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T he Y oungstown N ew io. And Niagara Free Press. Vol. VI. YOUNGSTOWN, N.Y., JUNE 11, 1886. No. 16. CUPID HAGS JUG GAME MARRIAGE OF PRESIDENT CLEVELAND TO MI88 FOLSOM. The Oriiiiimjr Noleninlicd Without I e t u.unl luddoul at 7:18 O'clock W cilno-, day Evening — Complete and Dotation, It.port of tho Much Talked-of Event. Wahuisotow, Juno S.—A notable event tlio marriage of Gruvtr Cleveland, president of tla. Lulu.I Htot<o, CK-currwl bore last ninht ami with It culminated wiiat until a few dav agi. luul for nii'Bttia previous been a matter ol doubt, vpct ulatiuu anil gossip throughout tli. entire land. It wa* a griwt event liw.uu.-e ..f tha exalted position of the groom, the . bii f magistrate of a nation of 00,0110,01X1 of pro ole, and because it was thu tlret wedding .1 the kind tlmt luu. ever ociurred under tlie roof of the executive mansion. Yet, nob witlixtiiliillng the exalUd p'-ltioll of the 111. -1 klcnt, and that thi opportunity and ocer ic.i almiwt (lemauilwl u great uml brill in*stab wedding, the ulfalr, in ull it* pif|«iratloiw, appointuu nta and hurroundlng*, wu* a quiet, h-.mellke widillng. This wu* In accordance w ith 1‘reeideiit Cleveland’s wishee und in bur mony wiih tlu. democmtic Himplii*ity and natural modesty which have . barn* i. riz.vl Grover Cleveliind’s carrar. TVh. never and wherever he has flllisl public office, whither a* mayor of Buffalo, governor of the Kutpire Mute or president of the United .States, it 1st* been tbe same. Tho wedding day was ushered in wit It bright, U*utiful weatlier, and almost w ith tlio rising sun i ume tlu* I ride und h- i kinfolk to tlu. executive nun'ion alter tlu. night Journey from New-York. Tho day at tho mansion wnt a oontparntively quiet ono when tlu. importance of its closing events is i onsid- onsl. <>f courso lliero was couslderuhlo slir nnd excitement on tho pert of tlmsu on whom devolved tho duties of tho llnal pre|stratlniM for the wedding. Hut it is sale to say tlio prtuldi nt, although ns active and industrioua os any about tho mansion, was tho least ox- cited of ary. He was early in tho library transacting official bunnes*. lie directed that three private |>en»ion vetoes bo sent to congress; hud a conference by up|>ointment w Senator Van Wyck, snw Bccretai ie« Lamar and Fairchild about some interior and treasury dopartment matters; hud suv- eral niiifenn - oh witli Dr. Sunderland about tlu. details of tbo marriage scrvice, and iounil time in tlie afternoon to take a drive alone iu his luudau. Aliout 11:30 o’clock lost evening tho bustlo and excitement of preparations for the event Is-gan to transform ilaelf into realization. Tlie Invited guest*, Yuliinet ollieersand their wives who wero not nhiiliiig in tl.o iimnhion, then hegnn to urrlvo. They vveto tit once shown to tlie stute, where they divested themselves of their wrti|st and ro- puinsl to tlie blue room vvhere Miss i Me. elaml and other relatives of tlm bride an»l groom, together with Dr. Himderlnml, woro waiting to receive them. Tlie n ' ndilrd gu sis, btond- ing on tla* eastern uml western rid* s id tlui ovalehujssl bluo r» in, win ro the ceremony took place, hud but a few minute's to wait, for promptly at 7 o'clock tliu prcsidi'iit, vvilli . Miss Folsom leaning on his arm, camo dow n stairs and ente red through tho north door and advanced lo tlm centre of tho room nnd stes«l facing tho background of palms, ferns uml flowers on tho southern und of tho room. l>r. Sunderland, assisted hy the president's brother, tho Rov. William Cleveland, sIihk! facing the bride and groom. Tho invited gutwts present, wlio witnessed tlio ceremony, were: Mix Folsom, mother of tho bride; Hev. W, N. Cleveland, the pn -ident’s brutlu r, Miss Roae Cleveland, Mix Hoyt, tlie president's riders; Tlnnnus F. Bayunl, wvretury of state; Miss Bayard; Daniel Manning, wsn tary of the treasury; Mis. Miuiuing; William C. K.ndnott.. svs-ndary of war; Mix Kndicott; William C. Whitney, slf rotary of tlie navy; Mix Wliitney; William F. Vilas, postmaster general; Mr*. Vila*; L. Q C. Izunar, secro- Uu-y of the interior; Daniel H. Luinidlt, pri vate smiretaiy to'tho pr.sidelit; Mix Luninnt; Ron Jamil i Folsom of Ituffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Seneca Falls, N. Y .; Mix. Cadliian and Miss Huddleston of Detroit; Mr. and Mr*. Harmon of Boston, relatives of tho bride; Miss Nelson of New-York and Mr. W. G. liissell of Buffalo, the prudduut'a former law partner. Immidliilely after the entrance of tlie president ami Miss Folsom, Dr. Hund- erlaiul advanced anil proceeded witb tho cere mony ns follows: “Forasmuch as wo are ossoinhlisl to ol* serve the holy rite of marriage, it is needful that wu should seek tbo blessing ol the grout God, our Father, whose Institution it is, and, therefore, 1 beseech you now to follow uio with reverent heitrta in prayer to Him. “Almighty and ICvci In -ting God, tli. Father of our spirits, the fruuier of our Indies, tlie giver of every gissl mul perfect gill tliou who ranst see the end from the ts-giuning, who k newest wluit is Uut for us, Iliy child ren, mid hast «pi>oiiited tlie holy rite of mar riage t<i be sacredly olisorved throughout all generation, regard now, we besuecli thee, Uiy servant, our chief magistrate. Fjulovv him pleiiteouxly with thy grace and 1111 hiiu with wisilum to walk in thy ordinance*. Ih. very right to him iu tlu* nilflst of many cam mid grave respoiuubititias vhiy by duy. Mny thy law direct him mid thy strength uphold him, nnd be thou forever his sun mul shield. And Iw graciously pleased to look down upon this thy daughter, even as thou didst favor tho chosen lielwcca mul many noble women thnt have adorned the world. May slie indeed be a precious l .sui of (hslfc. her hushmul to cht«T and lu-lp him couth mail)*—- a woman gifted with llie Issiuty of the and shedding the swivt influence of u chris- lian Ufe ujhw the tiiiUon in whose sight she is to dwell. Wilt thou approve wliut we thy servants come to do in thy tituiie, by Ouito authority, ami under the luws of the lmul iu which we live, and graciously assist them, Uila man and this woman who mv here to t*> united in the Iannis id holy wvsllock, accord ing to the institution of thy words. “Mercifully ls> pleased, Almighty Gal, to vouchsafe to each of than thy grace thnt they ■nay well and truly weigh ihe unfailing vows which they an-about to make lo inch otls-r in the preseiira uf this eouqany, and before thee, mid that they may lie maided hereafter at all time* ao to live together as to rejoice iu the solemnisation of this union with joy un speakable ami full of glory thiough jesua Christ, Uur Lord. Ameul” t After (he prayer, Dr. Sunderiuisl mode tfeoYoUowing address: “Marriage ia hon-.r- ntie among all men, in that a man shall leave bis futher aiui mother and cleave uutei Ids wife and they twain shall he ono flesh. It was constituted by our Creator in the llrst paradise. It was confesse. 1 t y jatriarch and priest, |iropbct and a)**>tle It was ion flrintd by the teaching mul adorned with tlu- presence of the Redeemer and 1ms been hou oreil l.y ibe laitliful keeping of ail good men and women since (he world begun. It is not, therefore, to Iw undertaken lightly or unail viscdly, hut rotwrty and discreetly and in tin fear of God. Into this holy estate this man and this come now to enter If mi) now can slu.w just cause why iliey may not Iw lawfully united in marriage let him now s]M-nk or else hereafter forever hold his peace. If you desire to be united in marriage yo* .ii) mi. same l.y jouimg your rigid I .aids” llera the president and Miss Folsom jobs* I nmla. iho clergyman then jvskisl: “Grover, d. Ou take this woman, whom you hold by tli md, to Iw your lawful we*Id id wife, to llvi •gether after Gtxl's orilinuiice in the huh •ate of wedlock! Do you promise to love lierish, comfort, uml kis<p her in sickne*8 am .i health, in joy mid sorrow and forsaking ul licrg keep you only unto her so long us yot I ii shall livof I ’resident Cleveliuul ruspondls rmly: “1 do." j Dr. Bunderlmul then addressing Miss Fol I um, aalted: “Frances, do you take this mm lioin you hold by the hand, to bo your law til wedded Imsliaml, to live together iiftei lod’s ordinance in the holy state of wedlock Do you promise to love him, honor, comfort ud keep him iu sickness and hcuith, ill jo) aud sorrow, und forsaking all others, keej you only to him so long as you both slial. live!” Tho lady responded; “I do." "in token of tho same,” said Dr. Kuiulur hind, “lot tho wedding riug be pktceil.” The presldeut then placed tlie ring up in thi I,rides linger. Dr. Sunderland then pro ouneed the sanction, saying: “Forasmucha. Grover und Frances have hero agreed am. (oveiiunfasl to live together lifter Gal's onti imice ill the holy state of wedlock, und havi i ynffrnieU tin- simio hy giving uml taking i; wedding ring, now, therefore, lu tlie preaena of this couqiauy, in the name of the Father till Bon und ihe lloly Ghost, I pronounce mu declare that they aro hu»l<und aud wife, itn.i what God hath Joined togetiier let no num. put asunder.” Dr. Kuudei lmid then concluded tlio cere mony with a benediction in the following words: “Uml the father, God tlio son, und God tho lloly Ghost, bless, keep mid preserve you. The I.ord mercifully Ull you with all torn poml and all spiritual hitwing, and gran Hint you may so live together iu thiswoii lhat in the world to come you may liavo lif. everlasting. Amen.” Congmlulutious wero then in order, and Mrs. Foisoui wus tin- tirst to congratulate hoi daughter und son-in-law. Congratulations from other relatives aud inviUvl guests quickly followed, nml the company, passing through tlu. green to tho east room, engaged iu pleasant social conversation for some t inn uml then repaired to iho dining-room, tin president and his bride leuding the way to thi supper table. At supp r tlio president occupied his usual place on tlio north side of iho tuhlo, his bride seated at his loft, mid tlio guests disposed about the table in a manner liest calculated lo promote free nml unrustmimd social con versation. I’rosiilent Cleveland wna attired in a full evening dress suit niul wore a turn down collar, a plain, wbite-luwn necktie, ummol shirt studs and cuff buttons lo match. Tho bride wore an enchanting wedding dross of ivory satin, simply guruisbed on the liigli coixago with India muslin, crossed in Uraciun tolils and carried in exquisite falls of simplicity over the petticoat. Tho orange blossom garniture catuniencing ii|sm tlio veil iu a sU|»‘i b coronet, waa continued through out tho costume witli artistic skill. Her veil of tulle completely enveloped her, falling to the edge of tho p.tticoat in front mid extend ing the entire length of her full court train. Fxi-opling tho engagement ring—a supphirc w ith two diumoiiilx, und tho simple wedding ring which tlio president plui'ud upon her linger—tho briilo wore no jewelry w hatever. Mix. Folsom wore a superb dress of violet satin w ith garniture of white faille, and crys tallized violet drops in |s iiihuits everywlure. Miss Cleveland's costume consisted of nn exquisite dress, a combination of Nile green mul cameo pink, duchrsse satin and silver ornaments, low corsage garniiJwd with pink ruses, short sleeves aud dciui-length gloves in light hue. Blie carried a fan of pink curlew feathers. Mix Hoyt, tlio president's sister, woro u dainty costume en train of chiiui rreqie iu robin's ogg blue, must effectively garniturad w ith rare old hue. The Marine baud was early in attendance at tbe mansion last evening, nnd ut proper intervals discoursed suitable strains. Wbeu the president mul Mi.-s Folsom came down staiix uml (Missed into the blue room tlie baud stationed in the outer corridor tilled the uuui- siuti with sweet strains from Mendelssohn's “Wedding March,” from “MUIsmumerNight’s Dream." Later on it rendered Wagner's bridal chorus and the innii h from Lohengrin; Marianna's Bolero; Bou la Rosa; Weber’s lu- vitation a in valso; Mi odelssohn's “Bpring Bong;" Robmuli’s romance, “iiright Btar of Hops,” mul Bousa's mosaic, “Desiree." The decorations of the mmc-ion, with the exception of Iho blue room where tlie mar riage ceremony occuiTwt, w on similar to those ustxl on occasions of state* or private re ceptions. The work of decoration was done under tlio direction of Col. VVilson, superin tendent of public buildings mul grounds. The novel features of the floral decorations were couilnrd to tlie blue room. Here the florist's art was mainly exer. w.l. Tin* windows at the soulbern mi. I outer end of this oval sha[«xl resau were Iwuked with state!) |slims anil icins extc luting to the ceiling, lu front of tliis imposing bank of green, ilft.-cu fwt in height, mid lower dowu beautiful fivliage plants were* arranged, mul at the liase of this bower were Imnks of roes*, white, yellow, pink mul rad azaleas, fuw bias, gcnuiiuna uufl 1it'll.»tr.»;s*, all comtiiurel to nptke the bower a triumph of lieauty mid fragrance. Lin every skle of tlie room the decorations were scarcely leas elaborate*. Tbe mantel above the hearth on thu east side of the room was a suti.1 Imnk of cut pansies in various cokin, iu whlrh tlu. date uf the wedding, “June 3, 18*4," was written iu letters of whitu flowers, surroundtsi by block pansiea The mantel ou the wist aide nf the resmi fomuxl a solid Isuik of rase*, .lark and rich culuredv in the ranter of which was tho ugaoograiu, “C. F.,” In white moss and ii/j^rkl rose*. The two large mirrors abov , o mantels were dra|»sl and fra- toot b car lands of nuxwl ream. The door* Wading to tbe adjoining rooms wers (iwtouned with heavy garlands of roses in dif- fereait dtstinct colors, and above the corridor liner was a *7oil u sn p sal of flowers in which was the motto “K 1’iuril us Cnum” iu UTiiii*irtei).*. The main table decoration in thu wedding »up|s r ristui was a full-rigged ship i-.iuqsM.Fl ol ' .-titliurea egnua deiphiuimus, rw t. mul pausii* hearing the name “Hymen." It rewtesl upon a iuir;or nqireoenting a kike, w hich gave it the ap|*-urnwe of floating. The shores wcra *..Ilqssssl of different var ieties of selaginelias mul tiny piece* of corals, and the land was represented by a biuik of jai quenmiot roses. Tbe ship, a threemuste.r, was flying on Iho center *;*»r tbe colors of tbe United Blates, while Ihe other two i-ar- ried wbite flugs w itli the monogram “C. F." in gold. At either end of the table were crystal vases rest ing u|*jii mirrors with long Hemmed hybrid ns.., Tho two mlnsirs were fiwtooned wllh asparagus teniusshiius inters|» ixid with I ismc ifmos. The corners anil windows of the room and tho> tnanls were* vuitutly ilecoratcd with tlio i lu tcest foliage and flowering plunts with tho mante-1 a solid lunik of roses. l'rixi.l. nt Clevelaml’s gift to his bride was an elegant diamond necklace, tlie stones I* ing set ill gold und extending all around the ne k. A large number of presents have been re- coivisl at tbe mansion. As soon as they arrived, however, they were qti kly con veyed i. ut of sight. Thu members if the cats net gave individual wedding presents, ton of which were quite eluliorate. But in accon ilice witli tlio speeinl desire of the president, i ist iif tlie present* received will not be mad public. During the progress of the ceremony aulutc were fired, lolls rung, nnd I’rofessor Wid low’s played Mendelssohn's wedding man and other appropriate selections on th himes of the Mctro|x>litmi church. Alar; numlier of (H-ople gathered in front of tlu . elusion during the ceremony aud while th wedding party were at supper. No precautions wero taken to prevent Hu h ontiniico to the grounds, and as they Wen quiet nml orderly, no effort was mudo to ex <lude them. Boon after paitaking of tbeh w.Filling supper, the president uml his hrid. were excused and according ton pn-arrangiu plan, quietly cntereil a carriage uttbesout' intrmu o to tbe mansion and were driven t* tin* K street crossing of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad where a special train wits iu waitiih for them. They at once entered Presiden Gun etf* boudoir car “My Maryland," ami Hie train at 0:50 moved off for Deer l'ark, whore thu president uml his bride will remain for a week. During their stay nt Deer l'ark tliey w ill occupy a cottage specially lilted up for their accommodation near the 1). or l'ark hotel. The only invitesl guest* who wero not pres cut at tlio wedding were Miss Buyurd uml Atty. to n. Garland. ITvvious to leaving tlu* city the president directed Col. Lamont to have nil of ihe cut flowers used in decorating the mansion bu«, night distributed among tiie city hospitals. MR. AND MRS. CLEVELAND. Tlie President anil His llrlile Attend HI- vine Service Hi Oakland. Dmch 1’ auk, June 7.—Yesterday the day broke dear and warm in the mountains, but during tlio afternoon we hod a littlu sun shower nml a beautiful rainbow, which was very brilliant and presented a mug mil cut sight. At 10 o'clock tho president, Mix. Cleveland and Mix. Henry G. Duvis entered tho president's carriage and started for Oak land, where they liud agricd to attend divine service. A second carriage carried Col. and Mrs. l.amont und ex-Beimtor Davis. Col. John 7V. Davis, assistant to Rrassideiit Gar rett, Miss I.izzie Elkins and her companion Miss Florence i'ettingill occupied a tlnril car riage. It took the party nearly an hour to cover the distance, and shortly after 11 o'clock they eutered the I'roshytci'ian church, which was founded by the* more thuii Ilftet'i yi-aix ago. The isliflce had boen crowded for some time prior to the arrival of Ihe distinguished |sirty, and as they entiTiFl Hie choir sang “Laden with Guilt and full of Feaix” The president iunl Mrs. Cleveland were the first to walk up the aisle followed by Col. and Mrs. Lament, ex-Benutor and Mix. Duvis and Col. J. W. Duvis uml the young Indies from the Elkin* cottage. Two pews luul boon reserved, wIiiih comfortably accommodated the party. Mix Cleveland entering tlu» pew first tisik a wut in tbti corner nearest the window. Mrs. Ijimont xit next to her, and Mrs. Davis, CoL Lumont and ITcsident Cleveland followed nml sat in thc order named, while ex-Bcnator Davis nud Ihe remainder of the |exit) oceiipi I the pew in fremL The bride wn* very richly at! innl In a thick gius gruin black silk dress, a heav ily jet braided soldier cape aud a chip straw isumet trimmed with high white fenth. ix Bile wore* Mark kid glovix The service bo- giui with the baptism of a Ud.v, the daughter of Mix. Kuykeiidull of Oakland. The .doth hymn, “Receiving Little Children,” was sung. If ginning “llehoid what coudes-'ending love.” At the conclusion of this Ihe Uipt:-iual -Fi'vii-e was gone tlnxiugh witli, the Istlie being ehris- temd “Francwc” Dkku 1’ auk, Mil., June 11.—F.arlv Tu. sduy uiorniug John \V. Dnvls, who ha* hail barge of the presidential |«rly, Was m>tifl«l that the president desired to make the trip to U u Jiington, and that tu' would like to have lit- kjsf uiI follow elesely afte r the uud-day train, known mm mg ntiiruud men as Na fl. Tbe engine was at omw onlerrel from Graf ton, and the jsda*v cars “Ballimure" mul “Delaware” were put in rendiiiem fur the rev eeption of the |«irty. Whatcnux*!sostiil- d.-n iui alteration of tlie plans 1* not kimwn, ss it was thought Monday night Uiat the bride and gressn would n-uuuu ui the moun tain* a day or two longer. iSeere-tary Lainont may bare consiibre*) the preeideut * pivx«4iiv in Washington indis pensable! anil worke.1 ii|Kin tlu* feeling* of bi» siqs rior, but Mr Izunout has not shown him self to tlie neWF|iaper men, and nothing can lie learned from him. At Ul Jfll yesterday morning a carriage wa* brought to tho cottage and pre-si.lent and Mr*. Cleveland ami secretary and Mix La mont started out for a drive. They went to Observatory hit), two milaa from the exe. u- tive lottage, wl* r. a niacnitlo ut view <A tlu surrounding country is obtainable. W amusutov, June 0.—Ihe special train with the president. Mix. Cleveland, CoL and Mrs. Lauuait, the only cFcupout* ut th*' rear ear, arrived hem atb iit p. m. The run from Harper's Ferry lo WnslLegton wa* witlxiul >■1axial il* doul iVlu-n di.• train reiubed the K-street cTueJng, out toward* Ihe uiiurbs s.line distance from the mom d.q-<, a large crowd of pisqile, many of them ih carriagra, luul cuugrcgaUxl in ho|iui of mtch'ng a glimpse of tlie president and his, but they were disap|*>iiit*d, as the train merely slackcneil sjfffI at the . rousing anil th- n ron- tinucFl slow ly into the rantrai Baltimore A Ohio dspot. Hi re |s‘llia;F. -lod or 51W people, more foituiiali' than those at the K-street croe-iug, awaited outsulc the depot the arrival of the tram. When the train cuiuu to a stop, the presi dent was tin- iiixt of the quartette in the rear ear to alight. Mix Cleveland followed, nnd assisteFt hy the presldeut, stcqipcvl mmhly from th*- car. Got. Lamont and hi* wife i-aiue tripping along a few late-r and tho |>urty walked briskly out through Ihe d. |«.t to the front of the building where tis. president's caniagu with Albert llawkms, whip in liaiul, were waiting. I t i s . 71pl.Fl only a few seconds’ time for tbe four to enter the carriage und they Were off for the White' llouac- -home, after an al». nco of six days. I IS MINI) WAS MADE IT. dLAOSTONE DETERMINED TO Dliv SOLVE PARLIAMENT. t li© I*r©inl©r in Ttflr^raphic Coiumuiil i'utlon With tlio Ouecu- Morlry In* ih W hen to lU'itlgn—Dnglliih nml Irl»h Opinions. j Loudon, June8.—First Cahucoram- Th< j nvcmment bun inmi defeated on tho IloQfc j i i uio l»ilJ by a mujority of 30. izONDON, J u n e 8.—HkcoM j CABLKORAM— j I he v<>tcbt<MNl Jill for, to 341 agaim»t the^ov* lament. On motion of Mr. Uladatono the ! Husc* iuijourruxi until ThwracUiy. IA) N don, June 6.—Tliu cabinet at tho coun il was at first illvi<ie<l between re*i^natioi. ad dissolution, but Mr. Gladstone was t in . t hatio in hit detd'rrnination to dissolve parlia : .milt, and the cabinet unanimou-'ly ugi'ued H>on tliat course. Mr. Gladstone was in frequent telegraphic ommuuication with t ho quoen yesterday and cat to her fuajtiaty by mail yesterday after- toon a pa< kago containing lengthy <ib» {•atxhes. IRELAND’S CHIEF SECRETARY. Mr. John Morley Makes a Speech*—t ’la* <lecl(le«l \\ lien to Ucnign. Mr. John Morley, chief secretary for Ire- j land, iu a speech at the Eighty club lust even ; mg said he did not know w hen ho should ru dlffii. He Udieved that despite tho defeat of ihe bill last ni^ht it would become a law in a very abort time. Certain comrtltm ncios h« 1said would never coiuiont to coercion, which ! meant misery in Ireland ajul disorder in NVestiniuHter. Everybody, Mr. Morley raid, rospeeU.fl Lord HnrtiiiKloh and his following, j but the oilier littoral recusant** would liave to answer to tho country fur their conduct, which bo assured his henrers would not Ih forgotten in enao of a new election. In con elusion he warned Ids friendi*unless tho HU i’al majority excwnls eighty live the 1’ai iwdlit*- would have complete control of jutrliuutent. CHAMBERLAIN AND O’KELLY. Th© Former A i '<‘Uiich the I.atter of Mia- repreaentM t Ion—o ' Kelly Kcply. London, June 0.—Mr. Chamberlain on Mny 31 wrote to Mr. JamesO'Kelly, member lor Roscommon and correspondent of u New-York morning pnjM*r, as billow's: “You wrote to n New-York paper, dating jour letter from the house of (ominous, that I had publicly descnUd Mi . GladatMiu in langu/ige which is usually roservtxi for drunken rowdier ami unlit for publication. You aLo wrote that 1 go among radical and liberal inenilanrs raying to them privately: ‘Why should wo concede home rule to Mr. l’ftinell. The dynainitum are on his track and sooner or Inter will kill him.’ Roth of these statement* ure aheolutely and entirely untrue, and 1 demand your authority there for and that you publicly withdraw them.” Mr. O’Kelly replied: “Tlie statement** you refer to wen* given to me by English mem- hero of the house of commons nnd not in tended for publication. 1 accept tlie reepcn- sibility for publishing them and decline U j withdraw them, iie<:am<e confidential infor- mation in my {HK^-raion conviucen uie that you have umhI expression* with reference Uj Mr. Gludatouo simiiai' to thora 1 imputed to you.” Mr. ClmndxTlaiu rejoined t hat he would leave th*- public to appreciate Mr. O’Keliy’s *haracU-rifttic tactic* lnt«*iitl to lorm a New Origan lata t Ion. L ondon, JtmeU.—The radical dixddenu In- brnl to organize a radical union with head quarters nt Birmingham. 'Hicir prograinme includes a schutuo for a large exUuifdon of loeai government to Knglnnd, Hcotland, Wales and Ireland, the inqieriai |>arlUiriu»nt to exurctm mij r< me controL Mr. Jon» ph I’hainberlam to Im ? president, Mr. Jesse CoT lings, secretory, nml many proiulncmt radi«*al uu iiiUtw of the house of cotmnous wdi act as vi< *•*iits. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Hate I>n| V lo ir Own (Jravri. Coujk. June 9 ,- Th*» C ’*nk Herald l ^hium'Is }«ittn*ii(V* aiwl fc*ri»raniii4>*. Tlu* K**gt»sh do- tiioeracy, it ray*, will rally and wain r tb© false Iil»* rub to the wind*. Whipped Itut Not Klllm!. COIUC, June 9.—The (\»rk Kxnmin* r t«v«: “Th« progrtM* of It bit nationality is «hn kol, but it has rea* lied a ]*>ilU whi* h five ynai> ng* i mvm«d impomuhle. Virtory lVrehew in tlie Distant Futur©. D ubi . in , June 9.—Tlw» Fiw uuui’ti Journal ray* the principle of home rule is for the mo im ut del* *t»d but not kill'd. The bdl Ls lost, bitt horn* rule will lliutnph. Note*. Mr. ChumN-i Enin aud hU f'dfowcm will hold a conference, piol«al»ly on Thursday, and an election tnanifewto will iium«-iliau iv follow. The whig* have virtually decid'd to iioiii mate a cnndklate in opjio ition to Mr. GIa<l stone in Midlothian. Tlw list of goviTUment camlidutAs it> alinoat eonq>Jet*sl. I*atf#nce Adrinfd t*> tbe I* hII Ci»- n*l(c— the Irish Journal**. London, June V.—Tho Tall Mall Gazette 'UUKamcv* it© cxpectat <«i that tlio next pnr- liam eutary eie<’tkma w ill r©*ult in a rev**n©» to Mr. Gladstone, aud pr's.Rctii that a second ihs'Goti will Im ) nets ©Miry before Lb© Irish question is ratthd. Endatily thern may In? mar* coardon in Iivlund U toixy I d>m»- mU* ia gruutcd to tliat country l»y ctmwnt of the RritaJi g*»v* rnment, but if the lrinh |i©opl« will be ]Miti»nt the* <ju*s*Ti<in of radf-govern ment wdl rat tie iUielf within a year or two. fslii'Utniie K©tir©i! Forever. I/ipfDON, June 9.—The O W * **A m ost tznperkfcni, powerful, and d«w|»otic niiitinU«r has U*'H toki tlmt tb«* houae of ctxmuoat mast remain ft>*e mul irMlepeit ient. Thb U the heaviest fall that Mr. Uladatone ever ruceived, lait be will doubUetw atfempC to regain hi* position. Only a general electron t an dutpel hb illusion. Hu public nurwr k pvdkaUy ended, aivl it is to be wished f Juit it ho<! endoi in a nioru i>atnof ic way than in an attempt to icbtroy the union." Both Politbully Dead. lA>NDf>N, J u n e 9.—-Th*i 8 t. J aumw Gnzetto ray*: “The great aye or DO of the ©Itvtuni must tie *pfl>ken before tbo home rule fleud i* entirely wqueh bud, l*ut the dunipthai bill h* m ! Mi l*lad.d«>ne are both t*>lith ally 'Lad, i . u nuurrectkai.” An Epidemic *»f MfHulm Mt ltruttl«*l»oio. BhaTTI.KBoIIO, Vt., June V. — All the ril lagu m boola at Bnrtth U»ro clorad Tmvday evening 1 -ocauraof the pit^ah'iioe of ntra'k*. Nearly oik half of the t* hoiars aredow’n with the malady, besides thret* of the teacher*. A Po*ton llui!«er In Trouble. Ro*ton, June 0.—Tbe hearing in the omra of Bernard P. Verne, charged with o|>. iiiug hi« barber shop* on Hunday, w/u* Tueralay morning continued until Friday next. I’lIE WEEK’S SUMMARY. Tliurs'lay, June 3. John Kelly, the Tammany chieftain, died home iu New-York on VYbdnoMday, Jqnw 3. .. grower at Central hi, IU., ulready picked fiOU crate* from a field of wo ucrcK mid expect* Lo get 3U0 crate* iikjtu -♦-Xt Week. Gen. .S. I). Jackman, United Htotea mondial oi* tlie western district of Texux, dial y eater- hiy at his home in Ht. Marco©, after * 8vend vet ks’ llIiiomn. Philadelphia Typographical Union No. 2 t-solved last night in favor of keeping tin* typographical union* epuaU ’ from aU other •rgtuiizution*. Seen Lary and Mrs. Maiming will, it I* ru ortc-d, leave Washington Saturday afternoon or Hot Springs, V'a., where they will probo dy remain at unit a month. The North Chicago xtns.*t railway lias jiu- iitioutsl the council for pcrrniraiou to lay «<blch«»ii all it" r**uUw, tin* work to I h * com plated by the advent of winter. At a Kjxvhil meeting of tho Tammany so ck ty nnd the Tammany Hall committee on or^iinijsaUon held last evening in New-York, qsH' la-* were made eulogi*tic of the late Jui.n Kelly. Appropriate ruMolutnm* were .4 *>adoptcsi. Mr. Ijubouchero write* to the I/md*m Daily N* \tn that the number of liln’ia’s who hit* curtain to 0141(100 the *«*ond reading of h b IriU 4* tevonty. if (ha tdU shoukl b# d«. nted it will bo brought about through Iho iUti tingtoti-rbamberuun conibination, wliieh tuaiTsi deloiit. Among the prouiiiwnt Amerh'atm who atr U’lided die htate ball in London iaxt night were Mr. and Mrs. Phol|Ni, Mr. und Mr*. White, Mr. nnd Mis. Chadwick, Mr. ami Mix llarlow, Mr*. Hherw«xxl, Mrs. Davien, Janie* Russell ix>wel), Rhilip H* huyler, MImh French und Miss Matth* wh. A Galve ton, Texas, Now* Han Atiteido s|Hn’ial rays: Tho direc'toni of the Kan An tonio & Arkansas Pacific railroad held an important meeting yenterday nnd decided to issue bond* to th© am ount of $10,(#10,OUO and to in« Uie *toi*k of the cotiqrtiliy to $51*, I WO, 666 for the construction of tlu; northwiut- ern ex tension, which will run from Hun An ton ;n to tho heart of tin? Fan Handle, a dis- uuico of 0 0 miiira At Ih© afteriKMm m*nh1oii of tin; Amalga mate! Association Convention at i’ittsburg ycKtci'lay w h delegate refsated tl«* coinli- tion of his lodge and th<* state of trad© in hi* district, together with th© ramtiment of hi* lotLxiitui nt* on the question of w liat wug*w shall Is* dt mnndeil during tlio scale ynor ls>- ^inning July 1, which »h'iw*a feeling f»»r re- Ktoring the wage* of 1 nn4JJ, whieliwere 10 (s-r m it. higher than thou© paid since June 1 , i 88o. Ft iday, June 4. The land forfeiture bill wa* pa*wd by thu senate yesterday. Thrw natural gas well* uro now in ojwrn- tion at Buffalo, N. Y. The luukis wero uiiiuittal into the Amnl- ! gamated awwnation at l'itulnirg y«aUuday ! afternoon. Tlm deer* aa© in tlie |»uhlie debt for May was T Ira; intei (*t-ts.*ai'tng U j now $ 1 ,336 , 1**),312s The London Htandunl rav*: Tie* English j hnv lie u order. <1 iu r* odine** to take it* j di*parture frtan Ur»-* k waU rs. it i* rsnorted at Graham, Altoona, tlmt ; about one hundred White Mountain A jkw he* have left tha rewervia.nn and ntertcd on a raid in Graluim and Cochise soujlti'**. Hi© iH^k-Uiste ZeiJung eiuino D-i i/f.'H the I departure <#f the fln#t *.t*. u u r of tlai »w*w G« r- iu'tji line to |s>rt* in Kontcm Asia, <si which Luxation ITino© Bi inan k will tra pixaeiit, a* a grtiat national event An inti iiw* anti German fix!Ing pn vwib at I/iybie h over the itiomiinucit arected* te tho memory of ( V»jat Anton Alexander Au* r* qyir. «n AiatrixH i*o* f. wIhsk ihhji d»» | J uhki wo* “Arwi«tAsiu» ( i i m " it.,- IA. . »ouik i. y«»< 4 *rday rej**».*b*l a r* i I i4 pp al for lie «o-t of extra joie** during Uk* Catholic Orange riots tw o yetir* ago. Mngratrate Hall raid that the govern r t “ uasd deterinLned te piov** it* Am (mUoct .> ereiary McClain 'if the I'hikeh iphia k«* ai ; uriou of the Brotherhood erf CarfaaiUT* ami Joiner* Mtateu ynJ* r lay Uiat the rtviplo>e«s of tbe Funrvuraotv mill at NifttMb and Brown *ti«vt* vrevit out in a body in tbs morning, Laving the mid entirely closed up. Th© muni*?of planing awl rauh-tuiU nu n on a strike in irau» and th© rank* aro '.'otisUUiUy Kail f'’*p' v . t hau niaa ul tbs I sifsmwwal tte' ntl'tnud i xhil in July. Th- t '♦ " - ' fci : * rf lb© >wim*y plundx i - ■•! l'**«tua hu*» ended. Many t. v K jf 't rday an»l by Mmulay ail will pm! J»ly liavs returned. FV>r tb* p o m a t th y will v. -ik ten leiun* for five da)r* in th* wo» k aial * ht on BoUtntoy. |1«U T* v, a wvll known 1». *griqh*r .»f INu tlau M . In a public tetter ra>» that Mr. Hmal. ii|« "I tte mwrh of Mr BUin* (dfD >1\ ‘I !. ;t Ilia • UNtsl !b© very wovtb given in M report win u sj» akmg of Katel*ury. Mr rl r» \ lo.»k tb© enurequse*-h M 18* FuFx tiux, tin* kndar of the «orrab tet*» ui Bi n ■ I-*, h e. lain m iitmcnl te a nmr'a isnpi I 'liiudit and lUesi $1,256 for iticitiiig; te r»*»t and m -nltiiu lh«* king in a |«uiq»htet ©n- tl.M Th l.opl. Cate*'litem.10 M Aiwuda, aiH>th r pn*iuh><iit **»s’ialiHt, win y.wtereiay mnitencc'I at Cl ot to hit iiKtntW unprtMii- n«*nt for delivt i mg infiaiiiinatory wficeebea. 'lit.- Cork 1iaiirh <»f the Nntnuiai kragus re* ftisol yesterday b» con tribute to tla* rv-tdrav tion of r**ti» ‘ng meinlav** of the hnrlsir Umni who are Catholic*, and a market trustee, a lVob*stant, ou tho ground tliat they are is4 iiM inleiH of th> Ii id*. Another ivUriitg ofiii .-i 1 mu ■ d lit” - it by joining tte* league ai the < lltll hour, thus MH-Uliug the Mipfiuri of tla* memte iTi of that U*Jy, MgihInjt, June 7. The hir«*«*t ear Ktrike iu N« w York city oml RitHiklyn has lieen (te 'k m l off. A bill tuxhn: ol* < •niHru'.iiriu* five coiits |*w pound pKK". d the hou ^ on KYklay last. Maxwell, the Ht. I,«miN n)iird'*rer, ha* Imdo f*rtinl guilty of murder in 4«> first dcgruu. (Nintiiiued ti* inend"Uri rainstorm* have piv- vaihd ut and in the vicinity of liuite in !Tu* siun Haxoiiy. Iron bridges have U*en *wopt> away, nnd several village© devastated. It i- rumored that Mr. Seott or Mr. Bimm ©U will be tendered th mcivtarywhlp of th© tr* «*Miry if the pi*-I'tent etui* ludtw b> ai'oepi tin iv ign ition of Mr. Manning, tendered ia*t wtwk. Tin* dep*Rsi1ors of tin* defunct Dime Havings bank of New Rrun*wh k, N. J.,rees(v«d thoir finit divi h nd today. Chancellor Runyan having ( i u red the (siyment of 5u per rent. I te amount to U* paid out come* from tbs AMrb left by Ogilvy tlu* eaabisr, who cau*|d tla* failuru by defalcations The mi ft: of the lottery of Kentucky in tbs office al Louisville, Ky., wrareibbed Hunday .light of $1,500 in cosh an*l $500 worth ot jewelry. The crack mien dritkid through Umi tit'-r plate of th*; door aiui knew tho resnlite nation by iiiB« t ting a wire. Mcott Ulora, inanagvr, is tla; prlm lpal loser. A htill of tte; 1’lnhwh lphla Refining Com pany nt point Ilrsw , I'a., containing 1,500 Imrrvte of “wldt©” oil, exploded Hunday of* termwm n*»d tlie entire contents were con- ui iel, entailing a loss of $4,000. Th« flrev m*'ii with gout difficulty confined th** lire te tit* ratill in which tte* explosion occurred, al- Ih*>u; h many otbsr large Mtills w©re hi eloss proximity. TurnUj, June M . In on inxviiiU.'i . in *- a. t hi ago y*ralsr«layf eight |x*n«ona wt*re tuiriuwi to death. 'I’he r« jH>rtt*r’» balcony a t the Ht. i/nil* fair grounds fell >* t* i\lay afternoon full of re- p j f *j *. N*> one wa* ©»!ri««ijily hurL iCin...-bci, Tu ola county, Mieli., a vilUqcs II U't»*F-ii 3<«) Oli-I .(00 nluttiitaiiU ell Uw Fouliae, OxfiH.1 & Port Aimlm r<sul, slwut -ixU.-u mii.-» Koullnvi.l of CWn>, WM rsUUJ ii) it iL-'Uurtlve fire Mumbty iukIiI iuui ail la biiruafl wiUi tlie ex<e|4i<ai of a sture tsi Uss nuiiUi ski'. Uiie nue dote-tivua i't|flunxl in a Btato .t if . t xtor* a i m y a l i i l w.aiuui •liu at- U'liqitwi to eoueuni tt jeiw ) un l» r jieraail. in bur room Bin lratliiiKliutol wits fuunii o « « 1‘JIXI tt.ii lli of Milk* stiil jewelry, e*UiaS»UF >toLii -ui in-r sn-ivitJ lii'l WeUoB»lay ev«a». Inj;. Bli Itually ki*vm li«r iuuiu) s» lira Henry lziuiuz uf Vuq«uni»u, luii. \\ st'liir I'tay, Juu* tt. Col. RIi I . ifI M 111.', tiie ureat yrUiUng- |«'eMMIn veil tor, ilUsl In Italy yralereiay. Huu. (' A Rotib'llo hum renuiuiiuitoil fur «>ll;;r. f, lij tlie 11 j>ut>Urillu St lllll CUIIVeuUull lielit «t Bangor, Maine, Tiewlny, I. ujamii: Wi i-«, a prisiiiiM'nt liflmr iiuuui- fie iun i of ii uliiig, I’a., rumiuMil iq.saUuus yrateixloy iu in.; witb UIII'MI men, lutvbq( sigiiLvl tbe ri^m iiuikeiV . imf' uU* of |iriiws. CoiiKrewitaei ttetb IIILuu was r»ttutul- nat'-l i.) I;, iliiret *..i r. i.ulffi sus at Wsler,:Ue, Maine, iu.eisy witbuut qqAai- i. n. 'lb oiimuIU hi aljuurowi »IUi tlm , I ie or* for Hi:i:ue. 'lb,, t,, . of ('I siiuuLeiF*’ i.’nluii Nov al a w 'inn at HeaiLii-;, I’a., yas- u .1 lb msttor uf u uuumfao- tllll.1 It.I. IS!illflllMli Is.*.-, of I qittTS II >.iiu ... if i. 'lla- wi ike (■ :uiulto*i Jira- |..:..l a 1;f I 1*1 lb I.b) I i uikzu* Ua ii : ie, J v io .. I lull of Slie rules of lie: union. l„ .ii I. , mi I </• lu k lu-wbi) at Maya- I ’. ti. . Jun..* U . i . . , a i , fi I* ls(,l***, aiui ii . !... i.) i ... !i • -t •** si la n M iu ti ....I.l i i ■■ 1.1 sml ir qu- nliy iiail q i.s iita l.i Ii m m rarrazl into ibe ivsarta. li un. i. r *l i. i. .i>tdy aftor Ua» w... . i in-;. Morrill, from Uie i ummlttoa on ... ■ulilll.i .iai • tar) ui (» ■> ir saury. ur . I ue ue . ■ <ti i . i ■ mu i U * 1*11 *1*4 s .. unl ui Uie web Lu i»n e»i rgvsnry. Mr. Hear Obj* U 1 as Its. matu r "as too toe |. ... luuly «< le*i aiel lla- bill w«m» uu Us-1 ak'mlar. A le • »«. I- - •! I" (•»' “ *>«*" j r t o r i s j r |eu-. u.ul; (if .i r*sufiu* 0 ttl if tkfw jsjnasis, U» l»-uj i'eii'e.1 by Uie | Ie-.rl.-iii, to IIIVia*l U*' liulb ol aib-»e.l (IJsiFrteiiUB uf U» m j . f J*c .h u m uf yeiluw lever. Tb*. > auiuls- Sstords)-, June 1 Tbe bouse jaw**) seveutrao i«7i- u-ii iilHc a t UwtvVFliuat; 7- fmimi y^atorua)'. Tbe FOiuaitk' ,(Vi|L.UB uf M.*tut U.Ul n iuu ran ..J - n't tkflrn ui f ; riu a i. mu«. Kxri r.- . im - r--ti.’’. Isr ■ bafriFi i'F. and i.e., u u .ro led to go to M ia n 1 U i wry to ( ola, < *-»lrai Aiim* is ami Brazil, for tte |fuq*»© Ur i n ( t og,. I'riiO Miun. Tin. .»• I'm., Juuu 7. -Tbrrv nas a uuvi-l l*Fx«e>iun re but Kstnrelay. 'liar line was a luiie in bo-ib. Us 0.fI by lie. rsberidaa ImumI, i uaigaurel j*r in -qiaily (4 funt. a agura frun tis -un--M.)i’bi ' <**!■y, .» (b one uf «r]u< b b»I u|moi it «*»■ M ai id ma agrlini- lurol >imj.U->ii. t l ie Ua.iis wsie ilrivuu by Ibe tiUtrs uf tba Kill Oxouqb 'mr rfrvets. Tbo jars.le wax arrangwi l.y :U*U-rt toih, »ku rude al tiie bead uf :i> (Nhmm. Uefurv. tbe j*rt«Fs»4iJO tbe isrusra F-nj. ».q a beuqliei Lo Ibe ub.ln;; lot»:i uf ') r . -fX1*, r* •l< I*. IihwlN «»f IX©i HAUfAt. N. K, rHckk', tn +t d c r 4k' ' dig! te Ii u <• >*- •* rei-.y, jkged Mt . O id d l w r largely ;nU.*cw*tei Hi xli

And Niagara Free Press. - NYS Historic · And Niagara Free Press. Vol. VI. YOUNGSTOWN, N.Y., JUNE 11, 1886.

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Page 1: And Niagara Free Press. - NYS Historic · And Niagara Free Press. Vol. VI. YOUNGSTOWN, N.Y., JUNE 11, 1886.

T he Youngstow n N ew io.And Niagara Free Press.

Vol. V I . Y O U N G S T O W N , N.Y., JU N E 11, 1886. No. 16.



T h e O r iii i im jr N o le n in lic d W ith o u t I e tu .u n l l u d d o u l a t 7 :18 O 'c lo ck W c i ln o - ,d a y E v e n in g — C o m p le te a n d D o ta tio n ,I t .p o r t of tho M u ch T alked-of Event.

W ahuiso tow , Juno S.—A notable event tlio m arriage of G ruvtr Cleveland, president of tla. L u lu .I Htot<o, CK-currwl bore last ninht ami with It culminated wiiat until a few dav agi. luul for nii'Bttia previous been a m atter ol doubt, vpct ulatiuu anil gossip throughout tli. entire land. I t wa* a griwt event liw.uu.-e ..f tha exalted position of the groom, the . bii f m agistrate of a nation of 00,0110,01X1 of pro ole, and because it was thu tlret wedding .1 the kind tlmt luu. ever ociurred under tlie roof of the executive mansion. Yet, nob witlixtiiliillng the exalUd p '-ltio ll of the 111. -1 klcnt, and th a t thi opportunity and ocer ic.i almiwt (lemauilwl u great uml brill in * s ta b wedding, the ulfalr, in ull it* pif|«iratloiw, appointuu nta and hurroundlng*, wu* a quiet, h-.mellke widillng. This wu* In accordance w ith 1‘reeideiit Cleveland’s wishee und in bur mony wiih tlu. democmtic Himplii*ity and natural modesty which have . barn* i. riz.vl Grover Cleveliind’s carrar. TVh. never and wherever he has flllisl public office, w hither a* m ayor of Buffalo, governor of the Kutpire Mute or president of the United .States, it 1st* been tbe same.

Tho wedding day was ushered in wit It bright, U *utiful weatlier, and almost w ith tlio rising sun i ume tlu* I ride und h- i kinfolk to tlu. executive n u n 'io n a lte r tlu. night Journey from New-York. Tho day at tho mansion wnt a oontparntively quiet ono when tlu. importance of its closing events is i onsid- onsl. <>f courso lliero was couslderuhlo slir nnd excitement on tho p e rt of tlmsu on whom devolved tho duties of tho llnal pre|stratlniM for the wedding. Hut it is sale to say tlio prtuldi nt, although ns active and industrioua os any about tho mansion, was tho least ox- cited of ary . He was early in tho library transacting official bunnes*. lie directed th a t three private |>en»ion vetoes bo sent to congress; hud a conference by up|>ointment w Senator Van Wyck, snw Bccretai ie« L am ar and Fairchild about some interior and treasury dopartm ent m atters; hud suv- eral n iiifenn -oh witli Dr. Sunderland about tlu. details of tbo m arriage scrvice, and iounil time in tlie afternoon to take a drive alone iu his luudau.

Aliout 11:30 o’clock lost evening tho bustlo and excitement of preparations for the event Is-gan to transform ilaelf into realization. Tlie Invited guest*, Yuliinet ollieersand their wives who wero not nhiiliiig in tl.o iimnhion, then hegnn to urrlvo. They vveto tit once shown to tlie stute, where they divested themselves of their wrti|st and ro- puinsl to tlie blue room vv here M iss i Me. elaml and other relatives of tlm bride an»l groom, together with Dr. Himderlnml, woro waiting to receive them. Tlie n ' ndilrd gu sis, btond- ing on tla* eastern uml western rid* s id tlui ovalehujssl bluo r» in, win ro the ceremony took place, hud bu t a few minute's to wait, for promptly at 7 o'clock tliu prcsidi'iit, vvilli

. Miss Folsom leaning on his arm , camo dow n stairs and ente red through tho north door and advanced lo tlm centre of tho room nnd stes«l facing tho background of palms, ferns uml flowers on tho southern und of tho room. l>r. Sunderland, assisted hy the president's brother, tho Rov. William Cleveland, sIihk! facing the bride and groom. Tho invited gutwts present, wlio witnessed tlio ceremony, were:

M ix Folsom, m other of tho bride; Hev. W, N. Cleveland, the pn -ident’s brutlu r, Miss Roae Cleveland, Mix Hoyt, tlie president's riders; Tlnnnus F. Bayunl, wvretury of state; Miss B ayard; Daniel Manning, w sn tary of the treasu ry ; Mis. Miuiuing; W illiam C. K.ndnott.. svs-ndary of w ar; Mix Kndicott; W illiam C. W hitney, slf rotary of tlie navy; M ix W liitney; William F. Vilas, postmaster general; Mr*. Vila*; L. Q C. Izunar, secro- Uu-y of the interior; Daniel H. Luinidlt, pri­vate smiretaiy to 'tho pr.sidelit; Mix Luninnt; Ron Jamil i Folsom of Ituffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Seneca Falls, N. Y .; Mix. Cadliian and Miss Huddleston of Detroit; Mr. and Mr*. Harmon of Boston, relatives of tho bride; Miss Nelson of New-York and Mr. W. G. liissell of Buffalo, the prudduut'a former law partner. Im midliilely a fte r the entrance of tlie president ami Miss Folsom, Dr. Hund- erlaiul advanced anil proceeded witb tho cere­mony ns follows:

“Forasmuch as wo are ossoinhlisl to ol* serve the holy rite of m arriage, it is needful th a t wu should seek tbo blessing ol the grout God, our Father, whose Institution it is, and, therefore, 1 beseech you now to follow uio with reverent heitrta in prayer to Him.

“Almighty and ICvci In -ting God, tli. Father of our spirits, the fruuier of our Indies, tlie giver of every gissl mul perfect gill tliou who ran st see the end from the ts-giuning, who k newest wluit is U ut for us, I liy child­ren, mid hast «pi>oiiited tlie holy rite of m ar­riage t<i be sacredly olisorved throughout all generation, regard now, we besuecli thee, Uiy servant, our chief magistrate. Fjulovv him pleiiteouxly with thy grace and 1111 hiiu with wisilum to walk in thy ordinance*. Ih. very right to him iu tlu* nilflst of many c a m mid grave respoiuubititias vhiy by duy. Mny thy law direct him mid thy strength uphold him, nnd be thou forever his sun mul shield. And Iw graciously pleased to look down upon this thy daughter, even as thou didst favor tho chosen lielwcca mul m any noble women thnt have adorned the world. May slie indeed be a precious l .sui of (hslfc . her hushmul to cht«T and lu-lp him couth mail)*—- a woman gifted with llie Issiuty of the ls .n l and shedding the swivt influence of u chris- lian Ufe ujhw the tiiiUon in whose sight she is to dwell. W ilt thou approve wliut we thy servants come to do in thy tituiie, by Ouito authority , ami under the luws of the lmul iu which we live, and graciously assist them, Uila m an and this woman who m v here to t*> united in the Iannis id holy wvsllock, accord­ing to the institution of thy words.

“Mercifully ls> pleased, Almighty G al, to vouchsafe to each of th a n thy grace thnt they ■nay well and truly weigh ihe unfailing vows which they an -ab o u t to make lo inch otls-r in the preseiira uf this eouqany , and before thee, mid that they may lie m aided hereafter a t all time* ao to live together as to rejoice iu the solemnisation of this union with joy un­speakable ami full of glory th iough jesua Christ, Uur Lord. Am eul” t

A fter (he prayer, Dr. Sunderiuisl mode tfeoYoUowing address: “Marriage ia hon-.r-

n tie among all men, in that a man shall leave bis futher aiui mother and cleave uutei Ids wife and they tw ain shall he ono flesh. It was constituted by our Creator in the llrst paradise. It was confesse. 1 t y ja tr ia rch and priest, |iropbct and a)**>tle It was ion flrintd by the teaching mul adorned with tlu- presence of the Redeemer and 1ms been hou oreil l.y ibe laitliful keeping of ail good men and women since (he world begun. It is not, therefore, to Iw undertaken lightly or unail viscdly, hut rotwrty and discreetly and in tin fear of God. Into this holy estate this man and this come now to enter If mi) now can slu.w just cause why iliey m ay not Iw lawfully united in m arriage let him now s]M-nk or else hereafter forever hold his peace. If you desire to be united in m arriage yo*

.ii) mi. same l.y jouimg your rigidI .a id s”

lle ra the president and Miss Folsom jobs*I nmla.

iho clergyman then jvskisl: “Grover, d. Ou take this woman, whom you hold by tli md, to Iw your lawful we* Id id wife, to llvi •gether after Gtxl's orilinuiice in the huh

•ate of wedlock! Do you promise to love lierish, comfort, uml kis<p her in sickne*8 am .i health, in joy mid sorrow and forsaking ul

licrg keep you only unto her so long us yot • I ii shall livof I ’resident Cleveliuul ruspondls rm ly: “1 do."

j Dr. Bunderlmul then addressing Miss Fol I um, aalted: “Frances, do you take this mm

lioin you hold by the hand, to bo your law til wedded Imsliaml, to live together iiftei lod’s ordinance in the holy state of wedlock

Do you promise to love him, honor, comfort ud keep him iu sickness and hcuith, ill jo)

aud sorrow, und forsaking all others, keej you only to him so long as you both slial. live!” Tho lady responded; “I do."

" in token of tho same,” said Dr. Kuiulur hind, “lot tho wedding riug be pktceil.”

The presldeut then placed tlie ring u p in thi I,rides linger. Dr. Sunderland then pro

ouneed the sanction, saying: “Forasmucha. Grover und Frances have hero agreed am. (oveiiunfasl to live together lifter G al's onti im ice ill the holy state of wedlock, und havi i ynffrnieU tin- simio hy giving uml taking i; wedding ring, now, therefore, lu tlie preaena of this couqiauy, in the name of the Father till Bon und ihe llo ly Ghost, I pronounce mu declare th a t they aro hu»l<und aud wife, itn.i w h a t God hath Joined togetiier let no num. put asunder.”

Dr. Kuudei lmid then concluded tlio cere­mony with a benediction in the following words: “Uml the father, God tlio son, und God tho lloly Ghost, bless, keep mid preserve you. The I.ord mercifully Ull you with all torn poml and all spiritual hit w ing, and gran Hint you may so live together iu th isw oii lhat in the world to come you m ay liavo lif. everlasting. Amen.”

Congmlulutious wero then in order, and Mrs. Foisoui wus tin- tirst to congratulate hoi daughter und son-in-law. Congratulations from other relatives aud inviUvl guests quickly followed, nml the company, passing through tlu. green to tho east room, engaged iu pleasant social conversation for some t inn uml then repaired to iho dining-room, tin president and his bride leuding the way to thi supper table.

A t supp r tlio president occupied his usual place on tlio north side of iho tuhlo, his bride seated a t his loft, mid tlio guests disposed about the table in a m anner liest calculated lo promote free nml unrustm im d social con­versation. I’rosiilent Cleveland wna attired in a full evening dress suit niul wore a tu rn ­down collar, a plain, wbite-luwn necktie, ummol shirt studs and cuff buttons lo match.

Tho bride wore an enchanting wedding dross of ivory satin, simply guruisbed on the liigli coixago with India muslin, crossed in Uraciun tolils and carried in exquisite falls of simplicity over the petticoat. Tho orange blossom garniture catuniencing ii|sm tlio veil iu a sU|»‘i b coronet, waa continued through­out tho costume witli artistic skill. Her veil of tulle completely enveloped her, falling to the edge of tho p .tticoa t in front mid extend­ing the entire length of her full court train. Fxi-opling tho engagement ring—a supphirc w ith two diumoiiilx, und tho simple wedding ring which tlio president plui'ud upon her linger—tho briilo wore no jewelry w hatever.

Mix. Folsom wore a superb dress of violet satin w ith garniture of white faille, and crys­tallized violet drops in |s iiihuits everywlure.

Miss Cleveland's costume consisted of nn exquisite dress, a combination of Nile green mul cameo pink, duchrsse satin and silver ornaments, low corsage garniiJwd with pink ruses, short sleeves aud dciui-length gloves in light hue. Blie carried a fan of pink curlew feathers.

M ix Hoyt, tlio president's sister, woro u dainty costume en train of chiiui rreqie iu robin's ogg blue, must effectively garniturad w ith rare old hue.

The Marine baud was early in attendance a t tbe mansion last evening, nnd ut proper intervals discoursed suitable strains. Wbeu the president mul M i.-s Folsom came down staiix uml (Missed into the blue room tlie baud stationed in the outer corridor tilled the uuui- siuti with sweet strains from Mendelssohn's “Wedding March,” from “MUIsmumerNight’s Dream." L ater on it rendered W agner's bridal chorus and the innii h from Lohengrin; M arianna's Bolero; Bou la Rosa; W eber’s lu- vitation a in valso; Mi odelssohn's “Bpring Bong;" Robmuli’s romance, “iirigh t B tar of Hops,” mul Bousa's mosaic, “Desiree."

The decorations of the mmc-ion, with the exception of Iho blue room where tlie m ar­riage ceremony occuiTwt, w o n sim ilar to those ustxl on occasions of state* or private re­ceptions. The work of decoration was done under tlio direction of Col. VV ilson, superin­tendent of public buildings mul grounds. The novel features of the floral decorations were couilnrd to tlie blue room. Here the florist's a r t was mainly exer. w .l. Tin* windows a t the soulbern mi. I outer end of this oval sha[«xl resau were Iwuked with state!) |slims anil icins extc luting to the ceiling, lu front of tliis imposing bank of green, ilft.-cu fw t in height, mid lower dowu beautiful fivliage plants were* arranged, mul a t the liase of this bower were Imnks of roes*, white, yellow, pink mul rad azaleas, fuw bias, gcnuiiuna uufl 1 it'll.»tr.»;s*, all comtiiurel to nptke the bower a trium ph of lieauty mid fragrance. Lin every skle of tlie room the decorations were scarcely leas elaborate*. Tbe mantel above the hearth on thu east side of the room was a suti.1 Imnk of cu t pansies in various cokin, iu whlrh tlu. date uf the wedding, “June 3, 18*4," was w ritten iu letters of whitu flowers, surroundtsi by block pansiea The mantel ou the w ist aide nf the resmi fomuxl a solid Isuik of rase*, .lark and rich culuredv in the ran ter of which was tho ugaoograiu, “C. F .,” In white moss and ii/j^rkl rose*. The two large mirrors abov , o mantels were dra |»sl and fra- toot b car lands of nuxwl ream. The

door* Wading to tbe adjoining rooms wers (iwtouned with heavy garlands of roses in dif- fereait dtstinct colors, and above the corridor liner was a * 7 oil u s n p s a l of flowers in which was the m otto “K 1’iuril us Cnum ” iuUTiiii* irtei).*.

The main table decoration in thu wedding »up|s r ristui was a full-rigged ship i-.iuqsM.Fl ol ' .-titliurea egnua deiphiuimus, r w t . mul pausii* hearing the name “H ym en." It rewtesl upon a iu ir;o r nqireoenting a kike, w hich gave it the ap|*-urnwe of floating. The shores wcra * ..Ilqssssl of different v a r­ieties of selaginelias mul tiny piece* of corals, and the land was represented by a biuik of jai quenmiot roses. Tbe ship, a threemuste.r, was flying on Iho center *;*»r tbe colors of tbe United Blates, while Ihe other two i-ar- ried wbite flugs w itli the monogram “C. F." in gold. A t either end of the table were crystal vases rest ing u|*jii m irrors with long Hemmed hybrid n s . . , Tho two m lnsirs were fiwtooned wllh asparagus teniusshiius inters|» ixid with Iismc ifmos. The corners anil windows of the room and tho> tn an ls were* vuitutly ilecoratcd with tlio i lu tcest foliage and flowering plunts with tho mante-1 a solid lunik of roses.

l'rixi.l. nt Clevelaml’s g ift to his bride was an elegant diamond necklace, tlie stones I* ing set ill gold und extending all around the n e k. A large num ber of presents have been re- coivisl a t tbe mansion. As soon as they arrived, however, they were q t i kly con­veyed i. u t of sight. Thu members if the cats net gave individual wedding presents, ton

of which were quite eluliorate. But in accon ilice witli tlio speeinl desire of the president, i ist iif tlie present* received will not be mad

public.During the progress of the ceremony aulutc

were fired, lolls rung, nnd I’rofessor Wid low’s played Mendelssohn's wedding man

and other appropriate selections on th himes of the Mctro|x>litmi church. A lar;

numlier of (H-ople gathered in front of tlu . elusion during the ceremony aud while th wedding party were a t supper.

No precautions wero taken to prevent Hu h ontiniico to the grounds, and as they Wen quiet nml orderly, no effort was mudo to ex < lude them. Boon afte r paitaking of tbeh w.Filling supper, the president uml his hrid. were excused and according ton p n -a rran g iu plan, quietly cntereil a carriage u ttb e so u t ' in trm u o to tbe mansion and were driven t* tin* K street crossing of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad where a special train wits iu waitiih for them. They a t once entered Presiden G un etf* boudoir car “My M aryland," ami Hie train a t 0:50 m oved off for Deer l'a rk , whore thu president uml his bride will remain for a week. During their stay nt Deer l 'a rk tliey w ill occupy a cottage specially lilted up for their accommodation near the 1). or l 'a rk hotel.

The only invitesl guest* who wero no t pres cut a t tlio wedding were Miss Buyurd uml Atty. to n. Garland.

ITvvious to leaving tlu* city the president directed Col. Lamont to have nil of ihe cut flowers used in decorating the mansion bu«, night distributed among tiie city hospitals.


T lie P resid en t a n i l H is l l r l i l e A tten d HI- v in e S e rv ic e Hi O a k la n d .

Dmch 1’auk , June 7.—Yesterday the day broke d e a r and warm in the mountains, bu t during tlio afternoon we hod a littlu sun shower nml a beautiful rainbow, which was very brilliant and presented a mug mil c u t sight. A t 10 o'clock tho president, Mix. Cleveland and Mix. Henry G. Duvis entered tho president's carriage and started for Oak­land, where they liud ag ricd to attend divine service. A second carriage carried Col. and Mrs. ont und ex-Beimtor Davis. Col. John 7V. Davis, assistant to Rrassideiit G ar­re tt, Miss I.izzie Elkins and her companion Miss Florence i'ettingill occupied a tlnril car­riage. It took the party nearly an hour to cover the distance, and shortly a fte r 11 o'clock they eutered the I'roshytci'ian church, which was founded by the Gnm .tt* more thuii Ilftet'i yi-aix ago. The isliflce had boen crowded for some time prior to the arrival of Ihe distinguished |s irty , and as they entiTiFl Hie choir sang “Laden with Guilt and full of F ea ix ” The president iunl Mrs. Cleveland were the first to walk up the aisle followed by Col. and Mrs. Lam ent, ex-Benutor and Mix. Duvis and Col. J . W. Duvis uml the young Indies from the Elkin* cottage. Two pews luul boon reserved, w Iiiih comfortably accommodated the party . M ix Cleveland entering tlu» pew first tisik a w ut in tbti corner nearest the window. Mrs. Ijim ont xit next to her, and Mrs. Davis, CoL Lumont and ITcsident Cleveland followed nml sat in thc order named, while ex-Bcnator Davis nud Ihe remainder of the |exit) oceiipi I the pew in fremL The bride wn* very richly a t! innl In a thick gius gruin black silk dress, a heav­ily jet braided soldier cape aud a chip straw isum et trim m ed with high white fenth. ix Bile wore* Mark kid glovix The service bo- giui with the baptism of a Ud.v, the daughter of Mix. Kuykeiidull of Oakland. The .doth hymn, “Receiving L ittle Children,” was sung. If ginning “llehoid w hat coudes-'ending love.” At the conclusion of this Ihe Uipt:-iual -Fi'vii-e was gone tlnxiugh witli, the Istlie being ehris- tem d “Francwc”

Dkku 1’auk , Mil., June 11.—F.arlv Tu. sduy uiorniug John \V. Dnvls, who ha* hail barge of the presidential |« r ly , Was m>tifl«l th a t the president desired to make the trip to U u Jiington, and that tu' would like to have lit- kjsf uiI follow elesely afte r the uud-day train , known mm mg ntiiruud men as N a fl.

Tbe engine was a t omw onlerrel from G raf­ton, and the jsda*v cars “Ballimure" mul “Delaware” were put in rendiiiem fur the rev eeption of the |«irty. W hatcnux*!sostiil- d.-n iui alteration of tlie plans 1* not kimwn, ss it was thought Monday night Uiat the bride and gressn would n-uuuu ui the moun­tain* a day o r two longer.

iSeere-tary Lainont m ay b are consiibre*) the preeideut * pivx«4iiv in W ashington indis­pensable! anil worke.1 ii|Kin tlu* feeling* of bi» siqs rior, but Mr Izunout has not shown him­self to tlie neWF|iaper men, and nothing can lie learned from him.

At Ul Jfll yesterday m orning a carriage wa* brought to tho cottage and pre-si.lent and Mr*. Cleveland ami secretary and M ix La­m ont started out for a drive. They went to Observatory hit), two milaa from the exe. u- tive lottage, wl* r. a niacnitlo u t view <A t lu surrounding country is obtainable.

W a m u su to v , June 0.—Ih e special tra in w ith the president. Mix. Cleveland, CoL and Mrs. Lauuait, the only cFcupout* ut th*' rear ear, arrived hem a t b i i t p. m. The run from Harper's Ferry lo WnslLegton wa* witlxiul >■1 axial il* doul iVlu-n di.• train reiubed the K-street cTueJng, out toward* Ihe uiiurbs s.line distance from the mom d .q-<, a large

crowd of pisqile, m any of them ih carriagra, luul cuugrcgaUxl in ho|iui of m tch 'n g a glimpse of tlie president and his, but they were disap|*>iiit*d, as the train merelyslackcneil sjfffI a t the . rousing anil th- n ron- tinucFl slow ly into the ran tra i Baltimore A Ohio dspot. Hi re |s ‘llia;F. -lod or 51W people, more foituiiali' than those a t the K-street croe-iug, awaited outsulc the depot the arrival of the tram .

When the tra in cuiuu to a stop, the presi­dent was tin- iiixt of the quarte tte in the rear ear to alight. M ix Cleveland followed, nnd assisteFt hy the presldeut, stcqipcvl mmhly from th*- car. Got. Lam ont and hi* wife i-aiue tripping along a few late-r and tho |>urty walked briskly out through Ihe d. |«.t to the front of the building where tis. president's can iag u with Albert llawkm s, whip in liaiul, were waiting. I t i s .71pl.Fl only a few seconds’ time for tbe four to enter the carriage und they Were off for the White' llouac- -home, a fte r an al». nco of six days.



t li© I*r©inl©r in T tflr^ rap h ic Coium uiil i'u tlon W ith tlio O u e c u - M orlry In* ih W hen to lU'itlgn—Dnglliih nmlIrl»h O pinions.

j Loudon, Ju n e 8.—F i r s t C a h u co ra m - Th< j nvcm m ent bun inmi defeated on tho IloQfc j i i uio l»ilJ by a m ujority of 30.

izONDON, June 8.—HkcoMj CABLKORAM— j I he v<>tcbt<MNl Jill for, to 341 agaim»t the^ov*

lam ent. On m otion of Mr. Uladatono the ! Husc* iuijourruxi until ThwracUiy.

I A) N don, June 6.—Tliu cabinet a t tho coun il was a t first illvi<ie<l between re*i^natioi. ad dissolution, but Mr. Gladstone was t in

. t hatio in hit detd'rrnination to dissolve parlia : . m ilt, and the cabinet unanimou-'ly ugi'ued

H>on tliat course.Mr. Gladstone was in frequent telegraphic

ommuuication with t ho quoen yesterday and cat to her fuajtiaty by mail yesterday after- toon a pa< kago containing lengthy <ib»



Mr. J o h n M o rle y M ak e s a Speech*—t ’la* <lecl(le«l \ \ lie n to U cn ig n .

Mr. John Morley, chief secretary for Ire- j land, iu a speech a t the E ighty club lust even ; mg said he did not know w hen ho should ru

dlffii. He Udieved that despite tho defeat of ihe bill last n i^ht it would become a law in a very abort time. Certain comrtltm ncios h«

1 said would never coiuiont to coercion, which ! meant misery in Ireland ajul disorder in

NVestiniuHter. Everybody, Mr. Morley raid, rospeeU.fl Lord HnrtiiiKloh and his following,

j but the oilier littoral recusant** would liave to answer to tho country fur their conduct, which bo assured his henrers would not Ih forgotten in enao of a new election. In con elusion he warned Ids friendi*unless tho HU i’al m ajority excwnls eighty live the 1’ai iwdlit*- would have complete control of jutrliuutent.


Th© F o r m e r A i '<‘Uiich t h e I . a t t e r o f Mia- re p re a e n tM t Io n —o ' K e lly K c p ly .

London, June 0.—Mr. Chamberlain on Mny 31 wrote to Mr. Jam esO 'K elly , member lor Roscommon and correspondent of u New-York m orning pnjM*r, as billow's:

“You wrote to n New-York paper, dating jo u r letter from the house of (ominous, that I had publicly descnU d Mi . GladatMiu in langu/ige which is usually roservtxi for drunken rowdier ami unlit for publication. You aLo wrote th a t 1 go am ong radical and liberal inenilanrs raying to them privately: ‘Why should wo concede home rule to Mr. l ’ftinell. The dynainitum are on his track and sooner or Inter will kill him.’ Roth of these statement* ure aheolutely and entirely untrue, and 1 demand your authority there­for and that you publicly withdraw them .”

Mr. O’Kelly replied: “Tlie statement** you refer to wen* given to me by English mem- hero of the house of commons nnd not in­tended for publication. 1 accept tlie reepcn- sibility for publishing them and decline Uj w ithdraw them, iie<:am<e confidential infor- mation in my {HK^-raion conviucen uie that you have umhI expression* with reference Uj Mr. Gludatouo simiiai' to thora 1 imputed to you.”

Mr. ClmndxTlaiu rejoined t hat he would leave th*- public to appreciate Mr. O’Keliy’s * haracU-rifttic tactic*

lnt«*iitl t o lo rm a New Origan lata t Io n .London, JtmeU.—The radical dixddenu In-

brnl to organize a radical union with head­quarters n t Birmingham. 'Hicir prograinm e includes a schutuo for a large exUuifdon of loeai government to Knglnnd, Hcotland, Wales and Ireland, the inqieriai |>arlUiriu»nt to exurctm mij r< me controL Mr. Jon» ph I ’hainberlam to Im? president, Mr. Jesse CoT lings, secretory, nml m any proiulncmt radi«*al uu iiiUtw of the house of cotmnous wdi act as vi< *• (h*i its.


H a te I> n | V lo ir Own (Jrav ri.Coujk. June 9 , - Th*» C ’*nk Herald l̂ hium'Is

}«ittn*ii(V* aiwl fc*ri»raniii4>*. Tlu* K**gt»sh do- tiioeracy, it ray*, will rally and w ain r tb© false Iil»* rub to the wind*.

W hipped Itu t Not Klllm!.COIUC, June 9.—The (\»rk Kxnmin* r t«v«:

“Th« progrtM* of It bit nationality is « hn kol, but it has rea* lied a ]*>ilU w hi* h five ynai> ng* i mvm«d impomuhle.

V irtory lVrehew in tlie D istant Futur©.D , June 9 .—Tlw» Fiw uuui’ti Journal

ray* the principle of home rule is for the mo im u t del* *t»d but not k ill'd . The bdl Ls lost, bitt horn* rule will lliutnph.

Note*.Mr. ChumN-i Enin aud hU f'dfowcm will

hold a conference, piol«al»ly on Thursday, and an election tnanifewto will iium«-iliau iv follow.

The whig* have virtually decid 'd to iioiii mate a cnndklate in opjio ition to Mr. GIa<l stone in Midlothian. Tlw list of goviTUment camlidutAs it> alinoat eonq>Jet*sl.

I*atf#nce A d rin fd t*> tb e I*hII Ci»-n*l(c— t h e I r i s h Journal**.

London, June V.—Tho Tall Mall Gazette 'UUKamcv* it© cxpectat <«i th a t tlio next pnr- liam eutary eie<’tkma w ill r©*ult in a rev**n©» to Mr. Gladstone, aud pr's.Rctii that a second ihs'Goti will Im) nets ©Miry before Lb© Irish question is ra tthd . E ndatily thern m ay In? mar* coardon in Iivlund U toixy Id >m»- mU* ia gruutcd to tliat country l»y ctm wnt of the RritaJi g*»v* rnm ent, but if the lrinh |i©opl« will be ]Miti»nt the* <ju*s*Ti<in of radf-govern­ment wdl rat tie iUielf within a year or two.

fslii'U tniie K©tir©i! F o r e v e r .I/ipfDON, June 9.—The O W * **A most

tznperkfcni, powerful, and d«w|»otic niiitinU«r has U*'H toki tlm t tb«* houae of ctxmuoat m ast remain ft>*e mul irMlepeit ient. T hb U the heaviest fall that Mr. Uladatone ever ruceived, lait be will doubUetw atfempC to regain hi* position. Only a general electron t an dutpel h b illusion. H u public nu rw r k p v d k a U y ended, aivl it is to be wished f Juit it ho<! endoi in a nioru i>atnof ic way than in an a ttem pt to icbtroy the union."

B oth P o litb u lly Dead.lA>NDf>N, June 9.—-Th*i 8t. J aumw Gnzetto

ray*: “The great aye or DO of the ©Itvtuni must tie *pfl>ken before tbo home rule fleud i* entirely wqueh bud, l*ut the du n ip th a i bill h*m! Mi l*lad.d«>ne are both t*>lith ally 'L ad , i . u nuurrectkai.”

An E pidem ic *»f MfHulm Mt ltruttl«*l»oio.BhaTTI.KBoIIO, Vt., June V. — All the ril

lagu m boola a t B nrtth U»ro clorad Tmvday evening 1 -ocauraof the pit^ah'iioe of ntra'k*. Nearly oik half of the t* hoiars aredow’n with the malady, besides thret* of the teacher*.

A P o * to n llu i!« e r In T r o u b le .Ro*ton , Ju n e 0.—Tbe hearing in the omra

of Bernard P. Verne, charged with o|>. iiiug hi« barber shop* on Hunday, w/u* Tueralay morning continued until Friday next.

I’lIE W E E K ’S SUMMARY.T liurs 'lay , J u n e 3.

John Kelly, the Tam m any chieftain, died home iu New-York on

VYbdnoMday, Jqnw 3... grower a t Central hi, IU.,

ulready picked fiOU crate* from a field of wo ucrcK mid expect* Lo get 3U0 crate* iikjtu -♦-Xt Week.

Gen. .S. I). Jackm an, United Htotea mondial oi* tlie western district of Texux, d ia l y eater- hiy a t his home in Ht. Marco©, a fte r *8vend vet ks’ llIiiomn.

Philadelphia Typographical Union No. 2 t-solved last night in favor of keeping tin*

typographical union* e p u a U ’ from aU other •rgtuiizution*.

Seen Lary and Mrs. Maiming will, it I* ru ortc-d, leave W ashington Saturday afternoon or Hot Springs, V'a., where they will pro bo­dy remain at unit a month.

The North Chicago xtns.*t railway lias jiu- iitioutsl the council for pcrrniraiou to lay «<blch«»ii all it" r**uUw, tin* work to Ih* com

plated by the advent of winter.At a Kjxvhil meeting of tho Tam m any so­

ck ty nnd the Tammany Hall committee on or^iinijsaUon held last evening in New-York, qsH' la-* were made eulogi*tic of the late Jui.n Kelly. Appropriate ruMolutnm* were .4 *> adoptcsi.

Mr. Ijubouchero write* to the I/md*m Daily N* \tn th a t the num ber of liln’i a ’s who hit* curtain to 0141(100 the *«*ond reading of

h b IriU 4* tevonty. i f (ha tdU shoukl b# d«. nted it will bo brought about through Iho iUti tingtoti-rbam beruun conibination, wliieh tuaiTsi deloiit.

Among the prouiiiwnt Amerh'atm who atr U’lided die htate ball in London iaxt night were Mr. and Mrs. Phol|Ni, Mr. und Mr*. White, Mr. nnd Mis. Chadwick, Mr. ami M ix llarlow, Mr*. Hherw«xxl, Mrs. Davien, Janie* Russell ix>wel), Rhilip H* huyler, MImh French und Miss Matth* wh.

A Galve ton, Texas, Now* Han Atiteido s|Hn’ial rays: Tho direc'toni of the Kan An­tonio & Arkansas Pacific railroad held an im portant meeting yenterday nnd decided to issue bond* to th© am ount of $10,(#10,OUO and to in« Uie *toi*k of the cotiqrtiliy to $51*,I WO, 666 for the construction of tlu; northwiut- ern ex tension, which will run from Hun A n­ton ;n to tho heart of tin? Fan Handle, a dis- uuico of 0 0 miiira

A t Ih© afteriKMm m*nh1oii of tin; Am alga­m ate! Association Convention a t i ’ittsburg ycKtci'lay w h delegate refsated tl«* coinli- tion of his lodge and th<* state of trad© in hi* district, together with th© ramtiment of hi* lotLxiitui nt* on the question of w liat wug*w shall Is* dt mnndeil during tlio scale ynor ls>- ^inning July 1, which »h'iw*a feeling f»»r re- Ktoring the wage* of 1 nn4JJ, whieliwere 10 (s-r m it . higher than thou© paid since June 1 , i88o.

F t iday, Ju n e 4.The land forfeiture bill wa* pa*wd by thu

senate yesterday.T hrw natural gas well* uro now in ojwrn-

tion at Buffalo, N. Y.The luuk is wero u iiiu itta l into the Amnl-

! gamated awwnation a t l'itu ln irg y«aUuday ! afternoon.

Tlm deer* aa© in tlie |»uhlie debt for May was T Ira; intei (*t-ts.*ai'tng U

j now $ 1 ,336 ,1**),312sThe London Htandunl rav*: Tie* English

j hnv lie u order. <1 iu r* odine** to take it* j di*parture frtan Ur»-* k waU rs.

i t i* rsnorted at G raham , Altoona, tlmt ; about one hundred W hite Mountain A jkw he* have left tha rewervia.nn and ntertcd on a raid in Graluim and Cochise soujlti'**.

Hi© iH ^ k -U is te ZeiJung eiuino D-i i/f.'H the I departure <#f the fln#t *.t*. u u r of tlai »w*w G« r-

iu'tji line to |s>rt* in Kontcm Asia, <si which Luxation ITino© Bi inan k will tra pixaeiit, a* a grtiat national event

An inti iiw* anti Germ an fix!Ing pn vwib a t I/iybie h over the itiomiinucit arected* te tho memory of ( V»jat Anton Alexander Au* r* q y i r . «n AiatrixH i*o* f. wIhsk ihhji d»» | J uhki wo* “Arwi«tAsiu» ( i i m "

it.,- IA. . » ouik i. y«»<4*rday rej**».*b*l ar* i I i4p p al for lie « o-t of ex tra joie** during Uk* Catholic O range riots tw o yetir* ago. Mngratrate Hall raid that the govern r t “ uasd deterinLned te piov** it* Am (m Uoct

.> ereiary McClain 'if the I'hikeh iphia k«* ai ; uriou of the Brotherhood erf CarfaaiUT* ami

Joiner* Mtateu ynJ* r lay Uiat the rtviplo>e«s of tbe F unrvurao tv mill a t N ifttM b and Brown *ti«vt* vrevit ou t in a body in tb s m orning, Laving the m id entirely closed up. Th© m uni*?of planing awl rauh-tuiU nu n on a strike in i rau» and th© rank* aro '.'otisUUiUy

Kail f':.m h’*p' v . t hau n ia a u l tb s Isifsm w w al

tte ' ntl'tnud i xhil in July.Th- t '♦ " - ' fci : * rf lb© >wim*y

plundx i - ■•! l'**«tua hu*» ended. Many t. v K j f ' t rday an»l by Mmulay ail will pm! J»ly liavs returned. FV>r tb* p o m a t t h y will v. -ik ten leiun* for five da)r* in th* wo» k aial * ht on BoUtntoy.

|1«U T* v, a wvll known 1». *griqh*r .»f INu tlau M . In a public tetter ra>» thatMr. Hmal. i i |« "I t t e m w rh of Mr BUin* (dfD >1\ ‘I !. ;t Ilia • UNtsl !b© very wovtb given in M report win u sj» akm g ofKatel*ury. Mr rl r» \ lo.»k tb© enurequse*-h

M 18* FuFx tiux, tin* kndar of the «orrab tet*» ui Bi n ■ I-*, h e. la in m iitm cnl te a nmr'a isnpi I 'liiudit and lUesi $1,256 for iticitiiig; te r»*»t and m -n ltiiu lh«* king in a |«uiq»htet ©n- tl.M Th l.o p l. Cate*'litem.10 M Aiwuda, aiH>th r pn*iuh><iit **»s’ialiHt, win y.wtereiay mnitencc'I at Cl ot to hit iiKtntW unprtMii- n«*nt for delivt i mg infiaiiiinatory wficeebea.

'lit.- Cork 1 iaiirh <»f the Nntnuiai kragus re* ftisol yesterday b» con tribute to tla* rv-tdrav tion of r**ti» ‘ng meinlav** of the hnrlsir Umni who are Catholic*, and a m arket trustee, a lVob*stant, ou tho ground tliat they are is4 iiM inleiH of th> Ii id*. Another ivUriitg ofiii .-i 1 mu ■ d lit” - it by joining tte* league a i the < lltll hour, thus MH-Uliug the Mipfiuri of tla* memte iTi of th a t U*Jy,

MgihInjt, J u n e 7.The hir«*«*t ear Ktrike iu N« w York city oml

RitHiklyn has lieen ( te 'k m l off.A bill tuxhn: ol* < •niHru'.iiriu* five coiits |*w

pound pKK". d the hou ̂ on KYklay last.Maxwell, the Ht. I,«miN n)iird'*rer, ha* Imdo

f*rtinl guilty of m urder in 4«> first dcgruu.(Nintiiiued ti* inend"Uri rainstorm* have piv-

vaihd ut and in the vicinity of liuite in !Tu* siun Haxoiiy. Iron bridges have U*en *wopt> away, nnd several village© devastated.

It i- rumored th a t Mr. Seott or Mr. Bimm©U will be tendered th mcivtarywhlp of th© tr* «*Miry if the pi*-I'tent etui* ludtw b> ai'oepi tin iv ign ition of Mr. Manning, tendered ia*t wtwk.

Tin* dep*Rsi1ors of tin* defunct Dime Havings bank of New Rrun*wh k, N. J.,rees(v«d thoir finit divi h nd to d ay . Chancellor Runyan having ( i u red the (siym ent of 5u per rent.I te am ount to U* paid out come* from tbs

AMrb left by Ogilvy tlu* eaabisr, who cau*|d tla* failuru by defalcations

The mi ft: of the lottery of Kentucky in tbs office a l Louisville, Ky., wrareibbed Hunday.light of $1,500 in cosh an*l $500 worth ot jewelry. The crack mien dritkid through Umi tit'-r plate of th*; door aiui knew tho resnlite

nation by iiiB« t ting a wire. Mcott Ulora, inanagvr, is tla; prlm lpal loser.

A htill of tte; 1’lnhwh lphla Refining Com­pany nt point I l r s w , I 'a ., containing 1,500 Imrrvte of “wldt©” oil, exploded Hunday of* termwm n*»d tlie entire contents were con- ui iel, entailing a loss of $4,000. Th« flrev

m*'ii with g o u t difficulty confined th** lire te tit* rat ill in which tte* explosion occurred, al- Ih*>u; h many otbsr large Mtills w©re hi eloss proximity.

T u rn U j, Ju n e M.In on inxviiiU.'i . in *- a. t hi ago y*ralsr«layf

eight |x*n«ona wt*re tuiriuwi to death.'I’he r« jH>rtt*r’» balcony a t the Ht. i/nil* fair

grounds fell >* t* i\lay afternoon full of re- p j f *j *. N*> one wa* ©»!ri««ijily hurL

iCin...-bci, Tu ola county, Mieli., a vilUqcsII U't»*F-ii 3<«) Oli-I .(00 nluttiitaiiU ell Uw

Fouliae, OxfiH.1 & Port Aimlm r<sul, slw ut -ixU.-u mii.-» Koullnvi.l of CWn>, WM rsUUJ ii) it iL-'Uurtlve fire Mumbty iukIiI iuui ail la biiruafl wiUi tlie ex<e|4i<ai of a sture tsi Uss nuiiUi ski'.

Uiie nue dote-tivua i't|flunxl in a Btato .t if . t xtor* a i m y a l i i l w.aiuui • liu at-U'liqitwi to eoueuni tt je iw ) un l» r jieraail. in bur room Bin lratliiiKliutol wits fuunii o « « 1‘JIXI tt.ii lli of Milk* stiil jewelry, e*UiaS»UF>toLii -ui in-r sn-ivitJ lii'l WeUoB»lay ev«a».Inj;. Bli Itually ki*vm li«r iuuiu) s» liraHenry lziu iuz uf Vuq«uni»u, luii.

\ \ st'liir I'tay, Ju u * tt.Col. RIi I . ifI M 111.', tiie ureat yrUiUng-

|«'eMM In veil tor, ilUsl In Italy yralereiay.Huu. ( ' A Rotib'llo hum renuiuiiuitoil fur

«>ll;;r. f , lij tlie 11 j>ut>Urillu St lllll CUIIVeuUulllielit « t Bangor, Maine, Tiewlny,

I. ujamii: Wi i-«, a prisiiiiM'nt liflmr iiuuui- fie iu n i of ii uliiig, I ’a., rumiuMil iq .saU uusyrateixloy iu in.; witb UIII'MI men, lutvbq(sigiiLvl tbe ri^m iiuikeiV . imf' uU* of |iriiws.

CoiiKrewitaei ttetb I I I L u u w as r»ttutul- nat'-l i.) I;, iliiret * ..i r. i.ulffi sus a tW sler,:U e, Maine, iu .e is y witbuut qqAai-i. n. 'lb o iim uIUhi a ljuu row i »IUi t l m ,I ie or* for Hi:i:ue.

'lb,, t,, . of ('I siiuuLeiF*’ i.’nluii Nova l a w 'inn at HeaiLii-;, I’a., yas-

t in la y .c i u .1 lb m sttor uf u uuumfao-tllll.1 It.I. IS! illflllM li Is.*.-, of I qittTSII >.iiu ...if i. 'lla- wi ike (■ :uiulto*i Jira-| . . : . . l a 1 ;f I 1*1 lb I.b) I i uikzu* U aii : ie, J v io .. I lull of Slie rules of lie: union.

l „ . i i I . , mi I </• lu k lu-wbi) a t Maya-I ’ .

ti. . Jun..* U . i . . , a i , fi I* ls(,l***, aiuiii. !... i.) i ... !i • -t •** si l a n M iut i ....I.l i i ■■ 1 .1 sm l ir qu- nliy iiailq i . s i i t a l . i Ii m m rarraz l into ibe ivsarta. l i u n . i. r *l i. i. .i> tdy afto r Ua»w... .i in-;.

H Morrill, from Uie i ummlttoa on...

■ulilll.i .iai • ta r) ui (» ■> i r saury. H» ur . I ue ue . ■ <t i i . • i ■ mu i U* 1*11 *1*4s .. un l ui Uie web Lu i» n e»i rgvsnry. Mr. H ear Obj* U 1 as Its. m atu r " a s too toe | . . . . lu u ly «< le*i a ie l lla- bill w«m» uu Us- 1 ak'mlar.

A le • »«. I- - •! I" (•»' “ *>«*" j r t o r i s j r |eu-. u .u l; (if .i r*sufiu*0 ttl i f tk fw jsjnasis, U» l»-uj i'eii'e.1 by Uie | Ie-.rl.-iii, to IIIVia*l

U*' l iu lb ol aib-»e.l (IJsiFrteiiUB uf U » mj . f J*c .h u m uf yeiluw lever. Tb*. > auiuls-

S stords)-, J u n e 1Tbe bouse jaw**) seveutrao i«7i- u-ii iilHc

at UwtvVFliuat; 7-fmimi y^atorua)'.Tbe FOiuaitk' ,(Vi|L.UB uf M.*tut U.Uln iuu

ran ..J - n't tkflrn ui f ; riu a i. mu«.Kxri r.- . im- r--ti.’’ . Isr ■ bafriFi i'F. and

i.e ., u u .ro led to go to M i a n 1 U i w ry to ( o la , < *-»lrai Aiim* i s ami Brazil,for t te |fuq*»© U r i n ( t og,.

I'riiO Miun.T in . .»• I'm., Juuu 7 . -T brrv nas a uuvi-l

l*Fx«e>iun t» re b u t Kstnrelay. 'liar line w as a luiie in b o -ib . U s 0.fI by lie. rsberidaa ImumI, i uaigaurel j*r i n -qiaily (4 funt. a agura f ru n t is -un--M .)i’bi ' <**!■y , .» (b one uf «r]u< b b»I u|moi it «*»■ M a i id ma agrlini- lurol >imj.U->ii. t l ie Ua.iis wsie ilrivuu by Ibe tiU trs uf tba Kill O xou q b 'mr rfrvets. Tbo ja rs.le wax arrangwi l.y :U*U-rt t o i h , »ku rude a l tiie bead uf :i> ( N h m m . Uefurv. tbe j*rt«Fs»4iJO tbe isr u sr a F-nj. ».q a beuqliei Lo Ibe ub.ln;; lot»:i uf ') r . -fX1*, r*

•l< I*.IihwlN «»f IX©iH A U fA t. N. K ,

rHckk', tn +t d cr 4k' 'd ig ! t e I i u <• >*- •* re i- .y , jkged Mt . O i d d lw r largely ;nU.*cw*tei Hi xli