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Angielski dookoła świata - filesowniczki oraz dwa wiczenia ze sownictwem z rozdziau i zagadnienie gramatyczne. Cz dla rednio zaawansowanych zawiera rozszerzony tekst na

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Angielski dookoła świata

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Angielski dookoła świata

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Redakcja Agnieszka Gadomska

Redakcja techniczna

Copyright © by Beata Turska, Warszawa 2012Copyright © by Weltbild Sp. z o.o., 2012

Copyright © for the e-book edition by Weltbild Polska Sp. z o.o., Warszawa 2012

Grupa Wydawnicza WeltbildWarszawa 2012

Weltbild Polska Sp. z o.o.ul. Hankiewicza 2, 02-103 Warszawa

ISBN 978-83-7799-874-8Nr 90452194

Niniejszy produkt objęty jest ochroną prawa autorskiego. Uzyskany dostęp upoważnia wyłącznie do prywatnego użytku osobę, która wykupiła prawo dostępu. Wydawca informuje, że wszelkie

udostępnianie osobom trzecim, nieokreślonym adresatom lub w jakikolwiek inny sposób upowszechnianie, upublicznianie, kopiowanie oraz przetwarzanie w technikach cyfrowych lub

podobnych - jest nielegalne i podlega właściwym sankcjom.

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WST�P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

CZ��� PIERWSZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Teksty i wiczenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Odpowiedzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

Pytania do tekstów i propozycje odpowiedzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

CZ��� DRUGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Niezb�dne s�owa i wyra�enia dla podró�uj�cych . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

�wiczenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296

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Pomys� na poradnik Angielski dooko�a �wiata, przyszed� mi do g�owy pod-czas podró�y do Sri Lanki. Poznalimy tam z moim przyjacielem dwóch bardzo sympatycznych Polaków, którzy przez ca�y rok odk�adali ka�dy grosz, �eby wyjecha na wymarzone wakacje. Smutno nam by�o, �e mo-gli tylko po�owicznie spe�ni swoje marzenie. Z powodu braku znajomoci angielskiego nie potra� li cieszy si� i korzysta z otaczaj�cego ich wiata. W kraju pe�nym s�o�ca, gdzie mieszkaj� radoni i przyja ni ludzie, cho wielu z nich straci�o dobytek ca�ego �ycia z powodu tsunami, które spusto-szy�o Sri Lank� dwa lata wczeniej, naszych dwóch znajomych ogarn��o przera�enie nowym i nieznanym. Czuli si� bezpiecznie tylko w hotelu, ca�-kowicie odizolowanym od autentycznego kolorowego zewn�trznego wia-ta. Na spotkanie z nim wychodzili wy��cznie w zorganizowanej grupie. Nie rozmawiali z miejscow� ludnoci�, nie kosztowali egzotycznych potraw, nie kupowali pami�tek, bo nie potra� li si� targowa. Czuli ulg�, kiedy nikt nie zwraca� na nich uwagi. Wielka szkoda! �wiat jest zbyt pi�kny, �eby na niego patrze tylko z hotelowej z�otej klatki czy z okien autokaru. Napisa-�am poradnik dla moich dwóch podró�uj�cych znajomych i dla wszystkich innych polskich turystów, którzy marz� o wielkiej, wi�kszej i najwi�kszej podró�y, i którym, mam ogromn� nadziej�, dzi�ki poradnikowi dodam otu-chy i pomog� zdoby wi�ksz� pewno siebie.

Ksi��ka jest przeznaczona dla dwóch typów odbiorców, pocz�tkuj�cych i rednio zaawansowanych. Zawiera kombinacj� kilku elementów sk�adaj�-cych si� na holistyczn� nauk� j�zyka angielskiego.

Pierwsza cz� – Teksty i wiczenia – sk�ada si� z dwudziestu rozdzia�ów, które opowiadaj� o wiecie i o podró�owaniu.

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Ka�dy rozdzia� podzielony jest na dwie cz�ci, dla pocz�tkuj�cych i rednio zaawansowanych.

Cz� dla pocz�tkuj�cych zawiera krótki dialog i tekst na ten sam temat, s�owniczki oraz dwa wiczenia ze s�ownictwem z rozdzia�u i zagadnienie gramatyczne.

Cz� dla rednio zaawansowanych zawiera rozszerzony tekst na ten sam temat co dla pocz�tkuj�cych, s�owniczek oraz trzy wiczenia leksykalno-gramatyczne.

Pod koniec pierwszej cz�ci, po odpowiedziach na wiczenia, czytelnicy znajd� pytania dotycz�ce tematów rozdzia�ów i moje propozycje odpowie-dzi, �eby mogli powiczy wypowiedzi ustne.

W drugiej cz�ci czytelnicy poznaj� b�d powtórz� wa�ne s�owa i wyra-�enia z ró�nych dziedzin �ycia, których znajomo jest niezb�dna podczas podró�y.

Na koniec, dla najbardziej wytrwa�ych, zosta� zamieszczony zbiór wicze� dotycz�cy drugiej cz�ci.

Z braku miejsca nie uda�o si� zamieci w poradniku teoretycznego wy-k�adu o gramatyce. Dlatego zach�cam do zapoznania si� z nim w moim podr�czniku Gramatyka angielska w tekstach.

Beata Turska

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CZ��� I

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Listen to the dialogue. Listen again and read. A. I’m tired. B. You need a holiday. A. Where could I go? B. You could go windsur� ng to Hel Peninsula. A. I don’t have a reservation. B. Why not go to a cruise on the Caribbean Sea? A. It is too expensive. B. Go to Mexico then. A. I’m afraid of sharks. B. If you worry so much, stay at home. A. But I’m so tired!

TEXT 1I’m looking unhappily at the papers on my desk and thinking about going on holiday. I don’t know if I should go to Hel Peninsula or to the Caribbean Sea, to Mexico or maybe to Tanzania? Should I go alone or with a friend? When should I go? How should I travel? Why should I choose one place over another? I almost have a headache from too many worries!

Travelling is dangerous and expensive, and I have a huge credit to pay off. I don’t really have to go anywhere. On the other hand, there’s so much to see and so much to learn about the world!

GLOSSARYpeninsula – pó�wysepcruise – rejs wycieczkowyexpensive – drogishark – rekin

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to worry – martwi si�to be tired – by zm�czonymto need – potrzebowaWhy not go...? – A mo�e by tak pojecha...?to be afraid of – ba si�to go alone – pojecha samemuto choose – wybraheadache – ból g�owy dangerous – niebezpiecznyhuge – ogromnyto pay off – sp�aci

EXERCISE 1Practise the vocabulary from the dialogue and text 1. 1. I have a ......................... (ból g�owy) every day. 2. He is afraid of ......................... (rekiny). 3. The ticket for the sea cruise is very ......................... (drogi). 4. Travelling can be ......................... (niebezpieczny) sometimes. 5. He is paying off his ......................... (kredyt) for the � at. 6. I am tired. I need a ......................... (wakacje).

EXERCISE 2Fill in the gaps with the correct word. 1. I looked ......................... the papers on my desk. 2. Should I go alone or ......................... a friend? 3. He has a huge credit to pay .......................... 4. There’s so much to learn ......................... the world 5. We are thinking about going ......................... holiday.

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TEXT IIHave you ever looked at a pile of ironing and thought,“I need a holiday!” Have you ever sat at work dreaming about remote places you could go to on your holiday and thought, “If I could only take the time off, save some cash, learn a language and get the vaccinations!”

For some, holidays are more stressful than seeing a dentist.Worrying is one of our favorite pastimes, and even taking a short break can be a problem. If this is the case, then why go at all? Your home is your castle, where you feel safe and comfortable, where you bother nobody and no one bothers you.

You are not the only one suffering from travelling stress. Other travellers also try to � nd an excuse not to go and stay at home.

Here is a list of reasons why you might cancel your travel plans. 1. I could go windsur� ng to Hel Peninsula, but there’s no hope of get-

ting a campsite since I didn’t make a reservation six months ago. 2. I might take a cruise on the Caribbean Sea and see the islands and the

coasts of the West Indies, but I am so fed up with how they raise the price by adding extra fees – for the fuel, port – to add to the adver-tised fare.

3. I may head for Mexico, but I’m not keen on meeting sharks, hur-ricanes and drug cartels.

4. How about going to Serengeti National Park in Tanzania? Isn’t it too dangerous now?

5. Where should I go? Who should I go with? When? Why? How? There are too many questions to answer, so I’m staying!

Some reasons, like rising gas prices, expensive plane tickets, a credit to pay off, and a global � nancial crisis, aren’t bad reasons to think about. Money is limited, and sometimes we have to make dif� cult choices. But honestly, there is almost always a way to solve � nancial problems and go and see the world. Of course, petrol may be more expensive, and there is a credit to pay off, but this only means that you’ll have to cut back on other areas if you want to go on your dream trip. So don’t think twice and just hit the road (like Jack from the song by Ray Charles).

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GLOSSARYa pile of – stos remote places – dalekie, odleg�e miejscavaccinations – szczepieniato worry – martwi si� pastime – rozrywka, hobbyto take a break – wzi� wolne Why go...? – Po co jecha...?to bother – zawraca g�ow�, niepokoito suffer from – cierpie na to cancel – odwo�a, uniewa�niexcuse – usprawiedliwienie, wyt�umaczenie

this is no excuse – to nie jest �adne usprawiedliwieniethere is no excuse for ... – nie ma usprawiedliwienia dla to make excuses – wymawia si�, wykr�ca si�to give / have an excuse to do sth – da / mie pretekst do zrobienia czego

reason – powód to have no hope of sth / doing sth – nie liczy na co / na zrobienie czego

to give up / lose hope – traci nadziej�to be sb’s only hope – by czyj� jedyn� nadziej�last hope – ostatnia szansa, nadzieja

to make a reservation – zrobi rezerwacj�to con� rm / cancel a reservation – potwierdzi / wycofa rezerwacj�

cruise – rejs wycieczkowyto be fed up with – mie czego dosy, po dziurki w nosie to raise – podnosi (r�k�, cen�, wiadomo, temat)to add – doda

to add to – dodatkowofee – op�ata

an entrance fee – op�ata za wst�p (do muzeum)fuel – paliwoto advertise – reklamowa, og�asza

an advertisement (ad) – reklama (gazeta, plakat, � lm), og�oszeniefare – op�ata za przejazd, cena biletu

half / full fare – bilet normalny / ulgowy

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to head for – kierowa si�, zmierzato head north / south – zmierza na pó�noc / na po�udnie

to be keen on – pali si� do zrobienia czegoshark – rekin drug cartel – kartel narkotykowy limited – ograniczonyto make a choice – dokona wyboru

a wide choice – du�y, szeroki wybórto be spoilt for choice – mie trudny, za du�y wybórto leave sb with no choice – nie pozostawia komu �adnego wyboru

honestly – szczerze mówi�cto be honest about sth – mówi prawd� let’s be honest – b�d my szczerzyto be quite honest with you – jeli mam by z tob� zupe�nie szczery

a way to solve – sposób na rozwi�zaniegas (petrol) – benzynato cut back on – ogranicza co (wydatki)think twice (before) – zastanów si�, zanim

don’t think twice – nie zastanawiaj si� to hit the road – rusza, wyrusza w drog�

EXERCISE 3Complete the sentences with the words from the glossary. The number of letters is the same as the number of dashes. 1. The prices for the trip to Kenya are quite - e - - - - - - - -.

(rozs�dne) 2. The best travel offers are on the a - - - - - - - - - - - - page in the Saturday

Gazeta Wyborcza.(strona og�oszeniowa)

3. That’s the - i - - -! I’ve had enough of our tour guide’s carelessness.(To przechodzi wszelkie granice!)

4. He is afraid to go to tropical countries for health - - - s - - -.(z przyczyn zdrowotnych)

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5. May I be e - - - - - - ? I need to go to the loo.(Czy mog� na chwil� wyj?)

6. It’s hard to - - - o - - one trip from this very attractive winter offer.(wybiera sporód)

EXERCISE 4Complete this letter from the USA using the words below. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, or Past Continuous.

In 1-10 use: arrive feel (×2) get go know spend wait write (×2)In 11-20 use: ask complain like go (not) get on hear look (×2) seem start

Dear Bo, I (1) ..................... this mail in a hotel room in Washington. I � nally (2) .................... here after a long coach journey from New York. I (3) .................. very tired, so this will be just a short note before I (4) ....................... to sleep.

As you (5) ...................., I (6) .................... the last week in New York with Irenka and Zbyszek. I (7) .................... to them a month ago to tell them when I would be arriving, and they (8) .................... at the airport for me when I (9) ......................... there. At the beginning, I (10) ........................ jet-lagged, but very quickly I (11) ..................... sightseeing. I love New York!

Irenka and Zbyszek (12) .................... New York a lot although Zbyszek (13) ..................... for a new job now. It (14) ........................ that he (15) ........................... very well with his boss. He constantly (16) ........................ about his work and it (17) ......................... to irritate Zbyszek. They (18) ..................... me to pass on their best wishes to you. Now I (19) ....................... forward to sightseeing Washington. I (20) .................... it’s a beautiful place. Wish you were here!

Love, Beata.

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EXERCISE 5Complete the following sentences by adding what, which, whom, who. 1. ......................... do you do on Sundays? 2. ......................... is the way to the airport? 3. ......................... of you have visited Urugway before? 4. ......................... is your best friend? 5. ......................... is his name? 6. With ......................... are you going to Egypt? 7. ......................... is the name of the town where you live? 8. ......................... is he like?



Listen to the dialogue. Listen again and read. A. Why do you like travelling? B. There are many reasons. It is great to see a new place for the � rst time. A. Do you agree with me that the � rst impression is important? B. Yes, it is. And the world is so inspiring. A. What do you like about travelling? B. I learn a lot about new places, people and customs. I am never bored. A. Lucky you! B. Do you know what I like best about travelling? A. What is it? B. Coming home!

TEXT IThere are many reasons why people travel. Some like to see with their own eyes the place they’ve only read or heard about. Some look for inspiration

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to bring back home and to make a change in their lives. Others learn about new places, people, and their customs. They will never be bored because they lead interesting lives. Last but not least, thanks to travelling they will understand and appreciate their own country more.

GLOSSARYreasons – powodythe � rst impression – pierwsze wra�eniecustom – zwyczajto be bored – nudzi si� Lucky you! – Masz szcz�cie!to like sth best – lubi co najbardziej to make a change – zmienito lead a life – prowadzi �ycielast but not least – wreszcie, w ko�cu (przy wyliczaniu)to appreciate – doceni

EXERCISE 1 Answer the questions. 1. Do you like travelling?

Yes, I .........................No, I .........................

2. Is the � rst impression important?Yes, it .........................No, it .........................

3. Is she bored?Yes, she .........................No, she .........................

4. Is it great to see a new place for the � rst time? Yes, it .........................No, it .........................

5. Do you think people are inspired by travelling?Yes, they .........................No, they .........................

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EXERCISE 2Make questions and negative sentences in Present Simple and Present Continuous. 1. People travel more and more nowadays.


........................................................ 2. He likes to see the place he has read about with his own eyes.


........................................................ 3. You are looking for inspiration to bring back home.


........................................................ 4. We are leading interesting lives.


........................................................ 5. They appreciate their country.



TEXT IIWhy do I travel? Do I need a reason or do I already have a million rea-sons?

It’s actually less important why I start travelling; discovering the reasons during the trip is more important. Those beyond my wildest dreams mo-ments surprise me, give extra meaning, and shape my future travels.

Everytime I step outside, I see something – or everything – for the � rst time. And then, when I see the same thing again, it still looks new because my � rst impression had almost no context.This cycle has been repeating since I landed in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. Although I am con-fused, I feel wonderful and inspired. My life is about to change.

Travel is education. Everyday I learn something new through beautiful and dif� cult experiences. Good lessons or bad, travelling has taught me to value what each day teaches me. I can use these lessons even when I don’t travel. If learning and discovering can become your passion, if you can truly

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be interested in people and new places wherever you are, you’ll never be bored on the trip or at home.

The only thing I really own in my life is time. No one else should be in control of MY time. If I can be rich thanks to my time and experience in-stead of “things,” I will have a much better chance of living my life to the fullest.

Holiday-type travel is often just an extension of the life you have at home. You plan your holiday in the same way you plan their home life. That is why, very often you don’t enjoy it. When you try to eliminate all the mis-takes and uncertainties, you can get as a result, a sterile travel experience. You don’t learn anything, and you don’t come home inspired. Travelling should be about slowing down and taking your time. It should be about making mistakes, learning from them, and knowing that travelling will take you in directions you have never dreamt of when planning your trip. This attitude can help you change your life and way of thinking.

We usually stay at home, work hard, keep up with the Joneses, take and pay off credits, and obsess about material things and designer clothes. But the truth is that working hard and keeping up with the Joneses don’t always make us happy or let us live a full life.

Finally, travelling has made me understand and appreciate my own coun-try. After living in other countries, I have realized how hospitable and gen-erous Poles are. Poland has some unpopular policies and practices, many of which embarrass and irritate me, but Poland is not its politics. Poland is its land and people, and I value both highly. This doesn’t mean that Poland has monopoly on virtue, since I think that the world has many lessons to teach the Poles, particularly how to be self-con� dent and tolerant. Gaining a new life perspective from Asians, Africans, or Americans has never made me feel less Polish or European.

A year ago, my sister Maggie visited America. When she came back, I asked her what she thought of America. “In America I realized how much European I am,” she answered. Experiencing the nuances of another culture made her aware just how instinctively European and Polish she was.

Some people don’t travel because they’re afraid of being drugged, mugged or going down with awful illnesses like cholera, malaria, and what not. I’ve experienced being drugged, being mugged, and falling ill. I may be weird,

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but my misadventures have not dulled my travel passions. In fact, what really scares me is the thought that, for some reason, I might stop travel-ling. Travelling has made my world much larger and more vivid, and if the occasional misfortune is the price to pay, that’s � ne with me.

GLOSSARY to travel – podró�owa

to travel light – podró�owa z ma�ym baga�emto travel widely – du�o podró�owato travel the world – objecha wiata travel agency – biuro podró�ya travel agent – agent biura podró�ya traveller – podró�nik travel expenses – koszty podró�yto be travel-sick – cierpie na chorob� lokomocyjn�

to discover – odkrya discoverer – odkrywcato make a discovery – dokona odkrycia

trip – wycieczka, podró� a boat trip – rejsa bus / coach trip – wycieczka autokarowaa business trip – wyjazd s�u�bowy, delegacjaa day trip – wycieczka jednodniowa a � shing / skiing trip – wyjazd na ryby / nartyto go on a trip – pojecha na wycieczk�, wyruszy w podró�Have a good trip! – Mi�ej podró�y!to take a trip to – pojecha gdzie, przejecha si�a round trip – jazda tam i z powrotem

beyond – za, pozato be beyond one’s wildest dreams – przechodzi czyje najmielsze marze-

nia to surprise – zaskakiwa kogo

to my surprise – ku mojemu zaskoczeniuit doesn’t surprise me at all – to mnie wcale nie dziwi

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it surprised me to see / � nd that – by�am zaskoczona, gdy zobaczy�am / odkry�am, �e

it is surprising that / how / what... – (to) zaskakuj�ce, �e / jak / co to give meaning – nada znaczenieto shape – kszta�towato imagine – wyobra�a sobiecycle – cyklto be confused – by zak�opotanym, zmieszanym

confusion – zak�opotanie, zmieszanieto own – posiadato live one’s life to the fullest – �y pe�ni� �ycia extension – przed�u�enie

to extend – przed�u�a (termin, wiz�)to extend a debt – przed�u�y sp�at� d�uguto extend aid – udzieli pomocyto extend a credit – udzieli kredytu

uncertainty – niepewnoto slow down – zwolni to take time – nie pieszy si� to make mistakes – pope�nia b��dy

to learn from mistakes – uczy si� na b��dachto keep up with the Joneses – nie by gorszym od s�siadów

to keep up appearances – zachowywa pozorybrands / labels – marki designer clothes – markowe ubrania to appreciate – docenia hospitable – gocinny, przyjazny (klimat) generous – hojny, szczodrypolicy / policies on sth – polityka (pa�stwa, � rmy)

a foreign / housing policy – polityka zagraniczna, mieszkaniowapolitics – polityka, dzia�alno polityczna

to go into politics – zaj� si� polityk�to embarrass – zawstydzi to value highly – wysoko ceni

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virtue – cnota, zaletaself-con� dent – pewny siebie to mug – napada, brutalnie atakowa to drug – odurzy, upito go down with – zachorowa nato fall ill with – zachorowa na to be afraid – ba si� to be scared – wystraszy si� weird – niesamowity, dziwacznyto dull – przyt�pi

dull – pochmurny (dzie�), g�uchy (d wi�k)misfortune – pech, nieszcz�ciemisadventure – nieszcz�liwy wypadek, nieszcz�cievivid – �ywy (kolor, wiat�o),wyra ne (wspomnienie, opis)

EXERCISE 3Fill in gaps. Choose from the words below. The number of letters is the same as the number of dashes.own ×2 / confusion / confused / break / politicians / ef� cient 1. One of the tour guides called all the female tourists Ania to avoid c - -

- - - - - - with the names. (�eby unikn� pomy�ki) 2. He didn’t want to go on holiday with his family, so he went on his - w -.

(samodzielnie, na w�asn� r�k�) 3. I got - - - f - - - - when I realized he was changing our holiday plans

for the third time in two weeks. (pogubi�em si�) 4. This travel agency employs people who are very - - - - - - - - t at promot-

ing their offer. (sprawny, sprawnie dzia�aj�cy, wydajny) 5. If you see it with your o - - eyes, then you might believe. (na w�asne

oczy) 6. We have to - r - - - camp as fast as we can. This rain will never stop.

(musimy zwin� obóz) 7. Many people are losing trust in p - - - - - - - - - - in this country, after the

corruption scandals they read about in the papers. (politycy)

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EXERCISE 4Fill in the prepositions (przyimki) in the text. Read the glossary � rst.of (×8) / on (×3) / into / in (×3) / into / from / toto consist – sk�ada si� z to enclose – zawiera to surround – otacza a coast – wybrze�ean island – wyspaan islet – wysepka a reef – rafaa coral reef – rafa koralowa a cay (key) – wysepka z piasku i koralu, rafaan arc – �ukto include – obejmowasovereign – suwerenneoverseas departments – okr�gi pozamorskie dependency – terytorium zale�ne (podleg�e)adjacent – s�siedni, przyleg�y (do czego)to be referred to as – by nazywanym

The Caribbean is a region consisting (1) .... the Caribbean Sea, its islands (most of which enclose the sea), and the surrounding coasts. The region is located southeast (2) .... Northern America, east (3) .... Central America, and to the north (4) .... South America.

Situated largely (5) .... the Caribbean Plate, the region comprises more than 7,000 islands, islets, reefs, and cays. These islands, called the West Indies, generally form island arcs that delineate the eastern and northern edges (6) .... the Caribbean Sea. These islands are called the West Indies because when Christopher Columbus landed here in 1492 he believed he had reached the Indies (in Asia).

The region consists (7) .... the Antilles, divided (8) .... the larger Greater Antilles, which bound the sea (9) ..... the north, and the Lesser Antilles (10) .... the south and (including the Leeward Antilles), and the Bahamas which are in fact (11) .... the Atlantic Ocean, not (12) .... the Caribbean Sea.

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Geopolitically, the West Indies are usually reckoned as a subregion of North America and are organized (13) .... twenty seven territories includ-ing sovereign states, overseas departments, and dependencies. At one time, there was a short-lived country called the Federation of the West Indies, composed (14) .... ten English-speaking Caribbean territories, all of which were then UK dependencies.

The region takes its name (15) .... the Carib, an ethnic group present (16) .... the Lesser Antilles and parts (17) .... adjacent South America at the time of European contact. In the English-speaking Caribbean, someone from the Caribbean is usually referred (18) .... as a “West Indian,” although the phrase “Caribbean person” is sometimes used.

EXERCISE 5Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs. 1. Podró� mo�e by testem dla zwi�zku.

................................................................................................................ 2. Podró� powinna by testem dla zwi�zku.


3. By mo�e podró� jest testem dla zwi�zku.................................................................................................................

4. Podró� musi by testem dla zwi�zku.................................................................................................................

5. Podró� nie powinna by testem dla zwi�zku.................................................................................................................

6. Podró� nie musi by testem dla zwi�zku.


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