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Revised 8/2013 Page 1 Anne Mason Elementary SBDM Council Policies Please note that policies 1 – 4 have been revised as of 8/2013 SBDM meeting. The remaining policies will be revised during this school year.

Anne Mason Elementary SBDM Council Policies SBDM POLICIES 813-0.pdf · Teachers should work together, both horizontally and vertically, to ensure expectations for student work are

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Page 1: Anne Mason Elementary SBDM Council Policies SBDM POLICIES 813-0.pdf · Teachers should work together, both horizontally and vertically, to ensure expectations for student work are

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Anne Mason Elementary

SBDM Council


Please note that policies 1 – 4 have been revised as of 8/2013 SBDM

meeting. The remaining policies will be revised during this school year.

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Table of Contents

Policy Name Page Policy 1- COMMITTEES 3











Policy 8.0 – DISCIPLINE 23


Policy 10.0 – STAFF ASSIGNMENTS 26

Policy 11.0 – USE OF SPACE 27

Policy 12.0 - SCHEDULING 28

Policy 13.0 – VOLUNTEERS 29

Policy 14.0 – HEAD LICE 30

Policy 15.0 – MEDIA CENTER 32

Policy 16.0 – ATTENDANCE 35

Policy 17.0 – NUT ALLERGY 36

Policy 18.0 – STUDENT HEALTH 37

Policy 19.0 – STUDENT WELLNESS 38


Policy 21.0 – REMEDIATION PLANS 42


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Policy Number


Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

Committees at Anne Mason Elementary will operate specifically as

described in the SBDM Council by-laws, Article V., pages 5-6, and will

meet monthly during the school year. At the initial committee meeting of

the school year, the committees will elect a chairperson and secretary.

Monthly minutes will be sent to the council secretary and chairperson.

Standing committees are described on page 12. Committees should review

these pages before beginning work together, and should refer to these pages

if there are questions concerning the responsibilities of committees.

Date /Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

I. Philosophy

Our ultimate goal is to place students in settings that will best allow them

to learn.

To accomplish this goal, we will do the following:

Create heterogeneous classes that will provide balance regarding

gender, academic strengths/needs and social skills.

Challenge each student academically and socially to do his/her

very best.

Provide students with the opportunity to work and play with a

variety of children so they can accept and celebrate differences, and

learn to get along with and respect all kinds of people.

Provide students with the opportunity to work with a variety of

different teachers over the course of their elementary career so they

learn to adapt to different styles of teachers.

To the best of our ability to predict, provide a complementary

match between the teacher and student.

II. Teacher Input

Teachers will assess their students in regard to academic skills, social

skills, ethnicity, gender and behavior. Any special needs or

identifications for each child will be noted at this time as well (i.e. Title

One, special education, gifted, etc.).

III. Placement Procedures

A. Student Needs

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Students will be heterogeneously assigned to classrooms according to

academic need, gender, social skills, and learning style. Equal

numbers of males and females will be used to the maximum extent

possible. We will make every effort to achieve balance and equity in

our classrooms in terms of race, gender, and students’ academic,

emotional, and social needs. Our goal is to create classroom

environments that will be most conducive to learning for all students.

C. Steps involved in the Placement Process.

1. Teachers will fill out Placement forms for each student.

2. As a team, teachers will create heterogenous classes based on the

placement philosophy.

3. If necessary, the principal will consider parent input, and will place

students accordingly, keeping the goal of creating balanced,

equitable classrooms foremost in mind.

4. Special area teachers will review the lists as well, and will be asked

to “sign off” that they have looked at the lists and have

communicated any concerns, indicating that to the best of their

knowledge, students have been placed appropriately.

IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time, the lists are not yet finalized and should

not be circulated. If needed, the principal will make any necessary changes.

5. Once the lists are finalized, students will be notified of their

upcoming teacher during the summer via mail.

D. Requests to transfer a student from one classroom to another will only

be considered under extreme circumstances and are extremely unlikely,

as this would impact the balance of the classroom. Transfers during the

school year can be made by the principal only, and only after

consultation with the child’s teacher and parent(s).

F. Enrolling New Students during the Summer or During the School

Year1. When parents enroll a student during the school

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year,students will be assigned to the classroom with the lowest

enrollment. . Upon enrollment, students/parents will receive a

school handbook, free/reduced lunch application, and a supply list

for the child’s specific grade level.

2. When a child is enrolled during the school year, placement may be

temporary. Permanent placement will depend on information

received from his/her previous school and how well the child

interacts in the classroom in which he/she has been placed.

Parent/s will be notified if a change in classroom is made.

Date /Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Number


Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

The intent of this policy is to ensure every Anne Mason Elementary

student has the opportunity to join an after school club at some time during

their elementary career. It is our hope that through club participation,

students will develop a genuine sense of importance, investment, and

belonging, helping to further establish a sense of community for our


I. Club Proposals

Each year, AME staff members will have the opportunity to

propose an idea for a club or clubs they would like to sponsor.

Proposals should include the following information: name of the

club, purpose of the club, membership capacity, membership age/s,

meeting times and days, fees, and an explanation of how fees will

be utilized.

II. Club Membership

Proposals should also include how members will be selected if

membership limitations exist. When limitations do exist as far as

membership capacity (enrollment), students wishing to join will be

given equal opportunity in the selection process. The selection

may be random by drawing, first come first serve, or by test or

audition, with fifth graders who have never participated in a club

being given first priority.

Once proposals have been approved by the principal, a club

“shopping” day will be held. Students will be allowed to browse

club displays to determine whether or not they might be interested

in participating in one or more of our after school clubs.

Parents will be able to attend the club shopping day to sign up their

child/ren for the clubs of their choice. If for any reason parents

cannot attend, the parent/child is responsible for contacting the

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club sponsor to sign up and obtain a permission slip for


III. Club Member Expectations

Club members are expected to follow the school rules and the club

expectations that are set forth by the club sponsor and approved by

the principal .Club members who do not follow these procedures

may be asked to leave the club. In addition, club members who are

suspended from school and/or the bus at any time may not

participate in club meetings during the time of the suspension.

IV. Permission

Club sponsors must have signed permission slips from each child’s

parent/legal guardian before students will be allowed to participate

in an after school club. Parents are responsible for providing

transportation and picking students up on time after each club

meeting. Supervision is not available for students beyond the

designated pick-up time. Sponsors should include this in their

introductory information for parents.

Date /Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Number


Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

While curriculum is standard across the school, teachers use their

professional judgment to make decisions about the instruction that will best

help their individual students be successful. As teachers make decisions

about instruction they will take into consideration the following:

Instruction shall be standards referenced. Teachers of a specific

grade level team plan instruction together around a set of

standards and expectations for that specific level. Instruction is

differentiated based on the needs of the students.

Needs of students will be determined through a variety of formal

and informal assessments. Assessments should include, but not

be limited to, extended response, short-answer and multiple-

choice items.

Teachers should work together, both horizontally and vertically,

to ensure expectations for student work are aligned.

Teachers should be able to differentiate instruction based on

assessment information and their knowledge of the content standards.

Instruction shall be based on research and identified best

practices for each content area. In addition, teachers will work

together to intentionally design work that meets each child at the

level he or she is at and takes them to mastery of each standard at

each grade level.

To provide our students with a framework for consistency

school-wide, the following practices of effective teaching will be

implemented on a regular basis in each classroom: targets

posted and introduced each morning and/or at the beginning

of each lesson, agenda posted, , bellringers/flashbacks utilized

consistently to review prior content, closure/exit slip activities

will be in place to review each day’s intended targets, and self-

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assessment practices utilizedto consistently teach students to be

self-aware of their own learning.

In addition, teachers will work to incorporate additional effective

teaching strategies on a school-wide basis. These include, but are

not limited to the following: wait-time extended, the PASS

option, checking for understanding (both time and task).

Teachers will teach in such a way to enable students to answer

the following questions: What are you learning, Why is it

important, Is your work quality work, and How do you know.

Teachers will also ensure that students are familiar with the

Kentucky General Scoring Guide.

Teachers will not only enable students to answer these four

questions, but they will also be able to answer the DuFour Four

Essential Questions:

o What do we want our students to learn? (planning, pacing)

o How will know if they have learned it?(data collection)

o What will I do if they do not learn it? (remediation)

o What will I do if they do learn it? (enrichment)

Date ___________________ \ Signature ______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Statement


The primary program is based on our philosophy that all children can learn,

with the understanding that children develop at different rates. This is

especially true when students are first developing their foundational skills.

Our primary program is designed to allow students to make continuous

progress toward the exit criteria within a four or five year period.

After reviewing extensive research regarding how children learn best from

ages five to eight, the Kentucky Department of Education has developed the

following list to use as a reference when designing the primary program:

A child learns as a total person.

Children grow through similar stages of development at

different rates.

Methods, climate, atmosphere, and teacher attitude all affect a

child’s self-esteem.

Children learn best through interactions with the environment

and people.

Children learn best when taught through an integrated


Children cannot be given knowledge, but instead must construct

it themselves.

Learning is a very social process.

Children learn communication skills when able to share what

they have learned with others.

Children learn math skills when they explore, discover, and

solve real problems.

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1. The primary program involves the instructional program prior to 4th


2. AME has outlined specific criteria to be used to determine successful

completion of the primary program. Instruction is geared to enable all

students to successfully meet the criteria.

3. Students will progress through the primary program at different rates.

Every child within the primary is viewed as an individual. Placement

decisions are based on the needs of the individual child.

4. Our primary program is intentionally designed to meet the critical

attributes as outlined by 704 KAR 3:440:

Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Continuous Progress

Multi-age and Multi-Ability Classrooms

Authentic Assessment

Qualitative Reporting

Professional Teamwork

Positive Parent Involvement

5. Teachers will work together in both horizontal and vertical teams to

ensure that each attribute is used to meet individual student needs, and to

help all students to successfully complete the primary program. Each

year primary teachers will be asked to review the seven critical attributes

listed above to ensure their classroom and our school procedures are

intentionally meeting this criteria.

Date ________________ \ Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description





Just like children learn to walk and talk at different times, they also develop

academically at different rates and at different times. Learning is a

developmental process and students vary in the amount of time needed to

learn how to read, write and use mathematical processes. This variance in

learning time is especially seen during the primary years as a result of

children entering school with varying levels of maturity, language

development and background experiences. The goal of our primary program

is to provide continuous progress for all students, and to make sure that each

child is learning as much as he or she can.

It is critical to note that Primary is intended to be a four or five year

program. As a result of differences in learning rates and development, some

students will need an additional year in primary (grades kindergarten

through third).

Parents should be informed of this as early as possible so that necessary

supports can be put in place both at school and at home. Our school will

work diligently with parents to help them understand that an extra year in

primary is not a failure for their child. Instead, it is part of the developmental

process of growing not only physically, but also academically, emotionally

and socially.


1. Communication

Communication about student progress is very important. In order to ensure

that parents have been informed, the following will happen:

The teacher will hold conferences in the fall and spring with the

parent/guardian of any child who is not progressing at a rate that

allows the child to be ready for next level. At the primary level,

this is any child with a majority of skill levels falling into minimal

progress range on the report card. At the intermediate level, this is

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any child who is not showing adequate progress towards mastery of

grade level standards.

Conference summaries will be kept with parents’ signature,

indicating that they have been informed of the school’s concern

about the child’s progress. If the parent does not come in for a

conference the following may be done:

A. A phone conference can be held with the teacher documenting

the conference using the conference summary form. The

summary form, along with the recommended retention form

outlining reasons for the retention recommendation, will be sent

to the parent for his/her signature.

B. If the parent cannot be reached by phone, a written conference

summary sheet will be sent to the parent, and they will be asked

to sign and return the form. If a teacher is unable to get a

conference summary sheet returned, one will be mailed to the


C. If by late spring the teacher is still unable to get a signed

summary sheet, the teacher will complete the form indicating

the need for the extra year and send it home.

D. Three copies of the conference summaries will be used. One

will go to the parent, one will be given to the principal, and one

will be put in the child’s cumulative folder.

2. Timeline for the year of the decision

Because the individual needs of students vary, the decision of when to

complete the additional year may be different from student to student,

and we will individualize to meet each student’s needs whenever

possible. For example, a child who is having difficulties in reading may

be on or above grade level in math. It is critical that each child be met

where he or she is in terms of skill levels. In order to ensure continuous

progress for each student, it may not be necessary for a child to spend the

extra year completely repeating the curriculum at a specific level. We

will adjust to meet each child’s needs.

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3. When Parents don’t Agree

When a child spends an additional year in the primary program, parent

support is important. When parents see that this will help their child and

work with the school to support the child, the additional year has a much

better chance of being successful. At times, parents do not agree with

providing their child with an additional year. When this happens the

teacher will follow the guidelines listed below:

The teacher will follow the guidelines outlined above on

communicating with the parents throughout the school year on the

progress of their child.

If, at the end of the year, the parent does not agree with the decision,

the teacher will let the parent know that the school would like to make

sure that the decision they make is an informed one, and will suggest

that they attend a meeting with the following:

A. The child’s current teacher(s)

B. A teacher representative from the next level

C. Principal

At this meeting, the parent will be given examples of the work that will

be expected for next year along with the list of expectations/outcomes for

the level. Current student work will be presented. The parent will be

asked to consider the different options for their child. It is ultimately the

school’s decision whether a child remains in a grade or progresses to the

next grade. The parent will be asked to sign the paperwork showing that

they were involved in the conference, not necessarily in agreement.

Date ________________ \ Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description



Policy Statement

Anne Mason Elementary will develop a plan for the implementation of

technology in accordance with KRS 158.645/158.6451 that is developed by

an ad hoc committee of teachers, parents, and school administrator(s). The

plan should be an integral part of the school’s comprehensive improvement

plan. The technology plan shall be presented to the staff and approved by

the school’s SBDM council. A copy of that plan shall be included in the

SBDM handbook and reviewed and updated as needed.

Date ____________ /Signature __________________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description



Policy Statement


In order to create a school where students’ instructional needs are met;

curriculum, instruction and assessment are inseparable.

Schoolwide Assessment:

Schoolwide Assessments will be used for the following purposes:

Track individual student progress over time

Evaluate effectiveness of common programs

Set goals for continual improvement for the individual student, the

classroom teacher and the school as a whole

Help in placement decisions

Provide information for parents on their child’s progress

Benchmark Assessments –AME students in grades K - 5 will take

assessment benchmark assessment three times each year. These tests are

comparable to norm-referenced tests (i.e. CTBS) and will help to identify

instructional and curricular needs. In addition, these tests provide an

additional source of objective data for monitoring student performance and

differentiation needs. Benchmark Assessments will be one component used

for RTI placement.

Reading Assessments – Running records shall be completed for each child in

grades 1-3 at least 3 times each year. Scores will be compiled and shared

with teachers as individual scores and class and grade level averages.

Common content assessments by grade level– During the unit development

process, common unit assessments tied to standards will be created that will

be used by all teachers at each grade level. These assessments will be used

with all students at a particular level and will be used to analyze student

progress towards the standards and provide teachers feedback about

instruction. Teachers at each grade level will meet regularly to analyze

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student work and make changes to instruction based on what students are


Classroom Assessment

Assessment needs to be both formative and summative and should be used

to guide instruction. Since curriculum, instruction and assessment are

inseparable, teachers should use student assessment to continually improve

both their instruction and curriculum. Classroom assessments should be

intentionally designed as follows:

To evaluate student progress on Common Core/grade level standards.

To incorporate extended response, short-answer and multiple choice


To be varied and provide a number of ways to allow students to show

what they know over time.

To provide choices for students when possible to allow them to use

their strengths to show content knowledge.

To provide both paper/pencil and project opportunities.

To support modifications that need to be available for students with

special needs.

Date ____ ________ /Signature __________________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

Curriculum at Anne Mason Elementary School shall be aligned with the

Academic Expecations, the Kentucky Core Academic Standards and the

Kentucky Core Content version 4.1 as outlined by the Kentucky Department

of Education. The following process will be followed in curriculum/unit


Standards/Targets identified per level

Standards/Targets grouped into units and prioritized

Supporting content identified and prioritized

Assessments created to assess standards

Activities, procedures, assignments for each target

Modifications, needed supports, and enrichments identified to be used

to ensure all students are successful in learning the specified content

Curriculum requirements at each level will be discussed on an on-going

basis, both in vertical and horizontal teams, to ensure alignment in regard to

standards, assessment, and expectations. Adjustments will be made

whenever necessary.

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Policy Statement


At Anne Mason Elementary, our goal is involve each child in an educational

experience of exceptional quality. In order to accomplish this effectively, we

will do the following:

Constantly review and align our curriculum to ensure continuity

in each child’s education.

Actively engage students through authentic learning


Empower students by taking advantage of community resources

in order to create learning experiences both inside and outside

the school.

Our goal is to provide a variety of resources that can be used by students to

learn the content, skills, and strategies necessary to meet state and national

standards. Since students’ needs can be very different, teachers need to be

able to adapt their instruction. In order for teachers to be able to

differentiate for individual students, they need to have access to multiple

levels of materials, manipulatives, resources, videos, software, etc. for all

content areas.


Decisions regarding program evaluation, textbook adoption, technology

utilization, and the purchase of instructional materials will take the following

into consideration:

Needs of students/current student performance

Alignment with Academic Expectations, the Kentucky Core

Academic Standards and the Kentucky Core Content vs4.1

Research-based practices

Materials currently available in school

Availability of funding

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In addition:

The school shall organize all instructional and other activity to be

aligned with standards established in state laws and regulations, and

in a manner that is consistent with local school board policy.

The school shall utilize technology in a manner consistent with

local school board policy and state laws and regulations.

The school shall appraise all programs in a manner that is consistent

with local school board policy. Programs shall be appraised upon

request of the school council by assigning the program appraisal to

the appropriate committee for completion and recommendation to

the council.

Date ________ /Signature __________________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

In the spring of each year, using staffing allotments provided by the district,

the school council will decide the staffing configuration for the following

year after considering student needs and input from the school staff. The

Principal will fill positions following the procedure below, and will keep the

council informed of the status of new hiring. If the school receives

additional staffing allotment, the council will be consulted concerning the

placement of additional personnel.

When there is a position to be filled, the following procedures will be


1. A list of applicants will be received from the Superintendent.

2. Applications will be screened by the Principal.

3. The principal will contact references of the interviewed


4. Finalist(s) will be interviewed by a committee consisting of the

principal, selected staff members (including staff members who

will be working in close contact with the new hire), and any

member/s of the council who would like to participate. The

committee will provide input to the principal on the perceived

strengths and weaknesses of the applicants, and rank the

candidates as to whom they would recommend for the position.

5. The principal will then consult with the council on the strengths

of the candidates.

6. The Principal will make the final decision on the individual to fill

the vacancy after considering all input. The hiring process shall

be completed in a timely manner while adhering to all laws,

regulations, and policies.

The committee and the principal shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,

national origin, religion, creed, marital status, political affiliation, sex or disabling

condition in employment, education program, or activities it sponsors.

Policy Number

Date ___________ \ Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

The staff of Anne Mason Elementary believes that all children can learn to

be disciplined, but are children first and foremost. The staff believes that

consistency is the basis for all discipline. Students will follow the district

discipline policy, and in addition will be taught school-wode behaviors that

have been task-analyzed and laid out step by step

Policy Number

Date ____________ \ Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

When the vacancy of the Principal occurs, the following steps will be taken:

1. The Superintendent’s office will appoint an interim Principal should

the vacancy occur during the school year.

2. The council will establish a time-line for the hiring process.

3. If the council chairperson is the Principal, the council will select a

new chair for all matters regarding the hiring of a new Principal.

4. The council will receive training by Central Office on interviewing

techniques, and the legal issues surrounding the hiring of a new


5. The council will outline the process for deciding the desired

characteristics for a Principal and the creation of the interview

questions. Staff, parents and other interested persons will be involved

in the process. Council will approve the interview questions, making

sure the focus is on the mission/vision of the school.

6. The Superintendent’s office will conduct a search for candidates and

will send a list of recommended applicants to the council. The

council will then schedule a series of special meetings to review the

applicants, check references, and conduct the necessary interviews.

Any discussion of interviews of candidates shall be conducted in

closed session as allowed by KRS 61 810 (1) (f).

7. At the completion of interviews and discussions, the council will

choose a candidate to recommend to the Superintendent. Council will

follow Warner’s Decision-Making Policy 1.01 (X) in regards to

deciding on which candidate will fill the vacancy. The council chair

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shall report the selection to the Superintendent who will complete the

hiring process.

8. If the council is unable to make a selection from the candidates, the

council chair will request to have more candidates from the

Superintendent’s office. If no acceptable candidates are found, the

Superintendent will place an interim Principal at the school until such

time that an acceptable candidate can be found.

The council shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national

origin, religion, creed, marital status, political affiliation, sex or disabling

condition in employment, education program, or activities it operates.

Date ________________ \ Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

Each spring the Principal will survey the staff for input in the staff

assignments for the following year. At that time staff can request

assignments if interested. Given needs of different student groups within the

school, staff input, and the staffing allotment, the Principal will make

assignment decisions.

By the May council meeting, the Principal shall prepare a school staff

assignment plan for the following school year and shall present the plan to

the school council for consultation. Since changes may occur during the

summer a follow up plan that reflects amendments shall be prepared by the

Principal and communicated to the school council by the August meeting. If

any changes occur during the school year, the principal will keep council

informed. Final decisions about staff assignment rest with the Principal.

All vacant positions, whether existing or new, shall be communicated to the

staff. Teachers shall have 3 working days from the date of the posting to

inform the Principal, in writing, of their request to be considered for

reassignment to the vacant position. The reassignment of existing staff is at

the discretion of the Principal.

Before and after school responsibilities – Each year, a team of staff members

will be assigned to various locations throughout the building for before and

after school duty. It will be the responsibility of the team to design an

equitable arrangement and schedule. These schedules/plans must be

approved in advance by the Principal.

Date ____________ \ Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Statement

The Principal shall be responsible for recommending the use of school

space. Recommendations for the use of school space will take into

consideration class size, program space needs, physical accessibility,

supervision of students, safety, and overall effective school management.

Date ____________ \ Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

A designated staff member, working in collaboration with the school

Principal, shall solicit input from the staff and develop a proposed school

schedule in May. Staff will have the opportunity to provide input

regarding the schedule that would best meet the needs of the entire


When the staff has reached consensus on a schedule, council will be

informed of the schedule adopted by the staff no later than the first council

meeting of the new school year. If staff cannot come to consensus on a

schedule, council will assist the Principal in making the final decision.

Scheduling includes, but is not limited to, AHPL classes, lunches, and

reading classes. In addition, each teacher should submit individual

schedules to the office as soon as it is finalized.

Date /Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

All volunteers must complete a Volunteer Training class and have a

completed criminal background check before volunteering at Anne Mason

Elementary. At the beginning of the school year parents will receive a

volunteer application in the first Friday folder. If they are interested in being

a volunteer they will complete the application and return it to the Volunteer

Coordinator. If the applicant has prior approval from the district they will be

added to the volunteer data base established in August 2003. If the applicant

has not been trained as a volunteer they will be scheduled to attend a training

class as soon as possible. It can take up to 6 weeks for a criminal

background check to be completed. When the applicant has been approved

he/she will be added to the volunteer data base.

When a teacher has a need for a volunteer he/she will complete the

Volunteer Request Form and give it to the Volunteer Coordinator. Every

effort will be made to match the needs of the teacher with the talents of the

volunteers in the data base. Volunteers will be assigned by task, rather than

by teacher. Volunteers may work in their child’s classroom during field

trips, class parties, and for specific jobs. If a volunteer should create a

learning concern for a child, then a volunteer will be asked to volunteer in a

room other than his/her child’s room. Volunteers will sign-in in the front

office on the Volunteer Sign-In sheet and pick up a visitors sticker or wear

his/her volunteer identification badge upon entering the building.

Volunteers may be asked to refrain from volunteering in our building if

behavior is unbecoming a volunteer or conduct is not appropriate based on

the volunteer handbook’s code of ethics.

Before field trips, parties, or projects, teachers should submit a list of

volunteers to the Volunteer Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator will

notify the teacher if any volunteers on the list are unapproved.

Date /Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

1. A child identified with head lice will be sent home. Contacts made

with the parent(s), guardian or pick-up person will be done in a

confidential and professional manner. An informational letter will be

given to the person picking up the child.

Two days of excused absences will be granted. Additional days will

be unexcused.

Upon returning to school the child must be accompanied by a parent

or guardian to be checked back in. The trained school personnel will

check the child’s head to make sure it is free of lice and nits. If the

head is clear, the child will remain in school. If lice or nits remain,

the child will be sent back home after trained school personnel

reviews procedures to clean home, car, etc… The same process for

checking back in will be enforced until the child is free of lice and

nits. Watching a video may be requested.

The trained school personnel will recheck student for head lice

reinfestation in 7 days.

2. If, during the school year, the same child is identified with a second

case of lice or nits, efforts will be made to go over the educational

information one-on-one with the parent(s) or guardian.

3. If a new case of lice or nits is identified a third time during a 30 day

period, a social service referral and/or home visit may be made. The

parent(s) or guardian will also be requested to watch an instructional

video on head lice.

4. If this problem persists and truancy becomes an issue, the district

attendance policy will be enforced as it is for any truancy situation.

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5. If the number of days absent extends beyond three, the following steps

will be taken.

Days 1-2 excused

Day 3 unexcused

Day 4-5 Letter about truancy sent home

Day 6 Truant officer notified

6. If, at any point, the appointed personnel and Principal agree that the

child’s parent(s) or guardian is being unresponsive, immediate

referrals will be made.


Council Chairperson

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Policy Statement

Philosophy and Mission

The philosophy of the Anne Mason media program is that students and

staff be effective users of ideas and information in the development of

lifelong learning skills. To maintain this philosophy, the media

program will provide a structure of student learning activities with

opportunities in all areas of the curriculum to develop and integrate

information/research skills including: locating, interpreting, analyzing,

synthesizing, evaluating, and utilizing data from a variety of resources.

The program, fully integrated into the school’s curriculum and central

to the learning process, will promote the love of learning and the

importance of using and evaluating information throughout life, as well

as encouraging an appreciation of literature, and developing a lifelong

love of reading.

The mission of the Anne Mason Media Center is to be an information

and teaching resource to the students and staff. Media Center users

will be provided with a variety of media and access to outside sources

including online information. The Media Center and staff will serve as

the central support of the instructional and curriculum needs of the

school, while also encouraging and providing for students’ recreational


Selection Policy

The Anne Mason media center staff is committed to selecting

educational resources that will aid student development in three basic


Critical thinking

Objective evaluation

Aesthetic appreciation

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The instructional materials are selected and adopted to support the

curriculum. The Library maintains a collection containing picture books,

fiction and non-fiction sections – which includes references materials and

periodicals for students and professional materials, including periodicals,

films, and other media sources for faculty and staff.

Materials are chosen based on positive reviews from professional journals

and popular requests by students and faculty. Materials, both purchased and

accepted as gifts must meet the requirements of either the curriculum or the

needs of the users and must be appropriate to the audience. Gifts of books

and other materials are accepted with the understanding that the library may

make whatever use of the materials if feels appropriate.

As materials become worn, dated, damaged or lost, replacement will be

decided by the appropriate staff members, who will determine whether or


The item is still available and can be replaced

Another item or format might better serve the same purpose

There remains sufficient need to replace that item

Updated, newer or revised materials better replace a given item

The item has historical value

Another networking agency could better provide that or a comparable


Challenge Policy

It is the responsibility of individual patrons, not the Library Media

Specialist or media center staff, to limit their reading to books and materials

which are congruent with their individual tastes. While a person may reject

materials for him/herself and his/her children, he/she may not restrict access

to the materials by others.

If there is a request for withdrawal of material, the library committee,

chaired by the Library Media Specialist will examine the item in question.

This committee will include the Library Media Specialist and two or more

faculty/staff members and may include parents involved in the Media Center

program and students.

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Specific steps will be taken:

The complainant will fill out a review form explaining their objection

to the material in question

The library committee will check reviews and determine whether the

item conforms to the selection standards of this policy. If it is a

request for addition of an item that has been rejected by the library,

the Library Media Specialist will reconsider its addition

Decisions made by the committee will be presented to the principal

and SBDM council for a final decision. The complainant will be

given, in writing, the reasons for the decision.

Materials subject to complaint will not be removed from use pending final



Council Chairperson

Policy Number

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

The intent of this policy is provide a positive, inviting incentive plan to

encourage all students who attend Anne Mason Elementary to be at school

on time every day.

Anne Mason faculty and staff know that all students learn better when they

are at school on time and well. We also know that our school funding is tied

to our average daily attendance. In order to encourage children to be here on

time and maximize our school funding, Anne Mason will follow these

guidelines to encourage attendance:

1. AME will graph grade level attendance and display it in

common areas.

2. Monthly incentives will be given to all children who have

perfect attendance, including no tardies, at the end of each


3. Monthly incentives will be given to the individual class with

the highest monthly attendance. This will be a spirit stick that

will be passed from class to class based on the attendance. The

class with the most improved attendance will be given a

certificate of improvement.

4. Students who miss school, will be welcomed back to school

with a brief questionnaire concerning why they missed and

telling them that they were missed while they were out.

5. FRYSC will begin making contact to students that have 3

unexcused absences or more, encouraging them to be here and

to offer their services to help with any attendance related issue.

6. The school nurse will prepare a brief talk for each grade level

discussing healthy habits that encourage high attendance.

7. Perfect attendance awards will be given at the end of each nine

weeks and year.

Date /Signature _______________________

Council Chairperson

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Policy Statement

In order to protect students with nut allergies, a table in the cafeteria will

be designated as a “nut free table.” Students with nut allergies may

choose to sit at this table. Any student eating foods that contain nuts

will be prohibited from sitting at the designated table.


Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

Students exhibiting the following symptoms should be kept home from


A temperature of 100 degrees or over

Vomiting or diarrhea the previous evening or night

A blistery rash, especially if accompanied by fever and a history of

exposure, may be chicken pox, he/she will need at stay home until all

areas are scabbed over, usually 6-7 days

If student has heavy nasal congestion and/or a frequent cough (unless

the child has a previously diagnosed chronic disorder)

Child is diagnosed with a contagious disease


Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

All students shall participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity each


Each student shall engage in at least 15 minutes of planned moderate

to vigorous physical activity each day. With input from the teachers

and the rest of the staff, the principal shall work out how this activity

will be handled. The arrangements must fit within the limits of our

building and staffing and be compatible with our school improvement


Each student shall participate in physical education class an average

of 45 minutes per week throughout the school year.

Each student shall have at least 15 minutes a day of supervised recess,

preferably outdoors, during which the school staff shall encourage

moderate to vigorous physical activity. The school shall provide

space and equipment to make that activity possible and appealing to


Teachers shall make all reasonable efforts to avoid periods of more

than forty minutes when students are physically inactive. When

possible, physical activity should be integrated into learning

activities. When that is not possible, students should be given

periodic breaks during which they are encouraged to stand and be

moderately active.

Appropriate accommodations shall be made for students with special

needs, as required by law and sound professional judgment.

Our school shall assess students’ level of physical activity at least

once a year. The principal, physical education teacher and school

nurse shall select an assessment tool by the start of each school year,

and the principal shall develop a schedule for completing that


Our school shall encourage healthy choices among students.

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Our school shall implement the nutritional standards required by

federal and state laws and regulations. Those rules apply to our food

program and to other food and beverages available during the school


Our Practical Living curriculum shall address the full Core Content,

including health, consumerism, and physical education.

The rest of our curriculum shall reflect an integrated concern for

wellness, including connections to Science, Social Studies, and other


The provisions of this policy shall be implemented to comply with

provisions required by federal law, state law, or local board policy. If any

specific requirement above does not fit with those rules, the principal

shall notify the council so that the policy can be amended to fit.


Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

Bullying is unfair and one sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting,

frightening, threatening or leaving someone out on purpose. Bullying can

take many forms, and can have devastating consequences. It can mean

hurting someone by causing physical pain, like by hitting, pinching, or

kicking. It can also mean just being unkind to someone, by teasing, calling

names, or talking about someone in a negative way to someone else.

Basically, bullying is doing ANYTHING that causes someone else to feel

bad or to be afraid. Even an unfriendly look can be considered


We don’t EVER want any person in our school to feel afraid to ride the bus

or come to school. We want our school to be a safe place for everyone, and

a place where children and adults look forward to coming each day. It is

very sad to think that anyone in our school would do something to make

another person feel afraid or not liked.

Bullies at Anne Mason will face serious consequences. Bullying on the

bus may result in suspension from riding the bus, and bullying at school may

result in suspension from school. Bullying will NOT be tolerated in our


In addition, the following protocol is recommended for situations involving

perceived Bullying:

First, ALL teachers will define bullying for students as it is defined

above. We will also discuss with students what is NOT “okay” to say.

Anything that threatens the physical safety of another person, even if

used in a teasing way, is not acceptable. For example, expressions

such as, “I could kill him,” or “I would like to choke them” cannot be

used by children or adults in our school.

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If, once bullying has been defined and students have been informed of

the information found above, incidents occur that are in violation of

these guidelines, the student/s involved may be subject to our

district’s risk assessment in its entirety or perhaps the condensed

version if it is deemed appropriate given the situation at hand.

In addition to either version of the risk assessment, consequences for

the inappropriate action will be enforced. Consequences for bullying

will likely include suspension from school. Further action may result based on the findings from the risk

assessment. This may include counseling and/or may possibly

involve legal action.*

*It is important to note that harassment and/or terroristic threatening can

result in penalties ranging from fines to incarceration.


Council Chairperson

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Policy Statement

Remedial plans are a way to target a student’s specific skills in need of

improvement so as to be prepared to move on to the next level. Remedial

plans are intended to target students who may be at risk for failure or who

are falling a significant distance behind grade level peers

Remedial plans will be completed by classroom teachers for all students who

are red-flagged by January 31 each year, and for students receiving ESS

services prior to the student receiving the services.

The plan should include responsibilities for the teacher, student and parent,

and should be closely monitored. Very specific strategies should be written

for reaching the goals, including a timeline for achieving the goals as well as

a date when the teacher, student and parent will meet again. A template is

provided for guidance.


Council Chairperson

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Policy Topic Description


Policy Statement

Checking out books and other Library materials is a privilege and with it

comes responsibilities. Students will be given a contract at the beginning of

the school year to have signed by a parent or guardian. Teachers will be

given a copy of this policy at the beginning of the school year. Both

students and teachers will receive a list of books and materials checked out

request. The check out policy for students and teachers is binding. Rules

and restrictions are listed below.

Alternate checkout was established to ensure that all students would be able

to check books out of the library. As long as any student does not owe

money for a damaged or lost book, they may check out books. The books in

the alternate check out collection were donated and their use left up to the

discretion of the librarian. The collection contains picture and fiction

chapter books, some readers, some non-fiction and quite a few of the books

are award winners.

Due to the large number of books being returned damaged – many beyond

repair – it was decided that alternate check out would be extended to cover

this situation and ensure that students were encouraged to be responsible

with their library book.

Students are reminded of their responsibilities and told of the consequences

of not taking care of their library books. Book care rules and consequences

are taught and posted in the library.


a. Students

i. May check out one book at a time (K – 2 for one week; 3

– 5 for two weeks) if they have a signed book contract.


and 5th graders may check out one magazine at a time

for 3 days.

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ii. May renew their books, but must bring the book to the

library to do so. Magazines can not be renewed.

b. Teachers

i. May check out as many books as they may need to teach

or for student projects for no more than three weeks.

ii. May renew books and materials as needed by making the

request of the librarian.


a. Students

i. Any book checked out must be returned before another

one can be checked out.

ii. Lost books and books or magazines damaged beyond

repair must be paid for before the student can check out

another book/magazine. (See alternate check out.)

iii. Library Ambassadors (Library Club Members) may

check out two books at a time, but are otherwise bound

by all rules and regulations concerning lost or damaged


b. Teachers

i. Books that will circulate in classrooms between team

members must be checked out on the team card.

ii. Books checked out to a team that are borrowed by a

teacher from the crate(s) must be signed out and back in

on the chart for that purpose in the crate.

iii. Books checked out to the teacher or team may not be

taken home by a student.


a. Students

i. Students who do not have a signed contract may check

out books after one month from the alternate checkout

selection only.

ii. Students with signed contracts who return two books that

are damaged may check out books from the alternate

book selection only. Once the student returns three

books in good condition and within the allotted time,

they will be allowed to check out from the regular


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iii. Students whose parents have requested that they not

check out can only check out of the alternate collection to

the classroom with the teacher’s permission and teachers

should have a designated spot for those books in the


iv. New students with signed contracts who owe books to

their previous school must return those books to our

library if their previous school has contacted ours. After

one month these students may check out from the

alternate check out collection only – even if books (from

their previous school) have not been returned. At the end

of two months those students will be allowed to check

out from the regular collection even if those books have

not been returned.

v. Parents of students who continue to be irresponsible for

their library books will receive a letter informing them of

this problem when a student remains on alternate check

out for more than three weeks (or three check outs).



a. Students

i. As stated in the student library contract – students owing

books past the designated day for books to be returned in

the spring of the current school year must pay for the

book or they will lose field day and possibly other years

end activities. Students still owing a book at the end of

the school year will be held under the usual restrictions

for the next school year.

b. Teachers

i. Teachers owing books and other materials at the end of

the school year will be required to pay for the lost or

damaged books from personal funds or from their

classroom money for the next school year (if they are

returning to AME.)

ii. In the event that district money will be used to cover the

loss, a purchase order must be turned in to the

bookkeeper before the teacher can sign out for the


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iii. Teams owing books and other materials at the end of the

school year will be required to divide the cost and may

pay from personal funds or fill out purchase orders from

their classroom money for the next year (if they are

returning to AME.)

iv. As in the case of individuals, team members must turn in

purchase orders to the bookkeeper before the teachers

can sign out for the summer.


Council Chairperson