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1 An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ 7834 Tennyson Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122 Office: 505-856-1004 No matter where you are on lifes journey, you are welcome here. Go On, Saint ThomasPainting by Jack Baumgarter, 2006 Visit his website: More Info on Page 7

An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United … Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

Mar 29, 2018



Welcome message from author
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Page 1: An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United … Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ


An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ 7834 Tennyson Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122 Office: 505-856-1004

No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

“Go On, Saint Thomas” Painting by Jack Baumgarter, 2006 Visit his website: More Info on Page 7

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Sunday Order of Worship June 04, 2017

Beth Clark, Worship Leader

(*** Indicates to stand, if able)

PRELUDE ................................ “Deck Thyself, O Beloved Soul” ... Ernest W. Sturdevant, organ

- Marcel Dupré

***CONGREGATION SINGS ................... Hymn #282 ................... “Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit”

WELCOME ...................................................... ............................................... Rev. Allan Bash

OPENING MEDITATION ........................ “Minuet in G”............................ Nena-Joy Almodovar,

- J.S. Bach hammer dulcimer Marilyn Hutton, violin Deborah May, guitar

Lighting of the Christ and Agape Candles is a symbol of Jesus coming into the presence of this worshiping


JOYS AND CONCERNS .................................. ............................................... Rev. Allan Bash

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One: We are part of God’s gathered community.

Many: We gather to practice hospitality.

We gather to practice justice.

We gather to practice compassion.

One: We are not professionals, so we have to keep practicing.

Many: We gather because there is no better place to practice

than with one another here in your presence.


One: Please pray with me…

Many: Dear God, we enjoy the changes of the seasons in nature.

They help us to shift gears, adjust our tempo, and have a change of pace.

Even so the changes of the seasons in the Church create new

opportunities for us to experience your presence, hear your word,

and find direction for our lives. Pay attention to our worship this

morning and see if your Spirit is active among us, as we celebrate

being your people in this place. In Jesus name, amen.

***CONGREGATION SINGS .................... Hymn #286 ................... “Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness”

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New Revised Standard Version

19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of

the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus

came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 20

After he said

this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when

they saw the Lord. 21

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me,

so I send you.” 22

When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to

them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23

If you forgive the sins of any, they are

forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

24 But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them

when Jesus came. 25

So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.”

But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put

my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”

26 A week later his disciples were again in the house,

and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were

shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said,

“Peace be with you.” 27

Then he said to Thomas, “Put

your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your

hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.”


Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my

God!” 29

Jesus said to him, “Have you believed

because you have seen me? Blessed are those who

have not seen and yet have come to believe.”

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ANTHEM ............................................ “Fly Away Medley” ...................................... COGS Band

- arr. Mark Hayes


SERMON .................................................... “Missing” ........................................ Rev. Allan Bash


Our Father, our Mother, who is in heaven, Holy be your name.

Your Kin(g)dom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For yours is the Kin(g)dom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


OFFERTORY ..................................... “Reel de Montreal” ....................... Nena-Joy Almodovar,

hammer dulcimer Marilyn Hutton, violin Deborah May, guitar


Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God all creatures here below.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God the source of all our gifts.

Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts.

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

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***CONGREGATION SINGS .................. Hymn# 292 ............. “Breathe on Me, Breath of God “


Everyone is welcome to receive communion in this church. We use grape

juice and gluten-free bread. Communion will be served at the front of the

church by intinction, where participants dip bread in a chalice. Everyone is

invited, row by row, to come forward by the center aisle. Please return to

your seats by a side aisle. If you prefer to have a pastor come and serve

you in your seat, please let an usher know.

COMMUNION MUSIC ....................... “Dona Nobis Pacem” ..................... Nena-Joy Almodovar,

hammer dulcimer Marilyn Hutton, violin Deborah May, guitar

COMMUNION PRAYER .............................. .................................................... Rev. Allan Bash

CLOSING MEDITATION ....................... “Ragtime Annie” ......................... Nena-Joy Almodovar,

hammer dulcimer Marilyn Hutton, violin Deborah May, guitar

Extinguishing of the Christ and Agape candles symbolizes our taking the light of Jesus Christ out into

the world, where as believers, we are to serve.


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Pastor: Rev. Allan Bash

Worship Leader : 10:00 am Beth Clark

Church Administrator: Megan Elcock Nursery Worker: Albuquerque Sitters

Usher/Greeter Team: 10:00 am Gail Chynoweth, Marilyn Chynoweth, Art Stuart, Katherine Williams

Friendship Time: 10:00 am Andrea Scarberry

Music: Linda Gilmour, Minister of Music Ernest W. Sturdevant, Organist Sound System Operators: B.D. Shafer, John Leppala

Christian Ed: Allan Bash, Maribeth Bohley, Frances Clark, Rebecca Leppala, Michael Tucker, Kennette Weatherford, Barbara Wolfe

POSTLUDE ....................................... “Toccata in E minor” ........... Ernest W. Sturdevant, organ

- Johann Pachelbel

As you depart, please greet one another with the spirit of Christ’s love.

Join us today for our Summer Congregational Meeting. Grab an agenda and review the ballot for the new council

member elections.

Next Week’s Scripture:

Next Week’s Scripture is Genesis 32: 22-31. It is the story of Jacob,

who, finding himself between the proverbial “rock and a hard place”

spends the night wrestling with a mysterious opponent. You and I

probably have had the experience of spending the night wrestling

with hard issues in our own lives. We may even have found

ourselves fighting with God.

On the Cover: (Art Inspired by Scripture) About the Artist –(from his website) What is my name? Jack Baumgartner, John Beartrist Laceroot, Walking Man, and Flying Fish, or is it Jonah? My name is His.

My family: my children and my wife, beautiful priest and teacher of the law, we live together on 5 acres of glorious dirt in Kansas. We smell like sheep and goats, linseed oil and sawdust, lye and perfume. Our home is filled with laughter, shouting, fighting, playing, wrestling, dancing, crying and singing. We witness God’s glory in our land, in the dirt and manure, in the plants and animals. A fire that goes up and water that flows down. Together we embrace the problems of life and living on the land under heaven. We struggle together. We are His. He is our provision.

Well met, you trees and stones draw near. Many ancient maps have a legend and here is mine. Excerpt below taken from “Questions from Elizabeth Duffy”. Full interview located on the website under the “My Name” tab. “I read once about the arts of Africa and the South Pacific being described as technology by which the practitioners were able to relate to and engage the spiritual, as they understood it. I recognize a truth in that concept, and I see technology now as God’s provision for me to engage Him, and to worship Him.“

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List Our members:

Audra Bond, Renee Crowder, Judith DeBerry, Nancy Eberhardt, Wanita Eberhardt, Donna

Eubanks, Frank Harrison, Louise Holladay, Jim McElhaney, Lester and Mildred Hoak, Stewart

Johnson, Elizabeth Lewis, Ethel Shepard, Carl Stafford, Dew Williams, and Patrick Xavier.

Long-term care:

Dalton Kessler (grandson of Susan Olson and son of Amy Mueller), Charles Lamb (son of

Diana Lamb), Kira Marie McSherry (daughter of Linc Nagle).

Our extended family:

Mary Abernathy (friend of Brent and Katherine Williams), Lynne Aube (cousin of Susan

Mackenzie), The Beardsley Family (friends of Michael and Martha Tucker), Ben Church (son of

Ed Church), Charlie( friend of Vicki McNown Miller), Taylor Ann Coppage (granddaughter of

Floyd and Shirlee Coppage), Brianna Chynoweth and Olivia Chynoweth (granddaughters of

Marilyn Chynoweth and nieces of Gail Chynoweth), Cynthia Copper (friend of Beth Clark),

Chris Cox (son of John Cox), Bonnie Crispin (sister of Jean Lindahl), Dave Crosby (brother of

Doug Crosby), The Debussman Family, Lee and Bill Evans (grandparents of Mackenzie Hill),

Elizabeth Galloway (sister of Christin Dobbeck), Troy Garrett (husband of Chloe Winnegar-

Garrett), Mark Hainsfurther (father of Susan Mackenzie), Mary Lou Hatfield (aunt of Karen

Kinsman), Erica Hernandez (niece of Jill Marjama-Lyons), Bill Hill (grandfather of MacKenzie

Hill), Dawn Hock, Tammy Hurst (friend of Deborah May), Kate Laning (niece of Nancy Kolenc),

Brad Kinsman (father of Karen Kinsman), Bob Kuntz (cousin of Jenny Sanchez), Chris Loring

(sister-in-law of Jenny Sanchez), Luana Mansfield (friend of Susie Tagliapietra), Kyle Maggert

(friend of COGS), Owen Marjama (dad of Jill Marjama-Lyons), Veronica McCarter (sister of

Mercy Martinez-Nunnally), Mark Miller (friend of Maribeth Bohley and Frances Clark), Venn

Moore (cousin of Dew Williams), Roy Morgan (father of Ashley Daigle), Amy Mueller (daughter

of Susan Olson), Paul Nagle (brother of Linc Nagle), Margot Nelson (friend of Main family),

Lupe Nuedecker (mother of Becky Leppala), Nan Olszewski (grandmother of Ashley Daigle),

Mike Parman (brother of Nancy Kolenc), Colt Salerno, Dayton Shaw (friend of Deb May),

Susan Smith (daughter of Ethel Shepard), Aurelio Soto (cousin of Lucien Daigle), Mark

Tobiason (Colleague of Asaera Cote), Frank Tupper (friend of Katherine Williams), Judy

Weatherford, Rhys and Kaylee Weatherford (family of Kennette Weatherford), Gerald Wolfe

(husband of Barbara Wolfe), Vincent Xavier (father of Patrick Xavier).

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Bulletin Board June 04, 2017

Upcoming Week at COGS:

June Care Team

Our Care Team Lead for the month of June is Carol Jordan. If you have or know of a need that you feel the Care Team can assist with, please call Meg in the church office at (505) 856-1004.

You may also contact Carol directly at (505) 856-6910 or e-mail her

at [email protected]

COGS Play Dates On Hold!

The COGS play dates have been put on hold until further notice. With busy summer schedules of camping swimming, and other activities, the group has decided to reconvene at a later date. Stay tuned for more information in the Midweek Message.

Office Closed for Overhaul!

The office will be closed on Monday, June 12 and Tuesday, June 13 for the purpose of reorganizing, restructuring, and archiving the office filing system and break room.

Cyber-security Computer Classes

Thursday June 15 @ 10:00 am Downstairs Classroom

The cyber security class will focus on different topics each week. COGS Members receive a discount. You can sign up for one class at $12.00 each or 4 Classes for $40. Michelle will be providing a flyer for each topic. Look for it in the MWM!

Date Time Event Location

TODAY! 9:00 AM Contemporary Theology Adult Learning Center

10:00 AM Worship Service Sanctuary

11:00 AM Summer Congregational Meeting Sanctuary

Tues. June 06 11:00 AM Pastor Bible Study Adult Learning Center

Wed. June 07 COGS Playdate—ON HOLD until further notice

Wed. June 07 6:00 PM Deep Dive: Poetry, Story, and Mixed Media Parlor

Sat. June 10 8:30 AM Train Ride to the Santa Fe Farmer's Market

Leave from the train station—See the MWM

Sun. June 11 9:00 AM Contemporary Theology Adult Learning Center

Sun. June 11 10:00 AM Worship Service—New Members Sanctuary

Sun. June 11 11:00 AM Hospitality Hour Garden

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Church Volunteer Opportunity

Are you interested in receiving hugs and smiles from our littlest members? Would you like to play for an hour each week? If so, we have a perfect volunteer opportunity.

We would like to make sure we have two people in the nursery during services. We currently have a paid attendant and would like to supplement by rotating volunteers.

Our hopes are to use two volunteers each week (one to cover early service, one for late service), using only one in the summer. Volunteers may also be asked to cover if the day care attendant is out for any reason.

Your job duties would be to hold babies, play with small children, and be the recipient of hugs and smiles. Please sign up on the Connection Card or call the church office at 505-856-1004.

Dive Deep: Poetry, Stories & Mixed Media

Starting Wednesday, June 7 (9 week series, except July 5), 6 to 8 pm

MOVED to the PARLOR Through a variety of readings, prayers, and art we will have the opportunity to dive deeper with each other and share those things that have created us as the individuals we are. Last Chance! Sign-up still available this week!

Train Ride to Santa Fe Farmers Market

Saturday, June 10 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

The Santa Fe Farmers' Market has been described as one of the top 10 Farmers' Market in the United States. The train will drop us off right at the market. Experience this living Monet of fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers.

Check out the flyer linked in the Midweek Message and posted on the hall bulletin for the full itinerary of the day's events. Sign-up continues on this week’s Connection Card!

Bulletin Board

New COGS Women’s Group

Monday, June 12 @ 6:30 am The first exploratory gathering and planning meeting for the new Women’s group will be Monday, June 12, 6:30-7:30 am at The Egg & I restaurant at 6909 Menaul Blvd NE . In this first meeting we will explore interests, mission and determine a regular day each month to meet. Sign-up continues on this week’s Connection Card!

COGS Aficionado

Many of you signed up to teach. Be on the look out for new and exciting classes to be posted in the Midweek Message and Bulletin.

Special Crafters: Sewing for a Cause Wednesday, June 14 @10:00 am - 4:00 pm

The June 14th gathering of the COGS Crafters' Group, will be an all day session, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. We will meet downstairs in the Social Hall. Those who are interested in helping with the First Day of School Project of the Albuquerque Chapter of the American Sewing Guild are invited to join in. Kathy Morris will bring fabrics, patterns, and sewing machines. There will be plenty of tasks for every skill level. Come have some fun and make some children very happy. Lunch will be provided. Please sign-up on the Connection Card so we know you are coming!

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June 04, 2017

Green Team

Saturday, June 17 @ 10:00 am

The Green Team met for the first time and drafted a mission statement. New members are always welcome. Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 17 at 10:00 a.m. in the Adult Learning Center. Green Team Mission Statement: Leading the community to be better stewards of creation through conservation education and outreach. We will accomplish this by:

• workshops

• community based projects

• weekly tip in the Midweek Message(NM Power and Light has 25 tips under $25 as starting place for weekly tips)

• celebrating progress over perfection

• transforming the church facility to be more green

• inspiration of ourselves and others

• offering support and encouragement

• assessment of current practices in the church

• collaboration with other teams

• establishing a small "store" of sustainable items (with Fair Trade items in Hospitality)


(Look for more info in the Midweek Message)

June 25: Team Refugee Training 11:30 to 3:30 pm , Adult Learning Center Just added: Voices of the Uprising: A Pride Revolution NM Gay Men’s Chorus Concert at the Hiland Theater

June 16 or 17 @ 7:30 pm June 18 @ 3:30 pm

Visit for more information.

Connection Card

Sunday, June 04, 2017






Home Phone: (_______)__________________

Work Phone: (_______)__________________

Email: ____________________@_________

Spouse/Partner’s Name:


Children’s Name(s) and Age(s):


This is my:

1st Time 2nd Time 3rd Time

I attend Church of the Good Shepherd

I am a member of COGS

How did you hear about us?

Friends Family Website/Internet

Location Sandia Grit

Other ______________________


Thank you for worshiping with us today.

We would love to have a record of your attendance

with us, so please fill out the information below. Please

place this card in the offertory plate as it is passed.

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We are delighted to have you worshiping with us


Church of the Good Shepherd, UCC is a dynamic

congregation with a rich history and an exciting

ministry in the community.

Our church is a part of a blend of four major

Protestant denominations that united together in

1957 to form the United Church of Christ.

We claim the early Pilgrim and Puritan settlers of

this country as part of our heritage, and celebrate

the words of Pastor John Robinson, who in his

farewell remarks to the Pilgrims as they were

leaving for the “new world,” said,

“There is still more light and truth to break

forth from God’s holy word.”

We are a church that:

• Takes the Bible seriously, but not literally.

• Worships God with joyful hearts and open


• Includes children in the life and ministry of the


• Celebrates creativity and the arts.

• Seeks to be inclusive of ALL people.

• Believes that growth in wisdom and

understanding happens at all stages of life.

• Is committed to work for justice for all people

and for the environment.

• Cares for one another, laughs easily, and

rests in God’s love.

• Looks to Jesus as teacher, prophet and Child

of God.

This is my:

1st Time 2nd Time 3rd Time

I attend Church of the Good Shepherd

I am a member of COGS

How did you hear about us?

Friends Family Website/Internet

Location Sandia Grit

Other ______________________

COGS Train Ride to

Santa Fe Farmer’s Market Yes! I/We are planning on attending!

# Attending _______

Dive Deep:

Poetry, Stories and Mixed Media

Yes! Please sign me up for the class

# Attending _______

New COGS Women’s Group

Yes! I am interested in joining. Please put me on the list!

Yes! I plan on attending the breakfast

Special Crafters: Sewing for a Cause

Yes! I/We are planning on attending!

# Attending _______

Sunday Care Volunteer

Yes! I/We are interested in helping out in the

nursery on Sunday’s.

Please add me/us to the list!