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Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH 6 DISC SET

Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH www · time, those changes will become automatic. As you shed pounds, you get stronger and stronger

May 30, 2020



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Page 1: Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH www · time, those changes will become automatic. As you shed pounds, you get stronger and stronger

Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH www.thinnerbandhypnosis.comV4081506903

6 D I S C S E T

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Page 3: Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH www · time, those changes will become automatic. As you shed pounds, you get stronger and stronger


Imaginary Gastric Band Surgery


Our Thinner Band weight management program upon which you have

embarked features six (6) CD’s which contain imagery, positive programming

and affirmations to fortify your shedding of pounds and to elevate your

self-esteem and self-confidence, and to assist you in processing stress.

Affirmations are beautiful ribbons that you shall tie on the gift that you have

given yourself with this program. Affirmations enhance the cleansing of your

emotions, add to your present foundation for the future, empower you to

attain your goals, and make permanent all of the beneficial changes that you

have imagined. Although you may want to create something for the future,

you must affirm it in the present. You have heard it before that change begins

right now, that the accomplishment of your goals begins right now, and that

your visualizations are ones of attainment and “rehearsals,” and not merely

desires. The Subconscious Mind loves repetition. Listen to these CD’s to

program yourself as often as you can but often enough to really accentuate

the repetition. It’s really repetition, repetition, repetition that goes deep into

your subconscious mind. The repetition creates new habits and makes you

feel good about your self-image and about yourself completely.

Affirmations For Shedding Pounds (CD 1)

(Begin listening to this CD after the 1st Session)

Please listen to the Affirmations on this CD 1 and

the other CD’s on a daily basis, and it would be great

if you make the time to listen several times a day. You

may also want to repeat some of them in the present

tense positively, and with passion. These Affirmations

Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH

Affirmations forShedding Pounds

CD 150:19

Track 1 6:16Track 2 6:31Track 3 37:32


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strengthen the hypnotic experience of the First Session and get you into the

habit of empowering yourself. It took you quite some time to put on the weight,

so continue to listen to these Affirmations until you have truly developed new,

healthy eating habits. Even listen to them after you have reached your ideal

weight, for as we said earlier, the subconscious mind loves repetition…and

passion, and dedication. While you are listening to these Affirmations, bring

to mind an image of when you were thin and at your ideal weight, or an

image of someone that you want to look like. This is your personal “trigger”

which, when brought to mind again during any part of your day, stimulates

your Subconscious Mind to automatically send your Conscious Mind the

messages contained in these Affirmations.

Eating Right (CD 2)(Begin listening to this CD after the hypnotic

lap band surgery has been performed)

Your hypnotic lap band surgery is just the start.

Your ideal weight is not a goal but a lifelong pursuit,

and you’re going to have to make some permanent

changes in order to be successful not only with

long-term weight management, but also in overall health.

Sometimes it may be difficult and trying, but if you take it one day at a

time, those changes will become automatic. As you shed pounds, you get

stronger and stronger in your desire to hit your target weight and maintain

it. Your subconscious mind has been programmed to follow great eating

habits and proper eating is becoming automatic and ‘second-nature’ to

you. Also as we have said many times to you, remember that each person

is unique, has different issues and different temptations, so while we can

recommend the ‘do’s & don’ts’ of eating to you, every eating plan may not

be exactly the same, but the framework is similar. Deep down in your inner

being you truly know the foods to avoid, the foods to eat, and the portions

to consume. This CD gives you some important tips about your good eating

habits. Smaller portions. Smaller portions. Smaller portions. Smaller portions.

Smaller portions. Smaller portions. You get the idea!!

Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH

Eating Right

CD 215:52

Track 1 15:52


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The Magical Island Of My Dreams (CD 3)

(Begin listening to this CD at any time

after you listen to CD 2)

Everyone fantasizes. Everyone dreams of splendid

things to come. Everyone visualizes magnificent events

to happen in their imagination. Everyone creates a new

person in one form or another at some time in life. And so do

you. All of this is extremely personal and as unique as your life itself. This is the

beauty of our imagination and the powers that thrive within our subconscious

minds. The secret lies in using these powers and our imagination. Just relax

and listen to my voice, only my voice and it would be great if you and I imagine

together the slimness that is within your power therefore within your grasp. Visit

the Magical Island of YOUR Dreams where everything good happens. See

yourself thinning down and contouring your body.

Weight Slenderizing Fortification (CD 4)

(Listen to this CD after you have listened to CD 3)

Everything that you learn should be learned without

effort and in a very comfortable and easy manner.

Millions of people use affirmations for many things,

which are really feel-good sayings every day. They are

positive words that give you power, make you feel good,

give you desire and strength to reach the goals that you set in shedding

pounds, reaching your target weight, being healthy, looking good in clothes

and things like that. It’s like when you say “I am happy” or “I feel good” or

“This is so fun”. They become as real as the times when you said you were

happy, or felt good or it was so fun. Listen to this CD over and over as the

Affirmations go deep into your subconscious mind. Repeat them to yourself

or say them out loud. Over and over again. Over and over again. Over and

over. Your great weight and shape is really up to you.

Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH

Magical Island of My Dreams

CD 340:40

Track 1 11:08Track 2 29:32


Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH

WeightSlenderizing Fortification

CD 439:08

Track 1 7:15Track 2 9:50Track 3 13:52Track 4 8:51


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Affirmations Elevating Self-Esteem (CD 5)

(Begin listening to this CD after you have listened

to CD 4)

Being overweight to almost any degree has the

power and ability to detrimentally affect our self-image,

our self-esteem, our self-confidence. We may attempt

to hide some self-esteem issues with our persona (the face

that we show to the public) but sometimes it rears its threatening head and

we become uncomfortable in the situation that we are in. Unless your self-

image and self-esteem is elevated once and for all this can happen over

and over. Everyone has some form of negative imprints buried deep in their

subconscious minds which must be reckoned with. The imprint could have

occurred when young or at any age. The self-image, self-esteem and lack

of self-confidence may have been occasioned by weight gain or many other

happenings in a person’s life and the Affirmations on this CD addresses all

types of issues with great positive programming. Any negative happening, or

nervousness, or boredom in a person’s life could cause overeating or snacking

because human beings often look for comfort. We seek ‘comfort foods’ and

pay the price not only with excessive weight but with unwanted discomfort. It’s

almost like ‘fools’ gold’…it’s nice and shiny, but it’s worth nothing!

Stress Protection Mirror (CD 6)(Begin listening to this CD after you have listened

to CD 5)

This recording teaches you to protect yourself

against stress, negative words, thoughts and

insults. From this day forward you are able to

strengthen yourself with the armor of your mind….you

have the power.

All our lives we shall have situations wherein we are confronted by people,

family, friends, strangers and the like, who are negative and throw negativity

Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH

Affirmations Elevating Self Esteem

CD 517:22

Track 1 12:41Track 2 13:29


Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH

Stress Protection Mirror

CD 627:45

Track 1 10:32Track 2 12:33Track 3 4:40


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our way. And it is unimportant whether it is intentional or unintentional

because it still has the potential of doing us harm. Sometimes they are just

plain negative themselves, and you can almost feel the negativity getting

to you. Often it is so strong that it feels like the oxygen is leaving the room

and that it is difficult to breathe. Other times people here and there want

to intentionally harm you or make you feel crummy for their own personal

shortcomings which also has the potential to lower your self-esteem. They

insult you personally, insult your intelligence, or demean you whether it is

verbally, through their actions, attitudes, or gestures. These insults have the

potential to harm you physically and psychologically. We are only human and

sometimes it is difficult to process this negativity, these insults, and these

actions, so we must devise ways in which we can alleviate, negate and avoid

their effects. And, there are other potential stressors that come our way that

are too numerous to list, but you know of some immediately. There is a very

special way to process this stress and to arm yourself against such attacks,

immediately and continuously. It involves the help of your subconscious mind

which sends you a positive feeling of calmness which is ‘triggered’ by a

special word that you say to yourself….the word is MIRROR.

(After you have listened to the (6) CD’s in rotation at first, you may listen to

your favorite CD’s over and over. Just keep listening and listening.)

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Life Is Personally UniqueDr. Carl Jung believed that a human being is inwardly whole, but that most

of us have lost touch with important parts of our selves. The goal of life is

‘individuation,’ the process of coming to know, giving expression to, and

harmonizing the various components of the psyche. If we realize our

uniqueness, we can undertake a process of individuation and tap into our true

self. He believed that the part of us which heals is our ‘true self.’ Each human

being has a specific nature and calling which is uniquely his or her own.

Imagine The DifferenceAll change begins in the mind regardless of the goals that may be set.

Every person has the opportunity to create a ‘new person’ every day but the

challenge with which we are confronted is in making the change permanent.

In 1902, James Allen published his classic ‘As A Man Thinketh,’ which

inspired millions of people to think differently about themselves and their inner

beings “Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he

forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools

with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and

peace.” We marvel at Allen’s statements and observations for they are what

we promulgate in our approaches to change through the use of hypnotism

whether it’s for slimming yourself, breaking habits, enhancing your skills, and

enjoying the bounties of life.

Mirror, Mirror On The WallMirror, mirror on the wall who’s NOT the fairest of them all? Have you ever

asked yourself that question while looking in your own personal mirror? We

have found that many persons have looked at themselves with harsh self-

criticism, or bitterness, or guilt, or shame, or in general, with severe negativity.

On the flip side, at one time or another, everyone has looked in the mirror and

smiled because of looking so great. You must realize that ‘everyone looks

in their own mirror’. Ponder this thought as it really rings so true. At Thinner

Band Hypnosis we shall help you create the image that you desire and forge

it permanently deep into your subconscious mind to continue to make your

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inner vision an outer reality…so that you smile with happiness when you

look in your mirror. We have a further goal. We do more than work on your

inner and outer images, we teach you new habits for health and permanent

change. We program life-changing thoughts of self-confidence, self-esteem,

strength, and success so that your feelings and emotions are elevated and

the positive vibrations emanating from your putting into play the undeniable

benefits of the ‘Law of Attraction.’

Triggers of Action and ReactionWe are one ‘giant memory’ that reacts to many stimuli that we have

witnessed, whether real or imagined, since birth and before. The passion,

or the circumstances, or the repetition with which any given stimulus is

presented to us, dictates the effects that result in specific reactions that

please us, or empower us, or haunt us, or disturb us, or ‘attempt’ to

destroy us. These reactions include automatically and unconsciously eating

foods that are detrimental to our wellbeing, snacking in between meals,

overeating, being sad, or being happy, or argumentative, or nasty or friendly

or any opposite that you can imagine as we live in a ‘world of opposites.’

We cannot fight fair fights with the enemies of change for the enemy itself

never fights fairly. The subconscious mind must be befriended, beseeched,

commanded, and de-programmed and re-programmed with, among

other hypnotic techniques, Pavlovian-style ‘triggers’ and Jungian symbols

that counterbalance and overcome the old, learned, harmful stimuli. We

act and react in accordance to the imprints which have been stored in

the subconscious, and there is no escape from the negative aspects

of our personal history without recognizing these imprints, which have

now become ‘triggers’ in our life’s physical and psychological activities.

One of our approaches is to neutralize the destructive triggers and then

to improvise in accordance with each individual need, and create the

wonderful ‘healing triggers’ with which you accomplish your short term and

long term goals while creating and living an excellent life. This is more than

a weight management program…this is truly a life enhancement program.

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Putty In Our HandsOur bodies are putty in the hands of our minds. They can be molded and

shaped into a sickly, unhealthy state, if we permit them to be so molded

and shaped. Or we can do what we do best…program them magnificently.

Psychosomatic illness is born through the impregnation of the subconscious

mind with a negative, or social or environmental imprint or thought intentionally

or unintentionally finding its way there. The imprint may occur at an early age,

as 3-5 years is quite dangerous, but all ages are responsive to an ‘attack

of the killer imprints.’ We are not immune from the devastation of stressors

because we are…humans!! The imprints are then confirmed, fortified,

and magnified over a period of years by other negative thoughts, words,

ideas, attitudes and happenings. The outer and inner environments have

the capability of ‘toxifying’ us psychologically…as well as physically. Yes, we

have heard it many times that the condition of the body affected the mind,

and now it is accepted that the reverse is also true…that the condition of the

mind affects the body…positively as well as negatively. So it is with weight,

attitudes, dispositions, unwanted habits, and addictions such as smoking,

alcohol, drugs, compulsive gambling, etc. And in spite of the enlightenment

of the medical profession in the last 60 years, there are still some hard-nose

traditionalists who still treat the body as being the sole culprit for its state of

health and accordingly, proceed to drug it to death.

On the inside cover look at the color drawings of the stomach with a gastric

band applied around it to form a small pouch on the upper portion of the

stomach. Also look at the drawing of the pink golf ball. Focus on these.

Concentrate on them. Take the pictures into your mind’s eye so that they go

deep into your subconscious mind. Listen to these CDs often. Practice your

success. Practice the techniques that you have been taught in your personal

sessions. Do your homework in the workbook that you received during the

first session with your hypnotist. Participate in your shedding pounds and

weight management. Practice, practice, practice. Listen, listen, listen.

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Anthony F. De Marco, LL.B., Ph.D., DNGH www.thinnerbandhypnosis.comV4081506903

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