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F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publisher- s.Official . City and County Paper.R- EPUBLICAN . STATE CONVENTION , o . The republican electors of the State o ..Ne- braska - are Invited to send delegates from the- several counties to meet in convention at Lin- coln ¬ , Wednesday , October 14,1885 , at 7 o'clock- P. . 3L , for the purpose of placing in nomina- tion ¬ candidates for one associate justice of- the supreme court and for two members of- the board of regents , and to perform such- other business as may be presented to the- convention. . THE APrOltTIOXMENT- .The . several counties are entitled to repre- sentation ¬ as follows , being based upon the- vote cast for E.P. Eoggen , secretary of state, giving one delegate to each newly organized- county and one for every one hundred and- fifty votes and the major fraction thereof : It is recommended that no proxies be ad- mitted ¬ to the convention except such as are- held by persons residing hi the counties from- which proxies are given.- D. . . H. MEKCEIJ , Secretary.- C. . . E. YOST, Chairman.- Omaha . , August 4,188o- .COUNTY . CENTRAL COMMITTEE- .The . Republican County Central Committee- is hereby called to meet at the Court House- inlndianola , on Friday, September 4th , 18S5 , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , for the purpose of calling- a County Convention and apportioning the- delegates thereto.J. . E. BERGER , Chairma- n.ANNOUNCEMENTS. . . FOR COUXTY TREASURER I- I hereby announce myself as a candidate- for the office of County Treasurer of Red- Willow county , subject to the approval of the- Republican County Convention.- CHAS. . . H. BOYLE- .At . the urgent request of numerous friends , I hereby announce myself as a candidate for- the office of County Treasurer , subject to the- decision of the Republican County Convent- ion. ¬ . D..E. MOORE , Box Elder.- FOR . COUJSTlCLERK : I hereby announce myself as a candidate- for the office of County Clerk , subject to the- action of the Republican County Convention.- C. . . D. CRAMER- .SUB . KOSA , we desire to call Brother- Mecham's attention to the important- fact that we spell THE TRIBDNE with a- capital T.- SOME . parties , and a tew of the valley pa- pers ¬ , have an impression that the 100th met ridian line is at McCook. In this they are- iilistakeiL The 100th meridian line is about- nineteen miles west of McCook, at Trenton , and tickets are sold that far over the B. &M- .at . three cents per mile. Hayes Centre Xews- .Just . a mite off , Bro. Abbott , say about 50- miles. . The 100th meridian , you will observe- is a few miles east of Cambridge , Furnas- county. . The 101 st meridian runs near Trenton- .A . FEW of the candidates for the va- rious ¬ county offices coine forward , this- week , and announce themselves : C. D- .Cramer . , the present incumbent , for- County Clerk ; Chas. H. Boyle of this- city for County Treasurer, and David E.- Moore . of Box Eider also for County Treasurer. These gentlemen are all well- and favorably known to the people of- this county , and need no introduction- at our hand- s.SDDITIOML . LOCSL , The three sons of Sirs. S. A. Eowell- left for their respective homes in Iowa , yesterday morning , the greatly improved- condition and promises of a speedy re- ocvery - of their mother allowin- return. their . SALE 175 acres deeded land , with improvements to amount to $500- .Situated . 2 miles from McCook. For- terms * call on or address editor of THE- TRIBUNE. . The 2few American Sewing Machine- a model machine in every respect and- the house-wife's joy and pride at J. P.- JMathes' . Great Western Furniture Em ¬ porium- .Monday . was editor's day. The free- dom ¬ of our city was on this occasion ex- tended ¬ to Editors Solomon of the Sun- .Risley . of the Eeville and Bosworth of- the Central. * - The old reliable STATE Insurance- Co. . of DCS 31oincs , Iowa , Cooley & Col- vin - - , Agents.- The . finest clothing ever shown in this- country . be seen at JL M. JSrickcy F & Co.'s. ' . : . Insure Jpjhcpj'ATE. Cooley & Col via. ADDITIONAL LOCAL- A CARD.E- DITOR . : Please allow us , through- the medium of your paper, to express our- thanks to the Woodmaiise Windmill Co. of- lYeeport , 111. , for their promptness and gen- erosity ¬ in repairing our mills , which were- damaged in the late wind and hail storm of- August 3d , although our mills were not war- ranted ¬ to stand where adjacent buildings- were blown down- .We . are highly "pleased with our mills and- do not believe there is a better, STRONGER or- MOKE DURABLE mill made than the Wood- manse - "Solid Wheel. " They run steadier , regulate better in high winds and are built- on the most substantial towers of any mill- hi the market- To any persons in need of a Wind Mill we- would cheerfully recommend the Wood- manse - "Solid Wheel" as being the BEST and- CHEAPEST mill hi the market- C. . G. POTTER , L. 13. STILES.- "W. . . M. Irwin of McCook is the Agent- for thisvicinity. . Send postal for de- scriptive ¬ catalogues and prices , free- .Grant . Monument.- We . have received from the Grant- Monument Association of Nebraska the- necessary blanks and have been request- ed ¬ to receive the voluntary contributions- of our people to the Grant Monument- Fund , the object being to erect a suita- ble ¬ monument to the memory of the Old- Commander at Lincoln. We shall be- pleased to receive the donations of all- who desire to further this laudable pro- ject. ¬ . ENTERTAINMENT.- o . . The ladies of the M. E. Church at- Box Elder will give an entertainment in- the church on Tuesday evening , Sept.- 1st . , to which all are invited. The pro- gram ¬ will consist of a drama and choice- musical selections. Scats free.- BY . ORDER OF CO- M.SOCIAL. . . The ladies of the Episcopal church- will hold a sociable at Menard's Opera- Hall , next Thursday evening , Sopt. 3d- .Refreshments . will be served and arrange- ments ¬ made for a pleasant social hop- .A . cordial invitation is extended to al- l.Found . An Overcoat.- In . - township 7range 31Hayes county , Saturday , August 221885. Owner can- have the same by calling at this office , proving property and paying for this- notice. . FOR SALE.- One . hundred good cows and a number- of calves : Cheap. Call on or address , ll4ts. ' EATON BROS. , P. 0. box 124 McCook , Neb- .ROOMS . TO RENT.- Two . commodious , unfurnished rooms- in a new house. Centrally located. In- quire ¬ at this office- .Is . your life worth 25 cents ? That is- the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy- .It . has saved many lives and may yours- yet if you have it at hand for use in case- of an attack of Cholera Morbus , Dysen- tery ¬ or Diarrhoea. It will also cure Asi- atic ¬ Cholera if taken in time. Sold by- AI. I . A. Spalding and B. & M. Pharmacy.- The . harvest of plain drunks has been- bountiful , this week. Squire Fisher had- two cases up before him , this morning , and one interviewed Squire Colvin at- the same time , all under the charge of drunkenness.- FOR . SALE 80 acres of deeded land , 11 acres under cultivation , with good- frame house , 4 miles from town. For- further particulars inquire at this office.- BORN . To Mrs. Thos. Greaves , yes- terday ¬ morning , an interesting little ba- by ¬ of the masculine persuasion- .For . fine clothing call on E. M. Brick- ey - & C- o.TREASURY . DEPARTMENT.O- FFICE . or COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY , WASHINGTON, D. C. , August 17th , 1885- .WHEREAS . , By satisfactory evidence present- ed ¬ to tho undersigned , it has been made to ap- pear ¬ that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF- MCCOOK , in the town of McCook , in the Coun- ty ¬ of Bed Willow , and State of Nebraska , has- complied with all the provisions of the Revised- Statutes of tho United States , required to be- complied with before an association shall be- authorized to commence the business of bank- Now - , THEREFORE , I , John S. Lanpworthy , Deputy and Acting : Comptroller of the Cur- rency ¬ , do hereby certify that THE FIRST- NATIONAL BANK OF McCOOK , in the town- of McCook , in the County of Red Willow , and- State of Nebraska , is authorized to commence- the business of banking as provided in section- fiftyone hundred and sixty-nine of the Revis- ed ¬ Statutes of the United States.- IN . TESTIMONY WHEREOF , Witness my hand- and seal of office this 17th day of August. 1885. 13-6 J. S. LANGWOHTHT , Deputy and Acting Comptroller- of the Curre- ncy.Louisiana . Rock Sal- tCATTLE ! Rain Does Not Affect It.- FOR . E SALE BY- FREES in- di & HOCKNELL , Bl SOLE AGENTS- .II . diai O . (. < J c. C. E. MePHERSON & CO.- U. . . S. Land Attorneys , And Real Estate Brokers : OFFICE : West Dennison Street , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. FINAL PBOOF NOTICES.L- ANP . OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , | August 20th , 1885. f- Notice is hereby riven that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , ana- that said proof will be made before Register- or Receiver atMcCook , Nebraska , onTuesday , October 6th,188o , viz : Thomas N. Doolittle, H.- E. . . 2670 , for the south } J southwest J section 13 , north 54 northwest i section 24 , town. 6, north- of range 30 west. He names the following wit- nesses ¬ to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Enoch E- .Osvog . , of McCook , Neb. , Wilford A. Glasscock , Oliver H. Smith and Winfleld S. Alrord.of Box- Elder , Neb. 13 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT AIcCooK , NEB. , I August 20th , 1885. f- Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his Intention- to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Regis- ter ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , October Cth.lbSoviz : John W.Robb.H.E. 2055 , for the west } northeast J east l/s northwest- H section 30 , town. 6, north of range 29 west.- He . names the following witnesses to prove his- continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James Ellison , Winfleld S- .Alvord. . . Wilford A. Glascock , Oliver H. Smith , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. 13 G. L. LAWS , llegister.L- AND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I August 20th , 1885. J Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Regis- ter ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , October 3d , 1885 , viz : James A. Gregrey , D. S. 1244 , for the southwest & section 35 , town. 1 , north of range 29 west. He names the follow- ing ¬ witnesses to prove his continuous residence- upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John- Van Buskirk. Arthur Goodner. and Franklin- Booth , of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , George A. Me- Clurg - , of Stoughton , Nebraska. 13 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I August 20th , 1885. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of her intention- to make final proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis- ter ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , October 3d , 1885 , viz : Jane E. Gregrey , H. E. 3447. for tho northwest J section 35 , town. 1, north of range 29 west. She names the follow- ing ¬ witnesses to prove her continuous resi- dence ¬ upon , and cultivation of , sold land , viz : Samuel Daniels and Joshua Gerver , of Stough- ton ¬ , Neb. , Henry Enos and Lemuel Daniels , of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas. 13 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT McCooK, NEB. , I August 22d , 1885. f- Notice is hereby given that tho following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis- ter ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , October 6th , 1885 , viz ; Oliver H. Smith , D. S.- 1T11 . , for the northwest fi of section 19, town. 5 , north of range 29 west. He names the fol- lowing ¬ witnesses to prove his continuous res- idence ¬ upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Homer Shepherd , Alexander C. Harlan , Thos- N. . Doolittle , Winfleld S. Alvord. all of Box El- der, Neb. 13- G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I August 24th , 1885. f- Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim- and that said proof will be made before Reg- ister ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur- 3ay - , October 3d , 1885 , viz : James A. Piper , D- S. . U27 , for the northwest H of section 3, town. , north of range 29 west. He names the f ol- lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res- idence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Alexander Campbell , Stephen Holies , Joseph- Stephens , N. J. Chrysler , all of Box Elder , Neb 13 G. L. LAWS , Register- .COMPLAINT . NOTICES.V- XN . . * X>*V/ " XX ' X> VXx N ' V>' > V X - LT. . S. LAND OFFICE- McCook , Neb. , July 8th , 18S- 5.Complaint . having been entered at this office- by Alba O. Ely against Robert Booth for aban- Joning - his Homestead Entry No. 411 , dated at- McCook , Nebraska , March 2d , 1884 , upon the- northwest quarter of section 34, township ] north , rango 29 west , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , with a view to the cancellation ot- said entry ; the said parties are hereby sum- moned ¬ to appear at this office on the 8th day- jf October. 1S85 , at 10 o'clock, A. M. , to respond- md furnish testimony concerning said alleged- ibandonnient. . 10 G. L. LAWS , Regist- er.JITY . : - : BAKERY.- A . A , PROBST & S PKOPJIIETORS.- WE . KEEP ON HAN- DBREAD , PIES & CAKES , GEAHAM BREA- D.akes . Made on Order , LOJNGH ROOM- n connection where you can get coffee , sand- wiches , pies , etc. , at all hour- s.TYPE . WRITIN- G.3RLRFS . HTG. , , W. S. WHEELER , . O. Box 3. MeCOOK , KEBBASKA- .DANGEROUS. . . : At this season of Iho year tho blood becomes lufe-gish and is surcharged with poison. It is : a dangerous conditiou < and leads to many iscasca , which are serious and dangerous but- an easily be averted by the use of Begg's : Hood Purifler and BloodMaker. It seperatea- nd ; discharges all poison from tho blood : ) ures Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , and all Blood- isorders. . Free sample bottles at S. L. Green's ml M. A. Spaldiag's. I FINAL PROOF NOTICES.L- AND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , 1 August 19th , 1885. f Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has filed notice of his intention- i to make final proof in support of hfs claim , and- i that said proof will bo made before Kegister or ; Receiver at HcCook , Neb. , on .Friday , October- 2d , 1885 , viz : Henry H. Berry , who made H. E. j No. 2160 , for the north yt southeast Ji and south- Vz northeast } section 17, township a, north of- range 29 west. He names the following wit- nesses ¬ to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Ephraiin- Green , Stephen Hopkins , Robert Boston , J H- .Ludwick . , all of McCook , Nebraska. 12 ' G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , f August It , 1885. } Notice is hereby given that tho following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in snpport of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Regis- ter ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September 26 , 1885 , viz : Isaac S. Johnson , H.- E. . . 1041 , for the south H of the southwest sec- tion ¬ 34 , town. 4 north , range 29 west , and lots 3 and 4 section 3, town. 3 north , rango 29 west.- He . names tho following witnesses to prove his- continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Nilson Boyce. and James Hess , of Indianola , Neb. , William Wallin and Edward- WalUn , of Red Willow , Nebraska. 12 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I August 19th , 1885. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Regis- ter ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , September 28th , 1885 , viz : Andrew McG.Hobb , D. S. No. 1626 , for the east Vi northwest if of- section 15 , township 3 north , range 30 west.- Ho . names the following witnesses to prove his- continuous residence upon , and cultivation- of , said land , viz : Charles Bergster , Henry Scheser, C. G. Potter and Charles E. McPher- son - , all of McCook , Nebraska. 12 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT McCooK. NEB. , I August 6th , 1885. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following- named - ' settler has filed notice of bis intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ¬ ister or Receiver at McCook; Neb. , on Friday , September 18th , 1885viz : JamesM.McKelvey , D. S. No. 1496 , for the west Ji southeast. of- section 11 and west'northeast of section 14 township 1 north , range30 west. He names- the following witnesses to prove his continu- ous ¬ residence upon , and cultivation of. said- land , viz : Francis King , William GoldFirman- Gold and Nelson Johnson , all of McCook , Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I August 8th , 1885. f. Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be mad before Reg- ister ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , September 18th , 1885 , viz : James H. Becker , D. S. No. 1583 , for the east y. northwest li and- west H northeast ii of section 8 , township 1- north , range30 west. He names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous residence- upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : J. 11- .Webb . , Edwin A. Webb , Joseph Williams and- Enoch M. Matson , all of Vailtou , Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS'Register.L- AND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , I August 4th , 1885. f- Notice is hereby given that tho following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Uegi- ster - or Receiver at McCook , Neb.ron Saturday , September 12th , 1885 , viz : Henry Cain , Home- stead ¬ Entry No. 1257 , for the east Yi southeast- i } section 13 , township 4 north , range 30 west.- He . names the following witnesses to prove his- continuous residence upon , and cultivation- of , said land , viz : Aaron Stewart , Wm. Pate.- Samuel . McLain and Edward Hamilton , all of- McCook , Nebraska. 10 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , I July 22d. 1SS5. f- Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis- ter ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , August 2Sth , 1885 , viz : Fred Benjamin , D. S. 1495 , for the southwest quarter ot section 31, township 2 north , range 29 west 6th P. M. He- names the following witnesses to prove his- continuous residence upon , and cultivation- of.. said land , viz : Neheraiah Burtless , Samuel- Ellis , Anthony Joy and Lavilla J. Burtless , all- of McCook , Nebraska. 8 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . I July 20th , 18 ! 5. f Notice is hereby given that the lollowing- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg- ister ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , September 4th , ISbo , viz : Louis Jaques , D. S. 1530 , for the southwest quai ter of section 21 , township 5 north , range 29 west. He names- the following witnesses to prove his continu- ous ¬ residence upon , and cultivation of , said- land , viz : Homer Sheppard and Fuller Glass- cock - of Box Elder , Neb. . Enoch Osvog and- Peter Larson of McCook , Neb. 8 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I July 2Uth , 1885. J Notice is hereby given that the following- named - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support ot his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg- ister ¬ or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , September 4th , 1885 , viz : Peter Babcock , D. S. 1531 , tor the northwest quarter of section 29, township o north , range 29 west. He names- the following witnesses to prove his continu- ous ¬ residence upon , and cultivation of , said- land , viz : Homer Sheppard and Fuller Glass- cock - of Box Elder , Neb. , Enoch Osvog and- Peter Larson of McCook. Neb. 8 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LAND . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , ) July 2Uth , Ibbo. f Notice is horeby given that the following- aamcd - settler has filed notice of his intention- to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg- Ister - or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , August 28th , 1885 , viz : Jerry Grifha , D. S. 559 , for the northeast quarter of section 11, town- ship ¬ 3 north , range 30 west. He names the fol- lowing ¬ witnesses to prove his continuous resi- ience - upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John F. Collins , John A. Bennett , James Doyle- ind Ed. McCandless , all of McCook , Neb. 8 G. L. LAWS , Register.- LASD . OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , July 18lh , 1885. J Notice is hereby given that the following- 3amcd - ecttlcr has-filed notice of his intention- o make final proof in support of bis claim , ind that said proof will be made before Regis- cr - or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , August 29th , 1885 , viz : Columbus Wise , D. S. 58 , for the east & northeast 24 of section 4, ownship 1 north , range 28 west. He names- he .following witnesses to prove his continu- us - residence upon , and cultivation of , said ol- and, viz : S. S. Graham, David Jones , J. W- .Dolman . and C. li. Ncwbcrry , all of Danbury , i tfeb. . 8 O. L. LAWS , Register. E FREES & HOCKNELL ; PROPRIETORS OF TH- ECHICAGO LDMBER YARD : DEALERS IN- YARDS * wt * v- Lumber , Lime , Cement , Sash , Doors , Blinds ; i ; HARD AND SOFT COAL. AT HcCOOK , IHDIANOLA , CAMBRIDGE , ARAPAHOE , AM ) OXFO- RD.HALLAflK . & HOWARD , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS I- NDOORS , BLINDS. MOULDINGS , Sicftcfe , ( Bcbaz. Scab , tme , crCctls , MeCOOK , NEBRASK- A.THE1 . i 4i- i I McCOOK- N AND TRUST CO.- OF . MeCOOK , NEBRASKA- .Makes . First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property.O- FFICE . ii ! | IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING.- A. . Vl in- C . CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT.- GEO. . .hi C . HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT.- F. . . L. BROWN , TREASU- RER.yienge . Wind Miii , Superior to any on the market , being Heavier, Stronger Built , and therefore a more Durable Mill. It is the only- absolutely \ : \ safe Mill bnllt ; and out o- fThousands Erected During 12Y- ears past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower- standing. . A record no other Mill can show. TVe offer- to pnt up any of our PUMPKi G MILL- SON ' THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't Rive satisfaction , will remoTC Mill at our- own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated- Challenge Feed Mills , CornShclIers. Iron Pumps- ulth brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks- .For . estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to- G. . B. KETTLETON , ttcCook , Neb. , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansaj. Jotfce of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.- Notice . Is hereby given , that by virtue of a- hattel mortgage , dated on tho 2Gth day of- lay , 18S5. and duly tiled in the office ot the- lounty Clerk of KeJ Willow county , Nebraska , n the 2d day of June , Ib85 , and executed by P. i. Blair toL J.Starbuck , to .gecure the pay- icnt - of the sum of 500 , and upon which there- s now due the sum ot 500. Beiault having'- ieen made in the payment of said sum , there- ore - I will sell the property therein described , Iz : The shed stables situate on lots No. 6,7- nd 8 , in block 28 , in the Village of McCook.- fob. . . Also , one large black horse , about 10- ears old , one large black mare , about 9 j ears- Id , one brown horse , about 8 years old , ring- one - on left foro toot , one brown horse , about- years old , blind in one eye , and onugray marc , bout 10 years old. Also , one new spring wapon , nd a set of double harness. Atpubhc auction- t the McCook Corral , opposite Frees & Hock- ell's - Lumber Yard , in McCook, Ked Willow- ounty , Nebraska , on Saturday the :J9th day- f August , ISM, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day- .Dated . August 1st , ISWi.- I. . . J. STAHBCCK , Mortgagee. . S. WELCH , Deputy Sheriff , Agent. ROAD NOTICE. To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : The commissioner appointed to locate n road commencing at the northwest corner of tion 3, town. 3 north 28 west wS ¬ Willow precinct , Hed WlSS IebSS ka. runningthence south one mile on sectto line between sections n 9 and 10. aame town and \ 1 j range , to the southeast corner of eectton 9 same town.and range terminatingat the southl east corner of section 0, town. 3, ran has reported in favor of the eauAUBbment thereof , and all objections thereto or for damages must be filed in the county clerk 2S ° ? S? ' ° re noP of the hd v oo 10 C. D. CRAMER. County Clerk. . That tired , languid feeling , with

And Real Estate Brokers - fileF. M. & E. M. KIMMELL, Editors and Publisher-s.Official. City and County Paper.R-EPUBLICAN. STATE CONVENTION, o. The republican

Jul 31, 2019



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Page 1: And Real Estate Brokers - fileF. M. & E. M. KIMMELL, Editors and Publisher-s.Official. City and County Paper.R-EPUBLICAN. STATE CONVENTION, o. The republican

F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,

Editors and Publisher-



City and County Paper.R-




The republican electors of the State o ..Ne-


are Invited to send delegates from the-several counties to meet in convention at Lin-coln


, Wednesday , October14,1885 , at 7 o'clock-P.. 3L , for the purpose of placing in nomina-tion


candidates for one associate justice of-

the supreme court and for two members of-

the board of regents , and to perform such-other business as may be presented to the-convention. .


.several counties are entitled to repre-


as follows , being based upon the-vote cast for E.P. Eoggen , secretary of state,giving one delegate to each newly organized-county and one for every one hundred and-fifty votes and the major fraction thereof :

It is recommended that no proxies be ad-


to the convention except such as are-held by persons residing hi the counties from-which proxies are given.-D.


. H. MEKCEIJ , Secretary.-C.

.. E. YOST, Chairman.-


, August 4,188o-






Republican County Central Committee-is hereby called to meet at the Court House-inlndianola , on Friday, September 4th , 18S5 ,at 1 o'clock , P. M. , for the purpose of calling-a County Convention and apportioning the-delegates

thereto.J.. E. BERGER , Chairma-





I hereby announce myself as a candidate-for the office of County Treasurer of Red-Willow county , subject to the approval of the-Republican County Convention.-





the urgent request of numerous friends ,

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for-the office of County Treasurer , subject to the-decision of the Republican County Convent-ion.


. D..E. MOORE , Box Elder.-




I hereby announce myself as a candidate-for the office of County Clerk , subject to the-action of the Republican County Convention.-






KOSA , we desire to call Brother-Mecham's attention to the important-fact that we spell THE TRIBDNE with a-

capital T.-



parties , and a tew of the valley pa-pers


, have an impression that the 100th metridian line is at McCook. In this they are-iilistakeiL The 100th meridian line is about-nineteen miles west of McCook, at Trenton ,and tickets are sold that far over the B. &

.three cents per mile. Hayes Centre Xews-


a mite off, Bro. Abbott, say about 50-

miles. . The 100th meridian , you will observe-is a few miles east of Cambridge , Furnas-county. . The 101 st meridian runs nearTrenton-



FEW of the candidates for the va-rious


county offices coine forward , this-week , and announce themselves : C. D-


, the present incumbent , for-County Clerk ; Chas. H. Boyle of this-city for County Treasurer, and David E.-


of Box Eider also for CountyTreasurer. These gentlemen are all well-and favorably known to the people of-

this county , and need no introduction-at our hand-




The three sons of Sirs. S. A. Eowell-left for their respective homes in Iowa ,yesterday morning , the greatly improved-condition and promises of a speedy re-ocvery

-of their mother allowin-



SALE 175 acres deeded land ,with improvements to amount to $500-.Situated


2 miles from McCook. For-terms* call on or address editor of THE-TRIBUNE. .

The 2few American Sewing Machine-a model machine in every respect and-

the house-wife's joy and pride at J. P.-


Great Western Furniture Em ¬




was editor's day. The free-dom


of our city was on this occasion ex-tended


to Editors Solomon of the Sun-.Risley

.of the Eeville and Bosworth of-

the Central.* -

The old reliable STATE Insurance-Co. . of DCS 31oincs , Iowa, Cooley & Col-


- , Agents.-



finest clothing ever shown in this-country be seen at JL M. JSrickcy F

& Co.'s. '. :.

Insure Jpjhcpj'ATE. Cooley & Col via.





: Please allow us , through-the medium of your paper, to express our-

thanks to the Woodmaiise Windmill Co. of-

lYeeport , 111. , for their promptness and gen-erosity


in repairing our mills , which were-damaged in the late wind and hail storm of-

August 3d , although our mills were not war-ranted


to stand where adjacent buildings-were blown down-


are highly "pleased with our mills and-

do not believe there is a better, STRONGER or-

MOKE DURABLE mill made than the Wood-manse


"Solid Wheel." They run steadier ,

regulate better in high winds and are built-on the most substantial towers of any mill-

hi the market-To any persons in need of a Wind Mill we-

would cheerfully recommend the Wood-manse

-"Solid Wheel" as being the BEST and-

CHEAPEST mill hi the market-C. . G. POTTER ,

L. 13. STILES.-



. M. Irwin of McCook is the Agent-for thisvicinity. . Send postal for de-


catalogues and prices , free-






have received from the Grant-Monument Association of Nebraska the-

necessary blanks and have been request-ed


to receive the voluntary contributions-of our people to the Grant Monument-Fund , the object being to erect a suita-ble


monument to the memory of the Old-Commander at Lincoln. We shall be-

pleased to receive the donations of all-

who desire to further this laudable pro-ject.





The ladies of the M. E. Church at-

Box Elder will give an entertainment in-

the church on Tuesday evening , Sept.-1st


, to which all are invited. The pro-


will consist of a drama and choice-musical selections. Scats free.-






The ladies of the Episcopal church-will hold a sociable at Menard's Opera-Hall , next Thursday evening , Sopt. 3d-


will be served and arrange-ments


made for a pleasant social hop-.A


cordial invitation is extended to al-



An Overcoat.-


. -

township 7range 31Hayes county ,Saturday , August 221885. Owner can-

have the same by calling at this office ,

proving property and paying for this-notice. .



hundred good cows and a number-of calves : Cheap. Call on or address ,

ll4ts. 'EATON BROS. ,

P. 0. box 124 McCook , Neb-






commodious , unfurnished rooms-in a new house. Centrally located. In-


at this office-



your life worth 25 cents ? That is-

the price of a bottle of Chamberlain'sColic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy-.It


has saved many lives and may yours-yet if you have it at hand for use in case-of an attack of Cholera Morbus , Dysen-


or Diarrhoea. It will also cure Asi-


Cholera if taken in time. Sold by-


. A. Spalding and B. & M. Pharmacy.-



harvest of plain drunks has been-

bountiful , this week. Squire Fisher had-

two cases up before him , this morning ,

and one interviewed Squire Colvin at-

the same time , all under the charge ofdrunkenness.-



SALE 80 acres of deeded land ,

11 acres under cultivation , with good-

frame house , 4 miles from town. For-further particulars inquire at this office.-



To Mrs. Thos. Greaves , yes-terday


morning , an interesting little ba-


of the masculine persuasion-



fine clothing call on E. M. Brick-ey

-& C-








, By satisfactory evidence present-ed


to tho undersigned , it has been made to ap-pear


that THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF-MCCOOK , in the town of McCook , in the Coun-ty


of Bed Willow , and State of Nebraska , has-complied with all the provisions of the Revised-Statutes of tho United States , required to be-complied with before an association shall be-authorized to commence the business of bank-



, THEREFORE , I, John S. Lanpworthy ,Deputy and Acting : Comptroller of the Cur-rency


, do hereby certify that THE FIRST-NATIONAL BANK OF McCOOK , in the town-of McCook , in the County of Red Willow , and-State of Nebraska , is authorized to commence-the business of banking as provided in section-fiftyone hundred and sixty-nine of the Revis-ed

¬Statutes of the United States.-


TESTIMONY WHEREOF , Witness my hand-and seal of office this 17th day of August. 1885.

13-6 J. S. LANGWOHTHT ,Deputy and Acting Comptroller-

of the Curre-



Rock Sal-


Rain Does Not Affect It.-








. diai

O . (. < J c.




. S. Land Attorneys,

And Real Estate Brokers :

OFFICE : West Dennison Street,





OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , |August 20th , 1885. f-

Notice is hereby riven that the following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in support of his claim , ana-that said proof will be made before Register-or Receiver atMcCook, Nebraska , onTuesday ,October 6th,188o , viz : Thomas N. Doolittle, H.-


. 2670 , for the south } J southwest J section 13 ,north 54 northwest i section 24 , town. 6, north-of range 30 west. He names the following wit-nesses


to prove his continuous residence upon ,and cultivation of, said land , viz : Enoch E-


, of McCook , Neb. , Wilford A. Glasscock ,Oliver H. Smith and Winfleld S. Alrord.of Box-Elder , Neb. 13 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August 20th , 1885. f-

Notice is hereby given that the following-named

-settler has filed notice of his Intention-

to make final proof in support of his claim,and that said proof will be made before Regis-ter


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,October Cth.lbSoviz : John W.Robb.H.E. 2055 ,for the west } northeast J east l/s northwest-H section 30 , town. 6, north of range 29 west.-He

.names the following witnesses to prove his-

continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,said land , viz : James Ellison , Winfleld S-


. Wilford A. Glascock , Oliver H. Smith ,all of Box Elder , Nebraska.

13 G. L. LAWS , llegister.L-




August 20th , 1885. J

Notice is hereby given that the following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Regis-ter


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,October 3d , 1885 , viz : James A. Gregrey , D. S.1244 , for the southwest & section 35 , town. 1 ,north of range 29 west. He names the follow-ing


witnesses to prove his continuous residence-upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John-Van Buskirk. Arthur Goodner. and Franklin-Booth , of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , George A. Me-Clurg

-, of Stoughton , Nebraska.

13 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August 20th , 1885. fNotice is hereby given that the following-


settler has filed notice of her intention-to make final proof in support of her claim ,

and that said proof will be made before Regis-ter


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,October 3d , 1885 , viz : Jane E. Gregrey , H. E.3447. for tho northwest J section 35 , town. 1 ,north of range 29 west. She names the follow-ing


witnesses to prove her continuous resi-dence

¬upon, and cultivation of, sold land , viz :

Samuel Daniels and Joshua Gerver , of Stough-ton


, Neb. , Henry Enos and Lemuel Daniels ,of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas.

13 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August 22d , 1885. f-

Notice is hereby given that tho following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Regis-ter


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,October 6th , 1885 , viz ; Oliver H. Smith , D. S.-


, for the northwest fi of section 19 , town.5 , north of range 29 west. He names the fol-lowing


witnesses to prove his continuous res-idence


upon , and cultivation of, said land , viz :

Homer Shepherd , Alexander C. Harlan , Thos-N.. Doolittle , Winfleld S. Alvord. all of Box El-der, Neb. 13- G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August 24th , 1885. f-

Notice is hereby given that the following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in support of his claim-and that said proof will be made before Reg-ister


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur-3ay


, October 3d , 1885 , viz : James A. Piper , D-S. . U27 , for the northwest H of section 3, town., north of range 29 west. He names the fol-

lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res-idence upon , and cultivation of, said land , viz :

Alexander Campbell , Stephen Holies , Joseph-Stephens , N. J. Chrysler, all of Box Elder , Neb

13 G. L. LAWS , Register-




..*X>*V/" XX ' X > VXx N ' V > ' > V X -

LT.. S. LAND OFFICE-McCook , Neb. , July 8th , 18S-


having been entered at this office-by Alba O. Ely against Robert Booth for aban-Joning

-his Homestead Entry No. 411 , dated at-

McCook , Nebraska , March 2d , 1884 , upon the-northwest quarter of section 34 , township ]

north , rango 29 west , in Red Willow county ,Nebraska , with a view to the cancellation ot-said entry ; the said parties are hereby sum-moned


to appear at this office on the 8th day-jf October. 1S85, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , to respond-md furnish testimony concerning said alleged-ibandonnient. . 10 G. L. LAWS , Regist-



: - : BAKERY.-












Made on Order ,

LOJNGH ROOM-n connection where you can get coffee , sand-

wiches , pies , etc. , at all hour-





HTG., ,




. :

At this season of Iho year tho blood becomeslufe-gish and is surcharged with poison. It is :

a dangerous conditiou < and leads to manyiscasca , which are serious and dangerous but-an easily be averted by the use of Begg's :

Hood Purifler and BloodMaker. It seperatea-nd


discharges all poison from tho blood : )ures Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , and all Blood-isorders. . Free sample bottles at S. L. Green'sml M. A. Spaldiag's.






August 19th , 1885. fNotice is hereby given that tho following-

named settler has filed notice of his intention-ii to make final proof in support of hfs claim , and-ii that said proof will bo made before Kegister or; Receiver at HcCook , Neb. , on .Friday , October-2d , 1885 , viz : Henry H. Berry , who made H. E.

j No. 2160 , for the north yt southeast Ji and south-Vz northeast } section 17 , township a, north of-range 29 west. He names the following wit-nesses

¬to prove his continuous residence upon ,

and cultivation of, said land , viz : Ephraiin-Green , Stephen Hopkins , Robert Boston , J H-.Ludwick

., all of McCook , Nebraska.

12 ' G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August It , 1885. }

Notice is hereby given that tho following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in snpport of his claim ,and that said proof will bo made before Regis-ter


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,September 26 , 1885 , viz : Isaac S. Johnson , H.-


. 1041 , for the south H of the southwest sec-tion


34 , town. 4 north , range 29 west , and lots3 and 4 section 3 , town. 3 north , rango 29 west.-He

.names tho following witnesses to prove his-

continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,said land , viz : Nilson Boyce. and James Hess ,of Indianola , Neb. , William Wallin and Edward-WalUn , of Red Willow , Nebraska.

12 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August 19th , 1885. fNotice is hereby given that the following-


settler has filed notice of his intention-to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will bo made before Regis-ter


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,September 28th , 1885 , viz : Andrew McG.Hobb ,D. S. No. 1626 , for the east Vi northwest if of-section 15 , township 3 north , range 30 west.-Ho

.names the following witnesses to prove his-

continuous residence upon , and cultivation-of, said land , viz : Charles Bergster , HenryScheser, C. G. Potter and Charles E. McPher-son

-, all of McCook , Nebraska.

12 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August 6th , 1885. 1

Notice is hereby given that the following-named

- '

settler has filed notice of bis intention-to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Reg ¬

ister or Receiver at McCook; Neb. , on Friday ,September 18th , 1885viz : JamesM.McKelvey ,D. S. No. 1496 , for the west Ji southeast. of-section 11 and west'northeast of section14 township 1 north , range30 west. He names-the following witnesses to prove his continu-ous


residence upon , and cultivation of. said-land , viz : Francis King , William GoldFirman-Gold and Nelson Johnson , all of McCook , Neb.

10 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




August 8th , 1885. f.Notice is hereby given that the following-


settler has filed notice of his intention-to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be mad before Reg-ister


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,September 18th , 1885 , viz : James H. Becker ,D. S. No. 1583 , for the east y. northwest li and-west H northeast ii of section 8 , township 1-

north , range30 west. He names the following-witnesses to prove his continuous residence-upon , and cultivation of, said land , viz : J. 11-


, Edwin A. Webb , Joseph Williams and-Enoch M. Matson , all of Vailtou , Neb.

10 G. L. LAWS'Register.L-




August 4th , 1885. f-

Notice is hereby given that tho following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Uegi-ster

-or Receiver at McCook , Neb.ron Saturday ,

September 12th , 1885 , viz : Henry Cain , Home-stead


Entry No. 1257 , for the east Yi southeast-i} section 13 , township 4 north , range 30 west.-


names the following witnesses to prove his-continuous residence upon , and cultivation-of , said land , viz : Aaron Stewart , Wm. Pate.-Samuel

.McLain and Edward Hamilton , all of-

McCook , Nebraska.10 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




July 22d. 1SS5. f-

Notice is hereby given that the following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Regis-ter


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,August 2Sth , 1885 , viz : Fred Benjamin , D. S.1495 , for the southwest quarter ot section 31 ,township 2 north , range 29 west 6th P. M. He-names the following witnesses to prove his-continuous residence upon , and cultivation-of.. said land , viz : Neheraiah Burtless , Samuel-Ellis , Anthony Joy and Lavilla J. Burtless , all-of McCook , Nebraska.

8 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




July 20th , 18 ! 5. fNotice is hereby given that the lollowing-


settler has filed notice of his intention-to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Reg-ister


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,September 4th , ISbo , viz : Louis Jaques , D. S.1530 , for the southwest quai ter of section 21 ,township 5 north , range 29 west. He names-the following witnesses to prove his continu-ous


residence upon , and cultivation of, said-land , viz : Homer Sheppard and Fuller Glass-cock

-of Box Elder , Neb. . Enoch Osvog and-

Peter Larson of McCook , Neb.8 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




July 2Uth , 1885. J

Notice is hereby given that the following-named

-settler has filed notice of his intention-

to make final proof in support ot his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Reg-ister


or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,September 4th , 1885 , viz : Peter Babcock , D. S.1531 , tor the northwest quarter of section 29 ,township o north , range 29 west. He names-the following witnesses to prove his continu-ous


residence upon , and cultivation of, said-land , viz : Homer Sheppard and Fuller Glass-cock

-of Box Elder, Neb. , Enoch Osvog and-

Peter Larson of McCook. Neb.8 G. L. LAWS , Register.-




July 2Uth , Ibbo. fNotice is horeby given that the following-


settler has filed notice of his intention-to make final proof in support of his claim ,and that said proof will be made before Reg-Ister

-or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,

August 28th , 1885 , viz : Jerry Grifha , D. S. 559 ,for the northeast quarter of section 11, town-ship


3 north , range 30 west. He names the fol-lowing


witnesses to prove his continuous resi-ience

-upon , and cultivation of, said land , viz :

John F. Collins , John A. Bennett , James Doyle-ind Ed. McCandless , all of McCook , Neb.

8 G. L. LAWS , Register.-



OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. ,July 18lh , 1885. J

Notice is hereby given that the following-3amcd

-ecttlcr has-filed notice of his intention-

o make final proof in support of bis claim ,ind that said proof will be made before Regis-cr

-or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,

August 29th , 1885 , viz : Columbus Wise , D. S.58, for the east & northeast 24 of section 4 ,ownship 1 north , range 28 west. He names-he .following witnesses to prove his continu-us

-residence upon , and cultivation of, said ol-

and, viz : S. S. Graham , David Jones , J. W-.Dolman

.and C. li. Ncwbcrry , all of Danbury , i

tfeb. . 8 O. L. LAWS , Register. E






* wt *v-

Lumber , Lime , Cement , Sash , Doors , Blinds ;i ;








Sicftcfe , (Bcbaz. Scab , tme , crCctls,















First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property.O-


. ii






. .hiC





Wind Miii ,

Superior to any on the market , being Heavier, Stronger Built ,and therefore a more Durable Mill. It is the only-


\ :\safe Mill bnllt ; and out o-

fThousands Erected During 12Y-

ears past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower-standing. . A record no other Mill can show. TVe offer-

to pnt up any of our PUMPKi G MILL-


THIRTY DAYS TRIAL ,And If they don't Rive satisfaction , will remoTC Mill at our-

own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated-Challenge Feed Mills , CornShclIers. Iron Pumps-

ulth brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks-



estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to-

G. . B. KETTLETON, ttcCook , Neb. ,Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansaj.

Jotfce of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.-


Is hereby given , that by virtue of a-

hattel mortgage , dated on tho 2Gth day of-lay , 18S5. and duly tiled in the office ot the-lounty Clerk of KeJ Willow county , Nebraska ,n the 2d day of June , Ib85 , and executed by P.i. Blair toL J.Starbuck , to .gecure the pay-icnt


of the sum of 500 , and upon which there-s now due the sum ot 500. Beiault having'-ieen made in the payment of said sum , there-ore


I will sell the property therein described ,Iz : The shed stables situate on lots No. 6,7-nd 8, in block 28 , in the Village of McCook.-fob.

.. Also , one large black horse , about 10-

ears old , one large black mare , about 9 j ears-Id , one brown horse , about 8 years old , ring-one

-on left foro toot , one brown horse , about-

years old , blind in one eye , and onugray marc ,bout 10 years old. Also , one new spring wapon ,nd a set of double harness. Atpubhc auction-t the McCook Corral , opposite Frees & Hock-ell's

-Lumber Yard , in McCook, Ked Willow-

ounty , Nebraska, on Saturday the :J9th day-f August , ISM , at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day-.Dated

.August 1st , ISWi.-


. J. STAHBCCK , Mortgagee.. S. WELCH , Deputy Sheriff , Agent.

ROAD NOTICE.To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN :The commissioner appointed to locate n roadcommencing at the northwest corner oftion 3, town. 3 north 28 west wS


Willow precinct , Hed WlSS IebSSka. runningthence south one mile on secttoline between sections n9 and 10. aame town and \ 1 jrange , to the southeast corner of eectton 9same town.and range terminatingat the southleast corner of section 0, town. 3, ranhas reported in favor of the eauAUBbmentthereof , and all objections thereto orfor damages must be filed in the county clerk2S °? S? '

°re noP of the h dv oo10 C. D. CRAMER. County Clerk.

.That tired , languid feeling , with