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1 of 45 AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE PROCUREMENT OF EQUIPMENT UNCOVERING THE BIAS, CORRUPTION AND MANIPULATION OF BIG LOTTERY GRANTS FOR PERSONAL FINANCIAL GAIN BY HUNTLY NORDIC SKI CLUB MEMBERSTHE CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THE MANIPULATION OF THE NEW OPPORTUNITY FUND BY ABERDEENSHIRE COUNCIL’S SPORTS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER FOR THE HUNTLY NORDIC SKI CENTREA DETAILED ACCOUNT OF THE BIG LOTTERY’S FAILURE TO ABIDE BY AND ADHERE TO THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT … THE FAILURE OF THE BIG LOTTERY IN CARRYING OUT ITS DUTIES AS LAIN OUT IN SECTION 26(1) OF THE NATIONAL LOTTERY ETC ACT 1993FINALLY, A STUDY OF THE CULTURE OF SYSTEMIC, INSTITUTIONAL ARROGANCE AND INCOMPETENCE THAT EXISTS WITHIN KEY, SENIOR MEMBERS OF BIG LOTTERY STAFF IN LONDON AND GLASGOW AND THEIR SUBSEQUENT ATTEMPT TO VICTIMISE A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, IN THE ATTEMPT TO BRING THE CORRUPTION OF LOTTERY FUNDING TO THE BIG LOTTERY’S ATTENTION. In a failure of the code of business conduct, where the Huntly Nordic Ski Club Treasurer was both successfully applying for grants and personally benefiting financially represents a serious conflict of interest with regard to Awards for All rules and standards of integrity. That the close personal interest of the Treasurer has conflicted with the best interests and the “spirit” in which the successful award was given to Huntly Nordic Ski Club, regardless of whether a best/competitive price had been achieved or not. The dysfunction of the Big Lottery staff‟s ethical behaviour, as an integral part of the success of the process in which Awards are given to groups by the Awards for All scheme. If such dissonant actions are acceptable, then a precedent will then be set directly affecting the credibility, reputation and success of the process in which groups qualify f or funding… directly reflecting on the “spirit” of good will which goes along with successful awards… and will reflect directly and negatively, on Awards for All Scotland / Big Lottery as a whole. This report is a chronological examination of all matters relating to both the awards given to Huntly Nordic Ski Cub and Huntly Hillwalking Club and the way in which my complaint has been handled by the Big Lottery Fund, uncovering a culture of bias, corruption, manipulation and victimisation within the Big Lottery organisation at the highest levels. Ian Cameron was finally threatened directly by the Big Lottery with a gross contradiction and extreme incompetence by Robert Holland, Corporate Governance Manager. Looking at it from the Big Lottery‟s point of view, they may in fact have been doing everything possible to “bury bad news” and avoid association of any bad publicity surrounding the £642,750 New Opportunities Fund Grants, or the £12,980 „Awards for All Scotland‟ grants issued to the Ski Centre and the Ski Club respectively. Big Lottery Fund - ANTI-FRAUD AND ANTI-CORRUPTION STRATEGY (Click Here) - Big Lottery Fund - ANTI FRAUD AND CORRUPTION POLICY 1. The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability in order to ensure the proper use of public funds. This Anti-Fraud and Anti- Corruption Strategy (the Strategy) establishes BIG’s objectives in this respect and sets out a cohesive framework to manage effectively the risks associated with fraud and corruption involving Board Members, staff or third parties and promotes the principles of sound corporate governance.

AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE PROCUREMENT OF EQUIPMENT UNCOVERING THE … ·  · 2011-07-091 of 45 an investigation into the procurement

Apr 15, 2018



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    In a failure of the code of business conduct, where the Huntly Nordic Ski Club Treasurer was both successfully applying for grants and personally benefiting financially represents a serious conflict of interest with regard to Awards for All rules and standards of integrity.

    That the close personal interest of the Treasurer has conflicted with the best interests and the spirit in which the successful award was given to Huntly Nordic Ski Club, regardless of whether a best/competitive

    price had been achieved or not. The dysfunction of the Big Lottery staffs ethical behaviour, as an integral part of the success of the process

    in which Awards are given to groups by the Awards for All scheme. If such dissonant actions are acceptable, then a precedent will then be set directly affecting the credibility,

    reputation and success of the process in which groups qualify for funding directly reflecting on the spirit of good will which goes along with successful awards and will reflect directly and negatively, on Awards for All Scotland / Big Lottery as a whole.

    This report is a chronological examination of all matters relating to both the awards given to Huntly Nordic Ski Cub and Huntly Hillwalking Club and the way in which my complaint has been handled by the Big Lottery

    Fund, uncovering a culture of bias, corruption, manipulation and victimisation within the Big Lottery organisation at the highest levels.

    Ian Cameron was finally threatened directly by the Big Lottery with a gross contradiction and extreme incompetence by Robert Holland, Corporate Governance Manager.

    Looking at it from the Big Lotterys point of view, they may in fact have been doing everything possible to bury bad news and avoid association of any bad publicity surrounding the 642,750 New Opportunities Fund Grants, or the 12,980 Awards for All Scotland grants issued to the Ski Centre and the Ski Club respectively.


    (Click Here) - Big Lottery Fund - ANTI FRAUD AND CORRUPTION POLICY

    1. The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity

    and accountability in order to ensure the proper use of public funds. This Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Strategy (the Strategy) establishes BIGs objectives in this respect and sets out a cohesive framework to manage effectively the risks associated with fraud and corruption involving

    Board Members, staff or third parties and promotes the principles of sound corporate governance.

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    On 13

    th November 2002 at the AGM of Huntly Hillwalking Club during AOCB, a request was proposed by the

    Chairman Nick Mays wife Claudia Zeiske. Mrs Zeiske explained that Huntly Nordic Ski Club had successfully received a Lottery grant and had made a second

    application for a grant which was currently in progress. It was explained that the Ski Clubs proposition had come from a Ski Club member Roy Young to ask the Hillwalking

    Club if it would make an application for a grant for equipment on the Ski Clubs behalf, additionally, the Hillwalking Club could consider if it wanted any equipment.

    Without a great deal of thought or input from Hillwalking Club members, an agreement was made that an application to the Big Lottery would be made to assist a local group when it asked for help.

    In line with her expertise as a professional fund raiser, deriving her personal income from self determined commissions taken from grants for Visual Arts in the local area, Claudia Zeiske assigned herself to request an application form from Big Lottery funding body Awards for All Scotland, with the additional interest that she was also

    a member of the Ski Club along with her husband the Hillwalking Club Chairman Nick May. A successful application was made and 3,242 was received on 4

    th September 2003, tasking Roy Young to source

    the equipment that Roy Young had requested through the grant application. On 18

    th March 2004, instead of submitting a receipt from a commercial business (Outdoor Shop), Roy Young submits

    an invoice with his home address and business, (headed with the business name Tout Tele.) This information was detailed by the Hillwalking Club Secretary, Ian Cameron in the End of Award report to be

    submitted to the Big Lottery On submission of the draft End of Award report to the Hillwalking Club committee for approval, an instruction was

    given by the Chairman Nick May and Claudia Zeiske to remove information regarding Roy Youngs name and company name.

    Already unhappy about the fact that the Hillwalking Club had been canvassed by Roy Young to apply for Lottery money, to then put a substantial sum of that grant through his own business, to supply equipment that he had asked for Secretary Ian Cameron questioned whether wilful dishonesty and impropriety was in fact taking place The

    End of Award report was duly withheld. After Secretary Ian Cameron questioned the setup a committee meeting was called by Chairman Nick May and

    held in the absence of Secretary Ian Cameron the result, without being given the opportunity of representation, Secretary Ian Cameron was instructed by letter, to resign with immediate effect.

    Whilst there was no provision in the Hillwalking Clubs Constitution to do this and the fact that the laws of natural justice had been broken by the committee by holding a Kangaroo Court, Ian Cameron continued in office and fulfilled his full term as Secretary.

    With this collusion, the serious impropriety of the Chairman Nick May, Vice Chairman Tommy Edwards, Treasurer Brian Shanks and Chairmans wife Claudia Zeiske was called into questioned along with the safety of the nature of

    the relationship between them, Roy Young and the Huntly Nordic Ski Club. As a result of the altercation, this investigation was initiated to determine what exactly was being covered up and the

    first Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 question was made to Awards for All in Glasgow to determine if the first 2 grants applied for by Huntly Nordic Ski Club were also put through Roy Youngs business... Tout Tele?

    The first Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 question was asked on 30 Aug 05

    A comprehensive pre-history leading up to FOI requests for information can be viewed in the main discussion 07 Apr 06... here...

    Chronological Email Correspondence between Ian Cameron and Awards for All Scotland / Big Lottery

    30 Aug 05 (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Ian to [email protected]... Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire) Dear Sir or Madam: Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire): I would be grateful if you could send me full details of all awards made to the above body, including a complete list of all items of equipment purchased

    using monies provided through the 'Awards for All' scheme. Huntly Nordic Ski Club received 2 grants: 5,000 on 04/10/2001 and 2,980 on 23/12/2003. If you have copies of receipts for equipment purchased these should be included with the other information. Please treat this request in accordance with the Freedom of Information

    (Scotland) Act 2002. Yours faithfully, Ian Cameron 1[email protected]

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    31 Aug 05 (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Robert Holland Corporate Information Advisor, Big Lottery Fund, 1 Plough Place, London to Ian Your request for information under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 Dear

    Mr Cameron, Your request for information was received by Big Lottery Fund on 31 Aug 05. The FOI Act 2000 requires us to respond to this request within 20 working days. Therefore we will respond no later than 28 Sep 05, however we will endeavour to comply before this date, stating any exemptions applied. I will be your contact point at

    the Big Lottery Fund; my contact details are below. Do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss anything regarding your request. Your reference: A/103/3108/2 Yours Sincerely Robert Holland. [email protected] 1

    20 Sep 05 (Received details of FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Robert Holland Corporate Information Advisor, Big Lottery Fund, 1 Plough Place, London to Ian Dear Mr Cameron, Re A/103/3108/2 FOI Request I refer to your

    request for information which Big Lottery Fund received on 31 Aug 05 regarding Huntly Nordic Ski Club. I can confirm that the Big Lottery Fund holds the information that you have requested. Included in the response are details of the two grants made to Huntly Nordic Ski Club. No exemptions have been applied to this response, but personal

    addresses, telephone numbers and bank details have been concealed due to data protection. If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me directly. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications. If you are unhappy with the level of service you have received in relation to your request from

    Big Lottery Fund you may ask for an internal review. You should contact Tamar Collis at the address below if you wish to make a complaint. Customer Care and Quality Adviser. Big Lottery Fund, 1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the

    information commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Yours Sincerely Robert Holland. 1

    21 Sep 05 Internal Email Huntly Nordic Ski Club - Peter Thorn (Secretary Huntly Nordic Ski Club) to Simon Beeson, Roy Young, Hilary Musgrave, Clair Newman, Alan Telford cc Sandy Thorn (Duty Manager Huntly Nordic Ski Centre),

    Claudia Zeiske, Nick May Subject Awards for All Information Dear Committee, I'm just letting you know I have received a letter from the Big Lottery Fund informing me that they have had a request for disclosure of information about our two Awards for All grants. This is under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which came into force in Jan

    2005. No personnel or bank details have been disclosed. There is nothing to concern to concern or worry you. All our Awards for All awards have all been correctly administered & recorded. I have an idea who is requesting this information but no idea what their possible concerns are. Peter

    My Investigation Initiates Public Damage to my Reputation

    Below this internal email from Peter Thorn 21 Sep 05, were pasted 3 emails from Nick May (Chairman) to Ian requesting dates for an EGM within the Hillwalking Club 01 Sep 05, 06 Sep 05 and 14 Sep 05 directly inferring my name as the person requesting information from the Big Lottery and hence Peter Thorns comment about having an idea who is requesting the information.

    It has to be remembered at this point that Nick Mays request for an EGM was after an

    unsuccessful attempt by him as Chairman of Huntly Hillwalking Club to put me (Ian Cameron) through a Kangaroo Court within the Hillwalking Club after I objected to the impropriety of Roy Young asking our group to apply for a Lottery grant on behalf of the Ski

    Club and then directing part of those funds through his own business.

    My belief is, that this was been done to cause damage to my reputability this becomes evident in the future (18 Aug 06), as I receive information back from a Personal Data

    Subject Access Request from the Big Lottery where I discover that I have been slandered by Andrew Miller, Sports Development Officer at Aberdeenshire Council with 3 untruths of which, this is turned into libel by Officers at the Big Lottery, by being documented and

    circulated around Big Lottery personnel who are involved with my complaint 20 Jun 06. I believe this defamation of my good character has been made with wilful intent.

    (At this stage of the information, Im not aware of the intimate involvement of Andrew Miller,

    Sports Development Officer at Aberdeenshire Council with the private Huntly Nordic Ski Club or his close personal involvement with Roy Young and their manipulation of Aberdeenshire Council contracts for the supply of equipment... or Andrew Millers influence

    over 662,000 of New Opportunity Fund grants as the Aberdeenshire Council New Opportunity Fund contact.

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Huntly Nordic Ski Club Members Unaware of Roy Youngs Activities

    Peter Thorn does not appear to be aware of exactly what Roy Young has been up to regarding VAT Fraud with the first Huntly Nordic Ski Club Awards for All grant...

    There is nothing to concern to concern or worry you. All our Awards for All awards have all been correctly administered &

    recorded. I have an idea who is requesting this information but no idea what their possible concerns are. Peter

    A receipt was submitted to the Big Lottery by Roy Youngs Tout Tele where he does charge VAT on a Total amount of 2,160.24 but doesnt document his company VAT Registration Number on his Invoice.

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page iv)

    It states clearly on the Government Website relating to VAT Fraud that If a bill shows a separate amount for VAT, it must also show the 9 digit VAT Registration number of the business

    (Click here to see Guidance on Tax Fraud)***

    What also has to be realised with this first Big Lottery grant that Roy Young manipulates for personal gain is the fact that, of 3 Invoices he submitted to the Big Lottery totaling 4,000.17 on 2 he doesnt charge VAT

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page v)

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page vi) he only does it with 1.

    This fraudulent Invoice was one of 3 Invoices given to the private Huntly Nordic Ski Club (HNSC) and formed part of a Lottery application where:

    *Roy Young was a founder member of HNSClub

    *Roy Young was Treasurer of HNSClub when the first application was made (AAS/2/010017491)

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page xv to xviii)

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page xix to xxi) (This link doesnt work anymore, but used to contain details of this grant AAS/2/010017491)

    *Roy Young co-ordinated the application for the first grant as applicant *Roy Young was one of three Committee members authorised to sign cheques on behalf of

    HNSClub *Roy Young signed the contract of 'Terms and Condition' to ensure the grant was

    completed to the letter of the 'Awards for All Scotland' rules. *Roy Young subsequently purchased equipment to the value of 4,000.17 (from the successful Awards for All Scotland grant of 5,000) through his own company Tout Tele.

    *Roy Young is responsible as sole owner of Tout Tele and Treasurer of Huntly Nordic Ski

    Club to produce Annual accounts for both sides therefore able to run an illegal VAT receipt through the Ski Club without detection.

    *Roy Young subsequently benefits from using the equipment bought.

    From this, Roy Young is both co-ordinating a Lottery application and putting the money through his own business.

    I consider the VAT threshold of +/-58,000 (2004) and the fact that both he and his wife own a property in Whistler, British Columbia, (famous for the quality of its Snow Shoeing

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    Trails) which he may possibly gain income from, plus 2 properties in Scotland that he rents out and balance it against the fact that, he is a full time employee of Aberdeenshire

    Council. Ive never seen his company Tout Tele advertised to the general Huntly towns people and

    surrounding area as a sports equipment business and also the fact that he doesnt operate the company from a shop premises in the town therefore turning over an excess of 58,000 would be unlikely or would it?

    Whats more telling though is the 2 faces of Roy Young.

    By pocketing the extra VAT money 321.74, he is also cheating the members of the Huntly Nordic Ski Club behind their backs ! ... and smiling at them with his other face.

    29 Sep 05 Ian to [email protected]... Complaints Procedure - Awards For All Scotland Dear Sir /

    Madam Matters of impropriety have come to my attention regarding 2 awards made through your scheme to the same organisation. I would be grateful if you could send me a copy of your full complaints procedure... My Home Address if required for anything postal is: Ian Cameron Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron 1

    I check through the grant applications received on 20 Sep 05 from the first Freedom of Information request. Additional to this information is the End of Awards Reports and

    Invoices regarding the first 5,000 grant received by Huntly Nordic Ski Club on 04 Oct 01. I realise from the information supplied to me the full extent of Roy Youngs manipulation of

    Awards for All grants is not confined to the deceptive handling of Huntly Hillwalking Club. I therefore need to check what the Big Lottery complaints policy/procedure is regarding

    impropriety in the co-ordination of Big Lottery grants for personal gain.... and make my second request to ask for more detail.

    29 Sep 05 Ian to [email protected]... Ref: A/103/3108/2 FAO: Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Big Lottery Fund 1 Plough Place London EC4 1DE Tel: 020 7211 3736 Dear Mr Holland Ref:

    A/103/3108/2 Firstly thank you very much for putting together a recent request I made, requested under the Freedom of Information Act. I have to write to you to say that the information you did supply was incomplete. The missing information is relative to Grant: URN: AAS/3/0100 983 01 Group Name: Huntly Nordic Ski Club Award Amount

    2,980 Award Date: 23-12-2003 You have not included the Invoices/Receipts relative to the 2,980 awarded... Could you rectify this by sending the information, to which I'd be grateful to receive before 15th October 2005. Yours Sincerely Ian Cameron 1

    Having received the information on the first 2 grants on 20 Sep 05, I email the Big Lottery asking to confirm that everything was included. No invoices or receipts were sent relative to

    the second Huntly Nordic Ski Club grant of 2,980 won on 23 Dec 03... but they were included with the first grant details.

    30 Sep 05 Michelle Wilson to Ian Complaints Procedure - Awards For All Scotland Ian Thank you for your recent correspondence. Unfortunately, the course of action detailed in the Big Lottery Fund 'Complaints Procedure' cannot not be applied in situations where complaints are of impropriety. I have forwarded this information to the Awards for

    All team who may contact you shortly to discuss further. Michelle Wilson 1

    Michelle Wilson replys regarding the complaints procedure, and points out, that the course of action detailed within the policy cannot be applied with regards to complaints of

    impropriety... but someone will contact me to consider any complaint I have.

    03 Oct 05 Ian to Michelle Wilson (Information and Events Officer, Awards for All Scotland) cc [email protected] (Director, Scotland Big Lottery Fund) Complaints Procedure - Awards

    For All Scotland Can you therefore send me a copy of your policy for dealing with complaints of a very serious nature, in particular where an applicant under the scheme is both coordinating grant applications and personally profiting from them. The applicant is also a founder member of the group making the application and a committee

    member, holding the position of Treasurer. He has also signed the Contract of Terms and Conditions on behalf of the group on the successful application form. It is necessary to also state that the applicant has financially profited from this, by putting the Awards for All grant money through his own business, supplying the equipment to the group,

    of which he is also taking benefit in using the equipment to do his chosen sport. The group has had 2 successful applications to Awards for All Scotland totalling 7,980 I would be especially interested to know what sanctions you apply to applicants in the event of impropriety of such a nature being discovered. Can you also tell me who is

    responsible for the external audit of the 'Awards for All Scotland' scheme? Does it ultimately come under the remit of the National Audit Office or the Auditor General for Scotland (ie Robert Black)? Yours Sincerely Ian Cameron 1

    Unfortunately, in Ms Wilson answer of 30 Sep 05, she has not recognised that the information I want, (asked on 29 Sep 05), is the policy document relative to my complaint.[email protected]&msg=44AFFBAB-6BAB-41AD-9FE8-F44CADCC677D&start=0&len=4888&src=&type=xmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    I consider this answer on 30 Sep 05, does not reflect the nature of my complaint and ask for a

    redefinition and copy of the policy. I give some account of the nature of my complaint, but realise the Big Lottery may not treat my complaint fairly. As a result, I ask who is responsible for the external audit of Big Lottery Awards for All Scotland the National Audit Office or Audit

    Scotland? This question however is never answered by Michelle Wilson or indeed by any Big Lottery staff

    at any time... and I never do receive a policy document from the Big Lottery regarding any kind of complaints process.

    03 Oct 05 Michelle Wilson to Ian Complaints Procedure - Awards For All Scotland Thank you for your recent correspondence. Could I ask that in the first instance you contact the Head of Internal Audit, Nick Blake, with any allegations of fraud/impropriety. You can contact Nick Blake at: Big Lottery Fund, 4th floor, Plough Place, London,

    EC4A 1DE. We will seek to recoup the costs in cases where we find that money has been misspend/ misappropriated. Michelle Wilson 1

    A clear statement is made by Michelle Wilson about the Big Lotterys course of action, they will:

    seek to recoup the costs in cases where we find that money has been

    misspend/ misappropriated.

    I determine that she does recognise the seriousness of my complaint, as she directs me to

    contact Nick Blake, Head of Internal Audit at the Big Lottery Headquarters in London. 04 Oct 05 [email protected] to Ian Awards for All Dear Mr Cameron, I have been asked to

    contact you by my colleague Michelle Wilson. Can you please either give me a call or email me with your details so we can discuss the issue that you have highlighted. I cannot enter into an investigation until I have details of the group involved. I look forward to hearing from you. Chris Holloway Awards Officer 1

    The next day however, Chris Holloway makes contact and asks me to get in touch actively to take my complaint further.

    12 Oct 05 Ian to Chris Holloway Awards for All Dear Mr Holloway, Apologise for my delay in writing back to you.

    I am still waiting for 1 piece of information which wasn't included in a recent FOI request that I've made. Before I say anything, can you confirm what the official complaints procedure is regarding Lottery Awards made to successful groups receiving grants. I hope to get back to you with my complaint as soon as I have the FOI information back...

    (though what I do have already is conclusive) Yours Sincerely Ian Cameron 1

    At this stage, I realise that Im not in a position to make any further statements until I have more knowledge of Big Lottery complaints procedure to check for myself.

    I duly again ask for a copy of the policy. Also in my email 12 Oct 05, I say though what I do have already is conclusive... I am

    referring to Michelle Wilsons comments of 03 Oct 05...

    seek to recoup the costs in cases where we find that money has been

    misspend/ misappropriated.

    12 Oct 05 Chris Holloway to Ian Out of Office AutoReply: Awards for All I will be out of the office until Monday 17th of October 2005, if you have any urgent enquiries please contact 0141 242 1200. Regards, Chris Holloway 1

    17 Oct 05 Chris Holloway to Ian Awards for All Dear Mr Cameron, Thank you for your email. In the first instance I would ask that you detail any complaint in writing to myself. We will then look into your complaint by way of our internal procedures. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Chris Holloway Awards Officer 1

    27 Oct 05 Ian to Robert Holland [email protected] cc [email protected] Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr

    Holland, I am writing to enquire on the progress of a request I made on the 29th September regarding missing information from an FOI request I made on 30th August Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire. (see email 29 Sep 05) I still haven't heard or received anything back from you and today is the 20th working day

    since my email to you on the 29th September. Could you please forward the missing information as soon as is practically possible as it affects a very serious matter I am about to raise with Chris Holloway at Awards for All Scotland in Glasgow. Thanking you in advance Ian Cameron 1

    I had to write on the 20

    th working day to check the progress

    of an FOI request I had made (nothing had been emailed or sent in the Post)

    27 Oct 05 Robert Holland [email protected] cc [email protected] to Ian Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Cameron, I apologise for the delay. I will look into the matter and get back to you as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Tel: 020 7211 3736 Fax: 020 7211 3749 2nd Floor Big

    Lottery Fund 1 Plough Place London, EC4A 1DE 1

    Robert Holland has obviously ignored my request made on 29 Sep 05 for receipts/invoices relative to the second Huntly Nordic Ski Clubs successful grant of 2,980

    27 Oct 05 Robert Holland [email protected] cc [email protected] to Ian Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Cameron, I apologise for the delay in contacting you. However, I can confirm that we did not withhold any

    information from your first Freedom of Information request. The end of grant report that the group must submit once there project is complete states: "Please note that original receipts for items over 500 must be submitted with the form for review by our staff." As the group did not spend the award on any single item over 500 we did not require

    them. Yours sincerely, Robert Holland 1

    ... and clarifys the rules regarding Lottery grants and accountability... only receipts for single

    items over the value of 500 are required. 27 Oct 05 Ian to Robert Holland [email protected] cc [email protected]

    Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Holland Thank you very much for your efficient reply, it's much appreciated. I had suspected that that might be the case but needed clarification. I can now get on with the business of contacting Chris Holloway. Best Regards Ian

    Cameron 1 31 Oct 05 Ian to [email protected] Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire

    (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Holloway As per my previous emails, currently I am in a situation where an incident involving Awards for All grants, which I regard as serious impropriety, has come to my attention. I have made an attempt to put my complaint in writing, but due to the complex nature of it, I've found that it's difficult to

    articulate. With respect to this, would it be possible for me to come to Glasgow and meet with you in person, where I can go through my complaint in detail. My complaint is with regard to three Awards for All Scotland Grants made... Organisation Name: Huntly Nordic Ski Club, Scheme Name: Awards for All Scotland, Award Date: 2001-10-04 (year-

    month-day), Award Amount: 5000, Regional Office: Scotland Awards for All, Authority Area: Aberdeenshire Press Summary: "This group provides opportunities for people to participate in Nordic Skiing by organising events, races and training. The grant

    will be used to purchase skate roller skis and bindings, skate skis and bindings, ski poles and a digital camcorder." Grant #2 Organisation Name: Huntly Nordic Ski Club Scheme Name: Awards for All Scotland Award, Date: 2003-12-23 (year-month-day), Award Amount: 2980 Regional

    Office: Scotland Awards for All Local, Authority Area: Aberdeenshire Press Summary: "This group provides opportunities for people of all ages to participate in the sport of cross country skiing. Grant will allow the group to organise snow races

    using the correct equipment providing skiers with the opportunity to enhance their competition skills." Organisation Name: Huntly Hillwalking Club, Scheme Name: Awards for All Scotland, Award Date: 2001-09-02 (year-month-day), Award Amount: 3242, Regional Office: Scotland Awards for All, Authority Area: Aberdeenshire http://www.c- Press Summary: "This group from Huntly provide challenging leisure activities for people of all ages. Grant will allow the group to purchase winter walking safety equipment including maps enabling the group to improve their health through regular walking in all seasons."

    ... My position in relation to this is I am the current Secretary of Huntly Hillwalking Club which was successful in receiving a grant from you on 2nd September 2003 (detailed above)... my involvement is, it is my signature on our contract of terms and conditions for our successful grant. I have discovered the following regarding grants made to

    Huntly Nordic Ski Club... *Mr. X is a founder member of Huntly Nordic Ski Club *Mr. X was Treasurer of Huntly Nordic Ski Club when the first application was made *Mr. X co-ordinated the application for the first grant as applicant *Mr. X was one of 3 Committee members authorised to sign cheques on behalf of Huntly Nordic Ski Club * Mr. X signed the contract of 'Terms and Condition' to ensure the grant was completed to the letter of the 'Awards for All Scotland'

    rules. *Mr. X subsequently put 4,000.17 of the successful grant through his own company Tout Tele supplying the equipment requested in the application to Huntly Nordic Ski Club. *Mr. X subsequently benefits from using the equipment bought. Our involvement is... Mr. X canvassed us to apply for an Awards for All grant on behalf of Huntly

    Nordic Ski Club (as they had already received two successful grants and wanted additional equipment)... unknown to me he had a company in which he put/re-supplied the equipment requested through. There is one day this week that I am free (Friday 4th November 2005), on which I am hoping that it will be possible to come to Glasgow to meet and

    discuss the details of my complaint... I look forward to hearing from you in the course of time. Yours Sincerely Ian Cameron Secretary

    I make my first formal complaint about the manipulation of Big Lottery grants as clearly and concisely as I can... I explain who I am and my involvement... and substitute Roy Young, Treasurer of Huntly Nordic Ski Clubs with the name Mr. X.

    My intention by using the name Mr. X, is to make sure the facts of the case are focused on, rather than any misunderstanding that there is any personal aspect behind the complaint

    against 1 person. I appreciate that a complaint of this nature may wrongly be interpreted, rather than the actual

    case which is a concern about the fraudulent misuse and abuse of public funds for personal gain.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://

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    I fail to highlight in this complaint that Roy Young/ Mr. X, as Treasurer is also responsible for the accounts of Huntly Nordic Ski Club as well as his own business Tout Tele and therefore,

    in a position to run an illegal VAT receipt through the books without detection. It is my belief that my complaint is reasonable and fair...

    31 Oct 05 [email protected] to Ian Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Cameron Thank you for your email. I will look into the comments that you have raised and be in contact as soon as possible. It will not be necessary for you to come to Glasgow as I have

    enough information at the moment. Regards, Chris Holloway Senior Awards Officer

    31 Oct 05 [email protected] to Claire Newman Treasurer HNSClub Awards for All Scotland Dear Claire, An issue has been brought to our attention regarding the supplier that you have used, to purchase equipment funded by Awards for All. This is in relation to awards made in September 2001 and December 2003.

    From our information it would seem that your group has purchased the equipment from a company (Tout Tele) owned by your secretary - Mr Peter Thorn. Would it be possible for you to outline the reason your group chose this company and how this decision was reached? I look forward to hearing from you, Regards Chris Holloway, Senior

    Awards Officer Chris Holloway completely misinterpreted the complaint I made, taking it out of context

    If you check the application form, you will find that the Treasurer was Roy Young Chris Holloways question wrongly refers to the Secretary Peter Thorn.

    This error will have a serious consequential effect on my complaint and was an incompetent error which would prove to cause further damage to my credibility and good character.

    I clearly said Mr. X was Treasurer.

    By the fact that Chris Holloway wants to know the answer to this question, he realises that purchasing equipment internally from a Huntly Nordic Ski Club member is an issue to be addressed but he again, is incompetent at dealing with Peter Thorns reply below (01 Nov 05) and its this incompetence that leads to the primary failure of the

    Big Lottery in dealing with corruption, manipulation and fraud of their grants by Huntly Nordic Ski Club properly.

    31 Oct 05 Claire Newman to Peter Thorn Awards for All Scotland I have just received this email and was wondering how I should be replying to it? Please advise - thanks. Claire

    01 Nov 05 Peter Thorn, Secretary HNSClub to Chris Holloway A4A re: Awards for All Scotland Huntly Nordic Dear Mr Holloway, I am replying to this email on behalf of Claire Newman because I have already spoken by phone to Robert Holland (Corporate Information Advisor, Big Lottery) regarding a letter he sent me re our Awards for All

    grants & a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I also have all the paperwork regards our grants so it is easier for me to answer your questions. 1. I have never been an owner of Tout Tele or in any way involved in the running of this company. I have purchased ski equipment from it for personal use & on behalf of the

    Huntly Nordic Ski Club. My sole source of income is my salary from the company I work for (HRH Ltd, Aberdeen). I have worked for this company for 15 years. You are most welcome to view my tax returns, bank statements etc. Tout Tele is owned by Roy Young who is also a member of the Huntly Nordic Ski Club. 2. I believe the person is has

    instigated your investigation is the same gentleman has also been asking questions of the Huntly Hillwalking Club & their Awards for All grant. He has also approached Aberdeenshire Council under the Freedom of Information Act for information on the Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre, its staff & relationship to the above mentioned clubs. This

    gentleman knows full well that Tout Tele is owned solely by Roy Young. 3. The Huntly Nordic Ski Club only purchased equipment from Tout Tele in our first grant award (AAS/2/010017491). No equipment was purchased from Tout Tele for our second grant (AAS/3/010098301). The equipment purchased from Tout Tele was: 28 pairs skate skis + bindings = 1552.41, 32 ski poles = 470.00, 15 pair rollerskis = 1896.76, 3 ski bags = 81.00. The reason

    we chose Tout Tele to supply these items is quite simple, it gave us by far the best price. They sold the equipment at pretty much cost & Tout Tele probably made very little profit on the transaction. We purchased the equipment at the following unit costs: Ski bindings unit cost 14.00 per pair (typical retail 30.00) LS Skate ski unit cost 46.90 per pair

    (typical retail 110.00) LS Skate junior ski unit cost 22.90-26.90 (typical retail 50.00) Ski poles unit cost 12.50 (typical retail 28.00) Rollerskis unit cost 110.00 (typical retail 199.00) The retail prices I quote above are approximate for the time we purchased the equipment. There are not many suppliers of nordic ski equipment in the

    UK. We would have been able to negotiate a discount on these prices but they would not have brought the price down to Tout Tele levels. For example the only other supplier of Marwe rollerskis in the UK at the time offered us a 10% discount on their 199.00 retail price. I hope the above information clarifies things. Please let me know if you

    require further information I will be most happy to cooperate & justify our actions. The person who started all this seems to me to be just fishing for information. By suggesting that I am an owner of Tout Tele he is attempting suggest that I am engaged in improper dealings with our Awards for All grants. I have copied this email to the Huntly

    Nordic Ski Club committee, Roy Young at Tout Tele, the Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre & Aberdeenshire Council. You may contact by phone, email or post Regards Peter Thorn

    Chris Holloways incompetence accentuates damage to my reputation by Peter Thorn

    Peter Thorns email to Chris Holloway is a reaction to the misinformation/mistake Chris

    Holloway made on 31 Oct 05... and further damages my charge, made to Big Lottery on 31 Oct 05 regarding impropriety.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Peter Thorn then details that I am probably the same person who has approached

    Aberdeenshire Council... I consider that this statement is designed to discredit my complaint to the Big Lottery and portray an image of a trouble maker rather than the straight fact that I have concerns about the misuse of public funds by individuals for personal gain.

    Peter Thorn makes libellous inferences and forwards on this email into the Public domain... copying everyone he can including Aberdeenshire Council.

    Peter Thorn Highlights Impropriety

    Mr Thorn does highlight that part of the grant (URN AAS/2/010017491), was placed through member Roy Youngs business.

    3. The Huntly Nordic Ski Club only purchased equipment from Tout Tele in our first grant award (AAS/2/010017491). The equipment purchased from

    Tout Tele was: 28 pairs skate skis + bindings = 1552.41, 32 ski poles = 470.00, 15 pair rollerskis = 1896.76, 3 ski bags = 81.00.

    So its clearly admitted if you look at the grant application form

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page xv to xviii)

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page xix to xxi)

    that the applicant of grant URN AAS/2/010017491, the person signing the contract of terms and conditions, the Treasurer authorised to sign cheques on behalf of Huntly Nordic Ski Club, the one supplying the equipment through his own business Tout Tele, is one in the same

    person, Roy Young.

    Peter Thorn Highlights indicators of Tax Fraud

    Now you have to remember what HMRC guidance on Tax Fraud states

    VAT fraud If a business charges you VAT it must be VAT registered and must declare

    any VAT it charges to HMRC. Some businesses deliberately avoid registering for VAT, thereby gaining an

    unfair advantage over their competitors. Others may either be bogus or may lie about the amount of VAT that they owe. You might know that a business is not declaring all the VAT they're

    charging, or you might think that they're not because they:

    offer goods for sale at substantially below market value***

    (Click here to see Guidance on Tax Fraud)

    Peter Thorn highlights this in his answer

    The reason we chose Tout Tele to supply these items is quite simple, it

    gave us by far the best price. They sold the equipment at pretty much cost & Tout Tele probably made very little profit on the transaction. We purchased the equipment at the following unit costs: Ski bindings unit cost

    14.00 per pair (typical retail 30.00) LS Skate ski unit cost 46.90 per pair (typical retail 110.00) LS Skate junior ski unit cost 22.90-26.90 (typical retail 50.00) Ski poles unit cost 12.50 (typical retail 28.00) Rollerskis unit

    cost 110.00 (typical retail 199.00) The retail prices I quote above are approximate for the time we purchased the equipment. There are not many suppliers of nordic ski equipment in the UK. We would have been able to

    negotiate a discount on these prices but they would not have brought the price down to Tout Tele levels. For example the only other supplier of Marwe rollerskis in the UK at the time offered us a 10% discount on

    their 199.00 retail price.

    Peter Thorn then goes on to say

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    I hope the above information clarifies things.

    It does clarify things Peter, Roy Young subsequently then also commits Tax Fraud with a

    receipt submitted to the Big Lottery by Roy Youngs Tout Tele where he does charge VAT on a Total amount of 2,160.24 but doesnt document his company VAT Registration Number on his Invoice.

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page iv)

    It states clearly on the Government Website relating to VAT Fraud that If a bill shows a separate amount for VAT, it must also show the 9 digit VAT Registration number of the business

    (Click here to see Guidance on Tax Fraud)***

    For me, Roy Young isnt just cheating the Big Lottery and HM Revenue and Customs hes also cheating members of Huntly Nordic Ski Club by putting an extra bonus of 321.74 into his own pocket on top of any profit made on the sale of the ski equipment..

    Without question this man is the very worst kind of man to have living in our society a smiling assassin if you like.

    03 Nov 05 Huntly Nordic Ski Club Minutes AGM 2005 Secretarys Report Peter Thorn then made the club aware

    that an individual from outside the club has made approaches to Awards for All & Aberdeenshire Council under the Freedom of Information Act 2003 about our previous grants and also the relationship of the Club to the Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre. Awards for All have specifically asked for extra information on why and where we purchased

    equipment. A letter has been sent in reply. The Secretary reassured the meeting that there was nothing to be concerned about. Alan Telford proposed in light of the recent questions raised about the spending of our grants that we in future obtain written quotes for any items in excess of 500. Peter Thorn informed the meeting that there was

    no such requirement from Awards for All, in fact they gave no guidance or restrictions on how and where equipment was sourced. The meeting agreed that Alans suggestions be followed for everyones protection in the future. Andy Miller informed the meeting that work on the downhill mat starts Monday 14

    th November and will be completed early

    December Andy Miller informed the meeting that Clubs co-operative relationship with Centre was agreed when the Club was formed in 1998 and has been reinforced with the subsequent Big Lottery developments at Centre and that this agreement is not affected by the recent review of club use of Council facilities. Sandy Thorn informed meeting

    that Club already pays half race fees and Club Night moneys to the Centre even although it is under no obligation to do so.

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page ix)

    At the Huntly Nordic Ski Club AGM, my reputation is further damaged by Peter Thorn when you consider that I have simply asked questions regarding propriety I find that it is my good

    character which is being significantly damaged again this has been done initially by Nick May on 21 Sep 05, then by Chris Holloway 31 Oct 05 by his incompetent mistake, and now by Peter Thorn at the Huntly Nordic Ski Club AGM.

    In all 3 cases, the laws of natural justice have been breached to my detriment.

    My underlying concern and reason for investigating this case, is the fact that I was manipulated by this core group to sign the contract of Terms & Conditions for the Huntly Hillwalking Club grant not knowing that the intention of Roy Young who canvassed us to apply for the grant on behalf of the Ski Club all along, was to run the money received from the Big

    Lottery through his own business.. Also at this AGM, Andrew Miller who is a Sports Development Officer at Aberdeenshire

    Council and private Huntly Nordic Ski Club member, mentions the New Opportunity Fund (NOF) grants received at the Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre the full extent of his manipulation of them as Aberdeenshire Councils NOF contact will not be realised until later

    Click Here - Andrew Miller - Aberdeenshire Council NOF Contact

    05 Nov 05 Ian to Robert Holland [email protected] cc [email protected] Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr

    Holland, I've been reviewing your reply relative to the second grant made by Awards for All Scotland to Huntly Nordic Ski Centre. URN: AAS/3/010098301. You say no receipts have been submitted as everything procured relative to the application was under 500... Yet in the End of Award report, it details 148 Race Bibs at a cost of 1,414.11 Would it

    be possible for you to review this and confirm if there is a discrepancy... If the receipt does exist, could you forward a copy on to me. Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron

    07 Nov 05 Robert Holland [email protected] cc [email protected] to Ian Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Cameron, The policy on requesting receipts for Awards for All grants states that we only require receipts for[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    individual items over 500. For example, a laptop. I do apologise for not making this clear in previous correspondence. Yours sincerely, Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser

    09 Nov 05 Chris Holloway A4A Scotland to Ian Re. Huntly Nordic Ski Group Dear Mr Cameron, Thank you for your patience in awaiting my response to your complaint. I contacted the group involved Huntly Nordic Ski Group

    and sought to investigate your claims surrounding their spending activity in respect of the Awards for All grant and also their relationship with their supplier Tout Tele. I have fully investigated this matter and despite your claims, Awards for All is satisfied that the grant has been spent correctly and that there has been no impropriety. We are

    happy with the reasons the group gave in their decision to use this supplier. Consequently, I am confident that no member of the group has gained any financial benefit as a result of our grant. I trust that this will be sufficient in allaying your fears and we now consider this matter to be closed. Yours Sincerely Chris Holloway Senior Awards


    Incompetence, Incompetence, Incompetence

    Chris Holloway whitewashes my complaint on 09 Nov 05 it is hard to believe that the

    Treasurer Roy Youngs complete manipulation of the first grant can be accepted at all. He co-ordinates all aspects of this grant and places 4,000 through his own business

    additionally submitting an illegal VAT receipt Chris Holloway says he is happy with the reasons Huntly Nordic Ski Club gave in their decision to use this supplier they were always going to use this supplier, because the supplier was the same person applying for the grant!

    Chris Holloway makes a ridiculous statement saying he is confident no member of the group has gained any financial benefit as a result of the grant!?

    The complaint is clear and Chris Holloway has failed in his investigation to address the facts of the case, underlining the whitewash by saying the case is closed!

    This is really appalling.

    10 Nov 05 (FOI Enquiry #5 to Awards for All) Ian to [email protected]... Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire) Dear Sir or Madam, I would be grateful if you could send me full details of a recent lottery award

    to Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire) as detailed in the Local Press below "Press & Journal" A North-east ski club has been awarded a National

    Lottery grant of 5,000. The cash will allow seven members of the Huntly Nordic Ski Club to attend an instructors' course in Norway next month. A spokesman for the club said: "An increased pool of instructors will not only benefit club members, but enable the club to become involved in initiatives across the area." Please treat this request in

    accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron

    The Contradiction of Huntly Nordic Ski Club an application for membership to this private club must be approved first

    I have to now check a 3

    rd grant received by Huntly Nordic Ski Club... they appear to be an

    organisation on a roll, taking a disproportionate sum of money out of the Big Lottery. It has to be remembered that Huntly Nordic Ski Club is not an organisation open to the

    public... you must have an application for membership to this private club approved first.

    Click Here to view - Huntly Nordic Ski Club Membership Application Form

    The Big Lottery state in their Grant application pack that:

    Bringing people together: We want to help people work for the interests of their

    community. This could be people who live in your local area, as well as people who share a common interest or need. We encourage activities which are open to everyone that wants to join in.

    The only public access to the equipment bought with the 3x Awards for All grants is through Huntly Nordic & Outdoor Centre open days. I tried unsuccessfully to access the equipment for

    Huntly Hillwalking Club members use... but was told by Nick May, Chairman and Huntly Nordic Ski Club member the following when I asked about gaining access to Huntly Nordic Ski Clubs equipment bought with Big Lottery money:

    Internal Email Huntly Hillwalking Club 05 Aug 05 Nick to Ian, Brian, Tommy HNSC/ Snow Shoes Ian, Regarding your request I have not

    progressed it -from my perspective I don't think it's reasonable; the Ski club are under no obligation to do this plus I think it is of little or no interest to our members. The Snow Shoes were acquired by us on the basis mutual benefit to

    ourselves, the ski club & organised parties etc and don't see why you this gives us a right to another club's equipment.

    mailto:[email protected]:ol('');javascript:ol('');

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    Its clear that when it comes to Huntly Nordic Ski Club, members of the public or other groups

    are not allowed access to it, regardless of the rhetoric they use to the contrary.

    11 Nov 05 (FOI Enquiry #5 to Awards for All) Daniel Wood, Information and Events Officer, Big Lottery Fund, 4th Floor 1 Atlantic Quay, 1 Robertson Street, Glasgow. G2 8JB [email protected] to Ian... Huntly

    Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire) Dear Ian, Thank you for you e-mail. Details for all A4A awards can be found on the website Daniel Wood

    Big Lottery breaks the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 by withholding information requested

    I asked for full details of a 3

    rd grant won by the group... and was told to check the website by

    Daniel Wood.

    Daniel Woods answer is completely unsatisfactory... I ask, in an FOI request, to send full details of the grant... The Freedom of Information Act provides a statutory right by law to

    receive information if it is held by a body governed by it. I wonder if unfair damage to my reputation has been extended throughout the Awards for All

    Scotland Office in Glasgow? ... and that damage has manifested itself in the attempt to prevent the release of any more information.

    11 Nov 05 (FOI Enquiry #5 to Awards for All) Ian to Daniel Wood, Information and Events Officer, Big Lottery Fund, 4th Floor 1 Atlantic Quay, 1 Robertson Street, Glasgow. G2 8JB [email protected] ... Huntly

    Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire) Dear Mr Wood, Thank you for your email this morning. Maybe my question wasn't clear... what I want is a copy of the application form to 'Awards for All Scotland', submitted by Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire), for a recent grant which they won as detailed below. If there is any other information, this should

    also be included eg records of Telephone Conversations. Information about this 3rd grant won by this group is not detailed on the website... Please treat this request in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron

    I had to then clarify my request and say that it was the application Form, etc that I wanted to see.

    11 Nov 05(FOI Enquiry #5 to Awards for All) Daniel Wood, Information and Events Officer, Big Lottery Fund, 4th

    Floor 1 Atlantic Quay, 1 Robertson Street, Glasgow. G2 8JB [email protected] to Ian... Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire) Ian, Apologies for the confusion. I shall deal with this request accordingly. Daniel Wood

    The Big Lottery ignore the Laws of FOI with blatant arrogance

    Daniel Wood apologises and looks into it accordingly.

    What now crucially confirms damage to my reputation is the following handling of my FOI request 10 Nov 05 I was told my request would be handled by Daniel Wood on 11 Nov 05 (having initially fobbed me off to begin with saying check the website for details on 10 Nov 05)

    Daniel Wood then ignores my FOI request completely and never answers it !

    Question: Whats wrong with The Big Lottery ? Turkeys dont vote for Christmas

    I had to email again on 18 Jan 06 to find out what (if any) progress was being made the Big

    Lottery have 20 working days to supply a reply by law, but take 82 days to provide the answer on 01 Feb 06 and thats only after my prompt on 18 Jan 06!

    Question is Whats now wrong with the Big Lottery? I have made a clear complaint based on the facts detailed in black and white on the Awards for All grant

    application form URN AAS/2/010017491

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page xv to xviii)

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page xix to xxi)

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://

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    and the subsequent End of Award report the Big Lottery also have this information but appear to have no auditable double checks in place to identify fraud by applicants.

    My complaint is based on hard facts from these documents, but the Big Lottery accept the answers from the group who are the ones abusing lottery grants for personal financial gain

    Turkeys dont vote for Christmas and Huntly Nordic Ski Club will obviously take the same approach

    So why does the Big Lottery accept this, and completely disregard the laws of the Freedom of Information Act?

    Youd think being a Non Departmental Government Body that the Big Lottery would at least inform HMRC when they receive an illegal invoice as part of an End of Award Report but

    they dont why ???

    This receipt was submitted to the Big Lottery by Roy Youngs Tout Tele where he does

    charge VAT on a Total amount of 2,160.24 but doesnt document his company VAT Registration Number on his Invoice.

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page iv)

    The need to re-address outstanding problems

    I was told that my request would be dealt with

    It wasnt I was Fobbed Off to begin with and then ignored

    I had to email 68 days later (18 Jan 2006) to find out what the progress was

    (I received the information 82 days later on 01 Feb 2006) I start to re-address all outstanding problems and email correspondingly on 18 Jan 06

    18 Jan 06 (FOI Enquiry #5 to Awards for All) Ian to Daniel Wood, Information and Events Officer, Big Lottery Fund,

    4th Floor 1 Atlantic Quay, 1 Robertson Street, Glasgow. G2 8JB [email protected] ... Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire) Dear Mr Wood, Sometime has passed since you wrote to me assuring me that you'd deal with my request (11 Nov 05). I still have received nothing from you. (I do understand that this may be an oversight on

    your behalf). Could you please send me a copy of the application form to 'Awards for All Scotland', submitted by Huntly Nordic Ski Club (Aberdeenshire), for a recent 3rd grant of 5,000 which they won in the fourth quarter of 2005. If there is any other information eg records of Telephone Conversations, End of Award Reports etc these should also

    be included. I would appreciate it if you didn't make me wait the full 20 working day time period to receive the information, this is with consideration to the length of time I've already had to wait (My initial request was made on 10th November 2005). Please treat this request in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

    Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron Please also note that currently your Database search currently does not work...

    18 Jan 06 Ian to [email protected] Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Holloway, Due to work commitments etc, up until

    now, I haven't been able to give this matter my full attention. Firstly thank you for taking the time to look into my complaint as detailed 31 Oct 05. Could you please forward on to me all correspondence regarding your contact with Huntly Nordic Ski Club Aberdeenshire. This should included the letter of explanation sent by them to you (as detailed

    in their AGM Minutes... see attached). (All correspondence should also include any records of Telephone Contacts etc) Please treat this request in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron

    18 Jan 06 [email protected] Out of Office AutoReply: Ref: A/103/3108/2 Huntly Nordic Ski

    Centre Aberdeenshire (FOI Enquiry #1 to Awards for All) I will be out of the office until Friday 20th of January with limited access to my email. If your enquiry is urgent please call the Awards for All team on 0141 242 1200. Regards, Chris Holloway Senior Awards Officer

    18 Jan 06 Ian to [email protected]... Awards For All Scotland Complaints Procedure Dear Sir /

    Madam, I am writing to ask for your assistance. After checking the Awards for All Scotland Website, I haven't found any links to the "Official Complaints Procedure". On the Big Lottery Website, they have a procedure detailed clearly... saying... "If you want to make a complaint, we have a

    procedure for you to use. All organisations that distribute Lottery funding in England or across the whole of the UK use this procedure. Organisations that only distribute in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://

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    complaints procedures". The Big Lottery Fund clearly state here, that a separate complaints procedure exists for the Awards for All Scotland area. I would like to obtain a

    written copy of the "Official Awards for All Scotland Policy" with regards to making a complaint about Awards given under the Awards for All Scotland Scheme. If necessary, please treat this request in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron

    No Big Lottery complaints procedure exists at this point in time

    I checked the Big Lottery Website for information on a complaints procedure (no details of a complaints procedure exist on the Awards For All website)

    Based on the information given there, I wrote to Awards for All ScotlandMy question asking for a copy of the separate complaints procedure

    Instead, Ms. Wilson re-sends the information I have already referred to.

    Ms. Wilson wrongly interprets my request as an FOI request, when I actually said if necessary You have requested that we treat this as a Freedom of Information request

    Selective hearing perhaps ? She is certainly patronising in her email below 18 Jan 06.

    18 Jan 06 [email protected] to Ian... Awards For All Scotland Complaints Procedure Ian, Thank you for your recent correspondence. You have requested that we treat this as a Freedom of Information

    request. If you wish to obtain information on a project, you will have to clearly state in writing to ourselves, what information you wish to see e.g. the application and or assessment report of ** organisation based in ** area. You will also have to clearly state that you are requesting this information under the Freedom of Information Act. You may

    also wish to state the reason for requesting this information. The complaints procedure is used for e.g. complaints against level of customer service you received or how your application was assessed. I have attached a copy of the Big Lottery Fund complaints procedure which covers the Awards for All programme. Please don't hesitate to contact

    me should you wish to discuss anything further. Michelle Wilson Information Officer, Scotland

    The Big Lottery details that a complaints procedure does exist on their website, despite my frustrated attempts to obtain a copy of this policy document this is not true, it doesnt at this point in time, thats why Im asking.

    18 Jan 06 Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Big Lottery to Ian Letter Your request for information

    under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Enquiry #1 and #5 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Cameron, Your request for information was received by the Big Lottery Fund on 18 January 2006. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires us to respond to this request within 20 working days. Therefore we will respond no later than 15

    February 2006, however we will endeavour to comply before this date, stating any exemptions applied. I will be your contact point at the Big Lottery Fund; my contact details are below. Do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss anything regarding your request. Your Freedom of Information reference: B/5/1801/1 Yours Sincerely Robert

    Holland Corporate Information Advisor. 18 Jan 06 Internal Big Lottery Email Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Big Lottery to Chris Holloway

    Internal Email I knew this would come back eventually. I am sitting in International grants today if you would like to discuss this? Chris

    I knew this would come back eventually

    Robert Holland gives away the game in his internal email to Chris Holloway stating...

    I knew this would come back eventually

    I interpret this remark as an understanding between both men that they tried to bury the

    complaint if they could and recognition that this is something they shouldnt have done.

    19 Jan 06 Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Big Lottery to Ian Freedom of Information requests (FOI Enquiry #1 and #5 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Cameron, Please direct all correspondence regarding

    Freedom of Information requests to the Freedom of Information mailbox [email protected] or the address below. This will avoid confusion over the handling of requests. As you know from the request you made in August, we

    always acknowledge receipt of a Freedom of Information request, if you do not hear from us then you know it has not been logged. I apologise that you did not receive the information you requested in November, I have added it to your other request made directly to Chris Holloway yesterday. I will answer both questions at the same time as soon as

    possible. Yours sincerely, Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Tel: 020 7211 3736 Fax: 020 7211 3749 2nd Floor Big Lottery Fund 1 Plough Place London, EC4A 1DE [email protected][email protected]://[email protected]&msg=C59A1D53-39BA-4B6B-827F-8A0F79C1945C&start=0&len=3904&src=&type=x[email protected]&cc=&bcc=&subject=&body=&curmbox=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001&a=0863fa4bf709700010fdc6d6696209ad5851b70a3b6e289ea7d9aedb6817ef7e[email protected]&msg=C59A1D53-39BA-4B6B-827F-8A0F79C1945C&start=0&len=3904&src=&type=x

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    The contradiction of Robert Holland

    Robert Holland states the reason the FOI request has not been processed is because it hasnt been logged... the problem with this is, it contradicts his remark to Chris Holloway saying:

    I knew this would come back eventually

    This comment suggests they have withheld information with intent.

    Robert Holland is patronising

    How am I supposed to know what the procedures are within the Big Lottery? This isnt my responsibility to chase them up this is the Law of the Freedom of Information Act. if you do not hear from us then you know it has not been logged

    Robert Holland is very patronising with this remark

    I ask the question again whats wrong with the staff at the Big Lottery is it arrogance as well as incompetence ???

    19 Jan 06 Ian to Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Big Lottery Freedom of Information requests

    (FOI Enquiry #1 and #5 to Awards for All) Dear Mr Holland, Thank you for your reply. I apologise for not using the correct email address regarding this matter... but there is no reference to FOI contact information on the Awards for All Scotland Website. hence the reason why I had to use the

    general email address... I look forward to receiving your reply's... Best Regards Ian Cameron

    I have to highlight yet more incompetence at the Big Lottery

    There is no FOI link on the Awards for All website

    19 Jan 06 Ian to [email protected]... Awards For All Scotland Complaints Procedure Dear Ms

    Wilson, Thank you very much for your reply. I did find the section I'm interested in... 'Do not use this complaints procedure to make a complaint about any fraud you think has taken place. You should report this to our internal audit department or the police.' I it is clear that I need to contact the Internal Audit Department at Head of Internal Audit,

    Big Lottery Fund, 1 Plough Place, London. EC4A 1DE Thank you for your assistance... Best Regards Ian Cameron

    The contravention of Big Lottery policy by Chris Holloway

    The policy document states that fraud should be reported to the Head of Internal Audit (Nick Blake)... I did report the fraud on 31 Oct 05 about grant AAS/2/010017491, but not to Nick Blake, instead to Chris Holloway on his request, that I make it to him (17 Oct 05)...

    So what Chris Holloway did was in contravention of Big Lottery policy he broke their rules.

    19 Jan 06 Robert Holland to Ian Freedom of Information requests (FOI Enquiry #1 and #5 to Awards for All)

    No problem Mr Cameron and I apologise again for any inconvenience caused. I will see that this information is added to the Awards for All Scotland website. Thanks, Robert Holland Corporate Information Adviser Tel: 020 7211 3736 Fax: 020 7211 3749 2nd Floor Big Lottery Fund 1 Plough Place London, EC4A 1DE

    More failure

    Robert Holland positively confirms that an FOI link will be added to the Awards for All website

    (On the date of sending the letter to Nick Blake 17 Feb 06 1 month later the link still hadnt been added)[email protected]

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    31 Jan 06 Robert Holland, Corporate Information Officer Big Lottery to Ian Letter Dear Mr Cameron, I refer to your Freedom of Information request which we received on 18 January 2006. I can confirm that the Big Lottery Fund

    holds the information you have requested. Included in this response is a copy of the application form submitted by the Huntly Nordic Ski Club, reference AA5/3/01 0177358 and copies of correspondence between ourselves and the organisation. We do not hold any records of telephone conversations. No exemptions have been applied, but

    personal addresses, contact details and bank details have been concealed due to Data Protection. If you have any other queries about the Freedom of Information Act please contact me, your Freedom of Information reference is: B/5/1801 /1. It would be helpful if you could quote this reference in future correspondence. If you are unhappy with

    the level of service you have received in relation to your request from Big Lottery Fund you may ask for an internal review. You should contact Tamar Collis at the address below if you wish to make a complaint. Customer Care and Quality Adviser Big Lottery Fund 5th Floor 1 Plough Place London EC4A 1 DE. If you are not content with the

    outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow. Cheshire SK9 5AF Yours Sincerely Robert Holland.

    The whitewash and finally the re-submission of the complaint

    Robert Holland finally supplys the information requested on 10 Nov 05

    My first complaint about serious impropriety within the first Huntly Nordic Ski Club grant made on 31 Oct 05 to Chris Holloway was whitewashed and never addressed (as discussed earlier)

    I now have the policy document regarding complaints of fraud which states, I must direct them to the Head of Internal Audit, Nick Blake.

    I re-submit my complaint on 17 Feb 06 in the belief it will be addressed properly.

    17 Feb 06 Nick Blake, Head of Internal Audit, Big Lottery Fund, 4

    th Floor, 1 Plough Place London

    EC4A 1DE Dear Mr Blake, I am writing to you, concerning a matter I regard as serious impropriety. It is in

    connection with a grant issued to Huntly Nordic Ski Club and it came to my attention during August 2005. After receiving the grant application form (AAS/2/010017491) through an FOI request, I wrote an email detailing my complaint to Chris Holloway Senior Awards Officer at Awards for All Scotland in Glasgow. My complaint is with

    regard to three Awards for All Scotland Grants made... , ,

    fund/a4a/scotland/ I was the Secretary of Huntly Hillwalking Club which was successful in receiving a grant from Awards for All Scotland on 2nd September 2003 (detailed above)... my involvement is, it is my signature on our contract of terms and conditions for our successful grant and my

    responsibility to ensure everything was done accordingly to the rules set out by Awards for All. Due to an internal incident within the Hillwalking Club (detailed below), it became necessary for me to request information regarding grants won by Huntly Nordic Ski Club (HNSC). In doing so, I have discovered the following regarding grants made to

    HNSC... *Roy Young is a founder member of HNSC *Roy Young was Treasurer of HNSC when the first application was made (AAS/2/010017491) *Roy Young co-ordinated the application for the first grant as applicant *Roy Young was one of three Committee members authorised to sign cheques on behalf of HNSC *Roy Young signed the

    contract of 'Terms and Condition' to ensure the grant was completed to the letter of the 'Awards for All Scotland' rules. *Roy Young subsequently purchased equipment to the value of 4,000.17 (from the successful grant) from his own company Tout Tele. *Roy Young subsequently benefits from using the equipment bought. Huntly Hillwalking

    Club involvement is... *Roy Young canvassed one of our club members, to ask our group, to apply for an Awards for All grant on behalf of HNSC. (HNSC had already received two successful grants and wanted additional equipment)... unknown to me Roy Young had a company in which he put/re-supplied the equipment he requested us to make the

    application for, through. (I believe this directly affected the credence of our grant application, and my position having signed our Contract). As a code of business conduct, I believe that in both successfully applying for grants and personally benefiting financially represents a conflict in interest with regard to Awards for All standards of integrity.

    That Roy Youngs close personal interests should not conflict with the best interests and the spirit in which the successful award was given to HNSC, regardless of whether a best/competitive price has been achieved or not. It is my belief that ethical behaviour is an integral part of the spirit in which Awards are given to groups by the Awards

    for All scheme. If such actions are acceptable then a precedent will then be set, directly affecting the credibility, reputation and success of the process in which groups qualify for funding directly reflecting on the spirit of good will which goes along with successful awards and will reflect directly on Awards for All Scotland / Big Lottery as a

    whole. I would be grateful if you could re-examine all matters relating to both the awards given to Huntly Nordic Ski Cub and the way in which my complaint has been handled by the Big Lottery Fund. (Please see a copy of a letter attached FAO Tamar Collis with regard to this). I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Ian Cameron

    Avoiding the incompetence of Chris Holloway by naming Roy Young directly in the conflict of interest

    This time in my complaint to Nick Blake, I dont use the prefix Mr. X after the serious error made by Chris Holloway previously on 31 Oct 05... I name the Treasurer Roy Young directly.

    I fail again to mention Roy Youngs VAT fraud. As owner of Tout Tele and Huntly Nordic Ski Centre Treasurer, he is capable of running an illegal VAT Invoice through both sets of books


    Click Here to view - Tout Tele Nordic Ski Club Receipt - No VAT

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    Remember, he didnt charge VAT on the other 2 invoices he submitted as part of this Grants (AAS/2/010017491) End of Award report

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page v)

    (Click here to see Document Appendix Page vi)

    I also ask Nick Blake to re-examine all matters relating to the Awards/grants given to Huntly

    Nordic Ski Club... and look into the way in which my complaint of 31 Oct 05 was handled by Big Lottery staff.

    17 Feb 06 Letter Ian to Tamar Collis, Customer Care and Quality Adviser, Big Lottery Fund, 5

    th Floor,1 Plough Place

    London EC4A 1 DE Dear Ms Collis, Im writing to you after experiencing an unsatisfactory level of service with

    regard to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests I have made to the Big Lottery Funds Awards for All Scotland department. A matter I regard as serious impropriety regarding a grant issued to group Huntly Nordic Ski Club, came to my attention during August 2005. After receiving FOI details on the grant (AAS/2/010017491), I wrote an

    email detailing my complaint to Chris Holloway Senior Awards Officer at Awards for All Scotland in Glasgow. Mr Holloway followed the complaint up but completely misinterpreted the complaint that I made, taking it out of context. The resulting reply from Peter Thorn, Secretary of Huntly Nordic Ski Club based on false information given

    in Mr Holloways question, is what I consider to be vexatious and makes the presumption that I have made an accusation about Peter Thorn which I have not. Subsequently, Peter Thorn has then forwarded on copies of his reply, into the public domain, as detailed at the conclusion of his email dated 01 November 2005. Although I havent

    been named directly, there is a libellous inference that I have been asking FOI questions about a grant given to another group, Huntly Hillwalking Club awarded in 2003 I have not. Without cause and directly due to the incompetence of Chris Holloway, Peter Thorn has subsequently forwarded the emails on, with the purpose of causing

    harm to my reputation, by inferring that I am one in the same person that has been asking questions to the local authority Aberdeenshire Council. There is groundless intent to embarrass my complaint to Awards for All Scotland by doing this and I consider the forwarding of emails by Peter Thorn an abuse of process. The complaint that I did make

    was clear. I have re-submitted it to Nick Blake (See letter attached conversely I have copied Nick Blake with this complaint). Since this matter has entered the public domain, I would like Awards for All to contact and correct the misinformation that has been forwarded on to Aberdeenshire Council etc and apologise given, to the effect that

    emails forwarded on to them by Peter Thorn, Secretary Huntly Nordic Ski Club are false and based on an error by one of your Officers (If possible, I would like a copy of this sent to my home address). In light of the misunderstanding made by Chris Holloway, I would like my complaint to be re-addressed by an Investigating Officer. In the interests of

    clarity, I have collated all correspondence between myself and Awards for All Scotland staff. On this document I have annotated exactly the points of failure in the Investigating Officers conduct of business. I have also detailed further areas in which I have been let down by Awards for All Scotland staff. I would be grateful if I could be kept informed /

    copied on all subsequent correspondence regarding this complaint. Yours Faithfully Ian Cameron

    Pulling no punches Unequivocal, I ask for a letter of apology and misinformation to be corrected

    I dont mix my word in my letter to Tamar Collis... Ive been treated with contempt by the Big

    Lottery staff already... Question I ask myself at this stage is, youd think the Big Lottery would welcome the diligence

    and alertness of members of the general public to help them detect fraud and corruption of their grants?... but there seems to be a culture of burying bad news...

    My thoughts are, bad news leads to bad publicity and that s why the Big Lottery have taken the position they have.

    20 Feb 06 Internal Big Lottery Email from Tamar Collis to Robert Holland (Legal), Chris Holloway, Nick Blake... Complaint about FoI re: Huntly Nordic Ski Club... Hi Ive received a complaint from Ian Cameron about an FoI

    request about Huntly Nordic Ski Club. Ill fwd copies of all correspondence to you for comment. Regards Tamar Customer Care & Quality Adviser

    Internal email

    Tamar Collis actions my complaint by forwarding it on to other senior members within the Big Lottery.

    21 Feb 06 Internal Big Lottery Email from Angela Oritsejafor to Chris Holloway cc Tamar Collis, Robert Holland (Corporate Info), Nick Blake, William McPhee... Investigation/Complaint... Importance: High... Chris, we have

    received a complaint from Mr Ian Cameron about the handling of his complaint and the investigation undertaken by AfA Scotland staff into Huntly Nordic Ski Club and Huntly Hillwalking Club. I have reviewed the documents he has forwarded to us and propose that Tamar send a holding response so that I can have a look at the grant files and

    conduct any follow up with AfA Scotland staff as necessary. Please could you forward the following grant files, URNs... Huntly Nordic Ski Club AAS/3/010177358, AAS/3/010098301, AAS/2/010017491 Huntly Hillwalking Club AAS/3/010088244, AAS/3/010077352 Thanks Angela.

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    Angela Oritsejafor, Head of Audit appears to take the matter seriously and labels her reply email with High importance.

    21 Feb 06 Internal Big Lottery Email from Chris Holloway to Angela Oritsejafor cc Tamar Collis, Robert Holland (Corporate Info), Nick Blake, William McPhee... Investigation/Complaint... Angela, I wi