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ALSC Constitution (for Final Comment)

Jul 07, 2018



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  • 8/19/2019 ALSC Constitution (for Final Comment)




    of the Student Council

    of the College of Law

    of the Aquinas University of Legazpi


    We, students of law of Aquinas University, imploring the aid of Almighty

    God, through the intercession of St. Thomas Aquinas, and in the name of

    everything that is just and humane, in order to establish a student council which

     shall bind us under one government that shall promote our physical, intellectual

    and moral progress, embody our ideals of legal scholarship and social

    responsibility, conserve and develop our noble aspiration for a successful andexemplified professional life, express the best traditions of our college and develop

     solidarity and goodwill among ourselves and improve our relations with the

     faculty and administration, do ordain and promulgate this constitution. 



    SECTION 1. This organization shall be known as the Aquinas University of

    Legazpi  –   College of Law Student Council (AUL  –   CLSC), or Aquinas Law

    Student Council (ALSC) for brevity.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 2. The seat of the ALSC shall be specifically located in the Aquinas

    University of Legazpi Professional Schools Campus, Legazpi City.




    SECTION 1. To serve as the representative of the law students to the faculty

    and University administration, as well as in external affairs and transactions.

    SECTION 2. To act as the coordinating body in support of inter and intra school

    activities of law students.

    SECTION 3. To take up matters, directly or indirectly, affecting the educational,

    social, moral and religious welfare of the law students and to the improvement

    of the College’s standard and quality of education. 

    SECTION 4. To instill a sense of social awareness and moral responsibility among

    the law students particularly in the advocacies of social justice and humanrights.

    SECTION 5. To encourage law students to organize themselves in the

    promotion and protection of their rights.


    SECTION 6. The ALSC shall value academic freedom, student autonomy and

    equality before the law.

    SECTION 7. The ALSC shall adhere to the policy of cooperation and amity with

    other sectors of the Aquinian community, and shall establish and maintain

    linkages with cause oriented groups outside the University for resource-sharing

    and student development.

    SECTION 8. The ALSC shall value the dignity of every law student and the

    members of the faculty and administration, and shall guarantee respect fortheir rights.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 9. The ALSC shall renounce all forms of exploitation, oppression,

    corruption, fraud, and injustice which are contrary to the rules and regulations

    of the University as well as the laws of the land.

    SECTION 10. The ALSC shall adopt and implement a policy of full public

    disclosure regarding matters affecting the interest of its constituents.

    SECTION 11. The ALSC shall be committed to the sustainable use of the earth,

    and shall ensure that the preservation of the environment and the mitigation

    of climate change are underlying priorities in all its actions.

    SECTION 12. The ALSC shall, in view of disaster preparedness, adopt a policy

    of automatic observance of prima facie declarations made by the localgovernment regarding class suspensions, unless a subsequent issuance of the

    University declares non-suspension.



    SECTION 1. The ALSC shall be composed of all bona fide  law students of

    Aquinas University of Legazpi and their representatives.

    SECTION 2. The council shall also be a member of the Association of Law

    Students of the Philippines (ALSP), and its Bicol chapter, if so organized.



    SECTION 1. No student shall be deprived his rights without due process of law,

    nor shall he be denied the equal protection of laws.

    SECTION 2. No student shall be subject to harassment, discrimination or abuse,

    in any form and manner, whether based on religion, status, background or

    sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any similar ground.

    SECTION 3. Every student has the right to competent and responsive

    professional services from the University.

    SECTION 4. Every student has the right to legitimate and responsible use of

    adequate, clean and efficient school facilities.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 5. Every student has the right to be academically evaluated based

    on objective criteria.

    SECTION 6. Every student has the right to access their official records and other

    pertinent documents, and enjoy privacy and confidentiality thereof.

    SECTION 7. A student’s right to receive timely feedback and access his grades

    during each semester shall be inviolable.

    SECTION 8. The right of the students to information from the ALSC and the

    University on matters affecting their interest shall be recognized.

    SECTION 9. No student shall be deprived of his fundamental freedoms of

    speech, expression and peaceful assembly, and the right to the redress of


    SECTION 10. The right of students to invite any person as a resource speaker

    shall be protected.

    SECTION 11. A student’s right of belief shall be protected. 

    SECTION 12. A student’s right to suffrage shall be secured.

    SECTION 13. Every student has the right to initiate suspension or removal from

    office of elected and appointed ALSC officers on the grounds provided in this





    SECTION 1. There shall be three governing bodies namely the General

    Assembly (GA), the Student Council (SC) and the Executive Committee

    (EXECOM) following a parliamentary system of government.

    General Assembly

    SECTION 2. The GA shall be composed of all the bona fide law students.

    SECTION 3. The GA shall be the highest decision--making body of the students.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 4. The GA shall be convened at least once a semester, or as needed.

    SECTION 5. The GA shall have the power to propose and ratify amendments

    to the Constitution, as well as overturn any decision made by the SC and the


    SECTION 6. The GA, even when not convened, shall have the powers

    prescribed in the immediately preceding section, as well as to elect the Block


    Student Council

    SECTION 7. The SC shall be composed of the Chair, Vice Chair and StudentCouncilors.

    SECTION 8. The SC shall be the second-highest decision-making body of the


    SECTION 9. The SC shall also be the chief policy-making body of the students

    and shall act as the legislature exercising all the necessary powers that are

    legislative and plenary in power, including the power to approve the budget.

    SECTION 10. As far as practicable, the SC shall convene at least once a month,

    or as needed.

    SECTION 11. When convened, the SC shall form the different standing

    committees, namely the Finance, Logistics, Auditing, Secretariat, Marketing,

    Public Information and Sectoral Committees, as well as other ad hoc 

    committees when necessary.

    SECTION 12. The SC shall also have the power to elect amongst themselves

    the Chair, Vice Chair and the Heads of the Committees who shall in turn form

    the Executive Committee.

    Executive Committee

    SECTION 13. The EXECOM shall be composed of the Chair, Vice Chair and the

    Heads of the Committees on Finance, Logistics, Audit, Secretariat, Marketing,

    Public Information, and the Sectors.

    SECTION 14. The EXECOM shall be the executive arm of the ALSC.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 15. As the primary governance council, the EXECOM shall manage

    the day to day affairs and needs of the students.

    SECTION 16. As far as practicable, the EXECOM shall meet at least twice a

    month, or as needed.

    SECTION 17. The EXECOM, in the fulfillment of its duties, shall have the leverage

    of exercising powers not expressly reserved to other bodies in this Constitution,

    provided further that such exercise shall be subject to disapproval by the SC,

    or the GA.



    SECTION 1. All candidates must possess the following qualifications:

    (a)  They must be bona fide law students of the University taking up an

    academic load of not less than nine (9) units;

    (b)  Must not have been convicted of any crime involving moral

    turpitude, and;


    Must be of good moral character, which shall be presumed, unless

    protest is raised and duly certified by the College.

    SECTION 2. Candidates for Chair and Vice Chair must possess the following

    additional qualifications:

    (a)  They must be a full time professional law student;


    Must not incur any failing grade in any bar subject previous to their

    enrolment at present;

    (c)  Must not be a graduating student during the term they are to be

    elected, and;


    Must have a residence of at least two (2) semesters immediately

    preceding their election to office.

    SECTION 3. No law student shall be allowed to run for any position if they are

    holding a managerial or supervisory position in the University. The same

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    prohibition applies to any law student who is presently a member of the faculty

    in any department of the University.

    SECTION 4. No law student shall be allowed to hold the position of a Head or

    Deputy Head of any of the recognized Student Commissions, as well as the

    position of Block Representative, Vice Chair or Chair at the same time.



    SECTION 1. The electoral system shall be administered by a Committee on

    Elections (COMELEC) which shall be formed by the Heads of the recognizedStudent Commissions.

    SECTION 2. The elections shall be commenced on the third week and shall be

    concluded not later than the sixth week after the start of the first semester of

    the current academic year.

    SECTION 3. The process shall be commenced by the election of the Block

    Representatives of each block.

    a. Every nine (9) students shall entitle a block one (1) Block Representative.


    For blocks with less than nine (9) students, they shall have one (1)

    automatic Block Representative.


    All recognized Student Commissions shall be entitled to one (1) SectoralRepresentative.

    SECTION 4. Upon the election of the Block and Sectoral Representatives, they

    shall convene to form the SC, and they shall now be called as Student


    SECTION 5. Once convened, the SC shall elect from among themselves, the

    candidates for Chair and Vice Chair.

    a. Student Councilors may nominate themselves.


    Sectoral Representatives shall, however, be barred from participating in

    this process other than to serve as the COMELEC.

    SECTION 6. If there are more than two (2) nominees for Chair or Vice Chair, the

    vote shall be made through a run-off elections.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law



    The first round of voting involving all the nominees shall be made to

    determine the top two (2) nominees.

    b. The second round of voting involving only the top two (2) nominees shall

    be made to determine the winning candidate.

    SECTION 7. After final tallying, the COMELEC shall declare the winning Chair

    and Vice Chair.

    SECTION 8. The SC shall then proceed to elect from among themselves the

    different Heads of the Standing Committees, except the Sectoral Committee.

    Only after shall the blocks whose representatives were elected as Chair

    and Vice Chair shall elect new Block Representatives to fill up the vacancy.

    SECTION 9. The other Student Councilors who were not elected as Heads of

    the Standing Committees shall be distributed as members of these


    SECTION 10. The Sectoral Committee shall be composed of the Sectoral

    Representatives, and their Head shall be chosen by them among themselves.

    SECTION 11. An Electoral Code duly promulgated by the SC may allow for thecreation of student political parties, and the provision for a period tocampaign.

    SECTION 12. In the interest of efficiency, the COMELEC may promulgate

    additional guidelines as to the manner of balloting, or they may synchronize

    the election with the convening of the GA, without prejudicing the

    parliamentary nature of student elections.

    SECTION 13. The officers of the ALSC shall commence their duties immediately

    after taking their oath of office and shall terminate a year later or until their

    successors have been elected or qualified.

    SECTION 14. No student who has served as Chair shall be qualified for

    reelection as Chair.

    SECTION 15. No student who has served as Vice Chair shall be qualified for

    reelection as Vice Chair.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 16. No student who has served as a Block Representative shall be

    qualified for reelection more than once as a Block Representative, unless the

    person concerned consents to the reelection.



    SECTION 1. The Chair shall:


    call for and preside over all meetings of the EXECOM, regular or


    The Chair may recommend from time to time, such measures as the

    Chair may deem expedient, necessary and proper for consideration;

    (b)  authorize the disbursement of funds pertaining to the projects as

    approved and appropriated by the SC;


    supervise all affairs of the ALSC and ensure that the SC and

    EXECOM, and all other committees or bodies that may be created

    are performing their duties;

    To this effect, the Chair may hold any officer in contempt and

    impose disciplinary action to such erring or recalcitrant officer after

    due process; provided that in case of suspension from the SC, the

    same must not be more than two (2) weeks and with the concurrence

    of the majority of the SC;

    The Chair may appoint such other officers and delegates as theChair may deem necessary to effectively discharge the duties of the



    veto all acts, measures and appropriations passed and adopted

    by the SC and sign all official communications;

    The SC may, however, override the veto by a two-thirds (2/3) vote

    of all members present;

    (e)  represent the council in all meetings, conferences and other social

    functions where presence is necessary, inside and outside the


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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    The Chair, as far as practicable, shall head the ALSC’s delegation 

    as chief delegate in any provincial, regional, national or international

    assemblies and conferences of law students within or outside of the



    convene any of the governing bodies where the need arises;

    The EXECOM shall be specially convened at the call of the Chair,

    or if without the call of the Chair, by a majority of the members of the


    The SC shall be specially convened at the call of the Chair with theconcurrence of majority of the members of the EXECOM, or if without

    the call of the Chair, by a majority of the members of the SC;

    The GA shall be specially convened at the call of the Chair with the

    unanimous concurrence of all the members of the EXECOM, or at the

    call of the Chair with the concurrence of majority of the members of

    the SC, or if without the call of the Chair, by a 2/3 majority of the

    members of the SC;


    prepare and submit to the ALSC and to the students in general a

    “State of the Council Report” during assemblies or at every end of the

    year through publication in the College Journal or Bulletin Board, and;


    ensure that the Constitution and By-Laws and other adopted

    measures are faithfully executed.

    SECTION 2. The Vice Chair shall:


    coordinate and guide the members of the EXECOM and ensure the

    harmony of working relations of the officers;


    recommend appointees to any committee or body that the ALSC

    may have created;


    act as the Chair in case of the latter’s temporary incapacity or


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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    In case of permanent vacancy in the Office of the Chair by reason

    of removal from office, death, resignation, cessation of studies and

    other causes of inability to perform office, the Vice Chair shall assume

    the Office of the Chair, and;


    perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned to the

    Vice Chair by the Chair.

    SECTION 3. The Secretariat and Communications Committee shall:


    be headed by the Secretary General assisted by the Deputy

    Secretary General;


    keep the records of the ALSC, take the minutes of every meeting

    and compile them in one complete record;


    write official correspondence of the ALSC and ensure that the

    same be distributed to proper persons;

    (d)  call the roll of the officers of the ALSC and read the minutes of the

    previous meeting;


    certify as to the correctness of copies of all acts, measures and

    resolutions or appropriation duly approved by the GA, SC, EXECOM

    or by the Chair, and;

    (f) perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned by the


    SECTION 4. The Finance and Budgeting Committee shall:

    (a)  be headed by the Finance Head assisted by the Deputy Finance



    act as custodian of all funds and properties of the ALSC;

    (c)  take charge and sign all records of the accounts and disbursement

    of funds appropriated by the SC;


    submit a duly audited financial statement to the EXECOM within a

    week after every activity where expenditures are incurred;

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    Likewise, they shall prepare and publish a Summary of all Financial

    Statements made before the start of the final examination for every

    semester, or as may be further provided by the EXECOM.


    prepare requisitions and vouchers with the approval of the Chair

    for materials and such other needs for the ALSC, and;

    (f) perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned by the


    SECTION 5. The Auditing and Evaluation Committee shall:

    (a)  be headed by the Auditor General assisted by the Deputy Auditor


    (b)  facilitate the evaluation of all activities and programs, as well as

    coordinate the evaluation needs of student commissions;

    (c)  pass in audit, from time to time, all the Financial Statements

    prepared by the Finance Committee;


    coordinate with the Finance Committee in the preparation and

    auditing of the summary of the Financial Statements;


    by order of the Chair or motu proprio, audit the funds and

    expenditures disbursed by the Finance Committee without notice, but

    not more than twice every semester, and;


    perform such other functions and duties as assigned by the Chair,provided however, that such other directive does not in any way

    contravene the duties of the Auditing Committee.

    SECTION 6. The Promotions and Public Information Committee shall:

    (a)  be headed by the Public Information Head assisted by the Deputy

    Public Information Head;


    take charge of the publicity of all measures and such other

    activities or programs that the ALSC may have or have yet to be


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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    (c)  regularly update the bulletin board, as well as the social media

    accounts of ALSC;


    manage the efficient flow of announcements;

    (e)  coordinate with the Marketing Committee in spearheading the

    fostering of school pride and culture, and;

    (f) perform such other functions and duties as may be assigned by the


    SECTION 7. The Logistics and Reservation Committee shall:

    (a)  be headed by the Logistics Head assisted by the Deputy Logistics



    facilitate the reservation of vehicles, facilities and equipment that

    may be required by the ALSC;


    organize and manage the human resource needs in the conduct

    of activities;


    oversee the security needs of all activities of the ALSC;


    facilitate the acquisition of materials, equipment and other needs

    of the different activities of the ALSC, and;

    (f) perform such other functions and duties as assigned by the Chair.

    SECTION 8. The Marketing and Sponsorships Committee shall:


    be headed by the Marketing Head assisted by the Deputy

    Marketing Head;


    in coordination with other relevant committees, draw up and

    execute a general marketing plan of the ASLC for an academic year;


    in coordination with other relevant committees, draw up andexecute a specific marketing plan, whenever necessary, for the

    different activities and projects of the ALSC;

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law



    spearhead and develop other modes of resource generation and

    resource mobilization;

    (e)  serve as primary liaison committee of the ALSC to sponsors and

    corporate partners, and;


    perform such other functions and duties as assigned by the Chair.

    SECTIION 9. The Sectoral Committee shall:

    (a)  be headed by the Sectoral Head;


    coordinate with the different recognized student commissionsregarding their needs;

    (c)  represent the different recognized student commissions in relevant

    sessions of the governing bodies of the ALSC;

    (d)  during elections, act as the COMELEC;

    (e)  recommend actions necessary for the welfare of the student

    commissions, and;

    (f) perform such other functions and duties as assigned by the Chair.

    SECTION 10. The Student Council Adviser shall be a member of the faculty of

    the College, preferably an officer of the Faculty Club. They shall note all

    records of the Student Council and, as far as practicable, act as the legal

    counsel of the same body.



    SECTION 1. There shall be enacted, in the earliest possible time upon

    ratification and approval of this Constitution, a Financial Code that shall detail

    the financial policies and protocol based on the financial principles laid down

    in this Constitution.

    SECTION 2. The Financial Code enacted under this article shall be regularly

    updated to reflect the financial policies and protocol governing the times.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 3. The Financial Code enacted under this article shall not however

    be able to contradict the financial principles laid down in this Constitution.

    SECTION 4. There shall be a Student Council Fee collected at the start of every

    semester or term, the amount of which shall be provided in the Financial

    Code, provided further that absent the promulgation of a Financial Code, the

    collection of the Student Council Fee shall be suspended.

    SECTION 5. The Student Development Fund, Student Activity Fund, Athletics

    Fund, Extension Fund, Publication Fund, and related funds collected from the

    law students shall be accessible to the ALSC, subject to the approval of the


    SECTION 6. Unless otherwise provided in the Financial Code, the funds of the

    ALSC shall be held by the University in a depositary capacity.

    SECTION 7. There shall be created a Petty Cash Fund, provided further that its

    amount and the protocol of its use are provided for in the Financial Code.

    SECTION 8. All disbursements by the ALSC, unless hereinafter provided, shall be

    duly approved by the Finance Head and the Chair.

    SECTION 9. All disbursements shall be promptly liquidated following generally

    accepted accounting principles.



    SECTION 1. Any member of the EXECOM, other than the Chair and the Vice

    Chair, may be removed from the EXECOM through a vote of no confidence

    by a majority vote of all members of the SC, which shall not result in the

    person’s expulsion from the SC.

    For this purpose, no motion for a vote of no confidence may be raised

    more than twice (2) a semester regarding the same person.

    SECTION 2. Any member of the SC, other than the Chair and the Vice Chair,

    may be removed from the SC through a vote of no confidence by a two-thirds

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    (2/3) majority vote of all members of the SC, which shall result in the person’s

    expulsion from the SC.

    For this purpose, no motion for a vote of no confidence may be raised

    more than once (1) a semester regarding the same person.

    SECTION 3. In case when the person sought to be removed is either the Chair

    or Vice Chair, a three-fourth (3/4) vote of all members of the SC is required,

    which shall result in the removal of the person from office.

    For this purpose, no motion for a vote of no confidence may be raised

    more than once (1) a semester regarding the same person.

    SECTION 4. All expulsion and suspension proceedings upon any grounds herein

    provided shall be initiated by a motion of any member of the SC or upon a

    written complaint under oath by any law student to the Chair who after due

    notice to the party charged shall forward the complaint to SC for its

    determination. In case the officer charged is the Chair, such complaint shall

    be filed with the Vice Chair.

    The SC shall convene, and within ten (10) days issue judgment, provided

    further that the officer complained of shall not participate in the deliberations.

    SECTION 5. Grounds for expulsion:

    (a)  willful violation of the Constitution and By-Laws or any rules,

    regulations, resolutions or measure duly passed by the SC;


    gross dishonesty, disloyalty and abuse of authority or office;


    scandalous and immoral conduct or any act unworthy and

    unwarranted by the position and status as officer of the ALSC;


    non-attendance of three (3) consecutive meetings, whether

    regular or special, without any justifiable reason, provided that in case

    of a special meeting, the officers are duly notified twelve (12) hours

    before the said meeting;


    failure to submit receipts and statement of liquidation and expensewhen entrusted with Official Funds after repeated notice from the

    Finance Head as noted by the Chair within ten (10) days from the

    receipt of the last notice, provided that such period shall not be later

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    than three (3) days before the final examination as scheduled by the

    College; and,

    (f) suspension from office, as sanctioned by the Chair, or by the SC thrice

    or twice, respectively.

    SECTION 6. Any officer found guilty shall not only be removed from the office

    but shall also be disqualified to hold any office of honor and trust under the

    ALSC, whether temporary or otherwise.

    SECTION 7. All decisions of the SC expelling or suspending an officer shall be

    final and executory.

    SECTION 8. The concurrence of a simple majority of the members of the SC

    present constituting a quorum shall suspend any officer of the ALSC. However,

    where the period of suspension shall be more than ninety (90) days, a two-

    third (2/3) vote of all present members constituting a quorum shall be required.

    SECTION 9. Grounds for suspension:


    failure to act on complaints filed by any student against any officer

    or by any officer against another within five (5) days from the receiptof the complaint;

    (b)  failure to account all expenditures that they may have incurred

    from the funds disbursed to them;


    failure to justify two (2) consecutive absences in any meeting or


    (d)  commission of acts or omissions inimical to the affairs or activities ofthe ALSC or that affect the goodwill among officers;

    (e)  uncalled for behaviour or utterances that may have degraded the

    person of any student or officer, except when such utterances were

    made during the regular session of any of the governing bodies andwhile delivering their privileged speech.

    The SC, however, through the recommendation of the Chair, may hold

    such officer in contempt; and,

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    refusal to perform the duties as assigned by the Chair.

    SECTION 10. Any officer who shall be held in contempt shall be fined the

    amount of which shall be at the discretion of the Chair.

    No fine, however, may be imposed where the same exceeds five

    hundred pesos (P500.00).

    SECTION 11. Any permanent vacancy in the EXECOM, other than that of the

    Office of the Chair, shall be filled by a special vote called for this purpose,

    provided further that the procedure in Article VII shall be followed.



    SECTION 1. There is hereby created autonomous bodies that shall be known

    as the Student Commissions.

    SECTION 2. The Student Commissions shall be the primary student organizations

    of the ASLC for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and studentdevelopment.

    SECTION 3. The Student Commissions hereby specifically created are the Bar

    Operations Commission (BarOps), Aquinas Law Journal and Bulletin

    Commission (ALJB), Moot Court Commission (Moot), and the Jail Outreach

    Program Commission (JOP), which shall continue to exist unless this section is

    specifically amended to abolish any of them.

    SECTION 4. The SC may create other Ad Hoc Student Commissions as may be

    necessary, which shall only have temporary existence for the purposes they

    have been constituted.

    SECTION 5. Ad Hoc Student Commissions may be recognized as Permanent

    Student Commissions, upon application and approval of the SC.

    SECTION 6. A Student Activities Code shall be duly promulgated by the SC to

    determine the process for the creation of Ad Hoc Student Commissions, theirapplication for permanency, and the general protocol and necessary forms

    for student activities.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 7. All Student Commissions shall enjoy autonomy over their affairs

    including the promulgation of their own internal by-laws, subject to the

    general supervision of the ASLC, provided further that upon just terms, the

    Chair may intervene in any of the affairs of the Student Commissions.

    SECTION 8. No Student Commission shall enjoy financial autonomy, except the

    BarOps and the ALJB Commissions.

    SECTION 9. The BarOps Commission shall source its funds from the fee collected

    for that purpose.

    SECTION 10. The ALJB Commission shall source its funds from the publication




    SECTION 1. There is hereby created the Grievance Commission which shall

    have the power to investigate and inspect any governing body and officer,

    motu proprio or upon a verified complaint filed by any bona fide law student.

    The report, under this section, on the findings and recommendations of

    the Grievance Commission which shall have persuasive value, shall be

    forwarded to the SC for action, provided further that when the findings point

    to the guilt of an officer, such report shall be considered as a formal complaint

    against the officer.

    SECTION 2. The Grievance Commission shall also have the power to investigate

    and hear any complaint regarding the violation of student rights by fellow

    students, by members of the faculty or any other employee of the University.

    The report, under this section, on the findings and recommendations of

    the Grievance Commission which shall have recommendatory value, shall be

    forwarded to the College for action.

    SECTION 3. The Grievance Commission shall be headed by the Student

    Ombudsman, to be elected by the SC from a list of three (3) nominees

    submitted by the College, provided further that the Student Ombudsman shallhave the same qualifications as the Chair and Vice Chair, except Article VI,

    Section 2(c).

  • 8/19/2019 ALSC Constitution (for Final Comment)


    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    SECTION 4. The Grievance Commission shall have five (5) members, including

    the Student Ombudsman.

    The Head of the Moot Commission shall have a seat as the Deputy Head

    of the Grievance Commission.

    The SC shall select from among themselves two (2) Block Representatives

    who shall be third and fourth members of the Grievance Commission.

    The Student Ombudsman shall appoint any bona fide student who shall

    be the fifth member of the Grievance Commission, provided further that such

    appointee must not be of the same year-block section as the Student


    SECTION 5. The Grievance Commission shall promulgate its own rules and by-

    laws, which shall be valid upon approval of the SC.

    SECTION 6. The Grievance Commission, when not convened, may be

    activated at any time upon the filing of a complaint before the Student




    SECTION 1. The College shall be the ex-officio custodian of all permanent

    records of the ALSC including those materials produced by the different

    Student Commissions.

    For this purpose, a separate bookshelf or cabinet where such records

    and documents shall be kept shall be produced by the ALSC. All persons who

    may be interested to the same records and documents must ask for a written

    permission from the Chair, or the Secretary General in the absence of the

    former, without prejudice to the powers of the Grievance Commission.

    SECTION 2. The ALSC Bulletin Board and other similar bulletin boards may be

    used by any law student or any Student Commission, provided that permission

    has been given by the Chair, or the Public Information Head.

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    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law




    SECTION 1. The SC, in a special or regular session, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of

    all members may propose the revision of or amendments to the Constitution.

    Notification of the proposed revision or amendments must be given to

    the members at least three (3) days before the said session.

    SECTION 2. A specific amendment may also be proposed through a petition

    made for this purpose signed by at least 20% of the law students of Aquinas

    University of Legazpi.

    SECTION 3. All amendments shall be valid only when ratified by three-fourth

    (3/4) votes of all members of the SC.

    If an amendment is proposed through a petition, however, such

    proposed amendment may also be ratified by a majority of the law students

    in a plebiscite called for such purpose, provided further that an earlier vote by

    the SC on the question was made and the requisite number of votes was not


    SECTION 4. The proposed revised Constitution approved by the SC shall be

    valid only when ratified by a majority of the law students in a plebiscite called

    for such purpose.

    The Constitution may also be revised through a petition made for this

    purpose signed by at least 40% of the law students which shall mandate the

    SC to convene and study the proposed changes forwarded in the petition.

    The SC shall ultimately approve the proposed revision of the Constitution as

    provided for in Section 1, Article XIV, provided further that such revision shall

    be valid only when ratified by a majority of the law students in a plebiscite

    called for such purpose.

    SECTION 5. All amendments to this Constitution, or when it is revised, shall be

    submitted immediately to the Rector and President of Aquinas University ofLegazpi for approval.

    In case of amendments, if, however, no action has been taken by theRector and President after seven (7) days from the receipt thereof, such

    amendments shall be deemed approved and made.

  • 8/19/2019 ALSC Constitution (for Final Comment)


    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    In case of revision, if, however, no action has been taken by the Rector

    and President after twenty  –   one (21) days from the receipt thereof, such

    revision shall be deemed approved and made.

    SECTION 6. The Constitution may not be revised more than once every two (2)

    academic years.



    SECTION 1. Upon ratification and approval of this Constitution, all officers

    elected and appointed for this school year shall continue to hold office, untilofficers duly elected under Article VII of this Constitution have been qualified.

    SECTION 2. Upon ratification and approval of this Constitution, all officers

    serving under the conditions provided in the immediately preceding section,

    and all governing bodies shall only have the powers provided in this



    SECTION 1. Within ten (10) days after the ratification of the Constitution by the

    majority of all law students of Aquinas University of Legazpi who took part in

    the plebiscite called for the purpose, a copy shall be forwarded to the Rector

    and President of Aquinas University of Legazpi for his approval. This Constitution

    shall take effect immediately upon the ratification and approval.


     Aaron Marc M. DimaanoChair

    Glenn Ian P. Barcebal Vice Chair

    Dorothy C. ArevaloCouncilor, 3E

    Mary Grace P. ArevaloCouncilor, 1E

    Mae Diane M. AzoresCouncilor, 1E

    Sarah Mae C. BaylonCouncilor, 3E

  • 8/19/2019 ALSC Constitution (for Final Comment)


    Aquinas University of Legazpi –  College of Law


    Ralph Erik B. Bermas


    Dominic M. Cerbito

    Councilor, 3E

     Joemaica P. Combo

    Councilor, 1E

     Jessalyn EchanoCouncilor, 4D

    Devy M. LaadCouncilor, 3D

    Leslie LansanganCouncilor, 4E

    Ramiro M. Madelar, Jr.

    Councilor, 2E

     Joy C. Malagueño

    Councilor, 2E 

    Marielle Manzanilla

    Councilor, 4E

     Victoria Denise M. MonteCouncilor, 1E

    Ronwald NazCouncilor, 4E 

    Lilia-Mari M. NievaCouncilor, 2D 

     Jose Paolo OjanoCouncilor, 1E 

    Ludigario OlavarioCouncilor, 2E 

    Marion Rico M. OpedaCouncilor, 1D 

    Raymond ParanCouncilor, 3D

    Shermyn Sta. AnaCouncilor, 4D 

     Jorell Kent N. Sto.Domingo

    Councilor, 2D 

     Atty. Mary Ailyne L. Zamora Assistant to the Dean 

     Judge Arnulfo B. Cabredo (Ret.)Dean 

    Rev. Fr. Ernesto M. Arceo, O.P.Rector and President