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    Clinics in Family Practice Volume 4 Number 3 September 2002

    Copyright 2002 W. B. Saunders Company

    Review article


    George R. Wilson, MD *

    From the Department of Community Health and Family Medicine

    University of Florida Health Science Center

    Jacksonville, Florida, USA

    * Address reprint requests to Department of Community Health and

    Family Medicine, Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, 655 West

    Eighth Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209-6511 E-mail address: [email protected]

    PII S1522-5720(02)00037-5

    Disorders of the thyroid gland are common in primary care medicine and most can be

    diagnosed and treated satisfactorily by the primary care physician. An understanding of the

    various diseases, applicable diagnostic tests, therapeutic choices, and complications is

    essential to this end. This article reviews the anatomy and physiology of the thyroid gland,

    common thyroid diseases, current treatment recommendations, and available diagnostic

    modalities. Some uncommon diseases of special interest in primary care are included for

    academic completeness.

    Thyroid diseases exist in one of three functional states; euthyroid, hyperthyroid, or

    hypothyroid, with each being defined by the total bound and free level of circulating

    thyroid hormone. The presence of any one of these states in an individual does not prove

    disease, nor does it depend on the etiology of any particular abnormal thyroid function. All

    three states may exist at different times during the course of an illness and each state can

    exist with or without disease and with or without clinical findings.

  • The euthyroid state is defined by normal serum T4 and T3 levels and can be found in

    association with diseases such as goiter, adenoma, cysts, and malignancies. For a person to

    be clinically euthyroid, the effect of thyroid hormone at the cellular level must be normal.

    Increased levels of total circulating T4 and T3 define the hyperthyroid state, but this is not

    synonymous with thyrotoxicosis. Diseases associated with a hyperthyroid state include

    Graves disease, thyroiditis, toxic adenoma, toxic multinodular goiter, and thyrotoxicosis of

    any etiology. Diseases that only increase total thyroid transport proteins also result in a

    hyperthyroid state, but clinically the patient is euthyroid. Decreased levels of total

    circulating T4 and T3 define the hypothyroid state. This state may be associated with

    goiter, thyroiditis, iodine deficiency, and iatrogenic causes. Hypothyroidism also can be the

    result of decreased levels of transport proteins, again with the patient being clinically


    Accurate assessment of thyroid function and determination of either the presence or

    absence of disease requires data in addition to levels of circulating thyroid hormone. These

    data include serum free thyroid hormone levels, thyrotropin levels, and antithyroid antibody

    titers. With this battery of tests, most commonly seen thyroid disorders can be readily

    diagnosed. Imaging studies and fine needle aspiration complete the assessment in 90%

    95% of patients with thyroid disease who present in the primary care setting.

    The most common cause of thyroid disorders worldwide is iodine deficiency. In the United

    States, where iodine deficiency is rare, the most common cause of thyroid disease is

    autoimmunity [1] . In contrast to this, the two most common thyroid disorders found in the

    United States are simple diffuse goiter and thyroid nodules. The exact incidence of thyroid

    disease is not known but one can get an idea of its prevalence from a 20-year English study

    that found a 10% incidence of thyroid disorders in the general female population and a 2%

    incidence in the general male population [2] .

    Thyroid disorders occur at a rate of 6080 per 1000 adults worldwide and affect as much as

    5% of the adult population in the United States [3] . Because most thyroid diseases have an

    insidious onset or closely mimic other, more common disorders, they are easily missed and,

    although rarely fatal, can cause significant morbidity. Early recognition is key to

    minimizing that morbidity. With the exception of conditions such as simple goiter or a

    visible nodule, patients who ultimately are diagnosed with thyroid disease rarely present to

    the physician with complaints suggesting a thyroid disorder. Presenting complaints of

    thyroid disease can range from dysphagia, ear pain, hoarseness, and superior vena cava

    syndrome to neck pain, fever, heartburn, constipation, and tiredness. It behooves the

    physician to be alert and include thyroid disorders in a wider range of differential

    diagnoses. Diagnosis of a thyroid disorder on clinical grounds alone is difficult and, unless

    the patient presents with specific complaints or concerns, easy to overlook. This was clearly

    shown in one study of 3000 women with known abnormal thyroid function tests. These

    women were examined clinically by a primary care physician and a specialist, neither of

    whom performed especially well. The primary care physician, using clinical findings alone,

    was able to diagnose a thyroid abnormality only 10% of the time. The specialist did not fare

    much better at 33% [4] . These findings not only point out the difficulty often encountered in

    making a clinical diagnosis of thyroid disease, they also raise the question whether routine

    screening for thyroid disorders, outside the neonatal period, in the general population is

  • warranted. Are there select patient populations at increased risk who would benefit from

    routine screening [5] ? The three populations at highest risk who might benefit from routine

    screening are neonates, postmenopausal women, and elderly people.

    As a group, neonates are at highest risk for permanent injury if thyroid dysfunction is not

    recognized and treated early. Routine screening for thyroid dysfunction in neonates in the

    United States has virtually eliminated delayed diagnosis, thus preventing the sequelae of

    congenital hypothyroidism. Unfortunately this is not common practice throughout the

    world, especially where iodine deficiency is prevalent and congenital hypothyroidism and

    endemic cretinism are common [6] .

    Postmenopausal women have a 10% incidence of unrecognized hypothyroidism [7] [8] .

    Untreated hypothyroidism can exacerbate or accelerate diseases such as hyperlipidemia and

    osteoporosis. Routine screening in this population could provide early diagnosis and

    appropriate treatment of hypothyroidism, thereby helping prevent these complications.

    Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and apathetic thyrotoxicosis closely mimic

    dementia and depression, both common disorders in the elderly. The similarities between

    these diseases place members of this group at increased risk for missed diagnosis and

    significant comorbidity. It is therefore essential that the functional status of the thyroid be

    included in the evaluation of depression and dementia.


    The thyroid gland sits at the base of the neck, between the foramen cecum (at the base of

    the tongue) and the sternal notch. It normally consists of two lobes with an average length

    of 34 cm. These are joined at the inferior poles by the horizontal isthmus that lies just

    inferior to the cricoid cartilage. The gland may be found somewhat higher in young women

    with thin necks. Older men with kyphosis or emphysema may have the gland displaced

    caudally below the sternal notch, making palpation difficult. Rarely there is ectopic

    displacement to the retrosternal area, and ectopic thyroid tissue can be found inferior to the

    cervical thyroid or even as low as the pericardial space.

    The thyroid gland is located in the V made by the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid

    muscles on the clavicles and is attached to the pretracheal fascia. Having the patient extend

    the neck and swallow causes the gland to move, which aids in visualization. Observing

    movement is useful in differentiating an enlarged thyroid gland from cervical fat often

    found in young women, because the fat does not move.

    To adequately palpate the gland, have the patient flex the neck. This relaxes the

    sternocleidomastoid muscles and allows for easier access. Place both hands on the neck and

    have the patient swallow. This helps raise the gland from an inferior position and provides

    an opportunity to examine the lower poles of both lobes. It also aids in defining the lower

    limits of a nodule.

  • Histologically, the thyroid gland consists of five primary elements: follicular cells, colloid,

    interstitial tissue, C cells, and lymphoid cells. The most prominent element is the

    follicular cell, which produces colloid. The functional unit of the gland is the thyroid

    follicle. The follicle is where colloid is stored and where synthesis of thyroid hormone

    occurs. The remaining cellular elements are C cells that are few in number, and lymphoid

    cell clusters. C cells are located in the intrafollicular space and produce calcitonin and,

    rarely, somatostatin. Lymphoid cells are found scattered throughout the gland stroma in

    small clusters.


    Biosynthesis of thyroid hormones is unique among endocrine glands because final

    assembly occurs extracellularly in the follicular lumen. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) oxidizes

    iodine stored in thyroglobulin to form mono-iodo-tyrosine (MIT), and di-iodo-tyrosine

    (DIT). MIT and DIT are then assembled into the final products, T4 and T3, which are

    stored in the follicular colloid for future use.

    Thyroglobulin (Tg) is an iodo-protein, produced by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland.

    It comprises the major portion of intraluminal colloid and is the most important protein of

    the thyroid gland [9] . Thyroglobulin provides a matrix for the synthesis of thyroid hormones

    and a vehicle for subsequent storage. Thyroglobulin levels tend to be increased in

    pregnancy, in newborns, and in diseases such as Graves disease, subacute thyroiditis, and

    metastatic thyroid cancer [10] . When stimulated by thyrotropin (TSH), thyroglobulin from

    the colloidal space is internalized by thyroid cells and enzymatically degraded to release T4

    and T3 into the peripheral circulation. Thyroglobulin levels increase in the presence of

    decreased T3 and with intramuscular administration of thyrotropin.

    The primary thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4 or tetra-iodo-thyronine) and T3 (tri-iodo-

    thyronine). Thyroxine is produced in the thyroid follicle and is the most abundant hormonal

    product of the thyroid gland. Roughly one third to one half of T4 in the peripheral

    circulation is converted into T3 by de-iodination and this process is responsible for 70%

    90% of circulating T3. T3 is two to four times more calorigenic than T4. The precise role of

    T4 has not been fully defined, but it seems the primary function may be to serve as a

    prohormone and reservoir for production of the more metabolically active T3 [11] .

    Thyrotropin (TSH) regulates the function of the thyroid follicular cells, thyroid hormone

    synthesis and secretion, proliferation of thyroid cells, and thyroid size. The efficiency with

    which this process occurs is modulated in large part by the organic iodine content of the

    cells. Insufficient iodine stores can cause excess thyrotropin production, resulting in gland

    hyperplasia and hypertrophy with resultant goiter formation. When thyrotropin production

    is decreased or absent, follicular cells do not manufacture adequate quantities of MIT and

    DIT, limiting the amount of T4 and T3 produced. Colloid formation is independent of

    circulating thyrotropin levels. Without a functioning colloid inhibitory feedback

    mechanism, the amount of colloid produced and stored by the gland becomes excessive,

    leading to an enlarged thyroid gland.

  • Both T4 and T3 seem to have an inhibitory effect on thyrotropin production and secretion,

    but actual inhibition may be by T3 that has been de-iodinated from T4 in the pituitary gland [12] . Research suggests a secondary inhibitory pathway at the level of the hypothalamus with

    suppression of TRH secretion and release [13] .

    Reverse T3 (rT3) is a thyroid hormone only identified in humans [14] . It is 3,3,5 tri-iodo-

    thyronine and differs from normal T3 (3,5,3 tri-iodo-thyronine) by the location of iodine

    on the molecule. Although the actual source of rT3 is not precisely known, it seems as

    much as 95%98% is produced in similar fashion to T3, by de-iodination of circulating T4 [14] . The exact function and purpose of rT3 also is not known, but it has been shown to

    increase in hyperthyroidism and decrease in hypothyroidism [14] . One interesting fact about

    rT3 is that it is increased in several nonthyroid disease states, including cirrhosis, neoplasm,

    toxemia of pregnancy, following major surgery, and in prolonged fasting states. Reverse T3

    inhibits the calorigenic activity of T4 and T3, which may explain why it is found in states

    of physiologic stress.

    Once T4 and T3 leave the follicular lumen, nearly all (>99.9%) is bound to thyroid

    transport proteins. The overall function of the thyroid hormone transport system is to

    provide an extrathyroidal source of T4 and T3 that is only released on demand, and a

    buffering action that protects target tissues from circulating thyroid hormones [15] . This

    system ensures continuous replenishment of a free T4 and free T3 pool that is available in

    minute quantities at the cellular level. The thyroid hormone transport system has three

    primary proteins: thyroid binding globulin (TBG), transthyretin (TTR), and albumin.

    Thyroxine is found bound to TBG in concentrations 1020 times greater than T3, and

    neither bound T4 nor bound T3 are directly available to tissues. Only the unbound or free

    portion of T4 and T3 are metabolically available at the cellular level. The free portion of T4

    represents only approximately 0.02% of total serum T4 and the free portion of T3

    represents only approximately 0.1% of total serum T3 [16] . Although most T3 (>99.5%) is

    bound to TBG, it is not as tightly bound as T4, allowing easier release into the free state.

    Thyroid binding globulin binds the major portion (70%) of circulating thyroid hormones,

    but transthyretin is physiologically more important because its lower affinity for thyroid

    hormone provides more immediate delivery of T4 and T3 into the unbound thyroid pool,

    and thus to cells. Circulating levels of thyroid transport proteins are not constant and

    fluctuate with various disease states. Increases or decreases in the levels of circulating

    transport proteins result in corresponding increases or decreases in the absolute levels of

    total serum T4 and T3. Because of stable free T4 and free T3 pools, these fluctuations do

    not routinely affect the overall thyroid state (hyper-, hypo- or euthyroid).

    Normal thyroid function, in circulating levels of T4, T3, free T4, free T3, and the

    thyrotropin feedback system, seems to remain stable throughout life. Without intrinsic

    disease of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, age does not seem to have an adverse

    effect on the function of the thyroid gland or its component parts. Although changes in

    measurable levels of total serum T4 and T3 occur as a result of changes in transport protein

    concentrations, free T4 and free T3 levels remain constant. And whereas thyroid function

    seems to remain stable throughout life, it also seems to be independent of environmental

    factors such as temperature, altitude, hypoxia, and exercise. The only significant

    environmental factor that has been shown to have a demonstrable effect on overall thyroid

  • function is the calendar. Seasonal measurements of thyrotropin levels routinely show a

    decline in the spring and an increase in the winter, with variation as much as 30% between

    seasons [17] .

    Outside of disease, other conditions have an effect on thyroid function. This is particularly

    true in pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin has a direct stimulatory effect on the

    function of the thyroid gland with increased TBG levels and decreased free T4 and free T3

    concentrations. Also during pregnancy, iodine stores are depleted because of increased

    renal clearance, making the thyroid more sensitive to iodine deficiency disorders.

    Calcitonin is produced by the thyroid C cells and inhibits osteoclastic bone metabolism.

    Calcitonin release occurs in response to increased ionized serum calcium to help maintain

    calcium homeostasis.


    Thyrotoxicosis is a hypermetabolic state that occurs when free T4, free T3, or both are

    increased, and it is a potential complication of nearly all diseases of the thyroid. Thyroid

    storm is a term applied to severe thyrotoxicosis, during which a marked increase in

    metabolic state, usually accompanied by organ system failure, places the individual at risk

    for death. Hyperthyroidism, however, represents sustained increases in thyroid hormone

    biosynthesis and secretion by the thyroid gland and may or may not represent

    thyrotoxicosis [18] .

    As with many thyroid disorders, thyrotoxicosis has a predilection for females, tends to be

    more common in northern Europeans, and is rare in blacks. The most common cause of

    spontaneous thyrotoxicosis is Graves disease, accounting for 60%90% of all cases. Silent

    and postpartum thyroiditis is next most common. Other less common but not rare causes of

    thyrotoxicosis include toxic multinodular goiter, autonomous functioning adenoma, and

    ingestion of exogenous thyroid hormone. When thyrotoxicosis occurs acutely it is most

    often caused by thyroiditis. Thyrotoxicosis associated with Graves disease has a more

    insidious course, evolving over a more protracted period. If a patient is thyrotoxic and the

    thyroid gland is not palpable, consider painless thyroiditis, unsuspected Graves disease, or

    exogenous thyroxine.

    Thyroid hormone works at the cellular level in target organs, not by way of release of

    catecholamines. This accounts for the wide diversity of symptoms seen in thyrotoxicosis

    and the variation in symptoms between different age groups. Symptoms in younger

    individuals are usually the result of sympathoadrenal activity [19] . These include tremor,

    anxiety, hyperactivity, warm/moist skin, tachycardia, wide pulse pressure, and systolic

    hypertension. In the older individual, with altered sympathetic and parasympathetic

    function, symptoms of thyrotoxicosis more often tend to be things such as cardiovascular

    dysfunction, dyspnea, weight loss, and proximal muscle weakness. Cardiovascular

    symptoms in elderly people usually consist of resting tachycardia, wide pulse pressure,

    exercise intolerance, and dyspnea on exertion. Atrial fibrillation is not common, but when it

    does occur, it occurs more often in older individuals. Other cardiovascular effects that

  • affect young and old are decreased peripheral resistance, decreased cardiac filling times,

    increased blood volume, and fluid retention. Individuals with pre-existing coronary artery

    disease may have ischemic congestive heart failure as a result of their hypermetabolic state,

    but this generally improves with appropriate antithyroid therapy. Atrial flutter, paroxysmal

    supraventricular tachycardia, premature ventricular beats, and ventricular fibrillation are

    rare as a complication of thyrotoxicosis and, should they occur, may represent unsuspected

    coronary artery disease.

    Signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure are common in young and old individuals

    with thyrotoxicosis; however, thyrotoxicosis does not cause congestive heart failure [19] .

    Dependent peripheral edema, especially of the lower extremities and sacral area, occurs

    frequently with thyrotoxicosis, but not because of congestive heart failure. Thyrotoxicosis

    causes a decrease in effective circulating arterial volume. This causes an increase in

    aldosterone secretion. The elevated levels of aldosterone result in increased sodium and

    water retention, leading to edema. All symptoms suggestive of congestive heart failure

    resolve quickly with appropriate antithyroid therapy. Periorbital edema, when seen in

    association with thyrotoxicosis, is caused by Graves disease, not fluid retention.

    Weight loss is generally considered to be a symptom of thyrotoxicosis; however, it is not

    consistent between populations. Thyrotoxicosis causes loss of fat and lean body mass, with

    lean body mass being lost in greater proportion. Loss of lean body mass contributes to the

    muscle weakness seen in thyrotoxicosis and helps explain why this is often the presenting

    complaint in elderly patients. Hyperphagia, seen more often in young patients, and fluid

    retention, seen in both, can be offsetting to loss of body mass. This can mask the actual

    amount of tissue loss and may only become apparent when a euthyroid state is re-

    established [20] . Weight loss by age group has an especially wide range, but is definitely

    skewed toward elderly patients. In 20-year-old patients, weight loss, as a clinical finding,

    occurs in approximately 52% of cases. At 40 years of age, this increases to 67%, and at 70

    years of age it is approximately 82% [21] . Weight loss statistics like these are common in

    other diseases, such as malignancy, depression, and chronic lung disease, so a thorough

    evaluation is required to insure weight loss is caused by the thyrotoxicosis and not from

    other concurrent disease processes.

    The absence of the signs or symptoms generally associated with thyrotoxicosis does not

    rule out the diagnosis, nor is there correlation between severity of symptoms and

    abnormality of laboratory tests [22] . Thyroid storm is a case in point. Thyroid storm is a rare

    complication of thyrotoxicosis, but it is perhaps the only acute thyroid disease that has a

    mortality rate that can be as high as 75%, depending on how quickly it is recognized and

    treated [23] . Diagnosis of thyroid storm is based on clinical findings alone and does not

    relate to measured levels of circulating T4, T3, or thyrotropin. Thyroid storm is often

    precipitated by infection that can mask the thyrotoxic state. Clinical findings in thyroid

    storm include hyperpyrexia (>102 F), tachycardia out of proportion to temperature,

    gastrointestinal dysfunction (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice), and dysfunction of the

    central nervous system (marked hyperirritability, anxiety, confusion, apathy, coma). There

    is usually pronounced decompensation in function of one or more organ systems. Any

    patient presenting with goiter, fever, and marked tachycardia should be considered to be in

    thyroid storm and treated accordingly. Treatment of thyroid storm includes antithyroid

  • drugs, beta-adrenergic blocking drugs, antipyretics, aggressive fluid replacement, and

    treatment of any underlying infection.

    After Graves disease and thyroiditis, all other causes of thyrotoxicosis are rare, with none

    accounting for more than 2% of the total. Factitious thyroiditis is the most common

    nonthyroid cause of thyrotoxicosis and seems similar to Graves disease on routine

    laboratory tests. If the etiology of the thyrotoxic state is unclear, however, differentiation is

    done easily with radioisotope imaging. The thyroid gland enhances in Graves disease but

    does not in factitious thyrotoxicosis.

    Apathetic thyrotoxicosis is an uncommon presentation of thyrotoxicosis, but it represents

    the most common mental disorder associated with excess thyroid hormone production or

    release [24] . Symptoms include apathy, lethargy, pseudodementia, weight loss, and

    depressed mood. It usually occurs in elder patients without symptoms of tachycardia,

    hyperphagia, sweating, warm skin, or goiter [24] . This syndrome is easily confused with

    depression or dementia and, unless specifically looked for, is easy to miss. A screening

    thyrotropin level should be included in every depression or dementia workup.

    Laboratory diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis is easy and uncomplicated. Circulating levels of

    free T4 or free T3 are increased with low to immeasurable levels of thyrotropin (

  • thyroid storm. Severe thyrotoxic symptoms unresponsive to all of the above regimens may

    respond to sodium ipodate at 500 mgm per day.

    Once acute symptoms are controlled, treatment of the primary cause can be considered.

    This could include watchful waiting in the case of thyroiditis, surgery for an autonomously

    functioning adenoma, or 131[I] in Graves disease.

    Subclinical thyrotoxicosis is a laboratory diagnosis, defined by normal free T4 and freeT3

    levels with a low thyrotropin level (20 mU/L). Subclinical hypothyroidism is

    defined by normal T4, normal T3, and mildly elevated thyrotropin (520 mU/L). Again,

    clinical symptoms and findings may or may not correlate with these laboratory values.

    On average, postmenopausal women have a 10% incidence of subclinical hypothyroidism [8] . As already indicated, diagnosis of hypothyroidism is difficult by clinical examination

    alone [4] . Early detection and treatment could positively impact associated diseases such as

    osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia, and heart disease [26] [27] . The American College of Physicians

    recommends thyrotropin screening in all women over the age of 50 years [5] [7] [28] . When

    this is done, initial screening identifies women with overt hypothyroidism, providing

    opportunity for intervention. It also identifies women with subclinical disease. Although

    there is no disagreement about treating women with overt (albeit mild) disease, there is

    disagreement as to whether empiric treatment of subclinical disease is beneficial. Some

    experts suggest that treatment of subclinical disease may decrease risks for hypothyroid-

    induced cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis should the person progress to overt disease [26] [27] [29] . And, although this remains controversial, there is a subgroup of individuals with

    subclinical hypothyroidism that can be identified by way of laboratory testing for whom the

  • treatment conundrum is less controversial. Members of this subgroup have normal thyroid

    hormone levels, increased thyrotropin levels and, in addition, the presence of antithyroid

    antibodies. This group, with elevated antithyroid antibody titers, is especially at risk,

    converting to overt disease at the rate of 5%20% per year [7] .

    Central hypothyroidism is caused by the absence of circulating thyrotropin as a result of

    pituitary or hypothalamic failure. The incidence of this, as an isolated lesion, is so

    extremely rare as not to be considered. Thus, when central hypothyroidism is seen, it is

    almost always in conjunction with some other pituitary failure syndrome. In these cases, the

    predominant symptoms are caused by the absence of other pituitary hormones, not because

    of hypothyroidism. Laboratory tests show low T4, low T3, and low thyrotropin.

    Hypothyroidism involves most organ systems to varying degrees. The level of involvement

    at each target organ correlates with the duration and amount of decrease in circulating T4.

    Organ systems most affected are the integument, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal,

    musculoskeletal, hemopoietic, endocrine, and neuropsychiatric.

    Thyroid hormone effects and regulates epidermal growth. Ninety percent of individuals

    with inadequate circulating T4 have scaly skin because of overproduction of keratin.

    Alopecia and brittle hair and nails are also common. Decreased skin perfusion is often

    noted and, although this may represent a cardiovascular effect, it may also represent a

    physiologic response to conserve core heat in a hypometabolic state [30] .

    Cardiovascular effects of hypothyroidism include increased peripheral resistance, decreased

    systolic blood pressure, increased diastolic blood pressure, bradycardia, and impaired left

    ventricular contractility. Pericardial effusion occurs in up to 50% of individuals, and cases

    of Torsades de Pointes (long QT interval with ventricular tachycardia) have been reported [27] . As is the case with the cardiac symptoms seen in thyrotoxicosis, none of the changes

    that occur are caused by decreased myocardial function and they all correct with euthyroid

    doses of levothyroxine. Total serum cholesterol levels are consistently increased over


    Hypomotility is the most common symptom affecting the gastrointestinal tract, ranging

    from mild obstipation to pseudo-obstruction and paralytic ileus. Dysphagia is not

    uncommon. Atrophic gastritis is seen occasionally, and in long-standing hypothyroidism

    this can lead to decreased absorption of vitamin B12 and pernicious anemia [31] .

    Anemia is one of the most common findings in hypothyroidism, occurring in 25%50% of

    individuals [31] . The two primary causes for this are depleted B12 stores and decreased renal

    blood flow. Primary treatment of the anemia is T4 replacement, but depleted B12 stores

    may need to be replaced until the gastric mucosa has had a chance to regenerate.

    Hypothyroidism is a rare cause of acquired von Willebrand disease, and adults newly

    diagnosed with this clotting disorder should have a thyrotropin level drawn [32] [33] [34] .

    The endocrine system is universally affected by decreased circulating T4. Growth hormone

    secretion is decreased and the action of growth hormone at the cellular level is depressed.

    Prolactin is increased and can be a cause of galactorrhea [35] . Hypothyroidism is the cause

  • of galactorrhea in approximately 5% of cases. Obtaining a thyrotropin level before a CT or

    MRI scan of the head in the evaluation of galactorrhea is indicated [36] . Schmidt syndrome

    is primary adrenocortical insufficiency in association with primary hypothyroidism that

    occurs most often in women between the ages 20 and 50 years. It has a genetic

    predisposition and an autoimmune basis. Addison disease can present with an elevated

    thyrotropin level that corrects with replacement of glucocorticoid. If the thyrotropin value

    is >20 mU/L, however, this represents Schmidt syndrome and treatment must include T4

    replacement. Schmidt syndrome may represent a form of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.

    Neuropsychiatric disease is common in hypothyroidism. Symptoms vary from mild to

    severe, and include inattentiveness, inability to concentrate, slowing of thought process,

    inability to calculate, inability to understand complex questions, poor recent memory, poor

    late memory, decreased ability to perform activities of daily living, decreased learning

    capability, and it often leads to perseveration. Review of these symptoms in the context of

    elderly patients suggests that evaluation of any person for early dementia requires a serum

    thyrotropin level.

    Hypothyroidism has minimal effect on either the pulmonary or renal system. However,

    hypothyroidism has been shown to be a significant cause of sleep apnea [37] . Although

    obesity is without doubt the most common cause of sleep apnea in men, a screening

    thyrotropin level to rule out this treatable cause is indicated in every sleep apnea evaluation [37] .

    Treatment of hypothyroidism, whether subclinical or overt, is easy using levothyroxine.

    The goal of therapy in primary hypothyroidism is T4 dosing sufficient to achieve a serum

    thyrotropin level in the normal range (0.55.0 mU/L). Treating to a low thyrotropin level


  • of those treated. Of the remaining 62%, 46% showed no change and only 16% got worse,

    which again supports the idea that judicious T4 replacement in patients at risk for ischemic

    myocardial events is safe and appropriate [42] .


    Most disease states that commonly affect the thyroid gland fall within the general

    classification of autoimmune diseases [43] . The antibodies that form have either direct

    destructive effect on the thyroid gland or cause abnormal function of some phase of thyroid

    metabolism. The most common and best understood of these autoantibodies are

    thyroglobulin antibodies (Tg abs), TSH receptor-stimulator antibodies (TSH RS abs), TSH

    receptor-blocker antibodies (TSH RB abs), and thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO abs).

    Histologically, it can be seen easily that the primary process that occurs with autoimmune

    disease of the thyroid is cytotoxicity, although the exact mechanism of injury to the gland is

    not well understood [44] . This process has been definitively identified with TPO antibodies

    but probably occurs with others also [43] .

    Autoimmune diseases usually occur when there is failure of T-cell tolerance as a result of

    a combination of genetic and non-genetic factors [44] . These factors make the patient

    susceptible to several nonthyroid autoimmune diseases; thus, it is common to see other

    autoimmune diseases in individuals with thyroid autoimmune disease [45] . There also seems

    to be a relationship between other areas of disease and health and the presence or absence

    of thyroid antibodies. For example, it has been shown that depressed postmenopausal

    women are three times more likely to have high serum antithyroid antibody titers than

    normal individuals, even when the depressed individuals are clinically and serologically

    euthyroid [46] . Also, low or absent titers for antithyroid antibodies are consistently found in

    healthy centenarians [47] . These two examples of a relationship between antithyroid

    antibody levels and either disease or health, respectively, suggest that antithyroid antibodies

    contribute in some way to nonthyroid disease, or conversely, there is an unidentified factor

    related to the development of antithyroid antibodies that protects and tempers the aging

    process [29] .

    Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO abs) and thyroglobulin antibodies (Tg abs) are found

    in most individuals (90%) with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto thyroiditis) [1] [48] . Thyroid peroxidase antibodies are considered to be the primary cause of the disease [49] .

    Both of these antibodies are found in a wide variety of individuals who seem to have

    normal thyroid function, however, so the exact significance of their presence is not clear.

    Thyroglobulin antibodies in particular are found in 10% of normal people, 20% of people

    with thyroid cancer, and in 40%70% of individuals with Graves disease. They are also

    detectable in approximately 15% of women over age 60 years [50] .

    TSH receptor-stimulator antibodies (TSH RS abs) were first identified more than 45 years

    ago and were originally called LATS (long acting thyroid stimulator) because of their

    perceived action on the thyroid gland. They have since been identified as the cause of

    Graves disease. Laboratory testing for these antibodies is still qualitative, but there is some

    predictive value to them. Euthyroid patients with TSH RS abs are at high risk for

  • developing Graves disease at some point in the future, and individuals whose titers remain

    high on antithyroid therapy are at increased risk for relapse [51] . At present, laboratory

    technique is not sufficiently sensitive to determine, at the outset, which patient is at risk,

    but when this becomes available, it will greatly improve the treatment decision-making

    process in early Graves disease [52] . TSH receptor-blocker antibodies (TSH RB abs) are

    occasionally found in Graves disease but the significance is not known. Hypothyroid

    individuals are routinely found to have blocker antibodies.

    The role of TPO abs in nonthyroid disease is unclear, but several studies suggest a

    relationship. One study of patients with the goitrous form of autoimmune thyroiditis with

    high serum TPO abs has shown an improved prognosis with breast cancer compared with

    control subjects [53] . A second study reported an increased incidence of Helicobacter pylori

    infection in patients with hypothyroidism secondary to the atrophic form of the disease [54] .

    The clinical implications of both of these studies are unclear but, as noted previously, they

    do seem to demonstrate a definitive relationship between antithyroid antibodies and health

    and disease.


    Graves disease is an autoimmune thyroid disorder that is caused by the presence of TSH

    receptor-stimulator antibodies. TSH receptor-stimulator antibodies (TSH RS abs) have been

    identified as a G immunoglobulin (IgG) that attaches itself to receptor sites in the

    follicular cell of the thyroid gland, causing the cell to act as if stimulated by pituitary

    secreted thyrotropin [55] . When this occurs, the thyroid gland functions in an autonomous

    manner, stimulated internally by the TSH RS abs, and the normal thyroxine-thyrotropin

    negative-feedback system is ineffective. The net result is excess production of T4 and T3 in

    the follicle, initially causing hyperthyroidism and ultimately thyrotoxicosis. Also, because

    of the presence of these autoantibodies, Graves disease has an extremely high recurrence

    rate of 40%70% [56] .

    Two other antithyroid antibodies are found in Graves disease that do not seem to have

    direct causative effect on the disease but are important for other reasons. The first is TSH

    receptor-blocking antibody (TSH RB abs), and when it is present it seems to ameliorate, to

    some degree, symptoms experienced by the patient with Graves disease. This antibody

    binds to the same receptor site as TSH RS abs but it has an opposite effect, blocking

    cellular response to TSH, thereby countering the affect of the TSH RS abs. This blocking

    effect results in a less pronounced hyperthyroid state. The other antithyroid antibody found

    in some patients with Graves disease is thyroid peroxidase antibody. Approximately 20%

    of patients with Graves disease develop chronic autoimmune thyroiditis as a result of this

    antibody [57] .

    Although it is well known that Graves disease is a response to TSH RS abs, it is not known

    why some individuals produce these antibodies [56] . Theories suggest antibody formation is

    of viral origin, environmental factors, stress-related, or even pregnancy-induced, but none

    of these satisfies all cases [58] [59] . Some factors that are common and, if not causative, may

    serve as a catalyst are female gender between 3060 years of age, family history of

  • autoimmune thyroid disease, history of other autoimmune diseases, cigarette smoking, and

    a history of neck irradiation.

    Graves disease is identified by five specific clinical findings, although each may not be

    clinically evident in every case. The five clinical findings include thyrotoxicosis, goiter,

    ophthalmopathy, local myxedema, and acropachy. As already discussed, the cause of the

    thyrotoxicosis seen in Graves disease is clear, but there is no ready explanation as to the

    cause of the other four clinical findings.

    Antithyroid antibodies were discovered in the 1950s. Soon thereafter it was shown that a

    cause and effect relationship existed between these newly discovered antithyroid antibodies

    and Graves disease. The presence of these antibodies only helped to explain the acute

    symptoms (thyrotoxicosis), however, and not those that seemed to come later (eg,

    ophthalmopathy, myxedema). Thus, it was speculated that the clinical findings in Graves

    disease were caused by two substances, not one. The substance that was believed to be

    responsible for the late findings of the disease was labeled LATS (long acting thyroid

    stimulator). It was many years later when it was finally recognized that LATS was actually

    the same as TSH RS abs. At the present time it is unclear whether TSH RS abs is

    responsible for all the clinical findings of Graves disease or if there is still another

    unidentified substance waiting to be uncovered. Goiter is the most common clinical finding

    in Graves disease, after thyrotoxicosis, and it occurs in nearly 100% of patients [60] . Goiter

    is, in fact, so common that when it occurs in a postmenopausal woman with thyrotoxicosis,

    it is sufficient for diagnosis until proven otherwise.

    Ophthalmopathy of Graves disease is common and, although not always clinically evident,

    it can be found in 70% of cases if measurements are made by way of computed tomography

    (CT) [61] . Clinically significant ophthalmopathy, however, occurs in only approximately

    10%25% of cases. Of these, approximately 5% are considered severe with potential for


    Ophthalmopathy occurs five times more often in women than men and usually appears

    coincident with the onset of thyrotoxicosis. Smokers are more prone to develop

    ophthalmopathy, and when it occurs in men it is more often severe [62] . Twenty-eight

    percent of all cases of unilateral ophthalmopathy are the result of Graves disease, however,

    when ophthalmopathy occurs in Graves disease it is almost always bilateral. The incidence

    of unilateral disease in Graves is so uncommon that its occurrence requires clinical

    evaluation for unrelated, coincidental, retrobulbar disease [63] . The usual course from onset

    of symptoms for approximately two thirds of patients with Graves ophthalmopathy is a

    gradual worsening during the first 36 months, which is followed by a stable period of

    variable length, and finally spontaneous resolution. Of the remaining one third of

    individuals who are affected, half remain stable indefinitely and half worsen with time [64] .

    Complications of ophthalmopathy are the result of increased retrobulbar connective tissue

    and hypertrophy and fibrosis of the extraocular muscles. Untreated severe proptosis leads to

    exposure keratitis and blindness caused by corneal drying.

    Initial treatment for ophthalmopathy is generally not indicated unless there is significant lid

    retraction or optic nerve injury. Steroids, cyclosporine A, and octreotide have been used

  • with some success [65] . Surgical debulking of the retrobulbar space is reserved only for

    severe cases but it does not prevent fibrosis. There is one study that looked at the effect

    definitive treatment for Graves disease had on ophthalmopathy. This study compared the

    degree and severity of ophthalmopathy as it related to the various treatment options. The

    study showed a worsening of ophthalmopathy in 33% of patients who were treated with 131[I] early in their disease. This compared with a worsening in only 10% of patients treated

    with antithyroid drugs and 16% of patients treated surgically (thyroidectomy) [66] .

    The last two clinical findings in Graves disease are localized myxedema and thyroid

    acropachy. Localized myxedema is skin thickening. It is uncommon, rarely occurs

    independent of clinically significant ophthalmopathy, and is usually limited to the pretibial

    areas. Treatment is topical application of glucocorticoids. Acropachy is soft-tissue swelling

    of the hands and feet. It is extremely rare and virtually unheard of as an isolated finding.

    There is no specific treatment for acropachy.

    Laboratory results necessary to diagnose Graves disease include an elevated serum free T4

    and free T3, absence of thyrotropin (20. In all other causes of

    thyrotoxicosis the ratio of T3 to T4 is


    Thyroiditis occurs in several forms that are differentiated by cause and symptomatology [70]

    . Terminology is somewhat confusing, as each form of thyroiditis is known by many

    names. The most common forms are chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, silent thyroiditis,

    postpartum thyroiditis, and subacute thyroiditis. Three of these four are autoimmune

    diseases, whereas the fourth, subacute thyroiditis, is most likely of viral origin [71] . Silent

    thyroiditis and postpartum thyroiditis can recur, but, together with subacute thyroiditis, they

    are considered to be self-limited diseases. Autoimmune thyroiditis, however, is a chronic

    progressive disease [71] [72] [73] . Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis is associated with high serum

    levels of antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO abs) and occasionally has high serum

    levels of antithyroglobulin antibodies also. The destructive process in autoimmune

    thyroiditis is different from that seen in silent or postpartum thyroiditis, occurring gradually

    over a protracted period, and it is not a self-limited disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis rarely

    presents with thyrotoxicosis and the end result of the disease process is stromal fibrosis

    and overt hypothyroidism. Silent and postpartum thyroiditis, on the other hand, are

    destructive forms of thyroiditis that are associated with antithyroid (microsomal) and

    antithyroglobulin antibodies. They usually present with overt thyrotoxicosis and are self-

    limited without residual injury to the thyroid gland.

    With all four forms of thyroiditis, the primary mechanism of injury to the thyroid gland is a

    cytotoxic, destructive process that releases stored thyroid hormone into the peripheral

    circulation. When this occurs it may precipitate a hyperthyroid state of short, but sometimes

    intense, duration. Once the thyroid hormone stores are depleted, the acute hyperthyroid

    phase is replaced by a transient period of hypothyroidism that is eventually followed by a

    return to a euthyroid state. The degree of thyroidal injury is the major determinant of the

    severity of the hyperthyroid phase and the duration of the hypothyroid phase. Long-term

    prognosis in all but chronic autoimmune thyroiditis is return to a euthyroid condition.

    Presenting symptoms of thyroiditis range from thyrotoxicosis to frank goiter to overt

    hypothyroidism. Accurate diagnosis is important to prevent inappropriate treatments early

    in the course of the disease and to adequately address long-term potential and followup [74] .

    For patients presenting with goiter or pregnancy, this becomes especially important. Early

    determination that thyroiditis is the cause of thyrotoxicosis rather than some other disease

    process, such as Graves disease, is essential, because the hyperthyroid state created by

    thyroiditis is caused by excessive release of thyroid hormone (a destructive process) and

    not by overproduction. Because antithyroid drugs have minimal affect on circulating

    thyroid hormone, their use in treating thyrotoxicosis seen in association with thyroiditis is

    not beneficial and may, in fact, significantly delay recovery to a euthyroid state.

    Decisions concerning which laboratory tests to obtain in thyroiditis are made based on

    presenting symptoms and can range throughout the thyroid spectrum, depending on where

    the patient is in the course of the disease. When symptoms are acute, circulating levels of

    thyroid hormone are significantly increased, whereas thyrotropin is normal to slightly

    decreased. Findings such as this should make for high clinical suspicion of thyroiditis. An

    acute phase radioisotope scan, if obtained, shows marked decrease in thyroid gland activity

  • (2% at 24 hours) that effectively eliminates Graves disease and other overproduction

    processes. During the posthyperthyroid phase, thyrotropin levels may be elevated and may

    remain elevated for many weeks before returning to normal. This period of increased

    thyrotropin represents a self-limited subclinical hypothyroidism and treatment is not

    generally indicated as long as the patient is improving clinically.

    Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis

    Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis is a destructive process with a predilection for women [75] .

    It accounts for most hypothyroidism in countries, such as the United States, where dietary

    iodine is adequate [1] [76] . This disease is also known as Hashimoto thyroiditis and chronic

    lymphocytic thyroiditis, and it occurs in two forms, goitrous and atrophic. It is unclear why

    one form occurs versus the other [49] . The various names given to this disease provide some

    descriptive, but not substantive, benefit to understanding the nature of the disease but not

    its cause, which seems to be an autoimmune process with production of multiple

    antithyroid antibodies [48] . Antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO abs) and

    antithyroglobulin antibodies (Tg abs) are present in >90% of patients with autoimmune

    thyroiditis, and it seems the primary destructive antibody is the cytotoxic TPO abs. As with

    all of the autoimmune thyroid diseases, the precipitating events for antibody formation in

    chronic autoimmune thyroiditis is not known, but excess dietary iodine, radiation, lithium,

    chronic hepatitis, and hepatitis C have been implicated [77] . There is no evidence to support

    an infectious cause.

    Initial presentation of autoimmune thyroiditis is usually subclinical or overt

    hypothyroidism, painless goiter, or both [78] . Rare presentation with thyrotoxicosis occurs,

    and when it does, especially if accompanied by goiter, differentiation from Graves disease

    is important because of differences in long-term medical management [79] . Early treatment

    of the goitrous form of the disease with levothyroxine, even with normal thyrotropin levels,

    yields a one-third resolution of goiter within 2 years. Continued treatment can increase

    goiter resolution as much as 71% at 48 years [80] . Early treatment of the atrophic form of

    the disease with levothyroxine does not seem to offer any benefit [81] . Chronic autoimmune

    thyroiditis progresses to overt hypothyroidism at approximately 5% per year [2] . Annual

    screening with serum thyrotropin levels is appropriate to provide early recognition of overt


    There is a definite association between chronic autoimmune thyroiditis and primary B-cell

    lymphoma of the thyroid. One study that looked at patients with primary thyroid lymphoma

    found a 100% incidence of autoimmune thyroiditis [82] . Thus, any change in the size or

    characteristics of the thyroid gland in patients with a history of chronic autoimmune

    thyroiditis requires aggressive evaluation, including imaging and tissue sampling.

    Silent Thyroiditis and Postpartum Thyroiditis

    Silent and postpartum thyroiditis are autoimmune disorders, diagnosed by elevated levels

    of antithyroid (microsomal) antibodies [81] . There is no strong evidence to support that they

  • represent two distinct disease entities and, for purposes of this article, they are treated as the

    same disease [83] .

    Thyroiditis can occur spontaneously (silent or sporadic) or can be associated with

    pregnancy (postpartum) [10] . When associated with pregnancy, recurrent episodes occur in

    approximately 70% of subsequent pregnancies [84] . It is also common in individuals with a

    family history of similar disease or with other autoimmune thyroid disorders [10] [85] . Women

    who are positive for antithyroid antibodies in the first trimester of pregnancy or at delivery

    have an especially high incidence of the disease. Silent/postpartum thyroiditis is considered

    self-limiting, but the incidence of hypothyroidism 24 years after the initial episode in all

    individuals is approximately 20% [86] . The incidence of hypothyroidism increases with

    multiparity, history of spontaneous abortion, absence of a hyperthyroid (thyrotoxic) phase,

    or presence of severe hypothyroidism during the initial attack. It is more common in

    individuals with high antithyroid antibody titers. Results of laboratory tests in

    silent/postpartum thyroiditis have been previously described.

    Pain is unusual in this form of thyroiditis and there are few other clinical symptoms once

    the hyperthyroid phase has passed. Because there are so few acute symptoms outside of the

    short-lived thyrotoxic phase, treatment is not required [87] . In rare cases in which the

    hypothyroid phase is prolonged as determined by low free T4 levels, not elevated

    thyrotropin levels, short-term replacement of thyroxine may be required, but this can

    generally be discontinued in 36 months.

    Although silent/postpartum thyroiditis is sometimes suggested as a cause for postpartum

    depression, clinical studies have not shown this to be the case [88] . Routine screening for

    this disorder in postpartum depression is not indicated. Signs and symptoms of

    hypothyroidism can mimic depression, however, and, although perhaps not causative, the

    presence of hypothyroidism can make management of postpartum depression more

    difficult. Excluding hypothyroidism as a comorbid condition may be justified.

    Subacute Thyroiditis

    Subacute thyroiditis is also known as De Quervain thyroiditis, giant cell thyroiditis, and

    pseudo-granulomatous thyroiditis. As with many other thyroid diseases, the multitude of

    names have descriptive value but not substantive value.

    The exact cause of subacute thyroiditis is unknown, but it does not seem to be an

    autoimmune mediated disease as is the case with other forms of thyroiditis. Most of the

    evidence, albeit circumstantial, strongly suggests subacute thyroiditis is secondary to a viral

    infection [71] . Evidence to support this conclusion includes the fact episodes of the disease

    often follow upper respiratory infections with a prodrome of fever, muscle aches, and

    malaise. The disease also tends to be seasonal and geographic, corresponding closely with

    peaks in enterovirus infections. Adenovirus, Coxsackie virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and

    influenza virus have also been associated with the disease [71] .

  • Subacute thyroiditis is unique in how it presents compared with other forms of thyroiditis.

    The most common presenting complaint is a painful and tender neck. Other symptoms

    include fever, malaise, and sore throat, closely resembling mononucleosis. When a

    diagnosis of seronegative mononucleosis is made, subacute thyroiditis should be considered

    as an alternative.

    Results of thyroid function tests in subacute thyroiditis vary depending on the phase of the

    disease. Antithyroid antibody titers are usually negative, thyrotropin levels are generally

    normal to slightly low, and erythrocyte sedimentation rates are high. This latter is in

    contradistinction to silent/postpartum thyroiditis in which the erythrocyte sedimentation

    rate is normal. Abnormal liver enzymes are not uncommon and can further confuse the

    diagnosis [89] .

    Subacute thyroiditis is self-limited, usually resolving in 13 months. An enlarged thyroid

    gland may persist for several months, but all symptoms and physical findings should be

    gone by 6 months. There is rarely any long-term sequelae and, because the recurrence rate


  • cellular and glandular activity and leading to increased mass [92] . De novo goiter formation

    seems to represent some form of failure in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid feedback

    system. The most common cause for this failure worldwide is iodine deficiency, but the

    exact mechanism by which this occurs in individuals in areas with adequate iodine intake is

    not clear. There is speculation about a thyroid growth-stimulator, but this has not yet

    been identified [93] . Goiter formation can also be precipitated by some food groups that are

    known to be goitrogenic, however, this occurs primarily in iodine deficient areas of the


    Pregnancy is known to stimulate the thyroid gland [10] . In the United States, a large portion

    of dietary iodine comes from iodized salt. Severe restriction of salt intake during pregnancy

    may result in marginal dietary iodine intake, especially in individuals who do not eat fish.

    This can lead to goiter formation. When dietary iodine is taken during pregnancy in

    quantities well above daily requirements, it can cause neonatal goiter formation.

    Unsuspected dietary sources include such things as food supplements or health foods.

    Goiter formation in the fetus is caused by the sensitive inhibitory effect of iodine on the

    fetal thyroid gland. Fortunately this goiter formation is a benign process and the goiter

    resolves spontaneously a few months after birth.

    Nodular and multinodular goiters are variations of the same process and can present as a

    toxic or nontoxic condition [40] . Nontoxic goiter progresses to nodular development that,

    when long-standing, may organize into adenomas. Nontoxic nodular or multinodular goiter

    is generally a benign process in a euthyroid individual, and cosmetic considerations or local

    symptom relief determines treatment. Diagnosis is made clinically with confirmation by

    ultrasonography. Patients with goiter should not be given iodine-rich radiographic contrast

    agents because of a risk for precipitating iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis.

    Toxic adenoma and toxic multinodular goiter are effectively the same disease except for the

    number of functional units. Toxic multinodular goiter accounts for

  • Cysts and nodules are frequent findings at ultrasound. They increase in frequency with age

    and are more common in women. Most cysts and nodules found are

  • causing thyrotoxicosis and have an increased incidence of malignancy [94] [95] [97] .

    Adenomas, on average, become functional at the rate of approximately 4% per year. For

    this reason, careful observation of an adenoma in an older person is important because

    unrecognized thyrotoxicosis can exacerbate coexisting diseases [101] . It is also important to

    monitor for changes in size. Rapid enlargement of a stable nodule, with or without pain,

    suggests either hemorrhage or an anaplastic process. Rapid growth of any thyroid mass in a

    patient with a history of nonthyroid cancer suggests metastatic disease.


    In the general population of the United States the incidence of primary malignancy of the

    thyroid is extremely rare, being 2.5 cm or an

    enlarging adenoma in a euthyroid individual. An adenoma that fits these criteria has a 5%

    15% incidence of being malignant [100] [103] [104] [105] . Other risk factors include history of head

    and neck irradiation in childhood and a family history of thyroid malignancy. Papillary and

    follicular carcinomas are minimally aggressive and have a slow rate of growth; thus,

    individuals who are diagnosed and treated early have a better than 95% cure rate [106] .

    Diffuse sclerosing adenocarcinoma is a variant of follicular carcinoma that is found in

    young people, and one that usually involves the entire gland. This tumor, at the time of

    diagnosis, is often metastatic to regional lymph nodes and occasionally to the lungs. Initial

    presentation can be an enlarged, sometimes cystic, cervical node.

    Medullary carcinoma, also known as C cell carcinoma, can occur sporadically in the

    population or in association with other endocrine abnormalities. Specific examples include

    multiple endocrine neoplasia IIA (MEN IIA, or Sipple syndrome) and MEN IIB (mucosal

    neuroma syndrome). Prognosis for medullary carcinoma when it occurs in Sipple syndrome

    is better than when found in association with MEN IIB or when it arises de novo.

    Medullary carcinoma almost always produces calcitonin and this is often the trigger for

  • initial diagnosis. The natural course of the disease is local invasion of lymphatics and blood

    vessels with metastases to cervical lymph nodes. Patients presenting with renal calculi,

    hypercalcemia, or malignant hypertension should be evaluated for possible medullary


    Lymphoma within the thyroid gland can be primary or secondary. Primary lymphoma has a

    high association with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis [82] . Secondary lymphoma appears in

    the thyroid gland in approximately 20% of cases [82] .



    Serious illness has been shown to affect laboratory tests for thyroid function, but there is no

    clear evidence that this reflects a disease state [107] . Because there does not seem to be any

    direct adverse effect from these changes on the overall clinical condition of the patient, this

    condition has become known as the sick euthyroid syndrome.

    In general terms, the sick euthyroid syndrome is of academic interest alone and does not

    have direct bearing on the clinical course of the patient. Several studies, however, have

    looked at the predictive value of abnormal thyroid function tests when applied to survival

    outcomes in patients seriously ill with nonthyroid diseases. In these studies, mortality was

    predicted based on the level of circulating thyroxine, independent of other thyroid

    parameters. If serum T4 was 30 ugm/dL had a 56% sensitivity and a 100% specificity. What was most

    interesting was that when these two were combined (ie, a T4 level 30 ugm/dL, the sensitivity for predicting mortality increased to 100% and the

    specificity increased to 86%. The studies concluded that the predictive value for death in

    seriously ill patients with nonthyroid diseases, using these parameters, was better than the

    APACHE II score commonly in use [108] .


    Drugs affect thyroid function in a variety of ways: inhibition of synthesis and secretion of

    thyroid hormone, competition for thyroid hormone transport in the circulation, altered

    thyroid hormone metabolism, and interference with action of thyroid hormone at the target


    Synthesis and Secretion

    Drugs that affect synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone and have therapeutic benefit

    are the antithyroid drugs in the class thionamides. These drugs are used in the acute

    treatment of thyrotoxicosis. The three drugs in this class are propylthiouracil (PTU),

    methimazole (MMI), and carbimazole. Carbimazole is converted to MMI in vivo and is

  • available only in Europe. PTU and MMI inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis by interfering

    with thyroid peroxidase; however, PTU has the added advantage over MMI of inhibiting

    extrathyroidal conversion of T4 to T3. Because of this extra benefit, PTU tends to be the

    drug most often used in the United States. Neither PTU nor MMI can inhibit release

    (secretion) of thyroxine from the thyroid gland. PTU has a shorter half-life than MMI,

    providing the additional advantage of making titration easier.

    PTU and MMI are used orally. In conditions in which they would be of most benefit,

    hyperthyroid states and iodine deficiency states, they are absorbed quickly from the

    gastrointestinal tract. The side effect profile of both drugs is mild, with pruritis, urticarial

    rash, and fever being most common. The major serious side effect is agranulocytosis, but

    this occurs in

  • significance of these effects is not known but may account for variable responses in patients

    when medication changes are made.


    Salicylates, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, furosemide, heparin, and enoxaparin

    compete for binding sites on thyroid hormone transport proteins. Use of these drugs in

    acute disease can potentially exacerbate thyrotoxic symptoms by release of thyroid

    hormone into the free circulation. When these drugs are used in stable patients, they can

    cause false elevations of laboratory values for total T4 and T3 levels. Thyrotropin, free T4,

    and free T3 levels of patients who have thyroid disease and who are taking any of these

    medications should be monitored on a regular basis.


    Phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and rifampin stimulate hepatic enzymatic

    activity, thus shortening thyroid hormone clearance times and increasing conversion of T4

    to T3. Sucralfate, cholestyramine, calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, soy products,

    and ferrous sulfate inhibit absorption of exogenous levothyroxine from the gut.

    Several drugs affect metabolism by inhibition of the de-iodination of T4 to T3 in the

    peripheral circulation. These drugs fall into two categories, iodinated and noniodinated. The

    iodinated compounds include lipid soluble radiographic contrast materials and amiodarone.

    The noniodinated compounds include PTU, dexamethasone, and beta-adrenergic blocking

    agents. This inhibitory affect is not generally significant clinically but can adversely affect

    laboratory values and must be accounted for in the clinical setting.


    Drugs that affect action at the tissue level and have therapeutic benefit block the effect of

    thyroid hormone on target tissues [23] [67] . These drugs include beta-adrenergic blocking

    agents that block the effect of excess thyroid hormone at the cellular level, and

    benzodiazepines that block T3 uptake at the cell level. Calcium channel blocking agents

    inhibit uptake of thyroid hormone by hepatic and muscle cells.


    Thyroid disease is evaluated and diagnosed using the clinical laboratory, radiographic

    imaging studies, and tissue sampling. The clinical laboratory is the primary modality and

    provides most of the information necessary to adequately assess a thyroid disorder.

    Additional diagnostic or confirmatory data are obtained from radioisotope scanning and

    ultrasound imaging. If a definitive diagnosis is not determined with laboratory and imaging

    studies, tissue can be obtained with fine needle aspiration or surgery.

  • Clinical Laboratory

    Laboratory studies for the diagnosis of thyroid disorders are few and simple to understand.

    Most of the thyroid gland's functions can be assessed with a serum thyrotropin level, serum

    total and free T4 levels, and serum total and free T3 levels. Thyroglobulin levels and

    thyroid binding globulin levels help decipher inconsistencies in the function tests.

    Additional diagnostic studies include antithyroid antibody levels for antithyroglobulin

    antibodies (Tg abs), antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO abs), TSH receptor-stimulator

    antibodies (TSH RS abs), and TSH receptor-blocker antibodies (TSH RB abs) [114] . Serum

    levels also can be determined for transthyretin (TTR) should there be a question concerning

    thyroid hormone transport. The meaning, use, and implication of each of these tests, in

    relation to specific diseases, were discussed earlier.

    The single most useful screening test for thyroid dysfunction is serum thyrotropin [115] .

    Normal thyrotropin levels (0.55.0 mU/L) effectively rule out hyperthyroidism and

    hypothyroidism. When the serum thyrotropin level is in the normal range, obtaining serum

    T4 and T3 levels is not indicated. With the exceptions of a thyrotropin-producing pituitary

    adenoma or pituitary failure, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can be diagnosed

    exclusively from a serum thyrotropin level. Thyrotropin levels between 520 mU/L are

    consistent with subclinical hypothyroidism. Levels greater than 20 mU/L are consistent

    with overt hypothyroidism. Thyrotropin levels to diagnose subclinical hyperthyroidism are

    less than 0.5 mU/L when serum T4 and T3 levels are normal. Thyrotropin levels less than

    0.01 mU/L are diagnostic of thyrotoxicosis. Regular measurement of serum thyrotropin is

    used to titrate levothyroxine replacement doses in hypothyroid patients and to regulate the

    dose of antithyroid drugs in thyrotoxic patients [114] .

    Altered thyroid transport-protein binding can increase or decrease total serum T4 or T3

    levels without affecting euthyroid status. When this occurs, the condition is known as

    euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia or euthyroid hypothyroxinemia. Coincident levels of free T4

    and free T3 are normal.

    Thyroid binding globulin increases with oral estrogen and pregnancy; this causes an

    increase in total serum thyroid hormone but it does not affect free T4 and free T3 levels [10] .

    A thyrotropin level and free T4 and T3 levels help explain and support a diagnosis of

    euthyroid state.

    Antithyroid antibody titers are required to accurately diagnosis Graves disease, chronic

    autoimmune thyroiditis, silent thyroiditis, and postpartum thyroiditis. Pre- and post-

    treatment antibody levels are useful, but not definitive, in predicting remission and relapse

    potential [51] [52] .

    Imaging Studies

    Imaging studies that are used to assess and diagnosis thyroid disorders include

    ultrasonography, scintigraphy, computed tomography imaging, and magnetic resonance

  • imaging [116] . Ultrasonography provides anatomic information and scintigraphy provides

    functional information; thus, these two modalities often are used in concert to provide a

    more complete evaluation of the thyroid gland. Computed tomography and magnetic

    resonance imaging do not provide information about the functional status of the thyroid

    gland and, except for special situations, neither provides sufficiently unique information on

    anatomic structures to warrant the extra effort and expense required to obtain them. The

    exception would be evaluation of retrotracheal or retrosternal spaces and evaluation of

    invasive tumor.

    Ultrasound imaging relies on tissue interface differential for information. It is not effective

    in discerning echogenically neutral tissues nor can it visualize retrotracheal or retrosternal

    thyroid tissue. Ultrasonography is used to define simple cysts, complex or mixed cysts,

    nodules, and adenomas, and it is extremely accurate in localizing lesions for fine needle

    aspiration. Ultrasound is accurate in defining gland size and in goiter identification (80%

    90%) compared with clinical examination (40%), although it cannot differentiate goiter

    from lymphoma [117] . Given that lesions

  • over-the-counter health supplements can also interfere. A careful clinical history identifies

    most of these.

    One final precaution: pregnancy is an absolute contraindication to scintigraphic study and

    nursing is a relative contraindication. If it is essential to obtain an isotope study in a nursing

    mother, use 99m[Tc]and discontinue nursing for 2 days following the study. Before

    resuming nursing, a fresh sample of breast milk should be collected and screened for

    radioactivity to ensure there is no residual radiation.

    Fine Needle Aspiration

    The primary use of fine needle aspiration (FNA) is to drain simple and complex cysts in

    low risk individuals and to determine if a thyroid mass is operable (ie, not lymphoma or a

    metastatic nonthyroid malignancy) [104] . Fine needle aspiration is performed using

    ultrasound as a guide [118] [119] . It is easy to do, safe, and reliable. Complications of FNA are

    limited to local hematoma and occasionally an acute swelling of the gland that resolves

    spontaneously in 2448 hours. Treatment is limited to ice pack. Concerns about seeding

    of tumor cells along the needle track are unjustified [120] . Pregnancy and nursing are not

    contraindications to FNA.

    Fine needle aspiration is especially useful in palpable nodules, providing an 80% chance for

    diagnosis [105] . Appropriate lesions for FNA include areas of hypofunction on scintiscan,

    new low-functioning nodules among many pre-existing ones, solid remnants remaining in

    an aspirated cyst, and a hypofunctioning nodule found in a patient with Graves disease [103] .

    Fine needle aspiration is not used to diagnose autonomously functioning nodules or

    functional hyperplastic nodules. Complex cysts can have malignant components; therefore,

    FNA must be considered a rule-in procedure rather than a rule-out procedure. Negative

    cytology or histology is not sufficient to exclude a malignant process [117] . Approximately

    half of aspirated cysts reaccumulate fluid. Should a cyst refill after three aspirations,

    excision is indicated, even in a low-risk individual with negative cytologies [103] .

    Fine needle aspiration should not be used in lieu of surgical exploration in patients for

    whom there is a high index of suspicion for malignancy unless surgical intervention is



    Thyroid disorders and diseases are common, occurring in as much as 10%15% of the

    general population. By extension, the numbers of individuals presenting to the primary care

    office with known or unknown thyroid disease must be at least 10%15% or more. This

    article reviews thyroid diseases that are most common, including pathophysiology,

    diagnosis, and treatment. It defines subclinical and overt disease, discusses diagnostic

    dilemmas, and highlights some diagnostic and therapeutic traps.

  • Key Points

    Thyroid disorders are common, occurring in as musch as 10% of the general


    Simple diffuse goiter is the most common thyroid disorder in the United States.

    The most common cause of thyroid disorders in the United States is autoimmune


    The evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of the majority of thyroid disorders is

    relatively uncomplicated and well within the capabilities and scope of practice of

    the family physician.

    Early diagnosis of many thyroid disorders is important in the prevention and

    treatment of co-morbidities such as fetal wasting, osteoporosis, anemia,

    neuropsychiatric disorders, and cardiomyopathy.

    Routine screening for thyroid disorders is appropriate in select patient populations.

    Diagnosis of thyroid disorders on clinical grounds is extremely difficult and

    requires a high index of suspicion.

    The diagnosis of thyroid disorders is based on interpretation of applicable

    laboratory data rather than clinical presentation.

    Diagnosis of thyroid disorders is straightforward in the majority of disease entities

    using a small battery of tests (TSH, free T4, free T3, TPO abs, TSH RS abs).

    Primary thyroid malignancy is extremely rare, accounting for less than 2.0% of all


    Incidentalomas are benign and, when found, do not require additional evaluation.

    Annual clinical examination to screen for enlargement is all that is recommended.

    Radiographic modalities are not indicated to diagnosis most thyroid disorders.

    The primary care physician has the training, patient-access, and, with the information in

    this article, knowledge necessary to significantly affect undiagnosed thyroid disease. This

    can be accomplished through increased clinical awareness and with appropriate screening

    of at-risk populations. This article provides information, in a current and concise format, to

    the primary care physician, necessary to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment in the

    primary care setting.


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