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all in one - espring for new client

Nov 15, 2014



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養「心」之道 除了保持均衡飲食之外,利太每天早上都堅持游泳,從不間斷。好學的利太最近更學習「易筋經」 - 一套由呼吸、閉氣、屈身及伸展動作組成的靜態運動 - 難怪利太每天都精神奕奕,活躍於慈善活動亦永不言倦。 利太表示,自己從不刻意遵循任何養生之法,只是由心而發的去做每一件事。她唯一深信的生活哲學,就是「不生氣」。她相信每人都各自擁有美好的一面,寬恕他人過錯,欣賞正面事物,開懷的心自會帶來健康的身體。

對生活細節的堅持 利太注重生活每一個細節,堅持只選用優質的產品。雍容華貴的利太,原來非常熱衷於鑽研廚藝,每次款客,從選料至烹調的每一個步驟,利太定必親力親為。「沒有好器具,沒有好材料,哪有好食物?」利太以專業的口吻說。入廚十多年,只有安利的皇后煲能夠滿足利太的嚴格要求。利太指著家中廚房的那套皇后煲說:「這套煲已用了十多年,從來沒有損壞或更換過!」利太家中的廚房亦放著安利的家居清潔用品,利太表示十分欣賞安利的產品,原因只有一個:品質優良。





Only the best is good enough Mrs. Lee insists on using only the best quality products in her everyday life. She loves cooking and entertaining friends, and she will do all the preparation – from picking ingredients to cooking the dishes –herself. She believes that to make good food you need both good utensils and quality ingredients. For the past decade, only Amway Queen Cookware has matched up to her high standards when it comes to utensils. “My Queen Cookware has never been damaged and there’s been no need to replace it so far!” says Mrs. Lee.

The best quality water Mrs. Lee also demands the best quality when it comes to drinking water. “It’s important to ensure that our drinking water is absolutely hygienic,” she says. “I started using the Amway Water Treatment System 15 years ago because tap water always used to carry a bad smell and taste of chlorine. I now use the eSpring system and I can enjoy the taste of pure, fresh water at any time.”

Smart use of technology Mrs. Lee loves her eSpring, and in particular the UV light technology, “I can get ready-to-drink fresh water whenever I like – it’s so convenient,” she says. The improvements that have been made since the first water treatment system impress Mrs. Lee, and she says features such as the smart chips and monitor make things more convenient for the user by reminding them when the filter needs to be replaced. And there’s one other bonus – the eSpring design matches her kitchen decoration perfectly!

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貼士1 : 必須清楚紀錄濾淨量及提示用戶更換濾心


貼士2 : 必須具備殺菌效能


貼士3 : 小心識辨「認證機構」


貼士4 : 必須清楚列明去除哪些有害污染物


Choosing a reliable water purifierTip 1 : Filter life monitoringOnce a filter is saturated it cannot work effectively, yet users usually have no idea when a filter needs to be replaced. Saturated filters can even release harmful contaminants, so you may end up with “filtered” water that contains more harmful agents than unfiltered water!

Tip 2 : Ability to kill bacteriaMost water purifiers only filter out bacteria instead of actually destroying them, which means the filter can rapidly become a bacteria breeding ground. What’s more, certain viruses may be small enough to pass through the filter. Ultraviolet (UV) light is the most effective way to ensure pure water, destroying 99.99% of bacteria and viruses.

Tip 3 : Validity of certification

Tip 4 : Contaminant removal listA reliable water purifier should be supported by scientifically substantiated claims. It should also come with a certified list of contaminants it can remove.

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UV lamp eliminates bacteriaEffective in destroying 99.99% of waterborne viruses and bacteria.

Meets quality standards set by the NSF.

Provides water that is ready to drink without boiling.

Removes chlorine and heavy metalseSpring captures more than 140 different contaminants including

chlorine, heavy metals and THMs. Filters out micro impurities up to 0.2mm.

Retains beneficial minerals.

Cost per litre is just HK$0.37.

Filter replacement displayThe eSpring employs smart chips and a display monitor to record filter

volume and remind users to replace filters.

NSF certificationeSpring is certified by NSF International as meeting three major water

quality standards: Standard 42 for aesthetic effects, Standard 53 for health effects and Standard 55 for ultraviolet microbiological water treatment.

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有害微生物種類 可引致的病症

細菌細菌細菌細菌::::大腸桿菌、退伍軍人桿菌、西門氏菌 腸胃炎、腸熱病、溶血尿毒症、腦膜炎、肺炎、毒血

病毒病毒病毒病毒 (過濾性細菌過濾性細菌過濾性細菌過濾性細菌):::: 小兒麻痺病毒、腺病毒、諾沃克病毒、甲型肝炎病

毒 口腔潰瘍、手口足病、心肌炎、腸胃炎

寄生蟲寄生蟲寄生蟲寄生蟲::::隱胞子蟲、梨形鞭毛蟲、阿米巴蟲 腸胃炎

有甚麼方法可以去除食水中的有害微生物? 其實常用的食水處理方法都各有利弊,總結如下:



方法 利/弊處


法 (煲水)

食水需要持續煮沸最少 20分鐘才能徹底殺滅所有有害微生物,因此煮沸法不但費時也耗







氯氣 可以殺滅細菌及病毒,但不能殺滅寄生蟲


水 基本上有效,但成本高,而且假如儲存不



透 基本有效,但此方法只過濾部份細菌而不殺



光 有效殺滅微生物、病毒及細菌,但必須先過




譚一翔醫生的個人心得 很多人都以為,只有小朋友和長者








紫外光燈技術 談到紫外光燈技術在醫學上的應用,





值得信賴的淨水器 譚 一翔醫生的診所中亦安裝了eSpring智能淨水器,飲用 eSpring淨水後,他的第一個感覺是水的味道很

好。更重要的,是經 eSpring濾淨的食水 衛生程度高,在診所裡人人都很安心直接飲用。此外,譚醫生認為



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Amway invited Doctor Alfred Tam to share his professional insight on how harmful microorganisms in drinking water may affect our health and offer his views on various water treatment methods. The following is a summary of a sharing session held with Dr. Tam in August. There are three types of harmful microorganisms mainly found in drinking water: bacteria, viruses and parasites. These microorganisms can enter our body through the gastro-intestinal tract and cause serious illness if not treated properly. Harmful microorganisms in water can come from a variety of sources – human or animal excretions, soil or other pollutants, for example. In Hong Kong, the most common way for water to become polluted is through water pipes and tanks, especially those in old buildings. Each water treatment method has its merits and disadvantages. However, combining UV light and an activated carbon filter that’s regularly replaced seems to be the most reliable method.

Personal thoughts on water treatment It’s a common misconception that only children and the elderly need purified water while adults, with their stronger immunity to bacteria and viruses, are fine without. Dr. Tam said that no one, including adults, should overlook the importance of water hygiene because unhygienic water can do a great deal of harm over the long run.

UV light technology Dr. Tam said that UV light is widely used in hospitals to kill bacteria and viruses. The application of UV light in the eSpring water treatment system provides a highly advanced and reliable technology for domestic use.

The reliable water purifier Dr. Tam has also installed an eSpring purifier in his clinic, saying he likes the fresh taste of the water. More importantly, eSpring can provide ready-to-drink purified water for everyone in the clinic. Dr. Tam added that the smart chip is a great way to remind users about replacing the filter, helping to ensure the water is as pure as possible.

譚一翔醫生 兒科專科 Dr Alfred Tam Paediatrician

1977 年畢業於港大醫學院,曾先後在香港瑪麗醫院兒


UNC教堂山醫院和加拿大 Royal Alexandra Hospital 接受兒童胸肺科及深切治療科




擔任港大兒童及青少年 科學系名譽臨床醫學副教授之工


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Amway invited Professor P.K. Wong from the Department of Biology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong to share his professional insights on the quality of water in Hong Kong. The following is a summary of his speech on July 4, 2005.


香港中文大學生物系 王保強教授






根據水務署提供的數據資料,本港的飲用水經過濾水廠處理後,水質比世界衛生組織 (WHO) 所訂的標準更佳。然而,王教授強調,數據只能顯示經濾水廠處理後的飲用水質素,未能反映家居飲用水的實際情況。

事實上,大部份飲用水的有害物質均是離開濾水廠後,在水管或儲水箱內形成的。受污染的飲用水最顯著的跡象是含有有色的沉澱物 (如紅色沉澱物是來自鐵銹)。


污染物 主要來源 對健康之潛在影響

鉛 (Pb2+) 受侵蝕的家用水管裝置; 天然沉積物的侵蝕





水銀 (Hg2+)

天然沉積物的侵蝕; 工廠、垃圾堆填區及農田排放的廢物


苯 工廠排放的廢物; 儲存箱及垃圾堆填區的滲漏




甲苯 石油廠排出的廢料 神經系統、腎臟及肝臟出現問

二甲苯 石油廠、化學廠排出的廢料 破壞神經系統

苯并 (a) 芘 儲水箱內層及其分支的滲漏 生殖困難


五氯酚 (PCP)

垃圾堆填區的滲漏; 化學廢料的排放






氯仿 肝臟、腎臟或中樞神經系統問

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一些有毒的污染物則非常頑強〔例如DDT (化學農藥)、二噁英 (dioxin) 等〕,只要極少量便已含有很強的毒性,而且經人體吸收後,會長時間積聚在人體內,對健康構成極大威脅。

水管或儲水箱中亦經常發現微生物,原因是水中的極少量養份已足以令微生物滋長。常見的微生物包括病毒 (沙士)、細菌 (大腸桿菌)、水藻 (綠藻類) 及真菌 (曲黴屬真菌類) 等。


(哥羅芳) 經消毒的飲用水副產品



飲用水在儲存直至供應到用戶期間均含有殘餘氯氣以殺除微生物,這是濾水處理中一個重要及常見的程序。然而,飲用水中的有機化合物與氯會產生化學作用,尤其在夏天當氣溫提升,更會大量增加三鹵甲烷 (THMs) 的形成。三鹵甲烷的毒性很強,是已證實的一種致癌物質。

以瓶裝水 (蒸餾水) 代替飲用水是否可行?

由於我們的身體需要大量主要礦物質 (營養素如鈣、鎂、鉀等) 及少量指定的礦物質 (微量營養素如鐵、銅等) 以維持健康,瓶裝水並不能提供以上的礦物質,應避免長期飲用。




Sources of drinking water in Hong Kong

Some of our drinking water in Hong Kong comes from rainfall, which gathers in water catchments and is then stored in local reservoirs. However, most of our drinking water comes from the Dongjiang River in southern China, and pollution levels in the river have an impact on our overall water quality.

Is our drinking water safe?

Drinking water in Hong Kong is treated in water treatment plants to remove all harmful substances before being distributed to users. Impurities, particulates, viruses and microorganisms are removed using a series of treatment steps and chlorination.

According to data provided by the Hong Kong Water Supplies Department, the quality of treated water in Hong Kong is high and exceeds standards laid out inWorld Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. However, Professor Wong noted that the data given reflects only the quality of water leaving the treatment plants, not the actual quality of drinking water that finally comes out of our taps.

The fact is that most of the harmful substances in tap water originates from the pipelines or storage tanks it passes through after leaving the water treatment plants. The most obvious sign of polluted tap water is the presence of coloured residues ?for example, rusty residues from oxidised iron.

Many toxic organic compounds such as DDT and dioxin are extremely tenacious and can accumulate in our bodies over a long period. Even a small amount of such toxins can be very harmful.

Microorganisms are often found in pipelines and storage tanks, and they can survive and reproduce even when there is only trace of nutrients in the drinking water. Microorganisms include viruses

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(such as the one that caused SARS), bacteria (E-coli), algae and fungi.

The liver is the most important organ in the body for the detoxification of toxic substances, while the kidney promotes excretions. Contaminants such as lead and mercury in our drinking water can be extremely harmful to these organs, and can also impair the growth and health of babies and young children.

THMs - the biggest threat in our water

Chlorine is a disinfectant for killing microorganisms and is widely used in water treatment. Residues of chlorine are often found in drinking water. If these residues chemically react with organic compounds in the water, a by-product called trihalomethanes (THMs) will be produced. THMs are extremely toxic and have been proven to be cancerous.

Bottled water or distilled water - whichis best?

Using distilled water as your main source of drinkingwater is not recommended because it lacks the essential minerals that are required to maintain good body health.


There are several common water filtration technologies available for household use including hollow fibre, reverse osmosis, activated carbon, UV lamp and boiling. Each has its own advantages and drawbacks, and Professor Wong suggested it is best to combine different technologies in order to ensure the best drinking water quality.

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