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E-Magazine|Free No. 34 Edition • III year • May 2015 M AJALAH All about ICT in Indonesia I T C Welcome New BRTI Jamalul Izza Heads APJII Cellular Phone and Device TKDN Will Soon be Enforced

All about ICT in Indonesia · PDF fileMajalahAll about ICT in Indonesia ICT Welcome New BRTI ... namely Riant Nugroho, Didik Akhmadi as well as Sigit Puspito Wiganti. ... with psychologist

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No. 34 Edition • III year • May 2015Majalah

All about ICT in Indonesia I TC

Welcome New BRTI

Jamalul Izza Heads APJII

Cellular Phone and Device TKDN Will Soon be Enforced

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2No. 34• May 2015Majalah I TC

Dear readers,Majalah ICT is present one more time and

continues to deliver information on the latest Indonesia information and communication technology. In this 34-2015 edition, we welcome the elected Indonesian Telecommunication Regulating Board members for the period of 2015-2018. Despite three BRTI members representing the governements are not new faces, the elected BRTI members representing community elements are truly “fresh from the oven”, there are no BRTI members who are re-elected unlike the history of BRTI in the perevious periods.

This month, reframing of 1,800 MHz had also shown results. Despite in an empty area, the effort of frequency reframing in order for each telecommunication organizer to “have” larger adjacent frequencies has started. Whether it is admitted or not, the real challenges of frequency reframing are areas where four telecommunication operators have operated with large number of users like Jakarta.

From internet sector, Indonesia Internet Service Manager Associaion (APJII) just completed National Deliberation in Yogyakarta. As a result, APJII now has a new leader from young circle, Jamalul Izza. Jamalul is elected as General Chairperson of APJII for the period of 2015-2018, while Priyono is elected as Chairmperson of Panel of Supervisors.

Readers, as a form of our concern on ICT development in Indonesia, currently we have actively visited campuses and schools to provide the newest information on the development of information and communication technology, regulation and what attracts the community’s attention as users. In addition we also provide balance and invitation in order for the community to be able to use information and communication technology in positive ways, think twice before clicking send to update status on social media for instance, also the awareness that Information and Communication Technology is not an objective let alone an addiction that must be accessed and used all the time. For those who wish to support our movement, please send your email to [email protected] or mention us on Twitter @indoict.

Happy reading, move forward Indonesia ICT.

• Editor


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KPI Prepares Broadcasting Institution Violation Report ...............................20

BRTI Issues New “Regulation” on Prepaid Registration .......................10

Jamalul Izza Heads APJII 2015-2018 .........................17

Welcome the New BRTI ...... 4

3 No. 34• May 2015Majalah I TC

Bank Mandiri Invites Operators in Strengthening Inclusive Finance…. .......... 32

Cellular Phone and Network TDKN Will Soon be Enforced ............................22

1,800 MHz Started to be Reframed, Customers Are Lack of Information ........... 28

When Frequency License also Adopts M2M Technology ........................24

Not optimum, USO Program Is Redisigned .................... 26

Major General Wisnu Bawa Tenaya (Expert Coordinator of Indonesian National Soldier), a Soldier Must be more Professional, and win with Information Technology ........................16

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Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara finally appointed members of Indonesia Telecommunication

Regulating Board (BRTI) completely.Of all whom were appointed by Minister of Communication and Informatics, six of them are representatives of public elements and three of them are representatives of the government. In the appointment, Rudiantara reminded that BRTI performance is not only making analysis, but also what is most

important which is the regulation that provides services to the public.

“Don’t let Indonesian Telecommunication Regulating Board (BRTI) become Indonesian Telecommunication Analysis Board (BATI) because it only deals with analysis, endless analysis and does not result in regulations,” said Rudiantara after appointing BRTI members for the period of 2015-2018, in Serbaguna Room, Ministry of Communication and Informatics Building, Jakarta.

Welcome the New BRTI

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Rudiantara expects that as a regulator, supervisor and controller of telecommunication industry can issue regulations suitable with Communication and Informatics programs. Moreover he said there were three large homeworks that had to be settled by BRTI, namely concerning interconnecting, implementation of Indonesia Broadband Plan (RPLI) and Consolidation.

“If it is possible interconnection will be manifested this year, but no rush, the objective is to be more fair and balanced. Operators are expected to consolidate the industry by considering high capital investment, high techcnology and high quality,” explained

Rudintara.The six members of BRTI who represent

public elements are Agung Harsono, I Ketut Prihadi Kresna, Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin, Rolly Rochmad Purnomo, Rony Mamur Bishry and Taufik Hasan. Meanwhile the three persons representing the government are PPI Director General Kalamullah Ramli, SDPPI Director General Muhammad Budi Setiawan and Special Staff of Ministry of Communication and Informatics Danrivanto Budhijanto. Previously Danrivanto was a member of BRTI for the period of 2009-2012. Kalamullah Ramli will head BRTI as the duty of former PPI Director General officio.

New History of BRTI Minister of Communication

and Informatics Rudiantara stipulated six names of the new the Telecommunicaion

Regulating Committee members – Indonesia Telecommunication Regulating Board (KRT-BRTI) for the period of 2015-2018 from public elements. Out of the six names announced, none of the first members of BRTI survived to the next period. This is a new history for BRTI.

As we all know, the new six members of KRT-BRTI for the period of 2015-2018 are Dr. Agung Harsoyo, ITB Lecturer for technologcal field, I Ketut Pribadi Kresna SH, LLM, legal practitioner and Telecommunication regulation (legal field), Dr. Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin ST. MT, of PT Indosat (Micro/Business Econmist), Rolly Rochmad Purnomo St, MM, MSIS, PhD from KPPU and Bappenas Public Policy Field), Dr. Rony Mamur Bishry MA, from BPPT (macro economy

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field) and Dr. Ir. Taufik Hasan DEA, Telkom university lecturer and practitioner (Public policy field).

This time around, three persons from the first members of BRTI participated in the election process, namely Riant Nugroho, Didik Akhmadi as well as Sigit Puspito Wiganti. However their names did not appear in the lineup of Regulatory Board members which have the duties of regulating, supervising and controlling telecommunication industry.

On the other hand since the beginning of BRTI there had been ‘old’ members who were elected to be ‘new’ BRTI members as the continuation of the legacy. The 2004-2006 period BRTI for instance

had Koesmarihati and Hery Nugroho elected as members of BRTI members for 2006-2009 period. Then Heru Sutadi, member of BRTI 2009-2012. In the last period of BRTI there were Nonot Harsono and M. Ridwan Effendi who were elected for two periods 2009-2012 and 2012-2015.

According to Chairman of Selection Committee, Basuki Yusuf Iskandar, the elected names of the new BRTI were based on consultation with psychologist Prof, Dr. Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono and Team. Minister of Communication and Informatics stipulated 6 KRT-BRTI member nominees for the period of 2015-2018,” said Basuki, who headed BRTI for the period of 2005-2010.

Having responsibility for BRTI performance, the selection

committee of Indonesian Telecommunication Regulating Board (BRTI) members will continue to monitor the performance of BRTI member for the period of 2015-2018 until the end of their terms of office. This is intended in order for the elected BRTI members not to forget their promises, vision, mission and independence in the future

subsequent to having been elected to become regulators who regulate, supervise and control the telecommunication industry.

This was conveyed by a member of Selection Committee Doni Ismanto Darwin. Doni is a member of election committee representing the civilians. “Their duties have just begun, we will still supervise and ask them

to keep the promises conveyed at the election process,” said this Founder of

Election Committee Will Continue to Monitor BRTI members’ performance

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BRTI association established by the election participants of Indonesia Telecommunication Regulating Board (BRTI)

for the period of 2015-2018 filed a hard protest on the non transparent BRTI members election process. However, with the elected new BRTI members, BRTI association stated its support to BRTI elected members in order to manifest public prosperity through telecommunication technology which is significantly beneficial for the public.

“With this association we can cause BRTI to have optimum function in supervising, regulating, and controlling telecommunication service for public prosperity,” said a

member of BRTI Association Kamilov Sagala.

Kamilov who is also former KRT BRTI member said the participation of BRTI association can be optimized in guarding various strategic policies in telecommunication field. Particularly to provide various views and comprehensive perspectives from outside BRTI. Therefore, he said, KRT BRTI members would have additional guidances which complete each other against telecommunication issues which were being discussed and required accurate and effective regulations.

“I also would like to propose a regular meeting to review policies pertaining to important issues on

Once protested by Election Participants, BRTI Association Supports New Members


Indo Telkom Forum.For such purpose Doni expects

that the elected BRTI members representing public elements can perform their duties well and hold the mandate to progress national telecommunication industry during their term of office in accordance with the vision and mission elaborated at the election process.

Despite the claims from a number of election participants since the

election process is considered as not transparent, Doni expressly stated that the selection process had been transparent and the elected members had represented each field with experience of more than 10 years in average.

As a member of electing committee, Doni opines that the election committee has completed their duties well in filtering the public representation nominees in BRTI.

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telecommunication, since there are many matters that can be seen from outside BRTI. This can be a guidance for our friends at BRTI to complete issues being discussed from different perspectives,” he said.

Human Resources LevelIn the same tone, another

member of BRTI, Bernaridho Hutabarat said he was ready to support KRT BRTI for the period of 2015-2018 to develop human resources capability. The main point is in facing various global competition that must be endured in going towards Indonesia telecommunication sector independence.

According to Bernaridho the effort to increase human resources in Indonesia must be on the basis of good planning to increase additional value for the nation. Hence in the future, he said, Indonesia would have reliable human resources in telecommunication sector.

“Our people must master matters that must be mastered. And now I master the methods and strategies to increase human resources in this country, particularly in this BRTI. I am ready to develop this country,” he said.

Meanwhile, a member of KRT BRTI for the period of 2015-2018 Taufik Hasan welcomes the support of BRTI association to jointly increase telecommunication sector service

for the public.“On behalf of all of us, I would

like to thank the association friends. We received important inputs from association friends representing public elements,” he explained. Taufik said that during one week performing his KRT BRTI duties, he already identified several urgent issues that required serious attention.

Among these issues are, first, large opportunity of telecommunciation industry particularly broadcasting institution in order to become more efficient industry. Through a fast and drastic change, broadcasting institution is demanded to be able to increase public prosperity.

Second, he continued, neutralism issue pertaining to over the top (OTT) service which currently is a threat for national telecommunication industry. This is caused by the fact that OTT service which for example provided by Skype, Line, WhatsApp and others, actually does not provide much value to telecommunication industry.

“Indeed the public gains profit since many of such OTTs provide free service. However, actually such OTTs need to be regulated tightly since the impact could be negative for national telecommunication industry,” explained Taufik.

Another KRT BRTI member,

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Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin opines that national telecommunication industry is highly depended on to drive higher economic growth. Moreover, he said, the reality recorded that in the last 10 years the growth level had continued to decrease.

“Therefore BRTI must be able to be the representative of the public to move the industry in order to be healthy and beneficial for this nation. Hopefully this BRTI association can provide benefits for our nation,” said Imam.

Once ProtestedPreviously, BRTI association

opined that telecommunication regulator selection process was not transparent, since it took too long to announce the elected BRTI members. Mahayoni, a participant of BRTI interview test on 22 April 2015 expressly stated that election process had to uphold professional, transparent and credible principles. BRTI insitution has a large role in regulating, supervising and controlling telecommunication sector arrangement in Indonesia. Not only elected member nominees who must be professional, transparent and credible, the election committee must also be the same. This means, she continued, the expresiiveness of passing schedule, agenda criteria and treatment applied to participants must also be applied to the committee.

Further, Raja Napitupulu, an interview test participant on Friday 24 April 2015 opines that BRTI responded very slowly on the technology sophistication particularly in providing comprehensive information and upholding fairness to the public.

As an institution that focuses on telecommunication sector, Ministry of Communication and Informatics and BRTI committee presented a very unprofessional comedy. “How can we progress if the institution which will head policy maker regulators in telecommunication sector is very slow in responding to inform the public,” said Raja who is also Public Policy Observer from University of Indonesia.

He even said that BRTI role in the future would find difficulties in working effectively because of its slow attitude. Moreover, Ministry of Communication and Informatics as a state institution which particularly handles communication and informatics issue in Indonesia seems to “abandon” its website.

“In digital era at this time, it is very easy to provide and update information for the public through website. Moreover, since the beginning of election process BRTI committee has announced transparently to the public. Unless if there are indeed political deals in the last phase conducted by the committee,” he said.

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In the injury time, 20 May, Indonesia Telecommunication Regulating Board (BRTI) issued Circular Letter Number: 159/BRTI/V/2015. This circular letter

is the last duty of BRTI prior to the change of BRTI members on 22 May. This Circular Letter is the effort of BRTI in upholding Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation No.23 of 2005 and as effort to regulate prepaid card registration as well prevention of prepaid number misuse for actions against the provisions of laws and regulations.

Such Circular Letter according to Head of Information and Community Relation of Ministry of Communication and Informatics Ismail Cawidu, contains decisions ordering the organizing of network to modify 4444 application in

server in order for gallery officers to be the only ones who are able to register at the latest two months since the issuance of this circular letter. “Network organizers must hold full control on each circulating prepaid card, to guarantee traceability of each SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card owner. Network organizers must convey reports on progress to BRTI each month,” said Ismail.

In addition, said Ismail, BRTI will

BRTI Issues New ‘Rule’on Prepaid Registration

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conduct test quotes periodically, and violation against this circular letter will result in sanction in accordance with the prevailing terms. “Efforts as intended is in the frame of satisfying terms and conditions of the laws and regulations. On the other hand registration mechanism improvement implementation conducted immediately and at its best by telecommunication organizers show service commitment provided by telecommunication organizers therefore it is expected to increase public or user trust,” said Ismail.

Prior to issuing Circular Letter, last February BRTI together with Ministry of Communication and Informatics provided hard warning to cellular telecomunication organizers. BRTI and Ministry of Communication and Informatics found incompliance of cellular telecommunication organizers of Minister Regulation of Communication and Informatics No.23 of 2005 regarding Telecommunication Service Customer Registration Article 4 paragraphs (1), (2), (5) in the form of prepaid card activation without proper customer registration.

Because of such incompliance, there is disorder in the public which causes negative impacts which among others were fraud, defamation, incitement, bringing two parties to conflicts, terror and other

telecommunication manipulations,“ said Ismail Said. On the other hand, said Ismail, BRTI had issued Circular Letter Number: 161/BRTI/V/2014 dated 28 May 2014 regarding follow up order of customer. In addition there was also an agreement between BRTI and Indonesia Telecommunication Organizer Association (ATSI) regarding stages of prepaid registration regulation implementation in Yogyakarta on 16 April 2014. The rule of prepaid user registration obligation itself is contained in Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation Number 23 of 2005 regarding Telecommunication Service Customer Registration.

“Considering such several matters, BRTI together with Ministry of Communication and Informatics provide a hard warning to cellular telecommunication organizers which will be followed up with other sanctions in accordance with the prevailing laws

and regulations if telecommunication operators do not show good will

to comply with prepaid card registration terms,” said Ismail.

Old SongThis prepaid registration

issue is an old issue that has not come to an end. On the

other hand a couple of days ago BRTI just re-expressed that

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operators conduct e-registration for their prepaid users since the incomplete prepaid registration is the fertile field for criminal acts. There are many people who believe that one of the fertilizers for these criminal practices through sms and telephone is the difficulty in tracing who send such sms and make such calls. This is because of the easiness of criminal actor in obtaining prepaid card (SIM-card) without having to show self identity such as Identification card, driver’s license or passport.

“SIM cards can be puchased at public galleries on the street which are more and more available everywhere. With the easiness to obtain new numbers from new SIM cards, the chance for criminal actors to commit criminal actions of fraud and other criminal actions increases since identity validity used cannot be verified. Ministry of Communication and Informatics have several times sought the narrowing down of the chance of misusing such telecommunication facility. One of the steps that have been taken was asking operators to screen SMS on operator

network and other technical efforts. However such effort did not result in satisfaction,” said Ismail.

For such purpose, said Ismail, in the meeting held in Jakarta in 2014 Directorate General of Post and Informatics Organizing - Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Ditjen PPI Kemkoinfo) invited the Board of Directors of Cellular Mobile Network Organizer and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) to cooperate with Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration of Ministry of Home Affairs (Ditjen Dukcapil Kemendagri) in utilization of Population Registration Number (NIK), population data and electronic Identification Card as one of the technical steps pertaining to prepaid card customer registration verification implementaton. Such cooperation is contemplated in a Cooperation Agreement (PKS).

“This PKS is a follow up of MoU between Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Communication and Informatics Number: 471.12/300/SJ and Number: 32/M.KOMINFO/

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HK.03.02/01/2013 regarding Population Registration Number Utilizing Cooperation, Population Data and Electronic Identification Card In Communication and Informatics Field Service, which was implemented in 2013. This PSK mainly regultes rights and obligations of managers (Ditjen Dukcapil) with user institutions (in this matter cellular organizers/FWA) related to NIK, population data and electronic identification card,” he explained.

Ismail said, Ministry of Communication and Informatics asked operators to immediately after the meeting, improve customer nominees identity registration by prioritizing new customers. The NIK which singularity is guaranteed is expected to be able to improve cellular customer registration/FWA process in Indonesia.

The plan to tighten prepaid card registration process rules began on 1 August 2014, and it has not been according to plan. From monitoring, prepaid registration is still loose and users can still use SIM cards that have been registered by sellers’ agents. A new SIM card buyer, Tessa, said to Majalah ICT that she had just bought prepaid card exactly on 1 August. “[They] did not ask for my identity

card or any other self identity. I still registered through 4444,” she said.

The same was revealed by Vio. He even obtained a ready to use SIM card. “I obtained a ready to use SIM card since it has already been registered early June. It seems that the agent registered it,” he said.

The policy has been issued and cellular operators have agreed to comply with it, however such agreement was not proven on the field. The step of issuing a warning is actually intended to provide a detterent effect in order for operators to comply with the existing terms. Such follow up step will result in the closing down of persistent operator services.

In response to such matter, Ministry of Communication and Informatics threatened to impose further sanction if operators do not show good will. “There will be other sanction follow up in accordance with the prevailing laws if telecommunication do not show good will to comply with prepaid card registration terms.”

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Many people are not aware that some technology that we use daily, both software and hardware actually started by the military.

For instance, GSP (Geo Positioning System), at first such technology was used by the military to determine where the enemy is with the help of satellite in outerspace.

If opponents’ coordinates have been discovered, at this time only by a press of a button a destroying missile is launched to the location of enemies. We also remember CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) technology which at first was used by the military.

In the military world itself, technology use has developed vastly therefore now we are aware of the use of drone. In Indonesia itself, high officers in TNI have been aware of the importance of technology. It’s just that there are still many people who think technology is just a supporter, instead of the main need. There are only a few military officers who understand the use of technology. One of those few is Major General Wisnu Bawa Tenaya, Expert Coordinator of TNI Commander. Technology for this man who was born in Denpasar 24 April 1958 is very important


Major General Wisnu Bawa Tenaya (Expert Coordinator of Indonesian National Soldier (TNI) Commander)

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Soldiers Must be More Professional and Win with Information Technology

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in the framework of supporting duties anywhere.

“Soldiers must be more professional, effective, efficient and win. In the old days [it was] small, effective and modern. Small is dynamic. Then how it can be effective and efficient, modernization by IT is needed. Technology can accelerate duties, both in communication and transportation. Therefore technology can be very important. Therefore I teach each member to own gadget. This is done in order to get used to it. We like them to be modern without leaving the tradition. Including therein soldier’s discipline. These non physical strenghts are our main concern, with such technology it becomes more efficient,” said this TNI Commander Expert Coordinator.

One of the methods is to order each Command for Exclusive Force (Kopassus) of the Army, to have laptop. This was conducted when he was such special force’s General Commander. How can such force obtain it? He also ordered to further develop the existing cooperation in each group of this exclusive force. Each member who needs such gadget is given the facility to purchase with installments.

The next stage, a special class is established to educate each member to use software and hardware. In such class, each member is expected to continue learning. At the end of the day, leaders can ask whether their members have ideas which are beneficial for their units. Including beneficial for the public and families. In addition they can broaden their knowledge.

However, there is one thing that

has always been held by this father of two, namely upholding local wisdoms. From there he could develop local area technology. For instance when he was assigned as Staff Head of Military Area in Kalimantan he asked one of battalion of troups to make a radio. At first it was only used to send songs to the local communty. However, from that members started to understand the functions of technology.

“At first I applied this, first I sought who were interested [in technology]. After selecting, then I made a special class and the method must always be changed. It could’nt be just the same, there even has to be ‘crazy’ method. However, indeed at the beginning simple patterns were adopted in accordance with everyone’s abilities. Then I developed it in the gadget use. If there is anyone who has not used it I told them they were in the stone age. Then he started to buy gadget with installment. Then in the next month we see who could not afford it. At the end of the day everyone had one. From there we learned the benefit and use. Then when they entered officer position, they increased knowledge like how to inform something to friends,” said this former Udayana Territotial Military Commander. The next is how to increase quality of his subordinates’ technological knowledge.

The method was by providing pop quizzes to his members whether they have read books. The questions asked by the commander were inevitable because the member does what he is asked to do, he is afraid that in the next day the same question is asked but he will be unable to answer. In

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addition, he always motivates people that he heads. Usually through simple motivation and usually as he goes he will find new ideas.

According to him further, soldiers must be given examples. It can start from simple examples. Even for IT iself, at this time Command for Exclusive Forces units are more advanced compared to when Wisnu Bawa Tenaya headed them. All those were conducted in the framework of preparing such units in facing proxy war in the future. Hardskill will not be fully used, we will also use softskill. Based on these facts in the future there will be technology was. It is in this field speed, accuracy can be obtained. There is even an intention of this former General

Commander of Kopassus that his subordinates have capabilities like MacGyver (90’s TV serial) in which the leading actor had brain intelligence also innovation to make things.

However, there is one thing emphazised by this former Infantry Armament Center Commander that the devotion to the country must be prioritized. In addition, from the talk with him, still the main point is people behind the technology or man behind the gun. The skills and capabilities of those people are always sharpened. “All of those must go through continuous learning process,” said this husband of Cokorda Oka Istri Darmawati ending the discussion. (ICT/NOOR YANTO)

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Jamalul Izza was elected as General Chairperson of Indonesia Internet Service Organizer Association (APJII) for the period of 2015-

2018. In the National Deliberation (Munas) of APJII held in Royal Ambarukmo Hotel yogyakarta Jamal suceeded in obtaining 115 votes and won against Marcelus Ardiwinata in the election. Jamal has been the CEO of PT Media Lintas Data since January 2012.

In the process of APJII General Chairperson election in VII Munas there were two rounds of election and there were five nominees of this association head. Such names were among others Marcelus Ardiwinata, Tedi Supardi, Jamalul Izza, Hendarwin Saputra and Zulfadly Syam. At the end of the election, Jamal was the winner. Subsequently Jamal immediately chose Henri Kasfyi as secretary and Agus Budi Raharto as treasurer.

According to Jamal, this period of 2015-2018 there would be challenges particularly in regulation field emphasized by the government. For such purpose this Bachelor of Electronic Technics of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) graduate has a goal of developing internet in Indonesia in order to be better and also expects APJII members

Jamalul IzzaHeads APJII for the Period of 2015-2018

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to be active. “In the future

this APJII office will be more open for all members.

The objective is to bring all members closer together. Do not let the spirit of APJII dissapear. We work on this mandate well and answer all of its challenges with achievements,” said Jamal.

The elected Jamal obtains good response from former Secretary General of APJII A. Sapto Anggoro. “I believe the capacity and competence can

progress APJII in the future,” said Sapto. To Jamal, Sapto said that APJII must increase review from merely using user

survey, however it has to be able to become center excellence internet

Indonesia. Meanwhile APJII also

suceeded in electing seven persons from APJII Board of Supervisors from previously 26 nominees. From 169 votes through e-voting, seven names were elected which will be members of Board of Supervisors of APJII for the

period of 2015-2018. They are Priyono (Telkom) with 12

votes, Feby Sallyanto (Indosat) with 92 votes, Adi Kusma

(Biznet) with 83 votes, rudiansyah (Interlink) with 68 votes, Andi Santoso (Sumber Data Indonesia) with 64 votes, Harijanto Pribadi (Hawk Technology) with 61 votes and Rully Sumbawak (Media Antar Nusa) with 59 votes. Priyono with the highest number of votes finally was appointed as Chairperson of APJII Board of Supervisors.

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Indonesia Internet Service Businessmen Association (APJII) Caretaker who has just been elected expressly stated that he

would provide special attention to the case of PT Indosat Mega Media (IM2). The case that caused former Director of IM2 Indar Atmanto to be sent to prison can be a bad precedent for Indonesian internet and telecommunication industry.

As conveyed by the elected General Chairperson of APJII, Jamalul Izza, support for Indar Atmanto at the same time struggled legal certainty in telecommunication industry sector. According to Jamal, APJII expected that President Director of IM2 can be freed.

“Telecommunication industry is very strategic to support national economic growth. The presence of IM2 case, it was bad precedent for us because it provided legal uncertainty. We hope Mr. Indar is freed therefore it can provide positive impact and save telecommunication industry,” said Jamal.

He said APJII itself had asked the Supreme Court (MA) to immediately free Indar who is now at Sukamiskin Penitentiary Bandung. APJI has also officially requested an MA advice (fatwa) through letter number 142/APJII-MA/IX/2014.

He expects that such letter can bridge legal certainty for internet service provider (ISP) as members of APJII.

“We fully support Mr. Indar’s effort. This IM2 case can provide impacts on more than 200 internet service provders (ISP). Hundreds of ISPs also use the same business pattern as Indosat and IM2 in renting telecommunication network. If Mr. Indar is blamed and accused of violating the law, then hundreds of ISPs will certainly be considered as guilty,” said Jamal.

Will Become Bad Precedent, APJII Gives Special Attention to IM2 Case

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Indonesia Broadcasting Commission (KPI) will prepare the report of broadcasting institutions related to Broadcasting Behavior Guidance and

Broadcast Program Standard (P3 & SPS) violation and compliance with satisfying ten percent of local program for television stations which have network broadcasts. This report will be the basis of consideration to extend broadcasting organizing license (IPP) for 10 (ten) existing broadcasting institutions which will extend their licenses in the coming 2016. This was revealed in the meeting of Minister of Communicatin and Informatics Rudiantara and Cental KPI at Central KPI office, this early May.

In such meeting, Rudiantara was present together with Director General of Post and Informatics Organizing,

Kalamullah Ramli. While the arrays of Central KPI Commissioners who were present were Central KPI Chairperson Judhariksawan, Deputy Chairperson of Central KPI Idy Muzayyad, Coordinator of structural management and broadcasting system Azimah Subagijo, Commissioner for broadcasting content monitoring field Agatha Lily, commissioner for structural management and broadcasting system field Amiruddin and commissioner for broadcasting content monitoring field Rahmat Arifin.

With regard to such report, Rudi said that KPI and Ministry of Communication and Informatics will provide report in the form of track record from broadcasting institutions on the content of their broadcasts all these times, particularly on violation of broadcasting contents

KPI Prepares Broadcasting Institution Violation Report


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against P3 & SPS. “From such report broadcasting

institutions can improve their broadcasting performance, prior to submitting license extension in this coming 2016,”said Rudi.

Central KPI welcomes this proposal from Ministry of Communication and Informatics, and will immediately form a team to cunduct such evaluation. Judhariksawan said that in conducting this evaluation KPI and Communication and Informatics would synergize in order for license extension conducted by broadcasting institution to be in

harmony with the objective of the broadcasting implementation in the Law.

Meanwhile pertaining to broadcasting institution compliance evaluation in satisfying ten perrcent local broadcasts according to Azimah Subagijo, it is the mandate of National Work Meeting of KPI 2015. “KPI will recommend Ministry of Communication and Informatics to revoke licenses in the areas that do not satisfy the obligation of such ten percent local broadcasts,” said Azimah.

With regard to this network station system, Kalamullah Ramli also admits that there is a report from the public that television stations in regions are in the form of relays, instead of production stations. “Therefore local economy in the public does not grow like expected by regulation on network broadcasting system,” said Kalamullah.

Judha appreciates the presence of Ministry of Communication and Informatics at KPI office. After all, KPI and Ministry of Communication and Informatics are like two sided coin said Judha.

“The contenct cannot [be issued] without license and license cannot be presence without any content,“ he said. Judha is very certain, broadcasting world structuring in the future will be better with the powerful synergy between KPI and Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

KPI will recommend Ministry of Communication and Informatics to revoke

network licenses in areas that do not satisfy obligation of ten percent

local broadcasts.

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Ministry of Communication and Informatics will immediately issue a rule on the obligation to satisfy Local Content Level

(TKDN) for 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) business. In this rule, the basis of obligations of local content for cellular phones is 30% and network reaches a minimum of 40%. This was conveyed by Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkoinfo) Rudiantara. According to Rudiantara this rule is the result of synergy between government institutions, namely Ministry of Industry and also Ministry of Communication and Informatics. Therefore, he said, prior to the signing of this beleid, he will first discuss the same with Ministry of

Industry and Ministry of Trade.He expressly stated that Ministry of

Communication and Informatics would harmonize his rule with Ministry of Industry No.69 of 2014 regarding Terms and Methods of Local Electronic and Informatics Industry Component Level Value Calculation. “In order for TKDN calculation not to overlap and different, prior to signing this June I will sit down and talk to Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Industry,” said Rudiantara.

Meanwhile, Executive Director of Indonesia ICT Insitute Heru Sutadi opines that government’s step is the real step that has been applied to networks.

And as it turned out, satisfation of 40 or 50 percent is not a difficult problem


TDKN rule on Cellular Phone and Network Will Soon be Enforced

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for manufacturer to obtain since such percentage is not a pure component. “When 3G and Wimax, TKDN policy was already issued. And as it turned out, TKDN satisfaction was not a difficult matter since not only electronic component that was calculated as TKDN, but also for example chasing, wrapping box, measuring instruments including investment. Therefore the figure 40 percent was actually easy to satisfy, therefore the figure should have been higher than that,” said Heru who actively monitors this telecommunication industry.

Public Consultation is Held Prior to issuing a decision, Ministry of Communication and Informatics held public consultation. In the Draft Minister Policy regarding technical requirements on telecommunication tools and gadget with Long Term Evolution (LTE) technological basis which will be the guidance regulating that Local Component Level (TKDN) is obligated

to be satisfied by level, at the lowest 30 percent for Base Station and at the lowest 20 percent for Subscriber Station.

According to Head of Information and Community Relation of Ministry of Communication and Informatics Ismail Cawidu, matters regulated under such regulation are

telecommunication tools and device with LTE based technology which contains LTE based Base Station and LTE based Subscriber Station which are operated on radio frequency bands of 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 2,100 MHz and 2,300 MHz.

Further there are also technical requirements for each device as intended in point 1 contemplated by a separate attachment, such technical requirements refer to ETSI TS 136 101 and ETSI TS136 104 standard.

“In addition to regulate device technial requirements, in this RPM it is also regulated that gadget technical, Local Component Level (TKDN) which is obligated to be satisfied by devices, namely at the lowest 30 percent for

Base Station and the lowest 20 percent for Subscriber Station.

Within two years since the enforcement of this Minister Regulation, TKDN has been intended to be increased to the lowest 40 percent for Base Station and the lowest 30 percent for Subscriber Station,” said Ismail.

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Minister of Ministry of Communication and informatics Rudiantara Inaugurated macine-to-machine (M2M) technology

utilization for radio frequency licensing. The adoption of this technology can accelerate licensing process and increase data accuracy of licensing, since in addition to involving service user participation in increasing radio frequency licensing service, it can also be conducted easier, faster, more flexible and transparent.

“In terms of speed, transparency, fairness therefore the governance is better since each office does not

have to come here, the machine will do the work. Therefore there will be no intervention from people. We actually reduce as much intervention from people,” said Rudiantara after inaugurating M2M Based Radio Frequency Licensing System in Merdeka building Jakarta as reported in the official website page of Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

Minister of Communication and Informatics explained that based on the Law Ministry of Communication and Informatics has the authority in granting radio frequency license. Therefore in this licensing context the service context

When Frequency

License Also Adopts M2M Technology


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must be more emphasized. “This is the Communication and Informatics service aspect implemented by Directorate General of SDPPI, in the context of frequency management,” he said.

He said that this licensing service system was not the first time since previously there were a number of licensing services which had already been conducted by Ministry of Communication and Informatics namely at the end of January 2015 when Ministry of Communication and Informatics issued 8 Minister Regulations all of which were pertaining to services. “Ministry of Communication and Informatics intended to reduce the number of licensing process days to

become 20 work days,” he added.In addition to time reduction

issue, Ministry of Communication and Informatics also simplified licensing types namely there are three Ministry of Communication and informatics licensing based on geography namely national, regency and municipal licensing. Further not all licensing are signed by the Minister, just by Directorate General however each semester Directorate General reports to the Minister.

Meanwhile Directorate General of Post and Informatics Device Resources (Dirjen PPI) M. Budi Setiawan said with the inauguration of M2M based radio frequency licensing system radio frequency licensing application can be conducted through Dirjen SDPPI integrated service center of Ministry of Communication and Informatics offline, daring system (online) and through M2M system.

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Minister of Communication and Informatics No.32 of 2008 regarding Telecommunication Universal Service Obligation as

the legal umbrella for Telecomunication Universal Service Obligation (KPU/USO) program implementation is considered as no longer suitable with KPU/USO program redesigning concept in the future. This is then caused Ministry of Communication and Informatics to plan the change with the new regulation. This new regulation is expected to reduce technical and administrative technical

difficulties that have been faced in KPU/USO program implementation.

As conveyed by Head of Information and Community Relation Ismail Cawidu, Draft Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation regarding Telecommunication and Informatics Universal Service Obligation is needed immediately for KPU/USO program implementation in 2015 in accordance with Minister of Communication and Informatics direction in the framework of manifesting boradband as mandated in President of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 96 of 2014 regarding Indonesia Broadband Plan 2014-2019. “For the public who wish to provide inputs on Draft Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation regarding Universal Service Obligation (KPU) of Telecommunication and informatics can be conveyed through email [email protected] starting from 5 to 9 May 2015,” said Ismail.

Ismail said the substance regulated

Not Optimum, USO Program Is Redesigned


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in such Draft Minister Regulation covers the scope of Telecommunication and informatics KPU which covers supply of Information and Communication Technology (TIK) Infrastructure and TIK Ecosystem supply as well as TIK Infrastructure supply which covers without limitation to optic fiber network, satellite network, cellular transmitting station (base transceiver station), government nework, data center, pasive infrastructure, wi-fi public service access service, recovery center service and broadcasting infrastructre supplies.

It also regulates, added ismail, the supply of TIK Ecosystem which covers public service application supply for Regional Government, content incubator center supply, broadband ecosystem supply, telecommunication and informatics telecommunication KPU funding supply, e-Government, e-Education, e-health, e-Logistic and e-Procurement application supply and development, national Server Name Domain supply, Public Key Infrastructure/Root Certification

Authority facility supply, local Information adn Communication Technology industrial funding development, public capacity training and increase in the field of Information and Communication Technology and incentive granting for telecommunication and informatics KPU procurement supply program evaluation implementation.

Ismail elaborated that telecommunication and informatics universal service areas include disadvantaged, remote and outmost, pioneering, border areas, economy inappropriate areas, and/or other areas which still need telecommunication and informatics infrastructure. Meanwhile, Telecommunication and Informatics KPU supply is conducted based on funding from KPU contribution and other legal sources in accordance with the terms of laws and regulations.

“BPPPTI can grant asset of Telecommunication and Informatics KPU program supply to regional government and/or other parties in accordance with the terms of laws and regulations,” said Ismail.

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1,800 MHz frequency reframing started from May to November. The reframing itself will start early this month for the entire

area of Indonesia which is divided into 42 clusters. In this reframing, there is a potential disturbance on 1,800 MHz frequency users which at this time is used for 2G technology. Indonesia Telecommunication Users Group (IDTUG) said that there was misleading information on network disturbance potential on telecommunication users,

1,800 MHz Started to be Reframed, Customers Are

Lack of Information

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which is mentioned to be only at the reframed clusters.

Such voice on behalf of customers were conveyed by Secretary General of IDTUG Muhammad Jumadi. “Government’s and regulator’s statement to the public that telecommunication network disturbance when 1,800 MHz frequency reframing took place only had impacts on areas that were reframed is misleading,” said Jumadi.

He explained that when reframing took place, the impact actually was not only on the reframed cluster. The areas being reframed, he said, would definitely gain impacts, however other users that are being reframed will also gain impacts.

“Areas which frequancies are being reframed, the users will definitely gain impact on decreased service quality. But don’t get me wrong, since there is disturbance on the reframed areas, users from other areas in Indonesia will contact users in the area which frequency is being reframed, therefore the frequency will be impacted since they cannot contact users who are within such areas,” said Jumadi.

In addition to long, from May to November, national impact issue, IDTUG also highlighted the minimum of socialization of this frequency reframing and also information on service quality disturbance potential to the public.

“Just look at electricity. If there is blackout, there is announcement on print, electronic media and the social media. However, this frequency reframing which impact is nation wide, the disturbance potential information was not socialized well,” said Jumadi.

One more matter that must be fought by IDTUG, added Jumadi, is the compensation on service quality decrease. “Users pay with normal tariff, even for prepaid they pay before phone credit is used. With this network disturbance potential, there should be compensation for users both from the government and operators. Bear in mind that users are not only victims of telecommunication industry but they must be the subject whose rights must be respected,” said Jumadi.

Indosat ApologizesGovernment policy to reframe 1,800

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Here is Frequency Reframing Schedule

Schedule Area

MHz will give impact on the inconvenience of users in using telecommunication service. All areas which are divided into 42 clusters will be reframed one by one which certainly will cause users in such areas to gain potential to be hampered in communicating in the reframed areas, communication to outside their clusters as well as other users who will contact users within clusters which frequencies are being reframed.

One of operators, Indosat, conveyed its apology for the reframing impact which will take place. “Apologize for the inconvenience. For further information contact Call Center 111,” said Indosat. It is mentioned that 1,800 MHz frequency reframing is conducted based on Minister of Communication and Informatics Circular Letter No. 1 of 2015 regarding 1,800 MHz Radio Frequency Reframing for the Purpose of Cellular Mobile Network.

Telkomsel Will Rush 4G1,800 MHz frequency

reframing has just begun. The frequency which will be used to adopt 4th generation cellular technology with long term evolution (LTE) will be maximized by the largest cellular operator in Indonesia, Telkomsel. Despite the incompleted process, Telkomsel will immediately utilize the result of 1,800 MHz frequency reframing to arrange 4G. The city that will be the

4 May – 11 May Maluku4 May – 11 May North Maluku12 May – 20 May Papua12 May – 20 May West Papua20 May – 27 May East Kalimantan20 May – 27 May North Kalimantan27 May – 8 June South Kalimantan27 May – 8 June Central Kalimantan10 June – 17 June South East Sulawesi10 June – 17 June South Sulawesi10 June – 17 June West Sulawesi22 June – 29 June Aceh22 June – 29 June Islands of Riau22 June – 29 June West Nusa Tenggara22 June – 29 June East Nusa Tenggara3 August – 10 August Riau3 August – 10 August Tapanuli12 August – 20 August Medan12 August – 20 August West Sumatera24 August – 31 August Lampung24 August – 31 August Bangka Belitung31 August – 7 September Bengkulu31 August – 7 September Jambi7 September – 14 September South Sumatera7 September – 14 September North Sulawesi14 September – 21 September Bali14 September – 21 September Surabaya28 September – 5 October Gorontalo28 September – 5 October Central Sulawesi28 September – 5 October Malang28 September – 5 October Madiun7 October – 15 October Tegal7 October – 15 October Yogyakarta19 October – 26 October Semarang19 October – 26 October Cirebon19 October – 26 October West Kalimantan28 October – 4 November Bandung28 October – 4 November Purwakarta9 November – 14 November Sukabumi9 November – 14 November Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi18 November – 23 November Jakarta

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target of Telkomsel in arranging 4G on 1,800 MHz is Makassar.

This plan was conveyed by Ivan Cahya Permana, Vice President of Technology and System Telkomsel. “Makasar will be the first city in Indonesia which enjoys Telkosel 4G connection on 1,800 MHz spectrum. If according to plan, customers in Makasar will be able to enjoy such sophisticated service before ied mubarak,” he assured.

Iva added that 4G technology arrangement follows the policy issued by the government for cellular operator frequency channel repositioning which

includes Telkomsel, XL Axiata, Indosat and Hutchinson 3 Indonesia (Tri). After the repositioning, the government will allow operators to use this frequency for 4G.

Makasar is chosen, because according to Ivan this city in terms of business makes more sense compared to Maluku. “We choose to arrange 4G LTE 1,800 MHz in Makasar, since in the terms of business it makes more sense and more potential compared to Maluku,” Ivan said. According to plan, frequency reframing conducted in Makasar will start on 10 June and end on 17 June.

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Bank Mandiri cooperates with telecommunication operators namely PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., PT Telekomunikasi Selular Tbk., PT Indosat Tbk., and PT XL-Axiata Tbk., in strengthening inclusive finance. This synergy also supports the Governent spirit to continue increasing financial asset and non cash transactions.

Such cooperation uses co-branding concept for electronic money therefore marketing and education can be more effective

and efficient. In addition, each party also optimizes its existing network and infrastructure. Cooperation launching was held in Plaza Mandiri Jakarta which was attended by government and related private Institutions.

At the early stage such cooperation will be conducted in 3 cities/regencies in West Java namely Bandung, Garut and Tasikmalaya. This launching is the continuation of soft launching roadshow, a cooperation that was

Bank Mandiri Invites Operators in Strengthening Inclusive finance

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held from March to mid April 2015 in such three cities/regencies.

Director of Consumer Banking of Bank Mandiri Hery Gunardi said the cooperation between the Bank and telecommunication operators with this concept was the first time in Indonesia.

“Through this cooperation we hope Indonesia’s goal to provide financial access to the public will be achieved,” said Hery Gunardi. The increase of financial inclusion in Indonesia, continued Hery, certainly has positive effect on indonesia economy.

Public enthusiasm towards this cooperation can already be seen on the roadshow soft launching of Rekening hape product in Bandung, Garut and Tasikmalaya. Until 24 April 2015 around 1,500 users had been registered and used such product to conduct transactions.

Chief Digital Service Officer XL, Yessie D. Yosetya said that this cooperation was in harmony with XL committment to continue supporting government program in socializing and driving increase of on cash (cash less) transaction use by the public and customers.

“With this cooperation also, XL hopes to be able to support Financial Inclusion increase in Indonesia. Certainly we hope customers and the public will gain more profit and have more facilities from this cooperation,” said Yessie.

Director of Planning & Transformation of Telkomsel Edward Ying said banking and

operators synergy is an effort to support government program to manisfest less cash society. This step is also in accordance with Telkomsel vision in driving the creation of digital society in Indonesia.

“We welcome cooperation that involves Bank and three largest operators in this country. Telkomsel with more than 140 million customers and network coverage scattered to the remote areas is ready to support this initiative,” said Edward.

According to President Director & CEO of Indosat Alexander Rusli, Indosat was very enthusiastic with the cooperation between telecommunication industry and banking in supporting Inclusive Finance program as well as Non Cash National Movement.

“We ourseleves have started Dompetku service and are consistently developing this service in the framework of committment in supporting mobile money agenda in Indonesia. Through this cooperation we hope Indosat cellular customers all over Indonesia can conduct financial transactions easier and saver,” said Alex.

In addition cooperation between Bank and telecommunication operators certainly can increase efficiency in digtal financial service implementation. Telecommunication operator distribution network can support agency service (agent banking).

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