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SQ£ v' ; \ .? ,^ v •^J^fiSSSl^-.^ ^rXgjf:" £$ i*_>**! AMSTERDAM EVE^(F7:lt__C<m^ . 'When the icavos^ begin ftp :fall Uie haifds begin• to crawl > into gloves, or pockets.-;.« Gloves loofe bettor than bulging pdckets. GROSS Gloves for. men and ladies &L5G ami $2. FOWXIvS (Moves- for men $1.50 fo *_; The right Fall Suit to match the gloves is hero, all ready. *- George ErSmithGo. Clothes—Satisfaction. 19 EAST MAIN STREET. IS NOMINATED AGAIN ^ I8SUPP0R ^ •• * ' Capable City Official Place on the Ticket. ''-», Republican* Hold Convention at Com- mon Cornell Chamber, Alderman Dunham Presiding—Robert R. Glbb Chosen a« New Candidate for Muni* clpal Constabulary. S The Republican city nominating con- vention was held at the common coun- TEe Weather Indications. ? I Washington. P i". Oct S--Forecast — JEartern N>y.Tork: F.ilr tnniirht and Sttr- da;» «Xceo*W 9 threat«'.nlng south portion; warmer. In .north portion "l-nl^ht. 'moder- ate northniet winds. • . Hly wurmT W.IUIT Local Temperature. ell chamber* l-'rlday evening. dcLegates apd spectators were.called U) px4et_lis'-Jaiuca. .A-Smeajlle. the newly elected chairman of the-,c.Uy Recorder Putnam p r a i s e d Alderman Henry A. Dunham for th_ position of presiding officer and be was unanimously chosen. In taking up his duties Mr. Dunham expressed bis thanks and added that nothing in the way of a gpjeech should bo expected from him. concluding h|s remarks with, "The Republican party has named a winning ticket so far. and wsjjrill com plcte It her*« tonight." a "statement which elicited an outburst of applause. 1'pon the motion of Albert Gode, ; : H«rttm=Eish«*r-ynil-Jnhn ii Dean were chosen secretaries. The roll call - of delegates followed. Next In-the ord^r of business was the namlnR of a candidate for assessor and the roll of wards was ordered railed. Th.» ftrxl ward gave way to the sixth and' Recorder Putnam pre- sented tho. name JQ_ A. Warren Ecker- son^ to'succeed himself. The nomlna- MoD^wa's'seconded by Assessor James "(>oak on behalf of the seventh ward, . who paid tribute to the excellent"quali- fications of. his associate on tho board. There boinp no other aspirant fqr the 'pflke, the secretary was empowered to ' cast ou<- ballot for Mr. _r>k»:rson. as "* th»> unanimous choice of tin* delegates, ._> j which was done. .Mr. Doak-'lhen presented the names of Vdatu BcU. Charles F. .Indson. MR- thlas Combes. Harrison DoGraff . and Robert R Glbb'for constables. The nominations were seconded by H. 8. ! Simmons, and these be'lng the only Jones suggested, the -secretary -was em- , I powered to cast a sin^t** ballot for New York Herald: «">o_ 8uoday fair I thorn which was dono The cltv com- followed by local raina In, and. near th-! cles. Recorder Putnam. Assessor Doak lak» r««inn. and on Monday rartly cloudy f and H. S. Simmons were appointed a and slightly w : .rm-r weaker j „ , - . „ , , , _ - t0 nrospnt thft n - m lnees be- j fon* the^conventlon. bill Mr. Glbb was4[ tho only one to be found and ho ar- Iljghesr and l<vw»st trmperatur- for the past 24 hours from 3" p. m ysfrda'y to Z & m.- today, as recorded at DR RfO STORE: From T"p;rn." to ? p. m yesfer- <lay From 7 p. m. yesterday to 7 ;_.m. today From 7 a.- m. to 2 p. m. today day RIGGS- It L^ M 50. St : ; LOGAI_-FARAGRAPHSf —"A. B." Be cigar. —Glass at OaeenV —"Opera" 10c* cigar. —Rhelngold, -10c cigar. •-^RoclcyFor^5c^dgar L _^^__^ of ChriBtman. —Fair races frg-lfln true, narun!. f; , Freckle Cream, 50c. druggists. —Telephone the Wet Wash Laun- dry Und let them, explain how they W their work. --"Tho sweetest storv ever tnld.v finds an able assistant in a pound of thfem. - r—-r —The ladies of A. H. DeGraft circle will hold a pie social and dance In G. -A. R.-hall Monday October ItV 1D10. Tickets. 25c. -Mra. C. R. Macholri won the pri** nt. the afternoon bridge fendereti' the Rcldge^tts Friday by Miss-Edna L. Heath in honor of Miss Florence (•Idee —Let's see' fan't this the ni^ht you were going to taka home a box of Liggett's chocolates? 40c. In one-half pound boxes; Soc the pound. Wilson S«11H thrill knowledged his appreciation of the nomination, and pledged himself to the support of the ticket - and a faithful per- formance"of the duties of the office in •the event of his election. The conven- tion then adjourned. City Democrats Organize, Thf» Democratic city committee held a meeting Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the office of Attorney George C. Stewart. Organization was perfected by. the selection of R. E. Lee Reynolds as chairman*. Theodore C. Schoeffler, who wa« '• h r\JItDJlP -*^<>—g*gH»^ftr T -»aft J. Mullarkey was re-elected secretary, while John Noonan was agaln-chbsen treasurer. It was decided to hold the Democratic city nominating convention at Hotet Warner Tuesday evening. Oc- tober 11 at H oclnck—Hojg* -Warne^ w-Rl ho-tin' huAih t uatti'iH O'f U16 LMncF crats during the fall campaign. Man- ager Swan has donated rooms for their nseTami ail eonjmittee meetingB will be held there. The new city committee is composed of the'fnllowlng: Ftrnt ward, .Michael t.olrman. John T. SammonS; second ward. John N'oonan, R. E. Lee Rynolds: third ward. Andrew J. Lena- dfstrlct James firadv Charles Conlff- second district. Wllliam-Googan. Ed" mund J. 'Mtillarkeyj fifth Ward. Janies J. nrennan^ Edward Enser: ijlxth ward n?i^rgp CI Stewart. Fred -Mr. and Mrs. Sherman McNeil and 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ohTr ; Y[\pW their guest. Miss Martha Jackson, of Jollet,"M*}c.h . ft nd Mlay^farion Morphy, of this city, left today to pass a few- days at Mud "lake. —A Socialist meeting will be held In the C. 1.417. hall on Main street at 2 p. m. tomVrow which will he ad- dressed by th\atate organizer*; every- one welcome. —Don't wait until Christmas to buy a beautiful "Best" lamp for your sit- ting room, but get one now. and for a Christmas present, your wife will he more than pleased with another one for the parlor. John D. Piatt, Division street. '*» OBITUARY. David 9h«'cr.- Independence Lea The Independence league of the 31st senatorial district held a' convention Friday evening in Schenectady. There were a large number of .delegates pres- ent and the convention-was called to order by E. F: Marqtfette. temporary chairman. He was chosen permanent (-chairman, and Charles B. Rroeffle of this city was named-^as secretary. There were a number of speeches - by the delegates and John V- Quigleyof Schenectady, pfaced In nomination for senator William Charles Eggers. The nomination was seconded by JohnV. Kehoe of this city. There being but one candfdate. Mr. " Eggers was de- i <;ar.M the nominee Canajoharie. Oct. 8.—David Shuler. a well known resident of this town, died this mornlnir at. his homo In Ames. He has been In poor health for sevpral years. He was past SO years of age. Nearly- his entire life time has been devoted to farming. from which he retired only a . few years ago. He Is survived by hi* widow. Catherine Stock. Catherine Stock, who was born in Germany 88 years ago and has made -^Ansarlaa and the Innn of Cpfosta h** home tor the past sixty lyoara. died Friday at her home, in Caroga. Ske la aurvlTen by two amis, .Mcnoias and Peter of Caroga: and three daughters, Mrs. Lc.ula HinA« of Caroga, and Mrs. John Warner and Mrs. <harle« I'nger, both of Gloversville __^£ Norman Cook. .Vorroan Cook, A brother of Valen- tine Cook of Johnstown,'and a former resident of fbat city, died at his home In 8chenect«dy Friday of -paralysis. Mr. Cook bas lived In Schenectady about »iabto<a^-7 - *afa. remootas: to that »!»« f(•••". :..r.r..l..« n ward J. Maroney; eighth ward Wheiiy and Elmer Rrbwer. off: Ed- trick To Run Against Brackett. The Democratic convention of the Thirtieth sVnatortal district at. Hud- son Falls. Friday afternoon nominated Dr. A. Marshall Burt of Charlton, Sar- atoga county. - for stato senator. Daniel P. Do Long of. Glena Falls has been renominated by the Warren [county Democrats for member of as- sembly. Joseph A. Kellogg of Glens - • i ^ ^ — SP i i • ** • i' -'- Latter from Senator Root Who 8ay« Income Tax Amendment Wat a Re- publican Messure. To tha Editor of The Recorder, yir:—I was refused a renomlnaUon for member of assembly on the al- leged grounds, that I was a Democrat because I voted for the iucome/-tax amendment to the United States con- stitution. The following letter re- ceived from U. S. Senator Root, the greatest statesman in this country^ would seem to show that I am.not so much of a Democrat after all. Yours respectfully, JOHNSON P. VAN O'LINDA. Cliutun,-X><,lobvr o. KUO Author, Together With Dr. McClumpha •nd Dr. Stover, Participate In An- nual Meeting- of New York Associa- tion In Visit to Lake' Champlaln Points—Monument to Father Jogues -U Proposed. { --W. Mtt'BnM, hr Phitrlea FMt?- My-Dear Sir:—I have your letter of September 30 regarding tho Income- tax amendment That amendment was certainly a mailer of national Republican policy. It was recom- mended to congress by a Republican president and was voted for by sub- stantially the entlro Republican ma- jority in the', senate and in the house of . representatives. It has been favored by every Republican president since Cleveland. The right of the na- tion to Impose such d- tax Is a funda- mental Republican doctrine, for the Imposition of an Income tax was one of the great Republican measures by which the money was raised to sus- tain the Union cause In the Civil war. It Is quite apparent that If any Re- publicans refused to consent to your renomlnation to .the assembly, your A-ote^in^fnvor-of-thls—mFaBtir? if/as" rather a pretext for the refusal than the real reason. Very sincerely .yrrnrs. ELIHU ROOT.~ Hon. J. P. Van O'l.Inda, Amsterdam. N. Y. Clumpha and Dr. Charles Stover of this city, reprepqntpd th« '"Q* 1 his- torical 1 society, at -the twelfth annual meeting of the New York-State'His- torical - Association, held on October 4, 6, 6 and 7 on the steamer Vermont, on [~Lake Champlaln. In -addition to the business sessions and the numerous papers, . the delegates, about 150 In number, viBlted the many points of his- torical interest on the lake. Tuesday the delegates went to Fort Ticonderoga and the battlefields under the guidance Of the members of the Ticonderoga HistorlcaF Boclety and at Ticonderoga village took part In tho unveiling of a bronze tablet presented to the Ticon deroga Historical society b<y the Ticon deroga Pulp and Paper company. Among-those-who-read-papers J -wcro r —Photo by Wheaton. JAMES A. SMEALLIE." Newly Elected Chairman Republican Clty'Gommittee. SCHENECTADY PARTY LACKS LEADERSHIP not elected a member of the city com- Congressman Southwlck Says Republl- rplttee nt fhn init nctmarlaa.—Edmund camrln NelghoUrlflg County Are In a" otate of Confusion. Albany. Oct 8.—In seconding the nomination of ex-Mayor Henry S. Deforest of Schenectady to succeed. fTTT" "I »"p' h """' """["'""nn" fr~rr LOCAL HISTORIAN UON OF THE HOUR W. B4ax Reid Honored at State : i .-' / 'J (fathering?— William Qags'n was^plseed ond< rest about 1 o'clock this morning by, OJ^er^anna_suUBr=an^attempt-had been made to brea)i into the Foster hat store on East Main, street. At midnight as Night Ticket Agent Knowlton. was walking up Railroad street he heard the noise of glass be- ing broken and he - infqrmed Officer Harrigsii. The latter weijt Into the alley near the Chalmers button fac- ftory-Mdrheartajf 1 bolse'lh'TSaTB! hat store, he started in that direction. Tn «_forms of two men Immediately lopmea^ up. and the" policeman saw them running for Bridge street He went after them, but they outdistanced him. Officer Canna took up the pur- suit and got pretty close" on the trlaL One of the men disappeared In the bushes along, the river bank near the gas house. The other, who proved to be William Gagen, was found by Offi- cer Canna In the door of the tool house of the gas plant Gagen was feigning sleep and at the same time breathing heavily as If quite ex- hausted. He was locked up. This morning Detectives Bergen and Hartl- gan took . up the case and another roung man - wna questioned by them Victor H. Paltsits.-state historian: the Rev. Thomas J. Campbell New York; Edward T. W. Gillespie. Stamford, Conn.; Charles M. Burrows. Cleveland; George K. Hawkins Pittsburgh; the Rev. Dr. John M. Thomas of Middle- bury college, and John M. Clarke, of Albany. At the meeting Thursday morning, October 6, tho Rev. Mr Campbell de- livered a valuable monograph on "The Pioneer Missionary of North America^ which proved to bo a sketch of the life of Father Jogues. bis visit to the Mo- hawk valley, and a reference to the shrine at Aurlesvllle. Mr. Campbell also told of the naming of Lake/Jeorge Lac du St Sacrament, by Father Jogues. and he said that he regretted that tho namo had ever been changed. Following this paper. Sir. Reld Intro- duced a resolution which was unanl mously passed providing for-the ap- pointment of a committee of five mem- bers for the. purpose, of securing an island on Lake George upon which to erect a tablet. The resolution provided also-that the Island, if secured be re- baptlzed "Isle du St. Sacrament." and also for the erection of a monument to Father Jogues. The delegates were unanimous In their praise of Dr. W. E. Cummlngs of Ticonderoga. who supervised many of the arrangements for the association's meeting and gave his .care and atten- tion to the delegates collectively and individually. W. Max Reld. who has but recently published his book on Lake Champlaln and Lake George, was made the lion of the convention. Most had read his book and inasmucH as the delegates were conducted over tho territory covered by Mr. Reld's book in Its history and photographs, his presence was contlnu ously in demand. *ARt)UND THE CITY. the 23d district which Includes Albany and Schenectady .counties. Represen- tative George N."Southwlck, of Albany, paid his respects to the Schenectady RepoMlr-nn nrgml-rnHnn n.i fnllnw. "Unfortunately our friends In.Sche- nectady county are not well organized, have no leadership and are today In a | ijm^Uehai^urUlrrWonrth^wHJrirftr*^ J ' ""' ' " - . . - - . _ - . - ' borders on rharw—It has been—gry^j- 1 persoaai.^igglre, -expressed two years ago and expressed constantly time and time again, that somethlng-should-he. done to bring about a semblance of o^A^^nd-ofganization-and-Republlba solidarity in tha county of Schehec- tady." . Although Republican, - Schenectady county went against Southwlck two years ago by over 1,000 and four years: ago by ovrr 800." , "Lack of local leadership In the couniy Is what Timothy L. Woodruff declared made Schenectady's state convention delegation anti-Sherman. Postmaster James H. Callanan; of Schtnectady, was chairman of the congress convention. William Barnes, Jr., and Luther C. Warner of Albany, and A. J. McMillan, of-8chenectady, were appointed \ committee bn vacan- cies. OnU- ohe Schenectady man has been congressman In the last fifty years. —"The Farmers' Daughter" will, be the attrac^lon_at_the_opera house to- hlgbt. . ? . —A business meeting of the Kappa Epsllon sorority was held at the home of. the Misses Ethel and Margaret DeaHftst-cvrmingr —ranter Harold. of F the upholstery departme-it of Holzhelmer & Shaul's stpr-, has accepted a position with the Wallace Co. store In Schenectady. —Tho Mothers' association of the Phi hDelta^Sigaa ^'"""r "'"l meei at the fraternity rooms Monday after noon at 2 o'clock. Inasmuch as busi- ness of particular importance Is to-be transaetPdra^fall~attendatfee*6f fnem hers is desired. —Harry T. .Warnlck has recently re- ceived a 1911 close-coupled Packard * II n-*t_ it « - * * I *» Will I ll'll nUUHUCl VrS»l4J automobile The macMnft hnriy ls-f to kB-ln-tlre-Adlnmdax blue grey 111. color.* with black trim- 1 - - - mines. The metal trimmings are nlc- BIRD MEN COMING. FA!*.4 lia.4 !i»-»-u named Ttii County Judge and surrogate.— The selection for coroner Is Dr. J. M. Griffin of War- rensburgh. BIG REAL-ESTATE DEAL. H. L. Reed Buys Mor« Land far Ds- Aviatora on Trip from Chicago to New York May Pass Over Amsterdam. Four bird men. Foster. McCurdy. Wlllard and Ely. the last three in Cur- tlss biplanes, will leave - Chicago Sun- day In an "endurance race to New York. The route as laid out Includes the valley pf the Mohawk and the nearest stopping places to Amsterdam "5re Schenectady, and Palatine. Am- sterdamlans may. by-watching clogely.- see the machines pass over the city and of course there Is the possibility that the aviators may take A notion to uift is fraquantly uncertain.—Hu)fe44n«-}-wif will probably announce the approach of the aeroplanes and In this way Am- aterdamlana may .bo kept on the veiopment of Crowlnfl East End 8ec-i tuard If everything goes well the *r iplsncs should pass over the c|ty Mon tion. The enterprising real estate dealer. H. L Reed, has purchased "abont ten acres of land of-the estate, located north of Forbes street, ninnlnic HOTEL ARRIVALS. B. A M. TRAIN DERAILED. Albany, Oct. 8 - The public <• - » rommlatlon waa notified that a Bo«. ton A Maine p»»sen«er train was d^ rallrd at Melrose early today. Two roaches and the engine left tlw» trark but no OCA «a« Injured A-^rokrn arcldeat Two state ftisTxctora were •eat ttiPT+Hfi make afi Investigation. >t , • Guests nt Hotel Warner Include: Mrs Jackson Beyer, Des MoincA la.; north «o the lands of John Teller• De- i Mr * - J *" nn, '' t **T*r. Ames. la.; C 1^ Gran* and raat to the Da-Id Mathlas I A , n<, J:" 0 . n - J " n,M,0 * n: ., ll -„J* - nwl V.'' farm. Carl Snyder, the contractor [• r l*V IV o! n \ n " i n f " ^ , , J^ 1 ' at work .trading the streets connecting n &. V J U- ^"'^^..^IV ^ !lch ,. ; making an outlet throuth fo 'Main I »T w « . „ i , «„t»^ v v »trc^t. which will be less ate^p than ' ' M - 0 * nl *' Su i e °°' N - 1 Retd or Rrhuyler streets,, The lami will bf cnt Into large lots and sold on e*sy terms. Mr. Reed Is trying to get Industries to locate In the eastern part of thn'rity, and hr firmly b?lt?Tp**tha.t Amsterdam will have a population of M.0O0 within the next ten years. O. M. Con- Mn. F. Coniln, Peeksklll; Dr. D. P. Doyle. F W, DsTle. E. J Rlack. Bos- ton. J. E. liaas. Ashland. O.; C. B Gibson. W. J. Fox. If. JOAI, Ryraeuse; F Kahn. H. Collom. Jay»_H_4*o-rj». rtias Ward. R. P. Johnston. U Ped- ler. R. M. Paulsen, L Kaess. \\\ H. jRockford. L Labonde. Ntw Tork. kle. —Driver Matthew Kavanagh of the No. 2 fire team received postals today from -Henry E. Becker, who Is In Los •Angeles, bearing pictures of the Ill- fated Los' Angeles Times building, which was blowft up. Mr. Becker Is a son of Water Commissioner. Becker and Is located In Los Angeles. —Miss Alice "Miriam Gamlin, the superintendent of the Evangelistic Work.of the New York State.Sunday .School association, will give an ad- dress, at the morning session of the Montgomery county Sunday school association at Fultonville on Tuesday of. next week. - —The missionary tea of the women of the Spcond Presbyterian church, wlilch is ordinarily held on Wednes- days, will take place on Thursday af- ternoon of next week, instead. The subject will be Porto Rico and Cuba. —Mrs. Mary F. Marcellus has sold her house on Lincoln avetfue t o H . H . Follett . —The Montgomery -classls Ministe- rial association will hold Its regular "October gathering at Currytown on Monday morning. The Rev. C. V. W. Bedford of the Currytown Reformed church will be the host of the occa- sion. The Rev. W. N.'P. Dalley of this city will, read a,paper on "Hebrew Sociology." ^~ ^ThjY s e v e n t h a n n u a l venison—ba becue of the Gloversville Aerie of Eagles-will be held tomorrow at Moun- tain lak> and a large number frojn this ncr at 2:ao o'clock. The Gloversville Military band will provide music and there will be sports; ' ~ -EIGHTH WARD'NOTES. William Cavanaugh of Florence is visiting friends here Schuyler Johnson of Locust avenue is rlslflng relatives- at Erie. Pa. Joseph Arthurs has 'moved from Cllibe avenue to upper Brookslde avenue. . _ . . • James Redmond has moved from Lindsay street to upper Brookslde sTrnue. ~~~~~~I~~. n.TTivH Tfumw?r hsa iinrv'W~frouT npper Brookslde avenue to No. 302 I^ocust avenue, > - • John Knack of I^ocuat avenue has accepted a position as foreman Jn a paper box manufactory at .Mechanle- vllle. ^— Fireman Frank Ouyan ' o f Lyon street, who, together with hla wife, was spending his vacation In New York city, was summoned home by I tflfqrrRTii WF3ne»diy morning' Br?" foe j illness of his son. The boy had/ a severe attacV of diphtheria bnt la now oo the road to recovery. I . i ^^i-AVV . . .BimoLAte FRUSTRATED BY POIJOE William Gagen, Nabbed by Police for Breaking, Window In Foster Hat 8tore.-. Welcome lods'. N o . 8J», T. and A. M., i wUI meet Tuesday evening, er-ar- PUtrict No. ?. Royal Arch Mssorta, will hold an Important meetlna; In this city Friday afternoon and evening. October 14. at which time the marked, past and moat excellent master degrees will be exem- plified. -Dinner will be served the visiting deUgates at «:» o'clock . at the Hotel Warner. In the evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, Johnstown chapter will exemplify the royal arch degree. The .working of the degree will be under the direction of R, EL George Brown, of Palmyra, asalat- ©du by John O. Ferris, grand lecturer. The district comprise* tns chapter* of Mootgomery. Fulton, Schenectady, War- ren and Hamilton counties. ". . The nineteenth Masonic district held Its annuaJ convention at Johnstown Friday f'tlle't arternPon-Trntrnavenlng. - ^'The;*ritn»ilatlD-t , W He admitted being with Gagen and breaking the glass In the window but denied "any intention on his part to commit a robbery. Inasmuch as they did not get into the store, or at least nothing Is'mlsslng, the police did not have a very strong case against them on a robbery charge and hence they were not.arraigned this morfilng. The matter was put over until later In the day until a further Investigation could be made. . .. Gagen 8ent to "Pen." . This afternoon In police court Ga- gen was allowed to plead guilty to a section of the penal code that came within the Jurisdiction or police court He pleaded guilty to an attempted burglary andf was. Bent to the Albany ptnltentlary/for a term of six months. | SOCIAL & PERSONAL | T 1 '• •. •Elman C. J. McCann, of New -York, is stopping at The Barnes hotel. Upder Sheriff McGlauchlln of Fonda was In the city on official business to- day. . Henry" 'Armltage has gone to Phila- delphia, where he will enter a business college. •? Miss' Julia W. Greene of Brookslde avenue has returned' after five weeks' visit to New York. v Attorney Harry D. Walts of Fort Plain had legal business which called him to Amsterdam this afternoon. Mrs. Mary G. Clark and "Miss Joel C. Van Home went-to Troy today as delegates to the state W. C. T. U. con- vention- Richard A. Brace of Fultonville, Democratic nominee for member of assembly, was an Amsterdam visitor this afternoon. J William Reld. of Elmlra, a - former qualntances here. Mr. Reld 1B stop- FtoK,ftt_Hotej Warner, The Rev. Dr. Campbell of the Forest avenue church will be- at his post of duty tomorrow after a ten daya' BO- Journ In New York. Mrs. John A. George and Mrs. Culll- gan and son, Thoman, of Fonda, are the guests-ot-Mr—and-MrSr-Murray L. Jackson, of Henrietta street- Mr and Mrs."p. D. Herrlck will leave this evening .with Mrs. Herrlck's sister, Dr. Mae V. Hart, of Albany, for an au- tomobile trip to the Berkshlres. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henrv E. Greeny left^ Friday for Meacham LaklTlnTilB Pack" ard touring car. They were accompan- ied by Mr. - and Mrs. -WI S. Dunning; of Syracuse. Dr. and Mrs. Albert Vahder Veer and Mrs. Edgar Vander Veer and fam lly will return to Albany on Monday from their summer crimp at Big Moose The Laurel Card club of this city f-w4H-meetr-with^tl8s-Clara Mrl.aln at JohnBtown next Tuesday evening. The club members will leave this city on the 7 o'clock electric car. ' Mrs. Mahalia Bazaar left this morn- ing for a two weeks' visit in Washing- ton and New York. She was accom- panied-by-her son, the Rev. Walter T. Bazaar, to Washington, where he will resume his studies at the* university. Johnstown Herald: Mrs. Benjamin Dick of Fon Clair street gave a party In honor - of her niece, Miss Jennie Wood, of Syracuse, last evening at her home. A number of the guests were from Gloversville and Amsterdam. Mrs. L. W. Emerson of Warrens- burgh will leave Monday for Llnd6ey, Cal., where she will spend the winter on her orange farm. Mrs. Mary McCuen will accompany her and remain for the winter with a daughter who lives in the Golden state. Invitations have been issued which read as follows: Mr. and "Mrs. Wil- liam J. Cole request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Jen- nie May. to George Alexander 8tarin, on Wednesday afternoon, the nine- teenth of October, 1910, at 3:30 o'clock, at" their residence, Fort -Hunter, N. Y. - John K. Warnlck. William J. Kline and John D. Kellogg attended the an- nual Initiation ceremonies of the Union chapter uf Alpha pelarPhl at Schenec- tady, Friday evening. William Wins- low Walt; of 8chenectady, one of the qm tnjs nine Initiates, Is a nephew of Mr. War- iWCTtkTastjnTck. The Rev. Dr. A. V. V, KAyriiond n- {ef -Buffalo was among tt RecordeT^Democrai, was a welcome; vis7 Itor at tho office of publication" today. In company with Mrs. Newkirk. he has been visiting relatives and friends In Fultonville and Glen and attending the Fonda fair, and they stopped over In Amsterdam on their way to their home In Jersey City. Mr. Newkirk. w h o la a first class mechanic, holds a prominent position In a ship yard near Jersey City. W. Clark Durant. a graduate of the Saratoga High school In the class of t»66, and sou uf~PT. gndMirs. William Dunmtr-^formetly of Saralbga, has formed a partnership at Prince Rupert British Columbia, with John M Walker Jr., and Sanford R. Hunt Mr Durant received his degree from Union and afterwards was connected "with* the General Electric, company and the Gen- eral Electric Storage Battery com- pany, resigning the latter position to form his present association. ijggeu-s chocolates, distinctively good. 40c In one-half pound botes- 80c In pound boxes. Each piece dif- ferent Wilson srlls them. I FRATERNAL NEWS. 3 The fraternal meetings next week will be as follows: . - - • The. Masons. work waa conducted by Right Worshipful Warren ,C Hubbard, grand lecturer, of Brooklyn, assisted'by'Assistant Lecturer Alvln C..Bullock.of Canajoharie and Dis- trict Deputy Anson Oetman of -Johns- town. The delegate* were entertained by 8t. Patrick** lodge. No. 4, and following the afternoon work dinner waa enjoyed at Hotel Stewart. A smoker followed the evening - exemplification. Tho** who at- tended from thia city were D. E. Morse, E. S. Smith, G. M, Luke, H. 8. Browne!". B, W. Brown. W. A. Mable. C. W". Clark. A. A. Johnston, William Scott. H. O. Wll- kle. James Kennedy. W. H. Donnan. W. M. Bartlett F. B. Mlller^Jame* Flnlay- son. William" Clark, Walter I. Hover, R. A. Wood. George. M. Goets, L H. Fol- lette. Healon Bfnna. Charles W." Hill. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Amsterdam'lodge. No. 184. will confer the first degree Monday night. Tuesday evening, Montgomery lodge. No. 47. will confer the first degree. Oak Leaf Rebekah lodge; No. 123. will entertain the state president of the Re^i kekah^s tale" assembly:"" Mra. Lillian R. Rudd of Rochester, Wednesday evening- A reception will be held the same even- ing, ond Oak l.t*Jt lodge will entertain ths member of Locust lodge, -No. 361. Old Fort lodge of TJajiajoharle, and Fort Plain Rebekah lodge of Fort Plain. A banquet will be held at. the close of the reception. ' ••;. Veddersburgh lodge. No. 8U. will confer the first degree Thursday erenlng. Regular meeting of Guttenberg lodge. No. 230. Thursday evening. Friday- evening there will be a regular monthly meeting of the I. O. O. F. Temple association. . ^ Knights of Pythias. The WaJlin company will meet Monday night. r Monday night the Pythias trustees will hold their monthly meeting. ' Tuesday ovenlng Berliner lodge. No. 2J8. will hold a regular meeting. . The Wallln company band will-meet for rehearsal Tuesday evening. Woodbine lodge. No. 260., will hold a regular meeting Thursday evening. Chuctanunda lodge. No. 100. will hold a meeting Friday night and ihe rank of Esquire will be worked.- _. The Orangemen. Star of Bethlehem lodge, i Np. 111. L. n-L. will convene In regular semi- monthly session Friday evening at 8 o'clock. In Orangemen's hall, on East Main street. There is considerable busi- ness of importance to transact, and the second degree will b* conferred upon two candidates. ' The Maccabees. - Amsterdam Tent No. 441. K. O.W. M.. will hold a regular meeting Wednesday evening, working the first degree. Amsterdam Hive. No. 312, Ladies of the Ma"ccabees. will meet at 7:30 Tuesday evening and immediately after the meet- ing there will be dancing and card play- ing. An admission of 15 cents will be charged. . Improved Order of Red Men. Kennyetto Council, - Nen36r*wlll meet regularly Monday evening. Cannfengaa tribe. No. 421, will hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening. Kennyetto tribe, No. 110. will. meet Thursday night in the wigwam. Neoakaleeto tribe, No. 119. will meet Fri- day night. . '.'"'• —Miscellaneous.— at. 7:45 o'clock. Reading room ^pelH'J.i; except Sunday, from S to 5 p. m. All »IS cordially Invited. y A " ar * Zlon'a German ErangeUeal Luther*, church, cor. Orore and Liberty s&eif? the Rev. F. E. C. Hajuvpaator: Bundfc school at 9 a. m. Harvest-home sen%k with preaching by the pastor In UtatW man language at U-M a. m. OalebrifuX ofithe Lord's Supper after thU tseSrifc? Preparatory service at 10 a, m. "Germi,^ cordially Invited, seat free. N o « , i „ ! service this Sunday. The Grand Bai»«£ f< ?LA h 5 benefit of the ehurch open "T£ night during this week. Ton ire lnvu$ Second - Presbyterian church. th« n»„ Henry T. McEwen. D. D„ pStSr: Sun^ mdrnlng worship at 10-.J5 o'clock. An ./ dress by David McConaughy/one of f £ secretaries, of. the board of 7 for«lgn m! * slops. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. 8piciJi service for rally day. Evening worship « 7:30 o'clock. An address by the R,r J 1 O. Emerson, of Batanga, West Afri<£' §£ bJ ^, t: '? 9 African's RespVr^ -Thursday-*^erac^n.—far-the-xhUYchD;; tqr*>at S o'clock, the woraen-ii misa?«»-- arr.-tea- Subject: !«Borto Rico .rr Cuba." Prayer meeting -rnursday .w- 4 Ing at 7:46 o'clock. 8ubject: vfeifill^ All are cordially Invited to work and ™", ship In this, church. " d wor - First Baptist church, the Rev. Alvah j? Knapp. pastor: 10:30 o'clock, morning wnr ship, with sermon by the pastor C ' topic "•Religion In Common Life." 1 ^ W:30. Sixth sermon in- the series on -Th. • Great Savings of Paul." , / m blbj! school. t.esson. "The Parable ft » ,w Talents." Matt 25:14-30. SteJeoptteaS'sum* m . a P' at , l£ e cloae ' w1th •everal TSSI slides. 3:30 p. n v meeting of Junior clety. Topic... "Good Manners" i-,2" er. Lavlna Hind. Sunt.; Mlsa Mkuda V,1; Heusen. 6:30 p. m.; 8uhdav achooi *L * tfonal meeting, led'by D ? B u l •» . jeptha and Hla Datnrhter- A -r»._Z\ u "of .the Olden Time." FTfth Vermon i.w2 T series on "Bible Characters " '" th * TOMORROW AT THE 2D PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tomorrow Is to be a day of rare oppor-' tunlty In the Second Presbyterian churth. At the morning service- David jf c Conaughy. one of the leadera and Wr r best speakers In. the Presbyterian" crTurch li?-i he *u ,nt ' r ^. 8t of 'ofe'art missions win make the-address. -In the forward move- m ,w t h he t" borne an eminent part Not only has he rare, executive ability but hi knows how to tell the storv_so_aiUo hold' audiences. ~^, - i T n ' '" nol( l _At Jhennofr--nour the Sunday school" I ^wilKrroia-TtTannnal rall>\ An interest^* ' ^r«m h . a i been arr «ia*<l. In whlcn lev* SSL*" 1 take 5 a f t ' A " m«mbers of '„«• school are urged to make a special error? t°. b * J pre * ent - Old members, parent*, and friends are cordially invited par ls -. an, l In the evening the Rev. F. O. Elh.rJUt,' of Batanga. Africa, will apeak Mr PV, erson la jusC home from this' Intere*7i7; and difficult field, and has been ^.iJS with delight wheVeve? h.^asHrone AJ* -st C |f-K--„ , ^ mln « r lar **-''n-ev1ryH"n'^ M.E. Sunday 8chooTRtily TomrJrrew. • T he , F,r8t Me . th ?«st Episcopal Sunday school will hold Its annual rally dav ex- ^j^^^JfTg-nAYe^garad-a^battdsoii^ Amsterdam Council. NoT 1.269, Royal Ar- canum. will.held a regular meeting Thurs- —t*aaj'"eV(5riiHg: . hursday night Amsterdam Council. No 209, Knights of Columbus, - will hold a regular meeting. - . Amsterdam Aerie, No. 475, F. O. Eagles, r-will meet Friday night. Victoria lodge, NoS-tal. O. Sons of 8 t George, will meet Thursday night Alexandra lodge. Np.' 33. -Independent Order-Daugnters of at. George. wuf~nold a nutting AtJdn^Bday eVenlng at 7:30 o'clock,- for Initiation. - . Amsterdam Region, No..285. of "the Na- tional Protective ' Legion, will -hold—a meeting Thursday night. Jewel legion. No. 623. will meet Tuesday jevenlng. T.adios; A»*Hlarr.'-A._Q...II.—BlU-liuld.a meeting Thursday evening. A meeting of the A. O. H. will be held Tuesday evening for the purpose of elect- ing county officers. T ' CHURCH NOTICES. H First M. E. church, the Rev. Milton Pratt, pastor: 10:30 a. m.. "Thought." 12 m.. rally Sunday school program-: orches- tra;—ft3^-p^mrr- ix TPhe-Loglo-of-Elymaaai German M. E. church, the Rev. Paul Loescher, pastor: Service at 10:30 a. m. The Rev . the pulpft. omitted. Keller, of Troy, will occupy The evening service will be First Reformed church, the J*ev. Joshua , R. Kyle, D. D.. pastor: Divine service, T conducted by the pastor, at 10:30 a m.. and at 7-p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Christian Kndeavor meeting at €:15'p. m. All are cordially invited to these services. St. Luke's Lutheran church: Preaching services at ln:3) a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible school at 11:45 a. m. Luther League at 6:45 p. m. Leader. Rose Gode. -Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock." AH arc Invited tq work and worship In this church. East Main Street Methodist Episcopal church: Morning service at 10:30 o'clock. Subject, "Fogrtvlng. and Being- Forgiv- en." Sunday school. 13 m. Epworlh League service, 6:16 p, m. Topic, "Re- pentance and Restoration." Leader, B. F, Peddle. Evening servlco at 7 Subject, "Vigilance Nece»s.ary Presence of a Spiritual Foe.'" servlco at 7 o'clock In the Trinity Reformed church, the Rev. W. "ey. "" Method of. Reaching .the N. P Dalley, ^pastor: Morning theme •Christ's Method of. Reaching ,tb Massea." Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. In the .evening the pastor will speak on "Columbia and Hl*panta," a theme-appro- priate to the approaching Columbus day. All are most cordially Invited to attend any of the services at Trinity. German Evangelical church. Elisabeth street the Rev. E.—Mr-Glaaow. pastor: Both morning and evening, rally day "ser- vices. Morning subject "For Christ's Sake." 8unday school at 12 m.. rally day exercises. Evening subject. "Sunday School Work." Tuesday evening. T. P. A prayer meeting and teachers' meeting. Thur*4>y-ev*r>lng—eennTtsstluiiat prayer" meeting. All are cordially Invited to at- Andrew.J. Newkirk. an old and valued subscriber to the Semi-Weekly | ^ ^ " r ^ f ^ U ^ ^ ^ , 1030. Addreaa by the Rev. Frank 6'. Emerson of Batanga, W. Africa. 8ubject 'VJ$ l **, ,on *£' ,n . We,t Africa," yible school 12- Evening worship. 7:30. Ad dress by-David McConaurhy. of Ne York. Subject "The L e ^Norld." This la a rare OL hear two distinguished speakers -Ight of the opportunity to »akf Salvation Array: fl a. m hn)in»aa meeting led by t a p tain Chase. fj?*g m.. 8unday school. Every .child who does not sttend elsewhere la earnestly Invited FAiifr n.V!«!!"?* p S2 pU '" m r* ,| nit- Ml'* Bdlth I>eLong In charge, r p. m . bla march and open air meeting at waltlna speaking and singing. All we4come.^ ; *r .J' r, ^ ty .^ 0 *2 n * n K^nrellcal Lutheran church, the Rev. O. W. Frltsch nStar- Morning .ervlee at 10M oclock rfreninr •cnoot at 11 m. Luther Iy»an» mi } n _ Catechetical Instrnctton lUiurtar ai ie™' ra. and t p. m : Ladles' Aid society meets Wednesday at 2 JO p. m..~ Mission *$£»% me#ts Wednsaday af 4 p. m | X "o" munlon last Sunday In October! .w Th t# nf 'V-feurth annual convention of the Mor,t«v>m*ry County Sunday flTheol a-*^i M »o ft w ,„ r^ n „', M 0 V*^hoo SHftftH n »< , r nin r ' n «he RefoTOedVhiirch will leave t\r\ the J3n a m irain *JJ it.1 Central t<+ Fends. A splendid p r o ! , ! ^ . _____ has keta prspared. and jSuS^TSS^ [ eHre-C Hays & Woriuth -FIRE INSURANCE Insurance Boildtnp; CHURCH STREET er* will be present at the- several gather- ing*. Not only the officer* and teacher, but the older scholar* will welcWed" Flrwt Ch-rch of Christ Bcleatlrt N „ . Mohawk Place:- Sunday morning aen-i,. at 10:46 olclocJsL. . Subject: "AreTlnV D_! ease and Death R_aJr• Ooldea tixt- "Cast away from you all yo nave ' alona,-whereby ye have transgre_»-d•",_"", make you a new heart and a new SPIHIfor why will ye die, O houa_ of IrraeiVr- _ - - --_ort - attendarice^ Ith't committee has prepared a fine program and aecured an or r hettm U_S the -rris— ion." _Hd it u expected that every Metho- dist will go to S.nnday school tomorrow. STREET IS NOW CTLOSBD. Traffic Through Lower- East. Main -^Entlre-y^h-pt^Oft Work. ' " * " . • - • : . • -The lower part of East Main street, where fjontrador Dollard- Is pavinf, apd.the dmihle mti--nj ptfTlIown, Is now "completely closed to the public and _o are the detours on Faffle-atr*--- HAenna^r. t _«-»tty^Tmnl.=l not come up wit privileges of usfng the crossing-from Eagle street around the construction -work-the-owners-ofthe property, blocked the .roadways. This morning a large red flag was hung from a tele- graph- pol__j_t_^___orru>r_oi_EastJlaln_ and Church streets and under this a big sign displaying the word "Danger", and announcing the fact that Main street was closed. An arro;v. points; up Church street and the Information Is given for all vehicles to take that' route. In order to get around the con- struction work It is now necessary to take the Church street-Widow Susan road. This makes a detour of 'about two miles and Is anything but pleas- ing and convenient to the public. It Is the best the city could do under the circumstances and the.public will have to put up with It untlli the l o w e r p&rt of Main street 1B thrown open again, * i . t NEW HOTEL IS NOW jraARING OOMPLETIOI. Owner Conrad and Aaron 8howermin, Formerly of the Warner, to be the" Landlords. . . Work on the new Conrad Hotel II being rushed and it Is expected that the hotel will be ready for the travel- ing public In the course of four week* at least There has been considerable uncertainty as to who would conduct the caravansary. There have been many experienced hotel men'after the - place but after deliberating long, Fred -€?onrad the -ballder" and -turner, has- decided to POndnt. taking as a partner Aaron 8howennaa, for many years steward and assistant manager of Hoier WaraerTurlnf-the— ] proprietorship of John ' Bartholomew. Paper hangers and painters ire nosr working In the^varioua bed rooms of- which there are forty-eight Mr. Becker. Dear 8lr:—With pleas- ure I write you to tell about your won- derful pla.tens. J lay on my back (or one month with pneumonia, I went to Fultonville for a ride for the first time. While there I was taken with awful pain Itr my lungs I went In to see W. Foodyand he Advised me to put ABO plaster and In left mlnOlej .-j was relieved, great praise to your pi** ' 5 ' O. W, HAND. Otfh. You can publish this if you wish. The above la ample proof that Rccl> er's ABC Plaster*, are the meet woo- derf-il plasters ever m»de. What eth- er plaster* .have ever done *h-t *-•; A B C performed for Mr. Hand! Our Mixing. Onaranleed roof paint at flit* r* f gallon. J. H . Oagen. St East M»«« ^r |L fe^" ' ] -U_ p ' i"" - j . f \ c - i -u. •-v*j_LKtei'^i;}jb_»- .".__, . W'iv Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


Aug 31, 2020



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Page 1: AMSTERDAM EVE^(F7:lt C

SQ£ v';\

.? , ^ v •^J^f iSSSl^- .^ ^rXgjf:" £ $ i*_>**!

AMSTERDAM E V E ^ ( F 7 : l t _ _ C < m ^


'When the icavos^ begin ftp :fall Uie haifds begin• to crawl > into gloves, or pockets.-;.«

Gloves loofe bettor than bulging pdckets.

GROSS Gloves for. men and ladies &L5G ami $2. FOWXIvS (Moves- for men $1.50 fo *_;

The right Fall Suit to match the gloves is hero, all ready.

* -

George ErSmithGo. Clothes—Satisfaction.



• * • '

Capable City Official Place on the Ticket. ''-»,

Republican* Hold Convention at Com­

mon Cornell Chamber, Alderman

Dunham Presiding—Robert R. Glbb

Chosen a« New Candidate for Muni*

clpal Constabulary.

S The Republican city nominating con­vention was held at the common coun-


Weather Indications. ? I Washington. P i". Oct S--Forecast —

JEartern N>y.Tork: F.ilr tnniirht and Sttr-da;» «Xceo*W9threat«'.nlng south portion; warmer. In .north portion "l-nl^ht. 'moder­ate northniet winds. • .

Hly wurmT W . I U I T

Local Temperature.

ell chamber* l-'rlday evening. dcLegates apd spectators were .cal led U) px4et_lis'-Jaiuca. .A-Smeajlle. the newly elected chairman of the-,c.Uy Recorder Putnam p r a i s e d Alderman Henry A. Dunham for th_ position of presiding officer and be w a s unanimously chosen. In taking up his duties Mr. Dunham expressed bis thanks and added that nothing in the way of a gpjeech should bo expected from him. concluding h|s remarks with, "The Republican party has named a winning ticket so far. and wsjjrill com plcte It her*« tonight." a "statement which elicited an outburst of applause.

1'pon the motion of Albert Gode, ;:H«rttm=Eish«*r-ynil-Jnhn ii Dean were

chosen secretaries. The roll c a l l - o f delegates followed.

Next In-the ord^r of business was the namlnR of a candidate for assessor and the roll of wards was ordered railed. Th.» ftrxl ward gave way to the sixth and' Recorder Putnam pre­sented tho. name JQ_ A. Warren Ecker-son^ to'succeed himself. The nomlna-MoD^wa's'seconded by Assessor James "(>oak on behalf of the seventh ward,

. who paid tribute to the excellent"quali­fications of. his associate on tho board. There boinp no other aspirant fqr the

'pflke, the secretary was empowered to ' cast ou<- ballot for Mr. _r>k»:rson. as

"* th»> unanimous choice of tin* delegates, ._> j which was done.

.Mr. Doak-'lhen presented the names of Vdatu BcU. Charles F. .Indson. MR-thlas Combes. Harrison DoGraff . and Robert R Glbb'for constables. The nominations were seconded by H. 8 .

! Simmons, and these be'lng the only Jones suggested, the -secretary -was em-

— , „ I powered to cast a sin^t** ballot for New York Herald: «">o_ 8uoday fair I thorn which was dono The cltv com-

followed by local raina In, and. near t h - ! cles. Recorder Putnam. Assessor Doak lak» r««inn. and on Monday rartly cloudy f and H. S. Simmons were appointed a and slightly w:.rm-r weaker j „ , - . „ , , , _ - t 0 n r o s p n t t h f t n - m l n e e s be-

j fon* the^conventlon. bill Mr. Glbb was4[ tho only one to be found and ho ar-

Iljghesr and l<vw»st trmperatur- for the past 24 hours from 3" p. m ys frda 'y to Z

& m.- today, as recorded at DR R f O STORE:

From T"p;rn." to ? p. m yesfer-<lay

From 7 p. m. yesterday to 7 ;_.m. today

From 7 a.- m. to 2 p. m. today

day RIGGS-I t L^

M 50.


• :



—"A. B." Be cigar. — G l a s s at O a e e n V

—"Opera" 10c* cigar. —Rhelngold, -10c cigar. • - ^ R o c l c y F o r ^ 5 c ^ d g a r L _ ^ ^ _ _ ^

of ChriBtman. —Fair races frg-lfln true, n a r u n ! .



Freckle Cream, 50c. druggists. —Telephone the W e t Wash Laun­

dry Und let them, explain how they W their work.

- - " T h o s w e e t e s t storv ever tnld.v finds an able ass i s tant in a pound of

thfem. - • r—-r — T h e ladies of A. H. DeGraft circle

will hold a pie social and dance In G. -A. R.-hall Monday October ItV 1D10.

Tickets . 25c. -Mra. C. R. Macholri won the pri**

nt. the afternoon bridge fendereti' the Rcldge^tts Friday by Miss -Edna L. Heath in honor of Miss Florence (•Idee

—Let's see ' fan't this the ni^ht you were going to taka home a b o x of Liggett 's chocolates? 40c. In one-half pound boxes; Soc the pound. Wilson S«11H thrill

knowledged his appreciation of the nomination, and pledged himself to the support of the ticket -and a faithful per-formance"of the duties of the office in •the event of his election. The conven­tion then adjourned.

City Democrats Organize,

Thf» Democratic city committee held a meeting Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the office of Attorney George C. Stewart. Organization was perfected by. the selection of R. E. Lee Reynolds as chairman*. Theodore C. Schoeffler, who wa« '•hr\JItDJlP -*^<>—g*gH»^ftrT-»aft

J. Mullarkey was re-elected secretary, while John Noonan was agaln-chbsen treasurer. It was decided to hold the Democratic city nominating convention at Hotet Warner Tuesday evening. Oc-tober 11 at H oclnck—Hojg* -Warne^ w-Rl ho-tin' huAihtuatti'iH O'f U16 LMncF crats during the fall campaign. Man­ager Swan has donated rooms for their nseTami ail eonjmittee meetingB will be held there. The new city commit tee is composed of the'fnllowlng: Ftrnt ward, .Michael t.olrman. John T. SammonS; second ward. John N'oonan, R. E. Lee Rynolds: third ward. Andrew J. Lena-

dfstrlct James firadv Charles Conlff-second district. Wll l iam-Googan. Ed" mund J. 'Mtillarkeyj fifth W a r d . Janies J. nrennan^ Edward Enser: ijlxth ward n?i^rgp CI Stewart. Fred

- M r . and Mrs. Sherman McNeil and 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o h T r ; Y [ \ p W their guest. Miss Martha Jackson, of Jollet,"M*}c.h . ftnd Mlay^farion Morphy, of this city, left today to pass a few-days at Mud "lake.

—A Socialist meet ing will be held In the C. 1.417. hall on Main street at 2 p. m. t o m V r o w which will he ad­dressed by t h \ a t a t e organizer*; every­one welcome.

—Don't wait until Christmas to buy a beautiful "Best" lamp for your sit­t ing room, but get one now. and for a Christmas present, your wife will he more than pleased with another one for the parlor. John D. Piatt, 7« Division street.

• ' * »


David 9h«'cr.-

Independence Lea The Independence league of the 31st

senatorial district held a' convention Friday evening in Schenectady. There were a large number of .delegates pres­ent and the convent ion-was called to order by E. F: Marqtfette. temporary chairman. He was chosen permanent

(-chairman, and Charles B. Rroeffle of this city was named-^as secretary. There were a number of speeches - by the delegates and John V- Q u i g l e y o f Schenectady, pfaced In nomination for senator William Charles Eggers. The nomination was seconded by J o h n V . Kehoe of this city. There being but one candfdate. Mr. " Eggers was de-

i <;ar.M the nominee •

Canajoharie. Oct. 8.—David Shuler. a well known resident of this town, died this mornlnir at. his homo In Ames . He has been In poor health for sevpral years. He was past SO years of age. Nearly- his entire life t ime has been devoted to farming. from which he retired only a . few years ago. He Is survived by hi* widow.

Catherine Stock. Catherine Stock, who was born in

Germany 88 years ago and has made -^Ansarlaa and the Innn of Cpfosta h** home tor the past s ixty l y o a r a . died Friday at her home, in Caroga. Ske la aurvlTen by two amis, .Mcnoias and Peter of Caroga: and three daughters, Mrs. Lc.ula HinA« of Caroga, and Mrs. John Warner and Mrs. <harle« I'nger, both of Gloversville __^£

Norman Cook. .Vorroan Cook, A brother of Valen­

tine Cook of Johnstown,'and a former resident of fbat city, died at his home In 8chenect«dy Friday of -paralysis. Mr. Cook bas lived In Schenectady about »iabto<a^-7-*afa. remootas: to that » ! » « f(•••". : . . r . r . . l . . « n

ward J. Maroney; eighth ward Wheiiy and Elmer Rrbwer.

off: Ed-


To Run Against Brackett. The Democratic convention of the

Thirtieth sVnatortal district at . Hud­son Falls. Friday afternoon nominated Dr. A. Marshall Burt of Charlton, Sar­atoga county. - for stato senator.

Daniel P. Do Long of. Glena Falls has been renominated by the Warren

[county Democrats for member of as­s e m b l y . Joseph A. Kellogg of Glens

- • • • i ^ ^ — S P i i • ** • i' -'-

Latter from Senator Root Who 8ay«

Income Tax Amendment Wat a Re­

publican Messure.

To tha Editor of The Recorder, y ir:—I was refused a renomlnaUon

for member of assembly on the al­leged grounds, that I was a Democrat because I voted for the iucome/-tax amendment to the United States con­stitution. The following letter re­ceived from U. S. Senator Root, the greatest statesman in this country^ would seem to show that I am.not so much of a Democrat after all.

Yours respectfully, JOHNSON P. VAN O'LINDA.

Cliutun,-X><,lobvr o. KUO

Author, Together With Dr. McClumpha

•nd Dr. Stover, Par t i c ipate In An­

nual Meeting- of New York Associa­

tion In Visit to Lake' Champlaln

Points—Monument to Father Jogues

-U Proposed. —

{ - - W . M t t ' B n M , h r Phitr lea F M t ? -

My-Dear Sir:—I have your letter of September 30 regarding tho Income-tax a m e n d m e n t That amendment was certainly a mai ler of national Republican policy. It was recom­mended to congress by a Republican president and was voted for by sub­stantial ly the entlro Republican ma­jority in the', senate and in the house of . representatives. It has been favored by every Republican president s ince Cleveland. The right of the na­tion to Impose such d- tax Is a funda­mental Republican doctrine, for the Imposition of an Income tax was one of the great Republican measures by which the money was raised to sus­tain the Union cause In the Civil war. It Is quite apparent that If any Re­publicans refused to consent to your renomlnation to .the assembly, your

A-ote^in^fnvor-of-thls—mFaBtir? if/as" rather a pretext for the refusal than the real reason.

Very sincerely .yrrnrs. ELIHU R O O T . ~

Hon. J. P. Van O'l.Inda, Amsterdam. N. Y.

Clumpha and Dr. Charles Stover of this city, reprepqntpd th« '"Q*1 his­torical 1 society , a t -the twelfth annual meet ing of t h e New York-State 'His ­torical - Association, held on October 4, 6, 6 and 7 on the steamer Vermont, on

[~Lake Champlaln. In -addition to the business sess ions and the numerous papers, . the delegates , about 150 In number, viBlted the many points of his­torical interest on the lake. Tuesday the delegates went to Fort Ticonderoga and the battlefields under the guidance Of the members of the Ticonderoga HistorlcaF Boclety and at Ticonderoga vil lage took part In tho unveiling of a bronze tablet presented to the Ticon deroga Historical society b<y the Ticon deroga Pulp and Paper company.

Among-those-who-read-papersJ-wcro r

—Photo by Wheaton. JAMES A. SMEALLIE."

Newly Elected Chairman Republican Clty'Gommittee.


not elected a member of the city com- Congressman Southwlck Says Republl-rplttee nt fhn init nctmarlaa.—Edmund camrln NelghoUrlflg County Are In a"

otate of Confusion.

Albany. O c t 8.—In seconding the nomination of ex-Mayor Henry S. Defores t of Schenectady to succeed. fTTT" "I » " p ' h " " " ' """["'""nn" fr~rr


W. B4ax Reid Honored at State

: i .-' / 'J (fathering?— William Qags'n was^plseed ond< rest about 1 o'clock this morning by,

O J ^ e r ^ a n n a _ s u U B r = a n ^ a t t e m p t - h a d been made to brea)i into the Foster hat store on East Main, street. At midnight as Night Ticket Agent Knowlton. w a s walking up Railroad s t r e e t h e heard the noise of g lass be­ing broken and he - infqrmed Officer Harrigsii. The latter weijt Into the alley near the Chalmers button fac-

ftory-Mdrheartajf 1 bolse'lh' TSaTB! hat store, he started in that direction. T n « _ f o r m s of two men Immediately lopmea^ u p . and the" policeman saw them running for Bridge s t r e e t He went after them, but they outdistanced him. Officer Canna took up the pur­sui t and got pretty close" on the trlaL One of the men disappeared In the bushes along, the river bank near the gas house. The other, who proved to be Will iam Gagen, was found by Offi­cer Canna In the door of the tool house of the gas p lant Gagen was feigning s leep and at the same time breathing heavily as If quite ex­hausted. He was locked up. This morning Detect ives Bergen and Hartl-gan took . up the case and another roung m a n - w n a questioned by them

Victor H. Palts its . -state historian: the Rev. Thomas J. Campbell New York; Edward T. W. Gillespie. Stamford, Conn.; Charles M. Burrows. Cleveland; George K. Hawkins P i t t s b u r g h ; the Rev. Dr. John M. Thomas of Middle-bury college, and John M. Clarke, of Albany.

At the meeting Thursday morning, October 6, tho Rev. Mr Campbell de­livered a valuable monograph on "The Pioneer Missionary of North A m e r i c a ^ which proved to bo a sketch of the life of Father Jogues. bis visit to the Mo­hawk valley, and a reference to the shrine at Aurlesvllle. Mr. Campbell a lso told of the naming of Lake/Jeorge Lac du S t Sacrament, by Father Jogues. and he said that he regretted that tho namo had ever been changed. Fol lowing this paper. Sir. Reld Intro­duced a resolution which was unanl mously passed providing for - the ap­pointment of a committee of five mem­bers for the. purpose, of securing an island on Lake George upon which to erect a tablet. The resolution provided a l so - that the Island, if secured be re-baptlzed "Isle du St. Sacrament." and also for the erection of a monument to Father Jogues .

T h e delegates were unanimous In their praise of Dr. W. E. Cummlngs of Ticonderoga. who supervised many of the arrangements for the association's meet ing and gave his .care and atten­tion to the delegates collectively and individually.

W. Max Reld. who has but recently published his book on Lake Champlaln and Lake George, was made the lion of the convention. Most had read his book and inasmucH a s the delegates w e r e conducted over tho territory covered by Mr. Reld's book in Its history and photographs, his presence was contlnu ously in demand.


the 23d district which Includes Albany and Schenectady .counties . Represen­tative George N."Southwlck, of Albany, paid his respects to the Schenectady R e p o M l r - n n n r g m l - r n H n n n.i f n l l n w .

"Unfortunately our friends In.Sche­nectady county are not well organized, have no leadership and are today In a |

i j m ^ U e h a i ^ u r U l r r W o n r t h ^ w H J r i r f t r * ^ J ' ""' ' " - . . - - . _ - . - ' borders on rharw—It has been—gry^j-1

persoaai.^igglre, -expressed two years ago and expressed constantly t ime and time again, that somethlng-should-he . done to bring about a semblance of o^A^^nd-ofganization-and-Republlba solidarity in tha county of Schehec-tady." . Although Republican, - Schenectady county went against Southwlck two years ago by over 1,000 and four years: ago by ovrr 800." , "Lack of local leadership In the

couniy Is what Timothy L. Woodruff declared made Schenectady's state convention delegation anti-Sherman. Postmaster James H. Callanan; of Schtnectady, was chairman of the congress convention. Will iam Barnes, Jr., and Luther C. Warner of Albany, and A. J. McMillan, o f -8chenectady , were appointed \ committee bn vacan­cies. OnU- ohe Schenectady man h a s been congressman In the last fifty years.

—"The Farmers' Daughter" will, be the attrac^lon_at_the_opera house to-h l g b t . . ? .

—A business meeting of the Kappa Epsllon sorority was held at the home of. the Misses Ethel and Margaret DeaHftst-cvrmingr

—ranter Harold. ofF the upholstery departme-it of Holzhelmer & Shaul's stpr-, has accepted a position with the Wallace Co. store In Schenectady.

—Tho Mothers' association of the Phi hDelta^Sigaa ^ ' " " " r "'"l meei at the fraternity rooms Monday after noon a t 2 o'clock. Inasmuch as busi­ness of particular importance Is to-be transaetPdra^fall~attendatfee*6f fnem hers is desired.

—Harry T. .Warnlck has recently re­ceived a 1911 close-coupled Packard

* I I n-*t_ i t « - * * I *» W i l l I l l ' l l n U U H U C l VrS»l4J

automobile The macMnft hnriy l s - f t o kB- ln- t l re -Adlnmdax blue grey 111. color.* with black trim- 1 — - - -mines. The metal tr immings are nlc-


FA!*.4 lia.4 !i»-»-u named Ttii County Judge and surrogate.— The selection for coroner Is Dr. J. M. Griffin of War-rensburgh.


H. L. Reed Buys Mor« Land far Ds-

Aviatora on Trip from Chicago to New

York May Pass Over Amsterdam.

Four bird men. Foster. McCurdy. Wlllard and Ely. the last three in Cur-tlss biplanes, will leave - Chicago Sun­day In an "endurance race to New York. The route as laid out Includes the valley pf the Mohawk and the nearest stopping places to Amsterdam "5re Schenectady, and Palatine. Am-sterdamlans may. by-watching clogely.-see the machines pass over the city and of course there Is the possibility that the aviators may take A notion to

uift is fraquantly uncertain.—Hu)fe44n«-}-wif will probably announce the approach of the aeroplanes and In this way Am-aterdamlana may . b o kept on the

veiopment of Crowlnfl East End 8ec-i tuard If everything goes well the * r ip l sncs should pass over the c|ty Mon tion.

The enterprising real estate dealer. H. L Reed, has purchased "abont ten acres of land of- the estate, located north of Forbes street, ninnlnic


B. A M. TRAIN DERAILED. Albany, Oct. 8 - The public <• - »

rommlatlon waa notified that a Bo«. ton A Maine p»»sen«er train was d^ rallrd at Melrose early today. Two roaches and the engine left tlw» trark but no OCA «a« Injured A - ^ r o k r n

arc ldea t Two state ftisTxctora were • ea t ttiPT+Hfi make afi Investigation.

> t , •

Guests nt Hotel Warner Include: Mrs Jackson Beyer, Des MoincA la.;

north «o the lands of John Teller• De- i M r * - J*"nn,''t **T*r. Ames. la.; C 1^ Gran* and raat to the Da-Id Mathlas I A,n<,J:"0.n- J " n , M , 0 * n : . , l l - „ J * - n w l V . ' ' farm. Carl Snyder, the contractor l« [• r l * V I V o ! n \ n " i n f " ^ , , J 1' at work .trading the streets connecting * » n & . V

J U - ^ " ' ^ ^ . . ^ I V ^ ! l c h , . ;

making an outlet throuth fo 'Main I »T w « . „ i , « „ t » ^ v v »trc^t. which will be less ate^p than ' ' M- 0 * n l * ' S u i e ° ° ' N -1

Retd or Rrhuyler s treets , , The lami will bf cnt Into large lots and sold on e*sy terms. Mr. Reed Is trying to get Industries to locate In the eastern part of thn'rity, and hr firmly b?lt?Tp**tha.t Amsterdam will have a population of M.0O0 within the next ten years.

O. M. Con-Mn. F. Coniln, Peekskll l ; Dr. D. P. Doyle. F W, DsTle. E. J Rlack. Bos­ton. J. E. liaas. Ashland. O.; C. B Gibson. W. J. Fox. If. JOAI, Ryraeuse; F Kahn. H. Collom. Jay»_H_4*o-rj». rt ias Ward. R. P. Johnston. U Ped-ler. R. M. Paulsen, L Kaess. \\\ H.

jRockford. L Labonde. Ntw Tork.

kle. —Driver Matthew Kavanagh of the

No. 2 fire team received postals today from -Henry E. Becker, who Is In Los

•Angeles, bearing pictures of the Ill-fated Los' Ange les T i m e s building, which was blowft up. Mr. Becker Is a son of Water Commissioner. Becker and Is located In Los Ange les .

—Miss Alice "Miriam Gamlin, the superintendent of the Evangel ist ic Work.of the N e w York S t a t e . S u n d a y .School association, will g ive an ad­dress, at the morning sess ion of the Montgomery county Sunday school association at Fultonvil le on Tuesday of. next week. -

—The missionary tea of the women of the Spcond Presbyterian church, wlilch is ordinarily held on Wednes­days, will take place on Thursday af­ternoon of next week, instead. The subject will be Porto Rico and Cuba.

—Mrs. Mary F. Marcellus has sold her house on Lincoln avetfue to H . H . Fol le t t . —The Montgomery -classls Ministe­

rial association will hold Its regular "October gathering at Currytown on Monday morning. T h e Rev. C. V. W. Bedford of the Currytown Reformed church will be the host of the occa­sion. The Rev. W. N.'P. Dalley of this city will, read a ,paper on "Hebrew Sociology." ~

ThjY seventh annual venison—ba becue of the Gloversvil le Aerie of Eagles-will be held tomorrow a t Moun­tain lak> and a large number frojn this

ncr at 2:ao o'clock. The Gloversvil le Military band will provide mus ic and there will be sports; ' ~

-EIGHTH WARD'NOTES. William Cavanaugh of Florence is

visiting friends here Schuyler Johnson of Locust avenue

is rlslflng relatives- at Erie. Pa. Joseph Arthurs has 'moved from

Cll ibe avenue to upper Brookslde avenue. . _ . . •

James Redmond has moved from Lindsay street to upper Brookslde sTrnue. ~~~~~~I~~.

n.TTivH Tfumw?r hsa iinrv'W~frouT npper Brookslde avenue to No. 302 I^ocust avenue, > - •

John Knack of I^ocuat avenue has accepted a position as foreman Jn a paper box manufactory at .Mechanle-vllle. ^ —

Fireman Frank Ouyan ' o f Lyon street, who, together with hla wife, was spending his vacation In New York city, was summoned home b y I tflfqrrRTii WF3ne»diy morning' Br?" foe j illness of his son. The boy had/ a severe attacV of diphtheria bnt la now oo the road to recovery. I .

i ^ ^ i - A V V


William Gagen, Nabbed by Police for

B r e a k i n g , Window In Foster Hat 8 t o r e . - . Welcome lods'. No. 8J», T. and A. M.,

i wUI meet Tuesday evening, er-ar- PUtrict No. ?. Royal Arch Mssorta, will

hold an Important meetlna; In this city Friday afternoon and evening. October 14. at which time the marked, past and moat excellent master degrees will be exem­plified. -Dinner will be served the visiting deUgates at «:» o'clock . at the Hotel Warner. In the evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, Johnstown chapter will exemplify the royal arch degree. The .working of the degree will be under the direction of R, EL George Brown, of Palmyra, asalat-©du by John O. Ferris, grand lecturer. The district comprise* tns chapter* of Mootgomery. Fulton, Schenectady, War­ren and Hamilton counties. ". .

The nineteenth Masonic district held Its annuaJ convention at Johnstown Friday

f'tlle't arternPon-Trntrnavenlng.-^'The;*ritn»ilatlD-t,W

He admitted being with Gagen and breaking the g lass In the window but denied "any intention on his part to commit a robbery. Inasmuch as they did not get into the store, or at least nothing Is 'mlss lng, the police did not have a very strong case against them on a robbery charge and hence they were not.arraigned this morfilng. The matter was put over until later In the day until a further Investigation could be made. . ..

Gagen 8ent to "Pen." . This afternoon In police court Ga­gen was allowed to plead guilty to a sect ion of the penal code that came within the Jurisdiction or police court He pleaded guilty to an attempted burglary andf was. Bent to the Albany ptnltentlary/for a term of six months.

| SOCIAL & PERSONAL | T 1 '• • .

•Elman C. J. McCann, of New -York, is stopping at The Barnes hotel.

Upder Sheriff McGlauchlln of Fonda w a s In the city on official business to­day. . Henry" 'Armltage has gone to Phila­delphia, where he will enter a business college. •? Miss' Julia W. Greene of Brookslde avenue has returned' after five weeks' v is i t to New York . v

Attorney Harry D. Walts of Fort Plain had legal business which called him to Amsterdam this afternoon.

Mrs. Mary G. Clark and "Miss Joel C. Van H o m e w e n t - t o Troy today as delegates to the state W. C. T. U. con­vent ion-

Richard A. Brace of Fultonville, Democratic nominee for member of assembly, was an Amsterdam visitor this afternoon. J

William Reld. of Elmlra, a- former

qualntances here. Mr. Reld 1B stop-FtoK,ftt_Hotej Warner,

The Rev. Dr. Campbell of the Forest avenue church will be- at his post of duty tomorrow after a t e n daya' BO-Journ In New York.

Mrs. John A. George and Mrs. Culll-gan and son, Thoman, of Fonda, are the guests-ot-Mr—and-MrSr-Murray L. Jackson, of Henrietta s t r e e t -

M r and Mrs."p. D. Herrlck will leave this evening .with Mrs. Herrlck's sister, Dr. Mae V. Hart, of Albany, for an au­tomobile trip to the Berkshlres . '

Mr. and Mrs. Henrv E. Greeny left^ Friday for Meacham LaklTlnTilB Pack" ard touring car. They were accompan­ied by Mr.- and Mrs. -WI S. Dunning; of Syracuse.

Dr. and Mrs. Albert Vahder Veer and Mrs. Edgar Vander Veer and fam lly will return to Albany on Monday from their summer crimp a t Big Moose

The Laurel Card club of this c i ty f-w4H-meetr-with^tl8s-Clara Mrl.aln a t

JohnBtown next Tuesday evening. The club members will l eave this city on the 7 o'clock electric car. ' Mrs. Mahalia Bazaar left this morn­

ing for a two weeks ' v is i t in Washing­ton and New York. She was accom-panied-by-her son, the Rev. Walter T. Bazaar, to Washington, where he will resume his studies at the* university.

Johnstown Herald: Mrs. Benjamin Dick of Fon Clair street gave a party In honor- of her niece, Miss Jennie Wood, of Syracuse, last evening a t her home. A number of the guests were from Gloversville and Amsterdam.

Mrs. L. W. Emerson of Warrens-burgh will leave Monday for Llnd6ey, Cal., where she will spend the winter on her orange farm. Mrs. Mary McCuen will accompany her and remain for the winter with a daughter who lives in the Golden state.

Invitations have been issued which read as follows: Mr. and "Mrs. Wil­liam J. Cole request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Jen­nie May. to George Alexander 8tarin, on Wednesday afternoon, the nine­teenth of October, 1910, at 3:30 o'clock, at" their residence, Fort -Hunter, N. Y. -

John K. Warnlck. Will iam J. Kline and John D. Kellogg attended the an­nual Initiation ceremonies of the Union chapter uf Alpha p e l a r P h l at Schenec­tady, Friday evening. Will iam Wins-low Walt; of 8chenectady, one of the

qm tnjs nine Initiates, Is a nephew of Mr. War-iWCTtkTastjnTck. The Rev. Dr. A. V. V, KAyriiond

n- {ef -Buffalo was among tt

RecordeT^Democrai, was a welcome; vis7 Itor at tho office of publication" today. In company with Mrs. Newkirk. he has been visiting relatives and friends In Fultonville and Glen and attending the Fonda fair, and they stopped over In Amsterdam on their way to their home In Jersey City. Mr. Newkirk. who la a first c lass mechanic, holds a prominent position In a ship yard near Jersey City.

W. Clark Durant. a graduate of the Saratoga High school In the class of t»66, and sou uf~PT. gndMirs. William Dunmtr-^formet ly of Saralbga, has formed a partnership at Prince Rupert British Columbia, with John M Walker Jr., and Sanford R. H u n t Mr Durant received his degree from Union and afterwards was connected "with* the General Electric, company and the Gen­eral Electric Storage Battery com­pany, resigning the latter position to form his present association. •

i j g g e u - s chocolates, distinctively good. 40c In one-half pound botes -80c In pound boxes. Each piece dif­f e r e n t Wilson srlls them.

I FRATERNAL NEWS. 3 The fraternal meetings next week

will be as fo l lows: . - - •

The. Masons.

work waa conducted by Right Worshipful Warren ,C Hubbard, grand lecturer, of Brooklyn, assisted'by'Assistant Lecturer Alvln C..Bullock.of Canajoharie and Dis­trict Deputy Anson Oetman of -Johns­town. The delegate* were entertained by 8t. Patrick** lodge. No. 4, and following the afternoon work dinner waa enjoyed at Hotel Stewart. A smoker followed the evening- exemplification. Tho** who at­tended from thia city were D. E. Morse, E. S. Smith, G. M, Luke, H. 8. Browne!". B, W. Brown. W. A. Mable. C. W". Clark. A. A. Johnston, William Scott. H. O. Wll-kle. James Kennedy. W. H. Donnan. W. M. Bartlett F. B. Mlller^Jame* Flnlay-son. William" Clark, Walter I. Hover, R. A. Wood. George. M. Goets, L H. Fol-lette. Healon Bfnna. Charles W." Hill. •

Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Amsterdam'lodge. No. 184. will confer the first degree Monday night.

Tuesday evening, Montgomery lodge. No. 47. will confer the first degree.

Oak Leaf Rebekah lodge; No. 123. will entertain the state president of the Re^i kekah^s tale" assembly:"" Mra. Lillian R. Rudd of Rochester, Wednesday evening-A reception will be held the same even­ing, ond Oak l.t*Jt lodge will entertain ths member of Locust lodge, -No. 361. Old Fort lodge of TJajiajoharle, and Fort Plain Rebekah lodge of Fort Plain. A banquet will be held at. the close of the reception. ' ••;.

Veddersburgh lodge. No. 8U. will confer the first degree Thursday erenlng.

Regular meeting of Guttenberg lodge. No. 230. Thursday evening.

Friday- evening there will be a regular monthly meeting of the I. O. O. F. Temple association. . ^ Knights of Pythias.

The WaJlin company will meet Monday night. r

Monday night the Pythias trustees will hold their monthly meeting. '

Tuesday ovenlng Berliner lodge. No. 2J8. will hold a regular meeting. . The Wallln company band will-meet for rehearsal Tuesday evening.

Woodbine lodge. No. 260., will hold a regular meeting Thursday evening.

Chuctanunda lodge. No. 100. will hold a meeting Friday night and ihe rank of Esquire will be worked.- _ .

The Orangemen.

Star of Bethlehem lodge, i Np. 111. L. n - L . will convene In regular semi­monthly session Friday evening at 8 o'clock. In Orangemen's hall, on East Main street. There is considerable busi­ness of importance to transact, and the second degree will b* conferred upon two candidates.

' The Maccabees.

- Amsterdam Tent No. 441. K. O.W. M.. will hold a regular meeting Wednesday evening, working the first degree.

Amsterdam Hive. No. 312, Ladies of the Ma"ccabees. will meet at 7:30 Tuesday evening and immediately after the meet­ing there will be dancing and card play­ing. An admission of 15 cents will be charged. . Improved Order of Red Men.

Kennyetto Council , -Nen36r*wlll meet regularly Monday evening.

Cannfengaa tribe. No. 421, will hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening.

Kennyetto tribe, No. 110. wil l . meet Thursday night in the wigwam.

Neoakaleeto tribe, No. 119. will meet Fri­day night. . ' . '" ' •

—Misce l laneous .—

at. 7:45 o'clock. Reading room ^pelH'J.i; except Sunday, from S to 5 p. m. All »IS cordially Invited. y A " a r*

Zlon'a German ErangeUeal Luther*, church, cor. Orore and Liberty s&eif? the Rev. F. E. C. Hajuvpaator: Bundfc school at 9 a. m. Harvest-home sen%k with preaching by the pastor In U t a t W man language at U-M a. m. OalebrifuX ofithe Lord's Supper after thU tseSrifc? Preparatory service at 10 a, m. "Germi,^ cordially Invited, seat free. No « , i „ ! service this Sunday. The Grand Bai»«£ f<?LAh5 benefit of the ehurch open "T£ night during this week. Ton i r e l n v u $

Second - Presbyterian church. th« n»„ Henry T. McEwen. D. D„ pStSr: S u n ^ mdrnlng worship at 10-.J5 o'clock. An ./ dress by David McConaughy/one of f £ secretaries, of. the board of7for«lgn m ! * slops. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. 8piciJi service for rally day. Evening worship « 7:30 o'clock. An address by the R,r J 1

O. Emerson, of Batanga, West Afri<£' § £ b J ^ , t : ' ? 9 African's R e s p V r ^ -Thursday-*^erac^n.—far-the-xhUYchD;; tqr*>at S o'clock, the woraen-ii misa?«»--arr . - tea- Subject: !«Borto Rico . r r Cuba." Prayer meeting -rnursday . w - 4

Ing at 7:46 o'clock. 8ubject: vfeifill^ All are cordially Invited to work and ™", ship In this, church. " d w o r -

First Baptist church, the Rev. Alvah j? Knapp. pastor: 10:30 o'clock, morning wnr ship, with sermon by the pastor C ' topic "•Religion In Common Life." 1 ^ W:30. Sixth sermon in- the series on -Th. • Great Savings of Paul." , / m blbj! school. t.esson. "The Parable ft» ,w Talents." Matt 25:14-30. SteJeoptteaS'sum* m . a P ' a t , l £ e c l o a e ' w 1 t h •everal T S S I slides. 3:30 p. n v meeting of Junior ?£ clety. Topic... "Good Manners" i - , 2" er. Lavlna Hind. Sunt.; Mlsa Mkuda V,1; Heusen. 6:30 p. m.; 8uhdav achooi *L * tfonal meeting, led'by D ? B u l • »

. jeptha and Hla Datnrhter- A -r»._Z\u

"of .the Olden Time." FTfth Vermon i.w2T

series on "Bible Characters " '" t h*


PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tomorrow Is to be a day of rare oppor-'

tunlty In the Second Presbyterian churth. At the morning service- David jfc

Conaughy. one of the leadera and W r r best speakers In. the Presbyterian" crTurch li?-ihe*u ,nt'r^.8t o f 'ofe'art missions win make the-address. -In the forward move-m , w t h h e t " b o r n e a n eminent part Not only has he rare, executive ability but hi knows how to tell the storv_so_aiUo hold' audiences. ~^, - i T n' '" nol (l _At Jhennofr--nour the Sunday school" I

^wilKrroia-TtTannnal rall>\ An interest^* ' ^ r « m h . a i b e e n arr«ia*<l. In whlcn lev* S S L * " 1 t a k e 5af t' A " m«mbers of '„«• school are urged to make a special error? t ° . b * J

p r e * e n t - Old members, parent*, and friends are cordially invited p a r ™ l s - . a n , l In the evening the Rev. F. O. Elh.rJUt,'

of Batanga. Africa, will apeak Mr PV, erson la jusC home from this' Intere*7i7; and difficult field, and has been ^.iJS with delight wheVeve? h.^asHrone AJ*

-stC|f-K--„ ,^mln«r l a r * * - ' ' n - e v 1 r y H " n ' ^

M . E . Sunday 8chooTRt i ly TomrJrrew.

• T h e , F , r 8 t M e . t h ? « s t Episcopal Sunday school will hold Its annual rally dav ex-

^j^^^JfTg-nAYe^garad-a^battdsoii^i. is

Amsterdam Council. NoT 1.269, Royal Ar-canum. will.held a regular meeting Thurs-

—t*aaj'"eV(5riiHg: . hursday night Amsterdam Council. No

209, Knights of Columbus,- will hold a regular meeting. -

. Amsterdam Aerie, No. 475, F. O. Eagles, r-will meet Friday night. •

Victoria lodge, NoS-tal. O. Sons of 8 t George, will meet Thursday night

Alexandra lodge. Np.' 33. -Independent Order-Daugnters of at. George. wuf~nold a nutting AtJdn^Bday eVenlng at 7:30 o'clock,- for Initiation. - .

Amsterdam Region, No..285. of "the Na­tional Protective ' Legion, will -hold—a meeting Thursday night.

Jewel legion. No. 623. will meet Tuesday jevenlng.

T.adios; A»*Hlarr.'-A._Q...II.—BlU-liuld.a meeting Thursday evening.

A meeting of the A. O. H. will be held Tuesday evening for the purpose of elect­ing county officers.


First M. E. church, the Rev. Milton Pratt, pastor: 10:30 a. m.. "Thought." 12 m.. rally Sunday school program-: orches­tra;—ft3^-p^mrr-ixTPhe-Loglo-of-Elymaaai

German M. E. church, the Rev. Paul Loescher, pastor: Service at 10:30 a. m. The Rev . the pulpft. omitted.

Keller, of Troy, will occupy The evening service will be

First Reformed church, the J*ev. Joshua , R. Kyle, D. D.. pastor: Divine service, T conducted by the pastor, at 10:30 a m..

and at 7-p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Christian Kndeavor meeting at €:15'p. m. All are cordially invited to these services.

St. Luke's Lutheran church: Preaching services at ln:3) a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible school at 11:45 a. m. Luther League at 6:45 p. m. Leader. Rose Gode. -Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock." AH arc Invited tq work and worship In this church.

East Main Street Methodist Episcopal church: Morning service at 10:30 o'clock. Subject, "Fogrtvlng. and Being- Forgiv­en." Sunday school. 13 m. Epworlh League service, 6:16 p, m. Topic, "Re­pentance and Restoration." Leader, B. F, Peddle. Evening servlco at 7 Subject, "Vigilance Nece»s.ary Presence of a Spiritual Foe.'"

servlco at 7 o'clock In the

Trinity Reformed church, the Rev. W. "ey. ""

Method of. Reaching .the N. P Dalley, ^pastor: Morning theme •Christ's Method of. Reaching ,tb

Massea." Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. In the .evening the pastor will speak on "Columbia and Hl*panta," a theme-appro­priate to the approaching Columbus day. All are most cordially Invited to attend any of the services at Trinity.

German Evangelical church. Elisabeth street the Rev. E.—Mr-Glaaow. pastor: Both morning and evening, rally day "ser­vices. Morning subject "For Christ's Sake." 8unday school at 12 m.. rally day exercises. Evening subject. "Sunday School Work." Tuesday evening. T. P. A prayer meeting and teachers' meeting. Thur*4>y-ev*r>lng—eennTtsstluiiat prayer" meeting. All are cordially Invited to at-

A n d r e w . J . Newkirk. an old and valued subscriber to the Semi-Weekly | ^ ^ " r ^ f ^ U ^ ^ ^ ,

1030. Addreaa by the Rev. Frank 6'. Emerson of Batanga, W. Africa. 8ubject

'VJ$ l**, ,on*£' , n . W e , t Africa," yible school 12- Evening worship. 7:30. Ad dress by-David McConaurhy. of Ne York. Subject "The L e

^Norld." This la a rare OL hear two distinguished speakers

-Ight of the opportunity to


Salvation Array: fl a. m hn)in»aa meeting led by t a p tain Chase. f j ? * g m.. 8unday school. Every .child who does not sttend elsewhere la earnestly Invited FAiifr n.V!«!!"?* p S2 p U '" mr* , |nit- Ml'* Bdlth I>eLong In charge, r p. m . bla march and open air meeting at waltlna

speaking and singing. All we4come.^ ;*r

. J ' r , ^ t y . ^ 0 * 2 n * n K^nrellcal Lutheran church, the Rev. O. W. Frltsch nStar-Morning .ervlee at 10M oclock rfreninr

•cnoot at 11 m. Luther Iy»an» mi } n _ Catechetical Instrnctton lUiurtar ai ie™' ra. and t p. m: Ladles' Aid society meets Wednesday at 2 JO p. m..~ Mission *$£»% me#ts Wednsaday a f 4 p. m | X " o " munlon last Sunday In October!

.wTht# nf'V-feurth annual convention of the Mor,t«v>m*ry County Sunday flTheol a-*^iM»o f t w , „ r^n „ ' , M 0 V * ^ h o o SHftftH n»< ,rninr ' n «he RefoTOedVhiirch will leave t\r\ the J3n a m irain *JJ it.1 Central t<+ Fends. A splendid p r o ! , ! ^ . _ _ _ _ _ has keta prspared. and jSuS^TSS^ [ eHre-C

Hays & Woriuth - F I R E INSURANCE

Insurance Boildtnp; CHURCH STREET

er* will be present at the- several gather­ing*. Not only the officer* and teacher, but the older scholar* will _« welcWed"

Flrwt Ch-rch of Christ Bcleatlrt N „ . Mohawk Place:- Sunday morning aen-i,. at 10:46 olclocJsL. . Subject: "AreTlnV D_! ease and Death R_aJr• • Ooldea tixt-"Cast away from you all yo

nave ' alona,-whereby ye have transgre_»-d•",_"", make you a new heart and a new SPIHI• • for why will ye die, O houa_ of IrraeiVr-

_ - - --_ort-attendarice^ Ith't committee has prepared a fine program and aecured an orrhettm U_S the -rris— ion." _Hd it u expected that every Metho­dist will go to S.nnday school tomorrow.

STREET IS NOW CTLOSBD. Traffic Through Lower- East. Main

-^Ent lre -y^h-pt^Oft Work.

' " * " . • - • :. • - T h e lower part of Eas t Main street,

where fjontrador Dollard- Is pavinf, apd . the dmihle mti--nj

ptfTlIown, Is now "completely closed to the public and _o are the detours on Faffle-atr*--- HAenna^r.t_«-»tty^Tmnl.=l not come up wit privileges of usfng the crossing-from Eagle street around the construction -work- the -owners -o f the p r o p e r t y , blocked the .roadways. This morning a large red flag was hung from a tele­graph- pol__j_t_^___orru>r_oi_EastJlaln_ and Church streets and under this a big sign displaying the word "Danger", and announcing the fact that Main street was closed. An arro;v. points; up Church street and the Information Is given for all vehic les to take that' route. In order to get around the con­struct ion work It is now necessary to take the Church street-Widow Susan road. This makes a detour of 'about two mi les and Is anything but pleas­ing and convenient to the public. It Is the best the city could do under the c ircumstances and the.public will have to put up with It untlli the lower p&rt of Main s tree t 1B thrown open again,

* i . t


Owner Conrad and Aaron 8howermin,

Formerly of the Warner, to be the"

Landlords. . .

Work on the n e w Conrad Hotel II being rushed and it Is expected that the hotel will be ready for the travel­ing public In the course of four week* at l e a s t There has been considerable uncertainty as to w h o would conduct the caravansary. There have been many experienced hotel men'after the -

place but after deliberating long, Fred -€?onrad the -ballder" and -turner, has-decided to POndnt. taking as a partner Aaron 8howennaa, for many years steward and assistant manager of Hoier WaraerTurlnf-the— ] proprietorship of John ' Bartholomew. Paper hangers and painters i re nosr working In the^varioua bed rooms of-which there are forty-eight

Mr. Becker. Dear 8 lr:—With pleas­ure I write you to tell about your won­derful pla.tens. J lay on my back (or one month with pneumonia, I went to Fultonvil le for a ride for the first time. While there I was taken with awful pain Itr my lungs I went In to see W. F o o d y a n d he Advised me to put A B O plaster and In left mlnOlej . - j was relieved, great praise to your pi**

' 5 ' O. W, HAND. Otfh. — You can publish this if you wish.

The above la ample proof that Rccl> er's A B C Plaster*, are the meet woo-derf-il plasters ever m»de. What eth­er plaster* .have ever done * h - t *-•; A B C performed for Mr. H a n d !

Our Mixing. Onaranleed roof paint at f l i t * r*f

gallon. J. H . Oagen. St East M»««

^ r | L fe^" ' ]


p ' i"" - j . f\ c - i • - u .

•-v*j_LKtei'^i;}jb_»- .".__, . W'iv

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