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Page 1: Ananda Seminars






ANANDA IN SLOVENIA, May 21st, 2006. The Star Gate Secret Of The Da Vinci Code & The New Universe.

Contact: [email protected]



Being Love — Media - Music - Manyu - ManifestationOctober 4-8th 2006

[email protected]

TLF 0041 (0)33 951 2001FAX: 0041 (0)33 951 4409

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NEW ETI STARGATE UPDATES ON THE SION GRAIL CODEDeutschland - Muenchen - Vaterstetten

Abendvortrag 20.01.2006Wochenendseminar 21.01.-22.01.2006

* Der Da Vinci Code* Das extraterrestrische Geheimnis des Da Vinci Code* Sion, Catharer - Templer und Geheimgesellschaften

* Ein neues Universum öffnet sich: Das neue Universum* Transformation und Konjunktion unseres Sonnensystem mit dem galaktischen

Zentrum* Die Kunst der Liebe von Emmanuel und die Ergründung der All-Einheit

* Rg Veda, Archaische & Sanskrit Alchemie* Aktuelle Zeitthemen - Brennpunkt 2012

Anmeldung - Kontakt und weitere Informationen bei:

D. PickTel.: 0049 (0) 178 / 48 11 270

e-mail: [email protected]

H.P. DiehlTel.: 0049 (0) 175 / 77 30 159e-mail: [email protected]

AUMega Dance Party With AUMega Trance & AUMbiance Music and Songs by ANANDA,

Page 3: Ananda Seminars

Deja Vu of 2012 Global Song Concert,December 21st, Geneva


Contact Juliette Barnet:[email protected]

AUMega Generation: Let Us Dance the Creation Into The Twilight of Apotheosis

Milano, Italy... Diamond Body Trainee Refresher Course (English Italian Translation, open for all those who did DBT Wave 1-6)


Carissimi, vi faccio sapere le ultime notizie sui

prossimi Incontri con    

ANANDA sab. 3 -dom 4 Dic. 2005, ore 10 - 22,

presso una bellissima villa a Lomagna, Mi

Solo per chi ha gia' partecipato al corpo di Luce e corpo di Diamante:

Due giorni di Meditazioni con la Vortexijah

e consegna degli attestati a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato al Training del Corpo di Diamante con Ananda o Korinna negli ultimi anni.

Costo euro 100.-  Posti limitati.La prenotazione e' valida pagando un anticipo di 50 euro entro e non oltre il 26 Novembre 2005

Come raggiungere Lomagna: Da Milano prendere tangenziale est seguire s.s. Lecco-Vimercate-Usmate

percorrerla dritto fino in fondo finche' la strada diventa una corsia unica oltrepassare 2 cavalcavia e arrivando alla prima rotonda girare a

sinistra per Lomagna centro. Subito prendere la prima stradina a sinistra: Via Diaz 12/B

Per raggiungere Lomagna in treno: dalla FS Milano Garibaldi prendere un treno in direzione Lecco o Bergamo che fermi a

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Carnate. Dalla stazione di Carnate sono 5 minuti a piedi per Lomagna.

  Per informazioni e prenotazioni:

email: [email protected] tel. 0322-900 726

cell. (solo da 30 nov. a 8 dic)) 348 7295466

Non arrivando dappertutto Vi preghiamo di far circolare la comunicazione a chi può essere interessato.

Grazie ed un saluto di Luce, Amore e Vita da Emmanuel Zero Point- Punto zero di Emmanuel


AUMega Trance & AUMbiance Concert (432 hz, 144, 108, 72 bpm)




con le nuove composizioni   

Mercole di 7 Dic. 2005 ore 18 - 01Ingresso euro 10

  E' in atto una rivoluzione musicale!!! La simbiosi di cultura etnica antica e

cultura RA-VE (tecno-sciamanica) sta iniziando a utilizzare i segreti armonici del suono della creazione.

Armoniche in armonia con: 1. il cuore umano

2. la doppia elica del DNA (frequenza di replicazione) 3. il massimo funzionamento cerebrale (sincronizzazione bi-emisferica)

4. il battito cardiaco fondamentale del pianeta e 5. la geometria musicale della creazione

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  A 8hz diventiamo un supercomputer operativo

e ci dirigiamo verso la supercoscienza. Una rivoluzione musicale che induca gli 8 hz

nei suoi spettatori e compagni di danza, può lanciare il genere umano in una rivoluzione OMEGA,

se correttamente coordinata con coerenza compassionevole. Questa è esattamente la Generazione Omega, che è qui per ballare!!!

Come raggiungere Lomagna: Da Milano prendere tangenziale est seguire s.s. Lecco-Vimercate-Usmate

percorrerla dritto fino in fondo finche' la strada diventa una corsia unica oltrepassare 2 cavalcavia e arrivando alla prima rotonda girare a

sinistra per Lomagna centro. Subito prendere la prima stradina a sinistra: Via Diaz 12/B

Per raggiungere Lomagna in treno: dalla FS Milano Garibaldi prendere un treno in direzione Lecco o Bergamo che fermi a

Carnate. Dalla stazione di Carnate sono 5 minuti a piedi per Lomagna.

 Per informazioni e prenotazioni:

email: [email protected] tel. 0322-900 726

cell. (solo da 30 nov. a 8 dic)) 348 7295466

Portate anche i vostri amici a ballare con noi!!!

Non arrivando dappertutto Vi preghiamo di far circolare la comunicazione a chi può essere interessato.

Grazie ed un saluto di Luce, Amore e Vita da Emmanuel Zero Point- Punto zero di Emmanuel

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Dark-Roomcon Ananda

in Norvegia a febbraio 2006  durata 20 giorni

(16 gg + 3 gg di preparazione al inizio e 1 giorno successivo al ritiro - totale 20 gg piu' il viaggio)

in englese con traduzione in italiano Posti molto limitati !!!

E' condizione necessaria essere stati iniziati alla tecnica della Vortexijah  per accedere al Dark Room Retreat (ritiro nel buio)

Per tutti coloro che desiderano partecipare alla Dark Room a feb. 2006 con Ananda in Norvegia, e non hanno ancora attivata la Vortexijah,  vi e' la possibilita' di pertecipare

all'iniziazione del Corpo di Diamante (durata 8 gg) da farsi entro 10 genn. 2006. Contattateci per stabilire la data esatta.

Questo e' considerato il piu' avanzato livello di iniziazione, strumento sacro che e' stato adoperato dalle piu' antiche culture in diverse zone della terra. Per gli Egiziani, come anche per i Druidi erano queste le iniziazioni essenziali per diventare Sacerdoti di alto lineaggio

reale e sciamanico. Dopo 3 gg di Dark Room la ghiandola pineale nel cervello comincia a produrre un

neurotrasmetittore somatico che e' attivo solo nei 9 mesi nel grembo materno. In questo stato il cervello puo essere riprogramato al Se' del Unita'; tale processo produce un

cambiamento e rivela come viene filtrata la realta'. Questo e' il momento nel quale il sistema nervoso diventa autoconsapevole. Si diventa

consapevoli che l'ologramma del mondo esterno viene creato totalmente nella propria testa. Durante la Dark Room delle sostanze prodotte in modo naturale da noi, attivano tutta la

colonna vertebrale, l'albero della vita. Esso viene attivato per essere riprogramato e per poter passare dall' illusione del sogno al Se' gia' trasformato: il Se' Universale dell Unita'.

  Un abbraccio di Amore Divino

Ananda e Korinna  

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Per informazioni e prenotazioni: email: [email protected]

tel. 0322-900 726 cell. (solo da 30 nov. a 8 dic.) 348 7295466

Non arrivando dappertutto Vi preghiamo di far circolare la comunicazione a chi può essere interessato.


Erlangen (Nürnberg)

Emmanuel Und Die Neu Univesuums 

Kontakt: H.P. DiehlTel: 0175/7730159

E-Mail: [email protected] 



THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE COLLEGE  OF BRUSSELS  Invites you to come and  listen to or  discover ANANDA  a young visionary scientist, highly inspired fractal cosmologist, musician, technoshaman, philosopher, cryptologist, geomantician, who combines a multi-dimensional and  varied

vision with factual science bringing them into a  living and complex unity..    He will give a presentation  « A UNIVERS IN TRANSFORMATION – a new  univers is creating  itself – THE SECRET BEHIND THE DA VINCI CODE   and latest discoveries about presently burning subjects (climate changes ....) and  their  significance for the time

until 2012

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EXTRATERRESTRIAL SECRET BEHIND THE DA VINCI CODE – including  the connections to the star gates, to Mary Magdalen, to the Merovingians, the Cathars and the

Templers, etc.

All these subjects will be emphasized  by computer animations of interdimensional geometry.  

And finally a MUSICAL EVENING with Ananda’s compositions of new ambiance and dance music  tuned to 432 Hertz and whose rhythms influence  the  human heart, the DNA, the

optimal  function of  the brain and  take into account the heart beat  of  the planet with a pulse of 144 – the most healthy one existing

All  taking place at the CULTURAL CENTRE DE LINDE, KORTENBACHSTR. 7,  1130 BRUSSELS-HAREN   Info  et reservations : Erika Witthuhn, tel./fax 0032.2.6605693, cell

phone   0486.961422,  e-mail : [email protected] or Katheline  Bouchery  0032.16.893260, cell phone 0497.258981

 Erika  Witthuhn, Drève de la Brise 8/2, 1170  Bruxelles. Tél/fax 02.6605693, GSM : 0486.961422,  e-mail : [email protected] , Katheline Bouchery 0497.258981

Ananda's evening presentation in Oslo:

“The Emmanuel Keys of the Da Vinci Code: Secret of the New Universe & the Diamond Body,”

will be with the School of Life, on November 23, 2005. Contact: [email protected]

Ananda/Emmanuel's Web Site:

AnandaAnanda er en visjonær forsker som har skrevet 8 bøker. I 20 år er han blitt inspirert av Emmanuel, en numinøs (numinøs=opphøyet, hellig) intelligens som har guidet Ananda  Han komponerer musikk med en ny harmonisk struktur har laget animasjoner av sakral geometri, .og disse kan man studere på hans rikholdige hjemmesider på Internet. I den senere tid har han begynt å komponere musikk med en ny harmonisk struktur og han har holdt flere konserter i utlandet, først og fremst Switzerland, Germany, og Italia. Han har forelest i mer enn 14 land, har ledet studiegrupper til mange steder av spesiell interesse, som for eksempel pyramidene i Egypt og i Mexico, til ruinene i Kambodsja, til

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Bermuda-triangelet. Han ble guidet til å reise til Norge, og han har vært bosatt på sin norske gård siden 1999. Han holdt sitt første seminar i Norge i 1993, og har senere holdt mangemangeflere samlinger i Norge for internasjonalt sammensatte grupper.Han har holdt mørkeroms retreats med mange grupper i flere år, bl.a. med Mantak Chia i Thailand, har forelest om lyskroppen og diamantkroppen, og om den pågående transformasjon av vårt fysiske univers. Man kan lese om Anandas mange aktiviteter alt  på hans internettside:

Det siste året har han holdt foredrag om da Vinci koden i flere europeiske land, og han utdyper dette materialet på en særdeles interessant måte. 

Han skal holde et seminar i Oslo med tittelen (en av disse skal velges):

1.    “The Emmanuel Keys of the Da Vinci Code, Secret of the New Universe and the Diamond Body.””.

2.     “Secret of the New Universe and Diamond Body in the Da Vinci Code, the Emmanuel revelation.”

“The Da Vinci Code and the New Universe, global transformation and the Diamond Body.”

The ETI Secret Behind The da Vinci Code: The Norwegian Star Gate Connection,


In English with German translationBad Homburg v.d.H.bei Frankfurt / Main

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Die Kunst der Liebe von Emmanuel Transformation des Universums – ein neues Universum

öffnet sich

Die Diamantkörper Offenbarung Der Da Vinci Code und das ET Geheimnis hinter dem Da Vinci Code Der Emmanuel Code und die Emmanuel Schlüssel des Da Vinci Codes Der Da Vinci Code und das neue Universum - Globale Transformation und

Diamantkörper Das extraterrestrische Geheimnis des Da Vinci Codes

Anmeldung/ Kontakt und OrganisationBegrenztes Platzangebot, wir bitten deshalb um Anmeldung per E-Mail oder Telefon bei:

U. Gelhaar       Tel.: 0162 / 9300742E-Mail: [email protected]

H. P. Diehl     Tel..: 0175 / 7730159E-Mail: [email protected]



<><>Intensive 4 day seminar. In English with German translation

Jahresseminar auf der Schweibenalp 22. - 25.09.2005 

ET und das Neue UniversumDie Kunst der Liebe von Emmanuel

Die Stargate Connections –  Die Sternentor Verbindungen 

Erfahrungsbericht von der Reise ins Land des Rg Veda 2004/2005Transformation des Universums – ein neues Universum öffnet sich

Die Kunst Des Seins und Universelle Liebe Die Einheitsschlüssel von Emmanuel im Licht hyperdimensionaler Geometrie

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Der Emmanuel Code und die Emmanuel Schlüssel des Da Vinci Code Der Da Vinci Code und das ET Geheimnis hinter dem Da Vinci Code Die Emmanuel Quelle des Da Vinci Code Das extraterrestrische Geheimnis hinter dem Da Vinci Code SION, Catharer – Templer und Geheimgesellschaften Der Schlüssel der Liebe, Die Ergründung der Einheit von Emmanuel

Mit Meditations

Anmeldung / Kontakt / Organisation: 

Hans-Peter DiehlTel.: 0175 / 7730159

E-Mail: [email protected]

Schweibenalpsem from 22.-25. Sept. 2005

CONTACT: [email protected]<>


   Milan, Italy, The Emmanuel Key Of The Da Vinci Code, ETI, And The Diamond

BodyContact Korinna for more information email:

[email protected]  or phone 0039 0322 900 726 (italian speaking answering machine is on, please leave a

massege with your phone number if I'm not at home)Concert, Introducing the AUMega Trance Vol. II, and AUMbiance Vo, I, Trance

Dance Party,[email protected] 

DIAMOND BODY TRAINING: Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion, Vortexijah Wave 6. Intensive 10 day training, with over 30 meditations and excercises, a

rare occassion with Ananda personally passing on these archaic techniques.

Per la prima volta in ItaliaTraining Corpo di Diamante

con Anandanelle vicinanze di Torinocon traduzione in italiano

Contact Korinna for more information email: [email protected] 

or phone 0039 0322 900 726 (italian speaking answering machine is on, please leave a massege with your phone number if I'm not at home)

Page 12: Ananda Seminars




Vous invitent à rencontrer et (re)découvrir un personnage  extra-ordinaire


Un jeune chercheur norvégien qui relie la spiritualité avec  la nouvelle  science. Ses domaines  d activité sont surtout la  biophysique  et  la neurophysique, la  technologie alternative et la néo-égyptologie.  Il explique  des rapports complexes scientifiques et  mythologiques  d une  manière unique,  intéressante et multidimensionnelle en  les ramenant à une unité  vivante. Son engagement énorme et infatiguable internationalement lui a apporté des informations multiples et révolutionnaires rassemblées dans  une série de livres. D autre part il travaille depuis  un certain temps à développer de nouvelles compositions de  musique et sons accordées à 432 Hertz et dont  les rhythmes influencent  le  cœur humain, l ADN, le fonctionnement  optimal du cerveau et qui tiennent compte  du battement du cœur de la planète, avec  une  pulsation de 144 c la plus saine qui existe.

Il donnera  une conférence LE NOUVEL UNIVERS ET LA  GEOMETRIE  SACREE qui inclut  aussi  ses découvertes récentes et des animations  d ordinateur spectaculaires

à la  Maison ND du Chant  d Oiseau, Av.  des Franciscains 3a, 1150 Bruxelles

Et un séminaire de weekend   au  115, Avenue Van  Volxem, 1190 Bruxelles

   sur LA SIGNIFICATION DES RG VEDA c les  livres de sagesse les plus anciens de  l humanité c  PAR RAPPORT  A  LA NOUVELLE SCIENCE, L ORIGINE DES LANGUES,


Infos et  réservations : Erika  Witthuhn, Drève de la Brise 8/2, 1170  Bruxelles. Tél/fax 02.6605693, GSM : 0486.961422,  e-mail : [email protected] , Katheline Bouchery

0497.258981Maria 02.5370877

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(in english with italian translation)

Contact Korinna for more information email: [email protected] 

or phone 0039 0322 900 726 (italian speaking answering machine is on, please leave a massege with your phonenumber if I'm not at home)

DIAMOND BODY TRAINING with Korinna Müller (updated after Ananda's last DBTraining in Sion - Switzerland)

in North Italy close to MILAN (also for those who want to participate at the Dark-room retreat in Jan. or Febr. 2005 with ANANDA in Norway or Switzerland).

Ask also for further trainings.

See: htpp:// (in english), htpp:// (in deutsch), htpp:// (in francais) htpp:// (in italiano),

Contact Korinna for more information email: [email protected]  or phone 0039 0322 900 726 (italian speaking answeringmachine is on, please leave a massege with your

phonenumber if I'm not at home)

 HOW TO GET ANANDA'S BOOKS, VIDEOS or CD with Meditations?

Contact Korinna for more information email: [email protected]  or phone. 0039 0322 900 726 (italian speaking answeringmachine is on, if I'm not at home please leave a

massege with your phonenumber) SEMINARS OF 2004 FLOWN BY:

Ananda Jahresseminar 200423.09.2004 - 26.09.2004

Veranstaltungsort: Schweibenalp - Zentrum der Einheit, 3855 Brienz (CH)

Teilnahmegebühr: 220.00 EURBeginn: 20.00 UhrEnde: 20.00 Uhr

Page 14: Ananda Seminars

Weitere Info anfordern

TIME GATE 2004 SEMINAR MIT ANANDA Traditionell nutzt Ananda seit vielen Jahren das Jahresseminar auf der Schweibenalp dazu,

 die Teilnehmer mit den aktuellen Ergebnissen seiner Arbeit bekannt zu machen. In diesem Jahr geht es u.a. um folgende Themen:

 T Time-Gate 2004 Ein Time-Gate ist ein Schnittpunkt oder auch eine Verbindung mehrerer Zeitl inien. Ananda

 wird über seine neuesten Erkenntnisse des diesjährigen Time-Gates 2004, über aktuelle Zeitthemen, sowie ihre Bedeutung für die Zeit bis 2012 berichten.

 T Rg Veda [ Sanskrit [ ManuUrsprung der Sprachen und die ältesten, erhaltenen Schriften der Menschheit. Weisheitsbücher der Völker und Kulturen und

 Entschlüsselung der Code s der großen Bücher. Ägyptisches Sanskrit und 50.000 Jahre Manu-Kultur.

CONTACT Hans Peter Deahl Tel./Fax.: 09521 / 959987 Email: [email protected]


      sera à Paris pour un seminaire     

Ce séminaire portera sur: - les origines du Christ Cosmique et son émergence

dans l'Astrophysique, l'Héliophysique, la Géophysique,et la Biophysique ;

-les preuves de l'émergence des cellules du corps delumière et "globes" lumineux dans le corps physique ; -le jeu universel des Dieux et la compréhension des

origines de la crucifixion en rapport avec le jeualchimique.

Surtout ,Ananda,insistera sur :-les Transformations Majeures de notre Système

Solaire;-Les lois de ce "rêve matriciel" danslequel nousétions maintenus "en sécurité" et qui se dévoile

,actuellement, de plus en plus.

Si vous êtes interessés vous pouvez écrire à cetteadresse e-mail:

[email protected]

Page 15: Ananda Seminars

ou telephone: 06 76 10 33 29

Frankfurt:The Omniverse of the New Universe

OMEGA `dance Party of Ananda's Omega Trance music:Seminar in Bad Homburg v.d.H. / bei Frankfurt a.Main

Universal Omega Dance Musik & Konzert 

Kontakt: H.P.-Diehl, [email protected] , Tel.: 09521/959987

 U.Gelhaar, [email protected], Tel.: 0162/9300742

ThemenüberblickTime-Gate 2004 & das Omniversum

Ein Time-Gate ist ein Schnittpunkt oder auch  eine Verbindung mehrerer Zeitlinien. Ananda wird über seine neuesten Erkenntnisse des diesjährigen Time-Gates 2004, über aktuelle

Zeitthemen sowie ihre Bedeutung für die Zeit bis 2012 berichten.

Archaische & Sanskrit AlchemieInnere und äußere Alchemie.

Die kosmische Alchemie der All-Einheit.Verwandelter Mensch.

Verwandelte Erde.Verwandelter Kosmos. 

Rg Veda, Sanskrit,  ManuDie ältesten, erhaltenen Schriften und Weisheitsbücher der Menschheit.

Rg Veda   c   Atharva Veda  Ägyptisches Sanskrit und 50.000 Jahre Manu-Kultur.

Diamant Körper „VortexijahùÜberblick und Erläuterung über die von Ananda entwickelte und immer weiter verfeinerte

 Licht-Körper-Sternenschiff-Technik„Vortexijah Technikù und heilige Geometrie.

Universal Dances & KonzertPräsentation der neuesten Omega-Dance- Musik-Klangkompositionen. MIR-AMORA,

Awakening Dream, Dovation, und LUXOR Farraying sind nur einige der auf 432 Hertz und 72, 108 und 144 Schlägen pro Minute gestimmten universellen Symphonien.

Die Rhythmen sind abgestimmt auf das menschliche Herz, die DNS, die optimale

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Funktionsfähigkeit des Gehirns, sowie den Herzschlag des Planeten und auf einen Puls von 144, dem gesündesten, nach dem man tanzen kann. Durch die Kombination aus Musik, Tanz und den geometrisch visuellen Musik-Animationen entsteht eine Harmonik auf allen Ebenen.

Begeben wir uns auf den universellen Tanzboden der galaktischen Diskothek

Contact Ulrike Gelhaar:Tel: 0162 / 9300742

E-Mail: [email protected]

  Universal Dances 30. Mai - 2. Juni 2002 in Berlin

With: Ananda, Jasmuheen, Nina Hagen, Dan Winter, Kailash, GomaUniversal Dances is a mixture of workshops, lecture, music and partying. For three days and

three nights. Universal Dances has been growing from year to year and will continue to do so. It is the starting point for an international network of workshops and big raves, creating a

global resonance, 432 hertz harmony, 144 bpm, awakening the sound of creation.Info: [email protected] Berlin 030 - 4482188



GREEN LION: The Alchemical Elixir Of The Emerald Tablets, 1, 10 days practical alchemy on the 7 leveled elixir, with Ananda and Dr. Hans Peter Dietl. Contact:

[email protected] Tlf 0049 234475155


Diamond Body : Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion, Wave 3, in 2001, there will only be ONE more of this training done personally by Ananda. E-mail to be on the waiting list, title "Diamond Body Waiting"

NOVEMBER 17-19* Milan, Italy. The Emmanuel Teachings, the message of the Interuniversals. Studying and analysing specifically what Emmanuel taught Ananda. Tlf 0039 0322900726. [email protected]

NOVEMBER 24-26 Vienna. Emmanuel Keys: The Grail & The Code Of Everything, Evidence For All Is God, Diamond Body, New Universe, & Immortality. [email protected]

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DECEMBER 7-17 Dark Room Inner Light Alchemy, ATON Institute. 1 more DR coming. Egypt in Feb or March. [email protected] Tlf 0047 61347534

February 2001, D.R. Inner Light, with German Translation (Diamond Body training required). [email protected] Tlf 0047 61347534

MAY 24th to 26, 2001, UNIVERSAL DANCES, along with Nina Hagen, DJ Cybersnack, Jasmuheen, Kailash, DJ N-Key, Kien, and others to be confirmed. Hosted by Elraanis magazine, Germany. [email protected] (Herbert Reinig), in Berlin. The Power of Music and the Synthesis of music fields, with a Crexcendo Alchemical party hosting the diverse musicians/DJ's into a universal Panacea Omega.

JUNE 2001: Bern, Switzerland. Details to be fixed. Autumn 2001. 17 day intensive in Egypt with Ananda.

[email protected] Tlf 0047 61347534 Autumn 2001, Cananda and the USA.


PREVIOUS RECENT & FUTURE THEMES: The Diamond Body, Tantric Alchemy, Direct Knowingness, & The New

Universe: April 25th, 2000, Berlin, organised by Elraanis Magazine, Herbert Renig.

Link Here. Hyperspatial Trajectories, And The Somagenic Medecine: A Congress

Presentation For Doctors. DATE still to be arranged for the 2000 version, possible presentation in

Slovenia. The Meruvingian Lineage Of The Alchemist Masters Of Immortality Autamn 2000, Toulouse, and Paris, France. The Lineage Of The Alchemist Masters Of Immortality & The New

Universe, In Light Of The UNITY KEYS OF EMMANUEL (See Title Change Above)

Schweibenalp, Centre Of Unity, Switzerland, Annual 5 day presentation. Ananda always presents new material here. September 12-16th, 2000.

The Christmass Mystery Revealed & The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, The Lineage Of The Alchemist Masters Of Immortality & The New

Universe: February 2001, United States, Arizona, San Francisco, Hawaii, Tennesse,

and Toronto, Canada.

The Diamond Body Training: Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion Wave 3.

Mexico, March 2000 , for almost everyone. 10 days of intensive Vortexijah propulsion techniques and integrative power excercises. Intensive. Ananda rarely personally gives this training, so this is a Window and a Golden Midway Door.

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Votan Hallway Of Records Midway Activation Work, Mexico, on the Palenque, Tikal, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Oaxico, Teutihuacan, and Mexico Museum. For all En-Grailed Ones (who have taken a Vortexijah Diamond Body Training before), and participents of this course.

AUGUST 6-16 Norway Diamond Body: Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion, Wave 3, required for Dark Rooms, Somanetics, and Egypt tours. 10 days intensive techniques. [email protected]

September 1-3rd. SION, The Universal Grail, A Synergy of Minds, with DAN WINTER. Contact: [email protected]

SEPTEMBER 13-17th Schweibenalp, Switzerland. THE EMMANUEL KEY: The Code Of Everything, Mathematical Evidence For All Is God, New Pyramid Materials, Revelations on the Grail of the Alchemist Masters. Ananda always present a whole line of new information at the Swiss Schweibenalp. Tlf (Swiss) 033951201; [email protected].

OCTOBER 6TH (weekend) Slovenia, The New Universe, Soma & the Diamond Body, Emmanuel Keys. 038661555734 [email protected]

OCTOBER 27-29th Paris, The God Code, Akenaton & the Diamond Body, SION & Meruvingian Alchemy. Agnes Fabre & Associates, [email protected]

* NOW Italian Text November 19 in Milan:

Un fine settimana esperienziale del tutto nuovo con ANANDA (Norvegia) "Gli insegnamenti di Emmanuel, i messaggi interuniversali, studiamo e analizziamo ciò che gli Emmanuel hanno insegnato ad Ananda (informazioni, esercizi, meditazioni, e soluzioni ai nostri problemi)

Oltre una grossa sorpresa sarà rivelato il Codice che unisce i segreti della intera struttura della Realta,. Ci sara, la possibilita, di fare domande. Il seminario si terra, in inglese con traduzione in italiano. Venerdi, 17, Novembre 2000, ore 19:00; Sabato 18 e Domenica 19, ore 10:45 Presso Campi di Luce, Via B. Verro 17, MILANO MM2 (Famagosta)+ bus 95; MM3(Lodi)+bus 90;

English Text:

An experiential weekend, all new, with ANANDA "The Teachings of Emmanuels, the interuniversal messages, studying and analizing what the Emmanuel teached to Ananda. (News, practises , meditations, and solutions to our problems)

With a big surprise, it will revealed the God Codex that unifying the secret of whole structure of Reality . There will be the possibility to made question. There will be an italian translation at once from english.

Friday 17, November 2000, at hours 19:00 Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 at 10:45 Near Campi di Luce, Via B. Verro 17, MILAN (Italy) Transportation: MM2(Famagosta)+ bus 95 MM3(Lodi)+bus 90 Maybe for people with spleeping-bag to spent the night in the Center "Campi di Luce at low cost


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Anunda, Wave 1 intensives and in sections, video materials and integrations. Given to German speaking audiences in any country. Option of being passed on in several courses over numerous weekends.

Diamond Body Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion Training with Anunda, Austria, course at the end of November, and contact for further training dates. Tel 0043 6643044835. [email protected]

Korinna A. Müller, last updated version (DBT Ananda Italy 2006), in Italy and elsewhere. Interactive excercises and lots of meditations (no video presentations). In Italian, English, Spanish, German, Hungarian and Romanian language. French with translation. If you are a group of at least 8 participants interested in a DBT (Diamond Body Training) contact me to come to your place.

Diamond Body Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion Training with Korinna A. Müller, (email or phone to receive schedule). [email protected] and

[email protected],. Landline Tel.+39 0322 900726 (pls.leave a message!)Antje Miranda Korth does not give Vortexijah trainings. Nor has she ever been trained or represents Ananda's Dark Room Retreat protocols.



Eva Zirkon, Wave 2, with original video material and integrations. In Slovenian and English/Australian.

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Operation Unity Of EMMANUEL

& The Lineage Of The Alchemist Masters Of





During the last 15 years Ananda has been in contact and expanded by EMMANUEL -- a group of non-localised quantum intelligences, whom are interdimensional and Inter-Universal.

This has included physical face-to-face interludes with them in Unity Light Body form, as well as having observed hundreds of physically manifested Star Ships with over 36 witnesses.

Emmanuel have expanded Ananda through vast fields of understanding, knowledge, love, and practicle application. Bringing through the Unity Living Consciousness that throws new light on:

Sound Coherence, Sonic Nutrition, and Sacred geometry; Our biology and its creation from Hyperspace, post-

evolutionism; New Multiverse Astrophysics; Hyperspatial "Interdimensional" Neo-physics, post-quantum

mechanics, & Takyon paradigms;

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UFOs, "extraterrestrial" history and documentation for government "contact";

Hidden archeology and the evidence for the hidden history of man;

New Neurology, Pineal Gland Third Eye Alchemy & Superconsciousness Activation;

Unity Free Energy, and Vortexijah Protocol; Unified Geneology Cartography of the Extra-Temporal (ET)

ancestry of mankind from the Omega Point. 444,000 years of recent history, amidst 211 trillion 680 million years.

And most importantly: the Light Body Star Ship Field Propulsion techniques for biophysical alchemical transformation of the body and DNA code.

Breakthroughs in the Soma Elixir of Immortality and Gnostic Shamanism, in post-modern ethno-alchemy. A comprehensive history of the master alchemists who emerged amidst our forefathers and foremothers.



Ananda is an international speaker, with at least 150 seminars, workshops, trainings, and lectures, behind him, so far (2000), and over 30 radio appearences, over more than 52 hours. He has been addressing the public since 1989. Audiences ranging from 20-1000 in 14 countries. As well as addressing new science gatherings; joint seminars with scientific colleagues; and leading intensive multi-week-long trainings, tours to Egypt, Mexico, Far-eastern temples, and Gnostic Shamanism.


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THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE we know of is transforming. Not only have astrophysicists detected that the time and space fabric of our universe is ripping apart, but:

Energy emissions greater than all energy in the universe combined are occurred monthly since 1994, with the energy of billions of universes.

The new and previously known galactic gamma rays (apart from awakening to an unknown form of activation), are now shown to be aligned in a holographic mandalic grid that shows the signs of extraterrestrial and interdimensional intelligence a form of galactic internet, or intelligent nervous system, awakening to itself, NOW.

Not only are time dimensions converging, as seen in the multiple octaves appearing ontop of the planetary base resonance beat, suddenly; nor are we just shifting into a new dimension - but, in the Emmanuel paradigm, an entire New Universe is emerging, which is unifying our entire universe with all of its dimensions.

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See for yourself the astounding evidence Ananda has accumulated after years of cooperation with his scientist colleagues, and gathered from the frontier science research data banks.

Something enormous is happening, surpassing our wildest notions, are you ready?

Be prepared to make use of this new energy source for the metamorphosis of the Somagenesis of the body and superconscious alchemy.

The entire galaxy is layed out in a "gameboard" of cycles, from another dimension and another universe, in a hyperdimensional synchronised resonance - we are approaching the end of that Game Board.

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The surrounding clustre of solar systems, for 1,440 Light Years is about to go into the 12,000+ year vacuum, of the galactic Game Board, whose tessellated flour is a Rainbow Checker Board of 7 x 7 = 49.

Now the galactic centre is becoming more active, and a vast trumpet of a cosmic ray wave front is approaching our solar system, in its regular 12,500 cycle.

This brings in the creational "black cloud" surrounding our solar system, and kept at bay by the solar system wind.

The cloud awakens the light of darkness, shutting off standard sunlight, and awakening infra red heat.

It is this external light isolation which awakens the third eye's neurotransmitters for interdimensional and Star Ship translation.

The high voltage of electrical increase, enables, through the harmonics of coherent compassionate body wave emissions, and superconducting Sound Standing Waves, for our body's to undergo the Somagenesis of the Unity Self, this is the Chakra Vajra, Diamond Body, Light Body Star Ship Sphere. It is the Vehicle of the Christ GRAIL.

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See for yourselves the secret of the Holy Grail, and what it means to you.

This New Universe workshop series is a profound revelation, beyond ones wildest dreams - these are the shocking alarm rings of the awakening call from the dream of creation.

Emmanuel have prepared Ananda for the majority of his life for what is ahead - the most profound, challenging, and compact compression of all history is in our midst.

The Unity Keys of Emmanuel are entirely New Essential World Solutions in this Universal Shift they offer the concise, practickle, detailed, and compassionate index to unify all polarities, a paradigm that synthesizes The Interuniversal Perspective For The Unity Of Diversity, personally for each individually, practically, yet beyond universally, to the Ineffable Unity Of Unity's, as All Is God.

This first in the series, will highly document the step by step processes of how to survive the transforming reality matrix. Ananda has been presenting the Universal Shift publicly, since 1990. Now, however, he has assembled the precise and intricate evidential and practice details, that puts this information in a Unique League of it Own.



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Ananda has been involved in a specifically guided unique activation of the ancient chakra star gates of the Nile, bringing some 33 persons through, and aiding in the re-activation of the Aku "God Computer", whilst being inside the Sphinx.

Ananda has brought through a new paradigm in deciphering the "Hallway of Records" of the Egyptian holographic temples (the Egyptian language was designed on this interdimensional morphogramme holographic language).

A unique paradigm, unprecedented has now emerged, for the first time, outside of the secret mystery schools.

Ananda has subsequently been invited into work on decoding the New Arabian Archives of Moses, many times larger than Thebes, and is a participating correspondent in the new "hallway of records" opened and deciphered in the Indus Valley. He is also engaged in decoding other "Hallway of Records", which are based on the same holographic morphogramme Hyperspatial coding.

The ancient Egyptian Star Wisdom confirms the Light Body Star Ship Vortexijah Intergeometry of Emmanuel, further verified in the MeruSheba and Chakra Vajra of Arcane Tibetan Buddhism, and the secret Pa Kua spins of the ancient Taoist Shien Immortals, descended down from the ExtraTemporal Pa Ku.

Ananda presents the secret of the Grail Technology from the Mystery Schools, as well as showing the MeruVinGian Christ bloodline history, as an extraterrestrial (ET) Inter-Universal (IU) upgrade to the Old Testament lines from the Mars Morphographic holographic generators.

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Ananda presents astounding evidence which shows how:

Mars is a interdimensional computer, which works with the solar system disk, for reality engineering.

Absolutely new, Mind Blowing material, that links:

Chaos Fractal mathematics, to the coherent Infinite Recursion phase-conjugation phased to Inter-geometrical extrapolations of the sacred geometrical solids, to Hyperspace,

Ancient Egypt, and the Giza underground Labyrinth, the Tomb of Osiris and beyond,

Rennes le Chateau and the SION mysteries, the Meruvingian Grail,

Glastonbury Zodiak, and the Star Gates of Avalon, Asgard, Kham-Mu-Lod, and Europe,

Phi Spirals and beyond, through EnGrailment, Macro-landscaped terra-formed environments on Earth, The Secrets of the 18th Dynasty, Tutank-amen and

Akenaton, revealed, Language Behind Language and Extraterrestrial Ka-Ba-La, The Arthurian Round Table and the Grail Code Today, The Elohim Conspiracy & the Human Omega Point

Solution, The Christ Story & The Alchemical Lineage of the Word, Pyramids, Moon, Mars, Egypt, China, Atlantis, Ukraine, Together with the geometrical shape of the complete DNA

Game Board readout linked directly to the Universal Computer Game Board, and the Omega Point future Attractor Field,

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Complete paradigms for practical detailed DNA reprogramming.

All of this in precise mathematical, geometrical, cartographical, and other evidences, as well as in Unity Holographic Linguistics, the language of Holon Rota's.

Absolutely Mind Blowing.

It relates to every thought that you are thinking, even NOW.

Aton-Ptah, a time revearse-wave (from the Omega Point future) non-localised quantum intelligence from future Andromeda, have been aiding Ananda in this field along with other "Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness". They have made themselves visible, at certain times to demonstrate their reality, in meeting us half-way into our own BoddhisatvaSHIP.


Be part of this amazing solution, encoded in the heart of humanity's very life code.

See the astounding ways in which your own internal technology can be an integral part of the Universal Shift.

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With superconducting sound: the WORD; and Collective global Star Ship placements, on the revealed geometrical gravity and magnetic grid cascades of this planet, (which are the triangular skin of another dimension and Universe, as the Prism Vehicle Doorways to the Unity of Unitys) humanity is at the edge of a collective Metamorphosis or SomaGenesis, beyond the wildest dreams.

In utilising compassionate cooperation, when implementing the principles of The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, to turn this planet, literally, into a Unity Time Machine, and Mothership to the New Universe, and beyond. The Darmakaja Boddhisatva Collectivity of the east, and the One Body of Christ of All-Oneness, of the west.

PRESENTED WITH LASER BEAM ANIMATIONS AND PROJECTIONS, FOR MULTIMEDIA. 1000's of Slides (selected from Ananda's 10,000), 200 Computer Animations. A Highly Visual journey, utterly astonishing.


See the astrophysical and scientific evidence that shakes the foundation of reality, the evidence for the NEW UNIVERSE.

Demonstrating the Secret Cipher of Ancient Egypt as an interdimensional library, which pertains to all that is now occurring, and the solution for Unity Mankind (New Universe Part 2, especially focuses on this).

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The amazing evidence for the Vortexijah Light Body Star Ship, extracted from the superconducting DNA-core, "Christ Seed" - the Chakra Vajra beyond any geometrical Merkabbah forms. The Sphere of Spheres, as Lotus Ball NeferATUM.

Demonstrating the interdimensional geometry, as inter-geometry, and how we can use this to transform ourselves: this is post quantum mechanics.

Exploring the galactic gameboard in detail, and how it affects us.

Demonstrating the Chemistry of Superconsciousness, and how the Third Eye will be awakened for all surface man, preceding the Universal Shift.

How to prepare for this shot of superconscious atomic and sub-atomic awareness, for it profoundly affects everyone, to have to confront every polarity imaginable, and see only the Unity of Unity's. This is the "End Game", the graduation of Christ-ship. Are you ready for the passport of CompasSION into your BodhisattvaSHIP?


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NOTE: Special offers



The Mathematical Evidence For All Is God


In this 4.5 days intensive, Ananda will be presenting astounding new findings given in cooperation with the Sons and Daughter of All-Oneness or Extra-Temporals (ETs) and the interdimensional intelligences called Emmanuel, whom have guided Ananda for some 15 years of intensive education, initiation, and experience.  

The astounding code of everything will be revealed, which unifies the secrets of:

Life, The universe, The Pyramids, Time, Sacred geometry, The planets, The brain and light body, The DNA, The sun and Moon, The Earth grid, Astrology and astrogenetics, The Bible code,

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Vedic literature, Nordic Eddas, The Buddha code, The Christ code, The codes of the Mayans, Stonehenge, and other global temples and pyramids,


As well as unifying time, and the entire structure of reality. Which offers mathematical evidence firstly for All Is God, and secondly for a Virtual Reality called reality, within a "God Computer".

Egypt's Great Pyramid offers the key that decodes all of the above. Ptah and Djehuti, the "mythical" builders of this complex, encode the entire Biblical history into it. Ananda will demonstrate with the God Code that every major event that transpires in the Bible is encoded in space and time by the Giza pyramid complex right upto this day.

Ananda will present the secret Bible and Sumerian codes, some of which reveal, along the way, some astounding secrets of Essenian initiation along the way, which is also contained in the Buddhist literature.

New evidence has now come to light that can prove the Elixir of Alchemy developed by Christ and ingested on the cross from the followers of John the Baptist and from archeological findings. This elixir was successfully perfected by the historical Merlin Ambrosius, an alchemist descendent from the brother of Christ, Joseph of Arimathea (James the Just). Some astounding findings have been also uncovered in this regards in Buddha's last supper.

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Be astounded by the evidence of a "Matrix"-like reality in which we live, astonishing mathematical evidence on every level of profound reality will now be demonstrated. This will be a unique presentation which will not be repeated in its entirety again, as with Schweibenalp 1999 intensive, which is now being encorporated into THE UNITY KEYS 2.  



An Overflowing Cup Of the Geometrical Secrets of the Ages


A Seminar with Ananda and Dan Winter


Two astounding teachers synergise to share each of their own unique wisdom lines for further integrity for humanity. Two colleagues join together, after 6 years once again to share in unified symbios their fountains of plural truth. Be there for this historic event...  


Is an international teacher. Some 15 years ago Ananda was educated by Interdimensional Unified Beings called Emmanuel, as well as "ET" Extra-Temporals, including contacts at the mountians of SION, Switzerland.

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In the 1980s they transmitted over 10,000 pages worth of information, and passed on the Grail of Man. After a body translation experience in 1989, by Emmanuel, in the midst of 4 witnesses, he developed the Vortexijah Star Ship intergeometrical techniques, taught to hundreds over the last 7 years, aided by computer models of these inter-dimensional sacred geometrics of the vehicle of the Spirit of Unity and beyond.

This is based on experience and not theory and is a correction to the Merkabah which Mosis (Tuthmosis V) took out of Egypt from the Amen preisthood, as the incomplete Meru-Aton.

It was Christ and the Grail Gnostic followers of Christ which utilised the correction of the Old Testament vehicle, law, and code, and re-linked in the the Buddhistic and Archaic true Sovereign Vehicle of the Meru-Aton. Aided through the Buddhist Thera Vada's who took the Meru-Sheba vehicle of the east, the Diamond Body Chakra Vajra of secret Tibetan Buddhism, back into the west. Carried and encoded by the Grail Gnostics and Meruvingians, it was left for our age to unveil, at the precise Omega Point time evidenced in the anomolies of a new unvierse approaching, as a solution for full acitvation of the higher brain and DNA, in the Grail science of coherent compassion.

This Egyptian/Buddhist vehicle is the unified field that unites symmetry and assymetry, male and female, equally. The secret Tibetan and Taoist vehicle, now confirmed, is being released back into the public, as the Inner alchemy of

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CompasSION, that unlocks our full Unity Self from our DNA and core.  


· The secrets of SION and the hyperdimensional Grail, · The Glastonbury Zodiac, SION, and Mars connection,

for the first full public presentation of this astounding star gate evidence, left by the Grail.

· The Grail Vehicle of Intergeometry, the techniques and practicals of body Phase-conjugation and transformation,

· Physics of the 8-folded path the 8 hz alchemy of body transformation and higher brain activation.

· The Chakra Vajra, MeruSheba and Meruvingian connection: the vehicle of secret Tibetan Buddhism amidst the Grail Gnostics, encoded in the sacred ancient art, and architecture of the churches. Correcting Mosis' Merkabba, with the Mer-Aton vehicle of ancient Egypt, of Akenaton and the Egyptian SION before.

· The New Universe: evidence for a universal shift, major anomolies emerge in our reality, in time, the sun, the planet, and even space itself, the emergence of the Omega is defying the previously thought solid laws of physics.

· The Synergy of the holographic Geometrical God computer of the Mayans, Egyptians, Cambodians, Sumerians, and the Vedic cultures, amoungst others. In relation to the star codes from Andromeda and the Omega Point beyond.

· Unveiling the true secret initiations of the Egyptian book of the Dead,Tuthmosis III, and the Meshe dragon rite of alchemy and inner light.

· The neurophysics of alchemy, detailed practical DNA reprogramming through the sound harmonics and the body's own nano-technology.

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· The Secret code embedded in the Bible, will be outlined on the Alchemical Teachings of Christ and the Eucharist in the Grail cauldrion,

· Practicle evidence for awakening the Third Eye Pineal gland, and the elixir of immortality of Merlin,

· A new view on the creation of man, and the Tree of Life, a Sumerian, Egyptain, Nordic, Vedic, and Emmanuelian view, on biochemical spatialisation and the game of reality.

· SION in Egypt, the Christ story, Switzerland, and the galacitc SION connection. With new clarifications on the Akenaton story in regards to the ET SION upgrades.

· The solar gameboard and the Virtual reality computer of creation.

· The Hallway Of Records (HOR) in the Giza labyrinth, the star records of the underground tunnels by the Great Pyramid.

· New Time Travel evidence in Switzerland, in connection to the Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk, and its role in the Grail Geometry, and the Omega point Andromedian solution to these projects.


In this seminar Ananda will also present unique material on the history of the Grail in SION and how it connects to the brother of Christ Joseph of Arimathea, Mary

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Magdelen and Merlin, with its link to the extraterrestrial and galactic community. The profound SION-Glastonbury-Mars connection will be shown, as this is the age where "the Secret is to Give Away the Secret."

The secret alchemical teachings of Christ, and the Star Code of the Meruvingians/Merovingians encoded in the French and Swiss landscapes, which reveals the Grail vehicle, Star Gates, and solution to immortality and

waking up our higher nature.

Ananda will show some outstanding material on the secrets that have been encoded in this area of Switzerland, and what it means to mankind, which he has not presented in public until now - Astone-ishing. The Gnostic alchemical updating of the Merkaba of Mosis that Christ corected back to its 6-fold form to its 8-folded form, in full symbiosis with Dan's Dodecahedral techniques. Taking the Merkaba back to its archaic Meru-Aton and Meru-Sheba form. The astounding Buddhistic link to the Christ story, the Meruvingians, Order of SION, and Cathars.  

Ananda will draw from some 8 GB of computer animations and slides (from 200 animations, 10,000 slides), to make this presentation a unique and inspiring moment of synergy with his colleague. In this seminar the audience will have a major experience, since these two deep thinkers and teachers will also be briefing each other after 6 years, on their own work, engaging an optimal maximum surface tension charge in the convayence transmitted.  

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Ananda has been publically teaching in 14 countries for some 12 years, with wide ranges of audiences, from specialised presentations to medical doctors and scientists, to a wide array of alternative and shamanic based audiences.

10 years of researching the material given to him by Emmaneul and the "ET's", Ananda has become an expert in numerous fields including:

Cross cultural Hermaneutics and cross-cultural enthnologies. He has intricately studied the ethno-botany of shamanism, alchemy, the Gnostics, Egyptians, Indo-Europians, Zoroastrians, Sumerians and the Essenes, and has computer animated multi-dimensional geometry, called Intergeometrics, whcih map the Virtual domains of the Spirit and the great hyerspatial dimensions that Emmanuel revealed.    

Founder of the Grail Ring network of Europe and the ATON and ODIN Institutes of Norway. Author of 6 books, including his massive Magnus Opus The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel: The Interuniversal Perspective Of The Unity Of Diversity

Ananda's 3 web sites accessed from:

A full interview on the Diamond Body at

An overview on the Star Ship Grail Vehicle technique, or Vortexijah, at at:  

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Ananda with musician Kailash

Ananda and Taoist teacher Mantak Chia discuss Vortexijah and Pa Kua

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Should you want to print out this page, a printable version is available


3 web sites by Ananda.

Over 400 pages (and expanding) of FREE material:

ANANDA'S E-MAIL: mailto:[email protected]