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1 BNAIC 2015 November 5-6, 2015 AMIDST Toolbox A Java library for Analysis of MassIve Data Streams using Probabilistic Graphical Models FP7 European research project Anders L. Madsen, Andres R. Masegosa, Ana M. Martinez, Hanen Borchani, Thomas D. Nielsen, Helge Langseth, Antonio Salmeron, Dario Ramos-Lopez.

Amidst demo (BNAIC 2015)

Jan 15, 2017



AMIDST Toolbox
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Page 1: Amidst demo (BNAIC 2015)

1BNAIC 2015 November 5-6, 2015

AMIDST Toolbox A Java library for Analysis of MassIve Data Streams using

Probabilistic Graphical Models

FP7 European research project

AndersL.Madsen,AndresR.Masegosa, AnaM.Martinez,Hanen Borchani,ThomasD.Nielsen,Helge Langseth,Antonio

Salmeron, DarioRamos-Lopez.

Page 2: Amidst demo (BNAIC 2015)

Outline1. OverviewofAMIDSTToolbox

o Whydatastreamsareimportant?o WhyPGMs foranalyzingdatastreams?o ScalableInference(andlearning)o Roadmapforcomingreleases

2. LiveDemo:Modelingconceptdriftinfinancialdata.o Handlingdatastreams.o DefiningBayesiannetworkswithhidden variables.o InferenceandLearningBayesiannetworks.

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Data Streams everywhere

• Unboundedflowsofdataaregenerateddaily:• SocialNetworks• NetworkMonitoring• Financial/Bankingindustry• ….

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Data Stream Processing

• Processingdatastreamsischallenging:– Donotfitinmainmemory– ContinuousModelupdating– ContinuousModelInference– ConceptDrift

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Processing Massive Data Streams

• Everythinghastoscale:• ScalableComputinginfrastructure• ScalableModels/Inference/Learning

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AMIDST Toolbox

• Scalableframeworkfordatastreamprocessing.• BasedonProbabilisticGraphicalModels.• UniqueprojectfordatastreamminingusingPGMs.• Opensourceproject(ApacheSoftwareLicense2.0).

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§ Thistoolboxaimstodealwithreal,complexandmassivedatastreams.§ Appliedtorealuse-casesofAMIDST’sindustrialpartners.

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Toolbox Web Page

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Why Graphical Models?

§ Let’slookatthefollowingsimpleexample:§ Streamofsensormeasurementsabouttemperature andsmoke presenceinagivengeographicalarea.

§ Monitorthestreamtodetectthepresenceofafire (eventdetectionproblem)

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§ Casttheproblemasananomalydetectionproblem(outliers).§ StreamingK-Means(widelyusedinindustry).

Why Graphical Models?


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Why Graphical Models for analyzing Data Streams?§ Manydatastreamsmodelsareblackboxmodels:

§ Pros:§ Noneedtounderstandtheproblem.

§ Cons:§ Manyhyper-parameterstotune.§ Blackbox modelscanrarelyexplainwhattheylearned.


Blackbox Model


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§ BayesianNetworks:§ Openboxmodels§ Encodepriorknowledge.§ Continuousanddiscretevariables(CLGnetworks).§ Example:

Why Graphical Models?


Temp Smoke

T1 T2 T3 S1


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Why Graphical Models?

Stream Predictions

Openbox Models

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Why Graphical Models?

Stream Predictions

Openbox Models

Blackbox InferenceEngine(multi-coreparallelization)

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Inference Engine

§ Queryingthemodel§ p(Fire=true|t1,t2,t3,s1,season)§ E(Temperature|smoke=true).

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Inference Engine

§ Queryingthemodel§ p(Fire=true|t1,t2,t3,s1,season)§ E(Temperature|smoke=true)

§ Learningfromdata(usingaBayesianapproach):§ Bayesianframeworknaturallydealswithdatastreams.§ Priorisupdatedinthelightofnewdata.

p(✓|d1, . . . , dn, dn+1) / p(dn+1|✓)p(✓|d1, . . . , dn)

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Querying the model

§ ParallelMonteCarloInference[Salmeron etal.CAEPIA2015]

§ ExploitMulti-Core(poweredbyJava8)

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Querying the model

§ ParallelMonteCarloInference[Salmeron etal.CAEPIA2015]

§ ExploitMulti-Core(poweredbyJava8)

§ VariationalMessagePassing[Winnetal.JMLR2004]§ Deterministicapproximation

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Learning from data streams

§ Bayesianapproach:§ Learningasaninferenceproblem.§ PoweredbyVMP.



i = 1 . . . N

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Learning from data streams

§ Bayesianapproach:§ Learningasaninferenceproblem.§ PoweredbyVMP.§ Plateaunotation!!

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Learning from data streams

§ ParallelStreamingVariationalBayes [Brodericketal.NIPS2013]

§ PoweredbyVariationalMessagePassing.§ Multi-coreprocessing(usingJava8).

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Links to other open software

§ MoaLink§ MOAisastate-of-the-arttoolfordatastreammining.§ UsingAMIDSTmodelswithinMOAGUI!

§ Greatforevaluation&comparison.

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Links to other open software

§ HuginLink§ Hugin isacommercialsoftwareforPGMsandinfluencediagrams.§ Modelsconversion.§ Hugin inferenceenginecanbeusedwithinAMIDST.

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Dynamic Bayesian Networks(release 1.1)

§ Encodetemporalknowledge§ Naturallyfitswithdatastreams


Temp(t) Smoke(t)

T1(t) T2(t) T3(t) S1(t)



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Distributed Stream Processing(release 1.1)

§ RLink§ InvokeAMIDSTInferenceenginewithinR.§ Preliminaryfunctionalityrecentlypresented.

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Distributed Stream Processing(release 2.0)

§ FlinkLink§ ApacheFlink:Opensourceplatformfordistributedstreamprocessing.§ HandlingMassiveDataStreams.

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Open Source project

§ We’reopentoyourcontributions!!;)

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Hosted on Github

§ Download::>git clone

§ Compile::>./

§ Run::>./ <class-name>

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Please “star” our project!(if you like it)

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Any questions before the live demo ?


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Borchani etal.ModelingConceptDrift:AProbabilisticGraphicalModelBasedApproach.IDA2015.

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Demo Code Available in Github



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Financial Data

§ ProvidedbyBCC(spanish regionalbank).

§ Consistofmonthlyaggregatedinformation§ Activeclientsbetween18and65yearsold.§ DatabetweenApril2007andMarch2014.§ 11variables

§ Income,totalcredit,expenses,etc.

§ Eachclientisclassifiedas:§ defaulter/non-defaulterinfollowing12months.

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Financial Data

§ Hypothesis:§ Doesspanish financialcrisisimpactonbankcustomers?§ Lookattheevolutionofregionalunemploymentrate.

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Data Preprocessing/Visualization

§ Visualizetheevolutionofthemonthlyaggregateddata:§ Datadoesnotfitinmainmemory!

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Model Building

§ WeuseasimpleNaïveBayesmodel:§ Withaglobalhiddenvariabletotrackconceptdrift.



A1 A2 A11…


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Model Building

§ WealsousePlateaunotation§ “H”isdesignedtocaptureconceptdrift



A1 A2 A11…



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Tracking concept drift

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Tracking concept drift

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§ Masegosaetal.AMIDST:AnalysisofMassiveDataStreamsusingProbabilisticGraphicalModels.Submitted toJMLR.2015.

§ Borchani etal.ModelingConceptDrift:AProbabilisticGraphicalModelBasedApproach.IDA2015.

§ Masegosaetal.Probabilisticgraphicalmodelsonmulti-coreCPUsusingJava8.Submitted toIEEEComputational IntelligenceMagazine,SpecialIssueonComputational IntelligenceSoftware.2015.

§ Salmeron etal.ParallelimportancesamplinginconditionallinearGaussiannetworks.InProceedingsof theConferencia delaAsociacion Españolapara laInteligencia Artificial, volumeinpress,2015.

§ Winnetal. Variationalmessagepassing.JournalofMachineLearningResearch,6:661–694,2005.

§ Brodericketal.Streamingvariational Bayes.InAdvancesinNeuralInformationProcessingSystems,pages1727–1735,2013.

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Any questions ?

45 2015 November 5-6, 2015

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Open Source project

§ We’reopentoyourcontributions!!;)

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