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ANTHOLOGY OF ENGLISH CULTURE - [email protected] We present you with the first single-theme of English culture of our library. You will find a bibliography with English authors in Catalan as well as a series of ressources around culture, society, history, etc. Leisure moments can invite you to dive in the stock of libraries and revise classics such as The Woman in white by Wilkie Collins, The Sonnets by Shakespeare; get into the spirit of great memories, like those of Winston S. Churchill, and review peak moments in universal literature. Brief Introduction 1 English poetry 2 English theatre 3 From the colonies to tea-time 4 Victorian era literature 5 Crime literature 6 Contemporary narrative 7 Biographies and memoirs 8

Anthology of English Culture

Mar 19, 2016



Gemma Rojo

Books in our library about English Culture
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Page 1: Anthology of English Culture


We present you with the first single-theme of English culture of our library. You will find a bibliography with English authors in Catalan as well as a series of ressources around culture, society, history, etc. Leisure moments can invite you to dive in the stock of libraries and revise classics such as The Woman in white by Wilkie Collins, The Sonnets by Shakespeare; get into the spirit of great memories, like those of Winston S. Churchill, and review peak moments in universal literature. Brief Introduction 1 English poetry 2 English theatre 3 From the colonies to tea-time 4 Victorian era literature 5 Crime literature 6 Contemporary narrative 7 Biographies and memoirs 8

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ENGLISH POETRY Milton P841 Bla William Blake (1757-1827) Translation: Enric Casasses William Blake, the poet of first names and invented places, the poet painter, the visionary poet, offers an elaborated work inspired in mystic visions, which is amongst the most original and prophetic in English language, in his refusal of the ideas of the illustrated movement in favour of the romantic one. Quaderns Crema . 252 pag. Els sonets P841 Sha William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Translation: Salvador Oliva Els sonets by Shakespeare appeared in 1609 in an enigmatic volume. Els sonets is a collection of poems which causes a deep impact even today. Labutxaca . 255 pag. Caín N Sar Lord Byron (1788-1824) Translation: Jordi Llovet Romantic tragedy with a free verse but with one of the most passionate plots ever written in the first quarter of the XIX century: the apparition of evil and death presented with a teological and intellectual discussion around God’s reponsibility, devil’s or men’s in this coming of evil in the earth. Quaderns Crema . 330 pag. Cartes d’aniversari P841 Hug Ted Hugues (1930-1998) Translation: Josep M. Fulquet and Pauline Ernest Birthday Letters has been till now one of the literary secrets best kept by the author : the tragical relationship between Ted Hugues and his first wife, poetess Sylvia Plath. It is the version of the husband’s from the very fist moment he sees Plath in a picture till the pain caused by her death. Ed. 62/Empúries . 496 pag.


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SHERLOCK HOLMES 441.6 Doy A Sherlock Holmes collection Burlington, 1998 441.2 Doy Sherlock Holmes : the blue diamond Oxford University Press, 2002 441.2 Doy Sherlock Holmes : short stories Oxford Bookworms, 2008 “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes’ adventures, told by Doctor John Watson, Former head doctor of the British army”

ENGLISH THEATRE Nit de reis T841 Sha William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Translation: Joan Sellent Shakespeare, always endeavouring to make us think in those aspects most trascendental of our human condition, offers us a comedy tinged with tragic nuances, like the apparent death in a shipwreck of Viola’s brother, Sebantian. Proa. 148 pag. La festa d’aniversari T841 Pin Harold Pinter (1930-2008) Translation: Imma Garín and Víctor Batallé La festa d’aniversari presents two of the theatrical pieces most distinguished of playwright and Nobel of literature 2005. La festa d’aniversari tells on the incidents of Stanley Webber, who hides away an obscure past. The other work, El porter, considered the first success of the playwright, tells us on a wanderer who is sheltered in a house and pretends to get rid of his benefactor. Bromera . 218 pag. Escenes d’una execució T841 Bar Howard Barker (1946) Version of Quim Monzó Barker belongs to a generation of playwrights who from the second half of the XXth century create a theatre compromised with society. Galàctia, a woman painter from Venice, has got to paint a canvas about the victory of the venetians in the war of Lepant. The woman painter portrays the horrors of the war, and the Dux, who has made the order, wants to destroy the canvas for all that it transmits... Proa . 136 pag. ENGLISH LITERATURE BEFORE XVth C. Contes de Carterbury N841 Cha Geoffrey Chaucer (1342-1400) Translation: Victòria Gual In the Tabard hostel, twenty-nine people meet who want to go on a excursion to Canterbury. The hostel’s owner leads the expediton and proposes that each pilgrim tell four tales and that the one

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who tells the most pleasant one will receive a prize in a banquet. Quaderns Crema . 546 pag. FROM THE COLONIES TO TEA-TIME Could we disentangle the destiny of a country in a tea cup? Els fills de la mijanit NRus Saldam Rushdie Translation: Joan Sellent Arús Saleem Sinaí’s birthday falls on the day of the independence of India from the English colonizers. Salman Rushdie uses the magical ressources of the oral Indian tradition to construct an epical altarpiece crammed with magical elements and political satire. Bromera . 606 pag. Viatge a l’Índia NFor E. M. Forster Translation: Jordi Arbonès i Montull After a mysterious accident during a visit to the Marabar caves, in India, doctor Assiz is accused of attacking Adela Quested, a young and naive English girl. The unfortunate incident takes doctor Assiz to court and brings about a turning point in the relationship between England and India. The dangers of racism show themselves with all the cruelty. Ed. 62 . 454 pag. Petit tractat del te 663.9 Bro Gilles Brochard Translation: Catalina Palmer and Magdalena F. Mulet This book is an invitation to a voyage, an adventure around a tea cup which brings us back to different eras and places. Olañeta . 153 pag.

THINKING L’utilitarisme 1 (Mil) John Stuart Mill Translation and introduction of Miquel Costa Utilitarism, initially proposed by Jeremy Bentham - advocated the greatest benefit for the greatest number - was very controversial. John Stuart Mill goes for this theory. Edicions 62 . 219 pag. Investigació sobre l’enteniment humà 1(Hum) David Hume Translation: Josep M. Sala-Valldaura In this work David Hume consolidates his theories proposed in the Tractat de la naturalesa humana. Hume argues that all our knowledge is based on the experience. Laia . 211 pag. ENGLISH HUMOUR L’escurçó negre DVD Esc Several authors Edmund Blackadder (‘L’escurçó negre’) is one of the most popular characters of British humour. The duke of Edimburg will have a series of adventures and misadventures. From the Middle Age till the First World War the Blackadder dinasty will make us laugh heartily.

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L’esperit de Josep Trueta 92 (Tru) Pri Josep M. Prim This biography aims to show that doctor Josep Trueta deserved the Nobel prize of medicine for his contribution to traumatology. SCIENCE L’origen de les espècies 576.1 Dar Charles Darwin Translation: Santiago Albertí and Constança Albertí The most achieved work by Charles Darwin meant a great advance in science but a big upheaval in religion. Even today there is an intense debate between creationists and scientists around this theory. L’origen de les espècies 576.1 Dar Versió il.lustrada Charles R. Darwin Translation: Coral Barrachina The University of Valencia keeps a darwinian spirit with the commitment to spread the ideas of the father of the theory of species. This is an illustrated special edition with 200 originals by Carles Puche. Universitat de València and Institut d’Estudis Catalans . 182 pag. Autobiografia i cartes des del ‘Beagle’ 92 (Dar) Dar Charles Darwin Translation: Dolors Udina This edition, compiled by Sam Abrams, with autobiographical texts of Darwin is the first published in Catalan. Viena edicions . 159 pag.

VICTORIAN ERA LITERATURE Orgull i prejudici N Aus Jane Austen (1775-1817) Translation: Eulàlia Preses “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” The prejudice belongs to Elizabeth Bennet, the heroine of this story. The pride belongs to Darcy’s. Elizabeth must marry with an eye to money. Proa . 256 pag. Grans esperances N Dic Charles Dickens (1812-1870) Translation: Josep Carner Philip Pirr, known with the nickname of Pip, is an orphan boy, of humble birth, who lives in a little English village. Pip is grown up by his sister, who punishes him whenever she can. His brother-in-law, a candid blacksmith will teach him the profession. But Pip is too curious to keep such a grey life and has got expectations to become an important person. Proa . 572 pag. Cims borrascosos N Bro Emily Brontë (1818-1848) Translation: Montserrat de Gispert It is one of the greatest novels of the XIXth century. It is the love story between Heathcliff and Catherine. Embittered by a past he cannot get rid of, Heathcliff longs for revenge. In a mysterious and tragical background, a violent passion shatters the lives of its protagonists. Labutxaca . 392 pag. La dama de blanc N Col Wilkie Collins (1824-1886) Translation: Lluís Comes i Arderiu

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From its publication (1860), La dama de blanc has captivated the readers. Its characters have become figures in universal literature. Labutxaca . 749 pag. CRIME LITERATURE Cinc porquets N Chr Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Translation: Jordi Civís i Pol The authoress of the English crime literature par excellence trusts Hercule Poirot to solve one of the most complicated cases of his career. A prisoner dies while she serves life imprisonment, and the inspector wants to prove her innocence. He disposes of five witnesses and a children’s melody that will surely serve him to disentangle the mistery. Columna/Proa . 234 pag. Intrigues i desitjos N Jam P.D. James (1920) Translation: Joan Mateu Besançon Valery Mitchell is, for the time being, the last victim of the Whistler, a psychopath who acts methodically. P.D. James makes use of his forensic knowledge and portrays once more a cold atmosphere, with secret interests and hidden tensions. Columna . 378 pag. CONTEMPORARY NARRATIVE La finestra oberta i altres contes fantàstics d’humor negre N Sak Saki (1870-1916) Translation: Emili Olcina Short stories including La finestra oberta, Gabriel-Ernest or Laura. Saki, knickname of Hector Hugh Munro, knew how to grasp the events of his period, the life of the newly-rich belonging to the middle class and the members of aristocracy.

Laertes . 130 pag. Memòries! 92 (Tre) Tre Matthew Tree Memòries! is about the years of education of the author in London; from his stay in an elite school till permanent unemployment, going through the anarchist movement of the period, and the consequent removal to Barcelona. Ramon Perera, l’home dels refugis 9 (46.71 Bar) “19” Arm Montse Armengou and Ricard Belis During the Second World War, in Great Britain there was a debate on the convenience to build the refuges designed by Ramon Perera. This book, based on a TV3 documentary 30 minuts, offers the testimony of the survivors of the bombings in Catalonia and Great Britain, and that of the pilots who threw the bombs. La Segona Guerra Mundial vol. 1 i 2 9 (4) “19” Chu Winston S. Churchill Translation: Dolors Udina Winston Churchill, British prime minister during the Second World War, describes with his own words the most important events of the most determinant war conflict in the XXth century. These memoirs show the vision of one of its main protagonists. They are very interesting from a literary point of view. The author won with them the Nobel prize of literature in 1953. L’Esfera dels llibres . 717 pag. Memòries de Londres 92 (Pi) PiS Carles Pi i Sunyer From London in his exile, Carles Pi i Sunyer (1888-1971) was an acute observer of the events that shaked Europe between 1941 and 1945.

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HISTORY La traïció anglesa Antoni Muñoz and Josep Catà During the Secession War, Catalan institutions had Britain’s support against the Borbons. The authors of this book show us that the English government gave way to the pressions from the Spanish ambassador in London to crash the Catalan institutions and create an absolutist monarchy. Llibres de l’Índex . 362 pag. Idealistes sota les bales Paul Preston Translation: Laia Font i Mateu The English history writer Paul Preston shows us the Civil War from a different angle: that of the foreign correspondents who witnessed the war conflict and informed from Spain in their newspapers. Idealistes sota les bales portrays the Civil War through the chronicles by intellectuals committed with truth. Proa . 531 pag. BIOGRAPHIES AND MEMOIRS Virginia Woolf, cinc-centes lliures i una cambra pròpia 92 (Woo) God Pilar Godayol This biography of the English novelist, leader of the Bloomsbry group, is a memoir of one of the most important writers of XXth century literature. Her life, lived through passionate relationships and severe depressions, that led her to commit suicide, will capture many readers.

Una lectora poc corrent N Ben Alan Bennett (1934) Translation: Ernest Riera By chance, the Queen of England is near the mobile library of Westminster, a van of an old librarian. The Queen steps into the van and takes a book. After this first reading others succeed and the Queen starts disattending her daily commitments...The author seems to highlight the importance of the reading habit. Res a témer N Bar Julian Barnes (1946) Translation: Alexandre Gombau i Arnau The protagonist reviews his own life and that of all his relatives. He starts by his grandmother, who describes her as a socialist, first, and a communist after, and keeps on explaining the habits of his granfather or the details of the funeral of her mother while contrasting opinions with his brother. Expiació N Mac Ian McEwan (1948) Translation: Puri Gómez Casademont This is the story of a crime and the moral repentance of afterwards. Following the conscience of victims and offenders, the novel follows from 1935 till now, going through the terrors of the Second World War, and recreates the dreams of childhood, the twists of fortune and the vulnerability of human condition. Empúries . 473 pag. El refinament del gust N Lan John Lanchester (1962) Translation: Mercè López Arnabat This is not a conventional cook book, it contains many recipes of ultraesnob Tarquin Winot, the English dandy, through his “voyage of the senses” from Portsmouth to Provence. Hanif Kureishi (1954) Translation: Ernest Riera

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Columna . 334 pag. Quan érem orfes N Ish Kazuo Ishiguro (1954) Translation: Xavier Pàmies Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, but since his early childhood lives in England. The protagonist of this novel, Banks, is also born outside England and before starting the Second World War decides to go back to Xangai, where he used to live when he was a child, to sort out a familiar problem that worries him. Labutxaca . 448 pag. El curiós incident del gos a mitjanit N Had Mark Haddon (1962) Translation: Rosa Borràs Christopher Boone suffers from autism and is fifteen years old. His mobility is reduced, but from the very moment that his neighbour’s dog is killed he starts an inquiry. The results he’ll get will be surprising. La Magrana . 462 pag. Sobre la bellesa N Smi Zadie Smith (1975) The lives of two families of New England, with different habits. The authoress tissues a story where racial conflict, marriage and politics are the protagonists of very different visions on life and social conventions. La Magrana . 462 pag.

L’amant de Lady Chatterley N Law D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) Translation: Jordi Arbonés One of the most controversial novels of the English literature in the XXth century. The author tells on the incidents occurred to Constance Chatterley, an unhappy married woman. Connie is attracted by Mellors, the countryman who is in care of a family state. They’ll start on a relationship that will free her life from a grey and dull monotony. Un grapat de pols N Wau Evelyn Waugh (1903-1964) Translation: Ernest Riera Un grapat de pols is the story of a marriage breakdown with different settings: from the dull rural England to the exotic woods in Brazil through the decadent London of between wars. The author describes splendidly the british higher class. D’A a X N Ber John Berger (1926) Translation: Laura Baena i Garcia The author gives voice to two protagonists, Aida and Xavier, who show through the most simplistic things of everyday life a profound and sincere love. Wilt N Sha Tom Sharpe (1928) Translation: Lluís Comes Arderiu Henry Wilt is without doubt the most well-known character of this British novelist. Assistant professor always in disadvantage with his work colleagues and punished when he gets home by his dominant wife, one day decides to kill her. With this work Sharp starts a saga with Wilt as its main protagonist. Labutxaca . 32