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Anabolix - Anabolix Suppliments

Apr 15, 2017


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10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Training.

Weight training can be started by anyone visiting a gym. A little bit of guidance from a gym instructor, gym buddy or any 'google video' can set your ball rolling.

But before you take the plunge in to weight training, there are a lot of other things that need to be kept in mind, which can show you visible results. For example, having complete awareness about the nutritional diet that is essential for weight trainers, is a must. Body building can take you ages if the proper diet is not followed along with weight training. So before you get frustrated for getting no results even after weight training yourself really heard, read on to know some of the key points that must be statisfied, to get a fruitful result!

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1) Healthy nutrition

What you eat is what you get. You should not expect magical transformation of your body, if you do not provide the nutritional supplements it needs. If you constantly feed your body with unhealthy food, it will result in an unhealthy output as well. Awareness and knowledge about nutrition is the first step towards your “target” body. Rigorous gymming without proper nutrition is a futile effort. For strength and body building your calorie intake should be more than what the body can actually use. To ensure this, you must calculate your TDEE (Total daily energy expenditure) and make sure that you eat around 20-25% more than the resultant value obtained.

Tip: Good amount of calorie intake is essential for gaining muscle.

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If you want quicker results, do calculate your macro-nutrient requirements. Finding a balance of a good work out and enough calorie intake is important to help you grow faster. Also, if you eat the exact amount of food that your body is in need of, your body fat will decrease and only build lean muscle. FatsFats are also important part of your daily diet since they give a lot of energy to our body and aid in absorption of vitamin A, D, E & K. It is important to eat the right kind of fats. Choose the unsaturated fats over the saturated and trans-fats. Unsaturated fats (mono & poly-unsaturated) are present in nuts, avocados, fish and vegetable oils.Saturated fat (present in animal meats and dairy products) should form only 1/3 of your total fat intake every day and unsaturated fats should be completed avoided.

ProteinProteins are functionally very versatile in your body. It provides cell support and allows its movement. Immunoglobulin proteins help the body fight foreign agents like microbes.

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Proteins are considered to be the building blocks of the body and allow self-repair of broken muscle fibers. The body tends to over-compensate when it repairs the muscle fibers thus leading to stronger and bigger muscles.Body building requires enough protein intake in the form of chicken, salmon, turkey, ground beef and steaks.

CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. It is wise to eat complex carbohydrates aiding in slow and uniform energy release throughout the body. Some of the complex carbohydrate examples are brown rice, sweet potatoes, oat-meal and quinoa.Simple carbohydrates like different forms of sugar, should be particularly avoided during daytime. Say no to drinks like sodas and even energy drinks. Sweets are completely empty calories and do not have any health benefits, so you better stay away from them. Just in case you want to eat the simple sugars, it is best had during pre or post-workout sessions to fill in your energy reserves for the training session.

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HydrationEvery time you are thirsty, go for water instead of any of the high-sugar beverages. Our body is in constant need of water and it is best to supply the needs to avoid constipation, headaches and fatigue. The RDA (recommended daily amount) for water is found to about 2 and 3 liters for women and men respectively. This value should be increased for people who exercise rigorously. A tip to check that you adequately supply water to your body is to check your urine color. The urine should be colorless and not yellow.Evils of smoke and alcohol

Quit smoking and excessive alcohol in case you want to naturally build a bulky body. Smoking decreases nutrients and oxygen supply to the muscles and stops its growth. Besides, smoking kills your appetite so that you will be unable to take those extra calories required for your body repair mechanism.The two main ingredients for body building are testosterone and growth hormone and alcohol intake in large amounts retards their production. So it is wiser to control alcohol intake, if not skipping completely.

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2) Monitoring ProgressIt is important to always track your progress during building muscles. During and after your training program, always cross-check with yourself if you are capable of doing more. Be it the weight trainings, reps or doing another set, always strive for more but at the same time do not over-do it.Keep a track of your strength and weight as well since your primary aim is to get stronger and heavier over a period of time.

Maintaining a training logbook is advisable to track your progress on a daily basis. Writing down your gym routine and weights etc can help you constantly keep an eye on your regime with the corresponding results.Tip: Training log should have your current numbers of the reps, weights and sets that you practice along with a target number to beat your present performance.

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3) Sleep well!Getting adequate rest should be an important part of your body building fitness regime. Rigorous training also needs sufficient recovery in the form of sleep. Clocking in enough hours of sleep rejuvenates you for your next work-out session. Maintain a healthy sleep pattern by giving into 6-8 hours of sleep every night.You can train your biological clock (circadian clock) to sleep a certain hours daily, by following a specific pattern every day. This way you tend to fall asleep and wake up at a specific time every night and morning naturally, without having to put an extra effort to fall asleep each time.

4) Don`t pay attention to judgmental peopleVarious kinds of people come to the gym. But you should not pay attention to their opinions on your progress or attempts. Your shape and size is solely your responsibility and property. Do not pay heed to unwanted advisors or people who judge your body. Also, it is important to not compare your body with others. Your competition is with yourself and not with anyone else in the gym

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Be self-motivated and follow your training diligently, and you are sure to see results. The feeling of inferiority or superiority to anyone in your gym is harmful for yourself, so it is better to just concentrate on your own mirror image.Put your best foot forward and give in your 100% and the output will follow suit.

5) Cardio is a must tooCardio training is also essential along with weight training. Cardio exercises keep your cardiovascular health in good shape along with your body shape. Other benefits include increased lung capacity, greater endurance and a healthy heart rate.Cardio exercises early in the morning, ensures a good start to your day. It keeps you on toes and active throughout the day.6) Compound lifts Compound lifts are exercises which work on many muscle groups. This way you tend to work on number of muscle fibers together. Squats, dead-lift and bench press are some of the compound lifts which should always be included in your work-out regime, when thinking of body building. Other ones include lunges, pull-ups and dips. These natural moves help your body muscles get stronger and tougher. So focus on the compound lifts and see the magic it does to your body.

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7) Train hardDo not waste time in the gym. Gym is visited only for one reason- to work on fitness. Do not while away time browsing internet, clicking selfies and talking over the phone. Keep out of distractions and focus on your training and training only. Everything else can wait till you are out of the gym.Listening to music while working out is completely fine, but nothing else. Do not waste your time or other`s by occupying the equipments doing things other than training. Your focus should not shift from your training regime and that is very important to see visible results.

8) All or nothingGive your 100% if not more for your work-out. Constantly work towards your dream body without losing focus. If you fail a few times, that should not discourage you but should give you that extra push to prove yourself better. Challenge your limits and cross every hurdle with strong determination.

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Take ‘Pleasure in Pain’ while your training workouts and when you get the desired result, you will be happier than the happiest. Intensity of your training should not be deterred because of the temporary physical pain that you might experience. The pain subsides as your body gets used to the regime. You can also motivate yourself by following some famous people and their work-out schedules to derive inspiration and more knowledge9) Frequency of MealsInstead of eating all at once, try to eat small bites, number of times a day. This trick paces up your body’s metabolism and helps burn more calories. When you eat 6-8 times a day, you also cut down on the probability of unhealthy binge eating.

Also, for people with higher metabolism, it is wise to spread out their meal frequencies throughout the day to reach the excess calories targeted easily. 

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10) Stay motivated

Motivation can only come naturally when you see results for your efforts. This can be done by tracking the progress of your regime with the inputs vs. outputs sheet. Feel free to click pictures of your body on a regular basis to see the visible improvement, if any.When you feel bogged down you can take a look at your pictures and noted down stats, which will boost your motivation once again. Note down your target weight and measurements on a monthly basis and try to achieve them. Even if you fail to do so once in a while, that should be taken positively and motivate you further to achieve your goal. Keep a strong mind along with a strong body, the nothing and no one can stop you from your goals.

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