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Monday October 5 3:00 PM Saskatchewan 4:00 PM Central 5:00 PM Eastern Session 1 21st Century Learning and Web 2.0 Tools

An Introduction to the Principles of 21st Century Learning and Web 2.0

May 06, 2015



Bill Tracey

In keeping with some of the principles of 21st Century Learning, the nature of this space is to connect those interested in learning more about the concepts, skills, and strategies for learning and teaching in the 21st Century.

It is meant to allow participants to collaborate in order to share, mentor, and foster personal and professional growth, and create new ideas, opinions and relationships.

21st Century Learning is about educators. Pedagogy - how we teach – must be influenced by an understanding of the “learning space” of now.

Please explore and share.
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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: An Introduction to the Principles of 21st Century Learning and Web 2.0

Monday October 5

3:00 PM Saskatchewan4:00 PM Central 5:00 PM Eastern

Session 121st Century Learning and Web 2.0


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Bill Tracey

• B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.• 20 years in Education• Intermediate/Secondary/College/University

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•This session will be recorded so that you can review it at another time.•It is not meant to be the be-all, end-all, is simply a starting point.•The connection doesn’t end when the session is over.

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• A Thinking Point• 21st Century Learning - What is it ?• Web 2.0 - What is it ?• What can we do ?• What we CAN do !• Conclusion

Session Agenda

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“A Vision of K-12 Students Today”


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1. Technology has shifted the way things are done

2 hours reading vs. 5 hours listening to Harry Potter audio book

Video – Salient Points

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2. Technology is natural to students

They expect to be able to create/consume/remix/SHARE/information

Gaming/file sharing/texting/social networking

Video – Salient Points

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3. Many teachers (76%) have never used • wikis• blogs• podcasts

Video – Salient Points

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Video began with...

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Students will use engaging technologies...

Page 12: An Introduction to the Principles of 21st Century Learning and Web 2.0 collaborative, inquiry-based environments...

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...with teachers who are willing and able to use technology's power...

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Page 15: An Introduction to the Principles of 21st Century Learning and Web 2.0 assist them in transforming knowledge and skills into products, solutions and new information.

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So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

Accountability and Adaptability

Exercising personal responsibility and flexibility in personal, workplace, and community contexts; setting and meeting high standards and goals for one's self and others; tolerating ambiguity

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So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

Communication Skills

Understanding, managing, and creating effective oral, written, and multimedia communication in a variety of forms and contexts

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Creativity and Intellectual Curiosity

Developing, implementing, and communicating new ideas to others; staying open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives

So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

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Critical Thinking and Systems Thinking

Exercising sound reasoning in understanding and making complex choices; understanding the interconnections among systems

So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

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Information and Media Literacy Skills

Analyzing, accessing, managing, integrating, evaluating, and creating information in a variety of forms and media

So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

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Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills

Demonstrating teamwork and leadership; adapting to varied roles and responsibilities; working productively with others; exercising empathy; respecting diverse perspectives

So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

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Problem Identification, Formulation, and Solution

Ability to frame, analyze, and solve problems

So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

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Monitoring one's own understanding and learning needs; locating appropriate resources; transferring learning from one domain to another.

So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

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Social Responsibility

Acting responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind; demonstrating ethical behaviour in personal, workplace, and community contexts

So...just what are 21st century skills... Source:

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...and what do they mean for educators ?


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...and what do they mean for educators ?


Teachers can't effectively integrate computer technology into the classroom unless they can effectively integrate computer technology into their own lives.

Teachers naturally teach what they know and are most comfortable with.

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National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•T)and Performance Indicators for Teachers

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences

and Assessments3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and

Responsibility5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership


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What is Web 2.0 ?Web 2.0" is commonly associated with web development and web design that facilitates interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration

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What is Web 2.0 ?

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What is Web 2.0 ?A Web 2.0 site allows its users to interact with other users or to change website content

in contrast to

non-interactive websites where users are limited to the passive viewing of information that is provided to them.

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Web 1.0 Web 2.0

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The World Wide Web is an amazing resource with an abundance of tools that

enhance education. With so many tools we are an abundance of choice, and often teachers are overwhelmed by the sheer volume. “How do I use this?” “ What is

flick and twitter?” “Who is wiki?”

What can we do ?

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• Connect• With others• With sources of information

What we CAN do !

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• Collaborate • Share your thoughts• Learn from others

What we CAN do !

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• Create• New knowledge• New skills• New connections

What we CAN do !

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1. Professional Development2. The Power To Engage3. Students Use Them Already4. It’s Not Going Away (It Will Only Grow)5. Businesses Want to Hire Workers Who Understand

The Internet

5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies

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What we CAN do !

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•Participate in these sessions•Contact me•Investigate on your own

What YOU can do !

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What YOU CAN do !

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Monday October 19

Session 2