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1 【警告】 使用前に患者への説明文書を用いて本品および手術の特性(利 点とリスク)と共に、本品埋入後の定期的フォローアップが必 要であることについて患者に十分に説明し、文書にて同意を取 得した上で使用すること。また、患者の同意取得に際し、自己 チェックシートを用いるなど理解度を確認すること。(【使用 上の注意】2重要な基本的注意の項を参照すること。) 【禁忌・禁止】 1. 再使用禁止 2. 適用対象(患者) 次の患者には使用しないこと。 ・ 活動性の感染のある患者 ・ 悪性新生物および前癌状態があり、それに対して十分な 処置を受けていない患者 ・ 局所再発の癌およびその疑いのある患者 ・ 妊娠中または授乳中の女性 【形状、構造及び原理等】 〈概要〉 本品は乳房再建術あるいは乳房増大術において、乳房の形状を修復 又は形成するために適用部位に埋入されるゲル充填人工乳房であ る。本品はバリアシェルテクノロジーを採用したシリコーン・エラ ストマーのシェルに、ソフトで凝集性のあるシリコーンゲルを充填 している。すべてのデザインは、シングルルーメンのアナトミカル デザインで、表面はテクスチャード構造である。 〈形状、構造〉 シェルは基本的に3層からなり、ゲルの漏出を抑えるバリアシェル を2つの標準シェルで挟んでいる。また、シェルにはこれも3層から 成るパッチの部分があり、この部分から注入器でゲルを充填し、そ の際パッチにできた小孔を接着剤で塞いでいる。 本品のシェルの表面(外側の標準シェル)には、テクスチャード加 工が施されている。テクスチャード加工は、外側の標準シェルの表 面に同じシリコーンゴムを重層し、硬化後、表面に微細孔加工を施 したものである。 ゲルの架橋度の差により硬さの異なる2つのオプションがあり、 TRUFORM ® 3充填材の方がTRUFORM ® 2充填材より硬い。TRUFORM ® 2 には9種類、TRUFORM ® 3には12種類のプロファイルがあり、それぞ れ容量の異なるサイズ(TRUFORM ® 2は125~740cc、TRUFORM ® 3は 125~775cc)がある。 高さ FL FM FF FX ML MM MF MX LL LM LF LX 特高 プロジェクション 〈全体図〉 接液部分の原材料:シェル及びプラグ-シリコーンゴム 〈オリエンテーションマーク〉 オリエンテーションマークは、外科医が触覚的及び視覚的にイン プラントの方向を認識し、乳房ポケット内の正しい方向にインプ ラントを留置する際の補助となる。マークの位置および数を下図 に示す。 図:オリエンテーションマークの位置と数 〈原理〉 患者に適したサイズ、形状の本品を選択し、腋窩、乳輪周囲、乳房 下溝等の適切な挿入部位から乳腺下又は乳房の筋肉下等に作成した 乳房ポケットに挿入し、適切な位置及び方向に埋入する。本品の埋 入によって適切なサイズ、形状の乳房を形成する。 【使用目的、効能又は効果】 〈使用目的〉 本品は、乳房の形状を修復または形成するために、乳房再建術又は 成人女性の乳房増大術に使用される。ここでいう、乳房再建術、乳 房増大術は以下のとおり。 ・ 乳房再建術とは、腫瘍または外傷により切除された乳房組織の 再建手術、胸部の重度の異常により適切に成長しなかった乳房 を形成するための再建手術。初回手術の補正又は改善のための 再手術も含む。 ・ 乳房増大術とは、バストサイズを大きくするための形成手術。 初回手術の補正又は改善のための再手術も含む。 〈効能又は効果〉 乳房再建術において、腫瘍または外傷により切除された、または胸 部の発育・形成異常等により適切に成長しなかった乳房の形状を修 復または形成する。また、乳房増大術において適切なバストサイズ を達成する。 医療用品 04 整形用品 高度管理医療機器 ゲル充填人工乳房(JMDN:36197000) [L3772 Rev.01] 3772-01 10/2013 2013年10月18日 作成(第1版) 再使用禁止 医療機器承認番号: 22500BZX00460000 FX、MX、LXはTRUFORM ® 3充填材のみ。 4 3) インプラントと以下に挙げる症状との因果関係は解明されてい ないが、将来的には関連があると思われるリスクの可能性があ るので注意すること。 乳癌、癌(乳癌以外)、未分化大細胞型リンパ腫(ALCL)、結 合組織疾患/自己免疫疾患、神経系疾患、自殺 4) その他の有害事象 海外において以下の報告がある。 ・ 乳癌、脳腫瘍、呼吸器癌、肺癌、子宮頸癌、外陰癌、胃癌、白 血病、リンパ腫 ・ 視覚、知覚、筋力、歩行、平衡感覚、思考力または記憶力困難 などの神経系の症状や多発性硬化症などの疾患 【臨床成績】 PIVOTAL臨床試験は、乳房再建術、乳房増大術及びリビジョン手術 (埋入済みインプラントとの交換)の患者を対象に、本品を埋入し たときの有効性と安全性を評価することを目的として海外で行われ た非盲検の前向き試験であり、経過観察期間は10年である。症例数 は、乳房増大群:492例、再建群(乳癌等の原因による乳房切除後 の乳房再建):225例、リビジョン群:224例の合計941例である。 有効性の主要評価項目である術後7年次において、乳房増大群では 患者の96.3%が、再建群では、95.3%の患者が「満足」と回答してい る。また、術後7年次において、リビジョン‐乳房増大群では91.1% の患者が、リビジョン‐再建群では93.0%の患者が「満足」と回答 している。乳房増大群のみで測定した術前、術後のブラカップサイ ズの変化ではブラカップサイズに変化がない患者が2.8%あったが、 他の97%以上が1カップから2カップの増大があった。QOLにおいて、 再建群及び乳房増大群ともに改善があったものは、乳房に関する満 足度、乳房の適合性、乳房の形状、乳房のサイズ、乳房の感覚と 触感でいずれの項目においても術前に比べ有意(p<0.001)に改 善していた。この他、再建群ではMOS-20の社会生活機能、SF-36の 身体の痛み、Rowland による期待度の健康状態(p<0.001)が改 善していた。乳房増大群においては、MOS-20の健康感及び身体機 能、自己概念(TSCS)、Franzoiの身体的自尊心‐総合点、性的魅 力、Rowlandによる自己イメージ、社会関係、日常生活に改善(い ずれもp<0.05)があった。 安全性については、有害事象として再手術(インプラントの摘出、 交換)、破裂、被膜拘縮、位置異常等が観察された。乳房増大群、 再建群、リビジョン-乳房増大群、リビジョン-再建群において発生 した事象に偏りはなかった。 加療を必要とする乳腺炎(7例)、授乳量不足(6例)が報告され た。また、妊娠・出産の問題では、自然流産(16例)、不妊(1 例)、子宮外妊娠(1例)、卵巣嚢胞(1例)、子宮摘出(3例)、 胎児の染色体異常(1例)であった。 【貯蔵・保管方法及び使用期間等】 〈貯蔵・保管方法〉 高温、多湿、直射日光を避ける。室温保存。 開封後はすみやかに使用し、再使用しないこと。 〈有効期間・使用の期限〉 外箱に表示 【承認条件】 1 関連学会と連携の上、実施施設基準・実施医基準を設け、乳房 再建術又は乳房増大術に関連する十分な知識・経験を有する医 師により、同術の実施体制が整った医療機関において本品が使 用されるよう、必要な措置を講ずること。 2 1に掲げる医師が、適応を遵守し、講習の受講等により、本品の 操作に関する十分な技能や手技に伴う合併症等に関する十分な 知識を得た上で、本品が用いられるよう、必要な措置を講ずる こと。 3 使用成績調査により、長期予後について、経年解析結果を医薬 品医療機器総合機構(以下「機構」という。)あて報告すると ともに、必要に応じ適切な措置を講ずること。また、使用成績 調査の期間中、国内においてALCL(未分化大細胞型リンパ腫) が発生した場合は速やかに機構あて報告するとともに、定期的 に集計した成績を提出すること。 4 本品を埋め込むに当たっては、あらかじめ患者又はその家族に 本品の有効性及び危険性が文書をもって説明され、文書による 同意を得てから使用されるよう、適切な措置を講ずること。 再審査期間:承認のあった日から平成27年9月27日まで 【包装】 1個/箱 【主要文献及び文献請求先】 1 Brandon, H.J., Young, V.L., Jerina, K.L., and Wolf, C.J. 2001. Scanning electron microscopy characterization of surgical instrument damage to breast implants. Plast. Re- constr. Surg. 108:52-61. 2 Young, V.L. and Watson, M.E. 2001. Breast implant re- search. Where we have been, where we are, where we need to go. Clin. Plast. Surg. 28(3):451-83. 3 Henriksen, T.F., et al. 2005. Surgical intervention and capsular contracture after breast augmentation: a prospective study of risk factors. Ann. Plast. Surg. 54(4):343-51. 4 Hurst, N.M. 1996. Lactation after augmentation mammo- plasty. Obstet. Gynecol. 87(1):30-4. 5 Bondurant, S., Ernster, V., and Herdman, R., Eds. 2000. Safety of silicone breast implants. Committee on the Safety of Silicone Breast Implants, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. 6 Kulmala, I., et al. 2004. Local complications after cosmetic breast implant surgery in Finland. Ann. Plast. Surg. 53(5):413-9. 文献請求先:アラガン・ジャパン株式会社 カスタマーサービス TEL:0120-404-100(9:00~18:00/土日祝日及び当社休業日を 除く) FAX:0120-407-100(24時間受付) 【製造販売業者及び製造業者の氏名又は名称及び住所等】 製造販売業者:アラガン・ジャパン株式会社 住所:〒150-6035 東京都渋谷区恵比寿四丁目20番3号 恵比寿ガーデンプレイスタワー35階 TEL:0120-404-100(9:00~18:00/土日祝日及び当社休業日を 除く) FAX:0120-407-100(24時間受付) 製造業者の名称:アラガン (ALLERGAN) 国名:コスタリカ共和国 v002 ©2013 Allergan, Inc. ® marks owned by Allergan, Inc. ナトレル ® 410 ブレスト・インプラント (インプラント) 標準シェル バリアシェル アウターレイヤーパッチ ディスク/フィラープラグ ゲル 接着剤 バリアレイヤーパッチ オリエンテーションマーク 又は 〈前面〉 頭側方向 尾側方向 又は 〈背面〉

American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

Aug 11, 2020



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Page 1: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

American ExpressFixed Income Presentation

August 2011

Page 2: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

■ AXP Overview

■ Performance

■ AXP Capital & Funding Management



Page 3: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

AXP Franchise

• American Express is a global service company that provides customers with access to products, insights and experiences that enrich lives and build business success.

• Our principal products are charge and credit cards, focusing on the premium market sector. We are the world's largest issuer as measured by purchase volume.

• Our spend-centric model is a significant competitive advantage.

• American Express is a brand recognized around the world for exceptional service and customer care, and has been ranked highest in overall satisfaction among the largest card issuers in the U.S. for the last 4 years, according to the J.D. Power and Associates annual nationwide credit card satisfaction study.

• Average spending per card is 3 to 4 times higher for us versus our network competitors.

• The global diversity of our business includes:

– 94 million cards in force worldwide,

– More than 120 card issuing or merchant acquiring arrangements with banks and other institutions,

– Approximately 1,000 American Express-branded network partner products.


Page 4: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

H1’10 H1’11 2010

Revenues Net of Interest Exp. $13,365 $14,649 $27,582

Income from Continuing Operations $1,902 $2,472 $4,057

Net Income $1,902 $2,508 $4,057

Return on Average Equity* 23.5% 28.2% 27.5%


*Calculated by dividing one-year period net income/segment income by one-year average total shareholders’ equity/average segment capital, respectively.

U.S. Proprietary Consumer and Small Business Cards and Services

U.S. Consumer Travel Network

Int’l Proprietary Consumer and Small Business Cards and Services

Int’l Consumer Travel Network

Global Merchant Services

Global Network Services

Global Network Card Partnerships

Corporate HQ

Enterprise Growth

Global Payment Options


Corporate & OtherU.S. Card Services International Card Services

Global Network & Merchant Services

Global Commercial Services

H1’10 H1’11 H1’10 H1’11 H1’10 H1’11 H1’10 H1’11 H1’10 H1’11

Revenues Net of Interest Exp.

$7,109 $7,336 $2,242 $2,559 $1,988 $2,312 $2,033 $2,376 ($7) $66

Segment Income $930 $1,220 $294 $350 $197 $361 $514 $637 ($33) ($96)

Return on Avg. Segment Capital*

26% 34% 23% 24% 11% 17% 64% 62%

Corporate Card Programs

Business-to-Business Payment Solutions

Business Travel

($ in millions, except percentages)

Company Overview


Page 5: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation


Payments Landscape

Note: The trademarks, logos and service marks used on this slide and throughout this presentation are the property of their respective owners.

Page 6: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

Spend-Centric Model

High Average


Investmentsin Premium


Premium Economics

Attractive Customer Base

The AXP spend-centric business model focuses primarily on generating revenues by driving spending on our cards, and secondarily finance charges and fees, allowing us to grow market share in the payments industry.


Page 7: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

■ AXP Overview

■ Performance

■ AXP Capital & Funding Management



Page 8: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

Summary Financial Performance

Total Revenues Net of Interest Expense

Return on Average Equity

Income from Continuing Ops*

Diluted EPS from Continuing Ops**









-1,1971,197Average Diluted Shares Outstanding

($ in millions, except per share amounts)

*Net income, including results from discontinued operations, was $1,331MM and $1,017MM in Q2'11 and Q2’10, respectively, and increased 31% versus the prior year.**Attributable to common shareholders. Represents income from continuing operations less earnings allocated to participating share awards and other items of $15MM and $13MM for Q2'11 and Q2'10, respectively. Diluted EPS on a net income basis, including results from discontinued operations, was $1.10 in Q2'11 and $0.84 in Q2’10, andincreased 31% versus the prior year. †This is a Non-GAAP measure. FX adjusted information assumes a constant exchange rate between the periods being compared for purposes of currency translation into U.S. dollars. (i.e., assumes Q2'11 foreign exchange rates apply to Q2'10 results.)

Q2'11 Q2'10 % Inc/(Dec)


FX Adjusted 8%† $7,030$7,618

Page 9: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

Metric Performance

Billed Business ($ in B)**

Total Cards In Force (MM)***

Avg. Basic Cardmember Spending (Dollars)

*FX adjusted information assumes a constant exchange rate between the periods being compared for purposes of currency translation into U.S. dollars. (i.e., assumes Q2'11 foreign exchange rates apply to Q2'10 results.) **Card billed business includes activities (including cash advances) related to proprietary cards, cards issued under network partnership agreements (non-proprietary billed business), and certain insurance fees charged on proprietary cards. ***In Q3’10 ,cards-in-force (CIF) was reduced by 1.6MM cards due to a change in the definition of CIF for certain retail co-brand cards in GNS. Adjusted for this change, Q2'11 CIF would have increased 8% versus last year. †Computed from proprietary card activities only. ††On an FX adjusted basis, Q2'10 cardmember loans would have been $58.1B.

WW Travel Sales ($ in B)












$6.6 17%$5.7




Cardmember Loans ($ in B)



1Q'10 1Q'09 FX Adj.*Q2'11 Q2'10


% Inc/Dec

Page 10: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

Historical Metric Trends

Mgd. Cardmember Loans****

Credit Performance

Avg. Basic Cardmember Spending***

Total Cards In Force**

*Card billed business includes activities (including cash advances) related to proprietary cards, cards issued under network partnership agreements (non-proprietary billed business), and certain insurance fees charged on proprietary cards. ** Q3’10 cards-in-force (CIF) was reduced by 1.6MM cards due to a change in the definition of CIF for certain retail co-brand cards in GNS. Adjusted for this change, CIF would have increased YoY 2%, 5%, 7% and 8% in Q3’10, Q4’10, Q1’11 and Q2’11, respectively.***Computed from proprietary card activities only.****Managed basis includes non-securitized and securitized loans. On a GAAP basis, loan growth increased/(decreased) by 57% in Q1’10, 76% in Q2’10 , 82% in Q3’10 and by 86% in Q4’10.

Billed Business*

% increase/(decrease) vs. prior year:


Page 11: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation







Q2'08 Q4'08 Q2'09 Q4'09 Q2'10 Q4'10 Q2'11

Proprietary Charge Card Billed Business*

Total Ending Cardmember Receivables

$ in billions; % increase/(decrease) vs. prior year:

*Excludes lending on charge billed business.

Charge Card Billed Business vs. Receivables Growth


Ending Receivables $39.9 $33.0 $31.4 $33.7 $34.6 $37.3 $40.1

Page 12: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation







Q2'08 Q4'08 Q2'09 Q4'09 Q2'10 Q4'10 Q2'11

Proprietary Credit Card Billed Business* Ending Loans - Managed**

$ in billions; % increase/(decrease) vs. prior year, Managed:

*Includes lending on charge billed business. **See Annex 1 for GAAP basis for periods prior to 2010.

Lending Billed Business vs. Managed Loan Growth


Ending Loans Managed** $76.5 $72.0 $62.9 $61.8 $57.3 $60.9 $58.7

Page 13: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

February implementation of the CARD Act

Repriced additional segments of US

lending portfolio

Loss of revenue due to August CARD Act


Impact of Collections


Lower revolve rate

First full quarterimpact of Feb.

CARD Act implementation


9.7% 9.8% 10.0% 10.0%9.3% 9.3% 9.1% 9.1% 8.7%

Q2 '09 Q3 '09 Q4 '09 Q1'10 Q2'10 Q3'10 Q4'10 Q1'11 Q2'11

USCS Net Interest Yield Managed Cardmember Loans

See Annex 2 for reconciliation of net interest income divided by average loans, a GAAP measure, and net interest yield, a non-GAAP measure. *See Annex 1 for GAAP basis for periods prior to 2010.


$ in billions; Total Cardmember Loans, Managed*

$54.0 $51.9 $52.6 $49.2 $49.0 $48.7 $51.6 $49.2 $49.9

Page 14: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation


$131 $126

$63 $59$45

Citi* BofA*** JPM** Cap One AXP Discover


$91 $86



AXP Citi* JPM** BofA*** Cap One Discover

Q2 2011 Relative Performance

Growth vs. PY 18% 7% 9% 4% 29% 9%

*Includes Citi-Branded Cards and Citi Holdings Retail Partners North America Cards. **Includes the impact of the Washington Mutual acquisition. Reported billings shown above reflects sales volume, which excludes balance transfers. ***Credit Card, includes US consumer and foreign credit card. †Global Card. ††Fiscal year ends November 30. Billed business is credit card sales volume; disclosed total credit card volume was $27B for the second quarter ended 5/31/11 and increased 11%.

Growth vs. PY (7%) (9%) (12%) 1% 2% (1%)

($ in billions) ($ in billions)

† ††† ††


Page 15: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation


Charge Card Credit Performance

1.6% 1.6%1.4%


Q2'10 Q3'10 Q4'10 Q1'11 Q2'11

USCS Net Write-off Rate ICS/GCS Net Loss Ratio

0.10% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09%

Q2'10 Q3'10 Q4'10 Q1'11 Q2'11

Note: USCS net write-off rates above include Principal only. See Statistical tables in Q2’11 Earnings Release for net write-off rates including interest and/or fees.

Page 16: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

*Rates include principal only. See Statistical tables in Q2’11 Earnings Release for net write-off rates including interest and/or fees. **Fiscal year ends November 30. US Card. *** Includes the impact of the Washington Mutual acquisition. †Global Card. ††Credit Card, includes US consumer and foreign credit card. ††† Citi-Branded Cards.

AXP Lending Net Write-off Rates versus Competitors












AXP Discover JPMorgan Cap One Bank of America

Citi*Q2‘10 Q2'11

†††***** †††

Page 17: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation


4.9% 5.0% 4.9%




2.8% 3.0%




AXP Discover JPMorgan Cap One Bank of America


*Fiscal year ends November 30. US Card. ** Includes the impact of the Washington Mutual acquisition. ***Global Card. †Credit Card, includes US consumer and foreign credit card. ††Citi-Branded Cards.

AXP Lending 30 Days Past Due Rates versus Competitors

Q2‘10 Q2'11



† ††

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Jul'09 Jan'10 Jul'10 Jan'11 Jun'11

70 71 7165




Q2'09 Q4'09 Q2'10 Q4'10 Q2'11

USCS Customers, x000

USCS Managed LendingRoll Rates and Bankruptcy Filings

Current to 30 Days Past Due Number of Bankruptcy Filings

30 Days Past Due to Write-off




Jul'09 Jan'10 Jul'10 Jan'11 Jun'11

Page 19: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

Peer ComparisonTrust FICO Distributions*

*Trust data as of May 2011 for Bank of America (BACCT), April 2011 for Discover (DCENT), March 2011 for AXP Lending Trust (AMXCA) and Citi (CCCIT), February 2011 for JP Morgan (CHAIT), December 2010 for AXP Charge Trust (AEIT) and Capital One (COMET). **Includes receivables associated with accounts without FICO scores. † Data on AEIT excludes the Commercial charge card accounts, a substantial portion of which do not have associated FICO scores. † † For AMXCA, FICO > 720 (“Super-prime”) category includes 2/3’s of the A/R within the 700 – 759 category.


FICO <660 (“Sub-prime”)**


62% 59%51% 50% 48% 45%

AXP Charge Trust†

AXP Lending Trust††

JP Morgan Citi Bank of America

Discover Cap One

FICO >720 (“Super-prime”)




18% 18%20%


AXP Charge Trust†

AXP Lending Trust††

JP Morgan Citi Bank of America

Discover Cap One

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■ AXP Overview

■ Performance

■ AXP Capital & Funding Management



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Capital Management


(Regulatory Ratios, Debt Investor Expectations,

Acquisition Capacity)

(Organic growth and acquisition, dividends, repurchases,

and capital-raising)

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Capital Ratios


*The Tier 1 Common Risk-Based Capital Ratio is calculated as Tier 1 Common Equity, a non-GAAP measure, divided by Risk-weighted assets. See Annex 3 for reconciliation between Tier 1 Common Equity and Total Shareholders’ Equity. **Common equity equals Total Shareholders’ equity of $18.2B. TCE , a non-GAAP measure, equals common shareholders' equity, less goodwill and intangibles of $4.4B for Q2'11. RWA is $115.3B for Q2’11. *The Company’s calculations of Non-GAAP measures may differ from the calculations of similarly titled measures of other companies.]

Tangible Common Equity to Risk-Weighted Assets (“TCE/RWA”)**

Tier 1 Leverage

Tier 1 Risk-Based Capital

Total Risk-Based Capital

Tier 1 Common Risk-Based*













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Funding & Liquidity

• Our liquidity strategy is to target holding sufficient cash and readily marketable securities to meet all maturing funding obligations for the next 12 months, without having to access the unsecured or secured debt capital markets, or raise further retail deposits.

• We continue to focus on maintaining a strong liquidity profile:

– Diversifying our funding sources, in particular continuing to grow retail deposits,

– Laddering out maturities,

– Maintaining substantial levels of both cash and readily marketable securities on hand, as well as contingent funding sources.

• During Q2'11 we continued to focus on growing direct retail savings accounts and CDs sourced through Personal Savings from American Express.

• In June 2011, we issued a C$325MM, 3-year floating rate note at 1-month CDOR +105 bps, a C$400MM 5-year note with a coupon of 3.6% and a $600MM 3-year floating rate note at 3-month LIBOR +85 bps.


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Funding & Liquidity Sources

■ Deposits


■ Unsecured Term Debt

■ Term Bank Facility

■ Commercial Paper


*Drawn balance of the conduit serves as a funding source for the Company; undrawn balance is treated as a contingent source.

■ Cash & Readily Marketable Securities

■ Discount Window

■ Committed Bank Credit Facilities

■ Secured Borrowing through Conduit Facility*

Funding Sources Contingent Sources

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Cash* $18

Readily Marketable Securities


Liquidity Portfolio 21

Q3‘11 2

CP and Short-Term Deposits Outstanding


Q4'11 8

$20 $17 ***Includes $23.1B classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents, less $5.4B of operating cash (cash available to fund day-to-day operations). Cash also includes $206MM classified as Other Assets on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet, which is held against certain forthcoming asset-backed securitization maturities. **Includes maturities of long term unsecured debt of $9.8B, asset-backed securitization liabilities of $3.1B and long-term certificates of deposit of $4.0B.

($ in billions)

Q1'12 3

Excess Cash & SecuritiesTwelve Month Maturities

Q2'11 Liquidity Snapshot

Resources Funding Maturities


Q2‘12 4

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US Retail Deposit Programs

Amount Raised 1.4

June 30, 2011 Balance $ 8.6$ 13.9


March 31, 2011 Balance $ 9.5$12.7



$ 31.6

$ 31.1

* Direct primarily includes the Personal Savings Program, which consists of $12.8B from high yield savings accounts and $0.8B from retail CDs. †Retail CDs include both third party and direct CDs.

Direct *($ in billions)


$ 9.1

$ 8.9

Third Party CDs

Third Party Sweep

Total Deposits


Retail CD Portfolio†: 6/30/11

Weighted Avg., Remaining Maturity 20 Months

Weighted Avg., Rate at Issuance



0.6 0.2

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American ExpressPrimary Issuance Structure

American Express Credit Corporation (Credco)

American Express Centurion Bank (AECB)

American Express Bank, Federal Savings Bank (AEFSB)

American Express Travel Related Services (TRS)

American Express Company (AXP)

Total Assets1,2: $39.1B

Credit Ratings3: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

Regulated By: OCC

Total Assets1,2: $26.3B

Credit Ratings3: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

Regulated By: FDIC & State of Utah

Total Assets1: $142B

Credit Ratings3: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

Regulated By: FRB & Various State


Total Assets1: $144B

Credit Ratings3: A3/BBB+/A+/A(High)

Regulated By: FRB & SEC

1. Total assets as of March 31, 2011.2. Excludes off-balance sheet loans of $11.1 billion and $7.3 billion for AECB and AEFSB, respectively. These assets are included in the GAAP assets at TRS.3. Credit Ratings indicated are from Moody’s/S&P/Fitch/DBRS as of August 5, 2011. Credit Outlook: Moody’s, S&P, Fitch and DBRS – stable.

American ExpressIssuance Trust (AEIT)

American ExpressCredit Account Master Trust (AMXCA)

Total Assets1: $31.7B

Credit Ratings3: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

Regulated By: SEC


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American Express Travel Related Services (TRS)

American Express Company (AXP)

Credit Ratings1: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

Credit Ratings1: A3/BBB+/A+/A(High)

1) Credit Ratings indicated are from Moody’s/S&P/Fitch/DBRS as of August 5, 2011.


AXP and TRS are Bank and Financial Holding Companies

• Leading global payments and travel company

• Sources of funding:

• Dividends from subsidiaries

• Unsecured long-term notes

• Issues corporate charge cards and prepaid products

• Sells corporate charge cards to Credco

• The Lending Trust is consolidated by TRS

• Sources of funding:

• Unsecured medium and long-term notes

• Asset backed securities (ABS) issued by AmericanExpress Issuance Trust

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1) Credit Ratings indicated are from Moody’s/S&P/Fitch/DBRS as of August 5, 2011.


• Funds the following products:

• US and Non-US charge cards

• Non-US revolving cards

• Sources of funding:

• Issuance of US and non-US unsecured long term debt

• Asset backed securities (ABS) issued by American Express Issuance Trust

• Borrowings under bank credit facilities in certain international markets

• Inter-company borrowings

• Retail notes

• Direct issuance of 3(a)(3) commercial paper (P-1/A-2/F1/R-1)

• Terms of purchase of receivables:

• Credco has an agreement with TRS such that sales of card receivables by TRS to Credco will be at a discounted rate that will yield earnings for fixed charges of not less than 1.25 times such charges

• Credco may also purchase American Express card receivables from AECB, AEFSB and other AXP card issuers

American Express Travel Related Services (TRS)

Credit Ratings1: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

American Express Credit Corporation (Credco)

100% owned by TRS

12/31/09 12/31/10 3/31/11

1.59 1.54 1.42

Credco-Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges

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US Banks

1) Credit Ratings indicated are from Moody’s/S&P/Fitch/DBRS as of August 5, 2011.


American Express Travel Related Services (TRS)

• Incorporated in 1987

• Issues and funds the following charge and revolving cards:

• Consumer Charge (including Lending on Charge)

• Proprietary Lending

• Sources of funding:

• Retail deposits

• Inter-company borrowings

• Unsecured medium and long-term notes

• Asset backed securities (ABS) issued by American Express Credit Account Master Trust

• Short-term money market instruments

• Incorporated in 2000

• Primarily issues and funds the following charge and revolving cards:

• Strategic Co-Brand

• OPEN (Small Business Services)

• One from American Express

• Sources of funding:

• Retail deposits

• Inter-company borrowings

• Unsecured medium and long-term notes

• Asset backed securities (ABS) issued by American Express Credit Account Master Trust

• Short-term money market instruments

American Express Centurion Bank (AECB)

100% owned by TRS

Credit Ratings1: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

American Express Bank, Federal Savings Bank (AEFSB)

100% owned by TRS

Credit Ratings1: A2/BBB+/A+/A(High)

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55.147.4 43.1 43.3


30.023.3 18.1



9.0 2.33.4 3.7

12/31/08 12/31/09 12/31/10 6/30/11

Short-term Debt*


Card ABS***

Unsecured Term


$99.5 $97.4

Outstanding Funding Composition


*Short-term Debt as of 6/30/11 includes $0.7B of Commercial Paper and $3.0B of other short-term borrowings. ** Deposits include short-term CD’s. ***On January 1, 2010, the Company consolidated its off-balance sheet ABS funding onto the balance sheet in compliance with new GAAP governing transfer of financial assets (formally known as SFAS 166/167). In prior periods, off-balance sheet ABS funding was $27.5 billion and $25.0 billion at 12/31/08 and 12/31/09, respectively. All ABS debt is presented net of securities that have been retained by the Company.

($ in Billions)

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45% 43% 44%

28%24% 19%

22% 29% 33%

5% 4% 4%

12/31/09 12/31/10 6/30/11 Prospective*

Short-term Debt & CD's**


Card ABS

Unsecured Term

Illustrative Future Mix of Funding


*Not a forecast. For illustrative purposes only to show various possible funding mixes. ** Includes short-term debt (including CP) and short-term CD’s; *** Deposits exclude

short-term CD’s. † Card ABS excludes retained interests and reflects on and off-balance sheet debt for 2009.

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7.6 8.6 7.95.9













2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Thereafter


($ in Billions)

Long term CDs*

Card ABS



Term Maturity Profile – Debt and LT CDs


9.0 8.5 7.94.9



5.3 6.8




5.6 2.9




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Thereafter


Long term CDs*

Card ABS







*Long Term CDs include US$ CDs only.





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2008 2009 2010 2011(Estimated Range)

Card ABS*


ABS & Unsecured Debt Issuances


($ in Billions)

*All ABS debt is presented net of securities that have been retained by the Company; excludes drawn amounts on the secured borrowing through the conduit facility. **Excludes drawn amounts on committed bank credit facilities.

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American Express ABS Trusts

Trust Established

Eligible loans and receivables

Assets currently in trust

Trust Size: - Principal AR (1)

Investor Interest (1)

Seller Interest (1)

Accounting Treatment

Minimum Sellers Interest

Credit Enhancementbased on most recent floating rate issuance

• 2005

• All US Consumer, Small Business and Corporate cardmember receivables

• Consumer, Small Business and Corporate cardmember receivables

• $7.3 billion• $3.8 billion• $3.5 billion

• Securitized receivables accounted for on-balance sheet with no gain on sale

• 15% of trust principal

• 7%• Class B - 3%• Class C - 4%

• 1996

• All US Consumer and Small Business cardmember loans

• Consumer loans

• $31.6 billion• $16.6 billion• $15.0 billion

• Beginning 1/1/2010, on a consolidated basis securitized loans accounted for on-balance sheet with no gain on sale

• 7% of outstanding debt

• 17.5%• Class B - 6.0%• Class C - 6.5%• Class D - 5%

1) Source: 10-D filings dated July 15, 2011.

American ExpressIssuance Trust (AEIT)

American ExpressCredit Account Master Trust



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Credit Account Master Trust Performance Trend

Source: AMXCA 10D Filings.


$ MM

$200 MM

$400 MM

$600 MM

$800 MM

6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/1011/1012/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Days Delinquencies

31-60 61-90 90+








6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Trust Portfolio Yield








6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Monthly Payment Rate







6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Past Due Rate vs. Default Rate

Past Due Rate (Calculated) Annualized Default Rate, Net

Page 37: American Express Fixed Income Presentation August CARD Act implementation Impact of Collections Strategy Lower revolve rate First full quarter impact of Feb. CARD Act implementation

Issuance Trust Performance Trend

Source: AEIT 10D Filings.


$ MM

$20 MM

$40 MM

$60 MM

$80 MM

6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Days Delinquencies

31-60 61-90 90+







6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Monthly Payment Rate









6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Trust Portfolio Yield





6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11

Past Due vs. Default Rate

Past Due Rate (Calculated) Annualized Default Rate, Net

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Annex 1


For periods ended on or prior to December 31, 2009, information presented is based on the Company’s historical non-GAAP, or “managed” basis presentation. Unlike the GAAPbasis presentation, the information presented on a managed basis in such periods includes both the securitized and non-securitized cardmember loans. The adoption of newGAAP on January 1, 2010 resulted in accounting for both the Company's securitized and non-securitized cardmember loans in the consolidated financial statements. As aresult, the Company's 2010 GAAP presentations and managed basis presentations prior to 2010 are generally comparable. Refer to page 19 in the Company’s fourth quarter2010 earnings financial tables for a discussion of managed basis information.

Worldwide Cardmember Lending

($ in billions, except percentages)

Q2'08 Q3'08 Q4'08 Q1'09 Q2'09 Q3'09 Q4'09

Total Worldwide Ending Loans

GAAP 49.6$ 45.7$ 42.2$ 36.7$ 32.5$ $31.5 $32.8

Growth vs PY 3% (9%) (22%) (26%) (34%) (31%) (22%)

Managed 76.5$ 75.5$ 72.0$ 65.0$ 62.9$ $60.7 $61.8

Growth vs PY 12% 5% (7%) (13%) (18%) (20%) (14%)

USCS Cardmember Lending($ in billions)

Q2'09 Q3'09 Q4'09

Total USCS Loans - GAAP $ 23.6 $ 22.7 $ 23.5

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Annex 2 (A)

($ in millions, except percentages)

(A) Beginning in the first quarter of 2010, the Company changed the manner in which it allocates related interest expense and capital to its reportable operating segments to more accurately reflect thefunding and capital characteristics of the Company's segments. The change to interest allocation impacted the segments’ interest yield on cardmember loans. Accordingly, the net interest yields forperiods prior to the first quarter of 2010 have been revised for this change. (B) For periods ended on or prior to December 31, 2009, the Company's cardmember loans and related debt performanceinformation on a GAAP basis was referred to as the “owned” basis presentation. The information presented on a GAAP basis for such periods includes only non-securitized cardmember loans that wereincluded in the Company’s balance sheet. Effective January 1, 2010, the Company’s securitized portfolio of cardmember loans and related debt is also consolidated on its balance sheet upon the adoptionof the new GAAP. Accordingly, beginning January 1, 2010, the GAAP basis presentation includes both securitized and non-securitized cardmember loans. Refer to page 19 of the Company’s fourth quarter2010 earnings financial tables for a discussion of GAAP basis information. (C) Represents net interest income allocated to the Company's cardmember loans portfolio on a GAAP or managed basis, asapplicable, in each case excluding the impact of card fees on loans and balance transfer fees attributable to the Company's cardmember loans. (D) Represents average cardmember loans on a GAAP ormanaged basis, as applicable, in each case excluding the impact of deferred card fees, net of deferred direct acquisition costs of cardmember loans. (E) This calculation includes elements of total interestincome and total interest expense that are not attributable to the cardmember loan portfolio, and thus is not representative of net interest yield on cardmember loans. The calculation includes interestincome and interest expense attributable to investment securities and other interest-bearing deposits as well as to cardmember loans,and interest expense attributable to other activities, includingcardmember receivables. (F) Net interest yield on cardmember loans is a non-GAAP financial measure that represents the net spread earned on cardmember loans. Net interest yield on cardmemberloans is computed by dividing adjusted net interest income by adjusted average loans, computed on an annualized basis. The calculation of net interest yield on cardmember loans includes interest that isdeemed uncollectible. For all presentations of net interest yield on cardmember loans, reserves and net write-offs related to uncollectible interest are recorded through provisions for losses - cardmemberloans; therefore, such reserves and net write-offs are not included in the net interest yield calculation. (G) For periods ended on or prior to December 31, 2009, information presented is based on theCompany’s historical non-GAAP, or “managed” basis presentation. Unlike the GAAP basis presentation, the information presented on a managed basis in such periods includes both the securitized andnon-securitized cardmember loans. The adoption of new GAAP on January 1, 2010 resulted in accounting for both the Company's securitized and non-securitized cardmember loans in the consolidatedfinancial statements. As a result, the Company's 2010 GAAP presentations and managed basis presentations prior to 2010 are generally comparable. Refer to page 19 in the Company’s fourth quarter2010 earnings financial tables for a discussion of managed basis information.(H) For periods ended on or prior to December 31, 2009, the information presented includes the adjustments to the GAAP"owned" basis presentation for such periods attributable to securitization activity for interest income and interest expense to arrive at the non-GAAP "managed" basis information, which adjustments areset forth under the U.S. Card Services managed basis presentation on page 22 of the Company’s fourth quarter 2010 earnings financial tables.


6/30/09 9/30/09 12/31/09 3/31/10 6/30/10 9/30/10 12/31/10 3/31/11 6/30/11

USCS - Calculation based on 2010 and 2009 GAAP information (B):

Net interest income $612 $649 $621 $1,221 $1,111 $1,124 $1,122 $1,091 $1,063

Average loans (bill ions) $26.5 $23.4 $22.7 $50.5 $49.1 $49.1 $49.8 $49.6 $49.7

Adjusted net interest income (C) $581 $558 $537 $1,246 $1,145 $1,150 $1,143 $1,112 $1,080

Adjusted average loans (bill ions) (D) $26.6 $23.5 $22.8 $50.5 $49.2 $49.2 $49.8 $49.6 $49.5

Net interest income divided by average loans (E) 9.3% 11.0% 10.9% 9.8% 9.1% 9.1% 8.9% 8.9% 8.6%

Net interest yield on cardmember loans (F) 8.8% 9.4% 9.4% 10.0% 9.3% 9.3% 9.1% 9.1% 8.7%

USCS - Calculation based on 2010 and 2009 managed information (G):

Net interest income (H) $1,335 $1,305 $1,292 $1,221 $1,111 $1,124 $1,122 $1,091 $1,063

Average loans (bill ions) $55.1 $52.9 $51.8 $50.5 $49.1 $49.1 $49.8 $49.6 $49.7

Adjusted net interest income (C) $1,343 $1,315 $1,308 $1,246 $1,145 $1,150 $1,143 $1,112 $1,080

Adjusted average loans (bill ions) (D) $55.2 $53.0 $51.9 $50.5 $49.2 $49.2 $49.8 $49.6 $49.5

Net interest yield on cardmember loans (F) 9.7% 9.8% 10.0% 10.0% 9.3% 9.3% 9.1% 9.1% 8.7%

Quarters Ended

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Annex 3


The Tier 1 Common Risk-Based Capital Ratio is calculated as Tier 1 Common Equity, a non-GAAP measure, divided by Risk-weighted assets. Tier 1 Common Equity is calculated by reference to Total Shareholders’ Equity as shown below:

Tier 1 Common Equity Reconciliation as of June 30, 2011

($ in Millions)

Total Shareholders' Equity 18,205$



Ineligible goodwill and intangible assets (4,151)

Ineligible deferred tax assets (213)

Tier 1 Common Equity 14,150$

Effect of certain items in accumulated other comprehensive

income/(loss) excluded from Tier 1 common equity

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Forward-Looking StatementsThis presentation includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements, which address the Company’s expected business and financial performance, among other matters, contain words such as “believe,” “expect,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “optimistic,” “intend,” “plan,” “aim,” “will,” “may,” “should,” “could,” “would,” “likely,” and sim ilar expressions. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements, include, but are not limited to, the following:

• changes in global economic and business conditions, including consumer and business spending, the availability and cost of credit, unemployment and political conditions, all of which may significantly affect spending on the card, delinquency rates, loan balances and other aspects of our business and results of operations;

• changes in capital and credit market conditions, which may significantly affect the Company’s ability to meet its liquidity needs, access to capital and cost of capital, including changes in interest rates; changes in market conditions affecting the valuation of the Company’s assets; or any reduction in the Company’s credit ratings or those of its subsidiaries, which could materially increase the cost and other terms of the Company’s funding, restrict its access to the capital markets or result in contingent payments under contracts;

• litigation, such as class actions or proceedings brought by governmental and regulatory agencies (including the lawsuit filed against the Company by the U.S. Department of Justice and certain state attorneys general), that could result in (i) the imposition of behavioral remedies against the Company or the Company’s voluntarily making certain changes to its business practices, the effects of which in either case could have a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial performance; (ii) the imposition of substantial monetary damages in private actions against the Company; and/or (iii) damage to the Company’s global reputation and brand;

• legal and regulatory developments wherever the Company does business, including legislative and regulatory reforms in the United States, such as the Dodd-Frank Reform Act’s stricter regulation of large, interconnected financial institutions, changes in requirements relating to securitization and the establishment of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, which could make fundamental changes to many of the Company’s business practices or materially affect its capital requirements, results of operations, ability to pay dividends or repurchase the Company’s stock; actions and potential future actions by the FDIC and credit rating agencies applicable to securitization trusts, which could impact the Company’s ABS program; or potential changes in the Federal tax system that could substantially alter, among other things, the taxation of the Company’s international businesses, the allowance of deductions for significant expenses, or the incidence of consumption taxes on the Company’s transactions, products and services;

• the Company’s net interest yield on U.S. cardmember loans not remaining at historical levels, which will be influenced by, among other things, the effects of the CARD Act (including the regulations requiring the Company to periodically reevaluate APR increases), interest rates, changes in consumer behavior that affect loan balances, such as paydown rates, the Company’s cardmember acquisition strategy, product mix, credit actions, including line size and other adjustments to credit availability, and potential pricing changes;

• changes in the substantial and increasing worldwide competition in the payments industry, including competitive pressure that may impact the prices we charge merchants that accept the Company’s cards and the success of marketing, promotion or rewards programs;

• changes in technology or in the Company’s ability to protect its intellectual property (such as copyrights, trademarks, patents and controls on access and distribution), and invest in and compete at the leading edge of technological developments across the Company’s businesses, including technology and intellectual property of third parties whom we rely on, all of which could materially affect the Company’s results of operations;


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Forward-Looking Statements (Cont.)• data breaches and fraudulent activity, which could damage the Company’s brand, increase the Company’s costs or have regulatory implications, and changes in regulation affecting

privacy and data security under federal, state and foreign law, which could result in higher compliance and technology costs to the Company or the Company’s vendors;

• changes in the Company’s ability to attract or retain qualified personnel in the management and operation of the Company’s business, including any changes that may result from increasing regulatory supervision of compensation practices;

• changes in the financial condition and creditworthiness of the Company’s business partners, such as bankruptcies, restructurings or consolidations, involving merchants that represent a significant portion of the Company’s business, such as the airline industry, or the Company’s partners in Global Network Services or financial institutions that we rely on for routine funding and liquidity, which could materially affect the Company’s financial condition or results of operations;

• uncertainties associated with business acquisitions, including the ability to realize anticipated business retention, growth and cost savings, accurately estimate the value of goodwill and intangibles associated with individual acquisitions, effectively integrate the acquired business into the Company’s existing operations or implement or remediate controls, procedures and policies at the acquired Company;

• changes affecting the success of the Company’s reengineering and other cost control initiatives, such as the ability to execute plans during the year with respect to certain of the Company’s facilities, which may result in the Company not realizing all or a significant portion of the benefits that we intend;

• the actual amount to be spent by the Company on investments in the business, including on marketing, promotion, rewards and cardmember services and certain other operating expenses, which will be based in part on management’s assessment of competitive opportunities and the Company’s performance and the ability to control and manage operating, infrastructure, advertising, promotion and rewards expenses as business expands or changes, including the changing behavior of cardmembers;

• the effectiveness of the Company’s risk management policies and procedures, including credit risk relating to consumer debt, liquidity risk in meeting business requirements and operational risks;

• the Company’s lending write-off rates for the remainder of 2011 and into 2012 not remaining below the average historical levels of the last ten years, which will depend in part on changes in the level of the Company’s loan balances, delinquency rates of cardmembers, unemployment rates, the volume of bankruptcies and recoveries of previously written-off loans;

• changes affecting the Company’s ability to accept or maintain deposits due to market demand or regulatory constraints, such as changes in interest rates and regulatory restrictions on the Company’s ability to obtain deposit funding or offer competitive interest rates, which could affect the Company’s liquidity position and the Company’s ability to fund the Company’s business; and

• factors beyond the Company’s control such as fire, power loss, disruptions in telecommunications, severe weather conditions, natural disasters, terrorism, “hackers” or fraud, which could affect travel-related spending or disrupt the Company’s global network systems and ability to process transactions.

• the Company’s funding plan for the full year 2011 being implemented in a manner inconsistent with current expectations, which will depend on various factors such as future business growth, the impact of global economic, political and other events on market capacity, demand for securities offered by the Company, regulatory changes, ability to securitize and sell receivables and the performance of receivables previously sold in securitization transactions.

A further description of these uncertainties and other risks can be found in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2010, the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31 and June 30, 2011, and the Company’s other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.