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Alliance & Horde Compendium

Nov 10, 2015




RPG 3. Следующая Источник Вечности
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  • CoverTable of ContentsIntroductionChapter One: The New BloodFeatsNew SkillNew Races of WarcraftDwarf, WildhammerElf, BloodFurbolgGnomeNagaPandarenTroll, Jungle

    Prestige ClassesDeath KnightDemon HunterDwarven AvatarMarksmanNecromancerPrimalWarmageWindrider

    Chapter Two: Choosing SidesIndependent FactionsBlood ElvesFurbolgsGoblinsHalf-OrcsNagaPandaren

    The AllianceHumansIronforge DwarvesWildhammer DwarvesHigh ElvesNight ElvesGnomesHalf-Elves

    The HordeOrcsTaurenJungle Trolls

    Chapter Three: The Craft of WarThe BasicsUnit Combat SequenceUnit Combat StatisticsBase Line and Rendezvous PointInitiativeThe Battle RoundDirecting TroopsMelee ContactUnit Actions

    Attacks and Damage in Unit CombatUnit Actions Without OrdersStandard Unit AttackDouble Unit AttackStandard ChargeDouble Move ChargeMove ActionsFree Actions

    Commanders and OrdersKinds of Orders

    Injury and DeathMovement and PositionCombat ModifiersUnusual AttacksCavalry Units and Mounted CombatSneak Attacks

    MoraleMorale Check DCs

    Terrain and ObstaclesTerrain CharacteristicsTerrain and Nonstandard Movement

    Battlefield MagicConcentrationCounterspellsSpell DescriptionsAiming a Spell in Unit CombatDurationSaving Throw

    Appendix One: Weapons of WarBallistaeCatapults and TrebuchetsSiege CrossbowsSpecial Ammunition