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Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

Feb 02, 2016



Faximile of notes taken during music courses by Alvin Lucier
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Page 1: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins
Page 2: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


t|n*-5"+ u^lt" a li.c<'-

Trc I]ah"s ^t "o",oa oq.(""'l'i"1",fu,Y. unI A+is\, t.o,'*\*\'s oo,""d

.t4 - t o{- r d" J^te c rJJ:


e'r"^ ilJu-r,,i[s it ["JL"u"J" r.*Xlts

"^A ,ow;,^l. eU",^"hi lu'rnonr r,r^An w

Page 3: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


- Etp*.r..^',.,s{*Ad d*:"- *"fh +"p, J.Lr. o*",1-,*'t


Page 4: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

yi 'L,-1 ."*Sur,-I.t"'hu" tu $t * tuNeT c'!rse'

!-si"Sfo*Tu*nd 'o'", \conn t-rJo"n cLut. e . SIJ'J fJ'-' '"'p"

t"t'J.,..{ .\. ,t'l._n 1 " bl,.i-l in[\'evrce-. J'^'1z, ir'v'f {ov'z+l'o.n'

*l\ l*;: H.H; j:#:*,t''t %.e,

j; *', r

to{,{"s nr..-,n.t,*,Bs "i ,L./t.t -'-t r W\"t" lt^s ,rud ,(o' * l-\qs vasLu/sk v^.,$s,Vk-cto o-1A +- nJ in*\ ot^A so "vr -

hoclttet - h'tt"p

-._'a ^ U

Ielc'lr l"ll,ndtcrae,^o\,Jope,"lLn"'1,'t*hif'S'*k7n'.'r''"----JJn C -{, ,,.--Fil.. d\ scora .t"(fl "f , lI \oof's \'k"q Qvec2

-- r-"Xtfi&ffi[1,I,i!ud '+; l

-'tt^{pr::lnkf l.::Ti*lll

t"Tr,ffiA p"lde, nLr.j hy p*" , ' . '

{ rt,*p.\ ,{[1., " tl., .(ofl^] ,'r''lq ,{o-l*'rrr, u'lo e r , f '<'ra

rql;t-"-\t l,"rJ\.'re.rJd lw.k * zo e&f 'PSASE + r

,r-lillf;^t,*,+* n**h,0adn4'-'lr'."e re"''ll'i,d*"' <-

Page 5: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


G=l^r,{"C;l c"li. t,* Plffi [LAJ:


Page 6: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins




L^ Yn..f. )0,* *u Tt^o t"ro,l p*{tt' l '/n'ti't''a a+tt4 oo5'

?dJ.;d *.fu,G4".w.^\ +"^ll";'T* ,r,^'ily l7^,o116o phlskJ ,lr.-(^-;*, A* A"rtLtd, , o'fi coaf ser',

dr* *ist5 ("q sestor'e ) .- P"*tYh sco(ts( rda4s

..oecyIo *3 {,rte

TJt",T;'lJ-lrrL;J+f [,*.L.,-y.,!*vJ-{nro*L.*\

"'-ou.'r\.nes ,Lrc*'"L t"C"'s - [k" *r1o-

, ili tt^'t,^t, " *1u*l

pl,r onqo ura e nun,, : ., . lj ., a "1. : +a* -i"-J. *i[tt' lJzuu^l1 ,

.5Ocnol, !-o!ab 'a/o-19 e1 l9v!q5. aw" l4"tf5 P


frr,r.t 't',rtl oue h'^d ,. ^ 4${::ra-!.gt (joo"p, --J5t-o'p'

pr."lo-o -io .4r lnr'-).AILthL;^ qlott-f,Lst '


T; \"*, (pnrb-1. .)i t{6r,ll{ir'1t.1-{-o ""'lHor"* .Ui{r, !.,'{ ,4 \"r. , hrpnib.L, *,il ^.. {"'^*l s*a+

+ ;'J$ t'q.".".] ;L". "il i{{,:"1 p;tr.,

0tv"*q *r{ Jooo/r€v9--

' ff4 { r,q t 0re"-."r,,",cL& T-: !1*f 4 ele,n- t*t

et.n-@4 lo:?-(P: (o',!a P{vl


Page 7: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins



Page 8: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


Ir^ 1"*.\,..^\ \.,^^s, EsJ-iS( E ti, *'lt"e"rt, ^+

S'tJ"-*[trn'{tou^L(il,Th \,",:\*, \ ), 0".a U wr-L.- Y"-:i't j,e*, rp" lar,r

ttot " F+th ie ,6o1'o c4^sf"*f s'l"tl4 th,,4 *-;t u olr"rt. h. .,.1q i^ s"'^!\ *i.y1, t urnol,6al * .r-it wusi. ,.LJ;tr]:Ji; ::3$iil;ii frj ffL"e+-;,+nlt l,n1,i"r t +r^" m""..",.*Vc h: $i1. u, [.e "it' p*l^{,

"1 4 u}'c, rr o-,^ 6{l"'.,./If r,^ tr,"rL[- t c--- eoae SJ"'u""|rm-k,"1 y" ""* ,$-L 21,1;.\re is rcl .,.'{ia"t? h"nT

tl€ 15 q S€cfeltve vv!o.-.^- Eldov15'tc jto6.

t\t re^"\sl ,,n t ""^"- o\-tr* c *\l,r.., Tt"rt" " Q,nrJ-""-'{"( kqre-rr.B;&\".t" tr.i.$orr,e" , p")ur L,'zs tr"'"J *,?f.-k" !


-bd erdr./U-#

r'-l< lo{1o'9+ . I

.qeacQ fet{5, o\t,.pi' (or4l.,,i4l,on loytf9.n et4<"\\s ^Sc.--n li."u-


Page 9: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


{*d,.n*^[."n[' #il ,'r';'*..{":;- *itt .l" ,rd.,, ti o"Ji,",ol,1 a c{rJi.r,.*,\t,lofo: <r,l'tr"\r'€

-1-14 -s sc,,qa-Ih,s

|, oM fr'**,lir-.,,t tJh",41 Y-n^i Lk*s TL,a -pq",|,let,''ew"

L" \h.n[ Y,uno .*d l\nor-. Z"r..[q' u*^ + I o"J $,*,-.- 41, p*Tw" a";i'-'t

"1 E le"o. Sd>

.4 f-tl+* Talneu^15 Oi^***{^t [ ,lt.,r-d T{o< er7 "!l

(be"u"r 1,166),t'

Page 10: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

u,u1 oo '^$. . \rno-3 t&rqrg {,u^

't,!.lrr.qh3 OcrAsd .'vel^ fe..rJ I s9el.^rl r"br ,.,\.= {-l inr"*.J r^ln"'


Page 11: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins



Page 12: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

d\ \N AVg cA

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Page 13: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

" o- -.,

Page 14: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins
Page 15: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins




ffiii;Tii+ iff€ el. i5 Es +$ +i rii 1;l+ iilii1ir AiA; '1'e $f; i* 5i '; gl lB i;li

'nr:;fd: =:sE d9*i4; iq r Tn,, +E * ii al i i f;l gl .ilr ifA*r;t: r3gi :*x =uT li d : ;F EB agi 53a;rFeX ar:"e ;rq eg lF F : F: ;; ;*; fiq6;ii;i Eii; li;l :: se e E-.=3 ig re"a eE

;i;rg.Fnt ;;f;liiF?ii *'t 1ifiiiii iil iiillF gE; :li ==i i : 3 i s[ isi i

iiiiii ii*i ii iiigiiFi#f ir'#ii #i;eiie*il {iila i: i*:,iif iiiii q:iii€ iF;"F*:Fiiii

?+lgj ig *iiiii:i5iii i'ti;i 11;

iiigaiii e;aii

,i r;iriiiiici iiifi: 'il

Page 16: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


iitB: ri?I ;;ilii;?::ggrfrs lr*si;?riirB qAta u i;?1t;;!ifi;s; :?e:it*au33 j. .<_d ri a*.: li =i a:o H HEH.,e-..

:a.':; ;:i; ia?fi;i;;;tair i*=':riiaF:€a i!3:. 3-.3igi;:;1--='"i- ff iXE*gdiialr t'+:g Saili;i:lii;ii ;3:ig*-C3 =::; aE ti zz:i?;:;iz 1ii:=i lritS t +i:;;; a:*"n i:?;iliici-ligq i;ea*igA'ir !18 ;iiz=Ez:alga;:I +ral***e9:e Z?A -:ii?== _e=l=if d .;;n-sl4.i r5?

"'s i r?=7;!. riiiF:; ; riii!e=te QsJ z= i..E'- t--i.::€5 5*ii!.:q

iiE; ft; ;* ?iii; +:r:fieq gi;ii€



$-Tl-l.,"re T.t Ft ri r **,..*. ,_, _n_T:_n t:.j:_f: fi_r.T fl

Page 17: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins




il,;'l^i:;i?J'.i"lo t*J u'".^ phr"se -1Jwfi' J'^[rou,^ T.aa. R,i.r, ro.\ .io,n 1 '1.1t h -


.i - ilrr t \a

)-L-t.L; ir'.hu,r,,1,"^.^"Gl"r"{,1 ^ "-i {

3 -5 Cr;.h \"pn !o"*[ "p ^ yo',q [ol^'[' y> sF"F'y

3 *u"\ir*",4-\-l*;th p"ti-J,r,"I"'.,J84'*1{'*r, )

i ffii;l;ii'rrH r,?#miiil;i'{iyA de.,l;;"J^l^: ,tn[] -lTL""^ <"0'"<l ^'J '#-oig^ -L.[.p" I'r, [.,'i'L- |^lr*t"

14'1"pJ,"'^ elq\r"'"'

W f .cc< il"p',P1^"* :'{At' tefPP<q t(cces5'n'J '

r l il, Jp hLis€ WL*--\^ h! ta\LLs Uzat t^au ,

Page 18: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins
Page 19: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

ri..;l **,j ii'.;.,i ,-,,.;i






ur?rfl 3{:


60'O r-nmOl:FFl) -?i:€


Page 20: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

l- a= B-r-'F-io,-_-<4-

-5 $-<sF- "r =e-e^s E+E FF" FF3:, ^ ^'


tr d-q-, &,T- d

ts-- 'aolFr

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E5eE\ Ei_\ ?a-

'oL F r!-9 +-_-$ s- t-f 9'*-!- _]F

Page 21: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


Page 22: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


.r{At ;fllu,rn

.t\t^a.11 f "tofft_

,r *re-c$"+-


Page 23: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


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Page 24: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


#.$? |.j:l:" 2w r\i''v

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\egse{ €J. \{-1/\1 lUrtlvtovlr( lOuOS,t,

5655*J,R."in J"-\ t,\*{t ge[n"e. eq,(,s-ltuz

rsrc -sJ

z.'vr'] tfl ' L

tr',*',r-Og^-< S-ptt14'11 -e::


Page 25: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


16 !4

Page 26: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

!.r^,t ,.,* .L*^\ .L&J <6 uvrs-r ^nl'Jr,

,{ uor*[tziv -.,X,r, , tnpq^"v, $d,ilSFp"a'iga;{,"{ .- Alr,"Th

^h< TtL'{ tJ1.Jc"\ aa,[,i'{i.\u {e w^5 so-v1Jvc,v<p Th nls TL.L-I tJ1.Jc.[ aa,Li'{i.\, ie *^r so'4Jvcrv.

A \l, p*J,,,nol,4sF,c*q c.'v^l,u\,":a \. wS-otq".'ntultt,

;- f"o--rh*1,^"d+-4,,q'tJ9.-es\sr nra,lLle,.[/t"J te -t,tuU! t

h"-r"tr:4 .co-v^LYtY+w'.{v(

=.-*iit+ +""q tr^I pt'-,. , eh,,t@1,r. .-.*'["^t*par{-10,


Page 27: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

arGlsbbrc i

[_ zer Gtft6S!4, i4

*.l[:." Q,,a <.*47:ea,

L lud;{i"o in /<\-ct,er6 g/v\gh,{\lo

3 -.t-CI.+41

grunc'gks1lecu,ril".,Jrqdtr',&.fiLll,\r€[ Clttv,Q s

T fh^i ,r. t-"1 -

Llagose "-x.L i L. \h""i.l ).""q Jone [h,s

3 4 *'1il .ll'.,sel,n ,er'{,cn,,[.,r. [1, t""jJi,,,e)*-f*,,[3 *hlr i" { "|.""q,

gi^rl,J -d+ey.L-t*1'..{ "h, F.{q l,hl - '

4 plr"se ( ivr '.-.1 ""1 4) -Ls ,] 1ty n'0.,1^t,'.,a qloPs,l Qctof


t{"n r"- -orL.;]**

+Bu j".{-cr,r"l lslf--Z.€ tr,{rlJ

.Gntrs.\rlar44 l !a I

Page 28: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins
Page 29: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


Page 30: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins
Page 31: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

,J r|J rt*r r&.r 84J &iJ {._r ,i*.C Lj t*,! t_l







fngafgif ;flfgl;#: ili r;le+alr {qOa,lo^;E gae;*d^lE 9:3 "3;-;S;: !-;.;d3r:,TF sr=,::qg*? fi; i+*EEpf * S*g+iirirr ir;ttigqj iE; ii5;:;:i a;

Eis;5Ei; i:Fjli:ii iiF =ii*aj*t


:;fi+ii3 i+i5lsiil gF: iilg;li $l:+f;i3?r qslS+-iq'lx

'45 i;;lE3: ;9:dl:'i:? 4:l=e.ti!; F-"; il:il3c r+Psi4i.3q TeFr"E+s.r l+5 ;g=tg.=E cq.5 0 d;Fr5 s.E:I3;;.dq 59* l;; -qqi-i;ri;:ri 3;:€3'*+q F€[ "isi;E-*: Eiol;- :!: =.>:'c.r:i:i.n.ea:ti= ;=ia.a:?d Iri liE-:ilt ;3-;6E3dsi :l-;:qEI^ .+ e o'=.-.*539*x1= &E+:le6ii Ei ire'+Hd4 er"r,r"e*r66 pF.-;?.1 ;;B- S= f *-t"-a-"+

i*iliil mi i*i;rFisiiitrF;$.i*ii* *ii

iiimliiiiriii*ciiis;: ii';iigigituf5;gi1f

iiiF"gt Fi il*irrr;in#iFs;

Page 32: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

9iFi +8 d:s= c9€F e"B4+erili* +a F*E: r.f;-:l ie!"isf

i+i+ sg Fiii #ii ;i#ti;fs s a#1 iiiS it?i;F

gii i$F f ifi iilf FEHiii" lg: 3 i{t r{$F 5$$;;

= e if:4 !?? +ig I;e3i',? -.i

Page 33: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


J^- -.o,J tI"\.t,+rilt {rrl, vto*eJ, - z"

. I t Ll I

S rvnf Ie c-n't'(./drs lo., ^d .

[ar*".JU." .1*"E "- -+u'\':"d.i-\

'o"\n, lo$lq$ .ra t!.[,!,1 ]lffii*r, i

)rc!^S . avee:4" .r7 \ l^P 5o- \ta ' 7..'*7 't ' .r,-- 'n

I, *'s&^ *\*h u.nk \a"^aI

:tt *"i&;[- II



Page 34: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

h,-,'., s,lq,r ?


least two media will mix to_niEht and tomorrow at 3 rn

ih; Kitchen, that chsmber ot.lectronic vrondement rn tneMercer Ans Cente!, 240 MeF.Fr st.eet, The vork to be

nerforfled is Allin Lucier'sLrte oueen of the Souih, a

last vdar's Diece tY the com-Dosei. who will also bt one+ rh; si{ Derformers llayingiL Mr. Luiier, who has beenrs$.iated wit) the sonrcAfts un,on and wesleyanitmversity. is an old-guardNant.earde music man wnohas lmg been se,rchrng rortle esthetic in unusuar

Multimsdia Music ls Basedl

on Vibration PrinoiPlss

Tiis Diece is billed "forolavers,

-tesponsive surf a'es.;rr;wn material ard clos€d-.ircuit television moortorEvstens." Whar haPpens Eiiis: six synthesize6 are.6n.ected. two eafh, to th!€eJ"tiiii o''it'" pt."q *"

'u'a;nd other material that l,g'ste to the tune of lhe synthe-!iai. nre resutt can be

heard bY the &udience drl<^ seen (the strewn srurl s






paiiem", tt""t is) on Tv in

adnission, $2 hforlna-tion: 4?5-9865 (after 2)



Page 35: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

tS. !i-'r!\


L!!3 Vo n,',[€s 3la33Z b"lt

a-_tn dc"h

,r \Lln'\{ $"\r",|r/A"n [L["r \oi Vh,ltr GUpq+lf"r_Hruq_ F2 *"!1 ,a'{oaog'1 cai^(asct - c"-pl'i^H/ ,Jp"g T/"',tnhr,, 1

1 qlw''vt 9t,(< .p ed.

2 -

sr,i"\,'* ,-., -+ tk {,,,1 pto.{r".-'. r{"J,"t '. us,,n d"n

3 [,;;.'3**,,.^)"t- , .t-^p, iria-ur+.^, *lt, ,,,i ,*L^*; a-zr 4versro-rr,{" P"kH i1"d":,S.b 4.Hl*r. irC" qed't'tt"",e


F f ;i-r rL^^{ ;F ul{, ,,'!r-L+ ,r,p1.?+:+e+L..r -u^.-p1d-n

tr -,\, , .us 'r1 clrcaP eqL f+.r^ft- ,peqvl

"i+"+ =,1 n Xa'{s


lazitqc," .,

J"llots. A p^.1^4q c $.t{J *h nln.k'.,,." ,,"-&t**-'Js .o,ts*^ F, ry Z.tnoa i 1 "'g.//"J"r' t:* I

*a, 4 tja tu);r rr J s"ut

"-ld't[n ,u


Page 36: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


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*itl$irgii* tfi I

ffi iel ifit,






v-_ I

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Page 38: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins





Page 39: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

,p..r1L.rS. ,, h ii41)),

^l-dualotll.* ,*u.f:il^tt,, t)ge l&1tu , rttt4^l ljr{"$.


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Page 40: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

O l,ve{og

Po..ln ,.,'r-; *- ]i+" it "asr;I1*:t-"r,: ipf,--

iu^sfu-,,ir.{ "s .


i'fu. .peeJ^-14"..t-* *.t J.t\,U-

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Page 41: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

\o,,e-y'og1 Aqrri-r/









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Page 44: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


--i. f ,t,dt"., !$ 1,'--1tr.. ho1 *t!' 0'c'

z "\ei^*\t i" .l Glz-re\ I qrJlnlcs

u vc c's; i z escilt!.rs

rr*\ r.otnr.r rn. l,Iu.., ,. a ,'f.,1'. "..'lL[:- - l[ \ , ".. - t r"t t'h ,^.^,1e,' It,"*-|. *^u" "

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Page 45: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins



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Page 46: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

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Page 47: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


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Page 48: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins
Page 49: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins





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Page 50: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins




; 4/p rnol,'. . po\.L , .. sounJ , a co'{f Ic} ,fl"\ t'n loe pJ o'n a l'pe

i ;;;1T'i; -a. rou,nJ 6,1,k* i-- 9;,^t r" ry';l]ehJr"''"11,

: lO ,nno,n classel .X" b""[ {" S"t^At[J.y,nor\, y'"o< '\".'\',; a{e pktT awaz,^\ ^hl wa <a,,t ,{re(\ouvn i"'els\" w,'s'r v'+'{ct)-tt{ :' H#fi#-^: :ilJffi.silfrfft5"i;1'

'F";;.; ' i-,' ii- ""t*r ro','nJ h suu\iJ

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f e"p\< 'n ,X{o'q svs{a n'i\ wlnein \hf

P?fce'u€ ilr €"cla

lie"p\< '^ q{oug svsla n il w!'?i^ \t'?f P?fce'u€

ilr f'"ch

i^" - "ti["f -sp".,^\ ntro"e,'n'.-l L'Th'h Xc'-p,

rowl,'le p,e. e 15 l,te a wrard .|r*n'., , ,

A\u'" it"" ", ",.J Bc'*J"'s ..\'{'s - 't,lt'pl" \lotI rer"rJ''l ,

k[,1: .1r..*,c,ia&z 'ht..1"r", 1t51.\:i1n-g 1 {r".t,/


l{ouf z, €\c


Page 51: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


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Page 52: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


llrz Oep zooo , ^ I

:-- i; e\Jrsfe..,.! <LJ; - *10,1,".,^l *' ao\ Jn.rrnJ fu^Mvg,ra'\ co ,.r" foo .'i

' o r4 i , 1,,,,

. ILL c.n ^itn.i."c - 64 'rz?'cr'!c6-'!'\ ,J'^ .^'^"i t"tn*$'- d&tdl"


h""*.o *f,h &-,.o,o"*\^9 1. e1^!csog !:*p s'u< ttttstc' h..^*,r * f,h Rc^ -...--\'*a to <7^Ilc<'zq p{pQ4 5'v? \^4\)5,c

d,"^" \^ ,n..*o '\^k, $" ,Jl s\.! ,'-*"\ I; I t u ,i*.,. : ', "\*.\o"..

so"^Js.Jec,s,i^s., Pt J"cr^ ! Eru.eSo"..... A(e..r*J ^.V* J{., tf g\e.\,no ,*s\<.-..o1.--*,,

" L^i. lo*.., (6,r-a .!f (. l3 vo\e ..on|n\!<\ osc,l$ots -u.o..," "r.. ,ida ^ll

eneti, J'<\r;t.{'"4 "{ o,xtnes .vv /v\zr 1J1J /V4,-- rfo 's-= -!-L -Enh . ^il*,.*-il;f;",;i"ffi.'o*{,JFu.t --l

v. ii-,je ."*J ^nn1l:\ler -n.^, .

.i"1 lrr"J"l"{.r , vot\rLl( f(iLessori , t.a ''nue6\

C".nL:"\s:,*,i] ^{i.'- Aos3, A(:

*J;. -- lo\"J .,,-l ",,th .L'.*n.n. v"tL"1e/^--"pr{*leo+.,ll,l.r [ae, ow .o"ltro[ sil tt"fl v

Page 53: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins Onlvar6lty 4nd tbs uu61c Depr'rtEent Preseat

'- Z A J - 66tber fgrt er, iur.n hlaslgor t.1tot 4&rchettd

the l{6Eley8a MoEollr1 Chare1

feiltt€6al.y, Aprt]. 18th .rt 4 P.U.


6 oirlutes fot 2 perfore€rE & , podLtionsuith bodLly cont&ct

4oth psra].lel

speculetLollE Ltt "w!

.rlroorate El.ttina or! tbo ].otus f]"oitet I & ?pLuB rredt gleetr o! yeI].os'

IrrtiE te & peraoua].

b].ack & whl,to

th6 ral,ae sevenB

oLoaLa8 the eye6

tbs jcpert6€6 tout

afllE rrp lt 2 &,

blood & cb.apeg]ae

' maBk

. tru6io for . g]..Es ttot too blg

the eellt].oorn rith th. b.rral ola+h! bl'ecEt

r.lBib].6 nl.r6lo

the B€oret

ch.Lr 16 . thLna

Page 54: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

llepgrq ( 1968 )

for eny number of plafers lrho lrould llke to pay thoLT rospectsto alL Living croatures vrho inhablt dark places *rd wtio, overtho year.s, d€voloped aculty in tho art of echolocaiion, 1.e.,gounds used as messenqers !,rhi ch, lihen sent out l"nto the environ, -

tnont, return as gchoes oarrfin€i lnforraatlon as to tbe shap6,sLzo and substence of ttrat envinoment and tho obJects in l!.Play ln dar.k places lndoot3s, outdoors or. underuateri in dinl"y-1it spaces qear d.ark glasses and ln ltghted spaces woar blind-fol"als. fa en4rty spaces objects such as stscked chafus, larg6plants or hunafr beiilgs na.y be deployed.

Equlp younsolYeslocatlofj devices$hose !.opotition

lrlth Sondol.s ( qo4ar-4o-lphln ) , hand-held ootro-uhich epdt fasq-shai$;' nar ror'r-be aned. clicksrate can be va?ied raanually,

Accept and porform ttre task of acoustic ortentatlon by scarmingthe envirob$ent axd nonitoring the chatlging

"e]atlonehlps be-

tweolr the outgoibg and returning cllcka. Ey cbangiaE ttle reps-tltion r:ate of th€ outgolng ellcks, using &s a relerence polnta speed at which tbe retu"ning ollcks are half\ray betLreen thooutgoing cLicks, distances can be measureil, su"faces can be madeto sound and cloar slEnatures of the enlrlrorinent ca.!r be made. Bfchanglnq the angle of refl"eqtion of tho outgoing clicks agelnstsutnfaces, t11ultLple echoes of dtfferent pltches can be prod.ucedsJld moved to different goograptrlcal ].ocatlons ln the spaso. Scan-nlng patterns should be slot{, contlnuous and non-ropett-tLve.

llove as non-truiran migrators, artLflclsl gatherers of ilforuationor slo!.t ce]'emonial dancers. Dlscover r.outes to goa1s, flnd. clea"ps?hwsys to cent6r' polnts or outer limlts and avold obstaoles.

Doolsions as to speed and dl.rection of outgolng click€ must banede onlf on ths basis of usefulness 1n tho pr?ocess of echo]-o-catlng. Any sltuatLons that arise frorn porsonal p?€fer€4cea basedon ldess of texture, densittr, lmprovLsation or coroposition tbatato not alirectly senvs to articulate the eolmd p€r.sona1lty of theenvl.roErnent should b€ con€ldered deviations frot the task of echo-]'ocatLon.

Silences nay occun lrhen echoLoc.^tlon is made impossible by themasklnq dffost on the pleyersr r,.€tu"ning echoes due to tho sat-u?atl.on of th6 spase by both the ouigoing and !€turntng clicks,by lnterfe?ences due to audLenee pa!'tlclpation or bf ulrexp€ctod.erbLent sound events. Players should stop €rd tait for cLearsituatLons or stop to make c.Lear: sltuatLons for ottle? players.

Elalngs nay occur l'tben goals are reachedr pattelrns trac€d. orfirrther movemeat nads lfipossible.

For perfozrnances ln nhlch Sondols are not avallable, developDatu?al mesns of echolocation Buqh as tolguo-clt,cks' flnger-snapsor footstepe o" obiain other man-lrade devlses such as hanil-hEldfoghorns, toy crickets, po"tablo genor"ato?s of pulsEd souads'tbe:!le1 nolse o? 10'O0O cps pure tonesr

Page 55: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

3:,:.::* yl:l::: f-ly.4ih-certain nocturnsl blrds op baf,s (per,-ErcurarJy the cornnon bat of Burope aod llorth Anerlca of tbe'ian-lly].lonldae ) or seek thi help of, otfron-eipenis fn- re'atl oI' eottolocatlon.-Actlvltlos sucb as bluiards, squash_ and water-akl]irnlng rnay beconsidered kind!.ed porforraanles -of thLs work. -.---

Notoi a kl.t of four SondoLson lental firom eithst 6?!t orq.hanke to Donald R. Grtffln.

is avaLlablethe conposer.

Akln lucier

Page 56: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


^* L1X*1 r{fu"Jr "4".L llur r+f,.y-,,,,1utl-"i'1..--

u/r \ h ,

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t". ci$r.J ur,

-*r-i r".\ gu {.1r,r.q *J rrlrrr, Lvun+ l.Lrl!"n=- " r,tt'.',1 u.1, th .Jn t J : d. o' bJ-{ e., .tl^',rs Ji'

-! h.l",o"tJli*" +- lA/"'r1

Page 57: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


Q nt{/.o'/1

eq .-{.'.3';.-4{y1:tu;4*f,o " G4& P,t " -"o"

tntt "\i,,^o ntatq*.lt CorrL" ,u\e^rh so-*o* 'Lt tt*

env!{e-,4,r.--\ .llsfse!"i-le4,qar-.rdak$J w,tr'' oc\'.",L1rg' - -

\ {_ o_ylrdlga&L! I (,\ 5<rvl4,-_44<}s\9!15 r qll4lll<le:Lw ( I /l oll , ' c '.?l4l!49, -


< t\o{ '+vUr1l.. eA tt <..t,tu(S -l {.. r,r,q olcslq-.leS3 er-

:,Ftp1'.A"Ja"J,r'1.'.-!"-ie.qi"f b:#4;h^*:*-L,,

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Page 58: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


Page 59: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

'/tl $,,"*A*Uug -r,n.L l? o ry"rlk&.r r h; ,,^{ pr";".tart\ W^\\rt L

^t bs

lr1J"c la,si-: "6-" l"IU**1gg== =-=+

Page 60: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


'/+e"+@-Mri,- , .,-. -, { t-fil;-,, l^"\f pe",ti* <.1', grololo",-,5',.fu7 (^ ,."^I -JJ" rl*ltr ttn,n,lr'rri" {-.1 .il, '+te'rtv"l)eJ i avet.ilirr1

-. "t lA ."*p-loo i" etrJ,r"^ " o^"\'J "'- r"""{ t're+; 't /

!r-l4e !<\ 419,c,thq4 rt ,l-{ru^r-l-lsre 4i!l-. dn-a *-^-L+ -d*s.,L! :qvuloSJw*te,'

-+*. Vn c"*,.utlttr, vJ{r b7 e, &t .,i"1erQ*J,Q

*i rgeJ. E'--p!,-

Page 61: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins



Page 62: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

tr iri,"l. ,-*;^,.1^\;, {u* tt,!t.r-f ,;.'\ <,i ."l",ns

4T\11 <.rJs ^tn {ir {ll.,ct^-q,"qlu l,-q,.qe.f l".ined

J{,^or.^,n^[rr,<' "$ en""t",..,li*" *, Jo^p-{"r,

Ae",i)1"^' ("rl.t,.;.1'^0c",.,.'t; L f t " jt " f

* l, -,! 1r;'-1,*r,6tn^alI {tq.nj:; {,^e,-^d.t .*ltr ''r.{+"j s.oIstllq l-a"spet o.{"uu) (9,^,t"\;vr

". vu. Jeu'{."r o ."11"'"*r).o-tp"l

({rofdoJ , S 1 c\^**neJ5 ; Lsco{es lr t-f her+s,.L,J;t{s,


Page 63: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

'E.q cow nl t f5 1--.,a 4 U,p1q\" fl^t .rJ'"J ' ,1,"- Ir, I

.tlg""i,,,+r;" r,i""r^*,.^r,,t+i.1t -,:. .," 1t :n.

J - ; ^'\y waT rwot[l be{'ten J,1l^\ ^*l ^n^i,1,

sTntks,zec ro",gon'1{5

r^.-,-"J rnlo f,-'\, . i-"he i). 0,1{9{"1J,,3. r\,,n)'' hu on e *tte**lr, *c,ro\<, $te.,ttq \"t" tdrt',,"1to3;. Cr e; < pj,vt"\ c ( qG a-44 4,d.

E".f -r*-\i.-l:{t-*hr""\ ir..^Lr','or,'^.1 \t'44 ?rte &e44. .Lcc vr L!ql4 llvla.-$5 ! v419!!.41- :Or.L[c\5 ]!hovrrA!1 ]l e!44 ? IL! !::r!! - t

;\o ^".t"t . so"nJr[]re, vrov.rt, tlaco'lh {.{tt 5 , !r --\as:

S.\\rcs-T^!o una.rrogo're 1p-{.\ u eu,o.* ,*p-i t"si*ar.e

l!\u o1r,\o\["0 f So"tsllLfi e^ vl^olr.n

\.*\ {r*.r* {ui"".u -^p"lri p-r.",. (60 b""is p"t -". ), - n1

tcl rli a,*. r"""^ Vv'.1ht , -,+d1.p,.--g*? s w''drh, {orJuura'

l..{rrnut*,. 1 he^{' o teJsi"* 6" i,it ) ; Jr. 7 lu*1 coo"n., rn lo'\',p

l- t.'o.";\ + ',,i* [,rrso Lelt f ,, s.""'J);reuel[,*o a,,uJ'^1

.Ju ..,n{^',*1 "4 "!r."r[1 ,,^it-* ,; 1o '{,p, t..,\,{r<n 1r"."1..,,tf t..1,...-c e s,.i.r ,.J f1a," sf ."1_1J il"l* .Fo.c ,s,*,J\--*."s

l*,#ill|iliil]"*,t*,.-ffi ,.E;^---t,

-1t".{.!,*g?i.rr-esvu..,e-,l S- . -{

n"!pl,*. t.^ V"l pn ,,."J L-n (tr^:s l*Lr) \. z.U,-tvz\ s{-cen-


Page 64: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins
Page 65: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins


Dlt^it aNt of tlutlc



RIrtSIld 1- the Blrd Of BreDcn Flles TlhrouRh I?re lloua€a Alvln Luclerof rte Burslglg ( 192)

An lrla8lnarT b1rd, lts wlnas flapplng 50 tluesper seoontl, flle8 throuah a dlaltal eorputs

_(progran) at the speed of aolnal. Vla dlaltal,/anal-og oonverters, flltetsr voltete-oontrollcdar0p11f1ers anil a lcverbcratlon unlt' tbc co[putcrshulateE changes 1n the 812€ and aoouatlccharacterlatlos of a aource rooB ln whloh laaleployed an onnl-d lrectlonal nlcrophone. Thcposltlons of the blrdrs wlngs' at saEpled DoDents 'deter:olne the r{ldth, length anal hel8ht of thenerdly Benerated 100[6 plus the reflectlve analabsorptlve quaLltles of the Eaterlals of l{hlohthe roolos are laale.

FfiSIliI 1ls concelved. aa a real-tlEe envlronnentalF5ffid 6qntrol aysten. T'he present verslon ls a sterconlx of a 4-chalulel reco!d!.ng.

CIRCLES---;-uslc by }torton Subotnlok



@E4qtE !2LAPIS - s.\-, .l^L -

Dorls cha8e

Stan Vanalerbeek

Stan Vanderbeek

John Stehura

Janea whltncy

l,ledresalay, lfay 9, L9?3l5o solenoe Torer5PMAalnlaslon Frec

Page 66: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

P\.FrGRrlrrilt jt . ., IF...............

e/p Lor,rq-{u {''\"'s

Fn mugia- \'ve e[r.\t"*)- **,. -E r.*tl; \^-pf*q ",1^o.^t.g[rl",elhc ,"1r"',.=o{"n,i "q"4llql;Hl+r;4i1#;ffi'**p- 0", I-h*1n\,{ t,.s . n rdral ? <If ,v fv\ Vt rnor

j""a $y"\l-r {o.Jb/€;.\



Page 67: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

$CINilG AM[$ UNilCINWBAI S tudio C

Wy 25, 26, 27 , 2973

The Sonie Arts Unlon is an electronic music ensemble. Its tnenberaare Robert Ashley, Davtd Behrman, AIvh Lucier, aDal Gordon l{unfia.Thei.r purpose i3 !o make posslble lhe perfomance of nuslcal' ldeaalhsi 1ie oulside lhe scope of ordlnary concerl siluatloDs and toexplore resources ol sound Production ithlch re6ull from lhe broedealapp lice!ion of elecEroni.c lechnology.

During lheir rhree days at WBAI the group till ptovide e varietyof sonic experience6 throughou! the eflernoon and evenlng.lhe situation is informel so lhat the audience cen end go eleili, at any line during the day. The Sonlc Arla Union Presentelionnakes tbe pIgggs! of eleclronic music ecc€ssible in s nore infodral.almosph€re than is usually as6ocieted vilh the tradilional concerl

Robert. Ashley is dlrector of lhe Tape Husic Center of lttlts College'o,kl'nd- California.

David Behrhan is a composer and nusician tllh lhe llerce-CunninghamDance Conpany, and producer of conlenPorary rnuslc recordinga inNe$ York City.

Alvin Lucler is on lhe tl|usic faculty of !'l€sleyen Univer6ily'f'lfaatet"r", Connecticut, and music director of Ehe Viola FerberDance Conpany.

cordon ltunms 13 a composer snd rnuslcj an uilh the uerce CunnlnghanDance Compeny, end erl author end electronic designer in Iew York City.

Music by lhe Sonic Arls Union is reeorded on Mainslream Mli 5010'

Adninis trat lon:

This progren is made posslble bY afron the llew York Stece Councll on

463 West S!.Nelr York, N.Y, 10014(212) 989-49s3

grent !o the Soni.c Arts Itnlonthe Arta.

Page 68: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

Gordon llumma: notes fot CYIIFRSUNIT CANTILEVTRS

CYBER5UNIC CANTILEVTRS is a p1339gg of music Anyone may palticipate

CYEERS0NIC CANTILEVTRS is related to other pr:ocesses in whichpeop.Ie participate in discovery, FelcePtual and inte.IIectualcha-I.Lenge, and entertainrnent. Anong these pxocesses aresatellite cornmunication' data processing, biD-medica.L telenetry'and space exploiation. These are processes in which informationis electronical]y transformed.

The electionic sound transformations of CYBTRSLINIC CANTI LEVERS

xange fxom very simple to extrenely complex. The rnost extr:emepro;essing of CYUETtSUNIC CANTILEVERS transforms the origina.Isounds inio entirely new soLlnds, which may have no pexceptableresembfance to the origina.I.

The proeess is in five stages. A-Il are stereoPhonic. The firststage consists of sound sources (for exatrple' microphones'casiette recorddxs' electxonic circuits. ) Stages two, three, andfuur axe electronic transformations !,/hich change the pitch,axticulation, and tirnbre of the sound sources. The Iast stagepresents the transforrnations in a quadraPhonic environment.

to rnonitor any stag-. of the process.stations participants !nay hea! (withand see (with stereotrhonic oscilloscopes)

they choose. Alsu, Frarticipants areunds of the process' and may bring theiron cassette tapest or produce sound

Particitrants aie invi te dAt ts.Lectronic moni Loringstereophonic headphones)any staqe of ihe Pr(lcessinvited to add to the soown Pre-recolded suunds1ivts through micro'rhones

A ;or-E;bout

t Y IJE ri 5i tJ tr| c: qlhel --fiom the Gxeek "kybernan" to stee! or guide.(Cybernetics, the science of controL and comrnunication'is concexned with interactions between automaticcontro-L and living orqanisrns. )

lgllg --pertairring to sound.

In CYBERStiIJIC CANTILEVeRS sonre irf the efectronictransformations ane automatically derived fxoft thesounds themselves, and sone frum the interaction ofpeonle with the electronic system.

CANTlLtVEfl5: Cantilever --a projecting beam' anchored at one end'and su'rt)orting a load a ong its length by means oftensions and compressions which are distributedwithin the beam. (Typical cantilevers; flagpoles,

ai1|rIane winqs' djving boa.rds' certain bridgestructuxes, and the seesaw. )

Anchored in the original sounds, or: in paxts of the modificationFrocess, the sonic iransforftations of CYBEIIS0NIC CANTILEVERS areprojected through the su!'porting stages of the electronic system.

Page 69: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

0avi d Behrman: notes for HBI4E [4ADE SYNTHTSIZER lvluSIC WITH SLIDlNGPlTCHES

Many people qre now working directly with the raw nateria-Is ofelectronic technology io rnake sounds, lights, or video images.Ihe availability of cheap integrated circuits and papei-backhow-to books has made it possible for a self-styled musicianto design his or her own efectronic music synthesiTerl just as,in the stone age, the availabillty of the chisel riade it Possibleto fashion oners own hand-hewn !,/ood-l-og drum. The practice ofmaking oners own instrurnent is a venerabfe one, though it may havebeen inhibited during the past industria-L centuries.

Although several bran(ls of comrnercia.l music synthesizers havebeen around for half a decade, they tendr when used aIone, to.Producesounds which are quickly used up by our cufture (become cIi.ch6s. )

This is probabfy because they are desiqned as generaf-purPose 'sa-Leable packages adept at producing everything frotn TV commercial

sound effects to initation of convent-iona-L instruments.

The instrument Lrsed in "Home ltlade Synthesizer plusic{ is incapab-leof r,aking most kinds of efectnonic sound. But it does make onevariety (extreme-Ly dense, sIowIy shifting harmony) rnore easllythan even thrFre or four of the largest' nost exFcnsive coinmercialsynthesizer:s. It cost about one-tenth of its equivalent instore-bouqht units and is small and .Iight enough tct be packed intotwo su i tca se s.

Frogrammed initially and then left to itsetf, it can provide. a sound environment of indefinite duration. It can also be

p1€yed by one or tL{o peopfe. A flashlight photoce.ll signal-' dis't-ri.bution -Sjis-tdm- mEt -be ddtied foi a'-f,ffi5d -of'f6-tritfi-'F.rayAr.-'

0r it can be used by an j-mprovisatory ensemble--s!ch as the onecurrent.Ly maklng music coincident !rith the lvlerce CunninghamDance Conpany.

Its hardware consists of 32 stable voltage-contro.l.Lable osci lators'eight envelope generators, eight voltage-controlled amplifiers,and mixers. Tuning during performance can be done with frequencycounters. The sound is best heard surrounding its .listeners viaa fou r c hann e -L Ioudspeake r systen.

Page 70: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

Robext Ashlev: notes for IN 5ARA, l'IENCKEN, CHRIST AND nEETH0VEN" IHFRi I'EnE Ftl\ AND t,,/:rl'4El\ (1972)

lext bv John Bartorr v/olganot (1944). Frinted privately in t!'ro

'Jiit"i. iof which this readintJ is the fatter), differing in tjtle,.i--..""" --- tlrouqh I have not had the oppoxtunity to confirmlli! --'-re.qtrr (one page ) A poem of 128 stanzas,.each stanzath" u.t" ."it"n.. with four variabfes' three of which are names

or name qi:ouos or name cunstructions, the fourth, the adverb ofii. ..iiJ' '!'u. To mv rrind one of the irost'unusual and beautiful(and memory-defying) sentences in Engfish'

!'In its very truLy great manners of Ludwig vdn Beethoven veryfr"r.i..rrv il. veiy'cru"t1y ancestr:al death of Sara Fowetf Haardthad verv -r' nical Iy c )rrP arnong'! his vcry DeFIIy 'JrEnd mPn and

..nen fo RafaeI 5dbaLrni, l,eorgc Ade. Iarg'reL :-toLm^Jameso''ir.J fy"a." Hueffer, Jean-Jacques Bernard, Louis BrDmfiefd'frirOri"f' Vlilhe.Im Nietzsche and Helen Brown Norden very titanically

lhe ,,ErmuLaLioc of tLF Tour variaoles ovPr the 128 stanzas grve;;; l;;;;-;-;i;;r ',..,sicor rorm (sueeesting both rusue and sonata),iinalno tooutf,".r qroups of names and adverbs into "themes" that... "='ot tiotn ani as difficult to paraphnase as music' Fouxteennur"= ("uu"n each rnen and women) realrPeax in var'ious numberf'lrr.."fi"= throughout the poem. These I understand to be thei.r".r"r ."a heroinJs of the story. 0ther nanes are repeated,-pp".""ifV as secondary rtthemes." And finaLly there qre hundredsoi nu*r. itot o..ut once(alI of the great names. of Vy'estern

cr.:1ture since the Greek-philosophers, with the fist becomin0 rnore

.orpt.f'"ntluo and enigmatic as it includes the American fiterary""a *u,ti"af cuftu:e oi the early 20th century)' whose poeticfonction I have not deciPhsred.

14v score su rne5ts a' alternatjve of two efectronic sPttinqs jn

'iitf ifi" p Je'-ney be-'r'eat. *-thes€'-aTe- dis+iTrggisH b-v reading;;;;; .;; tv the ifrect of the e.Iectronic devices on the vocal.;;;;.. The settinq from which this realization is derived

"ii.r.'r.' it'. po=uiliritv of any number of thickenings that folfowtnu "tunt,

structu!e of tlle poen synchronously' and j_ncludes

instru*e"taf accompanimcnt, vocal embellishrnents, and elaboratjonof ift" pf'yti""f environment in visual, temperature and tactilemodes.

In this realization the sounds of the voice are analyzed by means

.i iiit"ti"g to plot the frequency of trccurxence of seven different

"or.J ".toti".ts (p.Losive attacks, fundamentaf frequencies' and

iiu" f', each of which guides the synthesizer in synchro-,rirutiun with tlre reading of the poem. The seven tracks of syn-;;;;;;;; ".ti"ity

are miied tosether with the voice and rlistributedc'ver the four channel rnatrix.

(reafization for t'4oog synthesizer by FauL Del'larinis anrl RobertAshley, January, 1973 )

Page 71: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

Robert Ashley: notes for STRING QUARTET Dt5CRIBING THE l,l0TIUNSur LART,L Rr AL BODll | 11972)

For the past few years I have been interested in the phenonrenonof the identity of sounds--holv we distinguish among sounds bytheir causes or origins or meanings, These interests !rete expres:redin various ways in the form of four Irieces, cafled ILLU5I0N pl0DELS,which we!e desiqns for hypothetical, computer-controLled soundenvironments. ln an attenpt to illustrate the ideas of theILLUSlUN IiIUDELS I designsd performance pieces that were based r..rn

thE same principfes as the hypothetical models, hoping to suggestthrough technical concepts ho!,/ the aura-L illusions might occurin th- time dLrrin uf arusic.

Frorn the technical solution to the requirrient of one of theperfornance pieces (extrernely precise synchronization of veryshort sounds) came the ideas of ihe 5TRING QUARTEI DESCRIBING THEIl4llTI0NS UF LAfIGE REAL B0DIE5, in which, through the proce€sof mixin! togethex shoxt sounds from dilferent points of originin tirne, a sinqte 'lineo of sounds of different "identities{ issynthesized from each instrument.

There are two kinds of sotrnd in the STRING QUAFTET DE5CRIDINGTHE i']OTIONS UF LARGE REAL BOI]IES,from the string instrurnents (frornand those same pu1$es delayed andtlro kinds of sounds (identities)delay mechanism operating on onesone of which are "originall andidentity chan ged efectronically.

quasi-randorn, discrete pu-Lsesa particular manner of playing)electronically modified. The

are intermingled, because of theof them, to form a series of pulses,others of which lrdve had their

The ensembLe factor of the work (a iquartetrr) is composed not inthe ac.l"i..rn s.. !r.f:. the pe.ilormers---eaGb in6trumerrta-f-i.s.t e-a'xies outthe.rerluirements of the score independently---but in the inter-connection of the electronic compontrnts, where the aLteration ofthe sound natexia ls is dependent ]lpon the coincidence of eve n tsfron thP Vari ous i nst runent5 .

The tit.Le comes from the irnages that kept occuring to me whileI was reading !iorlds in CoLIision (Immanuel VeLikovsky) for thef irst tirne, which coinEicied \,v \,,/orking on the STRIiiG QI.IARTETIItSCRIBIi'JG THE l'l0T I tJi\ls UF LARIIi REAL, UUDIES.

Realization by Robert Sheff and Robert Ashley, January, 1972

Page 72: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins

Robert Ash.teyr notes for REVI5ED, FINALLY (APRIL, 1961 -AI-RlL, 19?3),FI]R GORDIJN I4UI\414A

'For any number of pairs of players of similar sounds. The idea ofthe composition has been to provide a s.ituation whexe the playertssense of tempo is used in a way that is similar to the use of hissense of pitch re.l"ations in part-singing. The title refers to myproblem of finding a musica.I representation of this idea and to thetinje !,/hen so.many of my musicaf thoughts wexe inspired by myassociation vrith Gordon lvlumma. I think this !evision is final.

notes for QUARTET (1965) for any numbet: of windor string instruments

A program of sound-actions for any number of players actingindependentiy, not a tirne schedu-le of enselnble events. Eachaction has its oh/n duration, based on the nrechanics of soundproduction for the instrument involved (bxeath length fox windinstruments, bow length for strings. ) Thr score suggests opticrnalactions fox peafoxnances by moxe than one player that xecoqnize theensemb.Ie situation without restrictinq the individual playerrsfreedom, including the possibility that the pfayers may deve.Iopean ensernble si.lence of indefinite length. ThE title refers tothe design of the score and to the fact that the prc.:gran wasderived from an earlier work, @

Alvin Lucier: notes for Fl'15Ilvr 1, THE IllRll 0F BREl4tl'J FLIEs THR0UGH


Robe rt Ashley:

An imaginary bird\ its wings flapping 50 times per second, fliesthrough a di'litaI \omputer (program) at the speed of sound. Via4_',s,_i}ev,€!.el-q g._s o ll9J-!!fe , ,Jr.l!9 rs., *'"1tie.._._?ll_rjll!_a!p l{i9l:;;-A; re v;. ib; i;Tidi-iiii, -t}le Crjmputei s i m-iil J'tb s--Eh a- ffd-iii-TFE" -size and acoustic charActelistics of a source xoorn in whlch isdeployed an ornni-directional microphone. The positions of thebiid's wings, at sampled noments, determine the sidttl, fengthand height of the ne!./1y generated roons plus the reflective andabsorptive qua.Iities of the material6 of !,/hich the rooms are made

Rt'5M .1 is conceived as a real-tine environmental sound controlsystem. The present version is a 4-channel rectrxding.

RlisIf'l .l was commissioned by Radio Brenen fox the 1972 PxoIvlusica Nova Festival. It ',ras conposed and recorded at the\r'/esleyan University Computer Arts 5tudio,

Page 73: Alvin Lucier, Music 184, By Nic Collins