Top Banner 1 It’s a funny thing, sometimes irritating and frustrating, that we so often miss even our pressing needs. This is especially so, it seems to me, when working in new areas. I’ve written many times about the necessity of a clear vision of where we’re going, but somehow the necessity of a practical and specific vision statement… a persistent one… simply didn’t occur to me. But no more; this month we’ll develop one. And for the foreseeable future, we’ll maintain it as a section of Parallel Society. Fixed statements are problematic, of course… humans of our era have a weakness for ultimate rulesets, all too easily holding to them as idols. But knowing this to be the case, we can deal with it. We want the benefits of the clear vision, keeping it “always before our eyes,” in the Bible’s terminology, but not the perfect ruleset trap. And so we’ll be very clear that this vision is imperfect, incomplete, and constantly in need of revision. And from time to time we will revise this “vision statement.” We always A Clear and Compelling Vision ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Three Necessary Pieces ............ 2 The Great Rotation ................ 3 Usurping Their Drama ............ 4 Dealing with Violence ........... 5 From External to Inter-Personal ............................................... 5 From Inter-Personal to Internal ............................................... 6 Back to The External… Way External .................................... 6 Our Vision ................................. 7 What’s Going On .................. 8 The Parallel Society Portfolio ...10 The New World Top 40 ....... 11 Upcoming Events ................ 11 Memes of the Month ........... 12 A Final Thought .................. 13 JULY 2019 ISSUE #9

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: A Clear and Compelling VisionA Clear and Compelling Vision, continued... 4 FREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY We have it in our power to begin the world

Jul 13, 2020



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Page 1: ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: A Clear and Compelling VisionA Clear and Compelling Vision, continued... 4 FREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY We have it in our power to begin the world 1

It’s a funny thing, sometimes irritating and frustrating, that we so often miss even our pressing needs. This is especially so, it seems to me, when working in new areas.

I’ve written many times about the necessity of a clear vision of where we’re going, but somehow the necessity of a practical and specific vision statement… a persistent one… simply didn’t occur to me. But no more; this month we’ll develop one. And for the foreseeable future, we’ll maintain it as a section of Parallel Society.

Fixed statements are problematic, of course… humans of our era have a weakness for ultimate rulesets, all too easily holding to them as idols. But knowing this to be the case, we can deal with it. We want the benefits of the clear vision, keeping it “always before our eyes,” in the Bible’s terminology, but not the perfect ruleset trap. And so we’ll be very clear that this vision is imperfect, incomplete, and constantly in need of revision.

And from time to time we will revise this “vision statement.” We always

A Clear and Compelling VisionALSO IN THIS ISSUE:

Three Necessary Pieces ............ 2

The Great Rotation ................ 3

Usurping Their Drama ............ 4

Dealing with Violence ...........5

From External to Inter-Personal ............................................... 5

From Inter-Personal to Internal ............................................... 6

Back to The External… Way External .................................... 6

Our Vision ................................. 7

What’s Going On .................. 8

The Parallel Society Portfolio ...10

The New World Top 40 ....... 11

Upcoming Events ................ 11

Memes of the Month ........... 12

A Final Thought .................. 13


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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

learning more, after all, and the world this statement applies to is constantly changing. Furthermore, this vision will be not only theoretical but practical. I want it to capture our principles, of course, but I also want it to address the practicalities of not only our general era, but even smaller slices of time.

Yes, this is a fairly tall order, and the new vision section of our newsletter will be one page at the most. But those limitations are okay, because we will always be aware that it is “imperfect, incomplete, and constantly in need of revision.”

Three Necessary Pieces

I don’t like reacting to problems and “enemies.” That all too easily falls into us-versus-them and fighting evil, both of with divert us from what really matters, improving ourselves and building better things. Nonetheless, there are obstacles in the world, and if we want an effective vision statement – if we want to actually improve things in the real world – we need to take into account the things that stand in our way. In other words, we should include a bit of strategy.

And so we will address the fact that the world at present is powerfully dominated by violence hierarchies. Regardless of the networks of power that run through them (see FMP #80) these structures control the daily lives of billions of people, by the use and threat of force.

Violence hierarchies – states and state-like structures – have millions of people who reflexively support them. While these structures require their occupants to live with a perception of scarcity, fear and insecurity, they nonetheless have a powerful appeal, which boils down to three primary factors:

1. The obligation of using force. The state agrees to use violence. Who wants to deal with murderers, rapists and invaders, after all? It’s easier to hand it off to the state and accept their demands. Regardless of how manufactured the frightening scenarios may be, nearly everyone would rather that someone else be responsible, and they’re willing to ignore all sorts of nastiness to get

someone else to handle them.

2. Control of money. This isn’t appealing to people in the sense that they think state control of money is an especially great idea, but because they fear any disruption to their present monetary system. They’re overworked, over-stressed, indebted and insecure. They feel their prosperity is always hanging over a precipice. They don’t want to deal with a major upheaval.

3. Shared drama. The state is the star of an ongoing soap opera. A gigantic, long-running, real-world drama. The state is the star of every newscast and every newspaper… the leading man of war and diplomacy and law and economics… the arbiter of everything. Most people see nothing that could replace the state as the center of their mental universe.

Changing this situation can seem impossible at first glance. How can we change things as large, powerful and ingrained as these? The answer is bit by bit. Over time all of these can be changed. They’re a horrifyingly bad deal for most people who support them, after all.

Once part of this structure changes and things settle back down, there won’t be much ongoing pressure to return to the old way. Sure, the few who were enriched under the old system will scream at the top of their lungs, threatening everything, but the old way is a horrible structure for accomplishing much anything except control, fleecing and conquest; things most people aren’t terribly interested in. Once a piece is replaced, few will fight to get it back.

The Great Rotation

The first and most obvious piece for us to replace is control of money; we’ve already been doing that for some time. More than that, the massive resistance that existed only a handful of years ago is softening and dispersing. Even predatory corporations (Facebook and its partners, most notably) are getting in on the act. That’s a very big event.

A Clear and Compelling Vision, continued...

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

I’m no fan of Facebook and the others, of course, and I don’t plan on using their currency, but they may actually help our cause. Consider:

• Facebook will be teaching millions of people, possibly a billion or more, that options are attainable… that change is possible. That is, people will come face to face with the fact that changing how they use money doesn’t have to be a catastrophe.

• They’ll be teaching people how to use cryptocurrencies. Accordingly, the fear of cryptocurrencies will fall away, as a couple of billion people will recognize that even giant corporations see value in them.

• Government money will account for less of the monetary universe. Right now nearly 100% of all currency in use is owned and controlled by governments. Facebook will take a chunk out of that. And even though they’ll keep a basket of government currencies to back their crypto, control will be disbursed. More than likely they’ll eventually cheat, too.

• It will encourage other huge corporations to get in on the new game. Twitter is already supporting the Lightning network, and can be expected to go after it all the harder, for example.

What we’re seeing, then, is a rotation from government currencies to new currencies. What we want is as complete a rotation as possible. It will take time, of course, but we want government currencies to account for less and less of the world’s economic activity.

Every percentage of that shift will have powerful effects. Chief among them will be to break up the surveillance and manipulation complexes that are presently such a threat to humanity. (See FMP #59, The New Age of Intelligence and The Breaking Dawn.) Government money is a surveillance tool, and a powerful one. And one of the characteristic of that type of surveillance is that it improves exponentially. But the reverse is also true: The pieces you take

away, especially at first, do a lot of damage.

So, the roll-over from government money to independent money, and especially to decentralized, anonymous currencies, is an important goal for us. That is, we need to see and embrace both the steps along the way and the end result: A world full of currencies that are not monopolized by anyone.

An important part of this roll-over is to make our crypto economy as appealing as possible. Our way has tremendous advantages, of course, but we have to communicate them in ways that other people understand. And that means showing the benefits without forcing anyone to swallow an entire ideology. That is, we are best served showing them how, independently of telling them why. Let them ask for the why; it’s more effective and healthier that way.

Another important part of this rotation is to remember that there are other segments of the non-state monetary world, and they may be pursuing at least some of the same things we are. Unless they oppose us, let’s treat them as friends. The offshore services industry, for example, has been half-ruined by monetary surveillance, and they may not just lay down and die. Likewise the precious metals advocates. They have some good ideas, and if they ever start using their metals (rather than just stacking them up) they may become a powerful force. Silver and gold are decentralized currencies too.

Usurping Their Drama

This is where I think we’ve come up short so far. This may also be the most potent of the three factors.

The drama of the rulers features the same old plot lines, over and over. More than that, the dramas produced by the friends of the rulers (Hollywood, etc.) tend to follow the same story lines. We have lots of room for experimentation and discovery in front of us.

But while the advantage is ours in that the old story-spinners are working in a taped-off area, we’ll have to take this seriously. Hollywood and others are superb at their crafts, and we’ll have to equal

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

them and even exceed them if we want people to abandon the old dramas.

And when addressing arts, I think it matters to know this: Art doesn’t mix with politics. Art plus politics is propaganda, and ours would be just as dissonant as anyone else’s. Art works when it communicates essences. I though Leo Tolstoy expressed something important in this passage:

Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one consciously, by means of certain external symbols, conveys to others the feelings one has experienced, whereby people so infected by these feelings, also experience them.

Art is best when communicating our epiphanies, our peak experiences, and so on. Not our doctrines.

Another serious advantage we have is that costs are falling rapidly. Technology has made movies far less expensive to produce, it has made music much less expensive to record, and so on. That’s of minimal effect if the film is poorly written and acted, of course, or if the music is simply derivative, but it’s a tremendous help all the same.

The other problem in drama and the arts is that of paying the creators. How, after all, is a songwriter to be paid in a crypto economy? He or she works hard, but once they share their creation with others, no one is forced to pay them. Yes, the avenue of performing stands open to them, but a lot of great songwriters aren’t great performers. Furthermore, writing deserves compensation on its own; it’s not okay to treat it as a throwaway.

So, we have a serious problem to address. Great musicians and artists had patrons at one time, and even though the process was fraught with difficulties and follies, Mozart, Michelangelo, Beethoven and dozens of others were able to spend their time creating masterpieces, rather than spending their days as laborers and trying to piece together a few paintings or songs at night.

Services like Patreon and GoFundMe have had some

success, but are still far short of keeping many artists productive full-time. But whether by these services or some new avenue, we need to see great artists being lavishly paid. If people see that, we’ll have a gusher of brilliant new art.

Furthermore, it would probably be best if some of our new dramas were participatory. People think they’re involved in the state’s mass dramas, after all. The changeover would go better if we didn’t force people to abandon that desire.

Dealing with Violence

In some ways this is the hardest of the problems, as fear packs a harder instinctive punch that the need for drama.

On one hand we have the advantage of the ground having shifted in our direction a bit – technology has made violence mainly obsolete as a problem-solving tool, and we can demonstrate that most of the terrors people react to are either imaginary or manufactured – but still, who wants to exchange bullets with a madman?

A first solution is to decentralize the provision of physical protection, and there’s no reason this couldn’t be done (more effectively and inexpensively), but it also happens that this is yet another area in which technology is liberating us. Here’s what I wrote about it in FMP #61:

Violence is a gulf that the empathetic majority of the species has always had difficulty crossing. Their hesitance left the violent with a permanent advantage.

Non-lethal weapons remove that advantage, as merely “freezing” another person does not seriously strain the empathy of a healthy individual.

And freezing an attacker in place is precisely what non-lethal weapons are designed to do. The development of these weapons has a long way to go, unfortunately, but some good starts have been made. Foams can be very effective (though they can’t

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

be applied to faces without a risk of suffocation), combinations of strings and instant-set epoxies can be very effective with almost no possibility of suffocation, and there are still others.

The development of non-lethal weapons and applications (via drones, for example) are of tremendous importance to us. Once they are easy and safe to use… and once people come to understand that… the necessity of the state as the obligatory user of violence vanishes.

From External to Inter-Personal

Having covered the big exterior things, let’s move to the inter-personal, which is where decentralization hits home. Here’s the big thing to understand: We’ve all been living with mediated relationships. And since the mediator for all of us is the same (violence hierarchies), our relationships have been centralized, and we as individuals have been atomized.

Let’s unpack that statement:

Nearly all human relationships are currently moderated by the state. If you are married, for example, the state will resolve serious differences whether you like it or not; if one partner appeals to them, the mediator is engaged and his/her decree will be enforced. The same goes for your workplace, your relationship with your neighbors, and so on. You can even be ordered to run your local football league this way or that.

This enforced, vertical1 mediation removes horizontal, peer-to-peer aspects of our relationships, meaning that they should be richer than they are. In other words, we are substantially cut apart from one another, and those aspects of our relationships are captured by the hierarchy, leaving us atomized… pulled apart… not interacting with and relying upon each other as we would naturally.

At the same time, all that siphoned-away power goes to a single entity. Needless to say this is dangerous, no matter how used to it people may be.

The answer to this problem, or course, is decentralization. That is, decentralizing almost everywhere in the interpersonal realm we can. Without a doubt we can decentralize justice – this has been done historically and even recently. And we can add to that in other ways.

Practically, we need a clear cultural vision; something to which people can turn. We’ll have to be very careful to leave it open-ended and voluntary, but we should promote images of healthy, unmediated relationships and the better life they spawn.

From Inter-Personal to Internal

One of the great benefits of positive religions2 has been that they give people and external standard by which to judge the world. This has been extremely useful, as without the moral alternative of religion, a single moral standard – that of the violence-based state – becomes all in all. This was all too clearly seen in the USSR and Mao’s China, where religions were violently repressed and tyranny was unfettered.

Internally, we must be as free as possible from the image of the central dominator. And it’s useful to understand how powerful the image of the dominator can be. It is the root of self-censorship, of altering our actions in fear of punishment and much more. We hold an image of the central enforcer and act in relation to it. That’s understandable, of course, but it’s deeply damaging all the same.

I found a brilliant explanation of this damage from Tertullian, an early Christian author. In this passage3 he addresses people who make and worship idols, as in statues thought to be inhabited by a god (at least from time to time). Here’s what he writes:

You who make them, that they may be able to be worshipped... To them you immolate your ingenuity.

A Clear and Compelling Vision, continued...

1 Vertical implying a hierarchy, with individuals at the lower levels, being controlled by the higher levels.2 By positive religion I mean religions that are generally benevolent. All major religions that I know have problem areas, but Judaism and Christianity often

qualify as positive in this sense. 3 On Idolatry, chapter 6.

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

This is precisely what we do when creating, passing-on or obeying the image of the hierarchy: We burn our own ingenuity. Rather than applying our ingenuity to the world, we simply obey and leave it to rot. This is both an inefficient use of the world’s most critical resource (that is, us) and a loss of the multi-faceted benefits that would have come from it.

Aligning with hierarchy really does immolate our ingenuity. But there’s even more to this: Most people are willing to do this, not just because of fear, but because they’ve accepted what hierarchy taught them about themselves; that they are flawed, dangerous beings, always in need of threats and oversight.

That, of course, is generally a lie, as well as being deeply manipulative. It has been no less than attack upon the better human functions.

The primary things have held us back, then, has not been ourselves, but negative assumptions about ourselves. Aside from a small percentage of sociopaths, we’re basically pretty decent.

Back to The External… Way External

“All the best stories in the world,” wrote journalist and essayist Walter Bagehot, “are but one story in reality - the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape.”

And so the great participatory drama of the near future will and ought to be escape. And by that I mean a full escape from the violence hierarchies that have dominated this planet since the Bronze Age, by actually leaving the planet.

As we explained in PS #5, this will happen. More than that, it may happen rather sooner than we expect, being just one or two inventions away from practicality. Precisely when such inventions will appear remains uncertain, but I remain hopeful.

Once any number of us are living off-planet, a permanent escape route will be present. And as in the 17th century, those who are most offended by chains upon their souls will leave for open territory. And more than changing the calculations that empower centralized power, they will open the imaginations of more or less everyone, tearing a hole in the fabric of uniform compliance.

Whether or not we’re old enough to remember the shocking perspective of the photos of Earth from the Apollo missions, we’ve all seen them. And as distant photos of Earth gave us a new perspective on Earth, reports from distant humans will give us a new perspective on humanity.

This is coming, and we should both promote it and become involved with it however we can. It is our better future being born.

The Vision Itself

Okay, now it’s time to stop explaining and make our statement. We’ll include this in every issue as a permanent reminder to ourselves, and it will remain constantly open for revision. If you have anything to suggest, please use the response address shown at the end of every issue.

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

Our VisionWe building a decentralized, voluntaryist model of human flourishing,

with the golden rule as our primary standard of conduct.

We have abandoned the centralized hierarchy as an organizational model; it has failed to solve our essential problems for more than 5,000 years running.

We are building structures geared for our abilities, not for our fears.

We are building unmediated relationships. We accept both the richness and the maintenance they entail.

We work to move the world from centralized currencies to decentralized currencies.

We recognize fear, shame and intimidation as chemical weapons.

We work to eliminate centralized ownership and/or control of technology.

We recognize surveillance capitalism as parasitic.

We go out of our way to compensate serious artists.

We celebrate the fact that our knowledge and technology are rendering scarcity obsolete. We are preparing to face the disappearance of status along with scarcity.

We work to make living off-world a present and broadly-accessible ability.

We recognize production as creative and plunder as entropic. We recognize the fear of punishment as entropic.

We reject obedience as a virtue.

We recognize individual initiative as generally counter-entropic and compulsion as generally entropic. We recognize the pursuit of happiness as a personal endeavor. To force others into its service is to enslave them. We do not negate love, faith or trust. We value awe, wonder and the lifting of the human spirit. We seek improved and elevated human operation and experience. We work to make the next generation better than ourselves.

We recognize ourselves as brilliantly creative and beneficial beings, and make no apology for this recognition.

We work to bless our fellow beings and ourselves.

This statement is imperfect, incomplete, and in need of revision.

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

I think it’s important to understand the large factors in play here, rather than focusing on press releases, doom porn and Pollyanna narratives. And the fact is that a regime of near-zero interest rates and the constant pumping of money directly from central banks to stock markets has paid off brilliantly for the system. It has massively juiced GDP and other economic figures, while simultaneously juicing tax collections (all that new money goes to people in the highest tax brackets) and keeping interest on government debt terribly low.

In fact, this deal has been so good for politicians that they won’t easily let go of it. And as we’ve mentioned previously, there’s no essential reason why this policy can’t be kept going indefinitely. So what if the debt numbers are off the charts? Who’s going to stop obeying?

But problems are showing up in the real economy, and people are starting to arrive at the point of disobedience. Hence movements like the Yellow Vests.

The elite economy, centered on symbols (stocks, derivatives, bonds and so on) can be pumped up with yet more symbols, most notably as new currency units created at zero cost by central banks. The real economy, on the other hand, needs actual value to flow through it. Corn and steel and rubber and intelligent labor are what make this economy function.

The two economies never were comfortably connected, and things are presently turning sour for the non-symbolic economy. This is what threatens the symbolic economy, not the debt numbers by themselves. (Though in sane markets they would chase everyone away.)

And so the symbolic, elite economy is finding its limits, in that the plebes are starting to suffer. And these people are certainly realizing that they’ve become a lower class, regardless of keeping their part of the “working man’s deal” they grew up believing.

No one knows precisely what this separation will spawn, but we’re about to find out. And the more we can draw people into a better, parallel economy, the less pain will be involved in the changes that are coming.

The Legacy Economy

The legacy economy continues as it has been: stocks being pumped, working people struggling and lots of welfare being spread around. Here and there, however, changes are being talked about, even if not imposed. Brexit will have significant economic consequences once it happens (presuming it does). And I’m not referring to the doom porn of the anti-Brexiteers, I’m referring to the elimination of EU regulations on the British Isles and other secondary effects. It will certainly be messy, but the effects may be salutary… if and when, and depending upon how.

Italy is another case at the forefront, and a creative solution to Italy’s loss of economic control was bandied about recently, the use of small-denomination treasury bonds (Mini-BOTs) as cash. Now, the odds of the Italians actually doing this and dropping out of the EU seem slight – the EU elite can pull a lot of strings from behind – but the Italians can surprise you, and I wouldn’t entirely put it past them. Perhaps they’ll go half-way to start.

And as we’ve seen for a while, the non-Western world is starting to form economic alliances that are not dominated by abrasive, domineering Western governments, their still more domineering monetary systems, and the corporations that partner with them.

Remember, please, that all those “third world” places now have high-rises and highways and cars and reliable utility systems. Technology continues to move them forward the same as it does in the West. They don’t need sponsors like they once did, and they are chafing under the lash of the Western whip.

This article on the formation of alliances in Eurasia

What’s Going On

July, 2019 Overview: The economies of the West have split in two: A paper economy of the elite and a tied-to-

reality economy… that of the people who actually make and repair things. Each has its own trajectory. The assumptions that ruled the economies of the 20th centuries are losing their grip.

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

illustrates what’s happening: These countries are cooperating, rather than obeying… and that suits them very well. The result is that the age of world-domination by the West is fading, and is likely doomed. How that plays out is unknown, but the incentives currently facing these Eurasian nations is that peaceful cooperation makes them stronger. Thus we can expect them to take that course. In politics anything is possible, of course, but these incentives look to be persistent and powerful.

The New Economy

The big news this month (aside from the continuing rise in the exchange rate of the cryptos) was, as noted earlier, Facebook’s new cryptocurrency. How this will play out will be an open question for some time, but I think this may turn out well for us. Aside from the fact that Facebook will be teaching a billion people how to use cryptocurrencies, their adoption of the cryptocurrency model blows through the emotional blockage that has kept people away from Bitcoin.

That is, fear of touching the unauthorized just slipped away. If not only Facebook, but Mastercard, Visa, Uber, Vodaphone, eBay, Andreessen Horowitz and others have jumped on board with this… are putting up a billion dollars collectively… then “getting in trouble” for touching this vanishes… and all those people will learn, again, that the fear was wrong.

The dark scenarios – Facebook being the monster it is – are not unfounded. This could prove to be immensely bad. This core issue in this scenario, however, is not the currency, but Facebook itself. Our job is to convince our friends and neighbors that no one should use Facebook, ever. Facebook is a malicious parasite, a vampire combined with a crack dealer.

Sure, most people remain oblivious to this fact, but they are catching on bit by bit. The problem is not the coin, the problem is Facebook. We have to make the world aware of that fact.

Political Idiocy of Some Effect

Brexit remains as is, the Italians are still making noises and haven’t done much to alter their system, the EU struts along in its twisted, arrogant way, and the US still features the usual televised fights. (Now with Twitter

thrown in.)

But one big thing popped up as we were getting this issue ready, and that is the Europeans launched a money transfer system designed to bypass US sanctions on Iran. These sanctions were clearly a US overstep – ordering the rest of the world to do as they say – and it seems to have created a breaking point. And considering that the US is trying to play hardball on this, it could get very interesting.


Gigantic crowds have opposed abusive Chinese extradition laws in Hong Kong. More than that, young people are loudly opposing aggressive Chinese Internet surveillance and manipulation. Wonderful signs, as I see them.

What we’re seeing here, as with the Yellow Vests and others, is open defiance on the part of average people. These people have no overarching images and no shared stories and/or directions as yet, but they are acting nonetheless.

We are also seeing individual young people fed up with the status quo and the systems that enforce it. This video of a high school valedictorian makes a fine example. However imperfectly her complaints were made, the young lady is speaking the truth and her classmates join in her rebellion.

I’m also hearing from cryptocurrency advocates that people are starting to pay more attention to privacy.

I drove through the American rural Midwest recently, and one strong impression I got was that the young people are waiting for something. They seem to feel that they’re in a rut without end and are semi-consciously hoping for something to change that. The overall impression I got was that of nearly infinite creatures who have nowhere to invest their passions.

If my observation of a growing hunger for something real is anywhere close to correct, then we who are able really should be concerned with building a better, healthier culture in the world. This a subject for deeper analysis, of course, but I think we would do very well if we started leaning in that direction.

What’s Going On, continued...

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

Well, we’re up big again. Here are the current numbers:

Bitcoin (BTC):

Average recommendation: $4,539.57

Current price: $11,339.09

Up 151%

Litecoin (LTC):

Average recommendation: $49.96

Current price: $119.26

Up 139%

Monero (XMR):

Average recommendation: $52.90

Current price: $88.52

Up 67%

Zcash (ZEC):

Average recommendation: $57.65

Current price: $100.51

Up 74%

Dash (DASH):

Average recommendation: $121.76

Current price: $152.69

Up 25%

Things are going very nicely for us. So, you can go ahead and exult over it for a bit – laugh, dance, jump, or whatever. Then, once you’ve expressed that overflow of happy energy, you can come back to the moment and we’ll figure out how to use this opportunity.

Here we are with big profits, so what are we going to do next?

My first suggestion is not to sell unless you have reason to sell, as we noted with examples last month.

What we really want is to use cryptocurrency, not to just profit from it. We want to buy our houses and cars and groceries with crypto. Yes, we can sell some crypto for dollars or Euros if that’s the best thing for your long-term flourishing, but after that we want to focus on the long run, not short-term gains.

A first and easy step toward that long run is to use your cryptocurrency at Open Bazaar, as we covered in PS #2. So, start buying things you need with your cryptocurrency. Small things are fine, but start putting your currency to use.

Another crucial step is to start selling with crypto. Whatever product or service you provide, start accepting cryptocurrency as payment for it. Better still, offer a discount for using it. We want to fire this thing up.

The purest way to sell with crypto is simply to give customers payment addresses upon request, encrypted and anonymously if at all possible. There are services that will do this for you, and I’d recommend those rather than nothing at all, but they are tied to the monetary surveillance complex, and we’d prefer to deprive Sauron of all information.

Remember, once we have an expanded crypto economy, with grown-up currencies, our business becomes our own again, and that’s a lot more fun than conducting business under permanent threat.

In a real crypto-economy (what we used to call “the free digital economy”), whatever we buy or sell remains private; no one’s business but our own and the people we trade with. This is the goal, and using our crypto (or any good, decentralized currency) is how we’ll get there. You don’t have to spend all your stash, but start using it as much as you can.

A very practical way to accomplish this is to balance your ins and outs. Accept crypto for whatever you sell, and if you take in 3 BTC, 4 LTC and 6 XMR next month, go out of your way to spend that same amount the month after. Keep it moving.

As for price movements, this is still a time to wait.

The Parallel Society Portfolio

Page 11: ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: A Clear and Compelling VisionA Clear and Compelling Vision, continued... 4 FREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY We have it in our power to begin the world 11

We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

In historical Bitcoin terms, we’re still some distance from the end of the surge. Yes, it could be different this time, but most likely it will not be. If I see some striking reason to alter course before August, I’ll notify you. Otherwise my suggestion is to wait and enjoy the process as best you can. We don’t want to sell at 15K if the exchange rate will be 40K or 60K in a few months.

And it’s probably best not to check the price every day. Put it out of your mind, check only occasionally, and stay busy with productive work. But as we noted before, if the price action is bothering you and diverting you from important things, start selling pieces. Profits are great, but they’re not the only thing.

More next month.

The Parallel Society Portfolio, continued... The New World Top 40July 2019 1. Sometimes Things Go Right2. The End of Kings3. Sleeping On The Way To Work4. Jeff Bezos’ Space Plan5. The Story In Your Eyes6. The Indian Space Program7. Volvo’s Autonomous Trucks8. Turn Your Kids Into Geniuses9. A Superb Crypto Resource10. A Declaration for Cyberspace11. Roll With The Changes12. Bertha Benz (Mostly true story)13. Miracles Out of Nowhere14. Underwater Drone15. A Schooling Revolution?16. Flatland (PDF)17. Make Your Own Penicillin18. “Blow Your Mind” Biology19. Kindness Illustrated20. The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto21. A Decent Hippie Documentary22. Orson Welles Interview23. Wonderful Bookstores24. How We Defeated Famine25. The Gospel of Crypto26. Acts of Kindness27. Copenhagen Metro28. Apollo 8, First to the Moon29. Life In The 1920s30. Living Under Scarcity31. Gratitude32. Crime Is Crashing33. Visualization34. The Strangest Secret35. Icarus: Born on Wings of Steel36. From Crossbows to Cryptography37. Carry On/Sail Away38. Toward a Private Digital Economy39. The Routine Republic40. Satoshi’s White Paper

• Bitcoin Meetups

• Ethereum Meetups

• Bioengineering 101


Coming soon:

• Crypto CampPrague | July 7–12, 2019

• Freedom FestLas Vegas | July 17–20, 2019

• Southeast Homeschool ExpoRoswell, GA | July 25–27, 2019

• New York Homeschool ConventionRochester, NY | August 1–3, 2019

• Florida Homeschool ConventionJacksonville | August 8–10, 2019

• Honeybadger Bitcoin ShowRiga, Latvia | Sept. 14–15, 2019

• RAADfest (Longevity)Las Vegas | October 3–6, 2019

• Hackers Congress at Parallel PolisPrague| October 4–6, 2019

• Blockchain BudapestBudapest | November 8–9, 2019

Upcoming Events

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY

Memes of the Month

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We have it in our power to begin the world over againFREE-MAN’S PERSPECTIVE • PARALLEL SOCIETY 13

A Final ThoughtThere’s one thing that you, my subscribers, may not know about yourselves, and that’s how wonderfully interesting you all are. I’m not sure how I’d go about to prove such a thing, but I seriously doubt that any other newsletter has such a concentration of interesting people.

I’m big into privacy, of course, so we don’t gather any information on you, save the necessary purchasing bits, but every time I end up talking to one of you, I come out of it murmuring something like, “I have the best subscribers in the world.”

I don’t want to go through many details, but we have people who have sailed the world, deciphered hieroglyphics, started innumerable businesses, succeeded, failed and succeeded again. People who’ve escaped the tyranny of normalcy, thought on their own, lost and won, kept going, and have led fascinating lives of a dozen varieties.

And that’s from just the fraction of our subscribers I’ve talked to.

On one hand, I look at this and say, “How can I do more with this situation?” We don’t have enough subscribers for expeditions and cruises, though that does strike me as a lot of fun. But that’s not really at the top of my list; what I’d like most is what we’re already doing: Accessing our pool of talent and helping it move the world forward into a brighter future.

And things really are looking interesting for us. Technology is on our side, and powerfully. The economic system is poised for major change and we have a head start into it. We have home schooling and bio-hacking and space technology. And more than that, we’re developing the ideas and attitudes that will have to support all of our new technologies and our new way of life.

So, as we stand here on the cusp of a better day, I want you to know how much appreciate you… all of you. What we’re doing matters a great deal, and all of us are players in this grand adventure. As a percentage of humanity, there simply aren’t that many who’ve been emotionally able to conceive of themselves as separate from convention, and still retain their stability and health.

But you are such people, which strikes me as rather miraculous.

So, thank you very much, and I hope circumstances allow us to spend time with each other at some point in the not too distant future.

See you next month.

-- PR

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