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Aligning library services with emerging research data needs University of Tennessee Libraries Visit 4/19/13 Andrew Sallans, Head of Strategic Data IniBaBves, University of Virginia Library CreaBve Commons License ”Aligning library services with emerging research data needs", 4/19/13 by Andrew L. Sallans is licensed under a CreaBve Commons AJribuBonShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

May 10, 2015



Andrew Sallans

University of Tennessee Libraries Visit, 4/19/13, Andrew Sallans, Head of Strategic Data Initiatives, University of Virginia Library
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Page 1: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs  

University  of  Tennessee  Libraries  Visit  4/19/13  

Andrew  Sallans,    Head  of  Strategic  Data  IniBaBves,    

University  of  Virginia  Library    

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 2: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

A  view  of  the  UVA    research  landscape  

•  Focus  on  moving  up  rankings    •  Part  of  strategy  is  an  increased  focus  on  research  acBviBes  

and  grant  funding  •  Around  $300M  per  year  in  research  funding,  with  drops  in  

recent  years  in  part  due  to  less  available  funding  and  more  compeBBon  –  Most  from  NIH,  but  also  lots  from  NSF,  DOD,  DOE  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 3: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Many  strategies…  

•  Commission  on  the  Future  of  the  University  (COFU)  in  2007  –  ParBcularly  the  creaBon  of  two  centers  for  computaBonally-­‐intense  research  –  hJp://    

•  Development  of  cyberinfrastructure  to  support  research  –  Internet2  partnerships,  fiber  upgrades,  Hydra,  Academic  PreservaBon  Trust,  Digital  

PreservaBon  Network,  etc.  

•  Many  iniBaBves  starBng  up  by  faculty  to  advance  research  agendas,  enable  recruitment  of  top  faculty,  top  postdocs,  top  students  –  QuanBtaBve  CollaboraBve  –  Big  Data  –  Census  Research  Center  possibility  –  Assorted  school  strategic  plans  for  research  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 4: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Where  does  the  Library  stand?  

•  Public  services    •  CollecBons  •  Subject  liaisons  •  DigiBzaBon  

TradiBonal  services  profile,  resource  focus  on  support  for  teaching,  

discovery,  and  access  to  collecBons  content  

•  Electronic  Text  Center  (eText)  •  GeospaBal  StaBsBcal  Data  Center  (GeoStat)  •  Scholars  Lab    •  Research  CompuBng  Lab  •  Digital  Media  Lab  

Successful  “edge”  iniBaBves  to  meet  

emerging  needs  over  past  two  decades  not  

well  integrated  into  core  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 5: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

What  value  might  the  Library  bring  to  the  new  strategic  agenda?  

•  What  are  the  high  value  services?  –  FaciliBes  are  in  high  demand,  but  largely  as  a  study  space  for  students  –  Many  researchers  only  use  online  services/collecBons  –  Demand  in  new  areas  

•  Departments  are  reclaiming  and  repurposing  smaller  domain  libraries  •  Even  harder  to  easily  sort  support  funcBons  into  buckets  

–  Who  supports  analysis?      –  Infrastructure?    –  Data  management  requirements?  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 6: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Enabling  research,  teaching,  and  learning  through  services,  collections,  tools,  and  spaces  for  the  faculty  and  students  of  today  and  tomorrow.

Source:    hJp://    

Strategy  map  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 7: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Top  Library  prioriBes  

•  Improve  the  Student  Experience  -­‐  create  a  coordinated  focus  on  student  experience  across  the  Library  system  

•  Digital  Preserva=on  -­‐  build  capacity  for  digital  preservaBon  of  all  formats  •  Data  Services  -­‐  establish  a  full  suite  of  services  to  support  scholars'  ability  

to  acquire,  create,  use,  manage  and  preserve  data  •  New  Collec=on  Models  -­‐  develop  new  resource  distribuBon  models  and  

collaboraBve  methods  for  collecBon  access  •  Alderman  Renova=on  -­‐  secure  funding  for  major  renovaBon  of  Alderman  

Library  •  What's  Next  Process  -­‐  experiment  with  new  ways  to  become  a  flexible  

and  nimble  organizaBon  that  is  beJer  prepared  for  a  changing  future      

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 8: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Data  management:    a  specific  need  and  opportunity  

•  May  2010  announcement  of  upcoming  NSF  DMP  requirement  •  Administrators  recognize  new  requirement  and  insufficient  

researcher  preparedness  as  a  risk  to  future  funding  goals  •  Our  team  was  already  headed  in  this  direcBon,  and  had  built  

experience  in  this  broader  area  through  previous  efforts  •  Library  made  case  to  take  on  support,  and  received  

endorsement  and  buy-­‐in  from  research  and  IT  leadership  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 9: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

An  evoluBon  of  services  

Electronic  Text  (Etext)  Center  and  GeospaBal  and  StaBsBcal  Data  (GeoStat)  

Center,    1990s-­‐2006  

Science  and  Engineering  

Digital  IniBaBve  (SEDI)  Lab,    2003  -­‐2006  

Research  CompuBng  Lab  

(RCL),    2006-­‐2010  

ScienBfic  Data  ConsulBng  

(SciDaC)  Group,    2010-­‐Present  

What  comes  next?  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 10: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Genng  SciDaC  started:  May  2010  




Data  Interviews  

Data  Management  Plan  Support  

Data  in  the  InsBtuBonal  Repository  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 11: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Engaging  on  many  fronts    •  Advising  on  data  management  planning  •  ConsulBng  on  data  management  process  improvement  and  curaBon  •  Training  on  requirements  and  best  pracBces  

 •  DMPTool  for  efficiency  in  offering  DMP  services  and  sharing  best  pracBces  •  Policy  revision  and  recommendaBons  •  Serving  as  the  bridge  for  insBtuBonal  data  management  services  


•  Repository  services  (Libra,  Academic  PreservaBon  Trust,  Digital  PreservaBon  Network)  

•  ContribuBng  use  cases  and  real  requirements  to  development  efforts  


•  Involvement  in  naBonal  iniBaBves  to  develop  parts  of  our  support  model  •  Developing  collaboraBons  to  share  and  gain  experBse  

Front-­‐line    Services  


Process  Improvement    

Infrastructure  Development    


 CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  

is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 12: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Assessment  /  data  interviews  

•  Over  past  two  years  we  conducted  about  25  data  interviews  –  Focus  on  learning  about  research  data  pracBces  at  UVa  and  idenBfying  

service  needs/opportuniBes  –  IntenBon  of  leading  into  consulBng  opportuniBes  

•  Ended  up  with  conundrum  of  how  to  manage  “unique”  condiBons  of  each  research  environment  against  common  characterisBcs  of  data  management  within  domains  and  insBtuBonal  framework  


CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 13: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Assessment  workflow  

Conduct  Data  Interview  

Send  iniBal  report  to  researcher  for  approval/review  

Distribute  final  report  and    begin  DM  

ImplementaBon  with  Researcher    

Produce  "Data  Interview  Report"  


Extract  acBon  statements  from  

“DM  Vitals  RecommendaBons  


Code  Data  Interview  

answers  in  the  “DM  Vitals”  tool    

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 14: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Turning  the  assessment  into  recommendaBons  

•  Must  be  a  fast  process  •  Must  create  acBonable  and  repeatable  recommendaBons  •  Must  reduce  subjecBvity  •  Must  weigh  all  assessment  factors  •  Must  address  present  DM  condiBon  while  showing  path  for  


CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 15: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

DMVitals  to  score  the  assessment  

•  Data  management  best  pracBce  statements  –  UVa  sources  (ISPRO,  SciDaC  Guidelines)  –  ANDS  long-­‐term  sustainability  scoring  model  

•  8  data  management  categories  •  Data  interview  quesBons  and  responses  •  Incorporated  data  management  maturity  index  of  Crowston  &  

Qin  Capability  Maturity  Model  (CMM)  for  ScienBfic  Data  Management  (SDM)  

See  full  presentaBon  from  IASSIST  2012:    hJp://­‐a-­‐data-­‐management-­‐assessment-­‐recommendaBons-­‐tool-­‐iassist-­‐2012    

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 16: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Example  of  similar  sustainability  model  

Crowston,  K.  &  J.  Qin.  (2010).  A  capability  maturity  model  for  scien=fic  data  management.  In:    Proceedings  of  the  American  Society  for  Informa=on  Science  and  Technology,  October  24-­‐26,  2010,  PiWsburgh,  PA.  (Poster)  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

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DMVitals  scoring  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

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DMVitals  report  view  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

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RecommendaBons  package  

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Page 20: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Planning  /    data  management  plan  support  

•  IniBally  asked  to  provide  boilerplate  text  for  researchers,  we  resisted  this  approach  

•  Began  providing  services  by  developing  a  very  user-­‐centered  template  approach,  incorporaBng  Q&A  and  guidance  

•  Heavy  focus  on  collaboraBve  development  with  our  team  and  iteraBve  revision  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 21: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Data  management  plan    support  today  

•  We’ve  consulted  directly  on  about  50  DMPs  over  the  course  of  the  past  2  years  

•  IniBal  focus  was  NSF  and  science/engineering,  but  we’ve  now  seen  them  from  most  domains  and  funding  agencies  

•  We  offer  2  business  day  turn-­‐around  on  review,  iteraBve  feedback  and  advising  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 22: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Scaling  the  DMP  consulBng  service  










Growth  of  DMPTool  Plans  by  Ins=tu=on  

U  of  Virginia  

Average  of  partners  

Average  of  all  insBtuBons  counted  

Max  of  all  insBtuBons  counted  

Min  of  all  insBtuBons  counted  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 23: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

DMP  consulBng  review  

•  We  worked  with  our  sponsored  research  office  to  review  all  DMPs  submiJed  by  UVA  to  NSF  

•  We  have  not  yet  completed  our  full  analysis  (and  will  not  be  sharing  the  results  publicly)  but  iniBal  review  shows  a  few  general  trends:  –  Very  clear  which  DMPs  we  reviewed  –  PreJy  clear  which  DMPs  were  copied  from  those  we  reviewed  –  Significant  room  to  improve  amongst  invesBgators  in  understanding  of  

what’s  required  and  what  resources  are  available  to  support  compliance  

  CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 24: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

DMP  consulBng  next  steps  

•  Despite  administraBve  buy-­‐in  and  endorsement,  and  community  appreciaBon  of  our  efforts,  use  is  sBll  lower  than  desired  and  overall  quality  of  DMPs  (per  our  study)  is  sBll  very  sub  par  

•  Working  to  get  agreement  for  pilot  of  mandated  DMP  review  as  checkpoint  within  one  school’s  grant  review  processes  –  Low  cost  and  risk  to  school,  potenBal  high  return  to  grant  rates,  plan  

quality,  and  compliance  –  High  value  agreement  for  sustaining  our  services  and  ensuring  broader  

impact  of  efforts  upon  insBtuBonal  goals    

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 25: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

ImplementaBon  /  data  in  the  insBtuBonal  repository  

•  Improvement  of  upstream  data  management  pracBces  to  improve  quality  in  downstream  preservaBon  

•  Development  of  mechanisms  for  preservaBon  of  data  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 26: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Shising  into  “operaBonal”  support  

•  ImplementaBon  of  grant-­‐driven  DMPs  (cited  as  highest  value  service  by  one  dean)  

•  Plans  for  the  sake  of  doing  beJer  research,  efficiency,  cost-­‐savings,  risk  miBgaBon  

•  Using  notebook  approach  •  SBll  wrangling  with  how  to  keep  things  moving  and  genng  

people  to  act  (carrot  vs.  sBck)  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 27: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Selected  addiBonal  efforts  

•  Data  Rights  and  ResponsibiliBes  Guidance  –  hJp://    

•  Data  Management  Day  at  UVA  •  Graduate  Student  Data  Management  Portal  

–  hJp://    

•  Graduate  Student  Data  Management  Bootcamp  (in  partnership  with  Virginia  Tech  Libraries)  

•  ASERL/SURA  Model  Language  for  Research  Data  Management  Policies  –  hJp://­‐content/uploads/2013/01/ASERL-­‐


•  ARL  SPEC  Kit  on  Research  Data  Management  Services  (in  collaboraBon  with  JHU,  data  presently  being  collected)    

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 28: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

What  comes  next?  


CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 29: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Emerging  research  data  services  

•  A  complete  suite  to  match  the  emerging  research  needs  •  Five  person  Data  Services  Leadership  Team  for  strategy,  

faculty  advisory  group  expected  to  happen  soon  •  Data  management  as  a  useful  cornerstone  at  Bmes  •  Other  areas:  

–  GIS  (currently  have  two  FTEs)  –  StaBsBcal  consulBng  (just  hired  new  FTE,  searching  for  second  now)  –  Data  acquisiBon  (just  hired  new  FTE)  –  Metadata  consulBng  (just  restructured,  shising  now)  –  Data  archiving?  Data  mining?    Data  wrangling?    Data  modeling?  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 30: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Staffing  these  emerging  services  

•  Retraining    •  Reframing  of  posiBons  •  Offering  job  share  opportuniBes  for  people  to  develop  skills  

and  experience  in  new  areas  •  Fresh  hires,  including  non-­‐tradiBonal  (ie.  Domain  PhDs)  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 31: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Core  team  composiBon  

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Name   Title   Training   Percent  Time   Area  of  Focus  

Andrew  Sallans  

Head  of  Strategic  Data  IniBaBves  


Full-­‐Bme   Management,  planning,  IT,  budgeBng  

Sherry  Lake   Senior  Data  Consultant  

MLIS   Full-­‐Bme   Planning,  programming,  storage,  metadata  

Bill  Corey   Data  Consultant  

MLIS   Full-­‐Bme   Policy,  ownership,  metadata  

Andrea  Denton  

Health  Sciences  Data  Consultant  

MLIS   4  hours  per  week  

Clinical  research,  IRBs  

Ricky  PaJerson  

Data  Consultant  

PhD  Astronomy  

Half-­‐Bme   ScienBfic  data,  methods,  funded  research  

Summer  interns  

MLIS   Full-­‐Bme  for  10  weeks  

Project  based  

Page 32: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Ongoing  struggles…  

•  How  do  we  involve  the  broader  Library  staff?  •  In  overall  Library  services,  what  can  we  stop  as  we  shis  into  

these  new  areas  of  focus?      •  Beyond  our  culture,  how  do  we  persuade  our  users  to  see  the  

Library  differently?    •  CommunicaBon  about  exisBng  efforts  and  management  of  


CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 33: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs

Closing  points  

•  Change  in  perspec=ve:    This  can  be  a  great  role  for  the  Library,  but  it  requires  change  and  openness  to  doing  things  differently  and  acquiring  different  skills  

•  Deeper  involvement  in  research:    SupporBng  researchers  as  they  “acquire,  create,  use,  manage,  and  preserve”  data  demands  deeper  involvement  in  the  research  process  

•  Collabora=on  and  partnerships:      success  in  this  area  depends  upon  the  ability  to  effecBvely  coordinate  services  with  other  parts  of  the  research  process    

CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.  

Page 34: Aligning library services with emerging research data needs


Contact:    Andrew  Sallans  

[email protected]    TwiJer:    @asallans  


CreaBve  Commons  License  ”Aligning  library  services  with  emerging  research  data  needs",  4/19/13  by  Andrew  L.  Sallans  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AJribuBon-­‐ShareAlike  3.0  Unported  License.