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Written in the year of 1

All about me!

Jul 11, 2015


Self Improvement

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Page 1: All about me!

Written in the year of


Page 2: All about me!

Get to know me!The crazy story of my name: My name is Muskaan Gill. However, my name

wasn’t going to be that when I was born. I was actually going to be named

Sazel or Simran. However, too many people were being named Simran in the

time of 2001. This is because there was a popular movie in which there was a

girl named Simran so most Indian people decided to name their children

Simran. However, my parents wanted me to have a unique name so they

cancelled the name Simran. Then, they decided on Sazel but they thought that

it just wasn’t fit for me. With my parents confused on which name to pick, my

grandma thought to name me Muskaan. Everyone loved it because it means

smile and my parents wanted a smiley child so what better name then

Muskaan. That’s how my name came to be.

……….. ………….

When and where I was born: I was born on May 24th 2001 at 11:25 am in

Brampton Ontario. Specifically in ‘Peel Memorial Hospital’. Here is a fun fact;

Peel Memorial Hospital was founded in the year of 1925 but soon became a

part of ‘William Osler Health Centre’ in the year of 1998.

Interesting Fact: Did you know that I was a 7 pounder when I was born?


Page 3: All about me!

Get to know me! (Pt.2)


My horoscope sign & birthstone: My horoscope sign is Gemini (May 21st-June 20th). The

Gemini symbol is the twins because they have split personalities and the

constellation Gemini also looks like twins. Although, my birthstone is the Emerald.

Did you know any facts about a Gemini? How about I tell you some? Okay! They go as


-judge someone by the way they treat them

-react instantly


-have interesting/exciting friends

-social butterflies/don’t like talking to depressing people

-very independent

These labels suit me very well. Whoever made them must have done their research!

My favourite celebration: To start with, I’m Indian. My favourite Indian celebration

is Diwali, also called deepavali or dipavali. In English you can call it the ‘festival

of lights’. Punjabis like me celebrate Diwali because that day (November 3rd) our

Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji won a battle and came back to his home alive. On the day

of Diwali, we do many amazing things. However, we keep it simple. Me and my

family do the following:

-call my uncles and their families

-light up some crazy fireworks

-eat sweets

-eat dinner together

-light up candles or diyas

Although, that’s not all you can do, you can also clean your house especially for

Page 4: All about me!

Objectives for my life!


Organization Skills:

*Organize the day with a daily schedule.

-How can this be achieved? For instance, I’ll try to wake up 10-15 minutes early each

day. With the spare time that I have, I’ll think about all the events that will occur

throughout my day. With those thoughts inside of my mind, I will organize all that

needs to be done by jotting it down on something that’s right for me (a paper) in

a logical order. I will remember not to forget to look at my schedule

frequently. Even if I have trouble remembering to do so, I can keep it in a place

that I will be looking at often so that it’s always there for me.

-How will I find out that this is achieved? When I feel that everything has been

completed in my day without forgetting to do any of it.


*Always try to support my friends in their time of need.

-How will I conquer this goal? Let’s say that one of my friends has a problem in

her personal life. I’ll try not to say something like it’ll get better or even just

ignore it. Instead, I’ll actually be a real friend and stand up to do something that

will make that unsolved problem into solved. Anything that will make my friend

happy again.

-How will I realize that I have fulfilled this target? When my friends are closer

to me. After all, when you help your friends, they’ll be happy and that will make

them like you and when someone likes you, you’re close with them (in most cases).

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Objectives for my life! (Pt.2)


Physical Growth:

*Grow up to be a tall adult.

-How will this ambition be accomplished? Maybe, I can start to eat and drink

more bone strengthening food and drinks such as: milk, sardines and yogurt.

Also, I could do some bone stretches that I’ve learnt more often so that my

bones will stretch and grow ( real trick for people with short height


-How can this be classified as ‘accomplished’? I can only know if this is

accomplished in 6+ years when I’m an adult. If I’m tall then, I’ve accomplished

it but if I’m short then, then I haven’t.

New Responsibilities:

*To be responsible for cooking a dinner for my whole family sometimes.

-How will this target be acquired? I can make an agreement with my mom

to cook for the whole family on one assigned day of the week. A few days

before the ‘cooking day’, I can plan out what exactly I’m going to cook and

how I’ll cook it so that I’ll be prepared and my mom won’t have to come in

the middle and do it for me because I failed!

-How will I know I have achieved my goal? When the cooking has been going on

for a long time and my mom didn’t have to come in between often or even


Page 6: All about me!

Objectives for my life! (Pt.3)


Spiritual Growth:

*Become more devoted to god.

-How can I become more devoted to god? Possibly, I could start praying

daily before I come to school. The simplest things can do the most.

-How will I know when this goal is carried through? This will be noticed

when I start praying a lot more and maybe even going one step further

and follow through with some of the other religious rules that my god


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My Family and Friends!


What does family mean in my opinion? In my eyes, family are the people who are always there to comfort you when your sad or even happy. They give you advice to make the best possible choices in your life. Not only does a family mean all of the above but a family also loves you and cares for you no matter what your personality is like.

Family stats: Mom: My mom’s name is Parvinder Gill. My mom enjoys the following: spending time with family, making people happy, watching movies, cooking, gardening and keeping a clean house (she’s a real clean freak). My mom dislikes the following: a mess, people who are rude and whining kids.Dad: My dad’s name is Kanwalpreet Gill. My dad likes the following: making me and my brother study, taking pictures, spending time with family, going on the computer, listening to songs and watching movies. My daddy distastes: when me and my brother don’t work very hard while studying, people who are rude or full of themselves and whining kids.Brother: My annoying brother’s name is Aryan Gill. He was born on May 1st 2004.He likes: Mountain Dew, arcades, farting, sports (hockey), math, science, listening to music, reading books (graphic novels), going on the computer or iPad to play minecraft and G.T.A, buying electronics and spending time with the fam. He doesn’t like: vegetables (mostly broccoli), sleeping, pink, writing, show-offs and bikers.

Special things my family does:• Go out to dinner every Saturday.• Watch a movie together when a good one comes out.• Go to fun amusement parks or places in the.

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My Family and Friends!



What do ‘friends’ mean? Friends are the people that stand up for you if someone is hurting you. Friends don’t gossip about you behind your back, they tell you the truth no matter how bad it is. An ally also helps you get through your bad days. Not to mention that a friend always gives her gals or guys advice at the time of need.

Stats on two people in my friend circle:Simrat Arri- Simrat cannot live without: cheesy pasta, her family and swimming pools. Simrat hates: celery, changing diapers, crying/whining babies, too much homework, mean people and very high heights.Jasmine Saini- Jasmine is passionate about: art, singing and neatness. Jasmine is not passionate about: annoying/rotten people, people how invade her personal space and when individuals take her personal items without permission.

Special things me and my friends do.-We always play fun things together.-Sometimes we go to amusement parks and movies together.-We meet after school to spend time with each other.

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My Birthday!


When was I born? Again, I was born on May 24th 2001.

Chinese astrological sign: Did you know that I am a snake? Snakes are wise, calm, understanding and intelligent.

Interesting things that happened in the same year month or day that I was born on:-Tema Tsheri (age 15) became the youngest person to climb to the top of Mount Everest. (May 24th 2001)-Terrorists crashed a plane in the Twin Towers. (September 11th 2001)

Interesting facts or events surrounding my birth: *My umbilical cord got stuck around my neck (I was obviously dancing around in there), I wasn’t able to breath and I also didn’t cry when I came out of my mom’s stomach. Thankfully, the doctors rushed me into some room and saved my life as quick as possible.*My mom was in labour for 17 hours. She was so angry that she was in the mood to kill a few people.

Best birthday ever: My best birthday ever was my most recent one. First of all, my best friends came over to my house. When everyone came, we played lots of games like: scavenger hunt, we made a movie on I-Movie, word riddles and freeze dance. Also, my friends fed me cake at put it all over my face and made it red. Not to mention that we ate many scrumptious things like ice cream, Timbits, chips, candy and pizza. Having my friends there all along made it all the better.

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My Birthday! (Pt.2)


Plans for future birthdays:*I want to have a swimming party. All of us can swim together and have a competition too.*Crazy piñatas! We all can smack it so hard and have a rain of candy.*Go to Playdium. All the guests can play games together and earn tickets together.*Themed party! A theme as in a colour or something like pyjamas. We all can look similar and see what each of us created.

My thoughts on getting older and growing up:

What does it mean to be older and how do I feel about getting older? Getting older means to start getting more responsibilities and become more independent. For example, you may have to: take care of younger siblings, you may have to take care of your very own family some day, pay for your own necessities, make money all by yourself, drive your very own car. Basically you put on your big girl or boy shoes and experience the real world. This makes me happy because it will help me go out into the open, experience something new and not have everything done for me.

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What am I expecting from myself in the future? I really hope that my career ends up being a surgeon. I would just love to feel the feeling of saving someone’s life. However, at the same time, I’d like to be an Olympic swimmer, ice skater or gymnast. I’d like myself to finally be tall then all of my friends (some of them make me jealous). I’d also LOVE to have long hair for once. I also wish that I don’t start dressing up like a granny when I’m older and I am fashionable. Lastly, I hope that I have a mansion, a lot of money (which would partially be donated to cancer research and other charities) and my very own Lamborghini and phone!

What will be important to me in the future? My own time will be very important to me because otherwise, I’ll have no life and I’ll be sad. My family will be one of the top priorities because they are the foundation in life. Lastly, my career will be important because I have to do something that makes me happy and proud of myself. I also have to work hard to maintain the career.

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Things in the future……

*Technology- I'm hoping that there will be a new type of phone that is very advanced. I’m also anticipating a new I-Phone/I-Pod 10 or something like that, I want to see how much of a challenge the Apple company can take. Maybe there will also be a compact television that you can fit into your pocket and take anywhere but then take it out and press a button to make it larger and watch television wherever you are. The next technological thing that I hope will be in the future is a security system for homes that senses the burglar and throws laser beams or snow at them. That way, the burglar will run away and never come back. Lastly, I’d love to have flying cars because we get the feeling of flying and there's not many obstacles in the air so it’ll be easier to drive.

*Space Exploration-Maybe there’ll be homes in outer space one day so that average people can get the feeling of living life in space. One other thing I’m wishing is for space tours. This way, anyone can get to look around space and see what it is all about.

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Environmental Issues- To save the environment more and more people may start to pollute the air, water and land less often. Simply, they might just not throw garbage on the streets and in their garbage cans instead. Alongside, we can try to produce less garbage so that we’ll have less landfills and mother earth won’t be a big garbage dump. Simply reducing, reusing and recycling.

*War/Peace-Possibly, countries could find a better way to work problems out like talk it out and make an agreement rather than violence and wars. We need to make a peaceful environment for all our people.

*Social Issues-Perhaps, we will have a poverty free world in the future. That will include: food, homes, clothes and schooling for every child. Not to mention having more acceptance in this world. By that I mean looking past the price of someone's clothes, accepting different races and not judging anyone by the way that they look.

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Humour Page!


Which cartoon character represents me? I did a test online about my interests and the

website matched me with the cartoon character Kim Possible. According to

Wikipedia, Kim Possible was an ‘American animated action-adventure comedy series on

the Disney Channel about crime fighter who had many family, worldwide and school issues

to deal with each and every day. The first episode aired on June 7th 2002 and the last

episode was on September 7th 2007.’ The online test said that both of us are

kind, adventurous and independent. We are perfectionists about everything. We are

also, suspicious about things because we want to be cautious. Lastly, We both have a best

friend that we knew since we were born and still talk to her/him. This is funny because all

of these characteristics and habits are part of my personality. It’s not like it’s just one, it’s

legit all. Let me explain each characteristic/habit in detail based on what I do:

-independent: I don’t rely on people that often because I don’t know if I can trust many of

them. Also, I never try to depend on someone just because they aren’t going to be there

for the rest of my life so when I’m on my own, what will I do without that person? This is

why it’s best to just rely on yourself.

-kind: I show respect to everyone no matter what! Your race, your looks, if your rich or poor

and your gender doesn’t matter to me. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you. PERIOD.

-adventurous: I love trying new things, weather it be a new sport, new place, new activity

or even a new book, I’m up for it all.

-perfectionist: This characteristic definitely belong to me. No matter what I’m doing weather

it be getting ready in the morning or completing school work, it’s not going to be shown to

the world unless it’s perfect.

-suspicion/caution: I am definitely suspicious and cautious. For example, if someone is on

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Humour Page! (Pictures)


Me and my B.F.F since birth!

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My top 10 favourite things to do:

-shopping-I love staying up to date with new fashions that I like. Also, I

enjoy having a variety of items to wear.

-swimming-I absolutely love the feeling that I get during swimming, it just is

indescribable . Also, when I swim, I know the fact that I can do almost anything at

the beach and not stand close to the shore like I’m a scaredy cat; it makes me feel

good about myself.

-ice skating- I’m mad for gliding across the ice! I am very passionate for the skills I

have learnt and putting them into a large combo to be

like a professional.

-reading-I love getting deep inside of a good book. It makes you feel as if you’re in a

different world. Not to mention that reading increasing vocabulary and even

understanding of the language that you are reading whether it be

English, Spanish, Greek or French which will make you a fantastic writer.

-dancing-Dancing is my life, I dance literally everywhere. I love learning cool

tricks and doing them. I also like how dancing can convey

very strong emotions through it.

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-gymnastics-I just adore everything about the flips and learning new and complicated skills.

-spelling bees-I am in love with words and spelling them and even better, competing with other people to see if they’re better than me.

-playing with friends-I love all of my friends and just to hang out with them is amazing. They’re so funny and fun and I never regret hanging out with them or think it was a waste of time.

-fundraising-I enjoy collecting money for important causes. I like to get people aware of the problems that we have in our world.

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Why is time for myself now a luxury? Time is now a luxury because I’m usually working up to night time doing homework because I have so much of it. I’m not even complaining because as you get older, more and more work will be presented to you. You’re more advanced and need to show it. If I get some time out of that to have some fun, it’s amazing. That time I get is usually one hour.

Is life more complicated or easy now? Life is way more complicated now. Now I have to really start worrying about school because high school is coming and high school is critical for university. There is no room for mistakes foolish activity and failure anymore. This makes me stressed out . Not to mention that I’m getting closer and closer to thinking about my community hours and career. Also, more of the emotional drama starts at around this age so I have to really make sure I keep that out of my way. Stress is arising.

Time: When you get older (I notice this) time passes way to quickly. More schoolwork takes up a ton of time. It’s not grade one that you read a book and run off to play with your soccer ball, it’s much more serious than that. Time to yourself will not come so often. It’s going to pass by with all the school stuff. Breaks won’t just come to you, you’ll have to plan out a small break out of your busy schedule. Don’t forget though that relaxation time is very important. You must relax your brain because no time to yourself will make you depressed. You’re going to throw your life away , you only live once!

What steals my time? My brother is one of the main reasons my time gets stolen. We fight a lot which wastes time. To prevent this, I can just ignore him when he bothers me. Fooling around (occasionally) while doing homework is also a big time thief. I can just prevent this by getting the job done without having any distractions occur.

*Disclaimer-These are my opinions and can be different for anyone!

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Should we have deadlines? Of course we should have deadlines! Without these things will go on forever and they will never get done! Also, how will we learn not to procrastinate?

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Our school’s name: Great Lakes Public School

Information on our school:*Our school is almost bully free. (No school is absolutely 100% bully free in my eyes.) We have very nice and inclusive people here and new students will always be welcomed and have a friend.*Our resources to learn are amazing. We have technology like: net books, I-Pads, computers, document cameras and LCD projectors. This technology that our school pays thousands for helps students learn and make the learning more fun as a big picture. When learning is more fun everyone will want to learn and everyone will be more successful.*We have very awesome teachers here at Great Lakes. They’re amazing at their jobs , well educated and help students learn very effectively. For instance, they help us when in need and teach us in the right way with the right strategies to prepare for high school and even university in the long run.*Don’t forget that at Great Lakes, there are many teachers offering to do extra-curricular activities such as many fun sports club that help students stay fit and enjoy themselves. Most teachers don’t even demand to get paid for it.

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My teachers:

A bit about my current teachers:Mr.Telios (homeroom and most subjects)- He is outgoing, full of jokes, hilarious, excellent at paragraph writing and doesn’t overwork students.Mr. Chau/ Mr. Dennis (gym): They are very athletic, strict about rules (breaking gym rules isn’t an option), great at teaching us sports but also look out for fun and great people to crack you up.Mrs.Culham (pathways)-She’s very kind, educates in fun ways such as discussion and media and she doesn’t overwork.Mme Kersten (French) -She is fantastico at French and she let’s us play games to learn French which makes it all the more fun.Mr.Vladetich (Music)- Unbelievable at singing/instrument playing, easily teaches students music skills and he is very humorous.

Qualities of my teachers that I admire will be highlighted in black in the descriptions above!

Someone who taught me something special!

My dad is one of the main people who teaches me life lessons. I remember two that he taught me and I will never forget them. He taught me for one that it’s important to be confident and believe in yourself because if you think you’ll always fail, then you will. Also, he taught me to learn from my mistakes and not regret them because those mistakes will be guidelines for future improvement. These life lessons help me develop as a person

Page 22: All about me!

What do sports do for me? For one, while doing sports I’m keeping myself healthy. Being active will keep my heart pumping and healthy which will make you live longer. That’s a huge thing that sports do for you, they stretches out your life span (mostly). I also just love to play sports for the fun of it. They keep me happy (especially swimming) and if something positive makes you happy, why not pursue it? While I’m on sport’s teams, I make many new friends and it helps me be happy in my social life. Imagine, waking up everyday and doing everyday stuff with no friends! Not to mention that playing sports will help me train for my dream of being an Olympic athlete one day.

Do I think that sports athletes are over paid? Yes, I do think that the superstar ones are overpaid. They are getting paid millions and millions of dollars for just playing a sport they love and enjoy really well. For example, the soccer player Lionel Messi gets paid $44,000,000/year. Isn’t that ridiculous for playing soccer really well? He should be getting paid a lot for being a superstar soccer player but not so much. I mean if you compare his pay to a surgeons pay (around $1,000,000/year at the most) , the surgeons pay is nothing! Shouldn’t a surgeon be paid more, I mean they save people’s lives. All a soccer player does is have fun and entertain. However, the normal soccer players that don’t have many skills are paid a good amount which is not too much for what they are doing.

Value and role of sports in my life: Sports mean sooooo much to me! They just let me escape into the happy side when I’m upset. They just get this positive drive into me that pushes me to do my best and enjoy what I’m doing at the same time. When my body hits the water while I’m swimming I just feel like a superstar.

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What trends are considered to be cool and what are teens dying for? What I think is considered to be cool is the gangsta clothes because I’ve seen hundreds of people wearing the following kinds of stuff. For example: sports team hats (or statement hats), baggy clothes, chains, expensive branded shoes (usually Air Jordans). With some research I did online combined with some of my knowledge, I hear that some of the biggest trends that people are dying for is: peplum, stacked bracelets high waisted shorts and pants, bralette tops, crop tops, leather jackets, baggy sweaters nerdy glasses and long cardigans. I know that most of those previous trends were for girls but I haven’t noticed many male trends.

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Popular stores: Armani Exchange, Brandy Melville, Abercrombie and Fitch, Aeropostle, Hollister and Forever 21. Most of the stores listed are pretty costly (i.e. Armani Exchange) and have immaculate items so people just want to dress to impress. Some do not have such expensive stuff (i.e. Forever 21 and Aeropostale) but they still have immaculate clothing so in this situation, people dress to impress but still get it for a bargain.

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Fads: Some of the biggest fads right now are electronics like iPhones, IPads, and IPods. Especially since the newer versions of all of the three came out recently so everyone obviously needs the bigger and better one. I’ve noticed that almost every child has one of those three. Actually , from personal experience, I know a five and nine year old who got an IPad for a special occasion. I mean, little girls who should still be watching Barney know about the internet and all that jazz already? Social networking sites as in: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are very popular amongst mostly youngsters to connect with their friends and family.

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My personal feelings on fashion: I LOVE fashion. I like to dress up nice and cute. When you know that you look good, you’ll have confidence and be happy about yourself. I’m very fortunate and thankful that I have so many things to dress up with because most children barely have one outfit. I just love the feeling of having so much cool and various stuff to wear. And about trends. It has always been like this and will continue to be like this. If a new trend is out, and there is a big hype, I won’t buy it because of the hype, I’ll buy it only if I like it. However, having something new is nice. That’s because you don’t want to wear the same old same old all the time! Something new doesn’t mean a trend everyone is buying, it just means something new that fits your style.

What do you like to wear and why? I like to wear light colours because they stand out and they appear to make you look like a happy and jolly person. I also love summer clothes like shorts and crop tops. They are just very comfortable and fashionable which I like better than the winter full sleeves that get covered with all the jackets. I also like to wear sandals and boots because they’re just really pretty and go with everything. I’m not a huge fan of running shoes. I also love cross body purses because they add a little something but the cross body makes everything easier to hold. The last thing that I love to wear is jewellery like earrings and bracelets because they spice up and brighten the look of the clothes your wearing and I almost forgot that they compliment it.

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What would I choose to do and where would I choose to go?*I would go to a foreign country like (the Caribbean, France, Sweden). I would want to explore something completely new, learn about different cultures and try new cultural traditions.*Go high up in the sky in a rocket to zero gravity so that I can float. I’ve always wanted to try and be a bird and it’ll be like flying which is so cool! I mean when do you get to do that down here its all on the ground?*Go on a spa day. I’d like to feel a nice sense of relaxation and loose the tenseness. Oh and I almost forgot about how I’ll get my nails all perky.*Dive into water after jumping off of a cliff. I think it would be fun to summersault my way down a cliff and also swim around after diving! I love diving into swimming pools so I think It’d be awesome sauce!*Go on a shopping spree! I’m sure that all of us don’t get whatever we want whenever we want so why not have a day dedicated to going against that? I can get whatever I want.*Don’t forget that at the end of the day, I need a nice good rest! Y’all will have to agree that sleep is the most amazing day to perfect our lives. We need that rest and without it, we will all be lazy bums.

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Who would you spend the day with?*One of my options would to spend the day with mes amis. I would spend the day with my friends because obviously, they’re my friends and I love them (as friends). Also, they make me laugh and smile. Not to mention that hanging out with someone your own age which would be a youngster is awesome as well. Someone your age understands you and they probably have similar interests.

*Another option is to spend the day with ma famille. I want them to explore and have fun because I know for a fact that they haven’t been to many kooky places. Also, for a simple fact, I love them so spending time with people you love is very important.

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What is my favourite type of music? My favourite type of music is R&B. I like R&B because it gets me in the mood to sing and dance and just get groovy. It helps my mind relax if I’m upset and just gets me in a great mood.

What is my favourite song? I adore the song 22 by Taylor Swift. I love the beat because whenever I hear it, I want to get up and dance like crazy. The words have a beautiful flow. The last thing I love about it is it’s wonderful message. The message is to stop, forget about your hardships and have fun with your buds.

One of my favourite artists: I love listening to Bruno Mars. He puts he soul into his music and connects the songs to his experiences which makes the songs so sweet. His voice is so addictive! Even without auto tune or lip syncing, he sings beautifully. He keeps it real unlike some artists including: Miley Cyrus and Drake who admitted it.

What role does music play in this world according to me: Music plays a huge role in life! It is a way to escape your troubles and go into some other kind of world. Music is a big part of our lives; it’s everywhere; commercials, YouTube, dancing you name it! Don’t forget that you can jam out and also improve your singing.

What makes good music? A dedicated artist who is really interested in their music. They put their heart and soul into the lyrics by making it detailed and heart felt. The person should also think about what they can do to make the song interesting to make people like it.

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What kinds of movies do I like? I like movies with suspense, thriller and adventure.Adventure-Movies like 127 hours are my love! I love when people are trying to get to places and be adventurous but they get an interesting hardship along the way.Suspense-I like movies that have cliff hangers that keep you wondering about what will happen next.Thriller-I like thriller sometimes because who doesn’t like a good scare occasionally?

My favourite actor: One of my favourite actors is Anthony Stark. He is such a good actor because he portrays everything really well. If something in the script like a joke is supposed to be funny, he makes it very funny with his personality and expression. His every emotion is shown so well through every movie he is in. All of these things were shown in his newest Iron Man movie called Iron Man 3.

What makes a good movie? A good crew is obviously needed. People, that work hard, are good and what they do and get along well. A good story line is also needed. Nobody will want to watch a boring slow movie. We need something interesting with occasional humourous scenes in it.

What is my favourite movie? One of my favourite movies includes: Despicable Me. What the characters do and say are so funny. Some of the characters look funny too. I love humour, if something’s funny, I’ll love it!


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Every teen (most likely) experiences issues in their teen lives! Hear me rant about them!

Fear of failure-When you’re a teenager, you begin to experience more and more work mainly from school. You’re starting to advance and university/college is coming! University/college is something you’ve been working towards since kindergarten or pre-k. When you get to that college and university phase, everything gets complicated with studies. At that time, if you don’t do well, it’s critical because university/college is the key to a good job. If you don’t pass the first time, it’ll be hard because university/college take a long time and if you just quit, all those years of school were worth almost nothing. Here is where teens fear of failure because they’re scared that they won’t do well in their lives.

Fear of failure-Failure isn’t only in school, it can be a relationship as well. When you get older, you may feel as if you’re for example breaking your relationship with your parents. Right there, your failing to make your relationship with your mom and dad stronger. Many teens fear that they will fail in their relationships because of their growing attitude.

School-Some teens have huge issues with school!!!!! Girls especially really make fun of , tease and spread rumors at this time, these things are delivered in person and through the internet. Sadly, when some girls have had enough, they take away their lives and commit suicide. Not only is that an issue but girls really start worrying about their body image and then comes the losing weight and changing yourselves. Like, ‘’Oh that girl in school is so skinny but I’m so fat, I need to loose weight.’’ Boys don’t have so many issues but the excluding, fighting etc. still exists. Boys also commit suicide. With the bullying, and all the problems, girls and even some boys get anorexia and other eating disorders. This time, it’s not about losing weight, it’s getting some of your control into of your life and ask for a cry for help because of your problem through not eating.

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Friends-Your old goody-good friend may not remain so good. Friends change a lot! Although, it’s not true all the time! A good person can remain and a bad person can become a good person! However, some friends start getting into bad habits. For example, drugs, alcohol, inappropriate activity and cutting classes. We need to remember to stay away from these kind of people because they aren’t going to make us succeed, they are just going to pressurize us into what they are doing and bring us down. At a certain point, you’ll start to regret all the bad things you did if you did any. Everyone will be climbing up the mountain with their degrees and diplomas whereas you can step down the mountain with your ‘friend’.

Parents-When you’re older, parents have more and more expectations. They probably know better than you that teens get out of hand and they want to keep you in there hand. For example, they want you to start doing really well in school because it’s important to move onto the big dogs like university and college which will make you nervous and wanting to do better in school so that you won’t fail. They also expect a lot in your personal life. For example, be appropriate and don’t get into anything wrong that will hurt you in the future. Usually, if you break their strict rules, out of the house you go! You get older and more is expected of you!

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Grade 6 was an educational year In it, I had no fear

I advanced academicallyBut also socially

I met so many new friendsWho were there till the end

I worked hard to the best of my abilityWith that mind set, I never failed

Due to my hard work, I won a Grizz AwardI thank the lord

Mrs.Humanski was the most awesome teacherShe is no ordinary, boring human creature

Mrs.Humanski taught and helped me as much as she couldI couldn’t thank her enough

Grade 6 was greatBut now grade 7 is my mate

An ode to grade 6

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