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FAttB KTOST TB AlMD WW. JUSI * 1*0 ALFIB^ ALMOND AFFAIRS M.M Annaballt Perry ard ° r - A,b#rt Torrey. Wed Word has b*en received of the•mar-1 Little Genesee Independence Mrs, Alice Si*»on entertained for dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Ross man and Mrs. Ida Carter. Mrs. Ciaire Saiton and daughter. Miss Grace Saxton. called at Delbert Sanford's Thursday evening. Mr. and Mr>. Charles Crandall i . \i M R E Spicer was to Jnre 4 _Dec-rat:oa Day tmcleet June «-?"*• "LJ,- ni ghi. helping ^ r £ l t ? ^ ? Z ^ & ^ * \ J ? & « S Cemetery T h . r * a y Wff* J^gU. who U quit, llufeneCrandall and Dorothy Eugene yr» MUford . conn Mr and Mrs. Harry Perry, to Dr. A! "ben T o m r of .St. * » f t j & p 2 8 [ | t » f l of music by B-C.S. . i morning at l:J8 were married May 1" A program consist- band, reading Xebr. IttM Pr-rry was formerly a student , of Almond High School and has been quartet by Betty WANT ADS employed at the Fenner Hospital in ,. f.niun-»^ •»» — iu.,'^v QnttoB The Legion from a ?temon. Meadvil'.e. Pa., were in Almond Satur-1 "jy P'.atte for the past four f « » l » M I sul ' " ibv Victor Burdick. quanet oy K»J -- "J"", N>w MUford. conn- «Knr? !*»• Burdick. Mary and ri *?' h ° 0 e M £. Mary S. Crandall and SttSSJ iS «< address by Re*. g ^ f J E Floyd Clarke. Saturd,* -In..**. Snt:,: TUe Lesion from a ?,ernon. . m . ,. ._ SDendiu g r,7"" n Vcht and Sundav. f"V, r Torre* U a graduate of Kirks' Bolivar haa caarge. ^Bl^CraaSai retarded Ho- JJfe^«t0*«3a7wi tejH Mr ar.d Mrs. George Burdick of the hospiui' Monday. She is able to praclicin * at St. *«§*£ Mo where j Caro ::na are visiting her par- tit up and the doctors say she may be . gj coup i e wUl m a w their home. . ^ ^ ^ ^^ w w c.arke. ab Mr"n7Mrs°^ward Fritz and Mr. j CHi.dr.n-, Day Service i Mr*' George Bassett of Cau^eo and Mrs. Milton Baker were in R > , The childrea •, Day service will bei ipen t last wees • « • her ».*.er. m— Chester Sunday afternoon. I tnU and is under the general; ^ Caa pe:. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peterson. SOB , ch&irlsl ^hip of Mrs. Milton Baker-! Bap ^. Mrs. Mary B. Crandall is spending 3 few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. R. E Spicer. Wallace Clarke of SolTay spent the week-end with his parents. "" J Mrs. S. W. Clarke WANT TO HU I Pt»o? *«*•? Clothing? An ad in The Sun will bring fast reaultt at a very small e* pense! """"I FOR RENT—Unfurnished^"! room apartment with bath ta| $1 alter June 15. 19 Church 8uW! quire. Fanny Wright. FOR BALE fe, Benson Heller and Mrs. Rod-! Fran* • » « » spent ZTVlOW from the Junior Depart-! visiting h:s too. t-y-e JJdtwo teachers from the Pri- lIam ;:v at St. Thomas. Canaua the week-end Burdick. and I meat a mary Department will assist. The! Mr Marshall and Newton Scribner of Rus- sell, Pa., were guests of Mr. and Mrs Percy Mcintosh and Mrs. Cora Mc Intosh Sundav afternoon. Mrs^ Ethel Davis of Hornell visited \ g J ^ r a T p T ^ S t o d V S a Presbyterian . Mrs_ Roy MeXutoaa «vera. days last f^ w; r. g ^ a S and the offering' Orchard Park W Deiben Sanford is spending a week' ^ J Z £ ? £ t ^ l ^ i ^ 0 " ' - ^ ^ * with relatives in Ann Arb.r. Michigan j ^t^JSL^oZTStoZm * ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ "* f «-=— „„.^ ,^i„ iriff !and Mrs. Gerald DeGr:.ff crove to R> COST OF WANT ADS—The coat la I pent t:ie only lc per word with 25c the mini* Mr. and! mum charge (or one issue. Addition* jal words or insertions at lc per word. Mr. and Mrs Frank Walker and 1 For example^a 15 word ad wUl ba daughter of Millport were Sunday * £ 1 week (or 25c and 2 weeks (or evening callers at the S. W. Clarke j ^ c William Bell and family spent Me-j WANTED—If you've been waiting mortal Day in Franklinville. for opportunity, maybe opportunity Mr. and Mrs. Decatur Clarke and! n as been waiting (or YOU to knock— * '"• * * J * Tko Want All n'Xt FOR SALE—Farm machinery, U full-blooded Jersey cow with call autre, Mrs. Jane B. Molanl FOR SALE—Two female cross o( Shepard and Collie, |{ ^ Ten bushels seed potatoes, jfe bu. F. H. Jones. Five Cornert. FOR SALE—Reconditioned , combination gas. wood or coal $15. Betty Cosby. 19 UniTenltn 4-L Social Meeting About fifteen members of Mrs. Georp Pendergast and little I ; ro V[ d r Bible teachi:.-- ..... son James v^i-.ed Mrs. De.-.a Make.ey ( .- or _ ome {oreottea ^f o r e i r Monday ana Tuesday. l _ Mrs. Wm. Burke of Horne'.l called on Mrs. Dana Ea^terbrooks Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Armstrong of Perry were guests of Miss Florence Arm- strong Sunday. Mrs. Frank Lobaagh and daughter Nancy of Alfred ».a'.lcd on Mrs. All^e Sisson Sunday training the 4-L I..—.— - ^^ MM lilac? Thursday | Chcswrr EO • • • - - - * tWhi- in Roehaaur they called on Mr. Icraaaairi cousin. Mrs. Mae Bomgrass. Class of the Union Church met at the;They alao called oa Mr. and Mrs. E<i home of the teacher. Mrs. Verne Bristol at Hall. Paine. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Paine j Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burdick of A'.- furnished both the entertainment and!, A ' ^,. „.-i. -,--! »„^r- 1* >,;= M r the refreshments, and both were great- . tr ^ w * re w ^^ ca ?ar;ls ' A h l S p a r _ iy enjoyed by the young people., «•** Mr. ano Mrs. F. M. Burdick. Fine leadership is being developed I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saunders and - -= . meeting ground (or the "want-to-buy* "Sl^wK Clarke aave a variety S f u * ^want-t<«ells," and opportun- M ,r ^turdav"niaht in honor of u , lives there, day in and day out <• *rd Mr* *rnoW Remaly of Hor- Messages by the hundreds are read FO R SALE-An upright _ Mr and Mrs. Arnoi | ^ ^ ^ upQn by ^ ve people ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ -^ Mra. Ada Barney Jones sUter of who look .through the want ad secUon 8trument for beginners ^ ffl J" Mr? Esther Bassett. was buried fcta* j u ^ ^ ^ ^pecU be° tound. kuire Florence B. Smith. «*, Monday. .__. i - I _>«.!»• a»ru» Charles Spicer. who has just re-1 turned from Electrical School in Al- fred, attended the funeral of Leo j Soblea in Andover. Monday atternoon. Barbara Bassett of Niagara Falls; John Lewis. Jr.. of Buffalo, spent', 22-tf FOB RENT FOR RENT—Furnished room (or at their respective : the summer. Inquire of Daisy Clark 23-lt guest? v evenings m iur iu»ii» »•• . . »„_:•. 'Plans are being made to send lord, and (am... Mrs. F. W. Jackson accompanied Mr. j n both the Class and the and Mrs. William Hanselman of Mead- < people - ? Societr. The societv meets ville. Pa., on a motor trip to Boeaaatsr, | Sundav evenings at the church at Ogdensburg. Cornweil. Canada, and ,6:45. Plans are Brockville. Canada. They were goni , several young people to summer*con- from Thursday to Sunday. 1 (erence. Mrs. Earl Beckwith of Olean was a i guest Thursday of Mrs Delia Makeley. j Almond Union Of Churches Miss Florence Lincoln. Mrs. Hattie; - , . , , , _ Hoffman. Aivin Nephew and Wm. j Rev " p - W - Jackson—Pastor Nephew visited relatives near Bath.:l" :3 "—Children s Day. Service in Thursday. hands of Bible School. Clayton Hardy entered the Sani-i U:**—Bible School. Mrs. Elizabeth j Adams torium at Mt Morris Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. De'.bert Sanford and daughters. Pauline and Vera, were guests of Mr. and Mr;. Henry Benthin of Elba. Sunday. iTir""'"^' Mrs Lillian Egett of Canandangaa I Tnursday—Lincoln Community ban i,.. I que Voung ca i:dren of New Jersey were week-end of his cooala, Mrs. John Sac- Arkport the week-end home?. . . Tom Bassett of Andover is spend- ling some time at the M. A. Bassett j ^ RENT—Thyee room apartment i h °T' e - deep eas well on the Wilson'; with bath for June to August. 95 (arm was completed Friday with a|j?orth Main street. Tel. 9-Y-4. 23-tf. vereity Street* June 3-Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Brasted of Mansfield spent Decoration Day very good showing of gas. lionald Lewis is home from his school work in the electrical depart- ment of Alfred University. with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Tip Top , Karr. Superintendent. Mrs. George Collins entertained her 1 6:45—Christian Endeavor. HarrietIsvaday School Class. Friday after- i Bailey. Superintendent Next Sunday—Election of Sunday ! AOOa ,.. . __ . 1 Mis; Vivian Tucker is visiting FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment and Garage, (or July and August. In- quire of Miss Anna May Ryno. 23-2t. FOR SALE—Eight room bout, ( trally located. Gas. water, el< Enquire at Sun Office. FOR SALE—Perennial PUUUL cut (lowers. Martha Easterbraoal Chapel S't., Almond. FOR SALE—Carbon paper ufi ^ g machine paper rolls. Call it | fflca. Auto Qnii No. 2—Auwen TO RENT—Rooms for one or two. June 4—Mr. and Mrs. Murtaugh Inquire of Mrs. L. L. Langworthy. | Murphy of Rochester were calling on Pnone 124-F-21. 23-2t. Mr; Elizabeth McAndrew. Sunday. ' nd election men a: e welcome. of officers. Come! All I Joan and Colleen McAndrew attend- friends in Buffalo this week. jed 3 birthday party in honor of Isabel Rov Rudman and family of Roches- Ellis in Alfred. Sunday afternoon. ter and Mrs. Carone Green of Cherry! M:s. Edward Dougherty. Mrs. Mary ._ . . . . _. . »___ ;hoi:enbeck and Miss Gertrude Baker L.ncoin B.ble Class Meeting Creek were visiting friends in town. I eafflBg M {he McAndrew home The Lincoln Bible Class of the Saturday. * Thursday evening. Union of Churches will meet for din-! Bernice Tucker returned to Victor. Miss Lor'-tta Baker and Robert ner and social meeting in the church | sundav afternoon, after having (our, Beei.-- of Weilsvilie were caHtag on t3 '"-'"^'-3 u'envon Sundav evening. School Officer . ...,,,.,^,- IThursday—Lincoln _ of Caaanaangua 1 caiTed'on Mrs. Aliee Sisson Thursday evening. •--..,. nt Mr. and Mrs. Le'-n C.ffo.u •. Sherrill spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Houfman of Rochester were guests. Thursday. C'fjp^jJ.j Thursday evening. June 13th |dav« vacation from school Miss Hazel Mother. . Xh^- program is in charge of Raymond 1 ^ Lenta* Claire £ Alfred Station nasi Ha dv Tne refreshment committee! „.. moved his family into the apartment 1^ p.; d y ake i e T. Floyd Straight. Clair; iNlie in Bert Makeley's house on j Ke -; 0?g Rodney Wagner and Harold. Street. | MaoMichael. Election of officers will; j une 3—cieo Miss Stella Makeley was home over, ta he i d at this Q^ j a5t meeting of _ Thursday night j the season. | fishing trip. G. j of Women's Missionary Union FOR RENT—Four room apartment. furnished, for the summer. Inquire of Miss Lydia Conover. Phone 96 or 144. 23-lt. TO RENT—After June 10th. four- room apartment. G. A. Stillman, Phone 129-F-2, Alfred. 21-tL the week-end. Mrs. Milton Baker and Mr; H Stillman called on Mrs. Ed Green of Tip Top one dav las* week Mrs. A. Cook of B-r-livar called on Mrs. Winona Mosber Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Van Gilder of Nunda were calling cm relatives in town Thursday. Mrs. Fred Bay'.es; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bayle-ss and two children. Frances and William, ar.d Miss H-len Holin of Willsboro hare bee;: visiting Mrs. F.orence Bayless and daughter Gertrudr. Mrs. Fred Bayless re- mained, the others returning Sunday. Mrs. Ge-.rze Kaple Is spending the week la Buffalo. Mr and Mr;. Cha? Newman and son . Robert. Fav Atherton ar.d sons Charles ! and Leon of Hornell v:>::ed Mis; Eve- j lyn Newman Sundav. Association : the Al- j Compton from his Meets The Evaugelical Ladies Barbara Kenyon. Sunday evening. Clifford Burdick and family attend- ed a family gathering of the Norton _^ nT ,»™r « . • ^ * family in Springwater. Sunday. Mrs.; TO RENT—Lnfurnished Apartment, Vesta Norton returned to her home! after June 15th. Inquire Miss Mary returned | with them, after spending several j Lee Stillman. W. University St. 19-tf. Canadian weeks with her daughter in Olean. | I Mr. and Mrs. Royce Rowell and Aid • m * on Stephen and Mrs. Elmina Bauer 1. b. leave the clutch in tat 1 the brakes carefully. When ( on slippery roads you should 1 drive at a speed which makes 1 unnecessary- K you must ital slow down, do so gradually, the brakes lightly and Inters and always keeping the carto1 2. b. in the direction yon in 1 ding. Your object is to "«rnL out" the car and this Is the inn do it. Be careful, however, u| turn the steering wheel too fir the car straightens out. yon again straight an out the frost 1 3. b. slow down and CTOM . wide an angle as possible.' cross tracks or ruts from t; position is almost certain to 1 dangerous skid. 'meet Tuesday. June 11. Mrs F w. Jackson was hostess tej^ nJVgaa Mrs:_Claire Watson It the lioine: o -" R «' n « ter were callin ? s u nda >" on IT. G. Burdick. the Missionary Society of the Union." R e v a n d j] r ^ Church. Tuesday. L, Alfred There were fourteen meml>ers and Mri EIiza Sk ki e y returned Thurs- one guest present. The program was dav from a visit at Arcade. oa missionary work in the Was* Indies- Mri Mvra Place and Mrs. Mary and the Philippine Islands. The next whitford Were in Alfred. Thursday. meeting will be a picnic at the home, Theodore Youngs and familv were Of Harriet Bailey in South Canaser- ,. & \\f. rs Thursday at the home of Grint aga. The Society voted to hold a bake sale Saturday. June 15th. Bottoms spent Fridavj Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burdick and •son Carrol! attended the Commence- Methodiit Cnurch Rev. W. W. Ayers— Pastor 19:31—Sunday School Linley VanRiper. Superintendent 11:30—Morning worskip 5:30—Epworth League 7:30. Wednesday—Prayer meeting. Goodliff. Mrs. Nelly Cline and son and daua iter of Belmont were recent caller? l.Mr. and Mrs. David Swarthout. HartSVille Hill ? Columbia University has June 4—Mrs. Harry Barber ot Dans-; S i t i n g summer professors ville and Mrs. Harold Barber and g fl f ^ children of Honey Run were callers j ^ a **"* ^ ^^ The Alumni mond High School will have a banquet 1 this year a. usual Cot the Senior class. Leases Gas Stat, °" It will be held on Thursday evening > George M. Watson 01 Almond has Jur.e 27th A more detailed announce- j leased the gas station of Gerould men; wil' appear in next week's paper. • <T ockweather on the Hornell-Arkport Garland Larkin of Blnghamton waa'"**- M r. Watson expects to take Larki •OH a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cha Saturday and Sunday. Alvin Nephew had the misfortune to fail Tuesday and fracture a bone in his right wris: Mr. and Mrs. JOBS Reynolds spent Decoration Day In Buffalo. Mr. aad Mr-. Kenneth Hagadora spent the week-end in Toronto, Mrs. Mildred Tattle ar.d sons. Cay- ton and Fred, were in Bel • Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. MasOfl spent Thursday at Canadice Lake. Walter Tattle of Syracuse spent the w;-h his Bother. Mrs. Mil- dred Tattle. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney ar.d son and Mr. ar.d Mrs B •;• 1 Champlin were in Rochester Thursday Sara Kathryn Larkin -.f Hornell spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandparent-. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Larkin. Everett Thomas attended a banquet of the Kermos Honorary fraternity at the Evergreen's Weilsvilie. night. Mr. and Mrs. Alonz-- Dennlson and son Duane spent Sunday in Rxhester. Mrs. Florence Haskins spent Thurs- day with her sister. Mrs. E V. Green of Tip Top. Mrs Walter G. Karr and ?on«. Gerald and Sam of Philadelphia Mrs. Stella Karr and Mr;". Sadie Karr were guest* Friday of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Ray N-rton ar.d two children of Canaseraza called on Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hamlin Sunday. T. W. Meyer? and two children were guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer of Weilsvilie Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Harold Fenner. wife of Dr. Harold Fenner of North Platte. Neb. Billy Biehi entertained a few friends on Saturday, the occasion being his twelth birthday. Mrs. Jessie Karr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Biehi Miss Dorothy Bowen was home over the week-end. Ward Bowen visited his sister. Mi** Jessie Bowen in Rochester Friday and Saturday. esstbn at once. Mary and Martr.a Class Meet The Mary and Martha Class of the i Methodist Sunday School meet at the home of Mrs. Archie GrisWoH on the Hornell Road. Thursday evening. June 13th. for their regular monthly busi- ness and social meeting. Safety First Is Goal Of 'New Drug* Policy The "new drug'' section of the Food, Drug ar.d Ccsrr.etic act, which went into effect recently, pro- vides that no rev.- drug shall be in- troduced into interstate commerce unless an application, has been filed establishing that it is safe. After a year of experience, the Food and Drug administration finds that these applications fall into contrasting Canned Rays of Sun Used to Heat House BOSTON, MASS.—The possible nanesis of the house furnace was sounded recently in New England where the first successful sunheated house has been constructed. It is one of the most unusual— and epic-making—houses in Amer- ica. It was built with a part of a 5650,00-3 fund appropriated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy to solve the problem of con- verting sun energy into household 1 heat. In appearance, it is of standard clapboard construction with a pitched roof covered with asphalt shingles. In the center of the south side of the roof, is a huge window, j built flush with the shingles. Behind ' this is a maze of heat-collecting de- vices that catch the solar heat ar.d use it to superheat water contained in coiled "heat traps." The superheated water is then stored in a large basement tank for further use. A thick blanket of mineral wool around the tank helps maintain the water at its high tem- perature. It is drawn off as needed Honey Run were callers . last week at H. L. Drumm's. ment of the Ag School*in Alfred. Mcn-j Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Henry and day afternoon. Donald Byers. a 1 children of Purdy Creek were visitors cousin was one of the graduates. Sunday at Forest Henry's. Miss Barbara Kenyon spent Monday, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Paine and daugh- with Mrs. June Moland of the Alfred- ters of Almond and Mr. and Mrs. Five Comers road. Milo Lawrence of Arkport were call- Mrs. L. C. Kenyon and daughter !ing on their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Barbara and Miss Elaine Greene of j L. E. Clark. Decoration Day. Meadvtlle. Pa., attended a shower: Dr. Robert Fuller and family of Tuesday afternoon at the home of;Buffalo visited Mrs. Fuller's parents. Mrs. Thomas Spaine on the Alfred-j Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Burdick. the last Five Corners road. I of the week. Mrs. Burdick accom- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benaway of Al-lpanied them to Alfred where they conatria fred Station were visiting at the home of Mrs. Mattie Beebe on Jehrico Hill. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loraine Clair and family moved Sunday from the A. C visited Mrs. Harold Moland. and to Canisteo to call on Nelson Henry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Betty Davis of Crosby Creek were West Almond Baker house to Almond. Mrs. Eima) supper guests at H. L. Drumm's. Sun- Burdick and son Kenneth are moving i day. into the Louella Potter house In Al-j Miss Myra Oakes. Lewis Oakes. fred Station. jMr. and Mrs. Archie Crozier and :daughter Virginia. Melvln and Emma; > Jean Oakes of Hornell were callers j Sunday at H L. Drumm's and Forest! —~~ Henry's. June 3—-L. J. Ives is somewhat irn- A mother's visiting day was held proved from his serious illness of at our school. Monday afternoon. A bronichial pneumonia. Recent callers short program was given and the I were Mr?. G. B. Schuyler. Mrs. Hills, work of the pupils which was dls-' Mr. and Mrs. William Chandler and played for inspection showed much 1 family. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hurd Wil- progress dartag the year. The Ham Dobson and E. George. mothers were presented with pictures of the pupils as a surprise gift. Re-] freshmenu w^re served by Mrs. Lloyd' assisted ly the older pupils. ' gr Th? greater number can be ac- ; fo'r" not water or heating purposes, cepted and made effective prompt- Although this first research house ly. Most are merely new combina- will undergo many years of expen- tions of familiar drugs that are safe \ ment before equipment sizes are enough to use, even though they i standardized, the M. I. T. scientists may not be such "cures" as their j conducting the research believe that sponsors hope. These pass quickly, j eventually almost every American though perhaps with a warning not ; home—including many of those in to claim too much for the mixtures, j the northern states—may be practi- "A few cf the new drugs submit- cally heated by the sun's rays. Paul Brooks of Belmont was a call- er in town. Friday. William Chandler and family. Mrs. Hills. Richard Davison and Mrs. Eliza- beth Cbandler of Hornell were in Ro- chester, Sunday, vtalUag Highland Park. Ed. Burtiank has been assisi:.g I Merle Simons with his farm work ! during Mr. Simons" sickness. S. F. Witney of Perry was a dinner guests at L. J. Ives'. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Draper of Groveland were recent callers of Mrs. Blanche Hills. Clyde Patrick and family have moved to Angelica. Mrs. Mervin Lewis of Almond, the census enumerator, was working in town. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Poe was in Springviile Sunday. I Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Hills were | in Arkoon Decoration Day. f I MANSFIE1 fa I HOR1CELL, HEW Ask if they're stylish Ask if they'll wear. Ask if they're comfortahk 1 The answers are all YHj MANSFIELDS SHOES FOR MEN Most styles $6.00 DON L. SI COMPANY Expert Foot Fitters 100 MAIN STUB , CAMLLON OOVOttTS ftiaday Afttrnoon 3 to 4 jriday Evening 7:90 to 8:15 DsTlig-nt Saving Tint THE ALFRED SUN roi LVH ALFRED, ALLEGANY COUNTY, NEW YORK, JUNE 13, 1940 No. 9* L. & C. COAT, SUIT & DRESS COMPACT 102 Main Street Hornell, N. % FINAL CLEARANCE ALL SPRING COATS, SUITS and DRESSES] 210 152 ted," says a current report, "are distinctly new and possibly highly valuable." Deliberate consideration and careful checking is essential Tabulating Weather Data ana careitu w n v u i i ia <»<IIU» , A battery of 50 punchboard ma- The administration has to shoulder j chines and 10 tabulating machines a new and serious responsibility. It | a t New Orleans, La., are turning out must avoid withholding a valuable drug from public use, but it cannot punchboards at the rate of 30,000 daily, tabulating hourly weather ob- Five Corners Spring Silk Dresses Formerly $6.95 to $15.00 Setter Silk Dresses Formerly $10.95 to $17.95 a rug irom pumu; u»e, uui » v.«>uiwt | aauy, lauuiaiuig HUUHJ "<;»»^i «w permit release without tests enough : servations from more than 200 air to insure that the drugs are safe, j ports in the United States. The Nearly one-third of the applica- punchboards will be sorted by tabu- ___ ...*.** UAIA , , n fr-.r mt\rm rr\m. \ 1_*:«.,» H MS,V,;MA« an/4 *h» data ro. Clifford Haakint Returns To PL Slocum CUBord Hatklns. who joined »be United «!af** Army and Air Corp in January, ha* hwn upending a two week*' vacation with hi* mother Mra. Florence Haakini, He ha« retained to Fort Hlocum and expects soon to tail for the Philippine Waads, tions were held up for more com plete information and checking, and 48 applications were withdrawn in the first year. "One application covering an important new drug," the report comments, "called for a comprehensive review by medical officers of 2,000 cases reports re- cording the experiences of approx- imately 100 physicians. The appli- cation eventually was made effec- tive upon the condition that the dis- tribution of the new drug should be so controlled as to guarantee its use excluaively under medical su- pervision." Even when a new drug ia licensed, there is need for con* tipuing watchfulness. lating machines and the data re- duced to tables showing visibility, the causes of low visibility such as fog, smoke, rain, snow and dust, the percentage of frequency, wind di- rection and velocity. The charts will show the effect of time on the ele- ments and the summary should be invaluable to commercial aviation. June 3—Mrs. Frank Crandall and daughter Annabell of Rochester call- ed on Mrs. Belle Jones. Monday after- noon. Arthur Tyier and family have moved fiom Alvin Baker'* house into the Collin? house on the Vandermark Mrs. Howard Jacox and daughter. and Mrs W. D. Dlugozima of Alfred called at Roland Norwood's last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jones and Belle• Jones called at Reed Champlln> and Charts Turybury's. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Burdick and daughter I>oris were visitors at Bur- dette Burdkk's. recently. Mr. Margaret GeThardt and aon Norman, and Mrs. Edna Alford and daughter Thelma of Buffalo were over Decoration Day visitors at F. H Jones . 110 Spring Coats Fornurly $14.95 142 Spring Coats Formerly $19.95 92 Better Spring Costa Formerly $24.50 now now now now now 41 Children's Ooatt now Sties 3 to I only At the beginning of the present rentury agricultural products account ed for eB per cent of ali our exports. During 1SS9 the farmers share of our total export business dropned to 20 per cent, the lowest on record. 152 Spring Cotton Formerly Up To $2.98 f>n Sale Basement $3.85 to P $5.95 to $5.00 $7.00 $9.00 ILOO - $1.49 Callers at F. H. Jones' recently were 1 Mr. and Mr* Harold Johnson of Ro-1 Chester; LPW Jones of Scio: and Mr J and Mrs Deafer Rossman of McHenrv Valley. Herman Hanneman and daughter Eva were at Hamlin. N. T..'ovir Decoration Day. L. & C COAT, SUIT A DRESS COltfl 102 Main Street Horn** i 1 ALFRED-ALMOND CENTRAL SCHOOL Dedication Number—June 12, 1940 Alfred-Almond Centralized School Building DESCMPTION OF THE BUILDING Serving three population centers and surrounding agricultural i, the building of the Alfred-Almond Central School District No. j being dedicated with special ceremonies this evening, Wednes- kr, June 12. Residents of the district, visiting educators and repre- istives of firms associated with construction of the building were icted to fill the large auditorium for the program. The dedication climaxes about 18 months of actual building rttions.. with Vv^. B.,Haraer the ge-Jga) contrae or, vn£ with ft Lyman the architects. ! Imond Principal ft total cost of the project was ———— Mt including the general build-1 Alfred. It 1B about 400 feet back from [at landscaping, the bus garage the main highway, on the west side. [fie title to the land. The school ! Asphalt roads circle the grounds, and Mt to accommodate 800 pupils, j adequate parking facilities are pro- I number of pupils that will at-' vided. The grounds comprise about I with the opening of the build- : 50 acres, playgrounds, athletic fields and project sections, particularly for agricultural courses, are expected eventually to utilize the entire space. A baseball diamond has been laid out to the northwest of the building and grading has been done for tennis courts, north of the building. Garage To The Northwest The garage, designed to house the complete fleet of eight school buses, is connected directly with the main building, to the northwest. The gar- age has its own heating plant and is equipped to service the buses and take care of minor repairs. Alfred'Almond Central School DEDICATION PROGRAM June 12, 1940 * Invocation Greetings Remarks Remarks Piano Selection—Prelude, Rockmaninoff Architect's Remarks Contractor's Remarks Remarks by P.W.A. Representative Piano Selection—Polonaise, Chopin Dedication Speech Benediction Rev. A. Clyde Ehret E. W. Ormsby, Pres. Board of Education Supt. W. H. Garwood Prin. H. F. McGraw Ada Becker Seidlin D. H. Lyman W. B. Harder R. L. Rowe Ada Becker Seidlin James A. Harris, State Education Department Rev. F. W. Jackson deep and 40 feet wide. There are receiving and public address system, three sets of lights, the footlights and j which permits the reception of educar a front and rear set of border lights, tional programs from broadcasting stat* The entire lighting system is equip-1 tions outside the school and for an* ped with dimmer control, whereby nouncements by the principal through lighting effects can be maintained for the building, only such parts of the hall as is de- Kindergarten Provided sired. In this respect, it Is interest- The Kindergarten l3 one Q , lng to note that the major control is automatic, so that as the lights fo r : featured sections of the * * * * > the stage proper come on gradually , s m llne with the modern methods those in the hall Itself fade away sim- ultaneously. Have Projector Booth Provision has been made for mo- tion equipment, although for the im done In natural maple finish, hava (Continued on page nine) Alfred Principal Ke care oi HUUUI ••«...« {located at the immediate rear of the rectly In the center of the building, The main building is primarily of building, although the ground front- on the west side of the corridor. It Tudor architectural theme, with a j a g e i s i evel j seats 5 0 0 t 0 G00 The hall , s t w o slight adaptation of late Gothic In the ] Tne floor p j an consists of two stu-; stories high and is lighted naturally square tower In the central part of, dent floors a n d t h e basement. The' for daytime use. There are two exit the structure. The frontage Is 3431 basement Is devoted chiefly to the doors on each side feet long, and the Tudor architecture heating units and storage rooms. ' Aitnur J. Peck I was chosen to break up too long a ; line in the frontage. I To give the building more pleasing lines, the two wings were not made j Three Entrances In Front On two sides of the hall, those par- ticularly where sports will center, Three entrances are provided to the' cork insulation tile is on each wall building In front. The main one Is to the height of the basketball back- marked by pillars that match the tan \ boards. This is to enhance acoustic brick and stone masonry of the build- ( features and to deaden sound. lng. The other entrances are in the The stage Is on the west side of •unci 600. janswunus t.. c ., *"""•".:' "" ~ " itwo wings. (the auditorium, and is equipped with ated in the town of Almond, the lng such a long mmmg M Vm**\ ^ combmed Audlt orium and Gym-' harmonious stage properties such as nasium which dominates the structur-J will make entertainments and school al features of the floors above the; productions an Important feature of basement, has its main entrance dl- j the school work. The stage Is 21 feet _ j exactly symmetrical in front. The Iter regular instruction next fall' architects adopted this plan as best ound 600. answering their problem in construct- _ the town of Almond, the lng such a long --——-. ling is approximately a mile audition to Its height. This also permitted If from Almond and Alfred Sta-1 them to take advantage of the natur- and three miles and a half fromlal aesthetic features of a hill being Almond Seniors Hteft- x %T " i I of teaching the youngest pupils, sues as has accou»*<wl foq chil4r«a of to* day keenly desiring to attend school. Due to reductions in state aid, how. .,_.„ ever, the Board of Education is doubt* mediate future at least the projectors' ful whether it can finance such la* now in use in the Almond and Alfred { struction this year. Seating equip* schools will be adapted to the cen- j ment. hexagonal tables and chairs, tral district. The projection booth Is ' * «_*-«. . directly over the main entrance to the ha'l. The Gymnasium, which is 68 by 70 feet, has automatic folding doors across the center, so that it can be utilized by two physical education classes at the same time. Only one basketball court has been marked out, but four baskets have been erected so that practice can be carried on by more pupils. Double courts have been marked out for volley ball, badminton and shuffle board. Bleachers, which fold up against the wall when not in use, extend across the room. Com- plete locker and shower facilities are available, and adjacent to the Gym- nasium are storage rooms. The first floor Is devoted primarily to the principal's office and the ele- mentary grades, but does include also the Health Room and the Industrial Arts and Agriculaural Departments. The administrative offices consist of a Reception Room and General Office, for handling office calls and routine, and the Principal's Office, which alsoj serves as the Board of Education's meeting room. From the Principal's Office Is controlled the combined radio Superintendent of Schools Harold F. McGraw Alfred Seniors L r , . _ , mthen Anthony. Olen Rossman, fack Row, Left to Right—Thelma Paige. Elthea AU kosher. Emily Roberts, Vivian Huber, Betty Ranger. nfnrmA Reynold*, Ward Brown, , «mt Row. L«ft to RIghl-Murlel Witter, horma iw*' _ ICotai. Senior Advisor Minnie Mosher, Catherine Caatelltoo, William Garwood Back Row—Principal Harold McGraw. senior advisor; Ronald Palmlter, Carl Ells. Lewis Ells. William Turck. George Kamakarls. William Evaaa, William Robinson. Middle Row—Randall Palmlter. Dorothy Allen. Enid Wilcox, Beatrice Weaver, Mildred Vara. Front Row—Louise Austin. Marie Jonea, Martha Lanfworthy, Matte Severance. Velma Carats, 8ar»h Loalt* Ri««. ^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

ALFIB^ WANT ADS THE ALFRED SUN - 21/Alfred NY Sun/Alfred NY Sun 1938-1942/Alfred NY...Sisson Sunday training the 4-L I..—.— - ^^ MM lilac? Thursday | Chcswrr

May 26, 2020



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Page 1: ALFIB^ WANT ADS THE ALFRED SUN - 21/Alfred NY Sun/Alfred NY Sun 1938-1942/Alfred NY...Sisson Sunday training the 4-L I..—.— - ^^ MM lilac? Thursday | Chcswrr

FAttB KTOST T B A l M D WW. JUSI * 1*0


ALMOND AFFAIRS M . M Annaballt Perry ard ° r - A , b # r t

Torrey. Wed Word has b*en received of the•mar-1

Little Genesee Independence

Mrs, Alice Si*»on entertained for dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Ross man and Mrs. Ida Carter.

Mrs. Ciaire Saiton and daughter. Miss Grace Saxton. called at Delbert Sanford's Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mr>. Charles Crandall

i . \ i M R E Spicer was to

J n r e 4_Dec-rat:oa Day t m c l e e t June « - ? " * • " L J , - n ighi. helping ^ r £ l t ? ^ ? Z ^ & ^ * \ J ? & « S Cemetery T h . r * a y Wff* J ^ g U . who U quit,

l lufeneCrandall and Dorothy Eugene yr» M U f o r d . conn

Mr and Mrs. Harry Perry, to Dr. A! "ben T o m r of .St. * » f t j & p 2 8 [ | t » f l of music by B-C.S.

. i morning at l:J8

were married May 1"

A program consist-band, reading

Xebr. IttM Pr-rry was formerly a student

, of Almond High School and has been

quartet by Betty


employed at the Fenner Hospital in ,. f.niun-»^ •»» — iu. , '^v QnttoB The Legion from a?temon. Meadvil'.e. Pa., were in Almond Satur-1 " j y P'.atte for the past four f « » l » M I s u l ' " •

ibv Victor Burdick. quanet oy K » J - - " J " " , N > w MUford. conn-« K n r ? ! * » • Burdick. Mary and ri*?'h°0™

eM£. Mary S. Crandall and

S t t S S J i S « < address by Re*. g ^ f J E Floyd Clarke. Saturd,* - I n . . * * . Snt: , : TUe Lesion from a?,ernon. . m . ,. ._ S D e n d i u g

r,7""nVcht and Sundav. f"V,r Torre* U a graduate of Kirks' Bolivar haa caarge. ^ B l ^ C r a a S a i retarded H o - J J f e ^ « t 0 * « 3 a 7 w i tejH Mr ar.d Mrs. George Burdick of the hospiui' Monday. She is able to p r a c l i c i n * at St. * « § * £ Mo where j Caro::na are visiting her par-tit up and the doctors say she may be . g j c o u p i e wUl m a w their home. . ^ ^ ^ ^^ w w c.arke. a b Mr"n7Mrs°^ward Fritz and Mr. j CHi.dr.n-, Day Service i Mr*' George Bassett of Cau^eo and Mrs. Milton Baker were in R > , T h e c h i l d r e a • , Day service will b e i i p e n t last wees • « • her ».*.er. m— Chester Sunday afternoon. I t n U and is under the general; ^ C a ape:.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peterson. SOB , ch&irlsl^hip of Mrs. Milton Baker-! B a p ^ .

Mrs. Mary B. Crandall is spending 3 few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. R. E Spicer.

Wallace Clarke of SolTay spent the week-end with his parents. "" J

Mrs. S. W. Clarke

WANT TO HU I Pt»o? * « * • ? Clothing? An ad in The Sun will bring fast reaultt at a very small e * pense! """"I

FOR RENT—Unfurnished^"! room apartment with bath ta | $1 alter June 15. 19 Church 8uW! quire. Fanny Wright.


fe, Benson Heller and Mrs. Rod-! Fran* • » « » spent Z T V l O W from the Junior Depart-! visiting h:s too. t-y-e

JJdtwo teachers from the Pri- l Iam;:v at St. Thomas. Canaua

the week-end Burdick. and

I meat a mary Department will assist. The! Mr

Marshall and Newton Scribner of Rus­sell, Pa., were guests of Mr. and Mrs Percy Mcintosh and Mrs. Cora Mc Intosh Sundav afternoon.

Mrs^ Ethel Davis of Hornell visited \ g J ^ r a T p T ^ S t o d V S a Presbyterian . Mrs_ Roy MeXutoaa «vera. days last f ^ w;r. g ^ a S and the offering' Orchard Park

WDeiben Sanford is spending a week' ^ J Z £ ? £ t ^ l ^ i ^ 0 " ' - ^ ^ * with relatives in Ann Arb.r. Michigan j t ^ J S L ^ o Z T S t o Z m * ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ "* f

• «-=— „„. ,^i„ i r i f f!and Mrs. Gerald DeGr:.ff crove to R>

COST OF WANT ADS—The coat la I pent t:ie only lc per word with 25c the mini* Mr. and! mum charge (or one issue. Addition*

jal words or insertions at lc per word. Mr. and Mrs Frank Walker and 1 For example^a 15 word ad wUl ba

daughter of Millport were Sunday * £ 1 week (or 25c and 2 weeks (or evening callers at the S. W. Clarke j ^ c

William Bell and family spent Me-j WANTED—If you've been waiting mortal Day in Franklinville. for opportunity, maybe opportunity

Mr. and Mrs. Decatur Clarke and!nas been waiting (or YOU to knock— * '"• * * J * T k o W a n t All


FOR SALE—Farm machinery, U full-blooded Jersey cow with call autre, Mrs. Jane B. Molanl

FOR SALE—Two female cross o( Shepard and Collie, |{ ^ Ten bushels seed potatoes, jfe bu. F. H. Jones. Five Cornert.

FOR SALE—Reconditioned , combination gas. wood or coal $15. Betty Cosby. 19 UniTenltn

4-L Social Meeting About fifteen members of

Mrs. Georp Pendergast and little I ; r o V [ d r Bible teachi:.-- ..... son James v^i-.ed Mrs. De.-.a Make.ey(.-or _ o m e { o r e o t t e a ^f o r e i r Monday ana Tuesday. l _

Mrs. Wm. Burke of Horne'.l called on Mrs. Dana Ea^terbrooks Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Armstrong of Perry were guests of Miss Florence Arm­strong Sunday.

Mrs. Frank Lobaagh and daughter Nancy of Alfred ».a'.lcd on Mrs. All^e Sisson Sunday


the 4-L

I..—.— - ^^ MM lilac? Thursday | Chcswrr EO • • • - - - * tWhi- in Roehaaur they called on Mr. Icraaaairi cousin. Mrs. Mae Bomgrass.

Class of the Union Church met at the;They alao called oa Mr. and Mrs. E<i home of the teacher. Mrs. Verne Bristol at Hall. Paine. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Paine j Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burdick of A'.-furnished both the entertainment and!, A ' ^,. „.- i . -,--! »„^r- 1* >,;= M r the refreshments, and both were great - . t r ^ w * r e w ^ ^ c a ? a r ; l s 'A h l S p a r _

iy enjoyed by the young people., «•** Mr. ano Mrs. F. M. Burdick. Fine leadership is being developed I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saunders and

- - = . meeting ground (or the "want-to-buy* " S l ^ w K Clarke aave a variety S f u * ^want-t<«ells," and opportun-• M ,r ^turdav"niaht in honor of u , lives there, day in and day out

<• *rd Mr* *rnoW Remaly of Hor- Messages by the hundreds are read F O R SALE-An upright _ Mr and Mrs. Arnoi | ^ ^ ^ u p Q n b y ^ v e p e o p l e ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ -^

Mra. Ada Barney Jones sUter of who look .through the want ad secUon 8 t r u m e n t f o r b e g i n n e r s ^ ffl J" M r ? Esther Bassett. was buried fcta* j u ^ ^ ^ ^ p e c U be° tound. k u i r e Florence B. Smith. « * , Monday. .__. i - I _>«.!»• a»ru»

Charles Spicer. who has just re-1 turned from Electrical School in Al­fred, attended the funeral of Leo j Soblea in Andover. Monday atternoon.

Barbara Bassett of Niagara Falls; John Lewis. Jr.. of Buffalo, spent',


FOB RENT FOR RENT—Furnished room (or

at their respective : the summer. Inquire of Daisy Clark 23-lt

guest? v evenings m iur iu»i i» »•• . . »„_:•. 'Plans are being made to send lord, and (am...

Mrs. F. W. Jackson accompanied Mr. j n both the Class and the and Mrs. William Hanselman of Mead- < people-? Societr. The societv meets ville. Pa., on a motor trip to Boeaaatsr, | Sundav evenings at the church at Ogdensburg. Cornweil. Canada, and ,6:45. Plans are „ Brockville. Canada. They were goni , several young people to summer*con-from Thursday to Sunday. 1 (erence.

Mrs. Earl Beckwith of Olean was a i guest Thursday of Mrs Delia Makeley. j Almond Union Of Churches

Miss Florence Lincoln. Mrs. Hattie; „ - , . , , , _ Hoffman. Aivin Nephew and Wm. j R e v" p- W - Jackson—Pastor Nephew visited relatives near Bath.:l":3"—Children s Day. Service in Thursday. hands of Bible School.

Clayton Hardy entered the Sani-i U:**—Bible School. Mrs. Elizabeth j Adams

torium at Mt Morris Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. De'.bert Sanford and

daughters. Pauline and Vera, were guests of Mr. and Mr;. Henry Benthin of Elba. Sunday. iTir""'"^'

Mrs Lillian Egett of Canandangaa I Tnursday—Lincoln Community ban — i , . . I que

Voung cai:dren of New Jersey were week-end of his cooala, Mrs. John Sac-


the week-end home?. . .

Tom Bassett of Andover is spend-

ling some time at the M. A. Bassett j ^ RENT—Thyee room apartment

ih°T'e- deep eas well on the Wilson'; with bath for June to August. 95 (arm was completed Friday with a|j?orth Main street. Tel. 9-Y-4. 23-tf.

vereity Street*

June 3-Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Brasted of Mansfield spent Decoration Day

very good showing of gas. lionald Lewis is home from his

school work in the electrical depart­ment of Alfred University.

with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Tip Top , Karr. Superintendent. Mrs. George Collins entertained her 1 6:45—Christian Endeavor. HarrietIsvaday School Class. Friday after-i Bailey. Superintendent Next Sunday—Election of Sunday !A O O a ,.. . __ .

1 Mis; Vivian Tucker is visiting

FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment and Garage, (or July and August. In­quire of Miss Anna May Ryno. 23-2t.

FOR SALE—Eight room bout, ( trally located. Gas. water, el< Enquire at Sun Office.

FOR SALE—Perennial PUUUL cut (lowers. Martha Easterbraoal Chapel S't., Almond.

FOR SALE—Carbon paper ufi

^g machine paper rolls. Call it | fflca.

Auto Qnii No. 2—Auwen

TO RENT—Rooms for one or two. June 4—Mr. and Mrs. Murtaugh Inquire of Mrs. L. L. Langworthy.

| Murphy of Rochester were calling on P n o n e 124-F-21. 23-2t. Mr; Elizabeth McAndrew. Sunday. '

nd election men a: e welcome.

of officers. Come!


I Joan and Colleen McAndrew attend-friends in Buffalo this week. jed 3 birthday party in honor of Isabel

Rov Rudman and family of Roches- Ellis in Alfred. Sunday afternoon. ter and Mrs. Carone Green of Cherry! M:s. Edward Dougherty. Mrs. Mary

. _ . . . . _ . . »___ ;hoi:enbeck and Miss Gertrude Baker L.ncoin B.ble Class Meeting Creek were visiting friends in town. I e a f f l B g M { h e M c A n d r e w h o m e

The Lincoln Bible Class of the Saturday. * Thursday evening. Union of Churches will meet for din-! Bernice Tucker returned to Victor. Miss Lor'-tta Baker and Robert ner and social meeting in the church | sundav afternoon, after having (our, Beei.-- of Weilsvilie were caHtag on

t3'"-'" '-3 u'envon Sundav evening.

School Officer . „ . . . , , , . ,^,- IThursday—Lincoln _ of Caaanaangua 1

caiTed'on Mrs. Aliee Sisson Thursday evening. •-- . . , . nt

Mr. and Mrs. Le'-n C.ffo.u • . Sherrill spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brady.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Houfman of Rochester were guests. Thursday. C'fjp^jJ.j Thursday evening. June 1 3 t h |dav« vacation from school Miss Hazel Mother. . Xh - program is in charge of Raymond 1 • ^

Lenta* Claire £ Alfred Station nasi H a „ d v T n e refreshment committee! „ . . moved his family into the apartment 1^ p . ; d y a k e i e T . Floyd Straight. Clair; iNl ie in Bert Makeley's house on j K e - ; 0 ? g Rodney Wagner and Harold. Street. | MaoMichael. Election of officers will; j u n e 3—cieo

Miss Stella Makeley was home over, ta h e i d a t t h i s Q ^ j a 5 t meeting of _ Thursday night j the season. | fishing trip.

G. j of Women's Missionary Union

FOR RENT—Four room apartment. furnished, for the summer. Inquire of Miss Lydia Conover. Phone 96 or 144. 23-lt.

TO RENT—After June 10th. four-room apartment. G. A. Stillman, Phone 129-F-2, Alfred. 21-tL

the week-end. Mrs. Milton Baker and Mr; H

Stillman called on Mrs. Ed Green of Tip Top one dav las* week

Mrs. A. Cook of B-r-livar called on Mrs. Winona Mosber Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Van Gilder of Nunda were calling cm relatives in town Thursday.

Mrs. Fred Bay'.es; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bayle-ss and two children. Frances and William, ar.d Miss H-len Holin of Willsboro hare bee;: visiting Mrs. F.orence Bayless and daughter Gertrudr. Mrs. Fred Bayless re­mained, the others returning Sunday.

Mrs. Ge-.rze Kaple Is spending the week la Buffalo.

Mr and Mr;. Cha? Newman and son . Robert. Fav Atherton ar.d sons Charles ! and Leon of Hornell v:>::ed Mis; Eve- j lyn Newman Sundav.

Association • : the Al- j

Compton from his

Meets The Evaugelical Ladies

Barbara Kenyon. Sunday evening. Clifford Burdick and family attend­

ed a family gathering of the Norton _ ^ nT,»™r « . • ^ * family in Springwater. Sunday. Mrs.; TO RENT—Lnfurnished Apartment, Vesta Norton returned to her home! after June 15th. Inquire Miss Mary

returned | with them, after spending several j Lee Stillman. W. University St. 19-tf. Canadian • weeks with her daughter in Olean. |

I Mr. and Mrs. Royce Rowell and Aid • m *on Stephen and Mrs. Elmina Bauer

1. b. leave the clutch in tat 1 the brakes carefully. When ( on slippery roads you should 1 drive at a speed which makes 1 unnecessary- K you must ital slow down, do so gradually, the brakes lightly and Inters and always keeping the car to 1

2. b. in the direction yon in 1 ding. Your object is to "«rnL out" the car and this Is the inn do it. Be careful, however, u | turn the steering wheel too fir the car straightens out. yon again straight an out the frost 1

3. b. slow down and CTOM . wide an angle as possible.' cross tracks or ruts from t ; position is almost certain to 1 dangerous skid.

'meet Tuesday. June 11. Mrs F w. Jackson was hostess tej^ nJVgaa Mrs:_Claire Watson

It the l io ine: o -" R «' n « t e r w e r e c a l l i n ? sunda>" o n

IT. G. Burdick. the Missionary Society of the Union." R e v a n d j ] r ^ Church. Tuesday. L , A l f r e d

There were fourteen meml>ers and M r i E I i z a S k k i e y returned Thurs-one guest present. The program was d a v f r o m a v i s i t a t Arcade. oa missionary work in the Was* Indies- M r i M v r a P l a c e a n d Mrs. Mary and the Philippine Islands. The next whitford Were in Alfred. Thursday. meeting will be a picnic at the home, Theodore Youngs and familv were Of Harriet Bailey in South Canaser- ,.&\\ Thursday at the home of Grint aga. The Society voted to hold a bake sale Saturday. June 15th.

Bottoms spent Fridavj Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burdick and •son Carrol! attended the Commence-

Methodiit Cnurch Rev. W. W. Ayers— Pastor

19:31—Sunday School Linley VanRiper. Superintendent

11:30—Morning worskip 5:30—Epworth League 7:30. Wednesday—Prayer meeting.

Goodliff. Mrs. Nelly Cline and son and daua

iter of Belmont were recent caller? l.Mr. and Mrs. David Swarthout.

H a r t S V i l l e H i l l ? Columbia University has June 4—Mrs. Harry Barber ot Dans-; S i t i n g summer professors

ville and Mrs. Harold Barber and g fl f ^ children of Honey Run were callers j ^ a **"* ^ ^ ^

The Alumni mond High School will have a banquet 1 — this year a. usual Cot the Senior class. L e a s e s G a s S t a t , ° " It will be held on Thursday evening > George M. Watson 01 Almond has Jur.e 27th A more detailed announce- j leased the gas station of Gerould men; wil' appear in next week's paper. •<Tockweather on the Hornell-Arkport

Garland Larkin of Blnghamton waa'"**- Mr. Watson expects to take Larki •OH a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cha

Saturday and Sunday. Alvin Nephew had the misfortune to

fail Tuesday and fracture a bone in his right wris:

Mr. and Mrs. JOBS Reynolds spent Decoration Day In Buffalo.

Mr. aad Mr-. Kenneth Hagadora spent the week-end in Toronto,

Mrs. Mildred Tattle ar.d sons. Cay-ton and Fred, were in Bel • Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. MasOfl spent Thursday at Canadice Lake.

Walter Tattle of Syracuse spent the w;-h his Bother. Mrs. Mil­dred Tattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney ar.d son and Mr. ar.d Mrs B •;• 1 Champlin were in Rochester Thursday

Sara Kathryn Larkin -.f Hornell spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandparent-. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Larkin.

Everett Thomas attended a banquet of the Kermos Honorary fraternity at the Evergreen's Weilsvilie. night.

Mr. and Mrs. Alonz-- Dennlson and son Duane spent Sunday in Rxhester.

Mrs. Florence Haskins spent Thurs­day with her sister. Mrs. E V. Green of Tip Top.

Mrs Walter G. Karr and ?on«. Gerald and Sam of Philadelphia Mrs. Stella Karr and Mr;". Sadie Karr were guest* Friday of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Meyers.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray N-rton ar.d two children of Canaseraza called on Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hamlin Sunday.

T. W. Meyer? and two children were guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer of Weilsvilie

Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Harold Fenner. wife of Dr. Harold Fenner of North Platte. Neb.

Billy Biehi entertained a few friends on Saturday, the occasion being his twelth birthday.

Mrs. Jessie Karr spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Biehi

Miss Dorothy Bowen was home over the week-end.

Ward Bowen visited his sister. Mi** Jessie Bowen in Rochester Friday and Saturday.

esstbn at once.

Mary and Martr.a Class Meet The Mary and Martha Class of the

i Methodist Sunday School meet at the home of Mrs. Archie GrisWoH on the Hornell Road. Thursday evening. June 13th. for their regular monthly busi­ness and social meeting.

Safety First Is Goal Of 'New Drug* Policy

The "new drug'' section of the Food, Drug ar.d Ccsrr.etic act, which went into effect recently, pro­vides that no rev.- drug shall be in­troduced into interstate commerce unless an application, has been filed establishing that it is safe. After a year of experience, the Food and Drug administration finds that these applications fall into contrasting

Canned Rays of Sun Used to Heat House

BOSTON, MASS.—The possible nanesis of the house furnace was sounded recently in New England where the first successful sunheated house has been constructed.

It is one of the most unusual— and epic-making—houses in Amer­ica. It was built with a part of a 5650,00-3 fund appropriated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technol­ogy to solve the problem of con­verting sun energy into household

1 heat. In appearance, it is of standard

clapboard construction with a pitched roof covered with asphalt shingles. In the center of the south side of the roof, is a huge window, j built flush with the shingles. Behind ' this is a maze of heat-collecting de­vices that catch the solar heat ar.d use it to superheat water contained in coiled "heat traps."

The superheated water is then stored in a large basement tank for further use. A thick blanket of mineral wool around the tank helps maintain the water at its high tem­perature. It is drawn off as needed

Honey Run were callers . last week at H. L. Drumm's.

ment of the Ag School*in Alfred. Mcn-j Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Henry and day afternoon. Donald Byers. a 1 children of Purdy Creek were visitors cousin was one of the graduates. Sunday at Forest Henry's.

Miss Barbara Kenyon spent Monday, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Paine and daugh-with Mrs. June Moland of the Alfred- ters of Almond and Mr. and Mrs. Five Comers road. Milo Lawrence of Arkport were call-

Mrs. L. C. Kenyon and daughter !ing on their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Barbara and Miss Elaine Greene of j L. E. Clark. Decoration Day. Meadvtlle. Pa., attended a shower: Dr. Robert Fuller and family of Tuesday afternoon at the home of;Buffalo visited Mrs. Fuller's parents. Mrs. Thomas Spaine on the Alfred-j Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Burdick. the last Five Corners road. I of the week. Mrs. Burdick accom-

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benaway of Al-lpanied them to Alfred where they


fred Station were visiting at the home of Mrs. Mattie Beebe on Jehrico Hill. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Loraine Clair and family moved Sunday from the A. C

visited Mrs. Harold Moland. and to Canisteo to call on Nelson Henry and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Betty Davis of Crosby Creek were

West Almond

Baker house to Almond. Mrs. Eima) supper guests at H. L. Drumm's. Sun-Burdick and son Kenneth are moving i day. into the Louella Potter house In Al-j Miss Myra Oakes. Lewis Oakes. fred Station. jMr. and Mrs. Archie Crozier and

:daughter Virginia. Melvln and Emma; > Jean Oakes of Hornell were callers j Sunday at H L. Drumm's and Forest!

—~~ Henry's. June 3— -L. J. Ives is somewhat irn- A mother's visiting day was held

proved from his serious illness of at our school. Monday afternoon. A bronichial pneumonia. Recent callers short program was given and the I were Mr?. G. B. Schuyler. Mrs. Hills, work of the pupils which was dls-' Mr. and Mrs. William Chandler and played for inspection showed much1

family. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hurd Wil- progress dartag the year. The Ham Dobson and E. George. mothers were presented with pictures

of the pupils as a surprise gift. Re-] freshmenu w^re served by Mrs. Lloyd' assisted ly the older pupils. '

g r T h ? greater number can be ac- ; fo'r" not water or heating purposes, cepted and made effective prompt- Although this first research house ly. Most are merely new combina- will undergo many years of expen-tions of familiar drugs that are safe \ ment before equipment sizes are enough to use, even though they i standardized, the M. I. T. scientists may not be such "cures" as their j conducting the research believe that sponsors hope. These pass quickly, j eventually almost every American though perhaps with a warning not ; home—including many of those in to claim too much for the mixtures, j the northern states—may be practi-

"A few cf the new drugs submit- cally heated by the sun's rays.

Paul Brooks of Belmont was a call­er in town. Friday.

William Chandler and family. Mrs. Hills. Richard Davison and Mrs. Eliza­beth Cbandler of Hornell were in Ro­chester, Sunday, vtalUag Highland Park.

Ed. Burtiank has been assisi:.g I Merle Simons with his farm work ! during Mr. Simons" sickness.

S. F. Witney of Perry was a dinner guests at L. J. Ives'. Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Draper of Groveland were recent callers of Mrs. • Blanche Hills.

Clyde Patrick and family have moved to Angelica.

Mrs. Mervin Lewis of Almond, the census enumerator, was working in town. Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Poe was in Springviile Sunday. I

Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Hills were | in Arkoon Decoration Day.




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ted," says a current report, "are distinctly new and possibly highly valuable." Deliberate consideration and careful checking is essential

Tabulating Weather Data ana careitu w n v u i i ia < » < I I U » , A battery of 50 punchboard ma-The administration has to shoulder j chines and 10 tabulating machines a new and serious responsibility. It | a t New Orleans, La., are turning out must avoid withholding a valuable drug from public use, but it cannot

punchboards at the rate of 30,000 daily, tabulating hourly weather ob-

Five Corners

Spring Silk Dresses Formerly $6.95 to $15.00

Setter Silk Dresses Formerly $10.95 to $17.95

a rug irom pumu; u»e, uui » v.«>uiwt | aauy, lauuiaiuig HUUHJ "<;»»^i «w permit release without tests enough : servations from more than 200 air to insure that the drugs are safe, j ports in the United States. The

Nearly one-third of the applica- punchboards will be sorted by tabu-___ ...*.** UAIA , , n fr-.r mt\rm rr\m. \ 1_*:«.,» • H MS,V,;MA« an/4 *h» d a t a r o .

Clifford Haakint Returns To PL Slocum

CUBord Hatklns. who joined »be United «!af** Army and Air Corp in January, ha* hwn upending a two week*' vacation with hi* mother Mra. Florence Haakini, He ha« retained to Fort Hlocum and expects soon to tail for the Philippine Waads,

tions were held up for more com plete information and checking, and 48 applications were withdrawn in the first year. "One application covering an important new drug," the report comments, "called for a comprehensive review by medical officers of 2,000 cases reports re­cording the experiences of approx­imately 100 physicians. The appli­cation eventually was made effec­tive upon the condition that the dis­tribution of the new drug should be so controlled as to guarantee its use excluaively under medical su­pervision." Even when a new drug ia licensed, there is need for con* tipuing watchfulness.

lating machines and the data re­duced to tables showing visibility, the causes of low visibility such as fog, smoke, rain, snow and dust, the percentage of frequency, wind di­rection and velocity. The charts will show the effect of time on the ele­ments and the summary should be invaluable to commercial aviation.

June 3—Mrs. Frank Crandall and daughter Annabell of Rochester call­ed on Mrs. Belle Jones. Monday after­noon.

Arthur Tyier and family have moved fiom Alvin Baker'* house into the Collin? house on the Vandermark

Mrs. Howard Jacox and daughter. and Mrs W. D. Dlugozima of Alfred called at Roland Norwood's last week.

Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jones and Belle• Jones called at Reed Champlln> and Charts Turybury's. recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Merton Burdick and daughter I>oris were visitors at Bur-dette Burdkk's. recently.

Mr. Margaret GeThardt and aon Norman, and Mrs. Edna Alford and daughter Thelma of Buffalo were over Decoration Day visitors at F. H Jones .

110 Spring Coats Fornurly $14.95

142 Spring Coats Formerly $19.95

92 Better Spring Costa Formerly $24.50






41 Children's Ooatt now Sties 3 to I only

At the beginning of the present rentury agricultural products account ed for eB per cent of ali our exports. During 1SS9 the farmers share of our total export business dropned to 20 per cent, the lowest on record.

152 Spring Cotton Formerly Up To $2.98 f>n Sale Basement

$3.85 to P

$5.95 to






Callers at F. H. Jones' recently were1

Mr. and Mr* Harold Johnson of Ro-1 Chester; LPW Jones of Scio: and Mr J and Mrs Deafer Rossman of McHenrv Valley.

Herman Hanneman and daughter Eva were at Hamlin. N. T..'ovir Decoration Day.

L. & C COAT, SUIT A DRESS COltfl 102 Main Street H o r n * *


ALFRED-ALMOND CENTRAL SCHOOL Dedication Number—June 12, 1940

A l f r e d - A l m o n d C e n t r a l i z e d S c h o o l B u i l d i n g


Serving three population centers and surrounding agricultural i, the building of the Alfred-Almond Central School District No.

j being dedicated with special ceremonies this evening, Wednes-kr, June 12. Residents of the district, visiting educators and repre-istives of firms associated with construction of the building were icted to fill the large auditorium for the program. The dedication climaxes about 18 months of actual building rttions.. with Vv^. B.,Haraer the ge-Jga) contrae or, vn£ with ft Lyman the architects.


Imond P r i n c i p a l

ft total cost of the project was — — — — Mt including the general build-1 Alfred. It 1B about 400 feet back from [at landscaping, the bus garage the main highway, on the west side. [fie title to the land. The school ! Asphalt roads circle the grounds, and Mt to accommodate 800 pupils, j adequate parking facilities are pro-I number of pupils that will at-' vided. The grounds comprise about I with the opening of the build-: 5 0 acres, playgrounds, athletic fields

and project sections, particularly for agricultural courses, are expected eventually to utilize the entire space.

A baseball diamond has been laid out to the northwest of the building and grading has been done for tennis courts, north of the building.

Garage To The Northwest The garage, designed to house the

complete fleet of eight school buses, is connected directly with the main building, to the northwest. The gar­age has its own heating plant and is equipped to service the buses and take care of minor repairs.

Alfred'Almond Central School


June 12, 1940






Piano Selection—Prelude, Rockmaninoff

Architect's Remarks

Contractor's Remarks

Remarks by P.W.A. Representative

Piano Selection—Polonaise, Chopin

Dedication Speech


Rev. A. Clyde Ehret

E. W. Ormsby, Pres. Board of Education

Supt. W. H. Garwood

Prin. H. F. McGraw

Ada Becker Seidlin

D. H. Lyman

W. B. Harder

R. L. Rowe

Ada Becker Seidlin

James A. Harris, State Education Department

Rev. F. W. Jackson

deep and 40 feet wide. There are receiving and public address system, three sets of lights, the footlights and j which permits the reception of educar a front and rear set of border lights, tional programs from broadcasting stat* The entire lighting system is equip-1 tions outside the school and for an* ped with dimmer control, whereby nouncements by the principal through lighting effects can be maintained for the building, only such parts of the hall as is de- Kindergarten Provided sired. In this respect, it Is interest- T h e K i n d e r g a r t e n l 3 o n e Q , lng to note that the major control is automatic, so that as the lights f o r : f e a t u r e d s e c t i o n s o f t h e * * * * > the stage proper come on gradually , s m l l n e w i t h the modern methods those in the hall Itself fade away sim­ultaneously.

Have Projector Booth

Provision has been made for mo­tion equipment, although for the im

done In natural maple finish, hava (Continued on page nine)

A l f r e d P r i n c i p a l

Ke care oi HUUUI • • « . . . « {located at the immediate rear of the rectly In the center of the building, The main building is primarily of • building, although the ground front- on the west side of the corridor. It

Tudor architectural theme, with a j a g e i s i e v e l j s e a t s 5 0 0 t 0 G 0 0 T h e h a l l , s t w o

slight adaptation of late Gothic In the ] T n e floor p j a n consists of two stu-; stories high and is lighted naturally square tower In the central part of, d e n t floors a n d t h e basement. The' for daytime use. There are two exit the structure. The frontage Is 3431 basement Is devoted chiefly to the doors on each side feet long, and the Tudor architecture heating units and storage rooms. '

Aitnur J. Peck

I was chosen to break up too long a ; line in the frontage. I To give the building more pleasing lines, the two wings were not made j

Three Entrances In Front

On two sides of the hall, those par­ticularly where sports will center,

Three entrances are provided to the' cork insulation tile is on each wall building In front. The main one Is to the height of the basketball back-marked by pillars that match the tan \ boards. This is to enhance acoustic brick and stone masonry of the build-(features and to deaden sound. lng. The other entrances are in the The stage Is on the west side of

•unci 600. janswunus t..c., *"""•".:' "" ~ " itwo wings. (the auditorium, and is equipped with ated in the town of Almond, the lng such a long mmmg M Vm**\ ^ c o m b m e d A u d l torium and Gym-' harmonious stage properties such as

nasium which dominates the structur-J will make entertainments and school al features of the floors above the; productions an Important feature of basement, has its main entrance dl- j the school work. The stage Is 21 feet

_ j exactly symmetrical in front. The Iter regular instruction next fall' architects adopted this plan as best

ound 600. answering their problem in construct-_ the town of Almond, the lng such a long --——-.

ling is approximately a mile audition to Its height. This also permitted If from Almond and Alfred Sta-1 them to take advantage of the natur-and three miles and a half fromlal aesthetic features of a hill being

A l m o n d S e n i o r s


%T " i I

of teaching the youngest pupils, sues as has accou»*<wl foq chil4r«a of to* day keenly desiring to attend school. Due to reductions in state aid, how.

.,_.„ ever, the Board of Education is doubt* mediate future at least the projectors' ful whether it can finance such la* now in use in the Almond and Alfred {struction this year. Seating equip* schools will be adapted to the cen- j ment. hexagonal tables and chairs, tral district. The projection booth Is ' • * «_*-«. . directly over the main entrance to the ha'l.

The Gymnasium, which is 68 by 70 feet, has automatic folding doors across the center, so that it can be utilized by two physical education classes at the same time. Only one basketball court has been marked out, but four baskets have been erected so that practice can be carried on by more pupils. Double courts have been marked out for volley ball, badminton and shuffle board. Bleachers, which fold up against the wall when not in use, extend across the room. Com­plete locker and shower facilities are available, and adjacent to the Gym­nasium are storage rooms.

The first floor Is devoted primarily to the principal's office and the ele­mentary grades, but does include also the Health Room and the Industrial Arts and Agriculaural Departments. The administrative offices consist of a Reception Room and General Office, for handling office calls and routine, and the Principal's Office, which alsoj serves as the Board of Education's meeting room. From the Principal's Office Is controlled the combined radio

Superintendent of Schools

Harold F. McGraw

A l f r e d S e n i o r s

L r , . _ , mthen Anthony. Olen Rossman, fack Row, Left to Right—Thelma Paige. Elthea AU

kosher. Emily Roberts, Vivian Huber, Betty Ranger. nfnrmA Reynold*, Ward Brown,

, «mt Row. L«ft to RIghl-Murlel Witter, horma i w * ' _ ICotai. Senior Advisor Minnie Mosher, Catherine Caatelltoo,

William Garwood

Back Row—Principal Harold McGraw. senior advisor; Ronald Palmlter, Carl Ells. Lewis Ells. William Turck. George Kamakarls. William Evaaa, William Robinson.

Middle Row—Randall Palmlter. Dorothy Allen. Enid Wilcox, Beatrice Weaver, Mildred Vara.

Front Row—Louise Austin. Marie Jonea, Martha Lanfworthy, Matte Severance. Velma Carats, 8ar»h Loalt* Ri««. ^

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