centralize economic power under several different guises, including a carbon tax paid directly to the United Nations, with the financial hit being taken by individuals as big companies are granted special “waivers” that will allow them to continue to pollute.

The rumbling crisis in Ukraine and the relationship between Russia and NATO was also a focal point of Bilderberg 2014. Globalists now consider Vladimir Putin to have ostracized Russia from the new world order because he dared to “challenge the international system,” as John Kerry put it.

Bilderberg 2014 would have likely discussed fears that Putin is intent on constructing an alternative world order based around the BRICS countries, a “multi-polar” system that would devastate the dollar as the world reserve

currency and also heavily dilute the current US-

EU-NATO power axis.


The roots of Bilderberg go back centuries, when international moneychangers would secretly manipulate the economy to enrich themselves and enslave ordinary people.

The Rothchilds of Britain and Europe have met secretly with other financiers for centuries, as did the Rockefellers of America.

In the beginning, the Rothchilds were "Red Shields" because of the ornament on their door and the Rockefellers of Germany were "Rye Fields" because of their crops.

One of the most significant such meetings took place in the spring of 1908, led by Sen. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller's given name. It was held on Jekyll Island off the Georgia coast.

The late B.C Forbes, editor of Forbes magazine, reported what transpired at this meeting of the world's wealthy. With Aldrich were Henry Davidson, of J.P. Morgan and Co.' Frank Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank; Paul Warburg, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., and A. Piatt Andrew, assistant secretary of the treasury.

They emerged from this secret meeting with a plan for "a scientific currency system for the 5


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United States." They had the power to pressure Congress into establishing the Federal Reserve Board, a private group of bankers who meet to shape the money supply.

But in 1954, the international financiers decided that the world had become so small and their interests intersected so often, that they must have regular, annual meetings. That year they met at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland, and took the name "Bilderberg" for themselves.

They have met behind sealed-off walls and armed guards at plush resorts ever since. Secrecy prevailed briefly, until the late journalist, Westbrook Peglet, exposed Bilderberg in 1957. However, Chatham House rules have remained in effect, whereby meeting are held privately and attendees are prohibited from talking on the record about what transpired.

As with each meeting, there is the official list of participants, and then there are those participants who attend, but whose names are not listed in any official release.



Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg Group, an annual invitation-only conference of the elites in the fields of business, finance, media, military and politics. He is known for his extensive works on this group having written a book called "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" as well as for his

live seminars throughout the world. In an interview, Estulin describes his background, which led him to his profession:

"I’m a Russian expatriate who was kicked out of the Soviet Union in 1980. My father was a dissident who fought for freedom of speech who was jailed, tortured by the KGB. Suffered two political deaths. When these people got tired of us they threw us out. We moved to Canada and 12 years ago I came to Spain. My grandfather was a colonel in the KGB and the counter-intelligence in the 1950s, so I am privileged somewhat to get a lot of the information from secret service which are our best sources of information. Not only the KGB people but the MI6 people, the CIA because most of the people who work for the secret service as you probably know are patriots and they love their country and they’re doing it for the good of the nation and they’re the first ones absolutely terrified of the plans of the Bilderbergers".

Estulin wrote The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (original title: La Verdadera Historia Del

Club Bilderberg), a report on the nature and meetings of the world’s most powerful people. According to Estulin's book, the secretive Bilderbergers have been making major important political, economical and social decisions since their first gathering in 1954.

Estulin published a second book, Los secretos del club Bilderberg, released in September 2006. The English version, The Secrets of the

Bilderberg Club, was released in the US on September 22, 2007.

In December 2007, Estulin appeared on the Alex Jones Show, and claimed that he had "received information from sources inside the U.S. intelligence community which suggests that people from the highest levels of the U.S. government are considering an assassination 6


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attempt against Congressman Ron Paul because they are threatened by his burgeoning popularity" as a presidential candidate. Estulin also worked with the now deceased American journalist Big Jim Tucker who has a similar interest in the activities of the Bilderberg Group.

However one of his most remarkable achievements came on on June 1st

2010 where

Estulin made an unprecedented speech about the

Bilderbergs before the European Parliament at its

headquarters in Brussels. Estulin, was invited to speak

at the European Parliament by Mario Borghezio, the

most senior Member of European Parliament from

Italy. The European Parliament is one of the most

powerful legislatures in the world. Estulin’s talk is

equivalent to addressing a joint session of Congress.

In fact, never before has Bilderberg as a subject seen

the light of day in front of such a highly respectable

audience - elected senators of European na*ons. The

full details of this speech are as follows.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are now in a posi�on to change history. I finally

believe that mankind has a future. A once

demoralised popula�on with no moral purpose is

coming out of their prolonged slumber. In this general

awakening, people are beginning to ask the right

ques�ons. It´s no longer, “what will I get out of it?”

but rather “What´s right?” It´s an interna�onal

phenomenon of response and reac�on to an overly

felt percep�on that the en�re world is doomed to

catastrophe, unless we the people do something

about it.

I have wri%en a book on the subject of the Bilderberg

Group. This book, in a way, has become the catalyst

for a movement around the world. Now, we don´t

have a lot of �me, so I would like to explain to you

what Bilderberg is and why it must be stopped.

In the world of interna�onal finance, there are those

who steer the events and those who react to the

events. While the la%er are be%er known, greater in

numbers, and seemingly more powerful, the true

power rests with the former. At the centre of the

global financial system are the financial oligarchy

today represented by the Bilderberg group.

Bilderberg organiza�on is dynamic, in that it changes

with the �mes, absorbs and crates new parts while

excre�ng the remains of the decaying parts. Members

come and go, but the system itself has not changed. It

is a self-perpetua�ng system, a virtual spider web of

interlocked financial, poli�cal, economic and industry


Now, Bilderberg isn´t a secret society. It is not an evil,

all-seeing eye. There is no conspiracy even though a

lot of people with their infan�le fantasies see it as

such. No group of people, and I don’t care how

powerful they are, sit around the table in dark room,

holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the

world´s future.

It´s a mee�ng of people who represent a certain


Not One World Government or New World Order as

too many people mistakenly believe. Rather, the

ideology is of a ONE WORLD COMPANY LIMITED. Back

in 1968, at a Bilderberg mee�ng in Canada, George

Ball, the then Under-secretary for Economic Affairs

with JFK and Johnson said: “Where does one find a

legi�mate base for the power of corporate

management to make decisions that can profoundly

affect the economic life of na�ons to whose

governments they have only limited responsibility?”

The idea behind each and every Bilderberg mee�ng is

to create what they themselves call THE ARISTOCRACY

OF PURPOSE between European and North American

elites on the best way to manage the planet. In other

words, the crea�on of a global network of giant

cartels, more powerful than any na�on on Earth,

des�ned to control the necessi�es of life of the rest of

humanity, obviously from their vantage point, for our

own good and in our benefit – THE GREAT


Now, the reason people don’t believe in Bilderberg

and other organisa�ons working together exercising

such control on the world stage is that theirs is a

Cartesian fantasy world, in which the isolated 7


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inten�ons of some individuals, NOT the dynamics of

social processes shape the course of history as the

movement of evolving ideas and themes over

successive genera�ons and even centuries.

Bilderberg is a medium of bringing together financial

ins�tu�ons which are the world´s most powerful and

most predatory financial interests. And at this �me, it

is that combina�on which is the worst enemy of


We can all congratulate ourselves in that today,

Bilderberg has become the mainstay of corporate

media. Not because corporate media has suddenly

remembered their responsibility to us, but because we

the people, have forced them into this uncomfortable

posi�on by becoming very aware that Presidents and

Prime Ministers and your li%le shrinking Queens and

Kings are puppets of powerful forces working from

behind the scenes.

Something has happened to us, the people in the

midst of this general economic collapse. People at

large are gripped by something they don’t always

understand. But, it compels them to act in a certain

way, in their own interest. That´s what they are doing

in Greece. That’s what they are doing in Spain, in the

United States. It´s called the anthropic principle. It´s

like a �dal movement came upon us and washed our

fears away. As people realise that their existence is

threatened, they have lost their fear, and Bilderberg

and others sense it.

Perhaps that´s why at a recent Council on Foreign

Rela�ons speech in Montreal, Zbigniew Brzezinski,

one of the founders of the TC, warned that a “global

poli�cal awakening,” in combina�on with infigh�ng

amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move

towards a one world government.

You see people at this table come from very different

ideological and poli�cal backgrounds. What unites us,

however, is that we are all patriots. And those who

oppose us, those who work for secret socie�es, who

have sold their na�ons out for a pound of flesh, are

traitors. Not only traitors of their people and na�ons,

but of humanity as a whole.

Now, the subject of this Press Conference is

Bilderberg: Towards One World Company Ltd.

About six and a half centuries ago, the economy of

Europe had collapsed into what is known as Europe´s

“New Dark Age,” the greatest economic and

demographic collapse of Europe since the collapse of

the Roman Empire. Then, in the middle of the 14C,

much of the power of the oligarchy abruptly

disintegrated. This disintegra�on erupted as the

sudden, chain-reac�on collapse of the worst financial

bubble of debt specula�on in history, un�l now, that

is, when the banking houses of Bardi and Peruzzi went

under. This disintegra�on and collapse of the

Lombard debt bubble caused a collapse in the power

among the oligarchical families.

What does it have to do with Bilderberg?

Modern history superseded medieval history at that

moment that the ins�tu�ons which singularly

dis�nguish modern from medieval history were put

into place. That occurred back in 1439 at the Council

of Florence. What were those new ins�tu�ons?

• The concep�on of the modern na�on state

republics under the government of natural law.

• The central role of the fostering of scien�fic and

technological progress as the mandate given to the


These two ideals represent a crucial argument: their

existence as ins�tu�on, in any part of Europe,

changed everything in all of Europe because these

ins�tu�onal changes increased the rate of



Page 9: “The Number one weekly report which · 2018-11-26 · Daniel Estulin (born in Vilnius, Lithuania) is an author, public speaker, conspiracy theorist whose main interest is the Bilderberg

development of per-capita and per-square kilometre

of mankind over nature. So, no na�on could afford not

to progress, not to develop for the fear of being leJ

hopelessly behind.

The first success occurred under France´s Louis XI,

who doubled the per-capita income of France, and

defeated all of France´s enemies. Louis XI success

sparked a chain reac�on of efforts to establish a

na�on-state on this model in Henry VII´s England and


Another key idea to come out of Council of Florence

which was later implemented in the United States is a

universal principle of GENERAL WELFARE, on which all

modern civilised society is based.

Now, welfare does not mean a useless bum

sitting on the couch, eating a pizza, slobbering all

over himself, watching television, while he is

waiting for an unemployment check to arrive.

It is a question of immortality. What´s the

intention of the existence of man, and

government? It´s to provide for the welfare, of

future generations of mankind. To assure our

survival as the species. The principle of the

General Welfare, as expressed in summation in

the preamble of the Federal Constitution of the

United States, is the fundamental law.

So, how is it related to today? These people want

an Empire. That´s what globalization is. And too

many people believe that in order to have an

Empire, you need money. You have all heard of

the phrase – THE MONEY ELITE. But money, is

not a determinant of wealth and the economy.

Money does not make the world go around.

Money has no intrinsic value.

Human mind affects the development of the

planet. This is how mankind is measured. This is

the true meaning of IMMORTALITY. What

separates us from animals is our ability to

discover universal physical principles. It allows us

to innovate, which subsequently improves the

lives of people by increasing the power of man

over nature.

You see, they are destroying the world economy

on purpose. This isn´t the first time either. This

was done in the 14th century New Dark Age:

30% of the population wiped out.

Empire=dumb people down. They want to

destroy the creative powers of reason.

0 growth, 0 progress. Club of Rome (Limits to

Growth) 1973

PROJECT 1980S CFR, promoting controlled

disintegration of the world economy.

BILDERBERG 1995. Demand destruction. How?

By destroying the world economy on purpose.


WEALTH. The Great Depression was not an

event that wiped out U.S. capitalists. It was an

event that made the rich even richer by

transferring the wealth of the people into the

hands of the already wealthy. That´s how Bank of

America made their billions through real estate

foreclosures from 1929-37. Don’t believe for a

minute that the richest of the rich will be hurt by

the coming collapse. The only ones hurt will be

you and me.

Look at Greece. What they are trying to do is

blow up the system by, instead of allowing

Greece to reorganise its money system, they are

imposing that Greece be used, that the Greek

debt be bailed out by Europe. But, that debt is

worthless. It´s garbage, it´s monopoly money.

So, asking Europe, which is going through its

own financial meltdown, to absorb an unpayable

debt, which the Greeks, by the way, can NEVER

repay, means you are going to FOR SURE,

destroy Europe. And, it is being done on

purpose, because nobody, not even Barroso,

who with all due respect to him is absolutly

intellectually challenged or Trichet are that

stupid. 9


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Let´s get rid of the bureaucracy in Brussels. Let´s

fire them all. They are bums. They are useless.

These people have never done anything useful in

their lives. Get rid of Barroso. He failed history in

high school. Get rid of the “wet rag,” Van

Rumpey not because he is useless but because

he is evil and very dangerous. It´s not the first

time that an unloved, short, evil little man has

gnawed his way into the bowels of power.

You see, it is a question of leadership and a

question of immortality. All of the leaders of

society, especially in times of crisis, are leaders

because they measure up to some approximation

of that standard. People such as Barroso, Van

Rumpey, EU President Jean Claude Juncker,

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director

of the IMF can hardly be considered leaders.

In fact, they can hardly be considered humans,

from the perspective of human representing A


Now, what I am talking about is not a scientific

problem or economic question, but rather a

morality question. A question of immortality. Do

we as nation states, as people of the Planet

believe in the future of mankind? And what kind

of future will we have 100 or 200 years in the

future. What about 10,000 years from now? Do

we have a right to dream? If we have a sense of

purpose for being here, then the bad guys can´t


For example, we have been told that euro must

be saved. That euro´s failure will bring down the

European Union. That´s a lie. Instead of a weak,

dysfunctional European monetary union, we go

back to being independent nation state republics

– Europe of the Fatherlands.

Cultural diversity is not only humanity’s hallmark

of progress, but an insurance policy against

extinction as a species. Once born, a nation state

concept never dies; it only waits for courageous

and sane human beings to come to its defence,

to perfect the concept. So therefore, we should

be a fraternity of nations, of sovereign nations—

united by a common purpose for humanity. Until

we can bring mankind into the Age of Reason,

history will be shaped in actuality, not by the wills

of masses of humanity, but by the mere handfuls

who, for purposes of good or evil, steer the fate

of mankind generally as herds of cows are

steered to and from the pasture—and,

occasionally, also to the slaughter-house.