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And WARN them, to BRING THEM BACK to the TORAH of YaHuWaH

Nov 30, 2014




“There is one Torah for the native-born and for the stranger who sojourns among you.”
One instruction: Heb., a united Torah. This also applies to any in our day who are not literal descendants of Y’Isra’al but have committed themselves to the community of Y’Isra’al; there are no second-class citizens once one joins the household. To expect less from other Israelites is a double standard.
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Page 1: And WARN them, to BRING THEM BACK to the TORAH of YaHuWaH
Page 2: And WARN them, to BRING THEM BACK to the TORAH of YaHuWaH

(Yod, he, vav, he, shin, vav, ayin)

Zekeniam Y’Isra’al

(Teacher of Y’Isra’al)

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

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(HaYaH (He was), HoWeH (He is), and YiHYeH (He will be).





Hear, Y’Isra'al: YaHuWaH is our ALuaHiYM! YaHuWaH Is One!

Debarim 6:5

and you shall love [long for] your ALuaHiYM with all your heart, and with

all your being, and with all your might. (me'ode)

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My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,

YaHuWaH, ALuaHiYM of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob [Yaʽaqob]̱, has

sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial for generation to generation."

and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my

name, YaHuWaH, was not well known (famous) to them.


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The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

(in His Name)

[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

(YâHuWsHúa`) is His Son

[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

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means Set-apart, Pure.

(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Ruwach (Spirit) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured as the Counselor, Helper,

and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from the Father"

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the covering of His Tent He will

hide me. On a Rock He raises me up.

is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be protected, pray, and hear

from YâHuWasHúa. Knowing there is such a place is a matter of faith. Going back time and again,

that's a matter of building a relationship. You need not have an advanced degree in any subject,

need not have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but instead be aware the YaHuWaH of

Y’Isra’al has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their minds and hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to stand and pray in the

synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell

you, they have received their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your inner chamber, and

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having shut your door, pray to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees in secret

shall reward you openly. In praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think

that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore don’t be like them, don't you see that

your Father knows what things you need before you ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by those who will live or else

... they will perish ... in darkness.

It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, that those

who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole body is also full of

Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is

in you isn’t darkness. If therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall be

wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its bright shining gives you Light.”

The menorah is the only symbol created by YâHuWsHúa`

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the Ruwach

And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

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who see it from afar. The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so many can see from afar. The

topics we have chosen are addressed to Jew and Gentile together. We do this because that is what

the Bible does. This opens the window to make more sense of what Scripture tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a mere starting place for

deeper consideration.

And it shall be, if He calls you, say, ‘Speak, YaHuWaH, for your servant hears.’

Like many in life I had been deceived and lost my way,

but through the Grace of YaHuWaH, who brought me to YâHuWsHúa, the anointed one, his

Word (the Living Raukh) entered into my heart and I seek the Father even today, to walk in his

commandments daily, for the


a precept or statute, especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch: - law.


y r h y r '

yaw-raw', yaw-raw'

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A primitive root; properly to flow as water (that is, to rain); transitively to lay or throw (especially

an arrow, that is, to shoot); figuratively to point out (as if by aiming the finger), to teach: - (+)

archer, cast, direct, inform, instruct, lay, shew, shoot, teach (-er, -ing), through.

Is the living water that flows from the tree of life, in the Garden of Eden, like a water fall above

Yruwshâláim, into four rivers that encircle the earth)

When ’Âth ´m sinned Time and Gravity began, for the penalty of sin Is Death, ’Âth ´m died on

the sixth day, In that same way mankind will also enter the final day in the age of man in the 6000

year, we are fast approaching that great and terrible day of YaHuWaH

When “’Âth ´m died within a day

And all the days that ‘Âth ´m lived were 930 years, and he died.

But beloved, do not let this one thing lie hidden from you, that one day with YaHuWaH is as a

thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day.

He could not live past 1,000 years, for YaHuWaH said that in the day ‘Âth ´m ate of the

forbidden fruit, he would die.

Tehillim 90:4

For a thousand years in Your eyes Are like yesterday that has past, Or like a watch in the night.

Explains how YaHuWaH saw this: 1,000 years to Him is like yesterday when it is past. It is up to

Him whether He will see a day as 1,000 years or as 24 hours. The serpent knew the fullness of

death would not come within 24 hours (though they did go through a tremendous loss), and so

used the ambiguity of YaHuWaH’s own words to deceive. YaHuWaH chose the definition that

allowed for more mercy on these mortals so that they might be cured of what got them expelled.

But did men really once live so long? Actually, science now asks why, given the right advances,

such bodies as ours should die at all

Yeshayahu 65:20

From there, shall no more be a suckling infant of days or an old man that does not fulfill his days,

because the ‘youth’ is a son of a hundred years of age who dies, even the son of a hundred years of

age incurring the penalty by sin to become cursed.

During the thousand-year Shabbâ´th reign of YâHuWsHúa`, we will still not have received our

eternal life, our heavenly bodies, our light, life, or power, which are hidden stored within Him. We

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will have incorruptible bodies, but we will not be immortal, though we will have access to the Tree

of Life, and we can indeed live the entire thousand years if we use it. Yet according to this verse,

one who doesn’t take the Tree of Life, and sins, incurs the curse of its penalty, death.

Nevertheless, the body of the Raukh was not first, instead the body of the self, then the body of the


Before the Deluge, a denser atmosphere (cf. 2:6; 9:13) screened out most ultraviolet radiation and

kept weather more stable, and the gene pool had not yet deteriorated far enough for inbreeding to

cause genetic debilitation, which required ten generations to take full effect. Men's life expectancy

began to stabilize at 120 years or less (cf. 6:3) 10 generations after Noakh.

But Shëth and his children did not like earthly work, but gave themselves to heavenly things; for

they had no other thought than praises, honoring words, and songs unto YaHuWaH. Therefore did

they at all times hear the voices of envoys, praising and honoring YaHuWaH from within the

garden, or when they were sent by YaHuWaH on an errand, or when they were going up to


For Shëth and his children, by reason of their own purity, heard and saw those envoys. Then, again,

the garden was not far above them, but only some fifteen spiritual cubits.

Now one spiritual cubit answers to three cubits of man, altogether forty-five cubits.

Shëth and his children dwelt on the mountain below the garden; they sowed not, neither did they

reap; they wrought no food for the body, not even wheat; but only offerings. They ate of the fruit

and of trees well favored that grew on the mountain where they dwelt.

Then Shëth often fasted every forty days, as did also his eldest children.

For the family of Shëth smelled the smell of the trees in the garden, when the wind blew that way.

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One instruction: Heb., a united Torah. This also applies to any in our day who are not literal

descendants of Y’Isra’al but have committed themselves to the community of Y’Isra’al; there are no

second-class citizens once one joins the household. To expect less from other Israelites is a double


Today world courts are considering passing what is often referred to as the Noahide Laws, which

are a set of seven moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noakh as

a binding set of laws for all mankind. any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a

Righteous Gentile and is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept

of heaven. Adherents are often called "B'nei Noach" (Children of Noah) or "Noahides" and may

often network in Jewish synagogues

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The 7 Noahide Laws have already been passed into official law in the United States in honor of

Menachem Mendel Sneerson’s 89th birthday under President George H.W. Bush, making it legal

for our government to literally decapitate US citizens on a grand scale.




Sexual Promiscuity:


Dietary Law:

Requirement to have just Laws:

YâHuWsHúa was hung for blasphemy, has in the future

those who teach speak and worship his true name YaHuWaH

will be beheaded under laws which will prohibit the using of

his name

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( The first Five Books of the Old Covenant which are Bbereshiyth being the "head", Shemot the

"arms", Bamidbar the "legs" and Devarim the "mouth", and Vayikra, which is the "heart" of the


And YaHuWaH ALuaHiYM formed the man ’Âth ´m from the dust of the ground, and breathed

into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.

But when our father ’Âth ´m, and Chauw ´h, went out of the garden, they walked the ground on

their feet, not knowing they were walking

As the seal on Vayikra, the book of the "heart", addresses the two sides of the heart:

love and fear.

Our love of YaHuWaH is aroused by the promises of blessing if we will YaHuWaH in His statutes,

while our fears are aroused by the dire punishments for failure to do so.

The TORAH is the BOOK of LIFE, written when man SINNED against the RIGHTEOESNESS of

YaHuWaH, in it we read

Tehillim 69:28

Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, And not be written with the righteous.

Rev 3:5

“He who overcomes shall be dressed in white robes, and I shall by no means blot out his name

from the Book of Life, but I shall confess his name before My Father and before His messengers.

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And his breathe is the Raukh HaQodesh, the very power of YaHuWaH to save…

SIN has it wage DEATH

That is the penalty for sin

No one in the world is exempt from death. All ’Âth ´m 's children must pay the price of his sin by

tasting death.

Dead bodies should be buried

The answer is that burial benefits the dead as well.

"For you are dust and to the dust you will return"

Burial brings atonement,

to the dead person for the sins committed in this world through the body. Being lowered into the

earth after a lifetime of proud living above it is the deepest humiliation. The concealment of the

person's physical remains beneath the earth, where they decompose and are reabsorbed into the

elements, signifies the concealment and atonement of his sins. Eventually everything is merged back

into unity and even the sins are turned into merits.

Lev 17:13.

'"Now any man from the descendants of Y’Isra’al--or any sojourner who is staying among you --

who hunts game (animal or fowl) which may be eaten, must drain its blood and cover it with dust,

’Âth ´m himself was buried in the earth: according to tradition, At the time of Avram, when Malki-

tzedek (= Shem) king of Shalom (Yruwshâláim) had come out to greet him after he rescued Lot

from the Four Kings Malki-tzedek blessed Avram in the name of "And he blessed him and said,

"Avram is blessed by the Highest Al, Owner of Heaven and Earth, Avram swore by the same

YaHuWaH ALuaHiYM „owner of Heaven and Earth

Only when man acknowledges that YaHuWaH owns everything can man be said to own anything -

- "for if you lack DA'AS (knowledge), what have you acquired?"

Everything belongs to YaHuWaH

Tehillim 24:1

The earth belongs to YaHuWaH, And all that fills it – The world and those who dwell in it.

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When man understands this and blesses YaHuWaH before he takes anything from this world, then

YaHuWaH brings man to his true glory. YaHuWaH gives the world to man and allows him to own


"And He has given the earth to the children of ’Âth ´m "

YâHuWasHúa said

Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to


Mattiyahu 5:21 we

You heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder,’ and whoever murders shall be

liable to judgment.

We are GUILTY of breaking YaHuWaH LAWS of RIGHTEOUSNESS, The law that was written

on stone, failed to enter our hearts


For Moshe writes about the righteousness which is of the Torah, “The man who does these shall

live by them.”


And that no one is declared right by Torah before ALuaHiYM is clear, for “The righteous shall live

by belief.”


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And the Torah is not of belief, but “The man who does them shall live by them.”

Neh 9:29

and warned them, to bring them back to Your Torah. But they acted proudly, and did not obey

Your commands, and sinned against Your right-rulings, ‘which if a man does, he shall live by


And they gave the rebellious shoulder and hardened their necks, and would not hear.

Lev 18:5

‘And you shall guard My laws and My right-rulings, which a man does and lives by them. I am


The I AM speaking here is YâHuWasHúa HaMaschiyach who lived has a human being amongst us,

who committed no sin, yet gave his life for you and me, he Gave up all for miserable species

like you and me


Wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this body of death?


If in this life only we have expectation in Messiah, we are of all men the most wretched.


“Because you say, ‘Rich I am, and I am made rich, and need none at all,’ and do not know that you

are wretched, and pitiable, and poor, and blind, and naked

Mattiyahu 19:17

And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One ALuaHiYM. But if

you wish to enter into life, guard the commands.

Lk. 10:28,

And He said to him, “You have answered rightly. Do this and you shall live?

John 12:50,

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And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, as the Father has

said to Me, so I speak.”

Rev. 22:14.

“Blessed are those1 doing His commands ,so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life,

and to enter through the gates into the city.

The Torah clearly teaches that murder is an abominable crime which must be requited with death

in order to punish the villain and protect human society. Yet at the same time as seeking to impose

justice, our societies must also ask themselves why killing, murder and violence are so rampant.

These are not inexplicable scourges that have no cause. what causes murder to become rampant:

"The sword comes into the world because of the failure to execute justice without delay, because of

the perversion of justice and because of those who issue Torah rulings which are not in accordance

with the Halacha" (Avot 5:8).

Heb 8:10

“Because this is the covenant that I shall make with the house of Y’Isra’al after those days, says

YaHuWaH, giving My laws in their mind, and I shall write them on their hearts, and I shall be

their ALuaHiYM, and they shall be My people.

Heb 8:11

“And they shall by no means teach each one his neighbour, and each one his brother, saying,

‘Know YaHuWaH,’ because they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.

Heb 8:12

“Because I shall forgive their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawlessness’s I shall no

longer remember the fire within me sought knowledge.

Two trees stood before my life, the one a Tree of Eternal Life ( immortality) the second a false route

( Tree) full of the knowledge of good and evil, to take creation above its creator, the Free will

choice, even though He had called, was granted to me…….

How fortunate we are that Moshes our Elder showed us the right way. The Torah begins without

any philosophical proof, with the simple words,

'In A beginning YaHuWaH created the heaven and the earth.'

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We are commanded to believe in YaHuWaH through faith alone and not to enter into speculation."

And the serpent said to the woman, “You shall certainly not die. “For ALuaHiYM knows that in

the day you eat of it your eyes shall be opened and you shall be like ALuaHiYM, knowing good and




(is a way of being Called back to YaHuWaH")

We can receive this good only when we "return" to YaHuWaH -- by seeking out and following the

wisdom of YaHuWaH's teaching to mankind: the Torah.


Now hold on you might say, you (I just said YaHuWaH calls not us) so why must we repent of

what is repentance required

Its all about Free Will,


“For many are called, but few are chosen.

If anyone will observe the populous congregations, and inquire how many there are who live a

better kind of life, and are being transformed in the renewing of their mind; and how many who are

careless in their conversation and conformed to this world, he will perceive the use of this voice of


Mattiyahu 4: 8.

Again the Adversary takes Him to an exceedingly high mountain, and shows to Him all the

kingdoms of the world and their honor during a moment of time,

At the moment of time which the head of the “Holy Roman Empire” shall have control of all the

world. That moment is right before

The Day of YaHuWaH.

[Luwqá 4:5.

And the Adversary, leading Him up unto a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the

earth during a moment of time .And the Accuser said to Him:“ To You will I grant all this

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authority and their honor, because it has been given over to me and to whomsoever I wish to give


The Nazis also known as "The Nazis" -- a shortened name for the "Knights of the Reich" is a Roman Catholic

spiritual and temporal (lay order) organization first formed in 1933 upon the signing of the "sacred" Reich

Concordat between Franz von Papen (on behalf of Nazi Germany) and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII).

The term Nazi was first publicly used as the rebranded name for the National Socialist German Workers' Party

(NSDAP) in 1933 upon devout Catholic leader --known as "Father" or Führer--(Fr.) Adolf Hitler assuming office

as German Chancellor.

As a temporal order of the Roman Catholic Church, the Nazis are bestowed by the "infallible" legal orders of the

Roman Pontiff to pursue on behalf of the Mother Church a constant Holy Crusade against all heretics, to protect

the name of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and serve the interests of the SS (Sedes Sacrorum or Holy See).

As a spiritual order of the Roman Catholic Church, the Nazis-- like the Jesuits --were bestowed with the

extraordinary grace of being forgiven for all their sins (therefore can go to Heaven) that "unfortunately" must be

done in order to observe its temporal orders.

As the Nazi order ("Knights of the Reich") were formed by a formal Papal act and Deed in the form of the Reich

Concordat 1933, the continued existence of the Nazi Order is conditional upon this legal document remaining

enacted. Given the German Government and Holy See (Vatican) continue to honor this Concordat to this day,

the Nazi order remains legally and technical still enacted, now bestowed unto a new organization.

Disclosure 13: 2

And the Beast that I saw was similar to a leopard, and its feet as of a bear, and its mouth as a lion’s

mouth], and the dragon gave to it his own power

2 Thessaloníkeans 2: 9

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to where he is, the one coming according to the operation of the Adversary, within all of the force

and signs and wonders of the Lie, And within every deception of the Wickedness, among the ones

that are being exterminated, which is in the place of the affectionate love of the Truth they did not

accept for them to be rescued.

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 3

So He told me, “This is the curse that goes out over the surface of the whole earth: according to it,

‘From this [time forth], anyone who steals will be unpunished,’ and according to it, ‘from this [time

forth], anyone who swears an oath will be unpunished.’

The whole earth: This gives us another clue as to what it is—something that claims to be universal.

This is what the term “catholic” means. And going unpunished (alt., purged or cleaned out)—this

is the message of grace. But why is this a curse? Because it is so profaned by being offered to those

who know nothing about holiness, that it is distorted to the point of making people think that they

can do whatever they want, then say, “I’m sorry” on their deathbed, and that all would be well for

them in the hereafter. This is a curse to the rest of society, which will suffer from their unpunished

crimes, because there will be no logical deterrent to sinning. This goes against the Torah.

YâHuWsHúa` brought an amnesty for those who would return to the Covenant, and He knows we

cannot do everything perfectly while in exile, but that is the purpose of grace; it is not intended to

let everyone go scot-free so that they can return to their own selfish ways.

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 4.

“I will bring it out,” declares YaHuWaH [Master] of Armies, “and it will enter into the house of the

thief and into the house of the one who swears fraudulently by My Name. And it will lodge within

his house and [consume it away] completely along with its timbers and its stones.”

Compare the laws regarding house-leprosy in Lev. 14:34ff. This extreme grace will ruin any

household. It also “tears down the Temple” again by opposing its rebuilding, which was

Z’kharyah’s task. This parody of YaHuWaH’s true grace is still all done in His Name, and steals

away the appointed times He set.

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 5.

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Then the messenger who [was] speaking to me told me, “Please lift up your eyes and see what this

is that is going forth.”

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 6.

So I said, “What is it?” And He said, “This is the ephah that goes forth.” He also said, “This is their

eye throughout the whole earth.”

Their eye: or, wellspring, the fountain from which a counterfeit “truth” flows. Ephah: a dry measure

equivalent to ten omers (Ex. 16:36). Since an omer is the amount needed to feed one man for one

day (16:16), it represents one man. Ten men represents a minyan (quorum), and thus symbolizes a

complete congregation. So this measuring basket represents a congregation just as the flying scroll

did, focusing us even more clearly to the conclusion that this whole chapter is speaking about the

Church as the counterfeit tabernacle, overemphasizing YaHuWaH’s grace and underemphasizing

the holiness YaHuWaH requires where His presence is to dwell. To a lesser degree it also represents

Judaism, another twisting of the Torah for the purposes of convenience and a lust for power


ZkharYâ´hu 5: 7.

And, lo and behold, a [whirling] round talent-weight of lead was lifted off, and this singular woman

was sitting inside the ephah [basket].

Round talent-weight: all one term in Hebrew. In the context of the flying scroll, it probably

represents the winged sun-disk so common as a pagan symbol, the spirit of which the Church

adopted by emphasizing the “day of the Sun”. This came about by allowing the woman to teach

Y HuWasHúa’ servants. (Rev. 2) She is the Raukh of Yisabel (Jezebel), which means “exalted

husband”, and one who exalts herself over her husband. By claiming the right to change the

Sabbath and the festivals, the Church also steals YâHuWasHúa` authority. Singular: or unified. But

YaHuWaH is building a unified man.

(Eph. 2:15)

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 8

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. And He said, “This is the Lawlessness,” and He flung it into the midst of the ephah, and cast the

leaden stone [weight] into its mouth.

The Lawlessness: a “mystery” which is held back at present, but will not always be.

(2 Thess. 2:7)

But when it is released, it will be judged.

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 9.

Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and, lo and behold, two women came forth with the wind in

their wings. Now they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they suspended the ephah between

the earth and the heavens.

Stork: an unclean bird, but the same word as the Hebrew term for a faithful, pious woman. They

represent those in both houses of Y’Isra’al who are returning to YaHuWaH’s covenant, while still

unclean and in exile, yet doing the job YaHuWaH has for us now. Between the earth and the

heavens: a plane where visions are seen (1 Chron. 21:16; Y’hezq’El/Ezek. 8:3) Place was found in

neither for it. (Dan. 2:35)

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 10.

And I asked the messenger who was speaking to me where they were going with the ephah,

ZkharYâ´hu 5: 11.

And he told me, “To build a house for her in the land of Shinar, and it will be fastened and left

there on its own base.

Shinar: where the Tower of Bavel, the seat of the first unification of mankind--against YaHuWaH--

after the Flood. It was a place designed to withstand another flood, and corresponds with the sense

the Church has of being above and immune to judgment, and even having authority greater than

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the Torah, which YâHuWasHúa` would not claim for Himself. Base: or, resting-place. Note that

this is not a foundation YaHuWaH designed, but its own creation. So it is going back to where it

belongs, and will not be permitted to move from there. Babylon is also called a woman in Rev. 17

and 18. Perhaps this correlates with haSajan’s being bound for 1,000 years. (Rev. 20:2)

HaHa’S ţ ’n spoke to YâHuWasHúa

You, therefore, if You might prostrate Yourself in homage before me, all things shall be Yours!”’

Today world belongs to Ha’S ţ ’n and his Demo-cracy society’s that seems to be on a path to self-


There is no way for us to stop it

Luk_23:29 “

For look, days are coming in which they shall say, ‘blessed are the barren, and wombs that never

bore, and the breasts which never nursed!’

We once walked according to the ALuaHiYM (ha’S ţ ’n) of this world

ALuaHiYM is in the plural and is spoke of has gods, being made by

Which covers all in the Raukh world, even ha’S ţ ’n was once an envoy of Light


in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the

authority of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience,

Eph. 5:6,

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these the wrath of ALuaHiYM comes

upon the sons of disobedience.

Col. 3:6.

Because of these the wrath of ALuaHiYM is coming upon the sons of disobedience,

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In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

YaHuWaH be with you.' and they answered him, YaHuWaH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Y HuWsHúa` passed by,

cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YaHuWaH, [thou] Ben David. An Y HuWsHúa` stood

still, and called them, and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him,

YaHuWaH, that our eyes may be opened. So Y HuWsHúa` had compassion [on them], and

touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

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His servant and yours

shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YaHuWaH



Remember me and pray for me that YaHuWaH will be gracious unto me and be merciful unto my

sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to them that read and that hear these things and to

their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though worthy of his

Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of

the Raukh (spiritual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at

least, to have received from the Raukh HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser.

He who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege

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