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İngilizce II Türkçe Ders Notları 2017

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1. A: Is she from a big family?

B: ----- . A. Yes, he is B. No, she isn’t C. She is D. No, I’m not. E. She is from İzmir.

2. A: Do you and your friends get together?

B: No, ----- . A. we do B. they don’t C. we don’t D. she doesn’t E. they do

3. A: What does your brother do?

B: ----- . A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesn’t C. He works at a bank D. He is 16 years old E. He lives in Burdur.

4. A: Are you from Peru?

B: ----- . A. Yes, I am. B. No, he isn’t C. Yes, she is D. I am from Adana E. I live in Peru

5. A: I don’t watch much television.

B: ----- . A. I don’t either B. I am too C. He does too D. We do too E. She doesn’t either

6. A: She can shop for hours.

B: ----- . A. I can’t either B. Me too C. They can’t either D. I can’t too E. He can too

7. A: I’m always nervous on first dates.

B: ----- . A. Me either B. I am too C. She isn’t either D. I can E. He is

8. A: Is that your jacket?

B: Yes, ------ . A. I am B. it is C. she is D. you are E. we are

9. A: I always eat chocolate for dinner.

B: Really? ----- . 1. I do 2. I am 3. It is 4. I don’t 5. She doesn’t

10. A: This TV show is really interesting. B: It is a movie, ----- . A. really B. because C. but D. so E. actually

___________________________________________ 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.E



1. She can ----- the piano very well.

A. to play B. playing C. plays D. to playing E. play

2. Erica can’t ----- at all.

A. sing B. singing C. sings D. to sing E. to singing

3. Can you ----- very well?

A. whistle B. to whistle C. to whistling D. whistling E. whistles

4. Do you prefer ----- alone or with friends?

A. exercise B. exercising C. exercises D. to exercising E. to exercises

5. Are you good at -----?

A. to skate B. to skating C. skating D. skates E. skate

6. Do you enjoy -----?

A. to cook B. cooking C. to cooking D. cook E. cooks

7. I’m not interested in ----- .

A. to bowl B. bowling C. bowl D. to bowling E. bowls

8. We play in a band. Come listen to ----- .

A. me B. us C. her D. him E. them

9. It’s a nice song. I like ----- .

A. him B. her C. it D. us E. you

10. I like Tarkan. He is a good singer. What do you think of ----- ? A. you B. her C. it D. him E. us

___________________________________________ 1.E 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D



1. Sandra: You always look great. How do you stay

in shape? Ashley: Well, I ----- any junk food these days.

A) am not taking B) don’t take C) doesn’t take D) am not E) take

2. What kind of exercise ----- you usually do?

A) do B) does C) are D) is E) am

3. Brian: Do you get regular exercise?

Nalan: Yes, I ----- . A) doesn’t B) am C) are D) do E) don’t

4. Carmen: Is she trying to lose weight?

Michael: No, she ----- . A) is B) doesn’t C) don’t D) isn’t E) aren’t

5. Lisa: What sports are you playing these days?

Ferit: ----- . A) I love pop music B) I’m doing karate C) She is coming to visit is D) You are playing tennis E) I like reading books.

6. Susan: What is Ayhan doing now to stay healthy? Aşkın: He ----- . A) is drinking water B) drinks fruit juice C) is from Burdur D) is driving very fast E) does karate

7. Mark: What is the matter with you? Sonia: I have a fever. I think I’m getting ----- . A) the flu B) a toothache C) a headache D) an allergy E) a stomachache

8. I need to go to a dentist. I have ----- .

A) a stomachache B) a bad cough C) a fever D) a toothache E) the flu

9. What do you do ----- you have a cold?

A) because B) so C) when D) which E) what

10. ---- I have a fever, I take medicine.

A) when B) so C) which D) what E) because

11. What do you do ----- you get a really bad cold?

A) so B) what C) which D) if E) what time

12. Adam: I don’t really need a lot of sleep.

Yuki: Really? ----- . A) me neither B) I am not C) me too D) I do too E) me too

13. I get colds all the time. -----? A) Are you sick B) What can I do C) Do you do exercise D) How are you E) Are you fine



14. A: What’s your favorite kind of music? B: ----- . A) No, I can’t B) I love jazz C) I like cooking a lot. D) I can paint E) Yes, I am.

15. A: ------ ?

B: Not bad. Actually, I have a cold again. A) How old are you B) How are you doing C) Can you play tennis D) Is the weather cold E) Can you cook

16. I am reading a book about martial arts. Would

you like to borrow -----? A) me B) it C) they D) her E) you

17. I usually ----- to the gym every day. A) go B) am going C) is going D) are going E) goes

18. My dad wants to paint the house next weekend. Can you help -----? A) me B) him C) her D) them E) it

19. Some friends and I go to a jazz club every

Monday. Do you want to join ----- next week? A) them B) him C) us D) her E) it

20. I’m not good at ----- but I’m trying to learn. A) dance B) to dance C) to dancing D) dancing E) danced

21. Would you like ----- a martial art?

A) learn B) to learn C) to learning D) learned E) learns

22. David: Is Rudy from San Francisco? Lesley: ----- . He’s from Los Angeles.

A) Yes, he is B) No, he isn’t C) I am. D) No, I’m not. E) No, he is.

23. A: Are his friends English majors?

B: Yes, ----- .

A) they’re B) he is C) she is D) they are E) we are

24. Leyla: I can’t stand soap operas.

Serdar: ----- .

A) I can’t either B) Me too C) I don’t D) I do too E) I can too

25. I enjoy ----- TV.

A) to watch B) to watching C) watching D) watches E) watched

26. Can you -----?

A) swim B) to swim C) swimming D) to swimming E) swam

27. My brother’s not interested in ----- .

A) skiing B) to ski C) to skiing D) skii E) skiis

___________________________________________ 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.A 27.A



1. My birthday is ----- May. A) in B) on C) at D) from E) under

2. My brother’s birthday is ----- May tenth.

A) on B) at C) in D) from E) below

3. What ----- you going to do for her birthday?

A) do B) does C) are D) can E) did

4. My parents are going ----- 65 on their next

birthday. A) to be B) being C) be D) to being E) to

5. She ----- 40 next week.

A) is B) is going to be C) does D) do E) are going to be

6. Sam: ----- are you going to do this weekend?

Diane: I’m going to see my grandmother. A) What B) Which C) Where D) Who E) Why

7. ----- is the first month of the year.

A) January B) February C) March D) April D) August

8. December is the ----- month of the year.

A) seond B) tenth C) fourth D) twelfth E) sixth

9. July is the ----- month of the year.

A) sixth B) seventh C) eighth D) nineth E) tenth

10. We ---- friends at the restraurant at 8.30 tonight.

A) meet B) meeting C) are meeting D) going to meet E) are meet

11. It is very cold. I think it ----- tomorrow. A) is going to snow B) snows C) snowing D) is snowing E) snow

12. Marcella: What are you doing on Friday night?

Dave: I ----- a friend. A) am meeting B) meet C) meets D) going to meet E) is going to meet

13. Tomorrow is my father’s birthday. I’m going to

get ----- a tie. A) her B) us C) me D) you E) him

14. My best friend ----- in May next year.

A) get married B) gets married C) is getting married D) to get married E) going to get married

15. Tuğba: ----- is your mother’s birthday?

Ayhan: It’s on June the sixteenth. A) What B) When C) Which D) Where E) Who

16. I can ----- tennis very well.

A) play B) playing C) to play D) to playing E) plays



17. Ferit: I’m always nervous on first dates. Mehmet: -----. A) I’m too B)I’m either C) Me either D) I do too. E) I don’t either

18. I’d like ------ how to swim.

A) learning B) to learning C) learn D) to learn E) learns

19. She is really good ----- dancing.

A) in B) on C) from D) by E) at

20. Ferhat: What sports are you playing these days?

Ali: ----- . A) I play football. B) I don’t sleep very well. C) I’m doing jogging. D) She is playing tennis. E) I like eating chocolate.


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11. A 12.A

13.E 14.C 15. B 16. A 17.A 18.D 19.E 20.C



1. Where ----- you born? A) was B) were C) did D) are E) do

2. ----- she move here last year?

A) Do B) Does C) Was D) Did E) Is

3. Ramon: Did you live there for a long time?

Ling: Yes, I ----- . A) did B) was C) am D) were E) didn’t

4. Rick: Where were you born?

Dina: I ----- born in Burdur. A) am B) did C) was D) were E) does

5. I learned to ride a bicycyle ----- 1988.

A) on B) at C) ago D) last E) in

6. My best friend was born 20 years ----- .

A) on B) at C) ago D) last E) in

7. I went to elementary school ----- 1991 to 1995.

A) from B) in C) until D) last E) ago

8. Where ----- you grow up? A) was B) were C) are D) do E) did

9. I learned to read ----- I was 6 years old.

A) ago B) when C) because D) last E) for

10. Who ----- your best friend in school?

A) are B) were C) was D) did E) do

11. I lived in Ankara ------ ten years. Then I moved to İzmir. A) for B) last C) ago D) in E) at

12. Thomas: How long did you live in this city?

Grandma: ----- . A) I came here ten years ago. B) I was born in 1943. C) I lived here until I was six. D) I don’t like swimming. E) My parents were born here.

13. Keiko: When did you take this photo?

Brad: ----- . A) She was born in İzmir. B) I moved to London last year C) I took it years ago. D) She was my best friend. E) I was born in 1970.

14. Ferhat: Were you born in Burdur?

Ferit : ----- . I was born in Çankırı. A) Yes, I was B) No, she wasn’t C) Yes, I am D) No, I wasn’t E) No, I didn’t

15. Ben: ----- were you when you moved here?

Jessica: I was six. A) How old B) Where C) How long D) What E) Who

16. ----- students in the class passed the English

exam. A) All of B) Some C) Some of D) Most of E) None

17. ----- the children in my town take English.

A) None B) Some C) A few D) No E) Most of

18. ----- my classmates got As in the exam.

A) Some A) A few C) Most D) No E) None of

19. I was good ----- physics when I was a student.

A) at B) in C) until D) ago E) by



20. ----- Rudy from San Francisco? A) Are B) Do C) Does D) Is E) Did

21. Evren: Are your friends here now?

Koji: Yes, ----- . A) they are B) they aren’t C) you are D) I am E) we are

22. David: I can’t afford anything new.

Lesley: ----- . A) I can’t too B) I can’t either C) He doesn’t too C) I don’t either E) I am not either

23. Ayhan: I watch a lot of TV.

Aşkın: ----- . A) I don’t either B) I am too C) I do too D) I didn’t either E) I did too

24. Are you interested in ----- a meditation class?

A) joining B) join C) to join D) to joining E) joined

25. My sister is very good at ----- pool.

A) play B) playing C) to play D) played E) to playing

26. Do you enjoy ----- out in the evenings?

A) eat B) to eat C) eating D) to eating E) eats

27. Would you like ----- a musical instrument?

A) playing B) to playing C) play D) to play E) plays

28. We play in a band. Come listen to ----- .

A) him B) her C) us D) them E) me

29. He’s not a good singer. I don’t like ----- .

A) me B) her C) them D) you E) him

30. I ----- to lose weight these days.

A) try B) am trying C) tried D) tries E) trying

31. ----- you get exercises every week? A) Are B) Do C) Does D) Did E) Were

32. I ----- to the video store every other day.

A) walking B) am walking C) walked D) walks E) walk

33. I have allergies and I ----- all the time.

A) cough B) sneeze C) sing D) sleep E) eat

34. I have a fever. I think I’m getting the ----- .

A) flu B) tootache C) sore throat D) sick E) headache

35. ----- I have a cold, I don’t take anything.

A) When B) Until C) Ago D) Last E) For

36. My mother ------ 60 years old next week.

A) is B) is going to be C) going to be D) are going to be E) was

37. What ----- you going to get your mother for her

birthday? A) did B) are C) was D) were E) do

38. My father’s birthday is ----- August fourteenth.

A) in B) at C) from D) to E) on

39. We ----- a party next week. Are you coming? A) having B) are having C) going to have D) have E) had

40. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthady. I’m going to

buy ------ something special. A) me B) him C) her D) you E) them

___________________________________________ 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.E 6.C 7.A 8.E 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.E 18.E 19.A 20.D 21.A 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.E 30.B 31.B 32.E 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.B 37.B 38.E 39.B 40.C



1. ----- there an Internet café near here? A) Is B) are C) Did D) Do E) Does

2. ----- there any cash machines near here?

A) Is B) Does C) Are D) Did E) Do

3. Kate: Are there any good restaurants here?

Ling: ----- . There are some outside the bank. A) Yes, there is B) No, there isn’t C) No, there aren’t D) Yes, I am E) Yes, there are

4. Rick: Is there a bank around here?

Dina: No, ----- . A) there aren’t B) there are C) they aren’t D) there is E) there isn’t

5. Ayhan: Is there a department store in Burdur?

Aşkın: Yes, there is. There’s ----- on Mecburiyet Street. A) any B) some C) one D) a E) an

6. ----- there any supermarkets near here?

A) Is B) Was C) Do D) Are E) Does

7. Are there ----- coffee shops around here?

A) any B) some C) a D) an E) one

8. ----- you tell me how to get to the train station? A) Do B) Does C) Could D) Was E) Were

9. A: ----- can I help you?

B: I’m looking for a jacket. A) What B) How C) Where D) When E) Which

10. Ferhat: ----- I help you? Ferit: Yes, thanks. Is this the right way to the hospital? A) Could B) Can C) Do D) Does E) Was

11. Murat: There are lots of street performers in the city right now. Ali: I’m sorry, there are a lot of -----? A) where B) what C) which D) when E) why

12. Tuba: There is a miniature golf course about 15

minutes away. Sergül: Excuse me, it’s -----? A) how much B) how far C) what kind D) where E) what time

13. Mehmet: The best outdoor pool around here is

at Ocean Beach. Mukaddes: I’m sorry, it’s -----? A) where B) what kind C) how much D) how far E) when

14. Ayşe: There are great gift shops in this

neighbourhood. Ferit : I’m sorry, there are ----- of shops? A) how much B) how far C) what D) what kind E) when

15. Ben: The movie theater opens at 10:15 a.m.

Jessica: Excuse me, it opens at -----? A) how old B) where C) how long D) what time E) who

16. Ahmet: Rides in the amusement park cost $5.

Nalan: They cost ----- ? A) how many B) how much C) when D) which E) where

17. A: Where is the bus station?

B: It’s ----- First and Third Avenues. A) at B) on C) between D) by E) behind



18. A: Where is the nearest supermarket? B: It’s ----- the corner of TOKI Avenue. A) at A) in C) under D) in front of E) on

19. A: Where is the university?

B: It’s ----- the end of the Kurna Street. A) at B) in C) until D) ago E) by

20. My brother is very good at ----- tennis.

A) play B) playing C) to play D) played E) to playing

21. Do you enjoy ----- out in the evenings?

A) go B) to go C) going D) to going E) goes

22. Would you like ----- football?

A) playing B) to playing C) play D) to play E) plays

23. We are giving a party. Come join ----- .

A) him B) her C) us D) them E) me

24. She’s not a good singer. I don’t like ----- .

A) me B) her C) them D) you E) him

25. I ----- to do exercise these days.

A) try B) am trying C) tried D) tries E) trying

26. ----- you do sports every week? A) Are B) Do C) Does D) Did E) Were

27. I ----- to the supermarket every other day.

A) walking B) am walking C) walked D) walks E) walk

28. I have allergies and I ----- all the time.

A) cough B) sneeze C) sing D) sleep E) eat

29. I have a fever. I think I’m getting the ----- . A) flu B) tootache C) sore throat D) sick E) headache

30. I don’t take anything ----- I get the flu.

A) when B) until C) ago D) last E) for

31. My father ------ 55 years old next week.

A) is B) is going to be C) going to be D) are going to be E) was

32. What ----- you going to get your sister for her

birthday? A) did B) are C) was D) were E) do

33. My brother’s birthday is ----- April sixteenth.

A) in B) at C) from D) to E) on

34. We ----- a party at the end of this semester. Are you coming? A) having B) are having C) going to have D) have E) had

35. ----- is the twelfth month of the year.

A) June B) August C) November D) December E) September


1.A 2.C 3.E 4.E 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.A

14.D 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.E 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.D 23.C

24.B 25.B 26.B 27.E 28.B 29.A 30.A 31.B 32.B 33.E

34.B 35.D



1. My sister is going to İzmir ----- a conference.

A. attending B. attend C. to attending D. to attend E. attends

2. I need to go to the bank ----- some money.

A. change B. to change C. to changing D. changes E. changed

3. She needs to call a travel agent ----- a hotel room. A. to get B. getting C. to getting D. got E. gets

4. A: Is it expensive ----- your country?

B: Yes, it is. A. to visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited E. to visiting

5. A: Why do you need to call the Embassy?

B: ----- . A. I need to find out about visas. B. He wants to buy a good guidebook. C. I need to buy some suitcases. D. I need to change some money. E. I’m going to learn Spanish.

6. Ann has to go to the library because she wants

to ----- . A. change some money B. buy a good book C. do research D. look for a cheap flight E. find out about visas

7. Tomorrow, I’m going to go to the mall to ----- . A. do research B. buy a good book C. learn French D. look for a cheap flight E. buy some suitcases

8. It is a good idea ----- something warm if you are

going on a camping trip. A. has B. having C. to have D. to having E. had

9. A: Next week, we are going on holiday in

Antalya. B: I think you ----- take a lot of sunscreen. A. need B. have C. should D. are E. were

10. You should wear ----- to keep your head cool

when it is hot. A. batteries B. sandals C. a hat D. a pair of scissors E. soap

11. You should use ----- clean your teeth. A. soap B. toothpaste C. a tent D. sunscreen E. a flashlight

12. Bring extra ----- to use your radio.

A. pajamas B. makeup C. a towel D. batteries E. a razor



13. A: Is it important to learn English? B: ----- . Without it, you cannot find a good job. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, she is. C. I don’t know. D. No, it isn’t. E. No, they aren’t.

14. Is it safe ----- over 120 kph on the roads in

Turkey? A. drives B. driving C. to driving D. drove E. to drive

15. A: Why don’t we go to Australia?

B: I don’t know. ----- . A. I’d love to. B. That’s a great idea. C. I don’t have a tent. D. How is your brother? E. It is far away from here.

16. A: You should come skiing with me.

B: Yes, of course. ----- . A. I don’t know. B. Maybe. I don’t have a tent. C. Where should we swim? D. That sounds like fun. E. I cannot come.

17. A: I’m bored. What should we do?

B: ----- . A. He needs to do shopping. B. Let’s go to the cinema. C. I always wear pajamas. D. I’m going to visit my parents. E. My mother is interested in music.

1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.E 8.C 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.E 15.E 16.D 17.B



1. It was easy .............. the homework.

A. to doing B. to do C. does D. doing E. did

2. I ----- to get some batteries for my camera.

A. must B. need C. should D. can E. could

3. A: My cell phone is not working. Can I borrow ---- ?

B: Yes, of course you can.

A. mine B. ours C. yours D. theirs E. his

4. Ayten went to the supermarket ----- some eggs.

A. to buying B. bought C. buys D. buying E. to buy

5. A: Why are you going to the bank?

B: ----- some money. A. Changing B. For change C. To changing D. To change E. Change

6. We went to Paris ----- see the Eiffel Tower.

A. to B. for C. and D. but E. not

7. You ----- to take warm clothes when you go

on a camping trip because the nights are cold.

A. should B. shouldn't C. need D. could E. needn't

8. Look at these books. ----- books are these?

A. who’s B. what C. whose D. which E. where

9. A: What do you do with your old clothes?

B: Sometimes I give things to a friend of ----- .

A. my B. him C. mine D. her E. its

10. Do you mind ----- I use your phone?

A. when B. which C. whose D. if E. where

11. A: Which speakers does John like?

B: He likes the little silver ----- on the right. A. ones B. it C. them D. these E. one

12. Would you mind ----- me in the kitchen?

A. help B. to help C. helping D. to helping E. helped

13. A: Where do you keep your photos? B: I keep them in a box. Where do you keep ----- ?

A. hers B. ours C. his D. yours E. their



14. Do you mind if I ----- your dictionary?

A. use B. using C. to use D. to using E. used

15. A: I’m looking for ----- jacket.

B: Is this jacket ----- ? A. my / mine B. my / your C. mine / yours D. my / yours E. her / her

16. I like the green rug. Which ----- do you like?

A. the rug B. one C. ones D. it E. they

17. A: Can I use your phone?

B: ----- . I do not have it with me. A. Sure. B. I’m sorry. C. OK. D. No problem. E. Go ahead.

18. He checks his e-mail messages ----- he finishes his

breakfast. A. Then B. first C. when D. next E. last

19. A: ----- you mind answering the phone for me?

B: No problem.

A. Do B. Would C. Does D. Are E. Could

20. My brother lost ----- glasses. He cannot find them anywhere. A. her B. yours C. hers D. mine E. his

1.B 2.B 3.C 4.E 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.E



1. Is it good ----- reservations in advance?

A. to make B. making C. to making D. makes E. made

2. A lot of men use a razor ----- the hair on their

faces. A. removing B. to remove C. removed D. removes E. to removing

3. When you go out, you ----- wear a hat. It is so hot.

A. need B. want C. good D. have E. should

4. A: ----- laptop is this?

B: I think it’s Ahmet’s but in can be hers. A. Who’s B. Where C. Why D. Whose E. Which

5. A: I’m looking for ----- jacket.

B: Is this ----- ?

A. my / my B. mine / yours C. my / yours D. mine / your E. your /your

6. When my friend ----- my computer, she deleted all

my files. A. using B. to used C. to using D. uses E. was using

7. I ----- my father’s car last week. A. damage B. damages C. damaged D. to damage E. am going to damage

8. An embarrassing thing happened ----- I was

studying at university. A. but B. when C. then D. whose E. because

9. A: Were you skiing with a friend?

B: ----- . I was by myself.

A. Yes, I was. B. No, you weren’t. C. Yes, you were. D. I was. E. No, I wasn’t.

10. I fell out of bed last night and hurt ----- .

A. himself B. myself C. yourself D. themselves E. ourselves

11. It is hard to walk. I broke my ----- .

A. leg B. nose C. arm D. face E. shoulder

12. A: How did she hurt herself?

B: ----- she was making tea, she burned herself.

A. Why B. When C. Whose D. Who’s E. What



13. My sister broke her ----- . It is hard to wash dishes for her.

A. foot B. neck C. nose D. hand E. eye

14. I got a black -----. I cannot see clearly.

A. eye B. head C. neck D. leg E. arm

15. I ------ lunch in a restaurant when the server

accidentally spilt water all over me. A. have B. has C. having D. were having E. was having

16. Michael ----- to a woman on the train and he

missed his stop.

A. talking B. is talking C. was talking D. were talking E. talks

17. When a friend of ----- was using my computer, he

---- all my files.

A. my / deleted B. mine / deleted C. her / deleted D. he / deleted E. him / was deleting

18. I ----- the laundry when the phone rang.

A. was doing B. doing C. am doing D. do E. does

19. My sister burnt ----- when she was cooking. A. myself B. himself C. themselves D. herself E. ourselves

20. A: Did you hurt yourself yesterday? B: ----- . A. I’m not. B. I am C. Yes, I did. D. No, you didn’t. E. Yes, I do.

1.A 2.B 3.E 4.D 5.C 6.E 7.C 8.B 9.E 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.E 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.C



1. Smart phones are ----- than regular phone calls. A) expensive B) very expensive C) expensive more D) expensiver E) more expensive

2. Is it good ----- exercise regularly?

A. to do B. doing C. to doing D. does E. do

3. Paco’s parents think webcam calls are ----- than

phone calls.

A) good B) gooder C) better D) very good E) more good

4. A lot of people use a toothpaste ----- their teeth. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned E. to cleaning

5. I think radios are ----- than TVs.

A) useful B) more useful C) very useful D) usefuller E) useful more

6. When you go out, you ----- to wear a coat. It is so cold outside. A. need B. can C. should D. mind E. has

7. A: ----- mobile phone is this? B: I think it’s Ferit’s but it can be yours. A. Who’s B. Where C. Why D. Whose E. Which

8. When I’m on the phone, I talk ----- than I listen.

A) few B) fewer C) much D) more E) any

9. A: He is looking for ----- jacket. B: Is this ----- ?

A. my / my B. hers / yours C. his / his D. mine / your E. your /your

10. When my brother ----- my computer, he deleted all

my files. A. using B. to used C. to using D. uses E. was using

11. Look at my mailbox. It’s full. I get ----- junk mail

than you do.

A) more B) fewer C) few D) a lot of E) any

12. An embarrassing thing happened ----- I was

studying at high school. A. but B. when C. then D. whose E. because



13. A: Was she skiing with a friend? B: ----- . She was by herself.

A. Yes, she was. B. No, you weren’t. C. Yes, I was. D. She was. E. No, she wasn’t.

14. There is too much noise on the line. They have --- .

A) a bad connection B) another call C) a message D) cut off E) the wrong number

15. A: ----- ? B: She is six foot seven inches.

A) How old is your sister? B) How tall is your mother? C) What does your mother look like? D) Where is her sister? E) Who does she look like?

16. My aunt fell out of bed last night and hurt ----- . A. himself B. herself C. yourself D. themselves E. ourselves

17. It is hard to breathe. I broke my ----- .

A. leg B. nose C. arm D. face E. shoulde

18. Who’s the guy ----- the black shirt?

A) at B) with C) by D) from E) in

19. ----- his father got a new car?

A) Does B) Has C) Have D) Is E) Was

20. A: How did you burn yourself?

B: ----- I was making tea, I burned myself.

A. Why B. When C. Whose D. Who’s E. What

21. My sister broke her ----- . It is hard to walk for her.

A. leg B. neck C. nose D. hand E. eye

22. She has got a black -----. She cannot see clearly.

A. eye B. head C. neck D. leg E. arm

23. A: My sister is the woman standing by the table.

B: Which one? The one ----- the long hair? A) with B) next to C) in D) at E) by

24. They ------ dinner in a restaurant when the server accidentally spilt coke all over them. A. have B. has C. having D. were having E. was having



25. A: ----- does your brother look like? B: He is short and fat. A) Who B) What C) Where D) How E) Why

26. Michael ----- to a woman on the train and he missed his stop.

A. talking B. is talking C. was talking D. were talking E. talks

27. When a friend of ----- was using my computer, he

---- all my files.

A. my / deleted B. mine / deleted C. her / deleted D. he / deleted E. him / was deleting

28. I ----- the laundry when the phone rang.

A. was doing B. doing C. am doing D. do E. does

29. My mother burnt ----- when she was cooking.

A. myself B. himself C. themselves D. herself E. ourselves

30. A: Did you burn yourself yesterday? B: ----- . A. I’m not. B. I am C. Yes, I did. D. No, you didn’t. E. Yes, I do.

31. Do you mind ----- I use your phone? A. when B. which C. whose D. if E. where

32. Would you mind ----- me in the kitchen?

A. help B. to help C. helping D. to helping E. helped

1.E 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.E 11.A 12.B 13.E 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.B 18.E 19.B

20.B 21.A 22.A 23.A 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.C 31.D 32.C



1. Do you think your best friend ----- always be your friend? A) is B) do C) will D) are E) has

2. When I ----- home tonight, I’m going to call you.

A) will get B) gets C) get D) am going to get E) got

3. Maybe we ----- move to Arizona

A) are going to B) did C) need D) do E) will

4. We ----- fly to İzmir tomorrow. Our tickets are


A) will B) are going to C) are D) are going E) might

5. A: Will it be expensive to buy a BMW?

B: No, it ----- .

A) will B) does C) is D) was E) won’t

6. Jane and Sonia have both got freckles, but Jane

has ----- freckles.

A) less B) more C) any D) a lot E) a

7. A: Is it expensive ----- a Mercedes? B: Yes, it is.

A) to buy B) buy C) buying D) buys E) to visiting

8. If you ----- help with your homework, I will help


A) will want B) wants C) are D) are going to E) want

9. I think he ----- come home very late.

A) will B) does C) is D) is going to E) was

10. I guess he ----- pass the test.

A) is B) does C) will D) is going to E) was

11. Maybe we ----- move to Arizona

A) are going to B) will C) need D) do E) did

12. A: Will it be expensive to buy a BMW?

B: Yes, it ----- .

A) will B) does C) is D) was E) won’t



13. Maybe my friend ----- be a very popular scientist in the future.

A) is going to B) might C) may D) will E) is

14. Would you mind ----- me wash the dishes?

A) help B) to help C) helping D) to helping E) helped

15. I promise I ----- all my friends dinner if I win the

lottery this year.

A) buy B) will buy C) am buying D) bought E) buys

16. If I ever ----- famous, I won’t change.

A) will become B) am going to become C) may become D) become E) becoming

17. He’s going to go on the Internet ----- for cheap

flight online.

A) looking B) to look C) to looking D) look E) looks

18. I got a black -----. I cannot see clearly.

A) eye B) head C) neck D) leg E) arm

19. I ------ lunch in a restaurant when the server accidentally spilt water all over me.

A) have B) has C) having D) were having E) was having

20. A: Next week, we are going on holiday in Antalya. B: I think you ----- take a lot of sunscreen.

A) need B) have C) should D) are E) were

21. You should use ----- clean your teeth.

A) soap B) toothpaste C) a tent D) sunscreen E) a flashlight

22. Do you mind if I ----- your mobile phone?

A) use B) using C) to use D) to using E) used

23. A: Which speakers does Mary like?

B: She likes the little silver ----- on the left.

A) ones B) it C) them D) these E) one

24. My sister lost ----- glasses. She cannot find

them anywhere.

A) her B) yours C) hers D) mine E) his



25. A: How did you hurt yourself? B: ----- I was making tea, I burned myself. A) Why B) When C) Whose D) Who’s E) What

26. My brother burnt ----- when she was cooking.

A) myself B) himself C) themselves D) herself E) ourselves

27. When I’m on the phone, I talk ----- than I listen. A) few B) fewer C) much D) more E) any

28. It is hard to walk. I broke my ----- .

A) leg B) nose C) arm D) face E) shoulder

29. There are sheets and pillows in the --- .

A) living room B) bathroom C) kitchen D) bedroom E) hall

30. Paco’s parents think webcam calls are ----- than

phone calls. A) good B) gooder C) better D) very good E) more good

31. Your car is expensive, but mine is ----- .

A) expensiver B) more expensive C) much expensive D) expensive more E) expensive

32. I can’t hear you. I think we have ----- .

A) a bad connection B) another call C) a message D) cut off E) the wrong number

33. ----- his brother got a new car?

A) Does B) Has C) Have D) Is E) Was

34. A: ----- ?

B: She is 1 meter 70 cm.

A) How old is your sister? B) How tall is your mother? C) What does your mother look like? D) Where is her sister? E) Who does she look like?

35. A: Which one is your teacher?

B: The one ----- a skirt.

A) to wear B) to wearing C) wearing D) wear E) wore

36. A: Who’s the guy in the blue shirt?

B: The man ---- glasses?

A) in B) at C) from D) on E) with

1.C 2.C 3.E 4.B 5.E 6.B 7.A

8.E 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C

15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.E 20.C 21.B

22.A 23.A 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.D 28.A

29.B 30.C 31.B 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.C
