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AMS for WEEK BEG N, 'knolls His "Ileum and llozm" See Page 4 -__

AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

Mar 16, 2020



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Page 1: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


'knolls His

"Ileum and llozm" See Page 4


Page 2: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

Four Hits for You in


RADIO LIFE BROADWAY NEWS . . . hot off the wire . . . KHJ, every day at 12 noon, and the night edition 10:15 p.m. Monday thru Friday. KMPC, every day at 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

SEWING SCHOOL OF THE AIR KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays.

FASHION FORUM . . . KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Thursdays.

HOME CHATS . . . for the homemaker by Miriam Lane. KMPC, 10:45 a.m., Monday thru Saturday.

FELIX DE COLA and His Musi- cal Notebook. KHJ, 1:15 p.m., Saturday.

Broadway, 4th and Hill Shops with Confide',



of superlative cleaner, water - softener, soap- booster. Ion ,.'t *Nord to lots, 1 I IMR11 ... you art a much for -o little. Clean. I1 type. of .urfare.. art. a. a ...ap- t ter its the laundry tub and di -hpan . . . .rret.o. a. H r Irao. Just .melt it.

Cleaner Concentrate

Page Two

De Sat Inspires the Pey

Irene" `atr d


Mrs. Mies, El Monte, Calif. Sirs: I'd like to ask that the reader

who wrote in to the July 8 issue of "The Ear Inspires the Pen, ". l i s t e n more closely to her programs before trying to spoil them for others. In the first place, "Chi -chi" does not "persistently weep," nor is she on "The Right to Happiness." She is on "Life Can Be Beautiful," which I miss only when it isn't broadcast. I listen to many soap operas, but I don't hear so much weeping. Elaine

(Please Tura to Page 3!)

* * RADIO LIFE * * .'epl. 2. 14/3 i'oNunr 11. .'umber 2r,

l'obli.hrd Wretch at Lns Angeles 15, California. Rosiness Ilfficea: 11129 West Washington Phone Klebmund 5262. Editorial Offices, 155n North \ in,'. 1l01lyntn,d 2K, l'hune 11F:mpr atetad 2025.

Radio Life att. entered as Second ('hass Matter May Î. 1912, at Leas Angele.. under . \et of March 3, 1R:9. Postpaid iub.oription.. 62.15 year, 81.511 ai month.. Single Copies on .tile at leading Indetwodrnl Grocers in Southern ('alifornta at :at euch, Reprinting in abide or in part without permission strictly forbidden.

Publisher, Carl M. Itieohy; Editor, Eselyn Washy; Rosiness Manager, Vinson \ auchsn: /Irrire Manager, Georgia ('ayw.a.d; Art 1N- rector. Allen Ricks: Log Editor Pearl Kalt.

Adtrrtiaine Krpreoentotiv, ('ulbrrth Shadier. All material used by Radio Life is specially

prepared by its an tuff writers, and re- printing in .r bole or in part will t pub- lisher'. permission .l riet ly forbidden.

Circulation now limited by paper restrictions to


7ir,ç t .ga90

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exciting on salads

The Extra Energy Breakfast Food!

** SALLY SMART ** Sally, while that skeeter''s )!' free, Jack cant keep his mind on me


Scratch one skeeter-, its no trick, STANDARD FLY SPRAY kills em quick

No bad odor, nice to use STANDARD spray's what most folks choose

rn s 11 Quick, Stainless, Pleasant Odor .,.Kills Flies,

Mosquitos, Ants, Moths, Spiders, Silverfish




Page 3: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings



Scotch Triple- Action

Cleanser - the scouring powder that contains soap!


ae,cJ. N oI

t °v ist NEWS way

lees 7 00 A.M you

1 - Ni,«`r9 on



Sing, Too!

Sunday. J :30 p

ERY pretty, blonde, blue - eyed singer Betty Rhodes kissed her mother on the cheek, patted her cocker on its head and leisurely

strolled into NBC for the afternoon's rehearsal of "Meet Me at Parky's."

"Ah," commented the doorman, "there goes an All- American Girl." "And that," laughs Betty, "is what I've been called since I was nine. If being an All- American Girl means you like a normal life, like to sing, sew a little, cook a little more, swim a lot -then I guess I fit the descrip- tion."

What she forgot to add is she's youthful, fun, and possesses a very pleasing personality. Her clean -cut profile and lithe figure are very easy on the eyes. And her infectious laugh is a pleasure to hear.

A "Tole-Vision" As the feminine singer on the NBC "Parky" series, Betty is an old favor-

ite to many radio dialers. Having made her first radio appearance at KHJ while still in pigtails, she has since sung with many big name bands, been elected the first lady of television, and graced many a per- formance in your favorite movie theater.

Today, again a member of a top- notch radio show, Betty confesses she is happiest. Radio is her first love and always has been. She is working toward a show of her own.

As the possessor of a pleasingly mellow voice, Betty wants to try her hand at femceeing (and singing on) a variety half -hour. With a Dave Rose type of band behind her, she'd sing sweet or hot numbers, inter- spersed with many ballads (her fa-

M%MYi. ,[ y.r.s~r.

BETTY, WHO designs many

every spare moment to use.

KNITS AS WELL as of her clothes, puts between rehearsals

vorite form of song.) She'd even like to act a little. But most of all, she'd like to sing.

Cooks, Sows, Paints It isn't all work for Betty, however.

With her parents, she lives in a spa- cious home in the San Fernando val- ley. There are a swimming pool. badminton court, chickens, dogs and a cat to keep her occupied. She cooks and sews and designs many of her own clothes. She is proudest of her many paintings which line the curved stairway of the Rhodes home, and would like to exhibit them some day.

If there is a man in her life, Betty says nothing, but we believe there is. This lovely lady is pretty definite about the future she plans. After materializing the show she now dreams about, she will be ready to settle down and become Mrs. House- wife. But that is another story and one about which Miss Rhodes smiles to herself.

With her five feet 51iá inches and (Please Turn lo l'age 31)

Besides Being t h e 1945 Version Of an All -American Girl, Pretty Betty Rhodes Is Mighty Talented

Page Three

Page 4: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

; In



:. ti . .;i ̀jti :::r; f;,,.,;;:

THE HORRIFIED LOOK on Junior's face stems from the fact that Jimmy doesn't seem to catch on that the tray Garry's holding isn't for hat, gloves and overcoat (if he had an overcoat) but only for the J. Durante calling card. Oh, well,

this is only the beginning. Don't miss the rest -if you can!


//#0-0(, 9147? ;40/1(4, eP i, HERE WE ARE AT the table, wondering with Junior and Jeri Sullivan

if this isn't a hopeless cause. Jimmy s got his toothpick in hand

ktelore he's had bite to cat. IHmmm, wonder who won the Seventh

at Del Mar?)

By Tod Fredricks

Friday. 7 CRS -ti N A

Reginnirip September t i 000D old Jimmy Durante,

who didn't realize his ambi- tion to become president (you remember, ' Durante, the People's Cherse ") isn't going to be too disappointed

in the outcome of affairs after all. He's going calling on the Secretary of the Treasury.

Ever since he was knee high, Jim- my's been boasting of what he was going to tell the Secretary if ever they should meet. So now his dream will come true when he and the Sec- retary meet face to face -or should we say nose to nose -next month.

Always eager to help out his pal, co- partner Garry Moore agreed to coach Durante on a few of the latest etiquette pointers. (Not that Jimmy really needs them, mind you). "How humiliatin'," mutters Schnozzola, but agrees to listen to Junior, aided by lovely songstress Jeri Sullivan.

So here you see pictorial proof of all's well that ends (Garry hopes),


Page 5: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

LEAVE US FACE IT! Things have taken a turn for the worse. We can't decide whether Jimmy is reaching for the knife or

for an olive, or is demonstrating with gestures how the Cincinnati Reds won that double -header. Isn't this humiliatin'7

AS YOU CAN SEE, when J. D. is- crossed he becomes an unruly character. (Check that look of grim determination).

Ah, ha Jimmy! Were a watchbird watching you. Naughty, naughty!

In Which Junior Garry Moore Shows "His Boy," Jimmy Durante What's Doin' in the Latest Emily Post Tome - (Pull Up a Chair and Dig an Earful)

.i THIS, GOOD PEOPLE, is the end of the meal. But Jimmy seems reluctant to part with his plate. Why? Don't ask

us. We didn't start this. Maybe he likes the pretty pictures on the bottom.

while Jimmy still mutters "How mor- tifyin' " -and, a little bird tells us, is still eating peas with a knife, pick- ing his teeth, and draping his nap- kin down his front. In fact the only ,thing Jimmy got out of his etiquette course was a fine new book for his unread collection.

"SWELL ROOK," opines Jimmy after a good (7) repast. "What's it all about?" "GRR::&" screams Junior in a

rage, pointing at JD's brogans gracing the coffee table. Jeri doesn't seem to mind,-she gave up a long time ago. (Wonder if Jimmy ever read "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People-7)

Page 6: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

I ' r .

SING IN TYPICAL microphone stance, hat atop thinning hair, "groans" re- laxedly while John Scott Trotter's. orchestra backgrounds with music.


All Crosby Has to Do Is Sing a Song Once on K41IH and It's in the honey

HEN Bing Crosby sings a song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be-

gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings of it tax music houses, juke box people include it in their lists and Tin Pan Alley blooms suddenly with another smash, while song plug - gers get busy in radio studios, night- clubs, with band leaders, top vocal- ists and around hang -out spots of musical people. Der Single's voice heard around the world, from the most remote GI foxhole to the smart- est cafe in Rio de Janiero, has given new and lasting glory to another song, destined to circle the globe with words and music.

This has been true since Bing Crosby inaugurated his radio show for Kraft Cheese Corporation, Decem- Page Six

ber 5, 1935. On that day Bing se- lected a song from his new Para- mount picture, "College Hugtor, "- titled "Learn to Croon." It was a per- fect song for Crooner Crosby, and one which became an immediate sensation. As weeks passed, Bing continued to see songs of his intro- duction on 'the air hit the popularity brackets.

"Been Lucky" Says Bing of his song -picking: "I

knock off tunes from my own pic- tures on The Hall, because it's good business. I have been lucky that so many of them paid off." (He's too unassuming to admit the possibility that he made those songs popular.) "I rarely 'discover' a new song be- cause I wait until the public discov- ers a tune -then I sing it because the people like it," he explains. "Once in a while a song like the 'Army Air

Corps Song' comes along. Sure, I sang it on the air first, but that kind of a song you can't hold down -not in war times."

From "Learn to Croon" on his first show, Bing followed with another Robin - Rainger ballad, "June in Janu- ary," and soon the whole nation was singing it. The same year (1935), he introduced "Boots and Saddles," and thereby started a new onrush of western ballads. "Saddle Your Blues to a Wild Mustang" was the second of the series, which Bing first sang on KMH early in February of 1936. Close on its heels came "When It's Twilight On the Trail," "I'm Just an Old Cowhand," "My Little Buckaroo," and "Silver On the Sage," right up to the present cowboy song rage by Cole Porter. "Don't Fence Me In."

On New Year's Eve of 1936, a daffy tune called "The Music Goes 'Round and 'Round" was practically the na- tional anthem, an overnight smash. Juke boxes roared from every bar- room, inn and cafe, radios in private homes and public places gave it a whirl and Bing scheduled it for his !(MH show the following Thursday. From then on, it became more or less a headache to listeners all over the country, until it died a natural death.

Click Writers In October of 1936, Bing Crosby's

song- writing pals, Johnny Burke and Jimmy Van Heusen turned out a song called "Pennies From Heaven," for a Crosby picture. It hit- big -and Bing put the two young tunesmiths under personal contract. Since that time, they have given him such outstand- ing national favorites as "I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams," "I Haven't Time To Be a Millionaire," "Sunday, Monday and Always," "Going My Way," "Swinging On a Star," ( an Academy Award song), "The Day After Forever," "Sleighride in July," "If You Please," "Imagination," "It's Always You," and for Crosby's first venture in producing a motion pic- ture. "A Friend of Yours," from his "The Great John L." "It's Always You" became a hit one year after it was written and came as a surprise to Burke and Van Heusen, who had scratched it off théir lists.

On Christmas Eve of 1936, Bing sang "Adeste Fidelis" and "Silent Night" on KMH for the first time. By popular demand, he recorded the pair of Christmas favorites for Decca, and has sung the two on KMH on every pre- Christmas show since.

On Christmas Day of 1941, Bing added Irving Berlin's "White Christ- mas," from the Crosby film "Holiday Inn," and this has become known as "Bing's song." He has had more re- quests for "White Christmas" from men overseas than for any other song he has ever sung.

Mercer Songs Back in 1938, Bing heard a young

southerner named Johnny Mercer sing, in a sort of gravel- throated sort of way, "Small Fry." He invited

(Please Turn to Pape 31)


Page 7: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings



RADIO: West * National and International

Wedding Bells Dick Powell, long looking for a

break in his NBC radio and picture activities for time out to have June Allyson, young screen actress, become his bride, immediately took advantage of NBC's cancellation of the "Rogues Gallery" program for a special broad- cast, to stage the affair.

The ceremony took place Sunday, August 19, at the home of his long- time friend, Johnny Green, well -known composer, with only their most inti- mate friends in attendance.

Powell and his bride spent a few days in seclusion sailing on his boat at Balboa. Last Sunday found the actor hard at work again portraying a "tough guy."

Benny Returns "They loved me in Berlin ... Ingrid,

too, and Larry ..." said Jack Benny recently on his return to the United States after his eight -week entertain. ment tour of the European war the- ater.

Benny toured with screen star Ingrid

NEXT WEEK Newest competitor in the croon-

ing field seriously to challenge "The Voice" and "The Groaner" is dark - haired David Street, whom we appropriately tag "The Threat." For the joy of you Streetswooners, his likeness is on the cover of our next edition and there's an interesting yarn about him on the inside. But that isn't all! Radio's most famous dramatic show, the "Lux Radio Theater" is back on the air, and we roll out the carpet for its return with a swell spread about Lux's "Green Room" where the stars gath- er preparatory to going on the air. Billie Burke and her mementoes of a glamorous era are spotlighted in still another top -notch feature story. Busy Constance Bennett, who has recently added radio commentating to her long list of diverse activities, is talked about in an intimate word -profile. There is also an in- formative article on newscaster Frank Hemingway, plus a page of pictures of still mcre of your air - lane favorites. C-et your Radio Life early; they don't last long)

Bergman, harmonica virtuoso Larry Adler and singer Martha Tilton. Most of the tour, Jack said, was in Germany with appearances in Hitler's once - proud Nuremberg and Berlin. Several shows also were given in Czechoslo- vakia.

"You cannot believe what Berlin is like these days. What the allied armies did to it before the surrender is fan- tastic," Benny said. "The tour was gratefully received by America's G.I.'s who still need entertainment, and if they still want us next summer, we're on call."

Benny also said he's in top form and rarin' to go . . wait until he challenges Fred Allen who's returning to the same network and will be heard on Sunday nights shortly after Benny.

Reunion Good news evolving from historic

V -J Day was singer Pat Friday's hap- py announcement of her interne hus band's honorable discharge from the Army. Pat has been patiently waiting for David's return from England for over two long years and it unexpec- tedly came last week.

She received a phone call from Washington and heard her husband telling her he'd be home in a day or two! Wild with joy, the little singer hustled about preparing herself, her family and her two- year -old son l whom his father has never seen) for a happy reunion.

"You can't imagine the shock," she explained, "after waiting to hear about his release, to learn that he's in this country and will be home in a couple of days! Here I'd planned on finishing a laboratory I was building in the garage for him. I wanted to surprise him! Looks like the tables were turned -and I'm darned glad!"

2-1 -Hour Job Radio knows no hours. Not only do

the newsmen work the clock around but the dramatists and scripters, too. For example, news of the atomic bomb was first released on a Monday after- noon. That night Sherman Dryer, pro- ducer of "The Human Adventure" on MBS, and the University of Chicago research workers huddled around the clock and completed a script about it. Then came casting headaches and finally Army clearance had to be ob-

tained from Washington. It is a credit to Dryer and his staff that they were able to bring the first dramatized pro- gram based on material from men who worked on the devastating weap- on to the air by the next Wednesday night.

Happy Vacations Now that wartime restrictions have

lifted, Don Prindle, co -star with Wen. dell Niles, can't get his fill of vaca- tions. Even if it means sitting at home in his own front yard.

Taking his family to Arrowhead for two weeks, he had barely returned before he joined Wendell and the Niles family for two more weeks on a fish- ing trip. As if that weren't enough, he's now off with Wendell's brother, Ken, on a hunting trip.! "We just put a light in the window each night for him," smiles Mrs. Prindle, "and hope he'll return soon."

"Ah," grins Wendell. "he'll be back -and too soon. You know the story about the proverbial bad penny!"

Wendell had a strange series of co incidences in his home. Son, Wendell, Jr., celebrated his twelfth birthday on the day war was declared and son, Denny, not to be out -done, was twelve on the day the war unofficially ended.

Music Changes Clothes Clothes make the man, so the old

adage goes -"Clothes make music, too," says Billy Mills, NBC musical di-

(Please Turn to Page 8)


Singing Popular and Classical




Men Women - Children

JACK EDWARDS Studio of Radio Arts

2729 W. Vernon Ave.

Classes Day and Night Also Private Lessons

Phone AX. I -5404 for appointment. For drama ask for Mr. Edwards. Popu- lar and classical singing and piano classes conducted by Mr. Crisalulli. For children's class ask for Miss Mead. All instructors are professional radio artists.

Note: This studio and all courses investigated a n d approved by State Dept. of Education. for G.I. Training.

Page 8: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings



I K E Amike memos

Friday night's the night! Yes sir, that's the night when you'll get the boxing matches direct from Madison Square Garden in New York, courtesy of the Gillette people! Starting Friday, Sept. 7th, at 7 p. m., KECAABC will make Friday nights "fight night "!

This weekly airing of fisticuffs between headline pugilists will be handled by two oldtimers in the field of sports broadcast- ing. The blowbyblow picture of the top boxing bout of the week will be given by Don Dunphy, veteran ringside announcer. Bill Comm, sports editor of the New York Journal- American, will air the between -

rounds and pre - and -post broadcast color. ... 790 .. It's the Spot ...

And while we are talking about your Friday night entertainment on KECA, let's start at six o'clock. Now we're' not throwing orchids at ourselves, but if you've heard "Famous Jury Trials," which is aired at that time, you'll agree there's a half-hour really packed with tense dratna, mystery and action galore. On " Famous Jury Trials," you can sit home in your easy chair and decide just what kind of a juror you'd make, for you hear the evidence, the cross- examination, the judge's instruction

all just as if you were actually in the jury box. That's Friday nights at 6 on KECA; then at 6:30 there's "The Sheriff" show, in which Mark Chase, ext- Marine, finds being Sheriff of Canyon County has its moments, as he, with the aid of "Cousin Cassie," keeps its citizens and passers-by "in line." With that five-minute highlight, "Coronet Story Teller" which follows at 6:55, KECA gives you a full hour which we guarantee will become habitual, once you lend art ear. ... 790 .. It's the Spot ...

MORE FRIDAY SPECIALS! .. "Are you buss, tonight?", a sailor con- testant on "Blind. Date" show, femceed by Arlene Francis at 8 on Friday nights over KECA -ABC, asked the strawberry blonde on the other end of the phone connection. Quick as a flash the blonde retorted, "That depends on whom I go out with!" There's a laugh a minute and a tug at your heart strings, too, un Arlene's_ famous "wit and woo" session, which is currently back at its old stand in N.Y.... Did you know that the stories dramatized on "This is Your FBI" on KECA every Friday night at 8:30, are direct from the official files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation? J. Edgar Hoover, director of that famous bureau, said: "The FBI was created to protect the people from enemies within, and they are entitled to know of its wdrk. We believe that Jerry Devine in his production of "This is Your FBI" is rendering an important public service." , .

Flash! Spade Cooley, who heads the Rancho Roundup show on Friday nights at 9, sold his war plant the day before the war ended! Spade, not only heads one of the outstanding western music aggregations in the land, but he's a good business roan as well! ... 790 .. It's the Spot .. .

THIS AND THAT ... "Glamour Manor," that mythical hotel managed by Cliff Arquette, is back at its old stand in Hollywood, heard on KECAABC every Monday through Friday morning at 9. So if you want to see the show, write to KECA for tickets! ... Also back after a month's holiday is ace -commentator Walter Winchell, on his old spot Sunday evenings at 6 ... Another Sunday night vacation returnee is Jimmie Fidler, with his Hollywood gossip, at 6:45... Lum and Abner, first citizens ut Pine Ridge, return to the airlanes on Monday night, Sept. 3, KECA at 8 ... And there's a new time and new day for that exciting adventure series, "The Green Hornet" . . . now Saturday nights at 9:30. . Remember, if you want to attend "America's Town Meeting" at Los Angeles Philharmonic Auditorium on Thursday, Sept. 6, write to KECA for your free tickets!

, , 790 .. It's the Spot ... We started this column with a sports story, so let's end it by reminding you

sports fans if you're not dialing KECA Monday through Thursday evenings at 6:30 for American Sports Roundup, you're missing something. Remingtoned by Ray Johnson and pitched by Dal Williams of the announcing staff, the Sports Roundup hits the air at a particularly appropriate time . . . shortly after the final tallies are in from sports events all over the nation!

... 790 .. It's the Spot ... -.4 civertisement.

Bill Corum

RADIO WEST rCuntinued from Page ;)

rector, "though a lot of us in the busi- ness and many listeners are unaware 01 the fact."

Billy points out that music under- goes two definite changes' in costume each year, changing from winter to summer and vice versa. -Can you im- agine "June Bustin' Out All Over" in the middle of January?

When the heat of summer thaws the ice of winter, people have a tendency to eat lighter foods, wear lighter clothes and even think in a lighter vein. Summer is for frivolity, care - freeness and fun -making. Even corn - positio'ns are affected. Strauss takes the place of Wagner, Herbert replaces Verdi, while Cole Porter takes the place of jive and boogie woogie.

Fish Story Can you imagine dainty Ann Soth-

ern, Columbia's popular heroine of "Maisie" as one of California's leading "big catch" fishermen? Well, she is. She eyen has had to be strapped to her seat on a boat to keep from be- ing dragged overboard by an immense swordfish she landed. But her courage stops there, Ann admits. In all her sport on the briny, she has never been able to bring herself to take her catch off the hook.

Pennies From Hecklers When bystanders wondered what all

the commotion was about -during the rehearsal of Columbia's "Summer Electric Hour," they were surprised, indeed, to glimpse soprano Francia

(Please Turn lo Page 23)

to P. M. to1A.M. EVERY NIGHT

FIRESTONE S three-hour comer( of recorded music everyone lika, with latest News every hour god whenever big news -breaks'



Page 9: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings




CHAMPIONSHIPS Broadcast Direct from Forest Hills, New York

12:30 -2:30 P. M. Sunday, September 2

Monday, September 3

Sponsored by Spalding

1430 KWKW 1430

Pasadena - Los Angeles

BEAUTY CONTEST KWKW announces an unusual beau-

ty contest in conjunction with RKO Studios. The purpose of the contest is to discover radio's beauty queen.

.Contest winner and runner -up will visit RKO studios, lunch with the stars, and later dine with celebrities at Ciro's as guests of RKO and KWKW. Win- ner will also receive Victory bond. For further details, call KWKW or tune 1430 Monday through Friday, 2:00 to 3:00 P. M. for "Club 1430."

KGFJ HAS AUTHOR -GUEST Robert W. Service, author of such

poetic works as "The Spell of the Yu- kon," "Rhymes of a Rolling Stone," "Ballads of a Cheerchako," and others, will appear as guest artist on KGFJ's "Of Words and Verse" program, Thurs- day night, August 30th at 8:00 p. m.

In this, his first and only radio ap- pearance in California, Mr. Service will read from his own extensive reper- toire of ballads and lyric verse.

Tune in

' ' CME'S ;(1i \ SPORTS PARADE'"?

1 1à * "4% .I.

BASEBALL. KMPC Tues. thru Fri. Saturday Sunday

8:15 P.M. 2:15 P.M. 1:30 P.M.


Fr:.10:05 P. M. KMPC Tue, 10:05 I.M. KMTR

Sponsored as a CME BEE R Pubis d a o b1


6Sunday, September 2 - "Beulah," KNX, 5:00 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KNX, Monday, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, September 3 -"The Frolics," KHJ -DLBS, 12:45 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KHJ -DLBS, 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Tuesday, September 4 -"The Doctor Talks It Over," KECA, 10:45 p.m. (15 min.) Formerly KECA, 10:45 p.m. Friday.

Saturday, September 8- Gilbert and Sullivan Festival, KECA, 5:00 p.m. (40 min.) Formerly KECA, 5:30 p.m. Friday.

Saturday, September 8 - "The Man From G -2," KECA, 5:30 p.m. (30 mire.) Formerly 'ECA, 7:00 p.m. Friday.

Saturday, September 8- "Twelve Play. ers," KNX, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) For- merly KNX, Saturday, 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, September 8 - " Phonocord Family Party," KFI, 9:30 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KFI, 8:30 p.m. Thursday.


Tuesday, September 4 - "Inner Sanc- tum," KNX, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.) Fare for mystery - lovers.

Wednesday. September 5- "Merry Life of Mary Christmas," KNX, 10:30 p.m. ( 25 min.) The Mary Astor show.

Saturday, September 8 -Helen Hayes, KNX, 4:00 p.m. (30 min.) The "First Lady of the Theater" in new air series.

Saturday. September 8- "Mayor of the Town," KNX, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) Lionel Barrymore at a new time.

Variety Sunday, September 2- "Eight- to -the-

Bar Ranch," KECA, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.) The Andrews Sisters return to the air with songs and comedy.

Sunday, September 2 - "The Charlie McCarthy Show," KFI, 5:00 p.m. (30 min.) Edgar and Charlie return to the air with Keenan Wynn, a new addition to the cast. Ray Noble again supplies the music and Ken Carpenter is announcer. Prominent guest stars each week.

Monday, September 3- "It Happened Tomorrow," KHJ, 2:15 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Lois Janu- ary brings tomorrow's news about music, literature, records and movies to today's listeners.

Monday, September 3 - "The Joan Davis Show," KNX, 8:30 p.m. (25 min.) Radio's "Queen of Comedy" starts in a new show assisted by Singer Andy Russell, Harry Von Zell, Shirley Mitchell and Verna Fulton. Paul Weston supplies the musical background.

Monday, »ptember 3- "Radio Tour," (Fleas. Turn to Pape 26)

Grctcu .

Aside from being a top-flight news analyst, Graeme Fletcher, who comes to listeners over KFI at 7:00 a. m. Monday thru Saturday, is a man with an exciting past. He's been a profes-

sional basketball player, a boxer, has flown in nearly every type of military plane produced in the U. S., and at one time in his life en- listed in the Marine Corp for a China as- signment, but ended up in Nicaragua where he chased bandits through the jungles. Fletcher was born on March 23, 1908, in a town in North Carolina

Graems Fletcher that was founded by his family and bears

its name. He attended William & Mary College and from there entered news- paper work, specializing in political assignments. Graeme has been in radio for the past twelve years with shore than sixteen thousand broad- casts to his credit. He is married and has an adopted son who is serving with the Army Air Forces.

If you've missed the Light 'Opera Series now broadcast over KFI on Mondays at 9:30 p. m., we must tell you that this program series is well worth a regular listening. The soloists for the most part are young vocalists who appeared on the Hollywood Bowl Auditions and have returned to KFI for a professional engagement. Claude Sweeten and the KFI Symphony Or- chestra provide the musical accom- paniment. A studio audience is invited and tickets may be obtained by writ- ing or calling the Information Desk at the station.


Bill Burton who manages Dick Haymes and Helen Forrest heard on EVERYTHING FOR THE BOYS ( KFI Tues., 9:00 p. mi is one of the best story tellers in Hollywood and a favorite of his is about an actor re- vealing his life story to an interviewer. "Yes," said the actor, "when I first carne to Hollywood, I had just one dol- lar on which to make a start." "And how did you invest that dollar ?" asked the interviewer. "Used it to pay for a telegram home for more money," was the actor's reply.

BRIEFS: Hoagy Carmichael ( Mon., 6:00 p. m.) has an offer to write the music for a show that June Greenwall will produce on Broadway in Novem- ber ... Anne Seymour who, plays Pru- dence Dane in the serial "Woman of America" (3:45 to 4:00 Mon. thru Fri.) is a member of the seventh successive generation of her family to adopt act- ing as a profession. -Advertisement.

Page 10: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

,,wwar*«wn t,.sp wen+!..s+«- Pr-y.s_atnarP"*w

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 k indicates News Broadcast., I

SPFl -Tits Eternal Light. *KNX, SPAS, KGER -News. *HECA -News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE- Wesley Radio League.

*KMPC -News. KFWB- Funnies.

*KMTR -News, Meditation. KFAC -Country Church. KRHD- Ranci, Program. S1 %KW- Pan- American

Revisal. KGFJ -Arm Chair Concert. KFVD -Tempu Tunes. KFSD -Call to Worship. KFOX -Res. Dean Reed.

1:05 -ENX -Blue Jacket Choir. HGER- Kingdom Within.

8:15 -HECA -String Quartet. HMPC -Institute for the

Blind. HMTR -Rev, E. G. Egertsuo. KFXM Sunday Serenade.

S:30 -KFI- World News Roundup. KNX- invitation to Learning. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K%OE-

Voice of Prophecy. HECA -Hour of Faith. HMPC -Wesley Radio League. HFWB- l'alun Rescue Mission. KMTR-W. B. Record. SPAS -Immanuel Baptist

Church. KWKW- Buenas Niles es. KFAC- Strullin' fom. KFVD --- Church of Christ. SFON- Morning Bible Hour.

i:45 *KFI. HRHD -News. KGFJ -Quiet Moments. HGER -House of Dawn.

9 KFI- Chicago Roundtable. KNX -Salt Lake Tabernacle.

*HECA -ABC World Correspondents.

EHJ. KGB, KFXM. HVOF- Pilgrim Hour.

*HMPI' -News, Rhythmic Roundup.

*HMTR -News. Chapel Time. SRHD- SOnday Serenade. KFAC -Liberal Catholic Hour. KFVD-Waltz Time. KOF.1 -Mid- Morning Melodies. SPAS -Pop. Swing Tunes. KWKW -Little ltalo. KPPC-Prelude to Worship.

*KGER -News. Dr. Springer. *HFSD- Carvetl, Wells.

9:15 *HECA -News. HMTR- Swedenborg Hour. KFAC- Concert. HOER -Res. J. A. Lovell. HFSD -America United.

8:35 -KFi- Echoes & Encores. *KNX- Transatlantic Call.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HV'OE- I.utlteran Hour.

KE(' A-('h a pe I Interlude. KFWB -Peter Potter.

*KMTR -The World Tomorrow.

Complete Gilbert & Sullivan

Works KFAC -9:30 - I l A. M. Sun.

Sponsored by Marshall & Clampett

MFA('- Gilbert a Sullivan. HPPC -Bible ('loss. KIND- Victory Parade 'Ill 1

p.m. KLEB -Radio Revival. HFSD- Sunday Concert.

8:48 -KECA -R e. i0 *KFI, HFSD- Layman's Views of News.

KNX-Church uf the Air. *KECA -John Kennedy, News. *KHJ, KGB, KVAM. K1'0E-

News, Glenn Hardy. *HMPC -News, Western

Federal 31usic Hour, *HE'M'S, HOER, KFOX -News.

SPAS -Slavic Program. .

KWKW- Hollywood Lutheran. 10:15-KFI, KIND- Reserve.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HTOE- Commander Scott.

*RECA-Arthur Feldmau. HFW'B -Peter Potter. KF'OX -Res. Russell.

10:30.--YFI- Musical Milestones. *HNX -News.

SECA -Tammy Haye's Serenade,


The Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" KHJ -KVOE

10:15 A. M. Sundays

KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, AVOE- Sweetheart Time.

HFWB -Peter Potter. HPAS -Czech Polkas. HPPC- Church News. KWKW- Hungarlan Baptist. KFSD- Chicago Roundtable.

1...3 *KNX- Edward R. Murruw. HPPC -Tower Chimes. KFOX -Cumberland Church.

10:35 *HECA -George Gunn, News.

11 HFi, HFSD -Ford Show. KNX- Stradivarl's Orch. KECA -Kay Armen. KHJ, KGB- Sunday Concert.

*KMPC -News, Off the Record. *HFWB -News. *HMTR -News, Church of

Christ. HPAS- Church of Open Door. KFAC -1st Methodist Church. KWKW- Lincoln Av. Presb. HGFJ -Especially for You. KFXM -First Congregational

Church, KFP('- Church Service,

Rex Stowers Clements. KVOE- Concert Miniature. KFOX.- Presbyterian Church. HGER -Evangelists' Hour.

11 :15 -KFWB -Peter Potter. HVOF.- 4'onoert .Miniature.

11::10 -KFT, KIND-Westinghouse, John Charles Thomas..

*KNX-World News Today. HF.('A- Remember Hour.

*KH.1, KGB, KFXM, ATOE- Bill Cunningham.

KFWB -Peter Potter. KGFJ-Song of Islands. KW'KW -All Saints Episcopal. KFOX -First Christian

Church. 11 :4S -HH.1, KGB-Jale Carnegie.

Crooked Sq. HMTR -frank and Ernest. HVOE -Oreas Melodies.

11:35 -KNX -Olin Downes. *KMPC -News. Dunce Parade.




600 JIO 870 980 1070 II10 1230 1280 1360 143D 1490

i2 *KFI, HFSD -World Parade, HNX -CBS Symphony.

*KHJ- Broadway News, KECA- Musical Bouquet.

*HMPC -News, Frank Hemingway.

*Ki'WB, HIVE, KOER -News. *KMTR -News, Buys' Choir.

KGFJ-Say It With Music. HWAW- Service Finance

Musicale. KGB- Strange As It Seems.

12:15-KHJ-Home Town Parade. HMPC-Off the Record. HFWB -Peter Potter.

*KFAC, KFXM -News. HPPC-Music of Masters. HVOE- Mid -day Melodies.

12:30 -KFI, KFSD-One Man's Family.

YMCA-National Vespers. HHJ -Memory Music, Ted

Bacon. KFWB-Jean Leonard. KWKW- American Jewish

Hour. *KRHD- News, Browning.

KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Hookey Hall.

HGER -Gospel Truth. 12 :45 *HPAS -News.

i-EFT-The Army Hour. HECA -Darts for Dough. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, ATOE-

Tour America. *HMPI' -News, Manhattan

Highlights. KFWB- "This and That ".

*HMTR -News, Pianos. KGFJ-Romany Time. KR/ID-Sunday un Ranch. KFAC- Liberty Players. HPAS -Hotel Harmony. HPPC -Chamber Music. KFOX -Dick Russ.

*KFVD -News. McKee Piano. *HGER -News. Res, Burps..

1:15 -HFWB -Help Wanted. HMTR -For Mom le Dad.

*KFAC -News. KOFJ- Console Encores. HPAS -Church in Barn. KFV'D- Musical Resue.

1:30 *KFI -These Make History. ANN- Nelson Eddy. HECA- Andrews Sisters. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, SVOE-

Crime is My Pastime.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Eseinng Crogra ns lu Boldface.

Variety I :BI- Andrews Sisters, RECA. 2 :30- Charlotte Greenwood.

SECA. 3:00 -Ozzie a Harriet, KNX. 3:30- Sunday Party, HECA. 4:00 -Wayne Kine. KFi. 5:lal- Charlie McCarthy, KFt. 5:e0- Beulah, (Marlin Hurt),

KN\. 5:30 -Tommy Dorsey, KF7. 0:W -Rodio Readers' Digest,

KNX. 5:30 -Tesacu Theater, KNN, 6:45- Jimmie Fidler, SECA. 7:30 -Meet Me at Parky's SFt. 8:15 -Evelyn Kigehy, KEC.V.

':30- Romance of Raochus, KNX,

War I:00 -Army Hour. SPI. I:00-Your America, KHJ.

11:15 -Pacific Story, KEI.

Quiz Programs 1:00 -Darts for Dough, EEC... 4:00 -Better Half, KHJ. 5:30- Double or Nothing, KHJ. 7 :00 -Take It or Lease lt, ANN. 1:3u -Name That Song. KHJ. 8:30 --Quiz Kids, 'MCA.

Drama 10:1.'. -Commander Scott, KHJ. 1l :45- Cruuked Syuare. 18:30 -One Man's Family, KFI. g:30 -Nick Carter, KHJ. 4 :30-This Is My Story, KNX, 6::0- Hollywood Mystery Time,


7:30 -1 Was There, H. \N. 5:00- ('rime Doctor. ANN. 8:30 -Murder, sib Hobby, HHJ. 5:30- Blondir, KNX. 0:50 -Hill Lance, KNX. 0:30 -Roston Biocide, KHJ. 9::10 -Haunting Hour, KFI.

Outstanding Music

0:00 -Salt Lake Tabernacle, KKK.

9:30- Glibert a Sullivan. KFAC. t I :la.- Stradivarl'a Orch., KNX. II :::0 -John Charles 'Thomas. KFI 12:015 -N. Y. l'hilnarmonic, KNX. 1:3a- Nelson Eddy, K-NX. 5:00 -NBC Symphony, KFI, 2:00- Family Hour, ANN. 3:00 -- .Summer Hour, SECA. 6:00- Manbattac. Merry -Go-

'Round. KEI. 6:30 -Alhum of Familiar Music,

KFI. 7:00 -Hour of Charm, REI. 5:30- Standard Hour, KFI.

10:u0- Newsical, AFT 1). a0:uu -Lucky Lager Time, KFAC. 11:30 -Bridge tu Dreamland,


Public .1 ff airs

8 :10-Invitation to Learning, XXX.

9:00 -Chicago Roundtable. KFI. 6:45 -Mayor Bowron, HMPC, 5:45- Washington Inside Out,


HMPC- Baseball 'tit g p.m. *HFWB -Peter de Lima.

KMTR, KFOX -Young Peo- ples' Church.

HGFJ- Intermission. HWKW -Hoyos Hour. KFAC=Good Neighbor Salute. KFVD- Musical Revue. HGER -Light and Life. HFSD -With Tommy Dorsey.

I:45*KFI- Edward Jorgenson. KHJ, KGB, HFX.M- Haney

Harding, Songs. HFWB- Musical Sweets, KITH -local Varieties. HPAS- Church of Christ.

*KVOF -Leo Cherne. B -KFI, KFSD-Symphony Hour. fi KNX- Family Hour.

KECA -Mary Small Revue. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Leave It to Mike. HMPC- Baseball.

*KFWB -News. *KMTR -News, Trinity M. E.

Church. HGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFVD- Informed Democracy. HPAS- Lamplighter Jazz

Session. HPPC -Hour of Song. KFOX -(food News. KGER-Long Beach Band.

2:15- HFWB- Strollin' Tom. HFON- Civoru Group.

2:30 -- HECA -Charlotte Greenwood. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Nick Carter. KF W B- Musicale. KMTR- Wings of Healing. HPAS -Challenge to Youth. KW'KW- Italian Melodies. KFOX -Rev. Billy Adams. KFV D- Timely Tunes. KGER- Itetween the Lines.

2:45 -ANN -William I.. Shirer.

3 KFi- Catholie Hour. KNX -(hzle and Harriet. KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, SVOE-

Abbott Mysteries. HECA- Summer Hour. KMPC- Baseball. KFWB -Charles Granville.

*KMTR -News, This Rhythmic Age.


Peter de Lima u., your host

KFAC -Sundays -3 -5 P.M.

"Famous Musical Favorites" alw heard .Mon. Otru Sat., 3 -3:45 P.M.

presented by

The 7 Famous Dept. Stores

KFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

HPAS- Callforuia Council Table.

H PP('- Musical l'ar:eties. HGFJ -Remembrance. KIND-Popular Favorites. KFSD- ('onvair Entertains.

*KGER -News. HFON -Rev, Earl Isle.

S:13- HMTR -Hollywood Trends. KFVB- Colored Revue.

3:30 *KFI, HFSD -News. KNX-Report to the Nation. KECA-Sunday Party.

Page 11: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


Interested In I

Radio Broadcasting Wanted for immediate Interview men and womru ut once, with good speaking suices lu be au- ditioned fur, training lu radio acting and anaunucing. No rap. needed. Apply 1 to 9 p.m. to Program Directur Hal Styles.


BROADCASTING SCHOOL 1000 Wiltshire Blvd. cor Robertson Beverly His HR -: 'SIG Liston Sun. 3:30 - 4 P.M.


KFH 11-1t nut to 'tte in Radio?

*KHJ. KITH, KFXM, KVUE- l'edrio Foster.

KMTH -Bible Treasury Hour. KF "t I) -Hank, Night

N atehnaun. KPAS- Lutheran Gospel Hour KVI KW -Rev. lia .

K(:EK -Kuck to God, 3:45- KFI- McIody Parade.

KH.1. KITH, KFX11, KVOE- Posteurd Serenade, Judy Lang

KFSD -Music Mawiueradr.

4 KFI, KFSD- N'ayue Klug. KNX -Men of Vision.

*KE('A -Dress Pearson. KHJ, KGB. KI 11E,-ltetter Half. KM PC- Baseball. KFWB--Billy Berg Club. HG FJ- l'sirtuin Cull.

*Ky1TR- Nets, Old Fashiuued firs is al.


REVIVAL Charles E.


P. 0. Mn 123, t a. Angeles.

('alit. KMTK-4:UG-5:UU P. N-=

KPA'Y1:00-5:uo l', 51.


KPA4-9:t10 P. M. KPRO-9:15 P. M. KFOX-111:011 P. M. K\'OE-Dl:ltit P. M. KFiM-10 :uu P. M. K\iPC-lu :0.5 P. M.

KP.As, 1(1'KII -Illd Fashioned Hel is al,

KPI't'- Aliwnobra l'res, ('h. KWKW- Sunshine Mfsslun.

*KGKK -News, l'llgriul's Hour Revisal.

KFON- Sunshine Pastor. KF'X51- Sacred llar

4:15 *KEI'A -Dun I,nrdinrr, News. 4:30 -KFI, K l'SD- ltassslsragou

Mysie ries.

2 ó 00

4:30 P. M.M. KNX SrAtvoY

w the efire and romance of stories writl r by actual per sons, The drome of real humons.

Presented by


KNX -'Anis I.. My St or,. KHJ, KGB, K \OF: Ken

l 'arson Show,

"Songs of POLAND" KECA

Sunday 4:30 P.M. Sponsored by F.dwards Brothers

Colonial Mortuary

YTCA -Songs of the Nations.

*KFWB -News. KF1'D -90 -9U Club. KPI'('- ('lusslen. KF X.M -AIt(- King'+

Ambassadors. 4:15 -KFWB -Stuart Hamblen.

KF\'D- Carter \\right. S -KFI' KFSO- Bergeu.

.' r('artby. KF.CA -Oeu. Junius Pierce. KNN- ,'Iteulah," (Marlin

H«rl, KHJ, KGB- Mediation Board. KMPC- Hnsebsll.

*K)ITK -Ness s. .Nusit. K %SKW- Italian Nuselties. KFA('- Bowling Netos. KGI'J= Twilight 'time, KKKI)- Anchor of Hupe. K Holiday. KI'ON -Res. Dilbeek. KI'XM -L. I). B. S. Hymus. K \- 11E- Belhel 'Tabernacle. KI:F:K -News, Key, Draper.

5:13 -KF:1' A -Foot light Fa mites. KI'AS --llld Fashioned Girl. KI:FJ- Today's fills, KFOX -Bey. Lyle Hale.

5:30 -KFI, KFSD- 'tummy Dorsey and Company.

KNX -:Sri Baker. KMTK -Reformed %Allers.

Hour. Kl« A- Fighting AAF. KFAI'- ('hrist inn Science. KKKD -Hour of ('firer. KI'AS- ('hrlatian Memory Hr. KI'l'(' -Light l'lessirs. KFYIN- Calsary Echoes. KFXM -Made in America. KVOE -Ch1r Interest. KI:KK- Colonial Sespers.

5:45 *KHJ, K1:14. KFXM, K\'OH- Cabriel Healler,

KWKW- Variety. 5:55*KNX -Ned Calmer. 6 -KFI, KFSD- Manhattan

Merry -Lin- Hound. KNN -Radio Readers Digest.

*KF:('.4- Walter N'inthrll. KILL KI:IS -Steel Hurisn4A

*KM PC, KFNB, KRKI). K I'I I X -News.

*KMTK -News, Itelhel Chapel. KF.OI' -Music for Eseryone. Kl.l'.1 -Honor Party.

*Kl S "- News. K IS -S' People's



"WORD cf

PROPHECY" irr rut rs ruts ill the light of the Scripture)

Louis S. Bauman Snnduys, u:05 P. Sl. - KGF:K

*KG«K -News, Nord of Prophecy, Iamis S. Itausuau.

KF'X:M -Ave :Marin Houe. K \ TIF:- Minister's Hour,

0:15 -K Et':\- l.ouella Parsons. Hollywood Mystery 'Chur.

KMIY' -Ha rry Horlick. *Ki \B -heurs Charles. Kl'AS -1. ni%ersity F:cplurers.

G;:tn -KFI. KF'SD -All of F Mar Music.

K NX -Te vaeo Star Theatre. KIt1, ROB, KI'XM, KSi*:-

Double sur Nut h lug, KMI'l' -NO sis ngton Inside

Out. KF'WK- Gospel S Sung. KMTK- Itadiu Kible Chocs. KKKD -Res, Malt hews. M'A 1) -F:s ruing Serenade. K l'AS- Iteyond 'l'umorrow. KWKN' -CMon Hescur

Mission. K Pl'('- Speaking of Books. K FOIS -Hal's Me It Ka.F:K- Lutherau Lai man's

League. E :43-K I'('A- .)immy Fidler.

KM I'(' -Sioy or Buwrun. KI'l'(' -Leurs Yullrr, (Story

Huurl. KF'.SD -Hour of Charm. 7 KNX -Take It sur Lease 11.

KE('A- Washington Story. KHJ -ibis ('hanging World.

*KM PI' -News, Adohr Gulden Hour.

KFWB -Vets Talk It Oser. *KMTK -News, F :sentide

E,hoes. KPI'('- Sacred Song Heckel. KPAS -Ethel Aubier. KN'KW -James Townsend.

KGFJ -Waltz Invitation. KGB, KFXM. KVIE- Browo-

slune 'thralrr. KVOX -Olga Graves,

*KG EK -Neos, Rostrum, 1:15 *K11J- ('hrrur, liillmau,

Parker. KM'l'K- Baba -I Peace Hour. KI'. -LS -Life and Health. KIT(' -Organ Recital.

I. KFSD -Meet Me at Purky's.

KNN -I Was There, KE('A- Glamor Malair Pre -


Name That Song. KMO-Rabbi Magnin. K\ITR- Southwest ('horch of

Christ, K I'AR- Church of Open Dour. KPP('- Biblical Drama. :1- KFN'B -('at holte Answers. K I'l'('- \lasterwurks. KWKW -Songs at Twilight.

8 KFI -Musical Memories. KNX- ('rimy Doctor. KEI'A- l'Iayl or of

F'avurfles, Kill. KI:ti. KFXM -Dave

F:Ihnan's Auction Gallery. *KM P(' -News. Frank

H erningw a).


and King's Ambassador Quarts!

KMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M. Also lu :30-111:43 A. M. Muuday through Friday

*KJITIS -News, Floyd R. Johnsen

KFWB- Hollywood Presbyterian Church.

KF'A(' -First Mes rslist (Torch.

KFOX- Christian Science. K PI'C- Great Serons. KVOF:- ('hristInn Tout it.

8:13-K1'1-Xavier fugal. KM PC-Mother's Album.

*KGF:K- News, l'hatalisua. st N -The Todds. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD- Standard Hour.

KN X- Blondie. KE('A -(luis Kids, KHJ. KGB- Murder la My

Hubby. KMI'('- Everybody's Hour. KLF'J- Dancing Rhythm. K PP('- Religions News. KFXM -('ab Calloway Oreh. KI41E -Grase A 'Truth.

9:45- KPPC-Word of Life. KFA(' -l'. S. Nus y. KFXM -Harry Coal Orrh.

9_HNN- Ads eut urrs of Hill Lance,

*KE('A -Sans Hayes. News. *K11.1. KITH, KFX.M, KVItE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *K\lP('- News. Olten Forum. KF'WR -l' nlun Kearns Mission

*KMTR- News. Figueroa Christian Church.

KGF'.1 -Asa. Maria Time. KI'AS -Old Fashlunrd Revival K FA/'- Sunday Eseniog Club.

*K(4:11-News, Rethel ('hunch. KFIIX- Yount, Kano Dance.

9:15 *KHJ, KGR, KS'lll' : -Rec Miller.

K E('A- Eselyn Rigsby. KFXM- Let lent From

Sers fermes..

Lisien To Radios Newest Chiller- Thllar THE

\\t1N6 at930.Y.M

Sponsored by your neighborhood


9::441 -R FI, KIND-The Haunting Hour,

of the Ranchos.

KM-Boston Hlackle. *MF:I'.A -News.

KFWH- Angelico Lutheran Hour.

KMTR -Voice of Prophecy. KFA('- Gateway to Music. KGFJ -Show Time.

K COX -Ro . Eddie Driver. 141,13, KFX.\I, K\'OE -Chap-

laln Jim, KGEK- Tuckin' In Hom

9:45 *KE('A- Washingtun Inside Out

*KFI, KFSD -Richfield Reporter.

*KNX -Chet Huntley. KHJ, KGB -Army Air Fores. KFa'A -Of a Sunday Er aloi.

*KM PI' -News, Old Fsshiooed Res irai.

*KI'WB -Henry Charles. *KMTK -News. Teams Jin

Lewis. KPAS -Voice of Valser, KGF'J- Western.

*KFVI)- New'siaal, 3 Hours. «FOX -Rev. Fuller, KFXM. K\ t Fatals/001d

Revis al. *KGF:R -News, Della Couh.


10 :1S -KFI- Reserve. KN X- Discussion. KEl'A- Another Srasuu'o

Suais. KFWB--Good News Hui * KF AC -News.


10:30 *KFI- Carvelh Wells. Inede the News.

KNX- Hollysyuud Open Hunne. *REFA -News,

KHI. KGB -('hart Stewart' Orcll.

KSITR -Rol Brooks, KFAC -tousic for Listrning. KI'AS-- Bright t'orner Church. Kt :ER -Sacred Harmonies.

10:45 *KFl, KFSI)- News. KECA -Werk -end Feature. KI. /- Carmen l'asallsrti s

Orcll, KFWB- Manuale.

11 KF'1- America I idled. *KNX -News, I.r. Bruwe

KEt'A- Reserve. KHJ. KGFI- Sinfonietta.

*KMP(' -News. Masters' KFNB- Gospel und Sou

*KMTK -News. Ant loch 1

KF'A('- Lucky Latter 11

'rime. RI;F.I -Blue of Esenlse

*KF'\'D- Newslcal, 't11 E s.M. KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Band.

Il :I5- KFI - Pacific Story. 11:311- KNX- lw,uis Armstrong.

KHJ -Hubby Ramos Or KEI'A- Bridge to Dreamland. KI'AS- Shep's l'Iayhoure.

II :15---KFI-Lawrence Welk (trda. *KHJ. K(IB, KFSD -Ne ̂ '

11:55 *KFI, KNX, KFN'B -Ne'


Ìlurch suce

SWILL WINNING For the third time in less

than two m o n t h s, Dinah Shore has copped a national poll conducted by Billboard Magazine. This time she's named favorite singer of

U. S. college students. * r

FLYING SINGE! Dave Street, singing star

of NBC's "Village Store" has resumed his flying lessons now that restrictions have been' lifted on the Coast.

RELATIVITY Metropolitan tenor, Rich-

ard Tucker, who appeared on NBC's Westinghouse pro- gram this summer, is broth - er -in -law to tenor Jan Peerce.

Page 12: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

Wilbur Nelson THE


tl3ible iour KFOX

Mon.thruSat. 7:30.8 A. M.

.30 minutes with the Hyn.n Book ana Ins Bible

Sunday 8:30 A. M.



8 -K KFSD -Fred Haring s Pronely iv salami.

KNX- Johnny Murray. HF'CA -Onu McNeill's

Breakfast ('Inh. *KHJ, KGB, KENAI, KV(IE-

Arthur Garth *KMPC -Xewr, Norman Nesbitt *KFWB -Pennell Reports. *K\ITR -News, V.estero Stars.

HGFJ -- Concert l'astelle. *SPAS, EGER -News.

KRKD. HFO -Dr, Leila T. Talbot.

KWKN- Morning Devotions. REVD- Covered Vs ague

Jubilee. AO-HFW'H -Bands lu Review.

KGER -Soul Patrol. S:13--NNX- Voltant Lady.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Frazier Hunt.

Kll et.- Market Reports, Spurts.

KWKW- Hasten the Day. KFXM- Morning Aleladier. KGER- Mizpal.,

8:30 -KFI -Dr. Paul. KNX-Light of the World, KHJ, R(:R. RFXM, EVUE-

Take It Easy. K.MPC -Dun Otis. KFWB -Help Wanted. KNTR- Christ ('hutch Unity

*HFAC, EFSD- News.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

RYAS -Haven of Hest. *KRKD -News Headlines. *KWKW-News, UP.4.

KFOX -Rev. H. h. Itrid, 5:45 -HFL, KF(D -David Hurum.

KNN -Aunt Jenny 's Real Life Stories.

KHJ -Bank of America TIM.. *KFWB -Neese. MFAP- Sbow Time. KF V D -I oral Favorites. KWKW- Reveille Revue. HVOE -Bing Crush). HG EH -New Tribes Mlsslun,

1:55 -H611, KFX.M. KVOE -(vet Edwards.

9 *KFI, KGFJ -News. KN X -Hale Smith.

*KH.1, KGB, KFYM, KVOE- Wllliam lane, New s. KE('A- Glamor Manor.

*KNPC -New.. Future Da limited.

KF'W'B -Dr. Reynolds. *SMTR -News, Scriptural

((eats. REED- Sagebrush Serenade. ETAS- yesterday's Hits. KWKW'- Message of Life. K FOX -FSrebrnnil. for Jesus. EFVD -Walte Time. *Kt:ER -News

:05 -KFI- Edward Jorgenson. B:15 *KFI, KFSD- Larry Smith.

KNX-111g Sister. KHJ, KGB. KF'XM, KVOE-

Murton Dun bey.


California's Favorite Nome Economi',t

Arden Farms Co.

HAIN -Polly Patterson, KFWB. -south of the Border. HFAC yoke of Health. EGFJ- Medical. HPAg -Walar Time. KWHW -Treasury Salute.

KGER -Dr. J, A. Lovell. a :30 *KF1 -News.

KNX- Romance of Helen Trent.

KHJ-Time Out. KEC A- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. K:dl'C -Hits for the Misses.

*KFWB, KFA(', KW'i:W- News.

KAITR -Bible Treasury Hour. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. HGFJ -open Album, KFVD -Show lunes. HUB- Serenading 1uu. KFXM- Future Unlimited. KV'OE- Prayer, Service Band. KIND-Ani Gibsuu. KGER -Radiu Recital.

9:33 -KF!LM -Old F:uuily Almanac. 9:13 -KFI -Ronny .Maus(ield, Songs.

KNX -our Gal Sunda v. KHJ-Mystery Chet.

*KFWB -Heury Charles. KMTR -Just Relax. KFAC'-Musical Comedy.

*KRKD -News. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KWKW -Rev. Gravest KGB-Molly \lune. KENM- Design for Listening. KISl)- -luira of a Nation.

10' FL-Atirandy. KNX -lifte Can Be Beautiful.

*Kl:t A -(:il Marty o. *KHJ, KtiB. KFXM, K1(IE-

News, Glenn Clardy. *KMPC -News, Hits for the

Misses. K:WB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *K.MTR -News, Marching to

Victory. HFAC -Midmorning Serenade. HGFJ -Racing News. KIND- Muruine Serenade. HWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. *KPAS. KFUX -News. *ROER -News, Rev. Burps..

10:15 -KFI -Hollywood Fee Magazine KNX-Ma Perkins. HECA -Ted Malone. KHJ, K(.H. KFXM. EVUE-

Something tu Talk About. HMTR- King's lieu. HGFJ -King Crosby Slugs. KRHD -Ur. 11. M. Rirhardeon,

*KPAS -Scutt Newhall. KWKW- Murniug Melodies. HOER- Kiugdum Within. KFON -Reni F:mma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI, KFSII- Albers Hour. *KNX-Margaret MacDonald,

News. KECA -My True Story. K11.1, K1:11. KFXM, KV0E-

'l'he Mountaineers. KAI Pt' -Pau Americana. MITE-Floyd K. J,I,neon. KF \1 B- Mid- Moruiug Melodies

*KF.SI -News and Rations.

HGFJ- tpbeat Session. *8\1'811- -News, Symphonic

Strings. RYAS- W'omao's World. KFVD- t'Mon Rescue Mission. KGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *KFI, KFSD -Art Baker, News. KNX -Vonng Dr. Malone.

KHJ, KGB, HVOE -John J. Anthony.

K:II'l' -Hume Chats. KFWB -Science ut Mind. HMTR -('are of the Hods. KEAP- Between the Lines. KRKD- Midnight Mission. HW'HW- Gauche Serenade. KF'X.M- Voice ut the Army. KFON -Dr. A. U. Michelson. 10:55- RECA- Livlug In. Hollywood. y KFI, HFSD- Guildiog Llghl. i KNY -'Peso uo a ('lue.

*KHJ, KGB, KVUE - Cedric Foster.

*KECA- Baukhage Talking. *KMPC-News, Mail Bag

Requests. KFWB -A1 Jarvis.

*KNTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KF'Al' -Pan Americana. KI.F.1- Styiugs in Blue. KR/CD-Light Concert. K PAS -J. Newton fates. *KNEW- Baseball, Flght'ng

Americans. *KEVD, KGER -News.

KFX.M -Voice of Experience. 11:15 -K Fl, KFSD- l°day'e Children.

KNX -Kos maryy. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB, KFYM, KVUE-

lane Cowl. KFAI' -Al OSlc for l'au. HFVD- Musical Revue. EFIIX -'pu; light Itands. KGER -R. B. Hammond.

11:30 -REI, KFSI/- lluntau In White.

KNN- l'erry Mason. KHJ, KGB. KFX.II, KVOE --

Queen fur Today. KE(' A- Reserve. 81í1'C- Boulevard Quiz. KNTR -Songs to Remember.

*HRH!), KPAS, KFUX -News. *KWV W'- Nc,c., Instntmelodies

KG ER -Curtis Springer. 11 :45-Kul-Hymns of All Churches.

KNN -Tena and Tim. *KFY'A -A BC World

( 'orrespondeot s. KMPC- Garden Hints. HFAC -Plano Briefs. KI'AS -Pa laird Post. KFVD- {'Wet Schram. KRKD- l'ucal Varieties KFY1X- Varieties.

2 KFI -Far Reporter. ut KSN- Neigl.bors, Irene

Beasley. *KW- Broadway News. *KECA-John B. Kennedy. *IC IIP(' -News Frank

Hemingway. KFWH -Make Believe Ball-


MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In i.Ightface Type: Afteruuou

Essning Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00 --Fred Waring. KFI. IS :UP-Johnny Murray. KXX. 8:0(1- Breakfast Club. KF.CA, Sial -Kate Smith, KN\. p:30- Breneman's Breakfast,

KECA. 11:15 -Jane Cowl, KHJ. 12 :15- 4;onstance Bennett. EEC's. O:00 -Hoegy Carmichael. KFI. 6::t0- Spotlight Rands, Kill. 8:30 -Rise Stevens Show, KFI 7:00 -Guy Lombard,., KF('A. 8:00 -Jack Kirkwood, KNX. a:110- Supper flub K F'I. 14:15 -He:Ma Hopper, KNX. 8:30 -Joan Day is, KNN. 9:au -Vox Pun. KNN.

War I:OO -War ('rintinals Trials,

KHJ. 8:U0 -- Renter's News Dispatch,

KFWB, 10:15 -Pacific War


Outstanding Music 4 :00 -M nsica l llosterpleces,

KFM.. 5:30 - l ulce of Firestone, KFI. t7:UU -- Musical Digest, Eli F.I. 7:OU- Miniature l'.ocerl KFAC.

mu--t ont ratted Hour, KF'1. ä:1a1- Evening Concert, RIAD. 9:00 -Telephone Hour KFI. 9:30 -Light Opera, KFL.


01:00--Lucky lager Dance Time. HFAC.

10:0O- Newsical, KEY D. 10:00- Eastside Club. KF1VB,

Drama 6:0p -Lug Theater, KNX. U:13 -Real Life Staries. KHJ. 7:00- Screen (:u11.1 !'layers,

KNX. 14:00- 3t1chuel aharne, KHJ. 8:O0 dt 4óoer, hß('.1. 8:30 -Cavalcade of America, KFI 8:311- Hawthorne House, KEl'A. 5:00 -The W'hlstler, KNX.

10:15 -Charlie l'luau, KEC A.

Quiz Programs 7:30- Thanks tu the !snobs. KS( X. 7:30 -Win, Place or Show.

EEC A. 7 :30-Dr. I. Q.. KFI. 8:30- -Pay Day Quiz, KMPC.

Public ley pairs 2:00 -O. W. Ideas. KRHD.

11:YÚ -It Huppeued 'l'wlay, KFl,

Sports -Comment l0 :00-NI et. Scratch Sheet,

KWKW 10 :00- Racing, KGFJ.

5:3(1 -Kars Results, EGFJ. 5:45 -Race Results, SRKD. 8:45 -American spurts. KECA.

:25 -Sports Resume, KWSW.

*ESITR -News, Trading Post KFAC- Luncheon Concert. Kl'AS -Hal Hart. KWHW -Blur Room. KGFJ- Calling All Zones. *I7F1'D- Editor of Air. KRKD- Pralrle Schooner.

*KGER -News, Music. *KGB, K \11E -Yeti.

KFSD -Woman of America. 12:13 -REI, KFSD -lia Perkins.

*KNX -Knox Manning, News. KHJ -Johnson Family. KE('A- ('instance Beuaett, KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. HGFJ -Keyboard Magic. R Fí'11- 1.11 ncheou Musical.

*K FU C- News. *IC F's II, KVOE -Harvey Hard

lag, 12:30 -Kt,. KFSD- Pepper Young'

Family. KNX -A Woman's Life. KH.1 -Mlid and .Mellow. K F:CA- ladies, Ile Seated. KMPC- Bfidge Club. Hobert Johnson. *KFWB-News.

KGP.1 -Notes for You. KPAS -Teg Tyler. KIND- Luncheon Music.

*KWKW -News, Variety. KGB -Club Reporter. KFAA-Farm Front. K1'OE- Smoothies.

12:45 -KFI, KF'Sll -Right to Hadpluess.

RNN- Bachelor's Children. Kill. KGB, KFNM, KVOE-

Frolics. K.111í' -Jack Sherman. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*K F.41' -N ewe. KFVD- Violet Schram. SPAS -C Diversity of Calif Kr art -Lucky Lady KG ER-Gardening Scheel.

-"LEI, , KFS- Backstage WIfa 1 KNX -0. E. House !'arty. KHJ- War Criminals Trials. KECA-Jack Beech Show.

*KM l'(' -News, Symplwoettei. *KNIT It- ',ens. Pianos.

KFAC- Melody Matinee. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm.

*KIST), R :ER -News KGB, KFXM, KVOE -Songs

fur You. 1:15 -KFI, KFSD -Stella Dallas.

KF :CA -Radio Parade. 811,1, KFXM -Bill Hay

Rends the Bible. K.dTR- I.atiu Legato. KEW-Melody )latine. KF%D -Monds in Music. ROH, K1'OE- Johnson Family

*KGER -Inquiring Reporter. 1:25 *KN X -News. 1 :3U -KFI, KFSD -Lorenzo Junes.

KNX- Feature Story. KH.1, KOB. KF'XM, KV0E-

SununerFme Melodies. *KECA -'this Musing World,

(.il Marty u. K)IIC -!.ady of ('harm. KNTR -Dance Time. KGFJ- Intermission.

*KRK11 -News. Music. KFVI)- Hawaiian Music.

*1i PAS-Listeners' Digest. *KWIC W -News. Memories.

1:15 -KFI, KFSI1 -young Widder Brown.

KNX -Gene Baker. KF:('A- Hymns.uf All

('l,trches. KMPC -Bing Crosby. KRKD- Singing Waiters. IC 1- VD -Music City. KPAS -Gardenia'. KFUX -Concert Master. 2 -REI. KFSD -µ'heu a Girl

Marries. KNX- Evelyn Winter.

*KHJ -Titis Changing World. 81-3' hat ' Iloiu, Ladies?

*KMPC-News. Don Otis. *KNTR -News, Meet the Baud.

KF.4l'- .Memory Musicale. KRHD -O. W. Ideas. HGFJ -Town Crier. KFTD -Time) 'L'unes. KPAS- Melodious Moments. KWKW-flub SU. KFX>I -Our Town, Social

Securits'. *KGB, KVOE -News.

FI. KFSD -l'orna Faces Life.

KNN- Treasury Star Parade. HH.1. KVOE --lt Happened

Tomorrow. K et/ X-Public Bulletin.

!:30 -3F1, RFSU -Just Plata Bill. KNX -Meet the llissus. KHJ-Modern Music. KE('.4- -Best Sellers. KFW1h -Three lien on a Mika KNTR -Western Music

Makers, K IC.sehall Scores. SPAS- Personality School.


Page 13: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

RADIO LIFE KFOS- Western songs. Hl'OE -Radin Tour. HGER -Between the Lines.'

1:45 -KEI. KFSD -Front Page Fn rrell.

*KFWR. KEVD -Nets. KRKD- Pan -Americana. K{ OE -Meet a Friend.

ll-KFI-Road of Life. KNX- IInusewlres Protective

League. *KECA -Three O'clock News. *KHI. R(,ER, KFSD -News,

K FAC- Femons Musical Fa. orites.

*KMPC -News. on Otis. Kt-NIB-Melody .Iatinee.

*HMTR -New o, Dial and Win. SGFI -Jerk Pot. KFVD- Popular nrites. KRKD- 5latinee Melodies.

*K PAS-News. KWKW- Studia Center. KGB, K{'OF -Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, News, Brevities. KFOX-Buddy Cole.

11:1ß- KFI ---Je re Jordan, M.D. KECA- Welkte Talkie. K HJ -nappy Romeo, Norma

Young. KPAS -Juke Rol Matinee 'Hi

6 p.m. KWKW- Reflection In Mutate. KFOX -Mr & Mrs. America. K GB -John Kirby's (Ireh. KVOE -Of ('i.ic Interest. KFSD -Road of Life. KC,ER -Capi. Belles.

t :36-BFI -Aunt Mary. K NN -Jimmy Carroll Sings. RFCA- Franca Scully. KFWB -Tempo Americana.

*KRID -News, Music. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KGB. KFXM, SVOE- Mnslral Matinee.

KFOX-Hollywood Solon. HGER -Cheerful ('hat.

6:45 -KF!. MESH-Woman of Amer- ica.

K 'X -The World Today. KILL KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Elsa Maxwell's Party. KECA- Reserve. KM P(' -Peter Potter. EFW B -Jazz. KWKW -Swing Session. KIND-Rhumba.

8:6.5*KNX-'lneeph C. Hansel!. 4 -KFI, HFSEI -This Woman's Secret.

ENX- Potiuck Party. *KECA- Headline Edition. *ENS, KGB, KFXM; AVOE-

Fred Morrison. *HMI'C -Neva, Music.

/EMS- Woman's Page. *RMTIt -News, Win Morro.

KFAC -Musical Masterpieces. H(,F.t -Swing S de. HRHD -Piano Paintings.

*HGER -News, Helene Smith. IF-VD-Piano Selections.

4:13 *KFI. KFSD -News of the World.

*KE' A- Rnymotid Gram

*KILT. KGB. KFXM, RIME-- Rey Miller.

KMPC- Garrett's Varieties. *KFW'R -Vocal Varieties,

News. HWHW- Theater Guide.

Music. *HFVD -News.

KRKD- Mo.ielaad Quiz. 4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

KN% -Open House. /EC' A -Gen. Junius Pierce,

Comment. RH..- Sketch Rook. KMPC -hit Parade Tunes. K RKD -Tunes of the Dar. K GFJ- Air -n- torts',, Orc}ies-

tre du lour. HWHW- Citizens Committee, KGB -Songs of Praise. K FX.M-Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KVOE- Treasury Salute. IT PSIS-Black a White.

4:45 -KECA -Bop Harrigan. KM PC-Modern Romances. K FWB -Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD -News. KWKW- l'iann Moods. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

*KFSD -H. V. Ksltenhnra. 4:65 -RNTR -Organ Interlude.

S*K R FI -. V. Hallenborn. *KNX -Major Knox ;Henning.

KECA -Terry and the Pirates. *HRJ. KGB, HFXM, KI0E-

Sam Hayes. *KMPC -News. Teen and

Twenty. *K.MTR -News. Sunset

Rhythms. KGF,1 -.1ire at 5. KRIED-r.ongs of the Saddle.

KtVT- Evening Serenade,


World's Largest Baby Portrait Studio

UNCLE HARRY and the Little Engine

RPAA -R P.M. Monday thrn Friday

SPAS -Code Harry. KW KW-speaking of Sporta

*HGER -News, Mou e. SEND -Ilk for Release,

6:15 *BFI. SFSD -News. KNX- Thninety a Woman's

Eyes', Barbara Tate. KE('A -Dirk 'Tracy. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E-

Superman. K.MTR -Show TIMM.

*K PAC, REVD, KFSD -News. RW'R W- Today's Hits. SPAS -It Paya to Kamm.

5:30-HET, READ -Voice of Firestone.

*KNX- Nelson Pringle. HE('A --Jack Armstrong. KN.1. KGB, KFXM. HI 0E--

Adventures of Tom MI:. - KMTR -Irwin Allen. RFA(' -Whoa Bill ('lob. K G:F.I -Rare Recap. KF1'D -)o -3n Clnb. KRKD -South Sea Serenade. K T'AS -Sera ice Men. KWKW- Amerlcan- .Jewish Hr.

4 :43 *KNX -News. Truman Bradley. *KECA -Newa. *KH.1, KGB, KFZM, S'I0E-

'ight News Wire. KMPC -$ t Club.

*KMTR -K. Loma listan, News.

K C,F.1 -Show Time. KRKD -Rare Results. SPAS -Bing Crosby. KEVD- Evening Concert.

*HGER -Nag News. 5:55*KNX -ßi11 Henry .

6 -KFI, KFSD -Roney Carmichael.

KNX -Lax Radio Theater. *RH.1. KGB. KFXM, KVOFr

News, Gabriel Renner. KECA -Rex Maupin'a Orch.

*KM PC-News. Normnn Nesbitt *KFWR. HEWN, HGER -News. *KMTR -News. Tnmanso En-

semble. KFAC -Muele for Everyone. KGFJ- Musiral Digest 'tit

0 ism. KWKW- Italian Melodies.

6:15 -KH,1. KGB KFNM -Real Life Stories.

KMPC -Ozia Waters. *HFWB -,lehn R. Hughes.

Miracles of Science Dr. Arthur I. Brown

6:15 - KFOX, 1280 kc. Mon. Wcd. Fri.

KFOX- Miracles of Science. RVOE-Hasten the Day.

g :30 -KFI, HEAD-Ririe Steven* Show.

KECA -,Johnny Forrest's Radin Review.

KH.1. KGB. RFXM, KVOE- Spotlight Rands.

KMPC -Floyd A. Allen. KFWB -America Dances. HMTR- Concert Moderne. KGF.R -Victorious '.icing, KFVD- Vandeaille. S PAS -Church of Christ. H WHW- Better {- ieinn. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room.

6 .45-KEC A-America n Sports. KMPC-- (+nest Guard. KRKD- Hollywood

Tnnesmiths. S PAS- Inside Farts. KWKW -Evening Serenade.

6:55 -KECA- Coronet Story Teller. 7 -RFI. SFSD- Carnation

Contented Hour. RNX- Screen Guild Player. KECA- Pacifie Serenade. KHJ, KVOE -Now It Can

Be Told. *KMPC -News, Dinner Dance. *HMTR -News, Help Wanted.

KW "KW- Maur:re ohnson. HI'AS -ado Wanted.


1 1\ N111('',. IONICIIT AT 7


h FAC 1330.0N 1'0112 11IA1.

KFAC- concert In Miniature. 7:15 *KH.I, KGB, AF%IK, HVOE-

.rim 11oywe. New,. RNTR -{V. B. Record. RESTS-Three Quarter Time.

*KI'AS -News. 7:30 -KF'l, KF'SD -Hr. I. Q.

KNX- Thanks to the 'Tanks. KECA -Win, Place or Show. KHJ. KGB, KF'A'M, K'Oh -

Lone Ranger. * K FW'B -Xews. RNTR -I)r, Clem Davies. KFAC- Floretfs's Jewel Box.

*KWKW -Dr, Clem Darien. 7:45 *KFWB, KFOX -MsJor Hubert

Turner, Comment. R FI, KFSD- Supper Cloth

S KNN-Jark Kirkwood Show. KECA -Lum Abner.

*KM PI' -News, Frank Hemingway.

* KFWBB- Renter News Belin tel, es.



Private Detective" Adventure Intrigue

KHJ 8:00 P. M.


KRJ, KGB. KENN, HIDE- Michael Mayne.


and King's Ambassador. Quartet

KMTR -8 :05.1:00 P. M. Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

*KMTR -News, Floyd B. Johnson.

HFA('- Es snipe Concert. K (iFJ -41f Words and Vene.

R:15 *KFI. KFSD- Fleetwood ,Lawton.

KNX -Hedda Hopper. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

R!11í'('- Treasury Salute. KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KGFJ -Serenade for I'oit.

5:30 -KFI, READ- .Cavalcade of America.

RNX Darla Show. KILT, KGB, KF .M, KS OE-

Ada of Father Brows K ECA -Havel harne Kanne.

grAti Aft Eng ' a


Mon. 81 OPM. KM PC KMPC -Pay Day Quiz.

*KFW'B -News. KGFJ- Dancinç Rhythm.

R :.S* KNX -News.

9 511. BEND- Telephone Hour. KNN -The Whistler. KECA -Meet Your Nary.

*KHJ, KGB. HFXM, HVOR- News. Glenn Hardy.

*LMPC -News, Music. *EMT-Peter de Lima. *HMMTR -News, Concert Master

SPAS -Music Boa. R:15 *RH,1, KGB. KFX.N, RVOE-

Cecil Brown. Nena. *KM PC-Deane Dirkason.

KFWR-Manpower. IS :30-HET-Light Opera.

BNX -Sox Pop. KN.1. KGB. REIM,

.timmy Fidler, *RF(A -News.

KM!'C -'Tree irie Time. S11TR- Nfnrlern Monds.

R:45- KI<C.t -Hohhy Hours. *KFW1t -Rom Baiter.

K'l'FR- Modern Moods. KHJ, RGR, KVOE- Feeling

to Mutual.

10 *HF1, READ-Richfield Reporter.

*KNX -Chet Huntley.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. - KECA

Inside the News with

Mr. Careeth Wells

10:30 P. M.-- KFI


*Kt :C'A- Hollywnod Spotlight, George Fisher.

*KH,1. KGB. KFXM, Kl'0E - -- Fred Morrison.

*KM PC-New ., \Irrair.



every Mne beep. Svda, lFws Club Club

Armories', fine., ra.d. G^


KFWB- Eaststde Club. *KMTR -News. Merle Lindsay.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KGFJ- Western. KFVD- Newsical. 3 Hoar.

10:13 -KFI- Sincerely Tours. KNX- Pacific War Analysis. KECA- Adventures of Charlie

Chan. *KHJ. KGB. KFNM -News.

KMPC Samuel B. McKee. 10:30 -*KFI -Cart eth Wells. Inside

the News. SN N- Hollywood Open Roane.

*KECA -News. KHJ-Johnson Family. KMPC- Rhythm Roundup.

10:45 -e.Fl -Use Corral. KHJ -Nebiett's "So the Story

Goes." KECA -,Jimmie Lanceford. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Organ Melodies.

11 *BFI, KH.I -News. *KNX -Tim Wyatt.

SECA- Reserve. *KM PC-New Headline Bands.

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.

SGFJ- Tintypes. SPAS- Shep'a Playhouse.

*KF{ "D- Newsieal, 'tit 1 a.m. 11:15 -KFI- Hollywood Bowl

Reporter. KHJ, KGB, HVOE - Carmen

Caaallsros' Orch. S GFJ -Blue of Earning. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. 11:10- KFI -It Happened Today.

KNN -Joe Venn tI. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD- Di zest . Dance

with I'Ansn. K ECA- Harrrafters. Allen

Roth Orch. KHJ. KGB. KVOF Bobbie

Ramos Orrh.

Page 14: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

. . - .

, . . - .

r P rslR:w'llwl

' TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

.91T !II r,


vi o/h.



j.,,4 ^" FEATURIZED newscast

ScehA Ai' /e Act /sa elegise,

8 BFI, KFSD -áred Waring. KNX- Johnny Murray. KECA -Ion 1rNei11'a

Breakfast (club. *KH.I. 14G1t, REAM, K\ OF-

Arthur I,aetlt. *KM P( Norman Nesbitt. *KFWI%- Pennell Reports. *KMTR -News. Western Stare.

KFAC -Country Church of Hollywood.

KGFJ-Concert Past elle. *SPAR, RGER -News.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRKD. KFOX- Ita,en of Rest KNEW- Morning Devotions. KFVD- Covered Wagon

.Jubilee. II:15- KNX -\ silent lady.

*KH.J. KGB, K\ OE- Frazier Hunt.

' KMPI- Market Report, Sports. KFWB -Bands in Review. KWKW-Rev. Patt KFXM- Morning Melodies.

'RGER- Mizaah. 11:30--KFI-Dr. Paul. KNX- light of the World.

KH.1, KGB, K OE -Take It Easy.

RMPC -Dan Otis. RFWB -Help Wanted. RMTR -Christ Church Unity.

*KFAC, KRKD. KFSD -News. SPAS- Baptist Brothers. RWRW -News. Reveille. KFXM -Sunshine See, ice. RFOX -Rev. R. F.. Reid.

(1:48 -KFI. KFSD -Da,id Harem. KNX-Aunt .Jenny's Stories.

*RFWR -News. KFAC -Show Time. KF \'I) -Vocal Favorites. K VOF Bing Crosby. SGFR -New Tribes Mission.

/:5s -KHJ. RIiB. KFXM, K OE- Cliff Edwards.

9 *SFl. KGFJ -News. RNX -Rain Smith.

*HMI. KGB. KFXM, RVUE- W'llliam lang.

KECA- (.lamer Manor. *RMPC -News, Hollywood

Melodies. i KFV.B- Health 'Palk.

*RMTR -News, Christian Fundamentals.

KRKD -Sage Brush Serenade. 11 PAS-Yesterday's Hits. KNEW-Rhapsody in Rhythm HFVD- II 'altz 'rime. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*RGER -News. 11:00 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. KGER -Dr. Curtis R. Springer.

0:18 *KFI, KFSD -Larry smith, Commentator.

KNX -Big Sister. KILL KGB, KF_ \M, KVOE-

Morton Downey. KM PC-Polly Patterson. KFWB -South of the Border. KFAC -1 "nice of Health. KGFJ -Medical. KPAS -Waltz Time. KWKW- Morning Song Parade. RGER -Res. .1. A. Love'.

x:30 -KFI- Reserve. KNX-Romance of Helen Trent. KECA- Brenemans Breakfast

in Polly wood. RHJ -Time Out. RMPC -Hits for Misaus.


RMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ -Open Album. KFVD -Show Tunes.

KPAS- Harmony Homestead. KGB -Serenading You. KFAM- Future Unlimited. Kt 0E-Prayer, Service Band. FS FR-Radio Re) -ital. KIND-Ann Gibson.

9:3: -KFCM -Old Family Almoner. 9:40 -KFI -Gls Abroad. 9:t5- KFF -Romq Mansfield, Songs,

KNX -Our ( ;al Sunday. RHJ- Mystery Chef. *KM'S- Henry ('harles. KMTR -,lust Relax. KFAC -Musical (omedy.

*KRKD--Nett a. ('lift on. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KGB -Molly Morse. KWKW -Rev. (:races, RGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KFSD -Voice of A Nation. HFI -Mira ndy. KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KH.1. KGB. KFXM. K', Oh:- News. Glenn Hardy.

*KECA-Gil Martyn. *RMPC -News. Hits for the

Misspa, KEW It-Kitchen Kollege, (7bet

Milani. *4151TR -News, Marching to

\ irtory. KOF.1- Racing News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KFVD- Morning Serenade. KWKW -Met. Scratch Sheet.

*KOER -News. Rev. Rurpo. *KPAS KFOX -New.

10:15 - KFI -Hollywood Fan Magazine KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone, KH.I. ROK. KFXM. KVOF. -

Luncheon with Lopez. KMTR -King's Men. KGFJ-Bing Crosby Sings.

*KPAS -News. Scott Newhall. KNEW-Morning Melodies. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson. KFOX -Res. Emma Taylor. RGER- Kingdom Within. KFSD- Heaven on Earth Club.

10:30 --BFI. KFSD -Albera Hour. *KNX-Margaret MacDonald,

News KECA -My True Story. KH). RGB, KFXM, KVOE-

l'aula Stone. John Brito. KM PC-Pan Americana, RFWB- Mid -Morning Melodies.


WOMAN'S WORLD 10:30 -11:00 a.m.

K PAS Monda; thru Friday

K l'AS- N'oman \l urld.

RMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. *KFAC -News, Rations. *KNEW- News, Symphonie

Strings. R6F.1 -I pheat Session. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. KOER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *KFI. KFSD -Art Raker, News. KNX -Soong Dr. Malone. KH.I. KGB, KIVil -Sohn J.

Anthony. KM PC-Home Chah(. KF'WR- science of Mind. KMTR- Soldiers of the Press. KFAC- Betoern 41M Lines. RWKW- Western Serenade, KRKD- Midnight Mission, KF'X'T- American Mercury

Theater RED X -Dr. .4. C, Michelson.

10:55 -KECA- Living id 'Hollywood. RFI, KFSIuFtüng 11 KNX-Two

)-G ('Ia an a e.


*KECA -Bankhage Talking. *KH.J. KGB, KVOE - Cedric

Foster. *KMI'U -News, Mail Bag

Requests. KFWB-Al .Innis.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KFAC-Pan Americana. KRKD -Light Cory giert. KPAS -J. Newton Antes. KWKW-Baseball, Fighting

Americans. KOF.1- Stylings in Blue.

*KIND. KO RR -News, KFXM -Voice of Esperienee.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD -Today's Children KNX-Rosemary. KECA- Ethel and Albert. KH.I, KOH, KFXM, KVUE-

.lane (cowl. KFAC -Music for You. KE'Vl)- Musical Revue. K FOX- Spotlight Rands. ROER -K. B. Hammond.

11:30 -KFI, KFNI) -Woman in White KNX-Perry Mason. ' KECA- Listening Post. KR,1, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Queen for Today-. KMPC- Boulevard Quiz. RMTR -Songs to Remember. KFVD -Violet Schram.

*KRKD -News, Douglas. *KI'AM KFOX -News. *KWKW -News, Instrumelodies

KGER- ('urli% Springer. lt :45-K1'1-Hymns of All Churches. KNX -Tents k Tim.

*KECA -ARC World Correspondents.

KMPC- Garden Hints. KFA-Plano Briefs. KRKD -Vocal Varieties. Kl'AS- fainted Post. KFOX- Varieties.

11 : S5* K WK IV-News. KFI -Farm Reporter.

KNX -Neighbors, Irene Beasley.

*KH.1- Broadway News. *KF :('A -.John R. Kennedy. *RMPC -News, Frank


TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface,

l'arietl' tin -F twi Waring. KF1. 't:00- Johnny Murray, KNX. (:00- Breakfast Club. KECA. 5:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9 :30- Breneman'.s Breakfast

Party, KECA. 10:110-Chef Milani, KFR'B. in:30 -Paula Stone. KFI.1. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook. KFI. 5:30-Date with ,Judy. KFI. 4:311 -Victor Barge, BFI. 7:30- County Fair. KECA. a :40-Snpper Club. RFD. 5:30 -Ginny Simms. KFI. 4:30-Alan Tnnng Show, RECA. 9 :00 -For the Boys, KFT.

lf'ar I :00 -War (criminals Trials,

KHI. 10 :15- Pacific War Analysis,

KNX. Drama

4:00-Inner Sanctum, KNX. 7 :On -Man (aced X. KFI. :'IF- Hollywnod Preview. KNX. $:00 -(m,nt of Monte Cristo,

KH.1 11:00-Lum k Abner. RECA. 111:30 -The Falcon, KHJ. 9:00 -Rig Town. KNX.

9:00 -Dark Feature, RECA. 9:30 -Uniterse on Parade. KFI. 9:30 -Murder Will Ont, RECA. 9:30 -Nern Wolfe, RHJ.

Quiz Programs Mee-Calling All Zones, KGFJ.

Outstanding Music 4 :00- Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 4:30 -American Melody Hour,

KNX. R:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00 -- Miniature i onrert, KFAC. 7 :30-Sigmund Romberg, KFI. a :MI- Evening (concert. KFAC. 10:00-Corky Eager Dance Time,

KFAC, 10 :01- Newsirai, KF V I). 10:00- Eastside Club, KFWR,

Public d Jf airs 1!:45 -Ranks, K \'OE. 4:30- American Forfim, 11111.1.

10:30 -Congress Speaks, ENX,

S ports-Co rn men t 10:00 -,let. Scratch Sheet,

KWKW. ln:OP -Racing, KGFJ. 5:15 -Belle Martell, RMTR. 5:30 -Rare Results, KGFJ. 5:45-Race Results. KRKD,

R:30 -Del Mar. KMPC. 4:45- American Sports, MECA.

10:00- Olympic Fights. RMTR.



RFWB -Make- Gellere Ban - room.

*KMTR -New., Trading Post. RIAS -Hal Hart. KW KW -Iliums Room. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KOF.1- (calling All Zones. KRKD - Prairie Schooner. KFVD- Editor of Air. KFXM -Diagnostic Groap. KFSD -Rmoan of America.

*ROB, KVOE, RGER -News. :ii -K F1. KIND -Ma Perkins. *KNX -Knox: Manning,

KIM-Johnson Family. KI:1'A- Constance Bennett. KMI'('- Norman Nesbitt. K(:F.1- Keyhnnrd Magic. KI't l)- Luncheon Molokai. ROB. K\ OF-Palmer House.

:30 -KF'1, KFSD- Pepper Ypung'a Family.

KNX -.'t Woman's Life. KH.1, K1- OE -51ild and

Mellow Kl'N A- Ladies. KO Seated. KMPC-Bridge Club. *K} WB -News. KFVD- Violet Schram. KG 1'4-Notes For You. KPAS -Tesas Tyler.

*KWKW-News. 11'nriety. ROB, KFXM -Smoothies.

KFI;D -Right to Hap- piness,

KNX- Itachelnr's Children. KH.I, ROB. KFXM- Frolles. KillN-,Jack Sherman. KFWB -Al ,Tanis. *K FA(' -Ness. Kl'AS- University of Calif. KU ' KW- Singing Sweepstakes. K\ OE:- Hooks. KF'OX -Lucky Lady. KG ER- Garden School.

1-K FI, KFSD -Backstage Wife. KNX -O. E. Howse Party. *RE A -.lark Beech Show, K H.1 -War Criminals Trials. RMI'(' -News, Symphonettes.

*KMTH -News, Pianos. RGF.1 -Easy Rhythm. KFAC- Melody Matinee.

*KOE:R, KIND-News. KPAS- l'npnlnr Melodies. KOB. KFXM, KVOE-Songs

for You. :15 -KFI, KVSD- Stella Dallas.

RE('A -Radin Parade. KH,1, KFXM -Bill Hay Reads

the Bible. RMTR -Latin Legato. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KFD -Moods in Music. KGB. KVOE-- .Johnson Family.

*RGER- Inquiring Reporter. :25 *RNX -News. :30 -BFI KFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNIC-Feature Story. KH.R KGB. KFXM. KVOE-

Summertime Melodies. *KECA -This Mo,ing World.

KM PC-Lady of Charm. RMTR -Dance Mamie. KO F'.1-Intermission.

*KRKD -News. *KPAS -- Listeners' Digest. *R \ \RN- News, Musical

Memories. KFVD- HAwatian. KFOX- Concert Master. K(:F:R- (captains of Industry.

1:45 -KFI, KFSD -Young Widder Itrow"n.

KNX -Gene Baker. KECA -Hymns of All

(churches. KMPC- Sewing School. KRKD-Singing Waiters.

Z -BFI. KFSD -When A Girl Marries.

KNX- F :vAyn Winter. *KH.I -This Changing World.

KECA- NIu hat 's Doing. Ladies. *Kill'(' -News, Don Otis. *KMTR -News, Meet. the Rand.

K l'AS-- Melad s Moments. RW'KW' -Club Ito. KF'.('- Memory Musicale.

KG F.1 -Town Crier. KFVD- Timely Tones. K FOX-Organ Treasure.

*KOB, KFXM. KVOE--News R(:F)R- Rolfes Band.

2:1.5 -KFI. KFSD -Portia Faces Life.

KNX -Service Time, AH,,. KVOE -lt Happened

Tomorrow. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2::30 -KFI, KFSD -Just Plain Bill. FNS -Meet the Misses. FIFA'A -Rest Sellers. RH.1. KGB, KFXM- Modern

Music. KEN f( -Three Men on a Mike KMTR -Western Musie

Makers. RRRD- Hasehall Scores. SPAS -Personality School.

*RWRW -News. RFOX -Songs of the West. KVOE -Radin Tour. RGER- Between the Lines.

Page 15: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


Farrell. HRRD -l'an -Americana .

*KFVD -News.

3 11-1111-Road of Life. HKNX- Hnusewires Protective

League. *KLCA -Three &Clock News. *KHJ. KFSD. RGER -News. *KMPÇ News, Don Otis.

RENTS- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News. Dial and Win.

FRED -- Matinee Melodies. *KPAS -News.

KWKW- Hollywood Melody. *KGB, HVOE- -News, Griffin

Report log. 3:15 -KFI -Joyce Jordan. M.D.

KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma Young.

KECA- Walkie Talkies. HFAC -Famous Musical

Favorites. KGFJ-Jnck Pot. KFVD- Popular Tunea. RWAW- Reflections in Music. KPAS -Juke Bos Matinee 'tit

b p.m. *RFXM -News. Devotions.

KFOX- Hawall Calls. RVOE -Ci,ir Interest. HFSD -Road of Lite.

3 :36 -AFI -Aunt Mary. KYX -Jimmy Carroll Sings. KECA- Frances Scully. HFWB -Tempo Americana.

*FRED -News Headlines.

* R KFOX-Hollywood wood Salon. KGB. HVOE- Musical Matinee RGER -Cheerful Chat.

3:45 -KFI. HFSD -Woman of America.

*KNX -World Today, Joseph Harsch.

KILL KGB. RFXM, RVOE- Elsa Maxwell.

KECA- Footlight Favorites. RFW II-- .Jazz.

*HFAC -News. KWKW -Swing Session. 4 -KM. EFSD-This Woman's

Secret. RNX- Polluek Party.

*KECA- Headline Edition. *HHJ. KGB. REAM. KYOE-

Fred Morrison. *KMPC -News, Music.

HFWIS -Bert Flake. *RMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGF.1 -Swing Serenade. HRRD -Plano Paintings. REVD -Plano Selections.

*RGER. KFOX-News. RFAC- Musical Masterpieces.

4:16 *KFI. KFSD -World News. *KNX -Newe, Muele. *KHJ. KGB. KFX31. KVOE-

Rev Miller. Stylos. *KECA- Raymond Gram

RMPC- Garrett'e Varieties. *KFWB -Gospel and Song,

News. *K FVD -Newe.

KRKD- Movirland Quiz. KAKW- Theater Guide, Mock

4 :30 -11Fl -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -American Melody Hour. RECA -Gen. Pierce. Comment. KHJ. KVOE- Sketch Book. RMPC Hit Parade Tunes.

*KF W B -News. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. EGFJ- Mr- o- torials, Orchestre

du Jour .

AF D -Tea Time Music. KWKW- Citirens Committee. RFXM -Dr. Phillip Lovell. KFSD -Black 'n' White.

4:45 -KECA -Allen Roth Orch. KMPC Twilight Tales. KFWB-Stuart Hamblen.

*HRRD -News. KWKW -Piano Moods. KVOF- Treasury Salute. KFXM-Musical Cocktail. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

5 *KFI, KFSD-Edward Jorgen- son.

*KNX -Major Knox Manning. *KHJ, KGB. KFXMM. KV0E-

Sam Rayes. News. RECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*S.MPC -News; Teen and Twenty.

*KGFJ -News. atSFare. Rhythms

KFVD- Evening Serenade. TIRED -Songs of the Saddle. ERAS -tincle Harry. KWKW- Speaking of Sports. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

*HGER -News, Music. 5 ;15*KFI. KFSD -News.

KNX- Through A Woman'

KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ. KGB. KFX.M, KV'OE-

Superman. g,MTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

*KFAC. KFVD -News.

HrAS -It rays to Know. KWKW- Today's Hits.

3:30 -KFf. HFSD -A Date With Judy.

*KNX- Nelson Pringle. KECA -Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB. KcX.M, KV0E-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR-lrwin Mien. KFAC-Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -Race Recap. KIND-90-30 Club. KRKD-South Sea Serenade. KPAS- Future Pianists. KWKW- American .Jewish

Hour RGER -Music with Appeal.

5:45 *RNX- Truman Bradley, /sews. *KECA -News *11:11.1, KGB. EFXM, EVOE-

light News Wire. KMPC-Sunset Club.

* KGlatap.

FJ Time. REVD- Evening Serenade. KRKD -Race Results. KPAS -Bing Crosby. RGER -Navy News.

5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 KFI. HFSD -Navy Hour. RNX -Inner Sanctum.

*HHJ, KGB. EFXM. KVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

KECA -Guy Lombardo Show. *RMPC. -News. Norman Nesbitt *KFWB, KFOX, EGER -News. *A.Me R- ews, Tomasso En-

s KFAC-Mtmle for Everyone. KGFJ -Mnsical Digest, 'till s

p.m. KRKD -Early Dancette. KWKW- ltallen Melodies.

6:15 -KHJ. KGB. KFXM-Real Life Stories.

KMPC -Ozie Waters. *EFWB -,John B. Hughes. *KIND -News.

KPAS -Mary Burke King. KFOX -Lick Roos. KV'OE- Smooth Performance.

6 :30 -KFI, KFSD -Victor Burge. RNN -The Doctor Fights. KE('A -Radle Harris. KHJ, REAM, KVOE- Ameri-

ran Forum. KMPC-Del Mar. KFWB- "America Dances." RMTR- Concert Moderne. RFAC -Erwin Teo, Organ. KFYD- Vaudevtlle. KPAS -Church of Christ. KWKW- Theater Highlights. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. KGER- Prophecy Speaks. KGB -Arch Oboler.

5:15- KECA- American Sports. KRED- Hollywood Tunesmith. KPAS -Inside Facts. HWKW- Evening Serenade.

e :SS- KECA -Coronet Story Teller.

7 RFf, KFSD -Man Called X. KNX- Service to the Front. KECA -Waldorf- Astoria Orch.

*KMPC -News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News. Help Wanted.

FINI: TON 1(;1I I Al 7


K FAC 1:3:30 ON .YOUR DIA1.

HFAC- Concert in Miniature. *RRHD, EGER -News.

RIAS -Help Wanted. EWKW- Maurice Johnson.

7:15 *KH.1. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-- Jim Doyle. News.

KNX -(hie Waters. K EC A- Reserve. KMTR -W. R. Record.

*KFVD. KPAS- Newe. FRED- Three -Quarter Time. RGER -Dr. Fagan.

7:30 -Hk7, KFSD -Sigmund Rom - Serg.

RNX- Hollywood Preview. KECA- County Fair. KH.1. KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Red Ryder. *KFWB-News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. HFAC- Fioretta's Jewel Box. BRED -Do You Know. KPAS -Cactus Carl. KWKW -Dr. Clem Davies. KGER- Kingdom Within.

7:15 *KF'WB. KFOX -Major Hubert Turner. Comment.

*K F'AC -News. KFI, KFSD-Supper Club. 8 ANN -Jack Elrkwond. KECA -Lum d Abner.


$1000 IN CASH

............. 141AR DETAILS TONIGHT ON


1:30 p.m. --KNX Every Tuesday


t.., obilgs

KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVOE- (nmt of Monte Cristo.

*KMPC -News, Frank Heming- way

*KFWB- Dispatch from Reuters'.

*KMTR -News. Grace Dotson. HFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -Of Words and Verse. K PAS- Taylor Tunes.

0:15 *KFI. HFSD -Fleetwood Lawton.

ANX -Jack Smith. Songs. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

RMPC -Baseball. HFWB -Warner Broc. Orch. KGFJ- Serenade for Sou.

0:30 -KFI, HFSD -- .Johnny Presents Ginoy Simms.

RNX- Theater of Romance. KECA -Alan Young Show. KH,1, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

The Falcon. *KFWB -News.

K (:F'.1- Dancing Rhythm. KPAS -Texas Jim Lewis. KFON -r. E. Gardner.

0 :45-K F W B- Pan -A -Must -Cana. 1TFXM -Ships of War.

0:55 *KNX -News. 9 -11FI. KFSD - Everything for

the Boys. KNX -Big Town. KHJ. KGB. KFXMM. RV0E-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KECA -Park Venture. *KWIC-News. Baseball. *KFWR -Peter de Lima.

*RGF.T- SahüscAmi Amigos. Master.

KPAS -Musie Rot. 9:15 *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KYOE-

Rex Miller. KMPC -King Cols Trio. AFWB- Strolls' Tom.

6:30 *KNX -Edwin C. Hill.

(t U N I V E R S E

O N P A R A D E"


1117- Tniseree on Parade. KH.1, KGB. KFXII, KVYIE-

Nero Wolfe.




SECA -Murder W ill Out

IIVTiL_1f 11f....A. HGER- Sparkle Time.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. RMPC- Frankie Mnstera.

9:45 -KNX- Tapestries of Life. F11.1- t'nechedaled.

*KFWB -Sam Batter. KFXM -Music for Night. K VOE-smooth Performance.

*KFI. KFSD- Richfield Reporter.

*KSX -Chet Huntley. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HV'OE

Fred Morrison. *KM1'C -News. Dance l'erede.


Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with

Mr. Carveth Wells

10:30 P.M. - KFI


KE('.1- Hntlywoad Spotlight, /.sorge TÏhrr.


10 1e 12 P. M. 10 Io 12 P. M. /very NL. t.<e ivdr

KWB Ai W A yes. Pia1N NM. KFWB- Eastside ¡glob.

*KMTR -News, Olympic Fight HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KGFJ -Western Musie.

*KFV'D- Newslcal. 3 Henn. KPAS -Bert Phillips.

*HGER -Sews, 'Victory Mission.

10:15 -KFI -Two in Love. *RNX -Pacific Mar Analysis.

KECA- Charles Chan. *KH.J. KGB, KFXM, EV'OE-

Newe. 10:30- B:FI- Carveth Welle. Inside

the News. ENX- Congress Speaks. KH.I- Jnhnsnn Family.

*KECA -Newe. KMPC -Rhythm Roundup. RGB. HV0E -Joe Reichman

Orrh, RFXM- Mystery Theater.

10:45- KFI -Ole Corral. KNX- Behind the Scenes, KECA -The Doctor Talks I

0, er. RAJ. KFXM-Johnny Neble KGB -American Forum. ' I *KFI- Ele,enth Hour Newa.

*KNX -.tim Wyatt. *H HJ, KFXM-News.

KECA- Tunes. Tidings. *KMPC-News. Lou

kF'R13-- Enstaldde Club. ry.

*KMTR -News. Win Morro. KGFJ -Tintypes. RPAS- Carter Wright. KFON -Merl Lindsay site

Riders. *HGER -News, Musical

Roundup. :15 -KFI -Sing for the 7th.

KnJ, AV'OE -Chet Stewart'i Orchestra.

KGFJ -Blue of Eve :20- REI -It Happened Today. .

KNX -Les Brown. *KFVD- Nrweical 'till 1 a.m.

;30 -KFI. HFSD -Digest, Lawren Welk Orch.

KECA- Harcrafters, Roth Orch.

*RAJ. KGB, KVOE- Oversee Report.

KMPC- Danceland. 1:15 -RNX -Lauds Armstrong.

*KHJ, KGB. KFSD -Newe.









FASHION 'NOTE According to Ona Munson,

Columbia's fashion scout, post-war feminine headgear is already being designed in plastics of many colors and shapes.

Page 16: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


*indicates News Rrnn ilea stn.

7:30 A.M. MON. Ihr SAT.

_KMPC "Start Me Day Singing"

«i,h JACK ', ORMAN

1KF1, HFSn -Fred Raring. XXX-Johnny Murray. KECA -Don MrNelll's

Brea kfsat Club. AH.1. KGB, KFXM, HVfE--

Arthur Garth. *AMP(' -News, Norman Nesbitt

HERB--L.A. Breakfast flub. *HMTR -Yews, Western Stars.

HGFJ- Concert Pastelle. *SPAS, HGER -Yews.

XXXI). SFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

RFAC- Country Church. AWHW- Morning Devotions. EFVDCovered Wagon

Jubilee. 1:16 -RYY- 1-ariant Lndy.

*AHJ. AGB. AVOE- Frasier Hunt.

HERB -Bands to Review. KR'HW- Cbddren of Light. HGER -Mizpah. AF\M- Morning Melodies.

1:35- IFI -Dr. Paul. HNX -Light of the World. AHJ. EGB. RFXM, AV 0F

Take It En ny. K HI'(' -Snn:s For Inu, Otis. IFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR -Christ ( Itnreh treaty.

*HEAL'. HFSD -News.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Gtaoe

RITAS -Hasen of Rest. *X WHIT-News, Re'eille Reim *HRHD -Yews Headlines.

AFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. 1:46 -1M, HFSD -Des id Hamm.

XXX-Aunt Jennys Real Lire stories,

X11.1-Rank nf America. *KERB -News.

RFAC -Show Time. HWKW -Rea Mlle Revue. HGB -Len Huff Trio. HFVD -Vocal Favorites. HFXM- Sunshine Service. HVOF -Bing Crosby. HGER -Yew Tribes Mission.

1:5 -1EHJ, KGB. NEX.M, HIVE- Cliff Edwards.

9 *. Rtil.1, RGFR -New.. !INN-Hate Smith. RECA- Glamor Manor.

*KILL HGB. RFXM, HVOE- William Lang.

*H.MPC -Yews, Future, ru- limited.

IFWB -Dr. Reynolds. *KMTR -New.. Church Looks

st Life. APAS -Yesterday's Hits. K WKW -Rev, Thomas Beard. KRAD -Sagebrush Serenade. HFVD -Watts Time. H FOX- Firehrands for Jesus. / MOM-Edward Jorgenson.

Comment. A(iER -- Curtis H. Springer.

1:15 *11EFI. KFSD -Larry Smith, Commentator.

K. \X -Bug Sister. X11.1. KGB. RFXM, HIVE--

Morton Downey.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G. Ph.D., F.*.S.A. (London/

for the


1 5 ihrn Fri.

KFA( -I nice of Health.

KMPf -roll. Patterson. KERB -South of the Border. AI'A'- -Salta Time. K IV W- Treasury Sainte. RG F,1 -M ed teal. RGER- Rev. .1. A. Lovell.

9:30* R FI -(en a. RN):- Romance of Helen Trent K HJ -Time Ont. R ECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. XII PC-Hits for Misatn.

*HEATH, RFAC, KRUM -News HMTR -Bible Treasury Heur. KFVD -Show Tunes. AGFJ -Open Album. X PAS-Ha rmony Homestead. EWER-Radio Revival. K(:R- Serenading Von. KVIIF National Proyer,

Venir Army See' ice Forces. RFXM- Fntnre Unlimited.

9:36 -RF \M -Old Family Almanac. 9:43 -K Fl -Ronny ttaWield, Songa.

HNX -Our Gal Sunday. K M- Mystery Chef.

*RFR'R -Henry ['harles, KMTR -.;,,st Relax. Rr ..a'- Musical Comedy.

*KRKD -News. RF'I li -Here tomes Parade. KWKtI -Res. (:races. KGB -Molly Morse. RFXM- Design for Listening. R(:ER- Colonial Tabernacle, RFl- Miraedy,

*KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. KHJ, KGB. RFNYi, /MIL-

News, Glenn Hardy. *HF'('A -Oil Martyn. *HMI'(' -News, Post Parade.

XFRR-- A Bch en Kollege. Chef Milani.

*HMTR -News, Marching to Victory.

AGFJ- Raring News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. AFI'D- Morning Serenade. K WRR' -Met. Scratch Sheet.

*RFON, XPAS. KGER -News. 10:15 -X El- Hollywood Fan

Magazine. KNX -Ma Perkins. KE('A -Ted Malone. HILL KGB, RFXM, K 1'OE,-

Something to Talk Aland. HMI'(' -Hits for the Miaous, HNITR- Ring' Men. K GFJ -Ring Singe.

*RIAS -iewa, Scott Newhall. XAVIER- Hawaiian Echoes. MOM -Dr 11. M. Richardson RI:F1R- Kingdom Within. R FOX-Res Emma Taylor.

10:3(1 -KF7, HFSD- Altiers Hoer. *KNX- Margaret MacDonald, News.

KILL K(:B. RFXM, -MADE- The Mountaineers.

HECA -My Trite Story. HMPC -Pas Americana. H FWB -Mid- Morntng Melodies HGFJ- Cpbeat Session.

*RFAC- News. Rations. *KWAW -Newa, Symphonie

Strings. KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson.

NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS -10:30 A. M.

APAS- Rnman's World. REVD -11' nion Rearue Mission. RGF:R- Sunshine Pastor.

10:43 -KFL, AFRD -Art Baker, News KNX -young I)r. Malone. XH.1, KGB, RVOE -,lohn J.

Anthony. Hlll'C -Home /'hats. RFIVR- Science of Mind. HMTR -Care of the Body. KRAD- Midnight Mission. KEA('- Between the Lines. KWAW- Gaurhn Serena ders. K F \M- Treasury Salute. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

Ia:55 -1E Et 'A- I.iving in Hollywood.

11 -K11. HFSD- Gwiding Light. RNX -Two on a (Tide. REX' A- Bankhage Talking. AH.). KGB, ATOE -Cedric

Foster. *KMPI' -News. Mail Rag Re-

f oests. BERN -Al Jarvis.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

REAL -Pan Americana. K LF.1- Stylings in Rine.

*RFVn, HGER -News. ARAD -Light Concert. K PAS-J. Newton Vates. AWAW- Baseball, Fighting

Americans. RFXM -I' nice of F..xperienre.

11:13 -BFI, HFSD- Today's Children KNX -Rosemary . KE('A -Ethel and Albert. RBA, KGB. RFXM, /It OE-

.inne Cowl. KFI'i)- Musical Res ne. R FO C- Spotlight Ito oils. RGF.R -R. R. Hammond.

11:311 -KEY, KF'SIi -W umaa in White KNX -Perry Ma Ma. HH.t, KGB. RFXM, AVOE-

Queen for Today. X F:('A- I.isteaine Pest. AMI'C- Boulevard Quiz. HMTR -Wongs to Remember.

*KRKD. 1l'AS, AEOX -News. *RWKW -News. I nstrnmeiodies

HGER- Curtla Springer, 11:46 -R F'1 -Hymns of All churches.

RNX -Tena and Tim.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Light fare Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Pariet y 5:00-Fred Waring, KF). 8:00- Johnny Murray, KNX. 8:00 -- Breakfast Club. KECA. 5:00-L. A. Breakfast Club,

KERB. 9:00 -Kate Smith, XXX. 9 :30-Brenneman': Breakfast.

KECA. 10:(W) -Chet Milani. KERB. 12:15- Cuneta nee Bennett. KECA. ß:f18 -Wednesday for Tou, RFL ß:30- Spotlight Rands. RH.1. 1:51i- 11Eyser -Phil Harris. HFI. 8:0n- Supper Club, !EEL

Ifnr 1:50 -War Criminals Trials,

KHJ. 7 :30- -.lobs for GI's. HECA. 8:05- Renters' News Dispatch,

KERB. Drama

8:30 -Mr. District Attorney, RF1. :110 -C wmtersoy, K PICA.

7:30 - Maisie, XXX. ' :n- I.,.ne Bonzes. Rigi. 8:110 --Lam L Abner, RECA. 8 :30-Dr. Christian, Jean

Aersholt, KNX. 8:30 -Gay Mrs. Featherstone,

BFI. a:M) -Mr. and Mrs. North. BFI, 9:ßn -Weird Circle. RECA. 9:110-The Saint, XXX. 9 :3n- Ellen, Oure,. RN X. 9:311- onllr, and Thee ter. REl. 9 :30 -Arch Obnler Play, RAJ.

Quiz Programs 8:30 - Detect. Collect: KNX.

OuLNanding Music 4:00- Musical Masterpieces,

RFA('. 6:06- Musical Digest, AGFJ. 7 :I0- Minlatore Concert, RFA('. 7: 1M -Great Moments in Metric.

RN X. a :IM- Evening Concert. FAC.

10:80 -Encke Lager Dance Time. KFAt'.

10:00- Newsiral, RFD. 10:50- F:astside Club, HEWS..

Public Affairs 11:45- Garden Hints. KM PC. 5:35- Renders. Writers, KWKW. a:nß- Teievision. Test Pattern,

R 6 Ti. S :30-- Teicaiaint', War to Pence.

WONI'Z. 8 :45 -Television, Fashion/ Guide,

WS%TZ. 9:00-Trim Won, Variety,


Sports- Comment 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,

KW KW. 10:00 -Racing, KGF.T, le :30-Bridge Club. RMPC.

5:35 -Race Res"Its, 5:43 -Race Results, ARAD.

8:30 -Del Mar, KMI'C. 6:45- American Slim-tit, AECA. 8:15- Rasehsil, RMPC. 8:30 -,Sportsman's Club, ARCA.

*KECA -ABC World. Correspondents.

AMI'('- Garden Hints. RFAC -Pi -nn Briefs. ARAD -Vocal Varieties. Ki'.A'- l'ninted Post. RFOX- Varieties, RF'II)- Violet Schram, 'Fl -Farm Reporter.

K NX- Neighbors, Irene Beasley.

*KHJ- Broadway News. *KE('A -John R. Kennedy. *XIII'C -News, Frnnk Hem-

ingway. A F'R'R- M auk e - Believe

Ballroom. *KS :'l' It- 'seas. Trading Post.

1:1.E.1-Calling All Zones, RFAC- Lunchenn Concert. XEII)- Editor of the Air. RIAS -Hai Hart. KR'11M-Blue Room. '(R':1) - "re iri. schooner,

* HGER -News, Music. KF \M- 1)iaznos, r Group.

*KGB. KIliI -News. KFSD -Woman nf America. I. :15 -KEl, K KSI) -Ma Perkins.

*KNX -Knox Manning, News. K E(' A- ('nnstan,e ,;,nnett. K IM-Johnson Family,

*KH PC-Norme n Nesbitt. KGF1- 1Reylioard Magic. RWKW -Ha ,vaHan Echoes. R FT I)- Luncheon 5111 sic.

*R FIi\. ENH -` cos K (.R, RIDE- Palmer House.

12:30 -XF't. FSD- Pepper 1onng's Family.

RNN -A Women's Life. RF..('A- Ladies, Re Seated. RHI -Mild and Mellow. AMP('- Bridge Club, Robert

Lee Johnson. *X111 R- Yew's.

K(.F'.l -tintes for Ton. FI -'7 -Violet s:rhram. XPAS -Texas Tyler.


All Tracks - All Day

KWKW -1430 KC

*KWHW- e,a s, I arlety, KGER -.1.1.. Ros. REX Sf -form Front. KGB, HVOE- Smoothies.

12 :45-1114. FRD -Right to Happi- ness.

ANN.-Bachelor's Children. Kn i. KGB, RFXM, HVOE-

Frolics. KMI'l' -.lark Sherman. R F' W R-.i I . Jarvis. * RFAC- Ne',s. APAS-- University of Calif. KFOX- l.nrky Lady. K I;ER- Garden School.

1 BFI. HFSD- Backstage Wife. KN \ -G. E. House Party, IOTA-.lack !tench Show. HHJ -War Criminals Trials.

*KM N(' -News, Sy m ph nnettes. *KMTR -News, Pianos.

RFAC- Melody Matinee. 116F.1 -Easy Rhythm.

*REVD. KGF.R -News. K PAR -Popular Melodies. KFOX -Dnnce Time, KGB. RI OE -Songs for Ton.

1:15 -R EI, HFSD- Stella Dallas. R ECA -Radio Parade. RH./. KGB, HFX.M-

Rill Hay Reads the Bible. KMTR -Latin Legato. RVAC-Melody Matinee. KF n -Morals in Music. KVOE -The .Johnson Family.

*HGER -I inquiring Reporter. I :25 *KN\, KWkW' -News. 1:30 -BFI, AFSD- Lorenzn Jones.

RN \- Feature Story, AECA -This Moving World. K M, KGB. RFXM, HVOE-

Summertinte Melodies. KM P('- Baseball. KMTR -Dance Time.

*RRRD -News, Music. *RITAS -Liat Digest. *AWKW -News, Memories.

RGF.1- Intermission. XFTI- Hswnilan Moaic, RG.ER- Golden West Boys.

1:45 -K Fl. X END- Young- Widder Brown.

K NX -Gene Baker. K i« A -Hymns of All

Churches. KMPC -Ring Crosby. RRRD- singing Waiters. RFOX- Concert Master.

2 -BFI. KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

ENE-El-dyer Winter.

Page 17: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


*KHJ -This Changing World. *KSII'c -News, Don Otis. *KMTR -News, Meet the Band.

KFAC- Memory Musicale. K(.F.1 -Town Crier. KRKD- Concert Melodies. KWKW -(lob 60. KGER -Long Beach Band. KFVD -Timely Tunes.

*KGM, HVOF. --News. MX-11- Safety First.

!:15 -KFI, B+FSD -Portia Fares Life.

KNX- Senic Time. KHJ. KVOE -It Happened

Tomorrow. KGB. KFXM- Melody Time. KFSD-Classic Hour.

t ::b *KNX -News. 2:30 --.KFI, KFSD -.lost Main Bill.

. KNX -Sleet the Misnts. KM, Modern Music. KECA -Best Sellers. KFW'IB -Three Men on a Mike KMTR- Western Music

Makers. KRKD- liaaehall Scores. RPAS- Personality School.

*R WR W-News. KFOX -Songs of the West. RI'OE Radio Tour. KGER-Between the Lines.

5:45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Farrell.

*RFW'ß, KFVI) -News. KRKD -Pan Americana. KVOE -Meet a Friend.

3 HFI -Road or Life. KNX- Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three O'clock News. *KHJ. KGER, KFSD -News. *KMPC -News. Dan Otis.

KFWB -Melody Matinee. *RMTR -News. Dial and Win.

KFAC- Famous Musical Favorites. KGFJ Jackpot.

KRKD -Matinee Melodies. KFVD- Popular Favorites.

*KPAS -News. HWKW Studio Center. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, HAVE- Griffin Report-

ing. *KFXM -News, Religious News,

Brevities. 3:15 -KFI -Joyce Jordan. M.D.

KHJ-Happy Homes. Norma Young.

RECA -Walkie Talkies. *KFAC -News,

KPAS-Juke Box Matinee 'tit 5 p.m.

KWKW- Reflertioo6 In Music. KFON- Hawail Calls. KGER -Food Makes Differ-

ence. KGB -Casa Loma Time. KVOF.-Of Chic. Interest. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:30 -BFI -Aunt Mary. KNX -Jimmy Carroll Sings. KECA -Prances Scully.

*KFWB -Tempo Americana. *KRKD -News Headlines. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KGB. KVOE- Musical Mati- nee.

WFON- Hollywood Salon. KGER- Cheerful ('ht.

3 :95 -KFI, KFSD -Woman in White *KNX -The World Today.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, K%OE- Elsa Maxwell.

KECA- Footlight Favorites. HMPC -Peter Potter. KFWB- Health Talk.

*KFAC -News, KWKW -Swing Session. KFVD- Rhumba.

3:65 *HNiX -Joseph Harsch.

4 -KFI, KFSD -This Woman's Secret.

KNX- Potluck Party. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM. HVOE-

Fred Morrison. *KECA- Headline Edition.

HMPC -News, Music. KFWB -Woman's Page.

*KMTR -News. Win Morro. KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRKD -clan Paintings. KFVD -Piano Selections.

*AGES, KFOX -News. 4:15*KFI, KFSD -News of the

World. *KNX -News. Musir. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVO!.-

Rex Miller. KMPC- Garrett's Varieties.

*KFWB- Goepel and Song, Nen1.

*KFV D -News. Melody.

KRKD- Mnvieland Quiz. KWKW- Theater Guide.

1:30 -HF1- Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX-Sunset Ranch. HHJ, HVOE- Sketch Book. KECA -Gen. Pierce, Comment. KMP(: -Hit Parade Tunes.

*KFWB -News. KGFJ- Air- o- torlals, Orchestre

d lour KT Tea Time Melody. KR Tunes of the Day. KWH)V- Citizens Committee. KGB -Songs of Praise. KF." Urr. Philip M. Lowell. KFSD-._ 'n' White.

(:t5-- KNR3 -4The Todds. KECA -:teeth- )lyrl. KMPC-3Todern Romances, KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. HWKW -Plano Reveries.

'901:11-Tómmy Harris Time. KFXM- 3fusical Cocktail. KVOE= Service Salute.

*KFSD' -H. V. Kaltenborn. *KF1 -H. V. Kaltenhorn. *KNX -Major Knox Manning. *KM, KGB. KFXM. 111.0E-

News, Sam Hayes. KECA -Terry and the Pirateo.

*H.MrC -News, Teen and Twenty.

*RMTR -News. Sunset Rhythms. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. RPAS -Uncle Harry. HWKW Speaking of Sports. KGFJ -Jive at 5. KFVD- Evening Serenade.

* *GER. KFSD -News. 5:15 *HF7, KFSD, KFAC, KFI'D-

News. KNX-.-Through a Woman's


Superman. KECA -Dick Tracy. KMTR -Show Tunes. KrAI4 -H rays to Know. RWHW- Today's Hits.

5:30 *KF1 -Voire of a Nation. *KNX -Nelson Pringle.

KECA -Jack Armstrong. HH.I. KGB. KFXM, RVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. RMTR -Irwin Allen. KGFJ -Rare Recap. KFAC -Whoa Bill ('lah. KRKD -South Sea Serenade. RPAS- !Servire Men. HWKW- American Jewish

Hour. 5:t5 *KFI. 'USIA-Elmer Peterson.


Night News Wire. KMPC -Sunset Club.

*RMTR -K. Louie tintan, News.

KfF.1 -Show Time. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KRKD -Rare Results. KPAN- -tting (rushy.

*KGER -Navy News. 5:55*KNX -ßi11 Henry. 6 -KFI, KFSD -Wednesday with

l'on. KNX- Unscheduled. KECA- Curtain Time.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KI'OE -- Gabriel Heatter.

*K PC -News, Norman

*KMTR -News, Tomseso .Ensemble.


KFAC -Music for Everyone. KGFJ- Musical Digest 'till 0

p. m. KPAS- Pasadena Playhouse. KWKW- Italian Melodies.

6:15-KHJ, KGB, KFNM -Real Life Stories.

KM PC -(hie Waters. *KFWB -John B.. Hughes.

KFOX- Mirarles of Science. KVOE- Dinner Dance.

0:30 -HF7L KFSD -Mr. District Attorney.

JINX -Detect and Collect. AECA -Johnny Forrest's

Radio Review. KH.1. KGB, KSOE- Spotlight

Bands. RMIC -Del Mar Rares. KFWB- America Dances. RMTR -Concert Moderne. KFAC -Edwin Teo. 'KFI'D- Vaudeville. RPAS- Church of Christ. HWKW- Readers. Writers. KFOX-Hal's Memory Room. KGER- Propheey Speaks.

e:45- KECA -American Sports. KMPC- Rhumba Time. IOW- Hollywood Tune -

smiths. RPAS- Inside Facts. HWKW- Evening Serenade.

0:56 -KECA- Coronet Story Teller.

7 -IF1, KFSD -Kay Kyser's Musical College, Phil Harris.

KNX-Great Moments in Mule.

KHJ. KGB. KFNM, HVOE- Human Adventure.

KECA- Counterspy, *KMI'C -News, Dinner Dance. *KMITK -News, Help Wanted.


('ON('G12T IN N11\LA I 1'RIf

hFAC 1:3:311 ON VO('k I)L,II

KFA(r- ('oncert in Miniature. *KRKD, KGER -News.

K tal('- Pasadena Viole Music. KPAS-Help Wanted. KWKW -Maurice Johnson.

7:15- KMTR -W. B. Record. KRKD- Three- Quarter Time. KII'C -.Organ Recital. KGER -Ur. Fagan.

7:30- KNX -Ma isle, Ann Sothern. KHJ, KGB. KFN.M, KT OE-

Lone hanger. RECA -.lobs for V.1.5.

*KFWB. KPAS-News. KMTR -Dr. ('lem Davies. KFA(- Floretta'a Jewel Box. KRKD -Drs You Know.

*KWKW -News. Variety. 7:15 *KFWB, KFOX -Major Hubert

Turner, Comment. *KFAC -News.

RICER -Rev. Dooms.

8 KFI. KFSD- SUnner Club. KNX -Jack Kirkwood. KECA -Ulm & Abner. EMI-The Main Line.

*KMPC -News, Frank Hemingway.

*KFWB- Reuter' News Dispatch.

*KMTR, KGER -News. KFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ -()f Words and Verse. K PAS- Taylor Tunes. RPPC- Midweek Devotional. KFNM- Soldiers of Press. K YOF Voire of the Army. WUXI'Z- Television, Test



and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

, Also 10:30- l'i:l3 A. M. Monday through Friday

0:05- KMTR -Floyd B. .Johnson. KGER -Rev. House.

0:15 *KF1, KFSD -Fleetwood Law- ton, Comment.

KNX -Jack Smith. KECA- 1eter de Limn. RAMC- Baseball. KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KC,FJ- Serenade -for You.

t 30 -KF1, KFSD -Gay Mrs. Featherstone.

KNX -Dr. Christian, Jean Hershaft.

KE(A- Sportsman's ('iah. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVDE-

Frrsh lap Time. *KFWB -New.

KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KPAS -Texas Jim Lewis. RPPC - Comments on Classics. W6X17 Television, War to

Peace. 0:15 -RF W B- Pan -A -M usi- ('ana.

KGER -Garden School. WAX YT Television, Fashion

(guide. 0:55 *KNX -News.

9 -KFI, KFSD -Mr. and Mrs. North.

KNX -The Saint. RECA -Weird Circle.

*KHJ. HGB. KFXM. HI 0E- News, Glenn Hardy.

KMPC- Baseball.

Washington Motors


9:00 to 10:00 P.M.

Every Week Night

KPAS-Muele Box.

*KFWB -Peter de Lima. *RMTR- News.-Concert Master.

KGFJ- Snludns Amigos. W6XYZ- Television, Variety.

9:15 *KH.1, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- l'erll Brown. News.

KFWB- Strollin' Tom. 9:30 -KFl- Hollywood Theater.

KNX- Ellery Queen. *KECA -News.

KHJ. HVOE -Arch Oboler's Plays.

*K FN 'K -Henry Charles. KMTR -Modern Moods. K FON- Midweek Meeting. KFSD -For Adventure.

9:95 -KECA -Hohby hours. KHJ. KGB. HVOE -Ths

Feeling Is Mutual. *KFWB -Sum Baiter.

RMTR- Modern Moods. KFXM -Music for Night.

*KFI. KFSD -Richfield Report er.

*KNX-Chet Huntley. *KILL KGB. KFXM, HYDE--

Fred Morrison. *KMPC- News, Dance Parade.

KFWB -Eastside Club.


*KMTR -News, Texas dim Lewis.

KFAC -Lucky Lager bane rime. -

*KFVD- "ewsical. 3 hones. K M -.I -h rstern Music. K I'.1, - lient Phillips.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside- the News with

Mr. Carveth Well*

10:30 P. M. - KFI


KECA -Hollywood Spotlight. George fisher.

*KGER -News, Sister Fuller. 10:15 -KFI- Sincerely mitre.

*KNX- l'arific Nsr Report. KEt'.l- Charlie

*ßH.11, KGB, KFXM, KY'OE -- News.

10:30 -KFI -Nary Waves. *KECA -News.

KNX -Merry Life of Mary. KH.1- Johnson Family. KMPI'- Rhythm Roundup.


10 1e li . M. 10 to 12 P. M. lwrr MIN beep. SuNy

KFWB KFWB Aawki . Masse Inds

KFW'IB- Eastside Club. KMTR -Boh Brooks. KGB. KYOF- Return to Duty. KFXM- Mystery 'Theater. KGER -Stuff & Nonsense.

10:15 -KFI -Ole Corral. KECA- Freddie Martin Dreh. KHJ -"So the Story Goes."

*KFL KHJ-News. *KNX -Jim Wyatt.

KECA -Tunes, Tidings.. *KMPC -News. Lon Story,

KFWB- Eastside Clot). *RMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGF.1- Tintypes. KFAC -Lucky Larger Danes

Time. KPAS -Carter Wright.

11 :15-KFI-Post Parade. KNX Brown. 101.1. KGB. KVDF. -Canna

('aiallerns' Orch. 11:20-Kn-lt Happened Today.

KGFJ -Blue of Evening. 11:30 -HF!. KFSD- Digest, Law-

rence Welk. KNX -Louis Armstrong. KECA- Harcrafters, Allen

Roth Orch. KHJ. KGB, KI OE-Bobbie

Ramos. . KMPC- Danceland. *HFIb- Newsical 'till 1 a.m.


Page 18: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 *Indicates News rI, li r 7AM



'4 eV,





SWIM Triple Aeli s Cleanser

ßF7, KFSD -Fred Waring. EP FIN X- Johnny Murray.

KECA-Don McNeill's Breakfast Cint,.

*RHJ. HGB, KFXM, K%OE- Arthur 6aeth.

*KM P(' -News, Norman Nesbitt *AFN B- Pennell Reports. *KMTR -News, Western Stars.

K6F.1- l'oneert Pastelle. *KPAS. RGER -News.

KWSW- Morning Del idioms.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grava

KRHD. KFOX -Haven of Rest.

KFAC- Country Church. AFND- Cnvered Wagon

Jubilee. e- 3 :05-K G E B-Simil Patrol. g:15 -- "N X -Ve Tian. 1.^ ly .

*KHJ, KGB, K1'OE- Frazier Hunt.

KM PC-Market Reports, Sports.

AFWII -Banda in Review. KW KW -Rev. Patterson. KG E R -Mtzpa h. KF`:.M- Morning Otelod:es

8:30 -KFI -Dr. Paul. ANX -Light of the World. HHJ. KGB, H\ OE -Take It

Easy. KM PC -Song for Inn. KI1SB -Help Wanted. H.11TR- Christ Church Unity. Kl'AS- Baptist Bros.

*KRKD. HFSD, KFAC -News. *KU HM-News, Reveille.

KFXM- Sunshine Service. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid.

8:45 -KF1, FSD -David Hamm. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*HF71 B -News. KFAC' -Show Time. KF\1) -Vocal Favorites. HSOE -Bing Crosby. BOER -New Tribes Mission.

8:35 -HHJ, KGB, H\'OE -Cliff Edwards.

9 *HF7, HGFJ, KGER -News. KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ, H(.B, KFXM, KV0E- William Lang.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KM PC-News, Hollywood

Melodies. RFW B -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR -News, Moments with God.

HRHD -Sagebrush Serenade. KPAS- Testerday's Hits. KWEW- Rhapsody in Rhythm. KFVD-Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jeans.

8:05 -RGER- Curtis H. Springer. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson.

8:15*KFI, HFSD -Larry Smith. KNX -Big Sister. KHJ. KGB, KF \31, It 1'0E-

Morton Downey. KM PC- Polly Patterson. KFWB -South of the Border. KEA('- \nice of Health. KPAS -Waltz Time. KWKW- Morning Song

Parade. HGFJ -Medical. AWEW- Variety. RGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell.

8:30*HFI -News. KNX- Romance of Helen Trent. KHJ-Time Out. KECA- Rreoeman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. KMP( -Hits for Missus.

*HFWB. KFAC- News. KMTR-Bible Treasury lour. HPAS -Harmony Homestead.

*HWAW -Off the Press. HGFJ -Open Album. KGER -Radio Recital. AF1'D -Show Tunes. KGB, HVOE- Prayer, C. B.

Army Band. 11FX -1I- Future Unlimited. HFSD -Ann Gibson.

8:35 -KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 8:40 -KFI -GI's Abroad. 9:4,i -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songe.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KM- Mystery Chef. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR -Just - Relax. RFA('- Musical Comedy. KFVI) -Here Comes Parade.

*KRKD- Nests. KWKW- Gospel Friends. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM- Design for Listening. RGER- Colonial Tabernacle. RFSD -Voice of a Nation.

í0ANX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KE(' A -Gil Martyn. *KM. KGB, KFXM. KNOE-

Glenn Hardy. News. *KMl'C -News, Post Parade.

KFVNH -Chef Milani. *KMTR -News. Marching to

Victory. KGF.1- Racing News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. EFNIt- Morning Serenade. RW'KW -Met. Sernt,h Sheet.

*RGER -News. Rev. Burpo. *K1'AS, KFOX -sews.

10:13- KF'I- Nnllyscood Fan Magazine.

K1 \ -Ma Perkins, HH.1, KGB. KFXM. KSOE-

l.nnchenn with Lopez. REVA -Ted Malone. HMI'(' -Hits for the Missile. AMTR -King's Men. H(jFJ -Bing Slogs. KRKI)-Dr. O. M. Richardson. KWKW -. orning Melodies.

*HPAS -Sews. Scott Newhall. RGER- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev, Emma Tay io r.

10:30 -BFI, RFSD -Albers Ronr. *HNX -M t MacDonald,

News. KECA -My True Story. RAJ. KGB. KFXM. ATOE-

l'aula Stone. .lohn Brito. RM PC-Pa n Americana. KFWB- Mid -Morning Melodies KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson. KGFJ- Cpbeat Session.

*KFAC -News. Rations. HPAS- Woman's World.

*KWKW -News, Symphonic t-trings.

KFVIY -rnton Ressua Mission KÇ,ER- Sunshine Pastnr.

10:43 *BFI, HFSD -Art Baker. News. KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ. KGB. KFX11, HSOE-

John J. Anthony. KMPC -Home Chats.

HFWS- Selene of Mind. AMTR -Voice of the Army. KFAC- Between the Lines. H W E W- Western Serenade. RUED-Midnight Mission. KFON -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

IO:55- KECA -LRing in Hollywood. KF

-KTFwD- Gu ldPilnng


Light. t.

*KECA- Bao s ee lking

*KM. KGB, H\OR- Cedrie Foster.

*HMI'' -News, Mel Bag Requests. '

AFWB -A1 .larvls, *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFAC-Pan Americana. KGFJ- Stylioes in Blue.

*RFSD, AGF.R- News. ARHD -Light Concert. KPAS -.1. Newton Sates. KWRW- Baseball, Fighting

Americans. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11 :15-1111, HFSD -Today's Children AN X- Rosemary. KECA- Ethel and Albert. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, ATOE-

lane (owl. !FA(' -Music for Yon. KFVD- Musical Revue. KFYIX- Spotlight Bands. HOER -R. B. Hammond.

11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Woman in White.

ANN -ferry Mason. EH.,. KGB, KFXM, ASOE-

Ilucen for Today. Kf:C A- Listening Post. KM PC-Boulevard Quiz. KMTR -Songs to Remember.

*GRAD, KPAS, ETON-News. *KW RW -News, fasten-

melodies. RGER- Curtis Springer.

11:43 -KFI -Hymns of all Churches. RNX -Tenn & Tim.

*KECA -ABC World Correspondents.

Hints. KFAC' -Piaon Briefs. KRAD -Vocal Varieties, KPAS- fainted Post. REVD- Sinlet Schram.

12'1:a2 AF'l -Farm Reporter. I-Farm Irene

Beasley. *KECA -John B. Kennedy. *HHJ- Broadway News. *AMPC -News, Frank Hem-

ingway. HFWB -Eddie Heywood.

*KMTR -News. Trading Post. AWKW -Blue Room. KPAS-Hal Hart. HGF.J- Calling All Zones. HRHD -Prairie Schooner. KFAC- Luncheon Concert. HFVD- Edltor of Air. KF$D -Woman of America.

*KGB, HSOE. RGER -News. 12:13 *1FI. RFSD -Ma Perkins.

*KNN -Knox Manning, News. EECA- Constance Bennett. KHJ-Johnson Family.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 9:00 -Frerl Waring. KFI. 5:00- Breakfast Club. KECA. 9:0i -Rate Smith, KNX. A :30- Breneman's Breakfast,

KECA. lo :30-Paula Stone. RH.1. 1? :15-Const a nce Bennett. !MCA. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook.

KFI. 6:00 -Edward Everett Horton,

AFL 8:30 -Hobby Lobby. KNS. . :fin -'floe l'ir.l 1.1 "1. 11 \X. 7:30 -Rudy Vallee, KFI, A:0n-supper ('lob. I. 8:30 -Dinah Shore, KFI,

Quit: Programs 9:30 -Noah Webster Says, KFI.

Drama 5:30 -Tom Mix, KHJ. 6:30- I'hilo Vance, KFI. 7:00 -One Foot in Hessen,

KECA. 1:00- Mystery In Air, AFI, 5:011- Bulldog Drummond, KHJ. 5:30- Hercule Poirot, KHJ. 9:00 -Suspense, ANN.. 9:00 -Adventure of Topper, AH

War 1:00 -War Criminals Trials,


8:30- Dispatch from Reuters', AFWB.

10:15 -Pacific War Analysis, AN X.

Outstanding Music 4:00- Musics) Masterpieces,

KFAC. 6:00 -Musical Digest, HGFJ. :00- Miniature Concert, KFAC. 8:00- Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KEW'.

10:O0-- Newsienl, KFV'D. 10:00-- Enatside Club, HFWB.

Public All airs 8:30 -Town Meeting, MECA 9:30 -Citizens Forum, K. \X.

10:13 -Mayor Fletcher Bowron, AFt.

10:15 -Chester Bowles, O.P.A., RECA.

Sports -Comment 10 :00-Met Scratch Sheet,


10:00 -Racing, KGFJ. 5:13 -Belle Martell. KMTR. 5:30 -Race Results, HGFJ, 5:45 -Race Results, KRKD. 6:30 -Del Mar, K311'1'. 0:43 -American Sports, RECA. A:15- Basehall. KMI'C.

10 :00-All-Star Football, KHJ. 10 :45 -Tom Hanlon, KN N.

KSIPC -No maa Nesbitt. HGFJ- Keyboard Magic. KFVD- Luncheon Musical.

*EPON, HFN.M -News. KGB, HTOE- Falmer House.

12:30 -AFL RFSD- Pepper Snung's Family.

KNX -A Woman's Life. KECA- Ladies, Be Seated. KHJ-Mild and Mellow, KMPC-Bridge Club.

*KFW B -News HPAS -Testas Tyler.

*KW KW -News, 1ariety. RFSD- Violet ' Schram. HC,F,1 -Notes fite inn. RFOX -March Time. KGB. KFXM, KVOI:-

Smoothies. KGER -1300 Club.

12:45 -KFI, HFSD = lght to Happi- ness. -

RNX- Rarhetar's Children. KH., KGB, KF1GM, ATOE-

Frolics. KM PC-Jack Sherman. A F W B- 41 Jarvis. HPAS -University of Calif.

*KI'AC- Neins. KG ER-Garden School. HFOX- Lucky Lady.

1-HFf, HFSD- Racketsge Wife.

RNX -G. F. House Party. KECA -Jack Berrh Show. KHJ-War Criminals Trials.

*MI Pt' -News, Symphonettes. *KMTR-News, Pianos.

KFAC Melody Matinee. '

KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. *KFVD, RGER -News.

Kl'AS- Popular Melodies. AEON -Dance Time. KGB. KFl1f, ATOE -Songs

for You. laó -RF'1. KFSP- Stella Dallas.

KECA -Radio Parade. KILL KFXM-Bill Hay Reads

the Bible. KMTR -Latin Legate. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KFVD- Moods in Music. HPAS- A.('.A. Reporter. KGB, AVM- Johnson Family

*EWER- Inquiring Reporter. 1:23 *KN N -News. 1:30 -AFI. HFSD- t.oreazn Jones.

RNX- Feature Story. *KECA -This Moving World.

RAJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Summertime Melodies.

KMPC -Lady of Charm. KMTR -Dance Time.

*EPAS- Listeners' Digest. *KWAW -News, Musical

Memories. *KRHD -News. Music.

HGFJ- Intermission. *FOX- Concert Master. KG ER-American Challenge.

1:45 -Rn, HFSD -Tonrag Widder Brown.

ANN-Gene Baker. KECA -Hymns of All

Churches. AMPC- Fasbien Forum. HPAS- Federated Women's

Clubs. HFi D -Vocal Varieties.

2 -AF1. HFSD -When a Girl Marries.

RNX- Evelyn Winter. *HHJ -This Changing World.

KECA- What's Doing. La::r. s. *EMPC -News, Don Otis. *KMTR -News, Meet the Band.

KFAC- Memory Musicale. KGFJ -Town Crier. HRKD- Concert Melodies. *PAS- Melodious Moments. KWAW -Club 60. KFSD- Timely Tunes.

*KGB. KFXM, RIVE-News. RGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -HFl, HFSD -Portia Faces 1.1f e.

KNX- service Time. KR). AVOE -It Happened

Tomorrow. AFON- Pnblio Bulletin.

2 :25*KNX-News. 2:30 -KEl. RFSD -first Plain Bill.

KNN -Meet the Missus. KF,('A -Best Sellers. KHJ -Modern Music. HI'WIt -Three Men on a

Mike. KMTR- Western Musk, Makers. HPAS- Personality School. KRHD- Baseball Scores.

*KWHW-News. ATOE- Radio. Tour. HFOX -Songs of the West. HOER- Between the Lines.

2:45 -HF'l, rHFSD-

)'age F'a rell.


*KFWB -News. H R All -Pan- Americana. K1 0E-Meet a Friend. 11-KFI-Road of Life. ANN- Housewives Protective



Page 19: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

RADIO LIFE PAGE 19 THURSDAY LOGS 1gFe`l_TI.... n'f Inn4 \.,rt *KRJ. HGER, KFSD -News. *KM !'C -News. Don Otis.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Dial and Win.

HFAC- Famous Musical Fat- nritea.

HGF. /- Jackpot. KFSD- Popular Favorites. KRKD- Matinee Melodies.

*K PAs -New. KWKW- Holly wood Melody.

Time: KGB, KVOE- Griffin Report-

ing. KFX.M -Nsws, Devotions.

Brevities. 3:15 -RFT -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

KEGA- Walkte Talkies. KM-Happy Homes, Norma

Voting. KPAS -.lake Box Matinee 'Ht

5 p.m. RAVER' -Reflections in Music. KFOX -Ha wait Calls. HGER -Voice of the Army. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:3e -KFI -Aunt Mary. KNX -The Todde. KECA- Frances Scully KFWB - .Tempo Americana.

*KRKD -News Headlines. *KVVKW -Off the Press.

KFOX-Hoilywood Salon. HGB, KVOE- Musical Matinee KGER-Cheerf tit ('hat.

3:45 -HFI, HFSD -Woman In White.

ANN -The World Today. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HARE-

Elsa Maxwell. HF,('A- Footlight Favorites. RFW B -Jars.

*KFAC-News. KWKR' -Swing Session. KGB, KFXM. KVOE- Johnson

Family. 3:55 *KNX -Joseph Harsch.

4 -HFI. RFSD -This Woman's Secret.

KN X.-Potluck Pi1Fty. *KECA- Headline Edition. *KHJ, KGB. KF%CM, KVOE-

Fred Morrison. *KMPC -News, Music.

KFWB -Bert Flake. *KMTR -News. Win Morro.

KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRKD -Piano Painting. KFVD -Piano Select lone. KWKW- Speaking of Sports.

*RFOX. KGER-News. 4:15 *KFI, KFSD -World News.

*KNX -News. Music. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Res Miller. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing

IMP('- Garrett's Varieties. KFW II- Gnspel and Song.

*HFI D -Sews. KWAW-Theater Guide,

Melodies. KRKD- Meeieland Pute.

íf:30 -HFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Mr. Keene. KF.CASen. Pierce. t' -mment HHJ. KVOE- Sketch Bonk. KM PC-Hit Parade 'Tines.

*KFWB -News. RF%t) -Tea Time T nee. HGFJ- Air-o- toriets, tlr-

chestre du Jour. KRED -Tunes of C'. Day. KWKW- Citizens' f r mutes. KGB -Songs of l'r,.:, e. KFXM-Dr. Philip 1 .sell. KFSD -Black 'n' 1R'

4:45 -KECA -Allen Roth Orch. R.MP('- TnBight Tr.l... PURR-Stun et Hamblen.

*ARID. KFSD -Neue. KWKW -Piano Res erica. KFXM -Musical Cocktail. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

5 -KFI -Edward Jorgenson. *SNX -Major Knox Manning.

KE('A -Terry and the Pirates *KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Sam Hayes. *HMPC -News, Teen and

Twenty. *KMTR -News. Sunset Rhythms

KGFJ -Jive at S. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KPAS -Uncle Harry. KWKW -Speaking of Sports.

*KGER-News, Music. KFt)X- Sunshine Pastor. KFSD -O.K. for Release.

5:15 *KFI, KFSD, KFVD. KFAC - News.

ANN- Through a Woman's Eyes.


Scoe:-man. KMTR -Belle Martell, Sports. KPAS -It Pays to Know.



Toay's Hits. 5:30 *KFI -Sblee of a Nation.

*RN X- Nelson Pringle. KECA -Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR -train Allen. HOFJ -Rare Recap. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KRKD -South Seas Serenade. KFV11 -10 -911 Club. KPAS- Future Pianists.

-HWKW -- American- .lewish Hr. 11:45 *HFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson

*KNX-Truman Bradley. *KECA -News. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HV(F

Neve. Night Wire.

THRIFTY DRUG Invites You to the

SUNSET CLUB Every Arie7r^oo -5:45

KMPC- Sunset ('tub. *KMTIt -K. Voids Flatau,

News. K(:FI -Shaw Time. HRHD -Rare Results. KFVII- Eseninc Serenade. KPAS -Bing ('rushy.

*HGER -Navy News. 11:55 *KNX -Rill Henry. 6 -KFI, KFSD- Edward Everett

Horton. ANN -Don Voorhees' Dreh. KECA- Reserve.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM. HVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

*HMPC -News, Norman Nesbitt *KFWB. KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, 'Tomasso

Ensemble. HFAC -Music for Everyone. HGFJ -Musical Digest. till 9

p. m. KRKD -Early Daneette. KWKW- Italian Melodies.

*KGER-News. Music. B:15- KECA -Hidden Valley Gang.

KHJ, KGB -Real Life Stories. KMPC -Orie Winters.

*EFWIB --John B. Hughes. *KFVD -News.

KPAS- Techmocrary. KFOX -Dick Ross. KFXM-Quartermaster Corps. HVOi .Destination- Tncle

Sugar. RGER -Nat'l Message.

9:30 -EFL. HFSD -Philn (once. HNN -Hobby Lobby. WILL KGB, K1'0E- rnsched-

uled. KECA- Variations by Van

Cleave. KM PC-Del Mar Races. KFWB- America Dances. EMTR-Concert Moderne. AFAC- Erwin Teo. Organ. KFVI- Vaudeville. KPAS- Church of Christ. KWKW- Evening Serenade. KFXM-OPA. RFD -Hal's Memory Room. KG ER-Reformed Church.

B:45 -KECA- American Sports. KMI'('- Rhumba Time. KRKD- Hollywood Tune -

smiths. Kl'AS-Inside Facts.

b..i3- KECA -Coronet Story Teller. J -ßF1, KFSD-Mystery in the

Air. KNX -The First Line. KECA -One Font In Ilea. en. KM.!. RFXM, KV'OE- Now It

Can Re Told. *K111'C -News. Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Help Wanted. *KRKI) EGER -News.


('ON('I:I2'l',IN NUN! %TI'Itl: -

K FAC 1a311 ()N 'YOUR .01A I.

RFA('- Concert In iniatore KFON -tone Arr'en.

*FGB -Eddy Orcutt. KPAS -Help W anted. KW'HW- Maurice Johnson.

71i1QU.1. IIfR =re sr acne. I

lim Dm le, News. KMTR -W. B. Record. KRKD -Three Quarter Time.

*KPAS -News. KGER- )r. Fagan.

7:30 -HFl. HFSD -Rudy- Vallee Show.

KGB- Inside Story. HN X- Romance, Rhythm.

Ripley. .

KECA- History of a Star. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HI OE-

Red Ryder. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Dr. ('lem Dal les. KFAC- Floretta's Jewel Box. KPAS- Cactus Carl. KWHR-Dr. Cler Davies. KRKD -Do ton Know. KGER-Dr. Dal 111.

:35 -KEC'A -Jones & 1. 7:45 *KFI- Eyewitores News.

*KFWB, AFOX -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

KM PC-Rhumba Time. *KFAC -News.

8 KFI. KFS- simper Club. 1IANX

-Jack Kirkwood. HE('A -Lum ó Abner. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Rulldog Drummond. *HMPC -News, Frank Hem -

ingway. *KFWB- Reuters' News

Dispatch. *KMTR -News. Music.

HFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -Of Words L Verse. KPAS- Taylor Tunes. KGER-News, Billy Adams.

9:15 *HFI, HFSD- Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX-Jack Smith. *KEC'A -Earl Godwin.

HM PC- Baseball. KFWB -W Bros. Orch. KGFJ-Serenade for Ten. KFXM-Shins of War.

1:36 -HFI. HFSD -Dinah Shore Open House.

KNX- F.B.I., In Peace. War. KHJ. KGB. RFXM, HVOE-

A Christie's Hercule Poirot. KECA -Town Meeting of the

Air. *KFWB. HGFJ -News.

KMTR -What America is Playing.

KGF.1- Dancing Rhythm. KPAS -Texas Jim Lewis.

B :4 i1-KF W B- Pan -A -Must -Cana. KMTR- Hastes the Day.

B:SS*KNX- Wallace Sterling. 9 -HFI, HFSD- Adventures of Topper.

KNX- Suspense. *KHJ, KGB, RFXM, HVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. KM PC-Baseball.

*KFWB -Peter de Lima.

*HGFJ -Sal do4CAmigos.Maater KPAS- -Music Box.

*KGER-News, Music. 9:15 -HHJ. KGB. KFX.M, HVOE-

Rex Miller. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

9:30 -KFI. KFSD -Noah Webster says.

C I T I Z E N S F O R U M Sparkling half hour discussion by lead- ing authorities on problems affecting e.eryone A "must" for good çitiregsf

PRESENTED BY G 7. 11E. NS jop ,1211 r .14C

AuzermcwizarcriziimAr arc® THURSDAYS MX 9:30 P. M.

KN]- Citizen. Forum. *KECA -Wens.

KHJ -The Sealed Book. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR -Modern Moods. KFXM-Soldiers of the Press KVOF Wings (her Nation. HGER -Fundamental Choi-

. lenge. KGB -Inside Story.

1090 ON


Good music 18 hours a day

aim e on ce

9:43-KECA -Music of Manhattan.


*HFS%'B -Sam Batter KF1M -Music tor the Night.

*HFI. hF'S13- Richfield Reporter.

*KNX -Chet Huntley. *KH.t. KGB. KFXM, KS -OE-

All -Star Football. *EM.'( -'esse, Dance Parade.

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -Sews, Tex Tyler.

KGFJ -Western Music. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *RFVD- Newsical for 3 hrs.

Kl'AS -Bert Phillips.

Hollywood' Spotligh with G -'rce Fisher

10:00 P. M. = KECA

Inside the News

Mr. Carreth Wells

10:30 P. M.- KFI


HF :('A- Hollywood Npotlighi George Heber.

10:1:, -KFI -Mayor Ronron. *HNX- Pacifie War Report,

KECA- Charlie ('han. RGER -Peace Officers.

10:30 *H1-I- Carseth Wells, (midi the News.

INN- Sports. {rK EC A -News.

HMPC -Rhythm Roundup. i,MTR -Rab Brooks.

KGB, KFXM -Organ Melodt 10:45 -KF. -Ole Corral.

KNX- Gayle and Charles. KECA- Chester Bowies.

KVOE -Organ Melodies.

11 *KFI, KHJ-News. *RNN -Jim Wyatt.

RECA- Tunes. Tidings.' *KMPC -News. Lou Story,


Club to 12 P. M.

Iren sae Leert seadey

KT WE Assets.'. Plaint Beads

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Win Morro

KGFJ- Tintypes. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dane

Time. KPAS- Shep's Playhouse. Rt. :IX -Merl Linsey Band.

11:15 -K0I -Post Parade, HGFJ -Blue of Evening.

11:20- HFI -It Happened Today. ANX -Lea Brown.

11:30 -HFI. HFSD -Digest, Law- rence Welk Orchestra.

ANX -Louts Armstrong. KECA- Harcrafters, Alan

Roth Orchestra. KMPC- Danceland,

*hF'V l)- New steal, 'flR 1 a.m. 11:48 *KGB, KFSD-News.

KGF.!- What's (p? 11 :55 *KFI. ANX -News.


PRIZE PASTIME Favorite hobby of Andy

Russell, singing star of the CBS Joan Davis show, is watching prizefights. Andy is a never -miss customer at Hollywood Legion Stadium bouts.

NEWSCASTER Jim Doyle's Hews broad-

casts which are now heard on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights on the Mutual Network will oe ex; a ;ded to include Mondays end. Wednesdays as soon as all program schedules are set.

Page 20: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

: A.M. MON vs,. S..T.

KMPC "Start the Day Singing"

..,,h JACK SYf4MAN

8-KFI, KFSD-Fred Waring. vv Sell- Johnny Murray.

KECA -Don McNeill Breakfast Club. * KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Arthur Gaeth.

*H.VIPC -News, Norman Nesbitt *KFWB- Pennell Reports. *HMTR -News, Western Stan.

KGFJ- Concert Pastelle. *KPAS, KGER -News.

KRKD, KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

KFAC- Country Church. KWKW- Morning Des Minns. KIND- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. Patrol.

8:15-SAX-Valiant Lady. *KHJ. KGB, KVOE-Frazier

Hunt. KMPC- Market Reports,

Sports. KFWB -Bands in Review. KWKW -Reveille Revue. KGER- Mirpah. RFXM- Morning Melodies.

11:30- KFI -Dr. Paul. KNX -Light of the World. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KS "OE-

Take It Easy. KMPC -Don Otis. KFWB-Help Wanted. KMTR- Christ Church Unity.

*KFAC, KFSD -News.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KPAS -Haven of Rest. *KWKW -Newa, Reveille. *KRKD-News Headlines.

KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. 8:45 -BEFI, KFSD -David Herum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories. KHJ -Bank of Ameries.

*KFWB -News. KFAC -Show Time. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KW KW- Birmingham Review. SFXM- Sunshine Service. KVOE -Bing Crosby. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

11:55-KHJ, HGB, HF_X 1, KV'0E- Cliff Edwards.

9 *HFI, KGFJ -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*EMI. KGB. KFX.M, SVOE- William Lang.

KECA- Glamor Manor.

*K fiP -News, Future UNim-

KFWB- Health Talk. *HMTR -News, Church Views

News. MIND- Sagebrush Serenade. KPAS- Yesterday's Hits. KWKW -Messee of Life. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGER -News, Dr. Springer. 9:03 -KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Com-

ment. 9:15 *KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith,



R. L McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every morning -Mon. thru FYI.

KFAC st 9:15

KFAC -Voice of Health. KNX -Big Sister. KHJ, KGB, KFX-Vf, KVOE-

Morton Downey.

KMPC -Polly Patterson. KFWB -South of the Border. KGFJ- Medical.

*KFVD -News. HP/S4 -Welts Time. KWKW- Treasury Salute. KGER -Rev, J. A. Lovell.

S:30*KFI -News. KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent. KHJ-Time Out. KECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. KMPC -Hits for Mesa..


KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ -Open Album. KFVD -Show Tunes.

'SPAS -Harmony Homestead. KGB- Serenading Ion. KFNM-Future Unlimited. EVOE- Prayer, 392nd Army

Band. EGER -Radio Revival. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:73- KFX.1M -01d Family Almanae. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. HHJ- Mystery Chef. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR -Just Relax. KFAC- Musical Comedy.

*KRKD -News. HFVD -Here Cornea Parade. KWKW -Rev, Graves. RGER- Colonial Tabernacle... KGB- Mollie Morse. RFNM- Design for Listening. KFSD -Voice of a Nation.

10-,HFI Tillamook Kitchen. KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, K Glenn Hard..

KV'OE- *KECA -Gil Martyr. skl(MPC-News, Post Parade.

SFWB -Chef Milani. *H.MTR -News, Marching to

Victory. KGFJ -Racing News. KFAC -Midnorning Serenade. KWKW -Met. Scratch Sheet. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

*HFOX. KPAS. KGER -News. 10:15- EFI- Hoiywood Fan Maga-

zine. KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone. HHJ, KGB, KVOE- Something

To Talk About. H]fPC -Hits for the Minus. AMTA- King's Men. RGF.1 -Bing Crosby Sings.

*KPAS- -News. Scott Newhall. RWKW- Morning Melodies. KRHD -Talk. KFXM -Seven Last Words of

Jesus. RFOX -Rev, Emma Taylor. RGER -Kingdom Within.

10:30 -KF7. SF/ID-Albers' Hour. *KNX-Margaret MacDonald,

News. KECA -My True Story.

HHJ, AG/1 KVOE -The Mountaineers.

KMPC -Pan Americans. KFWB- Mid -Morning Melodies KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

' KGFI- Upbeat Session. *KFAC -News. Rations.

FFV'D -Union Rescue Mission. KPAS -N- omen's World.

*KR KW-News, Symphonic Strings.

FMK-Meet the 'People. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:13 *KFI. SFSD -Art Baker, News KNX -Voung Dr. Malone. KHJ. KGB, KVOE -John J.

Anthony. KM I'(' -Home Chats. KEWl3- Science of Mind. HMTR -('ore of the Body. KFAC -Between the Lines. )(REV- Midnight Mission. KWKW -Gaucho Serenade. XENIX-Dr. A. 1. Michelson.

10:55 -KECA- Living in Hollywood. RF7, KFSD-n Guiding Light.

1 KNX -Two nn a l rue.

*KECA -Baukhage Talking. *KHJ. KGB, KN OE- Cedric

Foster. *KMPC-News, Mail Bag

Request. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KMT TaR -News,

Dr. Louis ot.

KFAC -Pan Americana. KGFJ- Stylings in Blue. KRKD -Light Concert.

*KFV'D, KGER -News. KPAS-J. Newton Yates. KWKW- Baseball, Fighting

Americans. KFiM -Voice of Experience.

11:15-KM SFSD -Today's Children. KNX- Rosetpary. KECA -Ethel and Albert.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- Jane Cowl.

KFVD-Musical Revue. KFOX -Spotlight Bands. RGER -R. B. Hammond.

11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Woman in White ANN-Perry Mason.

*KHJ, KGB. KFX111. KV OE- Queen for A Day.

KECA -Listening Post. KMPC- Boulevard Quiz. HMTR -Songs to Remember.

*KRAD, KPAS -News. *KWKW -News, Inatru -Mel-

odies. RGER- Curtis Springer.

11:45 -KF1, Betty Cracker. KNX -Tens and Tim.

*KE('A -ABC World Corre- spondents.

KMPC -Garden Hints. KFAC -Plano Briefs. KRKD-Vocal Varieties. KPAS-Painted Poet. KFVD- Violet Schram.

12'7-Farm Reporter. KNX-Neighbors. Irene

Beasley. *KECA -John B. Kennedy. *KM- Broadway News. *AMT(' -News. Frank Hem-

ingway. KFWB -Eddie Heywood

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 5:00 -Fred Waring, KFl. 8:00 -Breakfast Club. KECA. 9:00 -Kate Smith, XXX. 9:00- Brenemati s Breakfast,

KECA. 1n:00 -Chef Milani. KFWB. 3:45 -Elsa Maxwell. KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook. KFI 6:00 -Jerry Wayne Show, RNX. 6:30 -People Are Funny, KFI. 7:00 -Ray Bolger, KNX. 7:00 -Sammy Haye, RECA. 7:30 -Harry James Show, KNX. 8:00 -Supper Club, KFI. 5:00 -Blind Date, RECA. 9:30 --Jack Haley, AFI.

Public if f fairs 8:30 -Your F.B.I., SECA.

Sports -Comment 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,

KWKW, X 10:00- Racing. GFJ.

5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:4.5 -Race Results. KRHD. 6:30 -Del Mar. KMPC. 7:00 -Boxing Bouts. RECA. 7:30 -Bill Stern, HFI. 5:00 -Boxing Bouts, KHJ. 3:15- Baseball, KMPC.

10:00 -Legion Fights, KMPC.

Quiz Programs 5:30- Correction, Please, BFI. 8:30 -Ignorance Pays, ANN.

Drama 6 :30-Death Valley Sheriff,

RECA. 7 :30-Lone Ranger. KHJ. 8 :45- Strange Dr. Weird. KFWB 9:00 -Aldrich Family, KNX. 9:30 -The Thin Man, HNX.

Outstanding 31usic 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 0:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00- Miniature Concert, KFAC. 41:00-Es citing Concert, KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Time, KFAC. 10:00- Newsical, KFVD. 10:00 -Eastside Club, KFWB.

IVar 1:00 -War Criminals Trials,

KHJ. 8:00 -41enters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:00 -Television, Test Pattern,

W6XYZ. 8:30 -Televielon, News, Peace-

time Jobs. S:45- Television, Telecomics,


*KMTR -News. Trading Post. KFAC- Luncheon Concert. tin D- Editor of Air. KPAS-Hal Hart. KWKW -Blue Room. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. R(iFJ- Calling All Zones. KFXM -Group Diagnostic.

*KGB. KVOE. KGER -News. KFSD -Woman of America.

i2:15 -KFI, KIND-Ma Perkins. *RNX -Knox Manning. News.

KECA- Constance Bennett. KHJ-Johnson Family. *KMPC -Norman Nesbitt.

KFVD- Luncheon Musical. K(:FJ- Keyboard Magic. *KFOX. KFXM--News.

KGR, KVOE-Palmer House. 12:30 -RFI,

mily. KFSD- Pepper Young's

Fa RNX -A Wonne's Life. KECA- f.adiesi Be Seated. RH.1 -Mild and4Meliow. KMPC- Bridge Club. Johnson.

*KF'W'R -News. KGF.1 -Notes Fer You. KPAS -Texas Tyler.

*KWKW -News. Variety. KFfIX -March Time. KGB. KVOE- Smoothies. KFXM -Farm Front.

12:45 -KFl, KFSD -Right to Happiness. KNX- Bachelor's Children.

KHJ. KGB, K.FX.M. EN OE- Frolics.

KMPC -Jack Sherman. KFWR -AI Jarvis. KFV I)- Violet Schram.

*KFAC -News. KI'AS- fnüersity of Calif. KFON- Lucky Lady. KGER -Garden School, BFI. KSD -Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party. KECA -.lack Rerch Show. KHJ-War Criminals Trials. *K.IP(' -News, Symphonettes.

*KMTR -News. Pianos. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFAC- Melody Matinee.

*KFVD -News. KPAS- Popular Melodies. KFXAI -Songe of Hawaii. *KGER -News. Music.

1:15 -KFf.- KFSD -Stella Dagas. KECA -Radio Parade. KHJ. KFX111 -Bill Hay Reads the Bible. KMTR -Latin Legato. KFAC -Melody Matinee. KGB, KVOE- Johnson Family. KFVD-Moods In Music. *RGER- Inquiring Reporter.

I :35 *KNX -News. 1 :30 -KFI, KIND-Lorenzo Jones. KNX- enture Story.

KECA -This Moiing World. *KH,1. KGB. KFXM. KVOE- Summertime Melodies. KMPC-Lady of ('harm. KMTR -Dance Time. *KRKD -News. Music. *KPAS -Listener, Digest. *KWKW -News, Musical Memories.

KGFJ -Intermission. KFVD- Hawaiian Mysie. RGER -Lest We Forget. I:iS -KF-f, KFSD -Young Widder Brown. KNX -Gene Baker. KECA -Betty Crocker. KMPC -Bing Crosby. KRAD- Singing Waiters. KPAS- Beyond Victory. KFOX- Concert Master.

2 -HFr' KFSD -When a Girl Marries. ENX- Evelyn Winter. *KHJ -This Changing World. RECA- What's Doin' Ladles? *KMPC -News, Don Otis. *KMTR -News. Meet the Band. KFAC- Memory Musicale. Kt:FJ -Town Crier. KRKD- concert Matinee. KPAS -Melodious Moments. KWSW -Club fin. RFOX -Organ Treasures. IKFVD- Timely Tunes. KGER- Rolf's Band.

*KGB, KFXM. KVOE -New,. 2:15 -KFI, KFSD - Portly Faces

Life. RNX -Service Time. KHJ-It Happened Tomorrow. KGB -Man About Town. KVOE -El Toro Marines. KFOX- Publio Bulletin.

2:35 *KN X -News. 2:30 -KFI, KIM-Just Plain Bill

KNX -Meet the Minna. KECA -Best Sellers. KHJ -Modern Music. KFWB -Three Men on a Mike. KMTR -Western Music

Makers. KRKD- Baseball Scores. KPAS- Personality School.

*KWKW -News. KFON -Bones nt the West. KVOE -Radio Tour. EGER- Between the Lines.

2:45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Farrell.

Page 21: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


*HFID -News. ER RD--Pan-Americana. RI OE -Meet A Friend. RFI -Road of Life. RNX- H anneal ses Prot ectI e

League. *KECA -Three o'clock News. *KH.I, RGFR. REVD -Sm. *KMrr- Nessa. Don Otis.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR- Nesss, Dial and Win.

RFAC-Fa moos Musical Fax mies.

Kf.F.1 -,1nrk l'ut. *K I'A S-N nase KRKD- Matinee Melodies. KW/UV-Studio l'enter. RFVn- Pnpular Fat strife*. SF(IX -Buddy Cole. K .R. RV 'OF- Griffin Re-

norting. RPAM-News, Ilesotians,

Brevities. :15 -KFI -.Joyce Jordan, M.D.

RH.1 -Nippy Homes, Norma Soong.

KECA- Walkie Talkies. K PAS -.lake Boa Matinee 'tit

5 p.m. KWKW'- R.fleetions in Music. RFOX- Hawaii /'alla. H I'Of .-Of Cis'ie Inf t. RFSD -Rond of Life.

1:30 -5( Fl -Aunt Mary. RNX -Jimmy Carroll Sings. RF:CA- Frances Seully. KFWB -Tempo Americana.

*HFAC -News. *RRRD -News Headlines. *KWKW-Off the Press.

RFOX- Hollywood Salon. R( F.R- ('heerhd ('hat. KGB. RI'OE- Mnsieal Mati-

nee. 3:45 -11P1. KFSD -Woman of

America. * RNX -The World Today, Joseph

KIM KGB, KFXM, RI OF.- Elsa Maxwell.

K ECA- Fanllight Fat°rites. KMPP -Peter Potter. KFW B -Jarr. KWKW- S,sfrig Session.

4 -1C1I. RFSD -This Woman'

!CNN-Potluck Party. *KECA- Headline Edition. *KILL KGB, KF'X M. Kl0E-

Fred Morrison. *KMPC -News, Music.

KFWB- Woman'. l'are. *KMTR -News, Win MoveO.

K1: F.1 -Swing S de. RRRD -Piano Paintings. KFA('- ILtsical Masterpieces.

*IC FOX -New.. RFI D - Piano Selm tiara.

*Kc ER -News Helene Said' b. :IS* KM REND-News of the

World. *KH.I, KGB. KF'NM, KI'IIE-

Rex Miller. *RE('A- Raymond Gram Swing.

S MPC- Garret4'a Varieties. K FR' B- Gospoi and Song.

*KEN 17-News. KWRW- Theater Guide. Musk BRED- Mnaieland quiz.

1:30 -RFI -Art Baker's Notebook. !CNN-Gene Krupa Orch. KN1- Sketeh Rook.

*RFC A -Gen. Pierre, Comment IMP(' -Hit Parade Tunes. KC.F.1- Air- o- torials, Orchestre

sit Jonr. RAVED-Tunes of the Day. KWKW- 1'itisena' Committee KGB -Songs of ['rake. KFXM -Dr. Milli M. listen. K VOF Trenaury Salute.

x:45 -KECA- Srath -M3 ri. KNX -The Tadda. KMI'C- Modern Rnnusnrrs. RFWIt- Stuart Hamblen.

*KRIM- News. KWKW- l'inno Het cries. RFXM -Musical Cocktail, KV0F 'cru ice Salute.

*KFSD- Richard Harkness.

5 *KFI -Richard Harkness. *KNX -Major Knox Manning.

KECA -Terry and tue Pirates. *KH.I. KGB. KF: \M, KV OF

Sam Hayes. *SMPC -Nees, Teen fi Twenty. *KMTR -New., Sonnet Rhythms

K( :F.11-.4i1e at 5. FERRA -Songs of file Saddle. KP.1S -Trarle Harry. KWKW- Speaking of Sports.

*KGER -News. Music. *KFSD-OK for Release.

1:15 *KFI, KFSD, KF'IL KF'AC- News.

Hel\ -Through a Woman' Eyes.

SECA -Dirk Trees. KH.I. KGB, !UAW, HI OF


KMTR -Show Tunes. RIAS -It Pays to Know. KWKW- Today's Hits.

5:30 -1:F1 -foire of a Nation. *K N X-Nelson Pringle. KF:('A -.lark Armstrong. K IIJ, K61t, KI'XSI, KI'OF

Ads emu Iva of Tom Mix. K wilt-Ira in Allen. KF'.II' -Whoa Bill ('lob. KGFJ -Karl. Recap. KRRD -South Sea Serenade. K Fl 0-90-90 Chah, KI'A' -Sen ire Men. K WIC W- American Jewish Hr. K FOX-Varieties.

6:43 *K11, KFSI)- -Elmer Peterson. *KNN -Newis. Truman Bradley. *Kt.:CA -News. *KH,I, KGB. KI'XM, Kl0F. -

Night News Wire. KMP1' -onset

*K5ITIC -R. leuti. Fiala, News KI:F.1 -Shaw Tinte. KRR11 -Race Results. KF1 l) -1 Bening Serenade. Kl'AS -Ring Crosby. R FOX I l'a Neri n.

*KI :ER -Nat es News. 5:33 *RN X- Rill Ilene,.

Fh, KIND -Woltz Time. 6 KNX -Jerry Wayne !QOM. *KH.I, K(:R. KI'NSI, KIIIE-

Gabriel Heatter. *KECA- Famous Jury Tripla. *KFWH, KGER, KFOX-Newa. *KMI'C- News, Norman Nesbitt *KMTR -Newa, Tomasso

Ensemble. KGFJ- Musical Digest 'lit

R p.m. KF'AC -Music for Fier) one. K It K1t -Early Unncette. Kl'AS- Pilgrim Inspirational

Hoar. KW KW- Italian Melodies.

e:15 -Rfl1, KGR -Real Life Stories. KM PC-Ogle Walera.

*KFW'IR -John It. Hughes. K l'.IS- W.C.T.T. K1:ß -Inside Story. KF \M -Meet the Horse. KI OE-Smooth l'erformaflre. K F11 \ -Sl irnrles of Science. K(.l' R -Nat'l Message.

1:311 -KII. KFMD- People Are I sunny.

RNX- 'l'bose Il 01.1 r..


SHÉRIFF Don't miss this entertaining half hour with Sheriff Mark Chase and

Comical Cousin Cassie

KECA-6:30 P.M. FRI.

KECA -Depth Valley Sheriff. R1-11.1. KGB, KFM, KI. OE-

Spot Rght Bands. .KMPC-Del Mar Raga.

FL America Dances," KSITR- Concert Moderne. SPAS- Church of Christ.

*KWKW-Masir with Appeal. RFVD- SaudesMe. RFOX- 11111's Memory Room.

6:45 -KRRD- Hollywood Tune - smiths.

KI'AS- Inside Facts. KW KW-Et ening Serenade.

6:55-K Et 'A--Coronet Story Teller. 7 -KFI, KFMO- Dunninger, Men -

talist ANN -Ray Bolger. Kl:('A- hosing Bouts. RILL IC IE: -Now It COO

Re Told. *KM I'(' -News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -New.. Help Wa10e11.




KI At- Concert in Miniature. *Kl(Kll -News.

Ili PAS-Help Wanted. RWR W- Matrice Johnson. RFO \-dans Arden. KGB -Eddie Orcutt,,

*RGFR -News. 7:13*KH.I, KGB, RFXM, KVOE-

Jim Doyle, News. KMTR -W. R. Record. Ili RIM-Three-Quarter Time.

*K PAS-News. KFIIX -Sainte Io Seri ices. I Ili ER -Dr. Fagan.

7:30 *KFI. KFSD-Bill Stern, Sports K \\ -Harry Jantes. K FII'A -Green Hornet, KH.1. Kl:it. KFM, Rl'OE -

Lone Ranger. KM PC-Dinner lance.

*KEN K-N ews. KNIT lt, KWKW -Or, Clem

DAa ies. Kl A(' -Floret Ira's Jewel Boa. KI(KD -Ito lass Know. R l' AS- Concert. KGER -FI. Wayne Gospel.

7:13 -KF'1- Cabbages and Ringo. *KERB, KFOX -Major Hubert

Turner, Pomment, *S F'A(' -News.

KRK1)- Father Vaughan.

8 KF'1, KFSD-Supper Club. K N N -.lark Kirkwood. K F:1'A- Ittind Ilote. K11.1. KGB, KF'XSI, K1 11E-

'toting Routs. *K 'I PC-News, Frank Hem -

ingaay. *KEW it-1 tispatch From

Renters. *KMTR -New..

RFA('- Fa ening Concert. RI:F.1-Of Words and Verse. RPAS- Taylor Music. ARKI) -South Seas Serenade. Wfi VZ.- Telesisian, Test

Pattern. *KI'AS, KGER -News.

1:055 -KGER- Auhrey Lee.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Ake 10:30 -111:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

KM'l'K-Floyd ß. Johnaao, 1:15* K F'I, K F7111-Fleet sssoul

I.n sat on, Consistent. KNX-Jnr Smith, K S11'1'-ItnselM II. KI'lI 1t-1Varner Bross.' Orch. KI: EJ-Seremub For You.

1:30-KFI, KF)tll-l'orrsrtion Please. K\\-it Pays to he Ignorant.

KF:t'A-l'our F.B.I. *KF'll'IS-News.

KliF.1-Danciug Rhythm. KI'AS-texas Jim Lett is. KF'lIS-l'. E. Gardner. K K K1/---Merry-Go-Round. NY:NV7 Pelesision,

News, Peacetime Jobs. 11:1:5-K li--Strange Dr. Weird.

MIX 5'7 Telesfeion, Tele- comirs.

9 KFL KFSD -Night Editor. KNX- Aldrich Family. K FAA-Spade Cooley a Rand.

*K11.1, K1:ß, KF'NM, KVOM News, Glenn (lardy.

KM I'('- Baseball. *KF'll'R -Peter de lima. *KMTR -News. Concert Master,

KGF.1- Salados Amigos. R11111)-Western Hit Parade. K l`AS -Musde Bas. W'6NI7 Telesfsinn, Ama-

teur Sports. KFON- Samuel M. Patin.

*KC:F.R -Nears. Anhrey Lee. 9:15 -KFI- Grenade in Song and



Cecil Brown, Nears. RFWII- Strollin' Tam.

*KFO X -Newa. KFSD -Cited for Valor.

9:30 -RFI -.lark Haley, Village Store.

K NX -Thin Man. *KECA -News. *K11.1. KGB, KFXM, Rl0F

Freedom of Opportunity. *KFWR -Henry Charles.

KMTR -M ode rn Monds. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

9:4.5 -KECA- I1ohhy Hours, *KFI/'R -Sam Baiter.

9:S5 -RNX -Tobe Reed.

i o *KFI. KFSD- Riehtield Reporter.

*KN \-Chet Hintier. *K MP( ' -Newa, Legion Fights. *KIITK -News. Texas Jim

Less i.. H F'AI' -Lucky Lager Danes

Time. *KF'I D- Newsical. 3 Hrs.

K( :FJ- Western Masir. K 11 -M erry -Go- Roundup. SPAS- Western Hit Pampa.


10 to 12 P. M. Ivory KIN 11...,4

KFWB Aswrki s Rs.N Mods

KFWB-Eastside Club. *1(11.1, KGB, RFXM, HVOE-

F'red Morrison.

Hollywood Spotlight with Georee Fisher

10:00 P. M, - KECA

Inside the News with * Mr. Carveth Wells


KI:1'A -Nally wood Spotlight. Georre Fisher.

10 :15-K FI-Si ncerely Yours. *KS \- Pacific War Analysis.

KIs1'A- Charile Chan. *KILL R5'IIF .-News. RFXM -Music for Night.

10:30 -KFI -4 orseth Wells, Inslds the News.

RNX -World's Most Honored Mode.

*FL F'CA -News. KHJ- Johnson Family. KMTR -Roh Brooks. KGB. KI'(IF -Organ Melodies. RFXM -Mystery Theater.

10 :45-101-01e Corral. KF.('A- Freddy Martin Orch. KRJ, KGB -.Johnny Neblett.

ii *KFI. RH.1 -News. *RNX -News. Jim Wyatt.

K E('A- Tames, Tidings. *KM PI'- News. Lou Story,

RFNR- Eastside (uh. - *KMTR- News, Win Morro.

KF'AI' -Lucky Lager Danes Time.

HI: F'.1- Tintypes. RPAS- Shep's Playhouse. KGB. KVOF. -Joe Reichman

llreh. HFll\ -Merl Lindsay Okla-

homans, 11:15- K Fl- Post Parade.

RILL KGB, KVt)F- Cardten I'a vallero's Dreh.

KGF.I -Blue of Evening. 11: ̂ 0- RFl -it Happened Today.

RNX -Jimmy Dorsey. 11:30-K FI, KFSD- Digest, Law-

rence Welk Orchestra. HNX -Louis Armstrong. KF:1'A- Harrrnfters, Roth

Orch. KH.1. KGB, KI.OF- Bobbie

Ramos. KM PC-Da neeland. RFVn- Newsiral. 'tit 1 a.m. K(:F.R- Musical Roundup.

11:S.S- RFI -Lawrence Welt] Orch. KGFJ- What's Cp.?

11:53 *KFI, K?(: , HFWB -Sews.


Page 22: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

T NEWS f T H.E . D A Y


Scotch Triple Action Cleanser

KFI, KFSD- Reserve. *RN X -News, Let's Pretend.

KECA -Don McNeil Break - fa ,t Club.

*K11.1- News. *KMI'C -News Commentary.

HFWB -Rands in Review. *RMTR -News. Western Stan.

KFAC- ('euntry Church. KGFJ- Coneert Pastelle. KWKW- Receilte Rene. HP.1S- Quartermaster's Corps. Kil D- Cos ered Wagon Jubilee

*KGB, KFX5f. KVOE -Front Line Report.

*KGER -News. Soul Patrol.


HAVEN Tues., Th

First Mate Good 5h

DO A. M.

OF REST urs., Sat. Bob and the ip Grava

FRKD. KFOS -Karen of Beet 11:15-KFI-K. C. Jamboree. KHJ. KGB, KVOE- Rainbow

House. HMPC- -Market Report, Sports HRHD- taseen Enemy. Kit KW -Bev. Patterson. K(.EIt- Mlzpah. KI' X'd- Morning Melodies.

41:30-K19. HFSD- Smilin' Ed MConnell_

KNX- Billie Burke. HMI-Nary Program. KMPC -Wave Recruiting. KFN B- Salute to Youth. KVITIt- Chrlat Church Unity. *KFAC. HRHD -News.

*K PAS-New s, Music. *KU KW -News, Azusa Mission. *KRKC -News Headlines. HFOS- Children's Bible Hour. REAM-Sun shine Service. S:15-K11.1-Wax Shop.

KMPC-Jr. Army on March. *KFIVÜ -Nen

KFAC -Show Time. KFVD -Vocal Varieties. KWKW -Re ceUle. H FI- Reserve. KECA- Mirandy. HNX- Theater of Today. HMI. KGB. KFX31, HVOE-

Hello Mon *RAP( PC -News, Peter Potter. *KFWVB -Henry Charles. *H.MTR -News, Children's

Religions Hour. *KFSD. K(.l'.l, EGER -News.

KFOX- Fire hrands for Jesus. K RED-Sag ehrusli Serenade. KPAS-Rod Delaney. KWKW- Rhapsody on Rhythm KFVD -Waltz Time.

$:15 -KFI, KFSD -- Consumer Time. *KECA -Reseve, News. KFWB- Mid. Morning Melodies KGFJ- Melody Interlude. KPAS-Waltz Time. K1VKW- Kettles and Calico. *KFVD- News,

0:30 -K1'i -Alex Drier. KNX -Stars Ocer Hollywood. KF('A -Farm & Home Makers HHJ, KGB. KFXJI, HVOE- \'irginia Spencer.

*KFAC. KWKW -News. KGFJ-Open Album. KIND-Show Tunes. KPAS- Popular Oldsters. KGER -Radio Revisal. KFSD-Atlantir Spotlight.

1:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KFAC -Musical Comedy,

*HRHD -News, Clifton. KWKW- Gospel Friends. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KGB -Red Cros,, Reporter. KGER--Colonial Tabernacle.

10- -Grand Central Station. *KHJ. K GB, X51, EVOE-

*KECA -Neva. *REP(' -News, Peter Fetter.

KFWB- Salvation Army. *H.MTR -News. Marching to

Victory. KFAC-Midmorning Matinee. KGFJ- Raring News.

*Kl'AS -News, Music. KWKW -Met. Scratch Sheet. KFVD- Morning Serenade. KFSD -House of Make Believe

*RFOX. KGER -News. 10:1' --KFI- Treasury Salute.

KECA -Popular Profiles. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Al Williams. KFV1B -C110 Grams. RMTR -Hinge Men. KGFJ -Bing Crosby Sings. KFAC -L.A. Medical Ass's. KRHD -Talk. EWKW- Morning Melodies. HFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGER -Grace Testimony.

10:30 -KFI, HFSD- Veteran's Ad- Aisne. Lt. Com. Crum.

*KNX-News. KHJ- Clinic Forum. KECA -Reserve.

*KI'WB -Henry Charles, News RMTR- American Story Book.

*HWBW -News, Symphonic Strings.

*KFAC -News, Rations. KGFJ- tpbeat Session. HPAS -Help Wanted. HFX.M- Barbara Brent

Presents. HVOF- -Voice of the Army. KGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:43 *KFi, KECA -News. KMPC -Home ('Irate. KFWB- Better Speech. KMTR-Tabernacle Choir. HPAS- Marines. KFAC- Between the Lines. HI'OX- Ftrebrand'e Children's

Hour. SFNM- American Mercury Theater. KFSD-War Telescope.

11- 1 HFi. HFSD- Musleana. KNX -Mary Lee Taylor. KECA- Musical Toast. KH.I, KGB. HVOE -Hal

Aloma's Orel'. *KMPC -News, Hollywood

Melodies. KFWB -Al ,Jarvis.

*KMTR-News. Music. KFAC -Pan Americana. KGFJ- Stylings In Blue. KRKD-Light Concert. MI D- Musical Revue. KPAS-J. Newton Yates. HWHW -Baseball. Variety. HFXM- Rancho Roundup. 11:15- HFf -R coven e.

. HMPC- Samuel B. McKee. KFAC-Musa. for You. KWKW -W.P.B. KGER- Gospel Story Hour.

1 :30 -KFI -Sky High.



s7oT640T790Ts30T1020T fi To- 1 IzaoT133oT1390 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1290 1360 14301490

RNS -Give. Take. *KECA -Newa.

KHJ. KFX.M- Doorway to Music.

KM PC -Naomi Reynolds. KMTR -Song Showcase.

*KFAC. KPAS-News. *KRHD -News. Music. *HWHW -News. Instrumelodies

HGB -Fairy Tales. KVOE -Voice of the Army.

11:15 -KECA -Allen Prescott. *RNS -News.

KMPC-This Day of War. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KRHD -Vocal Varieties. KIND-Violet Schram. HFI -Noon Farm Reporter. i HNN -Your Marine Corps.

*KHJ -News. KECA- Tailor -Made Melodies.

*KMPC -News, Frank Heming- way.

HFWB -Eddie Heywood. *HMI:R -News. Trading Post.

KFAC. KFV D- Luncheon Concert.

KGFJ-- CaIRnç All Zones. KRHD- Prairie Schooner.

*KPAS- Western. KWKW-Blue Room.

*KGB, HVOE. KGER -News. KFSD -- Orchestra of Nation.

12:15 -KFI -The Amer:can World. *HMPC Automotive News.

KGFJ- Keyboard Magic. KGB -Ryan Swing Club.

*HFOX. KFX1f -News. KGER- Golden West Cowboys.

12:30 -KFI -Home What You Make it 1/N11-Public Affairs. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KV'0E-

Sammy Haye'e Orch. HMPC -Bridge Club.

*KFW B -News. KPAS-T. Texas Tyler.

*HWHW -New., Hawaiian Echoes.

KGFJ-Notes For You. KFY D- Violet Schram. KGER- Kurbstono Kollege.

12:45-KNX -Ten from Tokyo. KMPC-Jack Sherman. KFWB-Al Janis.

*KFAC-News. HPAS- Univnatty of Calif. KFON -Meet the Band. 1 -KFI. KFSD-Blues in the

Afternoon. KNX- Report from Washing-

ton. *KECA -News. Allen Roth

Orch. KH.1. KGB. HFXM. KVOE-

Memo for Tomorrow. *KMPC-News, Flying Feet.

KFWB -Cas You Tie That? *KMTR -News. Pianos.

KGF.1- Easy Rhythm. *KFV D, KGER -News.

SATURDAY Program Highlights Horning Programs Appear In Lirhtface Type: Afternoon

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:15-KC Jamboree. KFI. 8:00- Breakfast Club. KECA. 9:00 -"Hello Mom." KHJ.

10:00 -Grand Central Station, KNX.

6:00 -National Barn Dance. KFI 6:00- -_Your Hit. Parade. KNX. 7:00 -Judy Canore. KFI.

:30 -Grand Ole Opn.. KFI. 9:30- Phonocord Party. KFI. 10:13 -Hollywood Barn Dance,


Draina 9:n0- _Theater of Today. KNX. 9:30 -Stars Over Hollywood,

KNX. 2:00 -Grand Hotel, BFI. 6:30 -(ailing All Detectives,

RHJ. 8:30 -Mayor of the Town. FINN. 8:30 -Life of Riley. KECA. 9:11112 Players. KNX. 9:30- -Green Hornet, RE('A. 9:30 -Miracle of Borde, KMTR.

10:30 -Midnight Mysteries, KMPC. Quiz Programs

7:ha -.Quiz of Two Cities, KHJ. 8:30 -Troth nr Consequences,

KFI. War

10:0 -Vet's Advisor. KFI. 3:00 -Welcome Home. ANN.


8:30 -Man From G -2. BECA. Outstanding Music

4:00 -Musical Masterpieces, KFAC.

5:00- Gilbert d Sullivan Festi- sal. KECA.

5:30 -Detroit Symphony. HHJ. 6:00 -Musical Digest. KGFJ. 7 :15 -Inglewood Park Concert,

KNX. 8:00- Evening Concert. KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Eastside Club. HEWS. Public Affairf

12:45 -Ten from Tokyo. TENN. 1:30 -Book of the Month. KGER 3:15- People's Platform. KNX 4:00 -Our Foreign Policy. KFI. 5:00- Words. Verse. KGFJ. 9:00- American Way Forum. KFI

Sports -Comment 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet. KWKW 10:00 -Racing. KGFJ. 1:18 -Handicap, KFI.

2:00 -Sports Parade. KHJ. 2:30 -Baseball. MILT. 5:00- Sports. KNX. 8:00 -Sparts. KFI 5:13 -Belle Martell, KMTR. 3:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 8:45 -Race Results. EKED. 6:30 -Del Mor, KMPC. 8:13 -Ba se hall. KMPC. i

SPAS -Popular Melodies. SWIM-Western Roundup. KFON -Dance Time.

1:15 -KFI- Merchant -Citizen Handl-

SHJ -Felix de Cola. KFAC -Melody Matinee. HWHW- Symposium of Swing. KFVD-Moods in Muele. KGB, 1E1'OE- Bobbie Meeker

Orch. *KGER -Inquiring Reporter.

1:30 -KFI, 11E50-World of Melody HNN -Jack Kerr. HHJ. KGB, KZNM, SV'OE-

Music for a Half Hour. HMPC- Crisis In War Time. KMTR-Dick Ross. KGFJ -Intermission.

*KRHD -News. KIND- Hawaiian Music.

*KPAS -List ' Digest. KFOX- Concert Master. KGER -Book of the Month.

1:45 -KNX- Racing. HMPC -Your Traffic Cop. HFV D -Vocal Varieties. KRHD- Singing Waiters. HPAS- Rhumba.

ZKFI. KFSD-Grand Hotel. HNS -We Deliver the Goads. *KEC-at

KG h

B a

HFXM HVOE- Sport Parade.

*KMPC -News, Harry James. HFWB- Make- Bellere Ball-

room Quartet. *EMIR -News. Piano Style.

KFAC- Memory Musicale. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. HRHD- Concert Melodies. HFVD- Timely Tunes. EGER -Long Beach Band. RFOX -Organ Treasures.

2:15- SHJ -Jimmy Tarantine. HMPC -Every Man King.

2 :30-KFI, KFSD -John W. Vandercook.

KNX -Tommy Tucker. KHJ-Cnke Sesh. KMPC-Baseball. KFWB- Better Speech. KMTR -Sang Box. KRHD- Baseball Scores.

*HWHW -News. Oh Brother: *KGB. KFXM, KVOE -News.

KGER- Between the Lines. 2:45.01E1 -Tin Pan Alley.

KH.(, KGB -Fun With Music. HRHD- Pan -Americana.

*MVO-News. KFSD-Songs by Zorovs. KFI- Saturday Session. ANN-Welcome Hour. KHJ -Return to Duty. KECA -Music Room,

*HM PC- Baseball. KFWR -Henry Charles.

*KMTR-News. Dial and Win. KFAC- Famous Musical

Favorite,,. *KPAS-News.

KRHD- Matinee Melodies. HFOX- Varieties. KGFJ -Jack Pot. KFVD- Popular Favorite*. KGB, KFX.M, HVOE -Halls

of Monteuma. *KFSD. KGER -News.

3:13 -KNX- People's Platform. REWE -Vora) Varieties.


MATINEE 3:15 -5:15 p.m.

KPAS Monday thru Saturday

KPAS-Juke Box Matinee 'ti 3:30 p.m.

HFOX- Hawaii Calls. 3:30 -KFI, KFSD- Unseen Enemy.

KHJ. KGB. KF.ILVI, 111V0E -1 Hawaii Calls.

KECA- Reserve. *KRIM-News. *KWKW -Oft the Press.

HFOX- Hollywood Salon. 3:45 -AFT, HFSD -Art of Living.

ANN -The World Today. KECA-C10- Labor Show. EFVD- Rhumba Music. HWHW -Swing Session.

3:55 *HNX -Bob Trout. 4 -KFI. HFSD -Our Foreign Policy.

KNX -Helen Hayes. KECA -Jobs After Victory. KHJ, KGB, REAM EN--

Music for Remembrance.

Page 23: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

KMPC- Baseball. SFAC- Musical Masterpieces, SFWB- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -News, Win Morro. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KI'''D- Plano. KRIM-Piano Paintings.

*SEEP., KFOX -News. 4:15 -SECA- Radio, American Way

*KI'''D -News. KRKD- Movleland Quiz. SW'KW- Theater Guide,

Melody. KFOX -Christian Science.

4 :30-KFI-Traffic Tribunal. KNX -The Todds K ECA -Land of the Lost. KHJ, KGB, KFX.I. HYDE--

Opinion Requested. KFWB--Blind Artists' Guild. KGFJ- Orchestre du Jour. K RIM-Tunes of the Day. HFVV -Tea Time Tunes.

*KWHW -News, Plano Moods. *HFSD- Person to Parson.

4:43 -KFI -Band on Parade. KNX-Ona Munson. KFWB -Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD -News.

S -KFI, KFSD-Rube Sant - melson.

KNX- ('rime Photographer. KECA -Gilbert 4: Sulliiau

Festival. *KHJ-News. *KMPC -News, American Music. *KMTR -News, Sunset Rhythms

KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. SFAC- Musical Comedy. KFVD- Evening Serenade. HGFJ -Jive at Fite. KWHW- Speaking of Sports. SPX-NI-Word of Life. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

*KGB, KVOE, KGER-News. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD-News.

SHJ, KGB. KFXM, HYDE-. Canary l'et Shop.

KECA- Freddy Martin's Orch. KMPC-San Fernando News. KMTR -Relie Martell, Sports.

*HFAC, SF'7) -News. KWHW- Today's Hits.

1:30 -KFI -Sophist tented Swing. *KNX- Nelson Pringle.

KECA -Man From G -2. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KS'OE-

Detroit Symphony. SMPC -Loulse Vallon. KMTR -Irwin Allen. HGFJ -Race Recap. KRSD -South Sea Serenade. SPAS- Future Pianists. KWKW- Lnity. SEER -Rev. Wall. &FOX -On the Band Wagon. KF''D -90 -90 Club.

5:45 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -Truman Bradley, News.

KMI'C- Bishop Stet ens. KMTR- Treusury Salute. HGFJ -Show Time. KRSD -Race Results. KI'AS -Bing Crosby. KWHW -Jazz Concert. KFOX -Bal Taberin. HGER -Light for Today.

5:55*KNX -Ned Calmer. KFSD- National Barn

Dance. KNX -Hit Parade. KECA -Pages ut Melody.

*KMPC -News. *KFWB, EGER, KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, Petite Musicale.

KFAC -Musc' for Everyone. KRKD-Early Dancette.


8 P.m. KPAS -Sunset Hour.

C:15- KMPC- Philippine Chamber of Commerce.

*KFWB-Henry Charles. KRKD -South Sea Serenade.

*SFVD- News. 6:3u -KFI, KFSD-Can You Top

This? KECA -Flight to the Pacific. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Calling All Detectives. KMPC-Del Mar Races. KFVD- Vaudeville. KPA.S-Sweet Chariot Hour. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. HOER -Lukin Valley Ch.

C:45 -KNX- Saturday Night Serenade.

KECA- American Sports. KRKD- Hollywood Tunesmiths

8:55- KECA- Coronet Quick Quiz. 7 -KF!, HFSD -Judy Canova

Show. KECA -Saturday Senior Swing

Another Thrifty Radio Hit! "SYMPOSIUM OF SWOON"

&attiring PETER POTTER

Hear The 6 Top Tunes of the Week. Your favorite Guest Stars Exciting Contest with Record Album Prizes.

MICA 7:00 to 7 :30 P. M. Eery Saturday Night

KHJ-Quiz of Two Cities. *KMPC -News, American

Legion. *KMTR -News, Organ Reveries.

KFAC-Dr. James Fifield, Jr. SPAS- Nazarene ('hurch. KWHW- Mission Covenant

Church. *KRKD. KFXM, KVOF News.

KFO.X -Leroy Anderson. *KGEtf -News, Music.




KNX -Sat., 7:15 to 7:45 P. M. Inglewood Park Cemetery Assn.

] :15- KNX- Inglewood ('ark Concert KMTR -W. B. Record. KRKD- Three -Quarter Time.

:30 -KFI, HFSD -Grand Ole Opry. KECA -Symposium of Swoon. SHJ, KGB, KFX.M, HVOE-

Red Ryder. KMPC- Challenge to Youth.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. HFAC -Dr. F. B. Fugerburg. KRKD -Du You Know? KPAS- Church of God. KRKW -Dr, Clem Davies. KGER -Wings of Healing.

7:45 -KNX -Tlte Story Teller, *KFWB -Henry Charles. *HFAC -News.

Iír'. HFSD -Youth Parade. KNX- America in Air. HHJ, KGB. RFXM, HYDE-

Chicago Theater of Air. SECA -Harry Kogen's Orch.

*KMPC -News, Frank Hem - ingway.

KFWB- American Sketches. *KMTR -News, Porter

Barrington. KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ-Of Words and 'Verse. KPAS- Taylor Music.

*HGER -News. Sister Sylvia. 8:13-KMPC-Baseball.

KFWB -Story of Israel. KGFJ- Serenade for You.

8:30 -KFI, KFSD -Truth or Consequences.

RNX- Lionel Barrymore, SECA -Life of Riley. KMPC -Life Speaks.

*KFWB--News. KMTR -Word of Life. EGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. SFOX- County Barn Dance. RPAS -Texas Jim Lewis. HGER -Sunshine Pastor.

8:4S -KFWB-Henry Field's Concert.

*KF.(.A -News. s ISS *KNX -News.

9 4FI- Reserve. KNX- Twelve Players. KECA- hayloft Hoedown.

*KHJ. KGB. 11FX-1I, HYDE- News

*SMPC -News, Dance Parade. KFWB- Union Rescue Mission.

*KMTR -News. Concert Master. KGFJ -Saludos Amigos. KPAS -Music Box. KFOX -Res'. C. T. James.

*HGER -News, Sunshine Pastor 0:15 *KH.1. KGB -Norman Nesbitt.

'A Party Conies to Life'


Phonocord Family Party


Art Baker Master of Ceremonies

9 :30-K PI- Phonocord Family Party.

RNX- That's a Good Idea. KE('A -Casa Manama Orch. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Eddie

Oliver's Orch. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR- Miracle of Words. SPAS -County Barn Dance. HGER -Billy Opie.

9:43- KFI -This is My Country. KNX -Don't You Believe It. KHJ -Songs of Good Cheer.

*KFWB--David Surr. KFM -Music for Night. SFSD -G.1. Legal AId.

9:15 *SHJ, KGB, SFtM. Hl'OE- Mutual Reports the News,

i0 *KFI, KFSD -News. *KNX -('het Huntley.

SHJ, HF'XM- 11i0gs Over the Nation.

HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KECA- American Showcase. *KMPC -News, Dance Parade.

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KFOX-County Burn Dance.

*HFVD- Newsical, 3 Hours. KGFJ -Western Music.

*KGER -News. Sister Fuller, 10:15 -KF1- Reserve.

KNX- Hollywood Barn Dance. KECA -Casa Monona Orch.

10:30 *KFI -From London. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HYDE-.

Joe Reichinan Orch. KECA -Freddy Martin's Orch.

Listen Every Sat. Nile to

Frederick H. Speare's


KMPC - 10:30 P. M.

K111'C- I'rederick It. Spear', Midnight Mysteries.

KMTR -Bob Brooks. *KIND- Newsical, KPAS -Pasadena Civic.

10:45 *KFI -News. KNX- Public Affairs.

11HFI -Joe Relchman Orch. *KNX -Jim Wyatt.

KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Chet Stewart's Orch.

KE('A -('usa Matron. *KMPC- Neiss, Lou Story.


10 to 12 P. M. l.oy N.h tacFt Sunder

1{TWB ,,,.rit.', Ft.,t IoN.

KFWB -Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, 'Vin Morro.

KGFJ-Tintypes. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. SPAS- Shep's Playhouse.

11:15 -- KECA -Musical Interlude, KHJ -Carmen Ca vallero's Orch.

KGFJ-Blue of Evening. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Lawrence Welk

Orch. KNX- George Auld. KECA- Harcrafters, Roth

Orch, KHJ, KGB. KVOE- Bobble

Ramus Orch. KM PC- Danceland.

*KIND- News(fal, 'vil 1 a.m. 11 :53 *KFI, KNX, SFWB -News.

RADIO WEST I Conhnued Truni Pape 8)

White waving her teacup through the air as she went through one of her musical numbers. Laughs were pro- vided by studio hecklers who at- tempted to pitch pennies into the cup, street -organ style.

Ah, the Movie Life! All of the time that poor Tom Bren-

eman has been broadcasting his "Breakfast in Hollywood," he's been getting along without a private office of his own. He provides individual of- fices for a staff of seven but does his own office routine out of the top drawer of his receptionist's desk.

Good things come to those who wait

-or something. Because in the film now being produced on the program Breneman fares much better. Producer Robert S. Golden has had a swanky $5,000 office built for Tom on the movie set.

Last Straw Charlotte Greenwood tells this story

on herself. During the time of strict gas rationing, she was ever so careful and ever so patriotic. And she was mighty proud that she never missed nor was late for an appointment, re- hearsal or broadcast. But the day after gas rationing was lifted -it happened. She ran out of gas and was a half - hour late for her own radio rehearsal!

Dept. of Coincidence History repeats itself . . . and an

event during rehearsal session for Columbia's "I Was There" proves the truth of this oft - repeated observation. With Mrs. Eleanor Wilson McAdoo as guest witness, the cast was running over a dramatization of the false peace excitement just prior to the end of World War I. At that particular moment, Producer Ray Buffum stopped the proceedings to announce the end of World War II . . . and that an- nouncement, too, turned out to be a false report.

Are You Kzddin' A tall, lanky sailor newly returned

from the icy cold Alaskan waters pulled Perry Ward's leg for several minutes the other day on "What's Doin' Ladies ?" with a series of tall

(Please Turn to Page 261

Page 24: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

..oar. ay. m an a.nrrlae 1 -r ire tir me rooms,. quit, or offer type. * indicates proyruuls of news und ronune,,laiion. *A.B.C. World l'orresapondrnts

11:13 a.m. M -h Abbott Mysteries _ .. 1(11.1, 3 :30 p.m. Su Adhautures of Hill lattice _. KIN, 11 :e pmt, Su Attroturr. of 'l' %lis... KHJ, 5:30 p.m. SI -h Adtrnlurra of 'topper KFI. 9 p.m. Th Adtrnlurra of the Thin Man KNX, 9:311 p.m. h Albers Hour. Kilo 111:311 a.n,. M -Ii, Album of Familiar Muair KFI. 0:30 p.m. Su Aldrich Family .. . KN X, 9 p.111. F Allen, Irwin hilt It, 5:30 11.111. M -Sa America in Ihr Air K\ X. 8 p.m. Sa America Malted KFI. 11 p.m. Su American Forum h11.1. 0:30 p.m. Tu Aluerlcan Artily IIur IiS X, 1:30 p.m. To American Slur) 1:,,..k h11'r12, 10:30 11.111. Sa American Shr1. ltonudup KEI'A, 6:I1 p.m. Maio *anuer.en, nob _. - h. .\. : :30 a.m. 11 -e Andrews Sisters KI« .%. 1:30 p.m. Su Art Bu

*Art Art Ba Arntstr Army Aunt J Allrot Ate Mu .4 Moan Barry on Brrmmg Bachelor Backalt Baker. *Butter !landau Baptist Baru 11


teer K111'í'. 9:111 a.11í. M -F KNX, 5:30 Su

Baker, Ness Bak Nol rho.. k

uug. Jack. Hour _.

Je ._ Mary ria Hour ao's I.Ife Ire, Lionel ham bet tit. is Children. ge Wife ...... irae

, Sam .

gnu llyalrri Brothers


Baseball *Baukh "Beulah Bennett, Iletirr Better .

Bible 'Il

K11, 10N5 a.m. 11-F K FI, 4:341 pan. 11-F

KI':( .t. S:30 p.m. M-F KF'l, I p.m. Su

1.4X. 8:13 t.nt. 11-1. K l'I. 3:30 p.m. M-F

K44.1, 9 pnl, su h\\, 11:311 p111. 11-1' h \ X, 8:311 p.m. Sa

h%% KB. 9:34 a.m. F

Ic \ \, l't:13 pan. M-F KFI, I pan. M-F'

k X. 1:45 p.m. M-It K1MK. 9:15 pan. 11-1'

...KF'I, 1::41 lama. -tit K l'AS, 8::311 a.m. 7-, lL

.. KFI, 6 p.m. Sa h 11 l'l', 1:15 p.m. T-F'

.............. I:::n 1,111. SU 2:30 l.b su K51KW, II a.m. M-Sa

Acores hItK11, X::41 man, S1-h age Talkint .HEI'A, 11 a.m. 11-F' a.

... KNX. 5 p.m. Su Constance ltla'A, 11:13 p.ul. M-h Half .......K11J, 4 p.m. Su

Snrrch Kl'1sIt, 1u:1.í .nl., 2:30 p.m. Sa rensnry flour . .. . KMTK, 3:30 p.m.Su; ... ...._ _ _. ... 9:311 a.m. M-l' ...... ............. __ .. K1:I:R, 11:15 .m. M-F'

Big Sister.-..... ........... ...... -...KN X, 9:15 5.111. M -F Big '!'own KNX. 8 p.m. Tu Bigahy. F:. rlyn .. _.. ... Ki rA, 9:15 p.m. 511

Bill Hay Rends the Bible K11J, I:11 p.m. M -F' Biablop Met ru. h 111'(', 5:13 pan. Sa *Hlakiatun, ' I . I t . M I , I 6:30 p.m. l' Blind Date ._ _ Kl «'.%, R p.m. F aloud artists Lail.' 1.115 It. 1:30 p.m. Sa Blondie. KS X, 9:311 p.m. Sn Blue .larket I hi,,. KN X. 9:111 a.m. Sa Book of the Month Kt :F:1t, 1:30 p.m. Sa Blinks........ Is 111F., It:11 p.m. 'lu Burge, Vitiate K11. I:: :0I p.m. 'III Boston Mackie KIIJ, 9:111 p.m. Su Boston Pops Ilrch KK('A. 5: :90 p.m. Sa Boulevard hoir. K11í1í', 11:30 a.111. M -F Bowlers Spurts t :rat ....KFAC, 5 pan. Su Bowrua,


*Bradley, Trianon

Breakfast Club Breoeman's Breakfast

.. »..------ ._.._....... h1,1'.4 9:30 a.m. 11 -Sa BM; ( ̂ Ob 1.111.1', 12:311 p.111. 111-1'

Bridge tlo Dreamland _ KEI'.t, II::41 p.m, sin *Broaden,/ News KHJ, 13 N. M -F; 5 pail. 11 -1' *I.ruwn. Cecil...... .. ....KHJ, 9:13 p.m. 11. M. F

BrOwnsGne Theater .................... 1)1.BS, : p.m. Sn Builder§ of 5 irtury .. KV X. 11:45 p.m. Sa Bulldog Drummond KIIJ, DIMS. 8 p.m. 'f1. Burke, Billie._ ......... ......_ .... KF7, 8:30 pan. W

h \ X, 8:30 a.m. Sa *Calling All Zones.._ kl.i,I, 13 pn,. *Calmer, Ned K\\. 5:55 p.m. Su, Sa Canary Pet Shop KII.I, 5:13 p.m. Sa Callosa. Judy KFI, 7 p.m. Sa Care of Ike Body, h u i'it. I.1:1., s.m. .Il, tl.r .

Carmichael, Houg ._. .... KFI, 6 p.m. Na

Carnatiou Hour_. _..._ _. K1'1, 7 p.m. 11

Carnegie, I/ale K11.1, 11:15 a.m. Su Carter, Nick __ _. _..... ....

KN., KGB, hi-NM. KSIIF ;, 1:30 p.m. Su Catholic Answers .... It, 7:15 p.m. Su Catholic Hour KFI. 3 p.m. Su Cavalcade of America KFI, 8:30 p.m. M Challeuge to l nuth...._..._..KMPC, 7::511 p.m. sit

HPAS, 1:30 p.m. Su .._ KFI, I:30 a.m, Su

Chan, Charlie. HF1'A, 10:13 p.m. M, Tu, Th. F Chicago Roundtable KFI, 8 a.m. Su Chicago Theater KHJ, &KB, HFti31, 8 p.m. Sa


KFI. 10:15 p.m. 'ru ,K1114'. 0:15 p.m, Su

... K11J, 9 p.m. I+

KE('A. : p.nt.F' K'., 2::t11 p.m. 1t=1'11

. 3:15, 11-1'

.._. 1.l'131I, 8 W

Children's Itible 111111(

Christian Science . K1114,

*Charles Henry KI' p.m 1

Church of Ihr Arc l'hurrhnlan 5 sit t.

('.1.0. Labor Slot. Citizens' liens' ConlndrIre Citizens Forum ('Nora 1: l'offue flub .. _.... Collins falling

......KF'OX. R::t0 a.m. St KF.t(', 5:30 p.m. Su

s p.m. 1s1, :td, .dlt Sn: KF(14, 1IS pan. Sa

Wit, 9:13 n.n1., 9:30 : I p.m. Su: :t p.m. Sa

h \ \. : al .11i.. :11 as Mk SII 1.111'(', 5:15 p.m. Sa

K \ \, 3:13 pan. Sa h11KM. 1:311 pan. M-F

K \ \. 9::I0 p.m. Th 14:111X, 2:15 h,n1, SII h\\. 5:30 a.m. M-h

KIT, 11 a.m. Sa unuunnder Scout _..

Clnlcaled Hour ..

1'orrecl' l'oronet Story 'feller Country I 'hurcll of

County Fair l'uumy Medica; Sss,,. ('aunt of Munti I

Cowl, Jane Crime IIIalor ('rime, My Pastina ('rime l'hotographrr *Cunningham, still

.. h11.1, Iu:la a,m, su 7 p.m. M

13111, 9::111 p.m. F I.1:1':t, U:55 p.m, M-F'

IIoIFt wood ..

1.1,M*. 8 a.m. 7'u-So KE(',t, 7:311 p.m. Tu

1.1 A1', 111:1.1 a.ut, Sa . KHJ, 8 p,m. Tu

KIIJ, 11:15 ran. M-F KN\, 9 p.m. 511

K11.1, I::Sa p.m. Su \ , 5 p.m. Sa _.. K11.1, I t :::11 a.m. SU

I/uncc Time (Lurk. Lager) K F./ . 10 p.m. M-Sa: 111::41 p.m. Su

Dance 'l'unite (F:arlaide Beer) ..... __..._._.. KFWIt, In p.m. S1-Sa

Dark l ...gore KECA, 9 p.m. To I/urls for Dough ............... KK1'.5, 1 p.m. Su Date Wifh Judy KF'1, 3:311 p.m, 'l'u Datid Har HUI, 8:13 a.nt, M-F Davies, Dr. Clem K117'R, 7:30 p.m, M-Sa

KWKW, 7:330 11.m. 11-F .... KFIVIt, 8 11.111. 11-Sa

Death Valley Sheriff .... KF:1'A. 6::50 p.m. F Delert and Collect .............. 1.4 X, 6:311 a.m. W Detroit Symphony .... ... h111, 5:30 11,111, Sr Dick 'l'rucy .. 131-.I 1, S:IS 11.n1, M-F *Dickason, Deane .... .. K 11l'(', 9:15 p.m. M Dinner Dance hti,v :;05 p.m, 11-1F Ilun't Tam Itrllra,. Ii' h\\, 11:15 11.111. SA Dorsey i Cu. 1.1'I, 5:311 p.m. Su * Double 0r Vnlhing hll.l, 0:311 p,m. Su Downey, Marton. . Kilt, 9:15 a.m. M-l' Downes. Olin ._. 1: \, 11 :55 a.m. Su Dr. Christian 1. \ X, 11:311 p.m, W

Dr. A. i'. 1ti,hel.,m 1.111'11, 9 p.m. M-Sa I.l o\, 10:15 p.m, 11-h

*Dr. I. O. 1. 1, :::t0 man, M Dr. l'aul .. k I I. 8:30 a.m. M-I' Dr, Turnart._11orl.e nn, KI 1111, 1:15 p.m. Sal Dnnninger, llrntnlV.t1 Is VI, 7 p.m. F I<dd., rlon K\\. I :30 pan. SII I.ditor of the Air.. Isl lo, l': N. HA' F:Ilrr. 11u,r11 1. \\, 9::i11 p.n1, VV

1.I.:a Mastell hll.l, a:t.i p.m. M-F' I trams! Light KIT. 1 p.m. So 1:Il10 anal .Vhrrt .. KI:/ t, 11:15 a.m. 11-1. l':tairline Convert KI'.\f, 9 p,al. M-Sat Faer) lhing for the It s KF'I, 9 p.m. To *F:yrwlinea.. Nets ::15 ti.ns. Th F 'ly Circle ._... K 118, 1'; 4::510 a.m, su 1'anlly (lour...... l'a Jury Trials Farm Reporter._.. F'aahiun Forum Father Brown Feature Story

h \ X. 2 pan. Su h 1.1'.t, R 11.111. F'

K I I. 12 N. 11-Ss K sl 1'l', 1:41 an. Th

KILI, 8:30 p.m. F' h \ \, 1;30 {I.111, M-1'

*Fidler. JI . 1,11 t, 6:15 p.m. Su. .9:30 P.M. 11

Fifirld, I. M. is 1 '.51' 7 p.m. Sun

Fighting .t. t. 1', . 1.1 I t, 5:30 11.111. Su First Line . h\\, 7 p.m. Ill Fisher, George I.Ia'A 10 M-F Filch Band wmoan h111, 4:30 P.M. SII *Flatau, K. lanais h111'R, 5:15 p.m. M-h l'l0reth's Jewel IL, hl'.t(', 1.:30 p.m. M-N l'I0110111 K11.1, 111 p.m. 711 Ford shot. Is FI, 11 a.m. Su

Foreman l'h ill ius' 1 .,un 1.r Barn Dance hi 11\, 9 p.m. SII: /4:30 11 111. 5a

.. ........KI'AS, 9::1.1 p,nl, Sa *Fotrr, I rain.. ..KIIJ, 3::41 Su kW, III.ItS, 11 a.m. M-F

Frank :vid 1 rnrsl . KM I It. 11:15 a.m. Su *Frazier 11 ant K11.1, 11:15 a.m. 11-1, Fred Warin_ _........._ h/'1, 9 a.m. M-1' Fresh I u Time K11J, R::41 p.m. W Front Pate I:Irrrll KF'1, 2:13 p,n1, M-F Funnien. KF'W'It, 11 a.m. Su :'tinny l'aper I.onJ ._ Kl'a/', 7:a0 a.m, Su *Garth, .trlhur... _ .K11.1. 8 a.m. SI-1 Garden Hints KM PC, 11:1.5 a,nl, 11-1 /:ny .Mrs, Featherstone .. .. KF'1. M:30 p.m. SS

G 1 F:Iertrir House Party. K\X, 1 p,u1. M-F Gilbert & Sullivan KFAI', :1::111, Sit

KE('A, 5 p.m. Sa Glamor Mauor..... ._.. ... KF.fA, 9 :Ica. 11-r

...._ Preview, HECA, 7:30 p.m. Su Golden Hour . .. KSlt'C, 7:05 um. SU

Compel Singer ;brand I cabal .I ,I1 ion Grand Ilhlel '(.rand Isle ,/pry I:rral llonlrails in Musi Breen Hornet.._ lirici, chat, Charlotte.. Colliding Light Ilal's Sir Ito

KI!1 t, 7:15 a.m. Tu-F h .\ \, 111 5.111, 5r

KF'1, ! p.n1, Sa KF'1, 7:30 p.m. Sa

, KNtt, 7 p.m. SS

KF:I'.t, 9::41 p.m., Sa hi _I A, 2:30 p.m. Su

K 1 1, 11 a.m. M-F

KI'04, 0:3U p.m. M-Su Hamblen. Sluart .. KF1S'B, 4 :45 11.1u, D

KF{'D, 7:13 a.m. V-F '*Ilardy, Glenn ......_HHJ, HGB,

KF'XM. 113 0E, 10 axis; 9 p.m. D Ilappy Homra _.._....._ .. KH.1. 3:15 p.m. M-F Happy 5lnitlruts KF:('A, :3::41 p.m, Su Harrigan, Hup _....._ KECA, I:45 p.m. M *Har§c11. Jurnh KN\, :1:55 p.m. M-r Haunting Hour .. KFI, 0::10 Y.m, su Hateful, Rev. A, 5 KPAS, 9:311 a.m. Su Hasten of Rest . ... KPAS, 8::50 a.n1, M, W, F

HFYIX, KKKIL 8 a.m. Tu. 'rh, Sa Ilawsfl ('alla ................HHJ, 1)1.85, 3:311 p.m, Sa Hawk, Bob HNX. 7:311 p.m. 11

Hawthorne Houre.._-._ .......... KE(7A. 8:341 p.m. 11

I1:1y, Rfll _ KHJ. 1:15, M-F Hayes, Helen _ KNX, 4 p.m. Ss *Hayes, Sant, _.. _... . KFI, 7:13 a.m. M-Sa

......._ KH.1, .1 n.ul, d-F *Hetherington, Keith SSOXIL, 8:341 p.m. F *Healler Gabriel hI1.1, ill Ho., 6 Y111, W-h

5:13 p.m. Su Hello, Mom kW. 8 11.10. tia *Hrmingway, Frank._

KMPC. 11 S. toad 8 p.m. So-Sa KHJ, 7 a.m. M-F

._J..V X, 5:55 pn, 11-1'

f 161111e..........- .........._ .KKF111, {U

7 .


*Hill. Edwin ( Hit Parade

KNX, 9:341 p.m. Tu


KNX, 9 pan, Sa Hubby Lobby KNX, 8:30 p.m. Tb Hobby Hours KEI'A, 9:15 p.111: M. W. I Hollywural Kara Hanre_..KNX, 10:15 p.m. Sa Holly o 00 Fan Magazine

............ KF'1, 10:13 a,m, H. Tu, W, F Sa Hollywood Melodies KMI, 9:15 a.m. M-F Hollywood Mystery Time....KF:1'.1. 0:20 p.m. Su Hollywood Spotlight KIF:(' I. 10 p.m. M-F Hollywood Open House ..

KS, 111:30 p,lu, Su Hollywood Freshets KNX, :::fU p,u1. 'r11 Hollywood Radin Life ....... ._.KE('A, 9:15 p.m. Su Hollywood Story ............. KF'W'R, 9:111 r.m, M-F I1011yaMNI Theater KFI, 9:30 p.m. W Home l'llats... ....KMI'(', 10:15 a.m. M-F II What loa make It...Kra. IZ::R p.m. Sa liookcy Hall ....._. .....1)LBS, 12::511 p.m, Su Hopper, Ilydda _...H\X, 8:15 pan, M Ilorlun, F'.dwnrd 1:.vrrtt. ...... _...... KF'1, 11 p.m. TS Hour of l'hasrm . KFI, 7 p.m. Su Hour uf Faith .._ ..... 8:311 a.m. Su Huosewives' l'r "teal itr KVX. 3 p.m. M-F' Hughes. .Kd1n R. KF'W'B. 5:15 p.m. It N. M-F Human Adventure KHJ. : p.m. W *Huntley. Chet ......_...........KNX, 3:51 p.m. F, Sa

7:15 a,nt, Sa 1U p.m. M-F Hymns of All l'burchra.. KFI, 11:13 a.m. 11-Th

1.11 t, I:15 pm. M-1 Intorntrd 1lrnulcra.r. hF11/, t p.m. Su Inglewood l'ark l' ert h X, 7 :15 p.m. Sa Inner sinnet h \ \, 11 p.111, 'l'u Inatihstr for Hlind._ _._... hH1'1, 8:15 pan. u International Sunday School

....... _....._ ....... ... ....... _ KM'l'R, 8:15 a.m Sa Invitation to Learning .. KNX, 8:30 "It Pays To Be Ignorant 1.\\, 11:30 p.m. l 1 Was There _. 1. \ \. ::30 p.m, su Jack Beech "hat,, . . .. KE('A. I p.m, M-F Jack Kiel., t KNX. 8 p.m. M-F ,Iwurs Mahe 1lharrars hra'.5, :::111 a.11I, 11-F Janis. AI ........_. K1'W'B, II a.m, 11-Sa Joan Datis Show KNX, 8:30 pm. M ,L,bs for li,l'a KEI'A, ::3W p,m, SS

Jolla Aller Victory KF:CA, 1 p.m. Sr Johnny l'reaenlr KFI, 8:30 pan', Tu Johnson Family KHJ, 12:15 p.m. M-I Johnsun, Floyd B. K11Tit 8:05 p.m. Su. M. W. F

........_............ 10:30 a.m, M-F *,lo oa, Edward ....... _...._...KFI, 9 a.m. M-F

. i p.m, 'l'u, 'l'u Joyce Jordan, 11.11 ....... _......KF'1, 3:13 p.m, M-fr Just Plain Rill _....... . KFI, °:311 M-I' *Kellenburu, 11, 1, KI'1, 5 p.m. II. F

KI'.!), 1:15 p,nl, 51, W. F Kaye. Sp. .001 . KE('t, 10:311 a.m. Su KFI-Light onera KF7, 9:30 p,u1, M Ken l'arsou Ito KL.1, 1:30 p.nt. Su *Kennedy, sobo KE('A, 10 a.m, Su,

...... .._IX Noun. M-F Kysrr'a Kullrgr (Nall Harris) .......KFI, i p.m W Ladies, Re sealed .. ___. KE('A, 1X:30 p.m. M-1 l.anlptigltten KPAS, 2 p.m. Su Lane, Dave KNX. 7:25 a.m. 311-Sa Lang, Judy HHJ, 3:45 p.m. Su *Lang, William KIIJ. 9 a.m. Ir-F



Page 25: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


*Lawton, Fleetwood._XECA, 6:45 a.m. M-Sa. ....KFI. 7:15 a.m. M-Na and 8:15 p.m. M -r

*Layman's Views of New. EFI. 10 a.m. Sn Leave It to Mike..._..._....XHJ -DLBS, 2 p.m, Su Legion Fights KMPC, 10 p.m. F

Lent We Forget, ......._.._.._...K}'W R. 3:15 p.m. St. Let's Pretend ...._.. -KNX, 8:05 a,m. Sa Liberal (:atholie Flour KFAC, A a.m. bu Life Can Re Beautiful..__.... KNX. 10 n.m M-F Life of Riley SECA, 8:30 P.M. Sa *Llsteorr' Dlgeat..._ KPAS, 1:30 p.m. M -Sa Listening Pest., SEC A, 11:30 a.m. Tu -F Living in Hpl:ywooet........KECA. 10:55 a.m. M -F' Lombardo, Guy.____ 6 p.m. Tu Lone Ranger..._ ... .. .KHJ.

_...KGB, KI,XM. KVOE. 7:M p.m. M -F' Lorenzo .tones KFI. 1:30 p.m. M -F Lucky Lady KFOX. 12:45 p.m. M -F Lucky Infer Dance Time _..KFAC. 10 p.m. D Lum & Abner KECA, 8 p.m. M -Th Luncheon with Lopez .._. "....... _ KRJ, KGB.

SFXM, KVOE, 10:15 a.m. M -F Lutheran Hour _...KHJ. 9:30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gaspe. Hour KPAS. 3:30 p.m. Su

Lux Radio Theater ... ...........KNX, 6 p.m, M McCarthy, Charlie RF'4 5 p.m. Su *MacDonald, Margaret KNX, 10:311 a.m. M -F Main Line_. KHJ, 8 p.m. W Maiale KNX, 7:30 p.m. W *Major ha,,, 'I..nning

KNX, 12:15 p.m. 5 p.m.. M-F Make Relieve Balk ,,o, ...KFW II, ll a.m. M -Sa Ma Perkins........... ....... .. ....... KFI. 12 :15 p.m. M -F

..........._. ...__.._ ...................KNX. 10:15 a.m. M -F *Malone, Ted KECA. 10:15 sat. M -F Manhattan Merry- Go- Round_._.KFI. 0 p.m. Su Mao Palled X KFI, 7 p.m. -Tu Mao from G -2 KECA, 5:30 p.m. Sa Market Report _.._.KMP(:, 8:15 a.m. M -sa *Mertyn. GU. ........ _ _.._._...KECA. 10 a.m. M -F

1:30 p.m. M -F Mary Small Revue..._ KECA, 2 p.m. Su Manua. Perry ............... _.._...KNX, 11:30 a.m. M -F Mayor of Town KNX, 8:30 pan. Sa McNeill's Breakfast Club ........_._..._ .......... _...

............___.......,KEC'A, 8 a.m. M -Sa Mediation Baard.._._._.KU.1. DLBS. 5 p.m. Su Meet the Sisals K.X. 2:30 p.m. M -F Meet Me nt Parky's AFI, 7:30 p.m. Su Memory Music, (Ted Bacon)...-

KHJ, 12:30 p.m. Su Men of Virion KNX. 4 P.m. Si Met. Scratch Sheet..._ ....... KWKW. 10 a.m. M -Sa Message of Israel..._ RECA 7 a.m. Su Michael Shayne ............ ....... ...........KHJ. 8 p.m. M

K Midnight Mysteries MPC, 10:30 p.m. Su Mild and Mellow HHJ, 12:30 p.m. M -F Milani KFWB, 10 a.m. M -F *Miller. Rex KHJ, KGB. 9:15 p.m. Su, T, Th

KHJ. 4:15 p.m. M -F Mirandy KECA, 9 a.m. Sa

KFI, 10 a.m. M -F Miracle., of S,'irule....KFUX, 6:15 p.m. M. W, F Miracle of Words . ...._...._...KMTR. 9:30 P.M. Su Morning Bible Hour KFOX, 8:30 a.m. Su *Morrison. Fred ,......_.KHJ, 4 m., 10 p.m. M -F Mother's Album KMPC. 8 :15 p.m. Su Mr. and Mrs. North KFI. 9 p.m. Su Mr. District Attorney ....... _...KFI, 6:30 p.m. ` W Mr. Keene KNX. 4:30 p.m. Tit Munson, line ..._ .............._.._ KNX, 4:45 p.m. Sa Murder Is My Hubby -- KUJ, 5:311 p.m. Su Murder Will Out..._..__ KECA. 9:30 p.m. Tu Murray. Johnny _ KNX, a a.m. M -F' *Murrow, Edward. .KNX. 10:45 a.m. Su Musical Masterpieces.......___ KFAC. 4 p.m. M -F' Musical Milestones KFI, 10:30 a.m. S11

Musical Digest. _._._ KGFJ, 6 p.m. M -Sa Mystery Chef ..._.._...IiHJ -DLBS. 9:45 a.m. M -F' Mystery in Air......._.. ».._.._ _...... KFI, 7 p.m. Th .Mystery Theater KFI, s p.m. Tu My True Story XECA, 1,1 :30 a.m. M -F 'Name That Song KILT. 7:30 p.m. Su National Barn Dance KFI. 6 p.m. Sa National Vespern..._.._ ...... ....KE4'A, 12:30 p.m. Su Navy In Review ...__..._ ...............KFWB, 8 p.m. Sa NBC Symphony KFI. 2 p.m. Su Neblett. Juhnoy._ KHJ, 10:45 a.nt. M -F' Neighbors..._......._. KNX. 12 N.. M -F *Ne.biI I, N.n.m.,a KMPC. 6 p.m. M -F

w a.m. yt -F: 12:15 a.m. 3I-F KH.I. DIRS. 9:15 p.m. Sa

New Advent,uv+ ..I .,err, Mason ......._.._.._... ICN X, 11:30 a.m. M -F

*Newhall. Scott ........ KPAS, 111:15 a.m. M -F New York Philharmonic KNX. 12 N Su *Newsiest KFVll. to u.m. -1 a.m. Su -Sa Nichols. Roh KECA, 1:15 p.m. M -F' *Night News Wire KHJ. 5:45 p.m. M-F Noah W ehrtrr Rays KFI. 9:30 p.m. Th Now It Can Re Told ........KU.). 7 P.m. M. W -F Uboler Plays K11.1. 1t :311 p.m. W Olympic Fights K\l'l'R. 111 p.m. Tu One Man's Family KFI, 12:30 p.m. Su. One Woman's Opinion KECA. 7:45 a.m. M

One Foot in Heaven 'MCA. 7 p.m. Th Opro Forum. KMIM . 9 p.m. Si. Our Gal Sunday KNX. 9:15 a.m. M -F' Owens. Tom KFI. 6:15 M -F' Ozzie & Harriet KNX, 3 p.m. Su Furit Or 1.111.o-run Hour.. I< FW' 1. b: ::6 P.m. Sa Pacific Story... KFI, 11:15 p.m. S'. Pasadena l'Iayltotre KPAS. 6 P.M. \%

Pay Day Qnis_.._._.._.._ .>ïSIPC, 11:30 p.m. M *rearson. grew 1nr,1 :I@, p *Pennell, RBI ..- ..._._.KFWR, 8 a.m. M -F People Are Funny_. -.._.._._.KFI, 0 :30 p.m F Pepper So11ng's Family..._...KFl, 12:30 p.m. M-F *Peter de Lima

KECA, 8:15 p.m. Tu, W: 6 p.m. Th, F ......._ _ ............... »_...._.....KFWB, 9 p.m. M -F

*Peterson. Elmer KFI. 5:45 p.m. W -Sa Ph000cord Family Party---_...KFI, 9:30 p.m. Sa l'hilo Vance KFI, 6: :10 p.m. TI' *Pierce, Gen. Junius...__

.......___...KECA. 4:30 p.m. M -F; 5 p.m Su Pilgrims Hour ...___.......__ ...... _...KHJ, 8 a.m Su Polly Patterson ..........._.._...KMPC, 9:15 a.m. M-F Popular Profiles_.- __...KECA, 10:15 a.m. Sa Portia Face. l.ife._-__..__...HFI, 2:15 p.m. M -F' Potluck Party - --_... _....._...RNX, 4 p.m. M -F Potter, Peter. KFWB ....... _.......9:30 a.m. -12 N. Su

KMPC, 3:45 p.m. M -W -F: 9:05 a.m. Sa Prayer_._._.._._.....- ...._...DLBS. 3 p.m. D *Pringle, Nelson-. ....KNX, 5 :30 p.m. M -Sa Prophetic Word. .._...._.._.......KGER. 6 :05 p.m. Su Property Owners _ KMTR. 8 :45 p.m. Th Queen for Today KHJ, 11:30 a.m. M -F' *Quiz Rids..._._......_.._ »_._..KECA. 8:30 p.m. Su *Outs of Two Cities..._ __._...KHJ, 7 P.m. Sa Races KGFJ, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. b

KFI, 1:15 p.m. Sa KNX, 1:45 p.m. Sa

Race Results KRSD, 5:45 p.m. M -Sa Radio Parade KECA. 1:15 p.m. M -F Radio Readers' Digest _ KNX. 6 p.m. Su Rainbow House..._._._..._.._...SHJ, 8:15 a.m. Sa Rancho Roundup ........ _._. _...KECA. 9 p.m. F Readers & Writers __...KWKW, 6::t0 p.m. W Real I.ife Stories..._.._ KHJ, 6:15 p.m. M -F Record Room....._..-...._._. KMPC, 2:05 p.m. M -F Red Ryder. ....._.........._.._...KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Tu. Sa Remember Hour KECA. 11:30 a.m. Su

*Reports from the Battlefront-__.--- ..........._.. _.._.._.._ .............._..BFI. 3:45 p.m. Su

Report From Washington..._...KNX, 1 p.m. Sa *Reuters' News Dispatches. KFWB. S p.m. M -F Rev. K. G. Egertaon.___BMTR, 11:15 a.m. Su *Richfield Reporter...__ HFI., 10 p.m. Su -F Right to Happiness.__.__.KF1, 12:45 p.m. M -F Rise & Shine Kip, 6 a.m. M -F' Rise Stevens Show.._.._._..__A 6:30 p.m. M Road of Life ............... -.._.._.._.._...NFL 3 p.m. M -F` Rogue's Gallery _.._.__...._.._. KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su Romance KNX, 8::t0 p.m. Tu Romance of Helen Trent...ANN, 9:30 a.m. Xt -F Romance of Highways- ..___.- _.._- _....._... »...HHJ.

KGB. KEXM. KVOE, 10:15 a.m. Su Romance of the Ranchos.._.HNX, 9:30 p.m. Su Romance, Rhythm, Ripley._K.NX, 7 :30 p.m. Th Romberg, Sigmund ....... _._.._...KFI. 7:30 p.m. Tu Rosemary ...... ..._.._...... __KNX, 11 :15 a.m. M -F Salt lake Tabernacle KNX. 9 a.m. Su Salute to Ser%iee@..._._...KMTR, 5:15 p.m. M -F Saludos Amigos ...... KGFJ, 9 p.m. M -F Salvation Army KFWB, 9:15 a.m. Sa Saturday :sight Serenade _-..KNX, 6:45 p.m. Sa Saturday Evening Party KECA, 3:30 p.m. Su Say It With Music..._.._ KGFJ. 12 N., Su Selene@ of Miod..._.._.._..KF W'B, 10:45 a.m. ld -F' Screen Guild Players..._.._......_ BD1X, 7 p.m. M Scully. Frances_ ...... ___XECA. 3:30 p.m. M -F Service to the Front..._ KNX. 7 p.m. Tu Sewing School KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Tu *Sldrer. WI11fam.__.._..._.__SNX, 2:45 p.m. Su Shore, Dinah .. ._...KIT, 8:30 p.m. Th Simms, (limy. -KFI. 8:311 p.m. Tu Suspense _ KNX. 9 p.m. Th Smilin' Ed McConnelL.._.._...KFI, 8:30 a.m. Sa Smile Time ....... _..__...._.._...... BHJ. 7:15 a.m. M -F' Smith. Kate ,...___...........__._...KNX, 9 a.m. M -F *Smith, Larry _KFI, 9:15 a.m. M -F 4o the Story Goer BHJ, 10:45 p.m. M-F Soldiers With Wings..._ XECA, 9 :30 p.m. Sa Something New..._.._.._.._.._ _.._..KFI. p.m. M Songs of Faith .__......._._._ _.......KFAC.66 p.m, M Song For You KMPC, 1:30 a.m. M -F' Song* of Good Cheer... ____ .KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Sa Songs of the Nations......_...KECA. 4:30 p.m. Su Speaking of Sports ..._..___ KWKW. 5 p.m. M -Sa Spear@ Showcase KMPC, 10:30 p.m. Sa Sporty, Belie Martell..KMTR, 5:15 p.m. Tu.Th,Sa Sports Newsreel ..... ...... _ _.._..KFI. 7:30 p.m. F Sports Parade.. ».. ».._._ XHJ. 2 p.m. Ss Sports Review......._._._...._...HNX, 10:30 p.m. Tu Sportsman's Cluh..._..___.._.KECA, a ::M p.m. W Spotlight Bands ...KHJ, DLBS, 6:30 p.m. M, W, F Stage Door Canteen..---__KNX, 7:311 p.m. F Standard Hour..._ ........_..HFI, 8:30 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollywood r.._.BNX, 9:10 a.m. Sa Stars of Future..._.._ AFI, 11 a.m. Su Start Day Singing..._...KMPC t.:30 .m. M -Sa St. Brendan's Boys' Choir....K ITIl;, 11:05 p.m. Su Steel Horizons ..... K(14, 6 p.m. Su Stella Dallas __....».._...KFI, 1:15 p.m. M -F Story of Israel .._.._.._._...KFWB, 8:15 p.m. Sa Stradivari Orchestra...- KNX. Il a.m. Su Strange As It Seems.._.__...KE('A, 9:30 a.m. Su Strange Dr. Weird ....... ..._...KFWB, 8:45 p.m. F Strollin' Tom ...._KFWB. 9 p.m.. T -F. 4 p.m. Su

KFAC, 8:30 a.m. Su Styles. Hal

_ KFW'R, 2:30 pm. M -F

3:15 p.m 1I-F: 3:311 P.m. S11

Summer Hour KECA. :t p.m. Su Sunday Eve Party _ KECA. :1:30 p.m. Su Sunrise salute.... ...._...._.... K NX. 8:15 a.m. M -Sa

Supper Club.._.___._.._._ KF'I, 8:00 M -F' Superman. Sweet Chariot Hour KPAS, 6::10 p.m. Su Sweetheart Time KH.1, 1(1:30 n.m. Su *Swing, Raymond Gram, KECA, 4:15 p.m. M -F *Take It or Leave It KNX, 7 p.m. Su Take It Easy ............. _.._.._...SHJ. 8:30 a.m. M -F Tapestries of Life K-N\, 9:45 p.m. T

E. Taylor, Mary Lee ..._.._ X, 11 a.m. Sa

Television. Telephone Hour KFI, 9 p.m. M

W8XY2, 8, 8:30, 9 p.m. W s. a: :t0. A p.m. F

Tqn from Tokyo KNX, 12:45 p.m. Sa 'Etna & Tim__ ..............._ RNX. 11:45 a.m. M -F Tennis Championships...._......KWKW, 12:30 p.m., - °30 p.m., Su, M Terry and the Pirates KECA, 5 p.m. M -F Texaco Theater _._.KNX. 6:30 p.m. Su *Thank"; to the Yanks......._...KNX, 7.30 p.m. M That's a Good Idea...__. KNX, 9:30 p.m. Sa Theater of the Air_______-. KECA, 9:30 p.m. Th Theater of Today..-- RNA'. 9 a.m, Sa The Ilortor Fights..._._._...KNX, 6:30 p.m., To The Falcon - KHJ 8:30 p.m. Tu The Saint .... ... ___________ ........KNX. 9 p.m. W The Story Teller..._.._...._.._.K (X. 7:45 p.m. Sa *This Changing World. KH.I, 2 p.m. M -F

_..._._. ..... _ . ............. ........ .- 7 p.m. Su. This Moving World....KECA, 1 :30 p.m. M. W, F This Ta My Country KFI, 9:45 p.m. Sa This Is My Story .........KNX, 4:30 p.m. Su This Is the Army Hour........ .......... }CFI, 1 p.m. Su Thin Woman's Secret.__.._.._.........._..4 P.m, Sf -F' Those Webster@ KNX, 8:311 p.m. F Three Men on a Mlke..._...KFWB, 2:30 p.m. M -F Through a Woman's Eye @._.KNX. 5:15 p.m. M -F Tillamook Kitchen ______ KFI. 10 a.m. F Tin Pan Alley...___ ...... _ ...KFI, 2:45 p.m. Sa Today's Children.._ _---...KFI, 11 :15 a.m. M -F Town Meeting......._ _.._.. KECA, 8:30 p.m. Th Trading Post..._......_.._ _ KMTR, 12 noon, M -F Transatlantic CalL__._.._._...HNX, 9:30 a.m. Su * Trout. Bob..._... ......_......__...KNX. 3:55 p.m. Sa Truth or Conseauenees KFI, 8:30 p.m. Sa *Turner, Major H. S

KFWB, KFOX, 7.15 p.m. M -F Twelve - Players..__ KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Twilight Talea.r.___...KMPC, 4017 P.m. Tu. Th Two on a Clue ...... _.._.._.._ KNN. 11 n.m. M -F Uncle Harry KPAS, 5 p.m. M -F l'nlon Rescue Mission

_.KFWB, 8:311 a.m.; 9 p.m. Su Fnseen Enemy AF 3:30 p.m. Sa tialvrrse On Parade KFI, 9:30 p.m. Tu Vanady _ _._.._.._.._...._.KNX, g :15 a.m. M -F

KFI, 7:30 p.m. T Valleliae, t

RI.udy b *Vaddereook, Johy W'...___.. KFI, 4:15 p.m. 88 Vets Talk It Over.._.._.___..XFWR. 7 p.m. Su Victory Pla7era.._.. _..KFAC, 1 p.m. Su Village Store..._...__.._ 1(F7, 9:30 p.m. F Volee of Calvary..._._......XPAS, 10 p.m. Su, Th Voice of Flrestone-._....._KFI, 5:30 p.m. M Voice of Health.....____-KFAC, 9:15 a.m. Su -E Voice of Prophecy...__-.KMTR. 9:30 p.m. Su

. . . Spanish version.._._.KMTR, 7:30 a.m. Su _...KHJ, KGB, SVOE. 8:30 a.m. Su

Vox Pop.__.__.._._.._......KNX. 9:30 p.m M Walkie Talkle___._.__.KECA, 3 :15 p.m. M -F Waltz Time.___ KFI, 6 p.m. F Want to Re In Radio'.._...KFWR. 3:30 p.m. Su War Criminals Trials..._.__ KHJ, 1 p.m. M -F Waring. Fred. ...... _.._..____.._...KFI. 8 a.m. M -F Washington Inside Out-__.KECA, 9:45 p.m. Su

.KMP(' , 6:30 p.m. Su W'ashlnston Story KECA, 7 p.m. Su Wayne Hing...__.__- ...._._ ____.HFI, 4 p.m. Ss Wayne. Jerry...__...._.______......_...RNX, A p.m. F W. C. T. T :...._.._... .SPAS. 8:15 Dm. F We Delver the Gooda.._._.._..XNX. 2 p.m. Sa Wednesday With You..._.._ _._ KFI, a p.m. W Weird Circle .. KECA, 9 p.m. W Welcome Home. KNX, 3 p.m. Sa *Wells, Carveth...__..._._..XFI. 10:30 p.m. M -F

HFSD, 9 a.m. Su Welles, Sumner MECA, 7 p.m. Tu Wesley Radio Leasue..._...KMPC, 8:30 a.m. Su

KHJ, KGB. KVOE. 8 a.m. Su Western Hit Parade..._____.XPAS. 10 p.m. M -F Westinghouse Hour..._.....__.. _ EFL 11:30 Su What's Doing. Ladles..._..ECA. 2 p.m. M -F W' bats Cookie .._- .__...--_ °.- KECA. 9 a.m. Sa What' L'D °- -- -...._ KGFJ, 11;45 p.m. 5I-Sts When A Girl MSrrics..........._. -NFI. 2 p.m. M -F Whistler .._._.._.._.._.._._._...__ KNX, 9' p.m. M Whoa Bill Cinb.___..__...KFAC, 5:30 p.m. M -F *Wilder, Alvin_-_-__ HFI. 10 a.m. Su Williams, Al......_.._ ...... _.......... Kill 10 :1.7 a.m. Sa Win, Place or Show KECA, 7:30 p.m. Su *Wlnehell. Walter..._.._.- -- -- KECA. 6 p.m. Su Wings Over Jordan 7:35 n.m. Su Winter, Evelyn.____._. _...KNX. 2 p.m. M -F

Woman of America Wolfe. Nero KM), 9 :10 iu.m.'l'n

HFI. 3:45 p.m. M -F Woman in White KFI, 11:30 a.m. M-F Women's Page ... -_ -- KFWB, 4 p.m. M. W. Women's World »._.._.....KPAS, 10:311 a.m. M -F' Words & Veree_.._.._._ KGFJ. 8 p.m. M -Sa *World Today K_NX, 3:45 p.m. M -Sa *Wyatt. James..._._..__..._.. RNX, 11 n.m. 11 -Sa Your Home. Garden...__....KECA, 5:30 n.m. M

Vmir Hit Parade KNX, 6 p.m. Sa Young. Alen ... ..__......_.._ KF :1'.4, t 30 p.m. Tu Toting, Dr. Malone _ -.KNX, 10:45 a.m. M -F


Page 26: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings


(with Harry Warren), but just about everybody's doing "On the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe." Johnny re- corded it for Capitol; Bing Crosby for Decca and Kate Smith for Columbia. The Santa Fe apparently prefers Kate's version and has plastered the moon gals picture in every station from Chicago to L. A.

In the hillbilly field, the master minds picked Tex Ritter's latest, "You Two Timed Me One Time Too Often," as a potential bell ringer and didn't pay much attention to its companion, "Green Grow the Lilacs." But on KRLD in Dallas, Texas, heart of the folk music belt, 'Green Grow" jumped to Number One place the week it was introduced on Hal Horton's Western Hit Parade.

Bobbysoxers, attention! We hear Frankie's slated for an appearance at Hollywood Bowl. Now's your chance to make the bowl flow over.

Enroute East, Tony ( "Jose Gon- zales") Pastor and his boys took a terrific beating flying over the Rocky Mountains in an army bomber. Bands can only travel these days by playing camp shows. Tony's one guy who really plays 'em.

Both Dinah Shore and Charlie Spivak have completed George Gersh- win albums for Victor.

The King Sisters, who have just waxed four new tunes for Victor, will be featured on the Harriet and Ozzie air show starting Aug. 24.

Xavier Cugat plays a musician by day and a bandit by night in "Holi- day in Mexico" at Metro.

Miguelito Valdez' latest Decca rec- ord, "Good, Good, Good," is scoring a big hit with Latin American music fans.

Benny Carter's "I Surrender, Dear," recorded in March, 1944, is proving the greatest hunk of wax the maestro has put out. How come did Capitol wait so long to release it?

Ginny Simms says the G.I.s like "miss you" tunes like "Star Dust" and "Night and Day." They conjure up happy memories of the past.

Danny Kaye did not pass the medi- cos' examinations, so it looks like his overseas hop is off.

Spade Cooley, whose first record, "Shame On You," was an outstanding hit, has signed a long time contract with Columbia.

Benny Goodman's got a new one called "Clarinade," written by his for- mer pianist, Mel Powell, now in the army.

Kay Kyser's latest novelty is "Horses Don't Bet On People."

Woody Herman's Canadian tour was so successful he plans to return there next winter for a stay ... B- r -r -r!


Dig0' Discs R(,g!CAPSTS RADIO WEST (Continued from Page 2;:)

Anita O'Day has rejoined Gene Kru- pa's band in New York. She's very fine.

Hear tell Glen Gray and the Casa Loma orchestra will be headin' out

KHJ, 8:45 p.m. (10 min.) Monday through Friday. News about Mutual - Don Lee broadcasts and persdnali ties.

Thursday, September 6- "Hobby Lob- by," I.NX, 6:::O p.m. (30 min.) An old favorite returns.

Thursday, September 6 - "The Rudy Vallee Show," KFI, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) Rudy Vallee returns to the air and brings Xavier Cugat who will supply south -of -the- border mu- sic and comedy.

Thursday, September 6 -Dinah Shore's "Open House," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) Dinah returns to the air, and brings back Groucho Marx as her guest.

Comedy Saturday, September 8 - "The Judy

Canova Show," KFI, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Hillbilly Judy returns to the air with a cast featuring Verna Fel- ton, Mel Blanc, Ruby Dandridge, and Joe Kearns. Opie Cates conducts the orchestra and arranges Judy's spe- cial musical numbers.

Saturday, September 8 -"The Life of Riley," KECA, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) William Bendix as Chester Riley re- turns to the air in popular comedy of war-worker and his family.

Narration Sunday, September 2- "Little Known

Facts about Well-Known People," KHJ -DLBS, 11:45 a.m. (15 min.) Dale' Carnegie. *

it /uric Sunday, September 2 - John Charles

Thomas, KFI, 11:30 a.m. (30 min.) Popular baritone and storyteller John Nesbitt return to the Westing- house program after summer vaca tion.

Saturday, September 8 - "Packard Youth Parade," KFI, 8:00 p.m. (30 min.) Competition for young vocal- ists interested in popular singing. George Barclay is M. C. *

Public .1 ffairs Monday, September 3 -War Criminal

Trials, KHJ, DLBS, 1 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Cov- erage of the court proceedings against World War II's renowned criminals.

Sports Friday, September 7 - The Gillette

Fights, KECA, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) The Madison Square Garden bouts will be broadcast throughout the winter season.

Quiz Saturday, September 8- "Truth or Con-

sequences," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.)

this way soon. Frank Bull (our in- formant) also tells us the Merry Macs are doing great back in N. Y.

tales about what happens in that cold, cold climate near the North Pole. After listening patiently to talee about how the flames of fire froze and the cook ground them up to use in lieu of red pepper, how everyone had to walk backward to keep from bumping their heads on their frozen breath, etc., Perry finally decided he'd had enough. "Are you kidding me ?" rotund Perry demanded.

The sailor looked down from his full height of six feet and four inches at the squat, pear-shaped master -of- ceremonies and replied, "I wouldn't have the heart to kid anyone upon whom nature has already played such a cruel joke."

Ralph Edwards brings back his pop- ular audience participation program.

Public Interest Monday, September 3- 'Pacific Sere-

nade," KECA, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Program was formerly called "Tokyo Calling."

WHO'S GUESTING .11 u; is

Monday, September 3 -"The Telephone Hour," KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Jascha Heifitz will be guest. *

Variety Sunday, September 2- Evelyn Bigsby,

KECA, 9:15 p.m. (15 min.) George Denny will be Evelyn's guest.

Friday, September 7 -"The Ray Bolger Show," KNX, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Dinah Shore will be Ray's guest. *


Thursday, September 6 - "Suspense," KNX, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) Request return engagement of Agnes Moore- head in "Sorry, Wrong Number." This will be Miss Morehead's fourth air performance in this exciting drama.


Sunday, September 2- Arturo Tosca- nini, KFI, 2:00 p.m. (1 hr.) Toscanini will conduct the first of two special summer broadcasts for "General Motors Symphony of the Air." Fea- tured works will include Grofe's "Grand Canyon Suite." *

Sports Thursday, September 6- All -Star Foot-

ball Game, KHJ -DLBS, 10:00 p.m. (till game's end.)


Johnny Murray, heard on KNX's "Johnny Murray Talks I- Over," sub- scribes to over 100 magazines and to every major newspaper in the world!

Page 27: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

Itadi? On


4 SGT. BERNIE MILLIGAN. USMC Combat Correspondent, on the deck of a

Marine Aircraft Carrier somewhere in the Pacific. Occasion for the picture

was his meeting with Lt. (j -g) Harry Kerr, USNR, former writer on the Lux Radio Theater

staff in Hollywood. (Kerr is shown at left with eyes closed).

(¿_V ;7I

BOARD AN Aircraft Carrier in the Pacific I Delayed) -Where once the blood ran red, where Marines in- delibly stamped their

mark upon world history, there now flows music.

Battlegrounds of yesterday are peaceful pastures of entertainment today.

Wherever we go in the Pacific, carrying our Marine fighter and tor- pedo- bomber planes a n d pilots to action against the enemy, we are reminded, subtly, that many lives were sacrificed in making if possible for us to enjoy the morale - lifting benefits afforded by radio.

Kwajalein and Eniwetok, in the Marshall Islands, once meant death and still stand for destruction. But today they bring us Bing Crosby, singing his Thursday night reper- toire, by transcription.

From Saipan and Guam, conquered only after the bitterest of fighting, comes Dinah Shore. Ulithi brings Kay Kyser, Palau gives us Frank Sinatra.

This is what yesterday's battlefield means to the warrior of today.

It was not long ago, not yet three years, that the Marines made their first offensive move at Guadalcanal,

ruler Hollywood Radio Man, Now a 4 .l urine Combat Correspondent, Sends

('s an Exclusive, / -'irst -Hand Dispatch

yet, in the intervening months much has happened. And all of it for the better.

Radio at Fingertips There isn't a spot in the Pacific

where the American fighting man is out of touch with the entertainment he values so highly. Whether in muddy foxholes or speedy plane, upon rolling destroyer or smoothly cruising aircraft carrier, the Hit Pa- rade is at his finger tips.

Armed Forces Radio Service, with its Colonel Tom Lewis and his assist- ants, has done a remarkable job in the Pacific.

There once was a perennial argu- ment about which came first to battle, the Marines or the Seabees. It now has a different slant, because some insist AFRS heads every inva- sion.

At any rate, Armed Forces Radio Service is on the scene as soon as the shooting stops and, in some in- stances, even before the battle has ended.

We have been told that Iwo Jima soon will be beaming programs our way; that Okinawa likewise is get- ting ready to operate a station.

There is a series of networks out here, extending from Australia through Guadalcanal, New Guinea, the Marshalls, the Gilberts, the Phil- ippines and on up to the Aleutians. Eventually, perhaps, the network will include Japanese home islands.

Music Invaluable The folks back home cannot imag-

ine what these programs mean to the men. Our Marine pilots particu- larly are susceptible to the charm of music. The common procedure, upon returning from a combat mission, is for a flyer to sprawl in an uphol- stered ready -room chair close to the radio, light a cigarette or pipe, and increase the volume on the radio set.

After Crosby or Dinah Shore has calmed him down, he is relaxed and ready to relate details of his expe- riences.

Radio has an added importance aboard an aircraft carrier where there is no extensive airfield or barracks area for a long walk.

The close confines of carrier life, where daily routine means bombing or being bombed, naturally limit the

(Please Turn 1a Page 31)

Page Twenty-

Page 28: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

4 "C.P." MacGREGOR, emcee of "Skippy Hollywood Theater," entertains guest star Marie (The Body) McDonald at

Perino's before transcription session.

five to forty -five per cent of all ra- dios in use when Skippy time is on the air are dialed to MacGregor's program. Also proof is the fact that "Skippy Hollywood Theater" is the only means of advertising used by the program sponsor, the Rosefield Packing Company of Alameda, Cali- fornia, which had only a small fac- tory with western distribution four years ago, but which now has grown into a company with nation -wide coverage.

The Skippy program is transcribed weekly at the MacGregor Studio, 729 South Western Avenue, Los Angeles. Only original stories are used, and

, one top Hollywood personality is starred on each show .... personali- ties like Herbert Marshall, Miriam Hopkins, Larraine Day, Dana An- drews, Vincent Price, Ruth Chatter - ton, and Joan Bennett. Mahlon Mer- rick and a sixteen -piece orchestra provide the music, with all music ex- pressly scored for each production.

Behind the Skippy story are six- teen years of recording experience for MacGregor, who first started mak- ing electrical transcriptions in San Francisco in 1929. Now he claims the largest transcribed musical and dramatic library in the world. "Hol- lywood Theater" is the only one of his productions being presented in play form. His other outputs feature exclusive recording artists like Stan Kenton, King Cole Trio, Jan Garber, Henry King.

Post -War Plans MacGregor is now planning for

post -war, world -wide distribution of "canned" music and shows, .both dramatic and musical, and deals are now pending for distribution of such shows in all European countries, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and South America.

Personally, MacGregor, who has the reputation of being a generous Scotsman, is a calm, friendly sort of man. He likes to fling an atmos- phere of relaxed luxury around all those working with and for him and also entertains at dinner preceding a cutting session with a star along with Mrs. MacGregor, who is always at the studio on show night to act as hostess. Perino's is a favorite eating place for these get -togethers.

Star's Whims In line with his idea of providing

surroundings conducive to a work- er's best efforts, "C. P. "' caters to the whims of his Skippy stars. Recently when Turhan Bey recorded, he brought along Miss Lana Turner. Background voices were used curing the program and in response to Miss Turner's request, MacGregor allowed her to be one of the voices. Bill Wil-

-- -rrr.*` 4.4,121.

C. P. MacGregor Celebrates His 200th 'Week as "Holl ywood Theater" Emcee

N'rrhir-adap. 4:30 pin. AIY

This week, "C. P." MacGregor celebrates his 200th consecutive week as impresario of " Skippy Hollywood Theater."

UST as "C. B." DeMille used to preside over a broadcast bringing the best in dramatic effort, "C. P." presides over a half -hour program present- ing the best in transcribed radio fare. It was MacGregor

Page Twenty -eight

who felt that transcriptions were the ideal tool for turning out flawless productions ... if a star fell short of his or her best effort, "retakes" could be made. Records could be cut at a time convenient to the star desired for each presentation. Rehearsals could be held until actors felt ade- quately familiar with their parts. To him, this all spelled more stars able to do better dramatic shows, which, in turn, meant top listening.

Prove Theory Proof is the fact that from thirty-

Page 29: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

WHEN TURHAN BEY cut record for Skippy show, Lana Tur-

ner accompanied him to studio and wanted to play a voice

in crowd scene. She did!

liams was humored -he didn't want to wear a tie but he definitely wanted Barbara Hale, RKO eyeful, to be in the control booth while he was re- cording. Virginia Mayo insisted on

SOUND EQUIPMENT at transcription studios on Western

Avenue is inspected by one of Skippy guest stars, Roddy

McDowell. MacGregor claims largest transcribed musical and

dramatic library in world.

entertaining a series of servicemen for tea between acts.

Ruth Warrick, who has appeared twice on the show, expressed a

yearning to kick off her high- heeled

ONLY ORIGINAL STORIES are used in MacGregor's dramatic

series, and one top Hollywood personality is starred on

each show. Appearing have been such luminaries as Edward Everett

Horton (below) Herbert Marshall, Miriam Hopkins, Joan Bennett.

pumps and don bedroom slippers. Now, "C. P." has laid in a stock of various colored and sized "comfies" so that Miss Warrick or any other star so inclined may take-their choice.

SMAHLON MERRICK conducts the music for the program,

directing a sixteen -piece orchestra which uses numbers

expressly scored for each production.

Page 30: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

NEW HENRY ALDRICH, replacing Dickie Jones, who went into Army, is Raymond Ives, heard on

weekly CBSaga of family life.

41 SENTIMENTAL GENTLEMAN of swing, Tommy Dor- sey, visits library of KMPC's record spinner, Don Otis. As guest on Don's "Record Room" program,

"T. D." named his live favorite discs.

TOUR AMERICA" singing trio, heard on Union Pacific's Sunday program on Mutual, found these handy kerosene

lanterns in railroad's historical museum at Omaha, Neb.

.iTOM IRENEMAN is presented with puppet of himself, made by Lou Bunin, right. Bunin also made animated

puppets of Will Rogers, Cantor, and Fanny Brice for movie, "Zieg /eld Follies

Page 31: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

Bing's Own Hit Parade

(Continued from Pape 6)

Mercer to guest on KMH and sing the new song. Bing sang with him and the public reaction to the duet was so clamorous, the two made a phonograph record of it. Later, Johnny came up with another smoothie called "Mr. Meadowlark," which he wrote, with Bing giving it a ride on the air. When Mercer penned "Blues in the Night," and "The Waiter and the Porter and the Upstairs Maid," Der Bingle was Johnny -on- the -spot to sing them. Latest hrain -wave of the clever Mer- cer is the currently popular novelty, "Accent -chuate the Positive," which Bing sang in "Here Come the Waves."

Also in 1940, Bing warbled "When the Swallows Come Back to Canis - trane" and it was "made." Ditto "Basin Street Blues." "Frenesi," "The Hut Sut Song." "Chattanooga Choo Choo." " Tis Autumn" and "Deep in the Heart of Texas."

After the Pearl Harbor tragedy, Ring- war -conscious and eager to help Mr. and Mrs. America remember to buy war bonds, to continue their home front work and to keep faith while the boys were overseas, sched- uled a constant stream of wartime songs, which began with "Any Bonds Today," "Anchors Aweigh." "The White Cliffs of Dover," "Field Artil- lery March," "The Army Air Corps Song." (Off we go into the wide, blue yonder ... "), "Marine Hymn," "The Bombadier Song" and "J o h n n y Doughboy Found a Rose in Ireland." continuing through "Cranky Old Yank." and Private Frank Loesser's sensational four, "Praise the Lord and Pass the. Ammunition," "In My Arms," 'The Road to Victory" and "What Do You Do in the Infantry ?"

Bing didn't miss a trick. He sang Guitarist Perry Botkin's song, "I'm Ridin' Herd On a Cloud," followed with "Comin' in On a Wing" and a "I've Got Sixpence," 'There'll Be a Hot Time in the Town of Berlin," "Bless 'em All," and last, but actu- ally one of the first, "I'll Be Home for Christmas."

Elusive, Casual Bing Crosby never talks for effect.

Completely uninhibited and natural- ly a shrinker from wild applause or loud acclaim he goes his successful way attired in beaten -up clothes of assorted and heterogeneous combina- tions, chews gum, smokes a pipe and is as slippery as an eel, when ap- proached for interviews or unneces- sary conversations.

-For a survey of Bing Crosby's char- acteristics, check with any song plug- ger who wears down the sidewalks along Hollywood's Tin Pan Alley ( North Vine Street, across from NBC studios). Any one of them will tell you that Bing really knows how to

drop the curtain and back away from you.

Meaning that Bing never varies from his rule of singing his own pic- ture tunes And waiting until a song is launched before he sjngs it. "I'm broadcasting a show to entertain people," says Bing, "so why should I

force 'em to listen to some song that I like? I am to please."

Yet for all his modest disclaimers, a song sung by Bing Crosby on Kraft Music Hall seldom fails to become a smash hit. "Home On the Range," "Ave Maria," "Silent Night" a n d "Adeste Fidelis," sung by him for Auroratone (music in color), one of his many projects, is being used in hospitals all over the country to quiet the boys from theaters of war, whose nerves are jangled from their terrific experiences in combat zones.

Radio On A Fighting Flat -Top

¡Continued f Page 2 %)

entertainment and relaxation which a ship can provide.

Early -morning strikes mean all - night work details for plane mechan- ics and ordnancemen. Thus, a hangar deck cannot easily' be transformed into a movie theater, as is customary when safe and peaceful waters sur- round us.

So the job of keeping in touch with the world falls to radio.

And, thanks to this vast, system of stations, radio comes through.

"I like these programs," one Ma- rine fighter pilot mused the other evening. "I couldn't do without them, but what I wouldn't give for just one short, sweet commercial announce- ment."

Out here we'd never know wheth- er Bob Hope was peddling soap or soy beans.

Ear Inspires the Pen (Continued from Page 2)

Carrington writes "Rosemary," "Pep- per Young's Family" and "When a Girl Marries," all of which I listen to, and on which I seldom hear any weeping. So, reader, will you please get your programs straight, before complaining and spoiling them for others?

Mrs. G. Msadenhall, 612 East Common- wealth, Alhambra, Calif.

Sirs: I have bought your maga- zine ever since it was a "pup ", and read it from cover to cover every week, and most always find a pic- ture in it for my radio scrapbook.

As I am a shut -in, and also alone practically all the time, I am a very ardent radio fan. Just before my son went into the army, he bought me a very fine radio with F.M. and short

A ?gnu, what t want to know after reading your article on the G. I. Journal broadcast in Radio Life of July 8, is why you don't log anything for short wave? I would also like to hear "Armed Forces Radio Services" if I knew where to look for it. I have gotten it several times by accident and enjoyed it very much.

The government forbids the printing of short -awue radio schedules during wartime. Aim our spare is so limited. our logs must he mode very brief.

Vera Smith, Montrose, Calif.

Sirs: Could you tell me if Dick Haymes has his own radio program? He should. Also does Cass Daley have a program? She is a really funny person.

Why do so many people gripe about Margaret on "One Man's Family "? She is the one who makes the program. Her scenes with Grandfather Barbour are very real and human.

Why can't we have Jerry Wayne instead of Lawrence Tibbett on "Hit Parade "? Even if the program has gone up seven points, Tibbett sings popular songs badly.

Dick Ilnumes is heard weekly -\RC- AFi. Mewing. 9:00 p.m. Coss Daley re- eentlu -': pleterl her air series. Dirk Todd has replaced Lawrence rib_ twit on the "Hit Parade."

* E. F. D. Babcock, 524 Echo Park Avenue,

Los Angeles 26, Calif.

Sirs: Thanks to your very compre- hensive listing, I have discovered Rene Bozarth's fine program "Of Words and Verse" at 8 o'clock each week night on station KGFJ.

His perfect rendition of the finest poetry of all ages and the beautiful musical background, so wisely chos- en and so artistically handled, give to radio something choice and lovely.

I hope other listeners will find it because of this letter.

Robert Riley Creteber, Beverly Hills, Calif.

Sirs: I am deeply appreciative and grateful for the award which you have sent me. Thank you. Thank you very much. Your excellent and completely informative magazine is a valuable asset to the world of ra- dio, and it is doubly gratifying to be honored by a staff for whom radio has such high regard and respect. Again I thank you.

She Can Side, 'foot! (Continued from l'age J)

her 120 pounds of femininity, her sparkling blue eyes under a halo of golden blonde hair, and her peaches and cream complexion, she is a beauty. It is little wonder that the doorman, or Mr. and Mrs. America for that matter, has titled her an All-American Girl.

Page Thirty-one

Page 32: AMS for WEEK - song on NBC's Kraft Music Hall, it automat- ically becomes a song hit. Overnight, sales be- gin picking up speed, calls for re- cordings

When the "OTHER HALF" Listen! Stayer-uppers, late theatre and night club crowds, third shifters, and

insommniacs make up the "other half" of this work -a -day world. These

comprise the thousand -fold audience that tunes KGFJ for Los Angeles' original long -time midnight -to -dawn program. For dancing, for relaxation . .. for restful enjoyment . . . for popular, classical, or light opera selections -"Starlight and

Shadows" strikes a note in tune with every midnight mood.

12:00 MIDNIGHT TO 6:00 A. M. 365 NIGHTS A YEAR


Thelma Kirchner,

T H E T W E N T Y - F O U R H O U R S T A T I O N