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OF THE 0 V e r t ii m it t 0 f aleetme. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY. No. 114 CONTENTS JERUSALEM 1st. May, 1924. I. ORDINANCES. Page Customs Frontier & Prescribed Routes Ordinance No. 15 of 1 9 2 4 6 2 2 - 6 2 3......... ־II. DRAFTS OF ORDINANCES. (a) Copyright Ordinance 192 1 ... 623-624 ;(b) Patents and Designs Ordinance 192i 625-641 1 (c) Railway Lands Vesting Ordinance 1924 ... 641-*6^2 (d) Jurisdiction of Civil and Religious Courts Ordinance 1924 ... 642-643 III. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Copyright Act, 1911 (Extension to Palestine) Order 1924 ... ... ... ... 643 IV. PROCLAMATION. Under the Copyright Act 1911 ... ... 643 V. ORDERS. (a) Under the Plant Protection Ordinance 1924 ... ... ... 644 (b) Promulgating the Prevention of Grime Ordinance No. 14 of 1924 644 (c) Under Customs Frontier and I rescribed Routes Ordinance 1924 644-645 VL REGULATION. Under the Advocates Ordinance 1922 645 VII. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. (a) Prohibited Imports ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 645 (b) Licensing of Surveyors ... 645 (c) Registration of Companies, Partnerships and Trade Marks ... 645-61& ' (d) Immigration and Emigration ... ... ... 649-650 (e) Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts ... ... ... ... ... ... 650 (f) Sale of unclaimed •roods ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 650 (g) Notice from the District Court, Jerusalem... ... 650-651 , ( h ) Appointments ... 651. (i) Quarantine Summary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 651 Price 5 P . T .

aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

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Page 1: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article


0 V e r t i i m i t t 0 f aleetme. PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY AUTHORITY.

N o . 114


J E R U S A L E M 1st. May, 1924.


Customs Frontier & Prescribed Routes Ordinance No. 15 of 1 9 2 4 6 2 2 - 6 2 ־ ... ... ... 3

II. DRAFTS O F ORDINANCES. (a) Copyright Ordinance 1921 ... 623-624

;(b) Patents and Designs Ordinance 192i 625-641 1 (c) Railway Lands Vesting Ordinance 1924 ... 641-*6̂ 2

(d) Jurisdiction of Civil and Religious Courts Ordinance 1924 ... 642-643

III. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Copyright Act, 1911 (Extension to Palestine) Order 1924 ... ... ... ... 643

IV. PROCLAMATION. Under the Copyright Act 1911 ... ... 643

V. ORDERS. (a) Under the Plant Protection Ordinance 1924 ... ... . . . 644 (b) Promulgating the Prevention of Grime Ordinance No. 14 of 1924 644 (c) Under Customs Frontier and I rescribed Routes Ordinance 1924 644-645

V L REGULATION. Under the Advocates Ordinance 1922 645

VII. G O V E R N M E N T NOTICES. (a) Prohibited Imports ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 645 (b) Licensing of Surveyors ... 645 (c) Registration of Companies, Partnerships and Trade Marks ... 645-61&

' (d) Immigration and Emigration ... ... ... 649-650 • (e) Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts ... ... ... ... ... ... 650

(f) Sale of unclaimed •roods ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 650 (g) Notice from the District Court, Jerusalem... ... 650-651

, ( h ) Appointments ... 651. (i) Quarantine Summary ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 651

Pr ice 5 P . T .

Page 2: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

622 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 1st. May, 1924.

C U S T O M S 1 " F R O N T I E R . A N D P R E S C R I B E D R O U T E S O R D I N A N C E , 1924,

In acqrdance with article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) order in Counci l , 192IL 'I hereby 'cer t i fy that the immediate promulgation of this Ordinance is necessary in the pubiic interest.

HERBERT SAMUEL April 23rd. 192 i. H i g h Commissioner.

C U S T O M S F R O N T I E R A N D P R E S C R I B E D R O U T E S O R D I N A N C E N o 15 of 1924.

A n Ordinance to enable the H igh Commissioner to declare a Customs Frontier and to prescribe routes

for the importation and exportation of goods.

B E IT E N A C T E D by the High Commissioner for Palestine with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof: -

Short Title & \ This Ordinance may be cited as the Customs Frontier Commencement. a ״ d p r e s c r j b e d Routes Ordinance, 1924, and shall come into

force on the date hereof.

High Commis­sioner may make an order varying the political frontiers of Palestine for purposes of customs duties.

Declaration to be made of stocks of tobacco held by persons in the area outside the •customs frontier.

2. (1) If the High Commissioner shall 'deem it desirable to declare that there shall be established for the purpose of the collection of customs duties a frontier which shall be within but shal l 'not coincide with the political frontiers of Palestine, the High Commissioner may, by order published in the Olficial Gazette, declare that for the purpose of liability to customs duties goods shall be deemed to have been imported into or exported from Palestine when they have passed the frontier prescribed in the said order.

Provided that the Director of Customs and Trade may, with the approval of the High Commissioner, issue regulations for the importation into Palestine without payment of customs duties of any products grown or manufactured in the area between the political frontiers of Palestine and the customs frontier so prescribed.

(2) By the same or any subsequent order the High Commissioner may prescribe the places which shall be the sole places at which any class of goods liable to customs duties may cross the said frontier, and the routes by which such goods shall approach the said places.

3. (J) A n y person resident within the area between the political frontiers of Palestine and the customs frontier which may be prescribed in accordance with Section 2 hereof, who is a grower of tobacco or who on the date at which this Ordinance comes into force is in possession of any manufactured or. unmanufactured tobacco shall within 15 days from the date of the local publication of this Ordinance furnish a declaration to the Director of Customs and Trade stating the weight of tobacco on hand at the said date. If the person is illiterate he shall make a declaration which shall be witnessed before an officer.of the-Government.

(2) Any person who fails to make such declaration within the time prescribed or who makes a false declaration shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £ E . 100 or to imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both these penalties; and in addition, any tobacco in respect of which the declaration should have been made shall be confiscated.

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4. The H igh Commissioner may, by order published i n the Official Gazette, prescribe routes arid places of entry and exit for any class of goods liable to customs'duties'.

5. Any goods found in :transport to or from •Palestine in contravention of an order issued under Section 2 or 'Section-4 of this Ordinance shall be contraband within the meaning of the Customs Regulations and shall be liable to confiscation. Any other goods belonging to the same owner which form part of the same consignment, and the means of transport by which the whole consignment is carried shall likewise be subject to confiscation.

High Commis­sioner may prescribe routes of entry and exit for customs purposes.


April 23rd. 1924. HERBERT SAMUEL

H i g h Commissioner

T h e f o l l o w i n g drafts of Ordinances a r e made public i n accordance with A r t i c l e i l ( i j ( d j of the Palestine O r d e r - i n C o u n c i l , •1922, as amended by A r t i c l e 3 of th« Palestine (Amendment) Order i n C o u n c i l .1923׳ ,

C O P Y R I G H T O R D I N A N C E 1924.

W H E R E A S by an Ordinance dated August 1920 the Ottoman Copyright Law of 8th May 1910 was declared to be applicable in Palestine subject to certain modifications and extensions thereof,

A N D W H E R E A S by an Order in Counci l dated the 21st day of March , 1924, the provisions of an Ac t of the Imperial Parliament of Great Br i ta in known as the Copyright A c t 1911 were extended to Palestine, and by Proclamation of the High Commissioner dated the 23rd day of A p r i l , !924, the said Ac t has been brought into force in Palestine as from the 21st. day of March , 1924,

A N D W H E R E A S it is desirable to make provision for certain matters incidental to the application of the said A c t and to repeal the Copyright Ordinance, 1920,

B E IT E N A C T E D b y : the High \ Commissioner' '• l o r Palestine with the advice of the AdvisWrv Council thereof:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Copyright Short Title. Ordinance 1924.

2. Fo r the purpose of the application of Section 14 of the Importation of Copyright Ac t , 1911, to the importation into Palestine of copies Copyright Works of works made out of Palestine: —- info Palestine^

(1) The Director of Customs shall perform the duties and may exercise the powers thereby imposed on or given to the Commissioners of Customs and Excise of the United Kingdom.

(2) Regulations made by the Director of Customs under that Section shall require the approval of t h e . H i g h C o m ­missioner i n Counci l . "

(3) Regulations made under that Section may provide that notice given to the Commissioners of Customs arid Excise i n the United Kingdom i f communicated by them to the

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624 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 1st. May, 1924.

Director of Customs shall be deemed to have been given by the owner of the copyright to the Director of Customs.

(4) That Section shall have effect as i f it formed part of the Customs Law of Palestine i n force from time to time.

Offences and Penalties.

3. (1) If any person knowingly

(a) makes for sale or hire any infringing copy of a work in which copyright subsists;

(b) sells or lets for hire or by way of trade exposes or offers for sale or hire any infringing copy of any such work ;

(c) distributes infringing copies of any such work either for the purpose of trade or to such an extent as to affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright;

(d) by way of trade exhibits in public any infringing copy of any such work;

(e) imports for sale or hirein to Palestine any infringing copy of such work;

he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty live piastres for every copy dealt with i n contravention, but not exceeding £ E . 50 in respect of the same transaction, or in the case of a second or subsequent offence either to such a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two months.

(2) If any person knowingly makes or has in his possession any plate for the purpose of making infringing copies of any work in which copyright subsists or knowingly and for his private profit causes any such work to be performed in public without the consent of the owner of the copyright, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £ E . 5 or in the case of a second or subsequent offence either to such fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two months.

(3) The Court before which any such proceedings are taken may, whether the alleged offender is convicted or not, order that all copies of the work and all plates i n the possession of the alleged offender which appear to it to be infringing co­pies, be destroyed or delivered to the owner of •the copyright or otherwise dealt with as the Court may think fit.

(4) Prosecutions under this Section shall first be instituted, in the Magistrate's Court.

(5) The provisions of Ar t ic le 241 of the Ottoman Penal Code shall not apply in any case to which this Section is applicable.

(6) Nothing in this Section shall prejudice the right of the owner of the copyright to make use of any remedy by way of c iv i l action for damages or otherwise which may be conferred upon him by law for the infringement of a copyright.

Modification of Copyright Act 1911.

4. The Copyright Act 1911 sua! added to by this Ordinance.

he read as modified or

Repeal, 5. The Ottoman Copyright Law of the 8th of May, 1910, shall no longer be in force in Palestine, and the Copyright Ordinance 1920 is hereby repealed and shall be deemed to have been repealed as from the 21st day of March , 1924.

Page 5: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

1st. May, 194. O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 625

P A T E N T S A N D D E S I G N S O R D I N A N C E .

W H E R E A S provision was made by Publ ic Notice dated 30th September, 1919, for the provisional registration under certain conditions of patents and designs in Palestine,

A N D W H E R E A S it is desirable to provide for the grant of new patents and for the registration of patents and designs generally and for that purpose to replace the Ottoman Law of Patents by provisions in accordance with the requirements of the International Conventions relating to industrial property,

B E IT E N A C T E D by the H igh Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:-

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Patents and Short •Title. Designs Ordinance 1924.

2. (1) There shall be a Register of Patents and a Register Registry of of Designs under this Ordinance which shall be kept at the Patents and Law Courts, Jerusalem, or at such other place as may be from D e s i & n s • time to time appointed by the H igh Commissioner by Notice published in the Gazette.

(2) The Register of Patents shall contain the names and addresses of grantees of patents and of persons registered as patentees in pursuance of the provisions of Section 24 and Section 55. It shall contain notifications of assignment, licences, amendments, and revocations of patents and such other matters as may be prescribed.

(3) The Register of Designs shall contain the names and addresses of proprietors of registered designs, notifications of assignment, cancellation of licences, and such other matters as may be prescribed.

(4) There shall be a Registrar of Patents and Designs (hereinafter called the Registrar) appointed by the High C m ־missioner, who shall be assisted by such officers and clerks as the Registrar, with the sanction of the High Commissioner, may from time to time determine.

(5) The Register of Patents and the Register of De­signs shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be evidence of any matters by this Ordinance directed or authorised to be entered therein.

P A R T I. P A T E N T S .

3. (1) The true and first inventor of every new inven- Inventor to be tion, subject in all respects to the conditions and provisions of entitled to this Ordinance, is entitled to the grant of a patent conferring grant of patent, the exclusive right to use, exploit ,make, manufacture, produce, supply and sell the said invention or to grant licences therefor.

(2) All grants of patents made under this Ordinance Grants of shall be made at the risk of the grantee and without guarantee patents to be or responsibility on the part of the Government either as to the at the risk of novelty or utility or merits of the invention or as to its confer- grantee, mity with the specification.

4. (!) A n application for a patent may be made by such Application for true and first inventor, whether alone or jointly with any other patents, person or persons. Such application shall be made in the prescribed form to the Registrar.

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626 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 1st. May, 1924.

(2) The application must contain a sworn declaration to the effect that the applicant is i n possession of an invention whereof he, or, in the case of a joint application, one at least of the applicants, claims to be the true and first inventor for which he desires to obtain a patent, and must be accompanied by a specification.

Specification. 5. (1) The specification must particularly describe the nature of the invention and the manner in which the same is to be performed. It must commence with a title and end with a distinct statement of the invention claimed.

(2) The Registrar may require suitable drawings or (in the case of a chemical invention) typical samples and spe­cimens to be supplied with the specification or at any time before acceptance of the same and any drawings supplied shall be deemed to form part of the specification.

Provisional protection.

Exam i nation of specification.

6. (1) Immediately upon the filing of the application and specification, the Registrar shall ascertain whether the same are in the form required by this Ordinance and shall, i f lie be so satisfied and upon payment of any fees which may be pres­cribed, give to the applican filinsf.

a written acknowledgement of the

(2) W h ere an ackn owl edgernent of the filing of an app I i -eation has been given, the invention may, during the period between the date of the application and the date of sealing such patent, be used and published without prejudice to the patent to be granted for the invention and such protection shall be known as provisional protection.

7. (1) The Registrar may at any time before acceptance of the specification require the applicant, to make such amend­ments in the application or specification as may be requisite to secure compliance with the provisions of Sections 4 and 5 hereof.

(2) If it appears to the Registrar that the invention claimed has been claimed or described in any specification previously lodged or in any patent previously registered, he shall notify the applicant accordingly and may require any such amendment as may be requisite, provided that it shall i n no case be the duty of the Registrar to make any investigation for the purpose of ascertaining whether the invention claimed has been so claimed, described or registered.

(3) Where an application or specification has been amended, the application shall, i f the Registrar so directs, bear date as from the ante of the amendment.

(4) If the Registrar is satisfied that the invention claimed has been already claimed or described in any specification previously lodged he shall, unless the objection is removed by amending the specification to his satisfaction, determine whether a reference to any and if so to what prior specification ought to be made in the specification by way of notice to the public. Provided that the Registrar, i f satisfied that the invention claimed has been wholly and specifically claimed in any specifi­cation, shall refuse to accept the specification.

(5) The Registrar shall refuse to accept any application and specification for an invention the use of which would be in his opinion contrary to Law or to morality or to public policy.

Application for 8. i f in the opinion of the Registrar, the invention patents of described in the application and specification concerns instru-military value. m e n t s or munitions of war or is of any military value, he

shall refer the application to the High Commissioner who may, after such enquiry as he thinks fit,

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(a) direct that no patent shall be issued if he is of opinion that such a course is not in the public interest;

(b) direct that the application shall proceed but that the patent shall be granted subject to suclf conditions as to the grant of licences to the Government or as to the right of pur­chase by the Government as he may think fit.

9. (1) W h e r e the Registrar accepts a specification he Acceptance and shall notify his acceptance to" the applicant. advertisement

thereof. (2) On the acceptance of the specification, either by the

Registrar or on appeal from his decision in accordance with Section 49, the Registrar shall advertise the acceptance, and the application and specifications, with the drawings, i f any, shall be open to public inspection.

(3) After the acceptance of the specification and unti l the sealing of a patent in respect thereof or the expiration of the time for sealing, the applicant shall have the like privileges and rights as i f a patent for the invention had been sealed on the date of the acceptance of the specification, provided that an applicant shall not be entitled to institute any proceedings for infringement unti l a patent for the invention has been granted to h im.

10. (1) A n y person may at any time within two months from Opposition to the date of the advertisement of the acceptance of the specifi- grant of patent, cation give notice to the Registrar of opposition to the grant of the patent on any of the following grounds :

(a) that the applicant obtained the invention from him or from a person of whom he is the legal representative;

(b) that the invention has been claimed in any specifica­tion for a Palestinian patent which is or wi l l be of pr ior date to the patent the grant of which is opposed;

(c) that a patent in respect of the invention claimed has already been registered by the person making the opposition under the Publ ic Notice No. 136׳ of 3()th September, 191׳:!;

(d) that the invention has been made available to the public by publication in any document published in Palestine pr ior to the application ;

(e) that a person making opposition is the proprietor of an Ottoman Patent in respect of the invention claimed which is capable of registration in accordance with the provisions of Section 55 of this Ordinance, and that an application for such registration has been lodged;

( f ) that the nature of the invention or the manner i n which it is to be performed is not sufficiently. or clearly described and ascertained in the specification;

(g) that in the case of an application under Section 51 of this Ordinance a specification describes or claims an inven­tion other than that for •\ hich protection has been applied for in a foreign state and that such invention forms the subject of an application made by the opponent in the interval between the lodging of the application in a foreign state and the lodging of the application in Palestine.

(2) Where notice of opposition is given the Registrar shall communicate the notice to the applicant and shall, on the expiration of the period of two months and after hearing the applicant and opponent i f desirous of being heard, decide on the case.

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628 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E 1st. May, 1924.

Grant and seal ׳H. (1) If there is no opposition, or, in the ease of of patent. opposition, if the determination is in favour of the grant of the

patent, the patent shall on payment of the prescribed fee be granted to the applicant or in the case of joint application to the applicants joint ly; and the Registrar shall cause the patent

' to be sealed with Use seal of the Registry of Patents.

(2) The patent shall be sealed as soon as may be but not after the expiration of 18 months from the date of applica­tion provided that where the sealing is delayed by appeal or opposition the patent may be sealed at such time as the District Court or the Registrar, as the case may be, may direct.

(3) W h e r e an applicant has died before the sealing of the patent and the patent is granted to his legal representative, the patent may be sealed at any time within 12 months after the date of the applicant's death.

(4) Where for any reason the patent cannot be sealed within the period allowed by this Section, the period may, on payment of such fee as may be prescribed and upon compliance with the prescribed conditions, be extended.

Date of patent. 12. Except as otherwise expressly provided by this Ordinance a patent shall be dated and sealed as of the date of the application.

Provided that no proceedings shall be taken i n respect of an. infringement committed before the acceptance of the specification.

13. (1) A patent sealed with the seal of the Registry of Patents shall have effect throughout all parts of Palestine provided that a patentee may assign his patent for any place in or part of Palestine as effectually as i f the patent were or i ­ginally granted to extend to that, place or part only.

(2) Every patent shall be in a prescribed fo im, ־ and shall be granted for one invention only but (:he specification may contain more than one claim and it shall not be competent for any person in an action or proceeding to take any objection to a patent on the ground that it has been granted for more than one invention.

Term of patent. 14. (1) The term limited in every patent for the dura­tion thereof shall, save as otherwise expressly provided by this Ordinance be 16 years from its date.

(2) A patent shall cease if the patentee fails to pay the prescribed fee within the prescribed time, provided that the Registrar, upon application of the patentee, shall upon receipt of such additional fee as may be prescribed, enlarge the time to such an extent as may be applied for but not exceeding three months.

Effect, exteut and form of patent.

Patents of addition.

(3) If any proceedings are taken in respect of an infringement, of the patent committed after a failure to pay a fee within the prescribed time and before any enlargement thereof, the Court .before which the proceedings are proposed to be taken may, i f it thinks fit, refuse to award any damages i n res­pect of such infringement.

15. (1) Where a patent for an invention has been applied for or granted, and the applicant or the patentee, as the case may be, applies for a further patent in respect of any improve­ment in or modification of the invention, he may, i f he thinks fit, in his application for the further patent, request that the term limited in that patent for the duration thereof be the same as that of the original patent or so much of that term as is unexpired.

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(2) where an application containing such a request is made, a patent, hereinafter referred to as a patent of addition, may be granted for such term as aforesaid.

(3) A patent of addition shall remain i n force so long as the patent for the original invention remains in force, but no longer, and in respect of a patent of addition no fees shall be payable for renewal,

Provided that, i f the patent for the original invention is revoked, then the patent of addition shall, i f the Court or Re­gistrar so orders, become an independent patent, and the fees payable and the dates when they become payable shall be de­termined by its date, but its duration shall not exceed the unexpired term of the patent for the original invention.

(4) The grant of a patent of addition shall be conclusive evidence that the invention is a proper subject for a patent of addition, and the validity of the patent shall not be questioned on the ground that the invention ought to have been the subject of an independent patent.

16. (1). Where any patent has become void owing to Restoration of the failure of the patentee to pay any prescribed fee within lapsed patents, the prescribed time, the patentee may apply to the Registrar i n the prescribed manner for an order for the restoration of the patent.

(2) Every such application shall contain a statement of the circumstances which have led to the omission of the payment of the prescribed fee.

(3) If it appears from such statement that the omission was unintentional and that no undue delay has occurred in the making of the application, the Registrar shall advertise the application in the prescribed manner, and within such time as may be prescribed any person may give notice of opposition at the Registry of Patents.

(4) W h e r e such notice is given the Registrar shall notify the applicant thereof.

(5) After the expiration of the prescribed period the Registrar shall hear the case and issue an order either restor­ing the patent or dismissing the application.

17. (1) A n applicant or a patentee may, at any time, Amendments of by request i n writ ing left at the Registry of Patents seek leave specification. to amend his specification ( including drawings forming part thereof) by way of disclaimer, correction, or explanation, stating the nature of and the reasons for the proposed amendment.

(2) The request and the nature of the proposed amend­ment shall be advertised in the prescribed manner; and at any time within one month from its first advertisement any person may give notice at the Registry of Patents of opposition to this amendment.

(3) Where such notice is given the Registrar shall give notice of the opposition to the person making the request and shall hear and decide the case.

(4) Where no notice of oppotition is given or the person so giving notice of opposition does not appear, the Registrar shall determine whether and subject to what conditions, if any, the amendment ought to-be allowed.

(5) No amendment shall be allowed which would make the specification as amended c la im an invention substantially

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Amendments of specification by the Court.

Restriction on recovery of damages.

larger than or substantially different from the invention claimed by the specification as it stood before amendment.

(6) Leave fo.amend shall be conclusive as to the right of the party to make the amendment allowed except i n case of fraud; and the amendment shall be advertised in the prescribed manner and shall be deemed to form part of the specifi­cation provided that the Court shall be entitled i n construing the specifications as amended to refer to the specification as accepted and published.

(7) This Section shall not apply when and so long as any action for infringement or proceeding before the Court for the revocation of the patent is pending.

18. In any action for infringement of a patent or proceed­ings before a Court for the revocation of a patent, the Court may by order allow r the pa'entee to amend his specification i n such manner and subject to such terms as to costs, advertise­ment or otherwise, as the Court may think fit.

Provided that no amendment shall be so allowed that would make the specification, as amended, claim an invetion substantially different from the invention claimed by the spaci-fieatioa as it stood before the amendment, and where an appli­cation for such an order is made notice of the application shall be given to the Registrar, and the Registrar shall have the right to appear and be heard, and shall appear i f so directed by the Court.

19. W h e r e an amendment of a specification has been allowed under this Ordinance, no damages shall be given in any action in respect of the use of the invention before the date of the decision allowing the amendment unless the patentee establishes to the satisfaction of the Court that his original c laim was framed in good faith and with reasonable skill and knowledge.

C O M P U L S O R Y L I C E N C E S A N D R E V O C A T I O N .

Compulsory licences and revocation

20. (1) Any person interested may present a petition to the Registrar alleging that the reasonable requirements of the public with respect to a patented invention have not been sa­tisfied and praying for the grant of a compulsory licence, or in the alternative for the revocation of the patent.

(2) The Registrar shall consider the petition, and if the parties do not come to an arrangement between themselves, the Registrar, if satisfied that a reasonable case has been made out, shall refer the petition to the District Court.

(3) Where any such petition is referred by the Re­gistrar to the Court, and it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the reasonable requirements of the public with reference to the patented invention have not been satisfied, the patentee may be ordered by the Court to grant licences on such terms as the Court may think just, or, i f the Court if of opinion that the reasonable requirements of the public w i l l not be satisfied by the grant of licences, the patent may be revoked by order of the Court-

Provided that an order of revocation under this Section shall not be made before the expiration of three years, from .the date of the patent, nor if the patentee gives satisfactory reasons for his default.

(4) On the hearing of any petition under this Section the patentee and any person claiming an interest in the patent

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as exclusive licensee or otherwise shall be made parties to the proceedings, and the Attorney General shall he entitled to be heard.

(5) F o r the purposes of this Section, the reasonable requirements of the public shall not be deemed to have been satisfied ־.

(a) if, by reason of the default of the patentee to ma­nufacture to an adequate extent and supply on reasonable terms a patented article, any trade or industry or the establishment of any new trade or industry in Palestine is unfairly prejudiced or the demand for ihe patented article or the article produced by the patented process is not reasonably met;

(b) i f any trade or industry in Palestine is unfairly pre­judiced by conditions attached by the patentee to the purchase or use of a patented article or to the working of the patented process. ' : , ' . - . ׳ . •

(6) A n order of the Court directing the grant of a licence under this Section shall operate as i f it were embodied in a duly executed licence made between the parties to the pro­ceedings.

21. (1) Revocation of a patent may be obtained on pe־ Revocation of tition to the District Court. patents.

(2) A petition for revocation of a patent may be presen­ted (a) by the Attorney General, or (b) by any person alleging

(i) that the patent was obtained i n fraud of the petitioner's rights or the rights of any person under or through whom he claims; or

(ii) that the petitioner or any person under or through whom he claims was the true inventor of any invention inc lu­ded in the claim of the patentee; or

(iii) that the petitioner or any. person under or through whom he claims an interest in any trade, business or manu­facture had publicly manufatured, used or sold within Palestine, before the date of the patent, anything claimed by the patentee as his invention.

L E G A L P R O C E E D I N G S .

22. (1) In any action or proceedings for infringement or Hearing with revocation of a patent the Court may, i f it thinks fit, call in the assessor. aid of an assessor specially qualified.

(2) The remuneration, i f any, to be",paid to an asseseor under this Section shall be determined by the Court and paid i n the manner to be provided by rules made under this Ordinance.

23. In an action for infringement of a patent the plaintiff Order for shall be entitled to relief b y w a y of injunction and damages injunction, provided that a patentee shall not be entitled to recover damages i n respect of any infringement of a patent granted after the commencement of this Ordinance from any defendant who proves that at the date of the infringement he was not aware of the existence of the patent.

R E G I S T R A T I O N O P P A T E N T S G R A N T E D I N T H E U N I T E D K I N G D O M :

24. (1) Any person being the grantee of a patent issued i n the United Kingdom or any person deriving his r i i ht from׳the grantee by assignment, transmission or other operation of law, may apply in the prescribed form to the Registrar within

Registration of patents granted in the United Kingdom.

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one year from the date of issue of the pafeut, for registration of such'patent in Palestine.

(2) Every such application shall be accompanied by two certified copies of the specification or specifications (including drawings, if any) of the United Kingdom Patent, and a certificate of the Comptroller-General of Paients, Designs and Trade Marks oi the United Kingdom giving lu l l particulars of the issue of the patent on such specification or specifications.

(3) The Registrar shall advertise the application for a certificate of registra'ion in such manner as may be prescribed, and any person may at any time within two months from the date of such advertisement give notice to the Registrar of opposi­tion to the issue of a certificate of registration on any of the grounds mentioned in Section 10 of this Ordinance.

(4) Where notice of opposition is given, the Registrar shall communicate the notice to the applicant and shall on the expiration of the period of two months, and after hearing the applicant and the opponent, i f desirous of being heard, decide on the case.

(5) If there is no opposition, 'or i n case of opposition, if the determination is i n favour of the issue of the certificate of registration, the Registrar shall cause the certificate of regis­tration to be issued.

(6) The issue of a ce• tificate of registration shall confer upon the owner thereof the l ike exclusive privileges and rights as i f a p tent had been issued to h im under the provisions of this Ordinance and shall be subject to all the conditions and restrictions imposed upon a patent granted under this Ordinance.

(7) The exclusive privileges and rights so acquirer! shall date from the date of the patent granted in the United Kingdom, but shall not abridge or othewise affect the right of any person ordinarily resident in Palestine,.his agent or successor in busi­ness, to continue any bona fide manufacture, use or sale com­menced before the date of the publication by the United K i n g ­dom Patent Office of the specification of the patent and the continued manufacture, use or sale by such person or the use or sale of devices resulting from such manufacture or use shall not constitute an infringement of the exclusive privileges and rights enjoyed under the. certificate of registration.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S .

Provisions as to 25 A patent shall not be held to be invalid by reason anticipation. only of the invention in respect of which the patent was gran­

ted,1 or any part thereof, having been published pr ior to the diite of the patent, i f the patentee proves to the" ־ satisfaction of the Court that the publication was made without his knowledge and consent, and that the matter published was derived or ob­tained from him, and, i f he learnt of the publication before the date of his application for the patent, that he applied for and obtained protection for his invention with all reasonable diligence after learning of the publication.

Patent on appli- 26. (1) If a person claiming to be the inventor of an cation of heir of invention dies without making an application for a patent for the deceased inventor invention,application may be made by, and a patent for the inven­

tion granted to, his legal representative.

(2) Every such application must contain a declaration by the legal representative that he believes the deceased person to have been the true and first inventor of the invention.

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27. If a patent is lost or destroyed, or its non-production is accounted for to the satisfaction of the Registrar, the Registrar may at any time seal a duplicate thereof.

28. The Registrar may at any time publish i n the Official Gazette or i n any other journal - prescribed, a description ..and particulars of any patented invention and every such advertise­ment shall be made at the cost of the patentee.

Loss or destruc­tion of patent.

Publication of application and specification in Official Gazette.

P A R T II. D E S I G N S .

29. (1) The Registrar may, on the application made in the prescribed form and manner of any person claiming to be the proprietor of any new or original design not previously published in Palestine, register the design under this part of this Ordinance.

(2) The same design may be registered i n more than one class, and, in case of doubt as to the class in which a design ought to be registered, the Registrar may decide the question.

(3) The Registrar may, if he thinks fit, refuse to register any design presented to h im for registration, and shall refuse to register a design of which in his opinion the use wi l l be contrary to Law, morality or public policy.

(4) A n application which , owing to any default or neglect, on the part of the applicant, has not been completed so as to enable registration to be effected within the prescribed time, shall be deemed to be abandoned.

Application for registration of designs.

(5) A design when registered shall be registered as of the date of the application for registration.

30. W h e r e a design has been registered in one or more class or classes of goods the application of the proprietor of the design to register it in some one or more othe! class or classes shall not be refused, nor shall the registration thereof be invalidated ־

Registration of designs in new classes.

(a) on Ih' 1 ground of the design not being a new or original design, by reason only that it was so previously registered; or

(b) on the ground of the design having been previously published in !'{destine, by reason only that it has been applied to goods of any class in which it was previously registered.

Provided that such subsequent registration shall not extend the perio־i of copyright in the design beyond that arising from the previous registration.

31. (1) The Registrar shall g r m t a certificate of registra- Certificate of tion to the proprietor of the design when registered. registration.

(2) The Registrar may, in case of loss of the original certificate, or in any other case in which he deems it expedient, furnish one or more copies of the certificate.

32. (1) W h e n a design is registered, the registered pro- Copyright on prietor of the design shall, subject to the provisions of this registration. Ordinance, have copyright in the design during live years from the date of registration.

(2) If within the prescribed time before the expiration of the said five years app-ication . for extension of the period of copyright is made to the Registrar i n the prescribed manner, the Registrar shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, extend the period of copyright for a second period of five years from the expiration of the original period of jive years.

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' •v (3) If within the prescribed time before the 'expiration of such second period of five years application for• the extension of the period of copyright is made to the Registrar in the pre­scribed manner the • Registrar may v subject to any rules under this Ordinance, on ׳ -payment of the prescribed fee, extend the period of copyright for a third ,period of five years from the. expiration of the second period of five years.

Requirements before delivery on sale.

33. ,Before delivery on sale of any articles to which a registered design has been applied, the proprietor shall :

(a) if exact representations or specimens were not fm> nished on the application for registration, furnish to the Regis­trar-the, prescribed number of exact representations or speci­mens of the design;, and if he fails to do so, the Registrar may erase his. name from Jthe Register and thereupon the copyright! in-'the• desjg{). shall' cease, and

(b) cause each such article to be marked with the pres­cribed mark; or with the prescribed words or figures denoting that the design is registered, ;

and if he •fails to do so the proprietor shah not be entitled to recover any penalty or damages i n respect, of any infringement of bis copyright in the design unless he shows that he took all proper stops to ensure the marking of the article, or unless he shows that the infringement took place alter the person guilty thereof knew or had•'received notice of the existence of the co­pyright in the design.

Inspection of registered designs.

Cancellation of registration of design.

34. (!) Dur ing the .existence of copyright in a design, or such shorter period not being loss than two years from the registration of the design as may be prescribed, the design shall not. be open to inspection except by the proprietor or a. person authorised in writing by h im, or a person authorised by the Registrar or by the Court.

.Provided that Where registration of a design is refused on the ground of identity with a design already registered, the applicant for registration shall be entitled to inspect the design so registered. !

(2) After the expiration of the copyright in a design, or buch shorter period as aforesaid, the design shall be open to inspection, and copies (hereof may be taken by. any person on payment of the prescribed fee.

Different periods, may D ׳ (3) e prescribed under this Section for different classes of goods.

־ (1 ; ; 3 5 ־ ) ; A t any time after the registration of a design any person interested may apply to the Registrar for the can­cellation of the registration of the design, on either of the fol­lowing grounds :-

(a) that the design has been published in Palestine prior to the date ,of registration ; - :

(b) that the design is applied by manufacture to any article in a foreign country, and is not so applied by any manu­facture in Palestine !¡0 such an extent as is reasonable; in the circumstances of the case ;

(2) If the Registrar i s of opinion .that such•• application,^ premature, he may adjourn the same. He may also, in l ieu of cancellation, order the grant of a compulsory licence or may at any time refer the application to• the District Cour t for trial .

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36. (1) Dur ing the existence of copyright in any design !Piracy of regie-it shall not be lawful for any person ' • ״ v , tered design. .

(a) for the purposes of sale to apply• to any a r t i c le : in ; any class of goods in which the design is-registered, the :design or any fraudulent or obxious imitation thereof, except with the licence or written consent of the registered proprietor,: of to do anything with a view to enable the design to be so applied; or

•(b) knowing that the design of any fraudulent or obvious , imitation thereof has been applied to any article without the : • consent of the registered proprietor, to publish or to expose for sale that article. •־'•••׳•':"־"•;

(2) If any person acts in contravention of this Section, he shall be liable for every contravention to pay to the registered proprietor of the design a sum not exceeding £ E , 50 as liquidated damages, or i f the proprietor elects to br ing an action for the recovery of damages for such contravention, and for an injunction against the repetition thereof,•he shall be liable to pay such damages as may be awarded and to be restrained by injunction accordingly.

Provided that the total sum ..,recoverable as liquidated damages in respt-ct of any one design shall not exceed £ E . 100.

P A R T III. G E N E R A L .

37. A patent shall have the l ike effect against the Govern- Government's ment of Palestine as it has against any other person. right to use

patents. Provided that any Government Department may make use

of any patent on such terms as may be agreed upon between the Department and the patentee with the approval of the Treasurer of the Government of Palestine, or, in default of agreement, as may be fixed by the Chief Justice or a referee nominated by h im.

38. Every register kept under this Ordinance shall at all Inspection of and convenient times be open to the inspection of the public, subject extracts from to the provisions of this Ordinance and to such regulations as registers. may be prescribed, and certified copies, sealed with the s ׳al of the Registry of Patents, of any entry in any such register shall be given to any person requiring the same on payment of the prescribed fee.

39. (!) W h e r e an application for a patent has beeri Prohibition of abandoned, or become void, the specifications and the dravyin^s publication of (if any) accompanying or left in connection!with such application specification, shall not, save as otherwise expressly provided by this Ordinance, drawings, etc. at any time be open to public inspection or ;be published by the Registrar. " ] ^״ ~ : ' ׳ - • • -׳־•:-׳׳.׳•• ^

(2) W h e r e an application for a design ;has ; been abandoned or refused, the app ication and any drawings, photo­graphs, tracings, representations, or specimens left in Connection with the application shall not at any time be open to public inspection or be published by the Registrar.

40. The Registrar may, on request ih writ ing accompanied by the prescribed fee,

- ( a ) correct any clerical error in or i n connection with an application for a patent oi in any patent t$ any specification; •׳••'׳••"'•

(b) cancel the registration of a design either wholly or in respect of any particular goods in connection with which the de­sign is registered;

Power for Registrar to correct clerical errors.

(c) correct any clerical error in the representation of a

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design or in the name or address of the proprietor of any patent or design, or in any other ma'ter which is entered upon the Register of Patents or the Register of Designs.

Entry of assign­ments and transmissions in Registers.

41. (1) W h e r e a person becomes entitled by assignment^ transmission, licence or other operation of law to a patent or the copyright in •a registered design, or to any interest therein, he shall make application to the Registrar to register his tdle, and the Registrar shall, on proof of title to his satisfaction, register him as the proprietor of such patent or design and shall cause an entry to be made on the register of the instrument affecting the title or creating such interest.

Rectification of Registers by Court.

Exercise of discretionary power by Registrar.

(2) The person registered as the proprietor of a pa­tent or design shall, subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and to any rights appearing on the register !o be vested i n any other person, have power absolutely to assign, grant licences as to, or otherwise deal with, the. patent or design, and to give effectual receipts for any consideration for any such assignment, licence or dealing.

.(3) Except in applications made under Section 42 of this Ordinance, a document or instrument in respect of which no entry has been made in the register in accordance with the pro­visions of subsections (1) and (2) aforesaid, shall not be admitted in evidence i n any Court in proof of the title to a patent or co­pyright in a design or to any interest therein unless the Court otherwise directs.

42. (1) The District Court may, on the application of any person aggrieved by the noninsertion in or omission from the Register of Patents or Designs of any entry or by any entry made in either such register without sufficient cause, or by any entry wrongly remaining in either such register, or by an error or defect in an entry in either such register, make such order for making, expunging, or varying such entry as it may think fit.

(2) The Court may in any proceeding under this Section decide any question that it may be necessary or expedient to decide in connection with the recitification of a register.

(3) The prescribed notice of any application under this Section shall be given to the Registrar, •who shall have the right to appear and be heard thereon, and shall appear i f so directed by the Court.

(4) A n y order of the .Court rectifying a register shall direct that notice of the.•rectification be served on the Registrar i n •the prescribed manner, who shall upon the receipt of such notice rectify the register accordingly.

43. (1) Where any .discretionary power is by or under this Ordinance given to the Registrar, he shall not exercise that power adversely to the applicant for a patent, or for registration

"of a• patent granted in the United Kindom, or for amendment of a specification, or for registration of a design, without giving the applicant; aii opportunity of being heard.

• (2) The Registrar shall, in any proceedings before h im under this Ordinance, have power by order to award to any party such costs as he may consider reasonable, and to direct how and by what parties they are to be paid. ;

Annual account of Registrar.

44. \ The annual accounts of all fees or other '• monies received ;and all payments made by the Registrar shall ,be sub­mitted to the Treasury and the Treasurer shall at all times have power to inspect the accounts of the Registrar or any .matters relating thereto in such manner as is prescribed.

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45. (1) Subject to rules under this Ordinance, i n any proceeding under this Ordinance before the Registrar, the evi­dence shall be g k e n by a sworn declaration i n absence of direc­tions to the contrary; but i n any case in which the Registrar thinks i t right so to do, he may take evidence viva voce in l ieu of or i n addition to written evidence or allow any deponent to be cross-examined on his declaration.

Evidence before Registrar.

Certificate of Registrar to be evidence.

Declaration by minor, lunatic, etc.

(2) ••Where any part of the evidence is taken viva voce, the Registrar shall have all the powers of a Magistrate in respect of compelling the attendance of witnesses and all kindred matters.

46. A certificate purporting to be under the hand of the Registrar as to any entry, matter, or thing which he is autho­rised by this Ordinance or any general rules made thereunder to make or do, shall, unless the contrary be proved, be evidence of the entry having been made, and of the contents thereof, and of the matter or thing having been done or left undone.

47. If any person is by reason of his not yet having attained his full age or by reason of lunacy or other disability incapable of making any declaration or doing anything required or permitted by or under this Ordinance, the guardian, curator or other person authorised by lawr on their behalf may make such declaration or a declaration as nearly corresponding thereto as circumstances permit, and do such thing in the name of such person subject to the disability.

48. (1) N o person shall practise, describe himself or hold himself out as a Patent Agent unless he is registered as a Patent Agent i n the Register of Patents.

(2) i f any person contravenes the provisions of this Section, he shall be punishable with fine not exceeding £ E . 20.

(3) Nothing in this Section shall be taken to prevent persons licensed to practise as advocates i n Palestine from filing any documents in the Registry of Patents and Designs or from appearing on behalf of any person in any proceeding or on any application.

(4) The Register of Patent Agents shall be kept by the Registrar, and the Registrar shall be entitled to charge such fee as may be prescribed in respect of every registration.

49. (1) Actions for infringement of patents and of copyrights Appeals, i n designs shail be within the jurisdiction of the District Court.

(2) Appeals from decisions of the Registrar• as to any of the following matters shall be to the District Court:

Register of Patent Agents.

(a) Refusal to accept a specification of a patent.

(b) Refusal to issue a certificate of registration of a patent granted i n the United K indom. (Section 25)

(c) Refusal to register an Ottoman patent (Section 55)

(d) Dismissal of an opposition to the grant of a patent.

(e) Dismissal of an application for restoration of a patent.

(f) Orders as to amendment of specification or patents.

(g) Refusal to register a design.

(h) Order upon application for cancellation of a registration of a design.

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Every such appeal shall be made by notice of (<־'.)appeal :lodged at the office of the Court Wi th in one month of the date of the decision of the Registrar.

Power for Regis- 50. (1) The Registrar, with the sanction of the High trar to make Commissioner, may make such general rules and do such things rules. a s \ i e thinks expedient subject to the provisions of this Ordinance:

(a) for regulating the practice of registration under this Ordinance; .

(b) for classifying goods for the purposes of designs;

(c) for making or requir ing duplicates of specifications, drawings and other documents;

(d) for sec • ;׳ ;rod regulating the publishing and selling of copies at such p״ •c ׳ s and in such manner as he ־ thinks fit, of specifications, dr?• wings and other documents;

. . ( e ) for securing and regulating the making, printing, publishing and selling of indices to, and abridgments of speci­fications and other documents in the Registry of Patents and providing for the inspection of. indices and abridgments and other documents;

(f) for regulating the keeping of the Register of Patent Agents under this Ordinance and in particu'ar for erasing therefrom ihe name of any person, of any partner in a firm, or manager or director of a company who ha«, . to the satis­faction of the Registrar, been proved to have been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dhhonesty;

(g) prescribing the fees to be paid i n respect of the grant of a patent and the registration of designs and applications therefor and ׳n respect of other matters in relation to patents and designs: under this Ordinance.

(2) Rules made under this Section shall be published i n the Official Gazette.

Grant of patents 51. (1) If at any time the Government of Palestine shall or registration become a party to an international arrangement', for the mutual

protection of patents or designs, then any person who has applied for protection for a patent or design i n any State which is a party to such arrangement shall be entitled to a patent for his invention or to registration of his design under this Ordinance in priori ty to other applicants, and the patent or registration shall have the same date as the daie of the patent or registra­tion i n such State.

Provided that (a) the applicatic n is made in the case of a patent within 12 months and in the case of a design wi th in 4 months ;from the application for protection in such State;

(b) nothing in this Section shall entitle the.patentee-or the proprietor of a design to recover damages for infringement hap­pening p i i o r to the actual date on which his application is ac­cepted or his design is registered in Palestine.

\ (2) The patent for an invention or the registration of a design shall not be invalidated

(a) in the ca i e of a patent by reason only of ,.the pub l i ca ­tion of a description, or use of the invention; or

of designs in pursuance of International Convention.

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'(b) in the case of a design, by reason only of the exhibi­tion or use of, or the publication of a description or representa­tion of, the design i n Palestine during the period specified i n this Section as that within which the application may be made.

(3) The application for the grant of a patent or the registration of a design under this Section shall be made in the same manner as an ordinary application under this Ordinance.

(4) The provisions of this Section shall apply only in the case of such State wi th respect to which an Order of the High Commissioner in Council declares them to be applicable.

52. (I) Whoever makes or causes to be. made a false Offences, entry i n any Register kept under this Ordinance or a wr i t ing falsely purporting to be a copy of an entry in any such Register, or produces i n evidence any such writ ing, knowing the entry or wri t ing to be false, shall be punishable with imprisonment not exceeding one year or with fine not exceeding £ E . 100.

(2) Whoever falsely represents that any article sold by h im is a patented ar t ic le .or falsely describes any design ap­plied to any article sold by h im as registered, shall be punishable with fine not exceeding £ E ־.10. .

(3) Whoever sells an article having stamped,: engraved,, or impressed thereon or otherwise applied thereto the word '•*patent" "patented", "registered", or any other word expressing or implying that the article is patented or that the design applied thereto is registered, shall be deemed for the purposes of this Section to represent that the article is a patented article or that the design applied thereto is a registered design.

(4) ,Whoever,after the copyright in a design has expired, puts or causes to be put on any article to which the design has been applied the word "registered" or any word or words implying that there is a subsisting copyright in the design, shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding £ E . 25

(5) The proper ' Court for the trial of any offence under this Section shall be the Distr ict Court either of the place where the offence or any act forming part thereof was committed "or where the accused or any of the accused resides or carries on business.

(6) Nothing in this Section shall prevent any person aggrieved or injured by any act to which this Section applies iff oan,v from taking proceedings for the recovery of damages i n respect ! of such injury, whether such person shall or shall not have given any information or taken any steps leading or intended to lead to the prosecution by way of any form of cr iminal process of any person who may be cr iminal ly prosecuted under this Section in respect of the act for which such proceedings are taken.

53. In this Ordinance, unless the contrary is provided : Definitions.

(a) " T h e Court" shall mean the Court having jurisdiction in the matter as prescribed by the provisions of this Ordinance or, where no Court is prescribed, shall mean the Supreme Court of Palestine.

(h) "Dis t r ic t Court" shall mean the Distr ic t Court of Jerusalem.

(c) 'p rescr ibed" means prescribed by general rules under this Ordinance;

(d) "patent" means letters patent for an invention.

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(e) "patentee" means the person at the time being entered on the Register as the grantee or proprietor of the patent.

(f) "inventor and applicant" shall, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, include the legal representative of a deceased inventor or applicant.

(g) "invention" means a new product or commercial com­modity or the application in some new manner for any purpose of industry or manufacture of any means already discovered, known; or used.

(h) "legal representative" means the executor of a wi l l or administrator appointed by the Court; i f there is no exceculor or administrator, the person or persons who under the Law of Succession applicable are liable for the payment of the debts of the deceased.

( i ) "design" means only the features of shape, configura­tion, patera, or ornament applied to any article by any industr ial process or means, whether manual, mechanical, or chemical, separate or combined, which in the finished article appeal to

•and are judged solelv by the eye; but does not include any mode or principle of construction, or anything which is m substance a mere mechanical deuce.

(j) "article" means as respects designs, any article of manufacture and any substance, artificial or natural, or partly artificial and par ly natural.

(k) "copyright" means the exclusive right to apply a de­sign to any article in any class in which the design is registered.

(1) "proprietor of a new or original design".

(i) where the author of the design, for gor d consideration executes the work of some other person, means the person for whom the design is so executed;

(ii) where any person acquires the design or the right to apply the design to any article, either exclusively of any other person or otherwise, means, in the respect and to the extent i n and to Which the design or right has been so acquired, the per­son by whom the design or r ight is so acquired;

(hi) in any other case, means the author of the design; and where the property in or the right to apply the design has devolved from the original proprietor upon any other preson, includes that other person.

(m) "Patent Agent" means a person, firm or company carrying on for gain the business oi applying lor or ob.aintng patents in Palestine or elsewhere.

Patents & designs 54; Whe re any patent or any design is at the date at registered under which this Ordinance comes into force registered under Publ ic Public Notice Notice N o of 30th September, 1919, i 136־ . t shall from the date-. No. 136. at which this Ordinance comes into force be deemed to have

the same effect and \a l idi ty as i f i t had been granted or regis­tered under this Ordinance and shall be governed in all respects; by the provisions of this Ordinance; provided that the period during which the grant of such patent or the registration of such design shall be valid shall not exceed the period for which the grant or registra ' ion was valid under the law of the country in which the patent was originally granted or the design was registered.

Ottoman patents. 55. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Ordinance, the proprietor of any Ottoman p ttent granted under the Ottoman

Page 21: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

1st. May, 1924. O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 641

L a w of Patents before the 1st day of January, 1918, may wi th in 12 months from the date at which this Ordinance comes into force register such patent at the Registry of Patents upon complying with the provisions of Publ ic Notice N o . 136 of 30th September, 1919, and any patent so registered shall be deemed to have the same effect as though i t had been registered under the Publ ic Notice before the date at which this Ordinance came into force.

56. (1) F r o m the date at which this Ordinance comes Repeals, into force the grants of patents and the registiation of designs i n Palestine shall be governed by it to the exclusion of any other law.

(2) Save as expressly provided herein, no patents or designs shall be hereafter registered under the Publ ic Not ice No. 136 of 30th September, 1919.


P A L E S T I N E R A I L W A Y S .

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Railway Lands Vesting Ordinance 1924.

Short title.

2. The word " L a n d " shall include houses, buildings Definition of and things permanently fixed in the land, and any water rights kind, and easements on, over, or under the land.

3. Where pr ior to the commencement of this Ordinance any lands outside a municipal area have been occupied by the Bri t i sh A r m y or by the Palestine Railways and are used as railway premises as defined in the Railway Ordinance, 1922, the land shall be vested in the H i g h Commissioner on behalf of the Government of Palestine, and shall be so registered in the Land Registers, subject to the following provisions.

Vesting of Railway lands.

4. (1) If the land occupied consisted only of a strip tra­versed by a single line and !he area immediately adjacent there­to, and was agricultural land neither built upon, nor planted with fruit or olive trees or other quasi-permanent crops, nor irrigated by artificial means, no compensation shall be payable. Provided that where the land so occupied was a large pro­portion of the land belonging to the owner and it is established that hardship would be caused i f no compensation were paid, the H igh Commissioner may grant such compensation as having regard to all the circumstances of the case he shall think fit.

Compensation payable and assessment of compensation.

(2) In other cases, i f a claim for compensation is made by any person as owner of the land, the assessment of compen­sation shall be referred, in default of agreement, to the Perman­ent Arbitrat ion Board constituted under Section 5 of the Acquis i ­tion of Land for the A r m y Ordinance, 1920, which shall act i n accordance with the provisions of that Section. Provided that i n assessing I he amount of compensation it shall take into account;

(a) any compensation that may have been paid by the Army or the Central Claims Bureau since the occupation by way of rent or indemnity or otherwise; and

Page 22: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

642 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 1st. May, 4324".

(b) any increase in the value of the adjoining land belong­ing to the claimant, owing to the laying of the rai lway;

and shall reduce the amount of compensation to be paid by the amount so paid by the A r m y or the Central Claims Bureau or such increase in value or both, and if the amount so paid or such increase i n value, or both, are equal to or exceed the value of the land occupied, no compensation shall be payable.

(3) No claim for compensation shall be considered unless it is presented to the Railway Administration within six months from the date of this Ordinance.

Expropriation of 5, A n y land occupied pr ior to the commencement of this land within a Ordinance for railway premises within a municipal area shall be municipal area. e x p r 0 p r i a t e d in accordance with the provisions of the Acquisit ion

of Land for the A r m y Ordinance 1920, subject to the proviso contained in Section 2 (2) hereof.


C O U R T S W I T H R E G A R D T O Q U E S T I O N S O F W A K F A N D T O A P P L I C A T I O N S F O R D I Y E T .

Citation. j This Ordinance may be cited as the Jurisdiction of Civ i l and Religious Courts Ordinance 1924.

Jurisdiction with regard to con­stitution of non-Moslem Wakf made be­fore Sharia Court.

2. W h e r e a non-Moslem W a k f has been constituted be­fore a Moslem Religious Court pr ior to the promulgation of the Palestine Order in Counci l , 1922, an action or other proceeding concerning the constitution or validity of such W a k f shall be brought before a Civi l Court unless all the parties concerned shall agree to submit the question at issue to the Moslem Re­ligious Court. It shall be competent to the parties •to such action or other proceeding in a Civ i l Court to obtain by agreement a stay of proceedings in the said Court at any time before judg­ment for the purpose of removing such action or proceeding into a Religious Court, and br ing such action or other proceed­ing anew in the Religious Court.

Jurisdiction with A n action or other proceeding concerning the administration regard to admi- of such a W a k f shall be brought before the Court of the Religious nistration of Community of which the dedicator of the W a k f was a member, such Wakf.

If the dedicator did not belong to a Religious Community, or i f there is no established Court of the Community, the action or proceeding shall be brought before the Civ i l Court, which-shall apply general principles of equity.

Reference to Special Tribunal of conflicts of jurisdiction about Wakf.

3. W h e n conflict arises between a Civ i l and a Religious Court upon a question whether a matter is one of W a k f within the exclusive jurisdiction of a Religious Court, the matter shall be referred to the Special Tr ibunal referred to in Ar t ic le 55 of the Palestine Order in Council 1922.

Actions of owner­ship or posses­sion of immo­vable property to be tried by Civil Court.

Jurisdiction in cases of Divet.

4. Every action or other proceeding, concerning the ownership or possession of immovable property shall be decided by a Civi l Court notwithstanding any claim by any party or person that the land is Wakf .

5. The Moslem Religious Court shall have jurisdiction in cases of application for blood-money on account of homicide or injury to a member (Diyet) where all the parties concerned are Moslems. In other cases the C iv i l Court shall exercise the j u r i s ­diction, unless all the parties agree to refer the application to the Moslem Religious Court.

Page 23: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

1st.. May, 1924: O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 643

A Cr imina l Court may, i f it sees fit, in any case i n which a prosecution for homicide or injury to a member is brought, and at the request of a person entitled to Diyet, award any sum not exceeding £ E . 250 as compensation in l ieu of Diyet, and. shall not. be bound in making such award by the rules of the Sharia Law. The amount awarded shall be recoverable as a c iv i l debt. Where an order has been made under this provision no further claim for Diyet shall be brought before a Moslem Re­ligious Court.

A T T H E C O U R T A T B U C K I N G H A M P A L A C E ,

The 21st day of March, 1924.


T H E K I N G ' S M O S T E X C E L L E N T M A J E S T Y .

L o r d President. M r . Chancellor of the L o r d Chamberlain. Duchy of Lancaster. M r . Secretary Henderson.

W H E R E A S it is among other things provided by the Copyright Act , 1911, that H i s Majesty may by Order i n Counci l extend the said Ac t to any territory under His protection, and that on the making of any such Order the said A c t shall subject to the provisions of the Order have effect as i f the territories to which it applies were part of His Majesty's Dominions to which the said Ac t extends:

A N D W H E R E A S by treaty, capitulation, grant, usage, sufferance, and other lawful means, His Majesty has power and jurisdiction within Palestine:

N O W , T H E R E F O R E , His Majesty, by and with the advice of His Pr ivy TJouncil, and by virtue and in exercise of the powers i n this behalf by the Copyright Ac t , 1911, or otherwise, in His Majesty vested, is pleased to order, -and it is hereby ordered, as follows:—

1. The Copyright Act , 1911, shall extend to Palestine, subject to the follow­ing modification:—

In the application to existing works of the provisions of Sections 19 (7), 19 (8) and 24 of the Copyright Act , 1911, the 1st day of October, 1920, shall be substituted for the commencement of the Act wherever that expression occurs, and the date of this order for the 26th day of July, 1910, in Section 24 (1) {b).

2. This Order may be cited as the Copyright Ac t , 1911 (Extension to Palestine) Order, 1924.


C O P Y R I G H T A C T 1911 ( E X T E N S I O N T O P A L E S T I N E ) O R D E R 1924, — P R O C L A M A T I O N .


P R O C L A M A T I O N . (Gazetted May 1st. 1924).

W H E R E A S His Majesty, K i n g George V , has been pleased, by and with the advice of his Pr ivy Counci l , to order by an Order i n Counci l entitled the Copyright Ac t 1911 (Extension to Palestine) Order, 1924, that the A c t of the Imperial Parliament, known as the Copyright A c t 1911, shall extend to Palestine, subject to certain modifications i n the order contained;

A N D W H E R E A S H i s Majesty's Secretary of, State for the Colonies has intimated to me that the Copyright Ac t 1911 should come into operation in Palestine as from the 21st day of March , 1924.

Now, I, the Right Honourable S i r Herbert Louis Samuel, High Commis­sioner for Palestine, hereby proclaim and order as follows ־. —

The Copyright Act 1911 shall come into operation and have effect in Paletine as from the 21st day of March , 1924.

April 23rd. 1924. HERBERT SAMUEL

H i g h Commissioner,

Page 24: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

644 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E 1st. May, 1924.

P L A N T P R O T E C T I O N O R D I N A N C E , 1 9 2 4 — O R D E R .


(Gazetted May 1st. 1924).

The following additions and amendments are made to the Orders under the above-mentioned Ordinance, which were published in the Official Gazette of A p r i l 1st.

(1) The Sub-Inspectors of Agricul ture , Northern Circle and Southern Ci rc le , are added to the Ofiiceis of the Department who are appointed as Plant Inspectors under Section 2 of the Ordinance.

(2) The Order with regard to the importation of plants from Egypt into Palestine is amended by the substitution of "green beans" (Phaseolus vulgaris) for "beans".

HERBERT SAMUEL April 22nd. 1924. H i g h Commissioner,


O R D E R .

(Gazetted May 1st, 1924)

The Prevention of Crime Ordinance, No . 14 of 1924, is hereby promulgated i n the form in which the draft was published in the Gazette of A p r i l 1st, 1924, and shall be i n force as from the date of publication of this Order.

HERBERT SAMUEL April 23rd, 1924. H i g h Commissioner.

C U S T O M S F R O N T I E R A N D P R E S C R I B E D R O U T E S O R D I N A N C E 1924. — O R D E R


(Gazetted May 1st, 1924).

In accordance with the powers vested i n me by Section 2 of the above-mentioned Ordinance, it is hereby ordered as follow?:

1. The Customs frontier between Palestine and Syr ia on the Nor th and East shall be as follows:

F r o m Ras EI Nakura following the political frontier to Jebel Ghabieh at C a i r n 23 of the frontier demarcation; thence in a straight line to Rosh Pinah i n the Sub-District of Safad; thence along the Tiberias-Damascus Road to the Bridge of Banat Y a c u b ; and thence following the political frontier on the Eastern boundary.

2. Goods not of Syr ian origin, goods that are manufactured i n Syr ia from local or foreign materials, and tobacco and all its products may cross the said frontier at the following places of entry only, and shall approach the s u d places by the routes prescribed below:

(a) Ras E l N a k u r a : approached by the Beirut-Acre Road.

(b) Rosh P i n a h : approached by the Metullah-Rosh Pinah Road.

Page 25: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

1st. May, 1924. O׳ F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 645

(c) The Bridge of Banat Yacub ; approached by the Damascus-Rosh Pinah Road.

(d) Samakh: approached by the Rai lway from E l Hammeh to Haifa.

Agr icul tura l produce of all kinds, other than tobacco, may cross the frontier at any place or by any road.

April •30th, 1924. HERBERT SAMUEL

H i g h Commissioner

A D V O C A T E S O R D I N A N C E 1922 — R E G U L A T I O N . PALESTINE.

Regulation made under Art ic le 12.

(1st May, 1924).

W h e n a person has during a period of not less than three years conse­cutively been employed as record clerk or interpreter in the Court of Appeal , District Court, Land Court or as a principal clerk in the office of the Attorney General or Government Advocate, the period of service required by Section 5 (ii) (c) of the Advocates Ordinance 1922, before admission as an Advocate in Palestine, shall be reduced to six months.

Provided always that the reduction in the period of service shall not be permitted unless the President of the Court of Appeal or of the District Court or the Attorney General (each as regards those in his own Department) certifies that the applicant —

(i) has conducted himself well i n his official duties,

(ii) was not engaged principally in mere clerical work or routine, and

(hi) has in the course of his official duties had opportunities of becoming conversant with legal procedure and the conduct of legal affairs.

Thos. W. HAYCRAFT. C h i e f Justice.

N O T I C E .

The following addition is made to the list of prohibited imports included i n the schedule of restricted Imports and Exports, dated 21st March , 1921, and published in Official Gazette N o . 41 :—

A l l drugs, whether proprietary or otherwise, and chemical and pharma­ceutical preparations supplied by the firm of F . Hoffman — L a Roche & Company of Basel, Switzerland, or by their agents in any country.

J. B. BARRON. Director of Customs & Trade


Licensing of Surveyors. The undermentioned gentlemen have been

granted licenses to practice in Palestine under the Surveyors' Ordinance 1921.

Name Date Mr. Joseph Danon Mr. Solomon Hose

9-4-24 9-4-24

C H . LEY Director of Surveys


The particulars given below correspond i n each case with the followings headings:— 1. Name of Company. 2. Liability. 3. Names of Directors. 4. Object. 5. Registered Office. -6. Capital. 7. Names and Addresses of subscribers.

Page 26: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

640 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 1st. May, 1924.

1. The Palestine Art Publishing" Company Ltd. 2. Limited. 3. — — — 4. Lithographers, Engravers and Printers. 5. Jerusalem - Palestine. 6. £E. lOOu divided into 1000 shares of

£E. 1 each. 7. Mr. Ahel Paun, Bezalel School, Jerusalem.

Prof. Boris Schatz, Beznlel School, Jerusalem. Mr. N. Tischby, Palestine Zionist Executive, Jerusalem. Mr. S. Raban, Bezalel School, Jerusalem. Mrs. Esther Pann, Talpiotb, Jerusalem. Mr. WilliamTopkis, Wilmington, Del., U.S.A.

1. Landau and Company Limited. 2. Limited. 3. Messrs. Leopold Landau, Helene Landau and

Dr. Louis Weinberg, Advocate. 4. To carry on the business of general merchants

of all kinds. 5. Jaffa - Palestine. 6. £ E . 10,500 divided into 10500 shares of

£ E . 1 each. 7. Leopold Landau, Merchant, Jaffa.

Mrs. Helene Landau, Jaffa. R. Aboulafia, Merchant, Jaffa. Mosche Hoffman, Accountant, Jaffa. Paul Albert, Merchant, Jaffa. Frieda Romm, Clerk, Jaffa. Malaljahou Gafny, Mechanic, Jaffa. Dr. Louis Weinberg, Advocate, Jerusalem.

4. Spinneys' Limited. 2. Limited. 3. Messrs. Harold Edward Weissenberg, Arthur

Rawdon Spinney, Sydney Owen Richardson, George Allan Hardly and Neil Douglas Matheson.

4. General Provision Merchants, Brokers, Agents, Importers and Exporters, Salesmen, Factors and Contractors, etc.

5. Haifa - Palestine. 6. £E. 15,01)0 divided into 15000 shares of

£E. 1 each. 7. Harold Edward Weissenberg, c/o Wills and

Co. Ltd. Port-Said, Stockbroker. Arthur Rawdon Spinney, Haifa, Palestine, Civil Servant. Douglas Garrett, Haifa, Palestine, Civil Servant. Peter Hogarth, Nazareth, Palestine, Civil Servant. George Ernest Werrell, Haifa, Palestine, Edith Kerr, Haifa, Palestine, Spinster. W.G.Webb, Jaffa, Palestine, Civil Servant.



The particulars given below correspond in each case with the following headings :—

4. Nime of Company. 2. Nationality. 3. Object. 4. Authorised Capital. 5. Residence. 6. Names of persons authorised to act on

behalf of the Company in Palestine. 7. Names of Directors.

1. The Alliance Assurance Company Limited. 2. British, 3. To carrv on the business of Fire Insurance. 4. £ .sterling 5,40,000־ .5. Bartholomew Lane, London E.C. 2. 6. The Anglo Egyplian Bank Limited, Jerusalem. 7. Tae Hon. N. Charles Rotschild c/o Alliance

Ass. Go. London !1resident. Charles Edward Barnett Esq.

London Chairman Sir Hugh Drummond Bart.

London Deputy Chairman Sir Ian Heathcoat Amory Bart.

London Director Right Hon. Lord Bearsted

London Director Fred Cavendish Bentinck Esq.

London Director Thomas Henry Burroughes Esq.

London Director Alfred Fowell Buxton Esq.

London Director John Cator Esq.

London Director Lord Dalmeny D.S.O.,M.C

London Director Major General M.A. Ellis

London Director Fred Craufurd Goodenough Esq.

London Director The Marquess of Hartinglon

London Director C. ShiiTeff Hilton E*q.

Loudon Director W. Doure Hoare Esq. C.B.E. -

London Director R.M. Holland Martin Esq. C B .

London Director Sir Christopher T. Needham

London Director Cecil Francis Parr Esq.

London Director The Hon. Gerald Berkeley Portman

London Director H. Melvill Simons Esq.

London Director Henry Alexander 1 rotter Esq.

London Director Right Hon. The EmH of Verulam

London Director

1. The Royal Exchange Assurance. 2. British. 3. To Carry on the business of Fire Insurance. 4. £. 2,000,000 Sterling. 5. Royal Exchange London E.G. 3. 6. The Am to Egyptian Bank Limited, Jerusalem,.

Jaffa <S: Haifa. 7. f.dwin Frederick Barclay Esq.

c/o Royal Exchange Assurance Co. London Director

The Hon. Rupert Evelyn Beckett London Director

The Rt. Hon. Lord Bethell London Director

Capt. Sir H. Acton Blake London Director

Walter Spencer Morgan Burns Esq. Loudon Director

The Rt. Hon. Lord Richard. London Director

Frederick Cavendish, P.C.,C.B. London Director

Lord Charles Cavendish-Bentinck London Director

Edward Clifton-Brown E*q. London Director

Page 27: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

1s t May, 1924׳. O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 047

Charles L. Dalziel Esq. London Director

Ernest R. Debenham Esq. London Director

Sir Alfred Dent K.C.M.G. London Director

The Most Hon. The Marquess of Gran by London Director

Sir Charles Eric Harnbro, K.B.E. London Director

John Edward Humphery E^q. London Director

Horace G. Hutchinson Esq. London Director

Sir Edward Manville M.P. London Director

Spencer John Portal Esq. London Director

John Robarts Esq. London Director

Somei-s Somerset Esq. London Director

William Augustus Tennant Esq. London Director

Colonel Frank D. Watney C.B.E. London Director

Sir David Yule Bt. London Director



The particulars given below correspond in -each case with the following headings :־

1. Name of Society. .Registered Office .2־3. Object. 4. Capital.

1. Talpioth Cooperative Society Ltd. .Jerusalem ,2־3. Cooperative Building Society for the purpose

of building houses and new city quarters or garden cities for members:

A. The Society is limited by guarantee and has no share capital.

1 . "Solelboneh" Jewish Workers Cooperative Association for Public Building and Manu­facture Limited.

2. Jerusalem. 3. Cooperative Society of workers in public

works, building, and manufacture. 4. Limited by shares.

1. General Cooperative Association of Jewish Labour in Erez Israel "Hevrat Ovdim" Limited.

.Jerusalem .2־3. Cooperative Association for Jewish Labour

in Palestine. A, Limited by guarantee and has no share



The particulars given below correspond in •flaeh case with the following headings:— 1. Names and addresses of partners. 2. Firm name of partnership. 3. Names of partners authorised to administer

the partnership. 4. Date of commencement & determination. 5. Object.


J 1. Eliah Eliazar Libko, Haifa.

Nissan Dochoni, Haifa. 2. Yehiel. 3. Boih partners jointly 4. 7th March 1924 to 7th March 1925. 5. Bakery.



3. 4. 5.


Abraham Ezeehiel Blum, Merchant, Jerusalem. A.E. Blum and Co. Wholesale and Retail dealers. Abraham Ezeehiel Blum only. April 1st, !924 for unlimited period. Wholesale and Retail in iron, sheets, sanilarv fittings, water installation articles, ironmongery, oils and paints.



The General Mortgage Bank of Palestine Ltd.

Notice is hereby given that the registered office of the above Company is now situated at Tel-Aviv, Jaffa.


The Palestine Electric Corporation Ltd.

Notice is hereby given that the registered office of the above Company is now situated at Municipality Street, Jerusalem.


Société Meuniè'e du Levant (Official Gazette No. 109 of 15.2.21).

Notice is hereby given that the authorised capital of the above company has been increased to 5,000,000 francs.


Palestine Pure ice and Cold Storage Company Haifa.

(Official Gazette No. 71) Notice is hereby given that the above

company has been dissolved on the 1st of January !.924.



The following changes in the above part­nership, published in Official Gazette No. 59, are brought to the notice of all concerned:

1. Mr. Ferdinand Damiani has ceased to be a partner as from 31 .Pi.23.

2. Mr. William Gross has joined the partnership as from the 31.12.23.

3. Promissory notes, bills and similar acknow­ledgements of liability must be signed by any two of the partners jointly, all other documents, cheques and acts of management may be signed by the partners jointly or severally.

4. The duration of the partnership is unlimited.

Page 28: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

648 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 1st. May, 1924,


Any person who has grounds of objection (o any of the following Marks may, within, the prescribed time, lodge Notice of Opposition. The prescribed time is six months from the date of advertisement in the Official Gazette.

Formal opposition should not be lodged until after Notice has been given by letter to the applicant for Registration, so as io afford him opportunity of withdrawing his Mark before the expense of preparing the Notice of Opposition is incurred. Failing such Notice to the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed his costs.

Application No. 27 in Class 6 in respect of tractors and the like. Ford Motor Company, of Highland Park, Slate of Michigan, United States of America, Manufacturers.

The date of the application is 14.2.24. Address for service in Palestine, Mr. II.W. Stock, P.O.B. 26, Jerusalem.



Application No. 11 in Class 23 in respect bf all kinds of motor-propelled ;,Vehicles, their


parts and accessories. Jewett Motors of the City of Detroit, Corner of West iort Street, and McKinstry Avenue, Michigan, U.S.A., Motor Vehicle Manufacturers.

The date of the application is 14.2.24. Address for service in Palestine, Mr. H.W. Stock P.O.B. 26, Jerusalem.


! *t J.

:UOiTir^flOGGEfl! O h~ I

Application No. 42 in Class 45, in respect, of manufactured tobacco. Mnspero Freres Limited of Westminster House, 7, Millbank, London S.W., England; and Quarter El Zaher, District EI Wahli, Cairo, Egypt, Tobacco Manufacturers.

The date of the application is 17.3.22. Address for service in Palestine, Mr. H. B. Samuel, Barrister-at-law, P.O.B. 370, Jerusalem.

No claim is made to the exclusive use of the representation of the Medal of Legion of Honour.

11 CNi Jl i - i a n u f a c !

- O . N .Y. A : i o W l f .

Application No. 5 in Class 3 in respect of chemical substances prepa­red for use in medicine and phar­macy. Mcntholatum Company of 1400 East Douglas Street, WTichita, Kansas & 1360 Niagara Street, Buffalo, New York, U.S.A., Manufacturers.

The date of the application is 21.7.22. Address for service in Palestine, Mr. H.W. Stock P.O.B. 26, Jerusalem.

The applicants disclaim the right to the exclusive use of the separate words on the label with the exception of Mentholalum, though not the exclusive method or representation of these words as they appear on the label.

P . •v O h *

> * t l S



1(I L f -


Application No. 134 in Class 45 in respect or* tobacco whether ma-nufictured or unmanufactured. Mas-pero Freres Limited, of Westminster House, 7, Millbank London, S W., England, Tobacco Manufacturers.

The 'date of the application is 14.3.̂ 4. Address for service in Pa­lestine, Mr. S.O Richardson, Soli­citor, P.O.B. 300, Jaffa.

Page 29: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

1st. May, 1924׳. O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 640


Application No. 93 in Class 47 in respect of petroleum and all its pro­ducts except those used in medicine and pharmacy. Standard Oil Company of New York, Levant Branch Merkez Richtim Han, Constantinople, Manu­facturers.

The date of the application is 7.2.24. Address for service in Palestine, Mr. H.W. Stock P.O.B. 26, Jerusalem.


Application No. 94 in Class 47, in respect of Petroleum and all its products except those used in medicine and pharmacy. Standard Oil Company of New York, Levant Branch, Merkez Richtim Han, Constantinople, Manufacturers.

The date of the application is 7.2.24. Address for service in Palestine, Mr. H.W. Stock, -P.O.B. 26, Jerusalem.

Number of Persons Leaving Palestine Permanently from 1.3.24 to 31.3.24.

Countries of Destination

Emigrants. Returning Immigrants.

Countries of Destination Jews


Christians I a a

Moslems !"a a־

s j 5׳ £





| an

d !




Christians " ~ j ' i a "



slems 1 a O ! a ^ I £ a 2

Egypt European Countries Central & South America U .S .A . Other Countries

— ! 2 2 ! 6

14 ! 18 15 i 41 16 | 8

1 ! 2 9 ! 11 7 j 3

10 | -3 j 4

1 I — 11 i — 31 —

3 11 6

128 14

1 9 1

I 103 14

* I — __ ;

5 | • 1

Totals 47! 75 30 j 20 lo ! — |154 j 128 | 6 1 1 | — I —

Total Emigrants: Total Returning Immigrants:

187 289 •

Total : 476

Page 30: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

650 .1st. May, .1924.

Numbers of immigrants entering Palestine from 1-3-24 to 31 -3-2i.


B Persons of independent means who

intend to take up permanent residence in Palestine

42 28 47 117

C Members of professions who intend to follow their calling- 1 — — 1

€2 Wives, children and other persons

accompanying immigrants classified under Category "C"

— — —

D Wives, children and other persons wholly dependent on residents in Palestine 17 53 27 97

E Parsons who have a definite prospect

of employment with specified employers or enterprises

92 16 — 108

E2 Wives, children and other persons

accompanying immigrants classified under Category " E "

5 6i 98 167

F Persons of religious occupations who have means of maintenance here 4 5 1 10

TOTAL 161 166 173 100

Note 1. 53 Jews and 17 Christians who entered the country as travellers and were given permission to remain permanently are also included.

Note 2. 2i Immigrants who failed to comply with the Palestine Immigration Regulations were refused admission.


The Contract for the supply of i V l wood during the period of 12 months from 1st April, 1924, has been adjudicated in favour of Mr. E. Mar-Haim, P.O B. 419, Jerus-d^m, at the rate of P.T. 268 per ton of lt00 kilos. Date 29.3.24.

II. The Printing Contract No. 60 has been

adjudicated in favour of the following Presses: Franciscan Press £E. 11.550 ra/ras Syrian Orphanage Press £E. 20.650 Now Jerusalem Press £E. 3-185 Jerusalem Printing Works £E 21.040 Haibri Press £E. 9.010 Greek Convent Press £E. 51.653 Commercial Press £E. 1.400 London Jews Society Press £E. 1.2'>0 Beit^l-Mukdes Press £E. 7.575 Azriel Press £E. 10.200 Goldberg's Press £E. 19.920 Date 29.2.24.


The Contract for "Improvement to horse shelter, Palestine Gendarmerie Tulkarem" has been adjudicated in favour of Haj Abdel Akruk at 22°/ 0 below P.W.D. Estimate. Period of contract: two and a half months.


The Department of Cusioms hereby notifies that the unclaimed goods specified bdow lying in the Customs Stores will be sold by public auciion at Haila Customs-House within three weeks from the date of this notice.

Quantity Mark & Number


(a) 4 cases

(b) 6 crates

110 110/113 JLS Const. 16


Empty bottles

5 5

?5 Date Landed Steamer Consignee

(a) 5.9.23

\\ (b) 11.9.23 »»


T. 1725


Leonidas Roussis.

In the District Court of Jerusalem In re the United Home for the Aged


In pursuance of the Orders given by this Court dated respectively March 31st and April'; 3rd 1924, and whereas the Advocates of the respective clients have on I ehalf of their res­pective clients signified their con-ent and the District Governor, Jerusalem-Jaffa District having approved, it is hereby ordered and 1 do hereby

Page 31: aleetme. - · The following drafts of Ordinances are made public in accordance with Article il (ij (dj of the Palestine Order-in Council, •1922, as amended by Article

1st. May, 1924. O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 651

appoint Mr. J. Homa to act as Administrator •of the above Charity pendente lite with power to collect, get in and receive all subscriptions which now or in future may be paid to the said Charity and lor this purpose to receive all letter's and monies addressed to the said Home and out of the same pay all just debts which he in his discretion considers fit and proper and to be due and owing. Also to pay the current expenses of the Home and generally to manage the affairs of the said Charity to all intent and purposes as if he were the original Trustee. He is further empowered to engage a suitable staff for the proper management of the Home with power to dismiss and appoint at his discretion. And it is further ordered that all books of account be handed to the said Administrator together with all correspondence addressed to the said Home and that all monies received by any person or institute for or on behalf of the said Home be now and hereafter handed to the said Administrator. And it is further ordered that he do keep proper accounts of the said Home and that the same shall be furnished to the Court when and if the Court so desires. All reasonable and proper expenses incurred by the said Administrator shall be a first charge on the income of the said Charity and the Court shall have power to fix an honorarium for the duties undertaken by him, with liberty at all times for the said Administrator to apply to me for further directions.

Dated this 16th day of April, 1924.

FRANCIS H. BAKER President, D i s t r i c t Court, Jerusalem,

and Chief Execution Officer.



Early Vegetable Tithes Inspector

Ali Garzan Jaffa

Estimators Abdul Raouf Bey El Said Jaffa Salamoh Abdul Fattah Jaffa

Quarantine & Infectious Diseases Summary.

Week ending 28th. April, 1924.

1. Quarantine Restrictions.

No changes have occurred since 22-4-24.

No restrictions are in force at present.

2. Weekly Report of Infectious Dis­eases in Palestine.

N I L .

Terms of Subscription for the Official Gazette.

Single copies-sold locally P.T. 5 Post Free.

Quarterly Half-yearly Annually Palestine 25 P.T/ 50 P.T. 100 P.T. Abroad 40 P.T. 60 P.T. 120 P.T.

Applications with remittances (Cash, Postal or Money Orders only) should be made to : Principal Stores Officer, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem.

The Official Gazette is obtainable by the Trade from the Principal Stores Officer, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem. It can be purchased by the Public at all Booksellers and Newsagents in Palestine,

Printed by Greek Convent & Azriel Printing Press, Jerusalem.