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Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified

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Page 1: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified












AVRIL 2009

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UI\JIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MOI\JTRÉAL Service des bibliothèques


La diffusion de ce mémoire se fait dans le respect des droits de son auteur, qui a signé le formulaire Autorisation de reproduire et de diffuser un travail de recherche de cycles supérieurs (SDU-522 - Rév.01-2006). Cette autorisation stipule que «conformément à l'article 11 du Règlement no 8 des études de cycles supérieurs, [l'auteur] concède à l'Université du Québec à Montréal une licence non exclusive d'utilisation et de publication de la totalité ou d'une partie importante de [son] travail de recherche pour des fins pédagogiques et non commerciales. Plus précisément, [l'auteur] autorise l'Université du Québec à Montréal à reproduire, diffuser, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de [son] travail de recherche à des fins non commerciales sur quelque support que ce soit, y compris l'Internet. Cette licence et cette autorisation n'entraînent pas une renonciation de [la] part [de l'auteur] à [ses] droits moraux ni à [ses] droits de propriété intellectuelle. Sauf entente contraire, [l'auteur] conserve la liberté de diffuser et de commercialiser ou non ce travail dont [il] possède un exemplaire.»

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La réalisation de ce projet est bien loin d'être l'œuvre d'une seule personne. Tout d'abord,

j'aimerais remercier mes directeurs: Richard Cloutier de l'UQAR qui, bien avant le

commencement de cette maîtrise, fut la personne qui m'introduisit avec passion à la

paléontologie et dont les connaissances à propos du site de Miguasha sont si précieuses, et

Ross Stevenson de l'UQAM qui a si bien su me guider avec patience, gentillesse et rigueur

dans les voies parfois mystérieuses de la géochimie.

J'aimerais également rendre hommage à l'ensemble de l'équipe, présente et passée, du parc

national de Miguasha. L'intérêt que vous portez à vos responsabilités, aux trésors de la

Formation d'Escuminac et aux projets de recherche qui s'y penchent n'a pu que renforcer le

respect que je porte à ce site exceptionnel. Je pense spécialement au Dr Sylvain Desbiens

pour ses commentaires constructifs, à Johanne Kerr pour m'avoir donné accès à la salle de

collection du Musée d'histoire naturelle de Miguasha ainsi qu'à Norman Parenti, Jason

Willetti et à mes compagnons fouilleurs pour vos connaissances de terrain et le plaisir partagé

avec vous dans la falaise.

Tout au long de ma maîtrise j'ai également eu la chance de pouvoir compter sur la

disponibilité et le professionnalisme du personnel du département des Sciences de la Terre et

de l'Atmosphère et du GEOTOP-UQAM-McGILL. Je remercie donc le Dr Michel Lamothe

pour m'avoir permis de venir étudier au département, Micheline Lacroix pour toutes les

questions administratives, Raymond Mineau au MEB, Brieuc Lefevbre (UQAM) et Bill

Minarik (Université McGill) pour leur pilotage du La-ICP-MS, Chantal Gosselin lors de la

préparation de présentations orales et finalement Raynald Lapointe pour son aide technique


Pour m'avoir diverti et encouragé lorsque je faiblissais, je dois souligner le soutien

indéfectible de la musique rock, de ma famille et de mes amis, notamment Émilie, France,

Isabelle et Philippe avec qui je pouvais échanger sur notre parcours commun. Des

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remerciements tout particuliers à Mélanie qui fut la toute dernière à m'aider, lors de la mise

en page finale de mon mémoire, à quelques heures de mon dépôt.

À la base de tout, mes parents ont toujours eu à cœur mon bien-être et ont stimulé ma

curiosité. Merci pour tout, de mon premier livre d'enfant portant sur la paléontologie jusqu'à

vos encouragements au cours de mes nombreuses années universitaires. J'ai toujours senti

que vous étiez avec moi.

Finalement, des pensées particulières vont à la personne qui a côtoyé ce projet au quotidien.

Merci Geneviève, toi qui sais si bien me faire sourire et oublier mes soucis. Pour m'avoir

précédé dans les études graduées, tu auras été la meilleure pour m'inspirer et me rassurer tout

au long de ma maîtrise.

À tous, merci.

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1. Introduction 4

1.1. Background 4

1.2. Preservation of pristine Sr isotope signatures in bioapatites 5

1.3. Preservation ofpristine rare earth elements abundances ofbioapatites 7

2. Geological setting 9

3. Material and methods 11

3.1. Sampling 11

3.2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Laser ablation-inductively

coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) 11

3.3. Strontium, neodymium and samarium isotope analyses 12

4. Results 14

4.1 X-ray maps 14

4.2 Sr in bioapatites 16

4.3 REE in bioapatites and diagenetic calcite 21

4.4 Sm-Nd in bioapatites and shales 23

5. Discussion 25

5.1 Diagenetic and paleoenvironmental'considerations for Sr in ichthyoliths 25

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5.2 Diagenetic considerations for REE in ichthyoliths 26

5.3 Do the Nd isotopes reflect seawater? Comparisons with conodonts 26

6. Conclusions 31

7. References 32



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Figure Page

1. Simplified geological map of the Miguasha area (modified from Desbiens et al., 2005) 9

2. X-ray maps of ichthyoliths from the Escuminac Formation. Calcium and phosphorus distribution in the cancellous bone layer of Bothriolepis canadensis (a and b) and in tooth of Eusthenopteron foordi (c and d). bt, bone trabeculae; d, dentine; e, enamel; pc, pulp cavity; s, space; c, calcite 15

3. 87Sr/86S r variation for fish material and diagenetic calcite from the Escuminac Formation. The grey area shows the amplitude of variation of seawater 87Sr/86S r for the Middle Frasnian (Veizer et al., 1999) and the arrow is pointing toward freshwater values. The scale bar represents average 2cr 19

4. 87Sr/86S r variation by tissue type and calcite leaching experiment. The grey area shows the amplitude of variation of seawater 87Sr/86Sr for the Middle Frasnian (Veizer et al., 1999) while the white area encompasses the values obtained for diagenetic calcite used in this study. "Leaching 1-4" refers to progressive leaching of diagenetic calcite, from initial immersion in 0.1 M HNO) ("Leaching 1") to complete dissolution in HCI and HF ("Leaching 4"). The scale bar represents average 2cr 19

5. Covariation between 87Sr/86Sr and Sr concentration for Bothriolepis canadensis and Eusthenopteronfoordi 20

6. Comparison of shale-normalized (NASC) REE concentrations between ichthyoliths and authigenic calcite from the Escuminac Formation 21

7. ENd(t) variation along the Escuminac Formation for Bothriolepis canadensis, Eusthenopteronfoordi and shales. "Tooth" and "Bone" series belong to Eusthenopteronfoordi 27

8. Diagram showing ENd(T) values of ichthyoliths plotted against their Nd concentration. The samp1es differ from the shale from the Escuminac Formation. An hypothetical seawater value is presented as a possible source ofREE uptake during diagenesis 28

9. Sr isotope composition and ENd(T) oftooth and bone from the Escuminac Formation. Sampies exhibit relatively homogeneous ENd(T) in spite of a wide range of 7Sr/86Sr 29

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10. ENd(T) comparison between the material used in this study and sediments and fossils coming form other localities and periods. Black arrows represent the general trend seen in North American shales (see Hurowitz and McLennan, 2005). Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified from Hurowitz and McLennan (2005) 30

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Tableau Page

1. Major element composition of fish tooth enamel, dentine and conodont crown and basal body 15

2. Sr isotope measurements of Miguasha bioapatites and diagenetic calcite 17

3. REE abundances (ppm) for Miguasha fossil material and authigenic calcite 22

4. Sm-Nd isotope data for Miguasha shales and fossil material 24

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Le cadre paléoenvironnemental de la Formation d'Escuminac a été investigué par le biais d'analyses géochimiques (terres rares) et isotopiques (Rb-Sr, Nd-Sm) effectuées sur du matériel fossile et des sédiments de la section type de cette formation. Pour ce faire, des échantillons d'argilite et des ichthyolithes appartenant à cinq espèces de poissons fossiles différentes (le placoderme Bothriolepis canadensis, l'acanthodien Homalacanthus concinnus, l'actinoptérygien Cheirolepis canadensis, le dipneuste Scaumenacia curta et l'ostéolépiforrne Eusthenopteron foordi) et pour lesquels la position stratigraphique est connue ont été étudiés. Les analyses isotopiques furent réal isées en spectrométrie de masse par ionisation thermique et les abondances de terres rares ont été mesurées par ablation laser ICP-MS.

Les résultats obtenus dans cette étude suggèrent que les bioapatites ont subi un certain grade de diagénèse mais qu'il est malgré tout possible d'y récupérer des signatures paléoenvironnementales pertinentes. Le matériel dentaire apparaît plus résistant à l'altération que les os ou les écailles. Les ratios 87Sr/86

Sr des bioapatites varient de 0,70804 à 0,70845. Les signatures les plus sûres sont similaires à la composition isotopique en Sr de l'eau de mer au Frasnien, suggérant un environnement marin ou saumâtre pour la Formation d'Escuminac, sans variation interspécifique ou stratigraphique claire. La majorité des échantillons analysés présentent cependant une déviation significative des valeurs marines vers un signal plus radiogénique. Cette déviation serait le résultat d'échanges post-mortem de Sr entre les fossiles et un fluide diagénétique isotopiquement distinct des eaux dans lesquelles ont vécu les poissons.

Tous les ichthyolithes sont fortement enrichis en terres rares et montrent un patron normalisé au NASC similaire à ceux décrits dans les bioapatites paléozoïques d'origine marine. Les ENd(T) des argilites varient de -4,8 à -6,4, suggerant que de jeunes sources appalachiennes ont dominé la sédimentation détritique tout au long de la mise en place de la Formation d'Escuminac. Une composition isotopique en Nd plus radiogénique (de -2,6 à ­4,6) est obtenue pour les bioapatites. La divergence entre le ENd(T) des sédiments et des fossiles implique la présence d'un autre réservoir de Nd pour les ichthyolithes de la Formation d'Escuminac. Les fossiles de la Formation d'Escuminac portent une composition isotopique en Nd qui les rapproche plus de conodontes de la région baltique que des conodontes nord-américains. Un contact entre le bassin collecteur de la Formation d'Escuminac et l'océan Rhéique est ainsi proposé.

Mots clé: Escuminac, Dévonien, géochimie, paleoenvironnement, diagénèse.

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Depuis plus de 125 ans, l'assemblage fossile de la Formation d'Escuminac (Dévonien

supérieur) a alimenté les études portant sur l'évolution, l'anatomie et la paléoécologie des

vel1ébrés inférieurs, notamment au sujet de la transition cruciale entre les poissons et les

tétrapodes. Cependant, en dépit de cet intérêt scientifique soutenu, aucun cadre

paléoenvironnemental ne fait consensus pour la Formation d'Escuminac. Des données parfois

contradictoires, provenant de la paléontologie, de la sédimentologie et de la géochimie ont

conduit à une gamme d'interprétations paléoenvironnementales allant du milieu lacustre à

l'environnement marin. Jusqu'à maintenant, les études géochimiques se sont concentrées sur

les sédiments de la Formation d'Escuminac. Les signatures géochimiques obtenues par

l'étude de roches sédimentaires étant plutôt tributaires de l'histoire géologique de ces

sédiments, il est préférable d'analyser le matériel fossile si l'on souhaite obtenir des

informations pertinentes sur le milieu de vie des organismes anciens. Ce travail représente la

première investigation géochimique à grande échelle du matériel fossile provenant de la

Formation d'Escuminac.

Ce travail vise dans un premier temps l'étude de la structure interne et de la composition

en éléments majeurs des fragments de poissons fossiles utilisés dans ce projet, afin de vérifier

si la minéralogie originelle est préservée. Une fois cette étape préliminaire réalisée, les

analyses géochimiques et isotopiques peuvent être effectuées sur les fossiles et les sédiments

de la Formation d'Escuminac. Les éléments étudiés sont le strontium (Sr), le rubidium (Rb),

le samarium (Sm), le néodyme (Nd) ainsi que les autres terres rares. Ces analyses visent à

renseigner sur (1) le degré de diagénèse subit par les fossiles de la Formation d'Escuminac,

(2) la paléosalinité du milieu aquatique dans lequel vivait les poissons étudiés, (3) les sources

sédimentaires ayant alimenté le bassin collecteur de la Formation d'Escuminac et (4) le degré

de similitude entre le milieu de vie des poissons de Miguasha et d'autres masses d'eau


Pour réaliser ces objectifs, des échantillons d'argilite et de diverses espèces de poissons

fossiles provenant de la Formation d'Escuminac ont été sélectionnés. Le choix s'est porté sur

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le matériel bien conservé et pour lequel une position stratigraphique précise est connue. Une

fois nettoyés des sédiments encaissants, les échantillons ont été attaqués chimiquement

jusqu'à dissolution puis l'on a isolé les isotopes à l'étude (i.e., Rb, Sr, Sm, Nd) à l'aide de

résines spécifiques. Ces isotopes furent analysés à l'aide d'un TIMS. Finalement, d'autres

fossiles ont été étudiés au microscope électronique à balayage et au La-1CP-MS afin d'en

étudier la structure et la composition en éléments majeurs et en terres rares.

La première section de ce travail présente les notions théoriques impliquées dans cette

étude à propos du comportement du strontium et des terres rares. Suit une description du

cadre géologique de la Formation d'Escuminac puis une présentation de la méthodologie

utilisée. La quatrième section de ce mémoire exposera les résultats obtenus lors des analyses.

Enfin, une interprétation paléoenvironnementale des divers résultats sera proposée.

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Isotopie and geochemical analyses of fossil fish remains and shales from the Upper

Devonian Escuminac Formation (Miguasha, Québec): Paleoenvironmental implications.

Olivier Matton,l,2 Richard Cloutier,u' Ross Stevenson1

IGEOTOP UQAM-McGill and Département des Sciences de la Terre, Université du Québec

à Montréal, c.P. 8888, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, Qc, Canada, H3C 3P8

2Parc national de Miguasha, 231 Miguasha Ouest, c.P. 183, Nouvelle, Qc, Canada, GOC 2EO

3Chaire de paléontologie et biologie évolutive, Université du Québec à Rimouski, 300 allée

des Ursulines, Rimouski, Qc, Canada, G5L 3AI

*Author to whom correspondance should be addressed ([email protected])

Abstract- The paleoenvironmental context of the Middle Frasnian Escuminac Formation was investigated through direct geochemical (rare earth elements) and isotopic (Rb-Sr, Nd-Sm) analyses of fossil material and shales. Shale samples as weil as ichthyoliths of different fish species (placoderm Bothriolepis canadensis, acanthodian Homalacanthus concinnus, actinopterygian Cheirolepis canadensis, dipnoan Scaumenacia curta and osteolepiform Eusthenopteron foordi) coming from the base to the top of the Escuminac Formation were analysed. The isotopic analyses were performed by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TlMS) and the rare earth element abundances were measured by laser ablation lCP-MS.

87 Srl6Sr ratios for ichthyoliths vary from 0.70804 to 0.70845 and overlap with Middle Frasnian seawater Sr isotope composition, though most of the biogenic apatites analyzed show a variable drift from marine values toward a more radiogenic continental signature. This trend is possibly the result of post-mortem Sr exchange between fossils and a fluid isotopicaJly distinct from the waters in which they developed.

AIl ichthyoliths are heavily enriched in rare earth elements with bell-shaped shale­normalized patterns. The ENd(T) of the shales range from -4.8 to -6.4, suggesting that a young Appalachian source dominated the detrital sedimentation for the Escuminac Formation. In contrast, more radiogenic ENd(T) values (ranging from -2.6 to -4.6) were obtained for the ichthyoliths. The discrepancy between shales and ichthyoliths ENiT) implies the presence of a second Nd reservoir for the Escuminac bioapatites. The similarity between Nd isotope compositions of Escuminac fossils and Baltic conodonts versus North American conodonts argues for a close connection between waters of the Rheic Ocean and the Escuminac Formation collector basin.

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1.1. Background

The Middle Frasnian Escuminac Formation (Miguasha, Québec, Canada) is renowned for

(1) the abundance, (2) the quality of preservation and (3) the phylogenetic and evolutionary

importance of its fossils. Since its discovery in 1842, over 19 000 specimens have been

collected from the Miguasha cliffs. The biota includes terrestrial plants, invertebrates (i.e.,

polychaetes, eurypterids, crustaceans, terrestrial scorpions and millipedes) as weil as

vertebrates. Vertebrates are represented by 20 fish species that encompass most of the Late

Devonian vertebrate diversity, with the exception of chondrichthyans or cartilaginous fishes

and tetrapods. The diverse ichthyofauna of the Escuminac Formation has been under

scrutinity for decades, providing invaluable information on the systematic, fine anatomy and

paleoecology of extinct vertebrates (Schultze and Cloutier, 1996; Arsenault et al., 2004;

Burrow, 2005; Janvier et al., 2006).

Reconstructing past habitats is intricately linked to our understanding of life evolution.

For instance, the environment in which the first tetrapods evolved is still disputed (Clack and

Neininger, 2000) and an improved understanding of the early tetrapods habitat would allow a

better conceptualization of the abiotic and biotic framework that favoured the origin of

tetrapods. The Escuminac assemblage includes two taxa sharing anatomical features that 1ink

them to tetrapods, the osteoJepiform Eusthenopteron foordi and the elpistostegalian

Elpistostege watsoni (Cloutier and Ahlberg, 1996), with the latter being considered as the

sister group of tetrapods (Schultze and Arsenault, 1985; Cloutier and Ahlberg, 1996;

Schultze, 1996; Daeschler et al., 2006). Furthermore, resolving the paleoenvironmental

setting of the Escuminac Formation would provide insight into factors that play a role in the

formation of a Konzentrat and Konservat LagersUitte (Parent and Cloutier, 1996) like the

Escuminac Formation.

Devonian üld Red Sandstone fish assemblages have been long considered to have a

freshwater origin and, by extension, so was the Escuminac assemblage (Dineley and

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Williams, 1968; Brideaux and Radforth, 1970; Gray, 1988; Rust et aL, 1989). However, this

paradigm is disputed (Ah1berg, 1989; Schmitz et aL, 1991; Schultze, 1995) and other

interpretations of the depositional environment of the Escuminac Formation have been

proposed: marine (Schmitz et aL, 1991), coastal marine (Schultze and Arsenault, 1985;

Vézina, 1991; Schultze, 1995), transitional (Chidiac, 1989; 1996), marine to brackish

(Schultze and Cloutier, 1996; El Albani et al., 2002) and estuarine (Hesse and Sawh, 1992;

Schultze, 1995; Cloutier et aL, 1996; Maples, 1996). Among these workers, few have used

geochemical parameters in their studies. Studies of the stable isotopes of C, 0, and Band B

concentrations (Chidiac, 1996); Na, F, Sr and La concentrations and Sr isotopes (Schmitz et

al., 1991) and Mg, Ca and Fe concentrations (Vézina, 1991) are ail suggestive of a marine

influence for the Escuminac Formation (El Albani et aL, 2002). With the exception of

Schmitz et al. (1991) who used a single bony fragment, ail the remaining geochemical studies

were performed on the sediments rather than on bioapatites. The goal of this paper is to

address this paleoenvironmental debate through a broader geochemical (rare earth elements)

and isotopie (Sr and Nd) study of fossi1 fish remains and the enclosing sediments of the

Escuminac Formation.

1.2. Preservation of pristine Sr isotope signatures in bioapatites

87Sr is produced by the radioactive decay of 87Rb, which is generally highly abundant in

continental rocks. This means that water from lakes and rivers will normally have higher,

more radiogenic, 87Sr/86Sr ratios that reflect the age and Rb/Sr ratio of the bedrock in the

drainage basin, than seawater (Schmitz et aL, 1991). In addition, because the residence time

of Sr in seawater (4-5 Ma) exceeds the mixing time of ocean water (- J 03 years), oceans have

a uniform Sr isotopie composition at a given time (Dasch and Campbell, 1970). For instance,

the present-day world's oceans possess a homogenous 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7092 (De Paolo

and Ingram, 1985), whereas continental waters have higher and more variable 87Sr/86Sr

ratios, ranging from -0.710 to ~0.730 (Veizer and Compston, 1974; Palmer and Edmond,


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The Sr concentration is also different between seawater and freshwater: Sr in seawater is

generally two orders of magnitude greater than in freshwater (Bryant et al., 1995; Holmden et

al., J997). This large difference leads to difficulties in identifying between mixtures of

seawater and freshwater because even in brackish environments, the freshwater 87Sr/86Sr

signature is often completely overwhelmed by the saltwater signal (Veizer and Compston,

1974; Holmden et al., 1997; Kohn and Cerling, 2002; Holmden and Hudson, 2003).

In paleoenvironmental investigations, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of calcitic and phosphatic

biomineralization can be used as a proxy for the seawater composition because Sr2+ easily

substitutes for Ca2+ in biogenic calcite and apatite owing to their similar ionic radii.

Moreover, it is weil established that Sr is incorporated in vivo in biomineralization without

significant fractionation (Dasch and Campbell, J970; Schmitz et al., J99 J; Koch et al., 1992;

Kaufman et al., 1993), thus recording the Sr-isotopie composition of the environment in

which the animal is living (Shaw and Wasserburg, 1985; Staudigel et al., 1985). A crucial

issue, however, is whether the original signal is preserved after the death of the animal

(Schmitz et al., 1997). The case of bioapatites is relevant. Ichthyoliths (i.e., small fish

remains such as isolated bones, teeth, scaJes) and conodont elements (i.e., small feeding

apparatus of an extinct group of jawless chordates) share a common general mineralogy, a

carbonated form of hydroxyapatite [CalO(C03,P04MOH)2; Trueman and Tuross, 2002]. This

calcium phosphate is thermodynamically unstable and during buriaJ and diagenesis, it may be

wholly or partially altered. During the process of fossilization, the organic components are

lost, increasing the porosity within bioapatites and simultaneously, authigenic mineraIs

precipitate, either in intercrystalline spaces or in larger vascuJar spaces (permineralization),

thus increasing bioapatite density (Trueman and Tuross, 2002). It is this increase in density

that gives stability and stops further exchange between biominerals and their environment

(Trueman and Tuross, 2002). During these processes, trace elements are either removed or

added (e.g., Sr) in the bioapatite (Nelson et al. 1986; Barrat et al., 2000). These processes

lead to the introduction of secondary Sr and a rapid increase in Sr content during early

diagenesis (Schmitz et al., 1991) by up to several thousand ppm in fossil apatite (Staudigel et

al., 1985; Grandjean et al., 1987; Schmitz et al., 1991). Several authors have proposed that

these exchanges can drastically alter biological and environmental signais recorded in vivo

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(Nelson et al., 1986; Bertram et aL, 1992; Holmden et al., 1996, Dufour et aL, 2007). On the

other hand, other workers (Shaw and Wasserburg, 1985; StaudigeJ et al., 1985, Holmden et

al., 1996) suggest that preservation of the original paleoenvironmental signature is possible;

if the bioapatite exchanged little Sr with its burial environment or if it happened when pore

fluids were still in contact with waters in which the organism was living.

In their broad study, Schmitz et al. (1991) analysed the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of placoderm

material (Bothriolepis canadensis) from the Escuminac Formation. However, their analyses

were conducted on a single bony fragment and they bel ieved that the specimen may have

been diagenetically altered. For these reasons they recommended further geochemical

investigations of the Escuminac Formation fauna. Other studies focusing on the sediments of

the Escuminac Formation have also indicated that the Escuminac Formation is diagenetically

altered (Chidiac, 1989; Hesse and Sawh, 1992; El Albani et al., 2002). However, there is no

unequivocal consensus on the degree of aIteration, with El Albani et al. (2002) suggesting a

lower level than Chidiac (1989) and Hesse and Sawh (1992).

1.3. Preservation of pristine rare earth elements abundances in bioapatites

No vital raie is known for the rare earth elements (REE) and they are thus found in very

low concentrations in vivo (Trueman, 1999). However, studies have shown that there is a

spectacular post mortem enrichment of these elements in both recent and ancient bioapatites.

Like Sr, the substitution occurs in the Ca site of apatite. This drastic diagenetic enrichment,

up to 103_106 time their initial concentration in ichthyol iths and conodonts (Wright et al.,

1984; Shaw and Wasserburg, 1985; Holmden et al., 1996), will normally swamp any signal

recorded during the life of the animal. However, it has been noted that the incorporation

happens very quickly, near the water-sediment interface, in modem fish apatite (StaudigeJ et

aL, 1985; E1derfield and Pagett, 1986; Wright et a1., 1987; Martin and Haley, 2000). If the

bioapatites do not reach equilibrium with pore waters during their burial history (Martin and

Haley, 2000), the REE characteristics of bottom water or early diagenetic environment cao

then be recovered (Wright et al., 1984; Staudigel et a1., 1985; Keto and Jacobsen, 1987;

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Wright et aL, 1987; Trueman and Tuross, 2002) giving insights on the evoJution of marine

REE patterns over geological time (Grandjean et aL, 1987; Wright et aL, 1987; Grandjean­

Lécuyer et al., 1993), the redox state of ancient seawater (Wright et aL, 1984; Elderfield and

Pagett, 1986; Hoiser, 1997; Picard et al., 2002; Kemp and Trueman, 2003) and the

provenance of the sediments (Wright, 1995). On the other hand, sorne studies tend to

demonstrate that late diagenetic processes could alter the original signature (Elderfield and

Pagett, 1986; ShoJkovitz et al., 1989; Toyoda and Tokonami, 1990; Holmden et al., 1996).

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- - - - -


The Escuminac Formation is situated on the south coast of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec

(Fig. 1). The main outcrops are located in the 10cality of Miguasha, along the Restigouche

River estuary but, recently, new outcrops have been discovered as much as 40 km inland

from the type section in Miguasha. The type section of the Escuminac Formation is 119 m

thick (Sawh, 1982) and is exposed aJong cliffs that range from 3 to 30 m in height. The

Escuminac Formation conformably overlies the Fleurant Formation, a conglomerate with

sandstone Jenses interpreted as proximal alluvial deposits of early Late Devonian age (Rust et

al., 1989). Together, these two formations form the Miguasha Group (Dineley and Williams,


Figure 1. Simplified geologicaJ map of the Miguasha area (modified from Desbiens et al., 2005).

6630' ...1:>.;;; ~•.. .,. v Qv v






v v v v v 66'30' CHALEURS GROUP

Page 20: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified


The Escuminac Formation is overlain along an angular unconformity by the Mississippian

Bonaventure Formation that is composed of alternating conglomerate and coarse sandstone

(Desbiens et al., 2005). A middle Frasnian (Upper Devonian) age has been assigned to the

Escuminac Formation, based on its miosporal content and fish assemblage (Cloutier et al.,

1996). The main lithologies of the Escuminac Formation are, in decreasing order of

abundance: shale, sandstone, siltstone, laminite and conglomerate. The laminite lithofacies

consists of altemating dark (clay and organic matter) and light (silt-size calcite and quartz)

laminae. This siliciclastic lithofacies has been interpreted as tidal-controlled deposits

(Cloutier et al., in prep.). Leduc and Belles-Isles (1989) divided the formation into 394 beds

of variable thickness, corresponding to major successive lithologica1 changes. The base of the

formation (beds 1-7), corresponds to a shallow water littoral environment subjected to

episodic aerial exposures (Desbiens et al., 2005). The fish remains first appear in bed 8 and

continue to the upper limit of the formation, although their distribution is uneven throughout

the stratigraphic sequence (Cloutier et al., 1996). Fibrous calcite and carbonate concretions

are also found at different levels and are interpreted to be of early diagenetic origin (El

Albani et al., 2002). This is supported by the fact that concretions frequently contain well­

preserved, articulated remains, indicating that carbonate cementation began early and was

completed before decay of the organic parts could occur (Canfield and Raiswell, 1991 a).

Numerous lines of evidence suggest that anoxic/hypoxic conditions prevailed at the water­

sediment interface and in the sediment at different periods of .deposition of the Escuminac

Formation, mainly when laminated lithofacies were formed (Cloutier et al., in prep). The

evidence includes; (1) the abundance of concretions and pyrite (Canfield and Raiswell,

1991a, 1991 b), (2) the absence of bioturbation, (3) the excellent state of preservation of the

fish remains (Canfield and Ra:iswell, 1991 b), (4) the poor diversity of the benthic assemblage,

(5) lack of evidence of macrophagous or scavenger activity, and (6) the repetitiveness of

acanthodian mass mortality events.

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3.1. Sampling

Ali specimens were collected in the type section of the Escuminac Formation during the

summer 2006. Emphasis was given on material for which a precise stratigraphic position was

known in order to investigate potential temporal variations of different geochemical

signatures during the sedimentation in the collector basin of the Escuminac Formation. When

available, complete tooth material was used preferentially; if not, tooth fragments, bones or

scales were picked. Bones and dentine have smaller crystal size (greater surface area for

exchange) and higher organic content than enamel (Trueman and Tuross, 2002). For these

reasons, enamel is considered more resistant to diagenetic overprinting than bone and dentine

(Elliott, 2002). However, tooth enamel from the Miguasha teeth was frequently too thin to

provide sufficient sample for analyses, thus whole teeth were analysed. Ichthyoliths were

mechanically isolated and cleaned of detrital sediments and diagenetic calcite under binocular

microscope using stainless steel instruments and 5% acetic acid. Samples were subsequently

boiled in methanol in order to remove any traces of recent organic contaminants.

3.2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Laser ablation - inductively coupled

plasma - mass spectrometry (LA-lep-MS)

As a preliminary characterization, three teeth from the osteolepifOlm Eusthenopteron

foordi and one dermal bone plate from the placoderm Bothriolepis canadensis were mounted

in epoxy resin in preparation for scanning electron microscopy, X-ray mapping and REE

analysis by laser ablation ICP-MS. X-ray mapping and electron microscope photographs

were obtained using energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses coupled to a Hitachi S­

4300SE/N variable pressure - scanning electron microscope at Université du Québec à

Montréal. The REE analyses were conducted at McGi11 University with a New-Wave UP·213

Laser Ablation System coupled to a PerkinElmerlSCIEX ELAN 6100 DRCpius ICP-MS.

REE data in the fossi 1material were normalized against the Ca content of hydroxyapatite that

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forms the bone and tooth structures and repeated measurements of REE in the NIST-61 0

glass standard yielded average errors that were less than 10% relative standard deviation.

3.3. Strontium, neodymium and samarium isotope analyses

The rest of the fossil material (n = 34), along with the shale samples (n = 6), was used for

Sr, Nd and Sm measurements by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. (TIMS). The

preparation of these sampI es was performed under clean room conditions. Specimens of the

two main species involved in this study (Bothriolepis canadensis and Eusthenopteron foordi)

were selected to represent seven stratigraphic levels: (1) Beds 8-10; (2) 23-28; (3) 39-46; (4)

214-219; (5) 272; (6) 351; (7) 390. In addition, fragments of three additional fish species (the

acanthodian Homalacanthus concinnus, the actinopterygian Cheirolepis canadensis and the

dipnoan Scaumenacia curta), were collected either from level (1) or (6) to investigate

possible interspecific variation in the Sr isotopic ratio.

After cleaning, approximately 20 mg of each sample was weighed, sorne of which were

spiked with a 87Rb·84Sr tracer solution (spike) to determine Rb and Sr concentrations by

isotope dilution and ail samples were spiked with a '49Sm_150Nd solution to determine Nd and

Sm concentrations and correction for production of '43Nd since the time of deposition.

Samples were subsequently dissolved in Savillex™ beakers using 3 M HN03. After

evaporation at about l30°C, dry residues were taken up with 1 ml of 3 M HN03 and then

centrifuged. The resulting solution was passed through a Sr specific resin (Eichrom© Sr-spec­

resin) to isolate the Sr fraction. The rinse from this column was collected and evaporated in

preparation for isolating the REE fraction. The REE were concentrated by passing the

remaining samples through Eichrom© TRU-spec-resin followed by separation of Nd and Sm

using Eichrom© Ln-spec-resin. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of diagenetic calcite was also investigated

using a bony plate from Bothriolepis canadensis in which the median cancellous bone layer

was filled with calcite crystals. The bony plate was immersed in 0.1 M HN03for 30 minutes,

allowing the calcite to partially dissolve, while leaving the bone structure intact. The solution

was then' removed, centrifuged and the Sr fraction was isolated as described above. For

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comparison, three other samples from the same specimen were collected and leached for 60

minutes (0.1 M RN03), 180 minutes and finally until complete dissolution in HCI and HF.

Again, the Sr fraction was separated by the method described above. Finally, Nd and Sm

isotope compositions were determined on shale samples from the same stratigraphic levels

used for the fossils, with the exception of level (2). After being crushed, approximately 0.1 g

of the powdered shale was spiked with a mixed Sm-Nd tracer and dissolved in a Teflon bomb

with 14 M HN03 and concentrated HF over a period of 5-7 days at 150°C. The resulting

solution was evaporated, then redissolved in a small amount of perchloric acid (HCI04) and

evaporated once more in order to convert fluoride salts to chloride salts. The samples were

then taken up in 6N HCl and fluxed ovemight to ènsure dissolution. The solution was then

loaded on a column with anion exchange resin (AG I-X8) in order to remove Fe and then the

REE and Sm and Nd were concentrated using the procedures described above.

Ali isotopic measurements were conducted on a VG SECTOR 54 mass spectrometer at

the Université du Québec à Montréal. The Sr fractions were loaded onto a single Re filament

in a phosphoric acid - tantalum oxide solution and measured in static mode. Replicate

analyses of the Sr standard NBS987 yielded a value of 0.710241 ± 18 (2a, n = 6). The Sm

and Nd fractions were loaded onto Ta side filaments and measured as a triple filament array

with a Re center filament. Sm was analysed in static mode and Nd was measured in dynamic

mode. Replicate analyses of the Nd standard JNdi-1 yielded a value of 0.512153 ± II (2o, n

= 10) during the period ofthis study. This value is higher than the accepted value of 0.512115

± 7 for JNdi-1 (Tanaka et aL, 2000) and thus ail Nd analyses were normalized to this

accepted value.

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4.1. X-ray maps

The results of scanning electron microscopy of representative Bothriolepis canadensis

and Eusthenopteron foordi biomineralizations used in this study are given in Figure 2 and

Table 1. Figure 2 shows X-ray maps for Ca and P for each specimen produced by energy

dispersive (EDX) analyses with the percent abundances for the elements given in Table 1

along with the CaiP ratios. The abundance of Ca and P in both specimens is consistent with

the calcium phosphate/apatite composition of fossil bone and tooth material. The X-ray

mapping reveals the bony structure of the cancellous bone layer of Bothriolepis plate (Fig.

2a, b) in which calcium is found in both the bony wall (the bone trabecuJae; Burrow, 2005)

and the spaces and phosphorus is concentrated in bone trabeculae. This suggests that the bone

trabeculae are composed of apatite while the spaces are filled with calcite.

The pulp cavity of the tooth of Eusthenopteron foordi is also filled with secondary calcite

(Fig. 2c). Both calcium and phosphorus are found in the dentine and enamel of the tooth (Fig.

2c, d) with CaiP ratios (~ 2) indicative of stôichiometric apatite and comparable to CaiP

values of Ordovician conodonts (Holmden et al., 1996) and teeth (Weatherell and Robinson,


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Figure 2. X-ray maps of ichthyoliths from the Escuminac Formation. Calcium and phosphorus distribution in the cancellous bone layer of Bothriolepis canadensis (a and b) and in tooth of Eusthenopteron foordi (c and d). bt, bone trabeculae; d, dentine; e, enamel; pc, pulp cavity; s, space; c, calcite.

Table 1. Major element composition of fish tooth enamel, dentine and conadont crown and basal body.

Material Ca (wt%) P (wt%) Ca/P This study (2008)

Enamel site 1 38.8 19.4 2.0 Dentine site 1 32.0 14.4 2.22

Weatherell and Robinson (1973) Ename1 37.6 18.3 2.05 Dentine 40.3 18.6 2.17

Holmden et al. (1996) Conodont crown 37.6 17.7 2.12 Conodontbasalbody 33.0 13.9 2.37

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Studies of hydroxyapatite in fossil bone and fish teeth indicate that CaiP ratios vary between

1.67 and 2.2 and that ratios above or below these values are either altered or contain

admixtures of secondary minerais (quartz, calcite; Nemliher et al., 2004). These values argue

in favour of preservation of the apatitic composition of both bone and tooth from the

Escuminac Formation with addition of diagenetic calcite in pore spaces. The banded pattern

evident in the tooth (Fig. 2c, d) likely reflects the growth of dental tissue.

4.2. Sr in bioapatites

The 87Sr/86Sr ratio along with selected Sr concentrations for Bothriolepis canadensis,

Homalacanthus concinnus, Cheirolepis canadensis, Scaumenacia curta, Eusthenopteron

foordi and diagenetic calcite are given in Table 2. Stratigraphie variation of 87Sr/86Sr for five

fish species and for different types of material are shown respectively in Figure 3 and Figure

4. Individual samples are shown in Figure 4, whereas Figure 3 depicts, where possible, the

average of values obtained for the same species in a single bed. This explains the greater

dispersion of values seen in Fig. 4.

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Table 2. Sr isotope measurements of Miguasha bioapatites and diagenetic calcite. Sam le name Material Bed Hei he Sr( m) 87Sr/86Sr (20)

Bothriolepis canadensis

Bot 8A bone 8 5.1 1650 0.70829 (2)

Bot 10A bone 10 6.2 / 0.70834 (2)

Bot 24A bone 24 10.0 / 0.70832 (3)

Bot 26,5A bone 26 10.3 / 0.70839 (2)

Bot 36A bone 36 13.7 / 0.70830 (2)

Bot 39A . bone 39 15.0 / 0.70836 (2)

Bot 218A bone 218 53.8 2389 0.70834 (2)

Bot 219A bone 219 54.6 0.70831 (2)

Bot272A bone 272 67.5 3217 0.70823 (2)

Bot 272B bone 272 67.5 / 0.70831 (2)

Bot351 (l33)A bone 351 87.2 / 0.70827 (2)

Bot351 (133)B bone 351 87.2 2751 0.70829 (2)

Bot 386-394A bone 390 114.7 / 0.70829 (2)

Bot stensioA bone 390 114.7 2310 0.70839 (2)

Eusthenopteron foordi

Eus 8B tooth 8 5.1 1771 0.70815 (1)

Dent 4 tooth 8 5.1 2913 0.70830 (2)

Eus 23A tooth 23 9.8 / 0.70830 (2)

Eus 28A tooth 28 10.6 / 0.70833 (2)

Dent 5 tooth 44 15.8 2095 0.70821 (2)

Eus 46A tooth 46 17.1 2471 0.70804 (1)

Eus 214A bone 214 51.9 3696 0.70829 (2)

Eus 214B bone 214 51.9 / 0.70845 (2)

Dent 3 tooth 272 67.5 2328 0.70815 (2)

Eus 351 (165)A tooth 351 86.8 / 0.70825 (2)

Eus 351 (l33)A bone 351 87.2 / 0.70827 (2)

Eus stensioA bone 390 114.7 / 0.70829 (2)

Eus stensioB bone 390 114.7 / 0.70832 (2)

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Dent 6 tooth unknown unknown 2760 0.70827 (1)

Cheirolepis canadensis

Che8A bone 8 5.1 / 0.70823 (1)

Che 8B bone 8 5.1 / 0.70824 (2)

Homalacanthus concinnus

Hom8A scales 8 5.1 / 0.70825 (2)

Hom8B bone 8 5.1 / 0.70842 (2)

Scaumenacia curta

Seau 351 (165)A bone 351 86.8 / 0.70830 (2)

Seau 351B bone 351 86.8 / 0.70829 (2)

Authigenic calcite

Bot218 calc1 authigenic 218 53.8 / 0.70831 (2)


Bot218 calc2 authigenic 218 53.8 / 0.70830 (2)


Bot218 calc3 authigenic 218 53.8 / 0.70826 (2)


Bot218 calc4 authigenic 218 53.8 / 0.70832 (2)


(a) Heigbt (in meters) based on the stratigraphie column of Sawh (1982). (f) Not measured.

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Figure 3. 87Sr/86Sr variation for fish material and diagenetic calcite from the Escuminac Formation. The grey area shows the amplitude of variation of seawater 87Sr/86Sr for the Middle Frasnian (Veizer et al., 1999) and the arrow is pointing toward freshwater values. The scale bar represents average 2u.

Frasnian seawater 120 --0- B. canadensis

-0- E. (oordi

____ H. concinnus100

§: --.- C. canadensis

III -+-S. cuita80III G) __ Diagenetic calcite .>t: 0 60:E

c: ....1­




0.70800 0.70810 0.70820 0.70830 0.70840 0.70850


Figure 4. 87Sr/86Sr variation by tissue type and calcite leaching experiment. The grey area shows the amplitude of variation of seawater 87Sr/86Sr for the Middle Frasnian (Veizer et al., 1999) while the white area encompasses the values obtained for diagenetic calcite used in this study. "Leaching 1-4" refers to progressive leaching of diagenetic calcite, from initial immersion in 0.1 M HN03 ("Leaching 1") to complete dissolution in Hel and HF ("Leaching 4"). The scale bar represents average 2u.

Diagenetic calcite D Bone Frasnian seawater 120 D D 0• Tooth

o Scales100

... Leaching 1 IID [][Ill Leaching 2 4

CIl 80CIl Leaching 3 CIl l: 6. Leaching 4 0 0 .li: 60

• .!::! ~ D~~D D1­


20 • • D DDt []lJ:D D D

0 • ­0.70800 0.70810 0.70820 0.70830 0.70840 0.70850

Page 30: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified


The overall 87Sr/86Sr variation ranges from 0.70804 to 0.70845. Eusthenopteron teeth are

the only fossil material to fall within or near Frasnian seawater values (Fig. 3, 4). Ali other

species and materials fall above seawater values. The 87Sr/86Sr of Bothriolepis canadensis

bone is similar to the ratio measured by Schmitz et al. (1991) for a single plate from the

Escuminac Formation (0.708382). The diagenetic calcite values indicate that the first leach of

the calcite is radiogenic (0.70831), whereas subsequent leaches are less radiogenic (0.70825­

0.70829). The final dissolution ("Leaching 4") of the calcite returns to a radiogenic value

similar to the initial leach (0.70832). Figure 5 shows 87Sr/86Sr ratios compared with Sr

concentrations in representative samples of Bothriolepis canadensis and Eusthenopteron

foordi. There is no consistent trend between 87Sr/86Sr and Sr concentration. This likely

reflects disturbance of the Sr isotope system owing to addition of Sr from diagenetic fluids.

Figure 5. Covariation between 87Sr/86Sr and Sr concentration for Bothriolepis canadensis and Eusthenopteron foordi.


• Eusthenopteron foordi

0.70840 o Bothriofepis canadensis 0

... CI)


0.70830 0


CI • • -.: ~ 0.70820 • o

• • 0.70810

0.70800 •

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Sr (ppm)

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4.3. REE in bioapatites and diagenetic calcite

The REE concentrations in ichthyoliths and diagenetic calcite are given in Table 3. REE

profiles for Eusthenopteron teeth, Bothrio/epis plates and diagenetic calcite are shown in

Figure 6. The REE abundances are normalized against the North American Shale Composite

(NASe). The profiles for the fossil material form a distinctive bell-shaped pattern found in

many marine bioapatites (Wright et al., 1984; Grandjean et al., 1987; Wright et al., 1987;

Bertram et al., 1992; Reynard et al., 1999; Kemp and Trueman, 2003). The REE profile of

the diagenetic calcite is reJatively fiat and 1-2 orders of magnitude 1ess enriched than the

bioapatites. There is no correlation between REE content and stratigraphie position within the

Escuminac Formation.

Figure 6. Comparison of shale-normalized (NASC) REE concentrations between ichthyoliths and authigenic calcite from the Escuminac Formation.



u rf)

<: ~ 10 C­E

rf) '"

Diagenetic calcite


La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd lb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu


Page 32: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified

Table 3. REE abundances (ppm) for Miguasha fossi! material and authigenic calcite.

Sample name

Species Material La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Dent 2 E.foordi tooth 2383 10474 1609 7859 1591 342 1123 119 475 69 117 10 41 5

Dent 7 E.foordi tooth 1583 7350 1320 7389 1935 382 1646 183 723 98 153 Il 42 4

Dent 8 E.foordi tooth 2039 6876 1035 5093 1041 198 828 92 394 58 103 9 36 4


B. canadensis bane 1895 8272 1321 6985 1718 366 1426 163 656 93 154 11 45 6


E. canadensis authigenic calcite

15 47 5 23 6 2 6 1 8 2 4 1 3 0


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4.4. Sm-Nd in bioapatites and shales

The results for the Sm-Nd analyses of representative Eusthenopteron teeth and bone and

Bothriolepis plates from different stratigraphie levels are given in Table 4 along with

analyses of sediments (shales/siltstones) from the same level. The Sm and Nd concentrations

in the fossil material range from 800 to 1800 ppm and 4000 to 7100 ppm, respectively. These

concentrations are consistent with those determined by LA-lep-MS (Table 3). The

147Sm/J44Nd ratios range from 0.117 to 0.164 and initial eNd values (at 380 Ma; Gradstein et

al., 2004) range between -2.6 and -4.6. The host sediments have Sm (5-8 ppm) and Nd (26­

37 ppm) concentrations and '47Sm;I44Nd ratios (0.123-0.136) typical of crustal rocks (Taylor

and McLennan, 1985). The initial eNd values of the sediments range between -4.8 to -6.4 and

are lower than eNd values of the fossil material.

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Table 4. Sm-Nd isotope data for Miguasha shales and fossil material.

Sample name MateriaJ Bed Height8 Nd (ppm) Sm (ppm) 147Nd/I44Nd 143Nd/I44Nd (2a) ~iT)b TOMe

Bothriolepis canadensis

Bot 8A bone 8 5.1 4206 846 0.1216 0.512240 (9) -4.1 1.5

Bot 39A bone 39 15.0 5563 1080 0.1174 0.512284 (14) -3.1 1.4

Bot 218A bone 218 53.8 5022 1174 0.1413 0.512304 (8) -3.8 1.8

Bot 272A bone 272 67.5 4617 1225 0.1604 0.512373 (8) -3.4 2.2

Bot351(133)A bone 351 87.2 5720 1507 0.1593 0.512413 (13) -2.6 2.1

Bot 386-394A bone 390 114.7 6636 1793 0.1633 0.512369 (12) -3.6 2.4

Eusthenopteron foordi

Eus8B tooth 8 5.1 4021 823 0.1237 0.512219 (9) -4.6 1.6

Eus46A tooth 46 17.1 7099 1649 0.1404 0.512264 (26) -4.6 1.8

Eus 214B bone 214 51.9 5506 1152 0.1265 0.512243 (10) -4.3 1.6

Eus 351(133)A bone 351 87.2 6279 1701 0.1638 0.512369 (10) -3.7 2.4

Eus stensioA bone 390 114.7 6479 1744 0.1627 0.512407 (12) -2.9 2.2


Shale 8.8 shale 8 5.1 26 5 0.1233 0.512126 (10) -6.4 1.7

ShaJe 46.8 sha1e 46 17.1 29 6 0.1257 0.512191 (9) -5.3 1.7

Shale 219.4 shale 219 54.6 35 7 0.1283 0.512183 (Il) -5.6 1.7

Shale 272.1 A shaJe 272 67.5 36 8 0.1357 0.512242 (13) -4.8 1.8

Shale 351(165) shale 351 86.8 30 6 0.1224 0.512131 (9) -6.3 1.7

Shale 393 shaJe 393 116.6 37 8 0.1291 0.512185 (7) -5.6 1.7

(a) Height (in meters) based on the stratigraphie eolumn of Sawh (1982). (b) Age for ENd(T) ealeulation is 380 Ma. (e) Depleted mantle model ages (TDM) ealeulated assuming a linear depleted mantle after Jacobsen (1988).

N +>­

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5.1. Diagenetic and paleoenvironmental considerations for Sr in ichthyoliths

The high Sr content measured in the bioapatites from the Escuminac Formation indicate

that there has been significant post-mortem uptake of this element (Nelson et al. 1986). The

question is whether this uptake has altered the original isotopic signatures of the fossil

material. For the same stratigraphic level, different ichthyoliths carry different Sr isotope

compositions (Fig. 3). There are two potential explanations: different ratios reflect (1)

different signatures recorded originally in vivo (and thus different environments exploited by

the fish species), or either (2) different degrees of diagenetic alteration of the pristine

signature. For many reasons, the second hypothesis is more plausible. Firstly, the lowest

ratios are found in teeth (Fig. 4), a material considered less prone to post-mortem alteration

(Trueman and Tuross, 2002). Secondly, many other biogenic samples used in the present

study have 87Sr/86Sr ratios equivalent to, or even more radiogenic than calcite formed under

diagenetic conditions. Thirdly, biogenic apatites that belong to the same species and coming

from the same bed sometimes carry strongly different 87Sr/86Sr (e.g., Eusthenopteronfoordi

in bed 8). These results suggest that the majority of specimens used in this study have

experienced diagenesis to a certain extent. This alteration is likely owing to post-mortem

interaction between ichthyoliths and a fluid isotopically distinct from the waters in which

they developed. As noted by Martin and Scher (2004), the deviation is normally toward more

radiogenic values when the biogenic apatites are hosted by silicate rocks. The Miguasha

samples are consistent with this model. The lowest 87Sr/86Sr are found in the Eusthenopteron

teeth. This likely reflects the fact that the teeth are overall less porous than bone (Trueman

and Tuross, 2002) and infilling of the pore spaces by sediments and diagenetic calcite would

lead to higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Slightly higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the other bioapatites might be

due to the presence of trace amounts of sediments and calcite in the pore spaces or to a

greater interaction with pore waters. Given that the lowest values, considered more reliable,

overlap the Frasnian seawater Sr composition and that most of the Sr isotopic variation is

close to seawater values, a marine influence cannot be discounted and may be more likely,

suggesting a brackish to marine environment for the Escuminac Formation. In comparing the

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Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86S r ratios, there is no clearly defined trend that would indicate

mixing of fresh and saltwater (Fig. 5). Owing to the variable degree of diagenesis

experienced by the ichthyoliths used in this study, it is risky to concJude on any interspecific

or stratigraphic variation of the Sr composition.

5.2. Diagenetic considerations for REE in ichthyolitbs

The high REE contents of the bone and teeth material refiect the uptake of REE during

diagenesis (Wright et al., 1984; Shaw and Wasserburg, 1985). Again, the question is whether

this uptake has altered the original ENd value. The bell-shaped profiles of ichthyoliths (Fig. 6;

NASe normalized) are consistent with the profiles found in a number of Paleozoic marine

bioapatites (Wright et al., 1984; Grandjean et al., 1987; Wright et al., 1987; Bertram et al.,

1992; Reynard et al., 1999; Kemp and Trueman, 2003) and are distinguished from the REE

profile of diagenetic calcite that is fiat and shows lower total REE abundances. The fiat

pattern is typical of shale and suggests that the enclosing sediments are the major source of

REE during calcite growth. The similar shapes of the REE profiles for the bone and teeth

suggest that the REE enrichment is taxon-independent and dependent only on the diagenetic


5.3. Do the Nd isotopes reflect seawater? Comparison with conodonts

The GNd values of the Escuminac sediments yield values comparable to other sediments

shed as a result of the Taconian and Acadian orogenies (Eriksson et al., 2004; Hurowitz et al.,

2005). Although there are small Nd isotopic variations within the sequence, no drastic GNd(T)

shift is seen in the shales along the stratigraphic sequence (Fig. 7).

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Figure 7. êNd(t) vanatlon along the Escuminac Formation for Bothriolepis canadensis, Eusthenopteron foordi and shales. "Tooth" and "Bone" series belong to Eusthenopteronfoordi.

120 Bone Shale


80l Bothriolepis canadensis 1: Cl 60

'Cii J:



0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0

This suggests that sediment sources were relatively stable throughout deposition of the

Escuminac Formation and were dominated by the erosion of the young Acadian

Appalachians (Hesse and Sawh, ]992; Prichonnet et al., 1996). However, the êNd(T) are more

radiogenic for the Escuminac fossils (-2.6 to -4.6) than for the sediments. The difference in

êNd(T) of shale and fossil material suggest the presence of at least two Nd reservoirs, one of

which is Appalachian sediments and the other bearing a more radiogenic signature. Plots of

êNd(T) and Nd concentration in fossil material (Fig. 8) also appear to suggest a trend that is

consistent with mixing between two reservoirs; one reservoir that is 1ess radiogenic with

lower êNiT) and low Nd concentration, and a second reservoir with higher êNiT) and much

higher Nd concentration. The high Nd content suggests that the second reservoir is the ,

diagenetic fluid, but to what does it owe its Nd isotope composition? The fact that it is more

radiogenic than the sediments suggests that the isotopie composition of the fossils reflects, at

least in part, the isotopie composition of the seawater. Figure 8 illustrates that if the post­

mortem REE uptake is done in equilibrium with seawater, then, the isotopie composition may

be preserved.

Page 38: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified


Figure 8. Diagram showing ëNd(T) values of ichthyoliths plotted against their Nd concentration. The samples differ from the shale from the Escuminac Formation. An hypotheticaJ seawater value is presented as a possible source of REE uptake during diagenesis.


-1.0 Diagenetic uptake ______...;.;;:.;."",,;.~...:;.,;,,;.....;.. ...... Diagenetic fluid Seawater?



~ ç­-", -4.0

z w -5.0


Mixing curves

0 o

• -60 15hale 1

-7.0 • Eusthenopteron (oordi

o Bothriolepis canadensis

-8.0 o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Nd (ppm)

The sinusoidal variation in ëNd(T) of the placoderm remains with respect to their stratigraph ic

position (Fig. 7) mimics that of the sediments and likely reflects the presence of sedimentary

(silicate?) material that was not completely removed during cleaning. The absence of a

sinusoidal pattern among the osteolepiform teeth is likely because teeth are more easily

cleaned. The difference in ëNd(T) between the bone and teeth is intriguing. The difference is

unlikely to be due to incomplete cleaning because the placoderm fragments are more

radiogenic. Could the difference in composition reflects different initial Nd isotope

compositions for different species living in different water masses (e.g., pelagic vs. benthic)?

Further tooth analyses are required to investigate this phenomenon.

A plot of the ëNd(T) values vs 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Miguasha fossil material (Fig. 9) also

potentially shows mixing between two reservoirs, one sedimentary and the other possibly

marine. The bone material of both fossil species show a broad negative correlation from high

143Nd/144Nd, low 87Sr/86Sr to low 143Nd/144Nd, high 87Sr/86Sr. This latter component is the

Appalachian sediment end of the mixing curve, whereas the high 143Nd/144Nd, low 87Sr/86Sr

component trends towards what may have been seawater values. The sediment contamination

Page 39: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified


may be largely owing to the presence of sediment still trapped within pores and fractures in

the bones and teeth. There are only two tooth samples for which both Nd and Sr isotope data

are available so there is no clear correlation on this diagram. However, the displacement of

the Eusthenopteron teeth compared to the bony material of the same species is significant.

Note that the Nd isotope compositions of the more porous bone material of Eusthenopteron

overlap with the bone material of Bothriolepis canadensis.

Figure 9. Sr isotope composition and êNd(T) of tooth and bone from the Escuminac Formation. Samples exhibit relatively homogeneous êNd(T) in spite of a wide range of 87Sr/86Sr.

0.0 ,-------------------------------,


-2.0 Seawater? Bone

-3.0 o

~ ~

z w


-50 • Tooth

• Appalachian

-6.0 sediments



0.70800 0.70810 0.70820 0.70830 0.70840 0.70850


It is relevant (Fig. 10) that êNd(T) values of bioapatites from the Escuminac Formation are

similar (-2.6 to -4.6) to those recorded in Late Devonian conodonts from Variscan oceanic

water (-1.1 to -6.5; Dopieralska et al., 2006). This oceanic realm was situated during the

Devonian between Euramerica and Gondwana and included in its western portion the Rheic

Ocean, which was bordering the eastern coast of Euramerica (Dopieralska et al., 2006). The

radiogenic compositions of the Miguasha ichthyoliths may, thus, represent the diagenetic

fluids in isotopie equilibrium with the Rheic Ocean water. These radiogenic signatures are

also consistent with the erosion of a tectonically active region such as the eastern margin of

Euramerica during the Devonian. The êNd(T) values of North American conodonts are

similar to those of the Miguasha sediments and post-Taconic Appalachian sediments in

Page 40: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified


general (Fig. 10). The contrastingly more radiogenic cNd(T) values of the Miguasha fossils

likely reflect the difference between a restricted epieric sea that received Nd (detrital and

dissolved) from both the emerging Appalachian and older exposed continental rocks, and a

more open marine environment on the Rheic Ocean as represented by the Miguasha fossils

that received Nd largely from orogenic terranes. Decoupling of Nd isotope compositions

between epicontinental seas and bordering oceans owing to restricted water circulation has

been suggested in geochemical investigations of Paleozoic bioapatites (Holmden et al., 1998;

Dopieralska et al., 2006). Considering the Nd isotope compositions, fossi 1 fishes from

Miguasha have more in common with Baltic conodonts than North American conodonts. This

connection is also supported by paleontological data. The Escuminac Formation ichthyofauna

is considered to be closer to fish assemblages from Scottish and Baltic sequences rather than

to other North American ichthyofaunas (Schultze and Cloutier, 1996) supporting the same

aquatic connectivity suggested by the present study.

Figure 10. cNd(T) comparison between the material used in this study and sediments and fossils coming form other localities and periods. Black arrows represent the general trend seen in North American shales (see Hurowitz and McLennan, 2005). Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified from Hurowitz and McLennan (2005).

0,0 .------------.-...--------------------, o Escuminac Formation (fossils) f:,. Escuminac Formation (shale)

-4,0 • North American conodonts Il •-8,0 ­


..~Oland C~OOi· '1 -12,0 w


-20,0 -

-24,0 '--­ ~ ~""--- •

• •


'__ __'__ ---J

350 400 450 500 550 600


Page 41: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified


The present study demonstrates that relevant paleoenvironmental information can be

recovered through geochemical (rare earth elements) and isotopie (Rb-Sr, Nd-Sm) analyses

of bioapatites and sediments from the Escuminac Formation. The main conclusions of this


1. The freshwater hypothesis is not supported by Sr isotope composition of bioapatites.

Although most samples show a deviation toward more freshwater ratios, sorne tooth

material is comparable to typical Frasnian seawater 87Sr/86Sr compositions. The

signatures recorded in teeth are considered more reliable than those found in more easily­

altered structures such as porous bones and scales. The 87Sr/86Sr signature is more

dependent on the nature of the fossil material (i.e., teeth, bone, scales) than by its

stratigraphie position or its taxonomie affinity. A brackish to marine environment is

suggested by 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the ichthyoliths.

2. A significant post-mortem REE uptake occured in the Miguasha fossils. This diagenetic

enrichment is partially derived from the enclosing sediments, as suggested by REE

patterns in diagenetic calcite and similar cNd(T) fluctuation along the Escuminac

Formation for shales and Bothriolepis bony plates.

3. As suggested by shale cNd(T) values, the detrital sedimentation in the Escuminac

Formation was dominated by sources typical of post-Taconian Appalachians.

4. Differences between shale and fossil material cNd(T) values implies the presence of at

least two Nd sources for ichthyoliths, the first of them being the sediments. We suggest

that a second reservoir is seawater. During diagenesis, a significant Nd uptake from

seawater oeeurs. If this uptake is done in equilibrium with seawater, the Nd isotope

composition of seawater will be preserved in ichthyoliths. This might explain the

similarity observed between cNd(T) for Miguasha fossils and other Upper Devonian

marine bioapatites belonging to the Variscan oceanic realm. This homogeneity between

bioapatites cNctCT) values from Rheic Ocean and Miguasha implies a Rheic Ocean

component within the Escuminae Formation.

Page 42: Analyses isotopiques et géochimiques menées sur les ... · Data for conodonts are taken in Wright (1995; for North America) and Dopieralka et al. (2006; for Poland). Figure modified


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Ce travail visait à investiguer le cadre paléoenvironnemental de la Formation

d'Escuminac au moyen d'analyses géochimiques (terres rares) et isotopiques (Rb-Sr, Nd-Sm)

effectuées sur du matériel fossile provenant du site fossilifère de Miguasha. Les objectifs

étaient d'étud ier :

(1) le degré de salinité de milieu de vie des poissons fossiles;

(2) les profils de terres rares des apatites biogéniques et des sédiments;

(3) la possible variation interspécifique et stratigraphique des précédents aspects;

(4) le degré de diagénèse subit par les fossiles;

(S) la structure et la composition en éléments majeurs des bioapatites;

(6) les sources sédimentaires de la Formation d'Escuminac.

Pour ce faire, six échantillons d'argilite et 34 ichthyolithes appartenant à cinq espèces de

poissons fossiles différentes (le placoderme Bothriolepis canadensis, l'acanthodien

Homalacanthus concinnus, l'actinoptérygien Cheirolepis canadensis, le dipneuste

Scaumenacia curta et l' ostéolépiforme Eusthenopteron foordi) ont été prélevés de la section

type de la Formation d'Escuminac. Ces échantillons furent préparés en salles blanches puis

étudiés en microscopie électronique, cartographie des rayons X, ablation laser lCP-MS et

spectrométrie de masse par ionisation thermique.

Les dents et les os fossilisés, bien que renfermant des cristaux authigènes de calcite

indicateurs d'une altération diagénétique, ont conservé leur minéralogie à base de phosphate

de calcium. Les dents fossilisées présentent les plus faibles ratios 87Sr/86Sr obtenus dans cette

étude. Ces valeurs, considérées comme les moins altérées, correspondent à une eau saumâtre

à salée et suggèrent une influence marine marquée pour le paléoenvironnement de la

Formation d'Escuminac. La signature 87Sr/86Sr des bioapatites semble plus influencée par la

nature du matériel (i.e., dent, os, écaille) que par sa position stratigraphique ou son affinité

taxonomique. Il serait hasardeux pour le moment de s'aventurer à toute considération

stratigraphique ou taxonomique, tant que la comparaison n'est pas fait entre des ichthyolithes

de même nature. Les shales de la Formation d'Escuminac possèdent un composition

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isotopique en Nd typiques des sédiments appalachiens post-taconiens. Les bioapatites

étudiées ici présentent un fort enrichissement en terres rares, qui semble en partie tributaire

des sédiments encaissants. Cependant, la divergence entre la composition isotopique en Nd

des shales et des fossiles suggèrent l'Influence d'un autre réservoir de Nd pour les fossiles.

Ce réservoir serait une eau de mer partageant une composition isotopique similaire à celle de

l'océan Rhéïque, impliquant un contact direct entre cet océan et le bassin collecteur de la

Formation d'Escuminac.

Cette étude démontre que le matériel fossile de la Formation d'Escuminac se prête bien

aux études géochimiques. Au terme de ce travail, plusieurs avenues de recherche n'ayant pas

été explorées dans le cadre de cette maîtrise apparaissent fort intéressantes. D'abord, toute

investigation s'intéressant à la récupération de signatures fidèles au milieu de vie des

organismes devrait se concentrer sur le matériel dentaire, particulièrement l'émail. Il s'agit de

la biominéralisation la plus résistante à l'altération diagénétique. D'autre part, toute nouvelle

étude géochimique utilisant les mêmes traceurs environnementaux que ceux utilisés ici

permettrait d'augmenter la résolution et la robustesse des signaux paléoenvironnementaux de

la Formation d'Escuminac. Il serait particulièrement intéressant de combler les vides

stratigraphiques de la présente étude afin de mieux investiguer la possible variation

temporelle des signatures paléoenvironnementales. Le champ d'investigation le plus

prometteur nous apparaît cependant être celui des possibles variations spatiales des

signatures, avec la découverte récente de nouveaux affleurements de la Formation

d'Escuminac situés jusqu'à 40 km de la section type à Miguasha. La géochimie pourrait être

mis à profit au même titre que la sédimentologie, la stratigraphie, la palynologie et la

paléoichthyologie dans une étude pluridisciplinaire des extensions latérales de la Formation

d'Escuminac. Finalement, à plus grande échelle, il serait souhaitable que d'autres sites

pertinents dans J'étude de l'émergence des tétrapodes soient étudiés et comparés à la

Formation d'Escuminac. Ce faisant, une vision plus globale des variables environnementales

ayant conduit à la transition de l'eau à la terre chez les vertébrés pourrait émerger.

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