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Analysis of Flow Through Converget-divergent Nozzle

Oct 17, 2015



How the will vary from subsonic to supersonic flow.
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    Dept. of ANE, MRCET Page 1



    1.1 Definition of nozzle: A Rocket Nozzle is a mechanical device which produces thrust

    and is used to control the characteristics of fluid as it enters/exits an enclosed chamber or pipe.

    Nozzle is a relatively simple device, just a specially shaped tube through which hot gases flow.

    The types of nozzles can be explained as fallows[1].

    1.2 Types of nozzles: There are 3 primary groups of nozzle


    Cone shaped nozzle

    2. Bell nozzle

    3. Annular nozzle

    1.2.1 Cone:The cone shaped nozzles are used in Used in early rocket applications because of

    simplicity and ease of construction. Cone gets its name from the fact that the walls diverge at aconstant angle. A small angle produces greater thrust, because it maximizes the axial component of exit

    velocity and produces a high specific impulse. A small nozzle divergence angle causes most of the

    momentum to be axial and thus give a high specific impulse, but the long nozzle has a penalty in rocket

    propulsion system mass ,vehicle mass and also design complexity. A large divergence angle give short,

    light weight designs, but the performance is low[1].

    Figure 1.1- Conical nozzle

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    1.2.2 Bell: There are two types in bell shaped nozzle. The primary type is Contour nozzle is

    probably the most commonly used shaped rocket engine nozzle. It has a high angle expansion

    section right behind the nozzle throat; this is followed by a gradual reversal of nozzle contour

    slope so that the nozzle exit the divergence angle is small, usually less than a 10 degree half


    Figure 1.2-Contoured nozzle

    The second one is Convergent-Divergent nozzle. It is also called as De-Laval nozzle. It

    is used to accelerate a hot, pressurizedgaspassing through it to asupersonic speed, and upon

    expansion, to shape the exhaust flow so that the heat energy propelling the flow is maximally

    converted into directedkinetic energy.Because of this, thenozzle is widely used in some types

    ofsteam turbines,and is used as arocket engine nozzle.It also sees use in supersonicjet engines.

    Figure 1.3- Convergent-Divergent nozzle
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    1.2.3 Annular: Annular nozzles are classified into three different types. They are Aero-spike,

    Plug, Expansion-deflection nozzles. Considering an Aero-spike nozzle,Aero-spike the spike is

    bowl-shaped with the exhaust exiting in a ring around the outer rim. In theory this requires an

    infinitely long spike for best efficiency, but by blowing a small amount of gas out the center of a

    shorter truncated spike, something similar can be achieved. In the linear Aero-spike the spike

    consists of a tapered wedge-shaped plate, with exhaust exiting on either side at the "thick" end.

    This design has the advantage of being stackable, allowing several smaller engines to be placed

    in a row to make one larger engine while augmenting steering performance with the use of

    individual engine throttle control[1].

    Figure 1.4 - Aero-Spike nozzle

    The plug nozzle is a type ofnozzlewhich includes a center body or plug around which

    the working fluid flows. Plug nozzles have applications in aircraft, rockets, and numerous other

    fluid flows. In rockets Plug nozzles belong to a class ofaltitude compensating nozzlesmuch like

    the aero spikewhich, unlike traditional designs, maintains its efficiency at a wide range of

    altitudes. The ideal contour of a plug nozzle is a long tapering 'spike' with a doughnut-shaped

    combustion chamber situated at the base, hence sometimes this nozzle is also called a "spike
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    nozzle". To save weight, this design is shortened without a large drop in efficiency. The exhaust

    is confined by atmospheric pressure so that at different altitudes the varying pressures will allow

    the exit area to change. This allows perfect atmospheric compensation. With the shortened

    nozzle, the recirculation of trapped gases at the base of the plug causes a small thrust which

    offsets the loss due to the non-ideal shape. Plug nozzles are used in aircraft typically withjet

    enginesboth because of the annular shape of the turbine exhaust and for their altitude

    compensating characteristics. For high speed aircraft, translating the plug or external cowl

    provides a means of area control with relatively simple actuation. Plug nozzles have been shown

    to provide noise reduction compared to traditionalconvergent-divergent nozzles.Weight and

    cooling are typical concerns with aircraft plug nozzles[1].

    Figure 1.5- Plug nozzle

    The expansion-deflection nozzle is an advancedrocket nozzle which achievesaltitude

    compensation through interaction of the exhaust gas with the atmosphere, much like theplug and

    aero-spike nozzles.It appears much like a standard bell nozzle, but at the throat is a 'centrebody'

    or 'pintle' which deflects the flow towards the walls. The exhaust gas flows past this in a more

    outward direction than in standard bell nozzles while expanding before being turned towards the

    exit. This allows for shorter nozzles than the standard design whilst maintaining nozzle

    expansion ratios. Because of the atmospheric boundary, the atmospheric pressure affects the exit

    area ratio so that atmospheric compensation can be obtained up to the geometric maximum

    allowed by the specific nozzle. The nozzle operates in two distinct modes: open and closed. In
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    closed wake mode, the exhaust gas fills the entire nozzle exit area. The ambient pressure at

    which the wake changes from open to closed modes is called the design pressure. If the ambient

    pressure reduces any further, additional expansion will occur outside the nozzle much like a

    standard bell nozzle and no altitude compensation effect will be gained. In open wake mode, the

    exit area is dependant on the ambient pressure and the exhaust gas exits the nozzle as an annulus

    as it does not fill the entire nozzle. Because the ambient pressure controls the exit area, the area

    ratio should be perfectly compensating to the altitude up to the design pressure[1].

    Figure 1.6-Expansion-Deflection nozzle

    1.3Nozzle Functions:

    The nozzle serves as a back pressure control for the engine and an acceleration device gas

    thermal energy to kinetic energy. A secondary function of the nozzle is to provide required thrust

    reversing and thrust vectoring[2].

    1.3.1 Engine Backpressure Control

    The throat area of the nozzle is one of the main means available to control the thrust and

    fuel consumption characteristics. The throat area of the nozzle is fixed by selection of specific

    values for the engine design parameters and design mass flow rate. Changing the nozzle throat

    area from its original value will change the engine design and operating characteristics of the

    engine at both on- and off-design conditions.

    Large changes in the exhaust nozzle throat area are required for afterburning engines to

    compensate for the large changes in total temperature leaving the afterburner. The variable-area

    nozzle required for an afterburning engine can also be used for backpressure control at its non-

    afterburning settings. One advantage of the variable-area exhaust nozzle is that it improves the

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    starting of the engine. Opening the nozzle throat area to its maximum value reduces the

    backpressure on the turbine and increases its expansion ratio[2].

    1.3.2 Thrust Reversing and Thrust Vectoring

    The need for thrust reversing and thrust vectoring is normally determined by the required

    aircraft and engine performance. Thrust reversers are used on commercial transports to

    supplement the brakes. In-flight thrust reversal has been shown to enhance combat effectiveness

    of fighter aircraft.

    Two basic types of thrust reversers are used: the cascade-blocker type and the clamshell

    type as shown in the figure below:

    Figure 1.7- Thrust reversing

    In cascade blocker type the primary nozzle exit is blocked off, and cascades are opened in

    the upstream portion of the nozzle duct to reverse the flow. In the clamshell type, the exhaust jet

    is split and reversed by the clamshell. Since both types usually provide a change in effective

    throat area during deployment most reversers are designed such that the effective nozzle throat

    area increases.

    The exhaust system of the Concorde, the supersonic passenger aircraft, has two nozzles, a

    primary nozzle and a secondary nozzle. The secondary nozzle is positioned as a convergent

    nozzle for take-off and as a divergent nozzle for supersonic cruise.

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    Thrust vectoring nozzles for combat aircraft has increased in the past. Vectoring nozzles

    have been used on vertical take-off and landing aircraft, and are proposed for future fighters to

    improve maneuvering and augment lift in combat.

    Figure 1.8- Thrust Vectoring

    Thrust vector control is effective only while the propulsion system is creating thrust. At

    other stages of flight, separate mechanisms are required for attitude andflight pathcontrol.

    Nominally, theline of actionof the thrust vector of arocket nozzlepasses through thevehicle'scenter of mass,generating zero netmomentabout the mass center. It is possible to

    generatepitch and yawmoments by deflecting the main rocket thrust vector so that it does not

    pass through the mass center. Because the line of action is generally oriented nearly parallel to

    therollaxis, roll control usually requires the use of two or more separately hinged nozzles or a

    separate system altogether, such asfins,or vanes in the exhaust plume of the rocket engine,

    deflecting the main thrust.

    Thrust vectoring for manyliquid rocketsis achieved bygimballingtherocket engine.

    This often involves moving the entirecombustion chamberand outer engine bell as on theTitan

    II's twin first stage motors, or even the entire engine assembly including the

    relatedfuel andoxidizerpumps. Such a system was used on theSaturn Vand theSpace

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    The purpose of this applet is to simulate the operation of a converging-diverging nozzle, perhaps

    the most important and basic piece of engineering hardware associated with propulsion and the

    high speed flow of gases. This device was invented by Carl de Laval toward the end of the l9th

    century and is thus often referred to as the 'de Laval' nozzle. This applet is intended to help

    students of compressible aerodynamics visualize the flow through this type of nozzle at a range

    of conditions.


    The usual configuration for a converging diverging nozzle is shown in the figure. Gas flows

    through the nozzle from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure. The chamber is usually

    big enough so that any flow velocities here are negligible. The pressure here is denoted by the

    symbol Pc. Gas flows from the chamber into the converging portion of the nozzle, past the throat,

    through the diverging portion and then exhausts into the ambient as a jet. The pressure of the

    ambient is referred to as the 'back pressure' and given the symbol Pb[5].

    Fig 2.1- Convergent-Divergent Nozzle Configuration

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    To get a basic feel for the behavior of the nozzle imagine performing the simple

    experiment shown in figure 2. Here we use a converging diverging nozzle to connect two air

    cylinders. Cylinder A contains air at high pressure, and takes the place of the chamber. The CD

    nozzle exhausts this air into cylinder B, which takes the place of the tank.

    Imagine you are controlling the pressure in cylinder B, and measuring the resulting mass flow

    rate through the nozzle. You may expect that the lower you make the pressure in B the more

    mass flow you'll get through the nozzle. This is true, but only up to a point. If you lower the back

    pressure enough you come to a place where the flow rate suddenly stops increasing all together

    and it doesn't matter how much lower you make the back pressure (even if you make it a

    vacuum) you can't get any more mass flow out of the nozzle. We say that the nozzle has become

    'choked'. You could delay this behavior by making the nozzle throat bigger (e.g. grey line) but

    eventually the same thing would happen. The nozzle will become choked even if you eliminated

    the throat altogether and just had a converging nozzle.

    Fig 2.2-A Simple experiment

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    The reason for this behavior has to do with the way the flows behave at Mach 1, that is

    when the flow speed reaches the speed of sound. In a steady internal flow the Mach number can

    only reach 1 at a minimum in the cross-sectional area. When the nozzle is not choked, the flow

    through it is entirely subsonic and, if you lower the back pressure a little, the flow goes faster and

    the flow rate increases. As you lower the back pressure further the flow speed at the throat

    eventually reaches the speed of sound . Any further lowering of the back pressure cannot

    accelerate the flow through the nozzle anymore, because that would entail moving the point

    where M=1 away from the throat where the area is a minimum, and so the flow gets stuck. The

    flow pattern downstream of the nozzle can still change if you lower the back pressure further, but

    the mass flow rate is now fixed because the flow in the throat is now fixed too.

    The changes in the flow pattern after the nozzle has become choked are not veryimportant in our thought experiment because they do not change the mass flow rate. They are,

    however, very important however if you were using this nozzle to accelerate the flow out of a jet

    engine or rocket and create propulsion, or if you just want to understand how high-speed flows


    2.3 The flow pattern:

    Figure 2.3a shows the flow through the nozzle when it is completely subsonic. The flow

    accelerates out of the chamber through the converging section, reaching its maximum speed at

    the throat. The flow then decelerates through the diverging section and exhausts into the ambient

    as a subsonic jet. Lowering the back pressure in this state increases the flow speed everywhere in

    the nozzle.

    Lower it far enough and we eventually get to the situation shown in figure 2.3b. The flow

    pattern is exactly the same as in subsonic flow, except that the flow speed at the throat has just

    reached Mach 1. Flow through the nozzle is now choked since further reductions in the backpressure can't move the point of M=1 away from the throat. However, the flow pattern in the

    diverging section does change as you lower the back pressure further.

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    Fig 2.3-Flow pattern

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    As Pb is lowered below that needed to just choke the flow a region of supersonic flow

    forms just downstream of the throat. Unlike a subsonic flow, the supersonic flow accelerates as

    the area gets bigger. This region of supersonic acceleration is terminated by a normal shock

    wave. The shock wave produces a near-instantaneous deceleration of the flow to subsonic speed.

    This subsonic flow then decelerates through the remainder of the diverging section and exhausts

    as a subsonic jet. In this regime if you lower or raise the back pressure you increase or decrease

    the length of supersonic flow in the diverging section before the shock wave[5].

    If you lower Pbenough you can extend the supersonic region all the way down the nozzle

    until the shock is sitting at the nozzle exit . Because you have a very long region of acceleration

    in this case the flow speed just before the shock will be very large in this case. However, after

    the shock the flow in the jet will still be subsonic.

    Lowering the back pressure further causes the shock to bend out into the jet and a

    complex pattern of shocks and reflections is set up in the jet which will now involve a mixture of

    subsonic and supersonic flow, or just supersonic flow. Because the shock is no longer

    perpendicular to the flow near the nozzle walls, it deflects it inward as it leaves the exit

    producing an initially contracting jet. We refer to this as over expanded flow because in this case

    the pressure at the nozzle exit is lower than that in the ambient- that is the flow has been

    expanded by the nozzle to much.

    A further lowering of the back pressure changes and weakens the wave pattern in the jet.

    Eventually we will have lowered the back pressure enough so that it is now equal to the pressure

    at the nozzle exit. In this case, the waves in the jet disappear altogether , and the jet will be

    uniformly supersonic. This situation, since it is often desirable, is referred to as the 'design


    Finally, if we lower the back pressure even further we will create a new imbalance

    between the exit and back pressures ,figure 2.3g. In this situation what we call expansion waves

    form at the nozzle exit, initially turning the flow at the jet edges outward in a plume and setting

    up a different type of complex wave pattern.

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    2.3.1 The pressure distribution in the nozzle:

    A plot of the pressure distribution along the nozzle provides a good way of summarizing

    its behavior. To understand how the pressure behaves you have to remember only a few basic


    When the flow accelerates the pressure drops

    The pressure rises instantaneously across a shock

    The pressure throughout the jet is always the same as the ambient (i.e. the back pressure)

    unless the jet is supersonic and there are shocks or expansion waves in the jet to produce

    pressure differences.

    The pressure falls across an expansion wave.

    Fig 2.4-Pressure distribution along the nozzle labels refer to flow regime 2.3

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    The labels on figure 2.4 indicate the back pressure and pressure distribution for each of

    the flow regimes illustrated in figure 2.3. Notice how, once the flow is choked, the pressure

    distribution in the converging section doesn't change with the back pressure at all.

    2.4 Operating Instructions for the applet:

    All of the above description is quite a lot to understand and remember without actually

    having a converging diverging nozzle to look at. This is the ideal of theapplet - to give you a

    model of a nozzle that you can play around with and get experience of.

    To start the program, go to theappletpage and press the button labeled 'Start!' a window

    like that shown below will appear[5].
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    On the left hand side of the window there are three panels used for plotting the flow

    conditions in the nozzle. The top panel, shaded gray, is used to show the shape of the nozzle and

    a color contour map of the temperature distribution within it. Initially this region will be blank,

    note that the temperature distribution behaves qualitatively like the pressure distribution. The

    middle panel is used to display the pressure as a function of distance down the nozzle, and the

    lower panel displays the Mach number as a function of distance. When results are displayed, the

    horizontal axes of these three panels all line up so the association between features on the

    different plots can easily be observed. On the top right of the applet window a graphic is

    displayed showing an actual rocket nozzle in a test stand. Below this is a yellow information

    panel, and then text areas where you can enter k the ratio of specific heats for the gas in the

    nozzle, and Pb/Pcthe pressure ratio that is driving the flow through the nozzle. Below are a series

    of six buttons used to control the actions of the applet[5].

    To begin press the 'Design Nozzle' button, which should bring up a window like that

    shown in the figure. On the right of the window there is a text area that allows you to enter the

    ratio of the exit area Aeto the throat area At. This must be greater than 1. The larger the ratio, the

    higher the Mach number of the flow that your nozzle will produce it may be difficult to see all

    the results clearly on the plots. Type in '4' and press the 'Set' button. The graph on the left shows

    the shape of the nozzle, chamber on the left, exit on the right. The program assumes you are

    dealing with an axisymmetric nozzle so, for example, your nozzle will appear as having an exit

    with a diameter of twice that at the throat. You can change the shape of the diverging section by

    clicking the area shaded with '+' signs close to the line representing the diverging section. Note

    that you can't move the throat, or create a diverging section with a maximum in area - the

    program will warn you if either of these occurs. When you are satisfied with the shape, press the

    'Done' button.

    You can compute and display the flow through the nozzle in one of two ways. The mostdirect way is to enter a value for the back pressure in the text area labeled 'Pb/Pc'. Enter '0.5' and

    press the 'Compute' button. Almost instantaneously the results should be plotted as shown below.

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    The flow you have computed corresponds to case c in figure 2.3 above, i.e. flow with a

    shock in the nozzle . On the top left of the frame a contour map of the flow temperature is

    plotted, normalized on the temperature in the chamber. Notice how the temperature falls as the

    flow accelerates up to and past the throat, and then suddenly rises in the shock wave. The center

    left plot shows the pressure distribution and beneath that is plotted the Mach number distribution.

    Notice how the Mach number is 1 at the throat in this case, and how the Mach number drops

    from super to subsonic across the shock wave. If you want you can access the numerical results

    of this calculation by pressing the 'Export data' button, copying out the numbers and pasting

    them into another application, like Excel, or Notepad.

    The second way to compute the flow is the most useful if you want to see the whole

    range of phenomena present in the flow at different back pressures. To do this press the 'AutoRun' button. The program begins slowly lowers and raises the back pressure computing in small

    increments the entire flow and displaying the results. The net effect is an animation of what

    occurs in the nozzle as you raise and lower the back pressure. You can stop the animation at any

    time by pressing 'Stop'. To leave the applet you should press the 'Quit' button.

    2.4.1 How the applet works:

    The applet works by computing the flow using the one dimensional equations for the

    isentropic flow of a perfect gas, and the Rankine Hugoniot relations for normal shock waves in

    perfect gases. You can learn about these relations by reading, form example, Modern

    Compressible Flow, 2nd Edition, 1990, by John D. Anderson Jr. You can use the Compressible

    Aerodynamics Calculator to help you use these relations in your own calculations.

    This applet is help us to check the results and it is also capable of designing the nozzle

    when we give area ratio to it[5].
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    3.1 Operation of Convergent-Divergent nozzles :

    A De Laval nozzle convergent-divergent nozzle, CD nozzle is a tube that is pinched in

    the middle, making a carefully balanced, asymmetric hourglass-shape. It is used to accelerate a

    hot, pressurized gas passing through it to a supersonic speed, and upon expansion, to shape the

    exhaust flow so that the heat energy propelling the flow is maximally converted into directed

    kinetic energy. Because of this, the nozzle is widely used in some types of steam turbines, and is

    used as a rocket engine nozzle. These are also used in supersonic jet engines.

    Its operation relies on the different properties of gases flowing at subsonic and

    supersonic speeds. The speed of a subsonic flow of gas will increase if the pipe carrying it

    narrows because the mass flow rate is constant. The gas flow through a de Laval nozzle is

    isentropic At subsonic flow the gas is compressible, a small pressure wave, will propagate

    through it. At the throat, where the cross sectional areais a minimum, the gas velocity locally

    becomes sonic , a condition called choked flow. As the nozzle cross sectional area increases

    the gas begins to expand and the gas flow increases to supersonic velocities where a sound wave

    will not propagate backwards through the gas.

    A de Laval nozzle will only choke at the throat if the pressure and mass flow through the

    nozzle is sufficient to reach sonic speeds, otherwise no supersonic flow is achieved and it will act

    as a venturi tube, this requires the entry pressure to the nozzle to be significantly above ambient

    at all times. In addition, the pressure of the gas at the exit of the expansion portion of the exhaust

    of a nozzle must not be too low. Because pressure cannot travel upstream through the supersonic

    flow, the exit pressure can be significantly below ambient pressure it exhausts into, but if it is too

    far below ambient, then the flow will cease to be supersonic, or the flow will separate within the

    expansion portion of the nozzle, forming an unstable jet that may flop around within the nozzle,

    possibly damaging it.

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    Figure 3.1- Operation of De-Laval nozzle

    3.2 Analysis of gas flow in De Laval nozzles:

    It involves a number of concepts and assumptions.

    1.The gas is assumed to be an ideal gas.

    2.The gas flow is isentropic. As a result the flow is reversible and adiabatic.

    3.The gas flow is constant during the period of the propellant burn.

    4.The gas flow is along a straight line from gas inlet to exhaust gas exit[8].

    3.3 Isentropic Process: Isentropic process is one in which, that the process takes placefrom initiation to completion without an increase or decrease in the entropy of the system, thatmeans the entropy of the system remains constant. It can be proven that anyreversibleadiabatic

    process is an isentropic process. A simple more common definition of isentropic would be one

    that produces "No change in entropy".

    An isentropic flow is aflow that is both adiabatic and reversible. That is, no heat is added

    to the flow, and no energy transformations occur due tofriction ordissipative effects. For an

    isentropic flow of a perfect gas, several relations can be derived to define the pressure, density

    and temperature along a streamline.

    3.3.1Entropy: Entropy is a measure of the number of specific ways in whichathermodynamic system may be arranged, often taken to be a measure ofdisorder,or a measure

    of progressing towardsthermodynamic equilibrium. The entropy of an isolated system never
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    decreases, because isolated systems spontaneously evolve towards thermodynamic equilibrium,

    which is the state ofmaximum entropy.

    3.3.2Enthalpy: Enthalpy is a measure of the totalenergyof athermodynamic system. Itincludes theinternal energy,which is the energy required to create a system, and the amount of

    energy required to make room for it by displacing itsenvironmentand establishing its volume

    and pressure.

    Enthalpy is athermodynamic potential. It is astate functionand anextensive quantity.

    The unit of measurement in theInternational System of Units(SI) for enthalpy is thejoule,but

    other historical, conventional units are still in use, such as the small and the largecalorie.

    3.3.3Internal Energy: Internal energy is theenergy contained by athermodynamic system.

    It is amacroscopicproperty. It is the energy needed to create the system but excludes the energy

    to displace the system's surroundings, the kinetic energy of motion of the system as a whole, and

    the potential energy of the system as a whole due to external force fields.

    Though it is a macroscopic quantity, internal energy can be explained in microscopic

    terms by two components. One is the microscopic kinetic energy due to the microscopic motion

    of the system's particles . The other is the potential energy associated with the microscopicforces, including thechemical bonds, between the particles, and with the staticrest mass

    energy of the constituents of matter[9].

    3.4 Isentropic Relations:Consider a gas is forced through a tube, the gas molecules are

    deflected by the walls of the tube. If the speed of the gas is much less than the speed of sound of

    the gas, thedensity of the gas remains constant and the velocity of the flow increases. However,

    as the speed of the flow approaches thespeed of sound we must considercompressibility

    effects on the gas. The density of the gas varies from one location to the next. Considering flow

    through a tube, as shown in the figure, if the flow is very gradually compressed and then

    gradually expanded , the flow conditions return to their original values. We say that such a

    process is reversible. From a consideration of thesecond law of thermodynamics, a reversible
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    flow maintains a constant value ofentropy.Engineers call this type of flow an isentropic flow; a

    combination of the Greek word "iso" and entropy[4].

    Figure 3.2- Flow through nozzle

    Isentropic flows occur when the change in flow variables is small and gradual, such as

    the ideal flow through thenozzle shown above. The generation ofsound waves is an isentropic

    process. Asupersonic flow that is turned while the flow area increases is also isentropic. We call

    this an isentropicexpansionbecause of the area increase. If a supersonic flow is turned abruptly

    and the flow area decreases,shock waves are generated and the flow is irreversible. The

    isentropic relations are no longer valid and the flow is governed by theoblique ornormal shock


    The isentropic relations can be written as fallows.



    The above equation gives the ratio of total temperature to the static temperature at a point

    in a flow as a function of Mach number M at that point.


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    The above equation gives the ratio of total pressure to the static pressure at a point in a

    flow as a function of Mach number M at that point for =1.4 air at standard condition.



    The above equation gives the ratio of total density to the static density at a point in a flow

    as a function of Mach number M at that point for =1.4 air at standard condition[1].


    The equation for the area-mach number relation can be written as fallows.

    () [



    The above equation is known as Area-Mach number relation. The above equation tell us



    That is the mach number at any location in the duct is a function of ratio of the local duct

    area to the sonic throat area. If we have a tube with changing area, like thenozzle shown on the

    above, the maximum mass flow rate through the system occurs when the flow is choked at the

    smallest area. This location is called the throat of the nozzle. The conservation of mass specifies

    that the mass flow rate through a nozzle is a constant. If no heat is added, and there are no

    pressure losses in the nozzle, the total pressure and temperature are also constant. By substituting

    the sonic conditions into the mass flow rate equation, and doing some algebra, we can relate the

    Mach number M at any location in the nozzle to the ratio between the area A at that location and

    the area of the throat A*.The above area-mach number helps to find the flow parameters like

    pressure ratio, density ratio, temperature ratio .
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    Figure 3.3- Area-Mach number relation

    The above graph says that for an area ratio there are two mach numbers are existing.

    Based on this relation the program coding is done. In the coding we gave two conditions. They

    are subsonic and supersonic considering subsonic condition an supersonic condition. In the case

    of subsonic the mach number is lies between 0 to 1 whereas in supersonic region the mach value

    is lies between 1 and .The coding ask us to input the area ratio and it will print the respective

    mach numbers as output. With the help of mach number the coding can able to print the flow

    parameters like temperature ratio, pressure ratio, density ratio respectively[4].

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    4.1 Introduction to C-language:

    C is animperative language. It was designed to be compiled using a relatively

    straightforwardcompiler, to provide low-level access to memory, to provide language constructs

    that map efficiently to machine instructions, and to require minimalrun-time support. C was

    therefore useful for many applications that had formerly been coded in assembly language.

    Despite its low-level capabilities, the language was designed to encouragecross-platform

    programming. A standards-compliant andportably written C program can be compiled for a very

    wide variety of computer platforms and operating systems with few changes to its source code.

    The language has become available on a very wide range of platforms, from

    embeddedmicrocontrollers tosupercomputers.

    4.2 Characteristics of C-language:

    There is a small, fixed number of keywords, including a full set of flow of control

    primitives: if/else, for, while, do/while and switch.

    There are a large number of arithmetical and logical operators, such as +,+=,++ etc.

    More than one assignment may be performed in a single statement.

    Function return values can be ignored when not needed.

    Typing is static, but weakly enforced: all data has a type, but implicit conversions can be

    performed; for instance, characters can be used as integers.

    Declaration syntax mimics usage context. C has no "define" keyword; instead, a

    statement beginning with the name of a type is taken as a declaration. There is no

    "function" keyword; instead, a function is indicated by the parentheses of an argument


    Low-level access to computer memory is possible by converting machine addresses to

    typed pointers.

    Procedures are a special case of function, with an un typed return type void.

    Functions may not be defined within the lexical scope of other functions[3].

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    4.3 Program Coding: In coding we developed a c-program to get the pressure ratio,

    Temperature ratio, Density ratio, Area ratio at the required co-ordinates of nozzles. The required

    relations for the coding purpose are Area-Mach relation and Pressure, Temperature, Density

    Ratios. The C- concepts used for the C-program are mainly Arrays, Functions, Files. The

    purpose of coding is we can get accurate results. Once the coding is done we are able to get the

    pressure, temperature, density and area ratios of any nozzle[3].





    int main()


    float gamma=1.4,M,T,P,d,A,a,b;

    printf(" Mach Temp_ratio pres_ratio den_ratio area_mach relatn ");


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    return 0;



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    4.5 If the area ratio is given then the parameters like pressure ratio,

    temperature ratio, density ratio, can be evolved by the following code.


    #includedouble calc_area(double mac,double gamma)


    double area=0;

    double a=(1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac);

    double b=((2/(gamma+1))*a);

    double c=pow(b,((gamma+1)/(gamma-1)));


    return area;


    double calc_temp(double mac,double gamma)



    double temp=1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac;

    return temp;


    double calc_pres(double mac,double gamma)



    double temp=1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac;

    double pres=pow(temp,(gamma/(gamma-1)));

    return pres;


    double calc_dens(double mac,double gamma)


    double temp=1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac;

    double dens=pow(temp,(1/(gamma-1)));

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    return dens;


    double calc_subsonic_mac(double tarea,double gamma)


    //0 to 1 region

    double mac1=0;

    double mac2=1;

    double mid,carea,error;













    return mid;


    double calc_supersonic_mac(double tarea,double gamma)


    //1- infinity region

    double mac1=1;

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    double mac2=2;

    double mid,carea,error;





    //add other condition also






    return mid;


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    int main()


    double m1,m2,tarea,gamma=1.4,t1,t2,p1,p2,d1,d2;

    int ch;



    printf("\nEnter the area value:");


    //mac m1,m2


    printf("\n\nMachnumber in subsonic case: %lf",m1);


    printf("\n\nMach number in supersonic case: %lf",m2);

    //temp t1,t2


    printf("\n\ntemparature_ratio for subsonic case: %lf ",t1);t2=calc_temp(m2,gamma);

    printf("\n\ntemparature_ratio for supersonic case: %lf ",t2);

    //pressure p1,p2


    printf("\n\npressure_ratio for subsonic case: %lf ",p1);


    printf("\n\npressure_ratio for supersonic case: %lf ",p2);

    //density d1,d2


    printf("\n\ndensity_ratio for subsonic case: %lf ",d1);

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    printf("\n\ndensity_ratio for supersonic case: %lf ",d2);

    printf("\n\nDo you want to exit(0 or 1):");







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    4.6 If the nozzle contours are given then the parameters like pressure ratio,

    temperature ratio, density ratio, can be evolved by the following code.#include


    double calc_area(double mac,double gamma)


    double area=0;

    double a=(1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac);

    double b=((2/(gamma+1))*a);

    double c=pow(b,((gamma+1)/(gamma-1)));


    return area;


    double calc_temp(double mac,double gamma)



    double temp=1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac;

    return temp;


    double calc_pres(double mac,double gamma)



    double temp=1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac;

    double pres=pow(temp,(gamma/(gamma-1)));

    return pres;


    double calc_dens(double mac,double gamma)


    double temp=1+((gamma-1)/2)*mac*mac;

    double dens=pow(temp,(1/(gamma-1)));

    return dens;


    double calc_subsonic_mac(double tarea,double gamma)

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    //0 to 1 region

    double mac1=0;

    double mac2=1;

    double mid,carea,error;













    return mid;


    double calc_supersonic_mac(double tarea,double gamma)


    //1- infinity region

    double mac1=1;

    double mac2=2;

    double mid,carea,error;





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    //add other condition also






    return mid;


    int main()


    double xth,yth,throat_area,m,tarea,carea,error,gamma=1.4,t,p,d,x[1000],y[1000];

    int i,ch,ncords;

    FILE *fptr=fopen("nozzle.txt","r");

    FILE *fptr2=fopen("results.txt","w");

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    fprintf(fptr2,"%lf %lf SUB %lf %lf %lf %lf



    else if(x[i]>xth)









    printf("\n\nSuperSonicMac: %lf \nTemp_ratio : %lf \n Pres_ratio : %lf\n Dens_ratio: %lf\n

    area_ratio: %lf ",m,t,p,d,tarea);

    fprintf(fptr2,"%lf %lf SUP %lf %lf %lf %lf











    printf("\n\nThroat Mac: %lf \nTemp_ratio : %lf \n Pres_ratio : %lf\n Dens_ratio: %lf\n

    area_ratio: %lf ",m,t,p,d,tarea);

    fprintf(fptr2,"%lf %lf THR %lf %lf %lf %lf







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    Nozzle Contours

    X(m) Y(m)

    0 0.4

    0.212 0.2

    1.70494 0.6

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    5.1 Overview of CFD:

    Over the last twenty to thirty years considerable progress has been achieved, and the

    field of Computational fluid Dynamics is reaching a mature stage, where most of the basic

    methodology is, and will remain, well established.

    Computational fluid dynamics is one of the branches of fluid mechanics that uses

    numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problem that involve fluid flows.

    Computational fluid dynamics technology will enable you to study the dynamics of things that

    flow. Using CFD, you can built a computational model that represents a system or device that

    you want to study. Then you apply the fluid flow physics and chemistry to this virtual prototype,

    and the software will output a prediction of the fluid dynamics and related physical phenomena.

    Therefore, CFD is a sophisticated computationally-based design and analysis technique. CFD

    software gives you the power to simulate flow of gases and liquids, heat and mass transfer,

    moving bodies, multiphase physics, chemical reaction, fluid-structure interaction and acoustics

    through computer modeling. Using CFD software, you can build a virtual prototype of the

    system or device that you wish to analyze and then apply real-world physics and chemistry to the

    model, and the software will provide you with images and data, which predict the performance

    of that design. CFD is predicting what will happen, quantitatively, when fluids flow, often with

    the complications of simultaneous flow of heat, mass transfer example: perspiration, dissolution,

    phase changes chemical reaction, mechanical movement stresses and displacement of immersed

    or surrounding solids[6].

    Until recently, CFD has only been effectively utilized with in the aerospace and automotive

    industries because of high software costs and powerful computational requirements. With the

    development of computers that have high speed processing capability, it is now possible to run

    the majority of CFD models. CFD can be used in almost all industrial and non- industrial

    applications-starting with aerodynamics and gas turbine design automotive engineering, turbo-

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    machinery, chemical processes, marine engineering, environmental and biomedical engineering,

    metrology, hydrology and oceanography etc.

    5.1.1 Advantages of Computational Fluid Dynamics:

    With the rapid development of digital computers, CFD is poised to remain at the forefront of

    cutting edge research in the sciences of fluid dynamics and heat transfer. Also the emergence of

    CFD as a practical tool in modern engineering practices is steadily attracting much interest and

    appeal. There are many advantages in considering CFD.

    5.2 Use of CFD: Knowing how fluids will flow, and what will be their quantitative effects on

    the solids with which they are in contact, assists:-

    Building-services engineers and architects to provide comfortable and safe human


    Power-plant designers to attain maximum efficiency, and reduce release of pollutants;

    Chemical engineers to maximize the yields from their reactors and processing equipment;

    Land-, air- and marine-vehicle designers to achieve maximum performance, at least cost;

    Risk-and-hazard analysts, and safety engineers, to predict how much damage tostructures, equipment, human beings, animals and vegetation will be caused by fires,

    explosions and blast waves.

    5.2.1Applications of CFD: CFD is used by engineers and scientists in a wide range of field.

    Typical applications include:

    Process industry: Mixing vessels, chemical reactors

    Building services: Ventilation of buildings, such as atriums

    Health and safety: Investigation the effects of fire and smoke

    Motor industry: Combustion modeling, car aerodynamics

    Electronics: Heat transfer within and around circuit boards

    Environmental:Dispersion of pollutants in air or water[6]

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    5.3 Problem Definition:

    Traditionally, the design of the convergent-divergent nozzle is done in order to predict

    the flow parameters. With the recent developments in computational techniques and

    computational fluid dynamics, CFD tools are used to optimize the nozzle design.

    The geometry of nozzle is as fallows

    Figure 5.1- Nozzle geometry


    The basic steps involved in solving any CFD Analysis problem:


    1. Creation of geometry

    2. Mesh generation


    Selection of Physics and Fluid properties4. Specification of Boundary conditions.


    5. Initialization of Solver Control.

    6. Monitoring Convergence.

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    Result Report and visualization-Post process:


    X-Y Plots

    Contour plots

    5.4.1 Preprocess: Creation of geometry:

    The first step in any CFD analysis is the definition and creation of geometry. Several

    sections are created and then lofted to obtain the required shape of the nozzle.

    Figure 5.2- Modeling of nozzle Mesh generation: The second step-mesh generation-constitutes one of the most

    important steps during the pre-process stage after the definition of the domain geometry. CFD

    requires the subdivision of domain into a number of smaller, non-overlapping sub domains in

    order to solve the flow physics within the domain geometry that has been created. This results in

    the generation of mesh of cells overlaying the whole domain geometry. The accuracy of a CFD

    solution is governed by the number of cells in the mesh within the computational domain. In

    general, the provision of a large number of cells leads to the attainment of an accurate solution.

    The nozzle geometry is imported into the ICEM CFD software for meshing. An unstructured

    mesh is created for the nozzle.

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    Figure 5.3 - Mesh model of convergent-divergent nozzle Selection of Physics and Fluid properties:

    The generated mesh is imported to the ANSYS CFX. The flow material is selected as air.

    Domain - Default Domain

    Type Fluid

    Location LIVE


    Air Ideal Gas

    Fluid Definition Material Library

    Morphology Continuous Fluid


    Buoyancy Model Non BuoyantDomain Motion Stationary

    Reference Pressure 1.0000e+00 [bar]

    Heat Transfer Model Total Energy

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    Dept. of ANE, MRCET Page 43 Boundary Condition:

    A CFD user needs to define appropriate boundary conditions that mimic the real physical

    representation of the fluid flow into a solvable CFD problem.

    Figure 5.4- Convergent-divergent nozzle boundary condition

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    Domain Boundaries

    Default Domain

    Boundary - in1

    Type INLET

    Location IN1


    Flow Direction Normal to Boundary Condition

    Flow Regime Subsonic

    Heat Transfer Total Temperature

    Total Temperature 1.1692e+03 [K]

    Mass And Momentum Total Pressure

    Relative Pressure 1.1687e+02 [bar]

    Turbulence Medium Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio

    Boundary - out1

    Type OUTLET

    Location OUT1


    Flow Regime Subsonic

    Mass And Momentum Static Pressure

    Relative Pressure 0.0000e+00 [bar]

    Boundary - Default Domain Default

    Type WALL

    Location ARC1, CONV1, DIV1


    Heat Transfer AdiabaticMass And Momentum No Slip Wall

    Wall Roughness Smooth Wall

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    Dept. of ANE, MRCET Page 45 Solution:

    After specifying the Boundary condition, the CFX solver control is to be initialized to

    obtain the solution. Results Report and Visualization-Post processer:

    The next step after the solution is to post process the results obtained from the CFX solver

    manager. The results are post processed and are presented in the report as: contour plots and x-y


    Figure 5.5 -Mach number contour

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    Figure 5.6 - Plot between the Nozzle length versus Mach number

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    Figure 5.7 - Pressure contour

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    Figure 5.8 - Plot between Nozzle length versus pressure

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    Figure 5.9 - Density contour

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    Figure 5.10- Plot between Nozzle length versus Density

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    Figure 5.11- Temperature contour

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    Figure 5.12- Plot between Nozzle length versus Pressure ratio

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    Figure 5.13 -Plot between Nozzle ratio versus Temperature ratio

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    The below mentioned values are taken from the CFD design analysis with the help probe tool in

    order to check the results

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    The present thesis is on the modeling and analysis of convergent-divergent nozzle in

    CFD and programming for that nozzle with the help of c-programming. To validate the obtained

    results from program code used CFD was used.

    The work is divided into two parts

    1.Program coding for the nozzle contours

    2.Modeling and Analysis of convergent-divergent nozzle in CFD.

    5.1 Program coding for the nozzle contours:

    In this part we were focused on C-language. Program is developed for the nozzle

    contours. The input for the coding is nozzle contours and the output will be the flow parameters

    like pressure ratio, temperature ratio, density ratio. This program is helpful for any kind of nozzle

    contours. Advantage of this program is this can be stored for a long time and output will get

    easily and quickly.

    5.2 Modeling and Analysis of convergent-divergent nozzle:

    The modeling of convergent-divergent nozzle is done with the help of given geometry

    and analysis of that nozzle is completed by applying boundary conditions and CFD tools. This

    Analysis is done for the validation of program code.

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    The coding is extensively being used now a days due to its simplicity and accurate

    results. C is one of the most widely used programming languages of all time. Basically, a

    program has been developed to find out all the parameters of the nozzle and the results obtained

    here are compared with CFD simulation. Both the results are compared as fallows.

    Parameters Coding CFD Error

    Mach number 3.806152 3.8 0.16

    Pressure ratio 116.8682 110.8 5.1923

    Temperature ratio 3.897359 3.8346 1.61029

    The error between the flow parameters like Mach number, Pressure ratio, Temperature

    ratio are calculated.

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    [1] Nozzle Types, Nozzle Functions,

    [2] George P.Suttton, Oscar Biblarz,"Rocket Propulsion Elements", ISBN-978-81-265-2577-


    Edition,Wiley India Private Limited, 2010.

    [3] P.J. Deitel, H.M Deitel,"C - How To Program",ISBN-978-81-203-3495-3,5th

    Edition PHI

    Learning Private Limited, 2009.

    [4] John D.Anderson, Jr,"Modern Compressible Flow With Historical Perspective",

    ISBN:9780071241366, 3rd

    Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education, 2004.

    [5] Convergent-Divergent nozzle,

    [6] CFD,

    [7] Flow through nozzles,

    [8] Operation of de-laval nozzle,

    [9] Isentropic process,