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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-8-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: hps:// is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916." (1916). hps:// abq_mj_news/1716

Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,

Aug 22, 2020



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Page 1: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,

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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916Journal Publishing Company

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, pleasecontact [email protected].

Recommended CitationJournal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916." (1916).

Page 2: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,





,l .I - " Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, July S, 1916. Iwilj by l'rrhr or Mall, 0j

ft Month. Klnicln tTopical, M


General RetreatGEW. CARRANZA'S



GIGANTIC DRIVE;I .on. bui, 7 A wireless dis-

patch from Homo savs word has beenreceived there (loin I'elrograd that,n consei,uem e of their triple defeatin the sectors of liiga, Kolki and I '.. i

anovicbi the Columns have lagun t)move belt whole trout tow., id theVcfl.

Ill 111 l 1MITS 1 HIM! V t(i voi.mviv ntovr

I'ctlin. Job 7 (via London ) A

sain lit of the Herman hue in Volhynuprojecting tovvaiils C.aitorvsk hasbi en abandoned under Mipeilor pres-sure bv the liusslaiis and a Hew lineof defense scle, led, ll was annoiin. edtoday by the war ol'tb e.

The result of heavv eiigagemenisthat were in progress all last niglnboth north ami south of the IfivcSonime vvas not unl'av ol able to theHermans, Ihe war office announcedtoday.

ing snhjected to ., heavy fi'e at II nunai,ls, the Nomad vvas badly hit andcm. ue, between the lines. The Ncs.

tor also vvas badly hit but vvas afloatwhen las! seen."



(tr MORNINa JOURNAL rlCIAk LKA0RD WlRI)Washington, July 7 The light of

th, Inleisl.ite CcmUiin, commissionto in v est I., alt political i,illvlti"s ofmill-cad- vvas challenged tiulay by M )

ton II. Smith, prisbl.'iit el' the l.oiiis-jvlll- e

and Nashville railroad In histo Ihe , ominls-io- n s petition

the Ihsttlct of Columbia sil- -

pieme court to lompcl him to gtv'





Geimany for fiist Time Has

to Meet Stronq Allied Offen-

sives on Eastern and West-

ern Fronts,



Official Statement, However,

Admits One Retirement Be-

fore Russians; Geneial Ad-

vance Claimed by Slavs,


London, July 7. The head of theC.erman staff must be faced with dif-

ficult and perplexing piobb nis at thePli sent moment. lie must uecioe

jliovv to meet the newj strategy of the entente allies and bowj best to utilize (Jermany's available; military resources. Never before in

the history of the war has Ceruinnvj been called upon to meet a strong;double offensive on both the weslern

land eastern fronts. ( leneral llaig'sannouncement ",- - resumed a vigoi --

oils offensiv e at daw n," coming on topj of the opening of a new offensiveaKainst Field Marshal llindeburg br

'c.eneral Kverl, is a new experiencej for the (lei man staff

(leneral Fvcrt's attack is being' iniide on a 100-mil- e front running'approximately from the Vilna line to

'Haranovichi in the south. Theof the crisis is reflected in the

'paucity of Information given the Oer-- iman public in P.crlin's official bulle.tins, which, however, at last admit

j th, loss of H em and llelloy th- -

we; tern front.Russians Succcsf ill

,There is no cmfirma Hon ofI port from Home that the whole ;




German Ticnches2,000 Yardsin Length Taken Neat La

Boiselle; linpottant TacticalVictory,



Alons Entiie Front, 300 Miles

Long, Child i en of Little Fa-

ther Harry Their Teutonicfoes,

MIWNf JOURNAL (RfR.Al LI'tIO W,tTho llritlh have rosuaied their

sledMehanimet; blowsi agjlnst the tieriiiuii lines In the Somme ttc'tor unit uf-t- er

n day of l niflo tightinu have cur-ried the (lermnii trcnchoN at three

jpoinls uluiu the fiotit. tallest re-

ports from Itiillsh lierubiiHrtcr sayjthel fo rce fihtliiK Is

The Frltlsh gains, while not result- -

The bitterest fighting of the day oe- -

'enrred n the c liter of the line of nt- -

luck about the two villages ftf Ovlllersand Coiilalnialsoii. A I'.ritlhh lirigido

Iforeed its vvav into OvIlbMs arid on -

light to check the lirillsh advance, after the village had been carried by us-- )

mii ti It Contalmalson was recfiplureilbut 700 pilsoners w ere left In thehands of the 111 llisb.

I. nil ul I rench Hie French end ot Uic Somme

rector l here was n lull in the flbht-;lm- ;.

The 1'rcmh official report doenot ev en mention the UHiiiil artillery(linls will, h fill Ihe Intervals betweennil. ml iv assaults.

ItiisspiiiH ImcikI Oflciislve,j Surpasslnu; even In Importance theentente allien' great effort, on the writ-- ierii front, the news from the eastern

' 1,11,1,1 shows thai Die ICiisHlaristbave extended their offensive on aniinprecf denied scale. On the whole

ii t from Riga to ilal anov ich I, a dis-

tance of ,1"li miles, the Russians tirobring hurled against the Hermanlines. Farther lu Ihe south, (leneral




English Admiial Piaises Ga-

llantly of His Own Men asWell as - That Shown by




Both Forces Opened Fire at'Same Time; DestroyeisjSent Out First; Ran-'.- Was5

18,600 Yaids,


l.oililoo, .1 7. "lie pleased toinform the lords commissioners olthe ndniiraltv Unit Hie Herman highsea fleet vvas brought into action on

;lbe HI st of May. Il. to the vvesi-vv:ir- d

of Jutland bank, off the coastof Denmark."

In these winds Vice Admiral SirJohn II. Jellb'oe, , oin uiande n ch iefof the home fleets opens his report tothe admirally on the bailie over whichHide has been so much d Iscussioll.ContiliuilHT, Admiial Jelhcoc savs Inpart ;

"In the early afternoon of Wednes-day, :!lst of May, the first and secondbattle cruiser squadrons and destroy-ers from Ihe fiist, ninth, tenth andt birteent b flotillas, supported by Hiefifth battle si ii. ol i on. were scouting to

.the southward of the ballle fleet,which was accompanied bv the thudbattle fleet, which vvas accompaniedby the third ballle cruiser squadron,the first and second cruiser Miia,l-roti-

the fourth light cruiser s'piad-ioii- s

and Ihe fourth eleventh and'twelfth flotillas.

,1 unci loo Is Helaved."The Junction of the battle fleet

Willi the scouting force after the til -

;cmy ha,) been sighted was delayedlowing to the southerly course steeredJ bv our advanced force during th first,..,. (,llm(.,.ill), ,,,..w(tl, ,be cnemv ballle cruisers. ills

In fit lv led by 'lce Admiral Heattv andadmirably supported by Ihe t'hips ofthe fifth battle s, pin, Iron under HearAdmiral Hv a fouglil theaction uiiip'r al linos is j, v antageous

ondii ions, especially m reganl lolight."

Without maps and charts many ofthe details of Ihe report cannot bemade clear. It slates that "the listof ships and commanding officerswhich tools part in Ibe notion, lias;been willihcld from publication forthe present in nccrilance Willi Iheusual pruelbo," which also detractsfrom Ihe inter, si of the itoeiiniclil.

of (.crniaii l,oscs.Adimiral .lelin-o- esiiniaies (be Her-iliia- n

losses at Hv o battleships of thetype, one of ihe Iieulsch-- '

land type, which vvas seen lo sink, Ihebattle cruiser l.iil.ow, ailmilleil by IheHermans, one ballle cruiser ol th'(Ireadnaugbl type, one ballle cruiser,

to be so severely damaged, that..jits return was extremely iloiihl fill, five

.tesilmony regarding lis alleged cant- - Inn iii ally substantial advance, arepalgn i unit Ibullons. iehara.cterli d by thn war office n itn- -

The answer de, l.ucd the commis- - ) mt-- l a nt from it la, Ileal viewpoint.shin's Investigation was entirely the iThclr ureatrsl Hllceess vvas east Of Im.result of personal animus of Senator llolsolle, where they captured e

Li a of Tennessee and of an old 'man trenches In extent of nearly !,000controversy between the senator and to a depth t)f f,ml yards,the railroad. This gain is In addlllou to 1,1100 ynr,ls

The commission's petition vvas filed ,.f trenches taken by assault Thillsseveral months ago when Mr. Smith, Jday night,testifying in an inquiry Instituted as u! Itlltcrcst l lgliliug In tenter.

Tin: tti:Tiiicu iohfcast.Denver, July Mexico; Sat

unlay and Sunday local t liuiiih-rsho-

"is; not much change in temperature

that Villa himself may be directingthe bandit operations.

Andres Garcia. Mexican consulhere, id tonight that reports of theViilisita movement received ,,i Amer-ican frontier points have u greatlyexaggei ated.

"This is not a new body but rem-nants of an old sun that haunted themountains of Dniang.),'' be added.


Han Antonio, Tex., July T. Carefulattention was paid by C.eneral Fun-sto-

and his staff todav to every binof information loming out of Mexicorelating to renewed activity of organi-zed bamls in the state of Chihuahua.

Canaiiza s official notification thatthe force that destroyed ('leneral Ha-

muli's force near Jiminez might bemoving northward with the object ofraiding the American side of the river,was borne mn to some extent by in-

formation teaching the intelligencedepartment of the American army,hut the Ameiican sources of infor-mation also had reports that instealof moving northward the banditswere swinging south and west to-

wards I'arral.( m advices of the new developments

officers commanding the border keptclose watch along the internationalline W hile headquarters officers wereprepared to send supporting troops to

' any point menaced.J The last of the Illinois guard reach-je- d

here today.

Says lie Is Vol llandit.Laredo. Tex., July 7. Nerbeto Pe-zo- t,

a Mexican arrested as u Jesuit ofthe recent attempted raid on Webb,Tex., placed on trial here today oncharges of attempting to burn abridge, and theft, told the court thathe is not a bandit, but a member ofthe constitutionalist army. j






Carranza Cavalry Reported in

Pursuit of Bandits; mw -

luia People Still Hope for


nr 1


Kl l'aso, Tex., July 7. The Villistaforces have evacuated Jiminezrailway communication has been re- -

stored with Mexico City, according toa message received tooa v o ;

Honzales, at Juarez, from ceiieraiTrevino at Chihuahua City. C.eneral

Trevino reported that Carranza env-

oi'alrv is now in pursuit the bandits.During their raid on Jiminez, the

Villista troops captured the Carranzapav train which was on its way northfrom Mexico City, lmeo who pa, for the army and civil gov- -

(itiineni of norfliern Mexico, states a

milling man arriving from Chihuahua.'While the Villislas are, rich in Hie

. i. , , "uncounierienaoie i

military and civil employes must go

without tli'ir June pay, Me saui."Paner monev is an important far-- ;

tor in tho present campaign of Villa," i

be continued- "Th peons of chl-- l

hiiahua hold large sums of Villa pa- -

nor. which thev hopf Villa, will re-- ,

deem. Therefore they pray for hb

success. Furthermore, Villa beb ngs

i.. ibe northern people and the 'al

ranza forces in the north come oin

eastern and central Mexico.'o doubt now remains union the:

result of a resolution iniro, lined by

'Senator Lea in IS HI. refusing to(tuesllons as to the road's pohtl-- j

a relations.'The powers of the commission



Lansing Sends ChesterfieldianNote to First Chief InvitincExchange of Views on Mexi-

can Situation,



Secretary Declares Govern-

ment Appreciates Unreserv-

ed Expiession of Desire to

Reach Adjustment,

WOnNINO JOURNAL SPfClAL Lf ASKD WlM)Washington. July 7. A note for-

mally accepting Central Curratr.oi'sproposal that differences between the

U nited States and the de facto gov- -

ernincnt of Mexico be settled bv di-

rect negotiations, was handed today tojKliseo Arredondo, the Mexican nm-- ,

hussaSecretary Lansing took a draft of

,the note to today's cabinet meetingland bad it delivered promptly afterthe cabinet adjourned. The course tobe pursued already had been agreedii poll by President Wilson and hisadvisers.

The proposed exchange of viewsprobably will be , al l ied on through

ilnformnl conversations between Mr.Arredondo an, Counsellor PolU, whowill act as secretary of state during

Jtbe'liext month. SeVretary Lansingileaves today to spend his vacation atWatertown, N. V.

To I'l'gc Hanker.While high oflicials have admitted

nhnt the Washington government willin all probabibiliiy do what it can to

;urge American bankers to go to theaid of the de facto government ifC.eneral Carrnnza would furnish fur-jlh-

guarantees, Counsellor Polk tookoccasion today to slate that his conference yesterday with Henry I.Fletcher, ambassador-designat- e to

ZXii aspect .f .he siiuati.,n.

i'j'he fact that his visitors came togdh- -

jer, he said, was merely a coincideme.Il Is not known what form of guar- -

antces the I'niled Stales will seek forsafet' llf ilS )W1 .'111(1 .'lIllT f('- -

'. ill(,,n..tH j Mexico. It can bejKiiu,.,i authoritatively, however, thai,m y.(U. )lf Mexican civil as well asnlj,.i;y ()ff s , ,. ,.,Mllr:, o(Jv.

itiiiid'hI mi list be Insured In someway.

The text of the Hole .1.1 d !

Mr. Arredondo follows:"Sir: I hav, the honor to ac

knowledge the receipt of yolir eom-- :

inunication of July 4, l'.HU, ill whichiyou transcribe a note addiessed to meby the secretary of foreign relationsof your government and to re,U, st

.tliat you will transmit to him Ihe f.d- -

lowing reply:(;ralilicatioii l'viresscl.

'.Mr. Secretary:"1 have the honor to acknowledge

the receipt of your courteous nolotransmit led to me by Senor Air'don-i- l

do on the Ith inslai in which yourefer to my notes of June 0 and "a,and lo assure you of ihe sincere grat-

ification of my government at thefrank statemenl of the difficultieswhich have unfortunately arisen inour relations along the internationalboundary, and the unreserved expres-

sion of your government to reach an'id loot men t he.. . (Tie, i eu On a

mailers of differences which havelong vexed both governments.

"It is especially pleasing lo mgovernment that Hie de facto govern-liuci- it

of Mexico is disposed to giveipiUk and practical consideration to

ith,- existing conditions. Iteciprocatinuthe same the government of

Which is a purely ministerial Iribiinal, jgaged in a desperate struggle for pos-ar- e

confined vvPh few exceptions In, in ol the village,the enforcement of the ai t to regulate At Contalmnisnii a division of thocommerce, and that act docs not at - Prussia n I'.uaids was hurled Into the

lo regulate the polili, s ot (.ur-tlo- n

jihrs nor the subject of their attempt-'- t

'ilia lo exclude eompelltols fioin theirman line on the easlern IK rein - iflf c.u,.,,, unavoidable, as had

jlng. but the llussians continue toiom. ,atlle cruisers not followed thereach success after success enemy to the southward the main

The latest official-statemen- t Issued : fleets would never have been in run-IM-l-

iMlmits'n' retieeniciit from but- The battle ,'iulser fleet, gal- -





Carrnncistas Making Great Ef-

fort to Annihilate Bandits'

of Chihuahua and Duranao




With Superior Numbers andEquipment, de Facto Sol-

diers Are Expected to Ac-

complish Purpose,

! mornin. journal special miiChihuahua 'ily, Mexico, July 7.

Large Carranza fmd's better organ-mil- l

iimre comph'icly e,, pupped

than iiny oi'icr units of the do factogavel 'anient troops today are closingin on the bandits f southern Chiliua.-)- .

u a and northern Dnratigo, intent onwiping them out.

Jimin,'., which the Villistas cap-

ture! after defeiitinK an inferior forceand killing Hcneral lgnaclo Ramos,

,:t been occupied again by govern-

ment troops. Tlie bandits arc fleeingthrough the valley of the Kivcr l'lor-1,1-

o Xows of Vllln.Refugees who left Jiminez heforc

the VillistiiH were near the city wereresponsible for tho story that I'anrhoVilla commanded the bandits. Noth-ing definite regarding his presencehas been received here.

(leneral Jacinto Trevino todaycharacterized as absurd reports thata revolt against the de facto govern-

ment was in progress and that Akaro(iliregnn, minister of war. would takethe field against the bandits.

arraiiei-la- s in Control.The Villistas already are In retreat

back up the Florida,'' said the Ken-en-

"larrge Carrunci.sta forces aremiw on the scene of the battle wherellainos was defeated and are In rom-t.lcl- o

control of the situation.-- '

Military- inch here explain the de-

lay ill getting into touch with the Vil-

listas as being- - caused by the burning"lit of bridges, (leneral Trevino hasamiouneorl that he realizes fully thenecessity of an active systematic enm-p:iig- n

tliat will crush out the bandits,in nhort order.

Communication Hestored.Telegraphic communication with

Tunc,, a and theme to Mexico CityIms been restorid and it N expectedilint ilie licrned bridges will be ipii, 'li-

ly restored.Hen. Frncslo Garcia reports nl!

liiioHin the I'arral district.(ieiieral Trevino Is personally

the case of Mrs. LouisaTownes, the American woman whocharged .she was robbed in .limine,and threatened with execution. Theoffenders, if caught, will he severelypunished, he says.

coxstiti rio lists m :i(uti :i

to hi: making gi:i:.t 1.1 roiul'l Paso. July 7. Private reports

receive, confirm the statement fromChihuahua that the do facto govern-

ment Is making a great effort to an-

nihilate the bandits of southernand northern IHirango. It is

slated on reliable authority that

official believe that the elimi-

nation of the Villistas at this timewoulu help to hasten the withdrawalol' General Pershing's army fromnorthern Chihuahua,

To accomplish .this result they orethrowing every ounce of effort intothe running down of the marauders.

With superior numbers and betterarms and ammunition, they are be-

lieved to have a good elm nee forspeedy victory.

The Information received here,hovveier, s to tbo effect that thebandits are fighting desperately sincethey disapprove of a possible agree-

ment between Carranza and the I "nited stales. Among them are said tol,e many men who took pan in theHid at Columbus, X. M , who in re-

venge upon General Cairunza stillto bring on intervention.

HI Paso representatives of mining'"nipnnics in southern Chihuahua re-

ceived reports tonight that thegarrison of 2H0 men at Santa

tosalia, about forty miles to the northof Jiminez. had renounced the defacto Mexican government and takenthe field in support of Villa. The re-- I

arts asserted also that rumors wer?current in that district, following thedefeat of the Carrnncistas at Corral-H"- s

and .limiiu'i that numbers of theneons of the Hidalgo and Jiminez dis-

tricts were flocking to the Villistastandard.

other dispatches received indicate,1

The Day in CongressJskxati-:-

Continued consideration of agricul-tural appropriation bill.

Commerce committee discussedBovernment and shipping bill

at (i f,:! p. m. until 11 .


iioisi:.Itesutned debate on adniinistrati'.n

avenue bill.Adjourned at 3.S8 p. in. until 11 a

m. Saturday.

, . n o o , ,s is oiiviog sicnoiiy lotvvainln.i(ovvai,l Kovel and has capliireil two

v illag s and a railroad stallon on the

territories," says the answer filed to-

day. The answer says that at the sen-

ate resolution under which Mr. Smithwas !icsli, , ued was liitrodiic, d threeyears ago, Senator Lea. through IdsNashville newspapei, was engaged in

all attack on the railroad, "due to lluv

fact that the railroad and Its officialshad declined to do for him what behad it-,- in 'led ."

The resolution was adopted, Ml'.

Smith told the court, when only four-teen members of the selinte werepr sent.




W.ishlngioii, Julv 7.- - licyond ll

bi n r b Hie Al lei lo: llj

hassv at Pcliograd. saving thatspct lal Pu.sso Japan, se con vent ionha, been signed there . the slate lie- -


pnriincnl is without offi'ial I n forma -

10, n on the Mibjict, The .In pa iiese em-

ba;sv her,- Is in ignorance of lis n.i- -

line nl iniassv oiiicoiisii lion that in in, respect will the

new trcily be inimical to AmericanInlercsls in Ibe far east.

So far as Ihe open door is concerned, it is poiule.l out thai Hie mu-

tual uniii-isl- iiuliug of Cossla arid Ja-

pan lo ,b lend all lerritoi ia rights ml.iesls in Ihe far east, vvilb-ou- l

, Imi 1,1 is Ho soil on existing- zones ol

control anil Influi n,-- I'lvolv iogid tile OUIilen of Ihe si li ol


bel ,111 II ICS to r.ide pi iv ll, g, -.

1,11 ffc i vvas said the new lends lo slienglben hose

bv putiuig behind them Ihepower ol two uaiioii- - m ,u,

"sit'1 ei niseis seen it. Kiiin 'n.!th.-- possiblv a battleship six d'- -

overs, seen lo sink, thr leslrov- -

(TH H) ,iim-1K,.- ,ial II. was doubll'uljf ,,ey would be able lo reach port.

land a submarine sunk.

la salient in the Czarloiysk region, andihe liussian statement tonight

that Knsslan cavalry hasj captured Mamevilebi, which is onlyseme filly miles from Kovel.

t Slavs Take Maliv I'risoiiolClearly the Kussian offensive tn-- j

wards Haranov ichi, Kovel and I.em- -

berg, added to Ihe collapse oT the! Austria lis, greatly endangers the,j whole (li rm-i- lines. Heavy fightin,.lbs continuing along the whole line ami'the llussians are adding' lo their , ap-- I

lures of prisom-r- and booty hourlyj Prisoners captured by Ibe llussians:

''during the past few days number,nearly jo.nno.

The (Uestlon whether Hreat Hrita.n'will he able lo maintain an adequatesupply of ammunition at the pn sen;

rale of wastage received an answerin part today from Frederick (I.

M. P., secretary lo I r.

lotiher Addison, who next lo eividl.loyd-'ieore.- e, is Ihe most i'"!""11"1 '

official in the minisliy of munitions.i Mr. Kellavviv says: "We i re not yetlal Hie full output of our guns andi shells."

Mnnilion Making Increases,e added thai ninety new arsenals

bad been prov i, ed and that 4.1 j

controlled firms are producing mui j

I ions. The total of munition workeiin Hill, he said. was under two millions, and there c now I hive ., ml a

half millions. he la nor promem, .w i

f ,...1 I.. . ii, i,-- i u, w y - - ii j

large extent solved by the women,:i,i'. .i isldna tvinneu were! imtusirics. ri.e.eI meengaged in warj now li(i,;,niia so i ngagod.

Much interest Is attachedj new Cusso-.liipanes- i. treaty w "'"according to an a ut nornari v Japan -

ese source here, effectively dispelsany hope'v may have held ofseducing anv member of the til, litealliance, and il is the stronger pos- -

Isible reply lo the numerous offers;which have been made lo both Japan j

jand Russia wilh a view to bringing'j

about a separale peace., tie is known y I of the casus -

ties suffered in Hie Hellish olTensive; in France. Tin first list vmis pun- -

lished tonighl a nd iiame.s o .'IMI

officers, of win illl t Weill y- IV, werekilled. Il say . 1.7'lft men vvei killed


or wounded. Among those k ,1 vvas

Col. Roberi .1 If lay Doug-Ian-


people of Chihuahua that ilia is am e)ri),M, tt basis. The same

and directing- - operations. That h"' ;s,1)t of n 11 l -- ll l and of solicitudeshould fall on tho strongest section l'fo. ,lfi ,., ilulanr,. f r.rdial rela-tii- e

and ilosi i o.v H.Carranza cordon tir)n;, l(,tw,.(.M our wo countriesits leader, C.eneral Tiauios. e j. 8 (y SV(. lunenl , which eipially

could etiee- -

fote the various sections (,(.sil.f,H IUJ i,IIn(iale solution of the stale no nl official- - ifiv ,nie,esi,-,- in del. i Ms. Tie f ,'

'the Tniletl States is prepared imnie-OIT- I

j'I'n'ely lo exchange views as to apractical plan lo remove finally and

'prevent a recurrence of the difficul

S.n nv - Kov e road. Milllary critic ofthe allies assert thai unless the (let -

mans can hall Ihe P.unslan advance InHie ll i. Inline thev will havnto withdraw their Hues aionir Ibe en--li-

v easlerii front and probably aban-don l.clnberg

'Ibe Herman official icport ol Fri-

day .nllllils the ll till III lit ll l; ol" il Sall- -

til In Hlllelal Kale, lines, bill bothjHerman and Russian official stntc-imcn- ls

fail lo give n dear l,1"a of Ihe" xa, t nl 11:1 Hon in t be ohsI.

The linllans claim continued prog-ress in their offensive In the Tren-jn- n,

disliict, but lliei'e ap al cnllv hasbeen no un-ii- l change In this field ofv a r.



IRV MORNINS JOURNAL RACIAL Lf ARC WIAfllDouglas. Ariz, Julv 7.- Sergeant

Doniiei and Hiirk' tt of C Irofip, FirstI nil. d Stales cavalry, spi rit tin hour

j Mini ii half today In Jail at Ae.iui 'ri-- ila, the Mexican town opposite here,

j wile, lin y crossed the Intel nationalboundary In search of a watch. Hen.I'. Kilns Cnlles Immediately notifiedthe I'niled Sinks authorities o' their

Inrresl ami arranged for (heir release.Donni-- i.nd liurkett slal'-- they

w, io g IvTi permlssirui to forjibe Wat. h, which vvas lost while theywere on patrol duly last night. They, l ip il she boundary, both explained,in the belief that ii line of telegraphpoles u short distance south of thnline marked the border.

Hen, rill (.'alios Iciruilked lit!

the mailer a )"ke on the aol-- 1

diets, who have been stationed herefor loon lbs.

j Tho sci oml and third hntttliiis ofHie Set olid log, met of Montana, andthe fust contingent of ihe IT.urlh

of .w Jeisev. which linkedtodav, brought the total number of

ops slammed here to !i,00n.



j Lon. b.ii, Julv 7. - The Russians havebegun a tnnicn, loiis offensive on the.l.'i'M in ail. v. In rn their artillery is de-

stroying lb.- Herman tiumcbes. says u,lis,.,tcl, to the I'.vcbarnie Telegraphcompany liom Vienna via Copenha-gen.

Tbe bombardment, Ihe dispatchadds, lasted twenty-fou- r hours andHie Hermans were helpless before theRussian artillery, which can now firafifty shells as ataliist olio in ltll.

In i on, lu, ling Admiral Jellicoelsays:

I .Iconic tecrel lo rcnori the loss,,f lis M11, ships gucen Mary.Indefatigable, Invincible. Defence.Clack Prince, Warrior, Tpperary,

Foriniie, Slunk. Sparroivhaw k,Nestor, Nomad and Turbulent. Stillmoie do I regret Ihe icsullant loss oflife. The Heat ll of such gallant and(ljs, h ,liti),.,, officers as Arbnl b not ,

. ., .... ... . . ...., toiMi, i a , a, o nmwiipy, ,iii,nit it,, ;, plain prows,-- . Captain ConhamCa otain Charles .1. Winloiir mill Canlain Siaiiev C. Kills, and those who,perished w il h them is; a serious loss j

to t he na v ami to the oiinlry. They1,,led officers and men who we re e,,uallvgallant and whose den Hi is mourned

i, ,v ,,eir comrades ill the gr and Heel.rj.(l( ,y r,. doing their duly nobly a,b-:- h w hi'li I bey would l.'l e beenI II SI IO oesire.

I in nil's (.allanlrv l auded"The eneliiv fought wild the vvas expected of blni. Wei,rliciilariv admired the conduct, of,1(1 on iioaid a disabled Hermanlight cruiser, which passed down theCr it ish line shortly after deploy men!iimb-- a y ire w u a n wasreioin- -

ed bv Ihe onlv gnu I' ll III aeuon. l lieoniliiel of the officers and men was

eulirelv heyoiiu praise.'Vice Admiral Sir David Realty

once again showed Ids fine ,i,aliliesof uall.uil leadership. I call lilllv

isvmp.iHnze with bis feelings whenlevelling mist and fading light robbedHie field of coniplele victory lor

Iwlinb In- bad maneuver' d, for whichiiipauv wilh him had

deici bv him. not only Ibis, bill ontwo previous " casii.ns have been ofthe veiy greatest value. j

'similliaiieoil'-iv- .en lees . ued fir, .11. me- -

'oilslv ,,l :',s a ra nij of s ii ii

a llsTwo subm.i l ine.': being su'Jtled a

flotilla if ten ile- -l rovers being oi di i edto all. ok Hie ilii'lnv Willi torpedoesHi, v moved out al I I .', s lu 11 ll a lleousl.v j

ii ii the a pptoa, h of ( If riiian d -

si rovers The attack Was , arri'll out i

gallantly with great delei mm,, lion, j

C, fore arriving al a favorable posit ion j

lo fir,- - torpedoes thev inlerei ptctl anfori' (itisisMn of i.n linbl

?!, is!r ;uf f I'll' n rtr. A J

fll-l'- i fi.m-j-ni- iit at i fr iiartt istII .'Hid t h' cru'lii V Wan fnrrt-f- t

retir Mir tics) my. r vuHtainl n

loss.'Tbe Nestor, Nomad and Mineator,

under Commander lalward Cinghamthe ail. ok upon the hititle

iriiiseis and tiled two torpedoes Re-

NOT TO AFFECT AMERICA,"' s hartl. The services r, n- -

Hi-,- all o 1. iii. able informationfloill pliucip.lls II ;i !, dis-

posed lo minimii- any possible harm-ful effcels upon interests ,,f ll.iiri p. li-

lies, has made I, advisable lo a wailmore specific information fromAmerican oiiiIcomo; al Pcliograd andTok v o eai Ilillg letel lli ilia- -

I ion as Hie e of lie Tlll'--

St ale--- .




'"''-"- ' lo., July 7. Sev eral bnii-ar- e

idled people ihe lullshere,, outs lodav lot Cbarb-- II

Mooi", field Mirvevor of Ho ITii'edSt a es f ot esl v s' I v ici rn is. mi; sinceWediii- 'day morning Th ll be-- f

jg;n eark vestenbn himjhi been found,

Moore compb-let- some field W"i I.

"lies, lav inghl I fter working overbis iio, lis fie, an el for a lei depalled early Wi In da v nioi n nt: v -

lllg be li.leuded I. check off In.-- vvoi k

He tool, only all orange wnh him,say teg b would r lorn bv lo 'on

II'..-- , or.!v I, lain e know:, h , e isMt'or. of llolbro, k, M r




Julv 7 --' ni'iilsfor peaceful Ot i lipntlnn of Santiago.Santo Domingo, by American ma-

rines under Colonel Pendleton, v , releported to the navy department todayby Rear Admiral ('.ipeiton.

is typical ina sua., s...lively join up,"C.eneral Trevino, on his part, has

been rushing back his troops lo the

relief of Jiminez- His concent rat mn

o, ,he north left the Villa lenilotyaround the Florida liver finite ileal-

of Carranza forces, This gave Villa i

bis oppoilunlty. and he used It.'

I iti: IVO sI Mc-- i MI HOOPS Al 1 1U W S

Chihuahua. Mexico. Julv ii ia Kl

i....... i.., ,i,.n .Inlv 7). - New troops;

s.ti south bv ( len. Jacinio rrev Plo, .

lo- - - o

id ill the campaign against UK- - v -

listas who attacked .limine, mmat uuz,

orderefl to hold themselvesa short distance north of Jiminez.

nX Mien was taken so thai Hi"V

might await the , of iroopsjH'om Ton eon. j

Troops from southern Chihuahuaunder Hen. Luis C.utiei re who vvei'"j

ordered north to take part in battling;Ihe Villistas, have ien noun'"will not be needed and have r t urn.

to their base.II is hoped that telegraphic sffvi

j,will be resumeo tomorrow.

The water shortage has been ended,j

bv a. heavy rainfall today.

i:i:n- - i)Visi:s ami imcwsTO LOOK PIT I OK Il.l.lsTXs. ,

iv'ioliinL'tnn. Julv 7. on instruc,

tions from Henera! carrari.i. i,- -

torta ail vised meMexi- an embassy y

.late depanment of the virtual o- - -

e o Aa ft.i to lrovernmeiilsir c, in ii ' . - -

force Wednesday by a large Villa band.,, Co, nibtns. Chihuahua, and suiT- -

pesied that the American border l

trol exercise all possible vUdaneo C

prevent Ihe outlaws from raiding in-

10 the L'mied Stu.U-i- .

ties which have been a source of the" ' '

"Accept, Mr. Secretary, the re-

newed assurances of my highestion.

"I mn, sir,"Yours very sincerely,

(Signed, " I ! ' L T LANSIN' !."



,ar MORNINO journal apical liario wiri)Pans, Julv 7. e work of soiling

the booty taken by the French Hoopsin the at the somme bringslo light manv curious fans. In IheMereaueourt woods a heavy C.eimanbattery was found rnnipletely dis- -

mounted. The battery commander'sshelter alone remained Intact.

The luxury of the arrangements in

the Herman positions on the Scnierieplateau showed that thev were con-s- i,

impregnable. In Hie positionsoccupied bv the battery mentionedwere a piano, a brass be, is), ad and acomplete hot and c.,l,I water supplv.

The boot fell to C.eneralI: Ufourier's famous "iron corps,",v- distinguished . Verdun--

ii iorps took enoi uh ma'trial t

tet up a whole arm.


Tokyo. .Inly 7. The .Japanese for- -

jf ign olln e o,i.,y ri n u n, f , , in'' so bsta nee id' the R usso-.I- a panes invention signed ai Pcliograd on July.1, the following: j

"First will lake pall in noarrangement or political conibiiialnoilire, t againsl Russia. Ru-.i- a v,,llake pail in no a or poliii-ca- l

com I inal ion directed against la-

pa n.

"Second In cast- Ho teri'llol nil j

lights or special interest Ihe I.

eift of one of the ci.nlr.i p'lttlwhich are recognized by tic Ol.HIcontracting- parly, are men iced. Japanand Russia will consult with each oth-

er on measures to adopt with a viewto suppoittng or extending nssi-da- e

for Ibe safeguarding and defense ofthese tights uiol Interest.

Page 3: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,

Two Albuquerque Morning Journal Saturday, July 8, 1916.

aBiummmnnnnnirr"x t

nm ACTING CHAfRMANU. S. Soldiers

O00-Year-O- ld

UnearthHound HOT TO ASK AID

8 1 KJL '' Mlk JCuRNIL i.l I.1.1 ill I. .1 u!

.'! i hi mil i. i i i :,u,n,i.,.m. S M J.n.I MOORE OF BED CROSS IIOF BULL MOOSE




) A II I t .1 all so a! H r s , u : llll' .

t'.-- iillni 1,1 I. i.e. ,,, -- is Is li..l,i Willi'j diwiyiiii.- - ii i fU iiH'il!, hx in i.(llll Indian Im'st- - nrllrx.d ,, l,i

l ,l! 4 ,lll.i i i t j .,;.



EPIDEMIC FIGHTI III' Hi. nf llm I .1 111 ;. Is i ,, e hfiit-- i 'i"i r r "ni .Jt.:..t(.tt.. otuj nr,n n m'ti,ti"i'w ttm tri,,t 4

k. III.' r in .111 mil, IV of-c;;'i ll fit ll.. , , I,. I ,, l.t d w . I l.l.i.BACKING HUGHE.Vv. Ycik lie u'. ' (.: r-- ll

t;: De id.-- s ( Vy Hospitals'

' t.f ,i i, ft' I; i' nr i, , Hi-- f.,1. ,mvi illHit- Ati i T1 f .... tiiiHiui t.r iinHtli rill it :nt). t ii':, '.,m

it ,i I ll .. -- ,t I, il ),. .i.t. i.

III Hi. ". H' (III" "U It'll I 'it... Wl !'f..iii d unit,- - , if i i t .. .) i'iis t'f (Ii in ,ii il pit! 'r: x

(..:, Ha.,.i!e --li ll Prua- -


14 H rv. .

i.t. ..;.' .1 l ,,, ..,(ly sis Cabes,

."..SI SO JiiJItN! Al IHHb ii.ii0 t fii.tiiiit.ii ,.,..iii..,. in J ;.

.1(1,1 of lili pfoKlesslXo ll.'lfl,jtii.ifrc t.f .lui.c L't, l.,lnl Hi.

..I i, u I t. Ik. Julv T - l..,!;li i

'"I"" i of S w Vink .).. i.l.-.- I.i I. i.itiiiihtj Ua Vol Veil twit) k. ii I.. i. n for ilic r.'.t ni i.t It,,-.:- .'

t pl.iii tli't itli'tl iiui.ii in tin. ;if', (, nilSAYS INDORSEMENT jSILK AND WOOL DRESSES

-3 OFFappeal III Ilit- - A ,., i. ;,n ;,.. ( 'r

"I'. ml. - In i tnliii . in ,,fI I ' j ' i ' ' . full' I. .) . . ' i' : It li. i! r s t .i

ess. if s ex I ft ft nil, in ... i

PALM BEACH SUITSJ le tter Values at Less

A refreshingchange'

if yottjiaveheen over-smoking

with heavy

' l"i r .1 - t h it, a i J In h .,!i,ii.r. s; ,. ,t t hiWAS UNAUTHORIZED' ' .'' t'f littitniiii- - i.ii ,tl . if. iii il

lIll.M IIH'II J." It llhu Ill.!l lln till ' ni'. W 1: ft. Ml,. - J II . Ill, .1 est ll""" ' I' ll'. ' II..II.I..'" ( -- ,, ;,,.. iilnmu; ), 1, i, H, ; ,

oil, lil '.( tllll.t-- If ,11 ,l ll- Tl.t 111 ,,,,,,, is.,. ,,, , Kll,tl...ll Mllll






'i, ' ln 1. '.mrn i n. ii in mi i, I I iiililtiii n W'lilll.l ni, I l.cJf.JMia!, l: 8 oies VViia I,',,,?.I . . i,i HI I.) auk fur nl.llili. :,i.l ...

"Violatio!) ill"" "iV '" " 1"'He TeinisSILK PETTICOATS

20 JVr Cent OffIl,i. l!ii..;ii.h in IJ,, ni, ,.,i. :i;:i...(Jci iiars'

KIMONOSSilk Crepe ami I'lisse,

Than Eastern CostLess(lit- l Kill f. ML' j i ' I. ' ' Wn'ljiJ I., . Mi n.l Hi. ir hrlj. iiimii fn .

Tlif tull fur hclji is (In', tin I ii iFu'id,;:. ental Prmci! i r I.e. I h.t' . i i t itl ii .t.1,1 i ,. ml

k..i'! Iifllllll ft Hill IL, Iin.. i.f'i.1' lull nf lllr I (ill III n it II II. , inl,.' l iin- -

t ' I i I. iv Hi ( .1 , Ikj'i iin-- ihill III. N il t,i llll- - ,,ii,.T ,J'illt ,

.HtOl 0 irilLH 0 HCtt't'lll OUItS.Al.iiilnilltiii Hull I. Nftt Vmk, .f.ii,M ill !i.. II. ,li tif l',, li,ii .n '.lun

ll ,1... ....!...,.

iniM.,. nm ,n m llm nllnl' - kiciiiiik t.f tlm fcr, ,,. , , ,j I,, ,,,

lilt II, I. cim t.f Ilic ..,i;l. I,..ll..,.ll j r M..t, nf mciiliH In v I, irli the .rr.'li tiii!l..(lrr Im fit i.i n Ui I, t f til Ihf lliM'iiM t mi I,. I, kill Sumlllr I ii'.l.llritli r.iiitli.l.tlr liin .l Iii.m- I t in iiui.iiciiiciit wna fminil 111 llll' finilnin Sim mil' nl iiii Ik t.r ;i I l in- in f..i - I hil fewer cum a ii. ml ( ci I tidiIIDidnn ,,f the I.., tint- Hllln.nt l h M.i.lllllill (ill TliUl',4tl,,v lull Wl-.- ll ill,iiKtmn t.f mi- - nf the f i, I

Tn l'i(M'( iiu- - I'lu-lciaii- -.

LADIES' SUITSAt Less Than 1-

-2 Price

CHILDREN'S DRESSESHundreds lo Select From, at

Less Than Cost of .MaterialsC'tll,lllll.., in (tic IllU'll t.f 'I.HII-

Itl.lll .tHI .M .i. 1. 1. k. Hill IV lit' a ltit.rt tti ,t. ill' U I ..! I In

till iinuli'Kin litlmlml inll'.ill- -

lit, ii f.j.Hinj tin , mltil 4t ntt'iit i, I tl.i'" '"" l '.. ...n ir. .l.ii.iiril Hi., I .,,. ,,f

K...I ,i.,.:i.,v. .,rr int. In , . M ,c In,,) ,. , . , ,,rfHlli. .H) IMIlilUldlf t 111,. ...LIi B .i..,i. mv.. .iiii.",.h !(,. "ill m, il.,. ,i, (, nn (, nl.ihi, i.nis ivh'"' '' I"1 il'cil "I in - Killed In i,.(...t , .., s ,,f il,

nn! .w.. in r ;i ktllUltl, V. n; ll . -. I.I ill.,,;,,.,, they h:u,. ,, r ,, ,. ll.

ni. intltuniil i .iiniiijl't--III IllH Mini, All II, lit ,',li ii it

DRESS WASH SKIRTSAt (ireat Reductions

LADIES' COATSTo Move Them Ouickly at Your

Own I 'riceIKilt'll til .ill of timk ii;. ' ' " '" " :'- - h lln- - .li- - rin 111. H.ll.nis l.h.,.,. nf 111,- kIIiki.j lit'tw !) Julif l'l. ln II In- I nnvt I.I mi. ' '"""lt ') ' Hn. ill ktn,i, .,, v.;,s lCH.,t,, ., .,(.,, ,v Ajwnlhni ii.,l Hit. n.'iiiiii. niiiiiiiiii Iti I in" ii I., il- - ii v. r Ihr .i.,ii.sMi,. r- j m ii in in ii tor I inn nr. ;i,,- - .he (,!,(;"fill uriuit it n " uittl June S'., w lit-- ni k.M.iU,.ii In In . ,i:l,ii.'.in nf Hie I'm. I, winch li.n. fnlind t llll tlilt, i inn in re rmli'i i j ll. i 'I I ' f in ;i 1111. liner which ). .lulls nm 111 III,- - uniM jitetl 1I1. im Is of the nf..f the lliul--l ,lll,i l.. , ..f ffWWaH!W.iti.' ''illi'iimtiiiiiin'.iw.ii.i.ii....... . .iii.i.i,f tn ti iin.ilieis Inive interne, r'luililn mi 1'iiiiilnJ.ili.

ciiiiIi k I run i Him nun nill. iiunlm fm lv fit, in it h t(i'ii in f.

lite .i iiiirci-nM- - .iiity. ini, iK :.n nf-- j their ihilili.n n,,,,. !2flWiaMis11 e 11, c 11 rmmjm ni. 'i"iiMi"iiia'ai1hi.l M"MtUiiuim&im.memK

friiiii in the Ktiici i iti of ,1 l'l '..-,- In. in.,", in iiinin inyiain unh wn,.EDUCATORS ASSENT TO ami Ii'IIi'IK mill ilnl In lllr INI'ilillK mH i .

It' 'C( t f IliU f. 11 r,.A f f f ITARV TP MMITi ' ""'"I"' (oiniiiill.c mill fi.uiiiIILIIAHI I nAIIKIiHUjll.r (.ffi. liil l'i'itl!n tif Ihl' lllrt lillK It- - HE' S Al TTHi:w IIVI.I ECOMOMEl ST"lf

tlnWH ..-- tl. Hiith m linii, uil mil, is likely tn lnnr set lulls

iffi-tl- not only on the ('cnon ii.lnilM ii h

Mirny I'ulilic I'lacrs ( loxd.'IllltllClI M r ;i!li- - lniilll.4 Hi Ihr

'.r;lii I 'Irill 11,1,1, Kcimhln ,111

tlllll'.l tllllllllllCC, '111- - '(,rlrllit (t Die f.iji.lllV('Nlllltf Of h.' fill U llll, I nf 1,1)1 i HIM 111

hIiiIIX ,,ii (ill IhnCi fu l((' I'imt All In he tri it fi'M- -

pill. lie llhti.l t heen n(, led T FABJABRITISH GAIN MANY

IMPORTANT VICTORIEShi.Hctl 114 u p((';iiitiiiii;in ineitsiii ,. ;,ti,

Hie onlei lmiiiiii; i Inl lirii from iimv-Ui- ii.itiii;i rtniM iiimii, villi .i - H

lllk' ph llllc Ulcalels Will lint he in, ell.i lnil Hint yon mip nut in finr tfnil icntlri iiiK in iin- - ri'inili.H .in ,ini 11 nma iufL iMcm unit mii I nd until i oinlit n .ns iil.prmc. I'lm

I.01. Joly 7 liiiiii, irnopH I'fiimiM In v.iiltim. p,irin nf Ihr cim111 Hlitr lieu lithiill.e have Rained hex - xxcle oldrlc.l lo., c.iihel ill lh(cnil r .'i r t mn ft ssi H mnom; w Inch Jny.err the t upline nf a fui ihcr nniunnl 'l lm prnpOHal fur n .'encri.l

nr ii liaiiiltiiiliif,' Iin- r. tr - s pi.t'inS Itltltl in I lt.t.

' H t tmil Wlicti yon enii' the l'l'"- -

k'l(.IVl- - llilllnlllil (tillllilllU.,. (In. IiulilIn fill in inn ii n. on iin mil tiili'inl InKhc II tlic iliclit tn (Ii'I.mi tin. iin-ui-

in nun it I Kin u Hi, it-- .

ni. In mi i iiinliiliiirx,"I'llltit n I r,iti ,l,,r In Ui,

m mtmmm anui tncut !. mm i.N York, July7. Tim .,ilii.niil

lxlumuiin tMHiclnllun nt mi rcroiJhfir lodiy n KidMTiiliiif in iniliiiii)irimlii In hiMil, piovlillnii tluii"MillJUrjr piiiIh honltl imt i,v ). r in itled (0 prrvt rt Hip nlm itllniml inn-to-

ni) prm ikc of llm hudlh "' Till Ik l lliu, KC (if llllilllllc. J1KI

fSr ltl ( (invrnllon CHtii nutit:tlu.l ik 1 iraliiltiK.

A rmoltitlon fitvorii'if woiiniiiJumrlnl.

Tlify,iiliiilm on ii.lllury imtiiiiiKthat thf ((iiiimiiniiy (,r

tutt-'tim- nilnxlut p nut Ii f li.tni nu nfnillilUly IralnlfiK Into Ilic m li(m imMiay icriii wIhc mid ininlfiii. yi-- i

Ittii hwmk Iallnn i tifllint' that mu llIrm.'ilrg nlmuUI t mildly film nllimIn Ma mm and orcuniatiun ami thulmilitary i mln almuUl in.t lw rinliti il

lo inrvnjl flic (lucutiniml imi.,.rhlilitl iiriKtU'CH of tin. aihool."

f nit lininciiM ly niront; pimil it.u ' "I of llie illy h.i ndom d h.IIIIXX 11 (Im I l.t II,, It'll, 11, III iiirmil

ink' Ihr off I. tl Ml, III 111. Ill issued liV Aildll lonal iiM.,l all. . M eivell if ( rat Mi Willi the state YPII CX P APTICTO Alcx'i.' 'Hull. I. and I'll. I,,." .. 1., I1..I1, .... . .. . ,.rfi..i,.i iwuku uni 10 IOnilhl.n , It'lllk ill ' iiii I I SllllfkK.'lrt nf I. a KlUssllli ilniili of t iir-ol- d t 'hiii lri- -

Ihe xxeai tms lie .spoke of as ncce-..sar-

lO he l.srd ilKiiillSt Alexir,, in In, ,.,,.;.till "f.illli serxli.i ihal rxr,v,. ELECT OFFICERSilt'llnll nf lllc llll i limn I ( I Ill ,, (.i- - IlltX c ,i I il ii ifil IreinhiK on a Would he uivi-t- the municipal n ,,i mi - 'hli h xxas irpntied ycstfriliiilaralna tlic l't'iiilin ,iii niiilitl.u,. nrith. Imfront nf iiciii-l- i'.iinii yaidn In a depth Hies in ( m i x Inn on ih.-i,- wmk lo infantile paralysis, xxas, cutitchiinnn, a,,,, peace tu j,,,,.,,,,.Ir MOMNINfl JOURNAL L LtttD Vn laill.S

l.i.'ueo, .lulv f lUC The afternoon sessim, xx,,s devotedf f.nii yards. In the iliie.noii of id fu era nlrca. I., turn- ,rrn n.ssii'in il "I""1 Invent ilfiili.m, found to Inutl'l' tllf (irniM In Ilic lliillulnil

lint Ilic llii 11,1.1 I'D nl (In. Mitlr Oxlllricit the Hrllish haxe Iiecn due to intestinal Intoxication, ac- -In Hie l.ish of tin. in Hi I 111 i n lei .4,lllH.llli.illitillK cli. tnllfil l In lllllr way hit,, the Xlll.lls-- lifter Clip- - nrtliiii! t.i a report iinnle toila l.y uIt. Admit Mnlihex- - ,.i nn. . is oi nil ami m'eiinn-.iti,,-, n,,,i.... XX'Oll. I, n,lut'liik' .'.mi Minis of Hie Herman front rr.-- irx ,.f Ihr Treasury Alt'Adi.t K;"K K '" ' '""I'll (I I ll.iptist Viuinu l'coplc's fnion nl' cilxlltn llilllnlllil i,llillilll(. mi ii f,, l(,.huUiii inn nr itrlinit.

or-- iiinaii'ins.N'nllli of I ri- iin it the Untish iliovt-- infoi ined Max or liirh.i i,'.,... n, .. pi' riliielit stuff , America. The cnllx ciilinn of (lie or- -Hie eneiuy fmin two woods and rup. after a t niifi n-- xxilh s.rn.i ..t KillliZllllilll elect, d thMull" i lliin llii iiiiiiiuril.

"Adl'ill nil Ilic i,i of Hie h. Ic nr- -The reaoliition im minptctl nft( , ;,f;Tit::, rii can companyH. II. IIshooiI, Ctlncc lines of treiit lies. Auririilt u l.u,s,,,, ,,e li.ul BRITISH STEAMER,,.lf a........ . ' .1.1.. .... , .. MAW r-" t ' "t'l-'tu- i .limns in) iisir,,. in on txriwnttii; in his .o.istem the adxance ensl of rolilallilai 'o l.uilllule the iiitly ml.i i muli-- s

UI XV.IS llllshe.l In- llllllsh flu. anililll of ! Is L. ... .... .

. .... v... ur.m.P ,n w..-- Hie oppo-l- . ,,,, ,. ,,, ,,. ,,,,.,,Ion ,,rfer,.d an nmenilmetn rli,,i,. r ,,, fepuhlnati , ..,i,d,,.e i,x in,'"! """""-- "......, ,, a, I ,,,,. , rxpitsslx ,,sIh.a aiiiend,,,, ,,,

el.x , , h he , In, ,, ,n, f, he ex- -liCi'llCfl, ... ' HI i nuliiillli e ,,f t In null, in, il

seized as ,VI businessI a I', l'l IIIISX haiilH, r,. plrsiilrl.ts

i...0.,oi...,.im,.u,.....,. I'! W. Wiiss.,,,. New York, re, onliim 7""' '"""r r'cl" ""llcrhn. Jnlv 7 ,m;i London , - .iff, . s.,1 ,i , , ami , ,. ,, Ai nnla , ,m lili ',.' ' ' '"If-- Jll i

" n ' i,' s :

.'' .IIS"ticis of X. ii Ions i.wte luki 0 t 'nut a ma latin was Mot in

. iiinppin,. isiamis. win. I, hi,. i,iKeniivi .'.led for n si in Ii w ork iii

I hill Hil'. lclak.ll hv Ihe I lei mam. I, nil W.lll in fit ..HI.. ....... t.'.i aim,,.,,, I.. .. ..I.... I hols ,'ea 11 ,; ' ' ' 11 ' n,,,l1 fHtt.'S llisllict" " """'"'-n'- ai k. aid woti, lor he ,l,,hlr n !

' "'-- I I- '- '''""sh xxasl The .,( hoard of inanain rs elected ,.!, ,, "'''''e

. j,,,,. .an. i, Wi,s ,ni, , ,,.a. was I In l'l iin hx ( Icnii.iii warships mar I he consists ,.f: S (Irnxx ,,, y l'l MUto RiiRv Pnvrve Donv i m- i ,., ,, inisi'isi, ('nasi a,,, i .Kii.-t- as a .lir. ii. ( , . : ' "ii'n.v.

'i. ju.iicri J. AH), pc,eit Of theI'nivtralty of Maine, nniiniuatcil

f,,r prmlili-n- l of th (.

waa today unmilnmusly ileitid,a were thi. other offici in iiuiuini.lrd.

The i out ftittun ni;. tin went on ncoi(1 in fiixor of woman hiiflr.iue. Ii

foil, mill. in ni K,. 'ei kins.' I'i.iii th - In xlahaiiiH. Mit lilunii.

Niw ,ri si v. T.. nn, ti nd iikiiiia.n in l thr il, 1, . ,,i, 4 in iin n. il, .'lutlonx 1,1 ,,l ,,, ,e,. i. naili.ll innslad i.tlnlall, . x I t , tlit-- npp,,

union tn t Iii i mint .t m. nt nl the i

I Ullll I 1W I U O UUU I ' ' '.1 nri.s. Illinois. ,, frluscl the motion of tin.i 1,. ,..i.., .. a .... . i. .. , . Tl, .... . .. ." "" iieai, ii ncp ,.,,! ns., " '.Ki'iin ui saxs me I.. sris was, n. '.. xxi ii i li in I , Ainleisun iiii-i- ,,, ,1, i ....H A U xi I H, If ' L f.n I T D V ..i .. . ... .. '

.1. 11...:. Ml" C'lllllUlIl Ullll 111.SO1 1X11 IlKllllfXI I.I ul n "' "i r t ii nil rn a e Si lit I ,, I 1... , ,, ni ,n n i nv a I n u .1 r t . i n la II - V 11.,1.,... ,' llll On : ,.....r... ,


hlfh -- .'., li.rres " U' . a'

. ... ' ' " " V ' "' "ls""'l Hn- - (I el lll.t 's motion ftllI. a A .1 .' I, '. ...'.il, V 1. II. llliH),,! ,.r ,u case.Il emu at ill n.i'l-.l--i .7 . L , talnlitlu Ill sl'llr i.l' Hie. i announcement I'nllnxx s. ; 'alifi rina Jnhn .. Zeei. Illinois' tt i a .... t . . . .

I'l'ii (lulna. of ,f , M,, Th Ilrilish '..u.shi,, I,, sl, is., I., link,,,. Indiana T T., '. . .

U,!" "" w' r"- -nnis nl ii.pnsll mm Hithtn,,,,, """o im.iitiii.ii .,,,, m ,

Vlt Iculalixe ;) m,,.,,,,,,,, N,.tt j,Iii. in Alax, and Vli

im, l.n cponl. has I,,.,. I in Tin- Kcx. .1.' "' u" -

I""- "- a',,,,,,,, hi,,,' an ,,,1,,,-rss-;,., 1 'T"' "' "Smfolees nm far rr in,, t.- , .....'..I.. ..t '.'..... . .. .. " ''s l'l',,'s''1 h. it injuresx on d fni I In- i mini aciin-ni- , ami(ilhef rcsoliitlona adopt, tl iirv a d.('1..' in lllr miimniti inltimiltin,, t.a ,i . .. i

" d nt u:,n , ,, . to inv. sinuate ,,,i, I pm I n,,. c, ,., ,.

li, ,tiM.i,.ii..(i.i,i,D .,. j'"" pin su inns ami , ,MN n,II I'UH.i, Ten.. Jul.. T. - Ihe I. mix t.i i made l.y ami nurs, s n

'ii pi t tiiuhs T linxd. Caiiijil iin. Mn-'l- an huiiitKInn, will he m ni H,,s uHrinoim In' Inspectors - i i'n t it u.Miiishinutitii. i'.. for luii iiil in Ar- - j lispcctoti who are at wmk inlltmloii lem.'iitx. i xvill he in emu In " linrnurlis of the .'u-nli- cm ,,.l""lcl l K. Ii Klemiii, of Kansasl Oafe that never In their , xp. fmia('in, M", ihe laic nil i ',s a, I li ci'-- 1 ii . (hex fiuiml sin Ii sini-ei-

The .,it ,,(' h ill . in . Ada ir, j ''"' mailt- In Ihe lionn-- of Ihe poorannihcr Curt ii, is In hi f'dlow the Imdriii'l inns Mothersli'le, awalllm; detuulc I list , u, 1, nin ere tnlll In Inn, their lllldtell k( I

lor dm t)is.osa fit. in nliilixis. II Is!"" iiiiicli fresh its pm-ih- i,. ,uiixp,.,., Hi.,, t,,. la.dies of Hie kcc' Uuni ,ini lloln ,,lhr,- , ,,.' ' i pet . I, i,.:ht fft.i.i i ',,1 i also ill' I,

sent. tl Ilic s nlnl k ill'af inn, XXi.s n. The woidinu of tin- (lernian

mclil ituiiiairs thai a part, tit leastupon I'.uKillltma of wmiieii on ..furiri mid the rural hi, inc. nf lln- ( I. rinan hm h

the cniKt at t In- nine theII is xxas Si izrd.

Ttm I.esHi.s is a steamship of n ri ism im m d in i "m Is .

' '"iind ai n i Inn il, f, l'l' ,'inri son fraiiklv iidnni,, that" "' -- "I iiHkinn. di'i..ii,'ni h.,,1 I,,.,.,, ..,i.i.. , TO TEACH GERMANS

TODAY'S SPECIALSji-k-- w .s. ; cn..-i0-

'i'i c !''.mtily ai ibis ,,na. j, ;miu,, iuk.

all. .We. (. x ,,,, , ,,,( ,,f u Ii i ll

lllci.lll .

Vl 111 III 'til .

'I'illli In Alinni sola ,,,1.1"li. I, the luitminil iiimmnlic had exilxleasuii .i l,cli'e thai Ihr Mute olC.llll, iilnun. Wri, npiinsi d I.i Hie t ml.11,.1Uli'lil nf lllr irpill.ln an ,, In a r lullthe i ( t i. i nniintlli'i in n Ilnm Hiumslal tiled f.u Hi,, end.. I lln 111 unit.ikallisl li I) V del. ix ,, Ihr pnlpi.s,. ,,

oliMiHlm,; Hie still,. , Ka 111.' a Hi ills ,.

Hie lit Ii mil s In h. netli. , a , .nil , uHum

IXili In M il' land ami Nt nikHole Xxa,. a t hie ulnmui ,.' in,.

i l In ml x as lo w hi ),, ,i I. i. 1,,



it jpihi wirtiIlitttlentililir, ,1i,h., Jnlv

liotthboiint) tJulf (V. Khlp ,in, pas-'- r

trn.'n wua wro n( iinnd,Mtaa., mitiih of here todnv ami iOnmticer Itotiert Thoinpsnn iid the file-inti-

l le liulcil u ml many pn . nunInJlllCtJ. BCfOtillllK In ,,4 icelxcllicte

lo. a ,;.',::":;,,: , ::i peace standards' ?'E RSI Nil IS SI ILLvin.iKlx I. .. n... i.i 2

!V!00 N S rr S' " "'I'rowd. he mild I'fonei- ib. wmih icu.n.i. mciu. Ltto wat i 1.lillvi ' nn la. II.( Ij nidation seems In he Ihe only la. p. of..,, t ,,,r, . l ,,.., I'll A till nm Ihe s read of Ihe dlscuso. """tniis si m s illilii.-liialisl-i. ami

t tillilil I'lls M. .Illlx . iii i 'l. ' I" ' si niiiii', s ,.i nuiimcii'c ami iia;.n ,i


.....I. I'l l sll , hilar. haxe I, ui, a , a Herman mi V, 1. II a In : t I,,. , imii .

I'IM. s M'UI; s .. mi111 . X.( till lolllll ,, c I,, v, vi, ,, ,4 under the t ha irimi u - AtTO I'll 1 HI I l'l sti.p of I'm,. , x ii W ed,

'..'""'t l'"t!U- - ..r l'iiU';ippU ImVe "'.'uar; !.,,tt!.. ,,f (',r;il,r' ''.''',"' "Hi'' "I juix'f

t.'n. in Mdsi.ii jar ,,- (jiurn ( )ilu.sJii.-ir- t Mas r--i jar ,,f Swa-- i ("In ,vx du ,v . .

axs tin. . . .35c. . . . 4 Of... lOf

Hi'- " ,il,,i in m, HI of Ihr .111,' H II 1, tf In pile up supplies a Ills

.tn n ...a, nuis wain,, m r. i.iid in in, O.I.I hasr. iuH..i u. k a Hisi mi nt x,i in,, i, ,.,,.. Ih.iUsands ,,f .,, ,,. ,,,ls ..f u n

t liiis, Zeil nm-- w p h nun nf V. iiii.ioi'ii.iiia. July .. nr.- - ..! awakni u a mm,,, ,. ,,,,.i AThe Fine lies and ii i ' ii n i, ui s I. ft '..I .i in h In J'! imii: s.on.i' of ,he stale'"' Hie Human p.,,;, I, ,, homo - td puliiiriii nf Imaitli, mi mail h.-i- Lie .oimlu-m- u ,.f ,.....,. .vi.,..i, ,,'niV .oOf'lax .il the field.m illr, mi 11 oil ,1 ,, l.e ,11.1.. - emrut'l"l a ;.iili-- l .tin it. Li . f,.i h, p,,,

I' "I -- n ii il,. li. j nil. s In tin'' ,,1 11... -- .1.. .,, .

Hepiills ft uni lllc la!.) IndiiX ill.ll """"HI Hl'l " ' use of infantile .1 a h Kll.ll aulce a :a ,11 ,1 a ,. II . I r""' '"''" " l'it-- ,l H. his .1, ,.,-(- Ii, duim; tnu 4., ,., Xili.l nlit.i thai Ih,. .I.i iliillmi; ,,Flavor '"ii nt fi mn ,s,,ii n , ),, luH:e I Xpedll liilllll y snhllrl . ''il.ilill ail onrV.iule.i.

i.. mi. ii i,,, I linn ihe ."in ui,, ml. mux diawn lie iliHCIlse XXerr Iri a It Ii inn hni ai i, s n

.Ok fan 0;,i.p Saiilinrn's (Yiisitle CoiiVc 92fv11'- 1'a" Saul. .tiis Sea! I ; f,,f,Vt.

i.25niih-i- can ,;,.., ()!lvt, o,, S3. 10

j'.'H'ka,' .if SU'iiiicI P.ran .'

. 15fI'K-t:-

. .'I I u y Stan li. rcituiia-- n.. cm, kino- - 5-- .

n't !d M.,U' (';,tsp 20c

I'll. a nmpar, llllc, s h, Inn ptepttteil Hid I,, n,eIs i II hi s m XTARRIZAI T ROOF

t i" ai He a mpauni ho, ilil fsil x drx hip.

i s s, t i w i nil. m nr nm t, . i I. . rA i h 111 ' W.

riMI ! s; ur ll lllnl-o- l s 11 ' xy L II O x 1I WANT U, S, 10

Indiana It, p.nllalcs . H.,,is''i''h In lii.l'.ie.i ,in m..i.

' i I'll i it

"' ' '.. rl II" ii, iin. nal . i. n. linn- .

" -- II r' lie p.. I.i .. nn i'IIii.I ,.' I.

"'' ' " 'I ' a, v a f,'In I n.liil V ll.l ,1 ,, , ,i ' . ,1

i"X f.-- I'le ,. ,,"' '.".'-- ' ' ' " ,a la s t,.

he li ,". ,.,.m , ,.(.,." I' h I'll,, , i,, ),. , ,,,, i , , p..

I' '"' "' ," m,.l. .x Hi, pi mn,

NTERVFNE IN vSYRlAi,,)!1';;" ,N. . ,1 ;,, sl.ltr l ,, 1, ,.'



0M,s. Kim... t.fci.L It. .ID 1"' ;. r,:,. ., .

,,u"i" - im- 'i', mn ,.,.i,' ' ' I"1"- -' W.'i. h..xr 1,1,1l.niiiii-n-

" xta-i- . Inlllshl Ih.(I tetx 11 ii I, , ,

"il fu.i I ix raHx sis m I he stair ,.

MEAT DEPARTMENTM ss.., lens, I,,-- ,lln,

I'K-ssm- l s,,,-;- ,

Cliiclu'ils.i .1. 1.1 ... ' .

.Hi etuis, si. ,, ,i.s., IreI 'at I. .1 ill (. t It nl i

nn r iini'i'.t. r nl ll... i

s la x sus. Inl ,

I..,,.. . si. i I' a' I'lllit ,. ,

22 f35f

11 (' n u l rl. in , hx ' f- ' n .in, 1,1 ,.f All Xli'l." i xi 1 ,11 I. ,t ,1,,l X. 1:1I, i t' I Iii lit lli .Ha s I il." IHtllamls11 1' al III. . IIW ,,' It,,. ,, , lKU j. t tl. II' ' mil. f nf l it- , hanilirr of depillit s tmiiulil .in liiiiiii. e,l that as a re

llll,n .

I'ti lu'iui. imt i

i f in w . usi s

s si ". as ih, .

c- mi-- Ir , ,'.,;i in

' cjiort. d dill 11 u i he'"' I.l. t that ,m i.

... hed Ill,, slum la.i.n- II" i,

Willi. oil a .1 .nlxx in- I i -i nl i In p.f ' i"'i tin s, a ,. , .,

' I', s, nt n,,. ... , .

all I t ,.ms made . th ' ' as il una In, la n ,j, ' I. Oll-1'..-- aih! Ix'tias! l...-- iin .Htl. IT ill nut In, In lien. , 'i he, icf 1.1 ..' ir 1." "''I I' s,. tin- . t th,. , xxi,il, imt t .'ace il..

'"'''' ''.idi.ii'.i Histii.t tn,., p: "I,,, n:W" '" S' "I I" ,'i,,i. A

"'!'' W ' !' l t W ,. 'l .,, ' he,.xin i , i, an mn , nn , t,i nik ku..w i

In II... i,,,i.,,n . ,, lu.i.-mi- si.,.,. .st.,1.. BAKERY DEPARTMENTI'1' i "' ' 'i" .ii'i'.nar'" " "4,,lx..l not: II II t.O l'inICTS it. ...I-

l:r!-- IiK'ikI,-,- ! xxnli tin- -

.SxM'ttS l.f ,,if li,.;!is suf I it n nt it. is.. n in itsflff'-i- the .'.'ie!i'ifii! j,. .u!,,rity nf

Grape-Nut- s1001)

lillt It is in, .ft' tli;,ll ,1c- -

Jicions it is the fnust k( i(jiiffn!iaU'! ii.iiiusli- -

tlU'Ilt t'" thnrcillily v;; .',, .

ImkIv niiil hraiii ti.-u- c - n

ftfl that I!R'flts ItH'I's IV- -

niat kabl y.

A .s!k,i trial prows

"There's a Reason"

Soli v GriKTrs ti-rv- -

' "' f'"l!"m . .'7 M'Hs!,mall,,xv Cara- -t Mi H IWII IIN Tli

" ' ii a nr- til in .1 i' ""'lift'. ,( t(, S t (ll V,i vBIG FIRE RAGING ::Al"" " M""!;ty Wnuwv. i)y,I I ' ( )( H I",""'-- '' 'I 9WIMiv-wc- i ms ft on '. ;" 1 AI'H-- (. akr. 'iii'! nianv" iip.irtii.e,,, wi lj ivTrni rc rw i. 'tlier .'iric- -

:hs ,, laiM-s- .' V""' nispc ,1, ,,,., a nis

II- I' m :ai". am, , . . .,,.' in pi K, II .,! ,, , i ,,,,, ,

lii.. I'illli iple lt. Hi ,

'""Hi 'I I.. - .ol m. ,,t . I ,... i.l'l-.- ' " n . . mud I. ,.. , I ,

!( " .1 . n Him, ,

'"l 'l' ' "I" ' t'.r ,, am, i.,1 , a.111' ! H". pi...-- . s'i i

I '' l'l sn . ,., a a, ,,, ',..!H.x I'r.' 11 a . lain,m!nl..l. . I. .;,l m ,., ,,11. . u

!!!..! X. 'I l,. ., ,, f J, , ,

!' x i.!.d i' la m i n.ih i

w ,'n s u, sl,. a.. '.,,, p. ,,,- n, a 'I s I nil p .f . ,,.!, i. II, ... , ,,. ... ,.

I'll I'.il t U li. ln I .1 a st., . .,

II- f.' Vl I, 1, ' ' I .li 1. II. ... ., ,

.1. I Ll'' l.f It... ,l. i ,,


NOW I N)R CONTRGI" seek im- s.n, ..f v

.111 n .ixn nor k.l!!S i:rr ,.""'"'' - ..!,, .' 'I 'liM'.' n t,,,,,, ,! ,1, I. : V

y"f a I,i nlrii, ,. nf s a xx. is nii.m.. xm.l h, r ,rm '"' .'"'.. ioii.s. ..... It. i, ... - '



I H. xx lu, ,,

ti. .!esl!y Ihe., t,,., ,.fl a'I '"Illkllt HieN- - .IN Km., . i

i.'llilije.i ;h,.r

It M'Aax. r,M,-- tin.- Marki-- j

as , ,

. pm,. ;,,

- - ,,j ui,. , ,

,'"" M '- '.,' s i, ,, XX.l,l"'llll .11' lli.ln.11.,1 Inn si ,e ,.,I! -- 'nr nn Crt-aiiK-r- I'.nt- -im p. i ) i.f'"'"' "! Imi lull Int.- t.alax I'r. .1pi a .,. .. ,,mi tlv i 32f

mm...-HX Pe.ll,'tlil!l

"' "' " 'I'l'l't Hi nc limp , , .n.iiol" ;i ' " li '.ml, .'I a. , . s "f ,,,, !,, i x ..I

tiwlnh h

l ! 'ii flu. ..,..!,, la. Nm, .,r. I piileiiil,(..', was ,.

I mi ,,l ,i. ......., of 'inn '" ,n ft. I

..use. i ulnii, .

H at , V"a...',,:.,nmi i

'., 'tier ..! tn,'" I'" '" ' Ill MIX,' r lic.d ll'!, i ,

" " .. ., ,i .. 4..,, ,

"n N- J"ix ; I sl : ,,' i- '- s "I ni':,.,-:;,- par.ilxs s s,-- in"I H e si.,.,. ..alsnle f ,

PI ' W . nf i ',,I'.x ins. tin, il, ,l ,., .

I." ' .'"Mil I I ... . , . I,JAFFA'S

I'UOM-- 31 and 32. 221 WEST CENTRALw here. i ' "" i , x m.

' I. ..'Ills' tie (,,. i, . . . . . '""' !'.' h. ,s- V,'U, XX,I,, p. n p.uted to Ihe si,.!,, p. ..' .'. a r ,i! I. I if !'i-- sl, ., m " IS II t'X I i Ills"' ' '' I' vis , (,,,I , , I, Ul,.u N

i. X. vW.Pa U II. (' ;.'!. lej sllnslll. 'nf.. j ,',,, L'tj!" ' i I U J t :., I , I."l l'l Hi ti mil tada--

, , ''" '"I-- ...- -I of ens.I New Jolk up tu f. " f xe.

Page 4: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,

Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, July 8, 1916. Three

A Man's Meal for f'"""t "5 jfy.i)'7'.y'11.';, 9" ft" w mw aw'mijwlMwjfli wwit u w nw mmCOUNTER ATTACKS . .five Cents. Living a v .iit- J ii'frli'Hii '"'t :S "

mush makes a mushyanman. A man who works OF GERMANS AREwith hand or brain musthave a man's food. TwoShredded Wheat Biscuits

BEGUN TOO LATEwith milk or cream will sup-

ply all the strength -- givingnutriment needed for a halfday's work or play at a cost French "Seventy-five- " Wreak V V. J- - J '

, ' new thingof not over five cents. An Havoc Among Teutonic1.1 C.,-- i r or fnnH Konr

Troops; Allies Solidify All ' 'with sliced bananas, berries J; - 'A- - ,

or other truits. Their Conquests,

for acIIAUI I'S ( IIAIM IN IN i'tu.K r t tim; ( uvmm, todw

TtO lilSOW.

man coninmnders sent ti) to theronne front four divisions, of win

'TEUTONS' FAITtwo ulreacly are declared to he

ally out of commission. The otherreserves brought up front different i

points between Uhcinis and the j

Somme were of a mo.-- t In Icrogencousnature. One iiattali in of the guardwhich was anniliilated had beenformed of companies from several i it" j

fcreiit battalions.The Flench ofi'iecis snv II, ere , an


FOES' ATTACKSbe no doubt that the rapidity of the.French advance, If not 'ho advance il- - .

litself, took the Hermans by surprise,!This, they assert, is shown by tl.-i- G tM H Co I CSpOl Kiel) t S."W

iliot having proviiit tl an adequate sup-- : .... .. ... . .

Made at Niagara Falls. N. Y.



Washington, July 7. (irowins con-

ditions during June improved theprospects of lh' "'beat and oats crop.

Tl, t utin' nt of agriculture in ii.s

July crop m-ot'- t today forecasts the(i,nil'iiiil crop f winter and springwheat at 7,"i!, 000, 000 bushels, which

ls 4 i,ri(M),(iOO bushels more than prc-(j.t,- .,

last month, and increased theHlmide of the final yield of oats, to

131 7(1110.00(1 bushels, or 02,000,000bushels more than forecast in June.

A slight increase. In the area plant-

ed t corn this year was reported anda crop of 2, SOU, 1100,000 bushels, whichwith favorable conditions might ex-

ceed last year's 3, 055, 001), 000 bushelrecord crop, was forecast.

The condition of corn was reportedu slightly better than last year on

July , hut was about 2 per cent belowtho" Ifii year condition for July 1.

,ly of reserves for such a contingency. A1IICS liaVC VV0I1 IN0 U0CIS"

Chesterfields give smokers what noother cigarette ever before gavethey satisfy!

Satisfy! just as a cool drink ofwater satisfies when you're thirsty.

And,yet,Chesterf ields are miW, too ,

xThis new kind of enjoyment

mild, together with "satisfy" isthe result of the truly marvelousChesterfield blend!

No other cigarette maker can copythis Chesterfield blend. No othercigarette can possibly offer you whatChesterfields do.

Try Chesterfields today

ive Victory; Eastern Front

Occupies Most Attention,FOURTH WAS GLORIOUS



' lierlin, .lull- 0 t t p. to., via London,.ma.i comroKDuci 10 jou.m.u !.iv 7 - ''lie tuilil.irv cmSilver City, N. M., July T.-- Silver

if , z,.it,n,. Al m,.,.,, (mment-Cit- y

is taking Mo, k, following H"',, , , ,,,! ,iic-successful Fourllfof July ecle-..- .imost f,.onl!, is m- -

hration ever held in the history of creasing in extent and viob n. e. Theenemy everywhere is nHoiiiplinu tothrow fiesii troops into Hie sirngi,u 111, li seenis to l e nppi oiiohing ticar

jdrant county. The crowd which spentithe Fourth in this city was the largestever to assemble here, estimates plac-jin- g

the number of visitors at betweenj .",,0011 and (',. OiMl.

I A feaiiire of the da;' was a brilliant

jer and nearer lis maximum iiiton-ity- . j

Tlie niighlicst exertions are I , ing j

made on all sides to i"i,e a ,,-- isionie tension can st,r(iy become

lY MOftNINa JOURNAL IPICIAL LKASKD WIH)l'aris, July 7. The solidity of the

French. con,Uest in at lastlias been put to the test ami militarymen here say it bus come out of theordeal with flying- colors, thus againdi monstrating the soundness of thellrussiloff method.

The (lermans, who managed toRather considerable forces, partly ap-

parently from the British front, wherethe pressure was lessened during theday, and partly from depots, delivereda series of violent attacks on twopoints. The first of these was be-

tween J Lc 111 and .Marleourt on thet'lery road. The second was on theextreme rit-h- t between Kstrccs andI'.clloy, their object being to drive awedge between the French center andright where the French line crossesthe Solium; river from J I cut to Feuil-ler- s

and between the extreme rigidand the rest of the French front,

(.crnian licit, t ion Too I .ale.The successes of these maneuvers

would have forced the event mil re-

tirement of the whole French line.The German reaction came too late,

however.The French bad time thoroughly to

strengthen their line, to advance andplace in position heavy artillery and tobrim; up plentiful stocks of munitions.Consequently the attacking wave wascaught in a whirlwind of machine Kimfire from the trenches and was shot toto pieces by the "seventy-fives,- " whilethe Hermans supports following andreserves far In the rear were shat-

tered by salvos from medium andheavy batteries.

Teutons Alta U in Vaiil.The Herman infantry plodded for-

ward attain but nowhere. French re-

ports say, made any impression uponthe French lines, Karrly even didthey net to trips with the occupantsof tlie trenches, which accounts forthe small number of prisoners taken.The Hermans, say the reports, hadstriven the whole day without affect-ing the slightest modification of thesit nation.

The 1'ie.K h remain two and a halfinib's from pcronnc on the south sideof the Somme and four miles fromiliat city on the north side of the riv-

er and there ere no formidable naturalol lades in the way of their occupa-

tion of the city when the French com-

mander judges that the time is ripeto do so.

(tin Hold Positions.Yesterday's de.'ensixe righting has

given almost as much satisfaction tothe French as the previous day's cap-

tures for, they say, it has clearlyshown that the entente allies not onlyare able to hold these positions whenwon.

The first Herman counter-ntlac- k

was launched in the night in the Hemsection, north of the canalized Soiiirneriwr. The Hermans succeeded in

two small woods situated southof the Ch t road, a fewhundred yards from the sugar workshorderini; that. road.

Slight Chunge in Situation.The French troops there, being

mot'" or less in the air, fell back on

the village and sw inging their leftwing slightly, captured another smallwood at the northeastern end of thevillage, (dose to the Hem brick fieldand along the edge of the road fromChry to Hem and Cnrhi. This wasthe only change in the situationthroughout the twenty-fou- r hoursdiiriim' which the counter-offensiv- e


a iiiiiiHut ot oca ut it ally decorateuh ars. l'rizes w, re awarded as fol

v. .lows: .Mrs. M. It. liiichnuan, Hrstprize of $75; Silver city branch of theAmerican lb Cross, second prize ofjBE4JaEKBWSHRJIaa!BBSM

biulier.""After sumiiiarizing the official re-

ports from various I healers of thewar, the correspondent onlinues:

(eiiiians Still ( onlidenl."It is still too early for a final ver-

dict upon the situation as to thestruggles on the principal fronts stillFOR TODAY

$50, and l.eo Sc luff, third prize of $;.".j At noon a big free barbecue was'served, over 4, mill people being led.'jln the afternoon Hurley and Santa:iitita placed a game of baseball for a

icash purse of $:'50, winner take all.

in progress. he Hermans, However, j

hitherto have been able to hold upthe oiieinv's advance in, the west as j

At nightSanta Itita winning. 3 to otlth nn.l easl. Neithwell as on,n the paved'dancing was enjoyed er llritlsh, Freie b. Ilussians nor lial- -

district and t lier.,,,-.-u- o, ,,- ,,,,,o him ,,.(V itiained large or iie,i-iv,- -

Plums, Apricots, Water-

melons, reaches, Canta-loirpe- s,

drapes. Herries. Du-

binins Pears. Apples.

,lays iestivi'ies , dose, i m a riot orfun.

Conservative est 'una es show thatbetween $15,0,10 an,, $jii,iihO was spent

uc(,-m-- s, while, in place-- , wher, thecentral powers have assumed the of-

fensive as iu Volhvnia and south ofthe imiester, their operations have . Kiifi fr M ::Li; , hall .Ml:.:been conducted With sinless.

"This situation enables us lo look(day. The Chamber of Commerce hadjohargc of the lolebraliori and , very- -

forward villi a c, rt.cin amount of

and with iin confidence tojthing was fie,', even thegame.

Perfect order prevailed throughout further lb of the fighlillL-erhtokhowever, lcdo not dai'i

ithe il.iy and no fires or accidents -iinnii til s nit ma k -the but thai , .cu

Slrint;- Deans, Summer

Sitiasli, Tomatoes, Cucuui-liii-- s.

Peas, Lettuce. Catili-tlowe- r,

Young Onions.

jciirrr-,- to mar the celebration. ing mi iu i v efforts and are throwing


and yet they're MILD

20 for 10cAttractive llusof 100

,rt. prepaid, on receipt of SOc, ifpnur ddr cnnot supply you.Addr.': I iRButl A Myom TobaccaCo.. 2t2Iifik Avo. Now York City



in all av ailable forces to attain sue -

cess. Mil- troops on all the fronts arefaced by ii n l i v superior forces

'ami thet'efoie ate , onfrcoited with theprospect of further heavy fighting."

l AM'cl I ,( -- ' I'll iMivc.iciai. conmirONOiHr.1 to mownino jouwnauij Clovis. ,. ,M ., July 7. The propo-- i

mii ion to issue bonds in the sum ol he cm respondent devoli-s- . compar- - j

I , e no if., so.-- the on, i :, s on agaAjaJj in

Dairy Maid Milk Homi-

ny, Taylor's Tamales, Chili

nr. l'.eans and Chili Sauce.

s:tr,,0OO for the extension of water andsower svstcnis and enlarging Ihe po,v ihe easl front than to those on the

, ,r plant vnled on and carried at tic west, declaring licit the liu.'ian at- - ,

general city election on April I, l.csi ks against Fi, Id .Marshal von llln- - SILVER CITY TO HAVEhas been found to be illegal, in t ha ., g, I1 in, ., opo, uu, Count i

tho issuing of the bonds was pin- e-, ,,,, eiV(. ,.v,.,.v , Ul,,.ni. the i BETTER TRAIN SERVICE

before the voters in tin; form ot oio . . , ., ,, '

lt ' ?1 ,!'' J

k t rproposal, whereas it should have j

and specified the ployed, that an ollcii-iv- e on a larger oun.t tonrooii, i ia ocs jouuumoun! "unloosed to be expended lors'ale is contemplated. He adds Ihalj Silver City, N. M ., .Inlv 7. Silver

'ko'Ii scparale and dislinet purpos". I lie fighting abuig 1 ml, n berg's t'it y, though on a brunch lino of the j

The bonds were sold on May 2! lo, front still is in piie--ies- but asserl: Mania Fe svstotn, is to liaw just asthe laimbernians' Trust company of !,(,.,, ,,. ttn,v ucciiu-- i Prince .,,,. jgood train ' rv ice as those tonus on

iSan Francis,,,. Calif. The sale, pubis armies appears to have n the main bias of the road.' course, was made contingent upon the in j.u., p ,,.,,,,1.., ,1 with Sevent - I'n e pound steel has been

s iteill!.' s;,litic,

Ranch Butter, 2 lbs,, ,65c


Phones 172-17- 3

lislrihuled all along the I leniing-Si- lII, ere

to thelei

M.e l.enviesl bi with the legality of all the procc ;

- ..... ... ... be I'btlllg Illumes nil the llpp'l' Vol' City In: II. between h e wu t o I'

At the beginning of the battlwere behind the front assigned

French aMiifk twenty-sew-

battalions drawn l'rm the :' i

sion and from region ids of t hearmy corps.

linlvici'ii .In iv I and .1 nl.v .,

llll'S VV C'U CI' V , t O , o ,,, l , III ... ,1 .

ile the matter this irregularity a; Slyr, be savs, and the Kusslmts were I u m ion and Mlo-- i ' HJ. his beav-- l

'(discovered, and as it was such a si r i;il.o to cross the rtvr and gain a o r slc.i will be bud as soon as no lc

ions one as to invalidate t he hotel is fool hold in one pl.o e tail the counlcr- - an be ui,d, rc,a,-i- Ihe sixty- - j

sue, tile trust company declined t already has l. gun. i'he us- - pound si w Inch lia s done v b or j

Her lake tho hnmls. sians were thrown back iu Volh v nia ' inn li v veilsJust what can ho done in the mat Will, he Living t be heavier steelci iiciiid,u the Strip:, front, h

er tne loca, o,s ipies o, ;. ks, o,, ,, ,..,,, ,l;,nda rd Pullman

h ii'n not vet been able to figurervi'-- a- M ver i it v some! mug

A, cording to the statutes- allot lo r Uiiester, is iin ia n in ext. nli election can not be held nWil tin I'wbich the Chamber of Commerce ha';

j worked haul to secuie for some yea is;pasl. With a Pullman service,, pas- -lTJ;;r rvinlanxtfroilDr-NVL- K & RIO OKANUtiil il may mean the next city election at

most two .veal's heilee.HAS PROSPEROUS YEAR- '- "--

. - ' -iciii hoaicl the Santa be and tide

iW:Uv f ii'straigbl thioiuih Silver City with-'mi- l

changing cais lakewise people

l" 1


.1 K 7 a I'n i u e. ofDEADLOCK REPORTED

IN SHIPPING BILIJimiWCrickets! Denver and Kb, Htamle Ka droad ' ' avc ling i mi here can board

co anv for the ur cTidinir .Inn' illie Pullman and go east willioul 'i!c',i:tiT&l): r t




:;il last, were iinoffi, llv given mlav , ;t nge,mv MoitNiNa journl aneiAL lid mi: as $ 2 7 0 n IMOI, eoiniiared with ':.r. ,. y ,,,,, siiperint, ndeid ofWashington, July 7.- -- I icmoei at'n ii.iiiiii for Ihe p- 'Unit Near. T'1'' ; j,, , ;',

, ,,,1,. , w ion wa here t hisland republican members of the sen ,,,-- earnings for the period excluding! .,M ' "I at.- - commerce committee cam,- to i.lune showed a gain of 1 In 55n. l'1'."

parting of the ways today insofar as (n blish uig a new re, old for the com- Mar. ml on an ui.-p- ton trip, amii anv prospect of an aiireenn nl oer puny, it was said. j.als,, l Saiu.i Kita and Hurl.",'

i li,- - gov el niiielit. shipping bill is con - lie told of the decision to lay (hei corned. Democratic senators be, la i' ,,ai,i ounty Ucniocrals cthe. Iheavier si, 1. and whil- - be made in,

" ,,p i"'iUh tn 11 Pullmaniinlaaled that''". Sdver Citv M July V it li proim-- es.,1,111 lo build up Ihe mar. ham ma rum j , "'ll,,' ,' a, .,..-,(.- ,.,,,-,- ' . v be on Hi.- I . miiig-Si- er city braiieb

winch republicans w d accept with- - '.,. ,. .old, in nm tjll,,.l'n some s,x .: away, acHvilv .would!, ml sacril'M in g cv. rv principle inth,lions,, bill and for which the ad in ill a mong andidal.s tor Ihe varum.-,-

islratiou stands'. j offb is marked So fa i i J V V A1IL.NUThe proliem facing the demoei a s ' ,,r,. ,ree:r. cm d .and i. bites for

n,,w is to train,- a measure command ,,ls(ri(.t :i,,rt.v , .1. S. Vnughl and L L L I'M A N bU I IL OthVIOtoma tinaniiuoiis parly support and ' '' j nn-- S. Fb bb r. ,..U of Deuiiii;.'

ORudwei so r fo odand drinks .

bqucaje the water outof $ood boer and ijouphave food left. 5bqucoje the food outof $ood beer and ijou

have pure water leftloth food and waterarc nccessaru to humanlife, you get bothin good beer '


"No more cliorcs for mc! No morecoal and ashes to tote and wood to

chop."I lis mother uses a New PerfectionOil Cook Stove.It cooks as well as gas at much lessthan the price of coal and keeps youcool and comfortable. No smoke orodor no sweltering.Conoco Safety Oil is best.

New Perfection Oil Cook Stove j are sold in

many modeli at hardware and genera! store

lorce a voie on , ,,,.., ,,,. ., Jh,,,.. , , ",11,11 of Ih-- ,,tv.m, nod republican opposition. Mich! , ,,.J;,, i.,.i i.,i,.r r....tle I' or lounly cbc . I.. Veua'ie,


F.I P.i-- Toy tub 7 liesideniid T. V. I lot - Wilson will aiieiul the forimtl deili-lvt,,-

the liiia nl Ihitle da oiitl in,, a ion of in, ., '. I I, tola r I a lid he opt II llg of t be la I

I """' lnl" "" . i,'T,r- tot national Iiiig:iiioU eotu'iess on li

everywhere. mok lor mc " ' .See the new heat retaining oven. C

iSdves. for cunt, ucisure,- ,...,, - .,., ,,t This vas nnnoun, ,i

iCOLORADO RAILROAD ' i"'--""- ' '"" "'"'; Kihard f. i;,.,rg,s preP1den. f ,,.

PAIliH'"' Theodore W. i alter lane their , ,,ng,ev todav. President Wilson ha-- IIVl AKLo bib Vb'l'J lnt in i h.. nog. SI, Miff llerh-r- t I. assured Mr. P.uru-s- s that he w,!l a:

j Meiitath is the oi, at le (aii-- l lb- - dedication and mac ...

....i..,o,iL.Mo.i ,....o.imi lidaie so far for she iff. and s.. far j com- - t" Kl '" evening !

' ""-- '- I d'iiv an a.bii -j Denver, July jejHl f m ores as km.wn now will haw no .., p..'.- -


's'"'1'made piihbe today bv the Cob u a ' lion, si f a e ids reeoi ,1 in Ihe of t e t' la, s


laud Soul hem Kailroad company for , ,. flawless. .palae llvman Alna-- j ,H'limi-m- -s uml Momacli 'I rouble.end,,,- - dune SO. la-- i. w,i. war ga ham wants to sin ' ,e.' pro-- 1

Ith, gross eamiu,- - as J "..57 ' .m-'- i a- '.' "...--,..- . ' "T"0 cars :ii"" I siifl.ued fr-.- fro- -

bate judge. For county -

The Continenjal Oil Col H.olfMtln C,roortion)

Denver I'uebloSalt Lake City

ru.,-r- ,n Butte

112) IMyiE v ULUwJlBottled at tho Brawery

ANHFUSER-BUSC- H, St.LouiS.Albuquerque Boisetv Ml '! S MMI f ,.r bt ' f f M ' ' ii ' ' " '"I ( ' M I'lllii ill'll r..icom pa !'

alumpie, ers two camlalat.s tia.e so far a n - ,,,,, stnss. ' writes Miss Kinmatheni-el- v namely Pier. ' ,rvl.e l.iiu i. iihio. ' ! could eat v erv

Pice of Sitar and !. M Dooptia of, hub- fo- d tliat agreed with me milbecame .. dizzy and sick at myDwwr For assessor it., oru- has wl I

.. ... , ... ,, i xtoimii-- at tunes that I had to takeltod spojiks in Kiiiiln I e.

Santa July 7. - l r. I lav i, PI'.o.vd of the liuversity of New Mex-

ico arrived todav- in Santa Fe to. a.l.. i. ,. a a i

, illiMlllli , I tie," . e .....hold of something to keep from fall

C. E. KUNZDistributor ALHl'Ul'LKQl'E, N. M.

prospect v.. candidates for this joa we,h. n,r :Ml, ...' wh .,, expect. ,1 to announce most .1 I

ing. SV.-in- Cbiimbeflalti'a Tahlclsadvertised I decided to trv them. I

IFTipraw, inpblly.-- cv ery- - rany day. N'o one has yet announce. I

for the legislature.ttie institute OI lluliao icicacoc aoemidoves at tho tinted Stat'--

school.,.a. I Wm.. 4, w here,

Page 5: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,

Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, July 8,916Fourj ;i!i..l Mis. lirfmlla C. ,1,. ;,,M ,,,

STANDING OF THE CLUBS riliiy luunim in tin. t.iinil, i,j,.,,,m1

mm holdsiiliMtu)1 1 rut u.


hiln' l.uviiis.

HI til'"Finn ra!

I. MinisK,ii,.,.v


W I. I' chiu'i'li at 'i" '' 1m l; suivj.ij











HillIn- -




1. i


, V ;,, .. n

JO mi: cubs co D- .fl





ATiJl--'XKriTn- ?r









t. ."' i m i i v i i, nir.iv,. n 1. 1,

W. ,I .hath, f nniislu il. Kxi'h.'iimii n ni f,.r

Miimr him i i v thus. Ii'iioni a ii, lumril fur um. i


Xrtlhmul, a '!




I. -- . !eM':.' Sees His Hoisc Go-!;- !: Secietary of Navy Yearly Ac- -j Driver Sends Word From Taos " L f''"""-4:i-- 'I'l I... i i Tal'y in fi"ht.. v.;;II ii


I'li, t I

,ir ... B: Scuth '! Fit et Street points Fifteen Boys Fromj to Oivner That His Automo-i',!;,nri:-!,',t;',- '1 X",,m''Polls Bus-- Co,;-.- ; Supnk;; Aiivf-rir-

(.all Pdke: Galubh,, Fi listed Ranks to Aime!y' bib Was Last Seen Going'-- i;kt-k- u.' rurni,,.! ,,-'i'iiiiu I'loi'ch. moil,

Takcl.'p-hHICortcs- t. i.i ..; Y Ft lows in Car, at Annapolis. low a idi Coloiado

i i iLine, !,.,, ,,, ..n ,,,1,1, Tiur.i

A ii'iii niissiiin in (hf liiii'il Mai.i S.ii'li.m In- ileiM-- nf 'nil i;, rniy in 11 hill (if ii !( of hiel) lirii'jio's iiiituiiiiihilc iiuiiy fur soini'It. ml villi all. mi i vi'i! if h Mai 1' I'm tlnii- .11 was noi r'l't(--- ' th-- .

"ilt'.m" to (jit a a 111.111, win, i I'.inil tin' cur. started

LUMBERVululu Olln, GlnKH. Multhulil Kf,

liiif niih KullilliiK l'ainri. C. BALDKIDGE LUMcfR






. i,:

loufe..,. IM-:-.- if!' t''hi .mo, J n ; r.. i t.

n.i.ti.ii ., in. li.i tu-li- . .i na In. '

(l lull. I,, .i. I to .it ft I'l ii ilk AN-(-

Ui. Ill i I., n '. ili ' a' i '

I I'WI III'' I. the I '

U i 11,4111V II I " " " ' ' it

III. Tin- .nitu il ,sa ,n hp. il. youinil'.l tin' I 'nloi a. In ll.'ii. takillc I ll'-

man anil his wife Tiilx wan tin- - I'- -I"i' ill l.y iliicun finin insi hai'I'l'v-nr- u ho is al Tans at h'

- 'i


'iii iniMit in tin- naal a. aih-iiiy- .


T'l.' si'.lctaiy i.f Illl' a .nii ' s

ni fifli'ii nf 'hi. linnif tay to thi- - mnal acnli'iu . M'

ii l"i - tlioM- who Ino pai-s- . il emu -

. tt,,- - ni' iital examination In unli i

it it,' tit Thi-- xii munition is l ii -

ji ,ip'. ir thi- i ntiami' to th" navala. aih in al A una pnlis. ( 'a inliilali--a:, i aiiiiin il In spi'lhiiu, I'dkIihIi j

-- I i in mar. v""-r- i n I' v t'nlli'i) Stales.




,i, arii liim n iii-Iii- ami Jilam' A- iniilln- - In his t it . tin- manL..,..i try. liinii' lln maihiiii. off, having him

'I,, ),,. i.ii.ti-(- nii'ii imisl l.i'ini ar Taos.!. , ..f II... l'i..t.a .,l..b 1... ,,, a! ,:ii,,.,i r. ., ..,!!. .,1 lV,,i ,,,,!l,,- - 1. I'n.

-- j : v in m iiik..i-, l li' t i M. i '., r i r ..i

iii. roil. i h u t m ii,,.'. n ;i i ii . i

.1 W . .1, I ,. in. .:.!u.. ,i 1,1.11,1 r

Idli I , ill'il liOil.1!' Il'f To.l i.rt -l 11 Iii h mill noil !ln- ii .il ii ,iii i'(11,1' .! . '. Ill II,

M . I.. II I.

Ti..' i. .1 . null i ;. 'iI ii in ' r inn' ii I .".v. .11 i

!' ii. II;. M II. tr v '..Tiiiiit r .tin. i ,,ri. Mii.'.ii. '


li,iiv ( li. .': In Mulin II

In i.'. J i ' A !i'Ihi I, . i in an i hj. h tin. in. . ,'. lo. ill 4 1,!,.,) I,,li!,i,i. win,

j hint v.illii !, an :,i.i' ......i i'iti milI i.i' f ii iiimiiif vtii'iii. la. Mi Ki'iini

Hnl lil'ivil, win, Hi'ii',1 ii li-t- iji- -

I,i ii tu ts, iimii ,1 lh-.- i t i i.r

I'iimii lint I'll 111 fiii t m hi f i I.I oi

!! i. pAH II I) F A II II I K

Mi. .... M 1 II II II'ii II I I M i.i - Hri rf a 6 u s--

'f a u ; ' h.'...', . I ! " ." Ii I

'.iii .ii : V i i' m ,1.1S ,11 ii" ' ' i ?

i... ,t. it a i. ii i i i

nut, t ; ii " i i

U'4 I I' " '.i k

"i 'lift ft. I " I' ' t ' '

T 1 M '.' I

.1 1 r ..: i.'n. I t .. ' . i.i i'. i'i. .'I. I -i ' Lin

i .a li iiiiiii."t, ,

. ii ii r . Ii .

' mm. , n.aii W ll'itM.1l..i I lf All. n 'I!'. ,o, , m in ai at ( no I run !' ii' k ' i.i to.i.i I , kun 8 t 'mil'i--t IliR.. n H..i


"I''lphta I; hi. I, mi 0.

SI lmi. Jinv T A il. tliii'i

than m.hs ni I nt thi- - liri",,f entiani'-- . to the a" ii'h inv. ami hnv.

, t .

isn ,,,,-- al the tiini- of i nl ru m f....v s m no w isii in , omiete ror i Hi' ill'- -

iiiiinliiii-ii- t iii'i- ex' nseil from all i her,iutim a hoard shiji t., stinl for t h,-- I'onl. larryim.: eu Miyip,, lieensievaininution nmhr the i harKi- "f an!.No. BftTT. Il is n f i car

'ni..t r,n tor., 1, ,1 j. hite. imisl also pass Ihe nhys- - i nPlMTKTQ Ull I PI OQC

S. ni, Kill'''Kinltli t r Iftft for ll'tiKMifl ,'l mi Il',,,,nf Tin- KiIIiiii mi I

In 1hi IhlHl I'liuiw, nftiT tin- - l.iilii ! .

, a i ..animation. Th.v in net h.uw, ii i,, niie, hollies anil intinst con-- 1

-- til ilt on. Also (hi v must he of unml! eharai li'r, ami iiiunai ri' il.

Ti'i- navy is nntt p'iruitini; in Al- -

lei. iui A pa n. Him; offt. e hasii. pi tiial on th" thiril flood of t he

A mint I'lii'iiini,, Si i'oii'1 stti'i't a ndI'. Mitral avenue, with f hi' f 1'ctty ( if -

hall l Ci lit "II Inf. i lllmn f"l

loiil hy a iiikI i i Casi i'il wmn'lI'hiltiil' Ivihlii K I nil ami i au-'- l ;

V( I i; i ,. i.r ii mi i.ii. iii

" - Ml! r.i 'i ''.nl;iy a ft iii

i.i i plf - W vi h" hnil Ii- - il hiKjI, ., .. ..ii i, VI 1,1.,. In IWfi'hS. ....!. ,i.. Ti l' vi il- - tin- hi.l'si-

' . i fc j M '11. Is, 111. ..

t .( f in .i ' i 'fit turn. .' n ! , if t Iii mi' i In 'i

'i i .1 it ' ii '.;nii'.l inli.i ii.iiniii ;.- ,ti :..

ni'1 I" Ii.' '1 su'.t" ..I! I'il-- t Stlil't. ll-i- l

f... i.i Itl!' lil.t'-- l' .,' a -- 1 v in I "i i'i la"'.i re a in. ',(.. tin- IMIE-.-

; .1 r ii ii, l 4 I'll,! I'ltCil Will'.' ll.L' III- - iv.,i,. mtr aIII,. f W.I '.IT :. Hi- .In i' m f i "lit

I,,, I, tl .. o ('liii f liu- -

alTi'Mr,! Il '

It.tlt Mas 1, 1..-- ! '" a. Ii' i'l j

I,.- - a.l li. ii.,,,. ,e s:ri",'II-- - .. !i. il .'

!l,..n.;. Tl.- - ;a.! ! .. not .nt .n I

' i ' t i (tun "i'i . '

L Ii' il In Win ' I "' - hil'l 'm-- "I'"' -

. r.i'tse ami lnik- as lln' f.ii: I t'liit- - this '

l,..s. Wim , wiHo'iit IsinhiTM s ' I'.. nmsly th. uniinnll.oi row , ii l. line one w 11 u w a ii j

io take a rnh Mo look it nl thatme iii not ''I I




Lo. .'. Pelt V, ; !

Movement Suj-iilie- i7 At- -;

tractions w i , Bp Of- -:

feied Peorie This Monti)

Aloi.nin I. I'M i boast i.f !hitij,s. i II l..'c f..f ihi-'- r oh- -

I th. i.l.'.iMii. of il.-- -

..pi, It ui ., h, hi . i i In ! '.ini .'

,'i. of siinihii . ,, an. w Ion. thaiso in.. li v S'h.ioN. clou. Ins linl.s

mi hnl itc.-- . it it h "1 to r oi i: a rip-- . inn, ofPipial era'!", th I cVI! fi..r comtolmlt

tt. i nn lit. Ihn um' Hum, ciin il

kum ami lo of the piisli i

ii.-i- t of n f- - .t loil hc I

iiiueiis. (ti,t - helni, iiioialeil, nann-a siioiinit h j uta ii.m,. tthi'h ttl'i

...iii ;. fi-- i .a.n.t, n i n a Pit'Tin- - Il i ill .,.. 1.4 I, lilt II ..Mini seV

pint mil . whii h ini- as follows j

K.ilne.itnMi in p, , r,. i cut et tarn nn nl j

V, ilt,, Iii f (he home, ili'tnm i act inI fill, o lit Witlioh! llotMlin.

iinnortiiiiitn n a l ie n- -

r .lani'S SaiiMi'is in Anyihi'Iil. Pi is Unlays pioi'rani: j

one ttlin is intoreHiil an nhtain in-- ; :i i'i a, ni. t'nl'inisli-i- l '

formation nv caliniK ilprm him m ln-1- .' a. in. Dr. J. ,). A Iter's off Ice,s, tnilnc the reel ail'ms officii- - his Clini, s. j

'name ami inliln ss. I 1 n .'in. I'. II. hoPl. I'i orrh'--- eul mi lit . ri i It in pr.ll ti, al Casel

flPiRFFMFNT RFTWFFM iwi, fi'''"' '"! p tiiim rs j., position j

HI l,ntnn ill ii Mil's hiiitli la i w i in t- i me of tl,( mras. I,, ..

A fi'.' mi. r Hli'l M''ii'l" liei' toil-1'- , s'ii.i- - I!. H I)

tu ii H.uif 'oin.i'u .... id .; n ii i; t:i n

I'l l.n' t (Ian. oln . I".' ""I' mi')- - "i i

,. .,.r,;i,,;:r,i,.',. A?rrA ' " ..M. 1, ai a. 4 " ? n ii..i.. ,. ii. !!,,. H'llniinn, II Mmlh unci li'lmi

i k "b 4 I f I "i. . ' , . ,.' i ii r i. ' i

. n.mti if J I I l ' -- tu I " I' ii 5: M .Iim-iiIi- . .1i ii itre ll 1 ii n l,,i.., .' r I : o " ' ,. . , . ,. .

If . I .',..,., , ,. I. i. " " ' ' ''") !''It i ,f! Jill M.i !) ,f l I 1 I loin., ml! MMlai.e ,,f Hot lk Io s''" . ' ! "' ' " tti.n fi.'in m -fi I . to :; i

vi.Hoi 1 t ..h.o. ..ii' N ' " It 11 'Iii, ,. i. i

tin'I hi man ami hi wif.-- , who i p--

!' mst' i nl a hiti-- l ini" as Mr. ami j

M ''s. I.. I' llnnvni. of Wortli.j. l All.inini rout-- m lirli'iiii'i mi- - j

I", Tin- ihanffi'iir ilrir, tin- inarhin''.

''m r Sinn iff n k I.i u is. Ho off t nl t ",n

nwaiil for the . 'ivtTv of theami t: ......

' an. I'mhr Shi riff Lewis sent wolilin f.ittreis ni loloiaihi Iii h" mi thelookout for the iar. Thp aiiio iv a



The Xew Mexico hi'iital socii'ty willicIum its stale coiiventio,, here thisiaf ti nooti. Afler th" close of thehnshiess a hainiiiet is to he j

was liei essa I y

l'l:.l'i-1- 1 a. in. I'. I; I. mil. Tahlelilili'f. I" 01 hoa.

i1 ::in a. in. I '. A. I.IUt. .Slow

il h cement

I I' m A ray i In K inc.!' ' Inloiil ia. Dr. Cati- -


ii iulila mis. II came here two amione-ha- lf months no, from ilco-oin- .

Th,. tvnlow n.11,1 four chihlren j

sui t i e. I'liniM alm ill ilt hi o'i'lol k IliS iftelllllolt at i

.in r ,1,i, I 11. l ,...,,..!., 'I ',

I.oln Kniiicio. ,

I.olo. i:: oiil, son of fioleslo


I lull r nn ;pi nii'iit n ;i' hi il hv

In the latter ioniil ili l.t t.i'M l'(.'"t iniiils, inethuil of I if. K. '

the fniini-r- . the muHii-r- coniiti i II Hi inly.

pay f J7,4U in i HI h.s a nn.ii i,l p. in. M J. Mm. in. i still!!5 I I I ;i will he interest ami lln p.-l.- ilialoric ti elhis Hi h applieil to the pi iiieipal. j p. m. K. .1. AU- - r. iipi n- -

This will pnline Siimloval coun1 s face. I ham's,null. hii il in to l".ii, tin a on whi"li --

' p. m. .1. E. K"m.-- . I'acUinySamloval county has ar I lo pay i jvuhanil.. pla'es.p. r nl tiitercsl. r.einahllo coi:n!

la tl paMiiu I! iiit o'lit (iti Simh' - , iiniiti s oi thi. '.nileoti'ilm s n'n- -' "' livir."Ini.-'io al cininu was ,hais:cti: IhiU'iuct ami presciita ion of lovinKnp Uilh per ii'iit. '(',i' t "'ncv.

Tin s wnti inati'il' i sami.ivai , ,Mv as , . v,,; DEATHS AND FUNERALSmil of llernalillo. Saniloial iont.i'.--

Share of tin- pnliHc iinlehtiilness ua i ,liilinV'ii'l.v.l I,, the h al I. or-- .,,, We.r.' 4n tears i,hl .lied ves- -' h s,,,"'"Vi" w;i's 5I'".1' i"",'t"i,lav ',,mnr.iint. at his home in

THE WM. FARR COMPANYWhil'fiHl and RelHll Dpateri n

FKKSH AM) SALT MKATNiNtiisai iiclnliiror ratlin end Hokk the I.Ik(i

Msrkr-- t I'rtcr Are raid


Auuf. tiadriliw, Dotoo Tatnu, lto1'nnits. I to.



Hudson for Signs

Wall Paper

HUDSON for Picturir-- ., 4..ridiiic

Tonrtb St. and tHujor Ata.

DUKE CITYCleaners-Hatte- rs

ISA West Gold I'Uona 441

CHICHESTER S PILLS'V-- v in; mi.J f.a'l,'4l A"U I,.r A

S W. 'U A,- ! TlMinilV.iiikT I'liitm Hnl ..ii i t ..lit ,riaiii,vk V'l ''" ""'' ' ' !l'4 Ki..l'..n. VA 4tK. TyS Tui.-- no olli,---- . Hii- - of y,.iif- - V

1 " (if "fi'l,-'"(-. A I l it III I (III V J 111 A tint. I Pit t Ml I I.I., .i

C IJJ ynn .4. n 3.' llrst.Sjf- - Al . K.n 4r SOLD BY DRI fitdSl S It'ERVVtHLRf

(lonorrhn. nnil (,;itrfiieveii in 1 to . davs.Ha; (.ami EiTfi-mp in ir(.at.

Will not s ricturii. 4 retonts coniBKlotik.l HV HKI J(.IHTS.

arci-- rust If i!c'irrii-pra- -o 1, or a twttlcs ti.'Xliy



ifsara. bladder:Jtftltmh and all ;

w i n. r . m n afi nfSfSl oiscnarges in ?

IllfHEftW'dJ.i2ir S.i 11 l,r li Ini, 4.


before you can be ril of your trouble.S. S. S. has been purifying; and nour-

ishing the Mood for over half a cen-tury. It is a very efficient tonicand belnff purely vegetable, it it themost efficient agent known in thecleansing of the blood and toning upof the system.

Call fur k at your druffffists anldon't accept a substitute. Jf speciallnedirl iirfvir. Im lcif-- a ..,..; u.-i- .

HUl,.. .,--.-


l''"' ilah I'ti'lllli'SS nicilPleil tile oi"

' I'.'i.'i' o'-'- i i lit liin i.ratiiti'

,'i' i' si tor a iimi' mill tien Mini, la -I ,, a ,. ' ' "'' ,. " ' I K ,4 tie 1. e .1

'K the po-iit- the l.rieluc ipn-s--


' H


j ". '




; 1



; i

t. j

... I.

e.i1 I inn- - -- liliii;

' i

h.i.Kiiii. ; -' i

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a . v il

l;u-l'- H i; I ei hlllil II

I'., -- ion Ini. 7. I'.i'M, i I.r' a l.M

to Mil. '.! e llo-i'.- li a . !.. I I'M

a. I I 'M li II. t'..l.i S, i i.i

I.I '. II .' '

All H li A K A H II I" ' 1".

i., I ' " H M i ',

,' I 11,,' l I , In

int.. ': ' "'.,,. . 1 ., ., ' ' ho,.l(! I '' II"''., i i; I 1 an.

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'Pit" '

. ii. 9.,....p '

.',,.t ami,



M r-

it's,V tt oil. I. ( lili mm :t

n i "i h i i : tt I ,N

,.s... .!, f, el, In. !,.,!,, niwill,i. , t .Hii i.:.ii pi-

ntWilli i w , . I , N

t,., , MM

! V .iimi m I' p.' (I II ' "

, f


!.'',' .hi., . ,

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hi"' ,','1

iirwY Lossr.s'if,

a. ,....., ...,,,, n.f.cI i ll.loil, .Ini, S , I .IX ,. in - p.

I '

,1 '

' .' .4

'I .1 ., -, "'i'l"ll ll-- - ,

let- ,H, k,i" ''1 I" 4

' !) -- it !..

I'titfi! otl Ih.n . ,'

''a I,

' r w "


a I: Hp ..lli.i" " e eel p ... i,,1 , ,1,1 t!

: i. i it' ' r Irani ' Me j

" !l,..,!,t,.,hi i t an, th tr t- a lie ill."!. I l..ii "


Uriah's, tt hieh lies in Ite, nal'l!(oi.nt.t. s.inilotal ohiootci! to shoul-- l..... . . .

ill iMIll III.... .. .' .

, v 1,1 I,, si ! I. I I., I' II... .,,.1.1(if j,,,,.,., , or .,,,,,, ...

n r, ,, ,, final ,,,,!ti , Me taken off the 1. .1 in

engineer, who lostHEALTH WHILE WORKING


1: raaineiil '.: Hen ,,1,1

' r ' iiLiri t tj al ' o'i-- i, I; i.,4tnmhl at In, ,. i;,,,t Cetitiiil

w mi'- M i li aim i w is a i.romi- -

,i in ihe voieinmetit

P a liil It as i'L.a'-- t tl at the Yuma tlaniPI " He t ht "ais imi wio ti in.,IciIHi fa, ,an.e I,, All n c. h'.pllii- - hi hea II h

.MHI'X ('ill Il J ! Illl IH.HI (l I ', i'lJ ,. M,,i.. in,; out .. , i. j

H,,!,.ti, .f, ,.t. r i;i..mi hi,, II'

I Illl, ill, i. H I llli'iilll. .',

n'liii.i .i tu i tiiuiiiH in fi I

lam ..In hi-r- IhJhv i it it! I'l' oll'l





i;M. n .. .. linn 'in icn .1

V. hil.1. inn ilini a.ll'.II. . . I lo lK it in! rl (

K l in K., f!ii..n ,i?.d tinffiO, iiirim

MATT I FOiMARn P,FT' ' ' wi.viir.iii VWIW



.ti.i.i-i- .i m.,,.i . IIi 'i.hii ii in r pi nits, I 'oh, , .1 IP j ;

l, . i I. .. . . .. 'f. ii.l.l ,.l ....... l .,

l.oiuii.l of lohnailii Splinus hi, Ii n

hi .ilini in thii loan U 'o,,;.'.la ! ,,,,,,, il,., il,., l.,,i... 4. , ,,,,,l.

. ... .1 .. . , r,- 1....I, .. i" l, ,lic(,.'i ,,ti- ini-!- n.,(r r.'il'.c, f..i fifii.n pniii'ls I'i," j

nil M III. f. I'll' llll'.k'lllf. i '

fulton-willar- d boutOFF. COLLINS DECLARES!

. HiKiilM itU'MIll IIICll. IIIMII'l ,,11. J.ilt , lli. pi oik,.., il

111 lit I.. I tt i en .1. S III. iiil an. I I P-i- l ;

I'll..-- i . .t na if lit, foi I .,),' il.iv. ..Tt II W a . nil. i .1 I "tl ii: 111 In ,

Mo hail i o . ii, una,,!! ini I'iillini .

i 'i.iiln,, mii, that tVilla , hint fn If .1


iilll pi'. ' ' I) al ' h 4 of hi II' I ' I'lltt la- Ii i i II. i f"l I.i- ,! .pin; ol 1.

In 1,1 la If..-- II,.- i Imp thai "f f.'i il Ihi.i ci t p i la .lull l I'll II ni i la in, ,i i he tap. ,.f i hn icpii.n I". ,h a nl'

I'.'ili. ') fit: I.i Wei.- io hi- op.--

, ' Jn'v I all I. irl,i ii, a ,iti on .a..i, ... lip i'.. lln, ,..1 t II! l!

,!,'., !.. Lli.. 1,1,, "hll.1. of the "Ip., e I'll' ' ' Ha I Sill I 111. HI ,

M ai in i "' .s I." W II.. 1,1 I. i'l I'-- i .1 !,, In t. I, tl, in',

Hi e t Hni i hn In an,1 i,,n .i II,, ,1. I.i ua VP .", mil leilliat li - ..." In . ni U I' I, I. lli

'.. l..' .' "il V". .11,11 "II, M

... 1. ll


. ,ei i..t i.i. feaiiiI'i 'H'.i ail .1.1. ilia "lei, a, .

Si. i - ... a -- hi 'I ..: ii 'In- l

. ." .i ' In.' .1 i . i. "I '

- ..: il .i ., i ;,, I, " .i

a- - Hi i ill i! i hi. Ii ... .i al .).

' '.I'" ( l.i (til ' " i . t i

- a! l , t. i1 1" ! he i' a ' .,1

tl- " I'i I" Ii. ..(,. :.'! i..' I"! ' 'I ,1 ,..' a!!."!,, ,n li i,

' i i' "i ,, hi., i, a a i .i, i


!!H)N1 i r

t f.'A, ..f(.4,,f,I" p. ,1

1 :'()!, 'la!N

.RV n DRMiSil

' '


'- "'

"1 hi j h,.

xcfss' P"110" ai cjiuse agr,at variety of disaffj, afh-cttn- g th

"ncr Tuncoot surtaces, tnheart and arteries, brain and generaltirrvous system, joints and muscles.

Some oi these diseases are Rheuma- . V


any... tortus,. litarrh,

Mivei, iTcniny and burningr-- the stem, diziness, mental depres-- i.

r'on at"1 14 variety c--f other ailments.j'Ycm must eliminate the acid fromiical Department 93. Swift Specific to.,jlyour system and purify your blood Atlauta. Ga.

T- i' i .1 l f . " ,'

t'n,. ii Ii'" "j'""l'"'1 ' " "


MUn.-- f.. M'il in IkI.h.

I i fl Htt'in . -- 'It ...Hmntrnt l!i:ii Hmii- f

f,ti h K( iiftt Imttf I'ltn m

- ttf iyf! mini i .

i ft M. ml'iM l ll'l. io .1

t lf!,tt lull i'ff M'M'i" I l ,. I umMil'lhfc', ,1f l. I Illl rt',,1

li.l,lit I: lliciniiiili' lln innaM (i .hilt " I,, :.

lo a fi. I., it, ,.i ..... i,... i a. i,,. .'' .". ,,,,,,, I.Hie iillllh, IhooktMi .on ire fit t

H'ltlle Of t he I In e , to .1

k ..if'""ahm.i.k - ,an;,v.,

: ':- '

; rt ii i p. .u i. it,.!''"Hi!.il 9 111 r ... I ii , I

M..rV1 5 I' il C Wll.K - II I I

tVnlnn.-'- li t (i llili.irilh if (i J ii '' i Mri-- f t ii 1 Kinif. i it :: i' d n

M. iiru ,.. I 0 t 1 (i tl, n in li, l ii l i.

pf. ,'i.a ji ,i ii ii ii f k 1. i ,

i liei i,i ; '. 'i ... il .:::'

l'.4'i. a l ... k H' l. , l, , ,,l,,i ',- i,,

n.. I'.i. ...'n 'i .

i nn ni4 i I.e.. i ., , i, i , ,,,, .

I'l 'Hill oi.ii , p. i ,,.I"' I P , ... II. , ,, ,.,

ti .,; P.i ki.,

I'llt-lni- r. h .", Net in t,

1'Miwl'nritii l ',, i ., - it.ih fl ati-i- i , ,i y. k la ,. i, ,,l,i

"if I'f i" 0,1, in, .if.,W"lk "f I'll, !., J ,,i . .' ,,,,

li'-- v.. I, I. ' I!A It II t I'l I I 11 I I p

f 4 .i



.1. In, hi I 'i.i.'h . it '

I co I, I'll an. .:Wl t(. t I !,e f ,lKill i'l I ll hf 111 II ILIorkrio r,iirltih, iit. n jj t i I,.

hiMllH ii-,- ,'ppo-,- i .,.

Vorlrf i hi hi ii l..oil I m l,!,i Mi t i i,fit-li- a 1, e,iifor u i m -- f i ' I

Tile lie a! Ilil .. c

I'llUlM l Ml illl' i' .. -

y In I "i i -' t,t ii1,1- - hcIi.i I.-i- i .No ait;.' t I ,,

l' fl. in llpi" H il !".line i.f 11p leu a

fll-!l'- l Ulll llli'l l th'I'ff.' l! t.,t-l- l


At Indiana!-- !.. 1 T 'h .he .

At Colunihu. . l.mmt ilir. ; n

At Miltmulii-- , H KaiiMH ' '.No tbT (tmni-- i l Iifli'l' 'I-


AH gani-- . r"'il "n''11 1,1111

Ml I.I llil" I'll IS Mill-I- 'il I" hi e

iwnhi.t, 111.11 ,4 in A Ihtpptei iU. ami a)'" ''th' 11 ho lit i s al I'lirilaipl. ire. I

The hiah 14 I,, t.,Len I,, la, ,11.,,,,- -:,.i,, ,, . . i 1. a It es

t l illl t llilm 1,1 l'lle h Oil-- WIStaken o' Iiit 4 itiitiei iah ,ni,,,.

from .l et nil u mi t,.

LUMBER giLterAlbuquerciue Lumber Tomnnnv

, iiii, i , i, a i , , . , , c i , ' " io ' i

tern p. "in i s In the i (ha h... t llllll I h ami lioor, '

et otl a The t Hi ll t

It, litoutlilll lllMiP'S I hi- 4..I

;;:,:,;:,;:; ',:;::,';;;': n'.:,,;",:,;;:

hale tiiilti'il its p.iitin!i!4 t,!

I'l'Mltt tlle'l 'leSSalS li. 'Ih pllll-l-

IliSl'l- "I lllf (."I'lal lipilli Itlote- -

nis ol t In last ipl.ii ti-- ..f a o ut Hi i

I, i 1' that liin s not fiveits'e pi. ni. P. the i nana. i' W h. leoinmiitiiili 4 tu,t,. I., at. ,1 'nl

. (I. It 111 t. Till' I'h'i'l' - s.,t -

of ini i4 that ilit- - It, i'.. ;;i,ii-..- : hi la- hnmcl'i Hie i

ih, .e,,pe at so "mail a . "4'4,11, 4 111 a m is pi ,, at to he

I., m.' 'tVe hate a j.,.,,, , li' .1

tamp :i 11, ..'.I- low 11 tu ." theh ' a IS a s m if 11 h

.1 I, nil e all, I In oa-- ' hill!, ill ..

The I . Ill Illl. o '

ehlll.l 1111,111, 111. .um ri-t- i o.,,l,l Illl-'- !,' .44 " '

""' -- l'""- I - '

I- I- ll us i,M,i Hah,- I'l-- . la. t !' ,11 I"

II).. ., I. ini t (ilia II ,11 :, a Mil

h.-i- ami w n,, n ha t cC-- 11 a' Ii .li .t I.i a I'. nil r

'' life Hint ll - tile., nnutill..! ilnnillltl' V IS K"ih In Me

in ,1, el Ih', lul'l iilh a ml cum -

' lit- inn ii t. Iii. is ,.,) tiI'h-ii- p.. f his I.W n life ttul t !', ilk '

t fl! Ill llf ilfi .111.1 111 HC j

'I. llllll i helP 1' ' 1,,hi IK r ' lot !"-- ,, u eal 'a hell, h nr. . ,,t ., ',,.

h ti anl a M, ',,, s' .' li li t mill; oi. , f

I Itclc'lii. ...I i!

l! ill l.i n'n I" if- j

Ml(l- - , ! I pi '.lr

' .4 ' t I, a ;pi:. i'f r ete

i" i in1'. , in!, t for i 'I

! !".i..-i!'-:i'- .1 i

" loll i l .

'14! ,1a. o t,',, M i ha

- M ef f"!' tl o !

.I'l I,, a.l th. .

' ',. ti,.- haul ,

t '' I, I"m r .,, P..I,..,.;

''T T"1

PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE.' ... ll'l, a. Vernon, '

ho." A ntt. h s s; s .lt t.Hki-- . :..

I'"i '!.t'i., 4i,,tt K i ; n ;.., 3.

11 VI


ine American GentleI I J II- w i wm. m m w n il

THE MEYERS CO., INC. ..rirw- - f fl TWUIioI.-s.hI.- . 'r , WJ: kJiQn.i


Page 6: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,

IMbuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, July 8, 1916. Five

rTil ii hi iiwiwwm I'"" miim manimati winr'au nnn ij ii ni hiimi'hi iiihiwi iwtr-t-i mum wiiiiimvwa in gi iiui.iiiMa '."I"', im&tb.v nssnsm

That Great Savingf Sellina EveniiCREATE R VALUES



FOR TODAY ONLYTwenty dozen new Middies, in plain white and white with new fancycolored collars, made of best quality Galatea Twill. An exceptionalvalue and in all sizes at

89 centsfe



THE GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS COMPANY Jmmrmttmm imimiiim,tiii warn

nT rn n niIEPROPERTY DUG Albuquerque Chautauqua Attraction; rmu ntn bini



7t 'hi i . 'i v jrr ' .,


n::tsi v " . .v J3i:Wr " A - r v"Only One Death So Far Dcfi- -j Mrs. Margaret Youker h

L m i in.. i.4 in n., .I. n' I , Ti 11 , I Id I J " - w I jV "h IIrun ii'ii mut'u in an nuLiir't

anyone can recognize by

ALMOST ear-mar- the peculiar

Tires.of Goodyear

You can easily recoRnizo their Rreaterstrength and slurdiness of construction.

And you can see that they are lively andpliable to remarkable degree.

The resilience flows out of the fact thittheir stoutness is built up by layer uponlayer of purest rubber and the finest fabricmanufactured.

Two things to be dreaded are tires thatare skimped, and tires impregnated withmineral substitutes for rubber.

Li No-Hoo- k Tires you get both the sizethat spells safety und the purity of rubberthat ensures resilience.

to leap You us Oipet Into a!nitely Established; G u

Coast Section RavagedMany Vessels in Peril, . . tV-- t , ff . i l MVltVrf 'tt.Confession,

lit HOMIN JOUftNAI trtCtAL LIAMfD TlKlWitiikejjaii, 111., July Dr. Kalp

W, Webster, toxh (bonis!, dimmed in a .... . pJf rJU 2 ta jfS. " ' iux -- rv '.'wrr 't.A

.prolonged duel of verln, rapier time's


New ii hit MM. July T. - : I n Isfrom the kIohi-s- B"'c

whiles, iho'iiUi liriiiniiiK nous of piop-erl- y

(httiuw Hint limy total millionof dollars, it lill ihi-il definitely onlyone (lentil, tluit of mi engineer, hilledill I'.onil. Miss., when his mini runinto a wimliotit. liepnrls from Heloil..Via., that seventeen InTroes were Kill-

ed Ho le Thursday were denied todayand ii di.sialeh from tvlmii. Ala.,

three or four deaths at Jlo- -

today with Kalph W . l'oltef. w lio,'with Tho.iuis li. Wilkerson, is defend-im- j

William H. a college stu- -

.against a chiiiyc of murd'TinUMarioi) Lambert, a hi;h seliool Kit I.

with poia-siu- canide on; :i i.i hi .

i The defense rested its case ilnrinnithe forenoon and rchuttal hean. Mrs.

'.Marnard VoL.ker the tcsli-'nion- v

ni' her sister. Dorothy Ma- - GoORfffEARu Y jMle lacked confirmation.More than $1,000,111111 dauiayv

done in Mississippi and Alaliaina alone sim w ho t( sillied for toe uetense, andaieoiilinw to estimates tonight. ,. rest of the dav Dr. el'ster TIRESBELL'NO. THE ACCORDION WONDER WORKER.

, ,.. ..o ...i.rr inurnment in tile or-i:- n chant, nuua In Danville, III.. "Iji

.S2, OHO, 000 ( riip Damage.Mississippi suffered clop (latino,"'

estimated at $ J.iMUi.O'Ml. The loss t;lumber interests In .Mississippi and!

was inn.ii,ed in defcmlinn the lesli- -

ninny whirli lie Kae for llie prosecu- -

tion earlj in the trialKeen ;

tiwiysttr Tim, Turnt Tihft and "TV $tvr" Awr"rieare ?iiy to tfel front Uwtiyntr .S'i n Sttwn Jirniern AVrryu

trn, in, ludinu the drurns. his cle ' J, e '.'nnnon Heard turn play anu.In.v ha.-- ulaved in main' places m in his li t i ,01 ei i I ami , ni nusaisi ieor

i ere That ;n i

We hn e lu re a w hole ha nd,ihes'ra ami church oran, alnuone man. liellino is a Kreatdion pla'ef. His instiurneiit isderfiil- - It cost i. h:i. li'.l kfwell as a loud and a soft pedal

Kiiiihinil. S'ollaiul. France and Am wry retita i kei.Alabama is put at ahont $ .oni.i.i.ilHi Hou,to telegraph and tidephone eon, panics. .j,..., ,

tousi.ined in the mostf words and phrases. as,;eriea. A y nr a'o wh;le he plan d loc."

lie!to railroads, S'juu.uilii, and

to ( iiast cities nearly $ .iliMi.iion. Fratl-ineutar- y

news from IViisacolii report-

ed ureat ilamaKi' was done On tinwater front ami to shipping. The

I.Mr, i'otter was liyinw to H'd the wtt-- ju'-s- to admit that he had not

'known" al.-olu- when he ustifiedithat ,oison fijund in the ( n pi t ashilieap was cyanide of potassium.

man in tin? lower 1'ecos alley. Thelit" that resulted dost roved the st i

nix tv tons of hay and ;;(Mi ciii'GUARDSMEN REFUSING



Gonilvnr Tfrpi nrentMilo ilr on it, $aje antl aturdyhv thisNf unlquoudvint(tnr

Thv ore etmy to cut on adtnke off tiri Huiif thry da nutruHt luiit to the rim.

IH'iwoutti nr leotmrd by ourNu Rim Cut teatuia.

VuTU tUI BTul dV Mill rig Rfflby our double thirk,

Tread.I,tme Trrndd are dimininhf 1

by our On Air Curo.liluwfna off tha rlni Ii pr-

vrntcd bv our Hi aided FinnoWho liitia.

The technical point involved wasthe sufficiency of the analyse on

which Dr. Webster based his state- -

Louisville ,V-- Nashville hridH'' across,the Kseanaiiibiu river was washed inn,mid railroad traffic into 1'ensacolajfion, the east will he delajed severalWeeks..

The ,u rent est anxiety is felt lor tliejcrews ,,f small vessels knoWn o liavei

the sul sta in e was IH pern, cut that I.IIC.V

SantaCOIUlt.l is lo


Columbus, X. 11 ., ilul

(.els Slockiald.Inly 7.- - l.iu-- To raiicchale a stoi 1. 1 a rd. Tri,

C. Fox. of the Santanotified the state eof- -

i ut potassiifor cyanidefound a true




D,uu;laH. Ariz., July 7. Antl Car-- j

liinza scntiini nt is he omnu' nppan'iilanion-- ' Mexican residents, hi portloiiSjof Sonera, n.s ii icsult of lie- fi b ndl

lone of the last note sent lo WashiuKton, ( ordniK In Mexicanshere i inlay from Nacii.arl. seventy- -

foe miles iuuth of the bolder. .Vac,-- ,

zari, they said, was crowded wilhrcl'i IK ( from the I'liiti'd Slah s iimlfrom he inlei ior of Hie stale. j

the t'oni Xcw Alexi' i) uuardsmi n wl,

n evanide. lie analy.ediml found it. Also he

of polassiuin. lb'the .(uantitv 'f

fiotn that ni-r- eh calcu- -

111 .ryIT- Ma nam

railroad, s,

poiiition. andoeen in I He K" " leertained bv1,1 '' lh"s" ,luiy h"v'' and f urtherinoi promised

refusal lo t.'ik" the fedeial oaththis base several dais ami willtried bv a. general court martialMO, Kill slO'Uer in niu-o- i , ,,r-- i out i.r 1 ne

l"!s. Dozens of craft wer,. washed, t.ecov.linKl(e',d wrom..ashore aloni; the ln'io h at t.lloxt ami ,.. ,. , ' 1", n i t s intro- -

Jeer island The steamer iCewj .....,.,,,, i,v the defense. Dr.

Fort Sam Houston. San Antonio, :u

recommended by Cap1- L"ius .1. aus( han k, chief of llie int. Ilmcn, e 1m

reau. who has had the ease in bandThe nt hern will, in nil prohahilltj, hi

tried at Columbus.

(H i. u '.... went Hshou OilI', lid not look for .sodium in) ,, ' II n -n I

Alai ian reef on the nUht of Juml hey did, and theyl)i!thn suustan,

that construction would ocMln wnti-ou- t

dclav. The stockiard was peti-

tioned for In- stockmen iiIoiik thelieh n rut off some months ayo. Therailroiid coinpnnv, however, refusedto ,omplv with the ie,iiest of the cor-

poration commission for a crossmi; it

the culpa".' s exp, iisi the coastline at mil- nosl DIs. In fact, C,en-era- l

Alalia-;- , r A. d. Wells tellsiiuiiiiiii commission that he

w illnm io hai e the matt' r test-

ed in dm courts.

,fally cyanidefound that it was r,

sodinni, Willi only a

nut the crew was rescueu.'lilts to ItCM iie. j

Tnes liave tell 'cv Dl'leann to aS- -polH ace

Tin e Mexicans onl irme, report1-previousl-

leeeiicd from l'ront"ra-an-( '.i iiii'lona that t he Mexh a n sol.

dais at In si- points, as well as cullians, hai e been placed on limited laHons.

i ('. I'd ins ( 'alles. militai v t;oiei nor of Sonora. protested today t"

ills areMexicans

sel l' ice,ps wereinterior,

Keooris lhat Villista a

spreadim; discontent ainonuand enlistini; recruits foi

naaittst the Ami'iican Imbronchi here today from th.

pist the .schooner city of Halt iuiore. aul m

remirieil in dimreus in the ira'f. She' lixperl Ivxphilns,t il. t here"1 had no in1'-- i "sl in w h

was jotussium or sodi un; was a il


carried a crew of seven. There wasno direct wire communication todayWilli eiilur Mobile or 1'ensaeola. Hail- -

.an Healyzinu for cyanide,"What I testified t, I'I'miiii; flutter I'ost ixnicil.

I, el e a i! a ll- -l he. ill- -

nut of Mexicanion officials.

illow main of I hem lo

a ill hoi It

, ill tic illj 1. local, t. fused lo

load naffic out of New Orleans wasjrapidly resuinim: normal tonight witlcnes:

is a slat" s i it

then, and w hatmay liehele

was m hat knev iinta I'e. Jul 7. Theinn couiniitlee todayI knew then and w Ii whthe eveeotio., of tile LoUlSVille ll

ffen nt things.'d



wilh.,...;r of,n ion

return to Arizona froiimmigration inspe, 1,

hasi'd Ih'-i- to lion on

H,,i ,'iniir M- lomibl andt Ives of the city mid the

J commeK e to consider thefin the IK' of the sti

i Sonora. hesaid thei

the racl thaift Arizona I'm

ii arms in tin

icstlolllefense,11 I eetl.lllldeu ,Ma- -

a hvi'ot le t I

n." s Is of I'm-

lo be

lhat to. net thethat wi'S fonnil

e .Mexicans had Ii

purpose of takiDK',11,,, ea inlei formula!ets II (ill ml t It

it the it.V lbellillH. No,w ei a r, and

ashville, which was hampered I'yjiiow are twowashoutjj n the line to Mobile. Answering

The lower Tallapoosa, and upper in which the

Alaliaina riier.s are overliowiiiK and .chemists as

peison.s in the daiiKer .ones have been wit imss sai.tordered to move. of potassium

;iion'.- - stoma.Milling Company linleis Male. ; have taken

Santa Ke, July 7.Th l'rourrsii ,,f t he suhsiaMining conn, am . an Arizona corpora-- . heap. 01

council i ilni; last' a a i eemen v- a- rca' liedwoiild have hid toIi refllli'S




Santa I'e. July V. Toluol row a

Inieelin.n of the stale executive s

of the ,roKieSie and repiiliilicaii parties will be held in Santa

lo reach at) iiKi,'Hil''M as to Hie pac-

ific, paliou of the piri-iwuc- in 'hellepuldiciin primaries and the .staleconvent ion on Auuusi 'J '!.

j The niceliou was arr.ini-,c- , by

luit ilia n liuiph c. Fly. ot In- r, pu !

It: a il o'li in it tee, and Chaii man lli'"ii-- !

son M. I'l'ltinj:, of the proKK ssliecoiuriiitl ce. The no nil" rs of the re-- j

publican c.xe, til ive coiumitlee areHerbert W. "'laik, Kiifrin lo Cilu-o-

j flcoiue V. Kiliit. Chirk lull,, ami

up iiivimmol e t ha n i o - poundsice taken Ironi the M pf



J'.i.uini in

eicut of war.A, i to Ccnenil '

llli'T-- l im nl to Simulalion h" n w in appea oil

hundreds of citizens ofSi. in had h it ihe 'lati

A number of American

the matier is to be taken i

in sei ei a w Then- is

11,. st a easury lo pa y

slab s si,,, "f the ,ai nit;.

posHi,DMto have ,11 link Hifor

ill III UK menw.

me Company Sited.Inly 7. Summon.

al his -

ta today, n!i u i n pel mis

wa- -l is.led ( ieliel il 'alb(piaNcis in Ae.iii, I'r,, u uiyr thai t Ik y Ik

ln-ii- r;

nr.-- 1'.il tela

.lilt" (I

n II eyJoS- -


d he

s, V,


tion, was authorized today to transact quart solution made ot it.

business in New Mexico by the state; Admits lay in- - 1 rap.

corporation commission, after torn-- I .M t youker admitted h.ivt

Piling with the requirements for thejm ., .Hiempt b Stalesadmission of foreimi i oriorat ions The j ) i.,,y .,u I his associate. Davn

company is capitalized at $1.''"'.'I"" i lyn. to trap irct : "mi.l. as its name implies, is short ly all" r bis arre-- i Shein the miniim business. Charles '' i ied to a brolhei of.MisHanson, of Stct pie lira lit conn- - j y.vik-T- . with whom ' u l"'l b'ty. is dcsiynalcd as stutulori uent. ,a) an u.ulei si a ndiim in theand steenle Hock as the principal-,,- nina-ci- m nl.

et ii rn to their initio- south of j

national hnundurv. 'I he cell- -

e I otunils-n- -

ci.-- oficaiiiM


sion tolln- "ill


upon In.surani'lia,'.-- in

of Dawson.Fill ualli

for xn v hi

inm for re c,, h llie (

Conn ro.l.l, s , s TheM a r

prov, i'(

IIS I '. (t;




.oil 's. Uu,1 Mater lotc, s lid W e.

Iiea. ica r.

, to rem i m ini f, iv da .( onl d

Hie two k'oiad Misled.

nilfe, et tell.

nillieetiii-- i


I'ri'hai'l,Col. Ceol


aw -

rr, I.i

WI- 1'J'l ihi and W hlloll el ftIII


clan s

fits atlo pa.1in,!,ill- -

Hie D-

was III

IT t (

the Big Crusade;iL,aiiM lli' Ih'ooiii, h

nr. n ("--i-

it e.o h

id duriimtist.1 lis 11"

ill Nell MeXl,

the companyln,lllcIt was'clestt


S li'iilllV W'l l e

tin same tind be minur.Wlm felt Hi,

., ilium ,P:ii"l

na rePlace of businesshe idipia: ters of1 'oiiLtlas, Ariz,.

.lo-- li u. h'-

to ( n i"change I"

n.i me ami

Lindscy. .lei

I u, no li., t

tiiielitur ( h

Attoiini;e,l o!Pwith littlt

jsiyncd In i

ho ic n I li.ltSboolil letWillld II"'

'ill lo- n.,:li'it pcim-

r.tht! dial h,

nil was filedi 'ollax , '

Hnexpe, it bv dis

llll'lllllUits to is-i- (

an run- -

;.i iiticrii man lilytor tile i

lo, II, . Wank'1.Mrs. yollliei to U'i ,'t a


sue the ' allj x' ci him I"

I, if he Wei-- '('IlO;,';, n

wan jail. The b it' '

the Kood of all comituilly, to make a c

( ll pel replied as foil

ants 1 .11 Us ltered.Clot-ad- Sni'dU.". Colo, .luii' 7,f d.I. a- FIVE LOSE LIVES IN lain

Cilll'o n si

on dm t to t In i properly.

Nebraska 'Iroiips , i... .1 lib-

- The F,n, and -- air I.i l , ,u ps, Xcl

nl Kl.m.l, ' US r.. ili. d a'th,s mm ii mil.' for llie M '

The cfiid n t 1st ,

t, r, mi ft ft i si x of t u is

jV I,

Itnl Ol oel llidll'l I nil fire near oscuro. ,,v,,;,. .v-- aU;,-,:,,.-;

a,ti ocaiel a , halite m the iionlini;

Moiilova in N"w oik.Simla !, July 7. Cimti Superin-

tendent Atana-d- .Montova. ofis the only New Mexico

at the National lidiiea-tiona- l

associiition nieetinir in NewYork. I,, recent lears New Mexicolias always been well represented-Hoiveier-

Supreme Court Clerk JoseI'. Sena left today for Baltimoreattend Hie national Klks' convention,and hope., to spend a few days m NewYork with the educators.

Dear Celeslia: V..ur l""'r is all

bunk. Whatever .loslin sa s is aord, l

(lust-cini- ii and IcatluT ilusttrcan lic-- l lie v, anl with HOT-POIN- T

VACUUM CLEANERwliicli nKTaU's i'mhh any laui)-Mifk- cl

and can lie l.tiuhl duringllotpttini W jnl ' 'Si it :i

a vin. of S'..:('.

1PCIAL CORPetPONOINCI TO MORM.N9 JD1JKUr Santa July ;. i iie peisoic

laws of th'ode, Mt the

llinili'.l ell

si iiie to sijp. IllIKL Of t

ll elilloll 11.

he. I am a wfnll ''fv for it. liven if imir ladh

jciiouth to lounicrict tin: sta"iiiev's s'orv. I can still fmln

fife huttat met'.

e votingphfy tin- (

n in t' cul htoda-.- lbHieof ottler si

""' Wile burned to death'"'"' d. siroie.l the home of

11 ""' or. ( ib'son. half a

di No adiocated , h. ,!." sw s to eoul"i iu h t h'

t',mile f, oiii

s i des niand " l a I s,t t en moii ! b s- -

(.'LIT a. The dead are;llVo la lluhtel s, HL'.'ll id

'alone ' loodbye. then am so,

the troi'ble this has cal'S. d I

tlad M"U have showed me

now. Don t come near ben- - I i

letiotmli to stand without h.nim

a ndo'd ,iieaa ! -

Constipation mid Indigestion." I hai" used ' I a m be r hi i ii h Tab-

ids and must say they ale the best I

have tier used for , oust ipa t ion ami,mlr-'-, stio'i. My wif.. also use-- them.,r in.lUi st. on and limy d-- her

nood." write l'i 'ly.-n- S. Kniulit. WIIminloti. X. C. Clin m i n s Tablets are mil. I and i;ei.t: In Ho-i- r ac-

tion, (..lie. them a trial. oil are

M.l'l'Ol s

onicl l I'aiiloiied-Santa Fe, July 7. Hoveruol'

I'onahl today pardon'', Saniiasidiila. resiorimr tiim to i itizeiislop

thisi;oiyouP. Id

,uakcs jn Vmlil llaly.Xaph s. ,.,, r i la I'.ii -. ,li ; j

See(,ll dl'Ulii (,, e

lime o. cuit-- .i iu Cue .N'.apol.tan and t

old baby. V.

I,V the pit, I'llout ariiv.-- I".

V Albuquerque Gas, Elecfric Light & Power!

i el e a I odsedof Hie lilldiCIl

lo sa i Hie f , loat flork in i'i,r-- -

i iirrclthe blu ham of

draScd Into the pa I'd. ' "''ihe truth." riioi; s

( il la ria Tfli-- aleto have I.mii o.jlini , V illi Ihe II

bine icon im nt which .aused the ,t s- -

Ily. M r. ( wa

rizozo w hen t he fi

LiL'tit nmu sirui klii,n to be p'e "sen nitli the a ii i .ea ni"lax.itl' e elf-- ct which they produ" e

dilla had served a term of two a'"1 a

half ears in the penitentiary f"1'

laiceiiy of a horse and s.'ddli. He

was sentenced from S.,n l;mi''lcounty.

Brat n't f'"bl,n purchMPi. ! "trad r eauPtf oiv(l b Jmrnal wan!

4a Ro them, a ! 1 " H,' .ball nuI.IiiiI' mill's. ( ihta tnal.le , utjll ltd c.S. Smith lalwetii ami Jianer- - aster Iti th'

Page 7: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,


Six Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, July 8, 1916.It ; a d f.'i' t:it ma r to !! iu'i,'- ' to an at ' r, a r; 't.Vf'tiM pop.,, en .'I

"rn pone '.) t, ,V1W i"iirlln mm h!. d!ffi !,! o!': f.t . ih.f v. tli f 11

.. Is ) p n:t i!sn: ami t -


morning JournalFaMlia bj Ik



Ask For and GETGet the Round Tacltage

L'aed for 'a Century.

(;oix;, (,ol(;,


JO GK'SP A HITHrHMl f..M.o(W. T. Xk'I'.KI'.M . . .If ,.-- . Mir..a. i. i uhjisr ..iA. W. HOHQAJt.. .... Wr Kit!

M;if; h fur- - th- - rmas-- i l,'',-- n .;,! le ,,,!t I., r

: .r i.-i'- n 4 r (11 t .:m,. :!'f .'h'.-- ai:l!lf a difjic J.)., a, ,s n 'V

Hit v '(.- - la ! f f)r'r. t'1 .


ALTED MILK..J n.-- r h if tl,

r. afra W .T aa B. 4. AM...K.S.IV

atoildlaa;, I kxmo, Bt,

tftroi .... '.tt.,aYaiJ'll H. Ml LUtjAtt,

M rrfe Kew, lark.I ! .. U ! .it :: M,, r.,.i .,.. ; t

Batr4 M m, t,l ratal tr at in.UK, "fn-- of it'U'j jrn-- , H., IU Act

M OnacTM f kurck I, 11 1

!.n out J ts ,Jr ...lf.' J !! "(,- - I. - t. f,f"h- - fo r nr.! h:. Will Mi f rytif

to v, i fn alio r '! tl.xt ti i

( 4ii.In):if H'miran- - n to tb k iff ru- -LM'fmr cimMU a mis ar elfci. aopir

I MVOom Til c.: MP"Viiie law! orwr fir la Iti jt.

Made from clean, rich milk with the ex-tra- ct

of select malted grain", malted inourown Malt Houses under sanitary conditions.Infants and children thrive on it. Agree wilhthe weakest ttomach of the invalid or the aged.Need no cooking nor addition of milk.

Nourishea and sustains more than lea, eoffe? , etc.Should be kept at home or when traveling. Ami-tritio-

food-drin- k may be prepared in a moment.A glasnful hot before retiring induces refreshing

sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for business men.Substitutes Cost Y0USame Price

Take a Package If&me

a. . !f i,,.,r ..,. f... torv it .,! j

) nrkt).a f,f to'.( (,,r ,.! )

' . ! ! .f ,t(. ' ('!(...1IHMI r i'MH'-hll'TI- ''

tt'tr kr tvur or Kail, uu m.otk. IM

Xrlli l JfJ liiilMtkhli!lfl ! J rnl vfc.a wntltif

W kan ibur pav-r- r'1 10 a a aa- -

muM isri to t'.i tfei a.4 addnia.

fcf-- tr.!'v fn ri th. foutirf--!...;i:t f , jn, ,,,,, 1,,., (,. , 1,,

I .it lv i.. i I tr it,. ,l-r:- i'4oo MAlTEOMIlKCO'ctxt.wiyu.S.A.' ; ' ?.JA jr-.- - J 'v, - vf A : r

.' 'r;." A-- l t' lin ,f i,n a i,;ri: tit'








T ll N Jiwrml ku klf hr arn- -lam-- rtitM titta ti eit,lu-- l t a nafHP la '. Mist-,- " 1U taiflcu

i.imitin tlif ti(ir)!'i'-- i f n n r:.,ln lii'tiii, '' --- a lir.'.. (r'M.t ri.'itfi ht...!i Kfcrfi u . I CtilffiR JOL'KNAL Ua tad print ''I'lc'it!. :.rj :tti f J:TX:iO Bars Lenox Soap; forItiKbetira and Oiinr minute ofnit n ll.i Ili, f, ft ,M ,,,

otrlumv Aajui.'iftlJ lrtmm lMAitir atrv1c t h rk. No Uir "' ' ,,v " "l'-- h tr . ) tn

Bwitpff putilmhel In Now Wntolakri mora lhan Iwcntr-fou- r hotiraof A iat4 l ra arvU duriM t, A -- - JBai W r J

I 'i' IIi m wi,i!,r ki i,K i.i ,l ,.f:. t.niiv, Cfin 11 D,.-,-, ; ,,

lfufh. lm ij tl. ... .ff,ii.'.fnl 'hat IkIiiR'I t i 1 iiiM.ii tit

r iM

L. C. l.U'-as- Midland. T x : I'mil M - f M aawm.My and ifo. Long Jtcu,:h, Calif. feL TI B if Q

Mis Crai.r Havlin of fliicao i att Tl H dD Haii!ititi ft tlio '.i nta I'e artist r,

ti.v vtliii iirrivtd last from h'Mln'iiio in Cliicat'o. "Wlio'n Who" 1. :l""7r7-.- , - , . . ... ,

IlimoiM as l'irlli)l;nv Hat the Art inst ;t utf. ( 'i, i'au.., 8 "lll""iJ' s"1'1

tho Academy of Fine Arts, Vcnimt i' " '' t'1' "" Kin'. 5 Hi- -

vanla. and with fJiinon-Mennr- il I'nnrlVri't lli-ai- l llit'e. :1 l,

lit.-fATTHIiAV Jll.t f, IM1

nu: fiTMi or nt sn.l.jt.rrf ifr Hit r ml tti..f tt.-

hiinl.-.- t thil)K in tlx- - or!.'l If. . i

fl"iiti !. 11 Kliiff. t, a ... r il I' tfifiim trotmi-r- nrnJ a o;.rt.'itt.m.

. . . -- -r

Hi 1 -- .(W'lmt oii.-i- iDiintiv tn Ihf luiilory

ii c lean l!rfakfat ISarcmIjirue I'ii nlc Ham- -, li. . . .

I.111HO hot Ix'inons 1I11.. .

H li. iiioc siiiinil Apples . .

;tr t an Coffci- -

Kid Wolf Colfec. till

in I'.i ris. Slip has!.tod in theNational Fulon at Jri: the itri. nial-i.-t.- i'

ixhihition at I'aris, at the Car-nr-ui- e

i xhihition at l'ltislnirs.-- and theI'ennst Ivanii Aeademy of Fill" Arts;was a ardfil a medal at the Amisden Aiik Toulon, i'tume; a silverinni 1 in nun if :;iicmedal at the I'annuia exn.Kili.iii lilllU ( l)ll'ei', Ifiasleil -.

tfai; is if prisinl.., i,y three pii I ure sit eel or miiii in huttli . KM- -I'fOIII 111" Idol nliHll.K if li

uf tho wt'tlj li.m a)ii n or im Hlthi- - aiutniiift the al.ili'y ii "oinOl.k" thut linn Im ti tt,,liiti i hy

Jluia r.f tlf itcMi,( unrAtt' lltlOll tlH l ' II illl ( io

Ho to tho f:i't tltut on n'(tal 0c.i-n..r,- g

t,- - rtr ferin-- , ly fun InK

the ;imuiii! to Jni rt lln ir ntr fCtttfrom tti iKtim frmil. hat ini'"-tiiall- y

Mini tho Ktitn ti mid i:t,.Ui'li

111 u'e eoiifftion or the ! ren, 1, K,,v l.l!,!y's ),j,.f ,.(.r 111 inns 10cfill ll!!!f t'l 11 tit li 'A: (Xifo ':ifft )in,i..1-ri- !' of int..tic f nn. i .. ti f ,r o'u'e .f f

fiiiiiniM aiMi in eoi!,. lion 0flKi lends of Alt, etc., Asso-- liation Sm iete Natiiniale il.-- !,..,,,

(I Inrm- - ruiiM I ilihv Turk andIteans ."r,!- -

k lur l.i..l:.i i .1, ami uti.itiiff.'ii.h tli. iiitfr!, ,itik'u;.v'f ti

Ails. I'ins. .Miss i: ili has taken tili I'ciiiia .laman aiiai'tp, at the liarttett lions-- . iii,U larai' rails ( nlil'iiiniii l'i'iieirLast I'lilaeo avenue. Two olio ar-- 2 :rrai cHtu (alil'oi nla I'liims .IiMk, lrri.s lloenthal of I.,,s AtiL--. les LljituiiV Ten, I Hia.i.l Heie,.,, imnla,. of Whittn-r- ,Ml f., ,.., Vil. f,. T,."ho ttill leayp tonioitou fur T.ios .,

from li.mtir. j;,if h tin. lift' r clif r!c, I h ilnn., rut 11a

Kle.2.M- -


. (iOe


. 2 "i'2.'.i- -

!t)iilii'- - t'iiiifiiarv am tl) pul I.' '.n, or vlM- v .1 , ..itilciiKH r uir.'ilrit.t minthir. iv1,r.r. mil . ... , ' HUM H 1IIIIKIIII

' ' tiiey pituu vt u monwis.1. t .1 u 1 . f . i . .

l:iiwitm o rtrmn h.ti'k. Tintt ... k llalitla from Am-irl- t ililifh-Ini- ,'

I hoin.i at l.omtifrK mi'l.'I cans Snuar Cin . . .

. jia in tint;--

f St-- t , p il'tie ar1 ... ... f.'mrn i, j.iiiuiirin lit in j

- r r n l"i. . Itckii r s Ix atil tin' J p hrin-- r 01 ni7,.He' lar-i-ca- ns1 oniiiKM-- s

to nttetid Hip Cuehili ilnni e on J i!v l'ily dune I'oas14. Next lo the corn ihiii... ,.t v .11. iillcileiie. I;i .. ii;-- .to l"niin.i mi Aut!ut I, ih;s is liie otdili ne. iicditim '. i;.Vlargest , I. mre in Ihis vie, nity. il ri..-,- :uu. 1' .

lil,fml, anil mil iii.i.r.rtitnt nti H rrntur Jnnr H .r'ti winit tlic (I, 11 ...!n Hint !'i :ja.l:t. TVn thfrtii:, rnmuiation f..-- Kvinr. ir,' M.iKtifiun l,ik (nrtii..iliin nfjluM ' .1 u r hl,. t, ,,,, r,!,i,Hn Ifimlcnliurc a'i'l 'li i.illf i.i 11 r nt iiImI W'aiitfiJ. n 1'iinrinro " .Mi

m .hUri of thp, 1 litinun inlnin t hu f Mr.'h i

I " " - ""IV'. TVS :fcftif,a7 ;: i ' I

jT.,1... o., , il.v..ln.r..l.l , ily. r.!(,!v ,,- - , x, st, .1 ,.. .....

, ,7 His. Hi, ,. Krictl reaclies 2.--,r

liamlieil iin s li,.. ,o, ra anil ,..,,..1..., i,.., ,l' " .IMari li.M H , .,j.Kvorv family uHhnut exrept ion 1,1,,nlrM S'',S- - 3 '

slimihl ke. ,, this nrewiralinn m l .m.l I'iher Suit Cn- -. SM.2.1..t whot l,t) iiinnl j ntiona f.,r ti t iv.nn t:i ,i .. ,1.1,1,. ,; ,,. , ,, I1CI ,.arlv . (,.,;,;;;.If.''.ll,. i.. ,K. ... . '.' I of f.,l.Kl, 1, .... v.. ..'...111 .. .'' " ..i . win n uiiii unin (,i,rtt,f, ..iiliL. Kia M.........I ... . I'll 1112 the hot weather r.f the suin-',,'- 'i ynnd ullalilv Work Sliirts ;',:ic' 11 ; :i tin .m.r-..,-...- t.'. rtatt-- r ' . ", . .

' ''"' !".".t' r,:4;, .. tn. llllllltlm I "ll'i !,il..i,-l- , inn .'..'i, tl Ltl(,t(,,..H I ,,.l..l.. ...... .11,.. .....I ....IIOIIH, lll Tif.r li, I. Ik lo the IKii.f',1 et ""' ' ' uf.-i- Fourth..iiT. ti ,( ., ,,..1, 1. , . , more "f 11. K lierlmrhausi.-h- ,. , .. .', ' '" ' ' . . 7 ' . --"'""'"'

lluniiin rolaiid avert 1111 l.y Idli.rntiini- -

Ttutt Hiiln iior In tho hud fillii.k 4 n fl.o fri'lv ix- -

.'.I' in 10 - i li ehll es of T n.s ue..M..u .... ... ., . ut is ', 11 s iillllllll.'l- - I III', II 1.CV Mill- '.' vll l nun. i.,,,f.o ...i. .. .. i' ' " "M , ee - ' Vll'll K I III I Til ,1 I III!...'. v " ' . tl ' li.u-'.tt- il u mlrun tier, Jio fttprfu' t

"'I ..'nt. I" ond iiuii"i.r tn.'op.nlnn Unit If Mr, I!rifi rf .Slf .!. ..."" ."nil . mii a, II n 11 M'Ufiun op'-O- ' h on tho .11.11 ,hup .. 1! f. .i,,,-- . ,,

- 'in- - M1.1-- M of vN..,t 1,, K,,ft.f. o - m, iIi ok..)) ,.,,.,

1':.: - i ; n tt l .. w .

.teni'it o).ri..n nf iriilitiirt nln.rv-- tM Jnr i 11 HHlim t:,.. :mt

hm,r m the teeeption room of the 'It, si t I ipah,,,, luo of the,,,,,,,, nnain, hits hH',!t .. Vhe s'li mer is over "m ' V''"' "'"f la'.s with Ili.l.;... Inures , .dia- l- will M'"" s , Mh

n ''i:::iJ7TZl ,;l,h-- 1 "'",.:" n,1ende,,:y'.V,,;,nv 0,;,h,afi.'ti 10 "ii'iiiii.nie ina M.trif.te nt ti,. it"'!1 I.r.i' 1; ''ii not Wiin 1.... t... r j , t ((:. ..-- 1,. ,, ,1,f. v wwlii I!t.ia hit imtt'il out 11 il.Tii..i i.iti,- . ..t.ventt. n !it v...- 1,


S2.7.- -


SI. .Ml

I'lc ami uptile

.5(1 Oxfordsii, ii .11. iiis is es oeeii, lv u I'iimiil'. tm, inovetn-i- it ulih li, In point j ,., h..r n llltllljr r ,t h .ill.) I,.- ifciw tho e r

n d.nortoj v -,' '' I''" " - I "fir. in I... 'I'll,. Onliiin' Hals

I. iris" T.m' Mnivv lints .

when l.e drawn anil paints hms's an--

one visili.i- - today insisled (hat the;.1.11 or i.trttotmi trmna anil , m t,,l r,ilUinK on II,. m,I. - r.t.v ot... 1., hiii.l tii, . . ....S; "p'.i if Mr ASK FOR AND GET' " if limn, i(i toi-i- iin) iTT Ml J I II. ft tin t).ut I allies" sri.lll) Sill W.iKpn lures hate l.een done I.t .S2.."ll'.!. r .ir. it... . 1,1.l"lf 'I, hi I.e. !...,. il.ii.o in tho ei.n.e! .. ... .... .. !'""' " '"" " "'ft f"'"' ' ' - ' - i'l '"t 'lille, :,s Ueminutoti,

J " r u ,i;im H,if "L-- " iill the V , t .ml,iTIftll f till, I, ,,,. 11,, r . ,., ., !, .,,IV ,!, II I. f... !' r a' ;m, , ,,( ,,,v ., !! i ulve free tl.calcr li.kcisTli r..,ni. 11 of Itumvi ie fn n

Ti..- des. i,t i,, ,,f a uni'pix I'miitii'of July ee, lr,,,tn,n on the cliff i.f tin '

Cute tti,s ie, eite.l luihiy. It saidThe liin Art il.ii iinintv Inslitiile held

i'ihk on, n t.i iii.tiir H l .ke t ru. ii ii'i it.itel att;,in li

li"i! 'he rolliiu;hir.,1. ,..r.l

'hpt.. d h Inpi ti v. ;!11 us ht. roll, , a l.'l f.i'. iiii. rat.

I .Mr I! 11H1 n.av er tnnv li'.f he tx.mj.mtf. for,r That, is ,n tl.i

lap . f (I,,. Kf,,I,. Ti, poitit v.e oi.,ki h r domain th rreuu o j tv ' 1: f, n,K t m rtart n' rof any . 1. unity on : (1. The umountjin th i,;,!,,!,,,,. Mr. 'li'tioann


SPAGHETTI DO LDE'St in. ,i i., ,.,, i

.i: I" hm,! '

lie. nt. in. l and ll:

die etltielr.nlv a sessli.n t the I'llte elilf. ':,,iff Into the, the d.iv w.,s spent in eliinhlnu ahont!r. uion of thei the cliff, siiid.tiiia the inyate lodges

of Lent l,K dial. ulii. Mn tako tt ithoiit f, , (l) n,it.. dele. I n .I'.nn.' ftiiti,. kit" no hnl! lion j II' i n l.f Ntiltemiiitliliit. In tii "" I' ' ' HI Ollle u , .ni'l lie ,, e(. , . , , n 11, n - i,,,i... .... I10-2i- a Sooth Socvimi Street.


Itr.etile lllmle l,iV Itl'lif li,illn.. ,,t .1: , .... , ., 1" "'" n n to rot I.) '"'."' illy "p cut of oi. K,i"'it V. Aspliimj .hliv.ied ! 36 PAGE RECIPE BOOK FREE

l' 1" '1- lei tnre mi the archa.-oloir- of the re- - SKlNMra un n . n.o 'i I Pi fit IT llllll IU tile e.ith. r a spiling op t i. tot s aft. r tut 1 I't'l'llml h.. ili.l il, .1 ,.i.n 1,.,. ..1.11 it... ,r L. r Mil W, I LA,the 1.1, ,.f llUloll. I h, ll, e lias r on

rnon Si.Air, nnons nrcT rvFTBiim.MAIL (llllll lis MIIITI )

l'lUPMITI.V..! li" a" it hi. a l.een f,,r Homo only 1., f.n.l h paiX )l ;i t i ,.n hi-i,,- i. ,.11 11 lit t 11 II,. or. ill. t LARO'ST MCA.n.0N I FACTORY IN AMERICA

J. H. McKAHON. SAl.a Manaokohi fill fn ri m I !,,,i li,.,:!, t ,,,,,,,.,,,, ,,rt,,M -'"liie I hot l"i;I. l..f, e. .. I Tli,I'M-- is li. t 'ti r i n hn'i '"'i "I" "'"'"Il in. li 11, n.iilillu .111,1,1, !y th, iB,, ,,,- - ikiwi 's ri:r. i.ii.ii ihult ,, , ni.' 'i npi i j diff oveili...lvit.K' a liimlsiape of nn-- t1,1 "r ihl ll,,i .ie Ma, iv vaniileled . Salute to the1' x ''" ami in in. ,,. of :,ori-! Hat.'. I ,h ilio- mt- .lilemanee to mt j

"'' nt. "f .1 ,1 , n i, ll.l ft ' and the tepllhll,. fur ttlliell I''r,l .11' '', .'!! iii.l 'Mlaiids. i me mil, i. n. unhv ui'h

I.i i ,....., hiMi.i unit I1,. , Qnr-Tfn-limy nt'.ok hu. Hiii. . .1,01, I i'e ,i:i. nol vt,,i,, dr.iK the . ,,(;,,. . ; 111,11

' "'i' t I" t ' .ll , !, it K,,, ,'"it p.i'.' nt. tin- - K'l'.", ,h ,j ,.,',, t'k.t .p.ttn I., in, ,. (li jiS-- 1 lirvmfW'nl l!,,.f .,...1 ft It.. IS'..r 01, , a nun to tn,,., t Mil-,- . '),,,, , ,,. A, ., ,..,, . ,, """'" 'is o I':.- h;t r.l n id ml jr. lie.- I,, ad. .'. Ke olimithe 1,1., ll i.t 1,,....,.. f ... l'he f. - I, "I pi . par. d p,r t i

! P"ii.,' if you will .'.ir a ruiiitritcted' f t lust. of f ,,f ,),,'" t.-U aie r- -l li'e l. if! I, ,1,,,

.... .. u".. lilAVllTC,r ""I- ireinnt.i or Mr Hal Id, Mi. I n x

iii.ii .f hii ""in. h !..,i..i.b No vtonihr Ton,,,,.' Atktnaj ; s.n11, i he Mi,., f.ifi i.i,., .,1 I.,-- ' ,,.,e ih , laration of independen, ,

llalterman. .t, The Ameriealits history ami idunil'ii :me... pe- -" cot ..I,, h i.. i,, f.,..i ,, ... ;"

., ,Die ahiliu i ,,.eiiite f, ' ' ""tt" '! t.'"ii k-- int.. r.,t... e had,,tn j .,. . ,1,,. ,,,,. 1, ,,, , ,,., i .ti ll, r ..I..-- ..I..I in llo I'aeheia, 4. The need of oaliiot.."I I

ilio,P.uririn wiirht of .i iu:enn,., iw.t . .tret,I'lPlHiihiiK niuselen that tl.e vut,,r of t,,t. nereis spnii!.,'

P"' "" ,,a,'k w,aTf it h,.-lU&iraX lms. po-t- nt l. f,,u ,, frln,

ieon in the ti.n'hiH n loni; iinvlhms- - Mtini- - v ioadionon 1, p, ,i tt a;. I, h i . ppa , , ,i,h.i-f- tt iippiir. I'dl.i in nit im- - ritlies umielhlllK 11,1,11. ti,i( , ,, , l;ha,!!,Willi III hat, I.. Ii li' f.ot!)' il ! of j-M- MiJIa jutvinjc ie of

ked nun nf the th,. );,.v Hrett. ,,. Teaehin.' pa - I

"! mil', did tliose tnotism In the puhlh- - sehooN, l!up. itii'tiale fa i ' hesi y As,liind. li, shnKins of i s l;aM-- !

i V l"l" u m I ' I let s , w Mexjeo Smi.' 'The Star""" Ll h'S i " s'i, :,,,,. I...I I',,,,,.,, I.;.. ,i...

...... .. hnuiKite t, llMcr.rpiesiM'.ii.n i.f noil, i In I l, inn . e- - y

Wlh.llll I, f, ,,,,:, ,,,,,( ,,, ,, ,,,, ,,, ,

h- - L i "ti- OHASSXEliJES "''"''a'lr ininu lri.iii'l' ii i, ml .1 II I!.) no Id,

fl "I" til", fa. I th it eojliiln-- the" ami

P.- I..

Dies.k'ltllJKat l,,li i IM.,,,, ... i..

I' h. I'ili to 1,,,,!, a- - if the all;.-l.uii. him- - their hit nii, di 'pla. UiKlll'l" film fork.

tun f ami, on I'd 1,1,1,1,. ,,, il,,. ,nj, ,,!

l.'.itdvsimlli jrIhe hard

tt nt t ,,t nils .:,

lain,'It I. t


.'IfV" H'"iH fr the bhouhier)A line to tl. c..iwe upper lly.r 1 1 Y 1.hri,;ir',,h'

in, mo.t rrirhie ennwn

i.'t - ot r .t,evie:,i, in,' '' ''I "V "' .' n i liaM,,-i- ,

,1, he, ,),. ,1K'.I'd' I In- - i'i'iiii.' and America. ' itiii

hefore, 11 is I, .dieted, have the cliffs'i.e., ll..,.. ........ e. ... .. .(Illli In. il " imia.',.

IH'I". ili leiiiins ,, ,,r, ,1

the m.i., . ,,f I;,,.,,,, ,.,, materials juul .tjle: ( m Itfiek, Hnl, t ,. ii,- '" ' '" i "ihiii. ii ss re. ei fi- -ll Is nut Hie ii ,, ef the .Iifl' I.. , a".! i.,pi. .. d... . ,rSi lJi ruUtM Z"' "

t. (' ,.' 7 jf I C'l. we ,v,ll ir ad V leu, llllll ....,. i -. ! Kw::':,: v::::::t, and Paste ,.et.i, hoin. I,t thev da! ,l "

,,,, , ,. , ., , , , .MltMik Mole ties, ' U he lite ,,f a. I, ,ii,,i, Hl .t In ttie pi,

ImuV' ,.'. .IjSf. "- - "'iiiimi Ultllliw you,tin t , nve n a ,,i v ami ,1

lV -- lSh..J I tt JOIINES. SI Warren Street. N. ttnriv N ., Si.oi It a om 1,,. d( im e I oal "I" e e .,,t h pal (tea tiomlnal.-

M MI,s; THINV M V SO.I I"! 1.11 l'.."t )

Mai ta . t nod Mat v . .U.I, woi I.I f

v.. lion ,. t,, ir ,.,,,,, i, (lh, ,,,, , !

' '"mil y lh i.i has lo iuui, ,, ,1,. ,

p .I k iv i, . ..

tarns nml d". ...... . .. h,

-- "Iti that llotvv.e has! ...... eopt or f In, h was roi eivil ln-h- t

the lllllM'liiii llhlaivi n. mis "Si,, im Twins,' of Unpick '" " ".ie iHim .tioreover, Mmirt Mis tl ,. tt ...... ..e v ...' . ..

M.iis. hi .Imt elel'lal. d their s mid III-- !) Wet., hill , ,1 lit I ,, , . . "'" ' "'"""h liilhdiu. TI,eV i,v mown '" t . a , ,,!' , am Ma iKnin a tn fli;hl .', ' ' ' ','"' p M,!"

' ' " 'v ... ... and ,1.1, sua e last i" The Lull,.,,,, I ,,f ' h,- AK-,H- .

"o, on,, ,1 ,K a in. ttler of entire"1 1' to in ie, vt Im hie. .a, to

j ' ' pi nt he mil, n If ,., ., , ., ,,,

d'l ta ai.. pin. e on the I .,. :,rM is "i.f fi II. m low ,,. man

! .""I cm mmhlor nm our p. rom,l

w.r!d.Wh n ll.e i,, ,f ,,,. ,

VtliHell ll.e pall .,,, (;., ,

'"" 'I l"' I "I l.'i f, pop.,1 I ,:,t''..n II,. il of v of tlie ,,:,!,,,

tl' II ll W.l- - allll-- sl lh Ideil II" .Vfe s,,.rM lutes I lit. I licit 111 f' ....'.,". '. ',, , '. . , HAWKINS''''".. i ai ens, ii oi i a s " . u , j 'a,,iilthmmh lh, t tt ,,,, , tl) lam ,,

""'' !T A' ...i..i esicrdnv al'ler- -

"l"i-'i- ' on III. Itlil,- I.,., las nml lull A"1'1" '" s,.l. p. is nor AmeiieaiiII" III ..!' ho,...OM I,,,,,. ,1, s. mi.lll'4 Sltl.e the

'la. s .... ... .. I U . J,",iis i, oiaoi il., - - .. . .." " I"', ii'i'l We hate i) ,i, e ,,,,' k ' I. . d a i on ,,d.

. .

l'"t'' '1 It ' . I li,, Hit Im till., lit d,I. .o k Into (,, , I,,,, ,, ,

'ii" it l ill e lo I;,,,.- ,,,Iill- - m,l. I to, ,1 .rlni .1. " f... " ' ' .''"H so . res' II sd Inc.. III. I il 111,' hips and their; t'c.f i ,. ll Kit, fie los F rd pn at ion nmldelate. Ihat Hi. y eluiil unle mini .1 lie.i an it Ii ti i m v , r re run , ,1 t .. licit l:

lineI I. in

tt li. n

iv,. I, I'lm fnlhuv ii,M r, .a ,,, ,,,.,i ' ' ' " "si a m a u, i 1: n ui sami plav lesoiind and Indie- - on I, is, a, if or a stt el i,

ii. ..n not oil,, , ,.f ti,,. mi,,.Will one h. t il, f.l, In. r. noco

Mai i; ai . I BATAVIA TEAj iis I hat Mi Putt, w, ,,11 thfee lhan

ll: 'I Mi T:'tu,,inii calls him. Ip. ,a! ' - "'ink mi a a n i (client , n

mus, urn ' 11. JiiidmmndMdla. I'l, , i; ,,,,,, i ll. p. v., im.- -

t i.' n . . v . .. a- , .and Malt ( ' 'h pot a o j.e, diem, all here still. Thai

lie, e nl e IS Olie cf till' ll In S O , , ,,,,I, a. in 1. Ml-- , hol-a- ,, hem. "t'v al'fuil in our . ampalwii lr na- ' ,,,' , ,' " ' "H,u "I All KphN. i;u ki i! in three sjps ; as,,' " ' I'"' ' l W ho, in HS , il li!.1 si. em l

' 'He of in,, , vs lv,I'lIC ,o la a I t, ,,f J, ,,

pom lot oi in,.,, i, i

Hn l.'-- t ai.- mi,, ..or,,, us. mnal ,,,,., ,,, I,,.. s. , will sat .,,,; v(,,e v, ,.V ;.;,' al ',!'Th. ii twinkle in la-- :, inatin:: 'hat wn h heroism and einluram , su ; ,, .., . .

l'"s"''''" "" ' ' ' and nnselfi,-!,- ,,,; j ifd 'i

!i tin-.- 20r: '


7.V"" I" "'.t III I C' ll'e I,,,,, I, 11.. ll,.. I, Inill .H 11 I. , I..- - .1 should lint he lotalh . , ., I.f.l I I.. H...I, Mensrll, I'lltS. .

-- .' ... ,'.- -, " I "11 IM : A. .. I.,,! ,,,s t h............ ,'t ,1,1,. ,l,..,. , It I'.'lll, .11,11 j,,,' I,..,,.., 1.1 II... tk . . . ' ' ' '...... s l I. Ill 11,11 DMHII) tin.. ,.,,,,..,,,,.. r - ." ....,.,,,,,,, Kus.lut I'l.dW 0 ,1.1. . VI A I ll I.i ill", fl w ' ' "' t .. It. III i, an.. Ill lie I, u. .li I it - ' Ul'l H Iill 1111 I, III I.i... ...hoe ,.. ,. I, ,.,,.i l Ill,-- , seell, i t . v .

" "' 'a 111hut ul ., t s i nun lent urns nd"'"h,,,K will dein that I,,

.11,11, ,M s. ,, '"-i- t, Pa

'll . ll el III, '"I". .Mis. A. il. ilauulI an. 'id ,1. h e s tt ,,. , ,',.., el t him- ph s. H - he .,1 e la il !:lll'i1,1

CANNED SPAGHETTI1 n!i'!, lH(' "r Ift uoailicr. We c:irrl,;"'ko1 vv"!1 ""l-d-U- ehee ami i,,,,,-.,,- , s.,n,-,.- '

' ' i '! 'tt.l'-ta- . K ,11 S.,n:,,l.. , tmi la- -t "I hu, la ,i. , , ,i . s ,, Notes ot InterestFrom State Museum

l"l''.'l..-t!- A. la,,, Piclin.omlA'thnr I ' she,,,,,-,!- M,,v .sua,,. it

I lem ,

Deliei- -" ' " l"K O"! I, In M,M , i.:,.,- - P, ,p



H I,:,

nuii'i, :,m a ,,,,,N,niK-,- Put- ' la. that in nut ihmi!

' m I'" nur ;,ii ?. e ., att i '!' Hin. inn that n t, ,,,

' f a': I a' ma,, ,r ,, ,pi "i a I" riuas man et er

fl" IK. I Jill I I la lead, - o h ti h mis an. i' -- "' ,i. : in,.,. ( 'ah I:. .1. MO, , .," t 'uiies pi iprc,."a 1!. I ,ace ,), ' iinsale. j

ies 2 fur


el"'1. ;:"'"!: a,, , , v. w ',, unlit,!, t

'en ai "i", i.'i.l iisaal notion ' Thatai" like ell,,., I, tile j;,, Is, lv theti ii la ,.- a ,,

''Im ' '''I .iluu- ,t ,i v and Mai .ir.-- l

I "" I" i:a' Ida. I,...,, an , laid. 1ai " he (a in, i,al ,,i,i I. nan.'. 'I'll- -

: ' 'iiii.' in is lh, i, moliaM' '..Id. a line i,l!'t,.v!

'1 I. Us , O'OU I, V ,1 I, t ,e It lv.'I it . he w,II ,,,, , r l... it. ..I


The Boy is Father' " Mall, .nsl.ui, ,

" ' In.," t he i il."l ,.,.I. i !,i,,i!. (lions ! spai ,. l.,r

ilPK, IL l.l,l,(li.l. IO ho.Nin. J('US.LIS.'Ula l''e. ,llv ,' p i M,,i ,,,,, , .

M.'lle of the lilla of Us,,,, '

tod., v he, at,e a in, ii: I., r ,,f the A i h-

aenlnsu al society id New M.A ,,.The follow ins i . i , d al he mi,

s mi' Aid i; K Aii, e , '. p,Maxwell. M Mi ,,,,,) M,s i;Mori V. .1 hu. s M I; oi s, .na. i

lira, e Pat In, I'hi. ii.,, I,...,,s -

i. I, r'Mtlun" c(fire., i; mala ,iiiinm.hfi.-dl- pl win, h ,, ,

if t heir int. It .. s M, '., ,a.I h a p 111 a 11 Call, fo, il,,. M .!',..,. a, ,

fl'M'lared that Pn. , .! .". I, ic ,wiI'.'f I the ,.li.,lt,. w. M '

IMa.toH than ,,,,, w ,, ,av- - I. j

..It.d h.,- - y,i , '............ . i

FRUIT NECTARi ftiia-i-mratc- l

emnp. mn.lto the Man new.I'lieihin"l'"H " ' !' .' d, 'I',.. I, I'alar, has'''''' '"' pi 'ioi. d it ih I,,,- ti, ,. ,..,r,.i,isI ..llle a:

.pi 1.

W e , an l'ulMi P., Ma I,. ! ' "t ( Iraiioe.

inalies aen't a ii-

l a ' ' "" l"i ' ll .., I)i. ifi r : "tie tea-" Hal Pus Xnv, Ic u,.,i,,, 1,'nl,,', '

ixasp-s:las- s.

25r01 J like Ihit


are fraueht withmost iniporlaiit""a .h i. ...ire. re,, , ,i t, ' lie si p. ;iW hu la i i 'a in seddon I;, oilliead the an'm i,sett.-- that h .'S , ,'.',,,!," m fa w lljlaam. "ill a,, flus expert.iitJtwitlier In muservlnr

vtith Jodie Hl.flatisfa. toi t " an,

tt a . u , ,

pi "l.oi, n. ed i,!a,' o- - i ,.

1:1,,:, " ' It. ,i

"I. t a pel s

hau i "a- !., In,..,I if' a t e ,,' ,, ., if .,

' I' '.. 1. p'l I,. I I,.-

hi. I i Ml, H e

' " "f V lh M Ma,, ,,

d'l. ". I'l' t l!. ,'

" a eaim, her

t.liv. I'aso, ,, nd M .1,

i'iss, 1.1 paso Mt. and Mr,. A i:lv h i,, llnlh K i k. I, ..ii,, !,.;. , ,.:.,( lN Alldelsoll. I'alh.s T,A tl;'a.'.. 'olls. Miss I;,,,,, p, e,,.Sell, C.ll Ml?s In M. Kes-le- t 'c km FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES"lllf tll.1 II ..f he

It is onff.i tmi.i'e .hat tfl'.lii:!! ICO .' te will l e

""'sin, nor mentalreposo and ihe al,octu'e of Tf,.ltj u ,V" ii a siJiject of

ni'imi'tit. Aunnlllc , ,

K en'f t,T ay,,UI- - t,td'ii'.'- in

..1 kaiiii, I . x .vi r. ,,,i, Mrs IIl 'i , h , I a nil:, ml ie, . v : M,-s- , '

t ilson. Mai u.u , t dsn!,. . i l

copleo of - Intir irttM vveie n,,tl I;,.,riten cut to the pious, for ....v , ,., . i ..f,.taiolv w, ,,,!,) hate mad.. ,,,,... ' ;,, u. .1. ,si, ,, ,,

nildllis' I'l ut h.Miio, the. v Mould la,,,, ' ui

,, " ' s" 'U'lioM a- wac""l'! j I III'. I.HM 1 I tl OI Mil IM AS."' 'llallt p,,,,,, v , ,

h .' le ' ''; II.. a ,., , ,. ,,p" ' 't d an ell Ileal;a i ,,a i Pk f.--

. i '' ''I ut- ., i, tv ' ,1,,-- ., n," l'i..i , n .."'look ... ,i ail ii,,. sur

' ' w t hlla w a, Id i.i . , ,,f ,,!,,, ,

II.", 1" I - timet.-- : ,, ,,, ,.,,,,,. I'1' im'i.f " ' - "f th. a- ,, , 1.

' t" its "ii n- - ami i ,.ls n ,." ""l '!' - a tf le .,la,- ;,t

! t" ! " ll al s a ,,, , ,, ,.s ,i, ,i t i, U" '" 'easuort 11,,,,, ,,v ,,,, ov. l. Illi- -

,,.!-- ''it.- i" Is u s ,ik. m-- i,..m''"' '"' ' a o'' " ' - ' tt' il ...ui. d

11 ' , h"Ul'h ,t h .d tl.. II oelt uuesl' ' U U.'l ,t ai. d .a ,:,. t ' t .'t

.. ...I "- I'"'' !'" .....1,1 have' ' " lepif.t. d, Mr,.'"' l'!' ' s K tr fa,, i.i ;.. a ,,f ,

r MHcmna n-- ,Kan S i

Mr andi'h ei, I. I'lami- - !: i'I '. I v. Pin.,ae Jest. I

I. WVi.

- m i..irrirnd. Apph-- J 0 4he mus, los it ,n' in

to mil, lhemJtrm ani pl..,t. t t!,,,., T


iVane Ri!, K,,:lMs for Totlav.

M ' Ti'lmali'i !,...,.,.l:a 1. 1. ids. ai, 1 ,,,,(

ill, IM,,.' IV, ,,, ,,.

' ' .'LP' e.i III I , ,

We t'.l, .... 1!..,, v,h nPt l.c, it. I ' to, i ,.

. ' , !,,,n that tl e Pten i.jI M' Mill, II l., Ml I.i

- 'h end hi I at s., n.e '

l ,e . a i . . ts. s' I"t "ft,, 'a ri", I if ',

a t ha ' t uey lull v , t e i

tnH, 'I .

.Cite I.e.,) in untold vatae la , , il I ' ,

dates for Ofae. of when, Ih.l. ,, e jtl,nmny 1: roai-hoo-t ih. mi, in,- - i,,a ,K

h s t.-.- ml,., tt r, dd iiIiims; i;,,e n !,,.,,aim to I," ft hie to timet ., p. i ,,!. ,,, l' a

.t nation ui that ahi.h . oof , . ,' I , ,

I e r ' p'l ','.1 jn I a lid,- - i, ... ' i ,

l.i.'h'.-- to the eot, , K.Out.-f.e- d .s U out I .Put inn I I,,.,''.plomrti..' !'ral tlo of all bv. w. ,,f.,,

main i, fiiy, ,.. , h.,m. Z

!' .k. r ul l,ie Mont ;

''' I'.ixl.-r- ,,,,:.1 I'l In t s., I.,, us,

! T ,,,H I a ,,' ' ' II m il Mr.

v T o r, ; , a j'l"t ii. it. Ail. li. - i,ili" a 'icpkms. H, 1.

''' ' Ih.'u". II M i.,," i'l " ' 'I il i'h k. I'm.

J,,. ,,, Me.i:,.,;,.,

'"'I Ml- - duar I. II,"..!".. t. Ua.l ,,w , i . ,, ...

" "I": dl a, cse Xton.las

' ' l .ii,.,,' Inc. , ., nt.-- ,i' Hem S,M: 1',. to .s,,,(,

K'tiiv nf -- M.aiu.r-. .;....., ; '" :'aiy ilrurvi.tand s,ii w ll t(M.n Ttiil !.y it tins Us-n- j''' ' 'I ai"tf. f. t ?

r the :,

ll t :. 11 sa I:

It. .IllI nr. . i.

a e , ,,.ft s if..'am. 1. t , r Mi

i'"'...'i Crev t is n,...,,iiarndess ,,, , ,..,0 ,l-

..;.i.'i..led to all expect,,,, J,,," h

lh, 'nta Tltt l W It li'ii-i- ns hat inht thai ,. ,.p-- . W f- " Ihat M 11 "I'". ' w... ii i ,,, ui,,,,,,!. ,,f .1, , .. u pl.t .',.. -- f '',"i r.f f..i t". ,"e ll.rviarli tlie or,l..l

W. L HAWKINSl47oi)n7yhones 524

i .urth SeconJ Strcet t

a..I' isiin ehonhi n.ako i nt. Ik- - thus- - In- - h

J.t. u alien the il siuil mta iir I

Page 8: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,

AIKuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, July 8, 1916.


Sevenmoney movement for the week.'mowing a probable loss for clearing'

itwtlluiu.nn of more than r.n.. Hil Yi lave a Wmi'OO.Orin. Mn.ti f ihix .tram In due mSMAL CLASS1HEP CMM noto, record breaking interest and divi-

dend--M KG Wmwik iss -paym, nt as well hx heavy dis- -

i inei.tent 10 the incomeIHUB tax.Honda n'f Irregular on diverslfie . PROFESSIONAL CAHD3FOE SALE


Metals Continue to Decline;

Sugars and Motors Lose

Ground; . Bonds Irregular;Call Money Higher,

jV Mf.BN.Nfl JOURNAL SPKC.AL LtAKO WtPfNew York, July 7. Special stocks,

particularly those comprising the warcroup, were again under pm-sur-e

fi-l- i;

y. together with other issue re-

motely related to that division.declines or two to four points

w, re recorded in the more importantmunitions, the one so liking exceptionbring Hcthlchem Steel, which gained

points to 45,'), on a. fairly largencinlii i' of transactions.

Jlciiil stocks, notably the zinc Is-

sues, continued 1o lose ground on thefur! In r decline in these products'abroad. Suuai-- wore subject to prof-it taking on their recent advance andmotors JeiharKic when not heavy.Variable declines were recorded byTexas company, federal mining: amiseine of the industrial stocks depend-ent upon favorable tariff schedules..Mexicans and affiliated stocks offer-ed greater resistance than most otherstocks, petroleum closing with an ac-

tual gain.Kxcept for Heading, which was one

of the chief features of the forenoon,rails wi re scarcely a market factor.

Publication of the crop report inthe latter part of the session contrib-uted to the partial rallies of that pi.rind. Total sales of stocks amountedto 4HU shares.

.A rise in call money to 4'i percent, the highest quotation since theresumption of business on thechange in December, 1914, wascompanied by a forecast of local

Report of the

The first Savingsof Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the close of business June

HKSOLKCUS.Loans and discounts

(a) Secured by real estate oiicludina moit- -gages owned)

dealings. Total sale, our value r.2S5.00O.

Cnited States bonds wire unchang-ed on rail.

(losing pice?:American Meet SugarAmerican l'n :,3American Cur & FoundryAmerican locomotive (!".

American Smelt. Hef'ng 84 SAmerican Sugar Hefining inAmerican lei. & Tel 129American Zinc, i,eHd & S n

Anaconda Copper R2

Atchison 1 ililaldwm Locomotive . Kit

Haltlmore & Ohio . i iHrooklyn Knpid Transit . 85lUitte & Superior Copper.... . M4

j California Petroleum . iWvCanadian pacific .10Central Leather . 06 'aChenuni-Hk- Ohio . 62 U

hicago, Mil. & St. Paul . 9SChicago & Northwestern . . .129'jChicago, l;. I. Pacific P.y. . . 22SChlno CopperColorado ' u el & iron . 44 y,

Coin Products Refining . 14",Crucible Steel . 70 4

Distillers .Securities . 44Erie . nGeneral Kleetrii; . 167 M,

Great Northern pfd Hit's.flreat Northern Ore Clfs . 3'aIllinois Central .10.'.Intcrboiough Consul. Corp... . IT SiInspiration Copper . 51 'uInternational Harvester. N. .1. . 1 1 3 ',iInt. Mer. Marine pfd. Clfs 89Kansas City Southern . 2 5'nKennerott Copper . 47VLouisville & Nashville .133Mexican Petroleum .lOS'iMiami Copper . 84Missouri, Kansas v Texas pfd. . 12Missouri Pacific . Va

Montana Power . 88National Lead . 05 Vi

Nevada Copper If. 'SNew York Central 104 a

N Y, N. II. & Hartford lNorfolk iS: Western 131Northern Pacific 114 U

Condition of

Bank & Trust Co,

, 1916.


1434,31 5.83



S'J, 'JO0. Ill'fi. 030.1 0

4.31.0.(1055,r87.J211.392.391 0, 984. 99

302.508 000. 00



4 i30$ I, (i?5. !.'.. 05


52,373 621 13,9(0.87392.01 1.531 9 r,91.B634.042.97


Condition of

and Savings Bankdose of business June 30, 1916.

CRCES.$290, 117 1. 49

82,584.59N" K


eti 5,000.003,088.454.5..4.219 82 ..4 1

1.1 4. 2n5.293.35



.$319,58 1.11

. $50, o'Ki. on


interest and any oilier

(b) Secured by collateral olher than, real es-

tate(c) All other loans

Overdiafts '

loads, securities, etc.. Including premiums thereoii"ther bonds, stocks, warrants, etc ...

Kiiini'ure and fixturesOther real estate owned!Hie fiom batiksChecks and other cash itemsActual cash on hand

(id Gold cointb) Gold certificates(e) Silver coinoil Legal tender notes(e) National bank notes . .( f ) Cash not, classified .

'tlier resources ,

Total Resources . .


$1,C00 frame, bath, etc., InlllKlilundi, close In; very euyterms.

13.000 brick, modern, WotSilver avenue, cellar, good out-buildings.

jn.ooit ranch in high stateof cultiVHlion, 1,(100 fruit treesgrapes, berries, good house andbarn, six miles from city. One ofthe finest places in the valley.

11.700 frame, modern, arfporches, lot 2Hil42; South Wal-ter.

14,0005 houses on lot 150x142 feet,all furnished, rent fur $72 permonth; highlands, near shops;J1.S00 cash, balance 8 per cent. Afine Investment.Many other bargains In bCD"1

and unimproved property.A. FL1EME!

Heal Kstatw and Inaurajua,, 111 South Fourth street.

Pacific MailPacific Tel. & TelPennsylvaniaItay Consolidated Copper 22Heading . , . !9r.epiihlic iron V steel . . . . 4 5

Sattuck Arizona Copper .. . 17 'iSouthern Pacific . isrSouthern Hailwuv 24 tStudebaker Co .135Tcr. iH'shce Copper . 3 5

Texas Company .19.11'nion Pacific .i.i 9',;Union Paci'ic i fd . 82IT. S. Indusliiai Alcohol 130I'nited Slates Steel .. 86'i.I'nited States steel pfd ..117I'lah Copper .. 77

Wabash pfd, "H" .. 2814Western I'nlon . . 93Westlnghouse Kleclric . r.61,;

Total yules far the day, 490,000shares.

mc.Yco jw.Ki or tuaiu:.Chicago, July 7. Notwithstanding

that the bearish nature, of the govern-ment crop report had been generallyforeseen, wheat prices today showedstrength, the desire chiefly of unwel-come rains In the northwest, and ofhigher quotations at Liver. ool. Th'close, although unsettled, was at hto c net advance, with July atJ1.03U and September at $1.05 ''.!LOU. Corn finished U to off toH to v. up, and oats gained to"v. 'vc. in provisions ine outcomevaried from 5c decline to a rise of1 7c.

Fear of rust in the spring crop bellowing to continued excessively humidweather, lifted wheat values right atthe start, and so too did the Liverpooladvance.

Good support for wheat was en-

countered on the dip In juices. Thechief reason appeared to be that of-

ferings of new wheat seemed tebilively scarce, mid that with hardwheat at the Gulf of Mexico oiiotedHt lc under Manitoba, the liicciilhe

j was somewhat greater for speculatorsI to buy.i Corn ascended to the highest qno- -

Hbli.XIL ,1,,,, 1....-- . ,M,

the present upturn, yellow torn inthe saimde market mounting to above80 cents a bushel, oats followed thecorn strength.

Packers' buying overcame in parta decline In the provision inuikel,

t losing prices:Wheat - July, $1.03 l ; Sepl

,1.05 --.

Coin Jul,'. TT'ic; Sept., 7 i.'.oats July, iMc; .Sept., :ts SI 'ui t - July. $25.40; Se,.t. S21

-- July. $1 3.22, Sept t ,, .'-- July, $13.62; Sepl. $13.6'


New York, July 7. Dun's Reviewtomorrow will say:

"Competitive buying has abated andbusiness moves under reduced mo-mentum, though with surprisingly little shrinkage in volume. This is theperiod of all others when a decidedhalt is to be expected as many plantsordinarily itop for needed repairs,inventories and vacations. .Much lessthan the customary lull is now ap-

parent, while indications foreshadowunusual activity throughout tbe sum-mer. Operations in numerous in-

stances continue hampered by thescarcity of labor and other draw-backs, and some mills are turningcontracts away that cannot be filledas promptly as buyers desire. Thisis particulrly true of cotton and wool-en lines, in which important government needs have accentuated the dif-

ficulties. Large orders for armyshoes also has imparled stimulus tofootwear and leather, while in steelnnd iron the sustained heavy foreigndemands continue to offset ihe con-

traction in strict domestic business.Further price recessions have occur-red in the metal markets and in someother quarters."

Weekly bank clearings, $1,018,091,-56(1- .


Hoston, July 7. The CommercialRulletin will say tomorrow:

"Interest in wool has been fairljwell sustained in the past week. Dur-ing the few days in which businesswas transacted the turnover was offair proportions. Prices are firm allaround, but there has been no ap-

preciable advance either in wool, topsor yarns.

"The goods market is steady andnot particularly active. In tbe westthe situation is very strong, both Inthe territories and bright wool sec-

tions."Scouitjd basis:TexasFine, 12 months, 80'iiS2c;

fine, 8 months, Ciii KSc.

Territory Fine staple. 85c; medium staple. gOt 82c; fine clothing,iSfiSfic; fine clothing. 7577c; halfblood combing, SI ft R 3c; three-eighth- s

blood combing, 7311.5c.Pulled Extra, 80'. 82.-- ; A A 7 S

80c; flue A, 7 3 4i T Sv ; A supers, 60 (jj

KX.SS ( ITV MIDllK i:,

Kansas City, July 7. Rutter, eg;.

and jioultrv unchanged.


nm HOT Dw.I1iii.Maria.

I'Oll lili.VT Itouoei ..n.tll 7'N W Hniim.

k 0 UKN I -- 'l'o ni" lei ii I'll, k IC'UK.'-- flnil f ull , tc Nur.h !'' unit t'lrrHt.O! II i: Tin i.ts

.1 II tl till II..I. VV.I

I' l .It l K t icll.itlWilli ilecpli Hi ll. Ill', t'Hl'l. A ui

U,i Weal li.ihlIt'll IlK.X'l

l.i.llll'iii'Hl, Dl. I'n. u ' .' '.'in s l III

KuK l;KN -1" .v.. i.oM.. ! ii, . lir.rr t.o.iHfkeuiiU.K , tix'-ft-

Kii tiii'M prr tn.iml. iui rml.ii i; i ' ml I'i mi

in i. I, 111 l lV puillll'lt p. ii'. i I

I OIK-- ' .',', ll 111' !!.' I. Mi Mc,S' l.tli S. rill ll t cel.

.K llKN'l' tlll.iKii'" f"ia nullI. il u , " " i h .no i tin

lOll.ll S mi. I i it.u. i Mi k

rrii .a. .'U liui'iliMil


lllll HUNT- - 1' "i.i nil nixlu-- iieuutt ertwo In ul t . Until nil wstnr. 117 Seulh

ltrmolw v.

HI! i: i: i WillipinK I"; ui h

I ui; 1; i :Tui t lie. t" e

111 si. .11 inc. in I. ...i

ll.'l. mlii il n ' .i p, i mi lii.lniivnli inn l

TiTir i:kn r ni. e in, ii ii. ii.i'k... pinI". "118. Iililliiu.i '.'.: til .1 H

t'liil'l. :it Ni S.'i.llt ' r'l.iKill tlkvi Vl.'.li'ln ti iu fi iir Inn. .in HIiJ

iiii. Klnini.'it-ti- i ti'.ii'ii: f i I'll t... r.'li, $'.'. It'ipine i.t ti s. 'inli tlriiHilvl in- -

I'Utt It K. I' - sn. til in uliTii fi.rniii.'it .tii.'ii-Ing- :.

Sieet.liuc ii'.rcli. Summer lulei. l.'liPant I'entrntKOIt ItKNT iMiur-rini- pun.ilriily

furnlnlH'.t. purch, tarR yardnnd nuUiiilliliiiHi. Ill pr m uilU. 1416 BuihA rnn.

JXIIt 11 1 NT lt.iomu With Hoard.t'Alll II N 'I' - ine I. if Mini lleeplltfl pnri'lli'V,

tun lil ,i w. k. I 'I H. K.lllll.

Inn i;t:r it u nn,l i,,iu,l. iei't.iimi"ii h .'h ."iiii Wiiiiiui wii.'. t. ih'iu mint

ii.iluiniiKilt KI'.XT 'IH' ui nliheil r....iiin. pi imlp

i nn. up i li 'ii el it ;i;i Wmi . . nI r, ,ip l'..i,7.

It Kli'N'l it.ium Ktui iiiiitrO, wimp..r.-h-

, In prlvato fitmllr. 9 t8ii'hWnltfr. l'hn K.'l.

k'U UKNT-linii- nl mill renin will.perch; KP.'Ct'. nllcnll'.li In Kk Ul.n 11

P- -r .liiy. H.iuili !linn.hviiy. I' iwij.Til IJ MmHeti ll.ilillisnn. a .li'i'enilll..- -

Uiitiiirm fur liritlihf.i-.'ki.iN- uliisii-.l-l-

!"r. hi- O'.ni.feli il wilt, .'very r,'ciii.meiit II por iluy pcin '..Ml Sin s Wuller.M, Klll.l.VIt llANl'H t iiii.l nlllailiie

liealih repert. two itillea nnrl Ii nf iinpinf-flea- .

frepll eiiif,, inllk, tree ,

pntcll nr 1'illtane. f'li'itlp irillllVV

I.U.'K IIAltT UAfll-T1- le mini Bltrnellvel.liealih repnrt. (me inlie i."tth nf Inwn.

All milk, erenm and eKK iireiluei'il nil p'Hee.I'li-- earilaae f.,r Kil'-sI- I'llectrle mull aurvi-a- Ilnmna nr cllaKi'a.I'lvme ln,i:i Mip W' ll.lli.i,J.

PflH HF.IT nneinahorlh.

t .It hum ii. "in 11I11

in. II11 Vi.nli CirinnFull ItH.N'T-Mee- ly III. ulpin ,1

Willi alvupiiiit pnreh Willi nr wlthnulIn. nr. I tii'd Nnrih Sienti.t

. 11: ii r; si in IniliMiPil nils,. lie.Iii'iiilM. i 11 Ii , l.ic ti ; . .1 pick.

s. .1 Seen, I.

Mill N t I 1. lee am imli'iii ipllcilli"ilM-l.- I'tiii'if rciiiH wltti pi'li ll.

l.:, MiiVV.l Mai lili'.in I.MIJ

lll'IN'i I'w.i In fn ill In. .111 hparlinelita.fill lllPlll-it- Pleeplllg P'irel.t'M. lllnllem,

lit, (.1 .'". ln NmlllT'l'll l;Hl Nice ,11 a. I'lllp'iin l"l

piee,n anil liin ln'iii'lii-'ilii- k.iplaiu-- .1 el III ml li"lel, .."!! si i ', lllial

Full i;i;n ,n ii ly fm lapli.-i- mil alel "'inis alnl K lit ll "UPt'lie,,ilOl I'll U'P

r. llpiitiiil'le. Pin, 111.', ruin ml. u Imiel, i"iN'ntlti l''llpt pile.-


M Ml I; I'A r .Ik 1. put.: t i', Hi Stlv.

III. .NT MniJel'tl rniilllM, uuillllIn O k. l)ii W'ePt l ei, trill.

I' I ill KF.N 'tii l.lplieti i, iimilt rnt no t

ihllilnn 414 Silver.F"i: iii;.vi ll II ll till

r,ir..lp....l 111 111 a,iF. ..""iTsT In'Tj .'

h t

Ft Ut U K.N'i - w iil ely riiuinafur llliill hultpekeeplllff. mnderii. Inquire

617 WePt Silver.1'iilt'- '1 rnitaaa wua aiaep- -

tntr P' r. li, i' rtiplelely furalaliad, 12

"lull. SI5 Wilt dial.KOlt ItlC.N t Nleely f ill lllplteil twn rooma fur

llk'ht hiiliPeki'eping, tnodero. Uvi HnUlb j

Pai einl Ptreet, pltt.i.e 171.8,

l" I.J ItF.VI l III lie lllul le.ilP.-i- ,,inKll'.'lllp w Ann '1 lllllllllK. II

I'ltit'i utel iilrai, .1 lint a, la le nut III.

Full lli:' pile, l..'.m.i. liuhllo-- plnu luiiiii'iv. ini'ilein en, s, .", p line. It" Hie);. ;;ti

Noil ii.

I' I 111 It FN .'t"lhl "ilia e uiiiIv .1 vpini; p,,l

.I'll S"iii Ii

Pll, 'I'I I'll.ii'ii" i: iivr si e clean Unlit linilPt III cpililt,fill Hint .infill tilplicil by ilay

11 ii iiml, r new mauuKi.nt. nf. llltlner' " ""tl ''b"t Plleel. t'li'.li.i :"l.

lllahliln.l..''iit ii;Nr--iuii.r,ii7- a r i... Si ijTtuwaiier .ti,,-- I'lii'ii, am.

' '''l s"VhJ vv'Tt" "J''' ,"""v li'"'llr"u'.

11 itTis'r "f-- i"'Ti. .111,1 .....-- i.a .i'i, nliipt :. cpuiK tillerI'm nihil,, r- hup wiin a- e

I'll SnUtll liiuailivay

Unlit, ally r.,1.111 amit. in Ity (in 'falsi iv -

Hew ttiiail- -

Klcepnn; pntcli. id n i.,1 ,'! v'i

nl i. d wllh fPltrrlal enn-- t

in. ll.'l I'lmi;: r.Pll for Mr V t V n pr

V A NTI'711 MlHC1iniifinii.VV Fi

C'A IvI'F i i. 1.11 111. I ...t an i iiu-- r U1 til. Hetifl'lll- v;p

ine .1 ,l,i! II. a.I'.iOict!W N "l u Ini) ' .UK, I,. lin ml 'ii

itiiiPl c ele, in nii.t iii k inl 11.'

lJl.Tt.- I7"lU. It iF I VI INH-- V pn ,ip leaki "iTle j

.f,'P. tl, lie fcf liv .1. T. V Ul.KI'lmne :'l IF--

V A N 1 HI "llu nil ii""w ilsllit) men"

ialTJ.I all Mr ..nil tl. Ill eltaL All w Klar- -

liiiteeil. I'lmne lr.l.VVAN'I'Kli luiy. pe, it.-- it, ml fui mime In'Ke nr pmaij 4) 'lulil lies. .1. ll Fill itmrip.lie VVt'.t linld avenue.

A H I'F.N Fit ImbiVr, rcp.tli iin nf alikinila nf t.iiii.liiu.'P. e.n fijinipli ail

iil..a t e ap" ali le. ita lJ"la" me FI.VV.


ll'llltlll, '1,1. t' tllltl ml rt tmli ml A ll'it- -1"

pie .t ii t it. t K iialiKo. I'lmne HitS,,,l ll .ut 111 atr, t.

10:1: . i, "l I V I'KVV Kl'l Fits, Newp Kltpt elritp r.'.italp Itipaiiit ami ih.

liikit Kt H'te tyt.-- rileip. l:xiTt me-- t

liail 111 eliioye nf aleip 3.1 Wt Pt ll 'ltl fitoPtniue ll(. I nili'l n(i Xyptwraer vuiniiaii. tUti.


II SONlll.trliev.

lb IT in. IH, I'.-- inwfll MulMln.I'tief.- i.:?

A miniAltt.rll I.HW.

Sult II l.iiiv I. ic Ilailillllt.


Hit. J. K. hM II Illrl.ll.1 KllPICfl.,,!!.

H"uiii-- i v ;i. ll:Otli-- III. IK. Plmna 1(4

API "lliltl.rllll Mule liv Mull.

II. I . I HITUrntl'l.

M. .Ill Huliipiue.Prnirw 7:1


MHIIMUN I. Ill H KIN. M. II.I'li.lalelilll huiI St.rit-.Mn-


I ll"ii I7, Uniiiplt Illil.imi. n i.i KlhlS

rnioll- litllliU ! It..,'I lirnul.

lill Nioi 'iiiil lu.1.Ml. S. Ii. VON Al VII

I'ni. llir Itmilril In I . Inr. Nm rnid'I'liri.iit.

fl'fl,- -; Mi lo .', ! ,i 4.!in v,i . .!., ut Av.-r.u- Phn liI It. T. I TANVIS

hlir.'l.ilUt In lie, Titr. Nif .mil Tlin.Hl.Mi Jul'lliik A il.uiini'i ipitf

It. Mil!, PJ h in. I.. 4 . 111. Phi.IlB 131.

II I. Ml KI'IIH MV Mllllll'I ulter.i.l.M.U nf die 'lt.r--- nil, I t.unaa.v'lty ".fne, lilt-- . Wunl iVl.lrnl .eiiu.(.Tfl. II. .urn- II la 11 n. m . a t,i 4 p. m.

t'li.trm aniilnilurn fh-m- 41'l.W. T M iryhey M. U , lurn tiir.

1.1 E, ROYER, M, U.IlllVtl (IPAI HIC l llrl( I IN.

lillliru tlllllililiK. I'hnne TlI ASP A l"l ill; N i:V - ami s ' t : i'i v H

Pill1 tliiss, Siirveynr. KviiiiiiinlPimp. I . S Moi.-rn- l Siirveynr, I'la Wfat

llnlil Hveiu.e. lint tls, A ill u- npte, N. M.


I", v : t u n a v nlleHtl Sept.11. fi.'' i ' Ki'iUle, preilitelit,

IMP M.iiki-- t trn-t- San licl, n, Cullf.

I T I It I N A II I A N .

.MIlT J. II A HIV I'll. (f.7l).. M.

I't.i.riiiHrFiitii'Nl i lietii)! mill l eleriiiurliin.ra il in e t titveiiiy .f KnrihHs. S, i.f

I 'I. a r 111 tv. luminal.! San Fr.itu lsci Cler111.41 ' I el- urel ,'it pll urtlia lit.

PI. in IniU'V l'(7 l'';ll tlvellne, I'lim e (1.4,

itDWMit.s ft.AtiK At'To nnitvicnMVI.IIAI I VA AMI SOI OItKO.

Irlpa In Any I'nllit, Any Time. I'hnne cVir for liifnrintitl'in ut Our KxiwaiHe.

Hiiriirnii l b. me l Inkier HnleR Mnailillrnilll'lioiie i:w.

h A . I II yei net I. es-- bee.Keil Pi.nluy Yanlp, 113 Weal Atlantic ova-Hu- e

I'hnne 1CJVV.

"l i II I (1)1 N'I'S."Tluff anil Willie n pliieimip nnd Ttlaek

Minor, ap. I., ti. I,. II Mnraan,Mar 1', v I: ,x 1,11.;, A It'intiieriuii'. I'hnne ion1 H K V lay. ihey win. II. ey pay. Navalo

It. I l'.eilp; BiP'i M. C. Whlta Orpliiatiinaanil M ttl,',l AiHoiun. prlie-wlnnin- atnekand k K t retluc-ci- l prlca. 1.. K. '1'hnuiaa,717 f: t Kazeliima ovenne. A Ltnntuerijii..,

llo'i M, ('. While lent. nr.. p.;,W hen lalit fn7 iinai .me Many

Cinkerela In liPH rum lien will.'1,1 nf till eHU-- 111 Irtt. I'iKKP.

$i.'.o p,-- U.; 17 in r inn; clili-kp- l. per imi.t.etrM ted caialnana free, tlentry'a poultry

1;m m ii. A Ihii'in, r.l'i.'. M

iVOHiIKIlVIt I'OsIS anil fel lllUer. I'lmne

'lilt sVI.K I'i, !. ilaili. lil,l S, milllil .'iiilii .11

. lll"s I.K "i'i" a, linn,,! fitiil ami tuelipIl, ' lm s "il'li K.lttl'

to: na i'. - inn nmi vv'iiuer gueeii uplerypi nut n Apply M'ltir. Iiina.

mi s vi.f. titn. m '.,: "mi re;T; ; iif"l' ,iill P. 11 l!" 'CI . ItV

Milt SVI.F M.liiny I.eU I'll ir new. IJO

it 11:1 ai- -i t in up ; ,'ij a. Ai'iu.t'l'lt SA nil. ,i,,il Ivpew.iler. ku'"1

oliler, I'm. I;'! Wanli Fnllllh. I'll, ill.) 1,4.

iiiiV Kii r. liiivn.. ,.777,'ia'i.r .'.inPti'lppoil ilnivu. l.t itp. Cnl, i.iiin lllaiik'tiMe.

l ull ; 11 l"H.l flTr7i.rp77n"t7i" nrii'f"ii.l i"ii. Aipn utlti'i- ot h. i;i7 W.'pi'tiiie

i'lilt s.v i.F- -i 'la. Jt'iie! K'ta t'litiae; inteiit'lllv ft WeeUp. I'liu.iu 2l'7J. i.llj aitiPt

llrarnl nvetnieM il! S I.F Ti .1 :1m I .' Ill'P 1111,1 lulu p.

I .nr piit? nil liirnpp. 111,1 lie, ill latnpp. liltt pi Itnii ...

Ht HA luit'c ,fi le.-- i.Tirp, ,,ruill trnue f .r piiu.ll. I'lie ,; l.u nae. l:il

VVi i (l.'l.l I'lmne llll.Full S ;l j, ni hi'lM'. Ihikkv and

lii.tltepii all in a I run. lilt. ni nr the lie "or. Nnrlh '1'iveil'ili pir.ii

iFitlt s VI, 11 inn F'.r.t tl ut k. nut tllnmeilttiiclt ehenit, t."ih In k cinillii.m.nwi" itiiiio;.-- . ,,,i,i, i' in 11.

lull HA 1.1. 111I1I tc, 1. r. ait. 11

11unlet-- I In p. fei t d iti r r- iil Ian aitili.Servli e (inrntte. Ine., ;il:l VV pt Silver.Fi'iifs v i:.v i'. ti.7" ,)', jvTmj o" Willi

Inn' y ami hit t.e a a, ,.l,.' , in f lUPK

ri'lili'li Vpl'i- nl It".' S FmiillFt. II KAI.I'. la r. iKtiatni

In fiiie entiilll e ti en il will f..rll'fi Ilnllllri- 111. In 1.I1I Meri'lltllllu (.'u. Ini'.,

irsf unil Tiji i up

POH RFNT f Iff loo,


IIIIX'I VV'al em tier 'i'l lelap an,Ha nil. Fe ruilw,.y irni'kp. I.iituiio 4ti(

N',,t ii s',.,,,mi1

TT 11 11 CAftDsi

Eac'ireilB-Cijrrrsss- i. Mil Lentallll. Iv tut lllii r p. 1, ' leu . luif llnPlVell

ninl '.nil at '

ll a f.iv,.. line .tlii ill

Inlet 111., lc, re p.. at . .11)

itU li'P. liiO'i'HUllllstl I I.I. At III I II ,

Hi n. rp an, I i

Siill'f (Sir C"iliB!D!(jiiB1. VI I, V Al '.V1' ,f i.l'7 si'UiK,

Sl ! 1' !U f Si l l In'.l.e.ti ,, ,'I . 'ity .'la p .11

. M ..,i!l 1, r, a inlilrt ii'' liinlii, l.atir-K- l ittnl heat

lH"l'p- ,1 it .," !,', " (11 Hi,' P illlilWtPt.HUN ll IT ,VI'I'l

New Mexico


l ehllMillllll.i . Ot'ti-irt-

.'aiif" I 'I'I ; t. s ::np'.I f ,!(, .1 111 I e,'.i II Ilea,

i:i" ' i pt aFit a M.l.i ni I.' '"a

'n X 7:. 'phi ti'icaiptt.K til..,.tr..l.

FI pi tup1:1

A'ialit Ftp: f IV

V. s: tip ' 4t p( . 'rtlif a nia niiu ,1 ...... 8 4 7 tP.p

K i'. fill Hill F . . . . 1 i:.t, 7 lDe l ute VV.. itie p, Intel . a tp,p

I rm Mmifh.Kanpna v ,vt I'I, lean,'. T'ftiaKanpaa- - City & C'lucaiJ. .Hep

Four room furnished house on carlinn; sink In kitchen; inside toilet;electric lights; 50-f- lot; well lm- -


Completely furnished for only$1,650; easy terms; owner Is leavingtown and most be sold at one?.

SKE- --

PorierSieldT C.KSTATK.


SMALL l l!M.14 acres good land, within two

miles of town, on best mad in coun-try, on large ditch, price, $.',2.'o, whichis a big snap.

B. MeCLrOBAN,210 West Gold. Phone 907

Klectrolytic, nearby, nominal; Sop- -

tetnber and later, 2 5.(hk,i-'9.i- u.

Iron- - Steady ami unchanged.Metal exchange quotes till quiet

Spot $3S.S7it 39.50.The metal exchange quotes lcad

$4.50 asked.Speller- - Weak. Spot, Kast SI.

Louis delivery, K'jc


Kansas City, July 7. Wheat No.2 hard. Jl.oO'ii 1.07; No. 2 red, $1 OOf.i

1.05; July, 97'4c; Sept., 99i,N Si ic.Corn No. 2 mixed, 74 Si 75c; No.

white, 7 I '.i-- ifi 75c, No. 2 yellow. 73

75 ';(; .luly, 74c; Sept. 71

I il; -- No. 2 white, i 9 I ' ; N

2 mixed. 331360.


New Y'ork, July 7. Prime merciintile paper, 3V'(fi 3't, per cent.

Sterling Sixty day bills, $4 dematid. $4.5i.

liar sllver-02- ic.

Mexican dollars 4S'ic.Govern men t bonds Steady.Railroad bonds Steady.Time loans Firm. Sixty and 90

days. 3 C'i 3i per cent.Call money Firm. High, 4 tj per

nut. low, 4 per vent; ruling rati ', 4

per cent.

111 KSKHlv .11 A HUM'S,

Chicago l.lviwtiK'li.; '"hii-ago- July '.- - Cattli'-'t.x'cipts

1,1100. Market sleady. Weslern steels$S. 20i 9.40; stoi Iters. f5.HI' 'i 4.65.cows, $3.75(i 9.7D; lakes, $ s .", C r, f

12.00.I loKs -- Receipts 21.000. Market un- -

sell led, 5c under yesterday's averageI'.lilk, $9. 75 1; I n. 05; light. $9.50 (if

10.0 5; heavy, $9.45 ll-- 0.1 7 pigs,fS.Ollft, 9.45.

Sheep. Ite. us 8,000. Marketstrong. Well 50 4i 8.00 lambs.$7.50 ii 1(1.85.

Kansas Cily Livestock.Kansas City, July 7. Catlb Re-

ceipts 2,000. including 2,000 soutb- -

lerns. Market steady. Westernsteers, $7.oo o.25; Blockers, JT.iKOii

8.75: calves. $0.5(1 1 I.Oo.Hogs - Receipts 4.000. Market low -

er. liul ;. $9.7 ". '.i 10.00; heavy, $10.00f.i' 10.05; light, $9.i,5'rl 9.90; pigs. $9.001j 9.50.

Sheep Receipt. i .1 .Mm. Mark elhigher, Lambs. $9.50 i I 0.7lings, ft 5 0il 8.5(. wethers,7.50.

Denver I ivestosk.Denver, Juh 7- .- Cattle leceipt'

400. .Market steady. liecf sieers,$8.o()ifi 9.55; cows and heifers, $ii.00(ir7.7 5; stockers and feeders, $5.50r7.25; inh i s. $k'.ni"ti 10.00.

Hogs Receipts COO. Market steadyKwes, $ii.ofl4i i;.50.


OF HIGHWAY UNDER WAY cnnnMPONOiNcl To woHNiNa joudnal)Rosvvell, N. .M , July 7. A new plan

Is being adviiciiied to improve theSouthern National highway east ofRoswell and there is a strong indiia-tii.-

now that tbe plan Will be tiledTho road is full of chuck boles mused by piil' hes of 'poor dirt in .

The poorer dirt pulverizesmore (asily than the rest of Hu-

ron d bed. the wind blows it out, fu-

ture travel pulveriacs more, andmore wind blows out more dirt. Theplan is to use a system of puddlim-- 'which il in tin night will overcomethis difficulty. Water wagons willgo with tbe wagons of dirt and astbe chuck hobs are filled tbe dirtwill be wet down and It is thought b,.packing which it. will receive fromtravel will repair the difficulty. Tin-loa-

is kept in shape comparativelyeasily when rain fall is normal- buttbe drouth has left it in bad shapeand Roswell business men are afte.some plan to put it In good condition.While no official action has be n tak-en on this plan it will receive inves-tigation at least, and IT it is thouuhlpractical will receive a thorough true

Work is rapidly progrebslng on tin-ne-

road bed west of the city andthe parr that has been finished is Ilk.a boulevard. The new constructionwill do awav Willi much of the old i

trouble of delays caused by flood.'after the summer torrential rains li-

the foot bills. The new road Is onthe higher ground and large culvertshave been used to perfect drain-age. '

The showers which have been f ill-

ing in the past two Weeks, alth'.iig)purely local, have i.idej in th work rion the road. Another hard rain fellhint night west of Roswell and inplaces south and east. Many sectionsof the ratne received a drenching andthe drouth is unbroken in places. l

Americans Taken I ronil Mexico.Washington. .Inly 7. All Americans

ihave been taken from Progrcsn and.Mexican ports south of V era 'run,including those on sisal plantations a

of Yucatan, Cuptain Burrage of tin-

battleship ebtaska, at 'era Cruz, re-

potted today lo the navy dcpai liiu-nt- .

The oiuiihoats Wheeling 1111.I Dolphin

For Sale Good niodeinbrick In. ni" clou,, in on Air.o stteci;lot 7 5 feet front, pi. My of room foranother building. House has Juslbeen overhauled Mil is 111 first classshape. Pric,. .ml, $3.2. oi. Kas.v lerniscan be ariange.l.

TBUMTOH cS CO.211 West 4 'old Avenue.

A BAEGAHM80 acres f V uillcs south of town;

part In alfalfa and liny, rest orchardland; good ditch rigb'., ' $45.00 peracre. Will make teiiuu Also someJersey cows. Phone 1M25FL


.inn t' i uh cmritiLi i1"n e"7T l'l,r.

ittmeia In l.'l.lHl'llti-i- ell li( "'ill' icltll'll7'.' t sivin 1c ll 1,.' c .ir.i



WAN i hi Ipci 'lp. . U'llli '111. .11

VV A N T ): Panel Ill A llM.'llll Will

K' ' il lull v unit Ma. 111. n' VV 'IIIw"a.STKIi Mini"... nm in l.'lll'.l

nf li'ivt. wall .1. Iv"i'i','i H i'".. :m 'rlSi i. ii.l Htrpct

TTaTTv Ai l VI. Al' .' iikpaIuinTTY'utng Men b i liristi ... As"i-i,.il..ii- . I,

Aluo leu I 'il til1"H in fn c

A I'I, I 'UI In lilel aii. I latum r.tni.l. ci.'iU. Kiiiplnyimoit Am

S. ut h Tlilril fireei I'd. .ii,. ;ir.l

WAM'f.D 1.1. Iv si ,.'lii r in ih s'.: a n n

.Hi...., h UIU :iil .. in I'J ui. Al'pl)lit li "It u. II... ;l Mi' lllll I'llllilllU.'WANTICliMi I'i le.'l.ll III.' ll... !.-''.

lati n w lllle ni.ii;. t in' ue. lis i "i.i- -

iiii'ic8. T" ii.-- t'.lll'.iiM Lt.Ml.iM (lurKfiiibmif'S r I.IkIi n.lli.i'.fil lltllli.KII" exiilnilii. W. lle Met. H a l.. r

l'...'Ui- l.' 1. l.lll si t lu'llw--

I rimile.VANTKIl VV. nm. I. t. w .1 Ii in Hllclle

ply f.;l N. .rltl See. .till ulrert.w a i'i:u i 'i.n.p. o n

iiifiiili nil N..riii 'iii.iriii piitTiA TK - ii Is i ii..ik it P.... V. Apply 11; "1,1. up num

vv a r (; i i mi p. iieip Mt'll tlilllKi'll.Will pi. v It 'Hi W eek. l'h... is ::i.i F--

P ii. 11. .X i7

V'.VM' In! Ii iIkIH a k

ill el . A -

Apply 4i l.inli i'''inrlh

WAVTKM- - AppllUL Ttlu Ll.iIii'UIIiiI.

W1NTKI) IVmlilonx.VV.V.NIKl) liy H'll W.ill.lOI. lilJIIllIU MHll

Ins; H'.''t ""Ik. Pllnne KMIVV

VV I'I-- 1. II Ii

ilmireii wurk ..f iiny kuiil. In .

('III'; f plef. i nil Klv r.'fcleln iB A. . mm Mrs. K H le Villi '.I'm, C"U

ll. I'.i. N'.M.WANT 101 ten. le r ' firs

(id. no of f w Mexli ri.iil..ii Inlitilri'ilil t'.ivn In .N'i'iv Mi'Xl.-"- Hu Ii, I.I

prliiiiiml niMil..n in umiill t.eiim tliieeHint I'elii'i n. ... Ait. Ii i s K. .1. (I..

.1' ilrtifi (.

HIH WONT lanin'nniui ii i i' U' nisii. ll Hl.ltl t.ii.. Ills Ii

Ikiiimi ki'.'plnir :ii,s' s nth Seventh alPeel.i'i .ii itiTTrTi7iip iii il Hjni Inif-lii- .

r.iur in. mi; n.i lulie cuIh in 7":' K

l ull it T '. '""I. ci.inf'ii'b.lil.. I' u ii fin ninlieit. II Hi ui ll Killtli.

Plume l'.'7W'7ii'ri;K;T fninlhed fan. .ii.i.l

r.n, wuh mi ' pii. I'l'll. .11 'lllll Siltllvtreit. Oll.lll 111 iv ll"t. nlfli e.FOIt TTiorr -- Tw77 three, fi.ur nr flv,

lipiirtr.ient, with aieepinK tiurrli; alao alnale rui'in, Willi n r wiiliiiut aleeplng perchNn rhllilren Thn t.nil.fe. inn I'Ihmi Central

TAJIK SAI.I' Houses.l'Ull ll'Ii K aale, On rids

iii.'ijeru r alilenci with : clnaa tfi;uln.. nice I, it ( in en in i.f J. lirriHl.

Putt HAl.t-- l''"iir runin inmltin liniii.. Inis?aleeplliK P'.l'clliH, nn eltr Hue. eluMi. In

pin. pn. lli'iube UH Siinrli Killth Ph.. lie 1W7.

I'i 1? - A i I; iiiiiiuai'.ii in irT;.Tili''ri,. iriaPin-e- l ii l.i.ifii.lli K lioien 1.1 iiiiii- I'li'iln-I.'.-

..! rite Mi" K lliiii.i .1. .Iiiiii. n. I.:m Wentlilt nil Mil,1 ill y

HMiK I.tvemnrg.l.ilKl illlil illlllic

I'll. .lie .'ill.

SAi.ll-l'll- lv nf h.iiB.a amiinnrea. Opci.r Llffrelnif, iturnardn,


! HI a i.i; niic Ciniil ..i.l.ll.--iiml i. i' weiiihl' "ll!i. pi..

I'll. ni' I..:. i"i h 11.111

SA i '..w, half jersey kivi.ik frr.in2 to H KHll'inp of milk per .lay. Will Klve

nmri, If well I ii ll e ii cure i.f. Yiii. may fleethi. ..u. mllMi-.- l If v... rnr, I.. K W. rFea.

l! s vl.i; I'l.iap l.i. iin .leinliiu all., full 1. 1..", ireoin

In il. r, fr. Hli in Ahmic-i- . k 1..1I "ii.lll. n.iiii.iins si ., s. at Slant. 1. ranch,

l. .vim .. sini..n.

I'lOHM A I. j

.1 . a jut sii nil it sin 111 m'Sitrem liariia'p Iihiiih J,.r ymti trli.p. isv'l

V,,,,,, a , ijij.vivii--ii- i 11. .,...

VVVi:l tiri.- .it- 1,1. , toifiit h . t. i,"tn- -

Willi pleeplnk puretl In hlirhlatlils lltmHI ',1 "1.1

TX)H AI.F Ileal FWnte..MUi SAI.I'. -I-I it l...l liv, tola.

i'.exl', Nt iv Y'i k .iveniie and I. unaPark l.nulevririt I'hntia ?i:.r- -

HI'SIM SS flHMWill S pa in K eiinlci tiunel y

tin, lie ri nti lO'upen f a' P'-

r in a Ii ticiilar, P. tl.D'll t.'.i'M'ii M

'It ;.v 1.1. nt( loFxi'"ll U t " iv n ,f 11,1 k. Fr lnfnr-M- .

nmii" !'' tl 'el r in dit A.Neil Hi ll lll. "k. II. ill. rock. An.

It" A I.K "im.ii, fuihinlmma "fcv'ii Ih'HI In clrv f'T

"TTicrs iiml ho.i rilim Id-r- rif (hici1 i.t,mwill piiy i'l lik'fi'. A H.ix iJj.J'HIT TiH

MOXKY Tiy ,Hiiniil, V f:,t, ..m ndturv. hu-hi!- d

K"'tl. pi ti '. livoio k (pic. I'n .n (

'.:2. f iffic- 11.'.- SMitl Third irM't. Huun-h..!- fI.Ann l'n'n v

Taking Itlg ( bailees.It is a i;reat risk to travi-- l wlthoii,bottle of Cbambi-rbiin- Colic, Choi-er-

and I nai hot-- Remedy, as thismini' t be obtained on the

'.rains or s'eamsbips. Atlacks otSowel complaint are often sudden andVery severe, nnd everyone should goprepared for ihem. Obtainable

Capital stock paid inI'ndiv.ded (including aivrued Interest and any other

emounts set aside for special p.n poses, less current expenses,interest and taxes paid

fmlivi lual deposits, subject to check without notice(livings deposits or deposits in intei ist or savings department . .

certificates of depositCashier's checks outstandingHills payable, including certificates ,.f deposit representing money

borrowedTrust funds

Total Liabilities $1,095,995.05State of New Mexico, County of Lernalillo, ss:

C. S. Wjhite- Cashier, and G. 1.. Rogers, President, and .1. M. Rnvnoblsjirector, and Alfred Grunsfeld, Hirector, and G. L. Rogers. Director, 'of ( lie

rii.--t Savings Jiank and Trust Company, of Albuquerque, New Mexico,' a bank"iliunized under the laws of the Territory, now State of New .Mexico, uponoath duly sworn, each for himself deposeth and says, that the above and fore,going statements of the Resources and I Ja 1'ilities, Depositors, Interest paid ondeposit and Dividends paid on Capital Stock, of the above named i,.nk atme close of business June 30, 191ti, are correct and true.

C. S. W1MTK' Cashier.G. L. ROGI'.RS, President..1. M. RAYNOLDS, Director,ALFRF.D C Ml N'SFLLl i, Director.G. L. HOG KltS, Director.

Subscribed and sworn to before mc riiis 7th day of July. A. D. I SNYDFH.

SKAL) .Notary Public.My commission expires August 18, 1018.

Report of the

The American Trustof Albuquerque. New Mexico, at the

KF.POLoans and discounts

a) Secured by Heal Estate ( including- - mortgagesowned) $1 33,491.90

(b) Secured bv collateral oiher than Real Estate 74.595.00,77. AToTyJV TuZ

i'"":.. '"",n"1, nffl'"'

,UKXJ ""; ,"V''' v,7r'HLi'i 'v ;'i

Hill HFNT MlwellHTieona.

'" " Ki ; i

"HI '""'.nl-

(c) All other loans . .

Overdrafts"lionds, .securities, etc."

(e) other bonds, stocks, warrants,Curtiitiire and fixtures"ther real estate ownedDue fiom banks"hecks and other cash itemsActual cah on hand

a) Gold cointb) Gold certificalesc) Silver coin

G1) Silver certificates) Legal tender notes

'ft National bank notes(g) Cash not classified

Tolal resources

1(1,1 UFI N',a',l.'.r.-li- ,t

Hal I'ln.iiepT."it ii'iini' spiniTia

fiirinplii a Hintnl, . a i,,n fni

Until pii M

LIABILITIES. A . 1; ' , r llll pai Kf

V. VNII'.I, mil"'U'ital stock paid inSurplus -

'"divided profits (including act ruedamounts set aside for spevMa purposes, less current expenses.interest and taxes paid)

Dividends unpaid . .

Individual deposits, subject to c heck without noticeSavings deposits or deposits in inttrest or savings department... .

''f,rt if, eates f deposit"ashler's checks outstanding"'Us payable, including certificates of deposit representing money



4U.04i.l 4

1 1 7,092.93(is. 530.32



' .319,581.11Total Liabilitiesate of New Mexico- - County- - of Dei nalillo, ss:

H. T. Sewell. Assistant Cashier, and J. R Herndon, President, and J. I..Herndon, Director, and J. Korber. Director, and Roy McDonald. Director, oftbe American Trust and Savings Hunk of Albuquerque, New Mexico, a bankorganized under the laws of the Territory, now State of New Mexico, upon oathduly sworn, each for himself deposeth and says, that the above and foregoingstatements of the Resources and Liabilities, Depositors. Interest paid on

and Dividends paid on Capital Stock, of tbe above named bank at the' lose ot business June 30, 1916, are coun t and true.

R. T. SEWELL, Assistant Cashier.J. H. HERNDON. president.J. B. HERNDON, Director.J. KORBER, Director.HOY MCDONALD. Director.

this 7th day of July. A D. 1916.Subscribed and sworn to before meJti A rC It I fc I "Notary Public.

My commission expires February 26, 1920...I..Xew Tork, July 7. Copper. Dull.


look AnuTicau refugee 11 0111 PuertoJlexlco.

' 1

Page 9: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-08-1916 · 2020. 3. 5. · EDITION CITY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, f EDITION CITY ThTk'IV-sI-VENT-,l U 17SAR. I-" Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday,


CRESCENT HARDWARE CO.tnrxa. ITanrx. lnw I uruMiliig CimmN. CtiMfrT, Toul. Iron Pipe, ValtM

.uh I ninny. riiiin'ilniC. - njr, I in ami Coiwr Work.tin w. rv.TRi. avi;. iri.i I'Iidnk si


Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, July 8, 1916.


PASTIME TODAY ONLY ON YOUR ASTIME THEATRTvtn tt .'1 t t "ill - ! ' ' fi .i - '

hi. ri.n-- .ii . i !.u- VACATION:,, (In- I .. I),. I'll t ..l.l.1 I,, vt ltl...ll - ..I i.l !!. :.! TODAY ONLY

II'- - l;r..' In-- ! - U T - i . rDairy Maid Milk Hominy 111.:.! I .l I.. , ll ' 'I

!!!;!'!. w: !.!I,. I I '11-.i I It) ' ''- - ' TakeV Ul! I.l ' 1 ' , .'ll ' " -I III Mil SS MM'

fi. r h ..i.l f mi. ii m ' mi'. !A ' ::.,j;' His Brother'sll 4 .in ,m it Hi like ll. Ml lll-- l I 1,1" -- ill ll fl,l! ,1 ll- .'I ll'!- - ' "'Ill S'SXSinwtu, It In III i" Hi 'I -- ' '""I .''l ' ' '''j iii 1,1 tin. i . i m .Hi.' ti

t . m - f ' I i ' nI ' n f ' i in pi "; i ,.:.. Take !1 )i M i ;. , ;v--

A World-Brad- y Five-ree- l Drama, the Most SensationalIll, III- - t.. -- ' I j li.i I ll!r " ', ' li !'i'' it ill

T Y R I C ' .( ' ' t ,,' . ' IC ill'lit- - ni mi:! lli.-- the Year.

ll.- I.. 'I. '. I i. I. In- 'A 'I. I, '.'''Time of Shows 1, 2:05, 3:10, 4:15, 5:20, 6:25, 7:30, 8:35 and

Dance tonight. ColomboV; TODAY ONLY w--.- W VIT.k'MTakehall. Booster Orchestra. Mia! I'm

WifePicture of

9:40 p. m.

v : ,: !.!! v it' 1! ! l' '! a! l'.

Richard Bihler and Rosctta Bncc in

"A MAN'S MAKING"I S I llilllili III I 1 1' I'lHI- -

Kernel Nutt "WINS A WIFE" -- Comedy(OMIMlils vlliiH I ll Ml I I' M loll IV M

I.l mil -- ,n k it mil' il I mil I

I I v Mil I olid I

Till A - - " ' '"I ! . I t ' ' ' ''

ii ., ., .1 i,. i t ..,ii,- i

l,ln.ii,- i i tt. in .i.-- i . I

'( hhi I" ! i I i .I.i ' i

I', in.


AT- -

Slron&'s Book Store")'.'. ;.;. J'.iii

1 1 ii..' ''

l I

CRYSTAL THEATERToday and Tomorrow

Charles ChaplinIn His Latest and Best Essanay Comedy

66in)0 TTOTTT99

I l: I Ml l IIMUH.II I

1 1 ll! MM I I N l U sI '

in k " ii.i' fi $

Mi,i '...I.. I . .


Sunday Dinnerw i; m i. n w k

I'M W I'lil Ml hiIK K Ul. I i: M lt-- ll M l I OH

III il l si ii h or ir I'm id ki:M sM; i hm i roir i m:i 1:1 ii I'wi'ioMm II , I

llll'l'l ll ( III M I I I i sI si Milt r;: M ' I I s

I'.KI M. Col I s. I'll s

Why Imkc llic-- i' hut in'.'Ki'ii mil of llie hoi kin-Inn-

We uill -- iiiily nil yoni- - mini-- .

PAPPE'S BAKERY222 Smith Secmiil. I'limm 1)2.1

., n ,1 in , I..- ", i ... .i u ill,. .' Hi . . i .ii in. i J " '.

.il - . .I - .mi I ,i mi . ' ' , I .

'" - i,i.i,.l.,l .!''' - li --.M, ,.,,,,., Tr. K.

I'l. ."III . I I I .. M.i Ml' I' r i ,iii il.i. i. . . ;

rh lillllislii'il r . ll -. i In or h !,

Fruits and

Vegetables'i, i i ii 1 'I Ii K I' M.i.l ; '! I.' 'i. .ill v, I

m,li i,,,, ,,, t, i I.Ni.I.I '.il j I i: MuT'-l- i ' .nll'AW :rl "8 wain- mill Imili ini.mMl,,..I IMu.i ; I'Hlllt lluli'l. IiIiiiiic .; I. 215 ' . V. en'"ii i 1.. ii. I .t"oi l

:ih. I,:- - I

I'. - MT lUJliLLiI . Mill 1.1. .

I' "I I'm I' If J.i.ll.... ..f I .... ll. Hulli (ill ' . . ,. k. ii , i(I

IV TWO I'MITS.Inl- - ,.l ll... Cis'iriii' il.'.iiii i ..-- ( f'.lr . ... ,11 !' in. inn) .. p. (ll,l I'ii.. l.'li'l'i Hi-- "l.ti- Inl .i'ii. i ,M : i m Jiii'n, l mill. Hi

I.l" - l n II.- u II M n il fi VI a. II, Ml :i ll'l 11.1 'Hi Iii-,ii I'm II,, i Siiini:,. ihm lii l'li' I'll'. in- -

LET US SEND A MANTi Itrnlanr Tlmt llrnkcn Wluilow

Auirgri uif h i i miikkcomimxyI'himii tt 42 N. Firm Wedding Breakfast


A si-i- ii snow.

n.iinii. hi ,.r Jin.- - i il.if'ii.i hh i

Ii .1 1. ll. II. nil !: ,t Lli

'I'l.'rf-- H I' Hi III'.-- . :, . I Hi -

nm i I .)- .' 2VSun . I'm. In 4 pii 2.Vi '.i i r.l.i i . I'. '. Ic - .

I- I- 2."n- -

l.ii 'in. '., Ii !. i .,.ii .i l.f.i,I'ii Al l.!.- - I..- -

!i ;i I. p. i ,h'I ii in l ..' ..nit, ; 2''M.ii.."...k. n.

i,H I I'.cii.ri- - l II. :cI -- i r f , M k ,1. t I., ih'.i,... rl "x

'.I - I II,,' is. ,,f i, Mft.ll' H IH III, IL H ..'.Ik ,( I"ll I'" t'flie . ,i'l !., ', , ., , ,, .,1 t in, ,,i :,i ht-

' ;,,i'i ii i ii . i ; i,. mull. .ii v

i i :.',. - ., , ,i hi. in-- i.nllniii'l.n

S I'll. l ,' ,1 II K N ' I," M .. Ill'- -

r i.i W , '!'.,- - I.i, uii.-- i, .,,ii , i . i ,.-

IMII.V Alio loll .ii;mi. .WitM I I'll I It M'ltlMiV

l.i'aii I ,..irf f 5 a, in. lor liifnr- -

iiiiiiiiin I'lii'iir 2HII or rail Ml 721 otj Mli r. I . Kiinn rn.

IIOMI MlilklM. s I I .

lll'llll' I'OliklllL -- .ll,- Hill III' llllll

Coffee(iltf Vour I'nlkx a I'.rcuL-fai- il

Triiit.For Rentii I ' mi'l'il 'I' '' "''"Jlilm fluill III ll. Ill In I i. in.. Ill Ihr

- ! (".i.iiin; la, Iii t.r Hie I ir-- l M. I., rtniii'h

ADMISSION 10c :: :: CHILDREN 5cM VI I lis VI 2:110 nil :l:30M. Ills ; ;!( AM) 0:00

Chaplin Going On Last Time at 10 o'Clockii'i ' v.. .. i .i,. i, i in- ,,M( , incinii'. f(r ii i

' ,v"" ' M i inn. I

sli,ti i mini F, ,t iim i i, il InMrmi'M l:,,i,k-im,- '. im Iti.s'l'AMt ,l si s' vnovlow .

M I. I III s sl M.I I

nil n. wo i i.i i m i s I


ni'Y THIS lllUMl OF



I. iliinlil, . I'jrHliM- - it-- j ,.,HUl l, ,.i,-,- . Miiliii I uiH'o.

l.'M .V lu'.i I' J uli 'J'vvn ,.,( of, .ii.l.uii,!.. ( ,,e inn In sl'l ( I I! SWIir.T VV H.

""" '"'' '" I'- - Ai't.i l,,lll ,i,i lleaiillfnl, frnurnnt, lout; Mi'k- flu-- ;

tin, hi .. inn- i a... i.,'.ii., ., , coioi,, 7.-- )M.r lio. Kin Ornnilf In- -" '" " ' ' " ' '" "" " in' ' (lnirlftl Ni IhhiI. I'lmni" 2IHH I I, or nl

ApplyM and ell-Mey- er II Wl!l. Mtr

T rv m mk. cm m TS I A MhHiI.i I'hiii,,.!. 2tK.j l,ii.ll,il A fn .., w.,. H', ,1 I hlrilii' iMMik tiloie. I NLA ILK

msr r.c Mimw nTill-- , mi Air,


AY' tiirrt aiiil Milillr hor1. Trim hleDance tonioht. Colombo " Mr" . it ktm iiw, i.i- tmum '

hall. Bsterjrchcstra. ; BEBBER, OPTICIANCitizens Bank Bid?.(.limn .Ni k, HiiHini iiiiiin i i. Skinner's Grocery

' '

j! Strong Brotliti-- s

UndertakersMioMiT m hum: riioMi-j- ;

HiitnM, ni.h.. (iii'j'tuJ AM) M r iMl

l.lllllll --in k llllll'll. Il.lllll Colli ( .

TWO I VI II lil lis Willi Kl (.11. AK l'i;)(.ltM

THE HARE AND THE TORTOISEI hrt'i'-iuii- 't liiiiiiioiiil s j n- - in .

McFarland Taxi Co.Phone 40 !Vriiilnmi' Aimi't, fir! clitin rminn,

r it ii i in tr niii'T in rach rtxiru. Mr.OH WHAT A WHOPPER

'I'lMI-II'- ll lll lllllll'lll.

IJnliii oriii'tlii. I'rop.' ..... '(.i nir I'fcic". it'iHu. snlil lijJullm. Muln anil Ihiwklnn.. I Dr. C. H. Conner

I I S MM oiif.lT..M .i ii , s ,u v;i , .i m ill.. " ' ''i' ' " in ... . ,;,, '''! ... ..." ,u, rh"n"r ,l ,.r .Miiumi-njn- r I

MM' 1m lie iir I ii I W ol K


i h it tnl f i.i r .i hi t il .if.

IiBilnii Ininp Hahn Coal Co. (VrrllliMi Ht

I '"in to Mi Mint h J,.?,, miii In li ,i ilr nit;, iiiahh m M. I. it uil'''Ml i.i , a i; It. I o ,1 II ;i t Mi III .il k '

h '" ' '"("'" ' ,Ml'"'"l .' Mi ,..! Mi- - 11 l I, "u ' hl v" "i1 .i "iim .1 (.linn -- in k, uiuili il. II.iIiii I mil I i..

Mri; K'U'!' Ti )l T( 1! NSisl'.T ,OrC.7; 'A7 77.V .r:n i i:i,

!l Ii II. ll :'

Cu.H Vv)v. SlIllinK-v- '(l;w, '! K ;,h, ,,u. Ten;.I iii'iliiil c! (,'ai!l:.,,( r, StlPHiici' Smia-'i- . Si r.i w crric-- .i UaU'iT.Kliiw. K'i'il S'iSiiuki TIiihh ',!ii,. ilv


I'llllll-- . lYlllle-- . Ull'.il-- . ('.Mll.'ll. Mif

wv. ii w !: h'i': cK'isi' j.i: rri wi sr. ! i. i ,( i j i i i im.c. 'iu .ixn xoru i: rm;

'77;V:'i v: v ) lh'

Orrlllim l,iiniiYour Sunday riioxK i

AXTIIHACITI', Al l. KI7KS; STIvVM COALCuke. Mill UimhI. I'Hctiiry Uixiil, Cor.l Wood, Native KIiiiIIIiik, IJme

k 4

I,;;;. TV'Z, !,' 'Z :: Herboth paints signs, houses j: DINNER' ""l land decorates. Phone 14951

in-- in. i.. I,,, hi i i .1., , ,,,-- ',. it I., I ..ii- - lull in. ,m i

'. '.it., en in ,. v ii", H, i Mi,,i III Hi- - i In I III- -. -- I'lili'l Fill Ill-l- it ilI"' l'l I ll'S, Oil- Willi'. ... ., , ii ,,.,,)Ml- - N"., ,;, ..;,,, ,, , . I ' " N" I ' ' n

The Wardrobe PAPERHANGINGDry Cleaners and Hatters Painting and TintingWork liillcil fur mul liclivi'i'i'd rilONr: 1817

i'iiom: :!;u. . ::iu wist gold vamhhsvi't a Lancaster

' I !ij. 'li.,in,... II,,i I, h' . i i i ml In' i Bin i"1 III. I.. I I'l.- In ,1 !, .'I H I,. -II M Willi WIS,1 inn .1 li.i.iil it's i ,..!! in

Mim- - l.lll- l Hill !, i.l 'i ill, ., ll'iili-- l A- n - .iii.i .: hiiiii.. I'.'i'Mi ni! m, m... . ,.i , p--

liii.ii, ,, i,t Fruits nnrl Vonntnhlps J. A. SkinnerPhones 60 and 61 205 S. First SI.

l.lllllll "in k- - lllllilrit llllhll I oil! Cil 4 I'l-.i- .1.1

Springer Transfer Co,

Prompt andEfficient Service

ll.ll-lll- I'llll.Henry hauls baggage and t (v',

.other 'linqs. Phone 939. :X ,""'' -A


n.i in.. ,i. .li'i HIi- mul .Mil-

::oi'T I. ...A '.I'.'. I'll, I, '

'l ,1... l,.iii'l Every Shoe Requirement

i I'.hlli.i,, ; i

'iu..ii.: I.i'.,. .v T j

J , .i I, zo I mi- i ' i ii.'.-- - I; ul i j SATISFIED!



SALE-- uninicr y"''i'tic tfer

SPECIAL1 HW 5f7sAll Straw and Panama

'FRESH MEATS IL" "' ' ' u- -

x,'. J :: 'iniuiii, in- - ,.i rJ,..,K , , i(-- np.-- a mm- -

:; , .,, !,..,., .v l, u ?uVuh i.:,.n- - c- -

i''Kl,"" - "tl'i i, S!n'.'- - i'mi m i iivi.i's Mir-- i' as p,,,

!t i 'Mi j'I '' '"li'cn a! in- - iirri'i "!' can cn! :,. c hi- 'W.kk '" s H-k- intr i,: ;. ti,,-,,- ilk- -

': Ift Ml T'l'i'N T M. e!i :;vv;;;:;;.:,i:,vr;;,:;,tr ;: ,

l:r , "- !- ",'m," ,;- - :,, ,h, .,ar. IJf 11 ..I .ma iii',.-- T '.'ii-i:- " .nl wear. I'.f l":i'-- l th.i! - i jf8

'j l !iac hi-- I'lnl sb.H's !.... n;i-- i'- ,M. grjI COOKED MEATS l l ,!" w .., o.inmi.

rii ki .1' n '" '; !' M'':i'i'-- v mir i...,t'cai ..;,I tljt. fair-2 ' -- '.M I' i.i ri ,. vr j; I iiiii-- .

vi '....., .. in ,mir f.t.V Jl.f;-- 'X m i i i ,J A'pif1 ;:::vis!' ;:.,Vk 5.00:t r,i.:A'ii. --- q - (fS

",. I N:'!.,vr'. ": J : si.rr t..

2 ii" 1"- - .$1 .rot. . $:i.oo ;


- , ....i.v ' ' i1' . ")(,-- ; 81.50 j

1 j f,.,;! ! i"-- la,: ! 'I - m.! i, ''a,',' ,!...:.! i",:,a- - nn-a-- ii! ttU- - mi!'' ..;( - t!:(.

t !::." V;;;'r ' .vi.ui-.,,- ... J'' - .1 ' IT, .. . JI l jj

IT11 A T

I.v.'D an.! SI 5.00 valuesal $7.75

SJlMKi. S25,im an, SJ7.50v;ilu ai $13J5

.(HI. So.5() ami 837.50vahl at $17.75

-"-""T'l ii'n



E. L. Washburn Co.Fs2

surfWI'll! IV I'

II'.) I si I.OI It ir.' Mil I il s I iin j u.., ,., ,,,. I 1 42SJ WEST CtNTRAL AVE j j