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Anisha Imper Limited {FormerLyr An isha impex pfivate Limted) TGder & Exporl€r of alltypes of Fabncs Home FLrmishrngs & Fash,on Ac@ssones Arlishd lmpox Lid. clN No, t171 01DL199SPLC102506 To, Bse Sme Platform Regd. Off ice: 25 Th Floor, P,l.Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Dated: 30,05.2015 Sub: Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, bhaziabao We here by informed you that The Board meeting of Anisha Impex Limited was held on Saturday j0.05.2015 successfully ended and this meeting the Board considered following matter i.e. To consider and take on record the Audited Results for the financial year ended March, 201 5 To Consider Auditors' Report To take note ofgeneral not ice of D isc losure of Intefest |eceived from various D ifectors u nder Sect ion lgrl (l)ofthc Companies Act. 201 -i To take note of declaration of Independent Directors under Secr ion r 49( 7) of rhe com pan ies Acr, 20 r -.1 '[o Consider Code for fair disclosure as per Regulations 8(i) and 9(l) of Securities & Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of lnsider Trading) Regulations 2015 The Board of Directors passed following above nratter as unanimously, none of any directors was present in the meeting opposed on abovg matter. With Rega rds For An isha lmpex Ljmited / n 1^ u'^" ) u\ d'"- ' Rdmmoha n Jha Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i

Apr 11, 2018



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Page 1: Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i

Anisha Imper Limited{FormerLyr An isha impex pfivate Limted)

TGder & Exporl€r of alltypes of Fabncs Home FLrmishrngs & Fash,on Ac@ssonesArlishd lmpox Lid.clN No, t171 01DL199SPLC102506


Bse Sme Platform

Regd. Off ice: 25 Th Floor,

P,l.Towers, Dalal Street,Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Dated: 30,05.2015

Sub: Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, bhaziabao

We here by informed you that The Board meeting of Anisha Impex Limited was held on Saturday j0.05.2015successfully ended and this meeting the Board considered following matter i.e.

To consider and take on record the Audited Results for the financial year ended March, 201 5

To Consider Auditors' Report

To take note ofgeneral not ice of D isc losure of Intefest |eceived from various D ifectors u nder Sect ion lgrl (l)ofthcCompanies Act. 201 -i

To take note of declaration of Independent Directors under Secr ion r 49( 7) of rhe com pan ies Acr, 20 r -.1

'[o Consider Code for fair disclosure as per Regulations 8(i) and 9(l) of Securities & Exchange Board of India(Prohibition of lnsider Trading) Regulations 2015

The Board of Directors passed following above nratter as unanimously, none of any directors was present in themeeting opposed on abovg matter.

With Rega rds

For An isha lmpex Ljmited

/ n 1^ u'^" ) u\ d'"-' Rdmmoha n Jha

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Page 2: Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i


HEAD OFFICE: 202,18/12, W

Annexure V to Clause 43

toBoard of Directors ofAnisha lmpex Limited159, Gagan Viha r, Delhi-110051

we have audited the Annual financial resuits of Anisha lmpex Limited for the year ended 31.03.2015,attached herewith being submitted by the lssuer pursuant to the requirement of clause 43 of the ListingAgreement except for the discrosures regarding 'pubric sharehording, and ,promoter and promoterGroup shareholding'which have been traced from discrosures made by the management and have notbeen audited by us. These annual financial results have been prepared on the basis of the jnterimfinancial statements, which are the responsibility of the lssuer's management. our responsibility is toexpress an opinion on these financial results based on our audit of such interim financial statements,which have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement prjncipies laid down inAccounting standard lAs) 25, lnterim Financial Reporting, notified under section 133 of the companiesAct, 2013 read with rure 7 0f the companies (Accounts) Rures, 2014 and other accounting princrpregenerally accepted in Ind ia.

we conducted our audit in accordance wjth the auditing standards generally accepted in lndia. Thosestandards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whetherthe financial results are free of material misstatement(s). An audit includes examining, on a test basis,evldence supporting the amounts disclosed as financial results. An audit also includes assessing theaccounting principles used and significant estlmates made by management. we believe that our auditprovides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

ln our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us thesethe year to date results:

{i) are presented in accordance with the requirements of clause 43 of the Listing Agreement in thisregard; and

(ii) Sive a true and fair view of the net profit/ loss and other financial information for the year to dateresults for the period from 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2015

Page 3: Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i

ry{A&S&ASSOC{ATESCllARll-.lU DnCr '()r rNTn it.S


FRN NO.:-01484N



Further, we arso report that we have, on the basis of the books of account and other record andinformation and explanations given to us by the managemenr, arso verjfied the number of shares as we'as percentage of shareholdings in respect of aggregate amounl of public shareho*1ingr, ,, turnoi.u ovthe company in t6rms r.:f crause 37 0f the r-rsting Agrecnrent and founo rne same to be correct.


Page 4: Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i



CIN :117101D11999P1C102506

E-ma il:ipo@ a n ishaim

Tel:+91 120 4543708


Format for submitting the Yearly audited Financial Results

Rs. LacstnYear to date fjtures for the

previous Year enoeoYear to date figures for

current period ended

Orncre"se/C"c,eat" in ttock in trade and work ln

llGi[iIIecr"as" in stock in trade and work !n

ir.tirmv it".'", "r"."Uing

10% of thetotal

p.fiifrotn Op*"tion. t"fore Other lncome, Interest

trofit bcfore Interest & ErcePtional ltcms

P,ot,t arter Intcrcsi but betolgl4sf!9llLll9!:

p.ofit i*i/ r*t (')tro. Otdinary Activities before tax

t-m ordinarY activities aJtertax

Item {net of tax expenses Rs-

Rcsedc e,cluding Rcvaluation Reserucs as per

(a-f e";;"d dilrt"d EPs lefo'e ErtrzordlnarY item! for

the Oeriod, for the vear to date and tor the prevrous

(not to be annualized)

Page 5: Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i

(ll) Basic and diLLrted EPS aiter tx(aordlnary terns lorrhe period, for the year to date and ior the prevLout

year {not to be annuallzed)

77 t7

Public sharcholding - (hcludins Bodies

Corporat€,Trust,Mark€t Maker,clearing Member)

Numb€tofshares 10401300 10401300 10401300

Percentase of sh:reholdina 53.3 53.3 53.3

18 18 Promotels and Promoter Group Shareholdinq

a) Pledsed /Encumbe.ed -

Percentage ofshares (as a % ofthe tota shareho ding

of the Promoter and Promoter sro!p)Percentage ofshares (as a % of the totalshare caprtal

b) Non €ncumbered'6030900 6030900 6030900

Pe.cent.Ee of shares (a5 a % ot the total shai€holdingclthe Promoter and Promoter ArouO)

100'z 100% 100%

Por€enta8e ofshares (as a % of the totalshare capiial 3610% 36.10% 3610%



Page 6: Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i




Websiterwww.anishaimpex.comE mail:[email protected]

Tel:+91 120 4543708

Rs. lN LACs



Year €nded 31.03.2015 Yeaf ended 31.03.?014




a) Share Capital !643.22 1643 22 7643.22

b)Reserv€ & Surplus 31.92 38.00 25.94

C) Money Recelved against Warants 0_00 0.00 000

5U8 TOTAT SHAREHOLDER FUND !575.14 168r.22 1569.16

5ha reholde r App lica tion Money Pending Allotment 0 0.00 000

3 Non Current Liabiliti€s

a)LongTerm Bo(owings 0.00 0.00 0.00

b) Detferd Tax Liabilities(Ne0 10.93 11.02 9.64

c) Other LonB Term LiabLlities 0.00 0.00 0.00

d)LongTerm Provitions 0.00 0.00 0.00


a)ShortTerm Botrowings 89.93 570.47 362.68

442.53 153.89 583.9r

d Other current Liabilities 5.03 16.61 5. t3

d) Short Term Provisions 4.322.27

5U8 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 538.90 745.75 954.59

TOTAL EQUTTY & TIAAILITIES 2224,97 2431.99 2633.39



265.97 252.44 24r.29

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

d) Capital Work In Progress 0.00 0.00 0.00

e) IntanSible Assets under Development 0.00 0.00 0.00

i) Non Current Investment 0.00 0.00 0.00

$ Defferd Tax Ass€rs (Neo 0.00 0.00 0.00

h) Long lerm Loan & Advances 100.99 18.97 ... -679r4

ire IVr.i\;.,t

Page 7: Anisha Imper Limited of Yearly... · Anisha Imper Limited ... Outcome ofBoard Meeting was held on 30.05.2015 at 56/33 Site IV Industrial Area, Sahibabad, ... Companies Act. 201 -i

) Other Non Cuiient Assets 0.00 000 0.00

SU8 TOTAT NON CURRENT ASSETS 366.9 281.0S 920.47


a) Current Investm€nt 17.61 17 61

446.44 354.75 450.05

1148-99 938.36 1235_6r

l)Cash and Eanl Balancet 97.45 1.31 2.30

e)Short T€rm Loan & Advances 0.00 0.00 000

f)Other Current Assets 107.54 844.91 1.34

SU8 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1858.07 2\55.94 1,772.91

TOTAL 2224.97 2437.99 2633,38

I rake. on record at the Boa.d meet ng & aLrdit Commlttee held on May 10,2015

2 Thare were no investor complaints receive o. pendlng as on 31/03/2015

Pendintat the beginninE ofthe HalfYear NIL

Received during the Halfyear NIL

okposed of ouring the Half Year NIL

RemaininE unresolved at the end of Salf Ye.. NIL

3 Figures of previo!s year have been regroupeo/re

casreo wnerever necessary.

4 The a!ditor of the company have ca(ied outAuditor Report for financialyear ended 31.03.2015

5 The Financial results are showing as on yearlY besrs

as half yearly (September,2014) flgures were

6 The Company has only one segment ot aciivitynamely texrile (Febrics)


Place: De hi