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Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis - Consulat Général de France à Chicago - Mission pour la Science et la Technologie - Ambassade de France à Washington Mission pour la Science et la Technologie 4101 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007 Tél. : +1 202 944 6216 Fax : +1 202 944 6244 Mail : [email protected] URL : Domaine Document Titre Auteur(s) Date Contact MST Numéro Agronomie Rapport de synthèse Comptes-Rendus du French American Agriculture Symposium (F.A.A.S.) – “Water and Climate Change” Magali Muller, Volontaire Internationale Adèle Martial, Attachée pour la science et la technologie octobre 2011 Adèle Martial : [email protected] Mots-clés : Gestion de l’Eau – Agriculture - Changement Climatique – Gestion des ressources naturelles – Modélisation – Formation – Transfert de Technologie Résumé : Le présent document, rédigé en anglais, constitue le compte-rendu du symposium franco- américain sur l’agriculture : French American Agriculture Symposium (F.A.A.S.). Pour mémoire, il s'agit d'un événement organisé les 11 et 12 mai 2010 par la Mission pour la Science et la Technologie du Consulat Général de France à Chicago, en partenariat avec le "Global Engineering Program" de l'Université de Purdue dans l'Indiana. La rencontre, intitulée "Developing Partnership for sustainable Water management and Agriculture in the context of Climate and Global change", abordait les thématiques de l'eau, de l'agriculture et du changement climatique. Elle visait également à soutenir le développement d'actions collaboratives. Cet événement a rassemblé près de 130 participants (51 experts et chercheurs américains, 5 internationaux et 43 français). Les objectifs de cette rencontre étaient de : - faire un état des lieux des connaissances - identifier les questions scientifiques urgentes à traiter - susciter des projets conjoints internationaux - constituer un réseau de compétences transatlantiques. Ce rassemblement a été parrainé par la NSF (National Science Foundation), l'OCDE (Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economique) et par plusieurs institutions et organismes de recherche français ainsi que par Veolia. Dix-huit institutions et entreprises françaises représentatives du secteur d'activité étaient représentées lors de l'évènement. Du côté américain, les 51 participants provenaient de 28

Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis - Consulat Général de ... · 3.1. Opportunités pour des échanges d'étudiants de troisième cycle (graduate)/d'enseignants, vidéoconférences,

Jul 13, 2020



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Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis - Consulat Général de France à Chicago - Mission pour la Science et la Technologie -

Ambassade de France à Washington Mission pour la Science et la Technologie

4101 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007 Tél. : +1 202 944 6216 Fax : +1 202 944 6244

Mail : [email protected] URL :

Domaine Document Titre Auteur(s) Date Contact MST Numéro

Agronomie Rapport de synthèse Comptes-Rendus du French American Agriculture Symposium (F.A.A.S.) – “Water and Climate Change” Magali Muller, Volontaire Internationale Adèle Martial, Attachée pour la science et la technologie octobre 2011 Adèle Martial : [email protected]

Mots-clés : Gestion de l’Eau – Agriculture - Changement Climatique – Gestion des ressources naturelles – Modélisation – Formation – Transfert de Technologie Résumé : Le présent document, rédigé en anglais, constitue le compte-rendu du symposium franco-américain sur l’agriculture : French American Agriculture Symposium (F.A.A.S.). Pour mémoire, il s'agit d'un événement organisé les 11 et 12 mai 2010 par la Mission pour la Science et la Technologie du Consulat Général de France à Chicago, en partenariat avec le "Global Engineering Program" de l'Université de Purdue dans l'Indiana. La rencontre, intitulée "Developing Partnership for sustainable Water management and Agriculture in the context of Climate and Global change", abordait les thématiques de l'eau, de l'agriculture et du changement climatique. Elle visait également à soutenir le développement d'actions collaboratives. Cet événement a rassemblé près de 130 participants (51 experts et chercheurs américains, 5 internationaux et 43 français). Les objectifs de cette rencontre étaient de : - faire un état des lieux des connaissances - identifier les questions scientifiques urgentes à traiter - susciter des projets conjoints internationaux - constituer un réseau de compétences transatlantiques. Ce rassemblement a été parrainé par la NSF (National Science Foundation), l'OCDE (Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economique) et par plusieurs institutions et organismes de recherche français ainsi que par Veolia. Dix-huit institutions et entreprises françaises représentatives du secteur d'activité étaient représentées lors de l'évènement. Du côté américain, les 51 participants provenaient de 28

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Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis - Consulat Général de France à Chicago - Mission pour la Science et la Technologie -

organisations et universités. S'ajoutaient à ces derniers des représentants d'institutions de pays tiers et d'organisations multilatérales. L'événement a été l'occasion de présenter les stratégies développées, les programmes en cours et les budgets alloués pour la recherche et le développement sur le thème de l'eau par un vaste ensemble d'institutions et d’agences publiques et privées : - le Ministère français de l'agriculture : "Climate change, water management and

agriculture in France: how can research contribute to policy definition and implementation?" ;

- l'UNESCO-IHE : "Critical Subjects in Water Management And Agriculture That Hold Promise For International Cooperation In Graduate And Undergraduate Education" ;

- Veolia Water North America : "Reducing Risks from Agricultural Impacts: Use of a Novel Activated Carbon Recirculation Process to Optimize Removal of Micro-Pollutants" ;

- la NSF : Priorités et programmes soutenus par l’agence pour les sciences hydrologiques; - l'OCDE : "Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for

Sustainable Agricultural Systems" ; - L'ONEMA : "Overview of Water R&D in France" ; - l'USDA : "Soil and water management programs". La seconde partie du symposium était constituée de 3 sessions articulées en tables-rondes dont les thèmes avaient été identifiés par un comité d’experts scientifiques franco-américains : 1. Réserve en eau et qualité de l'eau 1.1. Gestion des ressources en eau en condition de pénurie d'eau 1.2. Impact des activités humaines sur la qualité de l'eau agricole et l'impact de la qualité de l'eau sur les activités agricoles 1.3. Qualité de l'eau potable : changements climatiques et impacts sur la nappe phréatique 2. Modélisation multi-échelle de l'eau et de l'usage des terres pour l'aide à la prise de décision 2.1. Schéma interdisciplinaire et de modélisation des systèmes : interaction du système sol-climat-culture 2.2. Modélisation multi-échelles, Incertitudes et Bases de Données 2.3. Intégration et lien des sciences physique, sociologique et sociale à la politique 3. Innovation pour l'enseignement et le transfert de technologie 3.1. Opportunités pour des échanges d'étudiants de troisième cycle (graduate)/d'enseignants, vidéoconférences, participation des étudiants à des programmes conjoints de troisième cycle (graduate), intégration aux activités de recherche 3.2. Nouvelles approches dans les parcours de formation sur la gestion des ressources naturelles : approches interdisciplinaires, la modélisation comme outil d'enseignement, lien avec l'industrie, transfert de technologie, innovation. Les discussions de la première session ont porté sur les impacts et les conséquences du changement climatique sur les ressources en eau (développement de pathogènes, augmentation du transport des polluants) et les solutions à mettre en place pour les conserver. Les débats ont fait ressortir l'importance de l'identification de nouvelles ressources en eau, du développement de techniques de traitements plus efficaces, la mise en place d’approches de gestion de l'eau plus performantes qui préservent les intérêts économiques de l'agriculture. Le succès de ces mesures dépend en premier lieu de la mise en place de politiques pour la mise en oeuvre de procédures de gestion qui prennent en compte les intérêts de l'ensemble des parties prenantes.

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Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis - Consulat Général de France à Chicago - Mission pour la Science et la Technologie -

La seconde session s'est articulée autour des systèmes de modélisation multi-échelles pour l'eau et l'usage des sols. La principale problématique mise en évidence a eu trait aux incertitudes inhérentes aux aspects multi-échelles des systèmes hydrologiques et de cultures qui appellent à un compromis entre deux approches : 1. les modèles à haute paramétrisation qui nécessitent des données de haute résolution afin de calibrer les modèles pour une application spécifique et 2. les modèles à structure plus simple qui sont plus flexibles, mais moins sensibles et moins robustes. Les avancées dans les systèmes de télédétection (remote sensing) ont également été traitées. Leur aptitude à combiner la collecte de données avec les modèles des systèmes hydrologiques et de cultures d’une part ainsi que la prise en compte des problèmes de variabilités spatio-temporelles d’autre part, en font des outils de mesure extrêmement utiles. En terme de collaboration franco-américaine, la mise en place d'un réseau international de partage de connaissances et de données serait naturellement un outil de communication essentiel pour les chercheurs. Enfin, la dernière session abordait les questions de formation et de partenariat public/privé incluant les entreprises. Elle a fait émerger l'importance des programmes multidisciplinaires et internationaux pour former des ingénieurs capables de répondre aux enjeux posés par la gestion de l'eau dans un contexte de changement climatique. Plus précisément, il a été discuté de la mise en place d'équipes regroupant chercheurs, étudiants, ingénieurs et autres professionnels du milieu industriel. De tels regroupements supposent des connaissances en matière de techniques de gestion de projet. L'ensemble des sessions a également mis en évidence l'importance de l'intégration des pays du Sud dans les processus de recherche, de formation et de prises de décision. A l'issue de ces trois sessions, une séance thématique a permis aux experts d'élaborer des initiatives et projets collaboratifs. Au final, ces travaux ont permis de générer quinze avant-projets transatlantiques sur les thèmes du traitement et de la gestion de l'eau, de la modélisation des interactions eau-sol, etc. Une dizaine de questions pluridisciplinaires relevant d'enjeux transversaux ont également fait l'objet de discussions pouvant aboutir à des projets collaboratifs. Les quinze équipes ayant proposé un projet sont mentionnées ci-dessous: 1) May Wu, ANL and Jacques Eric Bergez, INRA : Irrigation water savings by the use of a biodecisional model ; 2) Chi-Hua Huang, USDA/ARS and Olivier Cerdan, BRGM : Soil vulnerability to biomass production in eroding landscape ; 3) Dev Niyogi, Purdue University and Sébastien Garrigues, INRA : Land Surface Modeling ; 4) François Birgand, NCSU and Jean-Luc Probst, INPT : Long term observatory network for evaluating impact of climate change on agriculture and vice-versa ; 5) Rabi Mohtar, Purdue University/QEERI and Hatem Belhouchette, CIHEAM/IAMM : Resilience of farming systems to global change : Through diversity and technological innovation ; 6) Prasanta Kalita, UIUC and Philippe Jamet, EMSE : Bilateral Blue Challenge: "All Roads Lead to Water" ; 7) Rabi Mohtar, Purdue University/QEERI and Erik Braudeau, Valorhiz/QEERI : Soil water interaction and soil information system for agro-environmental modeling under climate change ; 8) P.K. Imbrie, Purdue University and Benjamin Buclet, IRD : Addressing the challenges of creating French-US Educational Partnerships towards acquiring and measuring Global Competence ;

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Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis - Consulat Général de France à Chicago - Mission pour la Science et la Technologie -

9) Michael Barber, WSU - Tahani Abdel Hakim, CIHEAM/IAMM : Coping with drought at the territorial level ; 10) Inez Hua, Purdue University and Jean-Marc Chovelon, Université de Lyon : Advanced Physical Chemical Processes for emerging contamimants elimination ; 11) Larry Winter, University of AZ and Agathe Euzen, CNRS : Assessing real and perceived risks to water sustainability arising from land surface change in dry regions. La mise en œuvre de ces initiatives nécessite que la dynamique engagée soit poursuivie : animation du réseau, financement pérenne des projets conjoints identifiés, etc... C'était le sens du symposium organisé à l’IAMM, à Montpellier du 6 au 8 juillet 2011 et qui avait pour objectif d'identifier des partenariats et des sources de financement mobilisables pour les actions collaboratives proposées. Des institutions publiques et privées telles que l'ANR, l'AFD, Véolia, Total, la Qatar Fondation ont exprimé leur intérêt pour s'associer à certaines de ces initiatives. Par ailleurs, les avancées accomplies pour chacune des propositions de projets conjoints sont étudiées en vue de les inscrire dans le cadre des ateliers du Forum Mondial de l'Eau qui se tiendra à Marseille en 2012. Liste des partenaires impliqués dans ce projet : - Dix-huit institutions et entreprises françaises étaient représentées lors de l’évènement : AgroParisTech ; BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières) ; Cemagref ; CNRS ; ENGEES (Ecole nationale du génie de l'eau et de l'environnement de Strasbourg) ; IAMM (Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier) ; INPT (Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse) ; INRA ; IRCELyon (Institut de Recherche sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon) ; IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) ; Mines de Nancy ; Mines Paris Tech ; Mines de Saint Etienne ; Ministère de l’Agriculture ; ONEMA (Office National de l’Eau et des Milieux Aquatiques) ; SupAgro Montpellier ; Université Paris Sud ; Veolia Water. - Pour la partie américaine, ce nombre s’élevait à vingt-huit avec : Archer Daniels Midland Co. ; Argonne National Laboratory ; Dow AgroSciences ; Illinois Sustainable Technology ; Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis ; Indiana Water Resources ; Iowa State University ; John Deere & Company ; Mascoma Corporation ; Michigan State University ; Michigan Technological University ; Monsanto ; NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) ; North Carolina State University ; Northeastern University ; Northwestern University ; NSF (National Science Foundation) ; Ohio State University ; Purdue University ; Texas A&M University ; University of Arizona ; University of California, Davis ; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign ; University of Minnesota ; University of Notre Dame ; University of Puerto-Rico ; USDA-ARS (U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service) ; Yale University. -L’évènement bénéficia également de la participation de six institutions internationales (UNESCO-IHE (Institute for Water Education), Delft, The Netherlands ; Technical University of Catalonia ; OCDE ; National Institute of Research in Rural Engineering, Waters and Forestry, Tunisia ; National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt ; Instituto de Suelos-CIRN, INTA-Argentina).

NB : Toutes nos publications sont disponibles auprès de l’Agence pour la Diffusion de l’Information Technologique (ADIT), 2, rue Brûlée, 67000 Strasbourg (

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Proceedings Developing Partnership for Sustainable Water management and Agriculture in the context of climate and global change

French American Agriculture Symposium

Water and Climate Change

May 11th

– 12th


Purdue University, Indiana

French Office Of Science – Consulate General of France in Chicago 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 3720, CHICAGO, IL 60601

Tel: (1 312) 327 5237 – [email protected] –

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Proceedings of the Symposium: Developing Partnerships for Sustainable Water management and Agriculture in the context of climate and global change. May 2010, Purdue University, Indiana

Symposium co-organizer: The office for science and technology of the Embassy of France in the U.S. and the Global Engineering Program from Purdue University. Note to the reader: The organizers have co-produced this proceeding of the symposium, in order to provide participants and the international water community with the main messages, lessons learned, and key recommendations presented in all the discussion that comprised the symposium. As such, the content contained herein does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Office for Science and Technology of the Embassy of France. Moreover, the views expressed in this document represent an effort from the organizers to synthesize the main themes, issues, key messages and recommendations addressed during the symposium.

OECD Disclaimer The opinions expressed and arguments employed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the OECD or of the governments of its Member countries.

OECD CRP Accreditation The symposium was sponsored by the OECD Co-operative Research Programme on Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems, whose financial support made it possible for most of the invited speakers to participate in the symposium.

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1. Climate change, water management and agriculture in France: how can research contribute to policy

definition and implementation? 6

2. Critical Subjects in Water Management And Agriculture That Hold Promise For International

Cooperation In Graduate And Undergraduate Education 9

3. Reducing Risks from Agricultural Impacts: Use of a Novel Activated Carbon Recirculation Process to

Optimize Removal of Micro-Pollutants 26


1.1. Subtopic 1: Water resource management under water shortage/extremes 32

1.2. Subtopic 2: Impact of human activities on agricultural water quality and water quality impact on

agricultural activities 42

1.3. Subtopic 3: Drinking water quality: climate changes related issues and impact on ground water 52

1.4. Overall Conclusion 59


2.1. Subtopic 1: Interdisciplinary and system modeling framework: soil-climate-crop system interaction 60

2.2. Subtopic 2: Multi-scales, Uncertainties and Databases 69

2.3. Subtopic 3: Integration and linkage of physical, sociological, social sciences to policy 83

2.4. Overall Conclusion 89


3.1. Subtopic 1: Opportunities in graduate student exchange/ mobility course exchange (faculty mobility),

video conferencing, students participating in partner graduate programs, integration with research

activities 91

3.2. Subtopic 2: New approaches in courses on Natural resources management: interdisciplinary

approaches, modeling as a teaching tool, link with industry, technology transfer, innovation. 102

3.3. Overall Conclusion 108


1. White papers project 109

2. Other proposed projects to be finalized 115




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The Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy, in Chicago and the Purdue University Global Engineering Program had co-organized a French-American Symposium on “Developing Partnerships for Sustainable Water Management and Agriculture in the context of Climate and Global Change”. Approximately 120 invited scientists from France, the United States and the international community attended the symposium. The meeting was intended for attendees from institutions, including universities, research labs, industry and policymakers from public and private sectors.

The symposium aimed to:

• Enhance the development of strong US-French partnerships in research, education and industry to address issues of climate change, sustainable water management and agriculture.

• Present needs and skills to policy makers, research laboratories and firms.

• Develop new opportunities for partnerships and collaborative initiatives in research, innovation and education.

Global climate change and the related effects on water quantity and quality extremes impact the daily lives of millions of individuals and societies around the world. The symposium developed new partnerships for sustainable water management in agriculture that will lay the groundwork for improved research, education and development opportunities to address: (1) water resource management under water shortage/extremes; (2) impact of human activities on agricultural water quality and water quality impact of agricultural activities; (3) drinking water quality; (4) climate changes related issues and impact on ground water; (5) multi -scale water and land-use modeling and uncertainties; (6) integration of physical, sociological, social sciences to policy; (7) innovation in education; and (8) the enhancement of interaction and synergies between industries and academic institutions. These challenges are not unique to the partner countries. They go beyond their borders to impact food security, biodiversity and indigenous species, flood control, the interface of human activity (industry, agriculture, urbanization) and eco-systems, tools for accurate prediction and measurement of soil-climate-crop system interactions, and the education of globally competent scientist and engineers. The symposium was sponsored by the Office for Science and Technology of the Embassy of France in the United States, NSF, OECD and Purdue University (Office of the Vice President of Research, College of Engineering, College of Agriculture, Global Engineering Programs, Indiana Water Resources Research Center, International Programs, International Programs in Agriculture, Center for Environment). The event benefited from the support of several French research institutions: INRA, INPT, IAMM, IRD, ONEMA, and CNRS-INEE. We also received strong support from Veolia Water USA, the French world leader in water services. Key themes of the presentations and discussions are summarized in this report.

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Plenary session


Plenary session

1. Climate change, water management and agriculture in France: how

can research contribute to policy definition and implementation?

Travers Rosine, French Ministry of Agriculture


There is growing evidence that climate change will lead to a reduction of water availability in a lot of regions. It is also likely to increase competition between different uses. Thus, adaptation to climate change implies stronger constraints on quantitative water management. Furthermore, decrease of water availability makes qualitative issues more acute. Global warming is therefore going to reinforce the need for water management policies, while placing them in a context of increased uncertainty.

The degree of political priority given to water management was illustrated at the European scale by the adoption in 2000 of the Water Framework Directive, fixing the objective of achieving good environmental status of water bodies by 2015 and at the national scale by the “Grenelle of environment” law, including several points related to water management.

The French water management system can be presented through the evocation of some of its main features. One of them is the choice of catchment basin as the relevant perimeter for the territorial implementation of water management. This choice was introduced by the French water law of 1964 and confirmed by the following water law of 1992. This approach was broadened at the European scale with the adoption of the Water Framework Directive in 2000. A second feature of the French water management system is that water is considered as a collective heritage. This fact, contrary to the idea of private property that can lead to the choice of market-oriented mechanisms, is at the heart of the organization of water management in France. Thus, the European Union and the State play a major role, in particular by determining general objectives and rules for water management. At the territorial level, the implementation of water policies is based on collective decision, associating users, State and local governments, which allows to localise and quantify water management objectives. For each major catchment basin, a water agency finances measures related to water management thanks to a tax system called “redevance”.

In order to achieve collective goals even when individual interests differ from collective interest, the objective of fostering collective management of resources is strongly present in the French water management system. Such a collective management has been a long tradition in some regions, for

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Plenary session


instance where collective investments were necessary to provide for water. The long history of “authorised syndical associations”, whose first main law dates back to 1865, illustrates such a long tradition. However, the objective of collective management is more difficult to achieve in other situations. For instance, important consultation and administrative action were necessary to achieve a common management of individual water takings in the Beauce aquifer, by fixing a global volume compatible with resource preservation. New legislative tools introduced by the water law of 2006 also foster collective approach for the irrigation reform and the agricultural programs of action that the administrative authority can set up in some areas with acute water issues like endangered drinking water catchment areas.

As far as French public policies of water management are concerned, it is worth noting that the ministry of agriculture has been historically very involved in water management while the ministry of environment was taking a growing importance. The ministry in charge of environment is now the leader and the ministry of agriculture still plays an important role but in a different way. Indeed, lots of water management policy tools are included in or closely linked to agricultural policies. This is for instance the case of the cross-compliance of the common agricultural policy, which is a set of conditions, including environmental ones, that farmers have to satisfy in order to receive the whole amount of the payments linked to agricultural surfaces. There are also incentive measures within the rural development program, aiming at fostering sustainable practices going beyond the minimum level of regulation measures, like agro-environmental payments or subsidies to environmental investments. Another example of action of the ministry of agriculture linked to water management is the ministerial plan “Ecophyto 2018” aiming at reaching the goal of reducing the use of pesticides of 50% in ten years. Another role the ministry of agriculture aims at playing is to make the link between environmental goals and socio-economic reality, in particular by analysing from the point of view of exploitations the environmental policies that are often centred on a territorial approach.

Among the different types of measures that can be used for water management purposes, the idea of thinking in terms of crop systems deserves a special attention since it offers important possibilities of adaptation to environmental goals. This is for instance one of the ideas the Ecophyto network developed in the frame of the “Ecophyto 2018” ministerial plan aims at spreading : the objective is to analyse the whole crop system and not only to improve practices. But changes in crop systems imply to develop new productions, associated with adequate economic outlets, what supposes to adapt not only the agricultural production but also the storage and the transformation, taking into account all technical, economic and trade constraints.

The way research can feed policy making can be illustrated through different examples.

A first point of interest is to assess the changes of the climatic and hydrologic contexts, like the reduction of water availability or the frequency of extreme events. On these issues, further work could concern the assessment of climate change impact at the catchment basin level, the improvement of the characterization of drought events in order to develop early warning mechanism, the focus of climate models on near future as well as the assessment of the global water consumption of crop systems and vegetation, as well as the storage capacities, at the basin level.

Secondly, it is of course of high interest to assess the impact of climate change on agricultural and livestock productions. In that field some useful research results are already available, for instance on

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Plenary session


the effects of temperature on grassland and cereals, on the risks for fruits production and vineyards, the increasing crop water demand as well as on the risks of deficits in forage for stock farming. Further work on crops could usefully focus on the integration of the water factor, the identification of determining processes of response, the evolution of diseases and insect development as well as the impact on fertilization aspects, quality of productions and pollinators. For stock farming, it would be interesting to know more about the impact on feed production, animals performance and animal health.

Another theme of interest for policy makers concerns the ways to adapt agricultural production to the changing climatic and hydrologic context. This issue can first be dealt with through the possibilities of water saving through adapted irrigation systems or alternative resources like re-use. But it can also be considered through the ways of reducing the agricultural need for water, through genetic improvement with the selection of varieties early or resistant to high temperature or drought but also through agronomic solutions at both levels of practices and cropping systems, considering changes in rotation crops and adaptation of technical practices taking into account new cultures and special diseases and insects development).

The last type of contribution research can bring to policy making is to provide for tools to help implementation of adaptation strategies, like decision making tools, synthesis of operational knowledge available or analysis of water management systems. The “Ecophyto Research and Development” study laid for instance useful basis for the ministerial plan aiming at reducing the use of pesticides by 50% before 2018. Points interesting to work further on about this help for implementation could consist in exploring different adaptation options with stakeholders through scenario based on agronomical models and integrating hydrology and soils aspects. They could also concern the ways to adapt the strategies to territorial specificities. A very important point is to further develop economic and sociologic questions like the impact of price levels, cost-benefit analysis, or risk aversion phenomenon. Finally, it is crucial to promote a transversal approach of all environmental issues, so that a scenario in favour of quantitative management concerns should not imply negative consequences on other environmental aspects.

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Plenary session


2. Critical Subjects in Water Management And Agriculture That Hold

Promise For International Cooperation In Graduate And

Undergraduate Education

Prof. Bart Schultz, PhD, Msc Prof. Land and Water Development UNESCO-IHE

President Honoraire ICID


With respect to critical subjects in water management and agriculture that hold promise for international cooperation in graduate and undergraduate education two processes are of major importance, they concern: i) population, population growth and increase in the standard of living; ii) urbanization. With respect to these processes at the global scale three groups of countries can be distinguished, being: developed countries, emerging countries and least developed countries. The developed and least developed countries house respectively 1 billion and 800 million people. The emerging countries house almost 5 billion people (74% of worlds’ population) and show a relatively rapid growth in the standard of living. Urbanization is especially taking place in the emerging and least developed countries.

Especially in the least developed and emerging countries population growth is on-going in such a way that duplication in food production would be required in 25 - 30 years. These countries are therefore confronted with the need to significantly increase food production at their own territory, or to increase food imports. Most of these countries still opt for food self-sufficiency. There is a global understanding that 80 - 90% of the required increase in food production would have to come from existing cultivated land and only 10 - 20% from newly reclaimed land. This implies that the yields per hectare have to increase significantly. This requires substantial improvement in and expansion of irrigation and drainage systems. Until recently there was the impression that the present water withdrawal of 70% for irrigation would need to be significantly increased. However, this is not necessarily the case for two reasons: i) there are still significant improvements possible in water saving in irrigation; ii) the generally low yields in rainfed areas result in high water consumption per kilogram crop, due to the large share of evaporation from bare land. An additional advantage of irrigation is that crop losses in periods of drought can be prevented or at least reduced, giving the farmers more assured revenue. With the water resources available in most of the countries the availability of water will not really be a constraint, provided that water resources at river basin level are developed and managed in an integrated way.

The above processes would have to be guiding international cooperation in graduate and undergraduate education of future water managers, as well as for the focus of cooperation in research projects. The paper presents various options that could be of importance for updating educational

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programs as well as for the focus of and cooperation in research on water management for agriculture with a focus on food production.


With respect to critical subjects in water management and agriculture that hold promise for international cooperation in graduate (MSc) and undergraduate (BSc) education two processes are of major importance, they concern:

• world’s population, population growth and increase in the standard of living;

• urbanization.

With respect to these processes at global scale three groups of countries can be distinguished, being: developed countries, emerging countries and least developed countries (Van Hofwegen and Svendsen, 2000 and Schultz, 2001). Especially in the least developed and emerging countries population growth is on-going in such a way that duplication in food production would be required in 25 - 30 years. Most of these countries still opt for food self-sufficiency. They are therefore confronted with the need to significantly increase food production at their own territory, or to accept increase food imports. Urbanization is especially taking place in the emerging and least developed countries.

There is an understanding that 80 - 90% of the required increase in food production would have to come from existing cultivated land and only 10 - 20% from newly reclaimed land. This implies that yields per hectare have to be significantly increased. This requires significant improvement in and expansion of irrigation and drainage systems. With the water resources available in most of the countries the availability of water will not really be a constraint, provided that water resources at river basin level are developed and managed in an integrated way (Schultz, 2001, Schultz et al., 2005 and 2009 and International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), 2009). The above processes would have to be guiding for education of future water managers.

The paper starts with a summarized overview of the relevant processes. Based on the needs of improved water management and flood protection related to these developments the paper presents the various options that may be of importance for updating educational programs as well as for the focus of and cooperation in research on water management for food production.

The Three Types of Countries

Figure 1 shows population and population growth in the three groups of countries. The developed countries house almost one billion people and there is almost no population growth anymore. Some countries - like Germany and Japan - even show a decline in population. The least developed countries house almost 800 million people. In these countries there is a rapid population growth

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resulting in an estimated duplication by 2050. The emerging countries house almost 5 billion people (74% of worlds’ population). They still show a significant population growth resulting in an estimated 30% increase by 2050. These countries also show a relatively rapid growth in the standard of living.

Agriculture in the developed countries may be characterized by (International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), 2009):

• low agricultural share in Gross Domestic Product (GDP);

• farmers represent only a small and declining proportion of the population (2 - 3%);

• productivity is about 500 times higher than that of small scale farmers in some emerging and most of the least developed countries;

• overall these countries are still food exporters.

Figure 1. Population and population growth in the three types of countries

The situation of agriculture in several of the emerging countries shows similarities with what prevailed in the recent past in the developed countries:

• the development of economy drives farmers from their land to the urban areas and increases the demand for food, especially due to the urbanization and the increase in the standard of living;

• as far as farming is concerned, one may observe three different trends: increase in farm sizes and mechanization, higher-value crops to make a living on a relatively small plot, or part-time farming, in combination with a job in the industry or service sector;

• overall the emerging countries have managed to be food self-sufficient and some of the emerging countries, like Thailand and Vietnam, have even become important food exporters;

• there are still large numbers of rural poor lacking access to land or other resources.

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Some characteristics of agriculture in the least developed countries are:

• majority of the population consists of small-scale farmers ( > 50%);

• the small-scale farmers generally have a low productivity due to lack of inputs and resources to increase productivity;

• because of the generally low yield levels significant amounts of water are ‘lost’ due to evaporation from bare soil (International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), 2009);

• institutional capacity is weak.


As shown in Figure 2 all over the world urbanization is on-going. In the developed countries most of the urbanization has already taken place, but still an increase in the percentage of urban population may be expected. In the emerging countries an increase in the urban population may be expected from 50% nowadays to 70% by 2050. In the least developed countries more or less duplication may be expected over the next 40 years. The urbanization process will have far reaching consequences for agriculture, while significantly higher production for the urban population will be required at reasonable food prices (Figure 3). With respect to the latter aspect the development of world market prices for the most common cereals is of interest (Figure 4). For many years these prices have gone down, bringing most of the farmers in the emerging and least developed countries in an increasingly difficult position to run their farm and/or to invest in modernization of their farm practices and water management. However, in the period of 2000 - 2003 to bottom of the prices was more or less reached. Since then the prices have gone up with a peak in 2008, especially in the price for rice. It may be expected that in the coming period the prices will increase further, while several of the large emerging countries have a problem to maintain their position of food self-sufficiency due to their rapid urbanization. These increases in prices will be negative for the poor people in the urban areas, but they will enable the farmers to do more investments in their farming practices and water management, provided that the prices rise more rapid than the farming costs.

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1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050







Developed countries Emerging countries Least developed countries World

Figure 2. Development in the percentage of urban population in the three different types of

countries and at the global scale

Figure 3. Change in agriculture from predominantly small-scale farming to food production

for the urban population

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1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


Price in U



Wheat Maize Rice

Figure 4. World market prices for cereals over the last 15 years

Water Management Practices

At present at 1,100 million ha agriculture takes place without any water management system, 210 million ha is provided with an irrigation system, 60 million ha with irrigation and drainage systems and 130 million ha with a drainage system only. Table 1 shows the distribution in the different groups of countries. As stated above, duplication in food production will be required in the forthcoming 25 - 30 years. Table 2 shows the role that water management can play with respect to this (Schultz et al., 2005).

Table 1. Water management in the different types of countries in % (Schultz et al., 2005)

% Type of country

No system Irrigation Drainage *)



Least developed










*) drainage in rainfed and in irrigated areas

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Table 2. Relevant data to achieve duplication in food production (Schultz et al., 2005)

No system Irrigation Drainage (rainfed)


• in million ha • in % of total Crop output in %:

• present • in 2025 (estimated)



45 30



40 50



15 20

From Table 2 it can be derived that a shift may be expected from the share of production without a water management system to production under irrigation and drainage. This can easily be explained by the understanding that 80 - 90% of the duplication in food production has to be obtained from the existing cultivated area. This can be done in different ways (Figure 5):

• higher yield per ha, double or triple cropping;

• installation of irrigation and/or drainage systems in cultivated areas without a system;

• modernization of existing irrigation and drainage systems;

• installation of drainage in irrigated areas;

• installation of irrigation in rainfed areas with drainage.

Until recently there was the impression that the present water withdrawal of 70% for irrigation would need to be significantly increased. However, this is not necessarily the case for two reasons: there are significant improvements possible in water saving in irrigation and the generally low yields in rainfed areas result in high water consumption per kilogram crop, due to the large share of evaporation from bare land. An additional advantage of irrigation is that crop losses in periods of drought can be prevented or at least reduced, giving the farmers more assured revenue (International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), 2009).

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Figure 5. Options for water management in agriculture (International Water Management

Institute (IWMI), 2007)

Practices and impacts in different climatic zones

Agricultural water management practices will be different in different climatic zones, as is illustrated in Figure 6. This figure shows three characteristic pictures for the three relevant climatic zones, being: temperate humid zone, the humid tropical zone and the arid and semi-arid zone. In the temperate humid zone - primarily Europe and Northern America - generally large-scale agriculture is practiced without, or with a drainage system and to a limited extent with supplementary irrigation. Normally only one crop per year can be grown during the summer period. In the humid tropical zone - primarily South and East Asia, large parts of Africa, Central America and the Northern part of South America - there is in fact the possibility to grow up to three crops per year when the farmers apply both irrigation and drainage. Finally in the arid and semi-arid zone - primarily North Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Northern India and Northern China - good yields are only possible when irrigation is applied. Due to the application of irrigation water salinity problems may develop in time resulting in the requirement to apply drainage in order to enable the leaching of salts.

Due to the overall increase in water use, especially for irrigation water stress may develop in various regions. With respect to this phenomenon often reverence is made to the impacts of climate change. However, the recent world water assessment report of UN Water (2009) has made clear that about

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80% of future stress is due to population growth and development and only about 20% may be caused by impacts of climate change (Figure 7).

Figure 6. Characteristics of water management practices in the three relevant climatic zones

In light of the required increase in food production, and especially with respect to the possibilities for international cooperation in graduate and undergraduate education, it is useful to briefly review the players in agricultural water management. They are summarized in Figure 8. Responsible are government, irrigation and drainage agencies and farmers. This implies that they are the key players in the sector. However, many other parties are contributing, each in its own way. The staff of all these parties need to have received education at different appropriate levels and may require additional training on specific subjects during their professional career.

Challenges for Education and Research

The processes and practices as outlined above hold the following promises for international cooperation in graduate and undergraduate education and research. In describing them, the distinction between the three groups of countries will be maintained, while each of these groups will have its own requirements. In fact, there are various options for education and research with their interactions as summarized in Figure 9.

However, before describing the needs for education and research in order to train the future generation of water managers and water specialists, it has to be realized that quite a wide gap has

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developed between research progress and results, and the practice of agricultural water management. In fact, a lot is available with respect to formulas, models, information, equipment, and so on to design, operate and maintain agricultural water management systems under a wide range of applications. The real question in practice is often what would be the ‘optimal’ system under the local conditions and what changes may be required in future, due to envisaged changes in societies and possible impacts of climate change (Schultz, 1993).

With this in mind, for the developed countries it can be stated that there is sufficient education capability, and that research is focused on routine research in order to identify possible water induced problems and diseases during the cultivation of crops, or the raising of animals, or to solve very specific research questions that are generally related to advanced production methods, like cultivation in greenhouses. Universities and institutes in these countries may look for cooperation in education and research programs to attract more students, to become more advanced in their specific research specialties, or the gain a better position in applying for research funds. In the framework of development cooperation, they may also associate with universities in emerging or least developed countries in order to support development of education and research programmes in these universities.

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Figure 7. Changes in water stress due to climate change and man induced changes

(UN Water, 2009)

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Consultants Government Policy, legislation, Contractors, manufacturers National waters Universities, schools Main and distributary Agencies systems Research institutes Banks, donors Farmers Field systems NGO’s, Int. org. Farmers associations

Figure 8. Actors in agricultural water management

Figure 9. Various options for education and (joint) research with their interactions

With respect to the emerging countries conditions are different, but rapidly improving, especially when governments in these countries take the increase in agricultural production seriously. That this is generally the case may be illustrated by the fact that overall these countries - housing 74% of the world’s population - have been able to be more or less self-sufficient in regards to food. At the lower, middle and polytechnic level these countries have schools that are generally sufficient to educate their younger generation, and to complete the required research in order to gradually improve yield levels and to reduce, or even prevent negative impacts to the environment. In universities, one may also observe rapid improvements at the undergraduate and graduate levels. However, at post graduate

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(PhD) levels joint education programs, research, and exchange of staff with universities in developed countries may be useful for staff and students of these universities, especially to become more familiar with modern developments, modern teaching methods and exposure to the outside world.

With respect to the least developed countries the situation is more complicated. Among these countries a distinction can be made between least developed countries in Asia and in Africa (Taniyama, 2009 and Musa, 2009). In general, least developed countries in Asia have developed their agricultural water management relatively well, and the small-scale farmers may achieve relatively high yields. This is different than the least developed countries in Africa, where the potential has only been developed to a limited extent and where there is still quite some scope for development and improvement, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. It may be especially useful for students from these countries to receive overseas education at undergraduate, graduate and post graduate level. In this way, one may expect that sooner or later conditions will improve and that these countries can be relieved from food imports and food aid, which now on average takes about 30% of their own production, a high percentage for agriculture based economies (Schultz et al., 2005).

Questions with respect to education and research are:

• how can we best educate the future water managers and water specialists;

• how can scientific research findings more effectively be transferred to practical technologies, economic and institutional improvements, especially supporting poor farmers in least developed and emerging countries (International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), 2009).

International Education Programs

As far as international education programs and courses are concerned, several types may be distinguished, such as regular MSc programs, joint or double degree MSc programs, short courses and online courses.

MSc programs

A wide range of international MSc programs in the water sector is offered by various universities and institutions in the developed countries, and increasingly by such organizations in the emerging countries. A new trend is to organize double or joint degree MSc programs generally by a university or institute in a developed country in combination with a similar institution in an emerging country. A key issue with respect to such programs is whether the credit points for the different components (modules) of the programs can be accepted by the accreditation organizations in the concerned countries. In the framework of such programs, the exchange of professional staff may also take place to obtain a broader experience with education practices in the various universities and institutions.

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PhD programs

There is an increasing interest and there are increasing possibilities for students from emerging and least developed countries to follow a PhD research program in a university or institute in a developed country. Such studies are often implemented in so-called sandwich programs, which implies that the student spends about 50% of her/his time in the home country, primarily to do fieldwork and to collect already available data, and the other 50% in the host university or institute, primarily to work with existing programs and/or to develop new modules for such programs or to do specialized laboratory research. In an initial stage is the possibility do double or joint degree PhD research. However, in this case academic procedures may be more complicated, dependent on the requirements in the different countries in which the involved universities are located.

Short courses

Various universities offer short courses on certain specific topics on a regular basis, for example annually. In addition there may be the possibility to provide tailor-made training, which is generally designed for organizations whose staff requires training on specific topics or seeks to develop a common knowledge base to address future challenges. The focus of the tailor-made courses may be technical, managerial, strategic or operational, depending on the priorities. Generally tailor-made training caters directly to the needs of the organization. This means that courses can be organized for groups of various sizes, from one or several organizations, sectors or regions. They can be designed to upgrade knowledge and skills, to introduce new technologies, or to strengthen sector performance, to name but a few options. Tailor-made courses can be given in the university, or institute, but also in the home country of the organization, or organizations who want to follow such courses.

On-line courses

In the recent years an increasing number of online courses are being developed by various universities and institutions in a wide range of topics of interest in the water sector. The innovative delivery format makes learning flexible, interactive and effective. It allows participants anywhere in the world to learn at their own convenience, and immediately apply their newly acquired knowledge in their working environment. Online courses are generally intended for professionals working in public and private institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and academic institutions.

Approach of Unesco-Ihe

NESCO-IHE has more than 50 years’ experience with postgraduate education, training and capacity building in water, environment and infrastructure (Figure 10). Since 1957 the institute has educated about 14,000 alumni worldwide. The activities focus on capacity building by education and research with a focus on conceptual thinking. The courses are demand-driven, based on a problem solving based approach and increasingly implemented in partnerships.

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Figure 10. The UNESCO-IHE building in Delft, the Netherlands

Focus of the educational programs has been and will be on:

• need for, required level of service, development and management aspects in the water sector in the emerging and least developed countries;

• impacts of global trends in population growth, increase in standard of living and possible impacts of climate changes on water management and flood protection;

• planning, design, operation and maintenance aspects of water management and flood protection provisions;

• institutional aspects and stakeholder participation;

• environmental, social and financial aspects of water management and flood protection.

Pathways that have been and will be followed are:

• institutional reforms to increase impacts;

• accessing least developed and emerging countries through alumni and regional nodes;

• innovative educational activities by engaging partners (multiple degrees, distant education, short courses, sandwich programs) to fill capacity gaps;

• multi-lateral research (North-South-South).

A recent development to improve cooperation with universities in emerging and least developed countries is the set-up of tailor made double degree MSc programs in the field of agricultural water

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management. As far as agricultural water management is concerned at present there are two of these MSc programs:

• Integrated Lowland Development and Management Planning together with the University of Sriwijaya in Palembang, Indonesia;

• Agricultural water management for enhanced land and water productivity together with the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand. The leaflet for the latter program is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. The leaflet of the Double Degree Master Programme on Agricultural Water

Management for Enhanced Land and Water Productivity

Concluding Remarks

Especially the emerging and least developed countries will have to significantly increase their agricultural production in the forthcoming decades. Modernization of existing irrigation and drainage systems will have to play a major role in support of this, as well as the installation of new systems in suitable cultivated lands where such systems have not been installed yet. Over the years a lot has improved in the field of education and research on agricultural water management in the emerging countries. However, in the least developed countries, especially those in Africa there is substantial scope for improvement at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level. The best students from

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these countries would have to be enabled to receive their education abroad, especially those who will become university teachers after their return to the home country. This will enable these countries to become food self-sufficient in due time.


Hofwegen, P.J.M. van and M. Svendsen, 2000. A vision of water for food and rural development, the Hague, the Netherlands.

International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), 2009. Synthesis report Topic 2.3. Water and Food for ending poverty and hunger.Theme 2.Advancing Human Development and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).5th World Water Forum, New Delhi, India.

International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2007. Water for Food, Water for Life: The Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Musa, I.K., 2009. Priority issues of least developed countries in Africa. Irrigation and Drainage.Special Issue on Water for food and poverty alleviation.

Schultz, B., 1993. Land and water development.Finding a balance between implementation, management and sustainability.Inaugural address, IHE, Delft, the Netherlands.

Schultz, B., 2001. Irrigation, drainage and flood protection in a rapidly changing world.Irrigation and Drainage, vol. 50, no. 4.

Schultz, B., C.D. Thatte and V.K. Labhsetwar, 2005.Irrigation and drainage.Main contributors to global food production.Irrigation and Drainage 54.3.

Schultz, B., H. Tardieu and A. Vidal, 2010.Role of water management for global food production and poverty alleviation.Irrigation and Drainage.Volume 58. Issue S1. Supplement: Special Issue on Water for Food and Poverty Alleviation.

Taniyama S. 2009. Recommendations of the ICID task force for least developed countries in Asia. Irrigation and Drainage.Volume 57.Special Issue on Water for food and poverty alleviation.

UN Water, 2009. Water in a changing world. The United Nations World Water Development Report No. 3. Compiled by UNESCO, Paris, France.

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3. Reducing Risks from Agricultural Impacts: Use of a Novel Activated

Carbon Recirculation Process to Optimize Removal of Micro-


Ronan Treguer, Ph.D.; Research Manager; Veolia Water North America

Dan Moran, P.E.; Senior Process Engineer; Veolia Water North America

Philippe Sauvignet; Process Engineer; Veolia Water Technical Direction France


As the state of science continues to improve our understanding of agriculture and other watershed impacts on water resources, improvements can be made to mitigate these impacts. However the reality remains that as this science increases, often times previously unknown risks are identified that require a response to ensure protection of human health and the environment and to ensure confidence in public water supply systems.

While watershed practices and improvements may mitigate these issues, it is expected that there will continue to be pressure to develop cost effective technological solutions for the treatment of drinking water supplied to consumers as well as waste water being discharged to water bodies. The Actiflo® Carb process represents an example of a novel process that may offer a solution in many situations. This process consists of a recirculating activated carbon treatment process that takes advantage of three unique features to optimize the removal of micro-pollutants with powdered activated carbon (PAC). The first is the addition of PAC into the process at a location after primary coagulation, allowing removal of many competing natural organic compounds prior to use of PAC; the second is the recirculation of PAC within the process resulting in full utilization of the adsorptive capacity of the PAC; and the third is combining this with the high-rate Actiflo® ballasted sedimentation process to accomplish this in a small footprint.

This paper will discuss the research that led to the development of this process, how this relates to agriculture-related issues for drinking water supplies, and how these are being applied at a treatment facility serving Indianapolis, Indiana.

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General Context

The development and implementation of the Actiflo® Carb process provides an excellent example to demonstrate two goals of French-US collaboration in the field of water supply and sustainability. First, the development of Actiflo® Carb provides an example of innovation through the use of research knowledge gains to develop applied solutions to real-world problems. Second, it provides an example of collaboration between French and US scientists and engineers to transfer this technology and its application between countries. An objective of research and development activities is often to gain an increased understanding in order to improve the human living condition and reduce mankind’s impacts on the natural world. This objective can be more easily accomplished as we increase collaborations among researchers working toward similar goals.


Agricultural activities, animal raising operations, and wastewater treatment facilities all pose significant risks as potential sources of contamination in watersheds. Increasing nutrient loadings to water bodies promote algal growths which can produce taste and odor compounds and algal toxins. Agricultural activities can result in pesticide and herbicide runoff. Animal operations and wastewater treatment facilities can contribute endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) or pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs). As analytical methods and research continues to progress, additional contaminants will likely be identified in the future. With increased activity in the watersheds, inevitably some of these compounds make their way into downstream water bodies. The risks posed by these compounds are of particular concern when the watershed is the source for drinking water supplies.

Typically upstream watershed activities are beyond the direct control of the water utility and the utilities are left subject to the impacts of all the upstream users. It is important in these cases that treatment facilities poses the appropriate tools necessary to mitigate whatever risks the watershed may provide. This risk mitigation is accomplished through vigilant operations and through the introduction of technologies that are capable of effectively and efficiently mitigating new risks.

However, conventional water treatment facilities that dominate water treatment in the US were originally designed for clarification and disinfection through the removal of particulates and microbials. A traditional conventional treatment facility has limited capability for the removal of micropollutants, such as pesticides, EDCs, and taste and odor compounds, as these were not a primary goal in design. Technologies are available to enhance micropollutant removal, but the operational costs for these technologies are significantly higher that for conventional treatment. These technologies include the use of powdered or granular activated carbon or stronger oxidants such as ozone or advanced oxidation processes.

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The ActifloCarb process provides a new tool for achieving this risk mitigation by providing an effective and efficient process for removing micro-pollutants from source waters through optimized use of powdered activated carbon.

Description of the Treatment Process

The management of drinking water resources is a research topic of high priority for Veolia Water and the research departments in France have set up a program dedicated to these specific issues. Under the title “Water Resources Management”, researchers are organized among four different projects that are:

• surface water modeling: 2-d or 3-d modeling and practical examples of impact of accidental pollutions;

• groundwater: mitigation of salt water intrusion, aquifer Storage, alternative resources use (stormwater, treated sewage & brackish water), management and optimization of infiltration process, active management of well fields;

• algae: knowledge base for the management of cyanatoxins, in-situ management of algae blooms;

• raw water: understanding the origins of contamination.

While this range of topics is highly investigated, other departments are more oriented to the development of treatment process to provide solutions for the removal of pollutants or non-desirable compounds coming to the plants.

The activated carbon recirculation process in question here, the Actiflo® Carb is therefore an interesting example of the combined work of the different entities of Veolia Water. It emerged from an existing high-rate clarification process, Actiflo®, and the extensive knowledge on the performances of PAC materials to remove various types of pollutions from drinking water.

The Actiflo® is a small-footprint process (see Figure 1) that relies on the use of microsand to ballast pre-formed flocs and therefore enhance the sedimentation rate. It is comprised of:

• a coagulation tank, where a metal salt is added to induce the aggregation of particles and suspended matter;

• a maturation tank, where microsand and polymer are injected to promote flocs growth (the polymer helps with the adhesion of flocs to the microsand particles);

• a third tank where lamella plate settlers enable to increase the available surface for sedimentation: the sludge (flocs and microsand) is pumped at the bottom of the tank while the treated water overflows;

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Plenary session


• he sludge is then directed to a hydrocyclone that separates the actual sludge which is wasted, from the microsand that goes back into the maturation tank.

Figure 1. Overview of the Actiflo® process

Powdered activated carbon is now well-known for its ability to remove lots of different polluting compounds in waters. The regular practical way to use it is injection into the raw water with a given contact time (10 minutes to a few hours, depending on the configuration of the treatment train of the production plant) and therefore limited use of the total adsorption capacity. In the case of Actiflo® Carb the process has seen an additional contact tank installed on the front section, in order to ensure the contact between the water to treat and the PAC slurry. The main particularity of Actiflo® Carb (see Figure 2) is that the PAC particles are separated from the microsand and return with the sludge to a split receiving tank where a small part is drained and wasted while the major part overflows back into the PAC contact tank. Hence, instead of having a short to medium contact time in terms of activated carbon adsorption, the removal capacity of the material is fully utilized in the case of Actiflo® Carb since the carbon is recirculated, ensuring that the remaining available adsorption surface still removes compounds. While a fraction of the PAC is continuously wasted, a defined amount of fresh material is continuously added as well to ensure an appropriate balance and therefore an optimal performance.

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Plenary session


Figure 2. Overview of the Actiflo® Carb Process

Case Study: T.W Moses Drinking Water Treatment Plant

The first Actiflo® Carb installation in the US is currently under construction at the T.W. Moses treatment plant in Indianapolis, Indiana. Construction was initiated in July 2009 and start up is expected prior to the end of 2010.

The T.W. Moses treatment facility withdraws water from Eagle Creek Reservoir and provides drinking water to approximately 75,000 people. Upstream land use is 63% agricultural, dominated by corn and soy farming, 19% urban and 13% forested. Historically this supply has experienced regular algal blooms that have produced geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), compounds that cause objectionable tastes and odors at levels as low as 10 nanograms per liter (ng/L). In addition, the use of atrazine on agricultural fields in the watershed results in seasonal increases in atrazine concentrations in the reservoir from runoff events.

The T.W. Moses treatment facility was constructed in the early 1960’s and consists of conventional treatment involving solids coagulation using aluminum sulfate, granular media filtration, and chlorination for disinfection. In the past, as it is common with conventional treatment facilities, powdered activated carbon has been added to the influent of the treatment facility as necessary for the removal of atrazine and taste and odor compounds. Mitigation of these events has required PAC doses up to 75 mg/L, which increases the cost of chemicals used in treatment by over 500 percent. In addition, even at these high dosages, the facility is limited in its capability to remove taste and odor

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Plenary session


compounds and is unable to reduce the concentrations to non-objectionable levels if the source water concentration for geosmin or MIB is above 75 to 100 ng/L.

The implementation of the Actiflo® Carb process provides three distinct enhancements to the conventional use of PAC:

• First, the location of PAC feed is moved downstream in the treatment process, following primary coagulation and settling. This allows for the removal of many natural organic compounds in the coagulation process prior to PAC addition, resulting in less competition for adsorption sites on the PAC so that the PAC can be used in a more targeted manner for micropollutant removal.

• Secondly, PAC is recirculated in the Actiflo® Carb process to increase the contact time of the PAC particles, allowing full utilization of adsorption sites prior to removal of the PAC for disposal.

• Finally, these processes are combined with the Actiflo® micro-sand ballasted flocculation process to provide a compact process that allows for the removal of the PAC from the treated water stream in a footprint that is much smaller than would be possible with conventional sedimentation.

The differences between conventional treatment and use of PAC and the use with the Actiflo® Carb process are illustrated in process flow schematic provided below:

Finished Water

Coagulation / Sedimentation Filtration

Chlorine Contact

Raw Water

TOC ReductionParticulate Removal



Coagulation / Sedimentation Filtration

Chlorine Contact

Finished Water

Raw Water

TOC ReductionParticulate Removal



Enhanced TOC Reduction

Micro-pollutant removal


Modified Treatment with ActifloCarb PAC Recirculation Process

Conventional Treatment Process with PAC Addition

Finished Water

Coagulation / Sedimentation Filtration

Chlorine Contact

Raw Water

TOC ReductionParticulate Removal



Coagulation / Sedimentation Filtration

Chlorine Contact

Finished Water

Raw Water

TOC ReductionParticulate Removal



Enhanced TOC Reduction

Micro-pollutant removal


Modified Treatment with ActifloCarb PAC Recirculation Process

Conventional Treatment Process with PAC Addition

Figure 3. Overview of the Actiflo® Carb Process

The addition of the Actiflo® Carb process is expected to provide improvements in water quality and sustainability through the reduction in PAC use combined with an increase in micropollutant removal.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Equivalent removal efficiencies to current operations are expected to be achieved with PAC dosages 50 to 75 percent lower than with conventional treatment. Finally, the addition of this process will add enhanced capabilities for the removal of other micropollutants that may become of increased concern in the future.


The implementation of ActifloCarb in central Indiana represents an excellent example of the application of research knowledge to the development of practical, real-world solutions. In addition, it represents an example of water quality improvements that can be achieved through collaborative efforts across geo-political boundaries, demonstrating the benefits of enhancing French-US technical collaborations in the areas of water quality and sustainable development.

1. Session 1: Water supply and water quality

1.1. Subtopic 1: Water resource management under water


Coordinators: Dr. Agathe Euzen, UMI CNRS / University of Arizona

Pr. Ramesh Kanwar, Iowa State University Dr. Olivier Barreteau, Cemagref, Montpellier

1.1.1. Introduction

This subtopic was focusing on the interfaces between academic knowledge on water dynamics and water use in situations of acute water scarcity and developing policy to adapt to these situations and preventing the occurrence of a crisis as well as reacting to crisis. Current knowledge in the domain of climate change could lead to more frequent and more acute droughts and heavy precipitations. Also, increasing global temperatures are leading to faster melting of major glaciers which may result in reducing water availability for agriculture and industrial use in summer months in some regions on the world. This fosters the development of new knowledge about water dynamics in the academic

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


side in order to understand the unfolding of situations unknown so far. It fosters at the same time pragmatic adaptation of good policies for these expected scenarios. Meanwhile citizens wonder about the possibility to access drinkable water in the near future, as major water uses such as for irrigation is rather increasing, intensifying potential water shortage all over the world.

This round table was focused not only on the new academic knowledge on water dynamics and use under extreme events, but also on the way its development interacts with policy adaptation and citizens’ perceptions. How behaviors, attitudes, and practices evolve with knowledge of the water resource evolution in relation with the water demand by different users (quantity and quality approach)? How agricultural users do change their water management practices to limit water consumption by promoting conservation? Which management on which scale of the territories?

The roundtable gathered scientists from various horizons and with various viewpoints on water scarcity situations. It also included scientists and practitioners with a specific focus on the interface among the groups quoted above, academics, policy makers and citizens, in the dynamics of knowledge elaboration and adaptive management.

Pr. Ramesh Kanwar,

Professor and Chair, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University

Water Systems for 21st Century

One of the fundamental questions for the US and French water scientists at this symposium should be: how should we manage our available water resources and cropping systems to double the food production to feed 9.5 billion people in the world in 2050? Of all the available fresh water supplies on this planet, irrigation systems worldwide are the largest consumers of water which is close to 80%. For the past 25 plus years, total available agricultural land area per person worldwide has been decreasing and agricultural production systems are becoming highly intensive to grow more food on the same per unit area of land. This intensification in agriculture, especially under irrigated conditions, has brought water scarcity issues for irrigation water because of heavy pumping of finite groundwater sources and lowering of water tables in major aquifer systems in the world. In addition, intensification of agriculture has led to heavy use of agricultural chemicals resulting in the degradation of surface and ground water supplies with negative impacts on human health making water quality as the major public concern in the world. Buildup of soil salinity and land degradation are other emerging environmental quality concerns for the farmers and policy makers for irrigated agriculture. Therefore, in order to provide food security to growing global population the final question would be: what are the impacts of intensive agriculture and irrigation systems on the degradation of land and water resources and public health, and how educational institutions of higher learning in the US and France will develop their innovative water related research programs and educational curricula to train water professionals of the 21st century?

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Dr. Olivier Barreteau,

Senior research scientist, Cemagref.

Solidarities and water resource management: an issue of devices and perception O. Barreteau, G. Abrami, K. Erdlenbruch, A. Richard -Cemagref UMR G-EAU

The capacity of people to deal with extreme hydrologic events is increasingly related to their physical, social, and economic interdependences. These interdependences act in both directions: increasing this capacity through providing opportunity for more means to face extreme events, increasing the risk of transmission of side effects. The co-existence of these dynamics result in tension for integration of territories: seeking mutualisation between territories facing risks, or aiming at keeping own resources and autonomy of development. Several researches are on-going within UMR G-EAU at Cemagref for the analysis of this tension and the support to policy-makers who have to deal with it.

This tension raises a first question related to categories of solidarity. From empathetic behavioral patterns to strategic means to handle uncertainty or self-interest in others’ well-being, several modes of relation between people and institutions who make the territories exist and can be fostered to decrease global damages dues to extreme events. Concepts of virtual water and water footprints help in questioning relevant scales for integration.

Several devices exist to enhance the mutualisation between territories, under this positive flagship of “solidarity”. At a physical level, pipes can transfer water between territories, to cope with situations of water stress, from individual farmers choosing irrigation or whole regions with large transfers. At an economic level, insurance or mutual funds provide another way to cope with these situations, through sharing the burden of consequences of extreme events. At an institutional level, rules regulating land use can prevent the occurrence of damages.

The structural choices and activation of these devices depend on the perceptions of the people who can set and enforce them: perception of the probability as well as of the occurrence of an extreme event, perception of the network of consequences, perception of who is responsible for damages. Structural choices also generate side effects associated with their irreversibility.

This relation between perceptions, structural choices and activation of devices for solidarity is the basis for analysis tools to understand the consequences of integration on capacity to deal with extreme events. A mediator beside this tool is required for its use as a dialogue support tool.

Dr. Agathe Euzen

Associate research professor, CNRS – University of Arizona.

Water quality: consumers’ perceptions

When we speak about water quality, we must consider chemical aspects but also consumers perceptions. Sight, smell, taste, and touch make it possible to elaborate, in an empirical way, a certain hierarchy of different kinds of water based on the sensations they give us when we use, consume and

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


drink them. By using sensory memories, consumers permanently re-evaluate their perceptions in order to develop a form of individual expertise enabling them to determine the quality criteria by which to judge the water they are about to drink and to avoid health risks.

Their water choices are based not only on their sensory perceptions, but also on their beliefs, culture, knowledge, and level of trust. Consequently, all consumers have their own perceptions and representations of the water they consume and have a direct incidence on the way consumers react in various contexts. The water perceptions complexity were illustrated with French and North-American examples.

Pr. Rémi Barbier,

Engineer, sociologist and professor, Cemagref – ENGEES.

Water shortage management in France: the birth of a new water institution [1] Rémi BARBIER*, O. Barreteau and J. Riaux

*Cemagref – ENGEES

France faced three major periods of drought since 2000. Water shortages have led to the adoption of restrictions on use; in 2005 for example, 85% of the population were affected by some kind of water restriction. A Water scarcity management plan was adopted in 2005 at the national level. At the local level, a new water institution – the ‘drought committee’ – has been established in every department [2]; administration, with the prefect in a central position, holds the main role, but the committee also includes representatives of the main stakeholders. Within these committees, water scarcity management happens to follow a pattern of “conflicting cooperation”. Each stakeholder involved in has a double aim: to get his own objectives taken into account, while giving them a general scope so they gain legitimacy; in this respect, vulnerability is a key and disputed issue. But implementation of drought management processes requires also a sociotechnical infrastructure made of zoning (partition of counties in warning areas), measurement networks (gathering of information on availability of water), and definition of thresholds against which the crisis status may be activated. The second key issue that we have identified is that of the legitimacy of this infrastructure; it faces indeed various criticisms brought by stakeholders: challenging the infrastructure’s technical validity, setting its inadequacy to a specific context, disqualify its use due to the gap between science and practice behind. We suggest introducing a tool borrowed from the field of anthropology of techniques: the operational chain. We propose to use it to make explicit and debatable the infrastructure, its structure and its content, and on the top of that the “regulatory science” which it is stemming from. We argue that it may provide a medium to improve the legitimacy of the infrastructure and to associate lay people in its constitution or in its revision. [1] This presentation is based on a research funded by ONEMA.

[2] The French territory is divided in 100 departments; in each department, a prefet represents the State.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Dr. Stéphane Ghiotti,

Senior research scientist, CNRS, INSHS

How implement the EU Water Directive Framework (WFD) at the local level? The case of an irrigation canal of Gignac in Southern France.

The implementation of the European Water Framework Directive raises a number of questions about the organizational and territorial processes governing the management of water in France, especially in irrigation sector. The main aim of this directive is to obtaining “good ecological status” in 2015. This mean that users have to share water quality and water quantity, elaborate new rules and norms in a multi-scale organization. The canal of Gignac was built at the end of the 19e century for wine production by surface irrigation. It is situated in an area with high pressure over water, the Herault valley, near Montpellier in southern France. All the public policies, programs and institutions linked with water management have been applied to this area in the past 150 years. Nowadays, economic and touristic development, demographic growth, environmental needs, European and national laws constraints militate in favour of the modernization of the infrastructure, in a context of basin closure. How will the different water users implement “a good local governance” and what solutions and tools could be selected to reach European environmental objectives?

Dr. Stephen Grattan,

Plant-Water Relations Specialist, University of California, Davis.

Use of saline-sodic water for irrigation: Opportunities and Challenges.

On a global perspective, California’ salinity problems are minor in comparison to the challenges facing countries in arid climates whose food and fiber production rely on extremely scare water supplies. Nevertheless, California’s San Joaquin Valley has had a long history of salinity and drainage problems. Trace elements (e.g. Se, Mo and B) in the drainage water have limited disposal options so reusing this ‘waste water’ for irrigation has been a method of choice for reducing drainage volumes in these drainage-impacted areas. At the same time, fresh, surface-water supplies to growers in the valley have dwindled in past years and this trend will likely continue in the years to come. Consequently, there is a growing interest among growers to utilize poorer quality ground water to meet the water requirements of their permanent crops (i.e. trees and vines). I share my 25-year journey at UC Davis and highlight specific research experiences and collaborations in this field of study. In the process, I discussed potential crops, different irrigation strategies using saline sodic water for irrigation, and lessons learned over the years.

Using saline-sodic drainage water for irrigation presents both opportunities and challenges. Most crop plants are sensitive or moderately sensitive to salinity and boron. Nevertheless, cyclic, sequential and blending irrigation strategies have shown that these methods can be used (within limits) to irrigate rotations that include these moderately sensitive crops to salinity and boron. In addition, there are a number of salt-tolerant forages that thrive on this poor-quality water and produce vast quantities of forage material in a region that has experienced rapid growth in the dairy and cattle industry. Despite

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


the encouraging potential of these forages, there are some challenges regarding forage quality. There are also challenges with drainage waters effect on soil physical conditions and slow transient times for saline water applied to the field to flow towards tile drains. Many of these challenges can be overcome but long-term vision is required for such practices to be sustainable.

Dr. Alban Thomas,

Senior research scientist, INRA.

The increasing frequency of extreme climatic events such as droughts, and the prospect of a permanent change in crop and pasture yield due to climate change, have confirmed the need for interdisciplinary research programs on adaptation policies with an operational perspective in mind. Natural resource and environmental economists have addressed the issue of water management under resource scarcity from several perspectives. The first one has to do with optimal, private strategies of irrigation farmers faced with production risk and limited access to ground or surface water. Such a perspective examines the adaptation of current agricultural practices and sets a particular emphasis on farmers’ attitudes towards risk, as well as on changes in the economic context (agricultural policy and marketing board reforms, market price volatility). The second perspective has to do with public policies aimed at coping with increasing discrepancies between water availability and demand from the agricultural sector (sector with higher share of net water consumption). The economist view concerns here the application of standard tools of political economy and environmental economics to water demand management, possibly under risk conditions. The sensitivity of water users to economic instruments has been thoroughly analyzed and has been the subject of numerous empirical debates on implementation issues (water charges, etc.) These first two perspectives rely mostly on empirical production analysis but also involve interdisciplinary research with agronomists, to identify relevant changes in cropping practices and innovative cropping systems.

The third perspective concerns integrated water management at the river basin level. Agriculture in most countries is a major water user while having the lowest economic valuation of the resource, and being the most impacted by restrictions of use during intense scarcity periods. The question of conflicts of use associated with the local resource and collective water sharing rules to solve these conflicts lies underlies most water policies in Europe. As local conditions prevail in quantitative water management (as opposed to other environmental issues), water demands from local communities (residential users), farmers and industries have to be considered jointly and equilibrium paths be determined given hydrological (and political) conditions. Integrated water management schemes are currently being explored by combining empirical analysis of water demands, and by confronting total demand to season-specific available resources, so as to maximize social welfare. Interdisciplinary research programs involve the combination of natural-resource economics, agronomy and hydrology on this topic, to build integrated water management models at the river basin level, which would be used to forecast future water demands under climate change scenarios.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Dr. Philippe Vervier,

Senior research scientist, CNRS, INEE.

Integration of academic knowledge in collaborative management of water resources: Concert’Eau - a collaborative technology platform.

The question of scientific knowledge integration into professional sectors and public policies has been approached differently during the last 40 years. After the periods of the “science push doctrine” and the “society pull science” in the late nineties, it became important to develop cooperation between industry, public policy and research sectors in the so called "triple helix" of science policy. This metaphor illustrates the fact that the development of each partner during a collaborative work follows a spiral related to the iterative interactions with the other partners.

CONCERT’EAU OBJECTIVES: The objective of Concert’Eau (European Project) was to integrate research support in a collaborative decision-making process of water management. Concert’eau aims to answer the question “How can we reconcile objectives to conserve water resources with economic development and territorial cohesion?” The Concert’Eau approach has been tested for cereal crop farming and river water quality.

CONCERT’EAU METHOD: The Concert’Eau project is working to develop a collaborative technology platform to encourage dialogue and exchange between stakeholders. Its aim is to establish economically viable practices that are more eco-friendly, conserve water and preserve aquatic habitats while assuring broad acceptance by the stakeholders. Rather than relying on “top-down” proposals, Concert’Eau is a joint endeavor to build effective and viable programs of environmental actions and encourage uptake of new practices by farmers.

RESEARCH INTEGRATION: The research teams simulate the scenarios and enter values for the indicators from their tools and models, exploiting data on the territory. For the GersAmont territory, 52 scenarios were identified and 34 of them were mapped out and assessed on the basis of 7 indicators defined by the stakeholders.

CONCERT’EAU RESULTS: The results obtained by Concert’Eau in the demonstration territories of Navarra (Spain) and Gers (France) are measurable in terms of:

1) The level of participation at public meetings in the GersAmont territory was between 70 to 100 people, with 40 percent of farmers.

2) The level of satisfaction (82% of participants in Gers and Navarra considered that “identification and assessment of scenarios gives them added value for decision-making”).

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


1.1.2. Discussions, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

This session had a total of eight presentations and focused on water scarcity/ shortage in the 21stcentury. In less than 40 years we will have reached a population amount of 9 billion people on earth. Given that 80% of water consumption is dedicated to irrigation, how should we provide water quantities and water quality while considering climate changes in terms of scarcity and shortages or in other extreme scenarios? The roundtable gave directions that should be followed to help to keep societies prosperous in futures times. These directions concern the requirements for the best water resource management, suggestions for the application of suitable policies, and the specifications for building decision-making tools.

A Better Water Resources Management System

Extreme climate events such as drought and population growth are challenging water consumption to evolve for better future water management. Water is a renewable resource, but its availability remains uncertain and is highly dependent on seasons and pollutant absorption. Groundwater is also a non-renewable resource that should be shared with different users.

Will we have adequate water resources available to grow food to feed the population? Could we create new water resources? The participants tried to express challenges linked to these questions.

The first topic that was discussed was the necessity to identify waste in water utilization and its causes. A suggestion was made to promote synergies between engineers and horticultural selection to better fit the crops to the soil and the local water availability. The purpose would be to determine the most efficient irrigation system with respect to the crop type, and its water needs.

Another discussion concerned the possibility of using the saline/brackish water for irrigation. The solution would be particularly interesting in places like California's San Joaquin Valley (Dr. Stephen Grattan), where the saline-sodic drainage water containing trace elements (e.g. Se, Mo, and B) could be reduced. This opportunity is a challenge, as it turns out that salinity located in the roots-area decreases the productivity of the crop fields. Furthermore the sodium charged water, raining water and fresh water mixtures affect the physical condition of the soils. The toxicity of trace elements on the ruminants’ health should also be more accurately evaluated. Therefore, research opportunities can be explored in the field of irrigation using wasted and brackish water, the becoming of trace elements in the resulting food.

More generally, water management presents three means of action. Structural water management acts locally to ensure a good repartition and availability of the water resource. It could consist of building dams and reservoirs to create water reserves, or pipes to transfer water between territories. This can protect private farmers from uncertain event risks, and avoid private strategies as they could share the water resources in case of shortage. Then a financial support in terms of insurance or mutual funds is another way to share the risks of a

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


water stressed situation, and increases the farmers' attitude toward risk. Such an operation implies better costs characterization of the shortage extreme conditions, including economic aspects bounded to agriculture and its market price volatility. In addition, the occurrences probability of extreme events as well as the sensitivity of water users to economic instruments should be taken into account. The third mean to regulate the water consumption is institutional. Water suitable management policy can introduce taxes, rules, and incentives and gives directions for a global collaboration in the case of water stress. This major challenge raises numerous problems that were debated during the session.

WHITE PAPER PROPOSED: Title of the project proposal: “Study, compare, and analyze current agricultural management practices for productivity and environmental sustainability in the US, France, and other countries of interest.”

The Role of Policy in the Water Management Process

Clean water resources are already a major concern in different countries and the upcoming situation caused by the climate change could lead to international and local conflicts. Therefore, the development of appropriate policies at a local or regional level is considered a priority in order to implement the best water management decisions and to achieve the overall goals of water management. During the roundtable, the contributors tried to answer the questions implied in the establishment of fair and durable policies for water management.

At what scale should water management be implemented? An example of a trans-boundary policy has been presented (Dr. Stéphane Ghiotti); the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) whose aim is to obtain “good ecological status” in 2015. This program faces local specifics, for instance in the south of France in the Mediterranean. In this sense, national and international norms for water conservation always rely on local governance for efficient application.

How can good water management be implemented locally? Several participants put the emphasis on the need of a consensus between stakeholders in order to develop an acceptable policy. Indeed, some running projects (such as CONCERT'EAU (Dr. Philippe Vervier)) suggest taking a "bottom-up" approach to water regulation by considering the needs of different water users in the case of different probable scenarios for a defined territory. This could give a collaborative solution that is economically efficient and fulfills water conservation requirements. Nevertheless, this process has its difficulties. The inequitable influence of the different groups of interest (agriculture/environment) should be handled, and the concept of extreme stakeholder vulnerability should be precisely determined.

Interdisciplinary research is required to build an integrated water management model (including agricultural, residential and industrial use) at a basin level, but the science should also have citizen acceptance and cope with consumers' water culture. Indeed it appears to be necessary for engineers, economists, sociologists and plant scientists to work together to solve water issues at the interface between science and policy in order to obtain a legitimate and stable water management system. Moreover, it was agreed that such water management decisions must address water quality issues in addition to water quantity, according to consumers' water quality perceptions.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Furthermore, a suggestion was made to start an evaluation and a comparison of organizational strategies for managing water quality and quantity in the EU, US, and other regions. The goal would be to evaluate strategies for developing sustainable water systems by addressing economic, political and social dimensions. The underlying hypothesis was that water management occurs at multiple levels and multiple scales under multiple authorities in an attempt to address international, country or state and local quality and quantity. The experiences of conference participants in US, France, and other nations can contribute to the understanding of the following questions:

- Is organization structure and authority appropriate for addressing issues at various scales?

- Can large-scale goals be met with decentralized authority or vice versa?

WHITE PAPER PROPOSED: Title of the project proposal: “Coping with drought at the territorial level.”

An Increasing Need of Model and Monitoring

In all discussions, the development of decision making tools to validate and optimize a water management system has been highlighted as a key concern. The different requirements derived from discussion could give guidelines for further research work in the field of monitoring and modeling.

Most participants agreed that there is a lack of knowledge in multi-disciplinary models. Nowadays, the existing models are more focused on monoculture production, whereas there is a need to gather data from varied skills to support water management decisions. The models should primarily include the biophysical process, the meteorological prediction, the soil behavior, the geophysical layout and the hydrological system of the region (Groundwater, surface water) at the basin level. Such simulation models should be able to provide forecasts and quantify the climate change impacts, providing statistical analysis of the occurrence of extreme events.

However, one of the main purposes is to assess the efficiency of different water policies. Accordingly, each physical representation should be coupled with a socioeconomic model. Cost-functions would quantify the influence of a policy on agriculture production and the market and would foster the construction of an appropriate insurance system that is able to meet the real needs of the farmers regarding their attitude toward risks. Finally, the model would offer both a long term and a short term vision of the evolution of water management according to different probable scenarios. It would also evaluate the stability of policy with respect to climate change.

These models emphasize the need for data to accurately characterize physical and economic behavior. Collecting data from both French and American experience could be a great opportunity to build a generic model. This also raises the monitoring problem. It was acknowledged that the development of major devices is important to provide relative instantaneous information of water availability or soil conditions. This is essential to establish a quicker governmental response in the case of a shortage or stressful situation. These data are also necessary to validate the aforementioned models.

These broad subjects are particularly important for French-American collaboration and for the creation of a common research program.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


1.2. Subtopic 2: Impact of human activities on agricultural water

quality and water quality impact on agricultural activities

Coordinators: Dr. Guillermina Hernandez, INRA, Narbonne Pr. Prasanta Kalita, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

1.2.1. Introduction

The impact of environment on agricultural agenda has grown in the last few decades. Fate and transport of chemicals, such as nitrate, phosphorus, pesticides, micropollutants and pathogens from agricultural lands to surface and groundwater resources have become important topics of discussion.

Agricultural best management practices (BMP) have been developed and implemented to curb soil erosion, sedimentation, and transfer of non-point source pollutants to water resources.

This program brought an expert panel of international scientists, engineers, and policymakers together to share information on how agricultural activities have impacted water quality and what have been done to address water quality concerns. Presentations included ecological effects of human dominations of the earth, including effects of habitat destruction and effects of ecosystem services of value to society; fundamentals of non-point source pollution and socio-economic issues related to water quality; history of development of agricultural best management practices and global impact; agricultural cropping system effects on sustainability, soil erosion, sedimentation, runoff, and environmental quality. The presentations also included specific case studies on the fate and transport of chemicals, such as physico and toxico-chemistry of organic contaminants; and characterization of organic pollutants from rural and urban sources. The presentations provided a venue for all attendees to share information on the latest arts, science, and technological advances of agricultural production practices and their global and local impacts on the environment. It was intended that these presentations provided opportunities for scientist, engineers and policy makers to form action teams and work together for environmentally sustainable agricultural production systems globally.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Pr. Prasanta K. Kalita,

Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Illinois.

Advances in land management practices for sustainable ecosystems

Significant progress has been made in evaluating and defining best management practices to reduce agricultural chemicals and pathogen transport in surface and subsurface drainage discharge. Water quality and hydrologic models have been developed and modified for better understanding and to evaluate the effects of best management practices on crop production and water quality. Edge-of the field-bioreactors are being evaluated and implemented for in-situ bioremediation of subsurface drained water. Research in controlling microbial pathogen transport from animal production facilities are limited, however, latest research findings show promise for developing best management practices for limiting pathogen transport in both surface and groundwater sources. Process-based pathogen transport models are being developed and tested for their field-scale application. Erosion and sediment control practices are being evaluated and implemented for sustainable land management on non-agricultural lands. The latest advances and continued efforts show great promises for sustainable ecosystems.

Dr. Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet,

Research Scientist, INRA.

Impact of human and agricultural activities on water quality: the case of micropollutants.

Anthropic activities are responsible for the contamination to the environment with a wide range of molecules which may cause harmful effects such as hormonal disorders on wildlife. Among the pollutants present in the environment, steroid hormones are of particular concern because they can act on the endocrine system at concentrations in the order of ng/L. Indeed, steroid hormones may disturb the endocrine system of various organisms leading to vitellogenin production in male fish, for instance, or to the development of oocytes in testes. Other compounds used for improving human and animal health such as antibiotics, may also produce negative effect on natural ecosystems (e.g. antibiotic resistance). In both humans and animals, these compounds, hormones or antibiotics, are excreted in urine and faeces, reaching the natural environment through discharges from sewage treatment plants and manure disposal units. In the other hand, these treatment systems represent a zone of action to reduce the pollutant content of these wastes. The purpose of this talk is to illustrate the research we performed on micropollutant contained in sewage and manure. The main objectives of our research are to assess the micropollutant fate in treatment system and their potential transfer to the natural environment, to evaluate different strategies to improve micropollutant removal and to assess the ecotoxicological impact of such contaminants.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Pr. Mark B. David,

Professor of Biogeochemistry, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Impact of Agricultural Activities on Water Quality

Water quality in the Midwest of the US and throughout the country is affected by two anthropogenic factors, agriculture and point source (mainly sewage effluent) additions. We have made extensive progress in reducing impacts from sewage effluent, but nonpoint source nutrient inputs from agricultural landscapes have not been reduced, and are a major source of nutrients affecting streams near the source areas as well as coastal estuaries well downstream. This is certainly true for Gulf of Mexico hypoxia, as well as hypoxic zones throughout the US. Artificial tile drainage facilitates the movement of nitrate from agricultural fields, as well as other chemicals applied to a field under certain conditions. Surface runoff and tiles both contribute phosphorus, which is often the limiting nutrient controlling stream productivity. The cornbelt of the upper Midwest, which is heavily tile drained, has high flows in late winter and spring, so that it contributes a large percentage of the Mississippi River nitrogen and phosphorus load heading to the Gulf of Mexico. Climate change is leading to more intense precipitation events in the spring, making nutrient export even more difficult to control. There are many challenges to making large reductions in nutrient losses from agricultural fields and watersheds. Although we know many practices that could reduce losses, they have high costs and are not currently being implemented. Agricultural impacts on water quality will continue to be a major challenge for scientists and policy makers to effectively control and reduce nutrient and other chemical losses.

Dr. Nicolas Domange,

Research Scientist, ONEMA.

ONEMA’s missions include:

- the organization and supply of high-level science advice, based on scientific knowledge to support the implementation and evaluation of public policy in the water sector. - the coordination of the national information system and participation in acquisition of data on water and aquatic environments - the participation in inspections on water usage and surveillance of aquatic environments with a view to prevent damages to the environments, to promote their restoration and the preservation of biodiversity. - the supply of technical support and field-acquired knowledge on the operation of aquatic environments.

More specifically, it seeks to pilot and find some operational research actions in the field of the water environment, more specifically pertaining to non-point pollution. It follows that ONEMA ensures that research projects’ results are easily transferable to stakeholders, adequately support European and national legislation implementation, and that they are the right answers to local problems faced by administrative agencies which are in charge of implementing the policies and regulations.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


ONEMA’s scientific department seeks to direct R&D projects in France with a set of annual bilateral agreements signed with public research institutions/organizations, such as Cemagref, National Institute for Agronomy INRA, National Center for Scientific research (CNRS)…

With respect to diffuse pollutions in particular, a number of projects have been funded in the last 2 years. Such operational actions aim for instance, at:

- improving the relevance of water sampling with respect to chemical monitoring in relation to the specific aims of the project itself (compounds prioritization, sampling strategy and analysis…) - improving the analysis of the data on compounds concentrations originating from large monitoring networks (e.g. how to manage spatial and temporal heterogeneities?) - improving knowledge on some specific processes, such as volatilization and biodegradation in order to develop and optimize new mitigation measurements (buffer strip, artificial wetlands, storm basins, vegetalized ditch…) - developing at different scales new operational qualitative models or tools, such as simple indicators, particularly in the field of coupling of pressures → contamination, and contamination → effect - developing new methods of diagnosis of transfer risks particularly with respect to drinking water wells catchment zone (identified as priorities due to quality deterioration) in order to improve the selection of the most relevant actions for protecting these wells (via the use of isotopes, coupled models…) - developing nation-wide networks (e.g. of observatory sites for the environment) in order to establish national databases (for research, stakeholders…) on actions which were associated with impacts measurements in terms of water quality

The other main task sought by the scientific department’s actions is the support to the creation and to the coordination of specific technical and scientific groups, such as those focused on drinking water wells’ protection against diffuse pollutions, or the national group on pesticide risk Indicators, or the one on the Mitigation measurements.

Dr. Philippe Mérot,

Director of research, INRA.

Impact of agricultural activities on water quality; the case of a livestock farming region.

The impact of agricultural activities on water quality was exemplified by the case of Brittany, a region with high N inputs from intensive animal farming systems and shallow aquifers with impervious bedrock in a temperate climate. Due to the high level of pollution and to the vulnerability of the physical environment, we meet major questions with the European litigation on water supply and with sea-shore pollution (green tide and toxic algae bloom).

A long term trend was observed thanks to the 30-years data of an Observatory of Research in Environment - a structure similar to the LTER catchments-, the ORE AGRHYS, with an increase of the mean annual value of NO3 from 7 to 70 mg.l-1 since 1973. The relation between indicators of farming activity - as pig density- and the amount of nitrate is now well known and is no more a research topic. The current challenge is threefold.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


1) To characterise the response time within agricultural catchment, to assess the time needed to recover a good water quality, after the implementation of Best Management Practices.

2) To characterise the impact of buffer zones such as wet meadows (and more generally wetlands), hedges and buffer strips on the abatement of nitrogen in rural areas, and to improve their geochemical function, including natural and constructed wetlands at the catchment scale.

3) To better understand the relative effect of the anthropogenic activity and climate variability and trend on the interannual variability of nitrates concentration and fluxes.

These three points were illustrated by current results.

Beside long term and hot spot measurements, and closely connected to the measurements, distributed agro-hydrological modelling (TNT2) is developed to simulate the impact of different agronomical scenarios, co-constructed with farming council board and regional authorities to attempt to control and to decrease the level of pollution in water bodies.

The talk was devoted to nitrate pollution. Similar work is done on other pollutants, namely phosphorus and pesticides. Moreover three other Observatories of research in environment devoted to farming systems are implemented in France to capture the diversity of impact of the French farming systems.

Pr. Vladimir Novotny,

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University.

Danger of hypertrophic status of impoundments providing potable water resulting from excessive nutrient loads from agricultural operations and other sources.

The presentation outlined the effect of agricultural operations on nutrient losses with a specific focus on creating eutrophic and hypertrophic water quality status in lakes and reservoirs providing water supply. As a result of “green revolution” in agriculture nutrient loses from intensive agricultural operations have dramatically increased throughout the world. The presentation compared the nonpoint loads of nitrogen and phosphorus in several countries. Two specific cases illustrated the dilemma. The presentation focused on Švihov Reservoir on the Želivka River in Czech Republic which is a primary source of potable water for Prague and Lake Tai (Taihu) in China which are either threatened by or already suffering from excessive nutrient loads by nonpoint primarily agricultural sources. The problem is the status of hypertrophy exhibited by algal blooms of cyanobacteria which is becoming endemic to many impoundments in Europe and Asia. Sources of nutrients and impending threats to the water supply reservoir, the water treatment plant and health effects were outlined. The need for a coordinated interdisciplinary research and implementation plan for remedy were outlined and discussed. A proposal for protective zones, nonpoint pollution controls and ecological land use modifications were suggested.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Pr. Luis R. Perez-Alegria,

Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department at the University of Puerto Rico.

Impact of Agricultural Activities on Water Quality

As a faculty with the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Dr. Perez-Alegria has worked in tropical watersheds studying the relationship between landuse, hydrology and water quality both at the nutrient and bacteriological levels. His teaching and research focus on quantifying and explaining relationships between landuse, specifically agriculture and barren land, in sediment and nutrient exports to water supplies and marine environments that causes degradation of water quality and irreversible damage to tropical marine wildlife. More recently he has work on the challenges imposed by stakeholders at watershed level that are forcing regulatory agencies to resort to tools traditionally used by other research fields to find common grounds to regulate landuse at least assigned responsibility based on its contribution to degradation of water quality.

Pr. R. Wayne Skaggs,

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor at North Carolina State University.

Effects of Drainage Water Management on Nitrogen Losses to Surface Waters R. Wayne Skaggs and Mohamed A. Youssef

Nitrogen losses from drained agricultural lands are a principal source of excess nitrogen (N) in streams and estuaries. Drainage Water Management (DWM) or Controlled Drainage (CD) can be used to significantly reduce N losses in drainage waters while conserving water and potentially increasing crop yields. Field research conducted by a number of investigators on a wide range of soils and locations has shown that CD reduced N losses by 18 to 85 percent compared to conventional drainage. Analysis of results of the various studies indicates that the difference in effectiveness of CD among soils and sites is primarily due to differences in its effect on seepage, and whether the seepage water passes through denitrified zones. This leads to the conclusion that research to determine the effectiveness of CD should be conducted on field size or larger units, such that the effect of lateral and vertical seepage was appropriately represented. The simulation model DRAINMOD/DRAINMOD-NII was used to predict the long-term performance of CD for a sandy loam soil in eastern North Carolina. CD reduced the 35-year average annual predicted N losses in drainage water by 37% for continuous corn and by 34% for a corn-wheat-soybean rotation. Both predicted N loads in drainage water and the reduction of those loads in response to CD varied widely from year to year. Predicted annual N loads for conventional drainage on continuous corn varied from 12.3 to 87.3 kg/ha. CD reduced the predicted annual N loads in drainage water by 18 to 58% over the 35 year period. Methods to estimate the effect of CD on N losses based on its effect on drainage volumes were evaluated and were discussed.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


Dr. Emmanuel Soyeux, Dr. Lenore P. Tedesco,

Senior scientist, Veolia Environnement Recherche & Innovation,

Associate professor, IUPUI Department of Earth Sciences.

Near Natural Mitigation Zones for Agricultural Runoff Management to Protect Drinking Water Supplies: A French – German -US research collaboration

The AQUISAFE research project aims at mitigation of diffuse pollution from agricultural sources to protect surface water resources. The project has several objectives including: optimizing system-analytical tools for the planning and implementation of mitigation zones, demonstrating the effectiveness of mitigation zones in international case studies in the US Midwest and Brittany, France, and developing recommendations for the implementation of near-natural mitigation zones, which are efficient in attenuating nutrients and selected pesticides. A series of different types of mitigation systems, including constructed wetlands and reactive trenches are being constructed in 2010 at identified agricultural sites in France and the USA. A preliminary monitoring of a drainage-fed surface flow wetland showed good nitrate retention when water infiltrated or had significant residence times, but no discernable effect during major storm events. As a result, future designs aim at higher reaction times by adapting size of end-of-drainage solutions to expected flows and by developing new mitigation systems for existing drainage ditches. Moreover, reaction rates are improved by forming favourable conditions for underground passage and by addition of organic carbon sources, such as straw or wood chips. Whereas nutrients are the focus for the field sites in France, both nutrients and atrazine are the focus in the US. Reactive trenches are being tested for pesticide retention at laboratory and technical scale at the experimental field of the German Federal Environment Agency. In the latter experiments, Bentazon and Atrazine are used as test substances, given their relevance for European and US surface waters, respectively.

Co-Authors: Andreas Matzinger, Department Surface Water, Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin, Germany Christelle Pagotto, Veolia Water, Direction Technique, Paris, France

Dr. Bernard Vincent,

Research engineer, Cemagref.

Constructed wetlands in small drained catchments; a future for water quality improvement?

3 billion hectares, or 10%, of French arable land are drained with subsurface drainage.

Highly intensive farming practices resort to high rates of entrants and impact surface water quality with resulting non-point pollution. Current policies for water quality improvement focus on entrant reduction prior to actions on water pathways across watersheds, generally considered as complementary or poorly relevant. Indeed, subsurface drainage has the interesting peculiarity of geographically concentrating effluents and turning diffuse pollution into point pollution, easier to collect and process for mitigation. The paper explores the possibilities of constructed wetlands as mitigation devices for drained land in the French context, assuming that entrant reduction is carried

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


out anyway. The work is based on recent achievements in terms of engineering techniques, on results from farm experiments, and on feedbacks from implementation of solutions and farmers participation.

Vincent, B., Tournebize, J., Chaumont C., Passeport, E.

1.2.2. Discussion, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

This session had twelve speakers. Various issues related to human activities (both agriculture and urban activities) and the environment (mostly on water quality) were discussed. The fate and transport of various pollutants such as agricultural chemicals (nitrate, phosphorus, and pesticides), pharmaceuticals, and microbial pathogens have been explored. The performance of several agricultural best management practices (BMP) and non-agricultural treatment systems has been investigated to reduce negative impacts of pollutants on the environment. The main issues addressed and their recommendations are summarized in terms of impacts observation and characterization, BMP assessments, and models development.

Investigations on Human Activities Impacts.

It results from the discussions that the identification of pollutants from human activities has significantly improved over the last years. Laboratory investigations on the fate of organic pollutants and pathogens have led to a better characterization of water pollution and its causes. Indeed, some studies are currently being conducted on 9 families of pollutants(AOX, LAS, NPE, PAE, PAH, PCB PCDD/F, pathogen, feces bacteria, and hormones (Pr. Prasanta K. Kalita, Dr. Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet). Clearly, the contaminants source is attributed to agriculture practice and urban waste and produces a diffusion pollution of the soils and water sources. For instance, a presented study of animal farming in Brittany shows its increasing impact on the nitrogen pollution in the region (Dr. Philippe Mérot). Moreover the drainage practice (particularly developed in the Midwest) brings a point source pollution affecting the water quality as well. The drainage practice transports the contaminants and participates to the spread of pollution. It is even more worrying as the climate change would probably introduce more frequent rains and storms which have been considered as an increasing factor for this phenomenon. Consequently, the transport of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus leads to the eutrophic and hypertrophic status of water in pounds. This consequence is visible in the Svikov reservoir (Prague) for example (Pr. Vladimir Novotny) and is responsible for the development of cyanobacteria, a toxic source for human and animals. Given these recent advances in pollution characterization, some priority research developments have been highlighted. The first direction concerned a better comprehension of the fate of contaminants, especially hormones and antibiotics which require a long term monitoring data at the watershed scale. Hence, the water bioremediation process could be more accurately determined and the sewage treatment improved. More efforts should also be involved in the comparison of these different water treatment techniques in terms of efficiency and environmental impacts. At the same time, stress was put on the importance of improving the relevance of the water sampling. The quantification of climate change effects on hydrological flows and pollutant transport also needs to be investigated. This should be addressed under a wide range of climatic conditions for developing new knowledge. Then, the legacy concerning the eutrophic situation is not perfectly defined nowadays, and more research should be conducted to have a better characterization of the phenomena, such as the limitation factor

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


(Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Temperature...) according to the location. This field of research is the basis to establishing an efficient water quality management.

WHITE PAPERS PROPOSED: Titles of the project proposals:

• “Long-term monitoring study to evaluate the effect of climate change on sub-surface drainage flows,”

• “Resilience of farming systems to global change (climate, socio-economic): Through diversity (soil, crops, farms) and technological innovation (conservation, agriculture, low input system...).”

Best management practices assessment

In order to mitigate the anthropoid’s influence on the environment and more precisely on water quality, several best management practices have been suggested. Concerning the influence of drainage practices on the nitrogen losses to surface water, a Drainage Water Management (DWM) technique has already been tested and its effectiveness acknowledged. However the performances depend on the soils, because of the effects on seepage. Accordingly, the effectiveness of drainage control on large unit should be quantified to evaluate the influence of vertical seepage.

In addition, several participants have presented the buffer zones use as a promising solution for the best management practices. It could be built in wet meadows, hedges, and buffer strips (constructed or natural,) and they all proved their effectiveness in attenuating nutrients and selected pesticides. Some tools have already been developed to study the water feeding network for good allocation planning (ex: Aquisafe (Dr.Emmanuel Soyeux, Dr. Lenore P. Tedesco)) but improvements are still needed in terms of storm events consequences and the long term fate of mitigation zones. This could better evaluate the role and the impacts of such structure in agricultural areas. Furthermore, more research should be conducted to optimize the contaminants elimination, and to minimize land allocation. This includes the characterization of the residence time in catchment, as well as specific process such as volatilization and biodegradation.

There exists some experimental areas were the system is tested (wet buffer in series or in parallel to the drainage). This solution seems to be a good opportunity to concentrate effluents and to turn diffuse pollution into point pollution.

Finally the debate confirmed the point of view that a comparison between current agricultural management practices, in terms of productivity and environmental sustainability is fundamental to support the upcoming evolutions. The developed techniques are promising but, like the others, require the support of numerical calculation and simulation for their enhancement.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


WHITE PAPER PROPOSED: Title of the project proposal: “Advanced Physical Chemical Processes for emerging contaminants elimination.”

Models Development and Database.

Besides the need of long term monitoring data, all the attendees agreed with the necessity of simulation models. The role of models is the application in soils quality assessments and ground water vulnerability. They provide a support for decision making.

The need concerns more specifically agro-hydrological and pollutants oriented models. There are several models to use for water quality predictions and BMP evaluations for both benefits (such as crop yield) and negative impacts (environmental degradation). For water quality a wide range of tools offer continuous modeling at the watershed scale from HSPF, SWAT to TOPMODEL and MIKE-SHE (Pr. Luis R. Perez-Alegria). They allow optimization according to several objectives. Several challenges regarding the environmental system modeling have also been highlighted. Indeed, some apparently simple and homogenous systems generate complex behaviors whereas obviously complex dynamic and non-linear systems produce simple responses. In other words, most models are complex but some simple approach can be adapted for more accurate predictions of hydrologic and water quality information at multiple scales.

It turns out that the models still required improvements. For example, it was suggested to conduct research on the connection between water quality and water resources in the models which could help to analyze sedimentation problems. But the expressed need concerned essentially the monitoring aspects. The models require large databases to be calibrated and validated in order to improve its prediction and expand their applicability. Data may be collected from both countries (and more) to address common practices and to strengthen the model theories. This is a good opportunity to develop new strong collaborations in building database network.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


1.3. Subtopic 3: Drinking water quality: climate changes related issues

and impact on ground water

Coordinators: Dr. Corinne Ferronato, IRCELyon Pr. Inez Hua, Purdue University

1.3.1. Introduction

This session focused on the intersection of global climate change and water quality, and specifically chemical, biological, and physical attributes of water that contribute to the overall quality. Discussions will include comparisons of the impact of climate change on water quality in different sectors (including municipal, industrial, agriculture, and energy generation).

Dr. Corinne Ferronato,

Associate professor, IRCELYON.

My research activities have been mainly focused on:

- Development of analytical methods for trace organic pollutants analysis in aqueous and gaseous matrices, - degradation of organic contaminants (dyes, pesticides, hydrocarbons, personal care products, VOCs) from water and from air (natural removal, photolysis, photo-induced reaction, advanced oxidation process (chemistry and technology).

Advanced oxidation process (AOPs) are chemical oxidative processes, they may be used for decontamination of water containing organic pollutants and/or for disinfection removing current and emerging pathogens. These methods rely on the formation of highly reactive chemical species which degrade even the most recalcitrant molecules into biodegradable compounds. Although there are different reacting systems, all of them are characterized by the same chemical feature: production of OH which is the strongest known oxidant (2.8 V standard hydrogen electrode), after fluorine. Hydroxyl radicals are able to oxidize and mineralize almost every organic molecule, yielding CO2 and inorganic ions.

Most of studies dealing with organic pollutants treatment report the investigation of some operational parameters using the univariated approach. In this case, one parameter is varied each time while

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


keeping constant the other variables. However, this may be misleading since it implies a partial exploration of the experimental field and it ignores the possible interactions between the variables. An alternative method, experimental statistical design, can overcome this shortcoming. Recently, we have applied the multivariable analysis method to investigate the operational parameters for dyes and PCPs (personal care products) during photocatalysis.

According to the competences of researchers from the WATER team of IRCELYON, we are able: - to study the fate of pollutants detected in various aqueous effluents, - to propose an adapted process for detoxification of these effluents, - the treatment process can be studied in a kinetic point of view and also the intermediates generated during the process can be identified using the analytical methods available and developed at IRCELYON or with others academic partners.

Our collaboration with academic chemical engineering groups allowed also dimensioning of optimized reactor.

Pr. Lucila Candela,

Professor, Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geoscience-UPC (Barcelona-Spain).

Global change and agricultural management options for groundwater sustainability.

During the last century, agricultural production based on vegetable species of rapid growth, intensive irrigated crops and extensive use of inorganic fertilizers has seen rapid development. The most intensive land use in terms of water and nutrient consumption corresponds to irrigated agriculture, frequently located in alluvial zones and coastal plains on top of highly vulnerable aquifers (detrital, coarse grained, with a vadose zone less than 30 m thick and low replenishment capacity). Vulnerable aquifers are frequently located in zones of high water demand, such as coastal areas. Although fertilization rates have stabilized or in most cases are decreasing, because of implementation of more efficient, environment-friendly agricultural practices, intensive fertilization products have been applied, frequently exceeding crop needs, in areas where intensive irrigation is a common practice. Plant protection products have shown a parallel increasing trend as nutrients. With regard to plant protection compounds, common practice is the simultaneous application of a minimum of 2-3 compounds per crop and a continuous change of the active compounds. As a consequence, an important part of aquifer recharge is from deep infiltration water which has led to the increase of nitrate concentration in groundwater. The origin of such widespread pollution is clearly related to the extension of agricultural activities over the recharge area of the aquifer and different well penetration below water table.

Groundwater from wells is generally used for irrigation in many areas of the world, with special emphasis in arid and semi-arid areas. Main impacts of groundwater exploitation due to water level lowering have led to seawater intrusion in coastal areas, ecosystems drying (wetlands) among others. With regard to water application, the tendency is toward abandoning traditional irrigation techniques in favour of drip irrigation to reduce water application dose and irrigation return flow to groundwater.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


According to the General circulation models (CGMs) for future climate projections and increase of temperature, decrease of precipitation and increase of extreme events variability maybe expected, which may aggravate future water resources. Agricultural management alternatives of crop type distribution and irrigation demand under future climate change projections are required for planned adaptation strategies. Forecast of groundwater recharge under diverse agricultural management practices and climate change scenarios and water budget affection through a modelling exercise may allow to quantify the impacts and adaptation strategies.

Pr. Charles P. Gerba,

Professor of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona.

Climate Change: Emerging Pathogens and the need for New Indicators of Microbial Water Quality

Global climate change is increasing the temperatures of surface waters world wide. Waterbased pathogens are those that naturally occur in water (e.g. Legionella spp.), in contrast to waterborne pathogens which originate from animals and are spread by the fecal oral route (Salmonella spp.). Many waterbased pathogens are thermophilic and their concentrations can be expected to increase as surface waters increase in temperature. Such waterbased pathogens include Legionella spp., Mycobacterium avium, Pseudomonas spp., Aeromonas spp, Vibrio spp. and Naegleria fowleri. Increasing concentrations of these organisms in water will likely result in increases in exposure and infections. Indicators of increased risks from waterbased pathogens are needed to better define potential risks.

Increased water temperatures may also impact the use of bacterial indicators of fecal contamination in temperate climates. Coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli are known to grow and survive for long periods of time in warm tropical waters limiting their use as indicators of water quality in the tropics. New indicators will be needed in response to limitations of currently used bacterial indicators of water quality.

Pr. Yves Levi,

Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical sciences, Univ. Paris sud 11.

Managing water quality, water safety and public health

Demographic change, increasing urbanization and food requirements induce a major pressure on the qualitative and quantitative management of water resources. Concerning the production of drinking water for human consumption, the priority issue is to protect the health of populations in all related uses including drinking, food preparation, hygiene, and recreation.

The quantitative management induces water transport over long distances and the creation of reservoirs whose impact on the quality is sometimes significant (dissolved organic matter, precursors of disinfection byproducts, cyanobacterial toxins ...). The stored waters are often more difficult to

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


treat. The water cuts lead to install storages on buildings and houses that can degrade the quality (temperature, releases from materials, biofilms...). The rapid urbanization in geographical areas with a stress or scarcity of water generates new risk areas: this is for example the case of growth of cities in areas without water resources or the case of the production of artificial snow in parallel to the increase of the urbanization of mountain resorts for winter sports.

Concerning the qualitative management, changes in practices related or not to climate change, lead to ambiguous situations. The consumption of water in some cities where resources are largely sufficient is declining. The diffusion of eco-friendly messages to the entire population leads to alternative practices for water use that need to ensure that they cannot lead to regression of public health. The use of rain water development is a message very well accepted by consumers but indiscriminate use may cause health damage situations. The contamination of resources by hundreds of molecules, classified in the large family of emerging micropollutants, becomes even more worrying when Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) discharges represent too significant volumes of resources during low flow period.

WWTPs and Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTPs) should accelerate the development of their technologies to maintain, in distributed waters for human purposes, a level of acceptable and accepted risks. It is therefore essential to make progress in the scientific and objective assessment of risks linked to mixtures of micropollutants at low concentrations for setting targets to be achieved for health protection and levels of consumer acceptability. To protect resources and help reduce investment costs for water treatments, consumers must accept to reduce the use of certain pollutant molecules (pesticides, plasticizers, flame retardants, pharmaceuticals, PCB...). The influence of climate change may induce the emergence of new pollutants and/or pollutants newly used in areas where they did not exist.

The length of distribution networks increases dramatically in all megacities in the world while drinking water production sites are limited. The residence time in the networks is a source of large variations of quality that should be described, modelized and managed. Confidence in the quality and safety of tap water should be guaranteed and amplified to limit consumers towards alternative waters (bottled, treatments at home, filter jugs…) that induce an extra cost, an environmental footprint and health risks.

Dr. William Mitch,

Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale University.

Understanding Organic Nitrogen Contributions from Municipal Wastewater and Agricultural Inputs on Downstream Drinking Water Utilities and Ecosystems

Where climate change results in a reduction in rainfall, the dilution factors anticipated for municipal wastewater discharges and agricultural runoff will decline, resulting in higher concentrations of wastewater and agriculture-derived constituents in receiving waters. Although significant attention has focused on the impacts of pharmaceuticals and pesticides on receiving water ecosystems, the impacts of organic nitrogen have been less thoroughly investigated. Both types of discharge feature

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


concentrations of organic nitrogen above those observed in unimpacted surface waters. The organic nitrogen constituents include specific microconstituents, including pesticides and pharmaceuticals, but perhaps more importantly, macroconstituents, such as proteins and amino-sugars. The potential dangers associated with the organic nitrogen are two-fold. First, organic nitrogen can be transformed into highly toxic byproducts during disinfection by downstream drinking water utilities. These nitrogenous byproducts include nitrosamines, halonitromethanes and haloacetonitriles. Second, organic nitrogen contributes to eutrophication. For example, although wastewater treatment plants discharging to Long Island Sound are converting their treatment systems to remove inorganic nitrogen, residual organic nitrogen concentrations of ~4 mg/L are considered to pose a risk to the Sound. Research is needed to characterize the organic nitrogen contributed by wastewater effluents and agricultural runoff, and to understand how these materials are transformed within receiving waters. Such research would enable technologies to be developed to remove these materials prior to discharge.

Dr. Joan B. Rose,

Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research, Michigan State University.

Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment associated with Climate and Waterborne Disease

Vibrio cholera and Salmonella enteric serovar Typhi are responsible for causing major diarrheal outbreaks in developing countries. Currently, the Zimbabwe cholera outbreak has over 40,000 reported cases and 2,225 deaths as of January 2009 (United Nations), as well as typhoid being stated for causing approximately 16 million cases per year worldwide (WHO). Flooding is the largest contributor of all disasters to morbidity and mortality particularly in the developing world. QMRA is a framework that can be used to address the impact and need for water diagnostics and solutions to protect public health under climate change.

Dr. Eric Servat,

Director of research, IRD.

One of the main concerns humankind will have to face is undoubtedly its capacity to feed all human beings during the forthcoming decades. Population increase, emerging countries and research of new political and economic balances, natural resources overexploitation are some of the most worrying challenges we will have to take up. Furthermore, global change leads in many places to a pejoration of natural resources and particularly of water resources. We tried to address challenges on one hand and global change impacts on the other hand to underline threats and difficulties that are emerging and that need solutions and decisionsmaking.

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


1.3.2. Discussions, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

This session was organized around 10 presentations dealing with global change and water management options for groundwater sustainability. This subtopic is especially related to hazard identification, exposure to pathogens and microbes, climate change factor, disinfection, treatment technologies and human health risks. The major discussed issues have been collected to describe the impacts of climate change on water quality, the current treatment processes being developed, and how to handle the human health risks.

Impacts of Climate Change on Water Quality

The global warming has been identified as a cause of emerging pathogens. The temperature increase contributes to develop both water-based pathogens (ex: legionella) and waterborne pathogens (ex: salmonella). The air conditioning system development can also bring a new ecology within the water (amoebas, pseudomonades,...). Anew pest diffusion could change the use of pesticides. The upcoming water stress and scarcity resulted in dryer conditions and less dilution of the contaminants in the water. This increases the impacts of pollutants. In addition the urban population growth, especially in developing countries, requires the development of infrastructure such as reservoirs and water distribution networks. This contributes to the development of organic matter such as biofilms and cyanobacterial blooms inside. Moreover, the increasing food needs lead to an intensification of fertilization which frequently exceeds the crop needs. Consequently, the nutrients concentration in waste water effluents and agricultural runoff grows as well as the associated eutrophic status of catchments.

These observations have raised new water quality challenges and some research needs have been expressed. The needs concern a better comprehension of the pathogens, pesticides, PCP impacts on receiving water. This involves new indicators of pathogens presence and a real time monitoring thank to water quality sensors (specific, sensitive, viability assessment), especially in the distribution systems. This could help to design adapted treatment plants.

Treatments Processes and Associated Dangers

Under water scarcity, waste water treatments become a major concern. During the round table, different technologies were presented. These technologies include the Advance Oxidation Process using the hydroxyl radical to purify water, and generated by photocatalytis using artificial UV or solar UV. An ultrasonic and photochemical treatment of organic compounds has also been suggested. Indeed the ultrasound and cavitation chemistry both enhance the rate of destruction of organic compounds. The research needs in these fields basically turn around the processes’ efficiency in terms of effectiveness for the removal of identified emerging pollutants (kinetic and mechanistic studies), and of energy consumption. The photocatalystic could also be envisaged as a pretreatment method in order to reduce the concentration of toxic organic compounds that inhibit biological wastewater treatments.

Some participants have emphasized the dangers and consequences of water treatment processes. Considering the high concentration in waste water effluents, the disinfection process acts on organic

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


nitrogens to form disinfection byproducts (DBPs) such as nitrosamines, which are particularly toxic for human and animal health. Besides, the use of chlorine/chloramines in the disinfection process yields a biofilm population growth (mycobacterium spp), and the UV-based techniques results in an increasing discharge of adenovirus in surface waters. The changes in treatment technology always result in changes in the pathogens to which we are exposed.

Therefore, the attendees agreed with the necessity of conducting studies in order to understand the formation of new, more potent nitrogen-DBPs and the need to design disinfection systems that minimize the risks. It was also suggested to focus on at-home treatment to ensure water quality after the implementation of distribution systems. These fields of study offer synergistic possibilities between France and US as they apply different disinfectants are used on similar water.

Public Health and Risk Assessment

Besides the taste and odor issues associated with water quality, the human health risk is the major concern. It has been shown in the last century that the quality of drinking water (especially from groundwater wells) or flooding, is an important factor of disease (such as cholera). The temperature increase, due to climate change, as well as the increase in rainfall frequency, emphasize the risks. Accordingly, a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) should be conducted. The risk evaluation should be established for all population during all life, and it should include the impacts of management strategies, the exposure assessment (toxicology in vitro/ in vivo/ animals models, ecotoxicology). The conduction of such studies should rely on provided relevant data.

The residual mixture of organic and mineral pollutants in tap water requires a deeper scientific and objective investigation to define the consequences of an eventual molecular interaction under a long term exposure, and their effects on human health.

The policies for water quantities management could also bring health risks. Indeed the indiscriminate use of reused water can lead to damaging situations, such as the use of acid rain water. Moreover, the increasing prices of water induced by water policies could influence the consumption and then the hygiene and sanitation, which decrease the life expectancy.

The aim would be to establish health protection levels of consumer acceptabilities, and to identify the parameters dependence (such as temperature) to predict the influence of climate change or water management practices on public health. It has been also noticed that consumer confidence in tap water would reduce bottle use for a smaller environmental footprint.

WHITE PAPER PROPOSED: Title of the project proposal: “Assessing real and perceived risks to water sustainability arising from land surface change in dry regions.”

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Session 1: Water supply and water quality


1.4. Overall Conclusion

This session dealt with the evolution of water management to meet the future needs and to cope with the upcoming stressed situations. Beneath the increasing food and water needs due to the growth of the world population, the debate focused more precisely on the consequences and the impacts of climate change. The evolutions of climate conditions will indeed transform the all-hydrology system and require consumption adaptation in order to cope with these changes. It results in major challenges for the policy makers and all the water actors.

The main impacts introduced by the climate changes consist in: -The temperature increase which leads to emerging pathogen development, a pollutants concentration increase due to dryer conditions, the ice melting reducing the pristine water resources.

-The rainfall events, which are supposed to become more frequent and intense, results in an increase in the pollutants transportation and unpredictable hydrological situations.

The induced challenges are accordingly:

-To find new water resources and to develop more efficient treatments system for waste water reuse.

-To establish best water management to cope with water shortage and scarcity situation while preserving agricultural economic interest.

-To elaborate legitimate policies to ensure the application of best water management practices by taking into account the stakeholders’ needs and vulnerability, thanks to multi-disciplinary investigations at the interface between science and citizens.

Achieving these goals requires tools for monitoring, modeling and predicting. This fundamental concern is also a good opportunity for French and American research teams to build strong collaboration in gathering knowledge and data from different agricultural practices, water management and policy, while conducting joined investigation and education programs. Some common actions have already been suggested at the end of the meeting on these problems. Their subjects are presented below.


Titles of the project proposals:

• “Advanced Physical Chemical Processes for emerging contaminants elimination;”

• “Long term observatory network for evaluating impact of climate change on agriculture and vice-versa;”

• “Resilience of farming systems to global change (climate, socio-economic): Through diversity (soil, crops, farms) and technological innovation (conservation, agriculture, low input system...);”

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


• “Long-term monitoring study to evaluate the effect of climate change on sub-surface drainage flows;”

• “Coping with drought at the territorial level;”

• “Assessing real and perceived risks to water sustainability arising from land surface change in dry regions.”

2. Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making

2.1. Subtopic 1: Interdisciplinary and system modeling framework:

soil-climate-crop system interaction

Coordinators: Dr. Jacques-Eric Bergez, INRA, Toulouse Dr. Chi-Hua Huang, USDA / ARS Dr. Marc Voltz, INRA, Montpellier

2.1.1. Introduction

Given the expected increase in world population and the current lack of food in many regions of the world, food security is more pressing of an issue than ever before. Food production heavily depends on the availability of water resources for agriculture. In this context, agricultural research faces two main challenges. The first is to improve the water use efficiency of crops either by improving genetic resources or by improving cropping systems. The second is to increase water harvesting for agricultural use, which can be implemented at the field, catchment and farm scales. In order to respond to these two challenges, modeling soil-climate-crop systems is critical. This special session aimed to address several questions regarding soil-climate-crop system modeling.

- What is the current stage of development in soil-climate-crop modeling?

- How can we optimize cropping systems for sustainable water management at field, catchment, irrigation perimeters, and farm scales with modeling approaches?

- How can remote sensing help in modeling soil-climate-crop interactions at spatial scales?

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. Jacques-Eric Bergez,

Senior researcher, INRA.

In order to better manage agricultural water resources, biophysical aspects are far from being sufficient! Farmers and managers have to be accounted for. If one models the complex agricultural systems only based on let say plant and soil requirement, an overestimation usually results. This is due to: i) manager’s strategy (intention to reach a given production/input ratio); ii) manager’s constraints (equipment allowing to provide x mm day-1); iii) overall regulation on the water resources (shortage in summer). Knowledge on these aspects and integration within biodecisional models may help in better managing water resources. Actually, to face new constraints and help in providing innovative management one has to link different types of models. In order to success on this task, interdisciplinary or even transdisciplinary (i.e. integrating different scientific disciplines but also stakeholders in the problem definition and problem solving steps) is requested.

Regarding climate changes, adaptation of cropping systems, cropping plan or crop management systems may be part of the game in order to efficiently use scare agricultural water. This may lead to modify different practices (soil preparation, sowing, species, genotypes, fertilisation…) and level of inputs. Management at the plot and then at the farm level is not independent of the territory functioning: collective water management, cash crop sectors… There is therefore an upscaling problem that tackles more social and economic issues than the plot level does. It may be interesting in re thinking crop management depending on water availability and scarcity but on a territory basis: how to manage collectively the resource? Who may use some water, who may not? What type of compensation for the later? Some tools have been developed to spatialized cropping systems and to test scenarios proposed by stakeholders. However these tools need to be tested, evaluated and used in a real policy and regulation context.

Dr. Lajpat (Laj) Ahuja,

Research leader, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Enhanced System Models and Decision Support Tools to Optimize Water Limited Agriculture Under Changing climate

System models are vitally important and accepted tools for agricultural research and management, and provide an essential complement to field research.

The goal of this project is to integrate system models with field research results to identify better management strategies for dryland and limited-water cropping and range systems across multiple locations in the arid western US under historical and projected (from global climate change models) weather conditions. RZWQM2 and GPFARM-Range were used to evaluate current cropping and rangeland systems at selected locations in terms of crop/forage production and environmental impacts (soil and water quality).

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


RZWQM2 is an enhancement of the initial Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM), created on users’ requests, to help evaluate, manage, and improve the use of limited water, water quality impacts of agricultural chemicals and other management practices, and develop sustainable agricultural systems. The model allows simulation and evaluation of a wide spectrum of management practices and scenarios on water and water quality, such as no-tillage and residue cover vs. conventional tillage; rates, methods, and timing of application of water, fertilizers, manures, and various pesticide formulations; and different crop rotations up to 100 years. The benefits of RZWQM2 are that this provides a comprehensive whole-system approach to evaluate management effects on both production and water (& soil) quality, compared with simpler models that look at potential leaching of chemicals in isolation, without considering the critical effects of plants, dynamics of soil processes, and production.

The ASR Unit is in correspondence with some French scientists to explore the possibilities of collaboration in the applications and improvements of soil-water-crop-climate system models. Laj Ahuja, Research Leader of the Unit, was recently invited by Eric Justes and DanielWallach of the INRA, Centre de Recherche de Toulouse, UMR1248 AGIR "AGrosystèmes et développement terrItoRial", BP 52627 - 31326 Castanet Tolosan Cedex, to visit their research group for developing collaboration in the above noted areas. Dr. Ahuja plans to visit Toulouse for week in September, 2010, for this purpose. He also presented a paper at the European Society of Agronomy meetings in France, and met other French scientists.

Dr. Chantal Gascuel,

Senior Scientist, INRA.

Modelling the effect of climate, agricultural practices and physical environment on water quality in a livestock farming region

The impact of agricultural activities on water quality is now currently evaluated by coupling different models which can represent: 1) the decision processes of the farmers and distribute the agricultural activities in time and space regarding physical and technical constraints, as closely as possible to reality; 2) the flow pathways and connectivity through agricultural landscape, transfer and biochemical processes; 3) crop growth processes. Environmental models are becoming increasingly complex because numerous processes are coupled, thus using them to make decisions becomes both more relevant and more difficult.

Two distributed agro-hydrological modelling, TNT2 devoted to nitrogen transfer and SACADEAU devoted to pesticide transfer, have been developed. TNT2 is used to simulate the impact of different agronomical scenarios, co-constructed with farming council board and regional authorities to attempt to control and to decrease the level of nitrate pollution arriving in highly vulnerable bay to eutrophication. In SACADEAU, automatic symbolic learning techniques are used to summarize a model in mining simulation data by rule induction, and finally to identify causality rules in forms of spatial tree patterns, representing surface flow and pollutant pathways from plot to plot. Finally, a visualization tool helps the user to identify the rules involved in any point feeding the stream and the measure that could be recommended to improve this local situation.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


From these two modelling experiences the current challenge is fourfold.

1) To separate the effect of climate and land-use variability which present the same temporality (few years to few decades), to assess the effect of mitigation options on agricultural practices and predict the effect of climate change, to analyze how the climate change can delay or accelerate the effect of land use changes [1]

2) To identify spatial and temporal patterns at risk particularly involved in water pollution by surface runoff, to account all the anthropogenic structure (field and stream boundaries, roads and ditches,…), and decline them regarding climatic conditions [2]

3) To develop relevant pre and post simulation approaches. The pre simulation stage aims to identify relevant scenarios including physical typology (soil, climate, hydrology,…), and technical strategies with the decision makers and to search the relevant data to implement these scenarios. The post modelling stage aims to develop visualization or data mining tools to explore the simulation results and answer in a qualitative and understandable way to the question of the decision makers [3][4]

These three points were illustrated by current results.

[1] GASCUEL-ODOUX C., AUROUSSEAU P., DURAND P., RUIZ L., MOLENAT J. The role of climate on inter-annual variation of stream nitrate fluxes and concentration.Sc. of the Total Environment, Available online 3 June 2009.

[2] AUROUSSEAU P., GASCUEL-ODOUX C., SQUIVIDANT H., TORTRAT F., CORDIER M.O., 2009. A plot drainage network as a conceptualtool for the spatialisation of surface flow pathways foragricultural catchments.Computer and Geosciences, 35, 276-288.

[3] GASCUEL-ODOUX C., AUROUSSEAU P., CORDIER M.O., DURAND P., GARCIA F., SALMON-MONVIOLA J., TORTRAT F., TREPOS, R., 2009. A decision-oriented model to evaluate the effect of land-use and management on herbicide contamination in stream water.Environmental modelling and software, 24, 1433-1446.

[4] TREPOS, R.; SALLEB, A.; CORDIER, M.O.; MASSON, V.; GASCUELODOUX, C. 2005. A distance approach for action recommandation.In : Machine Learning : ECML 2005 Proceedings. Gama, J.;Camacho, R;Brazdil, P.;Jorge, A.;Torgo, L.(Eds). 16th European Conference on Machine Learning. 3-7 Oct. 2005, Porto, PT. Vol. 3720 p.425-436

Dr. Roger Moussa,

Senior scientific, research director, INRA.

Assessment of the impact of land use in farmed catchments using a distributed hydrological modelling approach: application in various agro-hydro-climatic conditions

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


The LISAH (Laboratory - Interactions between Soils, Agrosystems and Hydrosystems) is a Multi-Institute Research Unit, which groups both researchers and academic staff from the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and from the School of Agronomy of Montpellier (Agro.M) and the French Institute for Research and Overseas Development (IRD). Its central research theme is the study of the spatial organization and hydrology of agricultural landscapes. Specific objectives are to:

- increase basic understanding about erosion and water and pollutant transport processes in soils and farmed catchments as a function of their spatial and temporal variations, both natural and land use related, - develop new methods and tools for detecting and preventing risks to soil and water resources and flooding events, - define sustainable management strategies for rural landscapes, - educate students on the concepts and tools for analyzing and modeling the spatial organization of farmed landscapes and their hydrological behavior.

The unit has three main research programs:

- Studying and modeling transport mechanisms from field to catchment scales, - Analyzing and modeling the spatial organization and evolution of the functional properties of farmed landscapes with respect to their hydrological behavior, - Developing distributed eco-hydrological modelling approaches.

The research unit LISAH has its main laboratory in Montpellier and has also associated laboratories with research institutes and universities of Mediterranean countries (Morocco, Tunisia). It comprises currently 38 permanent staff including 24 scientists, 19 post-docs andPhD students and 10 associated researchers from the aforementioned foreign institutes.

The LISAH manages a long term environmental observatory, called OMERE (Observatoire Mediterranéen de l’Environnement Rural et de l’Eau), which aims at studying the impact of human activities on runoff, erosion and subsequent changes in water quality. This observatory consists of two experimental catchments located in South France near Montpellier and in Tunisia in the Cap Bon region. The two sites represent two different stages in the evolution of Mediterranean farmed landscapes.

MHYDAS (Distributed Hydrological Modelling of AgroSystems), a physically based distributed hydrological model, was especially developed by the LISAH to take into account hydrological discontinuities in farmed basins such as ditches network, tillage practices, field limits, drains, terraces, and embankments. MHYDAS simulates the main processes such as infiltration, base-flow, exchange between channel network and groundwater routing flow on hillslopes and through the channel network, overbank-flow during extreme events, and a pollutant and erosion transfer modules. Application cases are shown on catchments from 1 to 2000 km² in various agro-hydroclimatic conditions, to study the impact of tillage practices on vineyard Southern France, of drained fields in temperate climate northern Germany, of steam-flow on runoff in tropical volcanic conditions in Guadeloupe (French Antilles), and extreme flood events on Mediterranean zone.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. Albert Olioso, Research scientist, INRA.

Optical remote sensing techniques for soil-climate-crop modeling

Models based on a physical description of soil vegetation- climate interactions are now widely used in atmospheric, carbon cycle and hydrological researches for describing the impact of vegetation processes on energy and mass (H2O, CO2) transfers in the soil and between land surfaces and the atmosphere. When considering crop production, crop simulation models can be used to account for plant production processes and the role of agricultural practices. Specific models were also developed for the evaluation of crop water requirements (e.g. FAO-56 method).

Using these models over areas larger than a single field (farm, watershed, irrigation district...) relies on the possibility of providing them with information on the spatial variations in vegetation conditions and soil properties. Remote sensing can provide such information: methodologies for mapping biophysical variables such as leaf area index (LAI), crop coefficients (Kc), fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR), albedo and surface temperature are well established in a large range of situations. They can be used, when remote sensing data are available at an adequate time step, for driving process models or to control their simulations. More investigations have to be done for the estimation of biophysical variables for non-homogeneous plant canopies and in the case of non-flat terrain.

Space and meteorological agencies have set-up operational production services that provide biophysical variable maps on a 10-days basis. However, this information is mostly available at a coarse spatial resolution (1 km and more) and it is mainly used for large scale studies. At a higher resolution, information is more disparate and more difficult to obtain with a good time repetitivity, which makes it difficult to drive process models in a simple way. High resolution data in the thermal infrared, which are of great interest for plant water status and evapotranspiration studies, are almost lacking at the moment. The development of means for providing high spatial resolution data is required: disaggregation of coarse resolution data, intercalibration of existing high resolution sensors, specific space missions…

Recently data assimilation techniques, as developed in numerical weather prediction systems, have received a growing interest. They have been proposed for retrieving model parameters (e.g; soil physical properties, stomatal conductance parameters…) or initial values of model variables (e.g. soil water and nitrogen content, sowing date…) using model calibration techniques. Other methods consist in correcting the time course of model variables (e.g. soil moisture, LAI, biomass…) by comparing model simulations to remote sensing measurements each time they are available. Assimilation techniques provide well-established mathematical frameworks for introducing information on observation and model errors and on a priori information. Their application to soilvegetation- climate interactions models is just starting and will require large developments in the next future.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. May M. Wu, Environmental Engineer, Argonne National Laboratory.

Water Quality Impact of Various Biofuel Feedstock Production Scenarios At Upper Mississippi River Basin

Water quality impact of biofuel feedstock should be addressed at a regional scale. Stepping up the production of biofuel feedstock would require more fertilizer input, which will increase the loading of nutrients to the water body. To realize the benefits of biofuel, which can provide diverse sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, strengthen energy security, and promote growth for rural communities, it is essential that large-scale biofuel development is carefully planned, implemented, and continually monitored for its environmental sustainability.

Our current work examines the regional impact of large-scale bio-feedstock and biofuel production on water quality in upper Mississippi river basin (UMRB). A quantitative estimate of spatially distributed nutrient burdens is obtained through extensive watershed modeling using SWAT, which incorporates historical climate, soil, surface stream flow, geography, cropping, ground cover, agricultural practice, and point sources discharge information for the selected river basin. After a rigorous calibration and validation process to generate a model baseline, scenarios are developed to assess the potential environmental implications of biofuel production through conventional grain-based ethanol, ethanol from grain and agricultural residue, grain and perennial grass, and grain and expanded buffer strip at riparian zones in the UMRB. Simulation results suggest the effect of increased yield through increased nitrogen use efficiency and benefits of perennial grass as feedstock to reduce nitrogen run-off. Implementing filter strip for feedstock production may bring additional benefits. Such an approach could be used to identify specific regional factors affecting water quality, examine options to meet the requirement for environmental sustainability, mitigate undesirable environmental consequences, and address issues associated with site selection for biorefineries.

2.1.2. Discussions, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

Nine presentations aimed to expose the main issues of the interdisciplinary soil-climate-crop modeling. The purpose of the discussions regarding this subtopic was to improve the availability of water resources for agriculture, as well as the water quality, by means of modeling. These modeling programs provide more accurate information to researchers and policy-makers alike, allowing for more intelligent water policy decision-making. This section gathers the current models development, gives some recommendations for optimization and improvements and emphasizes the need measurements to support the models.

A State of the Art Soil-Climate-Crop Models development

During the session, numerous hydrological and biophysical models were proposed. These models concern different scales applications for different purposes, depicted below.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


At the field or farm scale, the models are focused on the agricultural practices. They couple crop growth data, climate data based on history and climate change forecasts, and soil types to optimize the crop type selection, sowing time and irrigation or drainage practices with respect to crop production and water use. Besides biophysical aspects, such models also account for the availability of the farmers' techniques and their management capacities to ensure that the resulting cropping system meets the farmers' needs. As an example “MODERATO” (Dr. Jacques-Eric Bergez) can provide advice to farmers regarding cropping and irrigation strategies.

Several participants presented the development of a hydrological model at the watershed scale. In this case, the analysis is based on water flow pathways, soil erosion, and chemical transportation. These models yield to water quality considerations by estimating contamination of surface water but also aim to limit floods, manage limited water resources, and control soil erosion. For pollution transportation TNT2 (nitrogen transfer) and SACADEAU (pesticides transfer) (Dr. Chantal Gascuel) or SWAT (Dr. May M. Wu) are examples of tools to assess the environmental impact of agricultural practices (especially livestock farming, or biofuel feedstock production), and climate changes given local physical conditions. Similarly, MHYDAS (Dr. Roger Moussa) is a physical and hydrological model built to simulate the impacts of hydrological discontinuities, particularly the anthropic features, such as the tillage of drained fields.

At the regional level, different models have been suggested to calculate the consequences of water management practices and policies according to defined scenarios. The large scale is necessary to integrate all the stakeholders' requirements and demands in order to collectively manage the water resources available in the considered area. On this note, some examples were presented. ADEAUMIS (Dr. Jacques-Eric Bergez) model aims to improve the estimation demands of water users in the whole irrigated area. MoGIRE (Dr. Jacques-Eric Bergez) model provides support to determine how to optimally allocate resources between uses at a regional level. The model RZWQM2 (Dr. Lajpat (Laj) Ahuja) brings the benefit of a whole system approach for the evaluation of water management on both water and soil quality. Lastly, The AGAPPE (Dr. Jacques-Eric Bergez) model project analyzes the relationships between agriculture, Stakeholders, Public Policies and Water to propose a reasonable water management practice. These large-scale models still include precise biophysical processes, soils conditions, hydrological simulations and climate estimation, but the identification, description and linkage of landscape heterogeneities at different spatial scales remains a major challenge in building generic models or frameworks.

Once more, the projects conducted on both sides of the ocean suggest opportunities of pooling research resources on these subjects.

Models optimization and improvements

The presented models are already widely used. However, advances are still necessary, especially regarding climate changes impacts.

As seen above, the model scales are critical, and the inclusion of all hydrological levels, from watershed to soils dynamics microprocess is necessary in order to optimize crop systems for sustainable water management. But the participants agreed that more research should be conducted for a better understanding of local microprocesses and the impact of land-use on water quality.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Indeed better microtopographical knowledge could lead to a better understanding of erosion processes, seepage quantification, and effects on sedimentation. To improve the reliability of models, it has also been recommended to separate better climate effects on one hand and land-use effects on the other hand. Both are complex systems with similar impacts but have different causes.

It has been noted that more efforts should be put into the realistic and relevant scenario definition. They rely on estimations and data that could be more accurate in order to deal with more complex situations, for example: in cropping change, or climate changed scenarios.

The time scale of models should also be investigated. Depending on the considered periods, from several years to one season, until run-off events, the physical representation models can be improved or simplified. It implies a better determination of the time-resilience response.

Models Need Monitoring and Validation

The main issue of modeling is: How to get reality. The developed models presented during the session suffer from a lack of representations such as the storage within the water system, or the side effects.

To meet the reality, data obtained by continuous monitoring is the common practice but it rises the problem of the relevance and the specificity of the data, and so of the domain of validity. The need of testing the models has been expressed to evaluate their performances under various agro-hydro-climate conditions.

Remote sensing and atmospheric data have been used to describe spatial variability of surface models and to develop better large-scale data model (Dr. Albert Olioso). The results already obtained showed the improvement potential of merging remote sensing images into hydrological models for wheat biomass and evapotranspiration simulations (Dr. Kelly Thorp). There are two methodologies for assimilating remote sensing data into surface model. One consists in the estimation of parameters and initial conditions whereas the second is a sequential method for correcting model course. Both techniques require mathematical and computer tools, as well as high resolution data. An assimilation of satellite remote sensing retrievals in Land surface model has been presented as a promising technique (Dr. Wade Crow).

Mixing experimental and modeling approaches to study the impact of water management practices constitutes the main arising challenge of this session.

WHITE PAPERS PROPOSED: Titles of the project proposals:

• “Machine learning on water and farm management;”

• “Data assimilation approaches to merge remote sensing observations into crop growth simulations.”

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


2.2. Subtopic 2: Multi-scales, Uncertainties and Databases

Coordinators: Dr. Erik Braudeau, IRD, Bondy Pr. Rabi Mohtar, Purdue University

Dr. Mark Nearing, USDA / ARS, Tucson

2.2.1. Introduction

This subtopic aimed to address state of the art issues of multi-scale hydrologic modeling including:

1. Uncertainties in model structure, parameters input and output data

2. Databases for soil properties, weather, land-use and other drivers and their resolution

3. Transfer of information across scales and methodologies for modeling scaling platforms and data scaling

4. Implication of soil and water policies on soil and water quality

5. Soil-climate-crop system interaction at the river basin scale

6. Cropping systems and how they affect environment and water quality (Surf ace / Sub-Surface)

7. Communication platform for sharing knowledge that is state-of-the-art, relevant, visible, credible and low-cost.

8. Development and deployment of water policies based on social and economic values of water to regulating the use and allocations to assure efficient, equitable, sustainable use.

9. Implication of multi-scale soil water modelling on precision agriculture technologies towards better use of water.

This will be used for Computers and Electronics in the Agriculture Special Issue proposal.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. Erik Braudeau,

Senior researcher, IRD.

Pedostructure and pedoclimate: new concepts in soil physics and Pedology allowing for dynamical modeling and scaling of biological and geochemical processes Erik Braudeau and Rabi H. Mohtar

Bridging the gap between the local scale of processes in soils and the mesoscopic field, watershed or ecosystem levels of description, becomes a major challenge nowadays particularly in addressing the questions of transdisciplinarity, transfer of scales, global change assessment, and empirical against physically-based characterization. This gap exists partly due to the disciplinary knowledge that has focused on a particular scale but essentially because of the disconnection between both basic soil science disciplines: Pedology and soil physics.

Hydrostructural Pedology recently proposed by Braudeau and Mohtar (2009), bridges the gap “between” Pedology and Soil Physics, combining the morphological and mineralogical description of soil organizations and their hydrostructural properties at different functional scale levels of the soil medium; distinctly different from hydropedology that deals with water at the soil surface and soil mapping. The new paradigm allows for a thermodynamic characterization of the structured soil medium with respect to soil water content, then for modeling the pedoclimate dynamic that is needed by all disciplinary models of the agro-environmental sciences today.

This approach has led to the development of a physically based computer model, Kamel, modeling and characterizing the pedon and its hydrostructural functioning at every scale of organization (primary peds, pedostructure, horizon and pedon, elementary soil volume representative of a primary soil map unit). This allows for i) a functional typology of pedostructures, ii) dynamic and physical coupling of biological and geochemical soil processes with pedostructure and pedoclimate dynamics at depth in soil (related to external climate conditions), and iii) the physically-based transfer of information from the internal local scale of soil processes in soil to the external scale at soil surface.

These advances in soil science open access to interdisciplinarity with better consideration of the ground properties and biological activities in models of agroenvironmental sciences. We propose a multi-disciplinary and multi-national network that can work together to integrate a wealth of soil data that has been accumulated over the years as soil maps or geo-referenced soil data since the 60s. The project would take the challenge of updating and compiling soil information, large-scale maps, observed and analyzed soil profiles, by placing these soil data (delineations and functional characteristics) on a GIS platform using the new paradigm of the hydrostructural pedology. This task would make soil information accessible to interdisciplinary coupling of models with soil hydrostructural properties and dynamics. Soil data that are currently difficult to use in agro-environmental studies, will be made available and usable in laboratory experiments as well as in spatial modelling and scaling.

In this scheme, the organization scale level of the pedon and its corresponding primary soil map unit will be considered as the basic level of geo-referenced soil information systems that will be used in global modeling in agro-environmental studies. In other words, the pedon scale would be the basic

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


scale of observation and simulation for statistical approaches or other methods and techniques of complex systems science allowing for scaling behavior analysis at global scales.


Modeling the Soil System: Bridging the Gap Between Pedology and Soil-Water Physics. Braudeau, E. and Mohtar, R.H..Global Planetary Change Journal. 67: 51-61, 2009.

A multi-scale ''soil water structure'' model based on the pedostructure concept E. Braudeau, R. H. Mohtar, N. El Ghezal, M. Crayol, M. Salahat, and P. Martin Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 6, 1111-1163, 2009.

Dr. Hassan Boukcim,

Scientific researcher, INRA Director, Valorhiz.

Modern agriculture has to deal with ecological, economic and lawful constraints, which make inescapable the evolution towards a sustainable precision agriculture. In this way, the principal challenges is the control of the cycle of water in the soil, the quality of the water supplied, including non-conventional water, and of the impacts of this water on the agricultural system itself as well as the surrounding environment. This control must make it possible to guarantee harvests while conferring on the end products, characteristics of safety and nutrition which represents significant additional economic values.

Soils represent a major component of our agroecosystems. A better management of these ecosystems will necessarily pass by the development of reliable soil mapping that takes into account the heterogeneity of the soil structure in relation to its hydral functioning.

In addition, soils are active biological media, where take place many major rhizospheric processes such as development of roots, mineralisation of the organic compounds, etc.. The quantification of these processes for a reliable evaluation of the activity of the ecosystems, in terms of ecosystemic services, greenhouse gaz production, sequestration of carbon, climatic change impacts, etc., necessarily passes by a functional coupling between the biology and the physics of soils which takes into account the hydrostructural functioning of the soil medium.

This functional coupling is an essential, field of research for the scaling of information from laboratory to field conditions, in the development of tools of decision-making intended for a better management of these living mediums.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. Olivier Cerdan, Research scientist, BRGM.

Rates and spatial variations of soil erosion at the regional scale: Multi-scale Uncertainties and Databases

Landscapes where human activities are expanding commonly witness a shift from natural to accelerated erosion, which threatens the soil resources and the sustainability of natural ecosystems. It may also lead to fundamental social challenges such as land abandonment and the decline of rural communities. Adequate understanding and management of soil erosion require a correct assessment of erosion rates and their geographical distribution. Soil erosion being scale dependant; punctual local measurements cannot be directly extrapolated to larger areas. At the regional scale, erosion assessment is therefore problematic: existing erosion estimates have either been based on very few evidences or on models which are difficult to validate and that require input data that are not always available with the necessary accuracy.

It is therefore important to carry out sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of the modelling exercise to be able to quantify the potential errors. The uncertainty analysis needs to be performed on the input data as well as on the model structure itself. When trying to investigate the impact of potential future climate and land use change, the uncertainty analysis becomes even more important due to the hypothetic nature of the modelled scenario. Two examples were briefly discussed to illustrate these points.

A first study aimed at producing European soil erosion assessments based on the analysis of a dataset composed of soil erosion rates measured at the plot scale. However, plot erosion rates cannot be directly extrapolated to larger areas. First of all, the sample may be biased: it may be expected that some of the erosion studies are carried out in areas where a significant erosion problem is expected. Secondly, the spatial extrapolation requires the use of additional datasets. These data may also be biased and may have to be corrected themselves. From our analysis it is clear that, as expected, land use has an overwhelming effect on plot erosion rates and that for arable land, erosion rates should be corrected for the effect of slope gradient and length, stoniness and soil texture. We therefore used existing map datasets available at the European scale to weigh and extrapolate the mean erosion values.

The second study objective is to understand the soil loss risk on the whole Mediterranean basin for the current and future (21st century) climate context. As no consensus has so far been reached concerning “the best” erosion model, the erosion assessments is based on the merging of two different model approaches (an expert rules model and a physical based model). Model inputs, come from the most recent and validated datasets, homogenised on the whole study area. After being calibrated with data and modelling results at finer resolution on smaller areas, the two modelling results are merged to produce one final map. The combination is based on the results of a sensitivity analysis carried out on both models as well as on an uncertainty analysis carried out on the model inputs.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. Wade Crow,

Research scientist, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Recent advances in land data assimilation for remote sensing observations

For a number of decades, remote sensing observations have been used to define static model parameters and/or forcing inputs for a range of land surface models. However, recent advances in remote sensing theory have also enabled the remote retrieval of dynamic land model states (e.g. leaf area index for a crop growth model, stream temperature for a water quality model, or surface soil moisture for a hydrologic model). The integration of such observations requires data assimilation techniques to optimally merge prior model predictions with uncertain remote sensing information in order to obtain the best possible dynamic state prediction. Since remote sensing observations do not typically observe all model states (due to e.g. temporally sampling limitations and/or the inability of sensors to penetrate beyond the near-surface) a critical aspect of these techniques is the extrapolation of information from time/space locations with observations to those without. This talk describes recent advances in the application of data assimilation systems to land surface modeling. Particularly attention was paid to the problem of constraining soil moisture profile predictions within a crop root-zone using surface (0 to 5-cm) soil moisture observations and opportunities afforded by current and upcoming satellite missions designed to measure surface soil moisture from space.

Mr. David Goodrich,

Research Engineer, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

Uncertainties Associated with the AGWA–KINEROS2 Suite of Modeling Tools (with Scott Miller, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; D. Philip Guertin, University of Arizona (UA),

Tucson, AZ; Carl L. Unkrich, USDA-ARS, Tucson, AZ; Mariano Hernandez, USDA-ARS, Tucson, AZ;

Lainie Levick, USDA-ARS, Tucson, AZ; Darius Semmens, USGS, Denver, CO; Tim Keefer, USDA-

ARS, Tucson, AZ; William Kepner, EPA, Las Vegas, NV; Soni Yatheendradas, NASA Goddard,

Greenbelt, MD; Hoshin Gupta, UA, Tucson, AZ; Thorsten Wagener, Penn State Univ., University

Park, PA)

Modeling watershed processes and response using a distributed, physically-based watershed model requires a myriad of watershed characterization data (topography, soils, land cover, and land use), state information (e.g. soil moisture, plant cover phenology), input data (e.g. precipitation, temperature), and model parameters (e.g. soil hydraulic conductivity, hydraulic roughness). Many of the watershed characteristics, inputs, states, and parameters are point based or assumed be representative over a support area or volume that is far greater than can be supported by our measurement capabilities. A number of these uncertainties were discussed in the context of the AGWA (Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment) tool and the KINEROS2 distributed rainfall-runoff-erosion model. Results from a variance-based comprehensive global sensitivity analysis identify the dominate uncertainties associated with inputs, model parameters and the initial soil moisture state. The effects DEM resolution, misclassification of land cover/land use data, soil database source (FAO, SSURGO, and STATSGO), rain gauge density, and initial soil moisture

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


resolution using specific examples over a range of watershed scales were presented.

Dr. Mohamed Hachicha,

Senior researcher, INRGREF, Tunisia.

Non-conventional water use in agriculture and soil and aquifer degradation under climate change:

In many Mediterranean regions, irrigation with saline water and wastewater induces degradation of soils by salinization and traces elements pollution.

The models appear well suited for evaluation of cropping systems with combined rain and irrigation, such as practiced in Mediterranean climates. Before using in management, models need calibration and validation according the data: soil proprieties, climate conditions, aquifer characteristics, irrigation management and crop parameters.

That needs to create a data base related to GIS or SIRS. Then, we can evaluate the capability of the model to predict water content, soil salinity, and relative crop yield and to evaluate the use of saline water and wastewater for supplemental irrigation with varying patterns of rainfall and irrigation water quality. Finally, models can be used to predict long-term evolution and the effect of rains on soil and aquifer under climate change.

Institutional linkage: The INRGREF (Tunisia) will to be associated to the French and US institutes to develop, through research, the solution of problems of crop production on salt-affected lands, to promote the sustainability of irrigated agriculture, and to prevent degradation of water resources. Studies can be carried out in Tunisia as focal point and results can be extended to others countries with similar conditions.

INRGREF is the Tunisian national and the Arab regional leader in saline and wastewater use. The proposed linkage permits a technology transfer from the French and US institutions to the Tunisian partner. This technology transfer concerns approaches, instruments and models and software for soil and water assessment and solutions for some problem related to water and soil management.

The Tunisian institution (INRGREF) plan to provide support for the linkage and to induce partnership with the others partners. Training, Masters and PhD for Tunisian young researchers and post-graduate will be tries to realize in France and US. French and US experts will be invited to improve the scientist capacity of the Tunisian researchers and engineers.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. Héctor J. M. Morrás,

Senior researcher, Instituto de Suelos-CIRN, INTA Argentina.

Integration of physical and compositional properties of soils for the evaluation of water dynamics in agricultural lands and past environments in Argentina.

The soil plays a fundamental role in the development of life by providing food and habitat to micro and macroorganisms, integrating the hydrological cycle, and being involved in the regulation of the atmospheric composition. In the context of an increasing human population, soils and water are subjected to increasing pressure and risks, and a large part of them have already been degraded. Although technological developments may deal with the increasing demand of food, land use and agricultural practices must imply the conservation and improvement of soils health and functions. Soils should therefore be considered under an ecosystemic perspective and in a very wide range of spatial and temporal scales.

In the case of Argentina, three main and large ecosystems already affected by the climate change impose different environmental challenges and development strategies: the temperate humid Pampean grasslands, with an agricultural model based on a higher intensification and no-till cultivation; the subtropical forest regions, which experience a fast expansion of rain-fed agriculture as a consequence of increased precipitations and lower cost cultivation practices, and which are thus subjected to higher risks of degradation; the arid and semiarid areas neighbouring the Andean ranges, where intensive production is under irrigation and may be faced with a shortage of water provision due to reduced snow cover in mountains and glaciers retreat.

The activities of our research group at INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology), Argentina, involve the study of modern soils as well as ancient soils. Concerning modern soils, we have identified two issues needing a priority action that can be tackled with our research capacities. Firstly, although a great part of the country is mapped at a semi detailed scale, few soil parameters to evaluate hydric behaviour have been recorded, and although several equations have been proposed to estimate water retention from granulometry and carbon content, they are of limited utility. Therefore, we have undertaken a detailed study of the physical parameters and mineralogy of the main soils from the Pampa region with the aim to improve our knowledge of soil hydraulic properties and the development of pedotransfer functions. Secondly, most part of the agricultural land in Argentina is currently cultivated under a no-till system. Although this system seems to have no impact on crop yield, it is effective to reduce soil erosion and to increase soil water content and water use efficiency. However, the magnitude of these benefits appears to be dependent on the soil type and environment. Thus, we are also conducting studies to evaluate the relationships between the physical parameters, the mineralogical composition, and the soil morphology and biological activity of different soils across the Pampa region. On the second hand, concerning the soils of the past, we are studying them based on the assumption that they contain information about the environments in which they were formed. Thus, several compositional parameters of modern and ancient soils are being used and explored as proxy data in search of evidence that may help to trace and evaluate climatic changes.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Dr. Dev Niyogi,

Associate Professor, Indiana State Climate Office and Purdue University.

Going beyond land cover representation in multiscale environmental models

This presentation discussed the current approach and enhanced need of integrating land cover data within the weather, hydrology, and regional climate models. Providing examples from different scenarios evidence were presented about the need for integrating different land use information and potential limitations, strategies, and research needs, that can form basis for an international collaboratory involving land surface models.

Pr. Vijay P. Singh,

Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in Water Engineering, Texas A & M University.

Entropy Theory for Environmental and Hydrologic Modelling

Entropy is a measure of information or uncertainty. Of the many types of entropies, the Shannon entropy and the Tsallis entropy have been found to be most useful and this is particularly true in environmental engineering, hydrology, hydraulics, and water resources engineering. This paper develops the entropy theory for environmental and hydrologic modelling. The theory is comprised of six parts: (1) The Shannon/Tsallis entropy, (2) principle of maximum entropy, (3) specification of constraints, (4) maximization of entropy, (5) derivation least-biased probability distribution and maximum entropy, and (6) derivation of desired relationships. It is shown that a wide range of environmental and hydrologic phenomena where flux and concentration are involved can be modelled using the entropy theory. Examples include infiltration, soil moisture, velocity distribution, and solute transport, to name but a few. The theory can also be applied for statistical hydrologic and water resources modelling, such as frequency analysis of hydrologic extremes, reliability analysis of water distribution systems, hydraulic geometry, and water resources assessment. Application of the theory to real world data shows that it has much potential and helps determine and interpret model parameters in terms of physical quantities.

Dr. Kelly Thorp,

Researcher, USDA-ARS Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center, Maricopa, Arizona.

Combining Remote Sensing and Crop Systems Modeling to Develop Decision Tools for Crop Water Management

Great efforts have been taken to programmatically synthesize current knowledge of agronomic and hydrologic processes into computer simulation models. However, the applicability of these models across wide spatial scales has been limited, because many model input parameters must be specified and availability of required spatial information is often limited. Remote sensing has been proposed as a relatively quick, easy, and inexpensive source of information that relates well with key model state variables, such as soil moisture or green leaf area index. Development of approaches to merge remote

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


sensing data into hydrologic or crop systems models may facilitate the spatial extrapolation of many of our existing models. To address this issue, we are currently developing several approaches for assimilating remote sensing-based estimates of soil moisture and green leaf area index into a one-dimensional crop growth simulation model for wheat. The intended application for the combined remote sensing and modeling system is to analyze management alternatives for irrigation water. Preliminary results suggest that remote sensing data assimilation strategies can improve wheat biomass and evapotranspiration simulations, particularly when key model parameters are moderately uncertain.

Dr. Christian Valentin,

Senior researcher, IRD.

Soil erosion. Scale, processes, data and modelling issues.

Soil erosion involves many processes that are time-and space-scale dependent. The soil clods of a seed bed can be transformed in a crust generating runoff and sediment within only few minutes under a heavy storm. Large landslides can damage suddenly a hillslope and produce more sediment in one event than inter-rill erosion over a decade. Soil losses measured at one scale are not representative therefore for sediment yield at another scale level. Moreover the main erosion factors (ground cover, rainfall intensity and height, antecedent soil moisture,…) vary in space and time, and interact with each other.

Due to these difficulties most erosion models that have been developed these last decades vary considerably in the time and spatial scale considered. Nearly all of them require field data for calibration and validation. Collection of data on soil losses and sediment yield is often strenuous, costly and time-consuming. The limitations to modelling soil erosion and sediment yield at various scales are partly due to the high data requirements of each individual model.

Many processes have not been yet sufficiently explored and documented to be integrated in erosion models at the catchment scale, such as tillage erosion (e.g. Dupin et al., 2009), gully erosion (e.g., Poesen et al., 2003; Valentin et al., 2005), landslides (e.g., van Westen et al., 2006) and bank erosion (e.g., Bartley et al., 2008). In addition, much more attention has been paid in the past to the contribution of ground cover, e.g. aerial parts of plants, plant residues and gravel, in reducing soil particle detachment than to soil characteristics: pedostructure and pedoclimate (Braudeau and Mohtar, 2009). Only few studies have concentrated on the role of roots in fixing soils (e.g. Reubens et al. 2007).

Because of the complexity of the processes, the large array of factors involved and their time- and spacevariability and dependency, modelling soil erosion and sediment yield remain a challenging task for soil scientists and hydrologists especially in the context of land use and climate change.


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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Bartley, R., Keen, R.J., Hawdon, A.A., Hairsine, P.B., Disher, M.G., Kinsey-Henderson, A.E., 2008.Bank erosion and channel width change in a tropical catchment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33(14):2174-2200.

Braudeau, E. and Mohtar, R.H., 2009. Modeling the soil system: bridging the gap between pedology and soilwater physics.Global Planetary Change Journal.67: 51- 61, 2009.

Dupin, B., de Rouw A., Phantahvong, K, Valentin, C., 2009.Assessment of tillage erosion rates on steep slopes innorthern Laos. Soil & Tillage Research, 103:119-126.

Van Westen, C. J., van Asch, T.W.J.,Soeters, R., 2006. Landslide hazard and risk zonation. Why is it still so difficult? Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 65(2):167-184

Poesen, J., Nachtergale, J., Vertstraeten, G., Valentin, C.,2003. Gully erosion and environmental change. Importance and research needs.Catena, 50(2-4):91-134. Reubens, B.; Poesen, J.; Muys, B., 2005. Framework and indicators for the quantification of erosion reduction by tree roots.Communications in Agricultural and AppliedBiological Sciences, 70: 217-220 Valentin, C., Poesen, J., Yong Li, 2005. Gully erosion: impacts, factors and control. Catena, 63:132–153

Pr. C. Larry Winter,

Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona.

A Reduced Complexity Model for Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Groundwater Contamination

I presented a model of reduced complexity for assessing the risk of groundwater pollution from a point-source. The progress of contamination is represented by a sequence of transitions among coarsely resolved states corresponding to simple statements like “a spill has occurred”, “natural attenuation has failed”, etc. Transitions between states are modeled as a Markov jump process. This introduces the element of time in the state transition model which is missing in many risk assessment models. A general expression for the probability of aquifer contamination is obtained from two basic assumptions: that the sequence of transitions leading to contamination is Markovian and that the time when a given transition occurs is independent of its end state. First I developed the model for sites in statistically homogeneous natural porous media, and then I indicated how to parameterize it from observations and expert judgement. I applied the model to a simple example to illustrate the method and fix ideas.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Pr. Alaa Zaghloul,

Research professor, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.

Kinetic approach for best decision in management and reuse of low quality of irrigation water in Mediterranean soils

Application of low quality or waste water in agricultural lands is the major problem in many parts of the world and emerged as one of the primary environmental concerns for the 21st century especially after increasing of global temperature.

Agriculture has been blamed for adverse water quality problems because of the considerable inputs of high concentrations of pollutants in such types of low quality of irrigation water, warning with bleak consequences.

Implementation of waste water in agricultural soils has tow operations take place, the first concerning with the side effects of long time of application of such types of waste water without any disciplines governing such procedure which directly lead to degradation of agricultural land. The second operation related with different conditioners or techniques applied to minimize the injuries before irrigation with low quality water (water remediation) or after irrigation and successive accumulation of pollutants in soils (soil remediation). Both procedures directly influenced in having save food and agricultural sustainability and suitable resolution must be applied to have a right decision. For best decision of such condition, kinetic studies become the best tool in evaluation the injuries of fat of water and soil pollution and the best management or succession in remediation. This work reviews the application of kinetic approach in evaluation rate process of pollutants hazards in different systems and different remediation techniques applied under different situation of soil and water pollution cases.

Institutional linkage:

The National Research Center (NRC) is one of the biggest multi-discipline R&D Institute in Middle East Region. Gained experience at NRC has been accumulated since the NRC started his R&D activity in 1956 and till now. This experience covers many disciplines related to the research assumed to be carried out in the present project in the fields of microbiology, agriculture, health, engineering and environment.

The cooperation with MENA countries and USA becomes a goal in different Egyptian institutions in general and specifically in NRC for well selected research team, with a past experience in the different fields of the project. The will implement of the cooperation activities in different fields of research and specifically with that related with food production to coop tremendous increase in population. Water conservation, increasing of water use efficiency in agricultural land and reuse of low quality of irrigation water, all these topics are the most important goals for government interests and all the most recent research facilities that serve the work are available at NRC.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


2.2.2. Discussions, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

Sub-topic 2 was organized around thirteen presentations dealing with the current obstacles to models improvement and their limits. From data quality, to multi-scale problems there exist numerous sources of uncertainties which affect models and resulting decisions. The discussion was devoted to the uncertainties of these models and how to evaluate their impact on resulting solutions, the multi-scale issues in modeling hydrological problems, and the need for an international communication platform for knowledge and data-sets.

Models Complexity and Uncertainties

The common philosophy would say that as computational capacities grow, so will our ability to approximate reality. Unfortunately, modeling faces other limiting factors.

Several participants indicated that the existing hydrological models are over parameterized and often offer solutions that are not unique. For example, the complexity of the physically based watershed model AGWA-KINEROS2 has been highlighted (Mr. David Goodrich). The drawbacks of point-based characteristics over this scale to calibrate the model have been analyzed in a sensitivity study.

The difficulties in estimating the parameters usually lead to uncertainties in simulation results, although a trend can be given. In addition, the more complex these models become, the less they can be trusted by decision makers. One risk is confusing the objectivity of science and the subjectivity of values systems. The model's structure should be adapted to the users’ needs (decision-support, management).

Some ideas have been presented to reduce the complexity of models, such as a Markov chain based probabilistic model for risk assessment of groundwater contamination (Pr. C. Larry Winter). Moreover, models based on entropy theory have shown to be a good alternative in determining parameters with physical meaning (Pr. Vijay P. Singh).

Aside from the need for a better model structural identification, the other question was how structural errors and uncertainties can be identified. The necessity for an assessment of model uncertainties has been expressed to evaluate their effects in resulting simulation and decision advice. This error quantification should involve both model structure and input data. The modeling sensitivity has even more influence on the results while considering a hypothetical scenario in the case of climate or land-use change. Consequentially, the robustness of models is a major challenge for large-scale application.

Multi-scales Issues

The main cause of models uncertainties is certainly the multi-scales aspect of hydrological modeling. Uncannily several participants showed the importance of soils modeling and its implication in the multi-scales problem. All the audience agreed with the important coupling between soils and water dynamics.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


The pedostructure has been presented as a new physical paradigm for characterizing and modeling soil structure and soil water interactions that should be radically used into the current soil-water

models (Dr. Erik Braudeau). This new approach, namedhydrostructural pedology,has led to the development of a physically basedcomputer model, Kamel® (2) which simulates the hydro-structural dynamicof a pedon(soil volume representative of a primary soil map unit), at every scale of its internal organization (primary peds, pedostructure, horizon and pedon). This consideration could include the specific soil thermodynamic processes into cropping systems, thereby adding the physical conditions of soils to the biological process.

Soil erosion has been mainly discussed as a local factor than needs to be identified (Dr. Christian Valentin). It turns out that the phenomenon is space-scale as well as time-scale dependent. This fact implies that the data are no longer valid when a model is transferred across scales. Several studies have already offered a characterization of the erosion process, but more efforts could be made to investigate the role of roots in fixing soils.

The influence of land cover (land-use, urban areas) (Dr. Dev Niyogi), as well as the agricultural practices (no-tillage cropping) (Dr. Héctor J. M. Morrás), have also been highlighted as significant factors in hydrological models.

From the discussion, it appears that a better management of agro-systems will necessarily require the development of reliable soil mapping that takes into account the heterogeneity of soils structure and use in relation to its hydrological function. The soil modeling characterizes the spatial variability of models, but the development of a better understanding of the causes and effects of soil vulnerability and degradation demands a widespread approach that should incorporate many data parcels. The use of innovative technology is critical in promoting collaboration and informed decision-making.

International Databases Network.

For the detailed models above, high resolutions data are required. An analysis of the data-set for the erosion process assessment in Europe has been conducted (Dr. Olivier Cerdan). The study showed a lack of data-sets for a reliable extrapolation at a regional scale as well as the ways in which the data can be biased considering that the choice of the measurement location is not randomly determined.

The need for data allowing climate change impacts forecasts has been expressed in other world regions, such as the Mediterranean (soils salinity aspects) (Dr. Mohamed Hachicha), and in Argentina, where the consequences of the new climate conditions can already be observedErreur ! Signet non défini..

The emerging idea from the debates is to build networks between countries to support research in this field. A suggestion was made to extend networking between laboratories that are interested in soil structure. Most of the participants asked for the construction of common databases, such as web-databases, in order to share information and knowledge.

As a solution, a low-cost platform, WaterHUB, will allow further comprehension of precision agricultural technologies necessary to promote more effective water use. It will also connect the water

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


community and encourage information sharing, all the while enabling multi-scale hydrology to bridge gaps between functional, structural, and empirical approaches.

WHITE PAPERS PROPOSED: Titles of the project proposals:

• “Soil water interaction and soil information system for agro-environmental modeling under climate change;”

• “Climatic land surface modeling.”

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


2.3. Subtopic 3: Integration and linkage of physical, sociological, social

sciences to policy

Coordinators: Pr. Hatem Belhouchette, IAMM, Montpellier

Pr. J. Lowenberg – DeBoer, Purdue University

2.3.1. Introduction

The aim of this session was to present methods and tools for Integrating Assessment (IA) to predict the impact of socio-economic policies, environmental measures and technological innovations on agricultural sustainability. Most of the IA tools developed to simulate farmers’ decisions on water allocation and land-use are used for specific purposes and locations. They are often developed to handle a specific question related to environmental, socio-economic, or climate change impacts on farm sustainability. This session focused on whether it is possible to construct methods and tools to simulate, through key socio-economic and environmental indicators, the main aspects of agricultural systems from field scale to large scale by linking models and databases. Such integrated IA tools can be used to identify which agro-ecological technologies will be favored by the implementation of policies and to simulate their impacts. This session aimed to discuss the following two questions with several intermediate interrogations:

A- Is it possible to construct IA tools combining disciplines and scales in flexible and generic ways to handle various issues and scales in different locations?

1- What is the credibility of the IA tools regarding the uncertainty generated by such tools?

2- What are the main challenges and steps in evaluating the models used for IA?

3- What are the limits of the up-scaling procedure used in such tools?

B- How might these integrated IA tools be used by policy makers and scientists?

1. Which steps are crucial and specific (taking into account the question addressed by users)?

2. Which transformations might be required in the ways policy makers and scientists are used to work with simulation tools?

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Pr. Philippe Le Grusse,

Professor-Researcher, CIHEAM-IAM Montpellier (France).

Several programs and legislations have been initiated in EU on water area. Those directives were to be implemented at regional and local levels by the drafting of a set of regulations resulting from negotiations between the different stakeholders involved. Several studies have attempted to describe and analyze participatory methods which have been regarded as the most appropriate and effective approach to assess agricultural sustainability. These methods become more difficult to analyze and interpret when different variables involving environment, social and economic approaches and scales are studied.

Many instruments have been developed for individual decision-making. optimization and simulation models have frequently been used. The choice between these approaches depends on the one hand on the user-friendliness of the tools, and on the other hand on basic assumptions about the ability of decision makes to make rational decisions. We developed a methodology based on a participatory approach involving bio-economic models and local stockholders’ participation to assess farming sustainability .In order to construct a negotiating framework based on the choice of techniques relating to water consumption and nitrogen use, it is necessary to assess the impact of the likely alternatives and to seek negotiable solutions. These likely alternatives are established by using bio-economic models, which represent farming and cropping operations. An agro-economic simulation software package ‘Olympe’ was chosen, which is able to calculate per farm the farmer’s income, water consumption and total quantities of leached nitrogen. This calculation should be computed on the scale of the farms, which are representative of one area, so that it can be extrapolated at a later stage to the whole basin. The data will be collected using primarily regional survey on crop rotation and crop records provided by the farmers’ group. The aim is to establish for each crop a production function relating fertilization and irrigation to the quantities of leached nitrogen and the crop yield. These functions will be established by soil type and climatic year using a CropSyst model. With the assistance of a linear programming model, rotations were optimized by selecting those which return the maximum overall income while respecting a series of constraints. These constraints are related to agronomy, the market, water consumption and nitrate leaching. Bioeconomic models and simulation games are not in opposition but can be used sequentially and can be adapted to a specific problem. The“real” problem may not be clear at the beginning but will emerge progressively with the use of such tools. But whatever the quality of the tools used to solve problems, their use is meaningless if we do not benefit from the support of a group of stakeholders concerned by the problem at different levels and by the changes in the way the problem is formulated.

Mr. Thierry Rieu,

Deputy Head, AgroParisTech, Montpellier, economist, water policy specialist.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


In La Réunion, an island located closed to the Southern Africa, a determined planning policy for the rural areas has been developed by the French government since the Seventies. The first objective was to set a farming family based on sugarcane production. The policy implementation begun with a land reform aiming to settle small farms (5 ha in average) and with the development of the sugarcane production. This food industry has become the main agricultural supply and has been developed through an intensive irrigated agriculture.

Nowadays and fifty years later, results are quite questionable as the whole sugarcane supply has been sharply decreasing and the share of agriculture in GDP has dropped from 50% after the second World War to 4% in 2005. Then decision makers are facing three main challenges:

• The lowering prices of sugarcane due to trade globalization and a stronger competition threaten the sustainability of small farms • Global change and increased tensions on water resources are anticipated through the legal frame (European Water Framework Directive) that are more restrictive for intensive agriculture. Stringent rules and incentives are asked by public actors and environmentalists. • The increasing urbanization of the more fertile and productive lands is lowering the cropping acreage, and by the way, the sugarcane supply for the two last sugar mills.

In this context, that becomes more complex and constrained, irrigated schemes are still seen by a large range of decision makers as the main lever to maintain agricultural production, employment in agriculture, minimal revenue for small farms. As a consequence, research programs have been launched in order to assess what could be the room for maneuver for the irrigated sugarcane production in future considering an economic, social or environmental perspective. The present presentation focuses on the methodological aspects and the lessons that can be derived.

Due to the large heterogeneity of the farming systems and of the bio-physical conditions (soils, rain, crop water requirements…) induced by the hilly landscape, analyze and modelling have been applied at three main levels:

• At the plot level, relations between the sugarcane yield and water consumption were revisited, in order to evaluate the impact of water restricted conditions on the sugarcane yield (Mosicas model), • At the crop system level, irrigation practices and water consumption under water shortages have been monitored on a sample of 10 irrigated farms (Five Core model) • At the scheme level, a farm typology has been elaborated in order to understand and simplify the diversity of the farming systems • Economic models were developed both at farm type and scheme levels to derive water demand functions, to assess the impact of economic incentives on farmers revenue and water demand.

These results have been discussed both with the farmers and the concerned extension services, on the other hand with the local decision makers.

Thierry RIEU, Jean-Louis FUSILLIER, UMR G-Eau (AgroParisTech, Cemagref, CIRAD, IAMM, SupAgro), Montpellier (France).

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


Pr. Terry Roe,

Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota.

Water as an Economy-Wide Resource

This short paper points out that water needs to be viewed as an economy-wide resource in an environment where economies are in the process of economic growth and structural transformation. To compete in an increasingly globalized world market place, and to overcome water constraints, most countries will need to decrease the share of total workers employed in agriculture, increase the share of distributable water supplies consumed by urban residents, and urban based industries which provide employment to new workers while transforming agriculture to consumer water more efficiently. Climate change with major impacts on agriculture greatly exacerbates this process of transformation, and increases the urgency for action now rather than later. A social challenge is to design institutions to assist in water reallocation in a way that minimizes conflict (hence, a need for remuneration), that allocates water to its highest marginal value product (a need for the correct incentive structure), a concern with equity (a need for transfer payments), and an incentive to develop the means that encourage the creation and adoption of technology that saves an increasingly scarce resource, water. While institutional function tends to be relatively universal across countries, institutional design tends to be country, initial condition and time specific. The paper then discusses a research agenda.

Pr. Jacques Wery,

Senior researcher, SupAgro (Montpellier, France).

During this session we discussed the potential and limits of Integrated Assessment methods and tools to be used, in interaction with stakeholders and policy makers, to assess current farming systems and design innovative cropping systems for sustainable water management. In many parts of the world, water is the major resource driving agricultural productivity but is also strongly impacted by agriculture both in term of quantities and of quality. Adaptation to climate change will require the design of cropping systems with high water efficiency and economic performances taking into account the diversity of biophysical conditions (soil, climate) and farm conditions (structure, objectives, resources, crop diversity…).

A large set of technological innovations is available for this purpose but they need to be assessed in combination, on a multicriteria basis and in the context of scenarios combining economic and climate change. On the basis of our experience in Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Systems (van Ittersum et al., 2008 ; Therond et al., 2009) and in Cropping Systems design (Wery and Langeveld, 2010, Blazy et al., 2009, 2010 ; LeGal et al., 2010) we contributed to the discussion on the following questions :

- how to combine models, typologies and indicators to design and assess cropping systems ? - how to mobilize and use expert knowledge in these approaches ?

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


- can we find a balance between genericity, reusability and flexibility with international modelling platforms ? - when and how could we interact with stakeholders and policy makers in the development and use of integrated assessment tools ?

Blazy, J.-M., Ozier-Lafontaine, H., Doré, T., Thomas, A., Wery, J., 2009. A methodological framework that accounts for farm diversity in the prototyping of crop management systems. Application to banana-based systems in Guadeloupe. Agricultural Systems 101: 30-41.

Blazy, J.-M., Tixier P., Thomas, A., Ozier-Lafontaine, H., Salmon F., Wery, J., 2010. BANAD, a farm model for ex ante assessment of agro-ecological innovations and its applications to banana farms in Guadeloupe. Agricultural Systems 103: 221-232.

Le Gal, P.Y., Merot, A., Moulin, C.H., Navarrete, M., Wery, J., 2010. A modelling framework to support farmers in designing agricultural production systems. Environmental Modelling & Software 25: 258-268.

Therond, O., Belhouchette, H., Janssen, S., Louhichi, K., Ewert, F., Bergez, J.-E., Wery, J., Heckelei, T., Olsson, J.A., Leenhardt, D., Van Ittersum, M.K., 2009. Methodology to translate policy assessment problems into scenarios: the example of the SEAMLESS integrated framework. Environmental Science & Policy 12: 619-630.

Van Ittersum, M.K., Ewert, F., Heckelei, T., Wery, J., Alkan Olsson, J., Andersen, E., Bezlepkina, I., Brouwer, F., Donatelli, M., Flichman, G., Olsson, L., Rizzoli, A.E., Van der Wal, T., Wien, J.E., Wolf, J., 2008. Integrated assessment of agricultural systems - A component-based framework for the European Union (SEAMLESS). Agricultural Systems 96: 150-165.

Wery J., Langeveld JWA., 2010. Introduction to the EJA special issue on "Cropping systems Design : New methods for new challenges". European Journal of Agronomy. 32 : 1- 2.

2.3.2. Discussions, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

Understanding the impact of socio-economic policies, environmental measures, and technological innovations on agricultural sustainability is critical in ensuring an optimal solution for water and land-use policy. This Sub-topic addresses these questions by exploring tools and methods for Integrating Assessment (IA) that reach beyond the specific locations and allow for the creation of large-scale models. The current context of global change does not allow people to rely only on a “ex-post” approach, which consists of assessment tools of the farmers' responses to past changes in their environment (prices, incentives, new technologies). However it is necessary for the prospective analysis to be supported by models and simulations.

Methodologies to Combine Disciplines and Scales.

During the session different IA projects have been presented using the same global approach except for a few noteworthy differences. They are all based on the combination of models (crop, farm, region) for multi-scale and multi-criteria assessment.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


An example has been chosen for the Reunion Island (Mr. Thierry Rieu). It consists in a water balance model “FIVE-CORE” which extracts from agro-ecological inputs the water requirement of each homogeneous zone. Then, according to the farms typologies (including cropping activities), the model MOSICA establishes the water consumption function with respect to the crop production. MOTAD a linear programming tool optimizes the choice of agricultural technology (practices, crop, cropping patterns) from Farmer's objectives, resources, potential and market prices inputs. One of the outputs concerns the eventual subsidies. The resulting economic model at the farm level is then aggregated at the regional scale for supporting management decision process.

The cascade modelling (field, farm, market, …) is also involved in IAAS (Pr. Jacques Wery). The assessment of cropping systems is conducted in this project under climate change, price fluctuations, and policy changes (water quality, agriculture). The project is based on the SEAMLESS experience method (Pr. Hatem Belhouchette). In SEAMLESS, the modelling chain includes an indicator calculation, a biophysical model at the field level (CropSyst), and a farming systems model at the farm level “FSSIM”(technical, socio-economic) defining the farm typology in terms of land-use, intensity, size, and a regional model dealing with the prices. The assessment process, then, includes three phases: the scenario parameters definition (climate change, land-use change, policies) and the indicators selection, the calibration of the models for the considered region, and the scenario analysis from the computed indicators values through a participative approach.

The participatory method is recognized to be the most appropriate and effective approach in the assessment of agriculture sustainability. Accordingly, a new methodology has been suggested to assess farming sustainability (Pr. Philippe Le Grusse). The concepts suggest assessing the impacts of alternative water management and cropping system thanks to an agro-economic simulation package called 'Olympe'. The assessment should be applied at the scale of farms representative of the area, and realized by the different involved stakeholders simultaneously. After optimization under given constraints (agronomy, market, water consumption, nitrate leaching...), the resulting calculation for each stakeholder results in a collective scenario whose outcomes are discovered during the course of a social interaction between participants. The obtained simulation game can be used sequentially with a conventional bio-economic model to ensure the stakeholders' participation and negotiation in the model development process.

Users, Stakeholders, Modeler Interaction

One of the major aspects for the participants is the integration of users and stakeholders in the IA process. Excluding their direct contributions in simulation games, their most prominent role is in the indicators, scenarios and farm typology parameters definition. The model's developers use surveys toward farmers for the farm scale model calibration regarding the current agricultural and potential practices, whereas the scenario should be defined by both policy-makers and modelers according to the assessment needs. Indicators should be well-selected by all the stakeholders as they determine the optimized criteria, so that they directly represent the results of the assessment.

Given these considerations, the participants recommended the development of tools and indicators that can be managed by and with the stakeholders. Transparency and the visualization options are major concerns in building IA tools so as to allow a comprehensive interpretation of the indicators' variations with respect to scenarios. The users’ information about the assumption made, the critical

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


parameters and the data estimation were considered a necessity. In addition, access to the intermediate variables (ex: nitrogen leaching per farm) appeared to help interpretation of results causes.

Further understanding of the use of tools by policy makers is needed and more efforts could be involved in the accurate evaluation of these tools.

Limits of Integrating Assessment

As interdisciplinary models have turned into a trans-disciplinary model chain across the board, the choices made by models developers are accompanied by some limits.

First, the models uncertainties, from their structures based on approximate knowledge are increasing in the up-scaling process and meet new causes. The arbitrary selection of aggregation units affects the system characterization, whereas the data reliability on such a scale pose considerable question. The accuracy and the relevancy of surveys, statistical data or remote sensing to calibrate model at regional scale raised plenty of questions during the debates.

In the presented IA tools, the determination of a representative farm of an area has also been highlighted as a difficulty and an uncertainties cause. Indeed, how to evaluate crop model at regional scale?

Consequently, it was suggested to assess the sensitivity of the IA models in order to include the precision rate in the final results. New simpler concepts could also be investigated to improve the flexibility and the reusability of current tools. The emphasis was put on the credibility necessity of these tools.

To conclude, it was noted that all the decisions support tools assume the stakeholders' decisions to be reasonable. It is not always the case, and the social aspect, especially the “water culture” should be always considered.

WHITE PAPER PROPOSED: Title of the project proposal: “Resilience of farming systems to global change (climate, socio-economic): Through diversity (soil, crop, farms) and technological innovation (conservation, agriculture, and organic).”

2.4. Overall Conclusion

This session addressed the main issues of multi-scale water and land-use modeling in order to address the major challenges for developing reliable decision-making support tools. Nowadays, numerous models have been developed and are widely used. From the crop field efficiency optimization to the regional impact assessment of different land-use or policy, all the scales and processes are concerned.

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Session 2: Multi-Scale water and land-use modeling in support for better decision making


The multi-scale aspects of hydrological and cropping systems models raise a lot of uncertainties. This enforces a compromise between two approaches. On one hand, the high parameterization of models is based on a high understanding and characterization of physical processes requires a large quantity of high resolution data to calibrate the models for a specific application. In this approach, the modeling of soil dynamics appears essential for a better hydrological model establishment. On the other hand, simpler models structures are needed for more flexibility and less sensitivity regarding the data. Such structures could move more easily across the scales. This approach, which is based on empirical data, is less accurate, but provides generic trends.

For decision makers support tools, the simplicity of models guarantee a good interpretation by the users and ensure a bigger reliability. The tools should meet their needs and include all the stakeholders in their development for a regional application.

The new climate change context forces the models to rely on physical equations more than empirical calibration. Indeed, the predictions cannot be based on statistical studies of past data, because the physical conditions will change.

Remote sensing gives new opportunities to merge data assimilation with hydrological and cropping system models. It offers good perspectives for accounting space and time-variability issues.

Experts are present in both US and France on the modeling aspects. Common problematic suggest cooperation opportunities. The building of an international network to share knowledge and Datasets are proving essential tools for further research and a best communication between researchers.

The common projects raised from this session are presented below.

WHITE PAPERS PROPOSED: Titles of the project proposals:

• “Machine learning on water and farm management;”

• “Data assimilation approaches to merge remote sensing observations into crop-growth simulations;”

• “Soil-water interaction and soil information system for agro environmental modeling under climate change;”

• “Climatic land surface modeling;”

• “Resilience of farming systems to global change (climate, socio-economic): Through diversity (soil, crop, farms) and technological innovation (conservation, agriculture, and organic).”

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Session 3: Innovation in education and technology transfer


3. Session 3: Innovation in education and technology transfer

3.1. Subtopic 1: Opportunities in graduate student exchange/ mobility

course exchange (faculty mobility), video conferencing, students

participating in partner graduate programs, integration with

research activities

Coordinators: Dr. Anne Bernadac, ENSAT / INPT, Toulouse Pr. Peter K. Imbrie, Purdue University

3.1.1. Introduction

This symposium theme focused on graduate and undergraduate opportunities in student exchange / mobility, course exchange (faculty mobility), students participating in partner graduate programs, and integration with research activities. This session was devoted to the tools, pedagogy and objectives that could be developed to encourage internationalization of our training programs. Examples included physical exchange of students / faculty, video / on-line conferencing, on-line courses, wiki sites, etc… What cultural and language barriers are involved in attempting to create new educational opportunities and how do we overcome these barriers? In a similar manner, what are the financial barriers involved and how can we address these barriers?

Dr. Anne Bernadac,

Assistant Professor - INPT-ENSAT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse, France)

Head of the International Relations at the INP-ENSAT.

Development of students’ international experience. Four models in the France-USA cooperation.

As part of its training mission, the INPT has always promoted international cooperation with partner universities and encouraged student mobility. Since 2004, international student mobility is a requirement to obtain the engineer’s degree, requiring an enhancement of our international activities. If individual mobility through study semesters or internships is the most common way for our students to acquire an international experience, others models can be proposed.

Based on the experience of our cooperation activities with some US universities these last years, this presentation aimed to propose 4 models of international program involving students:

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Session 3: Innovation in education and technology transfer


- International internship - Exchange study semester - Study trip - Joint course/project Each model were discussed in terms of learning experience, added-value to education, feasibility and compared cost.

Pr. Philippe Behra,

Professor, INPT.

Nowadays in France, high education in environmental sciences or environmental engineering is mainly based on basic courses in chemistry, physics, and mathematics plus in some cases, depending on the background or the goal of students, on some life sciences and ecology.

Lectures are very often in classroom associated to some exercises with or without specific software and to some lab works. Students are passive and wait for a unique solution to a problem knowing there are always many answers to a complex question. This model of high education is more and more criticized since environment and in particular “sustainable water management and agriculture” have to be considered at a larger scale in space and time in a dynamic system since environment has to be considered as very heterogeneous in many of its properties.

In this talk, it was shown how, in Toulouse, some new perspectives are coming out in the way of improving such a steady state system of high education. One of them is to make students as actors of their own education by asking them to solve environmental questions from field experiments and observations during environmental projects for a long period of time. Two tools were dedicated to motivate students and should also motivate educational collaboration:

- first a joint workshop for environmental sciences (“Atelier interuniversitaire des sciences de l’environnement”, AISE) only, and - secondly a field experimental observatory close to ENSIACET, located in Toulouse, where water, soil and air could be sampled and analyzed in the framework of a multidisciplinary approach.

From both of them, data could be used for modeling exercises such as groundwater hydrodynamics, surface water and element cycling (Fe, nutrients, organic matter…), improving of water treatments, air pollution…

Discussion on collaboration on these new tools is welcome since they should be opened for national and international exchanges in the future.

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Dr. Benjamin Buclet, Socioeconomist, Task Manager, IRD.

“International development and capacity building: challenges and opportunities for research institutions.”

IRD’s Department for Training and Capacity-Building: 10 years of experience.

The Department for Training and Capacity-Building for Research in Developing Countries (DSF) was created 10 years ago with very specific objectives in mind. We presented these, along with an overview of IRD as a whole, to contextualize the Department’s activities.

Our programs and tools

DSF’s capacity-building tools are geared toward individuals, research teams and institutions. We described each one, along with some examples of how they are used (referring to water-related projects whenever possible).

Future developments

IRD is currently undergoing profound institutional transformation and will soon make its tools available to the global scientific community. It is therefore the perfect time for us to reflect on how scientific research can effectively contribute to international development.

Focus on support at the graduate level (Master’s degrees): state of the practice, challenges and perspectives

Currently, support at for Master’s programs is relatively limited, focusing on the institutional level. Nevertheless, it is considered fundamental, if we want to identify, as early as possible, potential researchers. IRD’s experience in this area allows us to draw some conclusions and lay the foundation for further reflection on how to achieve our objectives.

Dr. Vincent Dollé,

Director, CIHEAM-IAMM.

Training-Research on the Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies of Mediterranean Food Systems

CIHEAM-MAIM commits itself to conducting various activities in partnership with different countries of the Mediterranean.

1. Pilot research projects, leading to situation diagnosis, summary of coping experience of typologies to vulnerability to changes. 2. Targeted actions in Higher Education and Training in master or professional training. 3. Seminars and workshops on adaptation strategies to decision makers from the Mediterranean.

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4. Overall expertise on recent changes in the situation and on adaptive devices of current experiments, their characterization and their quantitative and qualitative measurement.

These actions aim to renew the teaching contents in the Master of Science of CIHEAM but also in research seminars for PhD studies from the doctoral platform of the MAIM.

These training themes allow:

- the analysis of major issues related to climate change - the impacts modeling and preparation for multi-stakeholder negotiations which are essential to the working out of adaptation strategy. - the achievement of integrated diagnosis at various space and time scales. - the evaluation of current policies and preparation of an analytical grid on effectiveness-efficiency. - the building of scenarios and prospective reflections on these coping strategies.

All these studies include data from additional disciplinary field and allow the MAIM to develop a global view relying on its academic partners and development operators from the northern, southern and eastern sides of the Mediterranean.

Mr. Patrice Lallemand,

Research engineer, SupAgro Montpellier.

Montpellier SupAgro has been developing several mobility activities in partnerships with 2 American Universities (UWM: University of Wisconsin Madison and MSU: Michigan State University) for 5 years. The exchange program between SupAgro and UWM was supported by FACE (French American Cultural Exchange).

The one semester academic in/out mobility activities has benefited to 18 American students and 19 French students, in a good balanced exchange. Moreover, in the same time, several American researchers have been hosted in Montpellier SupAgro, especially thanks to their personal contacts with French researchers.

According to our experience, we have noticed several financial barriers:

- The main one is the study fees; of course American fees are very expensive for a French student ; we could overcome this barrier, offering free courses in a perfectly balanced exchange. - In another way, the administrative US formalities for visa seem to be long and expensive

In a linguistic field:

Courses in French language are not rather attractive for American students. Then, we offer 2 different paths to overcome this barrier:

- To start the process of welcoming non-Frenchspeaking students, we proposed introductive session in English language, which allowed a progress towards French language teaching; for instance, SupAgro

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has drafted a one week session named « Let's talk wine ». - For the long run, it's relevant to organize jointly complete curricula in English ; for instance the Erasmus Program « Vinifera », (EMAVE consortium, coordinated by SupAgro) offered a Master degree's first year courses exclusively in English language (the second year could be followed in English, Spanish, Italian)

In a cultural field:

Intercultural differences are considered as a great advantage to enrich debates in the classrooms. Then, more than cultural field, we prefer to talk about institutional field when we consider barriers:

- the main problem is the mutual recognition of academic credits ; we have to work on the building of a system of equivalence, like the European system (ECTS, EGVET).

- It seems important to find a common definition of the Master degree, as American system is more research based - In a second way, SupAgro tries to propose more attractive and innovative pedagogy, offering alternatives to the French classical “face to face” education

In conclusion, we think we have to focus on the definition of few common point of interest, where each point of view could enrich the mutual representation of the concept, in a win-win exchange: for instance we have identified few topics: “Terroir Education”, “food science marketing”, “sociological approach of agronomy”, “agricultural policy”.

The student’s exchanges will run necessary in a perfect balanced free exchange, especially for financial reasons. In France, English language has to be introduced in sessions, at least at the beginning. We have to find solutions to allow mutual recognition of academic credits, with the goal in a mean term to offer co-delivered diploma.

Pr. Kurt Paterson,

Director, D80, Michigan Technological University.

Agile Education for a Dynamic World: Developing Globally Savvy Engineers

The past decade has been marked with a notable change among engineering students – many are engaged in international projects, some curricular but most extracurricular. Concurrently, the world community has become increasingly connected through shared information, infrastructure, commerce and recreation. Higher education has been slow-footed in responding to these trends; yet if we are to meet these contemporary demands, both internal and external to academia, an examination of the content, context, culture and costs of highly responsive education is warranted. This session presented some recent findings of this exploration into agile engineering education, successful models, and catalysts needed for wide-scale change. Benefits and challenges of these changes, as observed by global engineering education leaders, were shared, and advices for such educational innovations were collected from symposium attendees. Both served to seed discussions for what is most urgently needed to develop engineers capable of creating effective international partnerships.

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Dr. Jean-Luc Probst,

Senior scientist, University of Toulouse, Toulouse Institute of Agronomy(ENSAT1)- Toulouse Institute

of Technology (INPT ) CNRS.

Water management and Agriculture Critical subjects for international cooperation in graduate education

ENSAT offers 4 innovative and interdisciplinary graduate programs in Agronomy and Environment:

- Three Engineer’s degrees in Agronomic and Environmental Sciences: QEGR (Environment Quality and Resources Management,) and SPET (Production Systems, Environment, Territories) offered by ENSAT and GE (Environment Engineering, GE) jointly offered by the 3 INPT schools of engineer (ENSAT, ENSIACET and ENSEEIHT) - One Master’s degree in Ecology and Environmental Biosciences (EBEN) which is jointly offered by ENSAT-INPT and the University of Toulouse III (UPS).

This presentation were mainly focused on the second year2 (M2) of the Master’s degree EBEN3 which is divided in two training courses, one based on a research training (EBEN-Res) for the students who want to prepare a PhD thesis after the master and one based on a professional training (EBEN-Pro) for students who want to work after the master, EBEN-Pro being very close to QEGR.

EBEN is composed of 7 common thematic courses (1- English-sociology-economy-law, 2-Database-geographic information systems-modeling, 3-Tools for researchers and engineers, 4-Biodiversity-eco and agrosystem functioning, 5-Ecotoxicology-dynamic and effects of pollutants in eco and agrosystems, 6-Anthropogenic impacts, 7- Agroecology).

With regard to the topic of the symposium, the main courses are focused on the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity in soils and river waters, on water quality and pollutant (heavy metals, pesticides) and nutrient (N,P) transfer dynamic, on physical and chemical soil erosion and the associated river transports of particulate and solute elements, on living organisms and aquatic ecosystems (ecotoxicology and genotoxicology), in relation with climate changes at regional and global scales. The training courses are given by academics and professionals based on theoretical approaches and concepts, mechanisms and processes, flux and budget calculation, field sampling and measurements, laboratory analyses and experiments, statistical data treatment, geographic information systems and modeling. Some courses are also given on concentration limits for soils, sediments, drinking water…rules, standards, critical loads, environment law, agro-environmental measures, social acceptability and environmental and economic costs. A field trip on a small agricultural experimental catchment4 (320 ha, sunflower/wheat in rotation) is organized for the students to show them how to use such a catchment for research and management. It offers also many possibilities for graduate students to develop researches within the framework of Master thesis and PhD.

One of the major axes of EBEN is the environmental impact of agriculture on soil erosion, on transfer dynamic of pollutants and on aquatic ecosystem health in relation with climate change, particularly

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drought and storm events. Interdisciplinary courses need to be developed particularly at the interface between environmental sciences, sociology and economy, because even if you know for example what kind of agro-environmental measures you can use to reduce water pollution, you need to know what are the economic costs of such measures and what could be their social acceptability. This is now developed in some interdisciplinary research programs and need to be introduced in training courses for graduate students.

1. ENSAT is a French Graduate School in Agronomy, Environment, Life Science and Food Technology 2. The Master lasts for two years, the first year (M1) is offered at UPS or any other University. 3. Today the Master is entitled “Ecosystem Functioning and Anthropization” (FEA), until June 2010 4. The Montoussé experimental catchment (Gascogne region, close to Toulouse) is studied by EcoLab in collaboration with GPN-Agriculture. Data on precipitation, stream discharge, NO3 concentrations are available since 1985, pesticide concentrations since 1995, all other physical and chemical parameters since 2004, of which T, pH, Cond, Tu, O2, NO3 are measured continuously with YSI probes. It belongs also to a French Network of Experimental Catchments.

Pr. Bart Schultz,

Professor of Land and WaterDevelopment,UNESCO-IHE, Delft, theNetherlands.

Water Resource Management Under Water Shortage/Extremes

With respect to water resource management under water shortage/extremes at global scale two processes are of major importance, these concerns:

• Population, population growth and increase in the standard of living, • urbanization, especially in flood prone areas.

With respect to these processes at global scale three groups of countries can be distinguished, being: developed countries, emerging countries and least developed countries.

The developed and the least developed countries each house almost one billion people. The emerging countries house more than 5 billion people (73% of worlds’ population) and show a relatively rapid growth in the standard of living.

Population, population growth and increase in the standard of living

Especially in the least developed and emerging countries population growth is on-going in such a way that duplication in food production would be required in 25 – 30 years. These countries are therefore confronted with the need to significantly increase food production at their own territory, or to increase food imports. Most of these countries still opt for food self-sufficiency. There is a global understanding that 80- 90% of the required increase in food production would have to come from existing cultivated land and only 10-20% from newly reclaimed land. This implies that the yields per hectare have to be significantly increased. This requires significant improvement in and expansion of irrigation and drainage schemes. Until recently there was the impression that the present withdrawal of 70% for irrigation would need to be significantly increased. However, this is not necessarily the case for two reasons: there are still significant improvements possible in water saving in irrigation and

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on the other hand the generally low yields in rain fed areas result in a high water consumption per kilogram crop, due to the large share of evaporation from bare land. An additional advantage of irrigation is that crop losses in periods of drought can be prevented or at least reduced, giving the farmers more assured revenue. With the water resources available in most of the countries the availability of water will not really be a constraint, provided that water resources at river basin level are developed and managed in an integrated way.

Urbanization, especially in flood prone areas Especially in the emerging countries a rapid urbanization is on-going. Most of this development is taking place in flood prone areas. Due to this it is expected that by 2050 about 80% of the world population will live in flood prone areas. The level of protection is generally far below the economic optimum, resulting in high risks for casualties and damage to public and private property. Therefore there is an urgent need that the concerned governments develop packages of consisting of optimal combinations of structural and non-structural measures for flood protection.

Pr. Stephen Silliman,

Professor of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame.

Research Portfolio

In the realm of international water resources research, Dr. Silliman has pursued a number of projects that contain both substantial technical elements and elements of research in the pedagogy of international experiences for undergraduate and graduate students. In the technical realm, he has worked on projects that involve both relatively classical research strategies (such isotopic and elemental analyses to identify trends in water quality and sources of contamination, or pump tests to characterize hydraulics) and strategies at the intersection of the technical and social sciences (such as his work involving training of local populations in rural Africa to develop a water-quality data base). His most recent efforts are focused on: (a) characterizing the hydrology of coastal Benin through classical chemical, geophysical and hydraulic measurements and (b) delineating water source protection strategies in fractured rock (central Benin). In the realm of educational pedagogy, Dr. Silliman and his colleagues (including Rabi Mohtar, Kurt Paterson, and William Ball) have explored a range of student experiences to determine impact of the experience on both the student and the population impacted by the student efforts. Models for student involvement have ranged from undergraduate service programs to undergraduate / graduate research programs. Results from these pedagogical efforts have demonstrated a diverse range of possible impacts on both the students and the population impacted that depend to a strong degree on the format and learning objectives of the student effort. Much of this work has been published in collaboration with colleagues from Benin.

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Pr. Andy Ward,

Professor of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Ohio State University.

Methods and Tools for Determining Floodplain Requirements for Self-Sustaining Channel Systems with Dan Mecklenburg, Erick Powell, Anand Jayakaran, Jon Witter, Jessica D’Ambrosio, Larry


In 2004, Professor Ward, several of his colleagues and graduate students, established at The Ohio State University the Stream Restoration, Ecology, & Aquatic Management Solutions (STREAMS) Project ( This project is a multi-agency initiative with a goal to provide education, information, technology and communication on stream management strategies. As part of this initiative we have developed a series of educational modules on stream geomorphology and conducted research that has led to: (1) insight into channel-forming discharges; (2) methods for sizing streamway setbacks; (3) development of tools to aid in evaluating stream systems; and (4) an innovative approach to sizing modified and constructed channel systems.

The last few decades have seen increasing interest in enhancing, restoring, and protecting the ecology of streams and watersheds.

To achieve these goals requires sound fundamental and applied knowledge, close interaction between scientists and engineers, a systems approach, and a good understanding of spatial and temporal scales. The sustainability of most stream systems, with bed slopes less than a few percent, depends on attachment of the main channel to a broad floodplain.

Bankfull dimensions of most natural streams are sized and maintained by fluvial processes associated with channel-forming discharge concepts. We have found that flows larger than the channel-forming discharges occur many times annually and the recurrence interval is often much less than values commonly used in restoration projects. Therefore, using larger and less frequent discharges in design might result in the establishment of an incised system that is prone to failure.

The term streamway is used to describe the main channel and attached floodplain that should be protected by a stream setback. Throughout the world organizations have grappled with determining the width of a floodplain as it is associated with fluvial processes, the magnitude of the flood being considered and the physical location of a floodplain boundary – such as a high terrace, levee, or the toe of the valley walls. In developing a method to size streamways we wanted to provide: (1) a streamway that would be wide enough to accommodate the existing meander pattern; (2) a zone that would accommodate meander migrations that might occur over time; and (3) a safety factor. We concluded that setbacks should be sized based on geomorphic concepts and in particular bed material mobilization was appropriate for sand and gravel-bed streams. Our results suggest that streamway widths that are at least 8 times the bankfull width will in most cases be wide enough to allow for meander migration over time. Regardless of the approach that might be used all stream assessments, designs, and management strategies should be based on extensive knowledge of stream processes. This requires the expertise and resources to make extensive measurements within the stream and watershed system and the ability to analyze the data to aid in developing an appropriate self-sustaining strategy. With this view in mind we have developed a suite of spreadsheet tools to aid in

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the analysis of the data that should be obtained. The Spreadsheet Tools for River Evaluation, Assessment and Monitoring (STREAM) tools: (1) facilitate the activities listed in the acronym by being consistent with standard or commonly techniques; (2) perform much of the mathematics needed to interpret raw data and draw plots that can be at times laborious; (3) present rather challenging techniques in ways that are more understandable; and (4) serve as educational tools. Embedded in the tools are details on the equations and theory that are used to generate the reported outputs.

3.1.2. Discussions, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

The main factors differentiating developed countries, emerging countries and least developed countries are the fraction of GDP from agriculture, the mechanization of farming, and the productivity as well as the proportion of the urban population and population growth rate. The last two groups of countries are poorly doted of water management plan-system. Since the population size is the main factor influencing drought, the improvement of water management practice is critical for the future of these countries, especially in the context of climate change. These necessary improvements drive the need to educate the future actors of these changes, as well as to speed up technology transfer. The eleven presentations dealt with the multidisciplinary program opportunities, and the internationalization of their contents.

Multidisciplinary Education program

Both educational institutions (Purdue University, INPT, ENSAT, SupAgro, Michigan Technological University, University of Notre Dame, Mines ParisTech, Ohio State University) and research centers ( IRD, CIHEAM-IAMM) showed their increasing interest in educational programs and methods by sharing their own experiences. It appeared thatone of the main goals of improving educationwas to create a “global competency” for new professionals. This term is understood in a wide range of definitions: from someone with international abilities, to a capacity to take the engineering problem in the broader socio-economic reality. These are highlights on teaching methods used and proposed to reach that global competency goal.

Integration of financial, social, environmental and technical aspects within the program could be enhanced by multidisciplinary programs. The introduction of humanities into engineering curricula is one step towards this goal, but other tools are available. For instance, service based learning leads the student to understand the necessity to integrate the needs of a community (local or intentional) into the engineering equation.

The introduction of “real life” issues by service learning could be prepared by improving the format of lectures introducing a wide variety of speakers from academia to governmental agencies and private industries. Further some programs nearly suppress lectures for more integrated methods: the student is given a problem to solve, and guided by the educator, decides what needs to be learned in order to solve this problem. It was acknowledged that increasing the interactivity of the classroom allows the student not only to receive information, but also to exchange and maybe create.

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The examples of the University of Michigan program (Pr. Kurt Paterson) with the Peace Corps Masters international the dual Master Mines ParisTech-Tsinghua University (Dr. Vincent Dollé) are interesting. In both cases the student will be confronted with different cultures and will have to interact with a wide range of interlocutors.

International Openness

For all the participants, study abroad and other international exchanges broaden cultural acceptance and the ability to communicate internationally. But the efficacy of such experience was discussed by the group. Interestingly some attendees believed that international travel is not critical to reach the goal of global learning. With the combination of service-based and problem solving learning, international experience can be very profitable for the student and the community, and may produce publishable results for innovative methodology.

Tools available nowadays like videoconferencing, telemetry and other communication enhanced tools, could provide a way to insertan intercultural dimension into education. In the same vein, the use of social networks as a means of communication and education, would be extended out of the engineering public.

WHITE PAPER PROPOSED: Title of the project proposal: “Addressing the challenges of creating French-US educational partnership.”


• What is acquiring global engineering competencies, using experimental education initiatives and close industry partnerships?

• Using common pilot facilities (demo projects, catchment sites, etc.) supported by distance learning tools and social networks

• Fostering “Origami thinking” in innovation: launching an international student competition

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3.2. Subtopic 2: New approaches in courses on Natural resources

management: interdisciplinary approaches, modeling as a

teaching tool, link with industry, technology transfer, innovation.

Coordinators: Pr. Philippe Jamet, Mines de Saint-Etienne

Dr. John A. Schneider, Purdue University

3.2.1. Introduction

This symposium theme aimed to explore the opportunities offered by industry-to academia knowledge transfer: case studies and pilot projects. Examples of natural resources education using dedicated sites (LTER: Long-Term Ecological Research, zones ateliers) and innovative curricula.

Industrial stakeholders are involved in many current issues in natural resources. This session mainly focused on educational opportunities provided by industries and companies, through demonstration project, innovations, best practices, etc. National examples of original academia-industry cooperation, focusing on biofuels and forest management, have been presented. Reviews of projects and materials that may enhance exchange of ideas and training initiatives across the Atlantic were made, and concrete actions have been recommended.

Mr. Christophe Chauvin,

Research engineer, Cemagref.

He has presented the following main topics:

- “Pôle de compétitivité”: concept and realities - Waters and forests: two closely linked natural resources. - Ecosystem adaptive management and smart grids”: two new concepts to marry !

Following the questions asked in the description of session 3 / subtopic 2, these topics could be developed in that way- :

1) Innovations to bring students together from multiple disciplines - At the school level: diversify the recruitments for 2nd-3rd cycle, and organise self-education with mixed working groups. - At the project level: organise common training sessions on integrated subjects, with students from

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different disciplines/schools. These coordinated sessions should find their place inside multidisciplinary R&D projects.

2) Critical themes in natural resource management - Monitoring the resource, its dynamics, and the pressures applied: necessity of a global systemic approach (socio-eco-systems), for an adaptive management. That means: - databases, involving all the actors, and linked to diverse sectors, related to all functions addressed - tractable models to support decision and capitalise knowledge - scenarios to be co-constructed and discussed on objective bases.

3) What models exist or hold promise for development, between industrial partners, university and research? - The GISs have been developed for water management, and for forests / environment / agriculture / natural risks / urban management, but rather separately. The challenge is now to link the tools at a territorial level, with a maximum energetic and environmental efficiency. That would be something between “community-based management” and “smart grids” on resources and renewable energies management, to join relevance and efficiency. - The airborne Laser-Scan (LIDAR) methods, increasing the precision of remote sensing by 10 to 100, offer an opportunity to progress in the common management of multiple resources. As it is still rather expensive, it could foster synergies for common applications in waters, agriculture, forest, environment, natural risks, urbanism, archaeology…

4) What barriers currently exist for transfer to industry, and how can they be overcome? About SIG and LIDAR, the barriers are not so much technical: they also, and now mainly, are political. Information, knowledge, mean power, between academic disciplines, between and inside economic sectors, between political levels and so on.

Public bodies have to be involved at least for facilitation, power regulation, and for public data provision and management.

Dr. Michel Jauzein,

Dean, Ecole des Mines, NANCY, France.

As early as the 50’s, the ‘Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy’ designed a Master of Science and Engineering degree based on a multidisciplinary approach balancing technology and management skills. A solid scientific basis is at the core of a curriculum including economics, management, foreign languages and cultures. Projects and internships in industry also play an important part in this action-based pedagogy. The main innovations being currently developed in this Master’s Degree are (i) the alliance with the School of Fine Arts and the Business School of Nancy in order to promote the cross fertilization of skills within interdisciplinary thematic workshops and projects, (ii) the development of collaborative interdisciplinary projects, involving students from the School, scientific researchers from partner laboratories and engineers from big companies and focusing on Engineering and Innovation.

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Since 1999, the Art, Technology and Management initiative, within the framework of ARTEM-Nancy, has made it possible to interact, enrich, experiment, design, create and innovate at the crossroads of the three Schools. In a more and more complex, diversified and fast-evolving world, education must move towards a multi-faceted approach incorporating man, his society and the environment.

Bringing together young engineers, artists and businessmen in the course of their studies is a way to promote intercultural creativity, knowledge-based competitive design and ethics-based innovation. In the field of Natural Resources Management, four thematic workshops can be highlighted: “Hazard and Risk Sciences”, “Sustainable Development and the Environment”, “Territorial Engineering and Social Innovation”, “Material and Immaterial Landscape – Ways to look at Sion Hill” (located in Lorraine, France). These workshops are attended by students from the three Schools.

In 2008, an “Engineering and Innovation” Professorship was created with the support of our foundation, alumni and big companies. It focuses on three main items: curriculum improvement, the development of collaborative projects and communication. Today, innovation is not only necessary but essential for the leadership of companies. The efficiency of a human innovation process is both related to knowledge use and human behavioural factors. Innovation needs to be placed at the core of the educational project of the School and be regarded as a strategic objective. The responsibility and the creativity of students must be strengthened on the basis of solid interdisciplinary skills: sciences, technologies, economics, management, law, sociology, humanities. The key educational tool of this Professorship is the development of collaborative projects involving students, engineers and researchers, with partner companies such as Total, La Poste or Veolia.

The existing institutional barriers between Engineering Schools, Business Schools, Schools of Fine Arts, research laboratories and private companies should be lowered to develop such programs. Placing students at the core of the network is a key solution. To achieve this type of educational networking, common critical themes such as environmental risks and territorial engineering management can be selected for they lend themselves to international collaboration.

Dr. Lisa Lorenzen,

Director of Industry, Iowa State University.

Industry - University Partnerships

Industry has been partnering with universities for a long time - there are many examples of successful long-term collaborations that provide mutual benefit. Typically, industries come to universities for the first time because of either compelling research occurring at the university, access to specific faculty expertise, or access to potential employees. They return and become strategic partners because they discover the wide variety of resources available and because (if) the university has a mechanism to facilitate this. In this session, we discussed different strategies for working with industry, including examples of what works, what doesn't work and what university and/or industry hurdles may trip you up, and how these relationships impact the educational experiences of our students.

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Dr. Edith Perrier,

Director of research, IRD.

Innovation in Education: Will Complex Systems approaches lead to a new discipline or to new modelling and training tools within interdisciplinary topical curricula? Edith Perrier, IRD, RNSC, France.

All of us know that most of present curricula at the university level are based, all over the world, on well-focused, disciplinary subject matters because the cumulative built-up of scientific knowledge in every field inevitably requires specialization and results in fragmentation. On the other hand, many experiences in research or management request interdisciplinary skills and viewpoints as well as integrated modelling tools accounting for multiscale data and multiple interacting processes: The need for new educational paradigms emerges.

Several new initiatives are currently under development in the field of so-called “complexity science” whose first visible component consists in crossing disciplinary boundaries, by promoting holistic, systemic, rather than reductionist approaches. The first part of the talk gave some definitions of complex systems, when “the whole is more than the sum of the parts”, and invited to a tour of heterogeneous training programs in complex systems at the master or PhD level, namely in France, in Europe and in the USA, where rather large communities of researchers and lecturers campaign for the introduction of Complex Systems curricula as part of mainstream education.

A classical way to describe challenges in complex systems research arise from two orthogonal investigation paths focusing either on thematic “topics” or on transverse “questions”. The “questions” refer to the search for new formalisms and methodologies in mathematics, computer science or theoretical physics to better handle interactions, networks, uncertainties in dynamical systems, critical transitions, emergence of patterns, etc. The “topics” refer to interdisciplinary studies of any multi-component and multiscale environmental, biological or social thematic issue, which can be viewed from a complex systems perspective, due to the increasing amount of distributed information and knowledge. The management of natural soil and water resources as well the development of sustainable agriculture in the context of global change can obviously fall within such a scope. The second part of the talk attempted to identify a shortlist of research challenges in the field.

Research and education are complementary: The last part of the talk aimed at contributing to a discussion on the opportunity of co-building a curriculum on the symposium “topical topic”. Can complex systems approaches bring new modelling and training tools to be included within an interdisciplinary curriculum? Do we need general advanced introductions to complex systems concepts? Do complex systems modelling deserve special training in computer or mathematical sciences? Can we introduce new teaching tools, such as simple didactic models or participatory simulations? Can we design novel learning self-adaptived paths, following E. Morin (Seven Complex Lessons in Education for the Future, 2002) who points out that learning means how to face uncertainty, given that « knowledge supposes navigating in an ocean of uncertainties through archipelagos of certainties”.

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Session 3: Innovation in education and technology transfer


Pr. Kurt Thelen,

Professor of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University.

BioEnergy Feedstock Production. A new undergraduate course at Michigan State University

A BioEnergy Feedstock Production course was developed and taught in 2009. The course is one of three required courses for engineering undergraduate majors with a BioEnergy Minor, and is open as an elective for all other students. The course emphasizes the agronomic, silvicultural, economic, and environmental principles involved in bioenergy feedstock production. Lecture material covered includes the cultivation, harvesting, transportation, and storage of agricultural and forest biomass. In addition to lectures, group projects, and demonstrations, the course features a spreadsheet-based assignment whereby students develop financial budgets; energy budgets, and carbon budgets, for bioenergy cropping systems. The enterprise budget exercise helps students determine the approximate farmgate value of bioenergy feedstock and determine the carbon and energy footprint associated with the various cropping systems.

3.2.2. Discussions, Main Issues and Key Recommendations

The Sub-topic 2 gathered fourteen speakers to deal with university and company relationship issues. Stakeholders from academic, research and industrial domains have presented examples, the requirements and further opportunities for strong collaboration regarding innovation in the field of natural resources management.

Collaboration possibilities

Some initiatives to improve the interactions between universities, research organization, and companies were presented.

Structurally, the French clusters were shown as a good means to encourage connections between stakeholders, whose interests focus on the same themes. The purpose of these areas is to bring together companies, research centers and educational institutions in a shared location to create a competitiveness complex on one specific field of study. The creation of such zones is highly supported by the government, and facilitates the knowledge exchange on common projects (ex: LIDAR project (Mr. Christophe Chauvin)). However, knowledge and know-how appeared to be the power in collaborative development, which could lead to political tension between stakeholders, especially when economic issues are involved.

Another example is the alliance between the Art, Technology and Management Schools in Nancy (France) within the framework of ARTEM-Nancy. Their association has promoted interaction, enrichment, experimentation, creation, as well as innovation, and therefore brought about collaboration with research laboratories and private companies.

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Session 3: Innovation in education and technology transfer


As an illustration of knowledge sharing, the case of NASA’s technologies applied for Earth benefits has been highlighted. One among other of their research studies is the hyper spectra crop imaging project gathering NASA’s, USDA’s and NASS’s researchers interested in space-based measurements. NASA encourages relationships with organizations or universities, provided the common projects reflect the concepts and values embedded in the notion of global service.

In all cases, it was agreed that the students play a key role in linking technologies and knowledge. They should be placed at the core of the network and constitute the best interface between the institutions involved in a common project. They realize the bridge between the parallel works and interests.

Partnership requirements

From both the university and industry side, requirements for a good partnership were expressed.

The companies’ points of view, such as John Deere’s (Dr. Jerry Duncan), considers ideas and talent, derived from university relationship, important in determining business success. However, the selection of the partners relies on value criteria. First, the proximity with company’s facilities, the access to people and expertise (students, faculty, staff), and the critical mass of competencies alike are considered. Then, the responsiveness in terms of the desire to contribute to company’s need or to be on the critical path, the innovation development reputation, and the connectivity to government organizations, university and companies of interest are assessed. But the best criteria are the ability to build a sustainable relationship with a good cultural “fit”. That means an interest from the university in business and commercial success.

From the university’s opinion (Dr. Lisa Lorenzen), a successful partnership depends on elements such as: compelling research, the commitment to win-win regardless of the contract, the ability to manage partnerships. Above all, partnerships require a consistent team and that both sides know what a long range goal is. Communication between stakeholders is essential.

It has also been recommended to bring more efforts for better defining contracts, risk taking, patentable intellectual properties versus knowledge and know-how in case of collaboration. Innovation in contract building between CRO (Contract Research Organization) and universities should be encouraged for effective collaboration.

Industrial influence

The integration of industrial interests in research contributes to define its axes. The discussions and presentations derived that BioEnergy is a wide spread field of study. The actual and upcoming conjuncture of oil and gas shortage drives the companies to develop agricultural feedstock production for biofuel. Considering the food needs growing and in light of the water scarcity, they develop new processes to increase the crop efficiency. The companies’ interests, such as ADM’s (Dr. Michel

Cecava), attract the research centers through sponsorship and research relationship, whereas the government organizations enforce sustainable projects.

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Session 3: Innovation in education and technology transfer


The companies’ influence lead to the creation of new educational programs in order to meet the future challenges. For instance, Michigan State University created a new undergraduate course about BioEnergy Feedstock Production (Pr. Kurt Thelen).

WHITE PAPER PROPOSED: Title of the project proposal: “Bilateral Blue Challenge.”

3.3. Overall Conclusion

This session aimed to offer some directives to build future study and research programs. Upcoming global changes imply complex system understanding. As detailed in the previous sessions, dealing with water management under climate change considerations requires new modeling knowledge and capacities. The issues involved are technical, but also bring socio-economic aspects. The engineering programs should turn into a multi-disciplinary education, and support the interactivity between students.

The international aspect of the education is necessary to bring a sufficient open-mindedness to the students. Study abroad is one means among many offered by the new communication possibilities.

The involvement of industrial stakeholders should be beyond sponsorship or provide placement for university students by creating an “integral team”. Researchers and students on the academic side and engineers and other industrial staff could be integrated in the teams. The success of such a team would depend on the ability to make the relation durable; open to clear communication, long term goals well defined, and introduction of project management in the academic world. It has been highlighted that these multidisciplinary research approaches should also involve developing countries.

The common projects raised from this session are presented below.

WHITE PAPERS PROPOSED: Titles of the project proposal:

• “Addressing the challenges of creating French-US educational partnership;”

• “Bilateral Blue Challenge.”

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Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals


Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals

1. White papers project

A white paper is an authoritative guide or report that helps solve a problem. It contains a full concept description, including ideas and implementation protocols. In our case, these white papers will represent a pre-proposal or mini proposal and will include clearly articulated objectives, methodologies, anticipated results, partnerships and budget.

1.1. Soil vulnerability to biomass production in eroding landscape

Investigators: Olivier Cerdan, John Sadler, C. Valentin, Mark Nearing, PA. Jayet, Claire Baffaut, Chi

Hua Huang, D. Arrouays, May Wu

Institutions (present or potential): BRGM, IRD, USDA, INRA, Argonne National Laboratory

(potential); Socio-economic partner on population vulnerability (to be contacted)

Leader(s): Olivier Cerdan Objective: regionally assess the vulnerability of soils to biomass production in eroding landscape.

Methodology: use of a multi-scale approach: at the local scale, detailed calibration of high resolution crop growth modelling on diversify and well equipped study sites. An assessment of the erosion history of these sites and investigation of the relation and feedbacks between erosion, soil properties and productivity in various biophysical and socio-economical environments will also be carried out. At the regional scale, an extrapolation of these relations will be developed using coarser models to calculate regional budget.

1.2. Observation, Modelling and Simulating scenarios for water and farming systems management machine learning and cyberinfrastructure

Investigators: B Minsker / C. Gascuel-Odoux / JE Bergez / Ph. Le Grusse / M.O. Cordier.

Institutions (present or potential): INRA UMR Agir et UMR SAS, IRISA, Univ. Rennes 1, CIHEAM-

IAMM, Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

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Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals


Leader(s): Chantal Gascuel, Barbara Minsker

Objective: The project aims to better share experience and methodology on observation, experimentation and modelling using computer sciences for sustainable water and farm management in the context of global change.

Methodology: development of innovative tools and technologies built on existing technologies at the National Center for Supercomputing applications at UIUC and at INRA.. Development of cyberinfrastructure and machine learning.

1.3. Irrigation water savings in Midwest region in US by the use of a biodecisional model

Investigators: Jacques Eric Bergez, May Wu.

Institutions (present or potential): Argonne National Laboratory, INRA Leader(s): Jacques Eric Bergez, May Wu

Objective: examine and analyze the effect of irrigation management using existing tool to estimate the potential reduction of irrigation and water withdrawal for major crops in US.

Methodology: The project will be conducted through four different tasks: Developing a baseline irrigation scheme for corn production in US Midwest farms, Modifying the model for US application, developing the conservation practice scenario and Preparation of the report.

1.4. Land Surface Modeling

Investigators: Albert Olioso, Dev Niyogi, Christophe Chauvin, Melba Crawford, Richard Cuenca,

Kelly Thorp, Wade Crow, Allegra da Silva, with CNRM and NCAR/NOAA-NCEP Noah collaboration

Institutions (present or potential): Purdue, INRA, Cemagref, CNRM

Leader(s): Albert Olioso, Dev Niyogi Objective: provide a collaborative experience, research papers and activities that will help the improvements in our understanding of the land surface feedback on the regional climate and on the potential use of remote sensing data in this domain.


• testing of a land surface model using French datasets/observations;

• testing of a coupled land – atmospheric modelling system for its ability to simulate heavy rainfall and understand the role of surface feedback on the rainfall characteristics;

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Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals


• developing a climatological assessment of the role of land use land cover change on the regional climate and temperature trends over France;

• developing and testing data assimilation approaches for improving land surface and crop growth modelling

• developing a broader impact document such as a climate change comic book in French.

1.5. Soil water interaction and soil information system for agro-environmental modeling under climate change

Investigators: Erik Braudeau (France), Rabi Mohtar (USA), Hassan Boukcim (France), Mohamed

Hachicha (Tunisia), Hector Morrás (Argentina), Alaa Zaghloul (Egypt), Roger Moussa, (France),

Christian Valentin (France), Mark Nearing (USA), Richard Cuenca (USA), Melba Crawford (USA),

Larry Winter (USA).

Institutions (present or potential):USA: Purdue Univ., USDA (Tucson, Az)France : IRD, IAMM,


International Partners: Argentina (INTA), Egypt (NRC), Tunisia (INRGREF) Leader(s): Erik Braudeau, Rabi Mohtar

Objective: Taking the challenge of updating and compiling soil information, large-scale maps, observed and analyzed soil profiles, by placing these soil data (delineations and functional characteristics) on a GIS platform using the new paradigm of the hydrostructural pedology. This task would make soil information accessible to interdisciplinary coupling of agro-environmental models with the soil medium properties and dynamics. The final purpose of this project is helping decision-makers in soil-water management and forecasting adaptation or impact of Climate Change.

Methodology: Use of new tools: the paradigm of Hydrostructural Pedology and the physically based soil water computer model Kamel.

1.6. Bilateral Blue Challenge: “All Roads Lead to Water”

Investigators: Philippe Jamet, Prasanta. Kalita, TBD Institutions (present or potential): U.S Universities, French Universities, French and US companies, government agencies

Leader(s): Philippe Jamet, Prasanta Kalita

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Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals


Objective: Creation of a Challenge gathering groups of students with the help and support of industry, academy, government and other stakeholders. This challenge would lead to catalyze critical thinking and entrepreneurship leading to creative and cost-effective solutions on Water Productivity.

Methodology: Implementation of traditional collaborating tools such as workshops and meetings, use of social networks, web tools, etc. The winner of this challenge would have $200,000 with business plan.

1.7. Advanced Physical Chemical Processes for emerging contamimants elimination

Investigators: Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet, Hélène Carrère, Dominique Patureau, Yves Lévi, Corinne Ferronato, Inez Hua, William Mitch.

Institutions (present or potential):France: Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l’Environnement (INRA Narbonne), Université Paris Sud 11, IRCELYON (Université Lyon1).USA : Yale University,

Purdue University.

Leader(s): Corinne Ferronato, Inez Hua Objective: To improve/develop/optimize advanced physical chemical processes for the reduction/elimination of organic pollutants and particularly emerging contaminants and disinfection by-products.

Methodology: Program will focus on new innovative and high potential processes (or combinations of processes) such as photocatalysis, sonochemistry, ozonation, or catalytic ozonation. An optimal treatment technology will be efficient, economical, consistent and will produce minimal toxic/adverse by-products.

1.8. Coping with drought at the territorial level

Investigators: Rémi Barbier & Stéphane Ghiotti. Institutions (present or potential): ENGEES, Cemagref, CNRS Leader(s): Rémi Barbier & Stéphane Ghiotti.

Objective: assess the efficiency of policies regarding drought at the territorial level in France and USA

Methodology: case-studies: 2 in France and 2 in the US. In each case, the investigators will address the following issues:the decision making process leading to the adoption of restriction measures ; the

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Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals


socio-technical infrastructure aimed at qualifying the hydrological situation ; the implementation process of restriction measures ; conflict resolution ; spatial and social consequences of the measures.

1.9. Assessing real and perceived risks to water sustainability arising from land surface change in dry regions

Investigators: Larry Winter, Agathe Euzen, Ty Ferre and Philippe Vervier

Institutions (present or potential): University of Arizona, CNRS Leader(s): Agathe Euzen, Larry Winter

Objective: Engage stakeholders, i.e., the public and policy-makers, and scientists in the development of scientifically assessed scenarios of land use change, in the field of water sustainability in order to allow new decision-making process for adaptation to global change and in the context of the risks that climate-induced land use change poses to regional water supplies.

Methodology: The methodology is based on applying Concert'eau, a collaborative technological platform, at structured meetings among the public, policy makers, and scientists.

1.10. Resilience of farming systems to global change (climate, socio-economic): Through diversity (soil, crops, farms) and technological innovation (conservation, agriculture, low input system...).

Investigators: Hatem Belhouchette (IAMM), Rabi Mohtar (Purdue University), J Wery (Montpellier

SupAgro), J-E Bergez and Alban Thomas (INRA Toulouse), Thierry Rieu (AgroParistech), Olivier

Barreteau (Cemagref)...

Institutions (present or potential): IAMM, SupAgro Montpellier, INRA, Purdue University,

Cemagref and AgroParis Tech.

Leader(s): Hatem Belhouchette, R Mohtar

Objective: adapt and complement the existing models and tools, databases and methodologies developed to assess the impact of global change (climate and socio-economic uncertainties) on farm sustainability in the Mediterranean region.

Methodology: a field-farm-small area modelling chain will be developed and used. Workshops will be organized with NGO and producers in order to assess the results.

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Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals


1.11. Long term observatory network for evaluating impact of climate change on agriculture and vice-versa

Investigators: Philippe Mérot, François Birgand, John Sadler, Jean-Luc Probst, Philippe Behra.

Institutions (present or potential): USDA, CNRS, INRA, AgroCampus Ouest, North Carolina State Univ, INPT.

Leader(s): Philippe Mérot

Objective: Create a long term observatory for evaluating impact of climate change on agriculture vice-versa.

1.12. Addressing the challenges of creating French-US educational partnerships towards acquiring and measuring global competence

Investigators: Peter Imbrie, Ayse Ciftci,Kurt Paterson, Benjamin Buclet, Frederique Vincent, Anne Bernadac, Thierry Rieu, Michel Jauzein.

Institutions (present or potential): Purdue University, Michigan Tech, Mines de Nancy, Mines Paris

Tech, INPT, IRD AgroParis Tech.

Contact information: Michel Jauzein and Peter Imbrie

Objective: - Define global competencies from international stakeholder perspectives; - Develop/identify instruments that will measure the said global competencies in terms of knowledge skills and attitudes.

Methodology: - Perform a SWOT analysis on forming French-US educational partnerships, which are aimed at enhancing a student’s global competencies; - Using an integrated approach, design effective partnerships.

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Symposium Outcomes: Collaborative Proposals


2. Other proposed projects to be finalized

During the discussions, the following questions emerged. They will be discussed further in order to identify more focused projects.

2.1. Data Assimilation approaches to merge remote sensing obs. into crop growth simulations

Investigators: Kelly Thorp, Albert Olioso, Dev Niyogi, Wade Crow Institutions (present or potential): INRA, USDA-ARS, Indiana State Climate Office and Purdue University.

Leader(s): Albert Olioso, Dev Niyogi and Kelly Thorp

2.2. Long-term monitoring study to evaluate the effect of climate change on sub-surface drainage flows

Investigators: Mark David, Bernard Vincent, Nicolas Domange, Vladimir Novotny, Luis Perez-

Alegria, Rabin Bhattarai, Prasanta Kalita.

Leader(s): Bernard Vincent, Mark David

2.3. Study, compare, and analyze current agricultural management practices for productivity and environmental sustainability in the US, France, and other countries of interest.

Investigators: Luis Perez-Alegria, Nicolas Domange, Vladimir Novotny, Bernard Vincent, Mark

David, Rabin Bhattarai, Prasanta Kalita, Vincent Dollé, Diana Hoyt, Philippe Jamet et Philippe


Institutions (present or potential): University of Puerto Rico, ONEMA, Northeastern University,

Cemagref, University of Illinois, INRA, IAMM, Mines de Saint Etienne, NASA.

Leader(s): Ramesh Kanwar, Hatem Belhouchette

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Partner Presentations


Partner Presentations


US Network: Multidisciplinary team of 35 people / 6 locations (Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington)

What is the role of the French Office for Science in the United States?

Our Mission is based on 3 main actions: A) To promote and consolidate partnerships between French and American scientists and laboratories - We organize exploratory research missions and bilateral workshops on specific fields of interest. - We promote French universities, research institutes (INRA, CNRS, CEA, etc.) and clusters. B) To monitor advances in science and technology - We anticipate strategic research in the US and identify top teams in their fields. - We identify synergies between French and American research. - We relay our information by writing news releases, embassy reports, etc. C) To foster exchanges of students, researchers and entrepreneurs.

What are our field of competences in the Midwest?

• In the 13 States of the Midwest: All scientific fields. • At a national level: Agronomic research, food science and biotechnology. We are currently working on four specific projects: 1. Bioenergy and Biorefinery: 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels, biomaterials and biobased products… 2. Water management and climate change.

3. Food for the future: functional foods, nanofoods and food safety. 4. Green technologies – Sustainable Agriculture: Stress and pest resistance, GMOs, etc.

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Partner Presentations


Programs and grants?

The French government proposes: -University partnership programs such as the Partner University Fund (PUF) which aims to support innovative and sustainable partnerships between French and American institutions of research and higher education (dual and joint diplomas, research projects, etc.). -The Chateaubriand Fellowship program allows American PhD students to come in France for up to 10 months. -Innovation programs such as the Young Entrepreneurs Initiative (YEI) and Technology Venture

Accelerator (NETVA) which intends to promote innovation practices as well as help US-based entrepreneurs

start technology ventures in France.

What kind of bilateral framework? An agreement on scientific and technological cooperation is signed between France and the United States (in October 2008). This agreement proposes a method for attributing intellectual property rights as regarding projects associating French and American researchers.

205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 3720 – Chicago, IL – 60601 – Tel : 312-327-5237 – Fax : 312-327-5207 Email: [email protected]

Websites : -


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Partner Presentations



Ranked the number one agricultural institute in Europe and number two in the world (*), the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) carries out mission-oriented research for high-quality and healthy foods, competitive and sustainable agriculture and a preserved and valorised environment.

In 2008, this foremost scientific research institution employs 8390 full tenure members of staff and 1,833 doctoral students. Every year, 1,519 foreign researchers and students come to INRA. Research equipment, nationwide experimental facilities and major technology transfer are managed by a staff of 2,462 engineers and 4,108 technicians.

INRA is coordinating 18 European projects and is participating in 48 others, principally on the subject of "Food, agriculture and biotechnologies". The complementary nature of topics studied and techniques used, as well as the diversity of partnerships, guarantee INRA great capacity and the relevance of its actions to benefit society.

Agriculture, forest and climate change is one of the national research priority area for the next decade that INRA wishes to reinforce in four complementary aspects:

• a knowledge of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and absorptions by agriculture and forests;

• the study of potential means of attenuating GHGs and storing carbon in these sectors;

• the analysis of the impact of climate change and increased climate variability;

• the study of how agriculture and anthropised ecosystems adapt to climate change.

In line with these priorities, INRA run, jointly with the CNRS, the executive secretariat of AllEnvi, a national research alliance for the environment gathering ten other scientific players. Its main objective is to ensure better synergy between research players working on scientific issues relating to food, water, climate and territories. AllEnvi will associate all the research and higher education players concerned. It will build coordinated programmes, while submitting its priorities to the government as to French and European funding agencies and will be proposing the common research platforms required in many fields like observation of the environment, experimentation and modelling of its evolution or innovation and engineering in the fields of water, biodiversity, food, agriculture, the sea and land use planning…At European level, INRA coordinate, with the BBSRC in the United Kingdom, a European joint programming research in the fields of agriculture, food security and climate change involving 20 European partners. Joint programming aims to reinforce cross-border cooperation and the coordination and integration of research programmes in Member States benefiting from public funding in a limited number of fields. Its objective is thus to help Europe tackle societal challenges by making the most of national budgets allocated to research in adaptation and attenuation of climate change impact. Joint programming consists of defining a joint vision of the main socio-economic and environmental challenges with a view to preparing and implementing strategic research visions and agendas.

INRA is part of the academic core of the CLIMATE-KIC, one of European Institute of Innovation and Technology major initiatives. CLIMATE-KIC will establish a KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Community) that brings together Europe's leading academic institutions and business partners to address climate change with up to 750 M€ budget on a four-year span. It will provide the vision, technologies, people and partnerships required for Europe to make a step-change in its ability to mitigate and adapt to the challenges of climate change. It will create new jobs, strengthen industrial and regional competitiveness, and catalyze the development of self-sustaining clusters of research and innovation excellence through four focus programmes: assessing climate change and managing its drivers; transitioning to resilient, low-carbon cities; adaptive water management and zero carbon production systems.

(*)for scientific publications in agricultural sciences and plant and animal sciences

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MEDITERRANEAN AGRONOMIC INSTITUTE OF MONTPELLIERThe Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (MAIM) is one of the four Institutes of the International Centre for Higher Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), an inter-governmental organization created in 1962 and run by thirteen countries from the Mediterranean basin. The mission of the MAIM is to cooperate with the Mediterranean countries in the field of higher education, research and cooperation. Under the aegis of the Secretariat General of the CIHEAM and in close cooperation with the other three institutes respectively located in Bari (Italy), Chania (Greece) and Saragossa (Spain), the MAIM actively contributes to the development of knowledge and competences which are essential to both the education of executives in the fields of agriculture, food and sustainable rural development and to the development of countries in and around the Mediterranean. Degree Programs The MAIM offers 5 Masters of Science among which 3 of them are co-habilitated with the University of Montpellier and Montpellier Sup’Agro :

• IDTR - Innovation and Development of Rural Territories, • A2D2 – Agriculture, Food and Sustainable Development, • Projects and Public Policies Engineering, • Agricultural Management and the Environment (professional Master), • Agri-food Chains and Actor’s Strategies (professional Master).

The CIHEAM thru its Institutes has adapted the structure of its Master programs to the requirements of the Bologna process which means guaranteeing that its Master’s degrees comply with an international standard, promoting international equivalences and facilitating the mobility of students with a view to providing access to the academic and professional world. Relocated Trainings and Mobility of Students The MAI of Montpellier obtained the renewal of the Erasmus Charter for a period of 5 years (2007/2012). It takes part in the Socrates UE program for mobility and can then greet Erasmus students from various Mediterranean Universities. Short-duration specialized courses The MAIM also gives a set of annual intensive short courses in Montpellier and in various Mediterranean countries in collaboration with the universities of these countries. For more than 10 years, IAMM co-organised courses with the Universities of Cairo, Tirana, Damascus, Ankara, Algiers… A Host Laboratory for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers Every year, the instructors-researchers supervise and receive 20 to 30 doctoral students enrolled in French universities (Montpellier, Paris, Toulouse, Grenoble, ...), to which are added around thirty doctoral students enrolled in the universities from which they herald. These doctoral students come from various countries (France, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Italy, countries from Maghreb), nonetheless, the highest percentage comes from Tunisia and Algeria. Teaching Staff Half of the permanent teaching staff of MAIM is originating from the South and Est Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey). The Students Since its creation the MAI of Montpellier has trained 3500 managers from public and private sectors in economics and social sciences for rural development and food. Each year over 150 students originating from the Mediterranean countries of the north and the south shore (Algeria, Albania, the Balkans, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia and Turkey) are welcomed and trained by the MAIM to follow Master and Doctoral trainings. Research and Cooperation Besides its actions in the field of education, the MAIM carries out research and international cooperation projects on the main agricultural and rural development objectives in the Mediterranean basin under European (FP6, FP7, INCO, PO MED, IEVP, ...) and national (France, Algeria, Tunisia, ...) funds.

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Partner Presentations


The MAIM is also greatly involved in quality process and helps several higher education institutions to set up a quality process. Facilities Its French Language Centre with its highly qualified teaching team helps among other foreign students to acquire a level of French knowledge so that they can follow all courses in French. This Centre has been granted the quality label “Quality for French as a Foreign Language” by French Authorities in April 2008. More details in our Website:

INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE TOULOUSE INPT is situated in Toulouse, capital of the Midi-Pyrenees region which is one of the largest French academic cities (90.000 students) thanks to numerous and diverse higher education institutions, research units and laboratories. Toulouse has gained an international reputation for excellence through 3 competitive clusters: Aeronautics, space and embedded systems, Cancer Bio-Health and “Agrimip” innovation on traceability and safety in agrofood chain. INPT is a university federating 7 engineering schools welcoming 6000 students. 3 founding members: • INP-ENSAT (Agricultural and life sciences), • INP-ENSEEIHT (Electrical engineering, Electronics, computer sciences and applied math, Hydraulics-fluid

mechanics, Telecoms and networks), • INP-ENSIACET (Chemistry, Material, Chemical, Process and Industrial engineering), Joined: - in 2002 by INP-ENIT (civil and mechanical engineering) - in 2009 by INP-ENM (Meteorology) - in 2010 by ENVT (Veterinary) and EIPurpan (Agriculture) Academic Fields: INP Toulouse and ENSAT, ENSEEIHT and ENSIACET offer engineering courses in the various departments leading to a national engineering degree (engineering degree also fulfils the requirements for a Master’s degree) accredited by the French Ministry of Education through the national accreditation body known as ”Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur”. Engineering students represent 78% of our student population. International mobility for at least 3 months is mandatory to obtain the engineer’s degree. - Agro management - Environmental sciences and agronomy - Animal sciences - Plant biosciences - Food sciences - Electrical and control engineering - Electronics and signal processing - Computer sciences and applied mathematics - Hydraulics and fluid mechanics - Telecommunications and networks - Chemistry - Material engineering - Chemical engineering - Process engineering - Industrial engineering Research At INP, research relies on 16 laboratories. Most of them are joint units with national research bodies such as CNRS (National Center for scientific research) and INRA (National Research Institute on Agronomy). An average of 145 PhD thesis are defended per year International Cooperation

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A wide range of international agreements, MoU and programs supports student mobility, incoming or outgoing, welcoming postgraduates, guests’ professors, developing cooperative research: 24% international students, 17% in engineering, 52% in Masters and 47% in PhD studies. INP and industrial partners INPACT, the commercial and industrial activities department, optimizes and broadens relations with the socio-economic and industrial sector through advice, expertise, research cooperation, scientific congress organization, technology transfer, licensing of research results, management of intellectual property rights and assistance in setting up a business industrial creation: e.g. → 5th in French ranking for contracts with 16,5 M€ of industrial research contracts for more than 300 active contracts in portfolio. → 120 valid French patents and 50 valid international patents held by INP. → 31 active licensing agreements on patents, software.


A public agency for sustainable management of water and aquatic environments

Onema is a national agency active in the field of environmental public service. Created by the Law on water and aquatic environments, dated 30 December 2006, and the implementation decree dated 25 March 2007, it operates under the supervision of the ministry in charge of ecology and sustainable development. Onema organises and produces high-level science and technology advice to assist in formulating, implementing and evaluating public water policy. Its mission is to contribute to overall and sustainable management of water resources and aquatic ecosystems (freshwater, transitional, coastal and groundwater) with a view to restoring water quality and reaching the good chemical and ecological status set by the European Water framework directive, adopted on 23 October 2000. A four-part strategy

- Stimulate research and development: Sustainable management of water resources and aquatic environments must therefore be based on high-level research targeting directly useable results. Onema acts as the "ways and means" agency in that it stimulates French public research, sets priorities for research on water and ecosystems, and funds research targeting directly useable results in the public interest. With the necessary scientific and technical personnel to direct the research, it devotes a significant part of its budget (15%) to R&D work. - Manage the French water information system and produce data: A central part of the mission lies in gathering information on the status of water bodies in France for reports to the European commission and in assisting in setting priorities for water-management policies. The data is grouped with all validated knowledge on French water resources and aquatic environments and their use in the French Water Information System. This system informs the Water Information System for Europe (WISE). The agency is also in charge of developing the evaluation methods for water status in the framework of the monitoring program for aquatic environments required by the European water framework directive. - Protect aquatic environments by inspecting use and enforcing regulations: Onema contributes to surveillance efforts for aquatic environments and in inspecting how they are used. It assists the administrative police by providing technical opinions on authorisation requests for installations, building, work and activities. Concerning inspections, Onema sets up inspection programs on the local level, jointly with State entities, and also carries out inspections in its own specific fields (surface waters, rivers and wetlands) to check compliance with regulations. Onema personnel can also run inspections when requested by State prosecutors, notably to assess any damage caused and to determine the necessary corrective measures. - Support territorial management of water and restoration of environments: Onema makes its know-how available for territorial implementation of water policies by participating and assisting the Water agencies in setting up the ecological aspects of the various programs, notably RBMPs (river-basin management plans), sub-

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basin management plans, programmes of measures, etc. In addition, it encourages and accompanies operations to restore and protect environments and certain species. Finally, it participates in funding water supply and treatment infrastructure in Corsica and the overseas territories. The staff of almost 900 works to achieve the major missions of Onema in continental France as well as in the overseas territories. Using their skills and know-how gained in the field, engineers and technicians work on aquatic environments throughout the country, in the national headquarters, in the nine regional offices and the local offices. Onema works closely with governmental bodies on the European, national and local levels, as well as with other public agencies, notably the Water agencies (river-basin level). It also develops partnerships with research organisations and maintains contacts with water users such as companies, local authorities, environmental-protection groups and fishing federations. Salient figures

• 135 M€ annual budget drawn from the water fees collected by the Water agencies • Workforce of 900, including 600 field technicians • 15 reference databanks for the water information system • 6 636 technical opinions provided for various requests and procedures last year • 22 000 inspections carried out last year


Originally founded in 1944, the Institut de recherche pour le développement is a public science and technology research institute, reporting to the French ministries in charge of research and development cooperation. Working throughout the tropics, the IRD conducts its research in close cooperation with its numerous partner countries with a view to assisting the economic, social and cultural development of the countries of the South. The IRD fulfils three main missions: research, training and consultancy; it also collaborates to the scientific and technical information in countries of the South. Working in Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, Latin America and the Pacific, the IRD operates in about 50 countries and in the French overseas territories. The IRD participates to the major world research programmes conducted in the South through its network of representatives and numerous researchers in the tropical area. IRD researches focus on the relationship between man and the environment in the tropical and Mediterranean countries, with a view to contributing to the sustainable development. The aims of IRD activities are to respond to the major development challenges regarding societies and health, environment, earth and living resources. The scientific activity of the Institute is interdisciplinary and covers several priority topics which are the environmental hazards, global warming, desertification, water resources, management of marine and continental ecosystems, nutrition, health, emerging diseases, education, migration and poverty reduction policies. CONTACT

IRD Le Sextant 44, boulevard de Dunkerque CS 90009 F-13572 Marseille Cedex 02 Tel: +33 (0)4 91 99 92 00 Fax +33 (0)4 91 99 92 22

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Unité Mixte Internationale (UMI) 3157 “Water, Environment and Public Policy”

A Center for International and Interdisciplinary Research

The UMI’s mission is to develop international, comparative and interdisciplinary knowledge on water, conceptualized as a complex system within the framework of regional and global processes. In particular, the Center’s focus is the interaction between water, society and environment in a contemporary context. The UMI promotes research between U.S. and French scientists and between social, natural and physical sciences, aiming to develop joint international partnerships.

UMI 3157 was founded by The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the University of Arizona (UA) through an agreement starting January 2008 for 4 years. Its creation was proposed by three Institutes within the CNRS: Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (INSHS), Institut Ecologie et Environnement (INEE) and Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU). The Center is physically located at the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Research programs

1. Urban water 2. Demand, uses and perception 3. Ecosystem services, water and transboundary challenges


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Partner Presentations



Company overview

Veolia Water North America is the leading provider of comprehensive water and

wastewater services to municipal and industrial customers. As part of Veolia Water, the

world leader in water and wastewater services, we have unmatched access to technical

solutions for your water needs.

Serving more than 650 communities in North America and many leading manufacturers,

we deliver cost-effective and reliable long-term solutions guaranteed for quality, safety and

compliance. We celebrate sustainable solutions, as well as the largest and leading


in North America.

We combine expertise, depth of resources and smart thinking to create appropriate,

scalable solutions - from water and wastewater systems to single-facility operations. Our

municipal customers include small and large cities alike. Our industrial customers include

global industry leaders and smaller companies.

Serving more than 14 million people in 650 communities and

providing industrial water solutions at about 100 industrial

facilities, we treat more than 2.2 billion gallons of water and

wastewater daily. Veolia Water North America is part of

Veolia Water, a division of Veolia Environment (NYSE: VE;

Paris Bourse: VIE), the world's

largest environmental company.

(Continued next page)

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Partner Presentations


Veolia Water designs, builds, operates and manages various types of facilities,

programs and systems. Our services include:

• Operations and maintenance services

• Design-build-operate services

• Water treatment and distribution systems

• Wastewater collection and treatment systems

• Reuse programs

• Biosolids and composting facilities and related distribution programs

• Asset management programs

• Customer service solutions

• Technology, system and equipment solutions

Working hand-in-hand with our clients, we have pioneered and innovated remarkable water

services solutions, achieving numerous industry firsts along the way.


Frank Benichou

Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer

Veolia Water North America

200 E. Randolph Street, Suite 7900

Chicago, IL 60601


[email protected]

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Pr. Adèle Martial Pr. Rabi H. Mohtar Ph.D., Professor, Scientific Attachée Ph.D., Professor, Agricultural and Biological Office for Science and Technology, Chicago Engineering Embassy of France in the United States of Global Engineering Program America Purdue University 205 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 3720 ABE Building

Chicago, IL 60601 225 S University Street

[email protected] West Lafayette, IN 47907-2093 [email protected]

Tel: (312) 327-5237

Fax: (312) 327-5207 Tel: (765) 494-1791


SESSION 1: Water supply and water quality Subtopic 1: Water resource management under water shortage/extremes Dr. Agathe Euzen, UMI CNRS / University of Arizona [email protected]

Pr. Ramesh Kanwar, Iowa State University [email protected]

Dr. Olivier Barreteau, Cemagref, Montpellier [email protected]

Subtopic 2: Impact of human activities on agricultural water quality and water quality impact of agricultural activities Dr. Guillermina Hernandez, INRA, Narbonne [email protected]

Pr. Prasanta Kalita, University Illinois, Urbana C [email protected]

Subtopic 3: Drinking water quality: climate changes related issues and impact on ground water Dr. Corinne Ferronato, IRCELyon [email protected]

Pr. Inez Hua, Purdue University [email protected]

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SESSION 2: Multi -scale water and land-use modelling in support for better decision making Subtopic 1: Interdisciplinary and system modelling framework: soil-climate-crop system interaction Dr. Jacques-Eric Bergez, INRA, Toulouse [email protected]

Dr. Chi-Hua Huang, USDA / ARS [email protected]

Dr. Marc Voltz, INRA, Montpellier [email protected]

Subtopic 2: Multi-scale, uncertainties and databases Dr. Erik Braudeau, IRD, Bondy [email protected]

Pr. Rabi Mohtar, Purdue University [email protected]

Dr. Mark Nearing, USDA / ARS, Tucson [email protected]

Subtopic 3: Integration and linkage of physical, sociological, social sciences to policy Pr. Hatem Belhouchette, IAMM, Montpellier [email protected]

Pr. J. Lowenberg – DeBoer, Purdue University [email protected]

SESSION 3: Innovation in education and technology transfer Subtopic 1: Opportunities in graduate student exchange / mobility, course exchange (faculty mobility), videoconferencing, students participating in partner graduate programs, integration with research activities. Dr. Anne Bernadac, ENSAT / INPT, Toulouse [email protected]

Pr. Peter K. Imbrie, Purdue University [email protected]

Subtopic 2: New approaches in courses on Natural resources management: interdisciplinary approaches, modeling as a teaching tool, link with the industry, technology transfer, innovation. Pr. Philippe Jamet, Mines de Saint-Etienne [email protected]

Dr. John A. Schneider, Purdue University [email protected]


Bement Arden L., Jr., National Science Foundation [email protected]

Crawford Melba, College of Engineering, Purdue Univ. [email protected]

Cuenca Richard H., National Science Foundation [email protected]

Diallo Sidy,Consulate General of France, Chicago [email protected]

Dupont Anna,ONEMA [email protected]

Lechtenberg Victor L.,Purdue University [email protected] Minsker Barbara S., University of Illinois [email protected]

Moran Dan, Veolia Water [email protected]

Novak Jean-Pierre,Invest in France Agency [email protected]

Rouyer Nicolas,European Commission [email protected]

Sadler John,ARS/USDA - OECD [email protected]

Shafer Steven R., Agricultural Research Service, USDA [email protected]

Travers Rosine,French Ministry of Agriculture [email protected]

Treguer Ronan, Veolia Water [email protected]

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Ahuja Lajpat (Laj), ARS/USDA [email protected]

Barbier Rémi, ENGEES, Strasbourg [email protected] Behra Philippe, INPT, Toulouse [email protected]

BoukcimHassan, INRA / Valorhiz [email protected]

Buclet Benjamin, IRD, Marseille [email protected] Candela Lucila, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) [email protected] Cecava Michael, Archer Daniels Midland Co. [email protected] Cerdan Olivier, BRGM, Orléans [email protected]

Chauvin Christophe, Cemagref, Grenoble [email protected]

CiftciAyse, Purdue University [email protected] Crow Wade, ARS/USDA [email protected] David Mark B., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign [email protected] Dollé Vincent, CIHEAM-IAMM, Montpellier [email protected] Domange Nicolas, ONEMA [email protected] Duncan Jerry, John Deere & Company [email protected] Gascuel Chantal, INRA, Rennes [email protected] Gerba Charles P., University of Arizona [email protected] Ghiotti Stéphane,CNRS, INSHS [email protected]

Godwin Brad, Monsanto [email protected]

Goodrich David, ARS/USDA [email protected] Grattan Stephen, University of California, Davis [email protected] Hachicha Mohamed, INRGREF, Tunisia [email protected] Hallam Arne, Iowa State University [email protected]

IIeleji Klein E., Purdue University [email protected] Jauzein Michel, Ecole des Mines de Nancy [email protected] Ladisch Michael, Mascoma Corporation [email protected]

Lallemand Patrice, SupAgro Montpellier [email protected] Le Grusse Philippe, IAMM, Montpellier [email protected] Lee John, C4E Purdue University [email protected] Levi Yves,Univ. Paris sud 11 [email protected] Lorenzen Lisa,Iowa State University [email protected] Mérot Philippe, INRA, Rennes [email protected] Mitch William, Yale University [email protected] Morrás Héctor J. M., Instituto de Suelos-CIRN, INTA - Argentina [email protected] Moussa Roger, INRA, Montpellier [email protected]

Murray Michael, Dow AgroSciences [email protected]

Niyogi Dev, Indiana State Climate Office and Purdue University [email protected] Novotny Vladimir, Northeastern University [email protected] Olioso Albert, INRA, Avignon [email protected] Paterson Kurt, Michigan Technological University [email protected] Perez-Alegria Luis R., University of Puerto Rico [email protected] Perrier Edith, IRD, Bondy [email protected] Probst Jean-Luc, ENSAT / INPT, Toulouse [email protected] Rajagopalan Kishore, Illinois Sustainability Technology Center [email protected]

Rampnoux Nicolas, Veolia Water [email protected]

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Rao P. Suresh C., Purdue University [email protected] Rieu Thierry, AgroParisTech [email protected] Roe Terry, University of Minnesota [email protected] Rose Joan B., Michigan State University [email protected] SchultzBart, UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands [email protected] Servat Eric, IRD, Montpellier [email protected]

Silliman Stephen, University of Notre Dame [email protected] Singh Vijay P., Texas A & M University [email protected] Skaggs R. Wayne, North Carolina State University [email protected] Soyeux Emmanuel, Veolia Environnement Recherche & Innovation [email protected] Tedesco Lenore P., IUPUI [email protected] Thelen Kurt, Michigan State University [email protected] Thomas Alban, INRA, Toulouse thomas@[email protected] Thorp Kelly, Texas A & M University [email protected] Torterotot Jean-Philippe, Cemagref, Antony [email protected]

Valentin Christian, IRD, Bondy [email protected] Vervier Philippe, CNRS, INEE [email protected] Vincent Bernard, Cemagref, Antony [email protected]

Vincent Frederique, Mines Paris Tech [email protected]

Ward Andy, Ohio State University [email protected] Wery Jacques, SupAgro Montpellier [email protected] Winter C. Larry, University of Arizona [email protected] Wu May M., Argonne National Laboratory [email protected] Zaghloul Alaa, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt [email protected]

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FRANCE • AgroParisTech


• Cemagref







• Invest in France Agency


• Mines de Nancy

• Mines Paris Tech

• Mines de Saint Etienne

• Ministry of Agriculture

• Embassy of France in the United Stated

(Office for Science and Technology)


• SupAgro Montpellier

• University of Paris 11

• University of Lyon

• UMI 3157 Water, Environment and Public


• Valorhiz

• Veolia Water

USA • Archer Daniels Midland Co.

• Argonne National Laboratory

• Dow AgroSciences

• Indiana University-Purdue University,


• Indiana Water Resources

• Iowa State University

• John Deere & Company, USA

• Mascoma Corporati on

• Michigan State University

• Michigan Technological University

• Monsanto


• North Carolina State University

• Northeastern University

• Northwestern University


• Ohio State University

• Purdue University

• Texas A&M University

• University of Arizona

• University of California, Davis

• University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

• University of Minnesota

• University of Notre Dame


• Yale University

INTERNATIONAL • University of Puerto Rico

• UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands

• Technical University of Catalonia (UPC),

Barcelona, Spain

• European Commission, DG Environment


• National Institute of Research in

Rural Engineering, Waters and Forestry

(INRGREF), Tunisia

• National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt

• Instituto de Suelos-CIRN, INTA - Argentina

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Thanks to


Thanks to

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, especially its Secretary-General Angel Gurría, Janet Schofield and John Sadler.

The National Science Foundation, especially Mark Suskin and Jennifer Pearl Slimowitz.

The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, especially Jean-Baptiste Main de Boissière, Graham Paul, Sidy Diallo, Annick Suzor-Weiner, Adèle Martial-Gros, Leah Namoune, Magali Muller, Lila Laborde-Casterot, Sophie Groeber (ENSAIA), Nicté Aguilar (DePaul Univ.), Emmanuel Chay (Science Po Lyon), Guillaume Denis (ENS Cachan) and Ingrid Dane (U3Aix-Marseille Univ.) for their contribution and support.

Purdue University, Office of the Vice President for Research, especially Dr. Richard Buckius Purdue University, College of Engineering, especially Dean Leah H. Jamieson Purdue University, College of Agriculture, especially Dean Jay Akridge The Indiana Water Resource Research Center, especially Director Ron Turco The Center for the Environment, especially Director John Bicham The Global Engineering Program, especially Rabi H. Mohtar, Antonio Bobet, Mary Schweitzer, Emily Sanders and David Rosenthal, Sergio Abondano,

The French Ministry of Agriculture, especially Patricia Bossard and Kristell Cohu.

The Agriculture Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, especially its actual President Alain Fuchs, its former President Catherine Bréchignac, Françoise Gaill, Bruno Laurioux, Stéphanie Thiebault, Diane Brami, Graciela Schneier and Jean Favero.

The Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, especially its President Marion Guillou, Michèle Marin and Yves Griveau.

The Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, especially its Director Michel Laurent, Marie-Noëlle Favier, Daniel Lefort and Alessandro Rizzo.

The Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, especially its President Gilbert Casamatta and Joëlle Courbière.

Veolia Water, especially Laurent Auguste and Frank Bénichou.

The Office National de l'Eau et des Milieux Aquatiques, especially its Director Patrick Lavarde and Marie-Perrine Durot.

The Bureau de Recherche Géologiques et Minières, especially its President Jean-François Rocchi and itsInternational Director Jean-Claude Guillaneau.

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Thanks to


The École Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement, especially its Director Claude Bernhard.

The Institut de recherche pour l'ingénierie de l'agriculture et de l'environnement, especially its Director Roger Genet and Denis Despréaux.

SupAgro Montpellier, especially its Director Etienne Landais and Nathalie Agbagla.

AgroParisTech, especially its Director Rémi Toussain and Cyril Kao.

Nathalie Spampinato-Brosse from Artwork, for the design of this book.

The keynote speakers : Arden L. Bement, Jr. Melba Crawford, Richard H. Cuenca, Anna Dupont, Vic Lechtenberg, Barbara S. Minsker, Dan Moran, Jean-Pierre Novak, Nicolas Rouyer, John Sadler, Steven R. Shafer, Rosine Travers, Ronan Treguer.

The coordinators / The organizing committee: Olivier Barreteau, Hatem Belhouchette, Jacques-Eric Bergez, Anne Bernadac, Erik Braudeau, Agathe Euzen, Corinne Ferronato, Guillermina Hernandez, Inez Hua, Chi-Hua Huang, Peter Imbrie, Philippe Jamet, Prasanta Kalita, Ramesh Kanwar, J. Lowenberg – DeBoer, Mark Nearning, John Schneider, Marc Voltz, Adèle Martial – Gros, and Rabi H. Mohtar.

The attendees : Ahuja Lajpat (Laj), Barbier Rémi, Behra Philippe, Boukcim Hassan, Buclet Benjamin, Candela Lucila, Cecava Michael, Cerdan Olivier, Chauvin Chritophe, Ciftci Ayse, Crow Wade, David Mark B., Dollé Vincent, Domange Nicolas, Duncan Jerry, Gascuel Chantal, Gerba Charles P., Ghiotti Stéphane, Godwin Brad, Goodrich David, Grattan Stephen, Hachicha Mohamed, Hallam Arne, IIeleji Klein E., Jauzein Michel, Ladisch Michael, Lallemand Patrice, Le Grusse Philippe, Lee John, Levi Yves, Lorenzen Lisa, Mérot Philippe, Mitch William, Morrás Héctor J. M., Moussa Roger, Murray Michael, Niyogi Dev, Novotny Vladimir, Olioso Albert, Paterson Kurt, Perez-Alegria Luis R., Perrier Edith, Probst Jean-Luc, Rajagopalan Kishore, Rampnoux Nicolas, Rao P. Suresh C., Rieu Thierry, Roe Terry, Rose Joan B., Schultz Bart, Servat Eric, Silliman Stephen, Singh Vijay P., Skaggs R. Wayne, Soyeux Emmanuel, Tedesco Lenore P., Thelen Kurt, Thomas Alban, Thorp Kelly, Torterotot Jean-Philippe, Valentin Christian, Vervier Philippe, Vincent Bernard, Vincent Frederique, Ward Andy, Wery Jacques, Winter C. Larry, Wu May M., Zaghloul Alaa

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The Office for Science and Technology of the Embassy of France in the United States is a multidisciplinary team of around 30 peoples which develops programs in the following areas : Agronomic research and food sciences, life sciences, nanotechnologies, environment, information technology, innovation and entrepreneurship. The main role of this office is to foster cooperation in science and technology between France and United States by different means: monitoring advances in science and technology to stakeholders, decision makers and scientists; establishing and/or strengthen partnerships in science and technology; promoting exchanges of students, researchers and entrepreneurs.


Adèle Martial - Gros

Ph.D., Professor, Scientific Attaché

Tel.: (312) 327-5237

[email protected]

[email protected]

The Global Engineering Program (GEP) is charged with the development and integration of the global portfolio in the College of Engineering at Purdue University's. The mission carries unique opportunities to achieve global impact in keeping with the Land Grant heritage of service, research and education. GEP facilitates educational experiences that prepare students for global leadership as engineering professionals. It offers international service learning with social responsibility. GEP creates global partnerships for targeted research that address solutions to the 21st century's grand challenges. It strengthens the academic, business and social communities of Indiana, the United States and the World by impacting through global leadership.


Rabi H. Mohtar

Ph.D., Professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Tel.: (765) 494-1791

[email protected]