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“Divine Healing ...” By Robert. B .Dalton. © Menorah Publications. Australia 2016.

“Divine Healing · “Divine Healing ...” Before we can believe for the healing of our bodies, we must rid ourselves of all uncertainty concerning God’s Will. Until we know

Jun 13, 2020



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Page 1: “Divine Healing · “Divine Healing ...” Before we can believe for the healing of our bodies, we must rid ourselves of all uncertainty concerning God’s Will. Until we know

“Divine Healing ...”

By Robert. B .Dalton.© Menorah Publications.Australia 2016.

Page 2: “Divine Healing · “Divine Healing ...” Before we can believe for the healing of our bodies, we must rid ourselves of all uncertainty concerning God’s Will. Until we know


* Points of distinction and emphasis, are used by our authorship solely tobring light to our dialogue.

* Unless otherwise indicated, all Scriptural references appearing arequotations from the King James Bible software, E Sword version 10.2.1 © 2013 by Rick

First Edition (May, 2003; Revised April, 2016.)

Copyright © 2016. Australia by Robert.B.Dalton.Apart from the purpose of private study or review forarchive retrieval, no part may be reproduced without theexpressed and written permission of the authors (and/ or)their agents for “Menorah Publications.”

Menorah TM

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Page 3: “Divine Healing · “Divine Healing ...” Before we can believe for the healing of our bodies, we must rid ourselves of all uncertainty concerning God’s Will. Until we know


“Divine Healing ...”

Before we can believe for the healing of our bodies,we must rid ourselves of all uncertainty concerning God’sWill. Until we know The Will of God, there is nothing uponwhich to base our Faith.

“Faiths only sure foundation is …The Word of God.”

In the parable of The Sower, Jesus spoke of The

Word of God as seed planted in “The Garden ofThe Heart” of man.

“You cannot reap a harvest withoutfirst planting the seed.”

John 8 Verse 32 “And ye shall know The Truth, and TheTruth shall make you free.”

God responds to the teachable soul,those that are teachable, are reachable!

Proverbs 4 Verse 13 “Take fast hold of instruction; let hernot go: keep her; for she is thy life.”

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Mark 4 Verses 14-20 “The sower soweth The Word.”(15) “And these are they by the way side, where the wordis sown; but when they have heard, satan comethimmediately, and taketh away the word that was sown intheir hearts.” (16) “And these are they likewise which aresown on stony ground; who, when they have heard theword, immediately receive it with gladness;”(17) “And have no root in themselves, and so endure butfor a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution arisethfor The Word’s sake, immediately they are offended.”(18) “And these are they which are sown among thorns;such as hear The Word,” (19) “And the cares of this world,and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of otherthings entering in, choke the word, and it becomethunfruitful.” (20) “And these are they which are sown ongood ground; such as hear The Word, and receive it, andbring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some anhundred.”

Romans 10 Verse 17 “So then Faith cometh by hearing,and hearing by The Word of God.”

Romans 10 Verses 9-10 “That if thou shalt confess withthy mouth The Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heartthat God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt besaved.” (10) “For with the heart man believeth untoRighteousness; and with the mouth confession is madeunto salvation.”

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Saved from what? “death, disease, pain,affliction, corruption, wasting away …sin and Eternal separation from God!”

Romans 10 Verse 4 “For Christ is the end of The Law forRighteousness to every one that believeth.”

Now to Verses 10-13,

Romans 10 Verses 10-13

“For with the heart man believeth untoRighteousness; and with the mouth confession is madeunto salvation.” (11) “For the scripture saith, Whosoeverbelieveth on Him shall not be ashamed.”(12) “For there is no difference between the Jew and theGreek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call

upon Him.” (13) “For whosoever shall callupon The Name of The Lord shall besaved.”

“Sin, is the work of the devil in thesoul; sickness is the work of the devil inthe body.” (Smith Wigglesworth.)

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1 John 3 Verse 8(b)

“ … For this purpose The Son of Godwas manifested, that He might destroythe works of the devil.”

Acts 10 Verse 38

“How God Anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith The Holy Ghost and with Power:who went about doing good, and healingall that were oppressed of the devil; forGod was with Him.”

John 3 Verse 2(b) “ … for no man can dothese miracles that thou doest, exceptGod be with Him.”

Matthew 4 Verses 23-24 “And Jesus went about all

Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and

preaching The Gospel of The Kingdom,and healing all manner of sickness andall manner of disease among thepeople.”

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(24) “And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they

brought unto Him all sick people that weretaken with divers diseases andtorments, and those which werepossessed with devils, and those whichwere lunatick, and those that had thepalsy; and He healed them.”

John 3 Verse 21 “But he that doeth Truth cometh to The

Light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that theyare wrought in God.”

John 3 Verse 27(b) “ ... a man can receivenothing, except it be given him fromHeaven.”

Jesus bore our sins and all that would separate us

from our Father God, He did this on The Cross, butoften we do not realise that salvationalso includes physical healing. The word,

“salvation,” comes from the Greek word “soteria”which implies “deliverance, preservation,healing, health and soundness.”

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Christ Jesus bore the curse of The Law, and thereforehas redeemed us from all sickness and disease!

Galatians 3 Verse 13 “Christ hath redeemed us from thecurse of The Law, being made a curse for us: for it is written,Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree:”

The understanding comes from the Greek word

“diasozo,” meaning “to save thoroughly” we

also have the verb, “sozo,” translated as “saved, orto make whole” and finally the word “iasis,”which indicates “healing, soundness, orcomplete wholeness!”

Revelation 12 Verse 10(a) “And I heard a loud voice

saying in Heaven, ... Now is come salvation,and strength, ... and The Kingdom of ourGod, and The Power of His Christ: ... ”

(distinctions mine)

The words from the Greek translation of the New

Testament speak of “saved and salvation,”meaning both physical and spiritual salvation and includein the usage of the words, both the verb and the noun,which also indicate physical and spiritual healing relating

to direct “wholeness and completeness.”

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In other words, every whit whole, “mentally,physically and spiritually ... spirit souland body!”

1 Thessalonians 5 Verse 23 “And The Very God of Peace... sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God ... your whole spiritand soul and body be preserved blameless ... unto thecoming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(distinctions mine)

By the comparison of the many notes on this subject

of study “Divine Healing from God,”concordances, textual references have all complimentedone another’s analysis of the meaning of the words.

The simplest breakdown of the words translated for

“salvation” mean “total deliverance fromsin and sin’s penalty.”

There is no sin in Heaven, there is nosin in The Presence of a Holy andAwesome God! There is no pain, nosorrow, no sickness, no corruption, nodecay, no death.

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The predominant factor as the result of “sin” being

“sickness” because of man’s disobedience to TheWord of God’s instruction.

Psalm 107 Verse 20

“He sent His Word, and healed them,and delivered [them] from theirdestructions.”

God is a God of wholeness and harmony!

Psalm 105 Verse 37 “He brought them forth also with

silver and gold: and [there was] not onefeeble [person] among their tribes.”

Psalm 103 Verses 2-3 “Bless the LORD, O my soul, andforget not all his benefits:” (3) “Who forgiveth all thineiniquities; who healeth all thy diseases:”

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Even during Old Covenant times,God proved to man that He Loved HisCreation by wanting to so Bless them.

But the fact of the matter is, that wehave no understanding of theseBlessings, because we are too lazy toeven read His Word, let alone obey it!!!

After all, His Instructions are there forboth our guidance, protection, teachingand direction.

His desire, is that we be completeand whole: Healing is not limited to thatof the physical, He wants His Childrencomplete and whole! Even under OldCovenant relationship, God’sFaithfulness showed through ...

“Healing under The Old Testament.”

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Deuteronomy 28 Verses 1-2 “And it shall come to pass, ifthou shalt hearken diligently unto The Voice of The LORDthy God, to observe [and] to do all His Commandmentswhich I command thee this day, that The LORD thy Godwill set thee on high above all nations of the earth:”

(2) “And all these blessings shall comeon thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalthearken unto The Voice of The LORDthy God.”

What an awesome promise,

Verse 2 “And all these blessings shallcome on thee, and overtake thee, if thoushalt hearken unto The Voice of TheLORD thy God.”

You do not have to chase the Blessings, what youneed to do is obey and meet theconditions to receive.

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Let’s take a look at the summary of Blessings, fromDeuteronomy 28 Verses 3-13;

Deuteronomy 28 Verses 3-13

“Blessed [shalt] thou [be] in the city, andblessed [shalt] thou [be] in the field.”(4) “Blessed [shall be] the fruit of thybody, and the fruit of thy ground, and thefruit of thy cattle, the increase of thykine, and the flocks of thy sheep.”(5) “Blessed [shall be] thy basket and thystore.”(6) “Blessed [shalt] thou [be] when thoucomest in, and blessed [shalt] thou [be]when thou goest out.”(7) “The LORD shall cause thine enemiesthat rise up against thee to be smittenbefore thy face: they shall come outagainst thee one way, and flee beforethee seven ways.”

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(8) “The LORD shall command theblessing upon thee in thy storehouses,and in all that thou settest thine handunto; and He shall Bless thee in the landwhich The LORD thy God giveth thee.”(9) “The LORD shall establish thee anHoly people unto Himself, as He hathsworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep TheCommandments of The LORD thy God,and walk in His Ways.”(10) “And all people of the earth shall seethat thou art called by The Name of TheLORD; and they shall be afraid of thee.”(11) “And The LORD shall make theeplenteous in goods, in the fruit of thybody, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and inthe fruit of thy ground, in the land whichThe LORD sware unto thy fathers togive thee.”

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(12) “The LORD shall open unto thee HisGood treasure, The Heaven to give the rain unto

thy land in his season, and to Bless all the workof thine hand: and thou shalt lend untomany nations, and thou shalt notborrow.”(13) “And The LORD shall make thee thehead, and not the tail; and thou shalt beabove only, and thou shalt not bebeneath; if that thou hearken unto thecommandments of the LORD thy God,which I command thee this day, toobserve and to do [them]:”

Obedience to “The Word of God”brings forth “The Blessings of God” in:

1) Traveling Mercies .2) Health.3) Productiveness.4) Prosperity.5) Victory.6) Reproduction7) God’s favour.

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“Blessed where ever you may go …”

“Blessed in Health and childbearing …”

“Blessed in what you grow …”

“Blessed cattle and livestock …”

“Blessed with abundance withenough to store.”

“Blessed coming in andgoing out again.”

“If enemies rise up against you,The Lord Himself will deal with them.”

“The Lord will Bless your storehouses,and whatever you set your hand to do!”

So, I guess that we can see by now, that God, is aGod of Blessing. Why would you not want to obey TheVoice of His Command.

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Man continues in stubbornness to want to live and dothings according to his own way, and not that of TheLords!

He opens for us His “Good Treasure,” even inthe things that we see as natural. He in His Faithfulnesscontinues to Bless the works of our hands because if weare doing it with the right heart motive, it brings Glory to

Him as we do …

“As unto The Lord!”

He wants to Bless us so much that we are neverlacking, and that there is so much abundance that we can

“lend, and not borrow, even to othernations.” So that they too shall see his Glory and bedraw to Him:

His desire, is that we rule and reign under His Handas The Head moves His Body, not the other way around!

“The Tail, does not wag The Head!!!”

But, healing and wholeness rest on one thing …

“Obedience, to observe and to do!”

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When God’s people broke His commands, they werein that sense of disobedience, removed from under God’s

Divine protection, a state of “dis-ease.”

God’s provision and purposes are always linked ...first the provision and then, the purpose.

This means that we are no longer in the throws ofliving to self, self-seeking and selfish provision. Instead,we are striving to be effectual in our God. We receive Hisprovision through Blessings imparted in His Grace and HisMercy.

When we go out from under God’s covering, we are introuble because of selfish gain, neglect or blatantdisobedience.

Here is a summary of the curses, incurred throughdisobedience:

1) Humiliation.2) Failure to produce in any area of life.3) mental and physical sickness. (Dis - ease.)4) Family breakdowns.5) Poverty.6) Defeat.7) Oppression.8) Failure.9) God’s disfavour.

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The disobedience of man, brought about the fall andwas the work of the adversary, the devil, satan. Sin andsickness are the fruits of his nature. The work ofredemption in mankind is the work of God in covenantrelationship showing forth God’s desire that man repent,and return to Him.

It is the desire of The Father God, The Creator to healHis children, His Created.

Psalm 103 Verses 13-14 “Like as a father pitieth [his]children, [so] The LORD pitieth them that fear Him.”(14) “For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we[are] dust.”

Psalm 103 Verses 17-18 “But The Mercy of The LORD [is]from Everlasting to Everlasting upon them that fear Him,and His Righteousness unto children’s children;”

(18) “To such as keep his covenant, andto those that remember hiscommandments to do them.”

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“The Doctrine of Healing, the healingCovenant ... Old Testament.”

Exodus 15 Verse 26 “And said, If thou wilt diligentlyhearken to The Voice of The LORD thy God, and wilt dothat which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to HisCommandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put noneof these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon

the Egyptians: for I [AM] The LORD thathealeth thee.”

This covenant was made with Israel and all whodesired or chose to come under The Covenant of God asgiven to Moses. It was in two parts,

1) “Commands ... ”

a) Diligently hear (or hearken) to God’s Voice andlive free from all idolatry.

Exodus 15 Verse 26 “And said, If thou wilt diligentlyhearken to The Voice of The LORD thy God, and wilt dothat which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to HisCommandments, and keep all His Statutes, I will put noneof these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon

the Egyptians: for I [AM] The LORD thathealeth thee.”

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Leviticus 26 Verses 14-15 & 21 “But if ye will not hearkenunto Me, and will not do all these Commandments;”(15) “And if ye shall despise My Statutes, or if your soulabhor My judgments, so that ye will not do all MyCommandments, [but] that ye break My Covenant:”

The fact remains, that if you are now walking inCovenant relationship with The Lord, then you are walkingaway from Him and remaining in your sin. If so, then youwill eventually receive the consequences of you actions.

Verse (21) “And if ye walk contrary unto Me, and will nothearken unto Me; I will bring seven times more plaguesupon you according to your sins.”

His desire is to Bless, The Holinessof God requires action on our behalf tochoose to Live Righteous lives in Hissight. In no way does this mean that weare to live a “Holier than thou” attitude!

A diligent heart is a heart that“willingly desires to walk in obedientresponse to The Voice of The Lord!”

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Exodus 15 Verse 26

“And said, If thou wilt diligently hearkento The Voice of The LORD thy God, andwilt do that which is right in His Sight,and wilt give ear to His Commandments,and keep all His Statutes, I will put noneof these diseases upon thee, which Ihave brought upon the Egyptians: for I[AM] The LORD that healeth thee.”

b) “Give ear to His Commandments.”

You might notice here that the emphasis, is on

“hearing!” What the ear hears, the heartcannot deny!

At that time, not only The Ten Commandments, but allthe hundreds designed to be the rule of action as to

“right and wrong.” As we have said previously,

His Instructions are there for both ourguidance, protection, teaching anddirection.

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God’s desire, is that we be completeand whole: Healing is not limited to thatof the physical, He wants His Childrencomplete and whole!

Psalm 107 Verses 20-21 “He sent His Word, and healedthem, and delivered them from their destructions.”(21) “Oh that men would praise The LORD for HisGoodness, and for His wonderful works to the children ofmen!”

“Goodness and Mercy” are just two of TheAttributes of out Holy and Awesome Father God. And with

His “Goodness and Mercy” Healing andWholeness flows.

c) “Keep all His statutes.”

Receive all His regulations concerning religion andcivil life, and consecrate to the same end in life that GodHimself is consecrated to; which is the highest good for all.

Leviticus 26 Verse 3 “If ye walk in My Statutes, andkeep My Commandments, and do them;”

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Do you remember the heart cry of King David?

Psalm 119 Verses 7-17 “I will praise Thee with uprightnessof heart, when I shall have learned Thy Righteousjudgments.” (8) “I will keep Thy statutes: O forsake me not

utterly.” (9) “Wherewithal shall a young mancleanse his way? by taking heed theretoaccording to Thy Word.”(10) “With my whole heart have I soughtThee: O let me not wander from ThyCommandments.”(11) “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart,that I might not sin against Thee.”(12) “Blessed art Thou, O LORD: teach me Thy Statutes.”(13) “With my lips have I declared all the judgments of ThyMouth.” (14) “I have rejoiced in The Way of ThyTestimonies, as much as in all riches.”(15) “I will meditate in Thy Precepts, and have respectunto Thy Ways.” (16) “I will delight myself in Thy Statutes: Iwill not forget Thy Word.” (17) “Deal bountifully with Thyservant, that I may live, and keep Thy Word.”

Leviticus 26 Verses 14-15 “But if ye will not hearken untome, and will not do all these commandments;”(15) “And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soulabhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all mycommandments, [but] that ye break my covenant:”

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No man can expect to be immune from sicknessunless he meets the conditions. But every man can expectsuch Blessings when he meets them.

Exodus 23 Verses 22 & 25 “But if thou shalt indeed obeyhis voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemyunto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thineadversaries.”

Verse (25) “And ye shall serve The LORDyour God, and He shall Bless thy bread,and thy water; and I will take sicknessaway from the midst of thee.”

Psalm 91 Verses 1-3; 9-10; 14-16“He that dwelleth in the secret place of The Most Highshall abide under The Shadow of The Almighty.”(2) “I will say of The LORD, [He is] my refuge and myfortress: my God; in Him will I trust.” (3) “Surely He shalldeliver thee from the snare of the fowler, [and] from thenoisome pestilence.”

Verses 9-10 “Because thou hast made TheLORD, [which is] my refuge, [even] TheMost High, thy habitation;”

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(10) “There shall no evil befall thee,neither shall any plague come nigh thydwelling.”

Verses 14-16(14) “Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore willI deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hathknown My Name.” (15) “He shall call upon Me, and I willanswer him: I [will be] with him in trouble; I will deliver him,and honour him.” (16) “With long life will I satisfy him, andshew him My Salvation.”

2) “Promises ... ”

a) Exodus 15 Verse 26(b)“ ... I will put none of these diseases upon thee, ... ”

b) Exodus 15 Verse 26(c)“ ... for I [AM] The LORD that healeth thee ...”

The reason given for no sickness upon the obedientwas that God is the Healer of His people, the people thatrecognise Him and call Him by Name. Here, in this

passage, He reveals Himself as YahwehRopheka … Yahweh the Healer orYahweh your Physician that heals you.

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To prove to them that He not only could heal, but thatHe was also willing to do so and thus fulfil His promisesand covenants. He healed them all by His Word and therewas not one feeble person in all their tribes.

Psalm 105 Verse 37 “He brought them forth also with

silver and gold: and [there was] not onefeeble [person] among their tribes.”

God is Holy, and a God of both“order, balance and completion”

“…it is Good!”

Outside of Him, there remains “disorder andeventual chaos but there is promised tomake everyone, without exception,immunity from all disorder, disease andchaos,” upon meeting the conditions that applied.Sickness and diseases were and still are as a result ofmankind’s disobedience toward his Creator, God.

“God’s Holiness sets a standardfor Righteousness!”

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Isaiah 6 Verse 5 “Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone;because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in themidst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seenThe King, The LORD of Hosts.”

Isaiah 64 Verse 6 “But we are all as an unclean thing, andall our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all dofade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have takenus away.”

Ezekiel 44 Verse 23 “And they shall teach My people

the difference between The Holy andprofane, and cause them to discernbetween the unclean and the clean.”

God provides The Word of instruction for all whowould receive it from The Old Testament, right through andinto The New.

Proverbs 4 Verses 20-23 “My son, attend to My Words;incline thine ear unto My sayings.” (21) “Let them notdepart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine

heart.” (22) “For they are life unto those thatfind them, and health to all their flesh.”(23) “Keep thy heart with all diligence; forout of it are the issues of life.”

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Jeremiah 30 Verse 17

“For I will restore health unto thee, and Iwill heal thee of thy wounds, saith TheLORD;”

Exodus 23 Verse 25 “And ye shall serve The LORD your

God, and He shall Bless thy bread, andthy water; and I will take sickness awayfrom the midst of thee.”

Bread and water here represent all kinds of provisionfrom God. Even the most limited fare though is sufficientand nutritive when God Blesses.

This covenant was made a part ofthe New Covenant, by The Lord JesusChrist Himself ...

Matthew 8 Verse 17 “That it might be fulfilledwhich was spoken by Esaias theprophet, saying, Himself took ourinfirmities, and bare [our] sicknesses.”

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As with all actions, there are re-actions, there areconsequences for our actions. There are principlesinvolved, man may plant the seed, but The Lord causes itto grow.

Galatians 6 Verses 7-8 “Be not deceived; God is notmocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he alsoreap.” (8) “For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the fleshreap corruption; but he that soweth to The Spirit shall ofThe Spirit reap Life Everlasting.”

Some things man has no control over, whatever the

type of seed you sow in “The Garden,” it willproduce after it’s own kind.

Hosea 8 Verse 7(a) “For they have sown the wind, andthey shall reap the whirlwind: …”

Jesus said in,

John 10 Verse 10 “The thief (the devil) cometh not, but forto steal, and to kill, and to destroy: ... I AM (Jesus) comethat they might have life, and that they might have [it] moreabundantly.”

The New Testament ... “JesusThe Christ, The Will of God in Action. ”

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If there had been no sin, there would have been nocurse ... when God sends Christ to reign on earth, therewill be no sickness.

Isaiah 33 Verse 24 “And the inhabitant shall not say, I amsick: the people that dwell therein [shall be] forgiven [their]iniquity.”

When God’s Will is done,

“on earth, as it is in Heaven ... ”

There will be no curse, we are not under the curse ofThe Law now, because of God’s redeeming Grace andMercy we have been justified by ... Faith and redeemed bythe Blood of the Lamb ... Jesus Christ.

Romans 3 Verses 23-26“For all have sinned, and come short of The Glory of God;”(24) “Being justified freely by His Grace through theredemption that is in Christ Jesus:”(25) “Whom God hath set forth [to be] a propitiationthrough Faith in His blood, to declare His Righteousnessfor the remission of sins that are past, through theforbearance of God;” (26) “To declare, [I say], at this timeHis Righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifierof him which believeth in Jesus.”

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At Calvary, the serpent bruised the heel of the seed ofthe woman but that bruising has brought healing tomankind. It is written:

Galatians 3 Verses 13-14 “Christ hath redeemed us fromthe curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it iswritten, Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree:”(14) “That the blessing of Abraham might come on theGentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive thepromise of The Spirit through Faith.”

Colossians 2 Verses 14-15 “Blotting out the handwriting ofordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us,and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross;”(15) “[And] having spoiled principalities and powers, Hemade a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”Jesus Christ, God manifested in the flesh.”

1 Timothy 3 Verse 16 “And without controversy great is themystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh,justified in The Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto theGentiles, believed on in the world, received up into Glory.”

Jesus therefore, expressed both The Will and TheNature of God. It is God’s Will to heal, Jesus is The Will ofGod in action, The Word of God made flesh.

John 1 Verse 14(a)“And The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, ... ”

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1 John 1 Verse 3 “That which we have seen and hearddeclare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship withus: and truly our fellowship [is] with The Father, and withHis Son Jesus Christ.”

What is required of us in this fact, is obedience to TheWord of God.

John 1 Verse 12 “But as many as received Him, to themgave He power to become the sons of God, [even] to themthat believe on His Name:”

This is the simplicity of what was said by Paul to thePhilippian Church.

Philippians 2 Verse 12(b) “ ... work out your own salvationwith (reverential) fear and trembling (timidly shrinking fromwhatever might offend God and discredit The Name ofChrist).” (Amp.Bible)

1 Timothy 4 Verses 15-16 “Meditate upon these things;give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appearto all.” (16) “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine;continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both savethyself, and them that hear thee.”

2 Timothy 3 Verses 14-17 “But continue thou in the thingswhich thou hast learned and hast been assured of,knowing of whom thou hast learned them;”

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(15) “And that from a child thou hast known the holyscriptures, which are able to make thee wise untosalvation through Faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

(16) “All scripture is given by inspiration ofGod, and is profitable for doctrine, forreproof, for correction, for instruction inrighteousness:”(17) “That the man of God may beperfect, thoroughly furnished unto allgood works.”

There is not one incident in the whole of NewTestament scripture where an individual came to Jesuswith a physical need and was not healed! He heals all whowould receive.

Matthew 8 Verse 17 “That it might be fulfilled which wasspoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took ourinfirmities, and bare [our] sicknesses.”

Sin and separation from The Presence of God came

about because of “disobedience” when Adam ate of

“the fruit” of the wrong tree. Jesus reconciled us back

to The Father at “The Cross,” Jesus Himself, “TheFruit” of the Right Tree!”

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1 Peter 2 Verse 24

“Who his own self bare our sins in hisown body on the tree, that we, being dead tosins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes yewere healed.”

Jesus Himself states,

Matthew 9 Verse 1“... They that be whole need not a physician,

but they that are sick.”

Matthew 14 Verses 35(b)-36 “... and brought unto him allthat were diseased;” (36) “And besought him that theymight only touch the hem of his garment:and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.”

Jesus’ touch, is the physical manifestation of theSovereignty of God. Jesus healed all manner of sicknessand we can see from the Greek translation of the word

“healing” in the context of the Master’s touch - we find

the word, “therapeuo,” which means “to waitupon menially or to bring about relief.”

This is further translated as “healing,” thirty eight

times and “cure,” five times, it is the derivative of the

word “therapeutic.”

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Matthew 15 Verses 30-31 “And great multitudes cameunto Him, having with them [those that were] lame, blind,dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down

at Jesus’ feet; and He healed them:”(31) “Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when theysaw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lameto walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified The God ofIsrael.”

Speaking of The Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ, theprophet Isaiah says ...

Isaiah 53 Verses 4-5 “Surely he hath borne our griefs, andcarried our sorrows (pains): yet we did esteem Himstricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.”(5) “But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [Hewas] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of ourpeace [was] upon Him; and with His stripes we arehealed.”

The question arises, is salvation andhealing for all?

Definitely, YES! It is, for all who willpress in and receive their portion!

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The Syrophenician woman wanted the devil cast outof her daughter, Jesus said to her ...

Mark 7 Verse 27 “... Let the children first be filled: for it is

not meet to take ... the children’s bread, and tocast [it] unto the dogs.”

Healing and deliverance are here spoken of by the

Master as, “the children’s bread,” so if you are achild of God, you can surely press in for your portion!

The Word of God can drive away every

disease from your body. As the “sharp two-edgedsword of truth” ... slashes, it is yourblood-purchased portion in Christ!He, Who is our bread, our life, ourhealth, our All in all. His Words are Spiritand Life to those who would press in toreceive them!

John 5 Verse 6(b)

“ ... Wilt thou be made whole?”

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We do have an enemy, and he actually plotsagainst man and therefore against God. When herebelled against God and fell, he became theinstigator behind all situations of temptation towardsin. This set the scene for his rebellion and fall toaffect us, in a more direct sense ... and Eden, thegarden was the place in which it was set in motion.

At mans’ fall, man gave “place to thedevil,” by an act of the will - he chosetoo! And we have been subject to sin’sinfluence ever since!

The nature of “sin,” is the same nature as the

one who lies In wait to “deceive.”

Genesis 4 Verse 7(b)

“ … sin lieth at the door.”

Because of his deception of Adam and Eve, theserpent was cursed by The Lord God. As a result, he was

to crawl and slither on the ground and “eat dust!”

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“Deception,” “degeneration” and

“corruption,” are all part of the curse of sin thatnow followed both Adam and Eve because of their

“temptation to sin” and their fall from “Grace.”

Banished from Eden’s garden Adam and Eve now

dwelt in ... “Dis – grace!”

Now they were accompanied bysin that lies in wait, with corruption,decay and death the final outcome …

But Praise God for His Greatand Amazing Love, “Mercy” had aplan. God’s Only Begotten, TheLord Jesus Christ. God’s outpouringof Love to a …

“sin-sick and dying world.”

“Deception and death,” have beenbed-partners for years and probably will continue todo so, should the Lord tarry.

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Now, there’s a point in question, Jesus said tothe disciples,

John 8 Verse 51 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, If aman keep my saying, he shall never see death.”

This He said to the disciples, and all, are longsince passed away, they died physically. It is myfirm conviction that these saints, would NOT bedeceived to the point of Eternal damnation because

of “sins corrupting influence.”

And that really, is the point of the enemy’s deception;he hates God and God’s Created, man.

Just think about this for a while, because onceconsidered, it really begins to make quite a lot ofsense.

Together with his God-given mate, Adam wasappointed to rule the earth as God’s representative.

The tripartite make up of his innernature represented thelikeness of The Triunity God.

His outward form mirrored the Image of TheLord who Created him, and what’s more, we still do!

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Both in his inward nature and his outward form, heuniquely represented God to the rest ofearth and it’s creatures.

Furthermore, Adam and Eve enjoyed regular

personal fellowship with the Lord. At the close ofeach day He came to spend time withthem.

This, was and is “communion,” it’sour “common union,” with our Creator,our Father God, now that’s


Who knows what revelations of Himself Heshared with them? We do know, however, that Godgranted Adam the privilege of choosing names forall the other living creatures.

The greatest tragedy of human historyfollowed, tricked by satan, Adam and Eve tradedtheir God-given inheritance for a piece of fruit!

“The fruit of the wrong nature …”

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This disobedience affected every part of Adamstripartite nature. His spirit cut off from God died. In hissoul he became a rebel henceforth at war with hisCreator. His body became subject to sickness,aging and, ultimately, death.

Man has partaken of the fruit of “TheKnowledge of Good and evil” for so long thatthis fruit has numbed his sense of discernment.

Modern man has in many ways been lulled into thedeceit of compromise. His senses have been dulledbecause of the lack of exercise.

Hebrews 5 Verses 11-14 “Of whom we have many things

to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dullof hearing.” (12) “For when for the time ye ought tobe teachers, ye have need that one teach you again whichbe the first principles of The Oracles of God; and arebecome such as have need of milk, and not of strongmeat.”(13) “For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the wordof righteousness: for he is a babe.”(14) “But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full

age, even those who by reason of use havetheir senses exercised to discern bothgood and evil.”

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You can’t discern “Good from evil,” unless thesenses are put into use! Unless they are functioning they

are “dulled” and you are only partaking of “TheTree of Knowledge,” when you should be

partaking of “The Tree of Life!”

“Compromise,” builds “complacency”and “complacency” gives way to “familiarity,”and I am sure that we have all heard the statement,

“Familiarity breeds contempt!!!”

Have you ever been in a room where everyonepresent is happy? I’m sure that we all have, thishappiness flows throughout the room, then the doorfly’s open and old grumpy guts walks in.

All of a sudden, everyone starts to pick up on themood swing of the person who has just entered.

Now, you cannot see these things called,

“anger,” “frustration,” “bitterness etc.”That is, until they begin to manifest their presence; have Imade my point?

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We do have an enemy, that we cannot see, but wecan see the dirty footprints. We cannot see,unless for some reason The Lord God Almightyopens our eyes for a specific purpose.

And I doubt that, reason being is that for themain, we would just not be able to handle whatgoes on in regard to those things that we cannot

see and the “super saints” reckon thatthey can!!!?? Many, many insecure types wantrecognition to some area of expertise.

“Come on! Get your balance back.”

You cannot see these things that lurkwith sin, but you can see the afteraffects. But some people, just want tosee demons under ever coffee pot!

Unfortunately, some folk are just plain good at

“opening the dog kennel door andthrowing the cat in!!!” Then they just walk

away and watch the fur fly … just how painfullyinsecure do you have to get?

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Sad part about it is, that there exists in societytoday those stand vehemently against God who they insistthey cannot possibly see, yet they want to play games withdemons and satan.

All of Creation testifies as to both Gods Power andExistence but somehow, their own deluded supremacydenies the Very One Who gives them breath!!!

“Ungrateful, selfish child!!!”

Why is it that “sin” can occur on this side of

the globe, as well as the other? “Sin” like

“death,” is given limited jurisdiction but they arein no way supreme.

“Sin” and “death,” alike, are not“omnipresent,” they are limited to“the here and now called, “Time.”

When Jesus shed His sinlessBlood to Atone for the sin we commit,He did it once, for all mankind.

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Hebrews 9 Verse 28

“So Christ was once offered to bear thesins of many; and unto them that look for Him shallHe appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

1 John 1 Verses 5-10 “This then is the messagewhich we have heard of Him, and declare unto you,that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all.”(6) “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, andwalk in darkness, we lie, and do not The Truth:”(7) “But if we walk in The Light, as He is in TheLight, we have fellowship one with another, and TheBlood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from allsin.” (8) “If we say that we have no sin, we deceiveourselves, and The Truth is not in us.”(9) “If we confess our sins, He is Faithful and Just toForgive us [our] sins, and to Cleanse us from allunrighteousness.” (10) “If we say that we have notsinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not inus.”

Let’s just change the scene for a moment, I would likeus to reflect on the courtyard where Jesus was beaten,mocked and scourged at the whipping post. In otherwords, what He had to endure for us even before

struggling to the hill called, “the skull” and death on

“The Cross!”

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1 Peter 3 Verse 18 “For Christ also hath oncesuffered for sins, the just for the unjust,that He might bring us to God, being put todeath in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:”

Isaiah 53 Verses 2(b)-4“ ... He hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shallsee Him, [there is] no beauty that we should desire Him.”(3) “He is despised and rejected of men; a man ofsorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as itwere [our] faces from Him; He was despised, andwe esteemed Him not.”

(4) “Surely He hath borne our griefs, andcarried our sorrows: yet we did esteemHim stricken, smitten of God, andafflicted.”

Blood from His nose, and the crownof thorns caused the Blood to flow intoHis hair and beard, matting it.

His back was raw, The Blood tospurted out onto the dust. His heartpumping it through His arteries ... therewas just BLOOD EVERYWHERE!

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Bashed and exhausted, they hurried Him to thehigh priest’s hall. In the dead of night they boundHim and led Him away. Then they took Him to Pilateand to Herod.

They “scourged” Him and put on

His head a “crown of thorns.”

Matthew 27 Verses 27-31 “Then the soldiers of thegovernor took Jesus into the common hall, andgathered unto him the whole band [of soldiers].”(28) “And they stripped him, and put on him a

scarlet robe.” (29) “And when they had platted a crownof thorns, they put [it] upon His head, and a reed inHis Right Hand: and they bowed the knee beforeHim, and mocked Him, saying, Hail, King of theJews!” (30) “And they spit upon Him, and took thereed, and smote Him on the head.”(31) “And after that they had mocked Him, they tookthe robe off from Him, and put His own raiment onHim, and led Him away to crucify [Him].”

“Scourging,” is one of the most awfultortures that can be inflicted.

It is to the eternal disgrace of Englishman that theypermitted the cat ‘o’nine - tails to be used on the soldier;but to the Romans, cruelty was so natural that they madetheir common punishments worse than brutal.

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The Roman scourge is said to have been madeof the sinews of oxen, twisted into knots, and intothese knots were inserted both slivers of bone andthe hipbones of sheep.

Every time the scourge fell upon the bare back,

Psalm 129 Verse 3

“The plowers ploughed upon My back:they made long their furrows.”

Our Saviour was called upon to endure thefierce pain of the Roman scourge, and this as apreliminary to crucifixion.

In addition to this, they pounded Him, with their fistsand tore out His hair; they spared Him no form of pain. Inall this punishment He endured the point of collapseand fainting, cause by through bleeding, theimmense thirst and lack of food.

Isaiah 53 Verse 5

“But He [was] wounded for our transgressions, [Hewas] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our

peace [was] upon Him; and with His stripes weare healed.”

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The most obvious and relevant thing that wecan understand from this passage, is that,

Our “Transgressions,” They cause“wounding” to the relationship that we havewith God!

Our “iniquities,” they “bruise” therelationship that we have with God!

Our “unrestful disobedience” brings

God’s chastening!” But “healing” and “peace,”come from the fact of Jesus taking the punishment thatwas rightfully due to us!

The word “stripes,” is used to describe and

set forth His sufferings, those of both

“body and soul.”

The whole of Christ Jesus wasmade a sacrifice for us: His wholemanhood suffered, His body andHis mind shared in a grief thatnever be fully described.

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The words in the Hebrew, are quite descriptivein themselves for example;

“Chabbuwrah,” means literally,

“to welt, to bruise:”

“Mahalummah,” means literally,

“to receive fierce blows:”

“Makkah,” means literally, “to receive atorrent of pounding blows andcontinuous wounds.”

“Nega,” means literally, “to receive theafflictions like those of beingcompletely covered from head tofoot with oozing leprous spots andsores:”

“Nakah,” means literally, “to strike sorelywith the intent to kill or maim, to woundto the point of staggering under the eightof pain like a reeling drunken man.”

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Jesus, did not suffer just thequick pain of a few ...


No, He suffered every part of hisbeing, the most vile beating thatany person should ever have tosuffer at the hands of others.

The bleeding, the aching thetotal numbing and agony of thepain, my pen could not even beginto match or describe!

Isaiah 53 Verses 8-12 “He was taken from prisonand from judgment: and who shall declare Hisgeneration? for He was cut off out of the land of theliving: for the transgression of my people was Hestricken.” (9) “And He made His grave with thewicked, and with the rich in His death; because Hehad done no violence, neither [was any] deceit inHis mouth.”

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(10) “Yet it pleased The LORD to bruiseHim; He hath put [Him] to grief: when thou shaltmake His soul an offering for sin, He shall see [His]seed, He shall prolong [His] days, and the pleasureof The LORD shall prosper in His Hand.”(11) “He shall see of the travail of His soul, [and]shall be satisfied: by His knowledge shall MyRighteous Servant Justify many; for He shall beartheir iniquities.”

(12) “Therefore will I divide Him [a portion]with the great, and He shall divide thespoil with the strong; because He hathpoured out His soul unto death: and Hewas numbered with thetransgressors; and He bare the sin ofmany, and made intercession for thetransgressors.”

Do you remember that the Psalm stated God’sopinion of those that choose to deny Him in favour

of their “sin”

Psalm 14 Verses 1-6 “The fool hath said in hisheart, [There is] no God. They are corrupt, theyhave done abominable works, [there is] none thatdoeth good.”

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(2) “The LORD looked down from Heaven upon thechildren of men, to see if there were any that didunderstand, [and] seek God.” (3) “They are all goneaside, they are [all] together become filthy: [there is]none that doeth good, no, not one.” (4) “Have all theworkers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up Mypeople [as] they eat bread, and call not upon TheLORD.” (5) “There were they in great fear: for God[is] in the generation of the righteous.”(6) “Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor,because The LORD [is] his refuge.”

The irony being, that God has seen fit to repeatHis Rebuke yet again, and with the same words in,

Psalm 53 Verses 1-4 “The fool hath said in hisheart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and havedone abominable iniquity: there is none that doethgood.” (2) “God looked down from Heaven upon thechildren of men, to see if there were any that didunderstand, that did seek God.”(3) “Every one of them is gone back: they arealtogether become filthy; there is none that doethgood, no, not one.” (4) “Have the workers of iniquityno knowledge? who eat up my people as they eatbread: they have not called upon God.”

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Now, if God Himself takes the timeand the effort to see a thing repeated,then surely, we would do well to listen!!!

Psalm 107 Verse 17 “Fools because of theirtransgression, and because of their iniquities, areafflicted.”

Proverbs 5 Verse 22 “His own iniquities shall takethe wicked himself, and he shall be holden with thecords of his sins.”

Romans 4 Verses 6-8 “Even as David alsodescribeth the blessedness of the man, unto whomGod imputeth righteousness without works,”(7) “[Saying], Blessed [are] they whose iniquities areforgiven, and whose sins are covered.”(8) “Blessed [is] the man to whom The Lord will notimpute sin.”

At the whipping posts in the Roman courtyards,the cruelty of the Roman flagulent tore strips offlesh and Blood right out of Jesus’ bashed andBlood stained body. What took place was no fiveminute episode, it lasted till Jesus, was almost

“dead on His feet.”

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This was no school yard caning, it was abashing! It began with a physical beating and as He

was beaten with rods, that “cruel crown ofthorns” was jammed onto His Head.

The spikes cutting and the pressure against HisHead alone meant for us that He suffered thedistress of every mental anguish, pain depressionand confusion that we could ever endure in ourhumanity.

“… the chastisement of our peace [was]upon Him; and with His stripes we arehealed.”

This now takes on a totally newunderstanding for us and we know thatwith all of His torture, beating andabuse. He bore our bruising,chastisement and peace ...mentally, physically and spiritually.

“ … with His stripes we are healed.”

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These things are areas of pain, suffering and

torture endured and conquered by TheLord. It would do well for us to consider them, but

more to the point … rejoice in His triumph!!!

Now when you “Lay hands” on the sick,

tormented and afflicted, you are doing it with theknowledge and confidence,

“ … with His stripes we are healed.”

“It is finished!!!”


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All the impossibility is with us when we measure Godby the limitations of our unbelief.

God’s plan is always this, If you believe, youreceive; if you receive, you receivebelieving - you shall see the glory ofGod.

I believe God wants to bring us all to a definite placeof unswerving Faith and confidence in Himself.

Mark 11 Verse 23 “For verily I say unto you, Thatwhosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed,and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in hisheart, but shall believe that those things which he saithshall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”

The mainspring of Faith, and is a heart of Love. Godbrings us into a place of perfect Love and perfect Faith.His Words to us are Spirit and Life.

John 6 Verse 63 “It is The Spirit that quickeneth; the fleshprofiteth nothing: The Words that I speak unto you, [they]are Spirit, and [they] are Life.”

“Why do Christianssometimes fall ill?”

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Transforming us and changing us, expelling thatwhich is natural and imparting that which is Divine,supernatural ... naturally super! The God of all Gracewhose very essence is Love, delights to give liberally allthe inheritance of life and strength and power that you arein need of.

I realise that God can never Bless us on the lines ofbeing hardhearted, critical or unforgiving. This will kill Faith

quicker than anything. There are many goodpeople, people that mean well but theyhave no power to do anything for God -because they have been paralysed inthe Faith by hardhearted unforgivenessand critical doubts which spell the deathknell of unbelief.

If we believe God, God meets our need. If we seeJesus totally as God’s Lamb, as God’s beloved Son who

had laid upon Him the iniquity of us all - if we canbut see that Jesus has paid the price in“FULL.”

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We can enter into our purchasedinheritance - “We action our response,and move toward appropriating thepromises ... salvation and life eternaland the empowering of new life, a HolyGhost filled life NOW!”

Sin is the cause of sickness and not righteousness -disease, is not caused by righteousness but by sin and

“the wages of sin is death; but the gift ofGod is eternal life through Jesus Christour Lord.” (Rom.6:23)

There is healing through the Blood of Christ Jesus,deliverance for every captive of satan. God, neverintended His children to live in misery because of some

affliction that comes directly from the devil. A perfectatonement was made at Calvary, whenwe understand this, we walk in it! That iswhy many do not walk in victory ... theydon’t know it!

Matthew 20 Verse 28 “Even as The Son of man came notto be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His Lifea ransom for many.”

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There are many people today, becoming cross-eyed,to quote Smith Wigglesworth.

“They have one eye on the doctorand the other eye on Jesus.” “If you willonly look to Christ and put both youreyes on Him, you can be made everywhit whole, spirit, soul and body. It is theword of the Living God that they believeshould be justified, free from all things;and whom the Son sets free, is freeindeed!”

People consistently try to patch up their lives by livingby their own methods but we cannot do anything withoutGod - one touch of living Faith in Him is all that is requiredand wholeness is your portion.

Faith is the open door through which the Lord comes,God saves through the open door, healing comes thesame way. You believe, and The Virtue of Christ comes,healing is for The Glory of God. The Lord would socleanse the motive and desires of our hearts that we willseek but only one thing, His Glory.

“ ... Wilt thou be made whole?”

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Jesus asks it, we supply the answer!

Hebrews 2 Verse 14 “Forasmuch then as the children arepartakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise tookpart of the same; that through death He might destroy himthat had the power of death, that is, the devil;”

2 Corinthians 1 Verse 20 “For all the promises of God inHim [are] yea, and in Him Amen, unto The Glory of God byus.”

2 Corinthians 7 Verse 1 “Having therefore these promises,dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthinessof the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in The Fear ofGod.”

When Jesus healed disease, whether demonically orphysically caused, He pushed back the kingdom of satan.

There was nothing the devil did that Jesus did notundo. God wills that the health of the soul should have aBlessed influence on the health of the body, that ThePresence of Jesus in the soul should have itsconfirmation in the good condition of the body:

Indwelled by The Living Christ, God’s Anointed, TheSpirit of Holiness, The Spirit of wholeness. The return tohealth, which is the fruit of repentance of sin. Consecrationto God and Communion with God is infinitely better thansickness.

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1 Thessalonians 4 Verses 7-8 “For God hath not called usunto uncleanness, but unto Holiness.” (8) “He thereforethat despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath alsogiven unto us His Holy Spirit.”

“Commitment” brings “relationship,”“relationship” brings “response ...response to obedience, obedience” brings

“submission.” “Submission toobedience,” the response of “Love and Faithin action.” The devil cannot legally lay onus what God has already laid on Jesus!

Christians become sick because of ...

a) “Ignorance ...”

At Calvary’s tree, Jesus literally became saturatedwith our sickness and disease that we might be healed.

Isaiah 53 Verses 4-5 “Surely He hath borne our griefs, andcarried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken,smitten of God, and afflicted.” (5) “But He [was] woundedfor our transgressions, [He was] bruised for our iniquities:the chastisement of our peace [was] upon Him; and with

… His stripes we are healed.”

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Some carry a lack of knowledge of what Jesus did

accomplish at Calvary. Jesus not only died andshed His sinless Blood, for our sins, butalso for our sicknesses. God wants forHis Children to be complete and whole,Mentally, Physically and spiritually …Spirit, soul and body!

b) “Disobedience...”

Wilful sin and open rebellion,showing a refusal to listen to The Wordof God. Refusal to hearken andrespond, God’s healing to His children isconditional to obedience.

James 1 Verses 19 & 21-22 “Wherefore, my belovedbrethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak,slow to wrath:”

Verses 21-22 “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness andsuperfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness theengrafted word, which is able to save your souls.”(22) “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,deceiving your own selves.”

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c) “Neglect of the Physical Body ...”

God, in His wisdom, instructed a day of rest for ourown protection. The basis of this instruction stands sure ...

1. Good food, (physical nutrition.)2. Good rest, (sound, adequate sleep.)3. Good fellowship,

(communication and encouragement.)4. Feeding on The Word of God;

(feeding the spirit man.)5. Worship, (in spirit and in truth being

in communion with God.)

6. Prayer, (Communication, communionwith God.)

7. Loving our neighbours,(serving and being

“doers of The Word.”)

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God also gave instruction towards the preparation,manner, and hygiene, related to food. Although we are notunder the covenant of The Law today yet the law is fulfilledin every basic requirement as Jesus stated, that He camenot to remove but to fulfil the law.

“ ... Not one dot shall pass away.”

It is significant that in order for the children of Israel toexperience God’s Blessing, the laws in relation to hygiene,food and rest, required the same respect as the rest of theTen Commandments.

Jesus summed up the whole issue ...

Mark 12 Verses 29-31 “And Jesus answered him, The firstof all The Commandments [is], Hear, O Israel; The Lordour God is One Lord:” (30) “And thou shalt love The Lordthy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with allthy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the firstcommandment.” (31) “And the second [is] like, [namely]this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

There is none other commandmentgreater than these.”

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d) “Wrong Attitudes ...”

Wrong attitudes give rise to damaging emotions, thatare destructive to the physical body. For example,

stress, anxiety, fear, resentment,bitterness, anger, hatred and envy, anupset mind, a sick body!

“Whoever or whatever controls yourmind, controls your heart - whoever orwhatever controls your heart, controlsyou!”(Dalton.)

Instead, we should be led to ...

Romans 12 Verse 2 “And be not conformed to this world:

but be ye transformed by the renewingof your mind, that ye may prove what [is]that good, and acceptable, and perfect,Will of God.”

1 Timothy 6 Verses 3-6 “If any man teach otherwise, andconsent not to wholesome words, [even] the words of ourLord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is accordingto godliness;”

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(4) “He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting aboutquestions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy,strife, railings, evil surmisings,”(5) “Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, anddestitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness:

from such withdraw thyself.” (6) “But godlinesswith contentment is great gain.”

Even Jesus was limited in His miracle-working abilityby the unbelief of the people!The

Matthew 13 Verse 58 “And He did not manymighty works there because of theirunbelief.”

You see, you can quench work of The Holy Spirit

through “doubt and unbelief!”

e) “A Continuous Wrong Confession ...”

This negativity links arms with unbelief in the fact itgives the powers of darkness access to bring oppression.

Proverbs 6 Verse 2 “Thou art snared with the words of thymouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.”

Proverbs 23 Verse 7(a)“For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he: ... ”

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Even The Lords servant Job declared,

Job 3 Verse 25 “For the thing which I greatly feared iscome upon me, and that which I was afraid of is comeunto me.”

f) “Not Discerning The Lord’s Body ...”

1 Corinthians 11 Verses 28-30 “But let a man examinehimself, and so let him eat of [that] bread, and drink of[that] cup.” (29) “For he that eateth and drinkethunworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, notdiscerning The Lord’s body.” (30) “For this cause many[are] weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.”

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Jesus is the embodiment of His Father, of The SameNature, functioning in perfect concert with His Will for theredemption of the human race.

It is the Father’s Will that all men be saved and comeinto knowledge of the truth - to receive the mercy andcompassion which has been extended to all.

2 Peter 3 Verse 9 “The Lord is not slack concerning HisPromise, as some men count slackness; but is

longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that anyshould perish, but that all should come torepentance.

The root causes of disease and sickness may bephysical, psychological or spiritual. Regardless the cause,Christians do have authority in Christ Jesus over satan’sgrip of bitterness and the fruits of darkness.

Christians all too often look at disease and infirmity

and accept it, saying, “It must be the will ofGod” or “We’ll understand it better whenwe get to Heaven.” In some cases, God doesn’theal, but frequently, people make these statements tomean that God doesn’t want to heal anyone today.

“Steps To Appropriate Healing ...”

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In this sense, these statements are platitudes ofunbelief, falling desperately short of what God has for us.He is our Heavenly Father of Mercy and Love and hasgiven the authority to work the works of Jesus.

1 John 4 Verse 17(b)

“... as He is, so are we in this world.”

Acts 10 Verse 38 “How God AnointedJesus of Nazareth with The HolyGhost and with Power: who wentabout doing good, and healing all thatwere oppressed of the devil; for Godwas with Him.”

Not that we are anything in ourselves, but Christ

within us is our all in all. God is willing to do things, to

manifest His Word, and let us know in measure The Mindof our God in this day and hour.

Colossians 3 Verse 11(b)

“ … but Christ is all, and in all.”

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John 14 Verse 12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that

believeth on Me, the works that I do shall hedo also; and greater works than theseshall he do; because I go unto MyFather.”

John 17 Verse 17

“Sanctify them throughThy Truth: Thy Word is Truth.”

The Power of God is beyond all our comprehension,we do not see the full manifestation of God’s Glory inoperation because we in fact limit Him through our owndisbelief and because of our finite thoughts.

We must press on in and let God have His way, thereis no limit to what our limitless God will do in response to alimitless Faith.

Faith, is a Gift from God, and as such, it has nolimitations. But you will never enter fully into it, unless youare in willingness and constant pursuit of God.

Proverbs 4 Verses 20-22 “My son, attend to My Words;incline thine ear unto My sayings.” (21) “Let them notdepart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thineheart.” (22) “For they [are] Life unto those that find them,and health to all their flesh.”

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Here, we can see Verse 20 says,

“Attend to My Words; incline thine ear unto My sayings.”

Then Verse 22 it says,

“For they (that’s God’s Words andSayings) are Life to those that find themand health to all their flesh.”

So, healing is in The Words and the Sayings of God.Study them ... study the instructions.

Psalm 107 Verse 20 “He sent His Word, andhealed them, and delivered them fromtheir destructions.”

1 Corinthians 2 Verse 5 “That your Faith should not standin the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

1 Corinthians 2 Verse 16 “For who hath known the mind ofthe Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mindof Christ.”

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Proverbs 4 Verses 20-22 gives us four specificinstructions,

1. “Attend to My words.”2. “Incline thine ear unto My sayings.”3. “Let them not depart from thine eyes.”4. “Keep them in the midst of thineheart.”

1. “Attend to My words.”The key to healing is hearing, Jesus said to His


Mark 4 Verse 24 “Take heed what ye hear: with whatmeasure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and untoyou that hear shall more be given.”

“Take heed” is translated from the Greek word

“prosecho,” meaning “to hold the mind,paying strict attention in order to applyone’s self.”

Luke 8 Verse 18 “Take heed therefore how ye hear: forwhosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoeverhath not, from him shall be taken even that which heseemeth to have.”

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It’s what we listen to and how we listen to it. The firstcondition, the basic one is,

Exodus 15 Verse 26(a) “If thou wilt diligently hearken toThe Voice of The Lord thy God.”

I quite like the way that our brother in Christ Jesus,Derek Prince describes this, he explains; (quote.)

“The word that’s translated “diligently hearken”in the Hebrew is a repetition of the verb, “to listenwith listening,” meaning “undividedattention, listening with both ears.”

(end quote.)

Romans 10 Verse 17 “So then Faith [cometh] by hearing,and hearing by The Word of God.”

This shows the requirement is “diligence tohear God,” then “to do!”

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2. “Incline thine ear unto My sayings.”The second condition, “Incline thine ear ... ”

This indicates an attitude of humility andcorresponding teachability, a very important principle,

God’s Word works in us only in so far aswe receive it!

Responding to the repeated promises in The Bible ofhealing, health, strength, long life, prosperity andabundance.

Psalm 103 Verses 3 & 5 “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;... who healeth all thy diseases;”

Verse 5 “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good [things; sothat] thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

James 1 Verses 18-21 “Of his own will begat he us withthe word of truth,(our becoming Christians is due to theWord of God):... that we should be a kind of firstfruits of hiscreatures.” (19) “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, letevery man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath(swift to hear but slow to speak):” (20) “For the wrath ofman worketh not the Righteousness of God.”(21) “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity ofnaughtiness, and receive with meekness the engraftedword, which is able to save your souls.”

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God’s Word can save, it can heal, it can Bless ininnumerable ways, but only if you receive it withmeekness.

2 Corinthians 5 Verses 5 & 19 “Now He that hath wroughtus for the selfsame thing [is] God, who also hath givenunto us the earnest of The Spirit.”

Verse 19 “To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling theworld unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses untothem; and hath committed unto us The Word ofreconciliation.”

The Spirit of Christ is The Spirit ofreconciliation, The Spirit of Healing, TheSpirit of God’s Holiness, The Spirit ofWholeness, The Spirit of Creativity,The Spirit of New Life!

3 John 1 Verse 2 “Beloved, I wish above all things thatthou mayest prosper and be ... in health, even as thy soulprospereth.”

The problem with many people with regards toappropriating the sure promises of God is that they haven’tlearned to focus their spiritual eyesight, so their vision ofspiritual things is blurred.

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Luke 11 Verse 34 “The light of the body is the eye:

therefore when thine eye is single, thywhole body also is full of light; but when[thine eye] is evil, thy body also [is] full of darkness.”

Here, Jesus is speaking about something that affectsour whole body. A body that’s full of light doesn’t haveroom for sickness - light and darkness are mutuallyexclusive, sickness is from darkness - health is from light.

Genesis 1 Verse 4 “And God saw the light,that [it was] good: and God divided the light fromthe darkness.”

Malachi 4 Verse 2 “But unto you that fear My Name shallThe Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings;and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”

The two products of Light are “Righteousness”and “Healing.”

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3. “Let them not departfrom thine eyes.”

Without “The Light,” there can be no sight, all isin darkness. Even the Egyptians had the fearful

experience of “thick darkness” for a full three day

period so that they could not even see their hands held infront of their face. Can you imagine it, God so had it, thatthere were not even any fires to cook by, let alone lampswith which to see. The Lord God extinguished all sources

of “Light!”

“If your eye is single (simple,sincere)” thy whole body also is full ofLight; …”

This third instruction shows us that we have to readThe Bible with that single eye of simplicity and sincerity,be simple and get healed! The simplicity of childlike

“Trust and Faith” which in the eyes of the world isfoolishness.

1 Corinthians 1 Verse 25 “Because the foolishness of Godis wiser than men; and the weakness of God is strongerthan men.”

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1 Corinthians1 Verse 18 “For the preaching of The Crossis to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which aresaved it is The Power of God.”

Out of the foolishness of The Cross comes theunsearchable Wisdom of God.

1 Corinthians 3 Verse 18 “Let no man deceive himself. Ifany man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, lethim become a fool, that he may be wise.”

Between us and God’s wisdom is the valley ofhumility ... we have to lay aside worldly wisdom. We haveto become fools in the eyes of the world that wemay really enter into God’s Wisdom.

4. “Keep them in themidst of thine heart.”

1 Peter 2 Verses 6(b)-7(a) “... and he that believeth onHim shall not be confounded.” (7a) “Unto you thereforewhich believe [He is] precious: ... ”

1 Peter 2 Verse 9 “But ye [are] a chosen generation, aRoyal Priesthood, an Holy nation, a peculiar people; thatye should shew forth The Praises of Him who hath calledyou out of darkness into His Marvellous Light:”

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We must hear, see and do, the principle of the“ear-gate and the eye-gate” must becomepractically applied to us as individuals.

The Word must penetrate, it must be established, inorder to be understood.

The assessment of knowledge in our human makeuppasses basically through and into us by several means,

those of “touch, smell, taste, hearing andsight.”

The most predominant means of learning resource

being that of “hearing and seeing.” The purpose

of going through the “eye-gate” and the

“ear-gate,” is to reach that vital central area of human

personality which the Bible calls “the heart,”

or “the heart of hearts.”

When The Word of God and theprinciples applied to it get to the heart,they’ll do what is promised. But if they don’tget to the heart, they will not produce results.

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Proverbs 4 Verse 23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence; ...for out of it [are] the issues of life.”

“Guard your heart with all your strength; for all the thingsin life come out of it!”

If you have the right thing in your heart, your life willgo right. God’s Word penetrates, where nothing else canpenetrate. It divides between soul and spirit, the veryinnermost area, there’s no area out of its reach.

Our steps towards healing are:

1. Prayerfully consider the possiblereasons for the affliction.

2. Ensure that your heart is right.3. Ask and expect The Lord to heal you.4. If you live in a Christian household,ask a brother to join you in prayer and tolay hands on you and pray for healing.

Mark 16 Verse 18(b)“... they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shallrecover.”

5. Or, call for the elders of the church.

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James 5 Verse 14-15 “Is any sick among you? let him callfor the elders of the church; and ... let them pray over him,anointing him with oil in The Name of The Lord:”(15) “And the prayer of Faith shall save the sick, and TheLord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins,they shall be forgiven him.”

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There are two ways that a hard heart affects ourviews,

a) By inclining us to a worldly viewpoint that excludesthe supernatural manifestations of God’s Blessings beingreceived by us.

b) By preventing us from wanting to alter our faulty pointof view through apathy or complacency - In either case,the key to seeing The Kingdom of God and doing theworks of Christ is by the opening of our hearts more fullyto The Holy Spirit. The active ministry of The Lord JesusChrist is the ministry of The Church.

We may have the written Word the “Logos,” but if wedo not have the “Rhema,” the quickened response of theHoly Spirit, our intents are lifeless, The Spirit and TheWord agree together ... inseparably!

Matthew 13 Verse 23 “But he that received seed into thegood ground (an open heart) is he that heareth The Word,and understandeth [it] (as The Holy Spirit bears himwitness); which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, somean hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”

“The Gift of Divine Healing ...Christ’s Commission to The Church.”

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It is interesting to note, that the total sum of the lattertwo is still less than a hundredfold, hence our aim is toachieve that hundredfold increase!

John 15 Verses 7-8 “If ye abide in Me, and My Wordsabide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be doneunto you.” (8) “Herein is My Father Glorified, that ye bearmuch fruit; so shall ye be My disciples.”

John 14 Verse 12 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He thatbelieveth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; andgreater [works] than these shall he do; because I go untomy Father.”

Like Jesus, we are called to do The Father’s biddingwherever He has placed us. Instead of looking to changethings outwardly, we should let God change us inwardly,through the regeneration of The Holy Ghost ... theinstilment of new birth.

God created us living souls and gave us bodiesthrough which we can experience the world around us(Creation), also He gave us the ability to communicatewith one another.

When man fell through sin, he began to think of

himself as having a soul, instead of being one!

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Genesis 2 Verse 7 “And The LORD God formed man of

the dust of the ground, and breathed into hisnostrils The Breath of Life; and manbecame a living soul.”

It makes a lot of difference whether aman believes that he is a body having asoul or a soul having a physical body:

For the moral “unlikeness” between man and

God, The Bible has a word, “alienation.” Fallen

human nature is precisely opposite to The Nature of Godas revealed in Jesus Christ.

Because there is no moral likeness, there is no

“communion,” no “common union.” Wherethe communion is non-existent, the belief in manifestationsof the miraculous and Divine healing are very difficult forthe unregenerated or carnal mind to comprehend or tounderstand, if not downright impossible. We do have our

inheritance as God’s children, and “healing andwholeness are part of it.”

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Acts 4 Verses 29(b)-30“... and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they

may speak Thy Word,” (30) “By stretching forthThine hand to heal; and that signs andwonders may be done by The Name ofThy Holy Child Jesus.”

Christ’s ministry was devoted to training the disciplesto do The Father’s works. Jesus, was action orientated,His disciples learned by doing as He did.

Orientated towards a way of life through doing, asopposed to that of the accumulation of knowledge aboutGod.

Scripture needs to proceed in The Spirit of“Faith,” “Hope and Love,” learning tohear God’s voice and to do His bidding.

Signs and wonders authenticated Christ Jesus’Divinity ... they were the key to establishing the apostolicauthority of the twelve and St. Paul ... the proof of Jesus’Messiahship, the verification of the coming of TheKingdom of God.

“Healing and the early disciples.”

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“Signs and wonders and Gifts ofHealing” in the early Church demonstrates that Jesusintended them to be an integral part of the disciple’sministry.

The healing of the sick, casting out demons, feedingthousands, raising the dead, cleansing lepers, were andare all avenues through which the disciples learned moreabout God’s Nature. The disciples understood andaccepted what Jesus expected of them.

The example the Master has set for all of us, is that of

“transferring ministry,” the vessel (or humanchannel) of God supernaturally used to impart to othersthat which has been imparted to the Faithful disciple ofThe Living Christ, Jesus developed in the twelve, maturecharacter and leadership.

They were teachable, they saw thelarge gap between Christ’s life and theirown. Each new step of Faith was a springboard for theirMaster to push them further, stretching their views andexpanding their understanding of God.

Luke 9 Verses 1-2 “Then he called his twelve disciplestogether, and gave them power and authority over alldevils, and to cure diseases.” (2) “And he sent them topreach The Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.”

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He was sending the disciples as His personalambassadors, they went in His Authority and Power.

They proclaimed and freely offered healing, no matterwhat the needs, because they themselves had

“freely received.”

Matthew 10 Verse 8 “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,

raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye havereceived, freely give.”

A simple lifestyle of trusting God and owning fewmaterial possessions for freedom of movement wasobserved.

They received hospitality and material support frompeople receptive to their message and wasted no timewith those who rejected The Kingdom.

Persecution was (and is) expected, so they taught tooperate wisely yet keep their innocence, not an easy task,though Christ’s Life was their pattern.

In all instances, Jesus’ Spirit would help and instructthem. Even though given the Authority and Power of The

Kingdom of God, they still had to exercise it!

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Acts 3 Verses 6 & 8 “Then Peter said, Silver and goldhave I none; but such as I have give I thee: In The Nameof Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”

Verse 8 “And he leaping up stood, and walked, andentered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping,and praising God.”

Now, notice Verse 16,

“And His Name through Faith in His Name (The Name ofJesus) hath made this man strong, whom ye see andknow: yea, the Faith which is by him (The Name of Jesus)hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence ofyou all.”

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The twelve encountered difficulties, through their firstexcursions, though successful,

“ ... even the demons weresubject to them.”

Soon however, they faced difficulties with their ownpride and carnality. For example, they were becomingpreoccupied with the fact that the demons were subject tothe authority that was in them. Jesus said to them,

Luke 10 Verse 20 “Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, thatthe spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, becauseyour names are written in Heaven.”

Even so, this caused our Saviourto rejoice ...

Luke 10 Verse 21 “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in Spirit, andsaid, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth,that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent,and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; forso it seemed good in thy sight.”

“The Testimony of God, Healingand Wholeness, PerfectSoundness.”

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Luke 10 Verse 23 “And He turned Him unto [His] disciples,and said privately, Blessed [are] the eyes which see thethings that ye see:”

God loves triers, the seventy, when they went out,tried to stop one who was casting out devils in Jesus’Name and the disciples forbade him and at this point it issuggested that they started to lapse into unbelief.

Mark 9 Verse 38 “And John answered him, saying, Master,we saw one casting out devils in Thy Name, and hefolloweth not us: and we forbad him, because he followethnot us.”

And this was Jesus’ reply,

Verses 39-40 “But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there isno man which shall do a miracle in My Name, that canlightly speak evil of Me.” (40) “For he that is not against usis on our part.”

Also Luke 9 Verse 50(b),

“And Jesus said unto him, Forbid [him] not:

... for he that is not against us is for us.”

A little further on, Jesus, after He had cast a dumbspirit out of a man, clarified His stance to those who triedto defame Him and accuse Him of blasphemy.

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Luke 11 Verses 20 & 23

“But if I with The Finger of God cast outdevils, no doubt The Kingdom of God iscome upon you.”

Verse 23 “He that is not with Me is againstMe: and he that gathereth not with Mescattereth.”

In Luke 9, we read of Jesus’ response to the disciplesfailure to cast out a demon from a child.

Luke 9 Verse 41 “And Jesus answering said, O faithlessand perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, andsuffer you? Bring thy son hither.”

It was extremely important that they learned of Him,

Jesus used the occasion to teach them to instil Faithfor action. This assertive Faith has confidence without

need of proof or regard for evidence, a willingness tostand by what God commands.

Faith for healing means that webelieve God and His Word.

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Acts 8 Verses 6-7 “And the people with one accord gaveheed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing andseeing the miracles which he did.” (7) “For unclean spirits,crying with loud voice, came out of many that werepossessed [with them]: and many taken with palsies, andthat were lame, were healed.”

Acts 19 Verses 11-12 “And God wrought special miraclesby the hands of Paul:” (12) “So that from his body werebrought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and thediseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went outof them.”

When Jesus gave the “Great Commission,”He imparted to the disciples and believers what is called

the “ascension gifts” in order to achieve and fulfilthat commission.

Mark 16 Verses 15-20 “And He said unto them, Go ye intoall the world, and preach The Gospel to every creature.”(16) “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; buthe that believeth not shall be damned.”

(17) “And these signs shall follow themthat believe; In My Name shall they castout devils; they shall speak with newtongues;”

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(18) “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any

deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall layhands on the sick, and they shallrecover.” (19) “So then after The Lord had spoken untothem, He was received up into Heaven, and sat on TheRight Hand of God.”

(20) “And they went forth, and preachedeverywhere, The Lord working with[them], and confirming The Word withsigns following. Amen.”

“Summary ... ”

Jesus commanded believers and commissioned us

“to do.” If we discontinue praying for the sick andcarrying out in practical application the doctrine of healing,then water baptism should also be discontinued.

The point being made, is that if wecan no longer believe in Christ “theHealer,” how then can we still believe inChrist the Saviour?

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The reason for being explicit about this is becausethis is the tenant of some denominational factions today.

Even The Messiah, Jesus The Christ, had to contendwith the scribes, the Sadducees and the Pharisees.

Who are we to say all the commission was for theearly believers but only part should be practiced today?

I wonder if perhaps they would care to explain to mepersonally, why I have seen with my own eyes, the crippleto walk, the blind to see and the deaf to hear.

The fact remains, no stranger may intrude, where thechild of God may enter. When The Holy Ghost has givenyou to feel, “The Spirit of adoption,” you may come toChristian ordinances, the precepts of The Living God,without fear.

Healing and wholeness in Christ Jesus being centralin the theme of the Lord’s Love song ...

Song of Songs 2 Verse 10 “My beloved spake, and saidunto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.”

Luke 11 Verse 28 “But he said, Yea rather,

Blessed [are] they that hear The Word ofGod, and keep it.”

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God makes no difference in His love to His children. Achild is a child to Him. He will not make him a hiredservant, but he shall feast upon the fatted calf of God’sprovision for His children.

He shall have music and dance, asmuch as if he had never gone astray. Nochains of sin or sickness, disease orill-health are worn in the courts of KingJesus.

John 15 Verse 15 “Henceforth I call you not servants; forthe servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth:

but I have called you friends; for allthings that I have heard of My Father Ihave made known unto you.”

John 8 Verse 32 “And ye shall know the truth, and thetruth shall make you free.”

Hebrews 12 Verse 10(b)

“ ... that [we] might be partakersof His Holiness. ”

A-men & A-men.

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“Divine Healing ...”

Revisionary Questions.

Question 1.

As sin, is the work of the devil in the soul, what issickness the work of?

Answer 1.

Sin, is the work of the devil in the soul! Sickness, is thework of the devil in the body!

Question 2.

“ ... God Anointed Jesus of Nazarethwith The Holy Ghost and with Power ... ”

“WHY?”Answer 2.

Acts 10 Verse 38(b)

“ ... who went about doing good, andhealing all that were oppressed of thedevil, for God was with Him.”

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Question 3.

From the list of Blessings that are found in the book ofDeuteronomy, what are the expected results of obediencetowards God’s Word?

Answer 3.

i) You are “exalted,” (lifted up.)

ii) You live in “good health.”

iii) You are “reproductive.”

iv) You are “prosperous.”

v) You are “Victorious.”

vi) You find “God’s Favour (Grace.)”In other words, you live in the Blessingsof a regenerated man! “Born again, notbored again!!!”

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Question 4.

As “sin” causes a deeper wedge ofseparation between you and our FatherGod. What is the outcome ofdis-obedience toward God’s Word?

Answer 3.

i) You live in ever deepening “exposure to sinand humiliation:”

ii) You begin to “fail to be productive in allareas of life:”

iii) You live in both “mental and physicalsickness:” (dis-ease.)

iv) You begin to suffer “family breakdowns andseparations:”

v) You begin to suffer “poverty.”vi) You begin to suffer “defeat:”vii) You live constantly in “failure:”viii) You begin to suffer “God’s disfavour”


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Question 5.

From The Old Testament, the doctrine of healingcontained two parts, what are they?

Answer 5.

1.) “Commands.”

a) To diligently “hear God’s Voice and livefree from idolatry:”b) To “live righteous” in His sight:

c) To “give ear to His Commandments:”d) To “keep all His statues:”

2.) “Promises.”

If the above “commands” are willingly obeyed,

God “promises” to,

Exodus 23 Verse 25 “And ye shall serve The LORD yourGod, and He shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and Iwill take sickness away from the midst of thee.”

Jeremiah 30 Verse 17(a)“For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee ofthy wounds, saith The LORD; ...”

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Question 6.

The book of Isaiah states:

Isaiah 53 Verses 4-5 “Surely he hath borne our griefs, andcarried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken,smitten of God, and afflicted.”(5) “But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was]bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace[was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

How did Matthew describe

“God’s Healing Touch?”

Answer 6.

Matthew 15 Verses 30-31 “And great multitudes cameunto him, having with them [those that were] lame, blind,dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down atJesus’ feet; and he healed them:” (31) “Insomuch that themultitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak,the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind tosee: and they glorified the God of Israel.”

(distinctions mine.)

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Question 7.

“Why do Christians sometimes fall ill?”

Answer 7.

i) Through “ignorance:”ii) Through “Dis-obedience, to

God’s Word of instruction:”iii) Through “neglect of the physical body:”iv) Through “wrong, destructive attitudes:”v) Through

“a continuous wrong confession:”vi) Through

“not discerning ... The Lord’s Body:”

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Question 8.

“What is God’s priority for our health?”

Answer 8.

1. Good food,(physical nutrition.)

2. Good rest,(sound, adequate sleep, sabbath rest.)

3. Good fellowship,(communication and encouragement.)

4. Feeding on The Word of God,feeding the inner (spirit) man.

5. Worship, in Spirit and in Truth,communion with The Lord our God.

6. Prayer,Communication, communion with God).

7. Loving our neighbours, service,being “Doers of The Word.”

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Question 9.

“What are the two ordinances TheChurch has for ministering to the sick?”

Answer 9.

i) “The laying on of hands and prayer:”

ii) “Anointing with oil and prayer:”

(continued …)

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Question 10.

“If we are taken ill, what are the logicalsteps to take?”

Answer 10.

If taken ill, our steps towards healing areas follows:

1. Prayerfully consider the possiblereasons.

2. Ensure that your heart is right.3. Ask and expect the Lord to heal you.4. If you live in a Christian household,

ask a brother to join you in prayer andto lay hands on you and pray forhealing.

Mark 16 Verse 18(b)“... they shall lay hands on the sick,

and they shall recover.”

5. Or, call for the elders of the church.

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James 5 Verse 14-15 “Is any sick among you? let him callfor the elders of the church; and ... let them pray over him,anointing him with oil in The Name of The Lord:”(15) “And the prayer of Faith shall save the sick, and TheLord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins,they shall be forgiven him.”

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Bibliography of Reference Material.

Alsobrook, David. (a) “Jesus Bore Our Sorrows.”

Alsobrook, David. (b) “No Lion Shall Be There.”

Dake, Finis. Jennings. “Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible.”Dake Bible sales. P.O.Box 1050.Lawrenceville, Georgia. 30246. U.S.A. (11th edit. 1993.)

Hill, Stephen.J. “Healing Is Yours.”

Murray, Andrew. “Divine Healing.”

Prince, Derek. “Foundation Series” Vol. 1-3.Sovereign World Ltd (1986 edit.)

Sellers, Robert.C. (U.S.A.) “The Nine Supernatural Gifts.”

Solid Foundations, “Studies For Christian Growth.”

Sparks, T.Austin. “The Battle For Life.”

Spurgeon. Charles H, (a) “Morning And Evening.”(b) “The Gospel Of The Kingdom.”

(A Commentary On The Book Of Matthew)

Strong, James. “Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible.”Hendrickson publications. (1995 edit.)

Thompson, Frank C. “Thompson Chain Reference Bible.”B.B.Kirkbridge Bible Company,Inc. (K.J.V. 1964 edit.)

Tozer, A.W. “Echoes From Eden.”

Vine, W.E. “Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Oldand New Testament Words”Thomas Nelson, inc., Publishers. (1985 edit.)

Wigglesworth, Smith. “Ever Increasing Faith.”

Wimber, John. “Power Evangelism.”

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Menorah PublicationsCatalogue 2014.

Series, “Discovering Discipleship … ”

Hebrews 6 Verses 1-2

No.1 - “Let us go on …”No.2 - The “how to,” called …

Repentance:No.3 - The “can do,” Faith from God:No.4 - “Baptism … the waters.”

No.5 - “The Laying on of Hands:”No.6 - “Resurrection of the dead.”

No.7 - “The Eternal Godhead:”

“ ... Going on to perfection ... !”

The first of a three part series of Bible Studies, theselay the foundation teachings of our Faith based onHebrews 6 Verses 1-2. Good for young disciples, eachlesson is prepared so it can be used as private, group orclassroom study material.

Page 110: “Divine Healing · “Divine Healing ...” Before we can believe for the healing of our bodies, we must rid ourselves of all uncertainty concerning God’s Will. Until we know


Series, “Growing Discipleship …”

“The Be- Attitudes, Love‘s Divine Attitudes”Matthew 5 Verses 3-11

1.“Blessed” … “are the poor in spirit.”2.“Blessed” … “are they that mourn.”3.“Blessed” … “are the meek.”4.“Blessed” … “are they which do hunger.”5.“Blessed” … “are the merciful.”6.“Blessed” … “are the pure in heart.”7.“Blessed” … “are the peacemakers. ”8.“Blessed,” “are they which are persecuted.”

If you “be in Christ,” then it stands to reason,that whatever curved balls are thrown to you in this

life, you will “Be-in-Christ’s-Attitude,” and notreact in an inappropriate manner. As hard as that may be!

“Blessed are …” relates to the present tense,to the here and now, not only to the future. But from here,to there and beyond!

This second of a three part series of Bible studies, aredesigned to help understand the development of ourChristian Character in our day to day walk.

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Series, “Overcomers…Discipleship.”

That ye might be ... “partakers.”2 Peter 1 Verses 1-11

1.) “And beside this, giving all diligence ...”

2.) “... add to your Faith virtue ...”

3.) “… and to virtue knowledge;”

4.) “And to knowledge temperance; …”

5.) “ … and to temperance patience; …”

6.) “ … and to patience godliness;”

7.) “And to godliness brotherly kindness; …”

8.) “ … and to brotherly kindness charity(or LOVE.)”

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Our third in the Discipleship series, is

“Discipleship that Overcomes,”

And is titled,

That ye might be ... “partakers.”

These lessons come from the second letter of Peterand work well alongside the previous series entitled,

“The Beatitudes” which cover the development ofour Christian Character.

If a man has come to the place of little or no growth,then surely, he has remained as a babe. If he has notgiven himself over to be dealt with by The Spirit of Grace,then he is marked by the arm of the flesh.

He is still a Christian, but a carnal Christian, a babe inChrist. But if he completely surrenders his will to The HolySpirit, he will rapidly and willingly choose to put down thedeeds of the flesh and become what God’s Word calls a

“ Spiritual man.”

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Series, “The Parables of Christ ...”(Matthew 13 Verses 1-53)

The disciples, they had heard His firstfour parables spoken to the listeningcrowd ... the multitude.

Jesus did not use parables in theearlier part of His ministry, and when Hebegan to use them, it was a matter ofsurprise to his disciples, who asked HimHis reason for doing so.

Matthew 13 Verses 10-13 “And the disciples came, and

said unto Him, Why speakest Thou untothem in parables?”(11) “He answered and said unto them, Because it isgiven unto you to know the mysteries ofThe Kingdom of Heaven, but to them itis not given.”

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(12) “For whosoever hath, to him shall begiven, and he shall have moreabundance: but whosoever hath not,from him shall be taken away even thathe hath.”(13) “Therefore speak I to them inparables: because they seeing see not;and hearing they hear not, neither dothey understand.”

The whole thing turns on the distinction between

“earnest inquirers” and “careless hearers.”The earnest inquirer has ears to hear; the other has not.

That is, instead of apprehending The Truth, he is onlyperplexed and confused by it, and instead of going awayenriched, he is poorer than ever.

The meaning is so simple and familiar, that even achild can understand it. Being of the nature to connect witheveryday things, things that are frequently observed.

Parables, are the meal prepared for us by The Lord of TheHarvest, He prepares a meal for each of His laborers,though they are few, all are well fed.

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He has seen to it, that a young lad now brings to thetable,

“Five loaves and two fish!”

This is something for us all to wellconsider, they had twelve baskets full,after the crowd was fed.

Jesus took the twelve, and turned theworld inside out, to the right side up!

Many may bring the Scriptures to themind, but The Lord alone can preparethe mind to receive His Word: Our Master,

our Saviour Jesus differs from all other teachers ... theymay reach the ear, but only He caninstruct the heart! “Others may teachwhat is to be believed, but only Jesuscan teach us how to believe!”

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Series, “The Parables of Christ ...”(Matthew 13 Verses 1-53)

(1) - “The Parable of The Sower.”

(2) - “The Parable of The Tares.”

(3) - “The Parable ofThe Mustard Seed.”

(4) - “The Parable of The Leaven.”

(5) - “The Parable ofThe Hidden Treasure.”

(6) - “The Pearl of Great Price.”

(7) - “The Parable of The Drag Net.”

(8) – “The Scribe andThe Householder.”

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Series, “The Gleanings ...”

Not such a strange word really, but a word which is

not often used to day. What does it mean for us “toglean?” In simple terms, it means

“to gather together.”

We gather together that which will draw us deeper

into “Relationship” with our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist.

We, are gathering and gleaning in the fields of our

kinsman Redeemer King Jesus. “The Gleanings,”was written out of gratitude for my own Salvation, and theway that He my King has Blessed me by revealing moreabout Himself as together we build the Relationship thatreligion cannot offer!

Many, many Brothers and Sisters in Christ aredesperately hungry and we who feed at His table have a

“duty of care” to share with those around us. This isthe reason for this series.

To answer questions and have all things in common

... the basis of “communion, common-union”so enjoy, grow deeper into Jesus Christ and be Blessed.

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Acts 2 Verses 44-46(a) “And all that believed weretogether, and had all things common;”(45) “And sold their possessions and goods, and partedthem to all men, as every man had need.”

(46a) “And they, continuing daily with oneaccord ...”

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Series, “The Gleanings ...”

(1) - What is ... “Sin?”(2) - The “how too,” called,

“Repentance.”(3) - The “Squeeze” of Temptation.(4) - “The Tongue ...”

taming the unruly member!(5) - The “can do,” Faith from God:(6) - The Growth of “Grace.”(7) - “Baptism,” the waters.(8) - “The Holy Spirit.”(9) - “The Laying on of Hands.”

(10) - “Divine Healing.”(11) - “The Resurrection.”(12) - “The Eternal Godhead ...”

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Series, “Ripened Husks ...”

Jesus used the description of harvested grain as awonderful way of showing us why it is important for

“whole grains” of wheat to have “The Husk”removed. What grain do you want stored in your heart?

If grain that is harvested has “the husk” intact,then it will not be stored well for later use. As a matter offact, you are inviting the spread of mould.

Grain is normally harvested when ripe, and the

“ripened husks” are winnowed. This is the processwhereby the grains themselves, are tossed into the air andas they do, they rub against each other to remove theouter sheaf or husk. God’s desire, is that we play an activerole to work with The Holy Spirit in and through our lives toremove the excess baggage. To remove the old covering,

so that the “pure whole grain” will remain.

And there be no “Bushel of self,” there be no

“Bushel of former days!”

“I must decrease,in order that He increase!”

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Series, “Ripened Husks ...”

(1) – “Salt, Light and perfect Sight.”

(2) – “Living in Submission.”

(3) – “The Christian and Finance.”

(4) – “The Growth of Grace.”

(5) –“The Law of Love.”

(6) – “Prayer and Fasting.”

(7) – “Giants in the Land.”

(8) – “The Anointing of God.”

(9) –“Double portion Anointing.”

(10) –“ Entering in to Rest.”

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Series, “Pulpit Ponderings ...”

If there is one thing that I desire in this life that I amliving, it’s to sit at the feet of our Lord and Savior and soakin what He’s been saying to me over the years.

It is with much gratitude for Him, that I have compiledthis collection, my prayer is simply this,

“Love Him, listen to His Voice as itechos in your own heart; learn of Him,He has much to give, and we havemuch to recieve.”

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Series, “Pulpit Ponderings ...”

(1) –“Fire in The Bones.”(2) – “Relationship,”

the Heart to heart.(3) – Christ, “The Rock.”(4) –“ Abraham’s Seed.”(5) –“Children of the dust.”(6) – Family, “The Fabric.”(7) –“Bottle-neck Fruits.”(8) –“The Mountain or

the mediocre.”(9) –“On Time and Eternity.”

(10)–“The Centrality of The Cross.”(11)–“”Where is thy sting ...death?”(12)–“Except your

Righteousness exceeds.”(13)–“The Doves and The Blood.”(14)–“Five smooth stones.”(15)–“Money Changers in The Temple.”(16)–“The religion of Cain.”

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Copy-right ... personal observations.

To those Brethren, that have laboured long and hard in The Wordof our God ... I take time to Bless them publically for their endeavours topass on that Holy Ghost inspired Word throughout His Church ...

Hebrews 6 Verse 10 “For God [is] not unrighteous to forget your work andlabour of love, which ye have shewed toward His Name, in that ye haveministered to the saints, and do minister.”

Therefore, edify The Body of Christ, encourage and exhort; butremember, if you are tempted to call the work of another your own, you arethe one that will in the end be held responsible for your actions. “The Spiritof Grace,” gave the work to the hand of “the scribe,” who faithfully put pento paper. Plagiarism, is not only illegal, it is immoral; above all, we must ...

Romans 12 Verse 10“[Be] kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly

love; in honour preferring one another;”

So I exhort you in The Name of our Lord and Saviour, to feel quitefree to use the material with which The Lord has so blessed us and thosebefore us, bearing in mind that the pre-eminence belongs to

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself ...

Your brother in His service,Robert .B. Dalton.

Matthew 10 Verse 8(b) “ ... freely ye have received, freely give.”

e mail [email protected]

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“The stronger the foundation,the brighter the future!”

1 Corinthians 3 Verse 11“For other foundation can no man

lay than that is laid, …which is Jesus Christ.”

Let us join together to,

“Church the Un-Churched,Teach the Un-Taught,”and most of all,

“Reach the Un-Reached ...for Jesus!”

“Go Ye ... !”“Speak Ye ... !”

“Do Ye ... !”

Page 126: “Divine Healing · “Divine Healing ...” Before we can believe for the healing of our bodies, we must rid ourselves of all uncertainty concerning God’s Will. Until we know


About the author.

Born and raised in inner Sydney, N.S.W. Australia, Robert was a childwhen the likes of Arthur Stace, Alan Walker and Ted Noffs ministered toSydney in the nineteen fifties.

The Lord spoke to Robert at the age of seven, outside of the oldCleveland Street Congregational Church. For many years, he continued tolive for himself. That is, until The Lord again spoke to him in The Bay ofPlenty in New Zealand. He received Jesus Christ into his life as Lord andSaviour in February, 1980. Being Water Baptised in April, Born Again andFilled with The Holy Spirit in May of the same year.

Bob and Nikki married, in October of 1987 and have an awesomefamily of five plus four of Bob’s older children with altogether and to datenineteen Grandchildren.

Bob has compiled and published materials helpful for growth anddevelopment in Christ Jesus. Sadly, but with great joy, Nikki passed intoGlory to be with our Lord. 21st July, 2014.

Over the years, Bob has ministered as a Pastor/ Teacher andfunctioned as itinerant Preacher with a strong call to Missions.

His desire, is to see more folk, coming out of themselves, and goingdeeper into personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour, The LordJesus Christ.