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NSW Department of Education & Training 2312 2010 Annual School Report Kingswood Public School NSW Public Schools Leading the way

Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment

Oct 01, 2020



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Page 1: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment

NSW Department of Education & Training


2010 Annual School Report Kingswood Public School

NSW Public Schools – Leading the way

Page 2: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


Our school at a glance


Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment for students from the local Kingswood community as well as providing for the needs of identified gifted and talented students from across the region through our two Opportunity Classes. The school community encompasses students from various backgrounds including students from low socio-economic background, non English speaking background, students who are gifted and talented and students who are temporary visa holders.


The staff of Kingswood Public School consists of experienced and beginning teachers, support staff and administrative staff who are dedicated professionals that work with the school community to ensure quality teaching and learning leads to improved learning outcomes for all students whilst also ensuring the development of the whole child.

All teaching staff meet the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.

Significant programs and initiatives The students at Kingswood Public School have participated in a variety of programs and events throughout the year. These are focused on fostering a love of learning, celebrating difference and diversity and respect for others. The aim is to develop confident, self motivated, considerate and responsible citizens. A major emphasis is placed on student achievement, particularly in literacy and numeracy. The school implemented the Best Start program in Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) for a second year. Student’s literacy and numeracy levels were benchmarked upon school entry and literacy and numeracy programs implemented to cater for their individual learning needs. Support is provided to students with additional learning needs, including identified gifted and talented students in our Opportunity Class

program. Support programs that focus on learning difficulties, English as a Second Language and Reading Recovery, support and assist students to meet their individual learning needs.

The school also continued to implement Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) this year. This initiative focuses on developing, recognising and rewarding positive behaviour across the whole school.

The school community is supportive of the school’s endeavors to improve student learning outcomes and develop well rounded students and citizens.


Principal’s message Kingswood Public School continues to provide quality teaching in a caring environment. The school motto 'Strive to Succeed’ underpins the programs and practices of the school and supports all students to achieve their best.

Through the National School Pride (NSP) program the school has received federal funding and purchased Interactive Whiteboards, desktop computers, a multipurpose court, the refurbishment of the staff kitchen, new carpet in the staffroom and stage area in the hall, furniture and flooring for the foyer of the school and furniture for sick bay. A new hall was built and the existing canteen refurbished through the federal funded program Building the Education Revolution (BER).

The P & C and school community has continued to work hard this year to raise funds for our air conditioning program. Due to their efforts, another two classrooms have been air conditioned this year. A special thank you to OI Sydney, a local glass company, who continue to support this program. This program will be ongoing until all the school is air conditioned.

I would like to acknowledge the wonderful work of all the students, staff and the school community. A special thank you to the teachers and administrative staff who work so hard to ensure that all students fulfill their potential academically, socially and emotionally, leading to the maximization their life chances.

Page 3: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


I certify that the information in this report is the result of a rigorous school self-evaluation process and is a balanced and genuine account of the school’s achievements and areas for development.

Norma Petrocco, Principal

P & C and/or School Council message

In 2010 the focus of the P&C has been to direct all fundraising efforts towards providing all our classrooms with reverse cycle air conditioners. As a committee we believe that all students and staff benefit from an environment where they are able to learn and teach in a comfortable setting. We would like to acknowledge and thank OI Sydney for their continued financial support of this program.

A number of parents and guests have attended our P&C meetings this year. Meetings have been held during the day and at night. The P&C has welcomed new parents to our school and provided morning tea at Orientation Meetings for Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) and our Year 5 Opportunity Class (OC). This year the P&C have held a number of events including BBQs, Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls and raffles.

This year the P&C has looked at improving our school shirts. A survey was sent out and students, staff and parents had an opportunity to vote on the shirt. As a result, the new school shirt will be of a better quality material with Kingswood Public School embedded in the collar. These shirts will be available in 2011. A survey was also sent to parents in regards to the choice of future fundraising events.

Members of the P&C Executive Committee attended Annual Conference and regional meetings this year. We nominated our principal Ms Petrocco for an award. Committee members were able to network with local P&C Committees to discuss current and relevant issues in public education.

The P&C also joined the World Kindness Program this year with a guest speaker presenting this program at a P&C meeting.

In July the P&C held a Recognition Day for all staff to thank them for their dedication to our students and their fantastic support of the P&C and the school community.

Paul Cole, School Education Director for Penrith Valley, presented staff with a certificate and a small token of our appreciation.

The P&C also supported Book Week and purchased badges for the Library Monitors and chess boards for the Chess Club.

The P&C Executive Committee would like to thank Ms Petrocco and all the staff for their wonderful ongoing support. I would like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to the P&C Executive for their tireless efforts throughout this year. Thank you also to all the parents who have been active and supported the P&C in 2010.

Lisa Rogerson, P&C President

Student representative’s message

The SRC at Kingswood Public School aims to engage in an environment that reflects our society, and hence, prepares them for the future.

We believe that students are individuals with rights and responsibilities. Leaders at our school understand that the rights they enjoy are products from which their responsibilities have grown. The following details SRC achievements for 2010:

Focus on leadership skills qualities and practice:

The Leadership program develops the leadership skills of all students ES1-S3 through training and practice. The SRC representatives from each class were given the following responsibilities: the President, Secretary, Publicity Officer, Fund Raising Officer, Public Relations Officer and the Manager. Each leader was mentored through this process. They then applied the skills learned through this program in assisting others in peer tutoring and buddy groups.

Partnership meetings of management teams:

Programs that have featured this year include the ‘Follow Me’ project which encourages tutoring between classes in reading and writing. The ‘Build with Us’ program encouraged students to publicise school events in the school newsletter. Both these programs provided opportunities to have their work published, establishing positive communication between students and leadership experiences.

Page 4: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


Encourage growth and responsibility in modeling self sacrifice, empathy and understanding:

The students contribute to community and charity events. Each student representative has organized and managed the following programs: the astronaut visit from NASA, the Easter baskets for distribution to hospitals and nursing homes, various charity events and P&C initiatives.

Jennifer Dunstan, SRC Coordinator

School context

Student information

It is a requirement that the reporting of information for all students must be consistent with privacy and personal information policies.

Student enrolment profile









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010






Male Female

Student enrolments have increased in 2010.

Student attendance profile












2007 2008 2009 2010






Student attendance rates

School Region State DET

In 2010 student attendance rates are commensurate with regional and State DET levels.

Management of non-attendance

Students whose attendance is of concern are firstly monitored by the class teacher. The parents or caregivers of these students are contacted by the school via notes sent home or an interview. If the attendance does not improve, these students are referred to the Assistant Principal and an action plan is put into place. If this does not result in an improvement of attendance the student is referred to the Home School Liaison Officer (HSLO).

Class sizes

In March 2003 the Government announced its commitment to publish primary class sizes in annual school reports in order to provide parents with as much local information as possible.

The following table shows our class sizes as reported at the 2010 class size audit conducted on Wednesday 17 March 2010.

Roll Class

Year Total per Year

Total in Class

ES1E K 18 18 S1D 1 9 23 S1D 2 14 23 S1F 1 10 24 S1F 2 14 24 S1P 1 11 23 S1P 2 12 23 S1H 1 11 22 S1H 2 11 22

S1/S2A 2 10 26 S1/S2A 3 16 26

S2K 3 11 29 S2K 4 18 29 S2B 3 14 30 S2B 4 16 30 S3M 5 11 25 S3M 6 14 25 S3J 5 12 25 S3J 6 13 25 S3T 5 30 30 S3D 6 30 30 ES1J K 19 19

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Structure of classes

In 2010 there were 13 classes. Classes are formed using Stage groupings and named accordingly. Classes were formed taking into account numbers of students in each Stage and student’s academic, social and behavioural levels. All classes are of mixed ability except for S3T and S3D which are Year 5 and Year 6 Opportunity Classes (OC).

Staff information

It is a requirement that the reporting of information for all staff must be consistent with privacy and personal information policies

Staff establishment

Position Number

Principal 1.0 Deputy Principal(s) 0 Assistant Principal(s) 3.0 Head Teachers 0 Classroom Teachers 10.0 Teacher of Emotional Disabilities 0 Teacher of Mild Intellectual Disabilities 0 Teacher of Reading Recovery 0.525 Support Teacher Learning Assistance 0.7 Teacher Librarian 0.8 Teacher of ESL 0.8 Counsellor 0.2 School Administrative & Support Staff 2.822 Total 19.847

The National Education Agreement requires schools to report on Indigenous composition of their workforce.

There are two staff members who are of indigenous background.

Staff retention

Kingwood Public School staff have had minimal changes from 2009-2010. One staff member is currently on Long Service Leave and another is on Maternity Leave.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.

Enter text here

Qualifications % of staff

Degree or Diploma 100 Postgraduate 35

Financial summary

This summary covers funds for operating costs and does not involve expenditure areas such as permanent salaries, building and major maintenance.

Date of financial summary: 30/11/2010

Income $

Balance brought forward 84 657.46Global funds 135 298.05Tied funds 96 717.24School & community sources 83 697.03Interest 5 457.42Trust receipts 16 826.39Canteen 0.00Total income 422 653.59

ExpenditureTeaching & learning Key learning areas 19 311.23 Excursions 28 090.80 Extracurricular dissections 21 947.36Library 3 800.29Training & development 3 015.95Tied funds 89 161.51Casual relief teachers 63 432.55Administration & office 37 917.29School-operated canteen 0.00Utilities 38 294.59Maintenance 12 040.59Trust accounts 15 493.85Capital programs 0.00Total expenditure 332 506.01Balance carried forward 90 147.58

A majority of funds have been expended on teaching and learning to ensure staff and students have adequate resources to participate in varied and motivating curriculum programs within the classroom. Staff professional learning has been a priority to allow staff to further develop their knowledge, skills and understandings in order to provide a relevant curriculum based on the Board of Studies syllabuses. Professional learning funds are held as a tied grant, therefore this is included under tied funds, not Training and Development.

Our school canteen is leased privately.

A full copy of the school’s 2010 financial statement is tabled at the annual general meetings of the School Council and/or the parent

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body. Further details concerning the statement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance 2010



2010 saw the return of the Kingswood Public School Choir. The choir consisted of over forty students from Stages One, Two and Three. The choir participated in the Penrith Valley Performing Arts Festival at The Joan Sutherland Centre in Penrith in August, combining with other schools in Penrith Valley to perform two brackets of songs over three concerts. All the students benefited greatly from being given the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience.

Our school was extremely honoured and proud to have five students selected from over four hundred students to perform solos during these concerts. This is an unprecedented event in the history of the Penrith Valley Performing Arts Festival and Kingswood Public School. Our students were a stand out in all three concerts. Congratulations to these students and all of the students who did their school, their families and themselves proud.

It is anticipated that the school will enjoy a long association with this auspicious event in the future.


Our students regularly engage in varied physical

education experiences designed to provide the

foundation for lifelong commitment to and value

for leading a healthy lifestyle.

Our achievements in sports are:

Sixty students from Years 2-6 participated in the

Special Swimming Scheme held at Penrith pools

in October;

Eleven students were chosen to represent the

school at the Penrith District Swimming Carnival.

Two were then selected to represent Penrith

District at the Sydney West Swimming Carnival;

Forty eight students were chosen to represent

the school at the Penrith District Cross Country

Carnival. Three students were then selected to

represent Penrith District at the Sydney West

Cross Country Carnival;

Thirty three students were chosen to represent

the school at the Penrith District Athletics

Carnival. One student was then selected to

represent Penrith District at the Sydney West

Athletics Carnival;

Eight students were chosen to represent the

school in the following Penrith District P.S.S.A.

sports: AFL, basketball, cricket, netball, rugby

league, softball. One student was then selected

to represent Sydney West in basketball;

Six students successfully participated in the

Penrith District Golf Day;

Twelve Stage 3 students participated in the

Premier’s Sporting Leadership Program.

All 3-6 students successfully participated in a

skills based sporting clinic with students from

University of Western Sydney, Kingswood.

Students were taught a variety of skills necessary

for: softball, soccer, Australian Rules, basketball,

and netball.

All K-6 students successfully participated in the

Premier’s Sporting Challenge. The Premier's

Sporting Challenge aims to engage young people

in sport and physical activity and encourages

them to lead healthy, active lifestyles.


Gardening Club

The Gardening Club, a mix of any students within

the school who wish to participate in gardening

activities, have been working hard to improve the

gardens around the school. Through the planting

of plants, composting, mulching, weeding and

watering the gardens around the school, in

particular the area outside the library, are

starting to flourish.

Page 7: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


Thanks must be given to the P&C, Greening

Australia and Toyota, Kingswood for supplying us

with plants and gardening equipment allowing us

to complete these tasks. These activities have

fostered an ownership and pride of the gardens

by the students whilst developing their gardening

skills and knowledge.

Opportunity Class (OC) Enrichment Program

Year 5 OC students participated in The KDC

Technopush Challenge. The Kids’ Design

Challenge focused on a real life situation that

built on students’ own experiences. Students

were encouraged to work together to design and

construct a vehicle to detailed specifications. It

required a team effort and promoted a

connection to real-world practices. Project

partners, NRMA Motoring Services provided

industry support along with assistance from

parents and community members.

Year 5 OC students participated in The Clever

Climate Energy Savers program (CCES) which

provided an opportunity for students to

contribute to creating a more sustainable future.

They were challenged to identify a sustainable

issue within the school and to develop a creative

and practical proposal for action that saved

energy and reduced greenhouse gases. They had

to engage with issues of sustainability, learn how

to take sustainability action to make a difference

to their world, and strengthen their knowledge,

understanding and skills related to school


This resulted in a successful application for a

grant of $2000 which has supplied blinds to west

facing classrooms and some thermometers which

will be used to regulate the use of the air

conditioners in the classrooms.

Murder under the Microscope

Year 5 OC students researched and analysed the

evidence in order to solve a real life ecological

crime. This project focuses on catchment areas

and problems that can result in these areas along

with the interdependence of plants and animals.

The project culminates with the students

submitting an Action plan into the Connected

Learning Awards to demonstrate the actions they

are going to take to protect the environment.

The UWS Academic Speakers Initiative The education process at Kingwood Public School aims at not only extending the knowledge base of the learner, but also in providing information that may project each student laterally. Education should, therefore, engage the learner in a variety of experiences: it should challenge the enquiring mind; promote innovation and discovery and fearlessly advocate the wonder of surprise. ‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.’ Yeats

Throughout the year the potential of each student in the Year 6 Opportunity Class has been enhanced by Enrichment Program opportunities. The UWS Academic Speakers Initiative is a fundamental part of the teaching and learning that takes place within this program. Lecturers from the university prioritise learning which assists students to identify life-time goals, and secondly, to consider themselves as part of a world-wide community. The success of the program is best demonstrated by the change made to each student’s personal philosophy, self awareness and individual goal-setting. Each lecture has inspired us in different ways. I

have been encouraged to think of this world as a

place where there are possibilities. The challenge

for our generation is to look for answers to the

questions; to correct some of the inconsistencies

of this world. We need to ‘pull back the curtain,’

see the problem, and work together as one.

These lectures have made a difference. They have

been preparing us for tomorrow. Now we

understand the world a little better. Oliver (S3D)

The State Repository of NSW Program

The students from the Year 6 Opportunity Class enhanced their understanding of primary research at the State Repository of NSW this

Page 8: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


year. This specifically designed program provided students with the necessary skills to investigate, plan and write biographies. The program was written in consultation with archivists and has become a central feature of the Enrichment Program at our school.


In the National Assessment Program, the results across the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy and numeracy assessments are reported on a scale from Band 1 to Band 10.

The achievement scale represents increasing levels of skills and understandings demonstrated in these assessments.

Yr 3: from Band 1 (lowest) to Band 6 (highest for Year 3)

Yr 5: from Band 3 (lowest) to Band 8 (highest for Year 5)

Yr 7: from Band 4 (lowest) to Band 9 (highest for Year 7)

Yr 9: from Band 5 (lowest) to Band 10 (highest for Year 9)


In the School Certificate the performance of students is reported in performance bands ranging from Performance Band 1 (lowest) to Performance Band 6 (highest).

Literacy – NAPLAN Year 3

In 2010 a total of 40 Year 3 students sat for the NAPLAN tests in Literacy. This comprised a total of 20 boys and 20 girls. One student was exempt from the tests.

Some areas of strength included: identifying a common point of view in a paired persuasive text and recognizing the correct use of an apostrophe of contraction in a simple sentence.

Some areas requiring further development include: connecting a sentence to surrounding text, inferring a character’s actions, locating directly stated information, identifying spelling errors, combining sentences and identifying the

correct conjunction in a complex sentence.









1 2 3 4 5 6




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 3 reading

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010










1 2 3 4 5 6




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 3 writing

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010

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1 2 3 4 5 6




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 3 spelling

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010










1 2 3 4 5 6




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 3 grammar and punctuation

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010

Numeracy – NAPLAN Year 3

In 2010 a total of 40 Year 3 students sat for the Naplan tests in Numeracy. This comprised a total of 20 boys and 20 girls. One student was exempt from the test.

Some areas of strength include; solving single step problems involving addition, identifying the missing shapes in a repeating pattern and identifying symmetrical shapes by visualizing missing halves.

Some areas requiring further development include: identifying the outcome most likely or impossible in a chance event, expanded notation of whole numbers, operations involving the basic operations, following directions on a grid, 2D shapes and interpreting timetables.









1 2 3 4 5 6




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 3 numeracy

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010

Literacy – NAPLAN Year 5

In 2010 a total of 51 Year 5 students sat for the Naplan tests in Literacy. This comprised a total of 29 boys and 20 girls. One student was exempt from the tests and one student was absent for the whole test.

Results indicate that the school continues to perform at a level well above the state.

Some areas of strength include: locating directly stated information in a text, identifying and correctly spelling a range of two and three syllable words, connecting ideas between the

Page 10: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


text and a diagram and recognizing a change in the mood of an imaginative text.

Some areas requiring further development include: identifying the correct use of parentheses, identifying the correct pair of correlative conjunctions in a compound sentence and finding two words used to sequence in an information text.










3 4 5 6 7 8




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 5 reading

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010











3 4 5 6 7 8




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 5 writing

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010









3 4 5 6 7 8




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 5 spelling

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010

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3 4 5 6 7 8




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 5 grammar and punctuation

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010

Numeracy – NAPLAN Year 5

In 2010 a total of 51 Year 5 students sat for the Naplan tests in Numeracy. This comprised a total of 29 boys and 20 girls. One student was exempt from the tests and one student was absent for the whole test.

Results indicate that the school continues to perform at a level well above the state.

Some areas of strength include: using knowledge of place value and multiplication to complete a number sentence, solving word problems involving multiplication and division and estimating the solution to a multiplication problem.

Areas requiring further development include: the use of compensation strategy for the addition of 2 digit numbers, completing arrays to find a total, expanded form of numbers and selecting the most likely outcome in a chance event.











3 4 5 6 7 8




e o

f stu




Percentage of students in bands: Year 5 numeracy

Percentage in band

School average 2008 - 2010

SSG average 2010

State DET average 2010

Minimum standards

The Commonwealth Government sets minimum standards for reading, writing, grammar and punctuation, spelling and numeracy for years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

The performance of the students in our school in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy is compared to these minimum standards. The percentages of our students achieving at or above these standards are reported below.

Percentage of Year 3 students in our school achieving at or above the minimum standard in 2010

Percentage of Year 3 students achieving at or above minimum standard

Reading 93 Writing 93 Spelling 88 Punctuation and grammar 90 Numeracy 85

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Percentage of Year 5 students in our school achieving at or above the minimum standard in 2010

Percentage of Year 5 students achieving at or above minimum standard

Reading 96 Writing 96 Spelling 94 Punctuation and grammar 92 Numeracy 98

Average progress in Literacy between Year 3 and Year 5

Results as indicated by the tables below show that the average progress of matched students is at a level above the state average in the areas of reading and writing.

Results also show that the average progress of matched students is at a level below the state average in the areas of spelling, grammar and punctuation.









2006 - 2008 2007 - 2009 2008 - 2010




Average progress in reading between Year 3 and Year 5

School SSG State DET












2006 - 2008 2007 - 2009 2008 - 2010




Average progress in writingbetween Year 3 and Year 5

School SSG State DET









2008 - 2010




Average progress in spelling

between Year 3 and Year 5

School SSG State DET












2008 - 2010




Average progress in grammar & punctuation

between Year 3 and Year 5

School SSG State DET

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Average progress in Numeracy between Year 3 and Year 5

Results as indicated by the table below show that the average progress of matched students continues to be at a level above state average.









2006 - 2008 2007 - 2009 2008 - 2010




Average progress in numeracybetween Year 3 and Year 5

School SSG State DET

Significant programs and initiatives

Aboriginal education

This year the staff has continued to participate in a number of professional development activities in relation to the Aboriginal Education and Training Policy and to commence the implementation of Personalised Learning Plans.

In Terms 3 and 4 some of our aboriginal students were provided with targeted support through the Norta Norta Program. Students have been provided learning assistance in the key areas of literacy and numeracy with a tutor by funds provided through this program.

Multicultural education

Kingswood Public School promotes the values of

acceptance and tolerance. 2010 enrolments

included 39% of children from families where a

language other than English is spoken.

Our focus in Multicultural Education, particularly

through Human Society and its Environment units

of work, has resulted in a school environment

that enjoys a natural culture of mutual respect

across a wide diversity of nationalities, cultures

and beliefs.

Students of language backgrounds other than

English are also encouraged to share their

cultural experiences through classroom

discussions in all Key Learning Areas. Kingswood

Public School encourages inclusion and

appreciation of the diverse cultures that make up

our school population.

Respect and responsibility

The school’s key values including respect and responsibility underpin all aspects of teaching and learning at Kingswood Public School. They also reflect and reinforce the values of public education. Discussion and reinforcement of these values occurs on a daily basis.

These values are further reinforced in the school rules and through the Peer Support Program that all students participate in during the year.

Connected learning

A major focus of the School Plan has been the priority area of Connected Learning at Kingwood Public School.

In 2010 six Interactive Whiteboards were purchased and installed in classrooms and the library enabling students to increase their interactive capacity when using the Smartboards which has enhanced their ability to use computers and understand how they work. Students have also engaged in a broader range of learning experiences due to the implementation of a variety of strategies using the Smartboards.

A Connected Classroom was also installed enabling students and staff to be involved in video conferencing. The Connected Learning Team has also worked on a scope and sequence of technology skills which will be presented to staff in 2011.

The Connected Learning Team has also trained staff in the use of the Smartboards on staff development day and inserviced staff on incorporating technology and The Arts. Members of the team have been involved in STILS Computer Coordinator inservicing and Smartbugs Smart User Group inservicing.

Team members have also been up-skilled by sharing roles and responsibilities within this team. Members are responsible for hardware and software, updated passwords and user names for

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computer and internet access and reviewed and culled computers in the school.

Other programs

Reading Recovery

In 2010 a new teacher was trained to give

Reading Recovery instruction to students at

Kingswood Public School. A total of eight

students came onto the program. Four students

were on the program at one time, averaging 16

weeks. Three students discontinued the program

with two referrals and three second round

students remaining in the program for 2011.

Students in round one came onto the program at

level zero. One student was discontinued at level

sixteen and progressed to a level seventeen at

the end of the year. Two students were placed on

hold until later in the year and one student was

referred. The referred student came onto the

program at level zero and was referred off the

program for long-term support at level thirteen.

Students in round two came onto the program at

level zero (two students), one and five. Two of

these students discontinued the program at level

eighteen, meeting the required DET reading level

for Stage One. At this time, the round one

students who were placed on hold, re-entered

the program. One of these students was referred

for additional long-term support at level nine.

Three students remain on the program currently

reading at levels nine, twelve and fourteen. These

students will be carried over in 2010.

Reading Recovery is an intensive literacy

intervention which fits within the framework of a

whole school literacy program. Students who

receive Reading Recovery intervention are

monitored in Stage One and Stage Two. This

monitoring shows that students reading levels

continue to improve following Reading Recovery

intervention and is a clear indication that this

program supports student literacy learning at

Kingswood Public School.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

In Term 1 of 2010 staff discussed playground

supervision and defined playground areas and

boundaries as well as procedures and activities

permitted for students. As there was

considerable building works throughout the year

this was an ongoing task.

In relation to lining up, markers were spray

painted onto the concrete indicating where each

Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 classes were to line up

after break times. Lining up awards were initiated

and rewards given to the class receiving the most

awards for that week.

In Term 3 staff discussed categories of behaviour

and began to define which would be managed by

the Executive staff and/or by teachers on duty.

Staff examined a recording method that indicated

the type of activity and behaviour on the

playground so that there would be tangible data.

Data is necessary so that the PBL team and staff

can analyse which behaviours could be improved

upon and then formulate teaching sessions

across the school that deal with the appropriate


Staff discussed the launch of PBL to the students

and school community. A date for this launch is

yet to be set. The PBL team will meet in early

2010 to finalise the launch.

Progress on 2010 targets

Target 1

Increase the number of students in the top two skill bands in Year 3 in reading from 41.9% to 47.5%

Our achievements include:

An increase in the number of students in the top two skill bands from 41.9% to 48%.

A decrease in the number of students in the bottom two skill bands from 27% to 18%.

SMART effectively used to inform teaching and learning practices and reading programs. Identified outcomes in reading targeted and taught intensively.

Page 15: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


Individualised learning plans in place for students not meeting the minimum standards in reading in Year 3.

Target 2

Improved student behaviour through the implementation of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL):

Our achievements include:

Collecting and analyzing playground data to establish boundaries, procedures and activities for students ensuring their safety and wellbeing.

Discussing and defining categories of behaviour and the effective management of these behaviours by teachers and the Executive staff.

Discussion and planning the launch of PBL to the students and school community in 2011.

A further reduction in the number of discipline referral from Early Stage 1 to Stage 3.

Key evaluations

It is a requirement for all NSW public schools to conduct at least two annual evaluations – one related to educational and management practice and the other related to curriculum. In 2010 our school carried out evaluations of Enter text here

Educational and management practice

School Culture – School Uniforms


The students, staff and school community have a strong belief that the wearing of school uniforms ensure equity and promote a sense of belonging within the school community. Most students wear the school uniform daily and believe they are proudly promoting the school by doing so.

In 2010 the P&C put forward a change to the school uniform in the way of a new school polo shirt. A uniform committee was established and DET policy and guidelines were followed.

Findings and conclusions

A survey was sent to parents on the change to the school shirt. This change was supported by parents and parents were able to purchase the

new school shirt for the start of the school year in 2010.

Future directions

All new students to the school will be encouraged to purchase the new school shirt. The school will continue to promote the benefits of wearing a school uniforms to all students and the school community.


Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE)


In 2009 the staff of Kingswood Public School began a review of the Key Learning Area of Human Society and Its Environment. This review continued in 2010 with an emphasis on teaching and learning using and outcomes based scope and sequence which enables teachers to teach with more flexibility.

Findings and conclusions

A majority of teachers believe their students are achieving the syllabus requirements and that their students enjoy participating in this HSIE. Most staff found an outcomes based scope and sequence is easy to use and that it supports the teaching and learning of HSIE and that HSIE is adequately resourced. Most students enjoyed learning in this key learning area especially with the use of technology such as interactive white boards.

Future directions

Teachers will continue to use a HSIE outcomes based scope and sequence and more resources are purchased to support the teaching and learning in this key learning area. Teachers will continue to inform parents of student achievement in school reports and parent/teacher interviews.

Parent, student, and teacher satisfaction

In 2010 the school sought the opinions of parents, students and teachers about the school. This was carried out through formal and informal discussions, comments provided through surveys and from parent meetings.

Their responses are provided below.

Page 16: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


A high level of satisfaction exists within the school. Students feel proud to be members of our school and are happy to come to school each day. Parents are positive about programs and policies run within the school.

Generally teachers and students agree that they share positive relationships. Teachers are fair and students indicate that teachers are interested in helping them to do their best.

The school provides learning opportunities that are important, useful and will prepare students for future learning.

Professional learning All staff participated in professional learning meetings and Priority Area Team meetings throughout the year and on staff development days including mandatory training requirements in areas such as CPR and Child Protection.

A number of staff participated in professional learning opportunities provided on a regional and/or State level. These professional learning experiences were aligned to the school’s targets, regional targets and priority areas and personal professional learning goals.

School development 2009 – 2011

The School Plan 2009 – 2011 aligns with the Department of Education and Training (DET) and the Western Sydney Regional Plan. The School Plan for Kingswood Public School outlines the intended outcomes and targets in the School Priority Areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Student Engagement and Retention, Aboriginal Education and Training, Teacher Quality, and Connected Learning.

Priority Area Target Teams lead the implementation of the School Priority Areas and meet regularly to implement, monitor and review the School Plan.

Targets for 2011

Target 1

To increase the average progress of matched students in Year 3 and Year 5 to a level commensurate with the State average in grammar and punctuation.

Strategies to achieve this target include:

Detailed analysis of NAPLAN Year 3 and Year 5 and school based assessment data to target and address specific areas of improvement in grammar and punctuation.

Analysis of current teaching programs and strategies being used to teach grammar and punctuation.

Teachers participate in professional learning in school and Stage teams to develop strategies and teaching practices to address identified outcomes in grammar and punctuation.

Students who are not meeting minimum standards in grammar and punctuation are identified and specific programs are put into place to address their learning needs.

Our success will be measured by:

The average progress of matched students in Year 3 and Year 5 are at or above State average in grammar and punctuation.

SMART effectively used to inform teaching and learning programs in grammar and punctuation and identified outcomes are targeted and taught explicitly and intensively.

Individualized learning plans are in place for students not meeting the minimum standards in grammar and punctuation.

Target 2

To effectively introduce and implement Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) to the students and school community.

Strategies to achieve this target include:

PBL officially launched to the students and the school community.

School wide expectations are further refined and developed through consultation with students and the school community.

School wide expectations implemented and supported across the school community.

Our success will be measured by:

PBL is effectively launched with the students, staff and school community.

Page 17: Annual School Report 2010 - Kingswood · 2019. 11. 4. · Students Kingswood Public School was established in 1892 and continues to provide a nurturing, inclusive and caring environment


School wide expectations are successfully adopted by the students, staff and school community.

A further reduction in the number of discipline referrals from Early Stage 1 to Stage 3.

About this report

In preparing this report, the self-evaluation committee has gathered information from evaluations conducted during the year and analysed other information about the school's practices and student learning outcomes. The self-evaluation committee and school planning committee have determined targets for the school's future development.

Norma Petrocco, Principal

Bronwyn Napper, Literacy Coordinator

Martin McDaid, Numeracy Coordinator

Meredith Jeff, Connected Learning Coordinator

Lisa Rogerson, P&C President

Jennifer Dunstan, SRC Coordinator Teacher

Sandra Finch, Choir Coordinator

Kristy Fox, Sports Coordinator

Lesley Taylor, Environmental Ed Coordinator

Jo Prunty, ESL Teacher

Julia McErlain, Reading Recovery Teacher

Julie Fisher, PBL Coordinator

School contact information

Kingswood Public School

46 – 54 Second Avenue Kingswood NSW 2747

Ph: 02 4736 4028

Fax: 02 4736 6012

Email: [email protected]


School Code: 2312

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