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Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

Dec 03, 2014



Karas Zataras
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Page 1: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)
Page 2: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

Text lva DostMová, Sárka Zelenková, James Branam Ilustrace a grafická úprava Luděk Bárta Grafický návrh obálky Fragment DTP s. r. O., Kamila Flonerová Odborná korektura Hana Sládková

litul byl vyroben za účelem prodeje obchodními zástupci přímo odběratelům.

První dotisk 2. vydání. 2006 Sazbu zhotovil Fragment DTP s. r. o. Vytiskly liskámy Havlíčkův Brod, a. s.

Text © lva Dostálová. Sárka Zelenková. James Branam lIIustralions © Luděk Bárta Graphic Jayout © Fragment DTP s. r. o.

Všechna práva vyhrazena. 2ádná část této publikace nesmí být rozšiřována bez písemného svolení majitelů práv.

ISBN 80-253-0176-. (2. vydání, 2005) ISBN 80·7200·758·0 (I. 'ydáni. 2003)





Předmluva ................... ... . .. .................... . .. . ....... 7

Výslovnost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9

Lesson 1 Reading 1: Hello! I'm Paddy Brown ..................... 19 Grammar: A. Osobní a přivlastňovací zájmena ••• • • • •• ••• .. • •• 21

B. Časování slovesa be •• ••• .......... ••• . ••• .•• 22 C. Časování slovesa halie .. . ............ . . ...... 23

D. Časování slovesa ha'le got ........ .. .......... 23 Reading 2: Anne ........ ...... .............. .......... 24

Lesson 2 Reading 1: Paddy's Daily Routine ......... . ......... .... 29 I , •

J~ zafol",!> (;-10 '<'l-- Grammar:

Reading 2:

Lesson 3 Reading 1:

A. Přítomný čas prostý ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 ~sobní zájmena v předmětu •.•...••.••••••••••• 35 Jobs ........ . ............... ..... ......... 36

A Leller Irom Paddy ............... ... . ..... 41

~ ;!.."ť "" I. (Nr c. Grammar: A. PřfIomný čas prŮběhový .••••••••••••••••••••• 43 ff: to c-:1{

Lesson 4


Lesson 5

II ~ Lesson 6

I i

Reading 2: Coventry .................... ... . .. ........ 47

Reading 1: Paddy's Dream . ............................ 51 Grammar: A. Množné číslo ••••••••••••••.• ••• ••••••••••. 53

B. Ukazovací zájmena ••••••••••••••••..•••.••.• 54

c.-členy (1) •••..••••..• •••• ••••••••••••••.•• 55 D. Vazba theTe ;5 I theTe aTe (1) • . •••••• ••••• • .•• • 56

Reading 2: This is Paddy's Fiat ......................... 57

Reading 1: A Saturday Night ....... . ................ . .. 63

Reading 2: A Weekend Trip to London ..... . ............. 65

Reading 3: Trouble in London ........................ . . 68

Reading 1: Paddy Tries Harder .... . . ........ ........ . .. 73

Grammar: A. some, any. no ... ... ................. ....... 15 B. Vazba theTe ;5 /theTe aTe (2) . • ••••••••.••••••• 76 C •. Zástupné Dne ••••••••• •••• •••••• •• ..••••••• 77 . q . Příslovce četnosti ••• .' ••.••••••••••..•••••••. 71

Readmg 2: unch at the Brave Llon Pub ................. 78


Page 3: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)


Lesson 7 Reading 1: The Ring ............... ..... ............. 85

>r Grammar: "t""' '"

A. Minulý čas prostý . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 88 B. Minulý fas prostý slovesa be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 91

Va r" ';'6 C. Minulý čas slovesa can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 92

Making Things Beller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 93 Reading 2:

Lesson 8 Reading 1: Grammar:

Reading 2:

Lesson 9 Reading 1:


97 ~P!čitatelná a nepočitatelná podstatná jména . . . . .. 99

B. Výrazy množstvi ........................... 101 :-Minulý čas průběhový ....................... 102

Planning lor Ihe Big Dav ..... .. . ........... 104

A Lol 10 Do ....... ... ..................... 109 "'-A. Stupňováni pfidavných imen .......•.......... 111 ........ 11. Modální slovesa - úvod ...................... 114 ~

• Podmiňovaci způsob přítomný ....... ......... . 115 ll. So, ............ .. ............. .. .... 117

Reading 2: A Prague Honevmoon .. .... ... • ......•..... 118

Lesson 10 Reading 1: AI the Taj Mahal .......................... 123 Reading 2: Whaťs Wrong wilh PaddV? ....•... . ........ 125 Reading 3: A Heallhv Man .. ........... ... ............ 128

Lesson 11 Reading 1: Inviling Friends ......... .... . ..... ........ 133 Grammar: A. Budoucnost .............................. 135

B. Podmínkové věty typu 1 ...................... 137 C. Rozkazovací způsob ........................ 138 D. Let's ..•....................• .. ......... 138

Reading 2: The Parly .... .. ...... . .................... 139

Lesson 12 Reading 1: To Ihe Sea We Go ......................... 145 Grammar: A. Předpřítomnj čas prostý ..................... 147

B. Podminkové věty typu 2 ...................... 150 C. ......••......... ••.... ....•....•. 151

Reading 2: A Walk in Ihe Sand .................•...... 152


Lesson 13 Reading 1: A Job Inlerview ........................... 157 Grammar: A. Předpřítomný čas průběhový ..... .... ... .. .... 159

B. Trpný rod ................................ 161 C. Another. olher, Ihe olher ...... ......... . ..... 162

D. Řadové čislovky ..... .............•... ..... 163 E. Měsice .................................. 164

Reading 2: Telling Mr Perkins ......................... 165

Lesson 14 Readin9 1: Evervthing Has Been Done ................. 171 Grammar: A. Časové věty .... ........ . ....... . . . . .. . .. . 173

B. Přaci věty ................................ 174 C. Frázová slovesa .............•............. 175

D. Předlo!ky ............................... . 176 Reading 2: A Leller Irom America .......•............. 180

Lesson 15 Reading 1: The Big Dav ............................... 185 Reading 2: The Reception ..............•............. 188 Reading 3: The Flighl 10 Prague ......... ........ .... . . 191

Nepravidelná slovesa ...........................•......... ........ 197 Anglicko-český slovník ........................................... 204 Klíč ... . ............... . . ........ .. ....... ....................... 229 Výslovnost anglické abecedv ............ .......... ..• . . . •.. .. .... . 244 Poznámq ................. . ...........•..... .... ................ 245


Page 4: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)


Anglicky doma, snadno a rychle je učebnice pro každého, kdo by se rád naučil anglicky. Jednotlivé lekce seznámí studenta se základy anglické grama­tiky, slovní zásobou a naučí správnému používání jazyka. Tato učebnice, vytvořená pro dospělého samouka-začátečníka, se může používat také v hodi­nách s učitelem. Kniha je vlastně praktickým průvodcem života Paddyho Browna a zároveň názorným rádcem užívání jazyka samotného v praxi. V každé lekci jsou prezentovány skutečné situace spolu s vhodnou slovní zásobou. V prvních čtyřech lekcich každého bloku se seznámíte s novými gramatickými jevy; pátá lekce bloku je věnována opakováni.

Anglicky doma, snadno a rychle byla napsána s ohledem na potřeby studen­ta. Cílem každé lekce je motivovat studenty ukázkou, čeho mohou dosáhnout. Kniha nabízí nový přístup ke studiu jazyka, humor a opakováni. Je to průvodce studiem jazyka, ať už se učíte kdekoli a s kýmkoli.

Učebnice je rozdělena do patnácti lekci (lekce 5, 10 a 15 jsou opakovaci lekce). Součástí knihy je také seznam nepravidelných sloves, klíč ke cvičením a anglicko-český slovník. Součástí učebnice jsou 2 CD audio. na kterých najde­te nahrané veškeré texty označené v učebnici tímto symbolem \-::::::=;\ . Každá lekce je rozdělena do následujícich sedmi částí: P-

l) Článek 1 2) Slovní zásoba k článku 1 3) Gramatika 4) Článek 2 5) Slovní zásoba k článku 2 6) Rozhovor 7) Cvičení

Anglicky doma, snadno a rychle je třeba používat určitým způsobem. Aby student dosáhl co nejlepších výsledků, měl by dodrže! následujíci kroky:

a) Přečtěte si první text. Označte si neznámá slovíčka a najděte si jejich význam ve s lovníčku za lekcí. b) Prostudujte si gramatiku a vyhledejte příklady nových gramatických jevů v prvním textu. c) Přečtěte si znovu první text. Zjistíte, že rozumíte mnohem lépe. d) Druhý text si přečtěte stejným způsobem jako prvni. Jste již seznámeni s gramatikou. a máte tudíž možnost soustředit se na novou slovní zásobu.


Page 5: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

e) Přečtěte si rozhovor. Někdy se v něm objeví nové informace, proto je zde i český překlad. Můžete tedy porovnat anglickou verzi s českou , zj is­tit podobnosti i rozdíly.

f) Vypracujte cvičenÍ. Každé cvičení je založeno na gramatice prezento­vané v dané lekci. Pak můžete porovnat své odpovědi S klíčem v zadní části učebnice.

g) Po každých čtyřech lekcích vás čeká lekce opakovací. Zde si zopaku­jete slovní zásobu a gramatiku lekcí předcházejících. Teprve potom po­kračujte dále.

Naučit se anglicky není jednoduché. Anglicky doma, snadno a rychle se snaží zpřístupnit tento jazyk každému zájemci. Učebnici jsme vytvořili pro vás, studenta, s ohledem na vaše potřeby. Chcete-Ii, aby vaše píle byla odměněna úspěchem, je třeba se učení věnovat systematicky každý den, protože jen častým opakováním s lovíček , textů , frází a mluvnice si látku zapamatujete a upevníte. Doufáme, že vaše putování anglickým jazykem bude zábavné a úspěšné. Tedy, začněme!


-::::==:=\ \~ Výslovnost

fJ ~

.~ Většina slov se v angličtině jinak píše a jinak vyslovuje. Po získání určité

praxe lze vypozorovat některé zákonitosti. ale přesto je třeba si II každého nové­ho slovíčka vyhledat správnou výslovnost ve slovníku. Pro přepis výslovnosti se používají takzvané fonetické znaky, které j sou při způsobeny v naší učebni ci

českému studentovi a vyjádřeny, pokud to lze, pomocí písmen české abecedy. Fonetické znaky se píší vždy v hranatých závorkách. Délka samohlásek se ne­vyznačuje čárkou, ale dvoutečkou za písmenem.


aj krátké samohlásky

[a] v podstatě tOlOžl1é .Ii čes/..ým Cl

cut [kat] shul [šat] come [kam) son [san] sun [san] run I ran]

[e] mírně zavřenější lle~ takz,val1é pražské e

very [veri] yes [jes] lel [let) sweater I swetgl set [set] pet [pet]

[rel velmi otevřené e, otevřeme lÍsta na Cl, ale vyslovíme e

cat [kret] nat [Oret) fat [fret) back [brek] famíly [fremili! pat [pret]

8 9

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vyskytuje se pouze v nepřízvutných slabikách, je fo v podstatě zvuk, který v češtině vyslovíme pn vyslovení souhlásky, např. b {baj, g [gaj, d [do}. .. teacher [Ii:b] afraid [o'freidl afler [a:flQ] never [nevo] neighbour [neibo] hamburger [IHembo:go]

pozor na rozdíl ve v.ýslovlloSfi {rej CI lel sat [s"'t] set [sel] pat [p"'t] pet [pet] bad [b"'d] bed [bed] mat [m"'t] met [mel] man [m"'nJ men rmen] bat [b"'t] bet [bel]

vyslovuje se v podstatě jako české i, je trochu otevřenějI! sit [sit] knit [nil] sister [siSlo] it [il] lil [fil] kiss [kis]

otevřenějI; než v če,r-rilll, otevlerne ústa 110 CI Cl vyslovíme () hot [hOl] pot [pOl] not [notJ body [bod i] foggy rfogi] proper [propoj

odpovídá českému II put [pUl] foot [ful] look [luk] soot [SUl]


stood [stud] Lucy [Iusi]

bl dlouhé samohlásky délka se u anglické výslovnosti označuje dvoutečkou

[a:] odpovídá c"'eskému á, jeho výslovnost je však () lIěco Temnější car rka:] fasl [fa:st] c1ass [kla:s] nasty [na:sti] master lma:sto] lasted [Ia:stid]

[Q:] jedná se ° dlouhou podobu samohlásky [oj, rty /Ilusí býl připravelly vyslovi! e, nesmí se :aokrouhlir learn llo:n] lirst [fo:SlJ bird [bo:d] girl sir murder

[ga: I] [so:] [mo:do]

[i:] v pods/arě odpovídá českému f. má () něco napjatější výslovnost meet [mi:t] need [ni:d] feet [fi:tJ Peter [pi:to] meter [mi:to] feature [fi:b]

[o:] odpovídá českému Ó, ale je poněkud orevřellěj.Ší four [fo:J more [mo:] born [bo:n] call [ko:l] already [o:l'redi] morning [mo:niI1.J


Page 7: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

[u:] v podstalě odpovídá (.':eskému li, má opět o něco napjatější výslovnost room [ru:m]

louse [Iaus] house [haus]

spoon [spu:n] moon [mu:n] lose [lu:z] blue [blu:] noodle [nu:d l]

[au] smoke [smauk] phone [faun] c10se [c1auz] home [haum] old [auld] photo [fautau]

Dvojhlásky v angličtině do sebe oba členy dvouhlásky plynule přecházejí, prvni člen je delší

[e~] e se v téro dvouhlásce vyslovuje olevřeně

their [óea] chair [čea]

fair [fea] hair [hea] pair [pea] rare [rea]

[ai] my [mail hi [hai] ny [flai] si de [saidl mind [maind] kite [kait]

[ei] take [teik] ma ke [meik] fate [feit] late [Ieit] lazy [Ieizi] same [seim]

rial here [hia] near [nia] fear [fia] c1ear [klia]

beer [bia] tear [lia]

[oi] boy [boi] loy [toi] joy [džoi] coin [koin] voice [vois] noise [noiz]

[ua] poor [pua] tour [lua] cure [kjua] pure [pjua] moor [mua] sure [šua]

[au] now [nau] how [hau] cow [kau] mouse [maus]

13 12

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lire diary diel quiel riot dryer


player layer payer gayer prayer


aur power tower Ilower shower SOur

["U,,] lower slower follower rower grower mower

vyslovují se jednoslabičně, vynechává se prostřední složka trojhlásky

[fai" ] [dai"ri] [ dai"t] [kwai"t] [rai"t] [drai,,]

[plei,,] [Iei" ] [pei,,] [gei,,] [prei,,]

[auaj [pau,,] [tau"j [flau,,] [šau,,] [sau"j

[I"u,,] [sl"u,,] [fol"u,,] [raua]

[gr"u" ] [m"u,,]



Většina souhlásek se v angličtině vyslovuje téměř stejně jako v češtině. Některé souhlásky však v češtině neexistují, máme proto pro ně speciální znaky. [8] ne::.něld souhláska, která se vysloví tak, že dáme jazyk =:.a horní ::.uby,

nesmíme se v.fak jazykem zubů dotýkat Cl vyslovíme s Ihin [Oin] Smilh [smiS] Ihanks [Srenks] Ihree [eri:] Ihink [Sink] Ihealre [Siat"]

[3] znělá podoba přede/w::.; souhLásky, při vyslovovállí postupujeme stejné

jako jako II [SJ, ale vyslovíme z Ihis [ois] lhal [Oret] falher [fa:o,,] Ihey [oei] Ihose lo""z] lealher [Ieo" 1

[w] vyslovujeme homlm a dolním rtem, no rozdíl od jednoduchého v se /1.esmi zuby dotknou! rtli well [wel] waler [wo:ta] quile [kwail] while [wait] one [wan] wesl [west]

pozor na rozdíl ve výslovnosti [w] a [v] wel r wet] vel wine worse

[wain] [wa:s]

vine verse

[vet] [vain] [ va:s]


Page 9: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

[It] nosová souhláska, v ť.':eštině exisluje napřfklad ve slově Honza, banka, Hanka Ihing [ei'l.] bring [bri 'tl sing [sirtl wedding [wedirll hang [hre'l.] slrong [stro'l.J

pozor lIa výslovllosr ln], [rtl a ['l.kl Ihin lein] Ihing sin Isin ] sing

[9i 'l.] [si'l.]

think sink

Souhlásky existující v češtině mají někdy odlišnou výslovnost.

[ei'l.k] Isi'l.k]

[pl, [tl, [kl patří v anglic':tině k takzvaným přídechov.ým souhláskám. Před příl.vuc.':l1ou samohláskou se vyslovují se slabým přídechem, tzn. slabým ne;.ně/ým h. pel [pet] cal [kret] key [ki:] laU [to:IJ cul [kat] pul Iput]

[bl, [dl, 19], [v], [z] se lIa kOllci slova lIa rozdil od (eštiny vyslovuje zněle big [bigl pig Ipig] led Iled] bed Ibed] love [Iav] live [Iiv] job [džobJ rob [rob] his [hiz] size [saiz]


L ___ _

pozor na ::.ně/osl a nemělost pig [pig] log [log] league [Ii:g] side [saidl rise [raiz] his [hiz]

Slovní přízvuk

pick lock leak site rice hiss

[pik] [lok] [Ii:k] [sait] [ rais] [his]

Přízvuk nemá y angličtině ve slově své pevné místo. proto je nutné jej označit. Pokud je na první slabice, neoznačuje se, pokud je na jiné, značí se svislou kolmičkou před pří zvučnou slabikou.

sister [sist~ ] family [f",mili] tomorrow [t~'mor~u]

aboul [~'baut]

behind [bi'haind] cigar [si'ga:]

Víceslabičná slova mívají dva přízvuky, hlavní-silněj ší a vedlejší-slabši. Vedlejší přízvuk se značí svislou kolmičkou dole před slabikou.

examination [ig,zremi'neišan]

Větný přízvuk

Větný přízvuk je v angličtině mnohem silnější než v češtině. Přízvuk mají prakticky všechna plnovýznamová slova.

I broke my leg lasl year. He is going 10 leave. Thc girls are not in the classroom.


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Vázání slov ve větě

V anglické vělě se jednotlivá slova na sebe váží.

I have an old car. fai hrev ren "uld ka:]

She is standing in front ofthe house. fši: iz slrendill. in front "V Ó" haus] We are learning English. fwi: a: ''':nill. ill.gliš]


/lel/o! ::t.~< '!;;!""? C/VJWIv

'yl C:!J. .----~


@ Paddy Brown Helia. My name is Paddington, or Paddy. My surname is Brown. I Ji ve in

Covenlry. Coventry is in England. I have a job. I am a teacher. I teach in a school in Coventry. lt is a big

schooi. I leach many studenlS: girls and boys. They are all very inlelli genl. I work with many ether teachers: men and women.

I Jive in a big flal in a small neighbourhood. lt is near the city centre. lt is

near lhe school, too. I have a girlfriend. Her name is Linda. She is very pretty, and c1ever, too.

She works in a bank and she lives with me. We have a dog. His name is Spike.

Spike has brown SpOlS and long while ears. I play the piano somelimes. England is a very mu si cal country. Many

famous musicians Jive here. Coventry has many concerts. Music is a wonderful

18 lhing. I like music. And you?


Page 11: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

@\ all [o: I] všichni big [big] velký, -á, -é

brown [braun] hnědý. -á, -é

boy, -s [boi] ch lapec, chlapci centre [sen ta J centrum, střed ear, -s lid J ucho, uši city [Sili] město

e1ever [kleva] chytrý, -á, -é country [kantri] země

England UrtglandJ Anglie famous [reima,] slavný

far from [fa: rramJ daleko od tlat, -s [Ilrel] byt,-y girl, -s [g,:I] dívka,-y

girlfriend, -s [ga:lfrend] přítelkyně have [hrev] mít hello [he'l,u] dobrý den her [ha:] její here [hia] zde, lady I [ai] já in [in] v, ve it lil] 10

li ke [laik] mÍl rád, libit se Hve [Iiv] bydlel, žít long [Iort] dlouhý, -á, -é man [mren] muž

many [meni] spOusta, hodně men rmen] muži music [mju:zik] hudba

musical [mju:zikal] hudební, muzikální

musician, -s [mju:zišn] hudebník, hudebníci


name, -5 [neim] jméno • . a near [nia] blízko

neighbourhood, -s Ineibahudl sousedství

other [aóa] jiní, další

Paddington [predirttnl mužské jméno

Paddy [prediJ mužské jméno

play the piano [plei ó" 'pjren"u 1 hrát na klavír

prelly [prili] hezký, -á, -é sh. [ši:] ona small [smo:l] malý, -á, -é so [sau] tak, takže

sometimes [samtaimz] někdy, občas

spot, -s [spot] skvrna, -y, flek,-y

student, -s [sljudant] sludent,-i

surname, -s [s;}:neim] příjmení teach [ti:č] učit

teacher, -s [ti:ča] učitel , -é they (óei] oni, ony, ona thing, -s [Elirt] věC,-i too [tu:] také very [veri] vel mi white [wait] bílý, -á, -é with me [wio 'mi:] se mnou with [wiEl] s, se woman [wum;}n] žena women [wimin] ženy wonderful [wand"ful] b'uečný, -á, -é

work [wa:k] pracovat, práce

Jmenuji se Hnědý. Bydlím v Coventry.

Jsem učitel.

Bydlím ve velkém bytě.

Je to blízko centra města.

Mám přítelkyni.

Jmenuje se Linda. Mám rád hudbu. Hraji na piano.


rl! Osobnf a přivlastňovacf zájmena anglicky

I [ai]

česky angliCKy

you uu:]

he [hi:]

she [ši:]

it litl





we [wi:] my

you Uu:] vy

they [óei] oni

my [mail

your Uoa]

his [hiz]

her [ha]

its [its]

our [auaJ

your Uo,,]

their [óei, 1

V angličtině jsou ženského či mu:ského rodu pouze osoby,

popř. domácí mazlíčci .

a fla!.. ........ it a schooL . .it a leacher .... he nebo she

V anglické větě musí být vždy podmět.

She is e1ever. (Ona) Je chytrá.










Tvar přivlasulovaciho zájmella je shodný pro Žells/...j. mužský i střed"í rod

v množném i jednotllém čísle.

my dog můj pes

my girlfriend má přítelkyně

my students moji studenti


Page 12: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

II! Casování slovesa be plný tvar

lam [ai rem] [ai Qm] you are [ju: a:] he is [hi:" iz] she is [ši: iz] il is [il iz] we are [wi: a:] you are [ju: a:] Ihey are [oei a:]


I'm [aim] you're [jUQ] he's [hi:z] she's [ši:z] il's [ils] we' re [wiQ] you're [jUQ] Ihey're [oeQ]

záporný plný tvar záporný stažený I am nol [ai rem not] [ai Qm not] I'm not [aim not] you are nol [ju: a: nOl] you aren'l liu: a:nl] he is nol [hi: iz not] he isn'l [hi: iznl) she is not [ši: iz not] she isn't [ši: iznl] it is not rit iz not] il isn'l rit iznt]


já jsem ly jsi on je ona je ono je my jsme vy jSle oni j~u


já nejsem ty nejsi on není ona není

we are nol [wi: a: not] we aren't [wi: a:nt] you are Dol liu: a: not] you aren'l [ju: a:nl] vy nejste Ihey are not [oei a: not] they aren't [oei a:nl] oni nejsou

ono není my nejsme

Stažené tvary jsou v angličtině velmi časté, neměly by se však vyskytoval v písemném projevu. Lze je považoval za hovorové. lam your teacher. Jsem váš učilel. She is not prelly. Není hezká.

otázka am I? are you? is he? is she? is il? are we? are you? are they?


jsem? jsi? je (on)? je (ona)? je (ono, lol? jsme? jSle? jsou?

V kladné otázce se nemohou používat stažené tvary.


[! Casování slovesa have anglicky česky

I have [ai hrev] [ai hQv] já mám ty máš you have [ju: hrev] liu: hav]

he has [hi: hrez] [hi: hQz] she has [ši: hrez] [ši: haz] it has lil hrez] [it haz] we have [wi: hrev] [wi: hav] you have [ju: hrev] [ju: hav] they have [oei hrev] [oei hav]

on má ona má ono má my máme vy máte oni mají

I have a dog. Mám psa.

I]! Casování slovesa have got plný tvar stažený I have gol [ai hrev gal] [ai hav got] you have got Ou: hrev got] Ou: hQV gOI] he has gol [hi: hrez gal) [hi: haz gal) she has gol [ši: hrez gal) [ši: haz gal] il has gol [il hrez got] [il hQZ got) we have gol [wi: hrev gal) [wi: hav gal] you have gol [ju: hrev gal) Ou: hav gal] Ihey have gol [oei hrev gOI] [oei hQV gal)

1 have gol a girlfriend. Mám přílelkyni.


I've got [aiv gOl) you've gol Ou:v got) he's gol [bi:z gal) she's gol [ši:z gal] il's gol [its gal) we've gol [wi:v got) you've gol Ou:v got] Ihey've gal [oeiv gal)

Tvar have gol je častějli pro britskou. angličtinu, tvar have pro americkou. ObeclIě je have got považ.ováno za hovorové.


já mám ty máš on má ona má ono má my máme vy máte oni mají

Page 13: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

@\Anne This is Anne. She lives in Coventry. She

is a teacher. .

Anne has a husband. His name is Tom. Tom is a teacher, too. Tom says, "My wife "nd I are teachers. We always talk about teaching! We have good jobs and we like to teach."

This is Sean. He is the son of Anne ~ / and Tom. Their son does not go to school. Seall works. Sean says, "I have H e t O. a job. I work with computers." ) A

Sean has a sister. Her name is Itn nnt'lť Sarah. She is 15 and she goes to : school. She is the daughter of Anne and " Tom. Sarah says, "This is my brother, Sean. He teaches me about computers. I have a com­puter .t school."

ln this family, the mother and fat her are teachers. They like to talk about teaching. The son and daughter work with computers. They like to talk about computers. What does your family like to talk .bout?

Anne's l110ther has a brother. His name is John and he is her uncle. His wife, Laura, is her aunl. They have two children, Michael and Betty. They visit their grandfather and grand­mother together every Sunday for lunch. The grandparents have four other grandchi Idren, but Michael and Betty are their favourites. Michael is Anne's favourite nephew and Tom simply loves his niece, Betty.


~ about [~'baut] o always [olweiz] vždy, stále and [rend] a Anne [renl ženské jméno (Anna) aunt, -s [a:nt] teta,-y Betty [be ti l ženské jméno brother, -s [braó~] bratr, bratři but [batl ale child ]čaild] dítě

children [čildmn] děti computer, -s lk~m'pju:ta] počítač,-e daughter, -s [do:t~l dcera,-y does not go [daz not 'g~u ] nechodí every levri] každý family [frem"li] rodina father, -s [fa:ó~] otec, otcové favourite [feiv.rit] oblíbený favourite, -s [feivarit] oblíbenec, -ci for [fo:] na, pro four [fo:] čtyři go [gau] jít, jet, chodit good [gudJ dobrý, -á, -é grandchild [grrendčaild] vnuk, vnučka

grandchildren [grrendčildran] vnoučata

grandfather [grrendfa:ó~] dědeček grandmother [grrendmaó~] babička grandparent, -s [grrendpe~r~nt] prarodič, -e

husband [hazb~nd] manžel

is liz] je job [džob] práce, zaměstnání John [džon] mužské jméno (Jan) Laura [Io:r~] ženské jméno (Laura) love [Iav] milovat, mít velmi rád loves [Iavz] miluje, má velmi rád lunch [Ianč J oběd Michael ]maik~l] mužské jméno

(Michael) mother, -s [maó~] matka.-y nephew, -s [nefju:] synovec, -ci niece, -5 [ni:s] neteř,-e other [aó~] jiné, ostatní Sarah [se~ra] ženské jméno say [sei] říci

says [sezl říká school, -s [sku:l] škola, -y Sean [šo: n] mužské jméno si mp ly [simpli] prostě sister, -S rsist~J sestra,-y son, -S [san] syn, -ové Sunday [sandi] neděle talk [to:k] hovořit, mluvit, povídat si teaches [ti:č i z] učí this [óisJ tento, tato, toto to [tu] do, k, na together [ta'geó~J spolu Tom [tom] mužské jméno (Tomáš) uncle, -s [a'l.kl] strýc, -ové wife [waifl manželka


Page 14: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)


Ona bydli v Coventry. Stále mluvíme o učen í. Jejich syn nechodí do školy. Ona chodí do školy. Učí mě o počítačích. O čem rádi mluvíte ve vaší rodině?

Paddy potká svého b.ýva/ého profesora, pana George, na ulici.

Paddy: Hello George! How are you? Dobrý den, pane Jiří! Jak se mdle?

Mr George: Hi, Paddy. Fine, thanks. How are you? Ahoj Paddy. Dobře, děkuji. Jak se máš ty?

Paddy: Well. Where is your wife? Dobře. Kde je vaše manželka?

Mr George: She's at home. She's jil. Je doma. Je nemocná.

Paddy: I'm sorry. Linda is ill , too. To je mi líto. Unda je také nemocnd.

Mr George: Thaťs bad. Say hello from me. To je špatné. Pozdravuj ji ode mne. ~.

Paddy: Thanks. Have a nice day. Díky. Mějte se hezky.

Mr George: Thank you. Vou too' Good-bye. Děkuji. Ty také. Na shledanou.

Paddy: Bye. Na shledanou.


1. Doplňte tvary slovesa be: 1. I .... ..... from Prague. 2. She ......... ten years old. 3. They ......... teachers from our school. 4. He ......... a student. 5. We ......... friends. 6. Vou ........ very friendly. 7. The ticket .... ..... 120 crowns. 8.1t ......... my favourite film. 9. Prague ......... a beautiful c ity. 10. My falher ......... a doclOr. tickct (Iikit] jízdenka. crowns fkraunz] koruny, film [film} film, beautiful Ibju:tif~l] krásný,

doctor [dokl;)] doktor

2. Doplňte stažený tvar slovesa be: 1. She is a teacher .... ...... a teacher. 2. They are from the Czech Republic. . ..... ". from the Czech Republic. 3. We are in the zoo now .......... in the zoo now. 4. He is my best friend ......... my best friend. 5. It is a good idea ........ .. a good idea. 6. Vou are very beautiful. ......... ve ry beautiful. 7. They are good people . ......... good people . 8. She is from Brno .......... from Brno. 9. [ am at horne. ......... at home. 10. Ir is cold today . ......... cold loday. ezech Rcpublic lček ri'pablikj Ceská republika, zoo [zu: ) zoolog ická zahrada. now lnaul teď. best [best ] nej lepší. idea lai'di::>J nápad, peoplc lpi:pl} lidé. cold (kauJdj chladno. today lta'deil


3. Doplňte záporný (stažený) tvar slovesa be: 1. [ ........... very happy today. 2. They ............ frorn this town. 3. She a doclOr. 4. Peter ....... .. from our school. 5. We ......... sisters. 6. Our teacher . ........ old. 7. It ...... ... my book. 8. Peler and Paul ......... brothers. 9. This film

. ........ interesting. 10. Vou ......... ugly. happy [hrepi] šťastný , lown Ltaun] měs to. intcrcsting [inlri st inJ zajímavý, ugly fagU1 ošklivý

4. Dpravte chyby ve větách. Každá věta obsahuje jednu chybu.

1. You is my friend. 2. They arent brothers. 3. I nol arn from Prague. 4. He aren't Peter. 5. We nol teachers. 6. Jane are from Dur town. 7. Peter and Paul is friends. 8. My rnother isn' t a docíor. 9. [is from England .

10. Jane is old, she is young.


Page 15: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

5. Doplňte sloveso have, have got: I. I ......... a sister. 2. They ......... a dog. 3. My mot her ......... brown hair. 4. Peter ......... a beautiful g irlfriend. 5. She ......... black hair. 6. Peter and Paul ...... .. red cars. 7. We ......... a big garden. 8. Vou ......... co Id hands. 9. My friend ........ . a black cat. 1.0' The cat ......... green eyes.

hair (hco ] vlasy; black (blrekJ černý; red [rcd] červený. '1.:rL:lvý: cars Ica:zJ auta; garden [ga:dn ] zahrada: hands [h;endz] ruce; cat [krel] kočka: grcen Igri:nl ze lený: eyes (:liz] oč i

6. Utvořte větu s have got místo have. Používejte stažené tvary, kde jsou možné: l. We have a dog ............................... 2. I have a sister. 3. She has a black dog ..................................... 4. Peter and Paul have blue eyes.

5. My mother has an interesting job. 6. I have black hai r ....................................... 7. He has

tWQ brothers. ................ . .... 8. We have a big garden.

9. They have a big problem. 10. She has a brown pen.

problem [problom] problém; pen (pen] pero

7. Vyberte vhodné sloveso ve správném tvaru - have, have got, be: l. I .................. a beautiful car. 2. They .................. good friends. 3. She

a small sister. 4. Jane .................. very happy. 5. They (not) from Plzeň. 6. Vou ...................... a big house. 7. I .................... .. a brother. 8. He ........................... at school. 9. My fat her ........................... a motorcycle. 10. Peter ........................... from Ohio.

srn:l ll [srno:l] malý; motorcycle ['m:Juto,saiklJ motorka: Ohio [Clu'haiouJ

8. Doplňte správné osobní nebo přivlastňovací zájmeno: Příklad: I and my sistef 1. she and .......... dog 2. we and ........ house 3. you and .......... friend 4 ....... .. and his fami ly 5 ........... and your home 6 ............ and her school 7. they and ........... car 8. Peter and Paul and ...... ...... mother 9. a dog and ........... ears 10. Elizabeth and ........... dogs hORle [houm] domov

9. Překlad

l. Moje sestra je učitelka. 2. Žije v Coventry a jmenuje se Jane. 3. Její byt je velmi velký a je blízko centra. 4. Má bílého psa s dlouhýma ušima. 5. Jane je báječná žena, má ráda všechny lidi. 6. Hraje na klavír a má v Coventry hodně koncertů. 7. Ráda mluví o svém synovci. 8. Jmenuje se Peter aje velmi chytrý. 9. Chodí do školy v Coventry, je mu 15 let. 10. Má rád všechny učite l e ve škole.




@ Paddy's Daily Routine Paddy is a teacher and he works in a school. His day starts at 60' clock.

After the alarm clock rings, he gets up and goes to the bathroom. There he cleans his teelh, has a shower and combs his hair. Sometimes his hair looks really wild in the morning and he needs a big brush.

Paddy believes that breakfast is a very important meal. He usually has toast with jam and a cup af tea with milko At weekends, when he has more time, he has eggs, bacon, beans and sausages. Sut today is Wednesday and Paddy is

in a hurry. He leaves his fiat at 6.45 and catches the 6.50 bus to Slackstone Station.

From there he walks two blocks to Blackstone Grammar School. He greets hi s colleagues on his way to the staff room where he has his desko

Paddy teaches six bours every day from Monday to Friday. He starts at 7.30. He has thirty minutes for lunch at 12. 15. He doesn't eat in the school can­teen because he prefers to bring his awn lunch. He packs il every moming in a brown paper bag. Today he has a ham and cheese sandwich, a banana and blue­

berry yoghurt. After he fini shes work at 3 p.m., Paddy goes for a walk in the park. There

he sits on a bench and feeds pigeons and ducks. Then he goes home, has supper

and watches TY. !t's ten o'clock p.m. and lime to go to bed. Tomorrow is another day -

Saturday - and Paddy sleeps in on Saturdays.


Page 16: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

\-:::=::;\ p afler [a:fla] po alarm clock [a'la:m klok] budík 3.m. ['ej 'em] (= Iql. ante meridiem)

ráno, dopoledne anolher [~'naó~] další , jiný al [rel] v, u, o al weekends [rel 'wi:kendz]

o víkendech bacon [beik~n] slanina bag, -s [breg] pylel, laška, -y,

kabelka banana [bg'na:n~] banán balhroom [ba:8rum] koupelna be in a hurry Lbi: in ~ 'hari] spěchal bean, -s [bi:n] fazole because [bi 'koz] prolože believe [bi' li:v] věřil

bench [benč] lavice Blackslone Slation ['blrekstaun

slei šn] slanice Blackslone blueberries [blu:b~riz] borůvky block, -s [blok] blok,-y breakfasl [brekf~st] snídaně bring [bri'l] přinéSI brush [braš] kartáček bus [bas] aUlobus canleen [kren'ti:n] kantýna, jídelna calch [kreč] chytil calch Ihc bus [kreč ó~ bas] chylil

autobus cheese [či:z] sýr clean [kli:n] ČiSl il , čislý

clean one's leelh [,kl i:n wanz 'li:8] č istil si zuby

colleague, -s [koli:g] kolega, -ové comb, -s [k~um] hřeben,-y comb [k~um] česal cup [kap] šálek cup of lea [kap ~v 'Ii:] šálek čaje day [dei] den


desk [des k] psací slůl duck, -s [dak] kachna,-y eal [i:l] jíSl egg, -s [eg] vejce feed [fi:d] krmil finish [finiš] ukončil, dodělal Friday [fraidi] pálek from [from] od, z from Ihere [from óea] odlud gel up [gel ap] vSlával go [g~u] jíl, chod il, jel, jezdil go for a walk [g~u fo: ~ 'wo:k] jíl na procházku

go home [g~u 'haum] jíl domů go 10 bed [ggU lu 'bed] jít spál grammar school [gTrem~ sku:l]

gymnázium greel [gri:l] (po)zdravit hair [he~] vlasy ham [hrem] šunka have a shower [hrev ~ 'šau~]

sprchovat se have breakfasl [hrev 'brekfasl]

snídal have lunch [hrev 'Ianč] obědvat have supper [hrev 'sap~] večeřel home [h~um] domov hour, -s [au~] hOdina,-y in Ihe morning [in ó~ 'mo:ni'l]

ráno, dopoledne jam [džrem] džem, marmeláda leave [Ii:v] opustil,odejíl look [luk] vypadat lunch [Ianč] oběd

milk [miIk] mléko

minute, -s [minit] minuta, -y Monday [mandi] pondělí morning, -s [mo:nirt1 ráno, -a.

dopoledne more [mo:] víc need [ni:d] pOlřeboval of [ov, ~v] od, z on [on] na. v on his way [on hiz wei]

na Ueho) cestě own [~un] vlaslní pack [prek] (za)balil paper [peipg] papírový park [pa:k] park pigeon, -s [pidžin] holub,-i prefer [pri'f~:] dávat přednosl p.m. ['pi: 'em] (= lat. post meridiem)

odpoledne, večer ring [ri'l] zvonil sandwich, -es [srenwidž] sendvič,-e Salurday [srel~di] sobota sausage, -s [sosidž] klobása, párek, -y shower [šaua] sprcha, sprchovat se

Paddy's daily rouline. His day slarls al 6 o'clock. Paddy believes lhal breakfasl

is a very imporlanl meal. Paddy is in a hurry. He leaves his nal al 6.45. He doesn ' I eal in Ihe school canleen, He prefers 10 hring his own lunch. Paddy goes for a walk in the park. Paddy sleeps in on Salurdays.

sil [sil] seděl sleep [sli:p] spát sleep in [sli:p 'in] spál dloubo slaff room [sla:f ru:m) sborovna slalion, -s [sleišn) stanice leelh [li:8J zuby TV [Ii:vi:] lelevize (hov.) Ihat [óret] že lime [Iaim] čas toasl [t~uSI] topinka tomorrow [lg'mOr~u] zilra toolh [lu:8) zub usually [ju:žu~li] obvykle walk [wo:k] procházet se watch [woč] sledoval, dívat se Wednesday [wenzdi) slředa weekend, -s [wi:kend) víkend,-y when [wenJ kdy, když, až where [we~] kde wild [wai Id] divoký with [wi8, wió] s yoghurl [jog~t) jogurt

Paddyho každodenní činnosti.

Jeho den začíná v 6 hodin. Paddy věří, že snídaně je velmi důležité jídlo.

Paddy spěchá. Odchází z bytu ve tři čtvrtě na 7. Nejí ve školní jídelně.

Raději si nosí vlastní oběd. Paddy chodí na procházku do parku. V sobotu spí Paddy dlouho.


Page 17: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

@.\ Číslovky 1-10 11-20

one (wan) II eleven (i'levn) 2 two (Iu:) 12 twelve (twelv) 3 three (Sri:) 13 thirteen (S,,: 'ti:n) 4 four (fo:) 14 fourteen (fo:'ti:n) 5 five (faiv) 15 fifteen (fif'ti:n) 6 six (si ks) 16 sixteen (siks'ti:n) 7 seven (sevn) 17 seventeen (sevn'li:n) 8 eight (eit) 18 eighteen (eiťti:n) 9 nine (nain) 19 nineteen (nain'ti:n)

10 ten (len) 20 twenty (twenti)

Čas "12.


)ťs seven o'clock. lťs (a) quarter past seven. lťs half past seven.

Je sedm hodin. Je čtvrt na osm. Je půl osmé.

20-100 20 twenty (twenti) 30 thirty (S":ti) 40 forty (fo:li) 50 fifty (fifti) 60 sixty (siksti) 70 seventy (sevnti) 80 eighty (eit i) 90 ninety (nai mi)

100 hundred (handrid)

21-99 21 twenty-one (twenti 'wan) 22 twenty-two (twenti 'tu:) 37 thirty-seven (S":li 'sevn)

lťs (a) quarter to eight. lťs twenty to eight.

Je tři čtvrtě na OSI11.

\..;::==:=\ lťs twenty past seven. D,.-::~ At five. .;-- H's thrce ten.

At five twenty.

Je za dvacet minut osm. Je sedm hodin a dvacet minut. V pěl. Jsou tři deset. V pěl d vacel.

Výraz o'clock se používá pouze s ceLou hodinou, n.ěkdy jej lze vynechat. Qne o' clock x Dne hour

Výraz o'c1ock vlastně vznikl vypuštěním písmena n z předložky on ve výrazu on c10ck (na hodinách). o'c1ock = on clock Prolo se výraz o'clock používá pouze při určování času, nikoLi jako časová jednotka. Pro vyjádření hodiny (60 minut) používáme výraz hour.



f) Pfltomný i!as prostý ~~

Použití Přítomný čas prostý vyjadřuje opakovaný děj v přítomnosti.

Tvoření Přítomný čas prostý má stejný tvar jako infinitiv významového slovesa bez infi­nitivní částice to. Ve třetí osobě jednotného čisla přibírá koncovku -s, ev. -es.

I work you work he works she works it works we work you work they work

pracuji pracuješ


pracujeme pracujete pracují

Výslovnost -s ve třetí osobě jednotného čísla he works [w,,:ks] s po neznělé souhlásce he loves [Iavz] z po znělé souhlásce he does [daz] z po samohlásce

Změny v pravopise ve třetí osobě jednotného čísla a) po vyslovené sykavce se přibírá -es

to finish he finishes [finišiz] (on) konči b) koncové -y se po souhlásce mění v -i a přibírá -es

to study he studies [stadiz] (on) studuje předchází-li -y samohláska, ke změně nedochází

to play he plays [pleiz] (on) hraje c) slovesa do (dělat) a go (jít) přibírají -es

to do he does [daz] (on) dělá to go he goes [g"uz] (on) jde

d) nepravidebzě tvoří třetí osobu jednotného čísla sloveso have, resp. have got to have (got) he has (got) [hrez/hn (got)] (on) má


Page 18: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)


Zápor Ztipor j'e fI'uh pOli/Ucl' do not = don't, ve třetí osobě jednotného čísla does not = doesn ' t o

Podmět + don ' ( + sloveso v infinitivu bez to Podmět -f' doesn ' t + sloveso v infinitivu bez to

I don't work you don't work he doesn't work she doesn ' t work it doesn' t work we don't work you don't work Ihey don'l work


nepracuji nepracuješ


nepracujeme nepracujete nepracují &;-:> ..

Orá:ku !,e H'oH pUl1lo<.:i pomocného slovesa do, ve ,,'f.etí osobě jedl1Olného čísla does.

Do + Does +

Do I work?



Do you work? Does he work? Does she work? Does il work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work?

+ +

sloveso v infinitivu bez to sloveso v infinitivu bez to

Pracuji? Pracuješ?


Pracujeme? Pracujete? Pracují?

V angličtině se považuje za nezdvořilé odpovídal na otázku pouze ano. le nezbytné je~-:tě zopakovat přislušné pomocné sloveso. Do you work in Prague? Ves, I do. Pracuješ v Praze? Ano, pracuji. Does he work in London? No, he doesn ' t. Pracuje v Londýně? Ne, nepracuje.

Zá.porná otázka se tvoří dvojím zplisobe?:::> Do you llot-work~ -- Nepracuješ? Don't you work? Nepracuješ?


Sloveso have tvoří otázku i zápor zcela pravidelně. Sloveso have got má nepravidelné tvoření záporu a otázky.

I haven't got nemám you haven'l gol nemáš he hasn't gol she hasn't got il hasn't got we haven't got you haven't got Ihey haven't got

Have I got? Have you got? Has he got? Has she got? Has il got? Have we gol? Have you gol? Have they gol?


nemáme nemáte nemají

Mám? Máš?


Máme? Máte? Mají?

Srov.: I don ' t have a car. = I haven' t got a car. Nemám auto.

[) Osobní zájmena y předmětu podmět

I Gá) you (ly) he (on) she (ona) il (ono) we (my) you (vy) they (oni)


me [mi:] (mě, mně, mi. .. ) you liu:] (tě , tebe, ti ... ) him [him] (ho, jej, mu ... ) her [ha:] Gí, ji , ní. .. ) it litl (to, toho, tomu .. . ) us lasl (nás, námi , nám .. . ) you liu:] (vás, vámi, vám .. . ) them [óem] Gich, nich, je ... )

Osobní předměl1Iá zájmena mají stejný tvar pro všechny pády. Vyskytují se s předložkami i bez "ich.

I believe him. Věřím mu. II is not about them . To není o nich.

II is for her. Je to pro ni. ls the breakJast for me? Je la snídaně pro mě?


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( @Jobs


An accounlanl does the bookkeeping. An aclor acts on the stage. An actress acts with him. An artist paints pictures. A builder builds buildings. A blls driver drives buses. A chef works in a restaurant. A chemisl works in a laboratory. A c1ergyman works in a church. A coach trains a football team. A composer writes songs. A cook cooks meals. A dentisl repairs teelh. A doclor helps ill people. A farmer farms the land. A fireman puts out flres. D

octor A hockey-player plays hockey. A jockey rides a horse. A nun lives in a monastery. A nurse helps patients. A pilol flies an aeroplane. A plumber repairs pipes. A poslman delivers letters. A soldier defends his country. A sludenl goes to school. A surgeon operates on people. A lailor makes clolhes. A leacher teaches pupi ls. A tram driver drives a tram. A vel hel ps animals. A waitress serves customers.

36 Waitress



-:::=:7\ \~ accounlanl [o'kauntont] účetní ae! [rekt] hrát aclor [rekt"] herec aclress [rektris] herečka aeroplaoe [e"r"plein] letadlo anímal [reniml] zvíře artisl [a:tist] umělec bookkeepíng ['buk,ki:piT1.] účetnictví build [bild] stavět builder [bild,,] stavitel bus driver [bas draivo] řidič autobusu chef [šefl šéfkuchař chemisl [kemist] chemik church [č,,:č] kostel c1ergyman [klo:džimren] duchovní coach [kouč] trenér composer [kom'pouz,,] skladatel cook [kuk] vařit cook [kuk] kuchař c10lhes [kl"uóz] šaty cuslomer [k"st"m,,] zákazník defend [di'fend] bránit denlist [dentist] zubař do [du o] dělat dress [dres] dámské šaty drive [draiv] řídit, jezdit farm [fa:mJ obhospodařovat, st.tek farmer [fa:m"J zemědělec fire [fai" J oheň, požár fireman [fai"m"n] požárník fly [fI.i] letět footba\1 team [futbo:1 ti:m]

fotbalové mužstvo help [help] pomoci hockey [hoki] hokej hockey-player [hoki pleioJ hokejista horse [ho:sJ kůň iII [il] nemocný jockey [džokiJ žokej

laboratory [I,,'bor"tri] laboratoř land [Irend] země, stát learn [lo:nJ učit se letter [Ieto] dopis live [IivJ bydlet, žít make [meik] dělat meal [mi: l] jídlo monastery [mon"st"riJ klášter nun [nan] jeptiška nurse [n;;):s] zdravotní sestra operate on [oporeit on] operovat paint [peinl] malovat patient [peišntJ pacient pilot [pail"tJ pilot pipe, -s [paipJ trubka,-y play [pleiJ hrát postman [poustm"nJ listonoš pupil [pju:pl] žák(yně) put out [put 'au tJ uhasit radio [reidi~!U] rádio repair [ri'peoJ opravovat restaurant [rest;}ro:nt] restaurace ride [raid] jezdit serve [s,,:v] sloužit, obsluhovat soldier [s"uldž,,] voják --­song [SOT1.] píseň speak [spi:k] mluvit stage [steidž] jeviště student [stju:dnt] student surgeon [so:dž~m] chirurg tailor [tei l"] krejčí teacher [ti:čo] učitel train [trein] vlak tram [trrem] tramvaj tram driver [trrem draiv,,] řidič tramvaje

vel [vet] zvěrol ékař waitress [weitrisl servírka wrile [rait] psát


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r::::::=;\ \~

I -+4,1


Paddy sedí ve své oblíbené hospodě.

Paddy: Do you have mineral waler? Máte minerálku?

Waitress: Ves, we do. Bul don'l you wanl another beer? A/lo, máme. Ale nechcete další pivo?

Paddy: Rather mineral water. I work tomorrow. Raději minerálku. Zítra pracuji.

Waitress: OK. One mineral waler. I pound 50 pence, please. Doblk Jedna minerálka. J libra 50 pencí, prosím.

Paddy: What? One pound fifty p? A pinl of beer COsts I pound 40. Cože? I libra 50 pencí? Pinta piva stojí libru 40.

Waitress: Ves, you're right. But you work tomorrow. Ano, mdte pravdu. Ale zítra pracujete.

Paddy: Oive me lhe beer. Tomorrow I slay at home! Dejle mi 10 pivo. Zítra zůstanu doma!

Waitress: That's our Paddy' To je náš Paddy!


1. Doplňte věty správnou číslovkou: I. He comes home at .............. (5) o'clock. 2. She finishes work at (11.30). 3. Does your lesson start at ........................ (8. 15)7 4. This shop opens al ..................................... (6.45). 5. We usually have breakfast al (7. 10). 6. We go lo school al ...................... (9) o'clock. 7. They come home at ........................... (3.20). 8. The film starls at ............................ (7.45). 9.Don' l you work from ................. (8) to ............ (4)7 10. No, I work from

(8.30) to ........................... (4.30).

2. Napište správné číslovky k těmto číslům: 1.15 .................... ............. 2.21 3. 9 ................................. 4. 33 5.12. ................................ 6. 19 7.45 .................... 8. 16 9.13 10. II

3. Utvořte zápornou větu: 1. He works in a bank. 2. She fini shes work at 4.30 every day. 3. We usually have yoghurt for supper. 4. She has a shower in the evening. 5. They walch TV every evening. 6. I prefer rock music. 7. She leaches English. 8. We go lo bed at eleven o'clock. 9. She combs her hair every evening.

10. They gel up at 10 o'clock on Sundays. 11. We walk with our dog in !he aflemoon.

4. Utvořte otázky: Příklad: I like English. Do you lik. ElIglish? 1. We go lo school every day. 2. She has tea for breakfasl. 3. We eat at six. 4. They play basketball on Sundays. S. I clean my teeth every evening. 6. He teaches English.


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l 7. She looks nice. 8. We need our friends. 9. They leave at flve.

10. He walks in the park in the aftemoon.

5. Doplňte správná zájmena: Přiklad: I believe (he) him.

I. He loves (she) ............ 2. You teach (they) ................ 3. We watch (il) .......... . every day. 4. She walks with ..................... (lhey) on Sunday. 5. He teaches (we) ............ 6. I Iike (you) ............ 7. Do you know (they) ............ ? 8. My sister helps (I) ............... 9. The waitress gives beer to (we) . 10. Yes, and we give (she) .................. money.

6. Opravte chyby ve větách. V každé větě je jedna chyba. 1. He teach English. 2. I don't believe he. 3. Have you a brother? 4. They has got a car. 5. I need not your money. 6. Do he teach English? 7. We breakfast al seven. 8. She teachs English. 9. It is for we.

10. Have gOl you a dog?

7. Přeložte tyto věty:

1. Paddy pracuje ve škole. 2. Vstávám v 7.00 a odcházím z bylu v 7.45. 3. Ob­vykle jím ráno toast s džemem. 4. Jeho matka je zdravolní sestra, ale jeho otec nepracuje. 5. Náš učitel má rád všechny děli a svou práci. 6. Létá Paddy letadlem? 7. Paddy nejí ve školní jídelně. 8. Máš rád borůvkový jogurt? 9. Paul s ním obědvá ve 12.30. 10. Minerální voda Slojí I libru 20 pencí.



~~\ DeRtll1iKP \)

@ A Letter from Paddy Dear Mike, I am siuing here and thinking aboul yOll. Oulside the sun is shining and

the birds are singing. Spring is here carly this year. How are you? Are yOll stili going to university? I think jťs fantastic lhat

you're continuing your education. Are yOll stili spending most af your free time playing the guitar? Are you writing another song at the moment?

And me? I Slili live in Hampton Streel. My girlFriend, Linda, is staying with me at lhe moment. She is looking for a bigger nat for lhe both of us. She is doing the washing up while I am writing to you. She says hello. We're both saving our money but you know how expensive tlats are. II seems everybody is looking for a fiat now. That makes the price higher for everyone.

Are you stili going out wilh Alison? I hope that you are. She's a lovely

woman and Linda is really looking forward to meeting her. Well , Linda is calling me. Please write back soon.


Your friend. Paddy

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( ~\ :abula \~

Alison [rel~s~n] Alison (ženské jméno)

another [~'nao~] další at the moment [ret o~ maumnt] momentálnč

bigger [biga] větší

bird, -s [ba:d] pták, -ci both [b~ue] oba. obě call 110:1] volat con!inue [kon'tinju:] pokračovat do the washing up Idu: (la woširt ap]

mýt nádobí early [~:Ii] brzo education [,edju'keišn] vzdělání everybody [evribodi] vš ichni expensive [ik'spensiv] drahý fantastic [fren'trestik] fantastický free lime [fri: taim] volný čas fríend [frend] kamarád, přítel go out with (sb) [gau aut wie]

chodit s (někým) guitar [gi'ta:] kytara Hampton [hremtn] Hampton

Uméno města) here rhi~] tady, zde how [hau] jak how are you jak se máš (máte) know [nau] vědět, znát look for [luk fo:] hledat look forward to (st) [luk 'fo:w"d tu]

tčš it se na ( něco)

lovely [Iavli] hezký


ma ke price higher [meik prais hai,,] zdražovat

meet lmi:t] sej ít se, potkat, setkat se

money [mani] peníze most [m"ust] většina outside [aut'said] venku play [pici] hrát please lpli:z] prosím really [rialiJ skutečně, opravdu save [seiv] s pořit

say Isei1 říci, říkat seem [si:m] zdát se shine lšain] svitit sing [sirt] zpívat sit [sit1 sedět

song [SOrt] píseň soon [su:n] brzo spend [spend] utrácet (penize);

strávit (čas) spring [sprirt1 jaro stay [stei] zůstat

stili [stil] ještě, stále street [stri:t] ulice sun [san] slunce think [eirtk] myslet (si) this year [ois ji,,] letos university [ju:ni'va:sati] univerzita well [wel] takže, dobře while [wail] zatímco, během write [rait] psát

~I am thinking about you. Spring is here early this year.

..:;:::=:\ How are you? \o..-:::~ I think it's fantastic. :;.-- She is doing the washing up

while I am writing to you. We're both saving our money. You know how expensive flats are. Are you stili going out with Alison? I hope that you are. Write back soon.


f! Přítomný i!as prŮběhový


Myslím na tebe. Jaro je tu letos brzy . Jak se máš (máte)? Myslím. že je to fantastické. Myje nádobí.

zatímco já ti píšu. Oba šetříme .

Víš, jak jsou byty drahé. Ještě chodíš s Alison? Doufám, že ano. Brzy odepiš.

a) vyjadřuje děj. který právě probíhá We are working (now). Pracujeme (nyní).

b) vyjadřuje dočasný děj. ktelÝ nemusí probíhat piYmo v daném momentě She is staying with me at the moment. Bydlí se mnou.

c) vyjadřuje téměř jistou budoucnost. I am leaving tomoTrow. Zítra odjíždím.

Tvoření Přítomný čas pn/běhový se tvoří z p'Ytomnélw časlI slovesa be a příčestí přítomného. Casuje se pouze sloveso be. I2l!!J

lam working you are working he is working she is working it is working we are working you are working they are working

- ~<~----

pracuji pracuješ


pracujeme pracujete pracují

U slovesa be se mohou polt~í\lat stažené tVlII)' (vi: lekce I). I am working. (l'm working.)


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Příčestí přítomné

Plíteslí plllOlIlné se T\loN.:: infinitivu přidáním kOl/covk)' -ing. Infinitiv + -ing working. learning thinking

Změny v pravopise při [voleni příčestí přítomného a) odpadá koncové nevyslovené -e shine shining continue continuing write writing b) tl jednoslabičných sloves se zdvojuje koncová sOllhldska, je-li před ni jednoduchá krátká samohláska sit sitting pUL putting

Zápor T\'oří se přidáním ::.áporky not::.a sloveso be.

podmět + be + not + příčestí přítomné 1 am not sitting you are not sitting he is not sitting she is not sitting it is not sitting we are not sitting you are not sitting they are not sitting

nesedím nesedíš


nesedíme nesedíte nesedí

U slovesa be se mohou používat stažené rvary (viz lekce I). She is not sitting. (She isn't sitting.) "

. ~

8t::ř-:l ..


Otázka Tvoli se jfl\'er;:,í.

be + podmět + příčestí přítomné Am I sleeping? Spím? Are you sleeping? Spíš? Is he sleeping? Is she sleeping? Is it sleeping? Are we sleeping? Are you sleeping? Are they sleeping?


Spíme? Spíte? Spí?

Stejně jako II přítomného času prostého je nezdvořilé odpověděl na otáz­ku pouze ano, ne. je třeba zopakovat pomocné sloveso be v příslušné osobě. Are yOll working1 ls she slaying wilh him?

Yes, 1 am. No, l'm not. Yes, she is. No, she isn 'to

SmVllállí přítomného času prostého a pniběhového 1 go lO school. Chodím do školy. 1 am going to school. Jdu do školy. What does she do? Co dělá? (Jaké je její povolání?) What is she doing? Co dělá? (Čím se leď zabývá?)

Slovesa, která netvoří prŮběhový čas') V angličtině existuje skupina sloves, která se nevyskytují v pn'lbéhovélll

čase, i když vyjadřují právě probíhající děj. a) slovesa vyjadřující postoj, názor či přání think myslet (domnívat se) know vědět understand rozumět mean mínit seem zdát se wish přát si want chtít hope doufal

1 want it noW. II seems that he is happy now.

Chci lO leď. Zdá se, že je ted· šťaslný.


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l b) slol'esa v)~adřujfcí Cifov.ý vztah like mít rád love milovat hale nenávidět

mind vadit

J don't mind it now. Teď mi to nevadí.

c) slovesa smyslového vnímání (často se používají ve spojel/f se slovesem can) see vidět

hear slyšet reel cítit (chlad) smell cítit (vůni)

lasle chutnat

Now I ca" sec it. Teď to vidím.

Některá slovesa existují v prtiběllOvém čase, ale mají j il1Ý v);~nam. I am Ihinking. Přemýšlím.

J Ihink he is OK. Myslím, že je v pořádku.

She can see il. Vidí to. She is seeing her molher. Navštíví matku.


\~\ Coventry :::::-eovenlry is quile a big cily. II has more lhan 300,000 inhabilants. Paddy

lives in a nice neighbourhood near the ri ver. The neighbourhood. Binley, has everything Paddy needs. Just around lhe corner from Paddy's flal !here is a news· agenľs where he buys the morning newspaper. Next to the newsagenťs theTe is a baker's where Paddy can find fresh bread and cakes. Paddy's favourite building is the corner pub, the Brave Lion Pub. Paddy goes there on Saturdays with his friends to have a pint or two af ale.

Shops and flals everywhere, tha!'s Paddy's neighbourhood. Across the slreel from Paddy's nat there is a floris!. II is nexl 10 lhe grocer's where Paddy buys lhe lhings he eals. There are lots of shops where you can buy 100S of things. Olher shops and places nearby:

a butcher's with fresh meat a stationer's with office supplies a post office where he posts letlers a bus stop where he catches the bus a chemist's where he buys soap, shampoo and toothpaste a tobacconist's where you can buy tobacco products

The lown hall is just down the slree!. lI 's an old building from the 17th century. Do you have any old buildings in your town ?


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@ 17th century ['sevnti:n8 senčari]

17. století across [a'hos] přes

ale [eilJ anglické pivo around [a'raundJ kolem around the corner za rohem baker's [beikazJ pekařství

Brave Lion Pub [breiv laian pab] Hospoda U statečného I va

bread [bredJ chleba building [bildir1.l budova bus stop [bas stopJ autobusová

zastávka butcher's [bučaz] řeznictví

cake, -s [keikJ koláč,-e

can [krenJ moci corner [ko:naJ roh down the street [daun oa 'stri:tJ

po ulici eat [i:tJ jíst everywhere [evriwea] všude everything [evri8irlJ všechno favourite [feivaritJ oblíbený find [faindJ najít, nalézl norisťs [tlorists] květinářství

fresh [frešJ čerstvý

grocer's [gmusazJ potraviny chemisťs lkemistsJ drogerie inhabitant, -s [in'hrebitantJ

obyvalel, -é just [džastJ právě letler [let"J dopis live [Iiv] bydlet, žít 1018 [lotsJ hodně

meat [mi:tJ maso morning [mo:ni'lJ

ráno, dopoledne morning newspaper ranní noviny near [ni,,] blízko, blízký need [ni:d] potřebovat


neighbourhood [neibahudJ sousedství

newsagent's [nju:zeidž"ntsJ novinový stánek

next to [nekst tuJ vedle nice [naisJ hezký, milý office supplies ['ofls sa,plaizJ kancelářské potřeby

old [au Id] starý other [aoa] dalšÍ, jiný pint [paint] pinla (0,56 I) place, -s [pleisJ místo,-a post [p"usl] pošta post office l'p"usl ,ofl s] pošta

(budova) pub [pab] hospoda quite [kwailJ docela river [riv,,] řeka

shampao [šrem'pu:] šampon shop, -s [šop J obchod,-y soap [saup] mýdlo stationer's [sleišnaz] kancelářské potřeby

than [orenJ než tobacco products [Ia'brekau

,prodakts] tabákové výrobky tobacconist's [t"'brek,,nists]

trafika toothpaste [tu:8peist] zubní pasta town [taun] město

town hall [taun ho:l] radnice

~\ \P-Paddy telefonuje se svou Ilahluchlou matkou·'l ",,,. Paddy: Hi, Mum. Il's me.

Ahoj, mami. To jsem já. Mather: Paddy? What are you doing?

Paddy? Co děláF Paddy: I'm sitting here and thinking of you.

Sedím lady a myslfm Ila tebe. Mather: What? Prelly deer and ringing few? What? -.,." ~

Cože? Že nemáš co Ila sebe? Cože? )f \ /' (Doslovll,'í překlad: Hezký jelell a volat málo?)

Paddy: Aren't you wearing your hearing-aid? Copak nemáš nasLollchadlo?

Mother: What? Is it ncaring May? Co:'e? Něco se vám porouchaLo? (Doslovný překlad: Blíží se květen?)

Paddy: Mum! Oet your hearing-aid. Please sw itch it on. Mami.' Vezmi si své naslollchadJo. Prosím, :apfli si ho.

Mather: OK. Il 's on. I hear you now. Dobře. je zapnuté. Teď tě sIYj'{ÍI1I.

Paddy: I'm coming to visit you SOOIl.

Br:y tě přijdu navštívit. Mother: Great! Whcn are you coming? Are you bringing ... cr ... what is her namc?

Skvělé! Kdy přijdeš? Přivede:5 s sebou ... tll... jak se jmenuje?

Paddy: Yes. Linda wants to meet you. Ano. Linda tě chce pO':.lIal.

Mother: What? She eats meat too? Cože? Něco mi chceš poslal? (Doslo\lll.v překlad: Také jí maso?)

Paddy: Bye, Mum! Cau, mami!

... 49

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1. Převed1e věty do přítomného průběhového času: 1. They Sil al home. 2. He wriles a lesl. 3. Mary does lhe washing up. 4. We save money. 5. Peler goes oul wilh Jane. 6. Paul goes 10 school. 7.1 buy meal. 8. We pOSl a leller. 9. I eal bread. 10. The sun shines.

2. Použijte ve větách přítomný prostý nebo přítomný průběhový čas: Příklad: I ......... (write) a letter now. lam writillg a letter 1l0W. She ......... (read) a book every day. She reads a book every day. 1. We ....................... (go) to school now. 2. She ........................ (sit) Ol home al lhe momenl. 3. What ................. you ...................... (do) now? 4. We often ........................... (play) foolball. 5. The sun ............................ (nol shine) now. 6. Wh.l .................. he ........................... (Iook for)? A book? II is on the table. 7. When ....................... you ................... (starl) work? Al8 o'clock every day. 8. What ................ you ....................... (do) today? 9. Jane (not eat) breakfast now. 10. A florisl .......................... (Iove) flowers.

3. Najděte ve větách chyby. V každé větě je jedna chyba: 1. 1 nm wanting a car. 2. She seeing the doctor al 4 o'dock. 3. Where do you living now? 4. Are yau going to schoal every day? 5. Jane writes a letter now. 6. Vou are reading my baok now? 7. Ileave yau tomorrow. 8. They are siting in the kitchen. 9. Are they saveing ll10ney at the moment? 10. I am hoping yau are happy.

4. Přeložte: 1. Jane leď myje nádobí. 2. Kde kupuješ maso? 3. Znáš jeho sestru? 4. Teď sedíme venku. 5. Hledám svou knihu. Kde je? 6. Brave Lion Pub je naše oblíbená hospoda. Chodíme lam v pondělí. 7. Nemám rád ten obchod. 8. O čem teď přemýšliš? 9. Zílra půjdu do školy.

10. Teď nepracuju, protože snídám.



~\ Paddy's Dream \p-It's almost six o'dock and Paddy is sleeping. He is dreaming about very

oice things. He is sitting on the bank af a beautiful river, having a picnic with a very pretly girl. And it's not Linda. Suddenly he remembers that he should be at work. He drives to the office where his boss meets him at the front door.

Mr Perkins: Good morning. Lctle again? And \Vily are you. wearing those

silly srmglasses? Paddy: Helia, Mr Perkills, er. these glosses ore o giftfrommy girlfriend. Mr Perkins: And those swimmillg tnmks witl! t/Je nice flowers? Are they

a gift jro", yotlr girl, too' Paddy is embarrassed. He is standing al work in his swimsuil. Suddenly

he notices what his boss is wearing. He's wearing a bright pink bikini and a brown cowboy hal. Paddy laughs. He know s everylhing is possible in dreams.

Mr Perkins: Wh} are yO Il laughing at me ? Paddy: Your bikini. 1"5 vety ... el:.. iweresting. Mr Perkins: This bikin i hoppells to be o gifl from my lVife. Paddy: 1 see lhal slEe loves .VOll very mllch. And that hal )'Oll 're wearing?

Mr Perkins: This hat happells 10 cover my bahl spot! .. Soon it's time for Paddy to gel up. ll's Monday morning and he wakes

with a smile on his face.


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r-==;\ \P again [a'gen, a'gein] opět, zase almosl [ol'm'lust] skoro, téměř al work [ret 'w'l:k] v práci bald spol [bo:ld spot] pleš bank [bre'l.k] břeh bikini [bi'ki:ni] bikin i boss [bos] šéf brighl [brait] bystrý cover [kav'l] pokrýt door [do:] dveře dream [dri:m] sen dream [dri:m] snít embarrassed [im'brer'lst]

v rozpacích face [feis] obličej nower [flau'l] květina fronl [front] přední gel up [get 'ap] vstávat gifl [gift] dárek glasses [gla:siz] brýle happens 10 be [hrepnz tu 'bi:]

náhodou je hal [hret] klobouk have a picnic [hrev 'l 'piknik] pořádat piknik

Lale again?


interesting [intristi'll zajímavý laugh [Ia: f] smát se love [Iav] mít rád notice [n'lutis] všimnout si office [otis] kancelář pink [pi'l.k] růžový possible [posobl] možný remember [ri'memba] pamatovat si should [šud] měl by siHy [sili] hloupý smile [smail] usmívat se stand [s trend] stát suddenly lsad nli] náhle sunglasses [sangla:siz] s luneční brýle

swimming Irunks [swimi'l. tra'lks] pánské plavky

swimsuil [swimsju:t] plavky lhal [óret] tamten, tamta, tamto Ihese [ói:z] tyto, tito, tato Ihose [Ó'luz] tamty, tamti, tamta very much [veri mač] velmi mnoho wake [weik] probudit se wear [wea] mít na sobě why [wai] proč

Je skoro šest. Zdá se mu o velmi hezkých věcech. Najednou si vzpomene, že

by mě l být v práci. Potkává se se svým šéfem

u předních dveří. Zase pozdě?

Paddy is embarrassed. He knows everylhing is possible

in dreams. Why are you laughing al me? This bikini happens to be

a gift from my wife. Soon it's tíme for Paddy to get up.


fl! Množné i!íslo

al pravidelné

Paddy je v rozpacích. Ví. že ve snu je všechno možné.

Proč se mi smějete? Ty bikini jsou náhodou

dárek od mé ženy. Brzy bude čas, aby Paddy vstal.

Množné číslo podstatných jmen se tvoří příponou -s. Qne student tWQ students dva studenti one car ane thing

seven cars ten things

sedm aut deset věcí

U některých podstal11)íCh jmen končících na -o se mllo:;lé číslo tvoří příponou -es. one (omalO two tomatoes dvě rajčata

one potato a kilo of potaloes kilo brambor

U podstatných jmen kom:':ících nQ vyslovenou sykavku se množné číslo tvoří kvůli jednodušší v.ýslovnosti také piYpollou -es.

one box three boxes one Walch two watches

Výslovnost množného čísla a) po lIe:'lIěJJ'ch souhláskách s books [buks] maps [mreps]

tři krabice dvoje hodinky

b) po Z/lělÍ'ch sOl/hláskách a po samohláskách z girls [g'l:lz] things [9i'l.z] c) po vyloven.ých sykavkách iz glasses [gla: siz] boxes [boksiz]

éfc:ř-:l ..


Page 28: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

Zrněny v pravopise

Koncové -y se po samohlásce měllí v -i. one lady eight ladies one baby two babies Srov.

osm dam dvě děti

two babies seven plays (-y následuje po samohlásce)

bl nepravidelné Dne woman one child ane tooth one faOl

three women [wimin) five children

tři ženy

pět dětí

dvacet zubů šest stop

twenty leelh six feet

Anglické slovo mall má dva významy. I) muž one man 2) člověk one man

II! Ukazovací zájmena

Jednotné číslo

tWQ men two people

Množné číslo

dva muži dva lidé

lhis house lhal house

tento dům tamten dům

these houses tyto domy lhose houses tamty domy

Zájmena t/lis, Ihat, these a t}lOse maji stejný tvar pIV všechny osoby. Zájmeny this a these ukazujeme na bližší předměty či osoby. Zájmeny lhat, t}lOse na vzdálenější.

This is my sisler. Toto je má sestra. Thal is her dog. Tamto je její pes. These cars are red. Tato auta jsou červená. Those cars are black. Tamta auta jsou čern á.


~ Členy (1) aj člen neurčitý a, an

Používá se tl podstamých jmen v jednotném čísle, pokud o uvedené osobě či předmětu mluvíme poprvé a ve významu llějaJ...ý. Vznikl Z číslovky one, tudíž

také tuto číslovku I1Il';že nahrazoval. Má Ivar a před vyslovenou souhláskou a tvar an před vyslovenou samo-


Výslovnost a 19] an [ren)

a boy a leacher a year an orange an hour

(nějaký) chlapec (nějaký) učitel

(jeden) rok (jeden) pomeranč (jedna) hodina

I am a student. He works in an office. This is a school. She has a brolher.

Jsem student. Pracuje v kanceláři .

Toto je škola. Má (jednoho) bratra.

Pokud se před podstatným jménem vyskytuje přídavné jméno,

\ předchází. He is a boy. He is a good boy. She is a girl. She is an old lady.

Je to chlapec. Je to hodný chlapec. Je to dívka. Je to stará dáma.

člen mu

bl člen určitý the Pou žívá se Ll podstatných jmen v jednotném i množném čisle, pokud jsme

už o uvedené osobě či předmětu hovořili nebo ve významu ten. Má tvar the pro následnou samohlásku i souhlásku. výslovnost je však



Page 29: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)


the car the apple

the boy the girls


[o, k,,:J [oi: repl]

(ten) chlapec (ty) divky

I know a boy. His name is Paddy. The boy is from E'.'gland.

Znám jednoho chlapce. Jmenuje se Paddy. Ten ch lapec je z Anglie.

je ~ li před podstalnýmjménem přivlastňovaci zájmeno. člen odpadá.

This is my house. ls your cat brown?

Toto je můj dům. Je tvá kočka hnědá?

II! Vazba there is I there are (1)

Clllli 1'\\',," fl :1 Wflcome 10 my ~fflp

Ql~ _ .. i ,

"tT~ tullu~A

V ~1l~/i<'lill_ě vyjad~uj:v~tši~oll exi~len:i č! výskJ.~ Ilěj~~é ~~oby č! p!,edlll~" ':0 n This is Paddy's fiat urcllem ln/stě. V cestme Jl OdpovldaJl vety ZClCU!ajlCI pnslovecnym urcemm -


There is a table in my room. V mém pokoj i je s tůl. There are three chairs in the kitchen. V kuchyni jsou tři židle.

Srov. There is a boy in the classroom. T he boy is in the classroom.

Pozor na obvyklou chybu ln the classroom is a boy. Spatně!!!


Ve třídě je ( nějaký) chlapec. Ten chlapec je ve třídě.

The Kitchen There is a table with four chairs. The fridge and cooker are next to the

window. There are wooden cupboards that hold lhe pot s and pans, dishes and cutlery. There is a calendar on the wall above the dustbin. There are "Iso plates, bowls, forks, spoons and knives in the sink. Paddy doesn't wash up very often.

The Living Room There is a big comfortable sofa next to the wall. There are two armchairs on

each side of il. There is a eoffee table on a rug in front of the sofa. There are plants behind one of !he armchairs, just below the window. There is a television with a big screen just below Paddy's stereo. Paddy listens to music almost every day.

The Bath There is a big bath with a shower curtain in Qne corner. In the other

corner there is a washing machine. Vou can see the lOi let behind the washing machine. Paddy is aut of toilet paper.


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. \

-:::::==:\ \~

The Hall There is a coat rack in the comer nexl to the docr. There is an umbrella

S13nd with several umbreUas behind il. There is a welcome mat in front af the

door. lt &ays, "We\come to my Castle".

The Bedroom There is a wardrobe along each wall and a small couch under the window.

Next to the other wall there is a huge bed with lots of pillows and blankets. There is a woman on the bed. !t's Linda, Paddy's girlfriend. She's waiting for

Paddy to come home from work.

above [~'bav] nad along [~'Io'l] podél also [ols~u] také armchair [a:mče~] křeslo bath [ba:e] vana bed [bed] postel behind [bi'haind] za below [bi'l~u] pod be oul of (st) lbi: aut ~v] mít

nedostatek blanket [blre'lkit] přikrývka bowl [b~ul] mísa calendar [krelind~] kalendář castle [ka:sl] hrad chair [če~] židle coat rack [k"ut rrek] věšák cotTee table [kofi teibl] konferenční stůl

comfortable [kamf"t~bl] pohodlný cooker [kuk~] sporák corner [ko:n,,] roh couch [kauč] gauč cupboards [kab~dz] skříňky curtain [k":tn] záclona cutlery [katl~ri] příbor,-y

dishes [dišiz] nádobí door [do:] dveře


dustbin [dastbin] odpadkový koš each [i:č] každý, -á, -é every day [evri'dei] každý den fork [fo:k] vidl ička frídge [fridž] lednička hold [h~uld] držet, obsahovat huge [hju:dž] obrovský in front of [in 'frant ~v] před knife [naif] nuz knives [naivz] nože Iislen [Ii sn] poslouchat lols [Iots] hodně nexl to [nekst tu] vedle oflen [ofn] často one of [wan ~v] jeden z pan [pren] pánev píllow [pil"u] polštář plant [pla:nt] rostlina plate [pleit] talíř pot [pot] hrnec rug [rag] koberec screen [skri:n] obrazovka several [sevr~l] několik


side [saidl strana sink [si'lk] dřez sofa [s:!uf~] pohovka spoon [spu:n] lžíce stereo [steri:!u] věž table [teibl] stůl televísion ['teli,vižn] televizor toilel [toil~t] toaleta toilet paper ['toil~t 'peip~]

toaletní papír umbrella, -s [am'brel:!] deštník,-y umbrella stand [am'brel:! strend]

stojan na deštníky

under [and~] pod wall [wo:l] stěna, zed wardrobe [wo:dr~ub] skříň na šaty washing machine ['wošill. mg,ši:n] pračka

wash up [woš 'ap] umýt nádobí welcome [welk~m] (při)vítat

welcome mat [welk"m mret] rohožka

window [wind~u] okno wooden [wudn] dřevěný

· 2 I a~aln,.

'tak '~ 'ťoůf k

~~)Q 94~~ .~~ ? (, I

oJo~m I Paddy a jeho šéf spolu mll/ví o Paddyho opakovaném pozdním pNchodu.

Paddy: Oood moming, Mr Perkins. I'm sorry I'm late, Dobré ráno, pane Perkinsi. Omlouvám se, že jdu pozdě.

" Mr Perkins: You're late again? Whaťs your excuse this time?

Znse pozdě? Jakou máte tentokrát výmluvu? Paddy: The bus. Slow again. Autobus. Zase pomalý. Mr Perkins: Late one more time, Paddy and you work at the weekend.

Ještě jedell pozdllí příchod, Paddy, a budete pracovat o víkendu.


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Paddy: But I'm a teacher .nd there's no school at weekends. Ale já jsem učitel a o vikendech /Iení výuka.

Mr Perkins: Ves, you 're right. So you can paint, tidy up and c1ean blackboards. Ano. mále pravdu. Tak tmlžeTe malovat, uklízet a mazal tabule.

Paddy: I promise to be on Ume from now on. Slibuji, :e už budu chodit v(."as. Mr Perkins: That's nice to hear, Paddy. Good day.

To rád slyším, Paddy. Hezký den. Paddy: Good day, Mr Perkins. Hezký den, pane Perkinsi. Mr Perkins: And be nice to your students ! A budie milý na své ŽáJ..y!

1. Vytvořte množné číslo uvedenych podstatnych jmen: Girl, woman, glass, watch, tomato, river, office, face, umbrella, machine, girlfriend, plate, chi Id

2. Převetl'te věty do množného čísla. Pozor na tvary sloves a členy! Příklad: I like a river. llike rivers.

1 know the woman. J know t!te womell. 1. I love your smile. 2. He is dreaming about a girl. 3. Jane bas one chi Id. (2 děti) 4. I am reading a good book. S. I remember my dream. 6. 1 can see one baby. (3) 7. Do you know the student? 8. The lady is wearing a hat. 9. We have one sofa at home. (2 pohovky) 10. The wall is pinko


3. Přeložte: Tamty ženy, lito muži, toto auto, tento byt, tamten učitel, tyto plavky. tato kniha, tamty děti, toto dítě, tento den.

4. Doplňte správné členy: 1. I have two children, .......... boy and ........... girl. 2 . ........... boy is 12 years old. 3. Jane is ............. beautiful warnan. 4. Do you know ............... his gir1friend? S. I have ......... problem. 6. There is ......... table and ......... chair. 7 .......... table is wooden. 8. She has ........... armchair in .............. her office. 9 ............ old lady from your house is Mary Black. 10 ............ book you are looking for is on my chair.

5. Doplňte there is, there are: 1 . ........................ ten boys in our class. 2 •..... " ................. a beautiful woman in his car. 3. 4. S.

four windows in his kitchen. a flower on her table. six f]ats in the house.

6. Opravte chyby ve větách. V každé větě je jedna chyba. 1. There is !hree boys in tbe c1ass. 2. An table is wooden. 3. These car is pinko 4. In!he kilchen is one table. S. This is a my girlfriend. 6. I don't like potatos. 7. She has two babys. 8. Are this women from your house? 9. She is wearing pink a hat.

10. I can see two mans in the car.


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7. Přeložte: 1. Jane je krásná dívka. 2. Máš rád tyto ženy? .. 3. Před stolem je pohovka. 4. Pod oknem jsou dvě květiny. 5. Dnes mám na sobě růžový klobouk. 6. Pamatuju si své sny. 7. Líbí se mu tyto židle? 8. Právě píši ten dopis. 9. Peter má dvě děti, chlapce a dívku.

10. Líbí se mi jeho zuby a úsměv.



~\ A Saturday Night .:;--- lt 's Saturday evening in Covenlry. Paddy is sitting in a loeal discotheque,

drinking a glass of wine. Linda is on the dance floor dancing with her friends. Paddy doesn't like to dance. He is sitting "nd waiting for Linda to finish , then they talk about the week. "Some weeks seem longer than others," Paddy says. Linda quietly agrees. Then she goes back to the dance floor. The Dl is playing her favourite song.

After midnight, Linda and Paddy walk bac k to their small fiat in Binley. Paddy isn' t ready to go to bed yet, so he m.kes a cup of tea. Linda joins him. Linda tells Paddy that she wants 10 move to a bigger tlat, one in a nicer area af Coventry. Paddy explains that they don't have much money. They must save and save, then they can move. Linda is satisfied with Paddy's .nswer. Then she tells him that she has some money from her parents. They can use that to find a new place to live. Paddy accepts her offer.

h 's time to sleep and Paddy is Iying in bed next to Linda. He tells her how much he loves her and how happy he is that she is his girlfriend. He tells her how proud he is of her. Linda smiles . nd kisses Paddy goodnight. They are a very happy couple, Paddy and Linda. It 's time for us to leave them alone. Goodnight, Paddy and Linda!


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©-\ accept [ak'sept] přijmout

agree [a'gri:] souhlasit alone [a'laun] samotný answer [a:nsa] odpověď

area [earia] oblast be ready lbi: 'redi] být připraven bigger [biga] větší

can [kren] moci couple [kapl] pár cup [kap] šálek dance noor [da:ns flo:] taneční parket

discotheque [diskautek] diskotéka

evening [i:vnirt] večer

explain [ik'splein] vysvětlit

find [faind] najít finish [finiš] skončit

glass [gla:s] skle nička

go back [gau 'brek] jít zpět, vrátit se

go to bed [gau tu 'bed] jít spát happy [hrepi] šiastný join [džoin] připojit se, přidat se kiss goodnight [kis gud'nait]

políbit na dobrou noc leave [Ii:v] (zal nechat lie [Iai] ležet Iying [Iaiirt] ležici local [Iaukl] místní longer [Iorta] delší midnight [nudnait] půlnoc

©-\ Colours - Barvy

beige [beiž] black [bl rek] blue [blu:] brown [braun]

béžová černá

modrá hnědá


~ t\4!ort@.\V

~ money [mani] peníze move [mu:v] přestěhovat se must [mast] muset next to [nekst tu] vedle nicer [naisa] hezčí

offer [ofa] nabídka others [aon] jiní parents [pearants] rodiče

place [pleis] místo proud or [proud av] pyšný na quietly [kwaiatli] tiše satisfied [sretisfaid] spokojený save [seiv] šetřit

say [sei] říci

seem [si:m] zdát se sit [sit] sedět

sleep [sli:p] spát smile [smail] usmívat se talk [to:k] mluvit tea [ti:] čaj

tell [tel] říci

that loret] že then [oen] potom use [ju:z] použít wait [weit] čekat

walk [wo:k] jít pěšky want [wont] chtít week [wi:k] týden wine [wain] víno (not) yet [not 'jet] ještě (ne)

purple [pa:pl] red [red] white[wait] yellow [jelau]

fialová červená

bílá žlutá

~ ~ .~t=-: __ ;p

~ ~\ Paddy is sitting in a local discotheque. Paddy sedí na místní diskotéce.

\~ Paddy isn't ready to go to bed, Paddymu se ještě nechce spát.

.:.-- She wanls to move to a bigger nat. Chce se přestěhovat do většího bytu.

They don't have much money. Nemají moc peněz.

They must save, Musejí šetřit.

Then they can move. Potom se mohou přestěhovat.

Paddy is Iying in bed next to Linda, Paddy leží v posteli vedle Lindy.

lťs time for us to leave them alone. Je na čase nechat je samotné.

~ A Weekend Trip to London Ir is Friday aftemoon and Paddy can't wait to get home from work. He

and Linda are planning a trip to London this weekend. Linda has the train

tiekets and the train leaves at 4.15, so he must hurry.

Paddy arrives home at 3.10 and Linda has tbe suitease paeked (she even

has ham and cheese sandwiches, Paddy's favourite). They cateh tbe bus to tbe

railway station, just in tíme for tbe train.

The joumey to London is a very scenic one. The route takes Paddy and

Linda through tbe beautiful English countryside. Paddy has a window seat, so

he can observe everytbing. Linda is asleep; her head is on Paddy's shoulder.

When they arrive in London, Paddy is tired, but Linda is fresh and ready to go.

Their flrst stop is Buekingham Palace. Paddy wants to see tbe Queen, but

Linda reads in a newspaper tbat she is visitíng anotber country at tbe moment.

Paddy is disappointed. He takes a photograph of Linda with a palace guard.

Then they go to Piccadilly Circus. Linda wants to photograph the statue

of Eros there. After that they go tO tbeir bed-and-breakfast where tbey spend the



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P.\ \9-after that [a:fta 'oret] potom, poté another{a'naoa] jiný, další arrive [a'raiv] přijet, dorazit at the moment [ret oa

'maumant] momentálně be asleep lbi: a'sli:p] spát beauliful [bju:tifal] krásný bed-and-breakfast [bed rend

'brekfast] ubytování se snídaní eateh [kreč] chytit eheese [či:z] sýr, sýrový eountryside [kantrisaid] krajina disappointed [diza'pointad]

zklamaný everything [evri9il1.] všechno tirst [fa:st] první fresh [freš] čerstvý, svěží get home [get 'haum] dostat se domů

guard [ga:d] stráž ham [hrem] šunka, šunkový head [hed] hlava hurry [hari] spěchat in lime [in 'taim] včas journey [dža:ni] cesta just [džast] právě leave [Ii:v] odjíždět

~~_~"'J t· ~ .

) Paddy can't wait. ~- ;\

. .... The train leaves at 4.15. He must hurry.

~\ Paddy arrives home at 3.10. \ • .-:::~ Linda has the suitease paeked. ~ Paddy has the window seat.

Linda is asleep.


newspaper [nju:zpeipa] noviny observe [ab'za:v] pozorovat paeked [prekt] zabalený palace [prelis] palác, palácový pian [plren] plánovat queen [kwi:n] královna railway stalion [reilwei steišn]

nádraží read [ri:d] číst scenic [si:nik] vyhlídkový seat [si:t] sedadlo see [si:] vidět shoulder [šaulda] rameno spend [spend] strávit statue [stretju:] socha stop [stop] zastávka suitcase [sju:tkeis] kufr take a photograph

[teik '" 'f",utagra:f] vyfotit take [teik] vézt tired [tai",d] unavený route [m:t] cesta train ticket [trein tikit] jízdenka train [trein] vlak trip [trip] výlet visit [vizit] navštívit window [wind"'u] okno

Paddy se nemůže dočkat. Vlak odjíždí ve 4.15. Musí spěchat. Paddy přichází domů ve 3.10. Linda má sbalený kufr. Paddy má sedadlo u okna. Linda spí.

r;\ '--~ ~

Linda is fresh and ready to go. Their tirst stop is

Buckingham Palace.

Linda je svěží a připravená vyrazit. První zastávkou je

Buckinghamský palác.

She is visiling another country. He takes a photograph of Linda.

Je na návštěvě jiné země. Fotí Lindu.

Paddy is ralking to the girllrom rhe hus. Linda ;5 Looking al same things

in lhe Tower Museum. Paddy mluví s dívkou Z autobusu.. Linda si prohlíží různé věci v Muzeu Towe/:

Paddy: Hi. l'm Paddy. l'm a teacher from Coventry. Ahoj. Jsem Paddy. Jsem učitel z Covelllry.

Girl: HeUo. I'm Betty. I'm a bank clerk from Devon. Ahoj. Jsem Betty. Jsem bankovní úřednice Z Devonu.

Paddy: Devon? That's a beautiful part of England. Devon ? To je nádherná část Anglie.

Girl: Yes. That 's why I live there. Ano. Proto tam žiji.

Paddy: Coventry is nice too. I know a great pub there, the Brave Lion Pub. We can have tea there same time. Covenlry je také hezké. Znám tam dobrou hospodu, U statečného lva.

Můžeme si tam dát někdy čaj. Girl: Aren ' t you here with that girl over there?

Nejsi tady s tamtou. holkou? ') Paddy: Well , yes,.er... we're just friend s. (JI fj.ICA/t\

N · .' k ád' ~r t1 o, .. JO ... ano ... jsme jen amar I I.. /:

Linda: Paddy? Where are you? Paddy? r. : \ Kde jsi? / "o

Paddy: Coming, dear! ~ Užjdu, drahá' \

Girl: Just friends? . l~hJ t Jeli kamarádi? \::

~r 67

Page 35: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

@ Trouble in London Paddy and Linda gel up and after breakfasl Ihey go for a ci ly lour on

a double-decker bus. Linda thinks it is romanlic; Paddy Ihinks it is, 100, and he smiles at Ihe pretty young girl at the front of Ihe bus. She smiles back. Linda is watching everything and she smacks Paddy's leg. Paddy looks out of the window instead.

After the cIty tour, Paddy and Linda go to Westminster Abbey. There they see Poel's Corner where many famous English writers have their graves. Then they go to the Tower of London. The Crown Jewels are lhere. While Linda is looking at lhe jewels, Paddy is watchig the girl next to her. lťs the girl from lhe bus! Paddy smiles again and looks at Linda. She is stili looking at lhe jewels. He walks to the girl and asks her name. "Beuy," she says.

Paddy looks around and what does he see? Linda is gone. He walks down the street and shouts, "Linda. where are you?'" He doesn't see her anywhere. Then he sees Linda standing nexl to a shop window. lťs a jeweller's and she is looking al wedding rings. Paddy walks to her quietly. He thinks she doesn ' l know about the girl.

,.Nice rings," says Paddy. "Yes," answers Linda . .,Flirt with another girl and you will never wear

such a ring with me." Paddy blushes. Linda knows everything. It's going 10 be a long journey

home. ,,,d YOU wiU IIťVPt ""('(J" Sucl. .' . tA ";"1"" Will; h1~ • .-:-


i~~ • • : · : .

P:;\ '--~ ~

n (Wor~",V

~4rl anywhere [reniwe"j nikde ask [a: sk] plál se at the front [ret ó" 'franl] vepředu blush [blašl červenal se city tour [siti 'Iu"l projížďka po měslě

corner [ko:n,,] koul, roh crown jewels [kraun

džu:"lz] korunovační klenoty double-decker bus [dabl dek" basl

dvoupalrový autobus down [daun] dolů famous [feim"s] slavný tlirt [O,,:t] Oirtovat get up [gel 'ap] vstál grave [greiv] hrob home [h"um] domů inslead [in'sted] raději jeweler's [džu:"I"z] klenotnictví know [n"u] vědět leg [leg] noha long [IOIl] dlouhý look around [luk ,,'raund]

rozhlížet se look at [luk ret] díval se na

many [meni] spousta name [neim] jméno nice [nais] pěkný out of the window

[auL "V ó" 'wind"u] z okna poet [p"uit] básník pretty [priti] pěkný ring [rill] prsten shop window [šop wind"u] shout [šaut] křičel smack [smrek]

plesknoul, dát facku stand [s trend] stál streel [stri:t] ulice such [s ač] takový think [Sillk] myslet 100 [tu:] také watch [woč] sledoval wear [we,,] nosit (na sobě) wedding [wedill] svatební where [we,,] kde while [wail] zatímco ,'vriter [rait~] spisovatel young Uall] mladý

@ They go for a city tour. He smiles at the pretty girl at the front of the bus.

She smiles back.

Jedou na projížďku městem. Usmívá se na pěknou dívku vpředu v autobuse.

Ona úsměv opětuje.



Page 36: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

Linda smacks Paddy's leg. Paddy looks out of the window

instead. lťs the girl from the bus. I'addy looks around and what does he see?

Linda is gone. Linda je pryč. Linda, where are YOU? He doesn't see her anywhere. She is looking at wedding rings. Flirt with another girl and

you will never wear such a ring with me.

I!'s going to be a long journey home.

1. Vytvořte otázky k těmto odpovědím:

Linda plácne Paddyho přes nohu. Paddy se raději dívá z okna.

To je ta dívka z autobusu. Paddy se rozhlíží a co vidí?

Lindo, kde jsi? Nikde ji nevidí. Dívá se na snubní prstýnky. Flirtuj s jinou a nikdy

mi takový prsten nenavlékneš.

To bude dlouhá cesta domů.

1. I Jive in Prague. 2. I 3m making a cup af lea. 3. My favourite colour is green. 4. Paddy is reading a book. 5. Yes, they are very tired. 6. He doesn't Iike to dance. 7. She eats yoghurt every day. 8. We are at home. 9. The train leaves at 5.15. 10. Yes, I can.

2. Vyberte správný čas a větu doplňte: 1. They play/are playing hoekey now. 2. She doesn't get up/i sn't getting up early every morning. 3. The bus leaves/is leavi ng at 4 o'clock. 4. I leave/am leaving tomorrow. S. Ilike/am liking you. 6. He sits/is silli ng at the railway station now. 7. She sleeps/is sleeping beeause she is very tired. 8. Do you see/are you seei ng the woman with the black dog? 9. He looks/is looking at her now because he likes/is Iiking her. 10. I go/am going home beeause I want to sleep.

3. Najděte chyby ve větách: 1. Paddy come from Coventry. 2. Where do his girlfriend live? 3. I have two dog at home. 4. We sit in a restaurant now. 5. Live yOll in Prague? 6. I don't Iike these film. 7. Have you a brother? 8. Paddy is eat breakfast now. 9. My mot her and rather isn ' l at home. 10. Vou is very c1ever.


4. Přeložte: 1. Linda teď šetří. protože potřebuje peníze.

2. Co to jíš? 3. Libí se ti tamty dívky? 4. Paddy vstává každý den v 7 hodin. S. Teď leží v posteli, protože je unavený. 6. Je to dlouhá cesta a vlak odjíždí v 5.30. 7. Jaké město vždy navštěvuješ? 8. Nic nevidím. Můžeš to přečísL? 9. Kam teď jdeš? Do školy?

10. Zítra odjíždim v 6.45.

5. Utvořte záporné věty: 1. [ like her sister. 2. I'addy lives in London. 3. They have got two children. 4. She is buying a tiekel. 5. Are you hungry? 6. Paddy reads a book every day. 7. ['m going to the centre tomorrow. 8. He is ready to tell her everything. 9. The

train arrives at 3 o'clock. 10. He is smiling al me.

6. Utvořte-větnnp~ným slovosledem: 1. in I it I Saturday I fs I Coventry I evening. 2. ladies I can I tbe I you-l..see I the I at I shop? 3. day I he I not I eat I does I dinner I every. 4. with I you I do I me I agree I not I or? S. from I it I the I is I bus I girll the.

7. Odpověz1e na otázky o sobě: 1. Where do you Iive? 2. Do you have any children? 3. Do you like beer? 4. Can you speak German? 5. How many brothers or sisters have you got? 6. What do you often do during your holiday? 7. Are you sleeping now? 8. What book are you reading? 9. Do you Iike Paddy? 10. Have you got a dog al home?

8. Utvořte otázky k těmto odpovědím v přítomném prostém nebo průběhovém čase: 1. ['m very hungry. 2. We have gol two cars. 3. I'm reading his book. 4. Ilike red cars. 5. She gets up at 7 o'clock. 6. They're leaving at 8. 7. She isn'! prepa­ring dinner. 8. Yes, it is. Very beautiful. 9. My father is a doctor. 10. My son

lives in Plzeň.


Page 37: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

9. Doplňte správná zájmena: Jane and .............. dog, Peter and .............. mother, a dog and .............. food, these women and .......... . children, I and ........... school , we and .......... house, you and ............. girlfriend, my mother and ............. job.

10. Přeložte: 1. Právě připravuji večeři. 2. Zítra odjíždím do Londýna. 3. Jak často čteš v posteli? 4. Co často piješ? 5. Kdy přichází tvoje matka domů? 6. Tento chlapec je z našeho domu. 7. Mám rád červená auta a bílé domy. 8. Kdy přijdeš? 9. Paddy chodí často do kina.

10. Dnes ale sedí doma.



~\ Paddy Tries Harder ~

Paddy and Linda are back in Coventry. Linda is stili angry with Paddy and Paddy is SOrTy. He is really trying to show her that he loves her. He buys her some f10wers every day. He often goes to the sweet shop to buy her some

chocolate. Linda loves it. Every moment he has, Paddy spends lhinking about some romantic things

he can tell her. Sometimes he doesn't say anything. He just looks into her eyes and smiles at her. She usually walks away ... after eating the chocolate, af course.

Paddy is sad. Can you give him any ideas? Wh.t can he give Linda? What can he tell Linda? Is there anything he can do now? Do you have .ny

experience? Paddy suddenly has an idea. He looks in hi s wallel. Is there enough

money? Ves, there is. There are several banknotes: a twenty-pound DOle, three len.pound notes and a couple of five·pound notes. He goes to the centre and

finds the neareSl jeweller's. There's one in Elm Street. He asks the jeweler aboul rings. Paddy is a teacher, so he hasn' t gOI much

money. He tells the jeweller he wanlS an inexpensive ring, but a pretly one. The jeweller lells him he has some nice rings in the back. He brings them and shows lhem to Paddy. Paddy sees one he especially likes. II has a small blue gem in

Ihe middle. He buys il. lI 's a ri sk. but Linda is worlh il.


Page 38: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

-;::::::?\ \~

a couple [a 'kapl] pár after [a:fta] po, poté, co ask about l'a:sk a,baut] ptát se na ask for [a:sk fo:] žádat o back [brek] zpět banknote [brertknaut] bankovka be angry with sb lbi: rertgri wio]

mít na někoho vztek be sorry lbi: 'sori] litovat be worlh lbi: 'wg:8] stát za bring [brirt] přinést buy [bai] koupit enough [i'nafl dost especially [i'spešali] zejména, zvláště

every [evri] každý every day [evri 'dei] každý den experience [ik'spiarians]

zkušenost eye [ai] oko find [faind] najít Ilower [Ilaua] květina gem [džem] kámen, drahokam give [giv] dát idea [ai'dia] nápad in lhe back [in oa 'brek] vzadu inexpensive [inik'spensiv] nijak

drahý jeweller's [džu:glaz] klenotnictví look [luk] dívat se moment [maumgnt] chvíle money [mani] peníze much money [mač mani]

moc peněz now [nau] teď, nyní oflen [ofn] často


pretty Lpriti] pěkný ring [rirt] prsten sad [sred] smutný say [sei] říci see [si:] vidět

several Lsevral] několik show [shau] ukázat smile at [smail ret] usmívat se na sometimes [samtaimz] někdy, občas

spend [spend] strávit slili [stil] stále, dosud suddenly [sadnli] náhle, najednou sweet shop [swi:t šop] cukrárna tell [tel] říci lhat [oret] že the nearest [oa 'niaest] nejbližší lhink about ľ8irtk abaut] přemýšlet o

try [trai] snažit se twenty-pound [twenti paund]

dvaceti librová usually Uu:žuali] obvykle walk a\Vay [wo:k a'wei] odejít wallet [wolit] peněženka

i ..:,, ' .;- Paddy tries harder.

-;::::::?\ Paddy is sorry.

Paddy se více snaží. Paddymu je to líto. Někdy nic neříká. \~ Sometimes he doesn't say anything.

Is there anything he can do? Paddy is sad. Do yOll have any experience? Paddy suddenly has an .idea. ls there enough money? lI's a risk. Linda is worth it.


Dá se s tím něco dělat? Paddy je smutný. Máte (s tím) nějaké zkušenosti? Najednou dostane Paddy nápad. le tam dost peněz? Je to risk. Linda za to stojí.

fJ some, any, no éJi::j.""':!--

SOME nějaký. několik, trochu He buys her some flowers.

ANY nějaký Do you have any children?

ANY žádný

I don't have any friends.

NO žádný

I have no friends.

v kladných oznamovacích větách Kupuje jí nějaké květiny.

v otázce Máte nějaké děti?

v záporné větě (předchází sloveso

v záporu) Nemám žádné přátele.

v záporné větě (předchází kladné

sloveso) Nemám žádné přátele.

Při překládání do češtiny se slovo nějaký často vynechává. SOMR ve významu trochu , nějaký_ několik se také používá v otázkách,

jde-Ii o zdvoři lou žádost nebo nabídku. Would you like some tea? Nedáte si čaj?


Page 39: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

Složeniny sumebody something somewhere somehow



někde. někam


He is speaking with somebody. Do you know anything about it? lt is somewhere in the car.

lIlI Vazba tbere is / tbere are J2)

Oznamovací věta There is (= there 's) There are

+ podmět

+ podmět

There is a post offiee near the shop. There are some apples on the table.

Zápor There isn ' t (= there is not) + podmět T here aren' t (= there are not) + podmět

There isn't a post offiee near the shop. T here aren ' t any apples on the table.

Mluví s někým .

Víš o tom něco? Je to někde v autě.

+ příslovečné určení místa + příslovečné určení místa

Blízko obchodu je pošta. Na stole jsou (něj aká) jablka.

+ příslovečné určení místa + příslovečné určení místa

Blízko obchodu není (žádná) pošta. Na stole nejsou (žádná) jablka.

V ang ličtině platí pravidlo použití pouze jednoho zdporu ve větě. MLižeme proto zápor u slovesa nahradit ::.dpom ým zájmenem .. Sloveso je potom v kladném tvaru.

There is no There are no

+ podmět + podmět

There is no post offiee near the shop. There are no ap ples on the table.


+ příslovečné určení místa + příslovečné určení místa

Blízko obchodu není (žádná) pošta. Na stole nejsou (žádná) jablka.

Otázka Js there Are there

+ podmět + podmět

+ příslovečné určení místa + příslovečné určení místa

Js there a post offiee near the shop? Are there any apples on the table?

Je blízko obchodu (nějaká) pošta? Jsou na stole (nějaká) jablka?

V ang ličtině je nezdvořilé odpovědět n G otázku jen GIlO, ne. Je třeba odpovědět celou vazbou.

Js there a post office near the shop? Ves, there is. No, there isn't. Ves, there are. No, there aren't.

Are there any apples on the table?

~ Zástupné one

Chceme-li se vyhnout opakování téhož podSIatného jména ve větě, nlližeme jej v angličtině nahradit zástupným zájmellem ODe pro jednotné číslo a ODes pro množné číslo. Podstatné jméno se nedá IlCl ro:díl od češtiny pouze vypustit.

This man is young aod that man is old. Tento muž je mladý a tamten muž je starý.

This man is young and that one is old. Tento muž je mladý a tamten starý.

Do you Iike taU girls or short girls? Máš rád vysoká děvčata, nebo malá děvčata?

Do you Iike taU girls or short ones'! Máš rád vysoká děvčata , nebo malá?

[ll Příslovce ~etnostl Dever seldom sometimes often usuaUy always

nikdy málokdy někdy, občas


obvykle vždy


Page 40: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

Příslovce tetnosli maji v allghcké větě své pevné misto. Kladou se před V)í­

ZIlQmové sloveso a za sloveso býl. Pouze příslovce sometimes a usually l11líže b)íl na zac.'(átku věty, popř. lIa konci věty.

She never goes to the cinema. We orten watch TV. I am always late. He is usuruly happy. Sometimes he doesn 't say


Nikdy nechodí do kina. Často se díváme na televizi. Vždy přicházím pozdě. Obvykle je šiastný. Někdy nic neříká.

@ Lunch at the Brave Lion Pub

Starters Main courses

Tomato soup Slewed beef with potatoes Broccoli soup Grilled pork with rice Tossed salad Roast turkey with bread Cucumber salad Chicken with vegetables Ham with horseradish Fried fish and chips Shrimp cocktai! Liver and Onions Roasl beef with mustard 8aked salmon with chips

Desserts Drinks

Apple pie Beer Plum pie Wine Chocolate cake Soft drinks Cream puff Water Ice cream Coffee Strawberries and cream Milk Vanilla pudding Tea


Paddy and Linda are al the Brave Lion Pub. They are ordering lunch. Paddy orders stewed beef wilh potatoes and a beer. Linda orders somelhing Iight: lossed salad wilh bread. Paddy is happy because a salad is Iess expensive than a main course, and Paddy must save money. The ring was more expensive

than Paddy wanted. The wailer brings their food and lhey Sl art 10 eal. Then Paddy lays down

his fork and knife nexl to his spoon and lakes Lindas hand. She is slartled. He tells her how important she is to him. She is more important than his friends and his work. Her face turns red. She knows what Paddy wants to give her (and she

is very happy inside). Paddy tells Linda to c10se her eyes. She does, and he reaches into the

pockel of his sporlscoat and pulls out Linda's engagemenl ring. It's a small ring, because Linda has smal1 fingers. Paddy takes Linda's hand and starts to put the ring on when it falls fTOm his hand. Paddy looks down at the table and sees

where it is. He then starts to weep. Linda opens her eyes and sees Paddy holding a plate of slewed beef in

front of her. Linda is shocked. "Paddy? Wha!'s lhis?" she asks. "It's your engagement ring," he say5. "lť5 in lhe stewed beef!u

~JJt1 1; 'q \jjlvls -/hi,? L~ · ~ --;::1..J".. , I ~ .' ;.0"0/


Page 41: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

T-:;.n; ___ __

@ apple pie [repl 'paiJ jablečný koláč baked salmon with chips

[beikt srem~n wio 'či psJ uzený losos s hranolkami

beer [bi~J pivo broccoli soup [brok~1i 'su:pJ

brokolicová polévka corree [kofiJ káva cream puff [kri:m paf]

lístkové pečivo cucumber salad [kju:kamb~

srel~dJ okurkový salát desserts [di'z~:tsJ zákusky drinks [dri'lksJ nápoje fried fish and chips [fraid 'fiš rend čipsJ smažená ryba s hranol kam i

grilled pork with rice [grild po:k wio 'raisl vepřové na grilu s rýží

ham with horseradish [hrem wio 'ho:srrediš] šunka s křenem

chicken with vegetables [čikin wio vedžatablz] kuře se zeleninou

chocolate cake [čok~l~t 'keikJ čokoládový dort

ice cream [ais kri:m] zmrzlina liver aod onions [li va a::nd anj~nzJ jáO'a na cibulce

msin courses [mein ko: sas] hlavní jídla

be slartled [be sta:tld] leknout se beef [bi:f] hovězí beer [bi~ J pivo brave [breiv] statečný bread [bred] chleba bring [bri'l] přinést


milk [milk] mléko plum pie [pl"m 'pai]

švestkový koláč roasl beef with muslard [r~ust bi:f wio ' mast~:d] hovězí pečeně s hořčicí

roast turkey with bread [r~ust 't~:ki wio bred] pečená krůta s chlebem

shrimp cocktail [šrimp 'kokteil] krabí koktejl

soft drinks [soft dri'lks] nealkoholické nápoje

starters [sta:t~z] předkrmy stewed beef with potatoes

[stju:d bi:f wio pďteit~uz] dušené hovězí s bramborem

strawberries aod cream [stro :b~ri: z rend kri:m] jahody se šlehačkou

tea [ti:] čaj lomato soup [t~'ma:t~u su:pJ

rajská polévka tossed salad [to:st 'srel~d] míchaný salát

vanilla pudding [v~'nil~ 'pudi'l] vanilkový puding

water [wo:taJ voda wine [wain] víno

c10se [klauz] zavřít eal Li:tJ jíst engagemenl [en'geidžm~nt] zasnoubení, zásnubní

expensive [ik'spensiv] drahý

face [feisJ tvář, obličej fall [fo:l] upadnout finger [fi'l~J prst food [fu:dJ jídlo fork [fo:kJ vidlička hand [hrend] ruka happy [hrepi] šťastný hold [h~uldJ držet important [im' po:t~ntJ důležitý in front of [in 'frant ~vJ před inside [in'said] uvnitř knife [naif] nůž lay down [Iei 'daunJ položit less [les] méně light [laitJ lehký Iion [lai~nJ lev lunch [Ianč] oběd more expensive [ma: ik'spensiv]

dražší next to [nekst tuJ vedle open [~upn] otevřit order [o:d~J objednat (si) plate [pleit] talíř

~\ They are ordering lun ch. , -:: ' S-- Salad i5 less expensive

than a main course. Paddy must save money. They start 10 eat. Paddy takes Linda's hand. Her face turns red. Paddy tells Linda to c10se

her eyes. Paddy pulls oul Linda's

engagement ring. Linda sees Paddy holding a plate

of stewed beef in front of her.

pocket [pokitJ kapsa potato [p~'teit~uJ brambora pub [pab] hospoda pull out [pul 'autJ vytáhnout put on [put 'on] oblékat, navlékat reach [ri:č] (do)sáhnout salad [srel~dJ salát save [seivJ šetři t shocked [šoktJ šokovaný spoon [spu:nJ lžíce sportscoat [spo:tsk~utJ sako start [sta: t] začít stewed [stju:dJ dušený take [teikJ vzít than [orenJ než then [oenJ potom turn red [t~:n 'redJ zčervenat wanted [wont~dJ chtěl was [wozJ byl weep [wi:pJ lkát, plakat when [wenJ když where [we~ J kde

Objednávají si oběd. Salát je méně drahý

než hlavní jídlo. Paddy musí šetřit. Začínají jíst. Dávají se do jídla. Paddy bere Lindu za ruku. Začervená se. Paddy říká Lindě, aby zavřela oči.

Paddy vytahuje Lindin zásnubní prsten.

Linda vidí Paddyho, jak před ní drží talíř s dušeným hovězím.


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P:uld): BUl I unl~ h,tu mn. Itf lII,l/ !-I,"III/I'I/(III/ l/l"

\\ a it l' '' : Yuu h,u.! lt;rl·c. 'If Pk'I'~· p;l~ fl pound .. , ll, I jl/t· lil. /'11111' ",.",im .. -rlf//,,,/,< \nl /dll'/'


I ';t dd~: I h,\\l I\\U IU'I liI,~ c\cr~ Sillurd,l~ I hitlc ,1:,!111.u rnclllllr~ \Itl 1'('111 ,It f prm I /flk Idko ktl,-rllIII \1'/10/11 \fil//! ,lohl'OU ('f/llll"

\\ ail t> r : T\ltl;l~ I ... Sunda~. 'lL VI/(" /(' unlt'//". (',/lU'

I. inda : Ju ... ( P;I} hun PadJ~ Ll/phll mll, Ptullh

1. Doplňte some, ;my, no do vel :

I. I ha\l' .tppk' ;11 hU111l' 2. DUl" ~liU'~ \..110\\ rl'opk (fpm lhi ...

... dwnl" J. Th<."rl· j, ti,lIlnaJ h,lII\..nll!t.' on dl ... tahll: -I. Dul ~ou hll~ houk ... nf ('pIa' fi. I II ;ull nn\h'r, 1úr my glr!1ncnd 6, H ... ha,

ti,IJrlt'I mlll1l'~ in hl'" .... alkl 7.1 dtlll'l h.IIl' idca whl'rc P;I{hl~ I' K Do 'vou \..110.... '\\I.'cl,hop 1lI:.lťuur huu ... c' 1), HI.' a,~ ... lllI

m\lnc~ ~\~r~ I nJil~ W , Uo ~1l11 h.l\c l"p .. 'ri .. 'nl:c "uh lhl'" ... pon)

2. Dopli'lte somebody, something, somewhere, somehow a ostatní tvary s any a no: Př ilit.,.., 1\ lomd".JI "I 1111 tl"",:

1.1,,1/'/ h,II r '/I/Itlllllt: '(lr 1<1"

I. Dl) }"U II.udl Hn 1 \ '2. II , ... J, I n1~dill GIIl hdp 1I1l' -I. P;ltld~ hclpcd her 5. Dll ~tllt Irald hy l',lr dut'lng ~nur hllhJ;t~' 6. Dll\.:, l.tndd '1'>1.'<1]... lil

. fr\ltlllhl'lr hou ...... ·' 7, \,hl' h", lnu,:) ""I"I,:n ... i\c lor

I';H,I;,I~ H, P;tJd:y h;.... 101 I mll,! in hl~ ro.:~cl. 1), I cJn" e;u . I ;1111111 lIJ, ll..' h holdlllg III hl' h;111<1

3. Nahraďte podstatná jména zastupnym one, ones; I , Do :you li]...c hl;It']... dllg' lir \\ hill.' dll);!'" 2, I llú:d ,I P"'II I h ... re t ... <I ren ~11l Ihl' I<lhle. 3, Thi ... J:!lrI j, fll1l11 \\([f d;,,, .Hl,1 tll;,I gtrl t, Irom Iht:tr ...ta". -I , I ] ,JIl

colour, ol nur h;l11]...noll"\ hWH.h ... d-am\tl mHC i ... grl'I.'11 :;.11..1111\\ 'IJlIll' hoy,

IfOm ,llIf 1\1\>011. hU\l1nt ,1 dt:H'r hll~


Page 43: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

4. Najděte chyby ve větách: 1. There is five apples on the table. 2. We don't go somewhere during Qur holiday. 3. I buy any bread, milk and fruit every day. 4. Do you go usually to school by bu s? 5. On the table is an apple. 6. We don ' t have no post office in our town. 7. Is there a cinema in the centre? Ves. 8. There isn't no teacher in the c1assroom. 9. There are a child in the car. 10. Do you know somebody with

red hair?

5. Přeložte: I. Na stole mám peníze. 2. Víš o něm něco? 3. Kupuješ nějaké zákusky? 4. Nikdy nejezdím do školy autobusem. 5. Vždy připravuji snídani v 7 hodin. 6. Máte doma nějaké brambory? 7. Nechci to modré auto, ale to zelené. 8. Obvykle jím jogurt. 9. V naší třídě jsou nějací chytří chlapci. 10. Je ve vašem městě pošta?



",YOU ;hvit~d tne to h4~P 1Pa with y~'"

U The Ring Paddy made a mistake. He dropped Linda's engagement ring into his

stewed beef at the Brave Lion Pub. How did it happen? Paddy wasn't careful when he gave the ring to Linda. The ring fell into some food. Linda laughed and laughed. Then she ealled the waiter and he brought a small spoon. Then they looked for the ring in all the sauee. They found it next to a big piece of beef. The waiter took it out and wiped it ofť with a napkin. Aetually he used a lot of

napkins. Paddy took the ring and asked Linda to marry him. She said yes. Paddy

jumped up and down in the air. The other diners in the pub thought he was siek. Maybe he ate something bad. A lot of them looked at their food earefully.

Paddy and Linda left the pub. He held her hand in his. They opened the pub door and walked out into the streel. Then Paddy heard a girl's voiee behind

him. "Paddy? ls that you?" Paddy turned around and saw a familiar face from the trip to London. lt

was Betty from Devon. He asked her why she was in Coventry. Many things

crossed his mind.


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.,Remember, you invited me to have tea with you. I came to Coventry and thought I should look at the Brave Lion ftrs!. And here you are! Now we can

have tea together." Paddy looked at Linda. Linda took off her ring and gave it back to Paddy.

Paddy put the ring back into his pocket and ran after Linda. Betty went into the

pub and had a beer... without Paddy.

a lol of [~ 'lot ~v] spousta aclually [rekču~li] vlastně

see, saw [50:], seen vidět (I) should [šud] měl bych slreel [strí:t] ulice lake orr, look o. [tuk o:f], taken o.

sundat lake oul, look o. [tuk aut], laken o.

vyndat Ihe olhers [oi: 'ao~z] ostalní Ihink, Ihoughl [80:t],

Ihoughl myslet

Irip [Irip] výlet turo around [td:n g'raund] otočit se up [ap] nahoru use [ju:z] použít voice [vois] hlas wailer [weil~] číšník walk oul [wo:k 'aul] vy jíl why [wai] proč wipe orr [waip o:f] setřít wilhoul [wi'oaul] bez

air [e~] vzduch all [0:1] celý ask [a:sk] ptát se bad [bred] špatný

~C1 havt felA wifl., Y°tl ... ."

be sick, was s. [woz sik], been s. být špatně

be, was [woz], been [bi: n] být beer [bi~] pivo behind [bi'haind] za big [big] velký call [ko:l] zavolat careful [ke~f~l] opatrný carefully [ke~f~li] opatrně come, came [keiml, come přijít croSS mind [kros maind] přijít na

mysl diners [dain~z] obědvající door [do:] dveře down [daun] dolů drop [drop] upustit eat, ale [eit, et], ealen jíst fall, fell [fel], fallen spadnout familiar [f~'mili~] dobře známý lirsl [f~:st] nejprve food [fu:d] jídlo from [fr~m] z give back, gave b. [geiv brek],

given b. vrátit gíve, gave [geiv], given dát go, wenl [went], gone jít


happen [hrepn] slát se, přihodil se hear, heard [h~:d], heard slyšet hold, held [held], held držet invile [in'vait] pozval rl jump [džamp] ~yskočil ~\ laugh [Ia:f] smal se Paddy made a mislake. leave, left [left], left opustit, odejít How did il happen? look for [luk fo:] hledat . ' make, made [meid], made udělat, The rmg fell m~o some food.

vyrobit Paddy asked. Lmda

many [mreni] hodně 10 marry hlm. marry [mreri] vzít si Maybe he ale somelhing bad. maybe [meibi:] možná Tben Paddy heard a girl's voice mistake [mis'teik] chyba behind him. napkin [nrepkin] ubrousek Is lhal you? piece [pi:s] kousek Remember, you inviled me poekel [pokit] kapsa 10 have lea wilh you? pub [pab] hospoda I should look 10 Ihe pul, pul [put], pul položit, dát Brave Lion lirst. rememher [n'memb~] vzpome· A d h

noul si, pamatovat si n ere you are .. run after, ran a. [rren], run a. běžel za Paddy ran after Lmda.

sauce [so:s] omáčka say, said [sred], said říci

- -. . ~~

Paddy udělal chybu. ~/;i:'_4~, Jak se 10 stalo? ~ Prstýnek spadl do jídla. Paddy požádal Lindu,

aby si ho vzala. Možná snědl něco špatného. Potom za sebou Paddy zaslechl dívčí hlas.

Jsi to ty? Pamatuješ? Pozval jsi mě na čaj.

Nejprve bych se měla podívat ke Statečnému lvovi.

A tady jsi. Paddy se rozběhl za Lindou.


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fJ Minulý i!as prostý

Použití Minulý čas prostý vyjadřuje děj, který se odehrál v minulosti v době, která již

skonči l a.


a) pravidelná slovesa Minulý čas prostý se li pravidelných sloves tvor; příponou -ed. Má pro v.fecllfT)'

osoby stejný tvar. work I worked pracoval jsem

(ona) pomohla (oni) umyli

help wash

she helped they washed

Výslovnost kOl/covky -ed I worked t he calIed d

we wanted id

Změny v pravopise

a) odpadá koncové nevyslovené -ť like he Iiked

po neznělé souhlásce, kromě -t po znělé souhlásce, kromě -d a po všech samohláskách po -t a -d

(on) měl rád

h) u jednoslabičných sloves se zdvojuje koncová souhláska, pokud jí předchází krátká piYzvučná samohldska

stop you stopped zastavil ses

C) II víceslabičných sloves se zdvojuje koncová souhláska,

pokud je pod přízvukem prefer I preferred dal jsem přednost

d) u sloves končících Ila -y se po souhlásce koncové -y mění na -; study she studied (ona) studovala

předchází-li samohláska, ke změně nedochází play he played (on) hrál


b) nepravidelná slovesa V angličtině je poměrně velká skupina sloves, která tvorí minulý čas prostý

nepravidelně. Jižjsme v textu po:.nali:

infinitiv minulý čas český výraz

be was být

bring brought přinést

come came přijít

eat ate jíst

faU feU spadnout

find found najít

give gave dát

go went jít

have had mít

hear heard slyšet

hold held držet

leave left opustit, odejít

make made udělat, vyrobit

put put položit, dát

run ran běžet

say said říci

see saw vidět

take took vzít

think thought myslet

Další nepravidelná slovesa viz příloha.

Zápor Zápor se tvoři u pravidelných i nepravidelných sloves pomoci pomocného

slovesa did not = didn't pro všechny osoby.

podmět + didn' t +

I didn't see it last week. They didn't work on Monday. I didn't sleep welllast night, We didn't ask.

sloveso v infinitivu bez to

Minulý týden jsem to neviděl. V pondělí nepracovali. Včera v noci jsem nespal dobře. My jsme se neptali.


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V záporu je vlaSlně v minulém čase pouze sloveso did. Významové sloveso

je v infinitivu.

We saw the film yesterday. We didn't see the film yesterday.


Viděli jsme len film včera. Neviděli jsme len film včera.

Otázka se t voří Ll pravidelných i nepravidelných sloves pomocf pomocného slo­vesa did pro všechny osoby.

did +

Did you work? Did she do it?


Did Ihey come in time? Did he hear il yesterday?

+ sloveso v infinitivu bez to

Pracoval jsi? Udělala to? Přišli včas?

Slyšel [O včera?

Před pomocným slovesem v otázce mohou stát tázacf výrazy.

when kdy how often jak často where kde, kam why proč

what co, jaký who kdo which který

Why did you say that? did she see il? Whal did they bring?

Proč jsi to řekl? Kde to viděla? Co přines li ?

V otázce je vlastně v minulém čase pouze sloveso did. Vývwmové sloveso má tvar infinitivu. He wenl to school in England. Did he go 10 school in England?

Chodil do školy v Anglii . Chodil do školy v Anglii?

V angličtině se považuje Zll nezdvořilé odpovídat lIa otázku pouze ano, ne. Je nezbytné zopakovat ještě přisluŠllé pomocné sloveso.


Did you work in Paris? Pracoval jsi v Paříži?

Ves, I did. Ano, pracoval.

Did he work in London? No, he didn'l. Pracoval v Londýně? Ne, nepracoval.

~ Minulý i!as prostý slovesa be

Sloveso be tvoří minulý čas nepravidelně.

Kladný tvar I was [woz] you were [wa:] he was she was il was we were you were they were

It was lale. She was happy. They were al home.


já jsem byl [y jsi byl on byl ona byla ono bylo my jsme byli vy jste byli oni byli

Bylo pozdě .

Byla šťastná. Byli doma.

Zápor se tvoN pl'iddnim zdpor"-y not ke slovesu. I was nol já jsem nebyl you were not ty jsi nebyl he was not on nebyl she was nol ona nebyla il was not ono nebylo we were nol my jsme nebyli you were nol vy jste nebyli they were not oni nebyli

Sražené tvary jsou v minulém čase velmi frekvelltované. was not = wasn' l were not = weren 't


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Otázka Otázka se Ivoří inverzÍ.

Was I? Were you? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you? Were they?

Byl jsem? Byl jsi? Byl? Byla? Bylo? Byli jsme? Byli jste? Byli?

Was she at schoollast week? Were you tired? Were they with you? Where were you?

Byla minulý týden ve škole? Byl jsi unavený? Byli s vámj? Kde jste byli?

V angličtině je třeba na otázku odpovídat zopakováním tvaru slovesa was, were, popř. wasn't, weren't.

Was she happy? Byla šťastná?

Were they good? Byli hodní?

~ Minulý čas slovesa can

Ves, she was. Ano, byla.

No, they wereo't. Ne, nebyli.

Sloveso caD tvoří minulý čas následovně.

I could swim I could oot (couldo't) swim Could you swim?


Uměl jsem plavat. Neuměl jsem plavat. Uměl jsi plavat?

~ Making Things Better What a bad day it was f0W'addy Brown. He bought a nice ring for his girl,

Linda. Then he dropped it in some food. Then Betty came. Everything went wrong for him.

Paddy didn't go home straight away. He walked the many streets of Coventry. He thought about Linda and their relationship. They had a lot of nice times together. He passed the place where they first met. Paddy and Linda met in a park near the bus station. She was travelling from Manchester to Lando" and had to change buses in Coventry.

When Paddy first saw Linda, he fe ll in love with her immediately. He was very nervous but he galhered enough courage to ask her to have same tea with him. She said yes and Paddy almost fainted. His heart beat faster and he felt butterflies in his stomach. His head spun round and round in circles.

They walked to a nearby tearoom and had a rew hot cu ps of Ear! Grey. Linda drank her tea without milk, just like Paddy. Paddy and Linda stared at each other the whole afternoon. He took her hand and led her to the park where they sat on one of the many benehes and talked about some of their dreams and their lives. After Iwo hours, Paddy escorted Linda back to the bus station in time for her bus. They waited.

After one hour the station announced that the bus was delayed. The station annQuncer said the bus would arrive three hours late. Paddy and Linda didn't mind. They were happy just to sit there together at the bus stauon.

Paddy arrived al home. He expected Linda to be gone. He opened the door bUl Linda was Slili there. However, she didn't look happy.

Paddy had an idea. "Let's go to Ihe bus station," he suggested to Linda. (,ooJ ídf't:I

Linda 's mood changed from sad to happy. She knew what Paddy meant. "Good idea," she said. "Then we can start all over again.'·

Paddy's hand touehed the ring in his pocket. There was stili sauce on it, but it was stili beautiful. So was Linda.


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-::::=:==\ \~ again [~'gein] znovu almost [o:l'm~ust] skoro, téměř announce [a'nauns] oznámit announeer [~'nauns~] hlasatel away [~'wei] pryč

beat, beat [bi:t], beaten bít, tlouci beneh [benč] lavička

change [čeindž] změnit se change buses [čeindž 'basiz] pře-

stupovat courage [karidž] odvaha delayed [di'leid] zpožděný

drink, drank [drrefl.k], drunk pít eaeh other [i:č 'ao~] navzájem Earl Grey [~:I 'grei] druh čaje enough [i'naf] dost eseort [es'ko:t] doprovodit expect [ik'spekt] očekávat

faint [feint] omdlít fall, fell [rel in 'Iav], fallen in love

zamilovat se faster [fa:st~] rychleji gather [greo~] sebrat, shromáždit go wrong [g~u 'rofl.] pokazit se gone [gon] pryč

heart [ha:t] srdce idea [ai'di~] nápad, myšlenka immediately [i'mi:djatli] okamžitě


in time [in 'taim] včas

just [džast] právě

know, knew [nju:], known vědět,

znát late [Ieitl pozdě lead, led [led], led vést Iike [laik] jako Iives [Iaivz] životy look [luk] vypadat mcan, meant [ment], rneant zna-

menat, mínit meet, met [met], met potkat se mind [maind] vadit mood [mu:d] nálada nearby [nia'bai] blízký pass [pa:s] míjet relationship [ri'leišnšip] vztah sad [sred] smutný sit, sat [sret], sat sedět stare [stea] zírat straight [streit] přímo

suggest [sa'džest] navrhnout tearoom [ti:ru:m] čajovna

touch [tač] dotknout se travel [trrevl] cestovat whole [haul] celý

Všechno se pokazilo. Jela z Manchesteru. Musela přestupovat. Sebral dost odvahy.

-==\ ~

He had butlermes in his stomaeh. His head spuu rouud aod round. She didn't look happy. He expected Linda to be gone. Let's go to the bus station. Good idea. Then we caD start all over again.

Měl trému. Motala se mu hlava. Nevypadala šiastně. Cekal, že Linda bude pryč. Pojďme na nádraží. Dobrý nápad. Potom můžeme začít úplně znovu.

Paddy: Waiter, there is a ring in my rood. Pane vrchní, v mém jfdle je prsten.

Waiter: Our cook didn't put it there. Náš kuchař ho tam nedal.

Paddy: I know. I put it there. V/m. Já jsem ho tam dal.

Waiter: Why did you do that? Proč jste 10 udělal?

Paddy: It was an accident. Bylo 10 nehoda.

Waiter: Oh, I see. Shall I bring some napkins? Rozumím. Mám přinést nějaké ubrousky?

Paddy: Please be so kind. Ano, prosím.

Waiter: Please don't speak so loudly. Prosím, nemluvte tak hlasitě.

Paddy: Why? Proč?

Walter: The other guests will want rings in their soup, too. Ostatní hosté také budou chtír prsteny v polévce.

A ~/..QIII 'ti"t:' 7 ~ .I ~0h1(> I'1IIl'klh$.

//:::f\/ t~ f}!;J A ..

~-1 ~.~



Page 49: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

1. Naplitetvary mlnuláho tasu těchto pravidelných sloves: look, use, drop, ask, caB, invite, walk, start, gather, change, Jive, arrive, stare, travel

2. Naplite Infinitivy a minulé tvary těchto nepravidelných sloves: přijít, dát, běžet, spadnout, vidět, opustit, vzít,jíst, myslet, držet, říci, najít, mít, položit

3. Pfeved'le věty do minulého prostého tasu: 1. I see him very often. 2. We have a cup of tea every aftemoon. 3. Why do you invite her to aur house? 4. We use your car very often. S. She doesn't look happy. 6. Paddy lives in Coventry. 7. I usually leave at 7.45.8. They put it on the table. 9. He goes to the cinema with Jane. 10. When do you come home?

4. Utvofte záporná věty v minulém tase: 1. I went home because I was tired. 2. She made a cup of tea. 3. They said it at home. 4. I studied at this school. S. We played tennis yesterday. 6. I went there. 7. I heard it from his parents. 8. Paddy was at work today. 9. I helped him with his problem. 10. Paddy ran after Linda.

5. Utvolte otázky k těmto Odpovědím: 1. I came at 5 o'clock. 2. She saw him at school. 3. I ran home because it was late. 4. I had a ring on the table. S. She heard John. 6. We ate only yoghurt. 7. He saw her yesterday. 8. They went to school. 9. Yes, I loved him. 10. No, they didn 'I.

6. Pfelof!e: 1. Linda byla včera velmi smutná. 2. Viděla ho s tamtou dívkou. 3. Casto připravuji snídani v 7.30. 4. Byl to krásný vztah. S. Náš učitel oznámil ten test. 6. Kdy přišel číšník? 7. Nevypadal šťastně, protože ho opustila jeho dívka. 8. Proč jste mu pomohli? 9. Omdlel, protože byl velmi unaven.

10. Nepamatovali si jeho jméno.


@Tea for Two It was a windy day in

Covenlry when a yaung man named Paddy walked hand in hand with his love, Linda. As they were walking down the street they noticed many intc­resting things: the birds were singing, a few children were playing football in the street, many people were sitting in lheir gardens. They walked past the corner where thc green­grocer was seli ing pears very cheaply. They bought two.


~ ~

Soon they were approaching the bus stali on. There were a lol of people going in, checking the limetables and buying tickets. Paddy and Linda didn'l come to the bus station to buy tickets. They came to find the place where they feU in love, and start again. II was working, 100. Paddy and Linda were con­stantly smiling a1 each other. Some passengers on a bus were staring al thern. Others were ignoring them, watching the wonderful spring day.

Paddy and Linda found the tearoom. lt had a new name, but was stili there. lts new name was the Unicorn, a lovely name indeed. It would be the perfect place to start again.

As they were entering the tearoom the waiter met them at the door. He then led them to a romantic table near the rear of the tearoom. Linda and Paddy sal down.

"Linda," Paddy said. "While I was walking home from the pub, 1 realised how important you are to me."

Paddy continued speaking and as Linda was staring into his eyes, she saw that he was telling the trulh. She was suddenly happy again. But did Paddy stili have the ring?


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\~\ .::=:-approach [a'prauč] blížil se as [rez] jak al Ihe door [ret oa 'do:] u dveří cheaply [či:pli] levně

check [ček] kontroloval, ověřoval si constantly [konsl"ntli] nepřetržilě continue [k"n'linju:] pokračoval corner [ko:na] roh each olher [i : č 'ao,,] navzájem enler [enla] vSloupit foolball [fulbo:l] folbal garden [ga:dn] zahrada greengrocer [gri:n'grausa] zelinář hand in hand [hrend in 'hrend]

ruku v ruce how [hau J jak ignore [ig'no:] ignoroval important [im'po:t"nt] důležitý indeed [in 'di odl opravdu inleresting [intristi'l] zajímavý lead, led [led] , led (u)vést lovely [Iavli] krásný, rozkošný nolice [nautis] všimnout si olhers [ao"z] jiní passenger [presindž,,] ceslující past [pa:st] kolem, za

~ ;--

~~rRst ,-;:::::::::::\ Paddy walked hand in hand \~ with his love.

They noticed many interesting things.

Soon they were approaching the bus station.

II was working.


pear [pe,,] hruška place [pleis] míslo play [plei] hrál realise [rialaiz] uvědomit si rear [ri,,] zadní trakt seli [sel] prodávat smile at [smail ret] usmíval se na soon [su:n] brzy spring [spri'l] jarní stare [sle,,] koukat, zírat start [sta:l] začít stili [slil] slále Ueště) suddenly [sadnli] náhle, najednou tell [lelJ říkat

then [oen] pOlom ticket [tikil] lístek, jízdenka timetable [taimteibl] jízdní řád truth [tru:S] pravda unicorn [ju:niko:n] jednorožec very [veri] velmi waiter [weit"] číšník walk [wo:k] jít while [wail] zatímco windy [windi] větrný

wonderful [wandafal] nádherný

Paddy šel ru ku v ruce se svou láskou.

Všímali si spousty zajímavých věcí.

Brzy se blížili k nádraží.

Fungovalo 10.

They were constantly smiling at each other .

Some passengers on a bus were sta ring 3t them.

II would be a perfect place to start again.

He Ihen led Ihem 10 a romanlic lable.

I realised how importanl you are to me.

Nepřetržitě se na sebe usmívali.

Někteří cestující v autobuse na ně zírali.

Bylo by 10 skvělé mislo pro nový začátek.

Potom je uvedl k romantickému stol u.

Uvědomil jsem si, jak jsi pro mě důležitá.


(~~ Grammar ~\l'l!t&----: [J Počitatelná a nepočltatelná podstatná Jména

Anglická podstatná jména se rozdělují do dvou velkých skupin, na počitalelná

a nepočitatelná.

~očitatelná Počitatelná podstatná jména v angličtině !Je použít s číslovkou. Tvoříjednotné i množné čís lo a používaji se většinou se (.':lenem. V jednotném čísle musi rnÍ{

člen. - a car the car (some) cars the cars seven cars

I have gol a car. Mám auto. The car is red. To auto je červené. There are (some) cars in the street. Na ulici jsou (nějaká) auta. He has got tive brothers. (On) má pěl bratrů.


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bl ne počitatelná Nepočitatelná podsramá Jména se nemohou používat s číslovkou, netvoři'

I1mo~lIé čislo a mohou se vyskytovat bez členu-=-. Vždy se pojí se slovesem v jed­lIorném čísle.

Do podstatných jmen nepočitatelných patří:

- látková podstatná jrnéna

water blood sugar coffee 3ir meal glass wine butler lea atd.

voda krev cukr káva vzduch maso sklo víno máslo čaj

- abstraktní podstalflá jména

love láska work time

práce čas

- ostatní v angličtině nepočitatelná podstatná jména

money peníze hair vlas, vlasy luggage zavazadlo, zavazadla advice rada, rady information informace news zpráva, zprávy

Do you like beer? Money is imporlant. This is interesting work. His hair is black.


Máš rád pivo? Peníze jsou důležité. Je to zaj ímavá práce. Jeho vlasy jsou černé.

Mrru či ml/ožství II Ilepočiratelných podstatných jmen je třeba určit pomocí

rozličných výrazů.

a lot of blood a piece of cheese a packel of milk a glass of waler a botlle of beer a kilo of meal a bar of chocolale

spousta krve kousek sýra krabice mléka sklenice vody láhev piva kilo masa tabulka čoko lády

Yeslerday she boughl lhree botlles of milk, lwo kilos of pork and

a bar of chocolale. Včera koupila tři lahve mléka, dvě kila vepřového a tabulku čokolády. They ordered Iwo glasses of red wine. Objednali si dvě sklen ičky če rveného vína.

Některá podstatná jména jsou II Gngličth,I počitatelná ,. l1epočila~ I boughl a cake. Koupil jsem dort. (celý) I boughl (some) cake. Koupil jsem dort. (kousek dortu, zákusek)

She ale a chicken. She ale chicken.

Snědla (celé) kuře. Snědla kuře. (kuřeci maso)

Některá podstatná jména mění vÝVlOnl podle 10ho. zda jsou počitatelná, nebo nepočítatelná. glass sklo paper papír

_ wood dřevo

--- -------r:1I y ' ~...;> ~ yrazy mno", .. I)

počitatelná podstatná jména

a glass a pa per a wood

a lol of books spousta knih many books hodně knih how many books? kolik knih? few books málo knih a few books pár, několik knih


Uedny) noviny les


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nepočiratelná podstQlIIá jména a lot of snow spousta sněhu much snow hodně sněhu

how much snow? IitUe snow a Iittle snow

kolik sněhu? málo sněhu trochu sněhu

He has a !ot of English boo ks. Má spoustu anglických knih. How much sugar do you want? Kolik chceš cukru? They have only few friends. Mají jen málo přátel. And nowa few words about love. A teď pár slovo lásce. There is little snow, we cannot ski. Je málo sněhu, nemůžeme lyžovat. I need a Iittle water. Potřebuji trochu vody.

Výrazy many a much se časlo pojí se so a too. so many boys tolik chlapců too many boys příliš mnoho, moc chlapců so much hlood tolik krve too much blood příliš mnoho, moc krve

There is too much sugar in my tea. V mém čaji je moc cukru.

Výra.;:; a Httle se používá i samostatně ve významu trochu. I speak Eoglish only a litU.. Mluvím anglicky jen trochu.

[! Minulý i!as průběhový Použití a) vyjadřuje děj v minulosti, který byl přerušen či narušen dějem jiným

He was walking when it started to raio. Procházel se, když (tu náhle) začalo pršet.

b) vyjadřuje děj, který probíhal v minulosti v blíže určeném okamžiku We were watcbing TV at 7 yesterday. Včera v 7 j sm~ se dívali na televizi.

c) popisuje okolnosti v minulosti II was raining. Pršelo.


d) vyjadluje dva současně prah/hajícf děje v minulosti I was reading while he was writing. Já jsem si četl, zatímco on psal.

Do češtiny se překládá nedokonavým videm.

Srovnej: She left at 5. Odešla v 5. - dokonavý vid She was leaving when it happened. Odcházela. když se to stalo. - nedokonavý vid

Tvoření Minulý čas pn"lběhový se tvoří Z minulého (,":asu slovesa be a příčestí přítom-

né/lO. podmět + was I were + příčestí přítomné

I was sitting. Seděl jsem.

Plíčestí pNlOmllé a změny v pravopise viz lekce 3.

Zápor 1'\'oP; se pridállím =:.áporky not za sloveso be II mi1lulém čase.

podmět + was I were + not + příčestí přítomné

He was not standing. Nestál.

U slovesa be se mo/zaLl používat stažené tvary. was not ;:: wasn 't were not = weren 't

We were not walking. We weren't walking.

Neprocházeli jsme se.

Otázka rvoPi se il1\1er=:.(.

příčestí přítomné was I were + podmět +

Were you waiting 6.timJ J

Cekali jste dlouho?


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What were they doing? Co dělali?

Stejně jako u ostatních otázek v al1gličtině musíme odpovídat zdvořile, tVl. zopakováním pomocného slovesa be v přislušném tvaru.

Were you working? Pracoval jsi?

Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.

@ Planning for the Big Day Paddy asked Linda to marry

him and she said yes. They decided to gel married in the church on a square in a small vi llage near the sea. They would invite a few friends, drink a litlle wine and celebrate their union. There was 50 much to do, in 50

little time. There were announcements to make, invitations to print, food and drink to order and, most important of all, a wedding dress to buy.

So, Linda and her best friend Helen went shopping for a wedding dress. While Linda was trying on dresses, Paddy was sitting in the Brave Lion Pub with his best friend Pete. They were speaking about the wedding costs.

Ano, pracoval. Ne, nepracoval.

Pete recommended renting an inexpensive hotel on the coasl of Wales. Paddy thought that Scotland would be perfect, but Wales would certaioly be cheaper. Pete said that he had a friend in Swansea who could help them find something. Paddy waoted to invite about 20 guests to the wedding and Linda more than 30. They could rent a large tenl for the reception.

Meanwhile, Linda was trying on a lovely white wedding gown with lots af lace. "lt's certainly yau," said Helen while Linda was standing and pasing in front of the miITor. "I think you should take il."



Linda looked at the price tag and was shocked. She couldn't believe her own eyes. So much money for a dress' What would Paddy say?

Linda decided she would take the risk. She planned to marry only once in her lifc and the dress should be magnificenl. She wanted to be the most beaUli-

ful bride ever. Linda told the sales assistant that the dress was perfecl. She hoped that Paddy

loved her enough to pay for the dress.

announcement [a'naunsmant] oznámení

believe [bi'li:v] věřit best [bestl nejlepší bride [braid] nevěsta celebrale [selibreit] oslavit certainly [sa:tnli] ji stě cheaper [či:pa] levnější church [ča:č] kostel coast [kaust] pobřeži costs [kosts] náklady decide [di'said] rozhodnout se drink [drirtk] pití enough [i'naf] dost ever [eva] (vůbec) kdy eye [ai] oko find [faind] najít food [fu:d] jídlo get married [get 'm<erid] oženit se,

vdát se gown [gaun] šaty guest [gest] host hope [haup] doufat in front of [in 'frant av] před inexpensive l.inik'spensiv] laciný invitation Linvi'teišn] pozvánka lace [Ieis] krajka lovely [Iavli] krásný, rozkošný magnificient [mreg'nifisnt]

nádherný meanwhile [mi:nwail] zatímco

mirror lmir'd] zrcadlo once [wans 1 jednou own faun] vlastní pay for [pei fo:J zaplatit za pose [pauz] pózovat price [prais] cena price tag [prais t<eg] cenovka print [printJ vy tisknout receplion [ri'sepšn] recepce recommend [,reka'mend] doporučit

rent [rent] pronajmout sales assistant [seilz a'sistant] prodavač

square [skwea] náměsti take the risk [teik óa 'risk]

risknout tent [tent] stan the most beautiful [óa maust

bju:tifal] nejkrásnější try on [trai 'on] vyzkoušet si union [ju:njan] svazek

(manželský) village [vilidž] vesnice wedding [wedirt] svatba wedding dress [wedirt dres]

svatební šaty


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~,., ,"' .. , ro ,d =,,"' ~\ in the church.

Rozhodli se vzít se v kostele.

\~ There was so much to do. Scotland would be perfect.

Bylo toho třeba tolik udělat. Skotsko by bylo výborné. Wales by byl určitě levněj ší.

Myslím. že bys je měla vzít. Nemohla věřit vlastním očím. Co by řekl Paddy?

~\ \~

Wales would certainly be cheaper. I think you should take it. She couldn 't believe her own eyes. What would Paddy say?

Paddy tS trying 10 find a place 10 hold the weddillg recept ion. He lS speaking

wilh the receptionist al a small hotel in SWQnsea, Wales.

Paddy: I'm planning a wedding reception. Plánuji svateb"í oslavu.

Rec.: For what date? Na jaké datum?

Paddy: Well, we don' t exactly know yet. No. ještě nevíme přesně.

Rec.: And for how many people? A pIV kolik lidí?

Paddy: Well, we're not exactly certain. No, ještě si nejsme jistí.

Rec.: Will the guests be ordering half board or full board? Budou si hosté objednávat polopenzi neho plnou penzi?

Paddy: Good question. But I don 't know. Dobrá otáz.ka. Ale nevím.

0/; Rec.: Please ring us again as SOOI1 as

you know more.

-;. t:. GooJ 1uesflollt. --"-'M.,. ..... Blit I dolt'f ~w.


ProsEm, zavolejte nám, jakmile budete věděl více.

Paddy: Ves, I will. Ano, uděldm to.

1. Označte následující podstatná jména jako počitatelná (P), čí nepočitatelná (NP): Pear, place, truth, pub, money, boule. meal , information, day, love, name, wine,

beer, hair, news, bus station. luggage. air. work, sugar.

2. Utvořte množné číslo, pokud lze vytvořit: Glass, news, piece, tearoom. eye, lea, butter, maney, water, unicorn, ring, man,


3. Vyjádřete slovo hodně použitím much a many podle počitatelnosti podstatného jména a utvořte množné číslo podst. jména, pokud je to možné:

Př. book - many books water - much water

Snow, blood, friend, pub, buuer. advice, kilo, bar, milk, work, packet, hair,


4. Vyjádřete malo použítím tew a /ill/e: Waiter, pear, greengrocer, maney, love, day, sugar, salt (sů l ), car, passenger,

work, meat , lree.

5. Vyjádřete angliCky, co chce Paddy koupit: 2 mléka, 5 piv, 2 kila hrušek, 3 čokolády, 10 minerálních vod, 4 banany, I kuře, 1 červené víno.

6. Opravte chyby ve větách: 1. We have much books at home. 2. How many sugar do you want? 3. I usually buy two waters every day. 4. They had two bou le or red wine. 5. Paddy reads

lot of books every year.

7. Přeložte: 1. Máme ve třídě tak mnoho zajímavých ch l apců I 2. Potřebuji několik lahví vody. 3. Kolik peněz potřebuješ? Jen trochu. 4. Na stole jsou dvoje noviny. 5. Mary jí jen kuře, nemá ráda vepřové. 6. Podíval se jí do očí a usmál se. 7. Kolik jste koupili lí stků? 8. Byla tam spousta cestujících s dětmi. 9. Kolik

máš času? 10. Je tu málo sněhu, nelyžujeme.


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8. Doplňte věty slovesy v závorkách ve správném čase - minulém prostém či minulém průběhovém:

1. She .............................. (read) a book, when 1 ........ .................. (come) home. 2. Paddy .......................................... (sleep) at 9 o'clock. 3. Linda ........ .... .................. ........ .... (call) him yesterday. 4. He ........................ (look) into her eyes and she ...................... (smi le) at him. S. They ....................... (study) at university, when I ....................... (meet) them.

9. Přeložle: 1. Paddy se díval na televizi a Linda četla knihu. 2. Co jsi dělal , když tvoje matka přišla domů? 3. Hodně lidí se na něj dívalo a jemu se to nelíbilo. 4. Potkal Mary v 6 hodin. S. Nespal jsem, ale četl jsem noviny.



Art-tl ,t'f IflS$ e.t~hSiv,. • .,


@A Lot to Do Planning a wedding is a serious business. There is a lot to do. Linda wenl

to a bridal boutique to buy a wedding dress "nd then to a shoe shop to buy a pair of white pumps. Paddy also has a lot of things to do.

The first thing Paddy must do is to ca" the hotel in Swansea to see if there are enough rooms for the guests. He must also find a nice restaurant in Swansea to host the reception. Wedding receptions tend to get a litlle out of control sometimes.

The second thing Paddy must do is to find a place to rent a dinner jackel. Paddy is a teacher and can't afford to buy one, and therefore he must rent one. There are shops in Coventry that rent such things. But which shop is the best, and the cheapest? Maybe his friends can help him choose one.

The third thing Paddy must do is to find a Ilorist's where he can buy the most beautiful Ilowers for his love. His bride should be the loveliest in the world. Linda is !he prettiest girl Paddy knows. Beautiful Ilowers for a beautifu!

woman. Then comes the fourlh thing. Paddy must ask Pete to be hi s best man. The

best man is an important person. II shou!d be the bridegroom's best friend or brother. II is a great honour to be asked to be someone's best man. Paddy has never been one.


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The tiflh thing is the most difficult thing of all: the honeymoon. Paddy would love to ta ke Linda to a place she would never forget. She loves bathing in the sea but the sea in Wales is usuaJly too cold for swimming. Paddy can't possibly afford Italy or Spain. Maybe later but not now.

Paddy switches on the telly and watches a travel documentary. It's about Prague. A couple of Paddy's colleagues have taught in Prague. They say it's one af the most beautiful and most historical cities in Europe. And iťs less expen­si ve than the Mediterrancan. And that's music to Paddy's ears .

.. ~ ~~ afford I~'fo:d] dovolit si

also [o:ls~u] také bathe [beiil] koupat se best man [best 'mren] svědek (na svatbě)

best [best] nejlepší bridal boutique Lbraidl bu:'ti:k]

obchod se svatebními šaty bride [braidl nevěsta

bridegroom [braidgru:m] ženich business [biznis] záležitost can [kren] muze cheapest [či:pist] nejlevnější

choose [ču:z] vybrat si city Isiti] město colleague [koli:g] kolega couple [kapl] pár dimcult [difik~lt] těžký

dínner jacket ['din~,džrekit] smokink

enough [i'nar[ dost fifth [tim] pátý first [fa:st] první noris!'s Inorists] květinářství

fourth [fo:8] čtvrtý get out of control Lget aut ~v kan'tr~ul] vymknout se kontrole

guest [gest] host historieal [hi'sto:rikal] historický honeymoon [hanimu:n] líbánky


honour [ona] čest

host [haust] shromáždit less [les] méně

maybe [meibi:] možná Mediterranean [,medita'reinjan] Středozemní moře

must do [mast du:] muset udělat must [mast] muset pair [pea J pár person [pa:snJ osoba planning [plreniri..l plánování possibly [posabliJ mozna pumps [pamps] lodičky

reception [ri'sepšnJ recepce rent [rent] půjčit si sea [si:J moře

second [sekandl druhý see [si:J postarat se, vidět serious [si~ridsl vážný shoe shop [šu: šopJ obuv should be [šud bi:] měl by být such [sač] takový switch on [swič 'onJ zapnout telly [teliJ televize tend [tend] mít tendenci therefore [ile~fo:J proto third [8a:d] třetí travel documentary ['trrevl

dokjumentari] cestopisný film where [wea] kde

Plánování svatby je vážná věc.

Je spousta práce. Jeho nevěsta by měla být

in the world. nejkrásnější na světě. Paddy would love to take Linda Paddy by 1110C rád vzal Lindu na místo,

to a place she would never forget. na které by nikdy nezapomněla. A couple of Paddy's colleagues Pár Paddyho kolegů učilo v Praze.

have taught in Prague. That's music to Paddy's ears. To je pro Paddyho rajská hudba.


!rl Stupňování přfdavných Jmen

a) příponami -er, -est

Příponami se stupríují jednoslabičná přídavlldjména a dvojslabitná zakolI(,":ená

-ya -w.

high higher vysoký vyšší

old older starý starší

narrow narrower úzký užší

Změny v pravopise

aj koncové -e odpadá large larger velký větší

nice nker hezký hezčí

the highest nejvyšší

the oldest nejstarší

tbc narrowest nejužší

the largest největší

the nicest nejhezčí


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b) koncové -y se po souhlásce mění na -; happy happier the happiest

šťastný šiastnější nejšťastnější

lovely lovelier the loveliest

půvabný půvabnější nejpůvabnější

cJ koncová souhláska se u jednoslabičných přídavných jmen zdvojuje, následuje-li po krátké přízvučné a jednoduché samohlásce

big bigger the biggest velký větší největší slim slimmer the slimmest štíhlý štíhlejší nejštihlejší

bl opisem more a the most Ostatní dvojslabičnd a víceslabičnd přídavná jména se stupňují opisem

pomocí more a the most. interesting more interesting zajímavý zajímavější

important more important důležitý důležitější

the most ínteresting nejzajímavější

the most important nejdůležitější

cl nepravidelné stupňování Některd přídavná jména a příslovce se stupňují n.epravidelně.

good belter the best

dobrý lepší nejlepší

well betler the best

dobře lépe nejlépe

bad worse the worst

špatný horší nejhorší

litlle less the least

malý menší nejmenší

málo méně nejméně

much more the most

many more the most

hodně více nejvíce


far farther the {arthest

vzdálený vzdálenější nejvzdálenější

daleko dále nejdále

far further the furthest další v pořadí poslední v pořadí

Ve třetím stupni je ve všech typech stupňování určitý člen the.

This shop is the cheapest. Tento obchod je nejlevnější.

Výrazy pOjící se s přídavnými jmény as - as tak jako He is as old as his wife. Je tak starý jako jeho žena.

not as - as ne tak jako She is not as prelty as her sister. Není tak hezká jako její sestra.

than než I am younger than you. Jsem mladší než ty.

Zeslabování a zesilování stupňování a IiUle trochu, O něco a bit trochu, o něco a liltle bit trochu, o něco much far a lot or all

mnohem mnohem mnohem ze všech

Tom is a liltle belter than his brother. Tom je O něco lepší než jeho bratr. II is much worse than you think. Je to mnohem horší, než si myslíš. This is the largest house ar all. Toto je ten největší dům za všech.


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[ll Modální slovesa - úvod Modáhti slovesa v angličtině povněnují určitým způsobem význwn význa­mových sloves. V téro lekci jsme poznali modálnf slovesa can, must, should.

His friends can help him choose. l eho přátelé mu mohou pomoci vybrat si. He can'l afford to buy il. Nemůže si dovolit si to koupit. She can sing, but she can't swim. Umí zpívat, ale neumí plavat. He must do it. Musí to udělat. She should come. Měla by přijít.

Modální slovesa moji několik společných rysů, které je odlišuji od sloves


aj 11emajf -5 ve třeti osobě jednotného čísla He can sing. On umí zpívat.

b) otáz.ka se tvoř{ inverzi, nikoli pomocí pomocných sloves Can he swim? Umí plavat? Should I say it? Měl bych to říci?

b J zápor se tvoří záporkou not He cannot (can't) do it. She must not (mustn't) sleep. We should not (shouldn't) lie.

cJ následuje po nich infinitiv bez to She should be the best.

Nemůže to udělat. Neumí to udělat. Nesmí spát. Neměli bychom lhát.

Měla by být nejlepší.

d) musí po nich následovat sloveso významové They can speak English. Umí anglicky.

e) nemají tvar infinitivu, proto existuji takzvané opisy (viz dále)


CAN vyjadřuje dovolení. schopnost, v záporu pak zákaz či neschopnost

a) mohu I can do it. We can't tell you.

b) umím Tom can write. Kate can't read.

Mohu to uděl at.

Nemůžeme li to říci.

Tom umí psát. Katka neumí čí st.

MUST vyjadřuje silný příkaz, v záporu pak silný zákaz Vou must do il. Musíš to udělat.

He mustn ' t speak. Nesmí mluvit.

SHOULD vyjadřuje slabý příkaz či doporučení , v záporu pak slabý zákaz Vou should come. Měl bys přijít. They shouldn't cry. Neměli by křičet.

~podmiňOvaCí způsob přítomný

Tvoření Podmiňovací způsob se tvoří pro všechny osoby stejně, a to pomocí pomocné­ho slovesa would a infinitivu významového sloveas bez infinitivní částice to.

podmět +

I would sleep you would slcep he would sleep she would sleep it would sleep we would sleep you would sleep they would sleep

would +

spal bych spal bys spal by spala by spalo by spali bychom spali byste spali by

EX;Sllljí i sUl~ené tvary. I would I'd you would he would she would it would

you'd he'd she'd jťd

infinitiv bez to


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we would you would they would

I would (I'd) do it.

we'd you'd they'd

You would (you'd) buy a new car. She would (she'd) be happy.

Zápor Tvoři se záporkou not. podmět + would +

She would not (wouldn't) say it. He would not (wouldn't) dare.

Udělal bych to. Koupil by sis nové auto. Byla by šťastná.

not + infinitiv bez to

Neřekla by to. Neodvážil by se.

Stažený tvar je pro všechny osoby stejný a je velmi častý. would not = wouldn 't

Otázka Otázka se (voN iI/verzí. would + podmět + infinitiv bez to

Would you do it for me? Would they come?

Udělal bys to pro mě? Přišli by?

Jako II ostatních otázek je třeba v krátkých odpovědích zopakoval pomoc­né sloveso. Would you come? Přišel bys?

Použití podmillovacího způsobu

Yes, I would. Ano, přišel. No, I wouldn't. Ne, nepřišel.

Kromě výše uvedených příkladů, kdy podmiňovací způsob odpovídá češtině, se též používá v ustálených frázích.

I would Iike to see it. What would you Iike?


Rád bych to viděl. Chci to vidět. Co byste chtěl?

Would you like a cup of tea? I'd Iike three kilos of apples. Would you help me, please?

Dal byste si šálek kávy? Chtěl bych tři kila jablek. Pomohl byste mi, prosím?

[lJ 50, such

Tyto dva výrazy se v angličtině často zaměnují.

Ue is 50 clever. She is so pretty. He is such a c1ever boy. She is such a pretty girl.

Je tak chytrý. Ona je tak půvabná. Je to takový chytrý chlapec. Je to taková půvabná dívka.

so + such +

přídavné jméno, popř. příslovce přídavné jméno + podstatné jméno

Po výrazu such musí b)ít II počitatelných podstatll)ích jmen v jednotném čísle vždy neurčitý člen a, ano


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IJ.lAt is rrt4riliď"t ~('4J • • ,

@ A prague Honeymoon There's a lravel agenl's down the slreel from Paddy's flal. Paddy decides

to inquire abaut a honeymoon in Prague. He is lucky. The travel agent knows

Prague veTy well. "Prague is magnificenl," she says. "Do you know anylhing abaut the

Czech Republic?" she asks Paddy. Paddy says he doesn't know exactly where

il is, but knows jťs near Germany. "Well, 1'11 lell you about it," she says. "The Czech Republic's former

name is Czechoslovakia. The small republic is situated in Central Europe and is surrounded by Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia. lts history is one of lhe richest and oldest in Europe. The counlry is beautiful wilh 10lS of moun­tains, hi lis and rivers. The highest mountains are in the north and east. The Ion gest rivers are the Vltava and Elbe. The Vltava flows through Prague, the

capital city. Prague is a jewel. ll's quile a big CilY, but wilh small town charm. There's

so much 10 see lhere: the Charles Bridge, Prague Caslle, lhe Old Town Square, the National Museum and many other wonderful places. Accommodation can be very cheap if you know where to slay. We have 10lS of conlacts in the area around Prague. It'5 much cheaper lhan staying in the city centre."

Paddy 1ikes Prague more and more. Prague sounds like a wonderful place to lake Linda on their honeymoon. He tells lhe travel agent that Prague will be fine. He signs a contract. Linda will be so happy. BUl don't tell her. Iťs a surprise.


~\ accommodation

[a,koma'deišn] ubytování around [a'raund] okolo Austria lo:stria] Rakousko capital (city) [krepitl] hlavní město Centra I Europe [sentral juamp] střední Evropa

Charles Bridge [ča:lz bridž] Karlův most

charm [ča:m] půvab, kouzlo contact [kontrekt] styk, zprostředkovatel

country lkantri] země, venkov, kraj

decide [di'said] rozhodnout se east [i:Sl] východ exactly [ig'zreklli] přesně line [fain] skvělý, pěkný now [n:>u] téci Germany [dža:mani] Německo hill [hi I] kopec inquire [in'kwaia] informovat se jewel [džu:al] klenot li ke [laik] jako mountain [mauntin] hora National Museum [,nrešnal

mju:'ziam] Národní muzeum

~\ He is lucky. He is happy. The Vltava nows through Prague. Prague is II jewel.

north [no:S] sever Old Town Square [,auld taun

'skweaj Staroměstské náměstí Poland [pauland] Polsko Prague Castle [pra:g

ka:sl] Pražský hrad quite [kwail] celkem, docela river [rival řeka sign [sain] podepsat situated [sitjueitid] situovaný Slovakia [slau'va:kia] Slovensko so [sau] tak sound r saund] znít stay [stei] bydlet (dočasně) surprise [sa'praiz] překvapení surrounded [sa'raundid]

obklopený through [Sru:] skrz travel agent's [trrevl eidžants]

cestovní kancelář

Má štěstí. Je šťastný. Vltava protéká Prahou. Praha je klenot.


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~\ \~

II is quite a big city. There is so much to see there. Linda will be so happy. Don't tell her.

Al (he tmvel agenťs

Paddy: I'd like lO book a holiday. Rad bych si zamluvil zájezd.

T.A.: Where 10? Kam ?

Je to celkem velké město. Je lam loho tolik k vidění. Linda bude lak šiasná. Neříkejle jí 10.

I $~f'. D t:1bQut rr-4 jt.ff!

Paddy: To lhe sea would be besl, but I can't afford il. K mori by to bylo nejlepší, ale nemohli si 10 dovolil.

T.A.: I sec. What about Prague? [t's a bargain. Rozumím. Co Praha? Je 10 výhodné.

Paddy: How much will il cost me? Kolik mě to bude stát?

T.A.: Well , there's accommodation, food and lransport ... Takže, 10 je ubytování, jidlo Cl doprava, ..

Paddy: II already sounds expensive. To už zlli draze.

T.A.: Not at all. lt 's one of lhe cheapesl holidays in Europe. Viibec ne. Je /O jeden Z nejlevnějších zájezd!i do Evrop)'.

Paddy: ln lhal case, Prague il is! V tom případě je to Praha.



1. Utvořte 2. a 3. stupeň Old, happy, big, linie, preny, ex pensi ve. beauliful, lovely, good, cheap, small , rich, near, long, far, bad.

2. Doplňte věty přídavnými jmény ve 2. či 3. stupni: 1. My brol her is ................ (old) lhan my sisler. 2. We have a ............. (beaulifll l) house lhan you. 3. Mary isn't as .................................. (clever) as Linda. 4. aur coumry is one of ............................... (interesling) in lhe world. 5. Pelr is ............................... (tall) boy in the class. 6. Peler is ............................... (good) al English than Paul. 7. You are ............................. (bad) hockey player in the team. 8. This car is much ................ ......... ............ (expensive) than that car. 9. Mary is a lot ............................. (old) than Jane. 10. Can you wail a litlle bil ................................. (Iong)?

3. Přeložte: 1. Paddy cestuje tento rok více než minulý rok. 2. Angli čtina je nejzajímavější jazyk ze všech. 3. Tato kniha je levnější než lamla kniha. 4. Jsem nejšiaslnější čl ověk na světě . .s. Naše ulice je mnohem užší.

4. Vytvořte otázku a zápor těchto vět, které obsahují modální slovesa: 1. Peler can cook well. 2. He must come on Friday. 3. I should ealless. 4. Jane can play lhe piano. 5. You should go by bus loday.

5. Najděte Chyby ve větách: 1. I can to come at 5 o'clock. 2. Do you can speak English? 3. Tom doesn't mu st run. 4. Jane cans play tennis. 5. Should you 10 blly Linda a ring?

6. Odpovězte podle pravdy: Př.: Can you swim? Ves, I can.

Would you like a cup of coffee? Yes, I would. Would you like a glass of beer now? No, I wouldn't.

1. Can you play football? 2. Would you like 10 go oul now? 3. Can you drive a car? 4. Can one of your friends cook bener than you? 5. Would you always help your friends? 6. Can you go 10 England loday? 7. Would you tike to go to England today?


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-N N

" " .J"

-N W

,. Q






~ • c " ~ ~ o




.... CO

~ "

7. P řeved'fe následujícl věty do podminovac ího způso bu : I. I c,lt Jil r":'l:lurant'. 1 . Petn pl,,), touthall J. lIL- ha' <l IlIt ol' thlll~' to do.

-" Shl' I~ tIK' hl' .. t tL'l1ni\ pla~cr in Ih .. 10\\11 5. I'add~ lJ~e .. 1.lIllb (o n.-'laurant.ll \l'r~ n!k-11

8. Doplňte 50, such do vě t : ,- ,'--, ... ,'. ".., -lol ~~, .' l ... \'l'r. _. le~ ar,'

a he,wtilul !šll"!" .f. ,\rl' HlU rl.';11I1 ht:alllilul \Ic<lther (mlol) . .

9. Pfeložte:

ni,.: PL'IIpl.:. J_I)~I ~nu ~n()w Ilr..:d· J 5. ft I"

I. J~! h~,"~l \,~O,h[1IU dl~ ("~\t'11l~~.1. \lujetl' ml ronwt·i. pr.l,int" J, Petr hraje ['llh,ll, klk tlll ,cho př:Ul'lc. -'o Zapnul hy, IdeI lil. prcl\illl':i, \lt·'ltlil': ln či,!! 6. t>.kl. h).:h 'l' Inlormuval fJ 1101~ldl lih'IllLil"h' 7. '.tp'JIOI b) IlIIl dopl,?

X. I\ .. 1~'11l1 mu dal ty Jlť'llIZL· 1 I) . B~I ll) P:ldo~ "(;I'lnt:I"" :"lar~ ,) 10. '\Ieptt"!! h) ro/Ul'



At the Taj Mahal Padd~ anu LI/IlLL <lrť qlllt,;: a .:nllrk ('Cl\l'nlr~ j, quill' J 10\1 ll, .. \ 1\11 \.j

th,'ir Iricnu, art! pbnl1H1g.l huge p,ln~ t"or 111L'11l ll" 10 .:dchrall' Iht'lr ellg.lgl'-1111.:111 l.mJ,t·' tnl'ml. \bnu). " ~l II ,litr ... " ;11;1 Inl';IIIC\I,lllran1. lh~ ra) \tah.!1

Th~' n,: .. wuralll 'r..:u.dl'-t!, lil Indl:lll loot!. 111l' lnod I" \ er~ g(lod. hUl I'CTy \ri\:~ Paud~ .Ind 1.!l1u'lll~(' Indl.lIl JIJ!lll ", a malk'r.\t la":l. P:lJd~ Ime, II.

II'..,,, "iuIlILI} af1cmllll11.lIlu !ri..:nu, ,Ir~' galh..:rm);! al Ihl' 1't!\L;Wral1l. Thl'r~'"

"ik'\~ \)\,;:r Iherc. AfI,l hlO!,. 1 Ih.'-n.· com..:\ P.ldd)"" ho". Ilcauma..,ler Per~lll' .

Paduy lolu hun 1111.' JHy hl'fllt"c Ih"l hl" dnu Lind,l v.t!re f-ellllll,! l1l:lrri~u Ik .!,dn'l loo~ 'o h.j[lpy.I11.1~hc hc..:au,c hl" I, a V.iJ\l\~er,

P;!tkly anu l.indLt·, Iricnd, diJ l'ler~lhing tu ma)..c Ihl.' day.{ ,uc!,;t!s" Th.:)

hrou!!hlln e\tra \\allel .... Ip 'CHl' thc guc,{\ Pl'ler .tIlO Rogcr prcp:lrcu 'fX-'"c..:hc,

The) ;11,,) 1010 many f1lIH1) JO!"":' ()n~' )01,. .. 1\:1\ \I) tlllm)' lhal P;ldd~ h:1I oll' hl\ (h;ur All tlw gU""I' wao,:: htUghll1g for hour, ahpul lhal one.

Af1l'r 111l' l"lrt) lh ... !!u .. ,I\ letl Ihl' r..:,tauranl :mll Ih'm IlVer ln Ihc Br;,,'\? l.a"l (lllh fnr.J fl '\\ morl' drtll!,.\. ft \\.1\ 'Idl car!) .mo ť\ťryhod~ ll;!' 'Idl thlr'l)

()111~ Jr ... " gUL·,h u,,:cllku to go hUII1\' \\hdc hL:' \Id' ,illin);! :11 Ihc Brave I.inn, PaJd) ,Iartl'u ln reel a lillle

,lrLtn~l' lil' h;ld ,( ,wl11:1chadlt' .md hl' l\lľ.:l!..:;tu 1.:11 \\arm. "k Ihought ll\.' h;nl

"Ic\l'r. Lind;,] tou!... 111m hllme :Ind Jllll hllll [O bo.:d. lil' 1I1H11.:JIaICI~ kll H'!eCJl'


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~\ \~ as a matter or ract [rez a mreta

av 'frekt] ve skutečnosti , vlastně boss [bos] šéf, vedoucí celebra!e [selibreit] oslavit chair [čea] židle couple [kapl] pár, dvojice dedde [di'said] rozhodnout se drink [driQk] nápoj early [,,:Ii] brzy, časně exlra [ekstra] navíc rall asleep [1'0:1 a'sli:p] usnout rall orr [fo:1 'of] spadnout z reel [fi:l] cítit se rever [fi:va] horečka rorehead [fo:hed] čelo runny [fani] směšný gather [greó,,] shromáždit se gel married [get 'mrerid] vzít se guest [gest] host headmaster [hedma:sta] ředitel home [haum] domů huge [hj u:dž] obrovský

"-l.i'.~ . Indian [indjan] indický joke [džauk] vtip laugh [Ia:fl smát se local [Iaukl] místní only [aunli] pouze over there [auva 'oea] tamhle over to [auva ta] do put [put] dát quite [kwait] docela serve [sa:vl obsluhovat spedalize in [spešalaiz in]

specializovat se na speech [spi:č] řeč spicy [spaisi] kořeněný slomachache [stamakeik] žaludeční nevolnost

strange [streindž] podivný, zvláštní success [sak'ses] úspěch thirsty [9a:sti] žíznivý lown [taun] město warm [wo:m] teplý widower [widaua] vdovec

~ ;-.

. . " '(",..,SI'. ~/;-- The restaurant specializes .:::;.( in Indian rood.

Ta restaurace se specializuje na indická jídla .

\.q\ As a O1atter or racI, Paddy loves il. ~ The food is very good,

bul very spicy. Here comes Paddy's boss. Paddy and Linda did everylhing

10 make the day a success. II was stili early. Everybody was stili thirsty. Paddy started to reel a Iittle strange. He had a slomachache. He i01mediately rell asleep.


Vlastně to Paddy miluje. Jídlo je velmi dobré,

ale velmi kořeněné. A tady přichází Paddyho šéf. Paddy a Linda udělali všechno,

aby se den vydařil. Bylo ještě brzy. Všichni měli ještě žízeň. Paddy se začal cítit divně. Bolel ho žaludek. Okamžitě usnul.

@ What's Wrong with Paddy? Paddy had a rough night. He had to get up several times and go to the

lavatory. He had diarrhoea. His joints and head ached, too. Paddy was ill. He threw up the last lime he went to the toilet. Maybe he is coming down with

somelhing. Linda started to become worried in the morning. She wasn't able to sIeep

all night because of Paddy. He was groaning and moaning and holding his belly. Linda isn't a nurse but she knows when somebody needs a doctor.

She phoned Dr Wilson. He usually doesn't visit patients at home but he is a good friend of her father 's. He said he would come by that afternoon.

Dr Wilson looked at Paddy and knew he didn't feel well. He told Paddy to stick out his tongue. Then he checked Paddy 's pulse, heartbeat and breathing. Then he stuck a thermometer into Paddy's mouth and cheeked his temperature. II was a litlle higher than normal. Then he asked Paddy a few questions.

After several minutes Doctor Wi lson was ready to make his diagnosis: Paddy shouldn't eat such spiey food in the future. Paddy wasn't happy beeause he loves Indian food: the spicier, the better.

Dr Wilson gaye Paddy some pills for the pain and some medicine to stop the diarrhoea. Paddy smiled as he left and both he and Linda thanked the doetor for visiting them. Dr Wilson turned around to shake Paddy's hand. But Paddy was already on the way to the toilet.

125 -

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-::::===:?\ \~ ache [eik] bolet, bolest already [o:l'redi] už because of [bi'koz ;>v] kvůli become [bi'kam] stát se beHy [beli] břicho brealhing [bri:oill.l dýchání by lhal afternoon [bai oret

a:ft;>'nu:n] do odpoledne check [ček] zkontrolovat come down with [kam 'daun

wie] ulehnout s diagnosis [dai;>g'n;>usis] diagnóza diarrhoea [dai;>'ri;>] průjem future [fju: č;>] budoucnost get up [get 'ap] vs tát groan [graun] sténat had to [hred tu] musel head [hed] hlava heartbeat [ha:tbi:t] tep high [hai] vysoký hold fh;>uldl držet iII [il] nemocný joint [džoint] kloub lavatory [Irev;>tri] záchod medicine [medsin] lék moan [maun] bědovat need [ni:d] potřebovat

night [nait] noc nurse [ng:s] zdravotní sestra of her father's tav ha 'fa:baz]

jejího otce

t{~ (." Paddy had a rough nighl,

... J Several times he had to get up. . His joints and head ached.

.-o;;:: Paddy was iII. @ Paddy threw up.


pain [pein] bolest patient [pei šntl pacient phone [faun] telefonovat pill [pil] prášek, tableta pulse [pal s] puls rough traf] neklidný several times [sevral taimz] několikrát

shake a hand [šeik a hrend] potřást rukou

stick [sti k] strčit slick oul [sti k 'aut] vypláznout stop [stopl zastavit temperature [tempriča] teplota Ihank [erell.k] poděkovat the last time [oa la:st 'taim]

naposled, když thermometer [ea'momit;>] teploměr

throw up [er;>u 'ap] zvracet loilet [toil;>t] záchod tongue [tall.] jazyk lurn around [t;>:n ;>'raund] otočit se

visit [visit] navštěvovat wasn't able to [woznt 'eibl tu]

neby la schopná way [wei] cesta weH [wel] dobře worried [warid] znepokojený

Paddy měl neklidnou noc. Párkrát musel vstát. Bolely ho klouby a hlava. Paddy byl nemocný . Paddy zvracel.

©:.\ 0,-: , :--

Linda started to become worried. She wasn't able to sleep

because of Paddy. He was groaning, moaning

and holding his beHy. He checked his tempera ture. II was a IitUe higher than normal. Then he asked Paddy

a few questions.

Poddy mluvl s doktorem Wilsonem.

Paddy: I feel horrible. Cílím se hrozně.

Dr: Vou have a fever. 38 degrees. Máte horečku 38 stupňl;'

Linda si začala dělat starosti. Linda nemohla kvůli Paddymu

spát. Naříkal, bědoval a držel si břicho.

Zkontroloval mu teplolU. Byla trochu zvýšená. Potom položil Paddymu

pár otázek.

Paddy: I hope I'm not coming down with something. I have a wedding to pian. Doufám, že s něčím neulehnu. Musim zařizovat svatbu.

Dr: Congratulations. You should stay home on Monday. Don't go to work. Growlllji. Měl byste zl'tstat v pondělí doma. Nechoďte do práce.

Paddy: That's great. .. er. I mean, that's bad. 1'11 caH Headmaster Perk:ins and teH him the bad news. To je skvělé ... , chci řfel, že je to špatné. Zavolám řediteli Perkinsovi a řeknu mu tu špatnou zprávu.

Dr: Yes, do that. And tell him you should be at work Vou /,QVP

~~ .. ~.:~ver: on Tuesday. Ano. to udělejte. A řekněte nw, že byste měl přijít do práce v literý.

Paddy: That's bad ... er. I mean tha!'s good. To je špatné ... tedy, vlastně myslím, že je 10 dobré.



F ~'.'":l ~..; fl·))


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>~--.... /\

@ A Healthy Man Paddy isn't the youngest man in town any more. After his latest illness he

decided to go to hi s physician for a check-up. Just to be certain, he thought. Paddy's appointment was on Tuesday at 10 a.m. He went 10 the doctor's

and sat down in lhe wailing room. There were a lot of people waiting to see the doctor. Paddy was afraid the waiting lime would be very long.

Soon a nurse came out of the omce and called Paddy's name. He stood up. She on ly wanted to see if he was there. Ten minutes later he was sitting on the examinalion table waiting for the doctor.

Doctor Smith came into the room shorlly thereafter. He examined Paddy very thoroughly. He looked at his eyes, ears, nose, throat and reflexes. He even examined Paddy's feet for signs of fungus. Everything was fine. Paddy is

a healthy man. The doctor then asked Paddy about illnesses in his family. Did anyone have

any heart or stomach problems? Was Paddy a smoker? Did he drink alcohol, and how often? Paddy doesn'l smoke, and he drinks occasionally with friends.

Paddy's lifestyle is quite heaJthy. The doctor informed Paddy that he was in almost perfect health. The only

problem Paddy had was a wart on his left foot. The doctor told him it was best

to see a dermatologi st. Paddy went home to tell Linda the good news. Her future husband was in

good health.


r-;==;\ \p afraid (be afraid ol) [~'freid] mít

strach almost [o:I'm~uslJ téměř

any more [ren i mo:] už appoinlment [~'pointm~nt] schůzka

ask about [a:sk g'baut] ptát se na cerlain [s~: tn] jistý check-up [čekap] celkové vyšetření

dermatologist [d~:m~'tol~džist] dermatolog

doctor [dokt~] doktor ear [i~] ucho examinalion [,igzremi'neišn] vyšetření

examine [ig'zremin] vyšetřit

eye [ai] oko foot [fut], feet [fi:t] noha,-y fungus [fang~s J plíseň

health [hele] zdraví healthy [helei] zdravý heart [ha:t] srdce how often [hau 'ofn] jak často husband [hazb~nd] manžel iIIness [ilnis] nemoc inform [in'fo:m] informovat just [džast] jen, právě left [Ieft] levý lifestyle [Iaifstail] životní styl news [nju:z] zpráva

~\ P~ddy's not the youngest man \p ID town any more.

He decided to go 10 his physician for a check-up.

Paddy's appointment was on Thesday al 10 a.m.

nose [n~uz] nos occasionally [~'keižn~li] příležitostně

office [otis] ordinace perfect [p~:fikt] bezvadný physician [fi'zi šn] lékař

reflex [ri:fleks] reflex see [si:] navštívit shortly thereafter [šo: tli (je~'a:ft~] krátce na to

sign [sain] znak srno ker [sm~uk~] kuřák soon [su:n] brzy stand up [strend 'ap] vstát stomach [stam~k] žaludek Ihoroughly [ear~li] důkladně Ihroal [e~ut] krk Thesday [tju:zdi] úterý wailing room [weitifl. ru:m] čekáma

wailing tíme [weitifl. taim] čekací doba

wart [wo:t] bradavice {4 w~~ ~

Paddy už není nejmladší muž -ve městě .

Rozhodl se jít k lékaři na prohlídku.

Paddy byl objednán na desátou hodinu v úterý.


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He examined Paddy. very thoroughly

He was almost in perfect health.

\~\ Days ol the week \,:::;:::.>- Sunday

Monday Thesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Dny v týdnu neděle


úterý středa


pátek sobota

Velmi důkladně Paddyho vyšetřil.

Těšil se dobrému zdraví.

Dny se v angličtině píší vždy s velJ..ým písmenem.

Pojí se s předložkou on.

He was Ihere on Monday. Byl tam v pondělí. They met on Sunday. Sešli se v neděli.

1. Doplňte some, any, no a příslušné složeniny do vět: 1. Do you have ........ ... .. children? 2. We didn't invite ............. guests. 3. I need

information about Peter. 4. Do you know ....... ... ........ ..... .... (někoho) from this town? S. They usually have .. ........... (žádný) aleohol at home. 6. I have ........................ (nic) to speak about. 7 ....................... (nikdo) came to our party on Saturday. 8. Is it ...................... (někde) in the centre? 9. She doesn' t have

problem at school. 10. Do you have .................... (něco) for him?

2. Převed'le tyto věty do minulého prostého času: 1. Petr smokes 10 cigareUes a day. 2. She goes to school by bus. 3. Paddy works very hard. 4. Jane studies at universi ty in Oxford. S. They make five cars every day. 6. I leave al 7.30 and I come at 5. 7. She always takes one kilogram of apples. 8. He plays the piano very often. 9. Paddy phones Linda almost every

day. 10. Linda looks happy and has no problems.


3. Utvořte otázky k těmto odpovědím: 1. I was at home yesterday. 2. She came home very early. 3. He laughed because he heard an excellent joke. 4. She lived in London five years ago. S. He pUl it over Ihere. 6. She saw him at the cinema. 7. They stopped because they were tired. 8. I took my bag. 9. I started to play tennis when I was 10. 10. They were in a restaurant last night.

4. Rozhodněte, zda jsou následující podstatná jména počitatelná, nebo nepočita­telná: Air, luggage, kilo, beer, coffee, hair, applet table, work, job, meat, bar, piece. water, butter, time. love, brother, chair, bed, weather, rain, friend, information,

man, li on, pill.

5. Opravte chyby ve větách: 1. I have two cheeses for you. 2. Peter studyd al universily. 3. I taked everythi ng I needed. 4. She doesn ' t have no friends. S. I want two coffees wi th milk. 6. Worked you yesterday? 7. She has much boo ks at home. 8. Was there few snow in the mountains? 9. They ordered three glass of juice. 10. I have a linie

rea lly good friends.

6. Přeložte: 1. Jane je krásnější než Mary. 2. Tento obchod je nejlevnější. 3. Jsi teď šťast­nějši? 4. John je štíhlejší než Paddy, ale není tak chytrý. S. Jsem lepši vangli č­tině než Mary. 6. Toto je nejužši ulice ve městě. 7. Bydlíme mohem dále od školy než vy. 8. Peter je nejhorši hráč hokeje ve škole. 9. Ano, láska je ta nejdůležitější věc. 10. Můj pokoj není tak velký jako tvůj pokoj.

7. Opravte chyby ve větách: 1. She cans speak English. 2. Can you to play tennis? 3. She woulds sleep longer. 4. He must does it. S. Do you can come to my house? 6. You don ' t should smoke so much. 7. You don't mu st smoke in this part of the restaurant. 8. Do they would help us? 9. What would like you? 10. They can't to read

English books.

8. Řekněte, co musí Paddy koupit na sobotní večírek: 5 lahví vody, 4 láhve červeného vína, půl kila sýra, ki lo masa, 2 kila jablek, 6 krabic jablečného džusu, I tabulku čokol ády, 15 piv.


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9. Odpovězte na otázky pravdivě: Př.: Would you like a eup of eoffee? Ves, I would. 1. Do you like red wine? 2. Can you play the piano? 3. Oid you study at univer-

sity? 4. How often do you eat? S. Was it raining yesterday?

10. Rozhodněte, která věta je gramaticky správná: 1. I saw him yesterday.

I see him yesterday. 2. I usually drink two coffees.

J usually drink two cups of coffee. 3. She has thc largest room of all.

She has the most large room of all. 4. Can you cook well?

Do you can cook well? S. She has breakfast at 7 always.

She always has breakfast at 7. 6. Do you read it yesterday?

Oid you read it yesterday? 7. I wouldn't do it for him.

I don't would do it for him. 8. He is gooder at football.

He is beuer at footbaJ I. 9. Oid you be at school today?

Were you at school today? 10. 1 go not to school.

I don ' t go to school.



\.Ii(~.".d AIa/l.? " -p,rf"~ md?

" ..- .L"lt. - . ---...

@ Inviting Friends Paddy Cllld Linda are sitting logelher at llteir kitcheJl table. They have a list oj

people [hey will invite to the weddiflg.

Linda: What about Paula? Paddy: Paula? Your fricnd with the Oreat Dane dog? She'lI certainly destroy

the whole hotel.

Linda: Paddy: Linda:

Paddy: Linda :

Paddy: Linda: Paddy: Linda: Paddy:

Paula would never destroy a hotel. Actually, I meant her dog. Well, I'm going to invite her anyway. What about her husband,

Steven? lf he comes, then 1'11 leave. He doesn't know when to stop talking. We have to invite Vicky and Alan. By the way, Alan will be fifty this

month. Vieky and Alan? Are you mad? They didn't invite us to their wedding.

They're not married, Paddy. Er... in that case, 1'11 write the invitation myself. Aren't you going to invite anybody? Of course ... Let's see ... Vou, me, Helen. Pete. That's all, I think.


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~\ \~

Linda: I hope you're joking. This wedding will be the biggesl wedding in the history of Great Britain.

Paddy: OK. 1'11 call and see if we can rent Buckingham Palace. Linda: Not lhat big. Bul I want to invite all our friend s. 50, start writing

the invitations. 1'11 post them tornorrow. Paddy: Can't we finish them in the pub?

actually [rekču~li) vlastně anyway [reniwei) stejně

at [ret) u by the way [bai 00 'wei)

mimochodem case [keis) případ certainly ls~:tnliJ určitě, jistě destroy [di'stroi) zbořit , zničit linish [finiš) skončit, dokončit have to [hrev tu) muset history [histari) historie, dějiny husband [hazband) manžel invitation [,invi 'teišn) pozvánka invite [in'vait) pozvat joke [džaukJ žert, žertovat leave [Ii:v] odejít list [list] seznam

mad [mred) šílený marded [mrerid] svoji mean [mi:n) mínit, myslet month [mane] měsíc myself [mai 'selll (I myself) já sám never [neval nikdy post [paust) poslat start [sta:t) začít stop [stop] přestat tomorrow [t~'mor~u] zítra whole [haul] celý would [wud) by

~\ \ ~~ What about Paula? .:.-- She'lI certainly destroy

the whole hotel. Paula would never destroy a hotel. Actually, I meant her dog.

Alan will be lifty this month. Are you mad? ln that case ... 1'11 \Vrite the invitation myself. I ho pe you 're joking.


Pavla by nikdy nezbořila hotel. Měl jsem vlastně na mysli

jejího psa. Alanovi bude tento měsíc padesát. Zešílel jsi? V tom případě ... Napíšu pozvánku sám. Doufám, že žertuješ.


rl Budoucnost

V a1lgličti"ě existuje několik zplisobLi, jak vyjádřil budoucnost. al Vazba going to

podmět + be + going to + inlinitiv

He is going to leave her. Opusti ji.

Použili I) vyjadřuje úmysl či plán mluvčího

I am going to do it tomorrow. Udělám to zítra. Mám v úmyslu to udělat zítra. She is going to watch TV tonight. Dnes večer se bude dívat na televizi.

2) vyjadřuje předpoklad založený Ila objektivních okolnostech

Look at the sky. H's going to rain. Podívej se na nebe. Bude pršet. Look at her. She is going to cry. Podívej se na ni. Bude brečet.

Zápor Zdpor se Ivoří přidáním záporky not ke slovesu be.

We are not (aren't) going to watch TV. Nebudeme se dívat na televizi.

Otázka Otázka se Ivoři inverzí.

Napíše to? Is she going to write it? What is she going to do? Co bude dělat? Co má v úmyslu dělat?

Vazba going to go se obvykle zkracuje Ila pouhé goillg to. I am going to the cinema. Půjdu do kina. They are going by car. Pojedou autem.


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bl will - budoucí čas podmět + will + infinitiv bez to

I will do it. Vou will see. She will be here at 5.

Udělám to. Uv idíš. Bude tu v 5.

U budoucího ,,'(osu lze používat zkrácené formy, které jsou pro všechny osoby stejné.

1'11, you'lI, he'lI, she'll, it'lI, we'll, you'lI, they'lI

I will be there. ;

She will call you. ;

Použilí I) ndhlé rozhodnwí

1'11 be there. She'lI call you.

lt is cold here. I will cIose the window.

2) informace o budoucnosti They will come.

3) pI'edpověd· lt will be sunny tomorrow.

4) nabídka, hrozba, slib I promise, I will come in tirne. We will sue you. I will carry it for you.


Je tu zima. Zavřu okno.


Zítra bude slunečno.

Slibuji, přijdu včas. Budeme vás žalovat. Ponesu ti to.

Zápor se tvoři přidánÍm záporky not za pomocné sloveso will. Casto se používá zkrácená forma ve tvaru won't.

She will not pass the exam. ; She won't pass the exam.


Neudělá tu zkoušku.

Otázka Otúzka se {vorí inverzí. Will + podmět + infinitiv bez to

She will be here. Will she be here?

Bude tu. Bude tu?

Otázka se v cmglitrině taslO používá jako zdvořilá žádost. Will you help me, please? Pomllžeš mi, prosím?

Správ1lé POužil'óní vazby going to a will vždy záležl na postoji mluvc.":ího k dané skutečnosti.

I will watch TV. Budu se dívat na televizi. (Právě jsem se rozhodl.) I am going to watch TV. Budu se dívat na televizi. (Naplánoval jsem si to. )

I) Podmínkové věty typu 1

V angli(":tině existuje lIěkolik typl; podmínkových věl. Podmínkové věty typu I vyjadluji reálnou podmínku v budoucnosti, tzn. že za určitých podmínek může daný jev nastat. Bývají uvozeny spojkou if (jestliže. -Ii) a plali pro ně určitá pravidla ohledně použivánf časll. Zjedllodušeně lze líci, že se v nich po spojce if nemtiže vyskytovat budouci (":os.

hlavní věta budoucí čas

if + vedlejší věta přítomný čas

I will leave if he comes. Odejdu, jestliže on přijde. lf she leaves him, he will die. Jestliže ho (ona) opustí, (on) zemře. lf I see her, I will tell her about il. Jestliže ji uvidím, řeknu jí o tom. U you meet her, will you give it to her? Jestliže ji potkáš, dáš jí to? ff there isn't any snow, we won't go skiing. Jestliže nebude sníh , nepojedeme lyžovat.


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Před spojkou if se nepiše čárka, ale pokud hla vili věta následuje po větě vedlejší, je třeba ji oddělit čárkol/.

I will do it if he asks me. If he asks me, I will do il.

~ Rozkazovací způsob

Udělám lO, požádá-Ii mě. Požádá-Ii mě. udělám lo.

al kladný rozkaz Rozkazovaci způsob se v angličtině rovná infinitivu slovesa bez infinitiv-

ní částice to. Go home! Do il! Slart wriling! Stop slcoping!

Jdi domů! Jděte domů! Udělej lot Udělejte lot Začni psát' Začněle psál! Přestaň spát! Přestaňte spát!

bl záporný rozkaz, resp. zákaz Tvoi'V se pomoci pomocného slovesa don't a infinitivu vývwfIlového slo-

vesa bez infinitivlli částice to. Don't go home! Nechoď domůl Nechoďle domů! Don't do il! Nedělej lO' Nedělejte lOt Don't sleep! Nespi! Nespěle! Don't worry. Nedělej si slarosli. Nedělejle si slarosti.

[jJLet's Vazba let's + infinitiv bez to se pou:ívá pro vyjádření rozkazu v první osobě t1Ino:néllO čis/a.

Leťs go. Leťs start. Lel's go out for a while.



Začněme. Pojďme na chvilku ven.


'Don'f WIJ"f' /OVl>. , • • • •

@ The Party A few of Linda and Paddy 's friends have planned a pre-wedding surprise

party for them. They are at Helen 's fiat. Linda: Thank you, Barbara. ll 's a lovely lOaster. II will certainly make great

Paddy: Helen: Linda: Paddy: Helen: Linda:

Paddy: Linda:

toasts. And these towels are very pretty. We'lI hang them in the bathroom. And lhal coalrack will suit the hall very well. Oh yes. 1'11 pUl it right next lo lhe door. And lhat beer over there will look grcal in my hand (1aughing). Paddy is the joking one, isn ' l he? Oh, dear, yes. But if he makes one joke al lhe wedding, 1'11 walk

straighl oul of the church. Don' l worry, love. 1'11 save alllhe jokes for lhe honeymoon. (Iaughing) Don 'l you dare. Oh, whal a lovely cUllery set. Thank you,

Rhonda. Rhonda: I hope you invite me for dinner sometime.


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\~\ p.

Paddy: (Iaughing) Only if you bring lhe food. Ha ha! Linda: Thaľs enough, Paddy. Paddy s/Ops laugh;llg. Linda: Oh, whal a beautiful lea sel. 1'11 keep il on lhe kilchen lable where

everyone can see il. Trus coffee-maker is very practical. Paddy has to

have his morning coffee. Paddy: If I don't drink a cup of coffee soon, 1'11 fall asleep.

Pete: Why don't you try it aut? Paddy: That's a great idea! Paddy antl Pele go into t/1e kirc!Jell. Helen: Paddy's lhe life of the parly, isn'l he" Linda: Ves, he is. Can you believe he', like lhi s almost every day?

almosl [o:l'mausl] skoro, téměř beer [bia] pivo church [b:čl kostel coatrack [koutrrek] věšák coffee-maker [koli meika] kávovar cutlery [kallari] příbor dare Ideo] odvážit se door [do:] dveře enough [i'nafl dost ran asleep [fo:1 a's li:p] usnout great [greit] ohrom ný, skvělý hall [ho:l] předsíň, hala hang [hrell.] pověsit honeymoon [hanimll:n] líbánky ir [if] jestliže keep [ki:pl nechat laugh [la:f] smát se Iike [laik] jako look [luk] vypadat nexl to Inekst tu] vedle aul of[aut dvl z over Ihere [dUVd 'oea] tamhle parly [pa:ti] večírek praclical [prrektikal] praktický


pre-wedding [pri: 'wedill.] předsvatebllí

put [put] dát, položit save [seiv] ušetřit sel [set] sada, souprava sometíme [samtaimj někdy,

jednou v budoucnosti slraight [streitl přímo suil [sjll:t] hodit se surprise [sa'praiz] překvapení tea sel [ti: sel] čajový servis loaster [toust,,] opékač topinek towel [laudl] ručník try out [trai 'aut] vyzkoušet worry [wari] dělat si starosti


" lfAr.u·, ~ \~\ Don't worry. ~;r Neděl ej si starosti. \~ 1'11 save all the jokes .::::( Schovám si všechny vtipy

\ .--:::::~\ ~

ror the honeymoon. na líbánky. Don' t you dare. Neopovažuj se. Thal's enough, Paddy. To stačí, Paddy. Why don ' t you Iry it out? Proč to nevyzkoušíš? He's like thís almost every day. Je takový skoro každý den.

f-IDWPVff; I Jo"'f 'i~ fIrv ~ ~ i - .

Ít \.~~ ·

(~li'~= {:tl~ -



Linda 's friend, Helen is in an electroll;cs shop buyillg a toaster as a glft for Linda and Paclt/y. Slze is speaking 10 a shop assistcml. Ulldina přítelkyně Helena je v elektru a kupuje opékal." topinek jako svatební dar pro Lindu a Paddyho. Mluví s prodavačem. S.A.: This model is especially nice. Vou C3n make four pieces of toast wilh il a1

lhe same lime. Tel110 typ je z.vLášľ pěkný. Můžete na něm péci současně čtyři toasty.

Hel.: That's lovely. However, J don't Iike the colour. Green isn't my favouri te. To je skvělé, ale nelíbí se mi ta barva. Zelená není moje oblíbená barva.


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S.A.: ln that case, here's a brown one. V 10m případě máme hnědý.

Hel.: Is il Ihe same loasler? Je 10 slejný opékač?

S.A.: Yes, jusl in another colour. 1'01 certain your friends will love il. !t's the 10p of the line. You won't find a bener loastcr anywhere. Ano, jen v jiné barvě. Jsem si jist, že se vašim přátelt"tm bude líbit. V IOmto

sortimemu je to špička. Nikde nenajdete lepší.

Hel.: ln lhal case 1' 11 take IwO. V tom případě si vezmu dva.

S.A.: Two. But your friends will only need one. Remember, it makes four

slices. Dva. Ale vaši přátelé budou potřebovat jen jeden. Ne:apomellte, že opeče čtyři krajíce.

Hel.: I know. One will be mine. Já vím. Jedell bude mllj.

1. Převed'te věty do budoucího času pomocí vazby 90in9 to: 1. II is raining. 2. They go on holid.y 10 Greece. 3. She buys many presents for his birthday. 4. We go to the cinema on Friday. 5. He doesn 't eat in a restaurant. 6. I leave al 7 o·c1ock. 7. He inviles Ihem. 8. Mary isn'llaughing. 9. How much

money do they save? 10. She tries Ihe jeans out.


2. Doplňte věty slovesy v budoucím čase, použijte vazbu 90in9 to nebo will: 1. I hope they ........................... (come) loday. 2. II ............... .... ......... ( in Ibe .flemoon. Look at lhe sky! 3. Mary has. birthday loday. Oh, re. lIy? OK. I ................................... (buy) • beauliful presenl for her. 4. Jane .nd Peter ............................. (gel married) in June. 5. We ................................. (save) some money because we want to buy a new car. 6. I crashed my car. Oh, what

you ........... .. ..... (do)? 7. Paula ... ........................ (nol study) next year. She is going 10 France. 8. I'm very lired. OK, I ....................... . (make). cup of coffee for you. 9. aur mOlher ............................ (come) later lonight. 10. J have • free aftemoon. I ........................ (walch) TY.

3. Doplňte vedlejší věty podmínkové: 1. If he ................ (come) lale, I .............. (not wait) for him. 2. J .. . .. (Ieave) you if you .. ..... .................. ..... ... (nol love) me. 3. What ........................... you ........................... (do) if Peter ............................. (invite) you IOday? 4. If yOll . ..................... (v isit) Jane, she ............................ (be) really happy. 5. If Mark ......................... (ask) you, wh.t .................. you ........... .......... (answer)? 6. If il ..................... (not bel good wealher, we ...................... (go) 10 Germany. 7.lf you ....................... (finish) il by Ihe evening you can ............. ....... (Ieave). 8. Whal

she ........ ........... (Iell ) Peter, if he .................... (ask)? 9. I (stop) walchi ng TV if you ............................. (slart) speaking to me. 10. If there .................. (be) no snow. we .................... (nol go) anywhere.

4. Přeložte: 1. Nechoď tam, Peler 10 nechce! 2. Udělej 10 pro něj , bude šťaslný. 3. Pojďme do kina, dávají Ue lam) velmi hezký film. 4. Pracujme dnes déle, zítra odejde­me dříve. 5. Jestli že mu pomůžeš, dostane tu práci. 6. Nezůstávej s ním, jestli­že lě nebude milovat. 7. Mám žízel'. Tak já ti udělám nějaký drink. 8. Bude sněž il , ven ku je opravdu chladno. 9. Kdy se bude Mary vdávat? 10. Slibuji , že li len prstýnek koupím.

5. Opravte chyby ve větách: 1. Wh.1 wi ll you do ir he wi ll come late? 2. Lets go outside. 3. Go you .way! 1'01 re. lly lired. 4. When you are going to come? 5. I promise, I want do it again . Never! 6. Ir Mary will cook dinner, she will invile you. 7. We don ' t are going to get married in May, it brings bad luck.


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8. Don't you look at me tike that! 9. Let's we go skiing, there is a lot of snQw oUlside.

10. Peter wi II play football this afternoon, ľ m sure.



I.f 'ťW pa't" afff>;fll;Q", , 'f'~ WOlt ~ hurr if I

@ To the Sea We Go Paddy and Linda have decided to drive to Swansea in a car that Linda's

parents gaye them as a wedding present. Paddy isn't such a good driver because he hasn't gal 50 much experience. Linda is afraid sometimes and has closed her eyes several times during the journey. The highway through the Welsh country­si de has many winds and turns. II goes ar.ound mountains and through valleys, along rivers and streams. The scenery is breathtaking.

After they arrive in Swansea, Paddy has discovered that he has left the map to the hotel at home. Linda rolls her eyes. She wants to ask someone for directions but Paddy doesn't want to. He thinks he can find the way to the

Bradford Arms Hotel himself. After they have driven down every street and aliey in Swansea, Paddy

finally agrees to ask a passerby for directions. They see an old lady holding

a plastic bag at the corner. The old lady is very helpful. She explains to them that they have probably

driven past the hotel several times and haven't noticed it. She points to the left. "Take that street over there. 00 through the junction and take the third street to


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~\ \~

the left. Then you drive straight on. lf you pay attention. you won't miss il. lt's a brick building with a big sign hanging in front."

Paddy and Linda are satisfied with her answer and drive on. Soon they find the hotel. The hotel is a quaint building with not much decoration. It looks big enough for the wedding and thaťs good. They decide to book a room for the night and see how they like it in the moming. That evening they pian to take in

a Welsh sunset.

afraid (be afraid) [a'freid] polekaný agree [a'gri:1 souhlasit alley [reli] ulička

along [a'lol1.l podél around [a'raund] kolem arrive [a'raiv] dojet, dorazit as [",z] jako beeause [bi'koz] protože book [buk] rezervovat brealhlaking [bre9teikil1.] beroucí

dech, úchvatný brick [brik] cihla, cihlový building [bildil1.] stavba c10se [klauz] zavřít decoration [,deka'reišn] ozdoba,

výzdoba direction [di'rekšn] směr discover [di'skava] objevit, odhalit drive Idraiv] jet, řídit driver [draiva] řidič during [djuaril1.] během finally [fainali] nakonec helpful [helpfal] ochotný highway [haiwei] dálnice,

hlavní silnice holding [hauldil1.] držící in fronl [in 'frant] před journey [db:ni] cesta junclion [džal1.kšn] křižovatka (železniční)

miss [mis] minout


mountain [mauntin] hora notice [ndutisl všimnout si parenls [pearants] rodiče passerby [pa:sa'bai] kolemjdoucí pasl [pa:st] kolem pay altention [pei a'tenšn]

dávat pozor poinl 10 [point tu] ukázat na quainl [kweint] malebný roll eyes [raul 'aiz] zakoulet očima room [ru:m] pokoj salisfied [sretisfaid] spokojený scenery rsi:nari] krajina, scenérie sign [sain] cedule slraighlon [streit 'on] pořád rovně slream Istri:m] říčka, potok sunsel [san set] soumrak lake in [teik 'inl vnímat 10 [tu] k lurn [ta:n] zatáčka valley [vreli] údolí way [wei I cesta wedding presenl ['wedi 11.

,presnt] svatební dar Welsh [welš] velšský wind [waind] zátočina

;; ~ ~ ~:.. The highway has many winds and lurns. .-o:::: The seenery is brealhlaking. r=;-;\ Take that slreel over Ihere. \~ Take Ihe Ihird slreel on Ihe left.

Then you drive sraight on. If you pay attention, you won't miss it.


fr! před přítomný i!as prostý

Tvoření podměl + havelhas + příčestí mjnulé

Silnice je samá zatáčka. Krajina je úchvatná. Dejte se tamhletou ulicí. Dejte se uetí ulicí do leva. Pak pojedete pořád rovně. Budete-Ii dávat pozor,

neminete to.

I She They

have has have

heard jl. sajd jl. underslood.

Slyšel jsem to. Řekla to. Rozuměli.

Příčestí minuléje u pravideln)ích sloves totožllé s minulým časem a tvoři se příponou. .ed k infinitivu významového slovesa (viz kapitola minulý čas). U nepravidehzých sloves najdeme přhYestí minuté ve třetím sloupečku (viz příloha). Př.

be come drive

was came drove

been come driven

Zápor Zápor se tvoři přidánim záporky not k pomocnému slovesu have/has. I have nol heard jl. Neslyšel jsem to. She has nol said il. Neřekla to.

Caslo se použivají zkrácené formy.

have not = haven't has not = hasn't They have not come. = They haven't come. He has not arrived. = He hasn't arrived.




Page 75: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

Otázka OtlÍ~ka se t voři inverZÍ podmětu s pomocným slovesem have/has.

She has broughl il. Has she brougbt it?

Přinesl a to. Přinesl a to?

Použití aj děj, ktelý se odehrál II bUže neurčené době v minulosti a má následek

do přítomnosti




Tom has broken his arm. Tom si zlomil ruku . (Má ji zlomenou.)

Pokud je však un"ena doba \I minulosti, nelze předp;Vtol11ný čas použít. Musíme použít minuLý čas.

Tom broke his arm last week. Tom si minulý týden zlomil ruku.

děj. který začal II minulosti a dosud trvá (hlavně II sloves, která netvoří pniběhový čas). Ve větě je uvedeno. jak dlouho trvá. I have known her for 2 years. Znám ji 2 roky. She has had the cat for a month. Má tu kočku měs ic .

Pokud neni ve větě uvedeno, jak dlouho děj trvá, musíme pOUŽÍI přílonm.ý


I know her. Znám j i.

děj sice skončil, ale doba, kdy probíhal, dosud trvá I have written 2 letters today. Dnes jsem napsal 2 dopisy.

v otázce, p(áme~ li se, zda se něco dosud nebo už stalo (,":j nestalo Have you ever been to England? Už jsi někdy byl v Anglii? Has she already finished it? Už to dokončil a?

U slovesa be v předpřitol1lll él1l čase se použivá p j"!edložka to. Srov. Was she in Paris lasl year? Has she ever been to Paris?


Byla loni v Paříži ?

Byla už někdy v Paříž i ?

e) v záporné větě, která řiká, že se něco nikdy nebo dosud neodehrálo I have never seen il. J eště jsem to nikdy neviděl.

They haven't told her about it ye!. J eště (dosud) j í o tom neřekli.

fl v otázce, ptáme-Ii se, jak dlouho děj probíhá (u sloves, která netvoři pniběhový čas)


How long have you known her? Jak dlouho ji znáš? How long has he had his car? Jak dlouho má auto?

Ptáme-Ii se pouze zda, nikoli jak dlouho, musíme použít přítomný čas.

Do you know her? Znáš ji? Ves, I have known her for ages. Ano, znám ji dlouho.

mluvime-li o zkušenosti (Yi zážitku, který považujeme za důležitý. Fakt, že se děj odehrál, je dtUeŽitěj.~í než doba, kdy se odehrál. I have visited 15 countries. Navštívil jsem 15 zemÍ. She has had 3 husbands. Měla 3 manžele.

Výra::y, které se většinou pojí s předpřitomným ('(osem.

vždy nikdy

always never ever already yet

(ně)kdy (v olázce) už

no!. .. yet just since for this year lately recenlly how long

ještě, už ještě ne právě

od (té doby) po dobu letos poslední dobou nedávno jak dlouho

Přislovce always, never, ever, already, just se umistiljí za pomocné sloveso have/has a před významové sloveso. She has already done it. Už to udě l al a.

Have you ever seen it? They have just left.

Už jsi to někdy viděl ?

Právě odešli .


Page 76: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

-. ~­~t

3: -

:' ..;


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+ = .'


m " " c .. ..

= -

.... , t

i. Q'


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( h/(l1/1I I'Irfl."Y 1/' //liliI/lili 1111 !..,I/II"I. IIa\e ~uu 'wcn hill1l:.Jld~ ·!

I hl'~ h;l\e ~l1u"n iI rur II 11t.'l'k.

Slil' h:l~ had tll(' dUJ: .. illl't' .. ht.' \Ia~ hurn,

liniI IUIIJ: ha .... Ill' hl'l'n IIl:rl"!

1]1 Podmlnkové věty typU 2

,,'\{'. //(1 . ohii. ~ II /1.

\Idd )". ho pmll.'um duhulI' \CUllo tu} I I~(.kn

\1.1 [!lhu p .. ;1 nJ narU/l.'rl1

Ja~ JII'utll> [Uilll.'llI"

/',,/11111111.011 1"('/1 I ~ 1'11:2 I 1/r/.Ii/lli lI l' rl':íllluu l.lUdmín"u I příIOIIIIW"'i. ':1/ :'t' (/ml\ 111'111/"11/1/:(' 1It/1/<I/. 1'11/1.-. \Iia'/flllullf I/Ú:fII. {O hl It ,/,,111. J.lhll\ "\Itl {/(Jdl/IIIIJ." 1/,11/t'l1II

I'"~ l!lllif. ir 1."'1"11 1IIr/ ,Ik !"\",-IIf111/ ~"II)I. "1. m'//W:, hlt f..lll11ll1iollÚI (IU,t!IIIÚil1\/J// :('11111111.

"hnili Ičla ír + Icdll'j,í ' čla přít. "undidomíl minuli ČOl'

I \\oulcJ dll il ir hl' :t .. hd me. t Idl'ldl h~l.:h 10 i n~ III L I..dyh~ ml' pOidll,1l IOn m~ \~al.. ne/dJil ncr ... úlnthll Ir ~ou helped lI1e, I ('(Iuld dimh up. !\.d~ h~, lili pOIl1\lhl. mohl .. "~I.:h '.1111 1.1 le/l (I~ 1111 ak nl.'p..unilh;l~ I

Ir I kll ell il . I \llIu llln 'l :. .. ",

Kd>h~l"h \o H~dl-1. Ill'pl;!l h~l"h .. 1.' (J.l ln ak nel mLI I r I had clluuj.!h rnlm,,~. I \\ollld Ir:t\cllo i .. lalHh. 1\ ~I~b~dl rnčl 1.1,"1 renl-/. Id h~dl n;l o\lrt>l~ fJaJc;J1I.' nemalll.)

II I \Il're ~(lU, I \\I,tlld do II

B~lldll'u O,d~b)dt h~11choUl. Ullt-I;ll h~l:h 10

/'" II 1,'OiJ..OII if I,' (ad,1 mp/k. alt- ""J.IIlI lI'tll hlrll /II 1l1i\/nlt.,.· :rl '('ft/II I/lllqii, ll' rf"h<l II ",M.·", ,~Ii,.I.;.",


II" ) IlU a""l'd IIll' . I \I.mltl dll;1. I \1I)Uld dn;1 if ~(IU :I, "~'d nll' ,

Kd~h~~ ml' p'li,ld,,1. uúčlal h~l.:h III l·dčl'll h~l"h 1O.l...d~h~, Illl'I,oi.ld,11

;':/)111', '/lfl/!..' ir ". I" 1,,,dllllllJ..,,.,,,, ,ť/.,.I, I'''"~I\II I/'''J~(/ unie .. , I'" 'lit/I' c' unll· .... l/úl/l'l/U/t 1/1" no \" J./m/m·m IIllm

pol...ud fle. j"dyh~ 111.'. led,/;c

Stu.' \\Ould ~n Ulere ullle .... il \Ias rainin:.:, <;Ia h~ lalll. ~J~ h~ nepr'.clu {- "lil' \\oul,1 gn thcrt: 1111 \\,1,11', r.umng I Hl' \\1)U ldll ' l cume unh',~ Ihc) illlitl'd him,

"'kprl;'d h~. I...d~h) hIJ ne/tall 1= Hc \\ LlulJn"l"011h: II Ihc~ d!llll'l imitl: him.l


I r Ihl' "calhl' r i., nice. I \I ill j.!o 111(' rl'.

BUl.k·11 h~·/h·I"''':-'I''I. pUJdu I.UIl l~p I Ir IlI e \ICu llJ e!" \13') !lícl'. I \lilI/Id gO Ihere. Kd~h~ h~ln hl'/l..t! rol:.I, i. ,cl h~.:h 1;1111. l~p ~

~EnOugh l'flllOI"I j" CllUuj.!h .• 1"'1. 1101111/1"1"111 /lUl \" cmgll, ~I' I "'I' !lt" m' 111111"

fJřÍd:n nl~ jlll~I1U + cnquJ.(h

' Oll arl' uld 1' lIllUj.!h to kllu\\ il . Ik Í\ dl'ler c l\(Iuj.!h.

hl JO~I ";Ir~ 11>1 'o. ;Ih}, 1,1 11.',1<,:1

k dll" dl~,r~

Shc rUII' f:"" l'lIough 10 \1 ill, Ikh,l do ... I}.:hlc n .. tll. ;Ib, \yhral ..

en()uJ.(h + jll)(hllllné jménu

I dnn', h:l\~ ('lIough II1nI1C ~ lu hll) il. \;t;'llIa\lll.hl,1 pt!I1Č/. ,lll~dl " ln ~t1upiI I)u ~uu ha ll' clluu~h lime lu rini \ h il"! \tj';' uml Ci!'\!. :lb} .. 10 d,)~\)lIbll


Page 77: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

@ A Walk in the Sand Linda and Paddy have checked into the Bradford Arms Hotel. The recep­

tionisl has given them a small double room with a view af the sea. The sea is grey and Paddy and Linda can see the waves crash against the rocks on the beach. They decide to go for a romantic walk.

They have given their key to the receptionist and have headed for the beach. They pass many old houses along the way. Linda has been looking for­ward to a romantic walk with Paddy for a long time. The lime has comc.

They reach the beach and take off their shoes. They walk along the beach talking abaut everything and nothing 3t the same Ume. Linda sees a pier in the distance and she !eads Paddy over to il. "I want to climb up Ol1to the pier,"

she says. Paddy looks at her and tells her to do so. Linda tries to climb up but can't. "If you helped me, I could c\imb up,"

she tells Paddy. He helps her. They walk to the end of the pier and sit down with their legs hanging over

the edge. Linda thinks, "lf the sun wasn't so bright, I could see some ships." Paddy agrees. "Yes," he says, "and what would you do ifyou saw a ship?" "If I saw a ship, I would think about all the places it's been and aIl the

people who have travelled on iL People just like me and you." Paddy looks puzzled. Then he asks Linda a question. "Where would you

travel to, ir you had the chance to travel anywhere you wanted?" Linda ponders the question for a moment before answering. "lf I had

enough money, I'd travel to islands where no Qne lives." "And what about Prague?" Paddy .sks suddenly. "Prague?" she says. She looks at Paddy. "If I had the chance to go to any

place in the world, l would go anywhere ... with you."

Paddy smiles.


I \IIoIIIJ ~ a~whPfp. .. , .. wiIA ~~. . '\\\

/ -­•


against [a'geinst] proti along the way [alo'1. oa 'wei]

po cestě any [reni] jakýkoli anywhere [reniwea] kamkoli at the same time [ret oa seim

'taim] zároveň

beach lbi:č] pláž before [bi'fo:] než bright [brait] jasný, záři vý

climb [klaim] (vy)šplhat, (vy)lézt crash [krreš] narážet distance [distans] dálka double room [dabl ru:m] dvoulůžkový pokoj

edge [edž] hrana, okraj grey [grei] šedý hang [hre'1.] viset head [hed] namířit si to chance [ča:ns] možnost check into [ček 'intu] ubytovat se island [ailand] ostrov key [ki:] klič

leg [leg] noha (končetina) long lime [10'1. 'taim] dlouho onto [ontu] na over [au va] přes

Paddy and Linda have checked into the hotel.

The receptionist has given them a small room,

They have headed for the beach, They pass many old houses

along the way, They reach the beach and take off

their shoes, Linda tries to c1imb up,

pass [pa:s] minout, projít pier [pia] pi li ř,

promenáda v přístavišti, molo ponder [ponda] přemítat

puzzled [pazld] zmatený, v rozpacích

reach [ri:č] dosáhnout receptionist [ri'sepšanist] recepčni rock [rok] skála sand [srend] písek ship [šip] l oď

shoe [šu:] bota sit down [sit 'daun] posadit se srna II [smo:l] malý smile [smail] usmívat se sun [san] slunce take off [teik 'ofl svléci si talk [to:k] mluvit travel ltrreval] cestovat try [trai] zkusit, snažit se up lap] nahoru view of [vju: av] výhled na walk [wo:k] procházka wave [weiv] vlna who [hu:] kdo, který (osoby)

Paddy a Linda se ubytovali 10} tfI'"".J,t v hotelu. ~;. \ '.

Recepční jim dal ,; malý pokoj. . ....

Namířili si to na pláž. Cestou mijeji spoustu

starých domů. Dorážejí na pláž a zouvají si

boty. Linda se snaží vyšplhat nahoru.


Page 78: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)


Ir you helped me, Kdybys mi pomohl ,

I could c\imb up. mohla bych vylézl nahoru. Lidé jako já a ly. People just like me aod you.

Paddy looks puzzled. Ir I had eoough mooey,

I would travel to islaods.

Paddy vypadá zmaleně. Kdybych měla dOSl peněz, jela bych na oSlrovy.

Padcly a Linda jsou v hotelu Bradford Arms ve Swansea, ve Walesu. Mluví

s recepčním.

Rec.: Welcome to lhe Bradford Arms HOlel. Would you like a single ar double room? Vrtejte v hotelu Brad/ord Arms. Přejete si jedno­lůžkový nebo dvou­lůžkový pokoj'

Paddy: A double please, wilh breakfasl. Dvoulůžkový, prosím, se snídaní.

Linda: And a view of lhe sea. A s výhledem na moře.

W('ll hl.tmbf>r ís Qllai/Q6!e.

Rec.: Well, number 12 is available. II has a wonderful view and the sun shines into the roam in the afternoon. Dobrá. číslo 12 je volné. Má krásný výhled a odpoledlle do pokoje svítí

slunce. Paddy: Good. We' lI take il. Is lhere a bath in the room?

Ano, vezmeme si ho. j e v pokoji koupelna? Rec.: No, but there is one in the corridor.

Ne. ale je na chodbě. Linda: That's fine, lhanks.

To je dobré. děkujeme. Rec.: Please fill in these farms.

VypUlte, prosím, tyto formuláře.


Paddy: A II righl. here you are. Dobře. prosím (tady jsou).

Rec.: Good. And here's your key. Breakfasl is al 8 a.m. and check-out is by ll. Tak. rady je "áš klíč. Snídaně)e v osm. Vyklizení pokoje do ll.

1. Utvořte větu v předpřítomném čase: 1. I I see I him I today. 2. She I already I wrile I lhe letter. 3. You I mother I already I come? 4. Why I you I nol do I it I yet? 5. We I live I here I since I 1995. 6. I I break I her arm. 7. They I neverl eal I in I lhis I reslauranl. 8. I I already I visit I Great Britain. 9. How long I you I know lIhem?

10. She I have I the piano I since I her I grandmolher I died.

2. Doplňte věty slovesy ve správném čase - přítomném prostém, předpřítomném či minulém: 1. How lang .................... you ........................ (not see) them? 2. We (buy) our new car 2 weeks ago. 3 .......................... you ........................ (speak) 10 him lalely? 4. Peter .................. already .................... (read) lhe book. 5. What

you ........................... (tell) him? He is really sad. 6. She .................................. (know) Peter since she ........................... (move) to Plzeň. 7. I ............................. (know) her very well. 8. How often ......................... you ........................ (visit) your parents? 9 ........................ she ever ................... (eat) Japanese food? 10. I ................... (meet) my Friend last week.

3. Co byste dělali, kdyby se událost v závorce stala (ale ona se nestala): 1. Visit my grandmolher. (I have lime.) 2. Wrile a letter. (I have a pen.) 3. Buy a licket 10 the thealre. (She has money.) 4. Sludy at university. (She is younger.) 5. Help Mary. (He can.)


Page 79: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

6. Do il. (They ask me.) 7. (He is more intelligenl.) He doesn ' l need any help. 8. NOl go 10 hospilal. - unless - (He is ill.) 9 . We play foolball olltside. (The wealher is nice.)

10. Paddy is satisfied. (Linda accepls his invilalion.)

4. Zvolte gramaticky správnou větu: 1. I will be happy if you come.

I will be happy if you will come. 2. She is enough old to watch this film.

She is old enough to walch lhis film. 3. If I was younger, I would live with you.

If I were younger, 1 would Iive wilh you. 4. [f he has enough money, he would buy an expensive ring.

BUl he is quite poor. If he had enough money, he would buy an expensive ring. But he is quite poor.

S. If he didn'l play football, he would play hockey. Bul he plays footbaU. If he doesn ' l play football, he will play hockey. Bue he plays foolball.

6. Whal you would do if you were me? Whal would you do if you were me?

7. How long do you know Peter? How long have you known Peter?

8. I bOllghl a mOlorcycle a week ago. I have bought a motorcycle a week ago.

9. We haven ' t yet ealen dinner. We haven' t calen dinner yet.

10. I already seen lhe film. I have already seen the film.

5. Přeložte: I. Paddy už to vysvěllil. 2. Kdy přijeli? Před hodinou. 3. Neviděl jsem je od čer­vence. 4. Kdybys měl lu zkušenost, šel bys tam? S. Co mu řekneš, jestliže lě uvidí s Petrem? 6. Už jsi někdy řídil toto auto? 7. Ještě jsem mu to neřekl. 8. POlkal ji před měsícem, ale ještě nebyli v kině. 9. Nic o ní neví. 10. Je s ní od ledna.




A job interview \~u CP" tí1t ~ ~ohfrelC(-lO nE"x. WE'E"k.

Paddy has decided to look for a new job at another school. He wiU soon be married and will need more money. There is a privale language school on lhe olher side of Covenlry. They specialize in teaching English as a second language. Foreigners from all over lhe world attend the school. Paddy hopes to get a job there. Paddy is being interviewed for tlre job: Interviewer: How long have yOll been

teaching. Mr Brown? Paddy: Juslover 10 years.

Interviewer: And how long have you been working at your presenl school? Paddy: Nearly eight years. Before thal I worked at a primary school. [ťs

all in my Curriculum Vitae. Interviewer: Ves, here "it is. lťs written here lhal you've been living ID

Covenlry for 25 years. Paddy: Ves, thaťs right. My parents moved here when I was young. Interviewer: Have you gat any experience with teaching English as a second

language? Paddy: Ves, a Iittle. Every other year or so, my school hosts exchange

students from other countries. We have three here now; tWQ ffom the Czech Republic and one from Austria. Another teacher and I have been teaching them English sinee September. They've caught on quite well. They've been studying very hard.

Interviewer: So, you are a successful teacher. Paddy: ll's better to ask my students thal question. Interviewer: 1 see. So, Mr Brown, I've been carefully examining your ev and

have been listening to you speak. Vou have convinced me that you are exactly the right man for the position.

Paddy: Do you mean ['ve got the job? Interviewer: Thaťs correct. Vou can sign the conlract next week.

Paddy ca/l 't lVait 10 tel/ Li/lda. But IIe is rea/ly looki/lg forward to tel/ing Mr Perkills at the grammar school.


Page 80: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

\~\ .r;;:;-all over the world [0:1 ~uv~ ó~ 'w~:ld] pO celém světě

before that [bi'fo: 'Ó",t] před tím contract [kontr",kt] smlouva convince [k~n'vins] přesvědčit correct [k~'rekt] přesný, správný curriculum vitae

[ka'rikjulam vi :tei] životopis ev [si:vi:] životopis every other year [evri aÓ~ 'ji~]

ob rok exactly [ig'z"'ktli] přesně examine [ig'z",min] prohlédnout,

zkoumat cxchange student [iks'čeindž

stju:dnt] student na výměnu forcigner [for~n~] cizinec grammar school [gr",m~ sku: l]

gymnázium hard [ha:d] pilně here [hi~] tady hope [h~u p] dou fat host [h~ust] hostit interview [i nt~vju :] pohovor job [džob] práce, zaměstnání

-:::===?\ \

0 ~ Paddy has decided to look for .r;;:;- a new job.

Yes, thaťs right. They've caught on quite weU, They've been studying very hard. 80, you are a successful teacher. It's beUer to ask my students. I see. You are exactly the right man. Do you mean I've got the job? Thaťs correct.


language [1"'Ttgwidž] jazyk mean [mi:n] mínit, mít na mysli nearly [ni~li] téměř next [nekst] příští position [p~'zišn]

postavení v zaměstnání present [preznt] současný primary school [praim~ri

sku:l] základní škola private [praivit] soukromý question [kwesč~n] otázka quite [kwait] celkem, docela right [raitl správný second [sek~nd] druhý September [sep'temb~] září sign [sain] podepsat specialize in [speš~laiz in]

specializovat se na succcssful [s~k'sesf~l] úspěšný the other si de [Ói aÓ~ saidl

druhá strana week [wi:k] týden well [wel] dobře young [iaTt] mladý

Paddy se rozhodl hledat si nové zaměstnání.

Ano, přesně tak. Chytli se celkem dobře. Opravdu pilně studovati. Takže jste úspěšný učitel. Je lepší zeptat se mých studentů. Chápu. Jste přesně ten pravý. Myslíte tím, že jsem tu práci dostal? Je to tak.


f!PředPřítomný fas průběhový


podmět + have/has + been + příčestí přítomné

I have been learning English for two years. Učím se anglicky dva roky. She has been standing here for an hour. Stojí tady hodinu.

Lze používat zkrácené formy. I have = I've she has = she's

Zápor Tvoří se přidáním záporky not k pomocnému slovesu have/has. podmět + have/has + not + been + příčestí přítomné

I have not been learning French long. Neučím se francouzsky dlouho. He has not been sleeping for three hours. Nespí tři hodiny.

V záporu lze používat zkrácené formy. I have not = I haven 't she has not = she hasn 't

Otázka Otázka se tvoři inverzi. have/has + podmět + been + příčestí přítomné

Have you been waiting long? Has she been sleeping for an hour?

Cekáte dlouho? Spí hodinu?


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Stejně jako u ostatních časll i v předpřítonlném čase je třeba na otázku odpovídat zopakovánim pomocného slovesa.

Have you been waitng long? Čekáte dlouho?

Ves, we have. Ano, čekáme. No, we haven't. Ne, nečekáme.

Použití a) děj začal v minulosti a stále trvá. Doba, jak dlouho děj probíhá,

je urc.'rena většinou výrazy



since od (té doby) for po (dobu)

She has been Iiving in Prague since 1995. Bydlí v Praze od roku 1995. She has been Iiving in Prague for 7 years. Bydlí v Praze 7 let.

děj. který sice v minulosti skončil, ale jeho následky stále trvají

We have been working for a long lime and now we are really tired. Pracovali jsme dlouho a teď jsme opravdu unaveni.

ptáme-li se, jak dlouho děj trvá

How long have you been sitting here? Jak dlouho tady sedíš?

U sloves, která netvoří průběhovéformy časll, musime použít pro uvedené případy předpřítomný čas prostý.

I have known him for a year. Znám ho rok. They have had tbe car for ten months. Mají to auto \O měsíců.

Pokud není ve větě uvedena doba, po kterou děj trval, používáme přítom­ný čas průběhový. nikoli předpřílOmný čas.

He is running. Běhá.

Ue has been running for ten minutes. Běhá 10 minut.


Podle použití prosté či pni.běhové formy předpřílomného času lze USUl,O­

valila ukončenost či neukončenost děje. V češtině odpovidá předpřilOm­ný čas prostý dokonavému vidu, pniběhový pak nedokonavému.

He has drunk my beer. Vypil mi pivo. (žádné nezbylo) He has been drink ing my beer. Pil mi mé pivo. (ale ještě nějaké zbylo)

• 44~ ./ t,

III Trpný rod 6'i:::1- ":) ..


podmět + be + příčestí minulé

Trpný rod v anglic.'rtině odpovídá trpnému rodu v češtině. Jeho použití je však v angličtině mnohem častější.

(;;llllÝ rod They make these cars in Germany. Tato auta (oni) vyrábějí v Německu. He said il lasl week. Rekl to minulý týden.

Trpný rod These cars are made in Germany. Tato auta se vyrábějí

Usou vyráběna) v Německu. It was said lasl week. Bylo to řečeno minulý týden.

Trpný rod se vyskytuje ve všech časech.

aj přítomný čas

lam asked. Jsem tázán. (opakovaně) Jsem tázán. (právě teď)



I am being asked.

minulý čas I was asked yeslerday. I was being asked.

předpřítomný čas

I have been asked.

Byl jsem včera (do)tázán. Byl jsem (právě) tázán.

Byl jsem dotázán.


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d) budoucí čas I will be asked. Budu (do)tázán.

Chceme-li v trpném rodě v)~ádrit konatele děje. je treba pou:ít před­

ložku by. I! was wriUen by Shakespeare. Napsal to Shakespeare. Bylo to napsáno Shakespearem.

Zápor Zdpor se v trpném rodě IvoN přiddním záporky not ke slovesu be. He was not (= wasn't) inviled. Nebyl pozván. U will nol (= won't) be wriUen. Nebude to napsáno.

Otázka Otázka se Ivoří inverzí. Is English spoken here? Will it be announced tomorrow?

Mluví se zde anglicky? Bude to oznámeno zítra?

~ Another, other, the other

Jednolné číslo anolher boy - počitatelná podst. jm. olher work - nepočitatelná podst. jm. Ihe olher boy

Množné číslo olher boys Ihe olher boys olhers (bez podst. jm.) Ihe olhers (bez podst. jm.)

Give me anolher example. I have olher work 10 do. I didn'l meet Ihe olher girl. Some boys are good, olher boys are bad.


jiný, další, ještě jeden chlapec jiná. další práce ten druhý chlapec

jiní, další chlapci ti druzí chlapci jiní, další li druzí

Dej mi jiný příklad. Mám jinou práci. Tu druhou dívku jsem nepotkal. Někteří chlapci jsou hodní, jiní chlapci jsou zlobiví.

Some boys are good, olhers are had. Někteří chlapci jsou hodní, jiní zlobiví.

The olher men left. (Ti) ostatní muži odešli. The olhers left. (Ti) ostatní odešli.

@ [j] Řadové číslovky Řadové číslovky se tvoří z číslovek základních přidáním přípony -Ih. Císlovky první, druhý a třetí se tvoří nepravidelně. Císlovka pátý má nepravidelnou výslovnost.

Ihe lirsl [f~:st] I st první the second [sek~nd] 2nd druhý Ihe Ihird [a~:d] 3rd třetí

Ihe fourlh [fo:a] 4th čtvrtý

Ihe liflh [fifa] 5th pátý Ihe sixlh [siksa] 6th šestý the sevenlh [sevna] 7th sedmý Ihe eighlh [eia] 8th osmý Ihe ninlh [naina] 9th devátý Ihe lenth [tena] 10th desátý Ihe elevenlh [i'levna] 11th jedenáctý Ihe Iwelflh [twelfa] 12th dvanáctý Ihe Ihirleenlh [S~:ti:nS] 13th třináctý

Ihe fourleenlh [fo:ti:nS] 14th čtrnáctý

Ihe lifteenth [lifti:nS] l5th patnáctý Ihe sixleenlh [siksti:nS] 16th šestnáctý the sevenleenlh [sevnti:nS] 17th sedmnáctý the eighteenlh [eiti:nS] 18th osmnáctý Ibe nineteenth [nainti:nS] 19th devatenáctý tbe Iwenlielh [twenti~S] 20th dvacátý Ibe thirtieth [th~:ti~S] 30th třicátý

the fortielh [fo:ti~S] 40th čtyřicátý

the fiftieth [fifti~S] 50th padesátý tbe sixlielh [siksti~S] 60th šedesátý Ihe sevenlieth [sevnti~S] 70th sedmdesátý Ihe eightielh [eiti~S] 80th osmdesátý Ihe ninetielh [nainti~] 90th devadesátý the hundredth [handr~dS] IOOth stý


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U složených číslovek je řadová pouze poslední c.Yslovka. the twenty-third [twenti'9~:d] dvacátý tlelí the lifty-seventh [fifti'sevn9]padesátý sedmý

Řadové číslovky se používají většinou S určitým člellem the.

Radové číslovky vyjádřené čísly se nikdy v angličtině nepíší s tečkoll.

Za řadovou číslovkou napsanou číslem se píší poslední dvě písmena. the lirst = the 1st

@[JMěsrce January [džrenju~ri] Fcbruary [febru~ri] March [ma:č] April [eípril] May [mei] June ldžu:n] July [džu'laiJ August [o:g<lst] September [sep'temb<l] October [ok't<lub<l] November [n<lu'vemb<l] December [di'semb<l]

leden únor blezen duben květen



srpen září říjen

listopad prosinec

Názvy měsícu. se v angličtině pí.(ou vždy s velkým písmenem.

Měsíce se pojí v angličtin.ě s předložkou in.

in January v lednu

Data se v angličtině vyjadlf;ují předložkou on.

on the lirst of January prvního ledna


@ Telling Mr Perkins The ftrst thing Paddy did was ring up Mr Perkins for Oll appoimment. They agreed 011 Cin appoimment for the following Mondc'.)~ in Mr Perkins' office. Paddy: Mr Perkins, ['ve been working for yOll for many years. [ haven't been

late very often and ['ve do ne my job professional!y. Perkins: Yes, you've been a good employee Paddy. What have you been lrying

to tel! me? Paddy: Well, You've probably heard that l've been looking for a new job. Perkins: Wel!, [ have heard. But ) thought you would change your mind. Paddy: Believe me, the decision hasn't been easy. ['ve spent many nights

Iying sleeplessly in my bed. I need to change jobs, Mr Perkins. I need a break.

Perkins: So you want to stop being a teacher. Paddy: No, not at aH. I'm going to teach in a private language school across

the town. Perkins: [s it the new "Language First" language school ? Paddy: Wel!, yes it is. How do you know? Perkins: I've been reading a lot of things about it in the newspapers. It seems

like a nice place to be an employee. Paddy: Yes, [ think J'I! be happier there. Perkins: Paddy, [ know you want to leave because of your salary. So J agree to

give you a pay rise to meet any amount they give you. Cal! it a wedding present.

Paddy: Thank you very much, Mr Perkins, but J think the new job would be better for me.

Perkins: Good, Paddy. Take my offer and talk "bout it with Linda. Let me know next week how you decide ...

Le.{~k"ow ,,~4 Wf>f'k how yoll t/('(I(fP'~ :L

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\~\ ,r:;:;-across [,,'kros] na druhé straně agree [a'gri:] souhlasit agree on [a'gri: on] shodnout se na amount [a'maunt] suma any [aeni] jakýkoh appointment [a'pointmant] schůzka

believe [bi'li:v] věřit break [breik] pauza caU [ko:l] nazývat change mind [čeindž 'maind] změnit názor

decide [di'said] rozhodnout se decision [di'sižn] rozhodnutí easy [i:zi] snadný employee [emploi'i:] zaměstnanec

\~\ I've been working for you \,r:;:;- for many years.

What have you been trying to teU me?

Vou 've probably heard that ... I thought you would change

your mind. I need a break. No, not at aU. I think I'U be happier there. I know you want to leave

because of your salary. So I agree to give you a pay rise

to meet any amount they give you.

CaU it a wedding present. Let me know next week.


foUowing [folauil1J následující give [giv] dát hear [hia] slyšet how [hau] jak meet [mi:t] vyhovět

pay rise [pei raiz] zvýšení platu probably [probabli] asi professionaUy [pra'fešn"li] profesionálně

ring up [ril1. 'ap] zavolat salary [srel<>ri] plat seem [si:m] zdát se sleeplessly [sli:plisli] beze spánku spend [spend] strávit take [teik] přijmout try [trai) pokoušet se, snažit se

Pracuji pro vás spoustu let.

Co se mi snažíte říci?

Asi jste slyšel. že ... Myslel jsem si, že si to

rozmyslíte. Potřebuji'·pauzu.

Ne, vůbec ne. Myslím, že tam budu šťastnější. Vím, že chcete odejít kvůli platu.

Takže vám zvýším plat tak, aby se vyrovnal jakékoli částce,

kterou vám dají. Říkejte tomu svatební dar. Dejte mi vědět příští týden.


AhJ i~, (JI" j06, A~' ~(I,,(lfitri

• • •

Paddy se setkává se sv)/m přítelem Petrem a porovnávají obě nabídky_

Peter: What were the conditions in your old job? Jaké byly podmínky ve tvé staré práci?

Paddy: Well, 1:-2000 monthly. No, 2000 liber měsíčně.

Peter: And the new job at the language school? A nová práce v té jazykovce?

Paddy: 1:.3300 with lots of benefits, 4 weeks of holidays, and heallh insurance. 3300 liber a spousta výhod, 4 týdny dovolené {/ ~dravotní pojištění.

Peter: And the old job? Any benefits? A staré zaměstnání? Nějaké výhody?

Paddy: Just the usual, heallh insurance, nice colleagues. Jenom obvyklé, zdravotní pojištění, milí kolegové.

Peter: WeU, take the decision carefully. Ro:hoduj se opatrně.

Paddy: l've been thinking about it for days now. I have to decide next week. Přemýšlím o tom celé dny. Musím se rozhodnout příští týden.


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Peter: My ad vice for you: think hard and long, read all contracts carefully and tell me when you have decided. Dám ti radu: pečlivě a dlouho zvažuj, tli všechny smlouvy fJa':livě Q řekni mi, až se rozhodneš.

Paddy: What about Linda? A co Linda?

Peter: Tell her as soon as possible. And be very careful when you tell her. hekni jí to co nejdřív. A buď opatrný, až ji to budeš říkal.

1. Doplňte věty v před přítomném průběhovém čase: l. I ..................................... (work) all day. 2. It ................................... (rain) for 5 hours. 3. What .............. you .................. (do)? 4. She .............................. (play) tennis for 10 years. 5. He ........................... ........ (not write) this book since September. 6. How long .............................. it ............................. (snow)? 7. She .......................... (cry) because her cat died. 8. I ......................................... (cook) dinner for 2 hours. 9. Mary ...................... .. ...................... (listen) to music for almost 4 hours. 10. They ....................... .............. (not learn) English for 5 years.

2. Vyberte z následujících možností nejvhodnější: l. You look tired. Have you been working?

Have you worked? 2. I've been waiting for you for 2 hours.

I've waited for you for 2 hours. 3. How long have you done your homework?

How long have you been doing your homework? 4. We have lived in Coventry since August.

We have heen living in Coventry since August. 5. PeLer has been knowing Mary for many years.

Peter has known Mary for many years. 6. How long has she had a new cat?

How long has she been having a new cat?


7. They are sleeping for I hoU!". They have been sleeping for I hour.

S. Susan has been Iistening to music now. Susan is listening to music now.

9. He has eaten my dinner. There is nOlhing on my plate. He has been eating my dinner. There is nothing on my plate.

10. We study at this school since Seplember. We have been studying al this school since September.

3. Doplňte věty v trpném rodě správným příčestím minulým významového slovesa: 1. Pelr was ........................ (convince). 2. He is being ................. ......... (examine) now. 3. The contract will be ......................... (sign) IOmorrow. 4. The books were ...................... ... (write) by Shakespeare. 5. Their house was ..................... (bui ld) a year ago. 6. My room is being ............................. (decorate) now. 7. They have .................... (se ll) len cars since June. 8. Peler was ......... . ....... . (tell) to come one hour earlier. 9. He will be ................................ (Ie ll ) the trulh. 10. English is .................. (speak) here.

4. Převeďte věty do trpného rodu: 1. They ask him very often. 2. They saw her yesterday. 3. They have decoraled the lasl room. 4. They're washing your car now . 5. They will send aur grandfather to hospila1. 6. They signed Ihe conlracl one hour ago. 7. They prepare ten kinds of meal every day. 8. They are calling him now. 9. Paddy gave Linda a beauliful ring.

10. We accept al1 credil cards here.

~\ 5. Přečtěte správně řadové číslovky a data: \9- 10 June 1985

January 8, 1990 2/5/0 I 14 November 1945 9 May 1645 6/12/65 16/8/94 12 April 1995


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6. Přeložte: I. Zítra bude John poslán do nemocnice. 2. Mám jiný příklad. Mohu to říci? 3. Znám ty druhé deset let. 4. To deváté okno je mé. 5. Jak dlouho čteš tu knihu? 6. Petr pracuje v tomto obchodě 5 let. 7. Včera bylo 7. ledna. Narodil jsem se 7. ledna. 8. Jak dlouho máš ten prsten od Paddyho, Lindo? 9. Vypili mi láhev červeného vína. Bylo koupeno ve Francii. 10. Vaše večeře se právě připravuje,



\~\ ~


Everything has been done II is only a week until Paddy and Linda's wedding. Invitations have been

sent, reservations for accommodation have been made, food has been ordered, a honeymoon trip to the Czech Republic has been booked, and a dress has been bought. A horse and carriage has been hired for the journey between the church and the inn where the reception will be held.

The rings were bought by Paddy long before the wedding even though it took a while to pay for them (Paddy has a low salary). A dinner jacket was rented two weeks ago, but was paid for by Paddy's friend. Pete (as a wedding gift, of course).

Paddy and Linda are both a linie nervous. Nonetheless, the wedding will be held at St Joseph's Church in Swansea, one week from today. P"ddy and Linda had the chance to speak with Vi car Roberts personally. The wedding will be blessed by him.

Linda doesn' t know anything about Prague yet. She will be told on the way there. Paddy has been very careful not to say anything about it. II was difficult at times.


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Paddy was hired two days ago as a new teacher at the private language school. He hasn't started yet but he knows he will Iike it much bener than the grammar school. He has already invesled some money in a new suit. He will look really srn art when he starts working there. If on ly he had money for a couple more suits, and same new shoes, 100.

Paddy's friends are planning a practical joke on Paddy. "Help me!" has been painted on the soles of his shoes. When he kneels at thc altar in the church everyone willlaugh and Paddy won't know why. It will be hilarious. Thc whole church will laugh.

So, Paddy's last week as a single man has begun. One week from today he will be a married man. Paddy has bULtertlies in his stomach.

ago [~'gau] před (časově)

altar [o:lta] o ltář

at times lret 'taimz) někdy

be held lbi: 'held) konat se before [bi'fo:] před begin [bi'gin) začít

between [bi'twi:n) mezi (dvěma) bless [bles) (po)žehnat both [bau81 oba butterfly [bataflai) motýl by [ba i ) před ložka 7. pádu careful [keafal) opatrný carriage [kreridž) kočár

difficult [difikalt) těžký, obtížný dress [dres] šaty even though [i:vn 'óau) ačkoli, i když

from today [fram ta'dei) ode dneška

gift [gift) dárek help [help) pomoci hilarious [hi'leari"s) bujarý, veselý hire [haia) najmout horse [ho:s) kůň if on ly rif 'aunli] kéž by inn [in) hostinec


~ ... ./-:J ~~

- ..-invest [in'vestJ inves tovat ~ . kneel [n i:I) klečet '-'~. low [Iau) nízký nervous [nd:v~s] nervózní nonetheless [na!lóa'les) nicméně, přesto

of course [av 'ko:s) samozřejmě on ly [aunli) jen order [o:dal objednat paint [peint] natřít, namalovat pay for [pei fo:) platit za personally [pa:snali) osobně

practical joke [prrektikal 'džauk) kanadský žert

really [riali) opravdu single [si' svobodný smart [sma:t] elegantní sole [s"ul) podrážka suit [sju:t) pánský oblek take [teik] trvat trip [tripl výlet unti! [an'til) (až) do vicar [vika] v i kář

while [wai I] chvíle why [wai] proč

Ilf"j' ~,~. , 0".'. _, ""W ~ I their wedding.

A horse and carriage


":::::::;;\ have been hired, ~ They are a tiUle nervous.

It was difficult at times,

Do jejich svatby zbývá už jen týden.

Najali si koně s kočárem.

Jsou trochu nervózní. Někdy to bylo těžké.

He has invested some money Už investoval nějaké peníze in a new suit. do nového obleku.

If on ly he had more money, Kéž by měl víc peněz, Plánují kanadský žertík. They are planning a practical joke.

It will be hilarious, Bude to veselé.


rl! Časové věty V časových větách se v angličtině po časovich spojkách pro vyjádření budou­cnosti používá přítomný čas. Jedná se o stejné pravidlo jako II podmínkoll)ích vět I. typu (viz lekce JI J.

časová věta

přítomný čas

When he kneels, Až si klekne,

After he comes, Až Oll přijde,

Before they buy it, Než to koupí,

hlavní věta budoucí čas

everyone willlaugh, všichni se budou smát.

she will leave, olla odejde.

they will look at it well. dobře se na to podívají.

Na pořadí vět ne~áleŽí. Vždy plaJí, že po ('(osové spojce nesmi býl budoucí čas.

I will write tbe leUer when I come home, Napíšu ten dopis, až přijdu domů.


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pred časovou spojkou se v angličtině nepíše čárka, ale =:.ačíná-li souvětí vllOLl časovoll, musí se před větou hlavní čárka psál. I will call you when I come back. = When I come back, I will call you. Zavolám ti, až přijdu domů. = Zavolám ti, až přijdu domů.

Časové spojky when když, až after (potom) až berore (dříve) než as long as dokud, tak dlouho lili, until dokud ne as soon as while by the lime next time

jakmile zatímco až (v tu dobu) příště (až)

Spojka lili a unIi/je v pods/(ltě záporná, slovesa musí b.vl II kladnétn /Varu.

I will stand here until he brings it. Budu tu stát. dokud to nepřinese.

II Přací věty Pro vyjádlellí přání v přítomnosti se v cmglitfině používá minulý čas.

If only I had more money. (now) Kéž bych měl více peněz. (nyní) I wish I had more money. (now) Přeji si mít více peněz. (nyní)

Výrazy ir on ly a I wish (popf. he wishes atd.) jsou zaměnitelné.

Takovýmto =:,plisobem se vyjadruje přání pouze II sloves vyjadřujících stav,

nikoli akci. a u všech sloves v záporu.

If on ly he knew il. I wish she didn't hear il.

Kéž by to věděl. Kéž by to neslyšela.

U slovesa to be se pIV všechny osoby p,":ednostně používá tvar were, ale je mo:'né II příslušll.Vch osob použít i tvar was.

If only I were younger. = Ir only I was younger. Kéž bych byl mladší.


[tl Frázová slovesa

Frázová slovesa jsou. II allgličlillě /(lkavá slovesa, která se pojí s tzv. ČáSlicí,

prellložkou nebo pHslol'cem, a "abývají Ilov,-v v:VZl/am.



look al díval se na look for hledat look after starat se o

není frázové (Iook = dívat se, at = na) frázové frázové

Frázová slovesa se dělí do dvou velkých skupin.

nesepaIVvatelná Sloveso a částice se od sebe nedají oddělit.

She takes after him. The plane took off an hour ago.

Ona se mu podobá. Je po něm. Letadlo vzlétlo před hodinou.

separovmelná Sloveso a částice se dají od sebe oddělit předmětem. Oddělení není nezbytné.

Pul on your sweater. Put your sweater on.

Oblékni si svetr. Oblékni si svetr.

Je-Ii pr-edmělem zájmeno. musí se vkládat mezi sloveso a částici. Pu,t it on. Oblékni si to.

Přehled frázových sloves.

be down bein be off be over break down break in break out break up bring up come across come round

nefungovat být doma, být v módě odejít skončit

porouchat se vloupat se vypuknout rozejít se vychovat náhodně narazit na přijít na návštěvu


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do well mít úspěch at the bus stop na zastávce autobusu

find oul zjistit at the party na večírku

gel by vyjít at the cancert na koncertě

gel down 10 dát se do něčeho al the camer na rohu (ulice)

geloff vystoupit z (of the street)

gel on nastoupit do v at the cinema v kině

gel round 10 dostat se k něčemu at the theatre v divadle

gel 10 know poznat, seznámit se at school ve škole (na vyučování)

give up přestat, vzdát se at work v práci give in vzdát se at home doma go away odejít tN v in the room v pokoji go on pokračovat in the river v řece

go in for věnovat se in the air ve vzduchu look after starat se o in the carneT v rohu (místnosti) look for hledat in the sea v moři look forward 10 těšit se na look oul dávat pozor

na in the picture na obrázku

in the streel na ulici look ul' vyhledat make up vymyslet si

in the garden na zahradě

pul aside odložit (místně) in the country na venkově

puloff odložit (časově) in the tree na stromě

pullhrough spojit (telefonicky) in the mountains na horách

pul up ubytovat ON na on the chair na židli

see off vyprovodit on the way na cestě

see to dohlédnout na něco on the left nalevo

seloul vydat se (na cestu) on holiday na dovolené

lake after podobat se, být po někom v on the radio v rádiu

lake off vzlétnout, svléci si on TV v televizi

lake up začít se věnovat něčemu BY u by the river u řeky -- - - by the window II okna

NEXTTO vedle next to the door vedle dveří next to her vedle ní

[!! Předložky I OPPOSITE naproti opposite the post office naproti poště

opposite the cinema naproti kinu

a) předložky místa OUTSIDE vně outside the house vně domu (opak k uvnitř)

Al' u at the door II dveří I outside the building vně budovy

at the table II stolu INSIDE uvnitř inside the house uvnitř domu (v domě)

na at the stati on na nádraží inside the building uvnitř budovy (v budově)

at the the airport na letišti

176 II


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~ / ...::::::. 'J / "

IIEHlND za behind the tree za stromem - . behind him za ním ~-:>- - AT v at 7 o' c1ock v sedm hodin

IN FRONTOF před in front of the car před autem Ul the end of the week koncem týdne

in front af il před tím at night v noci a1 noon v poledne

b) předložky směru o al Christmas o vánocích svátky

at Easter o velikonocích

TO do to the cinema do kina ON v on Monday v pondělí dny v týdnu

to Paris do Paříže on Friday evening v pátek večer

k to the house k domu on the sixth of May 6_ května data

to the sea k moři DURING během during the holiday během dovolené

INTO do into the roam do pokoje during the meeting během sch ůze

(dovn itř) inlo the church do kostela (dovni tř) BY do by Tuesday do úterý

OUTOF z aul of the car z auta by next week do příštího týdne

(ven z) out of the office z kanceláře FOR na for a week na týden

mOM z from London z Londýna Uak dlouho) for a mOl1th na měsíc

from Europe z Evropy ALONG podél along the street ulicí II c) os/a/Ilí předložky

along the river podél řeky ACROSS přes across the park přes park ABOUT o about his son o jeho synovi

across the bridge přes most about her o ní

THROUGH skl2 through the wall zdí. skl2 zeď FOR pro for her pro ni

through the wíndow oknem, skrl okno for Peter pro Petra

FROM od from Tom od Toma

c) předložky času from my daughter od mé dcery

LI KE jako like me jako já

AFTER po after the holiday po dovolené Iike hi s mother jako jebo matka

after my birthday po mých narozeninách OF 2_ pád the end of the film konec filmu

BEFORE před before 1492 před rokem 1492 the number of the počet studentů

before the war před válkou student s

IN v in January v lednu meslce v roce WITH s with my brother S bratrem

in 1998 v roce 1998 letopočet with him s ním

in summer v létě roc.'-;Ilí období WITHOUT bez without help bez pomoci

in the moming ráno čásli dne without her bez ní

in the aftemoon odpoledne

I in the evening večer 1/U Pro vyjádření přesného data v angličtině se liší psaná formy od čtené_

za in a moment za chvíli ••• Píšeme: Cleme:

in five minutes za pět minut I was bom on 1st January_ on the Cirst or January I was bom on January 1st on January the Cirst

178 179

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Pozor na odlišný význam anglických výraZl' aD hour a o'clock. an hour ............ hodina (60 minut) one o'c1ock ..... j edna hodina (čas)

I will be there in aD hour. Budu tam za hodinu. I will be there al one o 'c1ock. Budu tam v jednu hodinu.

A Letter from America A lelle, frolll Paddy'sfriend Alan in/he Vlli/ed Sta/es of America:

Dear Paddy, Tina and I really appreciate you sending us the wedding invitation.

think jťs wonderful lhat you're geuing married and giving up the singles Iife. ~ When exactly did you get to know Linda? r=;-;\ Tina and I are doing well. Actually we are getting by quite well. We \~ became parents six months ago. Tina gaye birlh to our daughter, Brenda. She

takes after me, can you believe il? Tina has taken up knitting and has made wonderful things for the baby.

We look forward to seeing you in England. We pian to stay for severa I weeks. Can you put us up? We promise not to gel on your nerves. We' ll set oul as soon as you give us lhe word.

Do you remember Timothy Barnes from school ? We've put our differ­ences as ide and founded a com pany together. II has really taken off. lťs a pizza delivery servi ce. I make the pizza and Timothy delivers thern. Are you getting hungry yet?

I could go on writing but it 's getting late. 1' 11 put this letter in the post tomorrow so thal you get it as soon as possible. When you get it, give me a ring and we can chat for a while.

I tried ringing you last month but the operator couldn ' t put me through. There was a problem with the telephone line being down. I set out to call you again but had too much to do and didn't get round to il.

Your friends, Alan and Tina (and Brenda) P.S. I came across some old photos of the c1ass last week. There's a great

photo of you wearing a funny hat. Do you remember the trip to Brighton? Tina lhinks l'm making it up. Take care, Paddy!


~\ again [a'gein] opět, znovu appreciale [a'pri:šieit] ocenit as soon as possible [rez su:n rez

'posablj co nejdříve be down lbi: 'daun] nefungovat become [bi'kam] stát se (čím) birlh [ba:S] narození bul [batl ale chat [bet] povídat si class [kla: s] třída come across [kam a'kros]

náhodou narazit company Ikamp~ni] společnost delíver [di'liv~] doručovat delivery [di'livari] dodání, roznáška do well Idu: 'wel] mít úspěch found [faund] založit funny [fani] směšný gel by [get 'bai] vyjít gel hungry [get 'haru;ri]

dostat hlad get married [get 'mrerid]

oženit se, vdát se get on nerves [gel on 'n~:vz] jít na nervy

gel round 10 [get 'raund tu] dostat se k

gel 10 know [get tu 'n~u] poznat, seznámit se

gel [get] dostat give a ring [giv ~ 'rirt] zavolat give birth [giv 'ba:S] porodit give up [giv 'ap] vzdát se go on [gau 'on] pokračovat knitting [niufl] pletení lasl [Ia:st] minulý lale [Jeit] pozdě line [Iain] spojení , vedení make up [meik 'ap] vymyslet si pholo [f~utQu] fotografie

promise [promis] slíbit pul aside [put a'said]

odložit Slranou pul in [put 'in] dát pul lhrough [put 'Sru:]

spojit (telefon) pul up [put 'ap] ubytovat remember [ri 'memb~]

pamatovat si, vzpomenout si send [sendl poslat service [sa:vis] služba sel oul [set 'aut] vydat se singles [siflglz] svobodní lidé slay [stei] zll stal lake after [teik 'a:fta]

podobal se, být po někom take care [teik 'kea] pečoval take off [teik 'of] startovat take up [teik 'ap] začít se věnovat telephone [telef~un] telefon,

telefonní together [tQ'geóa] společně lomorrow [t~'mor~u] zítra United States of America

[ju :,naitid stei ts ~v a'merika] Spojené státy americké

wear [we~] mít na sobě


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Opravdu si vážíme toho, že jsi nám poslal pozvánky.

Kdy ses seznámil s Lindou? Daří se nám dobře. Před šesti měsíci

se z nás stali rodiče. Můžeme u lebe bydlel? Založili jsme spolu společnost. Nedoslal jsem se k lomu. Objevil jsem nějaké slaré fOlky. Tina si myslí, že si to vymýšlím.

Pa(ldy and Alan are speaking to each other on the telephone. Paddy a Alan spolu mluvi telefonem.

Alan: Hi, Paddy. Thanks for c.lhng. We're looking forward to coming round. The tickets have already been booked.

-::::=:=\ 10 ~ Paddy: \~

Ahoj, Paddy, diky, že jsi zavolal. Tě.fíme se na l1áv.ftěvu. Už jsme si rezervovali letenky.

Good. We can lake in a good British film whi le you're here. Mližeme jít na nějaký doblý britský film, až tu budete.




. '

I'd love that. lťd be jusl like in Ihe old days. To bychom rádi. Bylo by 10 jako za starých časli. When do you think yOll'lI make it to England? Kdy myslíte, že dorazite?

We should be aniving in four days. Then we can start making up for aH the missed time.

• . . .


Měli bychom prijet za čtyři dny. Pak si vyna­hradfme, co jsme zmeškali.

Paddy: Good idea. The wedding will be held in Wales. Vou can go wilh us by car. The reservations will be made . Dobrý nápad. Svatba bude ve Walesl/. Mližete jet s námi autem. Všechno už je zamluvené.

Alan: Splendid. But I don't want 10 put you oul. We can travel by train. Skvělé, ale nechceme vás obtěžovat,

l11Li:'eme jet vlakem. Paddy: No. Travelling by Irain puts you off.

Remember? Ne, cesta vlakem obtě:'uje tebe. Vzpomí-náš?

la. Doplňte hlavní větu správným časem slovesa v závorce: I. When I come home, r ........................... (cook) dinner. 2. As soon as she meets Peter, she .............................. (tell) him about her new boyfriend. 3. Before they leave, they ........................... (have) breakfast. 4. She ........................... (not help) Tony unIi I he asks for help. 5. He .............................. (water) my tlowers while I am in Greece.

lb. Doplňte vedlejší větu správným časem slovesa v závorce: I. After you ........ . .... (go) to school. I will c1ean the tlat. 2. As long as you .... ......................... (be) in Prague, we can visil Prague famous c1ubs. 3. Will you help me when I ......................... (need) il? 4. He will not go to bed as soon as he ............................ (come) home. 5, What will you do when she (invile) you 10 the restaurant?

2. Reagujte na následující věty vyjádřením určitého přání: Příklad: I don't have much time. If auly I had more time. 1. My husband doesn't eam much money. 2. It rains very often in our country. 3. I can't watch the fdm. 4. They don't like meal so I must cook something different for thern. 5. There is no snow this winter. 6. I can'l buy such expensive shoes. 7. She knows everything about our wedding . 8. I'ol too old 10 travel with you around the world . 9. He doesn't love Jane.

10. This car is very expensive.


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3. Doplňte věty správným frázovým slovesem ve správném čase: Použijle lalo frázová slovesa: break up, go on. pUL Ihrough, lake afler, lake off, gel off, gel on, look for, give up, look up. 1. Jane has blue eyes and black hair like her mOlher. She ..... .................... her. 2. You can go by bus and ................................. al Ihe fourth slation. 3. 1 don'l understand why you ............................ You loved Peler so much! 4. Whal

you ...................... ? My glasses. BUL 1 can'l find Ihem. 5. Oh, you play the guilar very well, Mike! Can you .......................... ? I wan I 10 hear more songs. 6. Hello, ['m phoning Mr Smilh. Can you ................... me please? 7. I' m sorry, sir. Your plane ................ jusI ....................... You came lale. 8. I don'l remember Tony's phone number. Can you ................ il anywhere, please? 9. My doclor told me 10 .......................... smoking because I'm seriously jil. 10. Oh, my god! I .................... Ihe wrong bus! II doesn'l go to the tTain station!

4. Opravte špatné předložky ve větách: I. I usually wait on the cinema. 2. Can you go inside Paris wilh me? 3. She is standing on the window. She is looking out. 4. My car is before the house. 5. I mel Peler in Monday in 6 o ' c1ock. 6. We gOI married al January. 7. And lhal was Ihe end from our love. 8. Whal will you do in your holiday? 9. 1 haven'l seen him on a month. I would like to meel him soon. 10. I come oul of England bul I live in the Czech Republic now.

5. Přeložte: I. Přijedu v červnu" můžeme jel k moři. 2. Peler slojí za domem, je jako dílě. 3. Kéž bych byl mladší' 4. Peler se slaral O děli" vychoval je dobře. 5. Můžele nastoupit do tohoto autobusu a vystoupit na 6. stanici. 6. Až budu v Praze, navštívím lě. 7. Jakmile přijdeš domů, uvaříš večeři. 8. Co budeš dělat, až bude tvůj manžel v práci? 9. Jane bez Tonyho nemůže žít, takže přestane kouřit. 10. Přijedu v úterý a můžeme se sejít před kinem.



@,\ The Big Day The big day has finally arrived.

The church is full of people. AU of them have been sealed and they are wailing for Ihe bride to walk down the aisle. Paddy is slaJlding al the allar wilh his besl friend Pele. Everyone can see lhal they are both very anxious.

Linda is in the dressing roQm with her friends. They are hel ping her adj USL her wedding gown. One of them is holding the bouquet of flowers she will Ihrow to them after Ihe wedding. There is a slighl problem with Ibe dress. II seems lhal Linda has pUl on a couple af pounds over the pasL week and Ihe zip won'l close. She is holding her brealh. There! The zip is c1osed. Everylhing is fine now.

Paddy and Linda's parenls are attending the wedding. They are silting next to each other in the front row. Linda's mother is speaking to Paddy's falher about the wedding receplion. Paddy and Linda don'l know il bul everyone has a big surprise planned for thern. Do you want to know what it is? l'm sorry bul you'lI have 10 wail unlil the receplion 10 find out.

The wealher is perfecI for a wedding day. The sun is shining. There isn'l a cloud in Ihe sky. Oulls can be he"rd crying as Ihey [ly in from the sea. Everything is ready.

Then Ihe church bells start to ring and Linda appears in Ihe main aisle accompanied by her father. They are locked arm in arm. Paddy c1ears his throat. She looks absolutely stunning. !t's hard to believe thal she will soon be his wife.

The church organist slarls playing the wedding march on the organ. Everyone slands up. Linda is escorted to the altar where she lakes her place nexl 10 her future husband. The vicar opens his bible and starts 10 read. Lel Ihe wedding begin!


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I~\ \~

accompany [a'kampani] doprovázel, jil s

adjusl [a'džast] upravit after [a:fta] po aisle [ail] postranní loď (chrámu), ulička

all [0:1] všichni anxious [re'1.kšas] znepokojený,

starosti ivý appear la'pia] objevit se arm in arm [a:m in 'a:m]

ruku v ruce arrive [a'raiv] nastat attend [a'tend] zúčastnit se bell [bel] zvon bouquel [bu'kei] kytice, pugét brealh [brea] dech bride [braid] nevěsta clear [klia] vyčistit cloud [klaud] mrak cry [krai] křičet dressing room [dresi'1. ru:m] šatna flnd oul [faind 'aut] zjistit Fly [flai] letět fronl [front] předni full [ful] plný fulure [fju:ča] budoucí gull [gal] racek hard [ha:d] těžký f(!;'" ",""j u,""

" (tAr,,;S

M::: big day has flnally arrived.

~\ II seems lhal Linda has pul \~ on a couple of pounds. ~ She is holding her brealh.

Everylhing is flne now.


lock [lok] zaklesnout main aisle [mein 'ail] hlavni loď,

hlavní ulička nexllo cach olher [nekst tu i:č aoa]

vedle sebe organisl [o:gdnist] varhaník organ [o:gan] varhany over [auva] po pasl [pa:st] minulý pound [paund] libra (0,453 kg) pul OJI [put 'on] přibrat read [ri:d] číst ready [redi] hotový ring [ri'1.J zvonit row [rau] řada seal [si:t] usadit shine [šai n] svítit sky [skai] nebe slighl [slait] malý, nepatrný sland up [strend 'apl povstat slunning [stani'1.] úžasný sun [san] sluníčko

lake a place [teik 'a pleis] zaujmout místo

Ihroal [araut] hrdlo Ihrow [ara u] hodit wealher [weóa] počasí wedding march [wedi'1. ma:čj

svatební pochod zip [zip] zip

Konečně nastal ten velký den. Zdá se, že Linda přibrala pár liber.

Zadržuje dech. Všechno je leď v pořádku.

They are sitting nexl 10 each olher. Sedí vedle sebe. I am sorry bul you will have 10 wail. The sun is shining.

Lituji , ale budete muset počkat. Slunce svítí.

There isn'l a cloud in Ihe sky. Everylhing is ready.

Na nebi není ani mráček. Všechno j e připravené.

Then Ihe church bells slarl 10 ring. They are locked arm in arm.

Pak se rozezvoní kostelní zvony. Jsou do sebe zavěšeni.

She looks absolulely slunning. Vypadá naprosto úžasně.

c: l/eS I JO, ~t •. , 1 ' ~I ~ I ~ (0' l ~ ID. I '" \ ( ,. • !.~ ,- : ~.:s ' \:f' ~~'1 ...,....\,

Paddy and Linda are slanding in front o! lhe vica r. Paddya Linda srojí před vikářem.

~i' Vicar: Paddy, do you take Linda to be your wife? To have and to hold, in

sickness and in heallh, until dealh do you part? Paddy, berete si Lindu za SVOll manželku? Budete ji ctít ve zdraví i nemoci, dokud vás smrt nerozdělí?

Paddy: Er ... yes. [ do. Ano.

Vicar: Linda, do you accept Paddy as your husband till death do you part? Lindo, berete si Paddyho za svého zdkonného manžela, dokud vás smrl nerozdělf?

Linda: Yes, I do. Ano.

Vicar: [n the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Paddy, you may now k.iss the bride. Paddy? Paddy? Z moci mllě svěřené vás prohlašuji za manžele. Paddy, ted smite polí­bir nevěsru. Paddy, Paddy?


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Linda: Oh no, I think he's fainted. Paddy? Wake up, Paddy? Ale ne, myslím, že omdlel. Paddy, prober se.

Paddy: Where am I? Kde jsem?

Vicar: You're in the church geuing married. Jsi v kostele a ženíš se.

Paddy: Oh, really? To whom? Opravdu? Koho si beru?

Linda: To me' Linda' Mě, Lindu.'

Paddy: I was just joking, my dear. Jen jsem žertoval, drahá.

Linda: You are the funny one, aren't you? Ty jsi vtipálek, vitr?

@ The Reception AII the wedding guests have lined up in front of the church. A few

rcsidents from Swansea have joined them. When Paddy and Linda emerge from the church they all throw rice at them. Linda smiles and promptly gets a mouth full of rice. AII of her single friends line up to catch the bride's bouquet. They all know that lhe girl to catch the bouquet will be the next to get married. When she finally throws it, they rush together. Linda's colleague Marie c"tches it and her boyfriend looks at her strangely. He doesn't look too excited about it.

Paddy and Linda are ushered to a black carriage pulled by a beautiful white horse. What a fine manner to be lransported to the reception. As lhe carriage pulls away, all the guests follow it singing.


r-F'i\ \~

The reception hall has been decorated well. One of Paddy's friends has hung up old baby photos of Paddy on one wall. A band has been arranged for the evening and as Paddy and Linda enter the hall they begin to play a popular song.

During the evening all the guests find lime to talk to Paddy and Linda individually. There are people from all over Europe there, from France, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Italy. The atmosphere is splendid.

Later in the evening, shortly before midnight and after several toasts to their marriage, Paddy and Linda are left alone on the dance floor. It's time for their dance. Everybody forms a circle around them as they dance.

At midnight iťs time to go. Paddy and Linda walk outside to a car waiting to lake them away. Just as Paddy and Linda are about to get into the car, Pete comes to lhem and puts an envelope into Paddy's hand. Paddy opens it and finds tWQ plane tickets to Prague. Pete explains that their friends would never let them spend the first hours of their honeymoon in a train or bus.

alone [~'I~un] sami around [~'raund] okolo arrange [~'reindž] obstarat band [brend] kapela be about to [be: ~'baut tu]

chystat se boyfriend [boifrend] přítel

circle [s~:kl] kruh decorate [dek~reit] vyzdobit Denmark [denma:k] Dánsko emerge [i'm~:dž] objevit se envelope [env~l~up] obálka Europe liu~r~p] Evropa excited about [ik'saitid ~,baut]

vzrušený form [fo:m] tvořit France [fra:ns] Francie get into [get 'intu] nastoupil Italy [it~li] Itálie join [džoin] přidat se k let [let] nechat line up [Iain 'ap] seřadit se

~ ~-manner [mren~] zvyk midnight [midnait] půlnoc mouth [mauS] pusa, ústa outside [auťsaid] ven, venku plane [plein] letadlo promptly [promptli] ihned pull [pul] táhnout resident [rezid~nt] obyvatel riee [rais] rýže rush [raš] spěchat

shortly [šo:tli] krátce splendid [splendid] skvělý,

velkolepý strangely [streindžli] divně

Sweden [swi:dn] Svédsko the next [ó~ 'nekst] ten další tieket [ti kit] lístek usher [aš~] uvádět

white [wait] bílý


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Všichni svatebčané se seřadili před kostelem.

~\ They all Ihrow rice al Ihern,

\::;-; They all know lhal Ihe girl ..-:: '

Všichni na ně házejí rýži. Všichni vědí, že dívka,

která chytí kytici,

\~\ :;;:-

.:.-- to calch Ihe bouquel will be Ihe nexl 10 gel rnarried,

The alrnosphere is splendid, Paddy and Linda are left alone on Ihe dancr Ooor, AI rnidnighl iťs lime 10 go,

je na řadě s vdáváním. Atmosféra je skvělá.

Paddy a Linda zůstali na parketu sami.

O půlnoci je čas jít.

~ L' Ot' ?

t'fI Of:' "o/SMO f<.i • hOn', ~

P{lddy {Ind Linda are Ol lIJe check-in desk al/lze airport speaking to an airline employee.

~~ j i r.; IA'r::,<_J ~rc::

Paddya Linda JSOll u odbavení a mluví se zaměstnancem aerolinek. A,E.: Two tickets to Prague. Smoking or non-smoking?

Dvě letenky do Prahy. Kuřácké nebo nekuřácké? Paddy: Non-smoking.


A.E.: Window or aisle seats? U okna nebo u uličky'

Paddy: Two seats together, one next to a window. Dvě sedadla vedle sebe, jedno u okna.

A_E.: OK. Your flight is Oight 238. [t leaves at 8.35 at gate 12B. Do you have any luggage to check? Dobrá, váš let má číslo 238. Odlétá v 8.35 vchod 128. Máte nějaká zavazadla ke kontrole?

Linda: On ly these two suitcases. Jen tyto dva kufry.

A,E.: Good. Enjoy your flight. Dobrá. Přeji pěkný let.


m tl

-;.-. .

@ The Flight to Prague Paddy and Linda found their gate and boarded the aeroplane. The aero­

plane took off with a small delay but soon they were on their way to Prague, the Golden City.

The night only lasted two hours and refreshments were served. Linda looked out of the window at Europe below her. There wasn't a c10ud in the sky and everything could be seen very clearly.

Before the plane landed on a runway in Prague, the stewardess to Id all the passengers to fasten their seatbelts and put out their cigarettes. They did. The landing was a smooth one. lt was a Iittle foggy in Prague, but they could faintly see the terminal through the fog .

When the plane stopped, they disembarked and walked into the terminal. A Czech policeman checked their passports, stamping each one. Then they went to pick up their luggage from the baggage carouse!.

After they picked up their luggage they had to go through customs. They didn't have anything to declare so they were immediately let through.

Paddy and Linda were a Iittle nervous when they entered the arrival hall of the airport. Neither of them spoke a word in Czech. Would they be able to find a taxi driver who spoke English?

Paddy heard his name spoken from the left. He looked to the place where the voice came from. He saw three people, a man and two women. holding a big white poster with "Welcome Paddy and Linda" written on il. Paddy was nabbergasted.


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Paddy and Linda walked over to the three people. They introduced them­sel ves as friends of Pete's: Sárka, [va and James. Pete had called them and told them to pick up Paddy and Linda at the airport and take them to their hotel. Pete had even sent a photograph of Paddy.

Paddy and Linda couldn't believe their luck. Not only had they found each other, but they also had wonderful friends as well. They were also spending their honeymoon in a beautiful city. Who knows, maybe they'lI have the chance to meet you.

able [eibl] schopen aeroplane [earaplein] letadlo airport [eapo:t] letiště arrival hall [a'raivl ho:l] pří letová hala

as well [rez 'wel] také baggage carousel [bregidž ,krera'sel]

pás se zavazadly below [bi'lau] pod board [bo:d] nastoupit customs [kastamz] celnice Czech [ček] česky, čeština declare [di'klea] procHt delay [di'lei] zpoždění

disembark [disim'ba:k] přistát, vystoupit

each other [i:č 'aoa] jeden druhého each [i:č] každý English [i'l.llliš] anglicky, angličtina faintly [feintli] matně

fasten [fa:sn] připevnit si f1abbergasted [f1rebagrestid]

ohromený, paf f1ight [flait] let fog [fog] mlha foggy [fogi] mlhavo


'mm "",. [<mm 00 -"OJ ~~ gate [geit] vchod golden [gauldan] zlatý introduce [intra'dju:s] představit

land [Irend] přistát

landing [Irendill] přistání

last [Ia:st] trvat let through [let 'eru:] nechat projít luck [lak] štěstí

luggage [Iagidž] zavazadlo, zavazadla

neither of them [naioa gV oem] ani jeden z nich

not ooly [not 'aunli] nejen že pick up [pik 'ap] vyzvednout si poster [paus ta] plakát put out [put 'aut] uhasit seatbelts [si:tbelts] pásy smooth [smu:o] hladký stamp [stremp] orazítkovat stewardess [stju:adis] letuška take off [teik 'of] vzlétnout voice [vois] hlas welcome [welkam] vítat word [wa:d] slovo

~~~I1IP. S Paddy and Linda boarded ~ the aeroplane. r~\ The aeroplane took off \~ with a small delay.

The f1ight only lasted two hours. Everything could be seen

very clearly. The stewardess told

all the passengers to fasten their seatbelts.

It was a Iittle foggy in Prague. They had to go through customs. They didn't have anything

to declare. Paddy and Linda were

a Iittle nervous. Neither of Ihem spoke

a word in Czech. Welcome Paddy and Linda. They introduced themselves

as frieods of Pete's. Not only had they found each other,

but also had wonderful friends as well.


1. Odpovězte na otázky ve správném čase:

Paddy a Linda nastoupili do letadla.

Letadlo vzlétlo s malým zpožděním.

Let Irval jen dvě hodiny. Všechno bylo vidět

velmi jasně. Letuška požádala

všechny cestující, aby si zapnuli pásy.

V Praze bylo trochu mlhavo. Museli projít celní prohlídkou. Neměli nic k proclení.

Paddy a Linda byli trochu nervózní.

Ani jeden z nich neuměl slovo česky.

Vítáme Paddyho a Lindu. Představili se jako přátelé Petra.

Nejen že našli jeden druhého, ale měli také báječné přátele.

1. What are you going to have for dinner today? 2. What are you going to do in the evening? 3. Where are you going tonight? 4. Are you going to study next year? 5. What are you going to watch on TV today? 6. What will you do ir you come late to school or work? 7. Will you leave your husband or wife if he or she doesn't like your hobbies? 8. What will you do if you lose your pas sport abroad? 9. Will you go out if it rains? 10. What will you do if there is no snow for skiing in the mountains?


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2. Reagujte rozkazem na situaci: Příklad: Tony is listening to noisy music.

DOll " listen to such noisy music! Tum it off! 1. Tony goes out with a girl you don't like. 2. Tony is sleeping now. 3. Tony hasn' t washed the dishes yel. 4. Tony has just eaten your dinner. 5. Tony bought a very expensive T-shirt yesterday. 6. Tony watches football very often. 7. Tony doesn't help you with housework. 8. Tony hasn ' t wrilten a letter 10 your uncle yel. 9. Tony forgot to cook lunch again. 10. Tony hasn't read the boo k you lent him a ye.r ago.

3. Doplňte věty předpjítomným prostým či průběhovým časem: 1. I ......................................... (break) my leg. 2. She ................................ (wait) here for 30 minUles. 3. They ..................................... (nol finish) their work yel. 4. My mother .............................. . ............................ (nol come) from work yel. 5 •........................... you ever ......................... (be) 10 Great Brilain? 6. How long

you ....................... (know) Jane? 7. She ............... ....... ......... (run) in the park for I hour. 8. How long ................... Peler ........ .. .................... .. (play) lennis? 9. J ............................... already .................................... (write) the letter. 10. I ........................................ (visit) 6 countries.

4. Reagujte na situaci ,,/f I were a mi/lionaire, I would ... " vytvořením podmínkové věty 2. typu. Vyberte si pro vás vhodné reakce: Příklad: If I were a milliollaire, I would (rave! rOlmd the world.

buy a new house have 5 dogs buy a boat help poor people gel married buy medicine for "people of the third world" dive in the Atlanlic Oce.n have dolphins lravel 10 Egypt live in Ihe rain forest

5. Převed~e věty do trpného rodu ve správném čase: 1. They don ' t grow bananas in Scotland. 2. They have already sold ten piclures. 3. He is decorating his room now. 4. They slole five cars yesterday. 5. They will take him 10 hospital. 6. They make Škoda cars in the Czech Republic. 7. They have asked him many questions. 8. She said it a week ago. 9. They are washing his car now. 10. They will build the house in six months.


6. Přečtěte tato data (dejte pozor na řadové číslovky): 14 January 10 February 8 June 19 August 9 May 21 April 24 December 31 December 280ctober 17 November

7. Doplňte správné předložky: ......... the stati on (na zastávce), ............ the corner (na rohu), .......... Ihe garden (na zahradě), .................. Ihe building (uvnitř budovy), ......................... the door (ved le dveří), ........................ the school (před školou), ...... .... ............... tbe tree (za stromem), . . ... Africa (z Afriky), ............ 6 o'clock (v 6 hodin),

Sunday (v neděli), ........... July (v červenci), ........... a ye.r (na rok), ........... the holiday (během prázdnin), .......... Monday morning (v pondělí ráno).

8. Doplňte vedlejší věty časové nebo věty přací: 1. When he ......................... (come) home, he ........................... (watch) TY. 2. As soon as Mary .................... (find) the right man , she ....................... (get married). 3. If only I ............... (know) something aboul him. 4. Before I ................ (, I ......................... (cook) lunch for you. 5. While his wife ....................... (be) on holiday, he ......................... (work) very hard. 6. r wish she ........................... (nol see) il. 7. If only they ................................ (like) us. 8. Don' t do anything until r ..................... ... (call) you. 9. He ................................ (be) re.lly happy after she . ........................ (relurn) home. 10. I wish I ........................... (be) younger.

9. Opravte vždy jednu gramatickou chybu ve větách: I. Mary don't work in this office. 2. What do you do yesterday? 3. They don't finish their work yet. 4. r have bought the car" week ago. 5. If you will meet me, I will give you my presenl. 6. If I am younger, I would marry him. 7. I'm enough old to know thal. 8. If only she is here. 9. Have ever you been to London?

10. This book is write in English.


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10. Přeložte: l. Vyhledej si to slovo ve slovníku, jestliže ho neznáš. 2. Svlékni si to, je tu

horko. 3. Obvykle nastupuji v centru, ale nevím, kde mám vystoupit. 4. Řeknu ti pravdu, až tě potkám. 5. Kéž by dnes bylo hezké počasí. 6. Naše auto se porou­chalo. 7. Už jsi někdy jedl anglické jídlo? Ne, nejedl. 8. Máme pro vás jiného pejska, ten černý je příliš starý. 9. Vypilo se 5 lahví vína. 10. Jakmile přijedeš do Prahy, půjdeme do divadla.


Nepravidelná slovesa

Anglická nepravidelná slovesa

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Překlad

abide [,'baid] abided [,'baidid] abided [,'baidid] dodržovat. snést abode[,'b,ud] abode[,,'b,ud]

arise [,'raiz] arose [,'rouz] arisen [,'rizn] vzniknout awake [,'weik] awoke [,'w,uk] awoken [,'w,ukn] probudit se

be lbi:] was (sg.) [woz] been [bi:n] být were (pl.) [w,]

bear [be,] bore [ba:] borne [bo:n] nést, rodit born [bo:n]

beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t) beaten [bi:tn] bít beget [bi'get] begot [bi'got) begotten [bi'gotn] plodit, zplodit begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gren] begun [bi'gan] začít

behold [bi'h,uld) beheld [bi'held] beheld [bi'held] patřit. spatřit, zřít

bend [bend] bent [bent) bent [bent] ohýbat se beseech [bi'si:č) besought [bi'sot] besought [bi'sot] prosit

beseeched beseeched [bi'si:čd) [bi'si:čd]

bet [bet] bet [bet) bet [bet) sázet betted [betid) betted [betid)

bid [bid] bid [bid) bid [bid] nabídnout

bade [beid) bidden [bidn] bind [baind) bound [baund) bound [baund] vázat bite [bait] bit [bit) bitten [bitn] kousat bleed [bl i :d] bled [bled) bled [bled] krvácet

bless [bles) blessed [blest] blessed [blest] žehnat blest [blest]

blow [bl;;>u] blew [blu:] blown [bl,un] foukat

break [breik] broke [brouk) broken [bmukn] rozbít, lámat breed [bri :d) bred [bred) bred [bred] plodit bring [bri TlJ brought [bro:t) brought [bro:t] přinést

broadeast broadcast broadcast vysílat rozhlasem

[bro:dka:st] [bro:dka:st) [bro:dka:st] broadcasted broadcasted [bro:dka:stid] [bro:dka:stid]

build [bild] built [bilt] built [bilt) stavět


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burn [ba:n] burnt [ba:nt] bunu [ba:nt] pálit, hořet burned [ba:nd] burned [ba:nd]

burst [ba:st] burst [ba:st] burst [ba:st] puknout busI [bast] bust [bast] bust [bast] praštil, rozbít,

busted [bastid] busted [bastid] zabásnout

buy [bai] bought [bo:t] bought [bo:t] koupit casl [ka:sl] caSI [ka:sl] casl [ka:sl] házet calch [k",č] caught [ko:t] caught [ko:t] chylit chide [čaid] chided [čaidid] chided [čaidid] kárat

chid [čid] chidden [čaidn] choose [ču:z] chase [čau z] chosen [čau zn] vybírat si c1eave [kli:v] cleaved [kli:vd] cleaved [kli:vd] rozštípnout

clove [kl"uv] cloven [kl"uvn] c1ing [klill.] clung [klall.] clung [klall.] lpět

come [kam] came [keim] come [kam] přijít

cosI [kost] cost [kost] cost [kost] stát crcep [kri:p] crept [krept] crept [krepl] lézl cul [kat] cut [kat] cul [kat] řezal, stříhat

deal [di:l] dealt [delt] dealt [dell] jednal dig [dig] dug [dag] dug [dag] kopal, rýl do [du:] did [did] done [dan] dělal

draw [dro:] drew [drn:] drawn [dra:n] kreslil dream [dri:m] dreamt [dremt] dreaml [dremt] snít

dreamed [dri:md] dreamed [dri:md] drink [drill.k] drank [dr"'ll.k] drunk [drall.k] pít drive [draiv] drove [drauv] driven [drivn] řídit aula dwell [dwel] dwelt [dwelt] dwelt [dwell] obýval ealli:tJ ale leil] eaten [i:ln] jísl fall [fo:l] fell [fel] fallen [fo:ln] spadnout feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] krmit feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] cílit fighl [fait] fought [fo:t] fought [fo:t] bojovat fiod [faind] found [faund] found [faund] najíl nee [fli:] fled [fled] fled [fled] prchat fIiog [flill.] flung [flall.] flung [flall.] hodil fly [flai] flew [flu:] flown [flaun] létat forbid I fo:'bid] forbade forbidden zakázat

[fo:'beid] [fo:'bidn]


Nepravidelná slovesa

forecast [fo:ka:st] forecast [fo:ka:st] forecast [fo:ka:st] předpovídat

forec,sted forec,sted [fo:ka:stid] [fo:ka:stid]

forelell [fo:'tel] foretold [fo: 't"uld] foretold [fo:'tauld] předpovídat forgel [fa' get] forgot [fa'got] forgonen [fa'gotn] zapomenout forgive [fa'giv] forgave [fa'geiv] forgiven [fa'givn] odpustit freeze [fri:z] froze [frauz] frozen [frauzn] mrznout gel [get] got [got] got [got] dostat, dosáhnout give [giv] gaye [geiv] given [givn] dát go [gau] went [went] gone [gon] jít grind [graind] ground [graund] ground [graund] mlít grow [gr"u} grew [gru:] grown [graun] růst

hang [h",ll.] hung [hall.] hung [hall.] viset hanged [h"'ll.d] hanged [h"'ll.d]

have [h",v] had [h",d] had [h",d] míl hear [hi,,] heard [ha:d] heard [ha:d] slyšet heave [hi:v] heaved [hi:vd] heaved [hi:vd] zvednout

hove [h"u v] hove [hauv] hew [hju:] hewed [hju:d] hewed [hju:d] sekat

hewn [hju:n] hide [haid] hid [hid] hidden [hidn] skrýt hit [hil] hit [hit] hil [hil] uhodit hold [hauld] held [held] held [held] držet hurl [ha:l] hUrl [ha:t] hurl [ha:t] zranit, bolet inpul [input] input [input] inpul [input] vkrndal insel [inset] inset [in set] inset [inset] vložit keep [ki:p] kept [kept] ke pl [kept] držet kneel [ni:l] knell [nelt] knelt [nell] klečet

kneeled [ni:ld] kneeled [ni:ld] knit [nit] knitted [nitid] knilted [nitid] plést

knil [nit] knil [nit] know [na u] knew [nu:] known [naun] vědět, znál lay [Iei] laid [Ieid] laid [Ieid] položit lead [Ii:d] led [led] led [led] vést Icao [Ii:n] leaned [li :nd] leaned [Ii:nd] opřít se

leanl [Ient] Jeant [Ient] leap [Ii:p] Jeapt [lept] leapt [lept] skákat

leaped [Ii:pt] leaped [Ii:pt]


Page 101: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

learn [I~:) leaml [I~:nl) leaml [I~:nl) UČil se

learned [I~:nd) leamed [I~:nd]

leave [Ii:v) left [Iefl] lefl [Iefl] zanechat, opustit

lend [Iend) lenl [lenl] lenl [lenl) půjčil

let [lel] lel [lel) lel [lel) nechat

Jie [Iai) lay [Iei] lain [Iein) ležet

light [Iail) lighled [Iaitid) lighled [Iaitid) osvětlil

lil [lit) lil [lit)

lose [Iu:z) lost [Iost) lost [Iost) ztratit

make [meik) made [meid) made [meid) dělat

mean [mi:n) meant [menl) meant [menl] mínit, znamenat

meet [mi:t] met [mel] mel [met] potkat, seznámit se

mow [m~u] mowed [m~ud] mown [m~un) žnou I, kosit

mowed [m~ud]

pay [pei] paid [peid] paid [peid] plalit

plead [pli:d] pleaded [pli:did) pleaded [pli:did) prosil, žádat

pled [pled) pled [pled)

prove [pru:v) proved [pru:vd) proved [pru:vd] dokázal

put [pul] pUL [pUL) pUL [pUL) dál

quit [kwit] quitted [kwilid) quitted [kwitid) opustit

quit [kwil) quil [kwit]

read triod) read [red) read [red) číst

rid [rid) rid [rid) rid [rid) zbavit se

ride [raid) rode rr~ud) ridden [ridn] jezdit na koni, na kole

ring [rifl) rang [r"'fl) rung [rafl) zvonit

rise [raiz] rose [rauz) risen [rizn) stoupal

run [ran) ran [r",n) run [ran) běžet

saw [so:) sawed [so:d) sawn [so:n] řezat pilou

sawed [so:d)

say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] říci

see [si:] saw [so:) seen [si:n) viděl

seek [si:k) sought [so:t] soughl [SO:I] hledal

seli [sel) sald [sauld] sald [sauld] prodal

send [send] sent [senl] sent [sent) poslal

set [sel) sel [set] sel [set) položit, umistit

shake [šeik] shook [šuk) shaken [šeikn) třást

shed [šed) shed [šedl shed [šedl shodit


shine [šain) shone [šon] shined [šaind)

shoot [šu:l] shOl [šal)

show [š~u] showed [š~ud)

shrink [šriflk] shrank [š"'''flk] shrunk [šraflk]

shut [šal) shut [šal]

sing [sifl] sang [S"'fl) sink [siflk) sank [S"'flk) sit [sit] sat [S"'l] slay [slei) slew [slu:]

sleep [sli:p) slept [slepl]

slide [slaid] slid [slid)

sHng [slifl] slung [slafl]

sHnk [sliflk) slunk [slaflk)

slit [slil) slit [slil)

smell [smel) smell [smell) smelled [smeld)

smite [smail) smote [smaut)

sow [s~u] sowed [s~ud]

speak [spi:k) spoke [sp~uk)

speed [spi:d) sped [sped) speeded [spi:did)

spell [spel) spelled [speld) spell [spelt)

spend [spend) spenl [spenl]

spill [spi I] spill [spi ll) spiHed [spi Id]

spin [spin) spun [span)

spit [Spil) spat [sP"'t] spi I [spit)

split [split] split [split]

spoil [spoil) spoilt [spoill) spoiled [spoild]

spread [spred) spread [spred)

spring [sprifl] sprang [spr"'fl]

shone [šon) shined [šaind) shOl [šol] shown [š~un) showed [šaud) shrunk [šraflk]

ShUl [šat) sung [safl) sunk [saflk) sat [s"'t] slain [sJein) slept [slept] slid [slid) slung [slafl] slunk [slaflk) Slil [slil) smel I [smell) smelled [smeld) smilten [smitn) sown [s~un) sowed [saud) spoken [sp~ukn) sped [sped) speeded [spi :did)

speHed [speld] spelt [spelt) spenl [spenl) spilt [spilt) spilled [spi Id) spun [span) spal [spret] Spil [Spil) split [Splil] spoil l [spoilt) spoiled [spoild] spread [spred] sprung [sprafl)



Nepravidelná slovesa


srazit se


zpívat klesat, pOlapil sedět

zavraždit, zabít Spál klouzal mrštit zavěsit

rozpárat cítit

udeřit, porazit sít

mluvit spěchat


strávit, utratit rozlít

točit, přiSl


rozštípnoul zkazit, zkazit se, rozmazlit rozprostřít



Page 102: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)

stand [strend] stood [stud] steal [sti:l] stole [staul] sHck [sti k] stuck [stak] sHng [stillJ stung [staIl] stink [Stillk] stank [strellk]

stunk [stallk] strew [stru:] strewed [stru:d]

stride [straid] Slrode [straud] strike [straik] struck [strak] string [strill] strung [strall] strive [straiv] strove [strauv] swear [swea] swore [swo:J sweep [swi:p] swept [swept] swell [swel] swelled [sweld]

swim [swim] swam [swrem] swing [swill] swung [swall..)

take [teik] took [tuk] teach [ti:č] taught [to:t] tear [tea] tore [to:] tell [tel] told [tauld] think [SiIlk] thought [So:t] thrive [Sraiv] thrived [Sraivd]

throve [S"lUV] throw [Srau] threw [8ru:] thrust [Srast] thrust [Srast] tread [trcd] trod [trod]

undergo underwent

[anda'gau] [anda'went] understand understood [anda'strend] [anda'stud] wake [weik] woke [wauk]

waked [wei kd] wear [wea] wore [wo:] \Veave [wi:v] wove [wauv]

weaved [wi:vd]


stood [stud] stolen [staulnJ stuck [stak] stung [staIl] stunk [stallk]

strewed [stru:d] strewn [stru:n] stridden [stridlll struek [strak] strung [Strall] striven [strivn] sworn [swo:nJ swept [swept] swollen [swauln] swelled [sweld] swum [swam] swung [swall] taken [teikn] taught [to:t] tom [to:n1 told [tauld] thought [So:t] thrived [Sraivd] throve [Srauv] thrown [Sraun] thrust [Srast] troddcn [trodn] trod [trod] undergone [anda'gon] understood [anda'stud] woken [waukn] waked [weikd] wom [wo:n] wQve [W:lUV] weaved [wi:vd]

stát krást přilepit, strčit

píchnout páchnout




zavázat, pověsit usilovat při sahat mést nabýt na objemu

plavat mávat, houpat (se) vzít učit

trhat povědět

myslet dařit se

házet vrazit šlapat, kráčet

podlézt, podstoupit



mít na sobě, nosit tkát, plést

weep [wi:p] wcpt [weptJ win [win] won [wanJ wind [waind] wound [waund] wring [riIl] wrung [rall] write [rait] wrote [raut]


wept [wept] won [wan] wound [waund] wrung [rall] written [ritn]


Nepravidelná slovesa

vyhrát točit

ždímat. mačkat psát


Page 103: Anglicky Doma Snadno a Rychle (OCR)


I '


l " L

Anglicko-český slovník

A able [eibl] L15 schopen aboul [,,'baut] LI o above [,,'bav] L4 nad accepl ["k'sept] LS

accepled přijmout

accommodalion [",kom,'deišn] L9 ubytování

accompany ["'kamp,,ni] L15

acompanied doprovázet, jít s accounlanl, -s ["'kaunt,,nt]

_2 účetní

ache [eik] L10 ached bolet ache, -s [eik] L10 bolest,-i across [,,'kros] L3 přes

across [,,'kros] L13 na druhé straně acl [rekt] L2 acled hrát aclor, -s [rekt"] L2 herec, herci aclress, -es [rektris] L2 herečka,-y

aclually [rekču"li] L7 vlastně

adjusl [,,'džast] L15 adjusled upravil

aeroplane, -s [e"r"plein] L2

letadlo, -a afford [,,'fo:d] L9 afforded

dovolit si afraid [,,'freid] L10 polekaný after [a:ft,,] L2 po, poté co after lhal [a:ft" 'oret] L.

potom, poté again [,,'gen, ,,'gein] L4

opět, zase, znovu againsl [,,'geinst] L12 proti ago [,,'g"u] L14 před

agree [,,'gri :] L5 agreed souhlasit


agree on [,,'gri: on] L13

agreed shodnout se air [e,,] L7 vzduch airporl, -s [e"po:t] L15 letiště

aisle, -s [ail] L15 postranní loď (chrámu), ulička, -y

alarm c\ock, -s [,,'Ia:m klok] L2 budík,-y

ale [eil] L3 anglické pivo AUson [rel"s"n] Ll Alison

(ženské jméno) all [0:1] LI všichni all [0:1] L7 celý alley, -s [reli] L12 ulička, -y

all over Ihe world [0:1 "U V" O" 'w,,:ld] L13 po celém světě

almosl [oľm"ust] L4 skoro, téměř alone ["'I,,un1 L5 samotný alone ["'I,,un1 L15 sami along [;:,'1011.] L4 podél, po along Ihe way [,,1011. O" 'wei]

Li2 pocestě

already [o:ľredi] L10 už also [ols"u] L4 také altar, -s [o:lt"] L14 oltář,-e

always [olweiz] LI vždy, stále a.m. ['ei 'em] (= lal. ante meridiem)

L2 ráno, dopoledne arnount, -8 [a'maunt] L13 suma,-y and trend] LI a animal, -5 [reniml] L2 zvíře, zvířata

Anne [ren] LI Anna (ženské jméno) announce [a'nauns] L7 announced

oznámit announcement, -5 [d'naunsmdnt]

L8 oznámení

~ !

announcer, -5 [:inaunsa] L7

hlasatel, -é anolher [,,'nao,,] L2 další , jiný answer [a:nsa] L5 answered odpovědět

answer [a:ns,,] LS odpověď

any [reni] L12 jakýkoli any more [reni mo:] ltO už anyway [reniwei] Ll1 stejně

anywhere [reniwe,,] LS nikde anywhere [reniwea] L12 kamkoli anxious [rel1.kš"s] L15 znepokojený,

starostlivý appear [,,'pi,,] L15 appeared

objevit se apple pie, -s [repl 'pai] L6 jablečný

koláč , -e appoinlmenl, -s ["'pointrn,,nt]

LtO schůzka,-y

appreciale [,,'pri:šieit] L14

appreciated ocenit approach ["' pr,,uč] LB

approached blížit se area, -s [e"ri,,] LS oblast,-i armchair, -s [a:rnče,,] L4 křeslo,-a

arm in arm [a:m in 'a:rn] L1S

ruku v ruce around [,,'raund] L3 kolem around [úaund] L9 okolo around the corner L3 za rohem arrange [úeindž] L15 arranged

obstarat arrival hall, -s [,,'raivl ho:l]

L15 příletová hala, -y arrive [a'raiv] L5 arrived přijet,

dorazit arrive [a'raiv] L15 arrived nastat arlisl, -s [a:tist] L2 umělec, umělci

as [rez] La jak tak as [rez] L12 jako


as a matter of fact [rez d mreta dV

'frekt] L10 ve skutečnosti, vlastně ask [a:sk] L5 asked ptát se ask aboul La:sk ,,'baut] L6

asked ptát se na ask for ['a: sk fo:] L6 asked

žádat o as soon as possible [rez su:n rez 'pos~bl] L14 co nejdříve

as well [rez 'wel] L15 také al [ret] L2 v, u, o altend [,,'tend] L15 altended zúčastnit se, navštěvovat

al Ihe door [ret O" 'do:] LB u dveří al Ihe fronl [re O" 'frant] L5


al Ihe momenl [ret O" m"um"nt] Ll


al Ihe same lime [ret O" seirn 'taim] Lt2 zároveň

al limes [ret 'tairnz] L14 někdy

al weekends [ret 'wi:kendz] L2

o víkendech al work [ret 'w,,:k] L4 v práci au ni, -s [a:nt] LI teta, -y Auslria [o:stri,,] L9 Rakousko away [~'wei] L7 pryč

B back [brek] L6 zpět

bacon [beik"n] L2 slanina bad [bred] L7 špatný bag, -s [breg] L2 pytel, sáček, taška,

kabelka, -y baggage carousel, -s [bregidž

,krer,,' se l] L15 pás se zavazadly





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II', I.

baked salmon with chips [beikl srem~n wió 'čips] L6

uzený losos s hranolkami baker's [beibz] L3 pekařslví

bald spot [bo:ld SpOL] L4 pleš banana, -s [ba'na:na] L2 banán,-y band, -s [brend] L15 kapela,-y baok, -s [breI1.k] L4 břeh , -y

banknote, -s ['lUl] L6

bankovka, -y bath, -s [ba:8] L4 vana,-y bathe [beio] L9 bathed koupat se bathroom, -s [ba:8ru:m] L2

koupelna, -y be about to Lbi: :>'bautlu] L .. was,

been chystat se be afraid of lbi: :>'freid :>v] L10, L12

was, been mít strach z, bát se be angry with (sb) lbi: reI1.gri wio]

LG was, been míl na někoho vztek be asleep lbi: :>'sli:p] L5 was, been

spát be down lbi: 'daunl L14 was, been

nefungovat be held lbi: 'held] L1 was, been

konat se be in a hurry [,bi: in ~ 'hari] L2 was,

been s pěchat

be out of (st) [bi: aut :>v] L4 was, been mít nedostatek

be ready lbi: 'redi] .5 was, been být připraven

be sick lbi: sik] L7 was, been být špalně

be sorry lbi: 'sori] L6 was, been litovat

be startled lbi: sta:t ld] L6 was, been leknout se


be worlh [bi: 'w:>:8] L6 was, been stát za

beauliful [bju:tif:>l] L5 krásný bed-and-breakfasl, -s [bed rend 'brek:f~st] L5 ubytování se snídaní

beach, -es [bi:č] L12 pláž,-e beao, -s [bi:n] L2 fazole beat [bi:l] L7 beal, beaten bít,

tlouci because [bi'koz] L2 protože because of [bi 'koz :>v] L10 kvůl i

become [bi'kam) L10 became, become stát se (čím)

bed, -s lbed] L4 postel,-e beef [bi:f] L6 hovězí

beer [bi:>] LG pivo before [bi'fo:] L14 před

before [bi'fo:] L12 než before lhal [bi'fo: 'oret] L13

před tím begin [bi'gin] L14 began, begun začít

behind [bi'haind] L4 za believe [bi'li:v) L2 believed věřit

bell, -s [bel] .15 zvon,-y belly, -ies [beJi] L10 břicho,-a

below [bi'lau] L4 pod bench, -es [benč] L2 lavička, -y

best [best] L6 nejlepší besl man, men [best 'mren) L9

svědek , svědci (na svatbě) Betty [bet i] L1 Betty (ženské jméno) between [bi 'twi:n] L14 mezI


big [big] L1 velký bigger [biga] L3 větší

bikini, -s [bi'ki:ni] L4 bikini bird, -s [ba:d] L3 pták, ptáci


birth [b:>:8) L14 narození Blackstone Stalion ['blrekst:>un

'steišn] L2 slanke Blackstone blankel, -s [blreI1.kit] L4

přikrývka, -y bless [bles) L14 blessed (po)žehnat block, -s [blok] L2 kvádr, blok, -y blueberry, -ies [blu:b:>ri) L2

borůvka , -y board [bo:d] L15 boarded

nastoupit blush [blaš] L5 blushed červenat se book [buk) L12 booked rezervovat bookkeeping ['buk,ki:piI1.] L2


boss, -es [bosi L4 šéf, -ové bolh [bauS] L, oba, obě bouquet, -s [bu'kei) L15 kytice,

pugét, -y bowl, -s [baul] L4 mísa,-y boy, -s [boi) L1 chlapec, chlapci boyfriend, -s [boifrend] L15 přítel ,


brave [breiv) L6 s tatečný

Brave Lion Pub [breiv lai:>n pab] L3

Hospoda U statečného lva bread [bred) L3 chleba break, -s [breik] L13 pauza,-y breakfast [brekfast) L2 snídaně

breath [bre8] L15 dech breathing [bri:oiI1.) L10 dýchání breathtaking [bre8teikiI1.] L12

beroucí dech, úchvatný brick, -s [brik] L12 cihla,-y bridal boutique, -s [,braidl bu: 'ti:k] L' obchod, -y se svatebními šaty

bride, -s [braid) LB nevěsta,-y

bridegroom, -s [braidgru:m) L' ženich, -ové


bright [brait) L4 bystrý bright [brait] Ln jasný, zářivý bring [briI1.] L2 brought, brought přinés t

broccoli soup [brokali 'su:p) L6

brokolicová polévka brother, -s [brao:>] L1 bralr, bratři brown [braun] L1 hnědý

brush, -es [brašI L2 kartáček ,


build [bild] L2 buill, buill s tavět

builder, -s [bilda] L2 stavitel,-é building, -s [bildiI1.] L3 budova,-y bus, -es [bas] L2 autobus,-y bus driver, -s [bas draiv,,1 L2

řidič , -i autobusu business [biznis] L9 záležitost bus stop, -s [bas stop] L3

autobusová zastávka, -y but [batl L1 ale butcher's [buč:>z) L3 řeznictví

butlerny, -ies [bat:>flai] L1.

motýl, -i buy [bai] L6 bought, bought

koupit by [bai] L14 předložka 7. pádu by thal afternoon [bai oret a:ft~'nu:n] L10 do odpoledne

by the way [bai o~' wei) L11


C cake, -s [keik] L3 koláč,-e

calendar, -s [krelind:» L4

kalendář, -e call [ko:J) L3 caJled volal, zavolat call [ko:I) L13 called nazývat can [kren] L3 was able, has been

able moci , umět


J t


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canteen, -s [kren'ti:n] L2 kantýna, jídelna, -y

capital, -s (city) [krepitl] L9 hlavní město, -a

careful [keafal] L7 opatrný carefully [keafali] L7 opatrně

carriage, -s [kreridž] "4 kočár,-y

case, -s [keis] L11 případ,-y

castle, -s [ka:sl] ';4 hrad,-y calch [kreč] L2 caught, caught

chytit catch Ihe bus L2 caught, caught

chytit autobus celebrate [selibreit] LB celebraled

oslavit Cenlral Europe [sentraljuarap] L" střední Evropa

centre, -s [senta] Li centrum, -a, střed, -y

century, -ies [senčuri] 1.3 stoleti certain [sa:tn] LfO jistý cerlainly [sa:tnli] L9 jistě

chair, -s [čea] L4 židle chance, -s [ča:ns] Li2 možnost, -i change [čeindž] L7 changed změnit se

change buses [čeindž 'basiz] L7 changed přestupovat

change rnind [čeindž 'rnaind] Lf3 changed změnit názor

Charles Bridge [ča:lz bridž] L9 Karlův most

charrn [ča:rn] L9 půvab, kouzlo chal [čret] Lf. chatted povídat si cheaper [či:p,] L8 levnější

cheapesl [či:pist] L9 nejlevnější

cheaply [či:pli] L8 levně

check [ček] L8 checked (z)kontrolovat, ověřovat si


check inlo [ček 'intu] Lf2 checked ubytovat se

check-up, -s [čekap] LfO cel kové vyšetřen í

cheese [či:z] L2 sýr chef, -s [šet] L2 šéfkuchař, -ové chernisl, -s [kernist] L2

chemik, -ové chemisťs [kemists] L3 drogerie chicken wilh vegelables [čikin wió

vedžatablz] LB kuře se zeleninou child, -ren [čaild] Lf dítě, děti

chocolale cake, -s [čokalat 'keik] L6 čokoládový dort, -y

choose [ču:z] L9 chose, chosen vybrat si

church, -es [Č;}:č] L2 kostel,-y circle, -s [s':kl] Lf5 kruh,-y city, -ies [Sili] Li město, -a

cily lour, -s [si ti 'tua] L5 projížďka,

-y po městě class, -es [kla:s] L14 třída, -y

clean [kli:n] L2 cleaned čistit, čistý

clean one's leelh [.kl i:n wan z 'ti:9] L2 cleaned čistit zuby

clear [klia] Lf. cleared vyčistit

clergyrnan, -rnen [kla:džirnren] L2 duchovní

clever [kleva] Lf chytrý climb [klaim] Lf2 climbed

(vy)šplhat, (vy)lézt clolhes (pl) [klauĎz] L2 šaty, oblečení

close [klauz] L6 closed zavřít

cloud, -s [klaud] Lf5 mrak,-y coach, -es [kauč] L2 trenér, trenéři coasl, -s [kaust] L9 pobřeží

coal rack, -s [kaut rrek] L4 věšák, -y

coffec [kofi] L6 káva coffee-maker, -5 [kofi meik;:) 1 L 11

kávovar, -y coffee lable, -s [kofi teibl] L' konferenční stůl, stoly

colleague, -s [koli:g] L2

kolega, -ové comb, -s [kaurn] L2 hřeben,-y

cornb [kaum] L2 combed česat

come [kam] L7 came, come přijít

come across [kam a'kros] L14 came, come náhodou narazit

come down wilh [kam 'daun wi9] Li0 came, come ulehnout s

comforlable [karnfat,bl] L. pohodlný

com pany, -ies [kampani] Lt4

společnost, -j

composer, -s [kam'p,uza] L2

skladatel, -é compuler, -s [k"rn'pju:ta] Lf počítač, -e

constanlly [konst,ntli] .8


conlacl, -s [kontrekt] .. styk, -y, zprostředkovatel, -é

continue [kon'tinju:] L3 continued pokračovat

conlrac!, -s [kontrrekt] Lf3 smlouva, -y

convince [kan'vins] L13 convinced přesvědčit

cook [kuk] .2 cooked vařit

cook, -s [kuk] L2 kuchař,-i

cooker, -s [kuk'] '4 sporák,-y corner, -s [ko:na] L3 roh,-y corner, -s [ko: na] L5 kout, -y correcl [k,'rekt] Lf3 přesný, správný


costs (pl) [kosts] LS náklady couch, -es [kauč] L4 gauč, -e

country, -ies [kantri] Li L9 země,

venkov, kraj counlryside [kantrisaid] L5 krajina couple, -s [kapl] L5 pár, -y, dvojice courage [karidž] '7 odvaha cover [kava] L4 covered pokrýt crash [krreš] Lf2 crashed narážet cream puff, -s [kri:m pat] .6

lístkové pečivo se šlehačkou cross mind [kros maind1 L7 crossed přijít na mysl

crown jewels (pl) [kraun džu:,lz] L' korunovační klenoty

cry [krai] Lf. cried křičet, plakat cucumber salad [kju:kamb, srelad]

LG okurkový salát cup, -s [kap] .2 šálek, šálky cupboard, -s [kab"d] L4 skříňka,-y

cup of lea, cups [kap ,v 'ti:] L2

šálek, šálky čaje curriculum vitae [ka'rikjulam vi:tei]

li3 životopis curtain, -s [k;:}:tn] L4 záclona,-y customer, -s [kastamgJ L2

zákazník, zákazníci cusloms (pl) [kastornz] Lf5 celnice cutlcry [kati ar;] L4 příbor, příbory

ev, -s [si:vi:] L13 životopis,-y Czech [ček] Lf5 česky, čeština

D dance noor, -s [da:ns flo:] L5

taneční parket dare [deo] Lff dared odvážit se daughler, -s [do:t'] Lf dcera,-y day, -s [dei] L2 den, dny


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dccide [di'said] L8 decided rozhodnout se

decision, -s ldj'sižn] L13 rozhodnutí dcclare [di'kJea] L15 declared

proclít decorale [dek"reit] L15 decoraled

vyzdobit decoration, -s [.dekg'reišn] L12

ozdoba, -y, výzdoba defend [di'fend] L2 defcnded bránit delay, -s [di'lei] L15 zpoždění

delayed [di'leid] .7 zpožděný

delivcr [di'liv,,] L.4 delivered doručovat

delivery, -ies I di'livariJ L14 dodání, roznáška, -y

Dcnmark Idenma:kl L15 Dánsko den!isl, -s [dentist] ... zubař,-i

dermalologisl, -s [d":mďtol,,džist] L o dermatolog, -ové

desk, -s [deskl L2 psací slŮl, stoly desscr! [di'z":t] L6 zákusek,

zákusky destroy Idi 'stroi] L11 deslroyed zbořit, zničit

díagnosis, diagnoses [daigg'ngusis] L10 diagnóza,-y

diarrhoea ["daia'ria] L10 pruJem difficult [difikgltJ L9 těžký, obtížný diner, -s [daina] Ll obědvající

dinncr jacket [din" 'džrekitJ L9 smokink

direction, -s [di'rekšn] Lt2 směr,-y disappointed [disďpointgdJ L5

zklamaný discothcque, -s [diskdutekJ L5

diskotéka, -y discover [di'skavg] .• 2 discovered

objevit, odhalit


disembark [disim'ba:k] L15 disembarked přistát, vystoupit

dishes (pl) [dišizJ L4 nádobí distance [dist"ns] L'2 dálka do [duo] L2 did, done dělat

do Ihe washing up [duo Og wošiI1. apJ L3 did, done mýt nádobí

do \Vell Idu: 'wel] L14 did, done mít úspěch

doclor, -s [dokt"] L10 doktor, doktoři

door, -s [do:] L4 dveře

double-dccker bus, -es Idabl dek" bas] L' dvoupatrový autobus, -y

double room, -s Idabl ru:m] .• 2 dvoulUžkový pokoj, -e

do\Vn [daun] L5 dolů

dowll the slreet [daun O" 'stri:tJ L3

ulicí dolů dream, -s [dri:m] L4 sen, sny dream [dri:m] L4 dreaml, dreamt


dress, -es [dres] L2 dámské šaty dressing room, -s rdresiT1. ru:m] L15

šatna, -y

drink, -s IdriI1.k] L6 nápoj, oe, pití drink [driI1.k] L7 drank, drunk

pít drive f"draiv] 1.2 drove, driven řídit, jezdit

driver, -s [draiva] L1: řidič, -i drop [drop] L: dropped upustit duck, -s [dak] L2 kachna,-y during [dju"riI1.] L" během duslbin, -s [dastbin] L4

odpadkový koš, -e

E each [i očl L4 každý each olher [i:č 'aoaJ L7 navzájem, jeden druhého

car, -s [ia] L1 • ucho, uši easl li:st] L9 východ Earl Grey [,,:1 'grei] L7 druh čaje early [a:li] L3 brzo easy [i:ziJ L13 snadný eal [i:t] L2 ale, ealeu jíst edge, -s [edž] L'2 hrana, -y, okraj, -e education [,edju'keišn] L3 vzdělání

egg, -s [egJ L2 vejce embarrassed [im'brergst] L4

v rozpacích emerge [i'ma:dž] L15 emerged

objevit se employee, -s [emploi'i:J L13 zaměstnanec, zaměstnanci

engagement, -s [en'geidžmant] L6

zasnoubeni England [iI1.glandJ L1 Anglie English [i~lišl L15 anglicky, angličtina

enough [i'naf] L6 dost en!er [enta] L8 enlered vstoupit envelope, -s [env"lgup] L"

obálka, -y escorl [es'ko:t] L7 escorled

doprovodit especially [i'spešali] L6 zejména, zvláště

Europe Quarap] L15 Evropa cvening, -s [i:vniI1.1 L5 večer,-y

even Ihough [i:vn 'oau] L1. ačkoli,

i když ever [eva] L' (vůbec) kdy every [evri] L1 každý every day [evri 'dei] L4 každý den


everybody [evribodi] L3 všichni every olher year [evri aoa 'ji,,] L13

ob rok everything [evriOirt] L3 všechno everywhere [evriwea] L3 všude exacUy [ig'zrektli] L9 přesně

examine [ig'zremin] L10, L13

examined vyšetřit, prohlédnout, zkoumat

examination, -s [,igzremi'neišn] L10


cxchange sluden!, -s [iks'čeindž stju:dntJ L13 student, -i na výměnu

exci!ed abou! [ik'saitid a,baut] L15 vzrušený

expecl [ik'spekt] L7 expected očekávat

expensive [ik'spensivJ L3 drahý experience [ik'spi"ri"nsJ L6

zkušenost explain [ik'spleinJ L5 explaiued vysvětlit

extra [ekstr::>] L10 navíc eye, -s [aiJ L6 oko, oči

F face, -s [feisJ L4 obličej, tvář, -e fain! [feint] L7 fainled omdlít fainUy [feintli] L15 matně

fall [fo:IJ L6 fell, fallen upadnout fall in love [fo:1 in 'lavJ L7 fell, fallen

zamilovat se fall off [fo:l 'ofl L'O fell, fallen

spadnout z familiar [fďmili,,] L7 dobře známý family, -ies [frem"liJ Ll rodina,-y famous [feimgs] L' slavný fanlaslic [fren'trestik] L3



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far from Ira: rr~m] Ll daleko od farm, -s [fa:m] L2 statek, statky, obhospodařovat

farmer, -s [fa:m,,] L2 zemědělec,


faslen [fa:sn] _15 faslened připevnit si

fasler [fa:st"] L7 rychleji falher, -s [fa:ó,,] Ll otec, otcové favourile [feiv~rit] Ll oblíbený favourile, -s [feiv~rit] Ll oblíbe-

nec, oblíbenci feed [fI:d] L2 fed, fed krm it feel [fI:![ Ll0 fell, fell cítit se feel (pl) [fI:t] .10 nohy fever, -s [fI:v~] Ll0 horečka,-y

flnally [fain"li] L12 nakonec lind [faindl L3 found, found najít,

nalézt liud oul [faind 'aut] LiO found,

found zjistit line I fainl L' skvělý, pěkný

linger, -s [fil"'] L6 prst,-y linish [finišl .2 linished ukončit,


lire, -s [fai,,] L2 oheň, požár, -y tireman, men [faiam~;m 1 L2

požárník, požárníci lirst [f~:st] L$ první Oabbergasled [tlreb"grestid] L15

ohromený, paf Oat, -s [nret] L· byt,-y mghl, -s [nait] L16 let,-y mrl [n~:t] _5 0irled nirtovat tlorisťs [norists] L3 květinářství

Oow I n~u] L9 Oowed, flowed téci Oower, -s [nau~] L4 květina,-y

fly [nai] L, flew, flown letět

fog [fog] L16 mlha


foggy [fogi] L" mlhavo following [fol~ui'l] L13 následující food [fu:d] Lf jídlo fool, feel [fut] .1. noha, nohy foolball [futbo:l] LB fotbal foolball team, -s [futbo:1 ti:mJ L2

fotbalové mužstvo, -a for [fo:] Ll na, pro forehead, -s [fo:hed] L10 čelo,-a

foreigner, ~S [for;;>naj L13 cizinec, cizinci

fork, -s [fo:k] L4 vidlička,-y

form [fo:mJ L16 formed tvořit

found [faund] L14 founded založit four [fo:l l čtyři

France Ifra:ns] n Francie free tíme [fri: taimJ L3 volný čas fresh [frešJ L3 čerstvý

Friday Ifraidi] L2 pátek fridge, -s [fridž] L4 lednička,-y

fried lish and chips [fraid 'fiš rend čips] LG smažená ryba s hranolkami

friend, -s [TrendJ L3 kamarád, -i, přítel, přátelé

from [from I LO od, z from the left [from ó~ 'leftJ Ll.

zleva from Ihere [from oe,,] L2 odtud fronl [frontJ L4 přední

full [ful] _15 plný fungus, fungi [fa'lg"s; fa!lgai,

fandžaiJ L. plíseň, plísně

funny [fani] Ll0 směšný

fulure [fju:b] Ll0 budoucnost fulure [lJu:č,,] _15 budoucí

G garden, -s [ga:dn] LB zahrada,-y gale, -s [geitj Li' vchod, -y

gather [greó" J L7 galhered sebrat, shromáždit

gem, -s [džemJ L6 kámen, -y, drahokam, -y

Germany [dž":m,,niJ L9 Německo

get [get] Ll< gol, gol dostat gel by [get 'bai] L14 gol, gol vyjít gel home [get 'h"um] L6 gol, gol

dostat se domů gel hungry [get 'ha'lgriJ L 14 got, gol

dostat hlad get into [gel 'intuJ L15 gol, got

nastoupit get married [get 'mrerid1 L8 got, got

ožen i t se, vdát se get on nerves [get on 'na:vz] L14 got,

gol jít na nervy get oul of control Lget aut "V

k"n't",ul] L9 got, gol vymknout se kontrole

get round to [get 'raund tu] L14 got, gol dostat se k

get to know [get tu 'n"uJ Ll. got, got poznat, seznámit se

get up [get ap] L2 gol, gol vstávat gifl, -s [gi ft] L4 dárek, dárky girl, -s [g,,:IJ Ll dívka, -y girlfriend, -s [ga:lfrend] Ll přítelkyně

give [giv J L6 gaYe, given dát give a ring [giv ~ 'riTtJ L14 gave,

given zavolat give back [giv brekJ L7 gaye, gíven

vrátit give bírth [giv 'ba:9] L14 gaYe, given

porodit g;ve up [giv 'ap] L14 gaYe, g;ven

vzdát se


glass, -es [gla:s] L5 sklenička, -y

glasses (pl) [gla:sizJ L4 brýle go [g"u] Ll wenl, gone jít, jet,

chodit, jezdit go back [g"u 'brekJ L5 wenl, gone

jít zpět, vrátit se go for a walk [g"u fo: " 'wo:k] L2

went, gone jít na procházku go home [g"u 'h"um] L2 went,

gone jít domů go on 19"u 'on] L14 went, gone pokračovat

go oul with (sb) [g~u aut wi9] L3 went, gone chodit s (někým)

go 10 bed [g~u tu 'bedJ L2 wenl, gone jít spát

go wrong [g"u 'ro'lJ L7 went, gone pokazit se

golden 19"uldnJ .15 zlatý gone [gon] _7 pryč

good [gud] L· dobrý, dobrá, dobré

gown, -s [gaun J La šaty grammar school, -s L2 [grrem"

sku:IJ gymnázium, gymnázia grandchild, -ren [grrendčaild] Ll

vnuk, vnučka, vnoučata grandfalher, -s 19rrendfa:o,,] Ll dědeček, dědečkové

grandmother, -s [grrendmaó,,] Ll babička, -y

grandparenl, -s [grrendpe"r"ntJ ., prarodič, -e

grave, -s [greivJ L5 hrob,-y great [greit] L 11 ohromný, skvělý greengrocer, -s [gri:n'gr"us,,] LB

zelinář, -i greet [gri:t] L2 greeted (po)zdravit

grey [grei] L 12 šedý


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grilled pork with riee [grild po:k wio 'rais] L6 vepřové

na grilu s rýží groan [grQun] L1. groaned sténat grocer's [grCJus~)l] L3 potraviny

(obchod) guard, -8 [ga:d] L5 stráž, -e guest, -s [gest] LB host,-é guitar, -s [gi'ta:] L3 kytara,-y gull, -8 [gal] L1S racek, rackové

H hair [heQ] L2 vlasy hall, -s [ho:l] L1 předsíň, hala, -y ham [hrem] L2 šunka ham [hrem] L5 šunkový ham with horseradish [hrem

wid 'ho:srrediš] LB šunka s křenem Hampton [hremtn] L. Hampton

(jméno města) hand, -s [hrend] L6 ruka, -ce hand in hand [hrend in 'hrend] L8

ruku v ruce hang [hrertJ L11 hung, hung pověsit

hang [hrert] L" hung, hung viset happen [hrepn] .7 happened

stát se, přihodit se happens to be [hrepnz tu 'bi:] L4

náhodou je happy [hrepi] .5 šťastný

hard [ha:d] L13 pilně

hard [ha:d] L1S těžký

hat, -s [hret] L4 klobouk,-y have [hrev] L1 had, had mít have a picnie [hrev ~ 'piknik] L4

had, had mít piknik ha ve a shower [hrev a 'šauQ] L2

had, had sprchoval se


have hreakfast [hrev 'brekfQst] L2

had, had snídal have lunch [hrev 'Ianč] L2 had, had obědvat

have supper [hrev 'sapQ] L2 had, had večeřet

have to [hrev lu] Ll1 had to, had to muset

head, -s [hed] LS hlava.-y head [hed] L12 headed namířil si to headmaster, -s [hedma:Sla] L1.

ředitel, -é health [hele] L1. zdraví healthy [helei] L1 zdravý hear [hiQ] L7 heard, heard slyšet heart, -s [ha:t] L7 srdce heartbeat [ha:tbi:t] L1. tep hello [heIQu] L1 dobrý den, ahoj help [help] L2 helped pomoci helpful [helpfal] L12 ochotný her [hQ:] L1 její here [hia] L1 zde, tady high [haiJ L1. vysoký highway, -s [haiwei] L12 dálnice,

hlavní silnice hilarious [hi'leaiQs] L14 bujarý,

veselý hill, -s [hil] L9 kopec, kopce hire [haiQ] L14 hired najmoul historieal [hi'storikal] L9

historický history [histari] Ll1 historie, dějiny hockey [hoki] L2 hokej hockey-player, -s [hoki pleiQ] L2

hokejista, -é hold [hauld] L. held, held držet,

obsahovat hold [hauld] LiS held, held zadržel holding [hauldirt] L12 držící

home [hQum] LS domů

home, -s [hQum] L2 domov,-y honeymoon, -5 [hanimu:n] L9

líbánky honour [onQ] L9 čest

hope [hQup] L8 hoped doufat horse, -s [ho:s] L2 kůň, koně

host [hallst] L9 hosted shromáždit host [hQust] L13 hosted hostit hour, -s [auQ] L2 hodina,-y how [hau] L3 jak how are you? L3 jak se máš (máte)? how often Ihau 'ofn] L10 jak často huge [hju:dž] L4 obrovský hurry [hari] L5 hurried spěchat

husband, -s [hazbQnd] L1

manžel, -é

I [ai] L1 já ice cream [ais kri:m] LG zmrzlina idea, -s [ai'diQ] L6 nápad,-y if [if] Ll1 jestliže if only rif 'Qunli] L14 kéž by ignore [ig'no:] L8 ignored

ignorovat iII [i I] L2 nemocný iIIness, -es [ilnis] L10 nemoc,-I immediately [i'mi:djQlli] L7


important [im'po:tQnt] L6 důležitý

in [inJ Li v, ve indeed [in'di:d] L8 opravdll Indian [indjan] L1. indický inexpensive [,inik'spensiv] L6

nijak drahý inform [in'fo:m) L10 informed

informovat in front or [in 'frant QV] L4, L12 před


inbabitant, -s [in'hrebitQnt] " obyvatel, -é

inn, -5 [in] Lt4 hostinec, hoslince inquire [in'kwai~] L9 inquired

informovat se inside [in'said] L6 uvnitř

instead [in'stedl L5 raději, místo interesting [intristirt] L4 zajímavý interview, -5 [intavju:] Ln

pohovor, -y in tbe back [in OQ 'baek] L6 vzadu in the morning [in OQ 'mo:nirt] L2

ráno, dopoledne in tirne [in 'taim] LS včas

introduce [intrQ'dju:s] L1S

introduced představit

invest [in'vestJ L14 invested investovat

invitation, -$ [,invi'teišn] La pozvánka, -y

invite [in 'vait) L7 invited pozvat is [i z] L1 je island, -s [ailand] L12 ostrov,-y it rit] L1 to Italy [itQli] L'5 lIálie

J jam [džrem] 12 džem, marmeláda jewel, -s [džu:al] L9 klenot,-y jeweller's [džu:aIQz] L

klenotnictví job, -s [džob] L1 práce, zaměstnání

jockey, -s [džoki] L2 žokej, -ové John [džon] L1 Jan (mužské jméno) join [džoin] L. joined připojil se, přidat se

joint, -s [džoint] L1. kloub,-y joke, -s [džQukj L1. vtip,-y


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I ,



jouroey, -s [dža:ni] L5 cesta,-y jump [džamp] L7 jumped vyskočit

junclion, -s [džaflkšn] L12 křižovatka, -y (železniční)

jusl [džast] L3 právě

just [džast] L1. jen, právě

K keep [ki:p] L11 kept, kepl nechat key, -s [ki:] L12 klíč,-e

kiss goodnight [kis gud'nait] L5 kissed políbit na dobrou noc

kneel [ni:l] L14 knell, knell klečet

knife, knives [naif] L4 nůž, nože knitting [nitifl] L1 pletení know [n"u] L3 knew, known vědět ,


L laboratory, -ies [Ia'boratri] L2

laboratoř, -e lace [Ieis] L, krajka land, -s [Iaend] L2 země, stát, -y land [Iaend] L15 landed přistát

landing, -s [Iaendifl] L15 přistání

language, -s [Iaefl..gwidž] L13 jazyk, -y

last Ua:st] L14 minulý lasl [Ia:st] L15 lasted trvat lale [leit] L7 pozdě

laugh [Ia: fl L4 laughed smát se Laura [Io:ra] L1 Laura (ženské jméno)

lavatory, -ies [Iaevatri] L1. záchod, -y lay down [Iei 'daun] LB laid, laid

položit lead [Ii:d] L, led, led vést learo [I,,:n] L2 1earot, learol učit se leave [Ii:v] L5 left, lefl (za)nechat


leave [Ii:v] L2 left, left odpustit, odejít, odjíždět

left [Ieft] L10 levý leg, -s [leg] L12 noha, -y (končetina) less [les] L6 méně

lel [let] L 15 lel, lel nechat lel Ihrough [let 'eru:] L1s Iet, lel

nechat projít letter, -s [let,,] L2 dopis,-y lie [Iai] LS lay, lain ležet lire, Iives [Iair] L7 život,-y lirestyle, -s [Iaifstail] L10 životní

styl, -y Iight [Iait] LB lehký Iike [laik] L1 liked mít rád, líbit se Iike [laik] L7 jako line, -5 [Iain] .14 spojení, vedení line up [Iain 'ap] L1S Iined seřadit se Iion, -s [Iaian] L6 lev, lvi lisl, -s [list] L11 seznam,-y Iislen [Iisn] L4 Iistened poslouchat Iive [Iiv] L1 lived bydlet, žít liver and onions [liva aend anjanz]

L6 játra na cibulce loeal [Iaukl] LS místní loek [lok] L15 loeked zaklesnout,

zamknout long [IOfl] L 1 dlouhý longer [Iofla] L5 delší long time [10 fl 'taim] L12 dlouho look [luk] L6 looked dívat se look [luk] L2 looked vypadat look around [luk a'raund] L5 looked

rozh lí žet se look al [luk aet] L5 looked

dival se na look for [luk fo:] L3 looked hledat look forward to (sl) [luk 'fo:wad tu]

L3 100ked těšit se na (něco)

1015 [Iots] L3 hodně

love [Iav] L1 loved milovat, mít velmi rád

lovely [Iavli] Ll hezký, rozkošný low [Iau] L14 nízký luck [lak] L16 štěstí

luggage (sg) [Iagidž] L15 zavazadlo, zavazadla

lunch [Ianč] L 1 oběd

Iying [Iaii fl] L5 ležící

M mad [maed] L11 šílený magnificient [maeg'nifisnt] La

nádherný main aisle [mein 'ail] L15 hlavní loď, hlavní ulička

main course, -s [mein ko:s] La

hlavní jídlo, -a make [meik] L2 made, made dělat,

vyrobit make price higher [meik prais haia]

L3 made, made zdražovat make up [meik 'ap] L14 made, made

vymyslet si man [mren] L1 muž many [maeni] L1 spousta, hodně manner, - 8 [mren~] L15 zvyk,-y married [maerid] L11

svoji (manželé) marry [mreri] L7 married vzít si maybe [meibi:] L7 mozna meal, -s [mi:l] L2 jídlo,-a mean [mi:n} L7 meant, meant

znamenat, mínit, myslet, mít na mysli

meanwhile [mi:nwail] La zatímco meat [mi:t] L3 maso medicine [medsin] L1. lék


Mediterranean [,medita'reinj'an] L9

Středozemní moře

meet [mi:t] L3 met, met sejít se, potkat, setkat se

meel [mi:t] L13 met, met vyhovět

men rmen] Lt muzl Michael [maikal] L1 Michael

(mužské jméno) midnight [midnait] L5 půlnoc

milk [milk] L2 mléko mind [majnd] L7 minded vadit minute, -5 [mi nit] L2 minula,-y mirror, -5 [mira] LB zrcadlo,-a miss (mis] L12 missed minout mislake, -s [mis'teik] L7 chyba,-y moment, -5 [m~)Umnt] L6 chvíle monastery, -ie5 [mondstari] L2

klášter, -y moan [maun] L1. moaned bědovat

Monday [mandi] L2 pondělí

money [mani] L3 peníze month, -s [mane] L11 měsíc,-e

mood, -s [mu:d] L7 nálada,-y morning, -s [mo:nirt.l L2 ráno, -a,

dopoledne morning neW5paper, -s [mo:nill

nju:zpeipa] L3 ranní noviny more [ma:] L2 víc more expensive [mo: ikspensiv] LG

dražší mosl [maust] Ll většina

mother, -s [maóa] L1 matka,-y mountain, -s [mauntin] L9 hora,-y mouth, -s [maue] L15 ústa move [mu:v] L5 moved přestěhovat se

much money [mač mani] L6 moc peněz

music [mju :zik] L1 hudba


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musical [mju:zik<>lj L1 hudební, muzikální

musician, -8 [mju:zišn] L1

hudebník, hudebníci must [mast] L5 had to, had to

musel must do [mast du:J L9 had to, had to

musí udělat myself [mai'selfl L11 (I mysell)

Uá) sám

N namc, -5 [neiml L1 Jméno,-a napkin, -s [nrepkinJ L7 ubrousek,

ubrousky National Museum [,nrešn~1

mju:'ziam] L9 Národní muzeum near lni~] Ll blízko, blízký nearby [ni~'bai] Ll. blízký nearly [ni~li] L13 téměř

need [ni:dJ L2 needed potřebovat

neighbourhood, -s [neib~hud] Ll sousedství

neither of them [naió~ :>v óem] Ll. ani jeden z nich

nephew, -s [nefju:] Ll synovec, synovci

nervous [ng:v;)s] Li4 nervózní never [nev~] L11 nikdy news (pl) [nju:z] Ll. zpráva, zprávy newsagen!'s [nju:zeidž"nts] L3 prodavač novin, trafika

newspaper, -s [nju:zpeip:>] L' noviny

next [nekst] L13 příští

next to [nekst tu] L3 vedle next to each other [nekst tu i:č aó:>]

L15 ved le sebe nice [nais] L3 hezký, milý


nice [nais] L5 pěkný

nicer [nais'd] L5 hezčí

night, -8 [nailJ Li0 noc,-i niece, - 8 [ni:s] L1 neteř,-e

nonetheless [nanó,,'les] L14 nicméně, přesto

north [no:8] L9 sever nose, -8 [nauzl L10 nos,-y notice [n'dutis] L4 l10ticed

všimnout si not only [not '~u nli] Ll. nejen že now [nau] L6 teď, nyní nun, -s [nan] L2 jeptiška,-y nursc, -8 [l1o):S] L2 zdravotní

sestra, -y

o observe [~b'z:>v] L5 observed

pozorovat occasiona\ly [,,'keižn~li] Ll. příležitostně

of [ov, :>v] L2 od, z of course [:>v 'ko:s] L14 samozřejmě

offer, -s [of~] L5 nabídka,-y oDice, -8 [ofisl L4 kancelář,-e

office, -8 [ofisl LtO ordinace office supplies (pl) ['ofis s",plaiz] L3

kancelářské potřeby

oflen [ofn] L4 často

old [~uld] L3 starý Old Town Square [,:>uld taun 'skwe~] L9 Staroměstské náměstí

once [wans] L8 jednou one of [wan ~v] L4 jeden z on [on] L2 na, v on his way [on hiz wei] L2

na Ueho) cestě, cestou only [:>unli] Ll. pouze, jen

onto[ontul L12 na open ["U pn] L6 0pened otevřít

operate [op"reit] L2 operated operovat

order [o:d,,] L8 0rdered objednat (s i)

organ, -s [o:g~n] Ll. varhany organist, -s [o:g"nist] L15 varhaník,

varhaníci other raóa] Ll jiní, ostatní others [aó"z] L' jiní out of [aut "v] L11 z out of the window [aut "V

ó:> 'wind"u] L' z okna outside [aufsaid] L3 venku, ven over [au va] ltO do over [auva] L12 přes

over ["uva] L15 po over there [~uva 'óe~] Ll. tamhle own [aun] L2 vlastní


pack [prek] L2 packed (za)balit packed [prekt] L' zabalený Paddington [predi'1tn] Ll (mužské

jméno) Paddy [predi] Ll (mužské jméno) pain [pein] Ll. bolest paint [peint] L2 painted natřít,

malovat pair, -s r pea] L9 pár,-y palace, -s [prelis] L5 palác,-e pan, -s [pren] L4 pánev, pánve paper [peip:>] L2 papírový parent, -s [pe~r~nt] L' rodič,-e

park, -s [pa:k] L2 park,-y party, -ies [pa:ti] L11 večírek,


pass [pa:s] L7 passed mijet


pass [pa:s] L12 passed minout, projít

passenger [presindž~] L8 cestující passerby, -s [presa'bai] Ll.

kolemjdoucí past [pa:st] LB kolem, za past [pa:st] .1' minulý patient, -s [peišnt] L2 pacient,-i pay altention [pei ~'tenšn] L12 paid,

paid dávat pozor pay for [pei fo:J L8 paid, paid

zaplatit za pay rise, ~S [pei raiz] L13 zvýšení

platu pear, -s [pea] LB hruška,-y perfecl [p~:fikt] Ll. bezvadný person, -s [p:>:sn] L9 osoba,-y personally [pa:snali] L14 osobně

phone [f:>un] Ll. phoned telefonovat

photo, -s rf~ut~ul L14 fotografie physician, -s [fi'zišn] Ll. lékař,-i

pick up [pik 'ap] L15 picked vyzvednout si

piece, -s [pi :s] L7 kousek, kousky pier, -s [pi,,] L12 pilíř, -e,

promenáda, -y v přístavišti, molo, -a pigeon, -s [pidž"n] L' holub,-i pill, -s [pil] Ll. prášek, tableta, -y pillow, -s [pil:>u] L4 polštář, -e

pilot, -s [pailat] L2 pilot,-i pink [pi'1k] L4 růžový

pint, -s [paint] L3 pinta, -y (0,56 I) pipe, -s [paip] L2 trubka,-y place, -s [pleis] L3 místo,-a pian [plren] L' planned plánovat plane, -s [plein] Ll' letadlo,-a planning [plreni'1] L9 plánování plant, -s [pla:nt] L4 rostlina,-y


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plate, -s [pleil] L' talíř,-e

play [plei] L2 played hrát play the piano [plei i\~ pjren~u] L1

played hrát na klavír please [pli:z] L3 prosím plum pie, -s [plam 'pai] L6

švestkový koláč, -e poeket, -s [pokit] L6 kapsa,-y poet, -s [pauit] L5 básník, básníci point to [point tu] L12 pointed

ukázat na Paland [p~ul~nd] L9 Polsko ponder [pondgj L12 pondered přemítat

pose [p~uz] LB posed pózovat position, -5 [pa'zišn] L13 postavení

v zaměstnání possible [pos~bl] L4 možný possibly [pos~bli] L9 možná post [p~ust] L3 pošta post [p~ust] L11 posted poslat poster, -s [p~usta] L1S plakát, -y postman, -men [paustm~n] L2

listonoš, -i post ornce, -s ['p~ust ,ofis] L3

pošta, -y (budova) pot, -$ [pot] L' hrnec, hrnce potato, -es [po'teitau] LG

brambora, -y pound, -s [paund] L1'

libra, -y (0,453 kg) praclical [prrektik~l] L11 praktický practical joke, -s [prrektikal 'dž"uk]

L1. kanadský žert, -y Prague Castle [pra:g ka:sl] L9

Pražský hrad prefer [pri'fa:] L2 preferred dávat přednost

present [preznt] Lt3 současný


pretty [priti] co pěkný, hezký pre-wedding [pri: 'wedill] L11


price, -s [prais] La cena,-y price tag, -S [prais treg] La

cenovka, -y primary school, -s [praim"ri sku: l]

L13 základni škola, -y print [print] La printed vytisknout private [praivit] L13 soukromý probably [probJbli] L13 asi professionally [pra'fešn"lij L13


promise [promis] L1. promised slíbit

promptly [promptli] L1' ihned proud of [praud "v] L. pyšný na pub, -s [pab] L3 hospoda,-y pumps (pl) [pamps] L9 lodičky

pupil, -s [pju:pl] L2 žák, žáci, žákyně

pull [pul] L1' pulled táhnout pull out [pul 'aut] L8 pulled

vytáhnout pulse [pal s] L10 puls put [put] L7 put, put položit, dát put aside [put ~'saidl L1. put, put

odložit stranou put in [put 'in] L1' put, put dát put on [put 'on] L6 put, put

oblékat, navlékat put on [put 'on] L15 put, put přibrat

put out [put 'aut] L2 put, put zhasnout

put out [put 'aut] L1' put, put uhasit

put through [put 'eru:] L1. put, put spoji t (telefon)

put up [put 'ap] ,. put, put ubytovat

puzzled [pazld] .12 zmatený, v rozpacích

p.m. ['pi: 'em] (= lat. post meridiem) L2 odpoledne, večer


quaint [kweint] L12 malebný queen, -s [kwi:n] L' královna, -y question, -s [kwesč"n] L13

otázka, -y quietly [kwaiatli] L' tiše quite [kwait] L; docela

R radio, -$ [reidiau] _2 rádio,-3 railway station, -S [reilwei steišn] :5

nádraží reach [ri:č] La reached (do)sáhnout

read [ri:d] L5 read, read čiSl

ready [redi] " hotový, připravený realise, -ze [ri:llaiz] .8 realised uvědomit si

really [ri~li] L3 skutečně, opravdu rear [ri~] LB zadní trakt reception, -$ lri'sepšnl LB recepce receptionist, -5 [ri'sepšnist] Ll?


recommend [reka'mend] Ul

recommended doporučit

reflex, -es [ri:OeksJ Ll0 reflex,-y relationship, -s [ri'leišnšip] L.

vztah, -y remember [ri'membg] L14

remembered pamatovat si, vzpomenout si


rent [rent] La rented pronajmout rent [rent] _9 rented půjčit si repair [ri'pe,,] L2 repaired

opravovat resident, -s lrezidgnt] L15

obyvatel, -é restaurant, -s [restgro:nt] L2

restaurace rice [rais] L15 rýže ride [raid] L2 rode, ridden jezdit right [raitl L,3 správný ring [rill] l2 rang, rung zvonit ring, -s [rill] L' prsten,-y ring up [rill 'ap] L13 rang, rung

zavolal river, -s [riv;)] L3 řeka,-y

roast beef with mustard [r"ust bi:f wii\ 'mast,,:d] LG

hovězí pečeně s hořčicí roast turkey with bread [r~ust 't~:ki wii\ bred] L6

pečená krůta s chlebem roek, -s [rok] L12 skála,-y roll eyes [r"ul 'aiz] L12 rolled

zakoulet očima room, -s [ru:m] L12 pokoj,-e rough [ral] ,'o neklidný raute, -s [ru:t [ L' cesta,-y row, -s [r~u] LIS řadu,-y

rug, -s [rag] L' koberec, koberce

run after [ran 'a:ftg] L ran, run běžet za

rush [raš] L1S rushed spěchat

S sad [sred] L6 smutný salad, -s [srel"d] L< salát,-y salary, -ies [srel~ri] L, plat, -y


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sales assistant, ·s [seilz a'sistant] LB prodavač, .j

sand [srend] L12 písek sandwieh, -es [srenwič] L2

sendvič, -e Sarah [se"r,,] L1 Sára (ženské

jméno) salisfied [sretisf"id] LS spokojený Salurday [sret"di] L2 sobota sauee, -s [so:sJ L7 omáčka,-y

sausage, -s [sosidž] L2 klobása, -y, párek, párky

save [seiv] L3 saved spořit

say [sei] L said, said říci , řikat

scenery [si:naril LJ2 krajina, scenérie

seenie [si:nikl L5 vyhlídkový sehool, -s [sku:l] L škola, -y sereen, -s [skri:n] L4 obrazovka,-y sea, ·s [si:] L9 moře

Sean [šo:n] L1 (mužské jméno) seal, -s [si:t] LS sedadlo,-a seal [si:t] L1S sealed usadit sealbell, -s [si:Lbelt] L15 pás,-y seeond [sek"nd] L13 druhý see lsi:] L5 saw, seen vidět

see lsi:] L9 saw, seen postarat se see L10 saw, seen navštívit seem [si:m] L3 seemed zdáL se seli [sel] L8 sold, sold prodávat send [send] L14 senl, senl poslat September [sep'Lemb,,] L13 září

serious [siariasl l~ vazny serve [sa:v] L: served sloužit,

obsluhovat service,·s [sa:vis] L14 služba,-y set [set 1 Ld set, set sada, souprava sel oul [set 'auL] "4 sel, sel

vydat se


several [sev"r"l] L4 několik

severa) times [sevaral 'taimzJ L1D několikrát

shake a hand [šeik " 'hrend] L1.

shook, shaken potřásL rukou shampoo [šrem'pu:] L3 šampón she [ši:] L1 ona shine [šain] L3 shined svítit ship, -s [šip] L12 loď, -ě, člun , -y sbocked [ŠOkL] L6 šokovaný shoe, -s [šu:] L12 bota,-y shoe shop, -s [šu: šop] L9 obuv

(obchod) shop, -s [šop] L3 obchod,-y shop window, -s [šop wind"u] L5

výloha, -y shorlly [šo:tli] L15 krátce shortly Ihereafler [šo:t1i óe,,'a:ft"]

L10 krátce nato should [šud] L4 měl by shoulder, -s [š"uld,,] LS ramenO,-a shoul [šaut] L5 shouted křičet

show [sh"u] L6 showed, shown ukázaL

shower, -s [šaua] L2 sprcha,-y shrimp eocklail, -s [šrimp 'kokteil]

L6 krabí kokLejl, -y side, ·s [saidl L4 strana,-y sign [sain] L9 signed podepsaL sign, -s [sain] L1D znak,-y sign, -s [sain] _" cedule silly [sili] L4 hloupý simply [simpli] L1 prosLě

sing [sirt] L3 sang, sung zpivat single [sirtgl] L14 svobodný

(bez partnera) singles (pl) [sirtglz] L14 svobodní

lidé (bez partnera) sink, -s [sirtk] L. dřez,-y

sister, -s [sista] .1 sil [sit] L2 sal, sal

sestra, -y sedět

sil down [sit 'daunl L12 sat, sat posadit se

silualed [sitjueitid] L9 situovaný sky [skai] L 5 nebe sleep [sli:p] L. slepl, slepl spát sleep in [sli:p 'in] L2 slept, slept

spát dlouho sleeplessly [sli:pl"sli] L13 beze

spánku slighl [slait] L15 malý, nepatrný Slovakia [sl"u'va:ki,,] L9

Slovensko smaek [smrek] LS smaeked

plesknout, dáL facku small [smo:l] L1 malý smarl [sma:t] L 4 elegantní smile [smail] L4 smiled

usmívat se smile at [smail ret] L6 smiled

usmívat se na smoker, -s [sm"uk,,] L1. kuřák,


smoolh [smu:ó] L15 hladký so [s"u] L1 tak, takhle soap [s"up] L3 mýdlo sofa, -s [s"uf,,] L4 pohovka,-y soft drink, -s [soft drirtk] L6

nealkoholický nápoj, -e soldier, -s [s"uldž,,] L. voják,

vojáci sole, -s [s"ul] "4 podrážka,-y sometimes [samtaimz] L1 někdy,


son, -s [san] L1 syn, -ové song, -s [SOrt] .. píseň , písně

soon [su:n] L3 brzo sound [saund] L9 sounded znít


speak [spi:k] L2 spoke, spoken mluvit

spedalize in [speš"laiz in] L1.

specialized specializovat se na speech, -es [spi:č] LiD řeč, -i,

proslov, -y spend [spend] L3 spent, spent

utrácet (peníze), strávit (čas) spky [spaisi] L1. kořeněný

splendid [splendid] L15 skvělý,

velkolepý spoon, -s [spu:n] L4 lžíce sportseoal, -s [spo:tsk"ut] L6

sako, -a spol, -s [spot] L1 skvrna, -y,

flek, -y spring [sprirt] L3 jaro spring [sprirtl L8 jarní square, -s fskwea] L8 náměstí

staff room, -s [sta:f ru:m] L2

sborovna, -y slage, -s [steidž] L2 jeviště

slamp [stremp] L1. stamped orazítkovat

stand [strend] L' stood, stood stát stand up [strend 'ap] .1. stood,

stood vstát stand up [s trend 'apl L1. stood,

slood povstat stare [stea] L7 stared zírat slart [sta:t] L6 started začit

slarler, -s [sta:t"] L6 předkrm,-y

statlon, -s [steišn] L.: stanice stationer's [steišnaz] L3 papírnictví slatue, -s [stretju 1 L5 socha,-y stay [stei] L3 stayed zůstat

stay [stei] L9 stayed bydlet (dočasně)

stereo, -8 [sterigu] L4 věž,-e


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stewardess, ~es [stju:adis] LiS

letuška, -y stewed [stju:d] L6 dušený stewed beef with potatoes [stju:d

bi:f wio pa'teit"uz] '6 dušené hovězí s bramborem

stick [stik] ". stuck, stuck strčit

stick out [stik 'aut] ". stuck, stuck vypláznout

stili [stilJ Ll jestě

stomach, -s [stam"kJ .,. žaludek, žaludky

stomachache, ~s [stamakeik] Li0

žaludeční nevolnost, -i stop, -s [stopJ '5 zastávka,-y stop [stopJ "0 stopped zastavit straight [streitJ '7 primo straight on [streit 'onJ "2 pořád


strange [streindž] .,. podivný, zvláštní

strangely [streindžli] "5 divně

strawberries and cream [stro:bari:z rend kri:m] L6 jahody se šlehačkou

stream, -s [stri:m] L12 říčka, -y, potok, -y

street, -s [stri:t] L3 ulice student, -s [stjud"nt] L1 student,-i stunning [staniIl] L1S úžasný success [s"k'ses] L1. úspěch

successful [s"k'sesf"l] L13 úspěšný

such [sač] ,s takový suddenly [sadnli] _4 náhle suggest [s"'džest] L7 suggested

navrhnout suit [sju:t] L11 suited hodit se suit, -s [sju:t] L1' pánský oblek, -y suitcase, -s [sju:tkeis] L5 kufr,-y sun, ~s [san] L3 slunce


sun [san] LiS sluníčko

Sunday [sandi] L1 neděle

sunglasses (pl) [sangla:siz] L4

slunečni brýle sunset, -s [sanset] L12 soumrak,-y surgeon, -s [s,,:džan] L2

chirurg, -ové surname, -s [sa:neim] L1


surprise, -s lsa'praiz] L9


surrounded [sa'raundid] L9 obklopený

Sweden [swi:dn] L15 Švédsko sweet shop, -s [swi:t šop] L6

cukrárna, -y swimming trunks (pl) [swimiIl

tranks] L4 pánské plavky swimsuit, -s [swimsju:t] L4 plavky switch on [swič 'on] .9 switched


T table, -s [teibl] .4 stůl, stoly tailor, -s [teila] L2 krejčí

take [teik] es took, laken vézt lake [teik] L13 took, taken přijmout

take [teik] 't4 took, taken trvat take after [teik 'a:fta] L14 look,

laken podobat se, být po někom take a pholograph [teik"

'f"ut"gra:f] L5 took, taken vyfotit take care [teik 'ke,,] L14 look, taken pečovat

take in [teik 'in] L1 look, taken vnímat

take off [teik o!] L7 took, taken sundat si

take off [teik 'o!] L'2 took, taken svléci si

take off [teik 'o!] L14 look, taken startovat

take off [teik 'ofl L15 took, taken vzlétnout

take out [teik 'aut] L7 look, taken vyndat

take a place [teik a 'pleis] L15 took, taken zaujmout místo

take the risk [teik O" 'risk] L8 100k, taken risknout

take up [teik 'ap] L14 look, laken začít se věnovat

talk [to:k] L1 talked hovořit,

mluvit, povídal si tea [ti:] L5 čaj

teach [ti:č] " taught,laught učit

teacher, -s [ti:ča] L1 učitel,-é

tearoom, -s rti:ru:m] Ll čajovna,-y

tea set, -s [ti: set] .11 čajový

servis, -y teeth (pl) [ti :S] L2 zuby telephone, -s [telefaun] L14

telefon, -y television, ~S r'teli,vižn] L4

televizor, -y tell [tel] LS told, told říCI

TV [ti:vi:] L2 televize (hov.) temperature, -s [tempriČd]

teplota, -y tend [tend] L9 lended mít tendenci lent, -s [tent] L8 stan,-y than [oren] L3 než thank [SreIlk] L1. thanked poděkovat

that [oret] L2 že thal [oret] L4 tamten, tamta, tamto then [oen] '5 potom

the nearesl [oa 'ni"est] L6 nejbližší


the nexl [O" 'nekst] L15 ten další the other side [oi aoa saidl .,3

druhá strana therefore [oe"fo:] L9 proto thermometer, -s [S,,'mornita] teploměr, -y

these [oi:z] L4 tito, tyto, tato they [oei] " oni, ony, ona thing, -s [SiIl] 1 věC,-i

think [SiIlk] L3 Ihought, Ihought myslet (si)

think about ['SiIlk "'baut] .6

thought, thoughl přemýšlet o thirsty [S,,:sti] žíznivý this [ois] ', tento, tato, toto this year [ois ji"] '3 letos thoroughly [Sar"li] .,. důkladně

those [o"uz] L4 tamti, tamty. tamta throat, -s [Sr"ut] .,0 krk, hrdlo, -a through [Sru:] L9 skrz throw [Sr"u] _15 threw, Ihrown

hodit throw up [Sr,," 'ap] .,. threw,

thrown zvracet tieket, -s [tikit] '8 lístek, -y, jízdenka, -y

time [taim] '2 čas

limelable, -s [taimteibl] L8 jizdní řád, -y

tired [tai"d] '5 unavený to [tU] " do, k, na toast [taust] L2 topinka toaster, ~s [tausta] Li1 opékač,-e

topinek lobacconist's [t"'brek"nists] L3



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tobacco products (pl) [ta'brek"u ,prodakts] L3 tabákové výrobky

together [tďgeo,,] Ll spolu, společně

toilet, -s [toil"t] L4 toaleta,-y toilet paper ['toilat 'peip,,] L4

toaletní papír Tom [tom] Ll Tomáš (mužské

jméno) tomato soup [tďma:t"u su:p] LS

rajská polévka tomorrow [ta'morau] l2 zítra tongue, -s [tang] jazyk,-y too [tu:] Ll také tooth, teeth [tu:S, ti:S] L2 zub,-y toothpaste [tu:Speist] L3 zubní pasta tossed salad [to:st 'srelad] LS

míchaný salát touch [tačl L7 touched dotknout se towel, -s [tau"l] L11 ručník,-y

town, -8 [taun] II město,-3

town haU, -s [taun ho:l] L3 radnice traín, -s [trein] L2 vlak,-y train ticket, - 8 [trein tikit] LS

jízdenka, -y train driver, -5 [trein draiva] L2

strojvúdce, -i tram, -8 [trrem] L2 tramvaj,-e tram driver, - 8 [lnem draiva] L2

řidič, -i tramvaje travel [trrevll L7 IraveUed cestovat travel agenl's ['trrevl ,eidžants] L9

cestovní kancelář Iravel documentary, -ies ['trrevl

,dokjumentari] L9 cestopisný film, -y

trip, -s [trip] LS výlet,-y lruth [tru:S] L8 pravda


try [trai] L6 tried snaži t se try [trai] L12 tried zkusit, snažit se try [trai] L13 tried pokoušet se,

snažit se try on [trai 'on] LB tried

vyzkoušet si try out [trai 'autJ L11 tried

vyzkoušet Tuesday [tju:zdi] L'. úterý turu, -8 [ta:oJ L12 zatáčka,-y

turn around [t,,:n ďraundJ L7 turoed otočit se

turn red [t,,:n 'red] l6 turned zčervenat

twenty-pound [twenti paund] L6 dvaceti librový

U umbreUa, -s [am'brela] L4

deštník, -y umbreUa stand, -s [am'brel" strend]

stojan, -y na deštníky uncle, -s [aokl] Ll strýc, -ové under [ando] c4 pod unicorn, -s [ju:niko:n] LB

jednorožec, jednorožci union, - 8 [ju:njan] L8 svazek,

svazky (manželský) Uniled Slates of America

Uu:,naitid ste its CIV a'merika] Li4

Spojené státy americké university, -ies L3 [ju:ni'vg:sgti]

univerzita, -y unlil [an'ti l] L14 (až) do up [ap] L7 nahoru use [ju:z] L5 used použít ushcr [aš,,] L15 ushered uvádět

usuaUy [ju:žuoli] L2 obvykle

V vaUey, -s [vreli] L12 údolí vanilla pudding [va'nila 'pud i 'll lO

vanilkový pudink very [veri] Li velmi very much [ven mač] L4 velmi

mnoho vet, -s [vet] L2 zvěrolékař,- i

vicar, -s [vi kg] Li4 vikář,-i

view of [vju: OV] l" výhled na village, -s [vi lidžl L8 vesnice visit [vizit] L5 visited navštívit , navštěvovat

voice, -s [vois] L7 hlas,-y

W wait [weit] L5 waited čekat

waiter, -s [weitg] L7 číšník, číšníci

waiting room, -s [weitirt ru:m] Lil

čekárna, -y waiting time [weitifl taimI Li0

čekací doba waitress, -es [weitris] L2

servírka, -y wake [weik] L4 woke, woken

probudit se walk [wo:k] L2 walked

procházet se walk, -s [wo:k] L12 procházka,-y walk away [wo:k a'wei] ls walked odejít

walk out [wo:k 'aut] l7 walked vyjít

waU, -s [wo:l] L4 stěna, -y, zeď, zdi waUet, -s [wolit] LO peněženka,-y

want [wont] L5 wanted chtít wardrobe, -s [wo:droub] L4 skříň, -ě na šaty

warm [wo:m] teplý


wart, -s [wo:tJ L10 bradavice was [woz] L6 byl washing machine, -s ['wošifl

mg,ši:n] L4 pračka,-y

wash up [woš 'ap] L4 washed umýt nádobí

watch [woč] L2 walched sledovat, dívat se

water [wo:to] LG voda wave, - 5 [weiv] L12 vlna,-y way, -s [wei] cesta,-y wear [weg] L4 wore, worn nosit

(na sobě), mít na sobě weather [weóa] L15 počasí

wedding [wedi'l] L5 svatební wedding, -s [wedi'l] l8 svatba,-y wedding dress, -es ľwedi'l ,dres] l.

svatební šaty wedding march, -es ľwedi'l ,ma:č]

L15 svatební pochod, -y wedding present, -s ['wedi'l ,presnt]

L' 2 svatební dar, -y Wednesday [wenzdi] L, středa

week, -s [wi:k] L5 týden, týdny weekend, -s [wi:kend] L<

víkend, -y weep [wi:p] L6 wept, wept lkát,

plakat welcome [welkdm] l4 welcomed (při )vítat

welcomc mat, -s [welkom mret] .4 rohožka, -y

weU [wel] L3 takže, dobře Welsh [welš] L12 velšský when lwen] L2 kdy, když, až where [weo] L; kde while [wail] 3 zatímco, během while [wail] L14 chvíle white [wait] 1 bílý


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who [hu:] L12 kdo, který (osoby) whole [halil] L1 celý why [wai] u proč

widower, -s [wid;Ju;J] L10 vdovec, vdovci

wife, wives [waif] Ll manželka,-y wild [waild] L2 divoký window, -s [windau] L4 okno,-a wind, -s [waind] L12 zátočina,-y

windy Iwindi] L' větrný

wine [wain] L5 víno wipe off [waip ofl L1 wiped setřít

with [wiS] LI s, se with me [wio 'mi:] L

without [wi'oaut] L1

se mnou bez

womao, women [wumdn, wimin] Ll žena, -y

wonderful [wandaful] L. nádherný, báječný


wooden [wudn I L4 dřevěný

word, -5 [W;J:dJ L1S slovo,-3 work [wa:k] L1 worked pracovat work, -s [wa:k] L1 práce worried [warid] znepokojený worry [wari] L11 worried dělat si

starosti would [wud] L 11 by write [rait] L2 wrote, written psát writer, -$ [rait;)] LS spisovatel,-é


yoghurt [jogat] L2 jogurt young [ja'1] L5 mladý

Z zip, -s [zip] ,15 z'p,-y



Lesson 1

1. I. I am from Prague. 2. She is ten years old. 3. They are teachers from our school. 4. He is a student. 5. We are friends. 6. You are very friend ly. 7. The ticket is 120 crowns. 8. II is my favourite film. 9. Prague is a beautiful city. 10. My father is a doctor.

2. I. She's a teacher. 2. They're from the Czech Republic. 3. We're in the zoo now. 4. He's my best friend. 5. ]ťs a good idea. 6. You're very beautiful. 7. They're good people. 8. She's from Brno. 9. I'm at home. 10. lťs cold today.

3. I. I'm not very happy today. 2. They aren't from this town. 3. She isn't a doctor. 4. Peter isn't from aur school. 5. We aren't sisters. 6. Our teacher isn't old. 7. lt isn't my book. 8. Peter and Paul aren't brothers. 9. This film isn't interesting. 10. You aren't ugly.

4. I. You are my friend. 2. They aren't brothers. 3. I am not from Prague. 4. He isn't Peter. 5. We are not teachers. 6. Jane is from aur town. 7. Peter and Paul are friends. 8. My mother isn't a doctor. 9. I am from England. 10. Jane is old, she isn't young.

S. I. I have (got) a sister. 2. They have (got) a dog. 3. My mother has (got) brown hair. 4. Peter has (got) a beautiful girlfriend. 5. She has (got) black hair. 6. Peter and Paul have (got) red cars. 7. We have (got) a big garden. 8. You have (got) cold hands. 9. My friend has (got) a black cat. 10. The cat has (got) green eyes.

6. I. We've got a dog. 2. J've got a sister. 3. She's got a black dog. 4. Peter and Paul have got blue eyes. 5. My mother's got an interesting job. 6. ['ve got black hair. 7. He's got two brothers. 8. We've got a big garden. 9. They've got a big problem. 10. She's got a brown pen.

7. I. [ have (got) a beautiful car. 2. They are good friends. 3. She has (got) a srna II sister. 4. Jane is very happy. 5. They are not from Plzeň. 6. You have (got) a big house. 7. [ have (got) a brother. 8. He is at school. 9. My father has (got) a motorcycle. 10. Peter is from Ohio.

8. I. she and her dog 2. we and our house 3. you and your friend 4. he and his family 5. you and your home 6. she and her school 7. they and their car 8. Peter and Paul and their mother 9. a dog and its ears 10. Elizabeth and her dogs

9. I. My sister is a teacher. 2. She lives in Coventry and her name is Jane. 3. Her fiat is very big and it is near the centre. 4. She has (got) a whlte dog with


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long ears. 5. Jane is a wonderful woman, she likes all people. 6. She plays the piano and she has a lot of concerts in Coventry. 7. She likes 10 laik about her nephew. 8. His name is Peter and he is very clever. 9. He goes 10 school in Coventry, he is 15 years old. 10. He likes all teachers at school.

Lesson 2

l. I. He comes home at five o'clock. 2. She finishes work al half past eleven . 3. Does your lesson start at a quarler past eighl? 4. This shop opens at a quarter to seven. 5. We usually have breakfast al seven ten. 6. We go to school at ni ne o'clock. 7. They come home at three twenly. 8. The film starts at a quarter to eight. 9. Don't you work from e.ight to four? 10. No, I work from half past eighl to half past four.

2. I. fifteen 2.1wenly-one 3. nine 4. thirty-three 5. twelve 6. nineteen 7. forty-five 8. sixteen 9.1hirleen 10. eleven

3. I. He doesn't work in a bank. 2. She doesn't finish work at 4.30 every day. 3. We don't usually have yoghurt for supper. 4. She doesn't have a shower in the evenjng. 5. They don't watch TV every evening. 6. r don't prefer rock music. 7. She doesn't teach English. 8. We don't go to bed at eleven o'clock. 9. She doesn't comb her hair every evening. 10. They don ' l gel up al 10 o'clock on Sundays. II. We don't walk with our dog in the aftemoon.

4. I. Do we go to school every day? 2. Does she have tea for breakfaSl? 3. Do we eat at six? 4. Do they play basketball on Sundays? 5. Do I clean my teelh every evening? 6. Does he teach English? 7. Does she look nice? 8. Do we need our friends? 9. Do lhey leave al live? 10. Does he walk in the park in the afternoon?

5. I. He loves her. 2. You teach thenl. 3. We watch it every day. 4. She walks with lhem on Sunday. 5. He teaches us. 6. I like you. 7. Do you know them? 8. My sister helps me. 9. The waitress gives beer 10 us. 10. Yes, and we give her money.

6. I. He teaches English. 2. I don't believe him. 3. Have you got! IDo you have a brother? 4. They have gOI a car. 5. I don ' l need your money. 6. Does he teach English? 7. We have breakfast at seven . 8. She teaches English. 9. II is for us. 10. Have you got a dog?

7. I. Paddy works in a school. 2. I get up at 7.00 and I leave my fiat al a quarter to eighl. 3. I usually eat toast with jam in the moming. 4. His mother is a nurse, but his father doesn't work. 5. Our teacher likes all children and hisjob. 6. Does Paddy fly an aeroplane? 7. Paddy doesn't eal in the school



canteen. 8. Do you like blueberry yoghurt? 9. Paul has lunch with him at half past twelve. 10. Mineral water costs I pound 20 pence.

Lesson 3

l. I. They are sitting at home. 2. He is writing a test. 3. Mary is doing the washing up. 4. We are saving money. 5. Peter is going out with Jane. 6. Paul is going to school. 7. I am buying meat. 8. We are posting a letter. 9. I am eating bread. 10. The sun is shining.

2. I. We are going to school now. 2. She is sitting at home at the moment. 3. What are you doing now? 4. We often play football. 5. The sun isn't shining now. 6. What is he looking for? A book? II is on the table. 7. When do you start work? At 8 o 'cloek every day. 8. What are you doing today? 9. Jane isn't eating breakfast now. 10. A florist loves flowers.

3. I. [ want a car. 2. She is seeing the doctor at 4 o ' clock. 3. Where are yOll living now? 4. Do you go to school every day? 5. Jane is writing a lelter now. 6. Are yOll reading my boo k now? 7. [am leaving you tomorrow. 8. They are sitting in the kitchen. 9. Are they saving money at the moment? 10. [ hope you are happy.

4. I. Jane is doing the washing up now. 2. Where do you buy meat? 3. Do you know his sister? 4. We're sitting outside now. 5. ['m looking for my book. Where is it? 6. The Brave Lion Pub is our favourite pub. We go there on Mondays. 7. [don't like the shop. 8. What are you thinking about now? 9. ['m going to school tomorrow. 10. ['m not working now because ['m having breakfast.

Lesson 4

1. girls. women, glasses, watches. tomatoes, rivers, offices, faces. umbrellas, machines, girlfriends, plates, chi1dren

2. I. [ love your smiles. 2. He is dreaming about girls. 3. Jane has two children. 4. 1 arn reading good boo ks. 5. 1 remember my dreams. 6. [ can see three babies. 7. Do you know the students? 8. The ladies are wearing hats. 9. We have two sofas al home. 10. Tbe walls are pinko

3. those women, these men. this car, this tlat, that teacher. these swim­suits, lhis book, those children, this child, this day

4. I. 1 have two children, a boy and a girl. 2. The boy is 12 years old. 3. Jane is a beautiful woman. 4. Do you know his girlfriend? 5. J have a prob-


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lem. 6. There is a lable and a chair. 7. The table is wooden. 8. She has an arm­chair in her office. 9. The old lady from your house is Mary Black. tO. The book you are looking for is on my chair.

5. I. There are ten boys in our c1ass. 2. There is a beauliful woman in his car. 3. There are four windows in his kitchen. 4. There is a flower on her table. 5. There are six flats in the bou se.

6. 1. There are three boys in the c1ass. 2. The table is wooden. 3. These cars are pinko 4. There is one table in Ihe kitchen. 5. This is my girlfriend. 6. I don't like potatoes. 7. She has two babies. 8. Are these women from your house? 9. She is wearing a pink hat. 10. I can see two men in the car.

7. I. Jane is a beauliful girl. 2. Do you like these women? 3. There is a sofa in front of the table. 4. There are Iwo flowers below the window. 5. Today I'm wearing a pink hat. 6. I remember my drearns. 7. Does he like these chairs? 8. I arn writing the letter just now. 9. Peter has (got) two children, a boy and a girl. ID. I like his teeth and smile.

Lesson 5

1. 1. Where do you tive? 2. What are you making? 3. What is your favourite colour? 4. What is Paddy doing? 5. Are they tired? 6. What doesn't he like to do? 7. How often does she eal yoghurt? 8. Where are we? 9. What time/when does the train leave? 10. Can yOll swim/dance?

2. I. They are playing hockey now. 2. She doesn't get up early every morning. 3. The bus leaves at 4 o'c1ock. 4. I am leaving tomorrow. 5. Ilike you. 6. He is sitting at the railway station now. 7. She is sleeping because she is very tired. 9. Do you see the woman with the black dog? 10. He is looking at her now because he likes her. II. I am going home because I want to sleep.

3. I. Paddy comes from Coventry. 2. Wbere does bis girlfriend live? 3. I have two dogs at home. 4. Wc're sitting in a restaurant now. 5. Do you

live in Prague? 6. I don'l tike this film. 7. Have you got a brother? Do you have a brother? 8. Paddy is eating breakfast now. 9. My mother and father aren't al home. tO. Vou are very c1ever.

4. I. Linda is saving because she needs money. 2. What are you eating? 3. Do you 'like Ihose girls? 4. Paddy gets up at 7 o'clock every day. 5. He's Iying in bed now because he is very lired. 6. lťs a long journey and the train leaves at 5.30. 7. What city do you always visit? 8. I don't see anything. Can you read it? 9. Where are you going now? To school? 10. ['m leaving tomorrow at 6.45.



5. I. I don't like her sister. 2. Paddy doesn't live in London. 3. They haven't gal tWQ children. 4. She isn't buying a ticket. 5. Aren't yOll hungry? 6. Paddy doesn't fead a baok every day. 7. I'm not going to the centre tomorrow. 8. He isn't ready to tell her everylhing. 9. The train doesn't arrive at 3 o'clock. 10. He isn't smiling at me.

6. I. It is Saturday evening in Covenlry. 2. Can you see the ladies at the shop? 3. He does not eat dinner every day. 4. Do you agree with me or not? 5. It is the girl from the bus.

S. I. Are you hungry? 2. How many cars have you gOI? 3. Who se book are you reading? 4. What colour cars do you like? 5. Whal lime/when does she get up? 6. Whal lime/when are they leaving? 7. Is she preparing dinner? 8. Is it beautiful/cold? 9. What does your falher do? Whaťs your falher's job? 10. Where does your son live?

9. Jane and her dog, Peter and his mot her, a dog and ils food, these women and their children, 1 and my school, we and aur house, yOll and your girlfriend, my mot her and her job

10. I. r am preparing dinner nQw. 2. rm leaving for London tomorrow. 3. How often do you read in bed? 4. What do you often drink? 5. When does your mother come home? 6. This boy is from our house. 7. T like red cars and white houses. 8. When are you arriving? 9. Paddy often goes to the cinema. 10. But today he is sitting at home.

Lesson 6

1. 1. [ have some ap ples at home. 2. Does Mary know any people from this school? 3. There is no banknote on the table. 4. Did you buy any bottles of Coke? 5. T want some flowers for my girlfriend. 6. He has no money in his wallet. 7. I don't have any idea where Paddy is. 8. Do you know any sweel­shop near our house? 9. He asks for some money every Friday. 10. Do you have any experience with this sport?

2. I. Do you watch anylhing on TV? 2. II is somewhere on the lable. 3. Nobody can help me. 4. Paddy helped her somehow. 5. Do you travel any­where by car during your holiday? 6. Does Linda speak to anybody from their house? 7. She has nOlhing expensive for Paddy. 8. Paddy has something for Linda in his pocket. 9. I can'l eat anything, I am jil. 10. He is holding some­thing in his hand.

3. I. Do you like black dogs or while ones? 2. I need a pen. There is one on the table. 3. This girl is from aur class and that one is from their class.


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4. ] know all colours of our banknotes. A hundred-crown one is green. 5. I know some boys from our town, but not a c1ever one.

4. I. There are five apples on the table. 2. We don't go anywhere during our holiday. 3. [ buy some bread, milk and fruit every day. 4. Do you usually go to school by bus? 5. There is an apple on the table. 6. We don't have a post office in our town. 7. [s there a cinema in the centre? Yes, there is. 8. There isn't a teacher in the classroom. There is no teacher in the c1assroom. 9. There is a child in the car. There are some children in the car. 10. Do you know any­body with red hair?

5. I. [ have sorne money on the table. 2. Do you know anything about him? 3. Do you buy any desserts? 4. [ never go to SChODl by bus. 5. [ always prepare breakfast at 7 o'clock. 6. Have you gotIDo you have any potatoes at home? 7. [don't want the blue car, but the green one. 8. [ usually eat yoghurt. 9. There are some c1eyer boys in our class. 10. ls there a post office in your town?

Lesson 7

1. looked, used, dropped, asked, called, invited, walked, started, gathered, changed, lived, arrived, stared, travelled

2. come - came, giye - gaYe, run - ran, fall - fell, see - saw, leave - left, take -look, eat - ate, think - thought, hold - held. say - said, find - found, have - had, lay - laid

3. I. [ saw him very often. 2. We had a cup of tea every aftemoon. 3. Why did you invite her 10 our house? 4. We used your car very often. 5. She didn't look happy. 6. Paddy lived in Coventry. 7. [ usually left at 7.45. 8. They put it on lhe table. 9. He went 10 the cinema with Jane. 10. When did you come home?

4. 1. [ didn't go home because I was tired. 2. She didn't make a cup of tea. 3. They didn't say it at home. 4. [ didn't sludy at this school. 5. We didn'l play tennis yesterday. 6. I didn't go there. 7. [ didn't hear it from his parents. 8. Paddy wasn't at work today. 9. I didn't help him with his problem. 10. Paddy didn't run after Linda.

5. 1. What time/When did you come? 2. Where did she see 3. Why did you run home? 4. What did you have on the table? 5. Who did she hear? 6. What did you eat? 7. When did he see her? 8. Where did they go? 9. Did you love him? 10. Did they dolhear it?

6. I. Linda was very sad yesterday. 2. She saw him wilh lhat girl. 3. [ often prepare breakfast at 7.30. 4. II was a beautiful relationship. 5.0ur teacher announced the test. 6. When did the waiter come? 7. He didn't look



happy, because his girlfriend left him. 8. Why did you help him? 9. He fainled, because he was very tired. 10. They didn't remember his name.

Lesson 8

1. pear (P), place (P), truth (NP), pub (P), money (NP), bouJe (P), meal (NP), information (NP), day (P), love (NP), name (P), wine (NP), beer (NP), hair (NP), news (NP), bus slation (P), luggage (NP), air (NP), work (NP), sugar (NP)

2. glasses, news, pieces, tearooms, eyes, tea, bulter, money, water, unicorns, rings, men, coffee

3. much snow, much blood, many friends, many pubs, much butler, much advice, many kilos, many bars, much milk, much work, many packets, much

hair, many tickets 4. few waiters, few pears, few greengrocers, Iittle money, little love,

few days, liule sugar, little salt, few cars, few passengers, linie work, litlle meat, few trees

5. two bonles of milk, five bottles of beer, 2 kilos of pears, 3 bars of cho­colate, 10 botlles of mineral water, 4 bananas, 1 chicken, I botUe of red wine

6. 1. We have a lot of books at home. 2. How much sugar do you want? 3. I usually buy two bottles of water every day. 4. They had two bottles of red wi ne. 5. Paddy reads a lot of books every year.

7. t. We have 50 many interesting boys in our c1ass! 2. I need several bottles oť water. 3. How much money do you need? Only a liule. 4. There are two newspapers on the table. 5. Mary eats only eh ieken, she doesn't like pork. 6. He looked into her eyes and smiled. 7. How many tiekets did you buy? 8. There were a lot of passengers with children there. 9. How much time have you got (do you have)? 10. There is liule snow here, we can'l ski.

8. I. She was reading a book, when I came home. 2. Paddy was sleeping al 90'elock. 3. Linda ealled him yeslerday. 4. He looked into her eyes and she sm.iled at rum. 5. They were studying at university, when 1 met thelll.

9. I. Paddy watched TV and Linda read a book. 2. What were you doing when your mother eame home? 3. A lot of people were looking al him and he didn'l like il. 4. He met Mary al 6 o'cJoek. 5. I wasn't sleeping, but I was reading a newspaper.

Lesson 9

1. ol der - oldest, happier - happiesl, bigger - biggest, less - Jeast, prettier - prettiest, more expensive - most ex pensi ve, more beautiful - most


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beautiful, lovelier - loveliest, belter - besl, cheaper - cheapesl, smaller - smallesl, richer - richest. nearer - nearest, fa/urther - fa/urthest, worse - worst

2. L My brother is ol der than my si SIer. 2, We have a more beauliful house than you, 3, Mary isn't as c1ever as Linda, 4, Our country is one of the most interesting in the world, 5, Petr is the tallesl boy in the c1ass, 6, Peter is better at English than Paul. 7, Vou are the worst hockey player in the leam, 8, This car is much more ex pensi ve than that car, 9, Mary is a lot ol der than Jane, 10, Can you wait a little bit longer?

3. L Paddy travels more this year than last year. 2, English is the most interesting language of alL 3, This book is cheaper than that one, 4, I am the happiest person in the world. 5. Our street is much narrower.

4. I, Can't Peter cook well? 2, Doesn'l he have to come on Friday? 3, Shouldn't I eat less? 4, Can't Jane play the piano? 5, Shouldn't you go by bus today?

5. L I can come at 5 o'clock, 2, Do/can you speak English? 3, Tom doesn't have to run, 4, Jane can play tennis , 5, Should you buy Linda a ring?

6. I , Ves, T can, nebo No, I can'L 2, Ves, I would, nebo No, J wouldn'L 3, Ves, J can, nebo No, I can'L 4, Ves, he/she can, Ilebo No. he/she can'L 5, Ves, I would, Ilebo No, I wouldn'L 6, Ves, I can, Ilebo No, J can'L 7, Ves, I would, Ilebo No, I wouldn't,

7. 1,1 would eat in restaurants, 2, Peter would play footbalL 3, He would have a lot of things to do, 4, She would be the best tennis player in the town, 5. Paddy would take Linda to restaurants very often,

8. I, Peter is so c1ever, 2, They are such nice people, 3, Do you know such a beautiful girl? 4, Are you really so tired? 5, It is such beautiful weather today,

9. I, 1 would go to Coventry on Saturday, 2. Can you help me, please? 3, Petr plays foolball better than his friends, 4, Would you please switch on the television? 5. You mustn't read it! 6. Should 1 inquire about our honeymoon? 7. Would she wnte him a letter? 8, I must give him the money! 9, Would Paddy be happier wilh Mary? 10, They wouldn't come late,

Lesson 10

1. I, Do you have any children? 2, We didn't invite any guests, 3, I need some information about Peter. 4, Do you know anybody from this town? 5, They usually bave no akohol at home, 6, I have nothing to speak abouL 7, Nobody came to aur party on Saturday, 8, Is it anywhere in lhe centre? 9, She doesn't have any problems at schooL 10, Do you have anything for him?



2. L Petr smoked 10 cigarettes a day, 2, She went to school by bus, 3, Paddy worked very hard, 4, Jane studied at university in Oxford, 5, They made five cars every day, 6, Ileft at 7,30 and I came at 5, 7, She always took one kilogram of apples, 8, He played the piano very often, 9, Paddy phoned Linda almost every day, 10, Linda looked happy and had no problems,

3. I, Where were you yesterday? 2, When did she come home? 3, Why did he laugh? 4, Where did she live five years ago? 5, Where did he put it? 6, Where did she see him? 7, Why did they stop? 8, What did you take? 9, When did you start to play lennis? 10, Where were they last nighl?

4. air (NP), luggage (NP), kilo (P), beer (NP), coffee (NP), hair (NP), apple (P), table (P). work (NP), job (P), meat (NP), bar (P), piece (P), water (NP), butter (NP), time (NP), love (NP), brother (P), chair (P), bed (P), weather (NP), rain (NP), friend (P), information (NP), man (P), Iion (P), pill (P)

5. 1. I have two pieces ať cheese for you. 2. Peter studied at unjversity. 3, I took everything I needed, 4, She doesn'l have any friends, 5, I want two cu ps of coffee with milk, 6, Did you work yesterday? 7, She has a lot of books at home. 8. Was there liuJe snow in the mountains? 9. They ordered three glasses of juice, 10, I have a few really good friends,

6. I, Jane is more beautiful than Mary, 2, This shop is the cheapesL 3, Are you happier now? 4, John is slimmer than Paddy, but nol as c1ever, 5. 1'01 better at English than Mary. 6. This is lhe narrowest street in town. 7, We Iive much farther from school Ihan you, 8, Peter is the worsl hockey player in schooL 9, Ves, love is the most important thing, 10, My room isn't as big as your room.

7. I, She can speak English, 2, Can you play tennis? 3, She would sleep longer. 4, He must do iL 5, Can you come to my house? 6, You shouldn 't smoke so much. 7. Vou musln't smoke in this part of the restaurant. 8. Would Ihey help us? 9, What would you like? 10, They can't read English books,

8. 5 bottles of water, 4 bottles of red wine, a half kilo of cheese, I kilo of meat, 2 ki los of apples, 6 packets of apple juice, I bar of chocolate, 15 bOltles of beer

9. I, Ves, I do, nebo No, I don't. 2, Ves, I can, nebo No, I can't. 3, Ves, I did, nebo No, I didn't. 4, Very often , nebo Not very often, 5, Ves, it \Vas, nebo No, il wasn 'l.

10. I, I saw him yesterday, 2, I usually drink two cups of coffee, 3, She has the largest room of alL 4, Can you cook well? 5, She always has breakfast at 7, 6, Did you read it yesterday? 7, I wouldn't do it for him, 8, He is belter al footbalL 9, Were you at school today? 10, I don't go to schooL


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Lesson 11

l. I. It is going to rain. 2. They are going on holiday to Greece. 3 . She is going to buy many presents for his birthday. 4. We are going to the cinema on Friday. 5. He isn't going to eat in a restaurant. 6. I am going to leave at 7 o'clock. 7. He is going to invite them. 8. Mary isn't going to laugh. 9. How much money are they going to save' 10. She is going to try the jeans out.

2. I. I hope they will come today. 2. ft is going to rain in the aflernoon. Look at the sky! 3. Mary has a birthday today. Oh, really? OK. I will buy a beautiful present for her. 4. Jane and Peter are going to get married in June. 5. We are going to save some maney because we want to buy a new car. 6. I crashed my car. Oh, what will you do? 7. Paula isn' t going to study next year. She is going to France. 8. I'm very tired. OK, I will make a cup of coffee for yOU. 9. Our mOlher is coming later tonight. 10. I have a free after­nOOI1. I am going to watch TY.

3. I. If he comes late, I won' t wait for him. 2. I'lIleave you if you don ' t love me. 3. What will you do if Peter invites you today? 4. If you visit Jane, she will be really happy. 5. If Mark asks you, what will you answer? 6. [f it isn 't good weather, we will go to Germany. 7. If you finish it by the evening, you can leave. 8. What will she tell Peter if he asks? 9. I will stop watching TV ifyou start speaking to me. 10. Ifthere is no snow, we won't go anywhere.

4. I. Don't go there, Peter doesn't want it' 2. Do it for him, he will be happy. 3. Leťs go to the cinema, there's a nice film there. 4. Leťs work longer today, we' lI leave earlier tomorrow. 5. If you help him, he ' lI get the job. 6. Don' t stay with him, if he doesn't love you. 7. I'm thirsty. So, [' 11 make you a drink. 8. lť5 going to snow, jťs really cold outside. 9. When is Mary going to get married? 10. [promise that 1' 11 buy you the ring.

S. I. What will you do ifhe comes late? 2. Let's go outside. 3. Go away! I'm really tired. 4. When are yOll coming? 5. J promi se, I won't do it again. Never! 6. ff Mary cooks dinner, she will invite you. 7. We aren't going to gel married in May, it brings bad luck. 8. Don' t look at me like that! 9. Let's go skiing, there is a lot of snow outside. 10. Peter is going to play football this afternoon, l' Ol sure.

Lesson 12

l. I. I have seen him today. 2. She has already written the letter. 3. Has your mother already come' 4. Why haven't you done it yet? 5. We have lived here since 1995. 6. I have broken her arm. 7. They have never eaten in this



res(aurant. 8. I have already visited Great Britain. 9. How long have you known them' 10. She has had the piano since her grandmother died.

2. I. How long have you not seen them? (How long haven' t you seen them?) 2. We bought our new car 2 weeks ago. 3. Have you spoken to him lately? 4. Peter has already read the book. 5. What have you told him? He is really sad. 6. She has known Peter since she moved to Plzeň. 7. J know her very well. 8. How oflen do you visit your parents? 9. Has she ever eaten Japanese food? 10. I met my friend last week.

3. I. l'd visit my grandmother if J had time. 2. ['d write a letter if I had a pen. 3. She'd buy a ticket to the theatre if she had money. 4. She'd study at university if she were younger. 5. He would help Mary if he could. 6. I'd do il if they asked me. 7. If he were more intelligent, he wouldn't need any help. 8. He wouldn't go to hospital unless he were jil. 9. We would play football out­side if the weather were niee. 10. Paddy wOllld be satisfied if Linda accepted his invitation.

4. I. [will be happy if you come. 2. She is old enough to watch this film. 3. If I were younger, I would live with you. 4. If he had enough money, he would buy an expensive ring. But he is quite poor. 5. If he didn ' t play football , he would play hockey. Blit he plays football. 6. What would you do if you were me? 7. How long have you known Peter? 8. J bought a motorcycle a week ago. 9. We haven't eaten dinner yet. 10. J have already seen the film.

S. I. Paddy has already explained it. 2. When did they come? An hour ago. 3. I haven't seen them since July. 4. [f you had the experienee, would you go there? 5. What will you tell him if he sees you with Peter? 6. Have you ever driven this car? 7. I haven' t told him yet. 8. He met her a month ago but they haven'l been to the dnema yet. 9. He doesn ' t know anything/He knows nothing about her. 10. He has been with her since January.

Lesson 13

l. I. J have been working all day. 2. ft has been raining for five hours. 3. What have you been doing? 4. She has been playing tennis for ten years. 5. He hasn' t been writing this book sinee September. 6. How long has it been snowing? 7. She has been crying because her cat died. 8. J have been cooking dinner for tWQ hours. 9. Mary has been Iistening to music aLmosl for four hours. 10. They haven't been learning English for five years.

2. I. Vou look tired. Have you been working? 2. ['ve been waiting for you for two hours. 3. How long have you been doing your homework? 4. We have heen Iiving in Coventry since August. 5. Peter has known Mary for many


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years. 6. How long has she had a new cal? 7. They have been sleeping for one hour. 8. Susan is listening to music now. 9. He has eaten my dinner. There is nolhing on my plate. 10. We have been studying at lhis school since September.

3. t. Petr was convinced. 2. He is being examined now. 3. The COnLract

will be signed lomorrow. 4. The books were wriuen by Shakespeare. 5. Their house was built a year ago. 6. My room is being decoraled now. 7. They have sald ten cars since June. 8. Peter was (otd to came Qne hour earlier. 9. He will be told the truth. 10. English is spoken here.

4. I. He is asked very often. 2. She was seen yeslerday. 3. The last room has been decorated. 4. Your car is being washed now. 5. Our grandfather will be sent to hospital. 6. The contract was signed one hour ago. 7. Ten kinds of meals are prepared every day. 8. He is being called now. 9. Linda was given a beautiful ring by Paddy. 10. AII credit cards are accepled here.

5. The tenth af June nineteen eighty-five nebo June the tenth nineteen eighty-five January the eighth nincteen ninely nebo The eighth af January nineteen ninety The second af May nineteen oh one nebo May the second nineteen oh Qne The fourteenth af November njneteen forty-five nebo Novcmber the fourteenth

nineteen ťorty-five The ninth of May sixleen forry·five nebo May the ninlh sixteen forty·five The sixth af December nineteen sixty-five nebo December the sixth nineteen

sixty-five The sixteenth of August nineteen ninety-four nebo August the sixteenth

nineteen ninety-four April the lwelfth ninely·five

6. I. John will be sent to hospilal tomorrow. 2. I have anolher example. Can I say il? 3. I have known the others for ten years. 4. The ninth window is mine. 5. How long have you been reading the book? 6. Peter has been working in lhis shop for five years. 7. Yesterday was the seventh of January. I was bom on the seventh of January. 8. How long have you had the ring [rom Paddy, Linda? 9. They have drunk my boule of red wine. II was boughl in France. 10. Your dinner is just being prepared. sir.

Lesson 14

la. I. When I come home, 1' 11 cook dinner. 2. As soon as she meets Peter, she will tell him about her new boyfriend. 3. Before they leave, they'lI have breakfast. 4. She won't help Tony unlil he asks for help. 5. He will water my flowers while I am in Greece.



lb. I. After you go 10 school, [ will clean the fial. 2. As long as you are in Prague, we can visit Prague famous clubs. 3. Will you help me when I need it?" 4. He will not go to bed as soon as he comes home. 5. Whal will you do when she invites you to the restaurant?

2. I. If only my husband earned more money. 2. If only it didn't rain so often in our counlry. 3. I. Ir only I could watch the film. 4. If only they Iiked meal. 5. If only there were snow this winter. 6. If only I could buy such expen­sive shoes. 7. If only she didn'l know everything aboul our wedding. 8. If only I weren'l so old. 9. If only he loved Jane. 10. If only this car weren'l so expen­sive.

3. I. Jane has blue eyes and black hair like her mOlher. She takes after her. 2. You can go by bus and gel off allhe fourlh station. 3. I don'l understand why you've broken up. You loved Peter so much! 4. What are yOll looking for? My glasses. BUl I can't find lhem. 5. Oh, you play the guilar very well, Mike! Can you go on? I wan I to hear more songs. 6. Hello, I'm phoning Mr Smith. Can you put me through, please? 7.1'01 sorry, sir. Your plane has jusl taken off. You came late. 8. I don't remernber Tony's phone number. Can you look il up somewhere, please? 9. My doclor lold me to give up smoking because I'm seriously jil. 10. Oh, my god! I have galon the wrong bus! II doesn't go to the train station!

4. I. I usua1ly wail in front of the cinema. 2. Can you go to Paris with me? 3. She is standing at the window. She is looking out. 4. My car is in front of the house. 5. I met Peter on Monday at 6 o'cloek. 6. We gOI married in January. 7. And lhat was lhe end of our love. 8. Whal will you do during your holiday? 9. I haven't seen him for a month. I would like to meet him soon. 10. I come rrom England bUl I live in lhe Czech Republic now.

5. I. I'm coming in June and we can go to lhe sea. 2. Peter is standing behind lhe house, he is like a chi Id. 3. If only I were younger' 4. Peter looked after the children and broughl them up well. 5. You can gel on this bus and get off at the SiXlh station. 6. When I'm in Prague, ['11 visil you. 7. As soon as you arrive home. you'lI cook dinner. 8. What will you do when your husband is at work? 9. Jane can'l live without Tony. 50 she'lI give up smoking. 10. I am going to arrive on Tuesday and we can meet in front of the cinema.

Lesson 15

1. (možné odpovědi) I. ['m going to have fish. 2. I'm going to do my homework. 3. I'm going to the cinema. 4. Ves, lam. 5. J'm going to watch lhe news. 6. I will come earlier the next day. 7. No, I won'1. 8. 1'11 go 10 the embassy. 9. No, I won'1. 10.1'11 go for a walk.


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2. (možné odpovědi) I. Don't go out with her! 2. Wake up! 3. Wash the dishes! 4. Don'l cal my dinner nexl tirne! 5. lťs 100 expensive. Take il back! 6. Do something else! 7. Help me with the housework. 8. Write a letter to my uncle' 9. Cook lunch! 10. Read the book or returo it'

3. I. I have broken my leg. 2. She has been waiting here for 30 minutes. 3. They haven'l finished their work yet. 4. My mother hasn't come from work yet. 5. Have you ever been to Great Britain? 6. How long have you known Jane? 7. She has been running in the park for one hour. 8. How long has Peter becn playing tennis? 9. I have already written lhe lettcr. 10. I have visited six countries.

4. J would buy a new house. I would buy a boat. J would get married. I would dive in the Atlantic Ocean. I would travel to Egypt. I would have 5 dogs. J would help poor people. I would buy medicine for "people ofthe lhird world". [ would have dolphins. [ would Iive in the rain forest.

5. I. Bananas aren't grown in Scotland. 2. Ten piclures have already becn sald. 3. His room is being decorated now. 4. Five cars were stolen yesterday. 5. He will be taken to hospital. 6. Skoda cars are made in the Czech Republic. 7. He has been asked many questions. 8. [t was said by her a week ago. 9. His car is being washed now. 10. The house will be built in six months.

6. The fourleenth of January nebo January the fourteenth The tenth of February nebo February the tenlh The eighth of June nebo JlIne the eighth The nineteenth af August nebo August the nineteenth The ninth of May nebo May lhe ninlh The twenty-first of Aprilnebo April the twenty-first The twenty-fourth of December nebo December the twenty-fourth The thirty-first of December nebo December lhe thirty-first The twenly-eighth of October nebo October the lwenty-eighth The seventeenth of November nebo November the seventeenth

7. at thc station, on the corner, in the garden, in the building, next to the door, in fronl of the school , behind the Iree, from Africa, at 6 o'clock, on Sunday. in July, for a year, during the holiday, (on) Monday morning

8. I. When he came home, he was watching TV. 2. As soon as Mary finds the right man, she will get married. 3. If only [ knew something about him. 4. Before [ leave, 1'11 cook lunch for YOll. 5. While his wife was on holiday, he worked very hard. 6. I wish she didn', see il. 7. If only they Iiked us. 8. Don't do anylhing untill call you. 9. He was really happy after she returned home. 10. I wish I were younger.



9. I. Mary doesn ' t work in lhis office. 2. What did you do yesterday? 3. They haven't finished their work yet. 4. [ bought the car a week ago. 5. If you meet me, I will give yOll my present. 6. If I were younger. I would marry him. 7. 1'01 old enough to know lhat. 8. If only she were here. 9. Have you ever been to London? 10. This boo k is written in English.

10. I. Look up the word in lhe dictionary if you don't know it. 2. Take it off, it's hot here. 3. 1 usually get on in the centre bUL I don ' t know where to get off. 4. 1'11 tell you the trulh when ·I see yOll. 5. If only the weather were nice loday. 6. Our car has broken down. 7. Have you ever eatcll any English food? No, I haven' l. 8. We have another dog for you. The black one is 10001d. 9. Five bottles ať wille were drunk. 10. As SOOI1 as you arrive in Prague, we' ll

go to the theatre.




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~J ~ Výslovnost anglické abe"',

~ a [ei] n [eo]

b [bi:] o [gou]

c [si:] p [pi:]

d [di:] q [kju:]

e [i:] r [a:]

f [ef] s [es]

g [dži:] t [ti:]

h [eič] u Uu:]

i [ai] v [vi:] •

j [džei] w [dabl ju:]

k [kei] x [eks]

I [el] y [wai]

m [em] z [zed]

244 245