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Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority · 2017. 3. 10. · Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority

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Page 1: Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority · 2017. 3. 10. · Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority



Lenin Center, Vijayawada - 520002.


lanuary 2017

Page 2: Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority · 2017. 3. 10. · Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority

Contents1. INTRODUCTION......


7.2. PURPOSE....................

1.3. OBIECTrVES......

1..4. MODIIICATION AND CHANGES TO THIS pOLICy ......................4

1.5. COMPETENTAI.TTHORITY .............................4

2.1.. NOTIFICATION OF INTERNSHIPS.................... ..................................4

2.2. ELIGIBILITY (Who can apply) ..........

2.3. APPLICATION, EVALUATION & SELECION. ......................... . s


3.1. SCOPE OF INTERNSHIP... ............................5

3.2. DURATION AND EMOLUMENT...................................

3.3. CONDUCT DURING INTERNSHIP.........................._..




s.3. ROLE OF HR...........

5.4. CONTACTS.................

6. Annexures. .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.Annexure 6.1: Application form ...............9

Annexure 6.2: Undertaking of Integrity & Confidentiality............. .............10

Annexure 6.3: Evaluation Form..................._ ...............................11

Annexure 6.4: Certilicate of completion of Internship.......................... ............12

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l.l.BACKGROUNDThe Andfua Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA)has come in to force

with effect from 306 Day of December,201.4 by the virtue of the APCRDA Act 2014, for the

purposes of Planning, Coordination, execution, supervisiory financing, funding and for

promoting and securing the plarured development of the CaPital Region including

consEuction and management of the New Capital of Amaravati.

To achieve the humongous task of building a world class capital city for the state

requires an organization to be of high caliber professional capacity and functional efficiency.

APCRDA in this regard had adopted a hybrid approach of deputing seasoned Govt. officials

for kick-starting the foremost activities while merging the existing staff from the erstwhile

VGTM UDA.Further, APCRDA has also induced competent professionals from the market

through direct recruitment as well as on conhact recruitment.


It has been estimated that a total of about 778 persorurel in various capacities would be

required for the full functioning of the organization, less than half of it only have been

recruited and are working at APCRDA due to various reasons including dearth of

professionals readily available in the market. It is also to be noted that many irurovative and

new schools of thought emerge from reputed Academia which help in supporting as well as

shaping the way industry flourishes and would be of great value in the process of

Amaravati's develoPmmt.

In the above context, while maintaining the professional capacity and functional efficiency is

of pivotal importance it would also be highly beneficial to the organization to introduce

young and rich talent pool to provide vatious services in the capacity of Intems. Hence, a

ielevant policy was needed to be drafted for the organization to allow high caliber

individuals from well reputed national institutions pursue Internships at APCRDA and

contribute to the development of India's new urban definition - Amaravati City.


The objectives of this policy are as under,

o To establish and strengthen APCRDA - Academia lelationshiP for mutual benefits'

. To encourage new schools of thought across various disciplines of Urban

clevelopment and innovative ways of irnplementation at Amaravati'

. To enable exchange of knowledge and latest developments in the fields of City

development, Urban services and Govemance'

. To provide opportunity for enthusiastic and competent individuals to leam from and

contribute to the organization on practical aspects and gain hands on exPerience.

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. To promote brand APCRDA and Amaravati in the reputed world of Academia.o short ter. proiects led by various deparEnents towards improvement and

development of systems / policies / plans / studies or similar.

I.4.MODIFICATION AND CHANGES TO THIS POLICYThe Commissioner, APCRDA reserves the right to make any modificatiors, amendmentsand additions to this policy as deemed necessary.

I.s.COMPETENT AUTHORITYo ror all matters related to lntemships at ApCRDA, the Competent Authority (referred

to as "Authority" in this document) shall be the Commissioner, ApCRDA.

. Any decision made by the Commissioner shall be binding and final in all aspects ofIntemships at APCRDA.

r The Commissioner may anytime at his/her sole discretion delegate his/her powersin the matters of Intemships at ApCRDA to any officer or team of officers atAPCRDA.


2.I.NOTIFICATION OF INTERNSHIPS. APCRDA shall notify on its website (ww*eldaqpSSy.1n) from time to time, the

requirement for interns with specification of qualifications.o CRDA shall invite applications for intemship from the reputed Educational

Instifutes through mail and any other correspondence.o The details of the Project / exercise for which the intemship is caned for, arong with

responsibilities / outcomes expected from the intem, win be provided in the riquestfor proposal addressed to the reputed educational institutes..

2.2.ELIGIBILITY (Who can appty)' Any lndian Nationar student pursuing his/her graduation & above level education

from any well reputed Nationaf Intemational educational Institution/university iseligible to apply for the Intemship, subject to satisfying the following ,,__r_Jr^criteria:

o Disciprine of study to be rerevant to only those cited in'Scope of rnternship,section

o Possess at least distinction percentage or equivalent academic credentiars incurrent or latest educational program

o Should not have had any disciplinary issues/cases against him/hero Any Indian National "young professionar" who has completed his/her graduation &above level education from any werr reputed Nationar, Intemational- educationarInstitution/University and has not yet taken up any professionar career anywhere isalso eligible to apply for the Lrtemship subject to the above minimum criteria.

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Interested applicants should apply in the prescribed format given in 'Annexure - I'before the prescribed due date. Applications in any other format and/or received

after the prescribed due date shall be summarily rejected.

Each application should include recommendation for the Internship at APCRDA

from the competent Authority of the Institution and a Statement of Pupose (SOP)

endorsed by the Academic Guide, where the applicant is pursuing current

education. Applications received without recorunendation and SOP shall be

summarily rejected.

Young Professionals (as defined in Eligibility section) must include

recommendation(s) obtained ftom experts in respective field of application and/or

from the Head of the Institution where the candidate has successfully comPleted

latest educatioo and a self-attested Statement of PurPose (SOP) for the Internship at

APCRDA. Applications received without recommendation(s) shall be summarily


The shortlisted candidates would have to submit all the documents submitted as

part of their applicatiory for evidence and evaluation during screening Process.

Candidates failing to fumish any of the documents of evidence during the screening

process shall be disqualified from further process.

An 'Lrtemship screening corunittee' shall be constituted by Commissioner

ApcRDA, which would be responsible for the entire evaluation, selection process

and recommendation of the intems for lntemship at APCRDA. The screening,

evaluation and selection of Interns would purely be on merit basis only'

Anysortofcanvassingbyanypersonduringtheprocessofscreening,evaluationorselection process of lntemship would immediately disqualily the applicant and may

also be declared ineligible for further application'

The final topic of dissertation shall be decided after dirussion with the selected

intem and keeping in view the relevance to APCRDA'


3.l.SCOPE OF INTERNSHIPr Intems will be engaged for on-going research' projects and Proglarrmes across the

following functions of APCRDA:


Planning Smart City Infrastructurei Civil Engineering Survey & Geospatiaf

Socialsciences;Economics&statistics;Contracts&ProjectManaSemen!PPPProjects and Project Financing; Branding and Marketing Human Resources;

Office IT & ITeS and Communication'

o any other discipline as determined by the Commissioner' APRCDA hom time

to time.

. Selected interns shall be placed in a departsnent of APCRDA based on their

qualifications, areas of interest and needs of the Authority' The deparbnent head or a

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Senior staff of the department will be assigned to each intern as "Guide,,. The intemwill work under the guidance of her/his Guide.

Each Intem will be provided with basic logishc support i.e. office space, pC,

stationary, instruments etc., as decided by the Authority from time to time.

Intemship at ArcRDA is a pure academic exercise and shall not be in any mannerconsidered eligibility for any jobs existing or posted at APCRDA.

Any sort of Canvassing by any person(s) related to Intemship for converting into anyjob at APCRDA shall be strictly prohibited.


Duration of the intemship win norma y be for a period of Ggweeks but can beextended further based on the need oI the Intem/lnstitution and as decided by theAuthority.It is encouraged that the Intems obtain sponsorship from their respectiveInstitutions for undertaking the Intemship at ApcRDA and applications with tiedsponsorship would get preference over others.However, for eligibre deserving outstation candidates who could not obtain priorsponsorship, the Authority would decide to pay a fixed consoridated stipend for theduration of the rntemship in the berow manner, as recommended by the InterrshipScreening Committee:

o Graduate Intemso Post Graduate Intemso Young Professionals

- Upto Rs.5,000/_

- Upto Rs.8,000/-- Upto Rs. 1.0,N0/_

o The amount of stipend may be revised from time to time at the discretion of theAuthority.

3.3. CONDUCT DURING INTERNSHIP' krtems are expected to work within the premises of ApCRDA or any other place

decided by APCRDA from time to time.

' Interns shalr d,igently forow the working hours and days of ApCRDA mandatorilyand would zupport thefu reporting Guide in all extended work timer, r .,".urrury.

-'o All the intems would Ue

T]1cea with a brief Eaining about disciplinary u, *i,,

",safety ruIes of ApCRDA while joining, and every intei shall follo* tfr" *^" J.rrirrghis/her duration of intemship.

' Any absence during working hours/ uninformed leaves wourd result in disciprinaryaction against the Intern and may also result in extension of the period .r t",J-Jtiwithout any stipend if being provided.

' Interns may take informed reaves during their intemship upon approval of therespective HOD at APCRDA and shall compensate theli absence *,,1r **a"aworking, if required.

Page 7: Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority · 2017. 3. 10. · Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority

. Interns shall be provided with necessary access to office ir(rastructure and

stationary, as per availability. A[ the lnterns would be provided with [aCs and pre-

approved access to data, as decided by the respective HOD at APCRDA.

. Every Intem is expected to maintain utmosJ confidentiality regarding all the data

he/she is given access to. Any breach of confidentiality shall be treated with strict

disciplinary action against both the lntern as well as the APCRDA Guide and the

Intern would also be immediately dismissed from his/her intemship and shall be

declared ineligible from further applications to APCRDA'

o f for any reasorL an intern would like to discontinue from intemship the same shall

be intimated to the Guide and respective HOD at ArcRDA at least lOdays in

advance. Only after clearance from the HOD at APCRDA regarding unfinished

work, office material and/ or data, shall the intem b€ re[eved from his/her

intemship.o If any unsatisfactory pedormance of the Intem, including that of disciplinary

conduct, is found then the HoD at APCRDA reserves the right to dismiss the intem

without any obligation. The decision of the HoD and/or APCRDA shall be final in

this regard.

4. COMPLETION AND AWARD. Every lntem will submit a draft dissertation of the assignment to the guide before

conclusion of her/his intemship for approval and grading. Intems may also be

required to make a presentation before all HODs & the commissioner at the end of

their internshiP.

o All rights on the data created and/or documents prepared during the internship by

the interns would become the property of APCRDA. Any data and/or document

preparedbytheinternshouldbedulyauthorizedbyhis/herGuideandHoDatAPCRDA lor submission at lnstitutions and/or extemal forums'

. All submissions of data and/or documents outside APCRDA by Intems should be

duly referenced to their Guide and HoD at APCRDA. Similarly, APCRDA shall

provide due credit to the documents and/or data prepared to resPective intems.

. At the end of the successful completion of intemship, the intems will be awarded a,Certificate' along with a grading based on their performance. All the high quality

dissertations which are given grading "A+" (Exceilent) or "A" (Verv Good) will be

displayed on the website of APCRDA.


s.1.CAPACITY ALLOCATION. The total capacity of Interns across all divirsions of APCRDA shall be not more than



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The capacity of Intems based on their educational qualification i.e., Graduates, post_

Graduates, Management graduates, Research Scholars would be decided as perrequirements of APCRDA and as recommended by the ,Internship

ScreeningCommiftee' for the approval of the Authority.

Division wise capacity allocation shall be not more than 2-3 interns at any givenpoint of time in the year.

References from employees of APCRDA regarding eligible applicants under ,Family

& Friends relationship' would be given preference subject to a maximum of 3 internsput together per year across all divisions of APCRDA.

s.2.ANNUAL BUDGETo The total annual budgetary provision towards Intemships at ApCRDA shall be up to

Rs. 2,00,0N/ - (Rupees Two l,akh only).

' Any change and/or approvar of the annuar budget towards Intemships at ApCRDAshall be as per the approval of the Commissioner, APCRDA.

s.3.ROLE OF HRo The Jt Director (HR) shan be responsibre for the entire Intemship program at


' The HR division shal contact and/or receive brtem requirements from HoDs, byend of March every year, and consolidate the same for further approval by theCommissioner.

' The HR division shall also, if necessary, contact and/or receive requirements frompremier lrstitutes by end of september/october every year, and consoridate thesame for further approval by the Commissioner.

o The HR division sha post the Intemship requirements on the ApCRDA websitefrom time to time and invite applications.

' Post approval of the Commissioner', the HR division shar convene an ,Internshipscreening Committee' to conduct the screening, evaruation and serection process.

' The HR division shall prepare and get the approvar of the Commissioner regardingthe Annual Budget for [ntemship program at ApCRDA, before enrr of \rari u.'r"r]year.

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5.4.CONTACTS. For all practical requirements regarding the L:temship progranu the lt. Director ([IR)

shall be Ore single point of contact.

. Prospective applicants and/or participating Institutions can contact APCRDA

regarding information about l:temship opportunities at [email protected]

. The mailing address for Lrtemships at APCRDA shall be:

Jt. Director (HR),

APCRDA, knin Centre, Govemor Pet,

Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh - 520002

5. Annexures6.1 APPlication Form

6.2 Undertaking of integrity & confidentiality

6.3 Evaluation Form

6.4 IntemshipCompletionCertificate

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6.1.Annexure 6.1: application form

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ApcRDA rnternship Apptication ror- T APCRDA

Note: you will be contacted only if APCRDA wishes to pursue this application. Please also note thatAll fields marked by an (*) are mandatory.

1. Family Name*

Other Name

2. Telephone*

3. Address*

5, State/Province

7. Name of theEducationalInstitute

8. E-mail address

9. Date of birth *



12. KNOWLEDGEWhat is Your

First Name*

4. City/Town*



OF LANGUAGESmother tongue?*

Male ',



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i-_ I

6. ZiplPostal Code*l _



Page 12: Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority · 2017. 3. 10. · Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority

13. EDUCATIONUniversity or college or equivalent

14. What are your preferred areas of work? you can select more than one. (/;o planning

o Community & social serviceso Architectureo Engineerlngo Landscape & Environmento Traffic & Transportationo Geographic Information System (GIS)o Housing & Buildingo Human Resource

o project Managemento Economics & Statisticso ppp projects &project Financingo Branding and Marketingo Office tT & tTs.

15.. what are your objec ves in undertaking an internship with ApCRDA? How does it Rtwithin your career plan*?

15. Please describe any previous practical experience you may have had.

Name, place and country Years attended Degrees obtained orexpected (indicateexpected date ofgraduation)

Main course ofstudy

From To



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Preferred Date for lntern Ship * From To

Signature of the Guide/Head of the Signature of the ApplicantDepartment

Date & Place

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In view of the above, I hereby decrare and undertake that I will faittfuly, culy and to thebest of my skill and ability, utilize this opportunity of intemship. And I ;in maintainintegrity and complete confidentiality in relation to the matters of ApCRDA.

Further, I also declare that I shall not pubrish/share any informatiory data, documentsperfaining to APCRDA during my intemship without prior written approval of theCommissioner ArcRDA.

6.2.Annexure 6.2t Undertaking of Integrity & Confidentiality

I Mrrr Ms........ thank ftre APCRDAfor agreeing to impart intemship to me for week/days



Signed in the presence of1)


Page 15: Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority · 2017. 3. 10. · Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority

Educational background of the Intem:

Details of project taken up :-

Final Project Report Submitted in Complete form:- YES/NO

Overall rating of the project :- Outstanding/Good/Satisfactory/

Not Up to the Mark

Desired Competenciesr

Please consider the list the competencies required to a successful intem and rate the intem

on each of thern, Tick the appropriate box and jot brief notes of 'evidence of such

competenry obtained during the interrriew, An indicative list of cornrpeferrcies is given below

Qualitative Commente on the Intern:-

should the intem be considered for awarding the certificate of completion of intemship:-

Yes/ No

Competencies (Please

Tick)A B C D


(Jot down points highlighting evidence of these


Understanding of the

project in brief

Probing skills(ask

relevant questions seeks


Project planning skills



Analytical abilitY

Collaboration & Team


Adherence to Time Line

Signature of the Proiect Mentor with his /her Designation

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8. Annexure 5.4: Certificate of completion of Internship

Division under the guidance of Sri


/ Smt


Guide, APCRDA HOD, APCRDA Commissioner, APCRDA

- %*',Jc,nt -Oi6f!bd


Cndr6;n).O H,-o&od oTt -Excr-utiVe