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Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916

Apr 04, 2023



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Page 1: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916

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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916Journal Publishing Company

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, pleasecontact [email protected].

Recommended CitationJournal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916." (1916).

Page 2: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916




Til II YEAK.I UK C XI IX. No. 82. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO," WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1 9 o. Bully by Currier or SEall. eo

n Month. Single, Co4om, ftq

! n n n n r h 1 1 1 1 1 n t i n 1 1 i''tio,i oe- utii. h thev Wile to fly.ilFiiHUTflni ciiTsTHE WEATHERVILLISTA RAIDGERMANS MAKE

Felix Martinezh Critically III

With PneumoniaWEATH Kit KOIiTOCAST.

Hoover. Cold., March il.--.Y- x

Mexico: Wednesday unsettled, Thms-dt-i-y

probably fair, n t much change intemperature.



their plain's niiwlil have been wreikedand thai lie- l ofiicei.-- may now he

irimnliiik, lo make their May to sonicset lenient

1,1c Scnich Made.ll polls leaehine, lot,, indicale that

Ibe civ ill. mi scout- - ,,, compaiiN iivsr thepunilile expedition were ,11 dep., buieius of avalrv Into thewildest palls of H,e dis'ihi in the



n iiiinr min n



For twenty-fou- r hours, ending6 p. m. yesterday.

Maximum temperature, Ii7 dogr,


j Kl I'aso, Tev, M.irch il.-- - Hon.Felix .Mart me., member of the !!-la- s

reserve board and lor many yearsone f the most pi iiiiiiin-ii- i figures inbusim ss ami politics of the south

BETWEEN JUAREZ TO AID FORCES jsear. h I'..,- the iwo P. uteiiaiils. Armyhi k n H T

Ul VVMIL nivu Uldo- -iiiiiiiiiuini. R4 decrees; range, LiKtves; temperature lit f, p. indeiiroes; southwest wind; cloudy,



men here said lonli;ht that exery ef-

fort would he m ole to expedite thesearch, sue,, the men carried onlxfoo.l eiiouirli for a lexx' days ami thatboth this and llo r water Mipplx max

west. Is critically ill Willi piieinuoiunat his home on tin- - outskirts of thi:'flty.AND THE SOUTH NOW IN MEXICO: WIRELESS FAILSCITY HAXK (T.KAIUNUS.


Inijuiry by telephone atHi h disclosed the act thattiner, condition, while darn;

Villi r. -

T"tl-- ,S

ha x eWere


been letwrecked,

ised on tile

if lie ir ni.ubiiiesl '

' v ul , hopefact (hat boll, men

I e able loeniernen- -l',l. .,

not regarded us' hopeless," ' ' ' r-- - r-s

..!..:.. .... ......I.... .i. . i:...

r.iso today from eastern fionite inNo Confirmation of Reported lll-- 1

,,l raph Line Is CutIhkp8 and five have been nri'-st- '

athletes and an, .. l e of t hojiiseh ,

Lieutenant Williud wa appoint,'.South Carolinarecent snecesslul

s IsI,

yearsthe alinxI.Fighting at Namiquipi; If islela, twelve miles east of here oiiiiiai ri'H'u miiiiiif. III. II III,' ll,,,')At

ty-eia- ht Places, Eiaht Miles;.. . , . , .. .. in th,

I'.oth took panflithi of uuix

Flanking Movement MakesSoint' Hondway but Is

; Ciit'ikt'd by DestructiveI Fiench Aitilleiv Fire,

ot Line beiii.1;- tarried Awa.Yji'1"- 1- S'1;"M'1

Li.ies Are So Extended ThatAdditional Regiments Are

Required to Guard Commu-- inotions.


the latter place the civilian residi-ir-

say that the customs officials andrangers discovered a plot to shiarapid firing kuuh across the border.Arrests were made hut the authori-ties refused to make any statement

Cl.ll WH'l a 1,11Zel line General g

had laid, ami Hint it had beenbroken accidentally bx some ,,f theAmcricun forces crossing it, nlla-i- d

apprehension,I'iiii-Io- ii Nut Worried.

al une rlace, ;' ll'(ii; m;ci;m ill i in in hut i;

as to whether the suns had been' I'he ece, Viae, h vi - Thr Kn,,puili, hi of the I'lt'di caxalrx nude

, oiniuand of Lieutenant Colon, I l. I


True Bandit Leader Not Be-

lieved Personally Present,



American Soldiers) Suffer Many

Discomforts and Inconven- -



seized or nau reached JUxico.Trouble in Sonoia.

In the meantime the situation u,Sonora becomes inereusiiifjly selloutdue to the actions of Military Cov-e.rn-

(.'alles, who has npparen'ily en-

tered upon n campaisn to drive fromthe. slate all persons connected in anytt',',1' wirh th eionttner,


Kaism's Forces Are Compelled

Tate, ut Knit Sheridan, and the se, -

olid eU.oiion ,,f the same li p, coin-- ;

ill. ill, led bx ,1,'Utell.l III Colonel Willi- -

i.iinl I'. Mei'lnie at Fort l.eixen-- lworth, K 's weie ordered late todayto report as saoll as possible lor sel'X -


, e ill the Mexican holder. i

It 1h not In limed her,, tiiat Gen-- icral Funston Is worried to any extent!hy reports of all, growing unta"-onis-

anion.' Carruu'a iruops nl- -

though he is ft inlying all reports, of-- j

fioial nud unofficial, on that phaseof l he situation.

11 lias not been forgotten at hishnadquartors, however, that Villa ha.--1

'tinny morn troops somewhere In

northern Mexico tlmn the few hun-- idied said to he tiding wilh lihu iiihis flight before the pursuing' troopsiof the two countries. K"a lizini;

character of Villa's mamls. II


Border Points of Texas Aie

Alarmed and Many Callsfor Military Guards AreComing to Headquarters,

Horses and Mules Sutler FromHeat of Mexican Deserts; to Gin- Ground; Austrians

. i, ' i . I' .. .iences Marching Across the!;,,:ty- Tl,i unwt fenmre or hisSen Lose ji iir:..ciii',i,i 111 xjllCiaClippers Are to Be



TrebizoiK Is Me ; iced

a, ,, us is in tneir possntie eirect onAmerican and other foreign Interests.His demand that the Colorud i

Mining coiupany of New York reopenHs mines at Hermoslllo was nol n kse to , XDOSe loohas bnon foljounlcill.iowii1 ,,,h tier,,., ., I l;,.s nu- i i t n w

ll I. CI,,,.Marlon. I ml. .Mailowed Ivy a decree cuncellinir all con- - '",n,.N.uirioiii..ioii ' 'I.:i f.H... Texan. March 21.-l- low. tISan A'l'onio, Tex., March 21.. , ,cessions ii ii X,,, "C, inriier-xxa- s

blown from thes east of .Marion dnr-x- x

Inch passed I brougli

it'g ll'il'd oil the news thai the .Mox- - uranted in the tfuertH nod , ..

icun telesraph and telephone wires Villa regimes. This decree will "f-- j I 'in i al Frederick Funston asked the I,k0 Uabrioora, tnwariis wnicli onebetween Juarez and Casus Grande!" feet many mining companies, public ( v"r department today for more of h in columns w is report-- yesler- -

liad been cut. woi d came from Col- -' utilities corporations and other cni- - .""(,,s' '" H,'"1 ,n,H Mexico, only af- - dny to be moving, is almost i00 miles;night..'clock I'

In their nlt'-mpt- to flank-Verdu-

on the west, (he Germans, huviuffsucceeded in working their waythrough lie Mulaitcoint wood and tin,Axoconrt wood, have begun heavybombardment of the village of Ftuies,about eight miles northwest of Ver-dun, and bill No. .'10 t, which lienabout a mile and a half north of

I. ,.i' Ti'a x eler."

track four milintc a . xchuiethis vicinity alThe train xx as ,

while goinu atil Was leporleillo the scene,

The Iran,

out 11

el l III IK

a highkedceilme

d i tul w re,rate of s

i.uis have vI'll

.niJMNftL tirCMAL ltlU WMIIColumbus. . M ,,' h VI. ire

conimuiii, alion bclxveeii tin- - ('ml, "IStales and General lershlio;'s nuni-- :live expedition iii norllici n Chihiia- -

bua was al a standstill lonight, it:was officially announced rl'oni mill- -

t;i I V h adiiial'lers here. ll xxas a- -'

sorted that the army wireless stulioil!at Casas lirandes fail.. I slo'tlly be- -'

fore six o'i 1,,,'k. the only reciiainiiniHue of comniiinieution into Mexicobeing by an army field telegraphwire, win, h has been praelicallx- - use-less for sexeial daxs, because ll has,been cut in a numb, l of places be-- ,

1w'cii Columbus and Its Mi'ininus,

iirnluiH tonisht, In h di.sputeh passed j ccrim yhieh Amoricans and other j 'r . "F consideration of the advis-- j from the border and h the time the,by the eensor, that both wireless un l foreigners either control or an- - in-- I

a f'-- ol continuing the op, rations j columns directed towards Carmenfii'iuind wire communication with j forested in. At the. same time he n't "',K;,insl l'"ranciseo Villa with the and Namiiiuipa tiriive al llu ir desll-- '(leneral Pershing had failed. The j ordered all Catholic clergy fioni the f",',''H ,U)W commanded by (ieiieial nation they also will be almost as far'army field wire between Columbus j jitate. Pershiiifr. (Icrieral yostcr- - south. Smith of Casas Claudes the'and headiiuarters of the expedition- - j

AVould Fjvtcrinlnatf (alli'dics ,,,y KW''sted that another ri Minn lit I cavalry detachments that are follow- -'

ary furee was in twenty-einh- tj 0no ))f ,J ri.Mt piccl inuttio-i- s "l'ni '" t,,lll,v Heneial in Hie trails into the heart of the'places. The trouble with the wire- - ' ,"llns'o" asked Hie where Villa known,ou,,hert in frv lnKU iue' cull d department for country is to haveless occurred Hhorlly before li o'clock, . .,. ' ,,',wbat he characterized as an ade-U- '. oporalinu in a triaiij;le ofi

Isle, lixe (ou.--

The Flench, however. nr, vlgorotiH- -Imir of whiother liein:- -

Il Wetnil,.,




advunce whichl.x contesting a furtherturned oxer,

ut an alleleThe engine

be track and the Germandegl'veiil on l.ol alone would bringIWelllX'-fl- '

teiub r stay1m. ttu .... ..c,.. : ,;!, (ii'tl s,imre milesapproxnnati hue nearer the fortress, but spreadingI'ireinan brought themengineer and fau-llk- e northeutward, would put In

the region of.! opaniy I lie French inInto Marlon.

xx is repot ie, thatfix persons xv, re injur

twenty. I.e Motto Homme.t hiit mil aboutd.

s south of the bolder.


The oha.--c for Villa hasthe proportions of a campaign andit was pointed out thai if It becameneeossuvy to exleinl Ibe oporalinnsliiil. il more, it uiihIH he necessarv to

ak Ibe wireless is nolu'tlx it will be necessary

Una to force.It xi.'ls announced al Ceiieral Funs-to- n

h headquarters, that the Fifllicavalry of which one, siniadrou Is atFort Meyer, 'a., another at Fort

. Kan., and the third atFort Sheridan, 111., would lie broughtto I he. border al once and .sent foiward alons ilencral lVrshiimr'.s lineof conimuiiictitinii to Casus llrandes.

Mri'el v I 'rccau I ionary.Tlie onlx reason i;iven for slreiiKlli-eniii-

ireneral I'ershinn'x force.

Hilled colli let s lo

II the bitrepaired sinlo dependcarrx dispal

Ma. tor W.

- . T-- ,T . V . breed of cientificos" which he tie-- i, II I , Tl"';" ,

,i'l'"-',- were responsible for the im-- itoiimht he had restur, ,1 , ,,lhtoven "'1'U'wire communicallons with 'h."10lltWrandes and it was iiractieally cm-- ! .

"v,ls wl,,,-- l,av oxertaWenreded by the Mexican officials that Mexico.the cutlinjr f the w ires was the re- - Inlereslini: side liyhts on how the,stilt of a Vlllista raid on the railroad. American soldiers are larin in Mcx-- iTlie extent of the raid and the dam- - 'o. are ivachiiiK I'cie Ihrougli i n- -

une done xvus either unknown os sup- - 1'crs of Hie i xpedil ionary force who j

pressed. are sent back fiom the front as eour-- !In the ubsence of any news from j lets. They say there is conslderabl ' j

either (Jeneral I'ershinn or Cc'iieral ! suffering on accuunt of the inten.-- e j

i la virii, there was nothing left hut j heat of the day and Ibe sharp cold

ui uIII s.


KILLED IN WRECKmove itito tin- - field almost all the

aiailuble forces of the. reiru-lla- rarmy. At the same time, it would

i : Sa oi pie, coinina !,,!. ultier,'eted

announced Dial il was discox-toda-

thai the field telegraph

con.ieottire as to the result of the 'that sets In at nixhl. Some of thoj Known by the publie generally to befiKhtiitK between Villa and the Oar- - officers have ordered sleeping coals oiisiderahlx- - more than l.ul'O, wasrancistatt said to have occurred near lined will) lamb's wool. The infaii- - that his field or operations had be

T MOffNINa JOURNAL PRCIAL LkrO ,(!Mexbo Cilx, March il.--Fi- fty

, troopers xxeie billed and more thanilea wounded in a railroad accidentlodav al Saxula, west of Guadala iar.i,on the I ; , f , coast extension of theMexican Central railroad,

The train, owing to a loose or re-- !moved rail, went oier a precipice.The train of lifleeu cars, which was

j , ,,,!,, I I'lth ibeu and cavalry horses.xv.'!.- - Inn ned.

line had i cut in twent.x-cigh- lplaces, eight miles of wire being car-ried away in one place; however, hepointed out that ii was possible, sincell large part of tile wire xvas Ktl'llimalong the ground at the side of theroadway, Ihat some of im- - breaks hadbeen caused by he passing of trucksoxer them. lie asserted al-- thatpreviously the wireless elation here

.Hmiipupa. There was a strons be- - Iry are specially afleeled by thecome so extended I hat his main linemany are endurini,' swollen of coiuinuulcutiou and the subsidiarylief heie that. Villa was not person-- , sand and

mid blistered feet caused hv :hi much weaker than tin1

be iH'.' to leiixe some '' , it n n

men In ru.,1,1 ll.e Mexican border.Is Aliirmed.

Seores of demands for prolectiorare belli;; made at General Funstoii'sheadquarters by fanners and com- -'

mltlees from towns alonir the border,.Thcs" J,el it ioners liaxe insisted thaitiny feared more raids and many ofthem offering appealed to them,as evidence that raids might he ex-- ,pci ti'd. II has been iinpossibl" in al- -

most all th,. cases to shift the forcesin order to gixe them rpeelal prelec-tion but General Funston does notcare to baxe the troops from th-i-

station thai arc within reaih of mostof the more populout points along thcrfrontier.

ally involved in whatever fii;h!inn Inuloeciiired. Jt was reasonably certat'ithnt the bandit chief could not have

ilines wei'ishould be.

j "Merelyburning grains sifting into theirallocs while on the man-h-

SI i,,ng omit, nsixo.S:i great has bee.i the counter of feli-six- e

of Ihc French guns that, afterdebouching from the woods the Ger-mans were unable to launch an infan-try attack and presumably are l,ciuheld hard lo their only gained lines,

To Hie north and t of Verdun,the cannonading has been only lnt"r--

en t in the Argomie forest, InLorraine and in upper A twice, thoFrench guns have been active iiKainstGerman positions and marching col-

uuins. (in the river Homme, the Ger-mans entered a French lr,nch butwire Immediately driven out.

I'lcrcc llussiiin Attacks.Th 'ie has been lively fighting be-

tween the ilnssiuns ami Hie Homiid,west of .lueobstadt, along the- cntlrnUvlna river and in the lake regionbetween Dvlnsli and Vllu.i, with theJtiinslans gen, rally on Hi" offeiialve.

Whilt Merlin report these attacksas having been repulsed Willi heavylosses, the admission Is made thnt aGerman falleiit, neiir Ijiko N'uroeii,xviiHhdruwn in order to escape the en-circling fire of the Itussians.

Other Slav Siuvesseis,Near Mutxltlsozkl, midway betxxcen

Dvinsk and Vilnn, the Uusiiluns have

a precautionary move,,n ani was the w ay General Fun si

TORREON UNSAFElowered all questions.

Some uneasiness was displayed forI a moment, nt. his headquarters todaviwhen it was reported that the lehjisTaph wires between Casas Grande 4

land the border had been cut, but an



ua.i expei i. 'tic. . i some ,11111,'uiiy in i

np, rating at night because it uses thesame waste lengths its the large si'i- -

tions ut Arlington, u Sin Francis,",nud I1. in.una,

That horses and mules xilii the j

Anierlcun expedillonary force In M'x- -ico are Kiil'ierilis from heat, xxas in- -

dieutcd in reports received at Hiemilitary base here tonight from volerinuriaiis with th" expedition. Thoseasserted that twelve mules were.


l,een at .N'mifjiiijia and at the various j

places at. which he xvus located Inadvk fs to General davit a durln;,' thelast week.

Woiildn'l llisk rrfittle,' ' it. Is ihi-- t Vlla him clasliinT j

at Namiiiuipa with Carranza troops,tn a general l.ttle in which he has:been defeated It is hiifhly probable j

that by this time his followeis hnvv j

come in contact with the America illcolumns. The. advance i;uard of theAmericans whs reported yesterday at i

I'A alle, only thirty-fiv- e miles from j

Xaniiiiulpa. It Is not believed, how-- jever, that Villa would risk nn "pen

Paris, Texas, Swept byBELGIAN CO T Otisign- - BRITISH CONSULnt bx

in re- -

missing and requested thai a (

r ire; 30 Blocks Destroyed!"-- - vlraro,;;,:pv;;'be,;; .di I he animals.

nuht with General I'erslnnKH troops(By Morning Journal Special Leased Wire.)but would split his men into sin m!iBoth British and German Of-- U

parlies before contact with

ruptured advanced German trenches,and Jus! smith of Hvinsk. In the re- -

. , 'uloji of A lexnadrovsk, have repulsed alista Bands Are Defeated hy, German cunier-atiac- k on posiuo,,H

r !tken ut Vellhole.lo.Carranza troops, According' I'etfourad.says thai m th. mpture

. .'of Hie Austrian brldgoheud, near thto Reports Made to General village ,,r Miki.aitche. in c.aiici,,

thr. xx eeks wicompleted aboutcompletely desir

Two , in (nil, er l,o,-l- .Tw,, i . , mis of the First aeio

sqlli, drou are lost : oniexvlcie In thedcMTt foothills of the Sierra Mad res,wilh but three (lavs' rations and I Wosmall canteens of water betweenlllem and larvalion. it whs officiallylll.lill, al ,o li I :, ,v lieiolo mi , t e, h.

ed.ficial Reports Claim Successj;for Their Respective De- -j

stroyers, :

northern and indulge in his'faxorile srerrtlla warfare. I

l'rar Mexk-n-

In fcpitu of reRHSiirln reports fromWasliiiiKlon, there was no lessen intrtoday in the tension alonjf the bor- -

s:no.(iim : o ( M'KIV.MV,

F rancisco Gonzales.

Talis, Texas. .Mni-cl- i 21. Dulyflriecn out ol more than I in bus-loe- ss

buildings were lert standinglit lOiliO o'clock tonight hy Ihcfli'o w liicli swept- nut I In- - cityInto today. The fire wuhburning ut that, hour, liuvlng-pussci-

the public square into h

shin rCMlilenttul district.

!h'i'e tonight. Army officers do nolcredit reports in Columbus that theIwo lieutenants may have fallen h -

McKinnex .

starting inTexas, March il.

residence here-- Fire,todiO

i no, si oi i,s oeieiuierii were Killed illliand-to-titjn- ,l fighting,

Nca ring' Treblond.The ltussia ns in the Cauciijius huv

; thrown their lines seveial ipth-- s uear-e- rTrehlzond, on I he Ulnck sea coast.


!! MOHSINa JOURNAL MPICIAt HAIffO WIRV)Toll-eon- .Mexico, Maicli il


March 21 (12:05 p. rn.1- -

An engagement occurred yesterday j

off the Belgian coast between four! after further fighting with the Turks.I liomiiH ii Ilea, the Lntlsh vice conto Ispahan, J'crsia, Is reported to havo

ii"i' or in, weakening in the freely ex-

pressed belief thai there was seriousdisaffection among the Carranclstntroops. The proposed protocol be-

tween the American government andGeneral Carranza did not alter thisopinion. It was pointed out that thefirst chief's actions by no means re-flected the attitude or wlshrs of allHie Mexican people that lare num

sul, engaged a box on." tonightbeen taken by the I'lissuina.

iicuiy fighting continues betweencany the foreign nonu n and childrento the American border. The car

Hrltlsh and three Gorman destroyers, j I'ni is, Texas. March 21. I'iiv whichTwo of th tier man vessels were hit. Hlartcd tn the warehouse of tlie LongFour men on the llritish boats were Ti'aiisMrtalln company mill whichwounded. quickly spread to tho 1'nris ooltou

The officiul account of the notion fol- - (sinipri-s.- s lute this afternoon. ia,l don,.

caused damage estimated at i tlms of snipers.The plant of the McKinney Cotton j Itadl,, advices lo Maj. V. It..

companv with i,0(i() balc-tlple- , coinniaiidant here. todayof cotton was destroyed. from Capl. I!. I. Foulois at Casus

jGrandes, commanding the nero coips,.0.IM)U I IJll' KISS IN i reorted thai Lieal. Koheit II. Willis

IIOUAKT, OKI.VUOM !nnd Lieut. F.duur S. Gorell. who lefthere lasl Sunday atlcrnooii. each on

Ilohart. Okla.. March il. The Jn jarniy aeroplanes, had faih d to nr-- jterstate Compress company's plant ; rive :lt the adxnnced ,ase and l lint n

here, containing seven thousand hales, ircports of Hie missing men or iheirjof cotton, was destroyed here toda' '''l'1'1 s had been receixed, lmm ili-- ibx- fire of unknown ortuin. The loss1"1 instruct ionn were issued to il rivers;

fori-eo- how-,"- " '"su inns aim iiunans tno.,., v ,,,'.,,f I'o. K'ealer.p.'irl of the Austro-Ilalia- ilue.

was unable to le.ix,ever tot a.',,. .net of :,

j damage ut almost Mi.four British . up to t o'clock tonlgtit ami was

bers of troops under his command lows:had been former adherents of Villa j "Yesterday

' especially the fiont from Unveil,,will under oninoiia but start tomorrow1"' Gort.n. heights. Noa special escort fur nished hv General important

Francisco Goimiles 'haiiges in positions have ttikcu place,il,..; not miner control at Hint time. TliiitHnd other factional chiefs who still (destroyers sighted three GermanIt., mot informedGene rid a.'ma-U- ami Ini-im- -.s

ll,i,v,,i er.A successful nirfht uttaeic Aus-- 1

in a axiators has been curried outhad strong cluliiis on their syni pa-- 1 stroyers off the Belgian coa.dthles. Further proof was furnished j German destroyers at once f ...... , .. C.ll, ,'H C.,

HieHint hour.

The i ot residencestin ned i '"'i'. lings lay In ruins at

bV' I'lU'KO rcsidciKt-- s in the lllore t.ioi , i. . . ii, , ii'.i i tux, lie,,' , o '

fi,.i,i. 'watch for traces of the missing men pen, l rateds today Hint he hau j

stronghold of .1 nil n '

i 'a nuto Ilex e's chiel'- -

fashionablewas eslimaled tonlKht lo bethan $450,0011. S.xslcmatic firetoday that, the American military d ran for eebrugge, chase , .n . v ... .... . , , . , , i .1 ,,i ...... ,.inii't of tlu city, smaller houses In tin against l ho port and barm, l; of Av-lon- a,

Albania, according to Vienna,Mini t.ii'ir piau,'S, ll IS llellfVe,! n IS,, a" ' in. one ,iing was out of Die question becauseth, , titles consider the. situation aloiiffjour own destroyers.I lie border us far from satisfactory. "Phots were exchanged. During faclory and small rcsldcnc- - ,lst l ict.s

and siihsUinlial brick, buildings wore, of a high wind and insufficient water. Ghat s.uiie of the six aeroplanes x, hlchjjiirrlvil safely at Casas Graildcs areI being employed in the search.

tains, in Ibe hills west of ),man,ila.I'urungo, killing a mimlier of Ihc en-

emy and ca pi ii ring LPi hoi -- es an,The Fa bens til's short running- fig'ht two enemy

razisl hv ihi- - i'iii- - u.lilih ,o.k runmwi t STB I N All!VI lvl. l!AII ON AVIONAhy u brisk south wind. 'On 1he advise of Captain Moses, j u"il,s wr observed to have been

eomnrander of the eavalrv Iroon at!"''- r casunliies were four menriBK m.sTitf ivs tow x

ix m:si i'.i: kwsas ; Neillior Hud , r Obsci-iers- . jinnies well as a large quantity orwounded. ll, liin. .March il i Hv Wirclem to

e. some d.iv,siiyWlle.,.A .successful air raid hvnidlts on a Austrian avialors on (iio port and

bai'i-ok- of Axhuia, .Mbiinlu. is re- -

Ihis hwlloii has ix-c- without rainfor more than fifty day., ami the rrumehiiilfliiigN were quickly (ihisuiikhI. 1 he.1'aris fire doparlment was Mci-es-to stop tho onruslilng flumes.

of wilier also wu an limx'diiiicnl.

gkilm.wk ih:i,ai:i:TIIEMl boats srx:ssiTij

j The eight planes started from her, ' dx inuniie.jlnsi .Sunday for the flight ox er. I 0 ' The dynamite was i

miles of dc-erf- . and mountains! ago in a raid by Hi,through the Casas Grundes valley, to. factory In I lina mil a

;joln Die expeditionary fere-- . ., itiiei- Another ,i, I'. at foriof the men was aceorii,iiiiieil bx un der Hexes was rep"i

Hie VilMsl.'IS -

by Gen, 1,1Berlin, Mnrch 21 (via London. )The Gorman admiralty account of thebattle between British destroyers and

j German torpedo boats off the n

coast follows:

Just how (he fire startc,! wis notknown at an early hour tonight. Thos,iiipi4cs.s, witli huiiilreds of hales of

cotton, ins first consumed. Tin- - firetlwn spread to udiucent rctddcius-M- .

Gomez who advanced fi

dro and repulsed a 1.,,, li-

my who had seiod Villi--

ud x a itci Ha ,,n I'oi n ondefeat Hie illr.-t.,- -, fellI, sea, u here Ho x badl y

ilelmen, u Finn, becauseable to pax ., ransom of

,, niaren.'j, on me coast or, hull! closely togelher and

oni Sin Iv-or tlie clle-ic-

and wereAfter their

no U onChail-- s

he was li 11

$ I, mill. Hol-

ed Hie lives

of lightr I'Hiuvi.'j n x it ii i, ii ii. ii ij n "r.-- i mil in nit

Topeka. Ixar., March il. Accord-ing to reports reaching Ness City thetown of Flicn, in western Kansas, has.been destroyed by fire. Telephonewires are down. Scott City has re-

ceived reports thai (he town of Mo-

doc, west of I'ticu, also has been de-stroyed by fire.

South of ,letmo:e, a prairie fireburned over sexeial farms but wasput under control late tonight. Col-by reports thai one farm house wasburned south of that city. Anotherfire soulh of .Ness City burned offland three miles square. Near Ale-xander a large barn was destroyed.Wire communication wilh both Iticaand Modoc was ,ul off tonight mid it,was impossible in learn (he extent ofthe damage.

coiisiru, lion. It is cigblu n

oiiserver ami siioruy alter the fligblthe In,, planes w, 'e detcched fromthe o'lieis. .Vol Ii ing has been hoardfrom ( lllicr since.

Tonight nr my men loliniUed thatWilli Hie txvo, fofiy-elg- hoursoxerdiie al Casas Grandes, there Ismuch concern for their safety. IIxvas pointed out, however, that thedelay does nol Indicate tieee-suril- y

dial the avialois have mot wilh seri-ous troubles. .Members of Hie aero

lor us took place between three (,er- - h n ks from Hie ri.iiuncKS i. ll,.- - ecu

jiorted in to, lav's .Vncriim lieudHUu rOla staleloel.i roc ived from Vienna.

''Ibe statement follows:"'.in the front activity in-- j,

especially on the . frontsGenerals I'flan'.er and llaitin.

"in the ul Im ii front enemy uttaekson the positions conquered by Uh W'erorepulsed. i4 new eiiici prise on thol.oinhon, einhl.x -- otic addilioliill Ital-- iinns w ere captured.

j "lu the Balkans, A list ro-- l (ung.iriunall men successfully carried out a line-- j

luriial bombardment of the port andhiinaiks of Avlona. 1( spile of theirb, ing heaxily .shelled, nil the airmenl et ill tied safely.

j "Moitiencgro and Albania reuiaini aim."

Fal.ens, thirty milon east of here, It."hHi'les IJ. Kicker, the medical offi-

cer with the troop, sent his wife andfamily to K raso. They were, fol-lowed by five other American wom-en residents including the two schoolteachers who closed the local school,'up! iii n Mos'B refused to admit, how-

ever, that he had experienced anytrouble or anticipated any. He iaidl'p had advised the departure of II, .

Kicker tind her children dimply be-cause he did not believe scantilypopulated points along the bordarwere good places for women andchildren at the present time.

ItoLinding l' Villl'-ta- s.

At tile same tintp Texas rangersanil the cavalry patrols have com-menced a round up of Mexicansding the frontier who are suspected"f being Villitpi and of being en-- ;xiiffed in the smuggling of ainmuni-- jdon across the Kio Grande, a pra -

"' e that is admittedly tjoiiig aloni?. j

Seven of these nv n were sent into Kl

men bad previously saxoi, h men In- persuading the

were I Id ni l ns.of two I'le

Ullstas di

man torpedo boats and a division of! tor of the Imslnc., district. Tld ilis-fiv- e

Uritish destroyers. , tHot was swept ,y flamis and laid In"The enemy broke off the engage- - ruins In less ihan an hour, the lire

ment after he had received several Joining in its will,,, a path from onedirect luls and he steamed out ofj'to three blocks wide. .. lolal ofeight at full speed. , I wenty-seve- n blocks comprise! the

"We suffered only unimportant I'Ui'iieil area in the resilience district,damage." Sw(cilii inmost due nortln Um- -

Hievil, ,,, is cung io in.- nope tiiey max .


naxe encountered some engine dil'licutties and bell forced lo land for repails In some iinfreqiieuleil region.

Oilier Aeroplane Troubles,it was pointed out that Lieut. V. c

lire reucni-- tno puDii,- - stjujiro. onj which large business buildings fa-o- .

ilT'i these are lisalcl the cviluiiigesLA F0LLETTE WINSSIXTY lilt IM OI

ii;sti!ox i nTOWNIIY II.f lo Iclcnlione coiuiiHiiies anil on GERMAN WOMEN MUSTM F.S! Is liner, who stalledNORTH DAKOTA PRIMARY!

j tclcgruph l ompaiiy. Telephone girls planes Sun, lav, xxi.sECONOMIZE IN CLOTHES

Imr mcnini .oii.nil ii.iko wmI loiiglas. Al l '., xlai ch il. Twenty

Cbiin se iiii-r- hauls- of Alain I'riel.,sighed and lorwardeil today to Iberninist, f of iloir goxernniiiit lu

'ashini;ton. '. a in, tnoiial re- -

thai Im iniinedialelx- take

P.ntihairi, Texas,bast sixty .erand business disliict

March i At. h- le after fil ing af Ihc residential 'Hi, Mexican border,of I'aris, Texas, 1, a ns he i.g,,in start

I wen rorced to rii-- o their m,s(s.j The chief operator of the telephonecompany risked her lire to go ha--

j into tho burning c, iunne tooompniii's books and records.

.vlh one of the'forced lo return;

dozen inlb'S over'A fier l rifliiig re-- 1

ed and reached,il'ely. It also xxas:w as possible thatok sleppes of I he

i niriy lull, s nrr, bad n de-- ; tin- anced baseThe Day in Congress stroxed at inidtiik-h-t tonight hv Un-

file xvhie), started late Ihis afternoon.ionie, ..ut thai it

in landing in th" io

IMV MORNIM4 JOURNAL SIClAL LCAID W,HI Fargo, s. r., .March il. FnitedStales Senator Koherl M. LaFoilelt

Iof Wisconsin, apparerulx had defeat-- jed Henry I JCstabrook, of .N'exv York,by a ratio of approximately 3 tofor republican choice In today'spresidential .preferential primary, lie-tur-

from the first scattering I Oil

:,, ,', .rduiir lo i, 'ports here. Xo ,(isiil.i-- :Gn I he east side of I lie puhlie

square the Merrick hotel was de-stroyed and the fire was extended lothe north side of Ibe square by theburning of this building. Xonh ofthe hot"l are more business buildingsof a less substantial character.

ini MOMNIN9 IOUANAU SKCIAL IKAAS Win,liciiin. .Maul, :i) ivui London,

.March il. 11. io a. m.i The u

war rninisiry has opened hostill-la-- son a foe --- w omen's fashions.

The laige coUMimption of ciolh linderHie prevailing styles has Inspired Hpanrix a ul h, nt ies to cull a conferenceto deliberate upon measures designed1,, influence future fashions in tho

of greater economy hi mate-ria Is

ties have been reported. j

'Tie fir,, w hi, h starled shorllv aflei ; b,.,.u S 7 0.0 0 and $.' 0,i null'oclocl. in the exlrt-m- southern Keen- -

ii 1.1,, bodied oh w as allioi tton l Hie city, has left a funnel-- j x, i( ,;,,, (i ., .ire,,,,,,,' role

steps throiiKh diplomatic channelswilh V, ii us: la no Ca i im n.a to so, tireHie rei ii,-.-

, i ion oi' r isiou of a liexvruling mad,- hv the si. do of Sonoi a,which Ibex- declare highly oppressive.

The decree forbids more Hunt fourChines,, t,, Jive n house, foil, IdsIheii- - visiting nn,' another for longer

&KXATK.Met at 1 1 o'clock.

was retsunu-- on the govern-ment aimor plate plant bill.

1'ofitoftice committee heard pro-t-'l- s

from railrouds ugair-s-t changingfysteni of mail pax.

I'aSSl f.U ... S'., s!..,.,..

I precincts gave this result, with alprohahilitv local election officials! hnfip w-- ke of iwo either iial licipatiin; in biu-ke- brtg-id- e

at the start, and from mi,. u u lih . io.,,., i,ii,., ....,,..blocksI'rooaoiy ine Heaviest loser oy thell twnsti.r !,.. 1'.. A'. ...said, that the ratio for LaFollette " i io ten block xvid xvnere ine sunn oi- ukkwIiiiu liianniiig fire , '"'' """ i'h oas au, niiill ipnerij would be increased on receipt of re-- 1 ,.irf(, who(,,:, . ,.,:,.,., which lost' a midnight fighting

I "alius.appai alns rushed there f roiri "io ion lax of men-hunt- sixlloiiev Grow- nt.,1 I In, in. 'm.'s.Tlllnian'sl of

"vliich' ' ,'. " ' four-stor- y brick building and slock of

fire was timing alThe suffering in

cor, linn to repot-I-destruction of i.ia,

Wuod- -lilll hi,.i, i.' .!,, ("".'' are remote.J'uris is great, a-llium there. Th,dually every met-

esiimated vain,- - of $11,, mill. 'I', and Hugo, i ikl.i.I'rospecls of gelling the fir,.on tin'' acoiilitb.n i.f ...-..- . i ,,..iYi.,.i row Wilson was unopposed Mexican lliisinoss I n-- s lll,

III,- - ministry of war. Willi true imli-- ,tury astuteness, is not attempting to

Eiffel stxb-- alrcad hi vogue or loforbid Women wearing their flowing

tGiii'l-- .

d.' " . , .,.1.1 u nderwerePlate farm.-.- ' cunt Ho establishment has cut off

Tin Gibraltar hotel, a newer struc-ture than the Merrick, which ens!

:!,0.(M,I xvas I hrelHie control before earlv in-- t iling

: 0 3 p. m. tl noon, ifood supply and unless foodclothing is seul in from outside p,

Adjourned" at"(dnesilHv. (.rami Jury Indii-t- s Crones. night. This is two blocks east of die

an, I considered slight al midnight,bits' ;y regulai , bannels of couniniiil-le-ition- .

Paris was en I ir, Ix isolated In-

San liiego, Calif, .March iO, Coiled.tions along the west coast of

still wciv x.-r- niuch nn,,-itl,'- rind'th- - prospect of general resumption of;all lines of dad,- - Is far distant, ac

Chi. ago, March il. Three indict -- i Merrick hotel nnd has a chance, it is i'oi'pcilnciln, Ion. Mt;ri.emerits charging assault w ith int nt to said, of s, aping the flames. jriibt xe. pt f,.r ,,ne tecbl,. taiirond

He'cgiaph vil'e.norsKVl't HI 11 ..'. I0 k kill and murder w t re returned today he Lnrion luy Goods cuiipiiny,

lilies of nvo nail. inn) H n,L Or, ling'"n ral The slrn,one slat- -debate on the army bill against Jean t rones, accused of inige wool- sale concern, lost lo


The l:,nish st,.Norfolk lor It,sunk est rda.x'out warning.

Willi, nit Warning.I'll il DDK p. m lam, r Skodsborg fromIsinborg, whii'h was

xvas torpedoedto a state-th- e

captain Of theinformation is con

ins. no- - arris posiornce. masterapt. Fdwai'd Minister,

Hie steamer Fm-bi- s

ariixal lu re iod.iv fromWl, ''"ntinued. tt poison one hundred ''"" a"" vanou ;lc hiiiiiiitempting

there will be keen distress.I'aris has a population of about

2a. lion of which forty per if-- arcin grocs. t wan estimate. I that alleast five thousand persons Were xv.lh-ou- i

shelter and food.Residents haxe been so busy in

lonihating the flames, acconiitig loword here, that they have given littlethought lo succoring I he homeless anddeadline. The di matte, is estimated

conn x , onri nous,-- i n piro, uponI lan.ommittee continued liertr- -

Hie LamarI'i, lis highchurches thH

Xavaiins,. Ma;

., i, .,,1IXXo I'

budding, threeiris nexvsiia,ers He predicted (hat mi in inline in

'.I steamer. This

JiOii.dOO. The Smiley apartine-U- s inthe residential seition. ron.pleted lustfall at a cost of $ ::ii(i,imo, wore a to-tal loss.

The palatial home of il, F. Stint,

guests at a banquet tendered Arch-bisho-

Mundel"'in here, February10. Bonds were fixed at $?5,0t0.Crones is still at large.

Would beAdJr, arul, a "-- l .I.JO P. 111. IO it everal years before normul

wete lestoied aloilif thellt destr, d buildingsf'XllH.V conditions.Nesl const,


tained in a Copenhagen dispatch tothe F.xcliHiige Telegraph company.Three of the crew Were ,

,,! to t),e'olim'lt.

"tl --.

Page 3: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916






Kvery hit of dandruff disappears













the scalp




Hau-derin- e






suive your hair. After u lew applica-tions







find ahair,

particlevand the



FACTORY & NATIVE WOODPHONE 251asses by Docis- -Rapid progress Is Made on

Measure and Vote Is Hoped

for Today; Senate Expects

Eaily Returns From Roswell

Primaries Indicate Small

. Majority for "Regular"

Democratic' Candidate,

General Pulsion Alt, k lies it-- tie

Impoitanci: to Rcpuils

of Wiie and Win-les- Trou-

ble Acmss Mexican Border,

United States and Carranzato ,Acrrce Upon Terms of

Against Out-

law Chieftain,

Koiirth Ward liiipp Uritu Store.i'OS W. Cei.tral Ave.

The followiiii; judges and clerksand votint; places in said election shallhe nnd arc as follows:

I'ii st Ward Korhcr i:uildin, 211.'

N. 2nd Street.Second Ward 114 West (.Sold Ave-

nue,Third Ward Dunbar's office. Cor.

Hid St. and Cold Avenue.Fourth Ward .lust ice W. V.

office, 121 X. Third St.The officials of the election are as

follows;First Ward Judges, C. P. Jones,

J. M. Iiooliltle,' A. W. Ilaydeu; Clerks,(;. S. .Mlchdels, C. T. Hay.

Second Ward Judires. W. Id. Clay-ton, J. I). Emmons, W. if. 1. Allison;Clerks, A. J. Thoni, .1. K. Emmons.

Third Ward Juducs, licoi'Ko Al-- j

hriitht. John ttorradaile. Martin Mur-- !

phy; Clerks, A. C. Culver, lo L. C,on-zale- s.

Fourth Ward Judges, E. W. Khea.... .,,..t t, ii... t rjustice vv u. Aitv ie ia. v, '" '. than the payment of interest uccruiiiL-Strom,'-;Clerks. J. H. Toulouse, h. r. upon thn said bonds.

Delaney,t the same time and place, tliero

will be held a special election of theCity of Albuquerque upon the ques-tion of whether:

Section 1. There shall be Issuednegotiable bond of the City of Albu-querque to the amount of $400, 000. th)

or so much or such a pint thereof usmay he necessary, for the purpose ofKPcuriiiK funds lor the construction orpurchase of a system for siipplyliiKwater to the City of Albuquerque, andlis Inhabitants. Such bonds shall

in denominations of $ dtl.00 orany 'multiple thereof, and shall bear"" "onus.

5 '''"at ""cc llf lh" l"no n"d IdaecofInterest at the rate not to exceedhoidimr surh election and thesemi-lei- "per cent per annum, payable

and shall become due 'and le for which such bonds are to bepayable .5 years from date at such issued shall he published in tlic. Alhu-plae-

or places within or without the qticrquo .Morning Journal, a newsp,,.state as the city council shall de-- 1 lef of Ketieral circulation, at least miretermiiie, and shall provide that the each week for four consecutiv e weeks,city council shall hav e the ripht to ' Immediately prior to said election, uspay any or all of such bonds at any provided by law. The ballots cast attime after twenty (20) years from .'such election on Filch question shalltheir date. That such bonds shall hejhave printed thereon the words: "Fursold at not s than par and accrued water works bond issue" or "AsiiinstInterest to date of delivery; for cashlwater works bond issue." and suclionly, to the highest and best bidder, (ballots shall he of tinii'oim size amiafter publication of notice of such color.

to Get Busy Soon,

HI 0N JOU' MCIM !' "!Wasllilictoll, MlUVll "J t Alt lioiiuit

I npiil pinKics was mailt- - In tlx- limi-i-

today with the Miiy army increaseliill, It was found Impossible lo reacha vole before adjoin iitnciit. II may

he passed tomorrow, "Calendar Wediipiwliiy," hnvlriK I"'''" 1 "hmIi topermit il itnintc? riiit. l considera-tion. In the senate Chairman Cham-

berlain, of tli military committee,iiiiw plan to rail up his iirmv liill to-

morrow. He Ini'l expected tlin housetill ti I)" completed 1 '!" V ami wanwaiting for It. luit concluded tohlKh'lllllt UlllC WIMllll lrf HMVl'll by llltclllpt- -

iuir to luko up the. senate measure atonce,

l jiy ltcllif moot.Kevcinl iniii niliiK 111 (

were inado to tin- - ll iv bill iliinin. Willi one exception thev Wet '

approved liy Chnlrimiu I lay, ,f themilitary committee. After il I'fontlliU

li proposal cy i.rimw "runkliiK minority member ofonmmlitcc. to permit r i lent

soldiers to be ilisehareed Into Hm

reserve In one year on rccoininemlitloii of thflr cnmmuiideis, or In twoyenrs on tlioir own motion, tin1 housereversed its action and put. thrmii'h14 similar aim iKlnii nt l.y Represent-ative (lindncr. republican, '( Massa-

chusetts, over Representative HaV'i.

opposition. Tin- - senate hill containMoil a provision.

Instructor for School.The inont Important uiuomlnii nt

van the Insertion of tin n serve offi-- t

em trainlntc hi heme proponed bvRepresehtntlv (lard, of Ohio, ileum-crn- t,

which ulreiulv Iiiim hen lia hid-

ed In Hi" t hill. It providethat military Instructor hi suppliedhy the war depart meiit to any civilediieutlolml liiwtit lit i'.n with mi uvall-nld- e

student body of PHI or more andwhere u military course sullsl'ai tot y

to the war dcpai tincnt is established.A sufficient niunher of i;t admit, s

would b designated for six tn'mlli'udditioniil t I'M i LT with the regularnrmv to niiiintalii u corpa Of fiftythousand reserve officer.

INiwor of I'liildtnl.Another iiniendinciit iieeepl d. cf- -

fereit hv Reiireson I ii V Kalin. 'H'll...e..,!! Mm t, resident to order out thel.'Kulnr 'unity reserve without Ruin

lo rnnfcrcHN for iiuUiorily. i '"' ' on- -

lelllpllltvd Clrelllilll Of the e.ere W

Ii,0n0 mid iih the idll now KtandH llnVli'Hldent could lucieaie the rialarin tuv from It p,ai'i Miinmh of 11",-tid- tl

to u KtrenKlh of hy

older U war neemcd Imm-inent.

Important Ainenilim-nt- .

Tim laMt amendment adopted van)lf-ie- hy Uei,reentatie Tilson, re-- ,

puhlluiin, of Collin rticut. a memhi r

of th( I'ommittee. II would iiulbor-- j

Ixe thn war departm, nt to l,ire , on-- ,

Utrueted all the Ik and rivlurcniiH,'iKurv to conMi't piiiate munition plant for the manufacture ofiirmy rlfleii, cannon and amunllion

tl-- rivliniu would he Moled h theHoverninent In peace I line mil nilIn. filled to Ihe tuachine of c"rial planlM In a few dan. nml ihzlm:1he whole War machineiv of tinrmiutrv hehlnd the tlrhtiiii; hu,talis of the plan will I"' wol lo outIn the army appl opriulton t illI to la

eoiiHideied later. It ftas heeln cslilnated, however, that the lis! ur, V

lihilK! would cost Jiri.lMI'i.iHin r moii




lo.iii.ioi, ,oll March ;'l 'I'lioiiri'iT:lK.rt w lio ycMenlay w as appoint, d

Vnilcil 'Stale senator hv aver no r

H.ilslon lo sue, eel Ihe late Seoul,


lln) Oldest i:stalillslied nnd HostI'.cliahle Tailors!

WHAT AUK nu;iK wixnixhSIMX'lATni'.S?

lniMirti-- d and loiiestl; VVooli-ns- ,

I'nsiirpnssod Workuianslilp, (iunr.niini'd l it, liowest s consist,cut with ahovel Cull on them nl120 NORTH SECOND ST.I or Vour Spring nnd Summer Suit

They Also l)o (.'lennliiK, l'rcss-Ui- g

ond Altering.

tax shall be used for no other purpose

"See. :t At the end of five years af-ter the date of isme of said bonds andeach year thereafter until the saidbonds are fully paid, there shall helevied a special tax upon all of thetaxable property of the city nf Allm-querq-

sufficient, with other funds onham and available for that purposeto raise 2 pit cent of tiu.amount of said bonds for the purpnsuof providing a sinking fund lor thepayment thereof, and the proce, ds ofsaid special tax shall hi; used for noother purpose, than the payment of

Approved.U II IiOATKlCHT, .Mayor.

Attestthos. imiiiES City Clerk.

jXotk i: ov i;u:ri io to di ti i:- -


Public notice is hereby given that aresolution was duly adopted by thecity council of the city of Albuqiicr-iqu- e

on the 2Hth day of February, A. K.ll'JUi, which Is in words and figures hsfollows, towit:

"lie il resolved by the cily councilof the city of Albuquerque:

"That at .an election to be held nljthe same thru ami places as the icku-!Ja- r

election for cily officers of i liecity of Albuquerque, is to be held enthe 4th (lav of April, 111 IB, there shallhe submitted to a vote of such quali-fied electors thereof as have paid aproperty tax therein, duiiiiR' the

year, Ihe que-tio- of issuingbonds for the purpose of securingfunds for the construction or purchaseof :i system for sunnlyini.' water to the

of!f'"V of Albuquerque and the inhahi- -

inls thereof, as provided by (irili- -

:nance o. 6V0. which said ordinaee is:

i:i words and figures follovviiii;, towit:"An ordinance authori.ini; the issue

!of $4110,000.00 of bonds of the city nf'Albuquerque, or so much or such partthereof lis may be necessary to e

funds for Ihe construction or pur-'cha-

of a water system for supilyitin(water to the city of Albuquerque,

"fie. is ordained by the city councilof the cily of Albuquerque:

"Sec. I. There shall he issued neuii- -

liable bonds of the city of Albiiqucr-iqil- e

to the amount of $ 1 OO.Otui.ini, orso much or such part thereof us mayhe necessary, for the purpose of --

'itirim; funds for the construction or(purchase of a system for supply inC

'water to the citv of Albuquerque andits inhabitants. Such bonds shall beissued in denominations of $100.00 nrany multiple thereof, and shall bearinterest at a rate not to exceed r, percent per annum, payaldn

and shall become due si ml paya-

ble 4a years from date and at sadiplace or places within or without, th"state as the city council shall deter-mine, and shall provide that the cilycouncil shall have the riht to pay

lany or all of such bonds at any time'after twenty (20) years from theirdate. That such bonds shall he sold


Koswell. X. M,, March 21. Williahoiq half Ihe voles counled in thedemocratic primaries held here to-

day. Indications are that .1. II. Mollis,Ihe candidate of the "regular" whiBof Ihe local democracy. has beennominated for mayor hy a pluralityestimated at about i'a, K. I). I'.owo.k,'he "progressive'' candidate, is Kco-on-

while the vote of W, U. Jetton,Ihe third candidate, was ne.nliMihle.

A total of 81a voles was cast inDie primary. flowers carried thefifth ward by 25 plurality, while Mul-ii- .i

will probably have 'a lead of f, 0

in the third arid 35 in the fourth.The first and fecund wards are ex-

tremely close mid both tiro in doubt..1. i), tiilmore. candidate of the

"rcKidnr" democrats for city clerk, isnominated for clerl; hy a his majority.

Eminent Physicians FailedIn Kidney Trouble

1 wish lo inform you of the Hl'catbenefit I haye derived from the useof Swam 1 loot. I had been a suffererfor more than three yearn from Kidney and l.ivt r trouble and was almostconstantly treated hy the most emi- -

laoii physicians, who could only (fiveme temporary relief. I could hardlyKef from one room to the other wjth- -

out help, and hrul been ill lied fivedays when hi ;an t he use of Svvump- -

Knot. Inside of twenty-fou- r hours I

could sec some benefit. I continuedto use Sw amp-Kin- d until bad usedtwo hollies when I really fell tbat myold trouble w as completely cured; all.1 am positive that any person stiffer-ini- t

vvil'i kidney or liver trouble canhe cured by the use of tills prepara-tion. I nil 511 years of au'c and infood h"allh. It has beer: fourteenyears since had this trouble mid f

do not know how to express myself asstroiit'lv ;,s I desire in favor of r.Kilmers Swamp-Kno- t. 1 am surethat saved my life, and that inyhca!'. is dm. 'o this remedy. I b, arl- -ilv re omincntl il. to every .sufferer ofl.i.ln. trouble.

Yours iriilv,S. IC. TAYLOR.

( lailiesville, (la.Stati if ram.

la II 'cuni v

i'ersotuillv , a, lie s,. i:. Taylor, tome personally known and who onoath says tin facts dated on theopposite pate ire true

Sworn to and subscribed beforethis 2;!rd day of .laiiuaiv. 11115.

C. I',. Smith. Xolarv Public.Hall Co., h

Letter toIr. Kilmer .V Co.,ISintliaiiitoti, X, V,


Send ten cents to Or. Kilmer & Co.,Kinphatnton, X. Y., for a sample sizabottle. It will convince anyone. Youwill also receive a booklet of valuableinformation, tellinr; about the kidneysand bladder. When writ'niK, be sureami mention the Albuquerque Morn-ing Journal. Itesular fifty-ce- nt andone-doll- size bottles for sale at a'ddi-ii- stolen.

HqarIensnnRV ii a i nii Hi u i nunUllill II 11 I II

ody Uses ll Dai kens

Your Gray Hair So Evenly

So Handy and No Dye,

Harmless, Also Slops Dan-


I'.v applying Hair Color Re-

storer, like a shampoo, to your hairand scalp nil your Kray, strenUed with

ray, prematurely Kray or faded, dryor harsh hair quickly turns to mieven, beautiful dark shade.

nan urni i C,,,, II n

i v c voie in o 1. a i k i 1 nv

Opposition Is Expected in

Lower House,


Wa.ihiMlon. .March :l. - The Till-

man lull to provide for the erectionor piiivhane h the i.'O'.ei'limeiil of nilarmor plate faiioly at a cost not t'evceeil f I .nan, (Kill wax pasHcd.hy theM nate late Inilay hy a vole of f,s toKil. The house naval cominiitee has(( iiHide tomorrow for cOiiHideration

of the iiieioaire with a view to report-ing it t" Iioiihc promptly.

emoeralie cenutorM HUpported thehill Kolidlv reKardiiiK it one d

the linportant meaxurea included In

the national pi cparednccs prorramnow hehm IniHtencd to completion.Nine proKii-HHlv- c reinihlicaiis Joincn

vn ith the majorli. in votnm lor mehill. Thev were SenalorK llnrah,t'lapp. Cummins, Cionna. Keynon.XovriM, roindexter, t'terlim' ml

Works.House Actlini

I'.iko..... of the uiensur, In thehouse is l' L'll I'd 'll IIS asSlllcd Ad- -

4iiini.-lrali- hadciH arc plannilin t.ii.. il . ., .,,,,ii all. a' i.asaacc of theurmy rem a mza ion and imnil:i'atio,iIdll; .

The hill, which has the approval n!

Ihe nilmlinslraiion and SecrelarvHanielM, was hillerly opposed hy sev-

eral repuhlican senators, At com-

mittee heariims on Hie measure, of-

ficer of the llethleheni nn, .Miilvalc

Hleel tv1',) of the Ihree con

coins which furnish annor plate '

the uov ernineiit, appeared and lhthreat was made that their plainswould have to he dismantled as t

entered upon Hieus Ihe governmentl usiiiesx. h avin;; no source of supply

for the iiiivvs immediate needs. Theopposition in Ihe senate was led hy

Senators I'eiirose, nllvir, I. limit! au l

l.oiK'e.Urines Test Vole.

As general ilehate closed todav H.''

lest vole on the issue onim win n

Sei Weeks, of Massa, has, lis. offered a Mihstilute which would havcut hot i.ed the seen lary ol' I he navvto enter, if possildc, into a five yearcontiai'l with the llelhhheni,vale and CariK'Kie col Ides to

ply all H uior plale needed a

price six pel cent in excess of cost.iiiamlcnauce and depre, iulimi. TheHuhslilule, after' ,i, hate.was rei.cleii. KH to deinocial: j Vol- -

iue s, dully with the nine .roiessivcrepil l.lica n.'l Uj'niMsl il.

Vinemlmeiits I ! iciicl.Nnnieioiis oilier aineiulincnts ware

proposed and rejected. I me or thoinhy Seualor Xewlallds proposed lo de-

lay construction of the yov criiinentplant If private concerns would auilo furnish armor needed al a priceof if'.'Ml a ton. Senators I diver andI'rnrns.. insisted that 111,- proposed ('-lio- n

of Hie I'.ovcl iimi'iii ivas eoiilis-retor-

and that II would lone th''private plate l na n elm crs out ofiiusiii.sM at a nine when thev aleline. I needed h, the noveril llielll.

Senalors Svvansoti, Keel and Till-

man closed Ihe nciitTuI discussion lorIhe i, diniinst ration ma lata iintii; lha1Ihe ptivule ma nufaet ul'd s hail IH'V",!,. ,li laii K with Ihe liovci nmenl ali i

that i;o ern melll maniifacl lire in com-

petition with pi mile inaiuilaclurewas necessary. Senator Tillman de-

clared it was- not ih smiled lo run thepiivalo manufacturers out of husi-nes- s

and predicted that II would not.




ID, MOHNIHtt JOUHNAl. t.l.,, I .ID lf'lioaulius An.. Ma rcli 2 I'laJi"

m ole nv the Moiilcnina i 'upper eom-plin-

to return a inimoer .,f AmericanWoll.lnell to Ihe mines south of N'aco-.I- I

I, i'l'liora, vvcie ihaimeil to, I, iv andlb,, men liilorme.l that they wouldr ol be nei ded probably for scv i alda-- . :.

l the off;,', s here of th,. companyhowever it was id that li" innni.t-lio- n

of trouble had he n rcci iv ed. billHi at those in ,har::c "I' Hie mines desired lo wail a few da v s, to u atch Hie

ri ml of ev cuts ill ( 'hilniaiuia I'efoi'e j

lal :n". any net ion. j

A morn, nil ,inplov,s of the mines inithe Voiito. itm.-- and o i'.v;io:iswere I. ton :h I., the bolder early las!Week after l'inte( Slates Hoops hadbeen older, d ml" Mexico to capture!Ft, Isco Vlll.i and Id-- , hnndi's. Tlicmm... iioincd opcr.iihui vviih Mix-- ;

lean itrl'Vi s. j

f,-- iln s in:,,, it was s id, of- -

f'oi-ii- in Soooia. slii;e-'ie- d that the'l i'ivec- - of the I ruied dates wlm had

the mines l,e returned to take,chaii:.- of th. work there, as therewa- - no , I. .iif.r f a. iv fcditttc; in theiiiiiiinc de truth. I'l .'lo rat lot's then

, e mild.' ol' (111' lUlol'iVeS I"tula from !o re on pulav's tram. 1'".

iicim: todav that tile leiurn.ofth, ineri, ans liad l'ii postponedti r .'ii-i il davs. oi'ii.irs ,,f the M m-ite!. tl, :i iiiii.panv denied that Hie "'o- -

d". T' i' l.v P. I'lias Colli s ii i 'i.iiv tiioui r ,d i a. toee ','. i - ll sin!,. ' "in rev ilia lliI ix.s ,,ud ,. titer work ins conditions;inil .s, ,i in ii.. hh .iiii. i w 's e of the delav. Other personssail l'. it 111,- n. t llemse'.V . S.

r, co i, d thai t'o-- i. t !.,. scut hackinto Mi xi. o ,u present.

M. xi mi in A.;'ia Prieia, oppositeher' , .1, brat ,1 todav the anuiv'iirv if Hie , i n at ion of PlisidelltjKen!;., .laai', vv . flviiisjtin ni.-!,-. .i th" town a,. ditrlnu the'lll"llll.!ii the loo' II". ips -t a loned t hefeex.-- ::t, d their dulls ,m the fold just! li of Ihe inl.-- i iL.tional h"l di I

N,.ll Uoil-.- s. llolsliei.M. xi.-,- . fill M.,1'1 h 2 I - 'I'l,.- last of

tl,. pin. he tin inn rooms and nlief, .. . sta i.iialieil semetlme ai! by thea: H'.or'tics I' m Mi, , "i lia: the poor ofhis tv w . :' "s, d todav. Tins ac-

tion was t 1U1 n "ii account of oftlci.ilI'lf' t mall, ill l'i t il dlliK the bellel'IHelit... , ..Hemic and hyc,enio , ond.tionsin he , u.v

T.iu nd. mnt dully If yuttit ' o.. ri'.Tt J 'lirmil aat n.ti.

! eIN IOIISN.1 IMIKI l...ll.,"'jiii Atitolllo, Tex, -. Mai i h -

Willi I lie lAeeptioii ,,l "H r n I oii"-thu- il

li niliu ni ol inl'.iiil i lo nnf eaalry, and liat a luoiiutx

i:i iiliMiil a l k M ' and a half offield aillMery, all of the regu-

lar I Mill d Mut' H in my a'e ellhir al-

ready in the le i'il ' r territory and inMi vieii, or nee mi foreign ''''I'll IM (loeH tlo lie lllde lh'' I'OllHt lU'tll- -

lerjv enipH ,r all cntiWieer troupn,l enrpH oiiipanii N and fh Id llos-lillal- a

Hinl aiiihiilaie e com m iiIi-h- .

left In the Tinted SlatesexehiHlve of llM'W in til Nonthern de-i- r

P'litmei.t and M' Xli'd on foreii-'i- i

l'ior areSecond eaallv. K'. Kill la Allan,

VI.; Flflli ejiViilr.v, I ni t Sin Mini, III.;

loll Mver, 'a.. and I'oi'lwoith, Kan. 'I'h rd Infantry,hailai'li". X V and I ilila l io,N. V.; I nit leiiii li inlunliy one(alien ai I'Vi I ,u wion, I -

f ;tl inlaiiirv Vain miver ha l l a'Wi Tueiii lounii inl'.i ill r .

I'. liiiHH'-ll- , vVj'n.; Thiniclh il) fa n- -

try. riaiti-hu- hirra, T V V.; I'lilhflei arldlei.v, with the Mllilloli olone halfery, I'oi't Sill, idila.; throehallerieH Third t ielil ai lllh'i.v. I 'otMver, a.

Ht'.'ll.(IOI) (ii l'av (.aide-lleiur.- ir

r'ntiMlou was inhlsi'd fromWiifiliiKto:i today that $'.:. linn hadheill phee.l to hix eledit for tilepav melll of Hie Wl'l ices of cuidi-n- ,

hi'oiiIh, nil. 'i pr, Ii'Im and otherIt inllthl heeollle ailvlsahle to emphn.Already ( I'ei 'Inn:: Is liningrnan AuierhaUN an hooii.h. They alei,.',i mii id to he l.imthar with I'V, i'vHad and water hole in Ihe north of,11 esieo

Til" ivorli of f iiiiH. Il wan i vpe' t d.Will lie Kiiipenienled l.y tin a v ia ol s,hIn of whom have arned at t'usaI ira nih k I n n T. Il laiwen.w ho fell wil ii IiIn ma him- - on the ninh;from the hotder t i (",sas UrandcM.vmim only slmhtly Iniui'e.l, il'illllUlo 'in olihlal repot! moralKlillHIoM,

It, pol ls Vie HiTiie.It v ;ih elated lal e today a! i i Hera!

I'litinton',, heaihpi.uieiM that no re-

port from ileueral I'ersliini'. resjnril-Ini- f

the operulions aualiisl ilia southof i'iikik ilrrndes wa.i re, eived lo'lav., fl..l I. l',l.--o i i e hi I ' r"! i".. 'farm H, i ',n r:,n.M fores at frncesand N.iniJ.iilia, somii ol' ilaleana,were viuue and eoi,lr:iill"torv.wheller the Allien, nil column ol cav-alr-

llnil was ndv a n. ini; souiliw.ndon the trail le.elhu; lo I iiii ch elleount-eiei- l

Villa was llielel u nu,-.-- s nthen i h ua i t i i s.

I ield W hide I neel liiin.I'vailur,. of Ihe fi.'ld wireh'-- s ul

Casus (Irandcs vn leu reninhd alIn .i..aarteis as sn.' since it

llal hern "III liollhle' ii I:,, lie pari otIn- nine I'lciiucnl h. Hi, re have liei n

hum inl, avals " In n i!.c operators w el' to i li the Htali.ui on thelionlcr, and oifn-ir- lure were lu- -

eiue, I. dicve tins interruptionwas dm IlUe the other.-.- , lo ;i,Ums-inltion- s

eh, I i.' , .'.ml the Wi aUlleS.s ofI he wiiih ss set The W li es t hut w ererepui'icl rut lieiween I 'mem lllalldesand Jual ,1,. :,r lo Hie east oldell, lal I'llsloims line of , ol, nil 11 i

cation and were lea used l.v him forI ram mission 'I In v pa i a 11,1, l or a

..tenter pail ol Hi, wa, lln' .N'.rih--

eslei n a il w aIni idem iiinipn, tunl

The In hi Will ,, ,' that wasInterrupt , u .Imiiloia was

' ' for He i' li'MI l.v thosenear mi I. an lei. liencralI'crs hn ,1, , lids . upon hisW II', less The olli. tepolls I'ecelV-rrupli'.-

e,l hele ai.l tin nl vv is dueto ii i id. ulai I. pv Auc'llcausoldiers, pioh.lhlv ilri in mi iikiver il.

l ute l.iinclil il was stab d at Ceil- -

l', ''l IISl It's lie II il I.I I'l ''M lllllt III-

i...,i ..... ..... ,a, ,,,i oo ssau-.- ', ','sliine r lain,, to theoperations bevoud Casa liiand,

( I : n " Ii leaded l.v Juan lllosHotol'iue.', on of t lu- II cu-

llIn M ... .ni n .al Sunday inIl,i lo..- i.l. . be s. all. l e.l ov or 111

of Sol, iii a, to w ol '.. h Do- dir. Hon of t In .lal. am nilsh'oii All public I. .n. Is vv ,; I, sei;re- -

n.'d li I'm pi iv a "!v own- .1 prop, rtv ,

Mil e ,!le-'- . fill' t be d'-.- i'lblltloll.lln. .11,; Ihe people, plollo .1 l.v III.

oil in .' si" II. ' II I'll opposition,; is. is lie 111 t.iWl :'; Sollol'a

Olllpiele he S1II

was .1 p noun' , d todav- t ... .w uIS ll ol ecu hv pi, il il t" till'.',',!. ... Iii Ihe first t w ii. -' i lit lal

I'lllldlU.'.s III II .! be ' ollst l ie Id. I'll! illthe thud I.,s, win, h will e old at

,a ii.' pile- I" the pool people.aiU kill. of . Ill e ' . tc:

Id" .', Iv Ill I, .' "I laud.. a, ' ; li . tl.-- lias I.. e.i s.'l ,i prop ii'. h

and t .e..o.i. pet;. os. s.


iS ;'f0 BY Di ATM

IH, M('.,.K ,O.JlA IPIO! U.,,!. l'.l('he : .M il, h .' ie id e

t"im, f the M vl.i

Ii i l , dill i, ''In hef.u ..: .1 nam. I," O'llS,Wlm. m I h:s p nan lis ' el e

i " ' 'il Hi d v - ,.Ol'.e,' "'"'"'' a.'.v i "i Ills n

o:i ' l- i- ; s ' li'.-ee- ! lo I

, f"i' .an 1.. r.

( K'-Aj- ) RY VICE f;R0Bf,

. LSI..,., t..anw.'j

M i.i I'" 'i ' .1 li ,loid. V- i to. let" r ot a !! It'

.1 1I..II led I'"!- V I".:. h s tec:: lit o

s ),, :, He w, ,s. 11. is, ...t.hii'l bi-

llw ,1 j' 'I s U ' l ll

I' .1 to follow.

II, MIIMNINO JOIIMNAL PIC,L I lHD W'fttliolilliwton. .March 1! (icnerul

I'elshiiiH, IcadiiiK the Mexican expe-,iionar- y

forces in .Mexi.o, reportedIhe war depart merit todav that In

had reaelifd a point near Villa andhis outlaws. It was made i dear In thedispatch that, Ceperal I'elsliiiiK he-l- i,

veil the troops of the de facto gov-

ernment were in thehamiit hunt and that it Is quite pos-

sildc Villa may I e tra p d.Nalhi' Alt il nih' I'llfiully.

'ifficials continued to assert todaythat all dispatches lo the war andslate departments told ofhelween the American and ('arriinz.'lforces and of generally favmflhl ' con-ilhio-

In the interior of .Mexico amiahuii,' the border, t'liofficlal dispatch-es piel nrinir a, very different situationwere hrouyhl to tiie attention of Sec-retary linker, who said that whilethe situation was I'rauuht with manypossibilities, so far there had been nounfavorable developments. line ofHeiieral Pershing's reports toniuhlsaid the altilude of the nativ, ; contin-ued friendly, .Mr. Kaker, in ref' rrinnto this, explained that Ihe departmenthad no infoimallou to indicate that asimile hostile Shot had been fired

or bv lh" American troopssince thee entered Mexico.

Keliif'ircenieiits Sent.While Acting Secretary I'olk of thn

stall' department, and Kliseo Arrc-doinl-

MeXica'n amhassaihir-ilesinrial-

wore eiinfcrrinu during the day overIhe terms of the piolo, ol proposed byihi.eral I'arran.a to govern the jointpiirsuH of Vlll.i. the war departmentwas ordering' additional troops to theborder In rcpimsc to a r quest fromCencral The I'il'lh cavalry,Ihe squadrons of which are stationedat Fort Mver, 'a Sheridan.. 111.,

and Korl 1 .on veil v, ort h, Kan , ami theTvv, h Infantry a; I'oi't 1. A.ItiiKsrll, Wyo., were ordered to entrainimmediately. Th" point in which theiroops will move was not d!s lose.l.

A squadron of Ihe Second cavalryat Kurt Klhun Allen. Vt.. will lie sentIn Vort Mver to supplement Ihe Har-

rison there.Terms of ITolneol.

Mr AiT'dondo conferred in "ii:;ihWilli Mr. I'olk. alicr I 'resident Wilsonand his cabinet had decide, to acceptHi" proposal for protocol. I, ater il

was said that Hi, terms of Ihe pro--

posed convention i had beenaci'.ed upon and that It was quiteprobable il Would he in force within afew days.

Vl'Hliinenl . Outlined.Il is understood that il is proposed

to have this a;;rcc melll cover suchquestions lis lo tl, av many Americantroops shall enter Mexh o. how farInto Hie country II icy shall penet rale,methods ol co opcratini; ami Ihe useof railroad-- ' for military, purposes.Mr. Arreiloinlo is understood to havebeen khvii complete instruction-- ; byhis unv eriiiiicnt and (or that reasonit is prolable the protocol will i;o into

fleet as soon as he and .Mr. I'olkhave definitely acrcal on all ihepoints.

Today Ihe slate department sent toConsul (ieneral Koihn is, at Qiao etalo. for presentation to til" do factoi;o cm uieiil the i n for mi ion askedlor in t, uard to Ihe request of theI ' n ml Stales for permi.'sion to userailroads from I'll l'aso lo Casusirandes for the shipment of supplies

to the American expedit iona t y forces.Il was pointed out thai tile I'liitclSlates had no intention ofIroops oyer Ihe line and that the re-

quest was made solely for supplies.

Serb (Town lTlneo Visits I'ni'ls,I'aris, March 21 ( I! p. m l Crown

I'rinoe Alexander of Serbia reachedhei,. this al'lernooii for the military,

land political conference of the cutout,allies. He wa.- received al the stationby President I'oiucare. minister ofwar Koqne and other cabinet iiiein-- jhers. He was a cordial re, cp- -

Hon ,y a irow, that had gathered.

Asqiiitli Is Impi ov iiiu;.London, March 21 (1:21 p. in.)

Premier who has been suf-- if, riui; front bronchial catarrh, hasrecovered to such an extent thill hewis ible I, i preside at the war coui:-- J

i ll tills tnoiliiiu;. it is doubtful, how -

ever, whether tie is well enough to at-- I

tend parllamenl this wc k.

Wlclilla I'ionci'i- - Ities.W i, Int. I, Kas., Match 21.- William

Mathcwson, one of Hie fiisl white;nnai to locale on the pr, s.;iil site ofWi. Ii ,1 ii del :tl his lioine here today,aiii'd yens.

(TT THIS tll T- -l'l' IS WORTHmom:v

MOX'T MISS THIS. Cut oat tillsslip, enclose with "if and mail it toFoley ,vi Co., Chicatro, Til., writinK

r name and uddrcss clearly. Youwill receive in return a trial pack-m-

containim; Foley's Money and TarCompound, for hmrlpne oouphs, coldsand croup; Foley Kidney Pills., forlame back, weak kidneys, rheuma-tism, bla.lilr" troubles, and Foley Ca- -

Ihartic Tablets, a wholesome anojthoroughly cleanslns cathartie, for;constipation. biliousness. headache j

and slu's'ish bowels. Sold every-- iwhere. .

Y.".l n Nf, in inr ontUTl nr.'a i. I. dally If 'el,t.' lie! rea.l ,l,,ui!i;,l waint adu.


Apply Ocam !n Nostrils ToOpen I'p Air Passages.

Ah' What relVf: Vour iloac--. d nos-trils open riKbt up. the air passages nfyour head are ce-a- r and you can j

breathe freely. No more- hiiwkinvr,smiH'liiu-- , mucous d.schare, headache,dryness ri MrugKitng for brcith a!nielit, your eld or lai.irrh is ptuw.

Iion't stav stuffed up! (Id 11 ftnaliboitie of i:iv's Cream Palm from vour;di",ii-e,is- ! now Apply n btt'e of this'

antiseptic en am 111 your 1:0s-- 1

trds, ht il penetrate llirinwh every furpassai;,. of the head; soothe nnd healthe swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, L'iviutc you instant relief. Fly si. . ,1'..l...,., ,

'l , . , ,...1.1e. Ill tl, ,.-- Jll.--l ' III,' v I 1.IU

nnd catarrh sufferer lias been set king.It's just splendid.

sale as provided by law.Sec. 2. There shall he levied in

each year hereafter until the princi-pal of said bonds shall be fully paid,a special tax upon ail of the taxableproperly of the City of Albuquerquenecessary to pay the interest on saidbonds, under the terms hereof, and

(the proceeds derived from the saidspecial tax shall be used for no otherpurpose than the payment of interest,'icoruinK upon trie said bonds,

Sc.. ;i. At the end of five yearsafter the date of the issue of said bondsand each year thereofter until the

;s:itd bonis are fully paid, there shallbe levied a special tax upon all of the,taxable properly of the City of Allot- -querque sufficient, with other funds!on hand available for that purpose toraise 2 '.j per cent of the amount of;said bonds for Ihe purpose of provld-- Iini; a sinking fund for the paymentthereof, ami the proceed of sue),

(special tax shall he used for no otherpurpose than the payment of said.bonds. .

And the same judges and clerkshereby aunointc, as the JuiIetcs anilclerks of election for the electioncity officers of Ihe City of Albuquer-Ique- ,

New Mexico, are also appointedand designated as the jndncs andcbrks of the spcial election and areas follows:

First Ward C. P. Jones,J, .M. Iiooliltle, A. W. Ilaydeu; Clerks,C. S. Michaels. C. T. Hay.

Second WardJudges, W. M. Clay-llo- n,

.1. Ii. KnimoiiK, W. II. 11. Allison;Clerks, A. J. Thoin, J. K. Emmons,

Third Ward Judges, t '.corKo Albright. John Horradaile, Martin Mur-phy;


Clerks, A. C. Culver, E. L. tjiin-zale- s.

Fourth Ward Jiuluew. E. W. Rhea.Justice W. W. Mci'lellan, W. W.Strom;; Clerks, J, 11. Toulouse, I,. T.lielaney.

The poll books for registrationhall he opened according to law and

shall he kept open for the next tendays thereafter and each and every

(duly qualified voter In said city shallhe entitled to be registered in themanner prescribed by law.

liy order of the City Council of DieCity of Albuquerque, Stale of NewMexico, on Ibis the lilh day of March,A. 1). liilti.

P. H. RiiATKICIIT,(SKA I.) Mayor.

Attest:TlloS. HI'HliKS, Citv Clerk.

lie it resolved by Jhe city councilof the cily of Albuquerque:

That at an election to lie held at tinsame time an, places as the regularelection lor cily olltceis of the cityof Albuquerque, is to he held on the!4th day of Anril. Kill!, there shall hesubmitted to a vole of such qualifiedelectors thereof as hav e linid a liron -

Alnierune. or so n.n'cl, or such o., r,


.'I1 v'ui::tmmn engineers""ilTs Kcnerallv pndeis. h, Sc-- j 0 SEGREGATE PROi'LRlYl,lor 'I'aKKiirt will be in harmony Willi;1hc administration in ail Impoitanl, ,, ,i.,ul,,,.1niiv.iuiliieiisuie now penilim; before the- , ,r ,... M.n.h 'I Twntv

lat riot less than par and accrued into'-(es- t

to d.ate of delivery, for cash nub.

iniKcs mur :111a hvaip iieiiiui.v, M'crty lax therein din- nir the nicced -every strand of your hair, whether mg yea,-- , n, ques'inn of Issuing bonds sary to pay the Interest 011 said bonds-k-ra-

or not. becomes flossy, fluffy, ,f,)r (ie purpose of seeurinj,' funds fori under Ihe'terms hereof, and thesoft, thick, with that evenlh:, construction or purchase ot a svs- - foods derived from the said special tax

dark shimmer of beautiful, radiant, (,,m for supplyinf; water to the city of ishall he used for no other purposehealthy hair- - just as you like to have Albuquerque the inhabitants tha n the pavment' of interest accruingyour nam appear fascinatim; and thereof, us provided hy Ordinance No. (upon the said b'otidf.abundant, without even a trace of r,70, which said ordinance is in words! "Sec ;: At the end office years

show .nc, y natural, evenly j ,, f,,.,, f()ll,nvinr, to,vi. ;t(ip h , f yf said hl,ml( , irk, lovely hair. M .an also mime-- ,

"An r,liance aitihorr.inK the issm, thereafter until tliediate.y stops dandruff and falling . . ,.,, f ,,r ?,, ilv f 1...,' ' .. 'V';.. .we shall



tin pipi ntnyiiPiiiiUuiuuiuiytiibii, i


'Tape's Diapcpsin" is thej

quickest and surest Stom-

ach relief,

If what you Just ale is ftourlna; onVour tirii,u-- or lies Id( a liiuiii "f

ufuslng to d.Kewt, or ymi belchtia nn.l roctnii, Miur, undis-s- ti d food,or lime h i' phuk el ui..'ie ,'"'turn, fullnisN, imu-n-a- bad tai-- t in

' -- ' I '' OII.O C l.l.v l,'.thereof as may he necessary to provide taxable property of the city of Alli"-fuml- s

for the construction or purchase Uiuerque raif ficie'nt. with other funds on

to the highest and best, bidder, alterpublication of notice of such sale as'

provided hy law."Sec. 2. There shall be levied i"

each vmir loreafiei' until the sair bonds, shall he fully paid, a

sneeia lav 111,011 nil the taxable pri'li- -

'ertv of il, cite of .v lhnouc rune n,

',.,-i- . ;.J ,,11 of the

Imn.l n...,ii.,l l f,, (hat nlirpui--

to raise 2 per cent of the uninm"of said bonds for the purpose el l'i"

.vidlnir n iHn fond for the lia.vlll''" I

thereof, ond the proceeds of said 1"" t.,v oloili ho ...iuI for n,mn-oos- 'than the navment of yai'l

bonds."j That a notice of the time and J"''"!of holding such election and the '

n,.. f..e iii..h h bonds an- - to he

'issued he imldished in the Ai- -

horoweio,., xt ,',,! .Toumal. a- le'Inisl

shall !,: ,.i int, ,l thereon the wordsor


..1..,..., ,.r , i,v of AlhuuueniiieIis a paid a property tax in said ft

durim? the precedin year, nt an f"1'.ion for ih. ,onri.ose. to be held

" ' ' ;i('. I

,(, no sa me time a no e t Ft,..rf.... .1 i.. ,l.n for C V ot 1'

n'ititr ,'..'. . not,.

of a water system for supplying waterto the city of Albuquerque.

"Re it ordained by the city councilof ihe city of Albuquerque:

M'c. J. p. ere il he issued net;,) -name nouns 01 me nlv ol A buuuer -que to the amount of $ 4iiii.iino.ilO. orso much or such part I hereof as mayhe necessary l',,r tin- purpose f secur -ins funds for t lio construction or piu' -chase of a system for suiuilvintr ffntrrto the city of Albuquerque ami its in -

habitants. Such bunds shall he issued

inout li stornacn liead i.'iie. you van "s , .

r.ircly ft reih f in five minutes, !, I, .1 mo!;, a lev, w,,s ,,u. toAfk your pliureiac.'-- t to limw ymi ha f .: i n.'i.- - cm ' iiin

tlip Iiuni'jin. piuin'y pHnted mi the-- ", a . 'i v. ,i,.,cp., ,. a ',-- ui

t.fty-cen- t ctieB cf'Vup, '! lilapepsir.. dis.a.--e in ti. i C". n v .1. v

vow will liiiilofslaii,! whv d- - , I Uh w ,, . lira-a- i ol He . I.iir- !"ln denominations of iSllHi.iui or anvlnanoi- - of r.i,,...i elrcolation. at

multiple thereof, an, shall hear inter-lonc- e each week for four ciinseviitueest at a rate not to exceed per cent weeks, immediately prior to said tl- - fper annum, senii-annu- a liy, tion, provided bv law. 'Hie

,and shall become due and pav able 4fi'.pnt nt m,.i, owtlon ,,n mu'lv ttiest-'(-

hair. Is harmless; no dye,hut sold on a money-hac- k pa a ran tee,to dark-- n pray hair. Only ;d)c for abit; 7 oz, bottle at Kutt's. Inc. driif;stores. Albuquerqinj, N. M. n

folks supplied hy mail.

i,j'i;i, 0Tic1 sNOi'l S OF JII'MdlMI, l l.I CTIOX.

Notice is hereby t;ivcn thtit on theHI, day of April, A. I . l'Uri, e. "amoral

leleeiion will he held in the City ofAlbuquerque, I'Olinty of Pa' I' ll!l 111 ll),

land State of New Mexico, for the pur- -pose of electing one Mavor, one City

'Clerk, (lie Treasurer, one. Aldermanfor the 1st Wind for a term of fouryears, one Alderman for the 2ndWard f"i' a term of foui years,

for the 3rd Ward for aterm of four years, cne Alderman forthe 4ih Ward for a term of four y ears. 3

The following Registration Hoards.1 n,l places for reitisU'iiiq: of voters atthe sa:,l ehriimi have been designatedas follows, t:

First Ward J. W. Frederick, Dr.F. W ilson. P. Ilnnley.

Second Ward Steve Rochl, J K.Elder. H S I.ithuow.

Tl'lid Ward .1 hn TandbtTg, LeoMurphy, Felipe C

Fourt'i a, Ti Ortiz, Felixicai.oiiA Thelin.

The pia is of re as,follow s:

First "v a rd New-Store- , Mexico Cipar!l:", W. ( Ave.

Second Ward A Ivaradu Pharmacy.Cor. 1st St. arid ;,ihl Ave.

Third Ward Owl Uruir Store, Cor.2nd Si. and (iold Ave.

Jirptle (roubles .f all klmli suiist po.nnd why It relieves, pour, out l, r

WiiRitii. h r md'ttiUlon in five mil:- -

ti. "Papa's I'UU'cpslu" i hirmtec.t;,H(e like tandy. thotiKh enrh .los"vil dijKrt an. I prepitre for iissimia,- -

lion Into the blood o.l (he food jou

ars from tlu ir date and at suchPlace or Places within or without thel'For Water works bond i11'

the city council shall deter- - Aeriini ,,itm hond issue.stateinme. and shall provide that the eiivo.i, i,.,n,. u..ii ho ,.f uniformconn, il shun have the rifrht to pay any land color."or till of such bonds at any time after j That under and In pursuance there-twcni- y

(20 years from their date.; of the question as to whether orThat such bonds s,!ill be sold at not such bonds shall be issued willless than i,ar and accrued inteiest tnimin.,! ... of such iunlil'iu

Mt: tyesab'S,, H ma ken you pn to the i. ,.f ,! :,. a

la hie with a healthy npp tlte; butji.t i. :,.-.- i i oiwhat will pa.-- e ou most, is that "'iivill feel that yur h nnd ti,t(-- , !rj) '.'Af- rA'jr I

"1ini are clean am) mid "U willdate of tielivei-y- for cash onlv. to thehiylo t and best bidder, after mihli -

. f notice of such sale as pro- -

,M(led hy law.'es.,..'.-- . .., . I IH IP hilt l.o l.o' "!,..! il., , 1 ... ,i, same P

jiot need to roort to lv;,i:vf!i or llvt-- r

jiilN for hillmiKeefi or convtipati"ii.This city w.ll hav many " l.i p- - .

lilBpeysin" crn!., n umif prop:., wl'1

rail them, but yon w ill he e iil h usiiis! chniil thlt spleminl stomach l.tepnni- -

tlon. too, if you ever take it for md:estlon, K.ise. heHrthmn. ournes,

tljiipepsia, or Bny hIoouh h m - i y.

Get mine now, thin minute. umJ r dvonr.elf of momaeh ndpiiy utul Indi- -

ligation in fiv rolntitea.

" toeach year In realtor. until lh. 1. line!,.., I' 'i'"1or said bonds shall I fully paid,spec;.,! tax upon all the taxable prop- -

rty of the city of Albuquerque neces

aiof said citv on said April ,,.J,y ballots denosited in a separate

P. U. liOATRIiVlT. Mar-Attest- :


tuos, iiFCriiEf. nty ( 1,'"t'

sary to pay the interest 11 said bonds,under the terms hereof, and the pro-cec-

derived from the said special

Page 4: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916





man's health is staked tinotl themoinont.w lndi's.MOVIELAND


down, hlmxl laden with bilion.-- i

poihon and lungs or skin affected,Twenty - four hours after you

start to take Dr. Pierce's GoldenMedical Discovery,, poisonous mat-ter and Mood impurities befrinto lease your body through theLiver, I'.owels, Kidneys and Skin.

So powerfully penetrating isthis purely vegetable remedy, thatthroujrh the eirculation of thebleu) it roaches fibre, muscle andjoint, dissolves the poisonous' secre-tions and drives them out of thebody.

It brings new activity to theliver, stomach and bowels in ashort time, thus causing sallow-nes- s,

indigestion and constipationto disappear,

U enters the tiny blood vesselsof Ihe skin, bringing with it freshvitalized Wood, and abiding faithin the wonderful cleansing powerhas come to thousands, whenpimples, boils, carbuncles, rasli,eczema, acne and other skintroubles dry up and disappear.

tiood blood means good health ;

good health means strong men

K cry life lias ii rnticalcaW lio gives to it within a IV

m j " iruiniyii i



mm j'

M Mi. p.


cine dealer will supply au w'lhKenieiiil'er it is puiely vep.'elhble,

Thoro aiv times whon alikS system may be run

' v. "

i ii. 1 S Ml .. U It K. V


it.,T -1 li. ! f't-.-

VI. '

" ' 1WIVJ J

m v


e's ("lolden Medic :il Discoveryfretti alcohol or narcotics,

wrapper. liaf it note ill your nearest

J ,. J, i t

, ;';'-'StU-


ft' ' h' I

? . . ii ,t.

v.vfi0&' ... ''. :"'' :

v I

Antonio Moreno has a history that '

is as romaniie as his lo.oks, and that'sbeing sorne romantic. isn't it, girls','Horn in Madrid. Spain, his familyoriginally intended that. he devotehis life to iiriet-thorid- . lie too. hadthought that the church was his vo- -

cation a beautiful girl came intohis life and he i bunged his ideas.This lasted for a time, and when thestorm had passed he found Himselfin love again this time with ihestage. It was not long before heproved that h- - had marked histrionicability, Htul about four years age hecame to America, Uore to work hisway to the front in his chosen pro-fession, llctueen "legitimate" en-gagements he posed for the Vttagraphcamera, and is was not long untilhe was under contract with this cor-poration. He also did s'onie workfor the Riograph, Mr. Moreno Is f I vofeet t,en Inches tail, lias luai 1, hairand dark brown eyes and weighs 170pounds, lie is. very athletic uudloesdancing. He can sail a boat, drivea car and till, those things, llvldenilyperfectly adorable arid not married!

( If WI.IX rHTTKUSum: c.wsk or vit.

Charlie Chaplin has become a chiefsubject of controversy, almost eclips-ing the war in Europe.

The country is divided Into twogroups. In one party sre those whoawait, with' expectant and palpitatinginterest thf announcement of his nextrelease. In ihe other group are thosewho earnestly and vehemently depre-cate him and till his works.

This explains a divorce suit justfilel in Francisco.

The dispatches give the names. Acharming voting matron of that citvwent to the movies everv chance shehad to sec Chaplin. Her husband be-

longed to the other group. He toldher not to go again. She went, andIhe. suit for divorce was filed.

Urcaking her own oscillatory rec-ord. Miss Ivt Shepard the Coimoiil"vampire" used fortv-fiv- e feet ofcelluloid ribon to record a kiss uponIhe lips of Karl (i. Sehcnek. Karlcame up pale, but smiling. Thechaste salute forms a large sectionof ';Tlie Haunted Manor, " which Uau-mot-

will release In April.

and women, full of vigor andambition, with minds alert andmuscles ever willing. Any medi- -

in either liquid or tablet form.and is r.ot a secret remedy for

Dr. Piefree

Us ingredients are pin.'li.ihv'd mi

THEHurled deep in ri

GOOD THINGSthe root of whi'-- pos-esse- s w ondcrt'uily ellicaciotis propertiesas ;m alterative or b! vd purifier atnl liver inviuorainr.

This sturdy lil tie plant is known to botanists a Hydrastis



Superintendent White ReceivesWord From CommissionerClaxton of Work to Be Done

in This State Next Fall,


Santa Fe. March 21. P. 1'. Claxton,head of the Lureau of Education, hasarranged with Superintendent of Put,lie Instruction Alvan .. White fur acomplete educational survey of Xew.Mexico by bureau expertH for twomonths this fall. A meeting ,,C theSlut Hoard of KilucaUon will Bocalled early in April to consider thismailer. Four experts will he senthere, their salaries being paid hy thefederal government hut New .Mexicomust meat their traveling; expenses.The bureau is intensely interested Inthe language question in w Mexicoami therefore will make a special ef-

fort to make the survey n most com-plete one. The exerts before corn-ing to Xew Mexico will make a surveyof Sun Francisco and North Dakota,and after lep.vHijr Xew Mexico willmake a survey of Arizona.

Mr. W hite tomorrow ut Chicago at-

tends the meeting of inspectors vhh itwill Inst until and including the i'lth,as New Mexico's representative In rhe.North Central Association of Collegesami Secondary Schools. He will pre-

sent Superintend! nt. Milne'g report onthe AlbUiUcrojiie schools. Objectionhas been raised to Xew Mexico'membership, as the state Is not

in the territory outlined, bur.Mr. White will make a fight for rheretention of the state in the associa-tion.

lr. Claxton asks for a census ofj crippled children in Xew Mexico and

on the enumerators' blanks for theschool census this September therewill be columns for enumerating suchchildren.

Mr. White writes that he believesi that the j'uge vocational hiil will pussi congress at this session. It is alsoj known as the Smith-Hughe- s bill. TheAbercfoniliie illiteracy hill is alsoscheduled for passage. Tile house!committee on appropriations gave the

jllurcau of Kducatl'in an increase of$.",(ion in its appropriation, but the!

(senate committee is disposed to do:""u l1 I'C'or. Alex. Summers, theiiuit'iu n niooMp !ui. thiipi u i

highly the statistical reports of the.New Mexico department of education,which are complied by Chief Clerk1Kupert I'. Asplund.

The t'nited Statcs as present orn-- jployes a force of ninety j,eopie in theHnrenu of Film atioti and has givenit better quarters. Or. Claxton boni-- j

harded Mr. White for half a day with j

OUCStinllH about New Mexico's cduca- -

tioniil progress ami complimented theistale on the progress it is making.'liefore tiie X'ew York high school,llr, White read in Spanish a recentcommencement address by Felix Mar- -

liliez and tlie pupils translated it,




S inla Fe, .March -- 1. The hcgin- -

ning of slu ing was signalized byCounty ! tiperintendent J. . t on waywith the inauguration of a campaign

the manual training deparl incut or,the SaiHi, Fe high school. Schoolrec or Frank F. Corml'V. Secretary

V. j;, noit, ot tne i iiumnor oi com.

The Famous Chew with the

Delicious, Fruity Flavor

That LastsR -


You want tf) ct all the enjoymentand benefit possible out oi tobacco.'J hen chew plug tobacco.

You want your chew to have thewholesome appetizing richness of nutfruit. Then chew Spear Head.

You want a plug with a deliciouslysweet and mellow flavor that lasts aslong as the chew lasts. Then chew

pear Head.One chew of Spear Head will con-

vince any man that there's no other to-bacco on earth with such a rich andlasting flavor. That's because all thenatural juices of the choicest Burlcvleaf are retained in Spear Head

i lie making ot bpear Head is con-ducted ttrii'tly according 'to pure-foo- d

methods l(i a great modern factory thatis throughout.

The most expensive modem processeskeep Spear Head fresh, sweet and pureat every stage.

The luscious plug of Spear" Headfrom which you bite the tastiest, whole-some- st

of chews, represents the highestform of plug tobacco production.

Try Spear Head the very best chewthat money can buy 5c and 10c cuts.




Glass of hot water befOre

breakfast daily keeps thedoctor away.

Sanitary science has of late maderapid strides with results that are ofuntold blessing to h m him nit v. The hit-- iest : milieu! inn nf its n nlirinir TesenrehIs the recommendation that It is asnecessary to atti ml to inti inal sanita-tion of the drainage system of the hu


man body as it is to the drains of thellollSe, i

Those of us who are accustomed tofeel dull and heavy when we arise,!spliitirig headache, stuffy from a. cold,nun tongue, nasty iireatn, nciu stom-ach, tan, instead, feel as fresh as adaisy by opening the sluices of the sys-tem each morning and flushing outthe whole of the internal poisonous.stagnant matter.

Fvoiyone, whether oiling, sick orwell, should, ouch morning liefore j

breakfast, drink a glass of real hot

Seal. This compound, loci,,r 1'iercc named his "(iolden .Medical Di,tlolden Seal plant. Send ldc. to Dr. 1'ierce, l .ialids' Hotel. PulValo,

Aii'ilher inedici'.ie for which Doctor Pierce became justly fnntfor weak women. ' Thi al?o is intidu of forest plants, without the

An automatic aider and guard at- - John luividson, whotache,) to the front of the autonio- - in "Madam X." is inIdle driven bv Maude Cilheri. Metro forces.

OPforests, many years ajro, Dr. Tierce

a? a



ie,oiteit I'eie. Tafova, It Is said,made no f' si ,! a to c lo arrest. A.'i ord-In- g

I" t i pons of i lie shoolii'g broughthere, T'lI'',o, Tlllilllo Mllil I'lioslc''if ii'loViir.' a few round of drinks

tinotl j, t San Jose, which isruled in lb fun part of this

. when II .11 tlillo'lll bd to thepulling of gum When the fracas w asover Hie cutis! hie alolie was unhurt,Tiuidpi, hing dying, and I'ri ste hada si i ii'iiH wound the bad; of Inshead. There seen lo b no curateInform. it Ion here ti lin cause fthe shooting.


Santa I e. March 'J I. Judge John11. M. Fie has return' d fi'i'in Calliipwhole be Will open his oll'i'e per-C- o

maneiitly mi Aiuil I. Itulph F.Tw .n liell is ill t;al!iii on legal misll'CSv

Co. V. Il. es Ian .li'iuniiilo Is stillf'l'C'l to ins bed at linltle CiMich., i' cod ring I'n ni a severeelation.

"IV a,) l.ow iiki, i local businessmail, vv leav, Siimlav for g

Cllklo to lelld the and suiii-i- fno r wit I'l'l.ll ives Mrs. I.owiizki.

lio) "riant Mineral lepoi 1 oiiml.Suuta I'- -. March :'l. A very tut-- !

portion boii ot i n a g es e. a raremineral, has been loouted In lbuia

j. Vua tmintv by James W. t it 'otiiicr.i litis t i. ainornia iiiih neen

jnton i Moreno, ,

'l ids popular Itarapli star will n- -!

pour again shorth wbli I dilli storeyin liiu K ii I m i'.

of the William Fox production, "TheFool' Keveng. ." saved from deathat' cight-yenr-- o d .( w York girl w henstruck by the .o il ess mill hine,

The enlisted men ai i trot near,Hannah gave tin. M.-- playei s a

dame the other nighi. Holly VanWore nit Ivvo corpor.'ilM threegcanli and half u iio.o-- privailcdiers.

t'hye.I luSavannah with




Saiila Fc, MiO'ch 'J Cal-laii- A. II.

I'iteh. form any years a resident ofSocorro, uieii al I. os .Migeies m nisseven! v sixlli year, his funeral luK-- i

inc. place today from si. Stephens'Episcopal chun h in Ib'ilvwooii. C(m- -

lain Filch whh ploniin HI is a IV ilengineer engaged in lie cons! rii, t iuiiof railways in the soiithw St. lie tooknvi-- r and success! ull peraled forveins the mini n :ml sou Iter at K'dlyand Magdalena but sold his iuieiesi- -ill i:i!4 and ill 111.. moved to Holly- -

wool where In nt tl.l'.ed and ,oall d t he 'J'emcs al i;. company.

Imi'ing the i iv il I'ar he served :i '

Companv II of the I' in 111 Iowa cav-- a

ally having enli-Ui- u private andbeing advanced to a c 0 o ' m mi tin'staff of Hi ncral Wlnsl . I IS w idow ,

nee Amelia Fan line ' rimes, and Insthree daughters , Mr William M.Ming an, M.nb lino C Fitch mid Fli nu-

nsIn ih Filch, as well four son.---,

heft ,1. Filch of Ha II. Filchof Co run,!, II, ti. i n "I 'i'a' ina and.lame s G Fitch o ,SeaH lc survivehim.


Notes of InterestFrom State Museum.spiciai. cotEtpoNDtNC to mohnimo joubnal) ,

Santa Fp, March 21. ' ipie Head.the author and lecturer, called attention to Hie fait yesterday,while in San I u Fe. tiiat the i Ud 1'al-ai'- tt

was in existence and Inhabitedin the days of Shakespeare, the ter-centenary


of whose death is being ob-

served this year.The toad to the Itito de los Frijolesi

is open again according to Mrs. h. F.Quigg,' of New Yolk, who has re- -

tin ned to Santa Fe after a delightfuliweeas oiiiing among me cnu uweii-- iings. Automobiles can make the,

(steep Ancho canyon hill, the snow andH'e llllvlllg aH d iSII p pl'll !' 'll Till' Kid!

Irande bridge at Huckman, w hile Ii

precarious condition, is still passabhtiy nutouiobiles.

"The Criddle". for March has us itsfrontispiece a half-ton- e picture of fineI'uihlo pottery, mostly from I.iigunu

museum librury tcxiay.Among those who registered at the

museum were: Warner Itoberi-on- , i

Monie Coulter, liooneville, Mo.; Mr.and .Mrs. Frank Siransser, Chicago:)

jAilun F. Keller. A Ibiiiiuerque (I. W.Curlingtun and wife, Vaughn, X. M. ;

!AIrs. I'Muurd l..add. Miami, Tex. ; J.jl). I'uncan, Clovis: S. F. Shannon, ok- -

rjle Woman's club at Mesilla isplanning lo devote nn entire year inone of its study classes to the nrch- -

neology of New Mexico and lias writ- -j

water with a teiuspoonl'ul of limestone for betf r farming among thein it to wash from the isli-- uici ica u people of the county.

Mtomach. liver and bowels the previous iXcconitianieil ly Professor Solid ofprodib er. The New Mexico

magnesile assavs from s;i to HS perand .viniui. I'lirmers bulletin .no.

"Food for Young Chililr-n,- " isJ,,,,,,, r publication received by the

ADJOURN TO THURSDAY;1""- -,vv a ollor' II e

meiee, he motored lo the ( eriHjtiordo school house in the northernipart of Santa Fe county. The meeting was such a sin cess that the 1 ar-ei- it

T'liclieis' association unanimouslyasked for another demonstration nextweek. Mr. Ciormley promised to furnish standardized seed at cost to tho.ti-who wished lo plant it. Mr. Conwaybe mentis of different varieties of

cm "I magesiuin.

.Lime Medicationin Tuberculosis

111 tlt V Mcdii ul lin rtrd of iM'lt'tn-lir- rft, !U. I r. .lohn North. f Tolrriu,n: "1 liuvi roniM (u tUf (ttul

tun of the HHf prnniliitiit ciiiiMt-t- i iitf tin 'liini1 klnrviitton.' In 11M rii

of inriicii lulJt'ri tiluhiM tinrp n ii iiefh U'li-4.-

if M:tn Ho not fill food con-taining fnonuh Unit. In ra . cmufl rcor( to Unit ntfiMctiltmi."

Krliniini Altffm Mhotihl hi pivf-- nfill! trial !n mji ii tii-n- b"' :huw f)lif uf itI'lm-- iii.'-;- 'i fiii h ih c.i It'iii m li mc i. in nch

l.itta h t ht-- r"iin-i- In a gen la hi i'C faiiy HHsunllit u t hy tin av rage pr- -

Mull,Vif-r- tisc t 0"ml'in( il vt h jirnpr

ill!, f rt "h Hir mi. I h Kifiiln livttn? ctiiili-iiuni-

r 'lit f u will tiruvc btiit'Cit lal Init ii v I'HHt' .f iibfrciili)fl.

It 'ntitlnM if i "piatcH. nar'utlrfl ir hnblt-firtnl- n

ilnins. nj is Mufp to try, Kr.-i- j urflniKff't it ,tr'i't.

Kf kiiiiiii J ulMiriiiory, IMilliiilplphlu.


EARTH.found n beautiful, blooming plantstomach and general tonic, also

nadensis, generally known as (Ioldeneovery " in honor of the sturdy little

Y., for huge trial package.was his "Favorite Prescription"of alcohol.


Old riUlaUjAn Effective Laxative

Purely Vegetable

Constipation,Indigestion, Biliousness, te.

Q OR Q Q at Night

until relinwtdLL. OhAMt nM.CniitAri nf Plmln


"iAiiA& .



and strength lies largely In what teeat. ii ml among nil foodn broad ihprob-hett- alily the most m port ;t n t. The

r the bread the tdiirdier thechildren and grown fnllts; too. tinthrci.ul in simply perfect. In flavor,w holcsomeucs find food vnluo It 5h

nothing short of Ideal. Try It today.

Pioneer Bakery8. N. H.V1XINO, FTop.

t07 Sontb TVrwt BBL


Dress Up Week

Wc can make you as hand-some and happy - thisyoung man.our Fabrics arp Spring'snewest.

ur ( iilie for Men aroMvll-- i, hihI TMI1V I IT.M'M'I L I OH I IIIH W KKJi

li ib - of a s b'tnhd ltm. ofNow .sprinic l alirioi for


$15 and UpOur clothes are made byIvvpcrts hero in our ownShop.

PATKOM.i: 1IOMFJIMtl Si lt Y. ,

Meyer & Meyer

Glass-Pai- nt

Cement-Plaste- r

Iw'hwit, oats and corn, demonstrated ' lahom.'i City: . K. McKitrick. j'lain-th- e

difference between good and poor villi-- , I'tah; Tom 'holes, Michael Sil-ise-

and dwelt upon the commercial j las, 1'riee, Utah.




Well,, i:. V M., Mai'eh 1' I. Peiuinaand l.e, a co 11,1 y his scliled down lothe ip. it I e cry lav e ist etice I Inneluo'.'O I ial this sei turn In fore Villabrok.' .pe, i the back door amiroi j ll,l The excl'ingi vnts of t" o w Us ago found hel'arioer doing i heir first springwork. The all'.ill'i had push' d greenlea Vc the dusty brown earili;IV- a;tt v inter w heal had spread ;

soft green ' al pet pel ceil the d itches .

he ,l' till m'.aged lie at tention'of the good Ii II il IV! and thefurnieis v r. Ct lleil with thepeeled inclc II Stoc. Iheblow Ml. I'l WITCH Were sell! ii

'the tow lis to spend tile nights andthose 111., Slaved at ll me slept out- -

jside "I ilieiir hollies ' ith their mi-

lllies. The ll ii galher in groups loJlallv live! Ihe siillll ion. 1 if ad anduncertainty paruhv 1 normal aitiviiv.

The i.l ii in in normal conditionsw hen it Wis !e,'l I led liovv thoroughlyVilla's hand had con drubbed by Ihesoldiers, the ihiowing of I llicitSlates snl.iiei s inn In1 hen rt of nort li

crn .Mevico gave the i il i.eiis some-- 'filing,- on vvbiih to pin their!iSe.'ls,- of eelirilj. A lew toil- ticiois"bi up." bill Hey were iiiii ,lvClllll'", by the p ace officers. NowMcii ibs a Am b ars are w orkingus usual gelhc in the fields aiii;"ni.vmines and oil III langes, Millie as iftn ii Ii i ti u nit of the oiilin.irv hud oc-

chi p d.The on.--!' lin III I ii base ol o.

er:;II. ,,, al Coin in bus lias called onno- .,11 Us ff jio.iroi s in theutiphes for III, soldiers." a ml oi her make

ro.tular Hips vitli ar e loads. Tin--

al my Ii: p! oV. d ' good ciisioni- -

:!' ar,i i ei v one Willi somot Ii ngsel t.,11 s a lid looks pl ospi rity.



Hytrin. : ioepoNDlNcl To moaning joiiunalIKasl l.;-- Vei-io- N. M., Jli.n Ii -'


,V llikl Tal'oya, constable in theK ill .lose pi ecillet, was bound over lothe -- n.i"l birv yesleiil.iv by Jus-lic-

of the I' ace Jose P. Mares. eler I'e-- j

ceivlng preliminary heating mi Ihetjcnafgeoi Konug r.siurion j t u no a no

da n gi f' oiy wounding i..tiiel I'rinsie.I at c a ; brought here by I nder

S i " iff Felipe l.opc.. who weiu toS in Jose us soon mi the shoo! itm,wincii ni l iii'i'-- ii Saturday night, wa

ILL i Ii


Since Taking Cardui. AfterSeven Years of Suffering,Says South Carolina Lady.

Columbia, S. L. C. Hcln-maii-

of Wushingiori St., of thiscity, fays: "I have received so muchbenefit from Cardui, I feel like speak-I- n

a good word for it to every lady I

iconic in contact with, that l thinkneeds ll, hoping help some one toget W'll, US l (lid.

I had been sick in bed for a lotigtime with the change of life. The doc-jto- r

tended me all along, und finallyjoint morning when he came he said

h,i I would have to go to tliehospital yet. I sal, Nil. f then readall of the testimonials in the. Ladies'llirthday. Almanac and then 1 phonedfor a bottle of Cardui and commencedtaking :t. 1 la gan to Improve from

'then on. I took five bottles enntin- -,""",l thf n off and on for awhile, and1 was well . . . and hav e had eood '

health ever since, 1 am glad to fay.1have recommended it to a lot of my

friends, '

I was troubled for seven or eight!years before 1 took cardui. I think itIs the la st medicine on earth for fe- -'

mal,. troubles ... If this testimonial:will help some one, else you are atliberty to u.--e it if you like."

Hegin taking Cardui today. It maylie the very medii lne you neeiL Yourdruggist sells n. Get a bottie fromhim todsj. 1

meet-!10- " through Mrs. Fannie VV. l.ocliassocia-K"- r " sdudv outline and for a hibiio-o- f

t.he!?r"lbic references as well as neces-county-

nry textbooks,

day's indigestible Wast'-- , sour bib. andpoisonous toxins; thus cleansing,sweetening ;m purifying the entirealimentary canal before putting morefood into the stomach. The action ofhot water and limestone phosphate onan empty stomach is wonderfully in-

vigorating. It cleans out all the sourfermentations, gasey, waste and acid-ity and gives one a splendid appetitefor breakfast. While you .are enjoy-ing your breakfast the plmsphated hotwater is tiuietly extracting a large vol-- ilime of water from the blood and get-- Iting ready for a, thorough flushing ofall the inside organs.

The millions of people who arebothered with constipation, biliousspelts, stomach trouble, rheumaticHifl'ness; others who have sallowskins, blood disorders and sickly com-plexions are urged to get a quarterpound of limestone phosphate fromthe drug store. This will cost verylittle, but is sufficient to make any-one- a pronounced, crank on the sub-ject of internal sanitation.

Washing Won't Rid

Head of Dandruff

The only eure way to get rid of dan."druff is to dissolve it, then you de-

stroy it entirely. To do tills, get aboutfour ounces of ordinary llouid arvon;apply it at night when retiring; useenough to moisten the scalp and rubIt In gently with the finger tips.

Do thin tonight, and hv morningmost if not all of your dandruff will j

bo gone, and three or four more ap-

plications will completely dissolveand entirely destroy, every single signand trace of it, no matter how muchdandruff you may have.

You will find, too, that all itehlnsand digging of the scalp will stop atmire, and your hair will he fluffy, lus-trous, glossy, silky and soft, and lookand feel a hundred times better.

You can get liquid arvon at anydrug store. It is inexpensive andnever fails to do the work.

STERN-SCHLOS- S & CO.General DistributorAlbuquerque, N. M.

IPCIAI. f UlllltlPQHDINCI TO MOHNtNll J3l.HAlJSanta Fc March 21.- - - The ib mo-- 1

crude city coinciition held at thecourt house lu.-i- l evening could notagree on a cit liekel and platform,ami adjourned until Thursdav even-- jing after appointing e. on iiol ecs todraft a plail'orm and lo find materialfor a citv lieket. i

The repuhlb an city central com-niiti-

tint today ami set Friday forillhe primaries and Saturday for thejelly convention. Mayor William (.;.Sargcut w ill; be renominated. I,eolersch 'is h candidate tor niv treas--- !

urer to succeed J. II. Vaughn. HenryA lurid will be renominated for city-clerk-

In the first ward Willie Snl- -

'iiar is to be nominated lo succer ,'lr. James A. Kolis but Mariano F.Sena may dispute Hie nominal Ion withhim. In the second waul. CountyClerk Marcchiio A. urt'n is to benominated for alderman. i

; Crowd ai I air.Satllil ft .March I'l. Waldo C

Twitchell in ttansmitllng ehppinusfrom the San Ihego and Los Angipip-r- t giving extended account of the:reopening of die I'ana ina-C- a iforniaInternational Kxponlttnii, says: Tin-r-

is a terrible i rush of f. ".. ( C 'i peopleon the exposition grounds. We havehad several thousand thkis far in tin-New Mexico building and will get sev-

eral thousand more by night. TheI'laza dc i'.inama is jammed b dieguards and il is the hlygesl crowdever inside of die grounds. The ex-

position never looked lovlier. SanFrancisco's fair is outclassed and I

anticipate a big year. San inegn ison the verge of another gnat boom."

Vegas lias V loan liiirglar.Fast Las V', N. M March s

Vegas' first female burglar isoperal ingH u' cording to Chief of I'o- -

lice I!en Cob s, who found women'stracks leading to a broken window inthe resilience of Joseph Iti own, col- -

ored, through which a thief hadti red and taken $1.59 In eash and scv -

eral other articles. The lib r j

working on the clew, andrim down the thief.

W i'.l Ask I'ai'olo for (Mitiey.Frankfort, Ky., Jfan b L' - ..lanicl

K. O'Sullivan, chairman of Ihe staleprison commission, todav a niiouiii edhe would present for pa role to thecommission at Us next ticcliiu; lurein April, tlie nameiof Henry K. Voat-se-

convicted sixtfT-- veins ago of themurder of (i Villlatn t; ebcl andsentenc' d lo iniprisonnu III.

.IoIiiisiiii VVaiilt il In Colorado.Santa Fc, M rti 21. (lover nor

Carl-on- " of Colorado mad reipi ionon (lovcrtior Meiiuna,j for Json, nn k-- r arrest at Ituto i. tincharge of stealing Jewelry from theIlushner Jewelry nnia ny of I'll bio,on February i", tU" jewelry In ingvalued at $JSI. ,Samiirl I:. Thomashas the wariunt t for his leturn toColorado, r


jvanie or siamiarui'.aoou. lie utugiit'ins listeners how to clean the seed

nut and hovfor planting. Mr. Sellers gave pr, i

cal farm hints.tin Saturday afternoon, at u

ing of the County Teachers'tion attended by every onesixty-thre- e teachers of thesimilar lessons were brought hump to!the teachers and as a result, it is be-

lieved that the farm production willbe doubled this year. Unpen F.

started the movement for theorganization of bovs' and girls' clubF,making an address that was applaud-ed to an echo. The Santa Fe teachers

'served refreshments and in the evening Superintendent Conway took thelenehei's to a million picture perform-amc- ,

after a reception fit Ms home.




Must I .as Vegas, N. M ., March 'Jl.Anyone who can predict what the pol-

iticians of ist Las Vegas are pre-paring to spring in connection withthe coming citv election is eligible formembership in the Limited Companyof Political Seers. Neither the demo-crats nor republicans have made.a single slop toward the nominationof n ticket.

The democrats recently reorganizedtheir city central coiiiniittee, hut care-...- ..

.i... i i ,no.i uii.i iui mi- - mi on tin oi l. nun mm.J ne repuniican eommiuee, so iar, nunnot made a move. Jt is rumored thata fusion ticket will he placed in tttefield,-a- s was done tw o years ago, hutif this is, the case, it Is time th ma-chinery of the two parties wan putinto motion, as the plan has to heratified by the two conventions, fol-

lowed '' joint convention to nomi-nate the candidates. Vf to today no-li'i-

has been found who wishes torun for minor.'

Ir. 11. M, Smith, the present Incum-bent, is not enthusiastic, hut it is

he can ne Induced to run againnn a fusion ticket. Robert J. Tau-por- t,

who 'was Smith's predecessor,has been mentioned as possiblecandidate, but he is not saying any-thing. Mr. Tau pert is intensely In-

terested in loads, being a member ofthe county highway hoard, and It isdoubtful if he would give up thatwork to become mayor.

(iovci'nnp Appoints oiaries.Santa F. March 21. Governor

McDonald today appointed John M.Albore, Jr., of Albiutueriiue, H. (tarda,of Ijis 'eg.-ts- , and Oenrge Kdmonds,of llachita, notaries public,




Santa Fe. March 21. WilliamHovvets of Ijis Vegas today filed acomplaint with the state corporationcommission regarding the freightrate on brii k ovt r the Santa Felilies. The complaint was riferredto J. H. Koonta, general freight agentof the Santa. Ke for adjustment orreply.

Louis V. I'arker complains be-cause of the lack of facilities forhandling stock at I'phain. Iflnscomplaint was referred to OenerulSuperintendent C. M. Urisn 1 at laJunta, In reply to complaint of Su-premo Court Justice It. il. Jianna,that (rain No. 4, the flyer from thewest, refuses to carry passengers j

from Albinjiierijue to La my, I'assen-- 'ger Traftie Manager I'.lack writes thecorporation commission, reiiiesting It

not to press the demand so as not. toburden the train with local travelwhich can Hie handled by other trainsjust as well. I

Relative to the complaint of VV.

S. Moore and K. I Test that tln v

were unable to obtain Pullman reservations at. the Santa Fe station, in-

structions have hern issued to givereipiests for reservations at the San-ta Fe station prompt reply. HuriyKtlvvards of Cooks. I, mm county, coiu-plai-

that although he can get carspromptly he has trouble about gt

them billed out. The matterwas referred to Traveling AgentCameron at Albiuiuet due.


Tha danger of lagrlppe lies in ltgtendency to develop pneumonia, andthe March death record from pneu-monia Is appalling. Stop your coldbefore It reaches the danger point,

rid take Foley's Honey and Tar Com-pound. Mr. W. P. Bowen, Jimp, Gawrites: "I had a terrible attack of

aches and palnH all over mybody, and a dry hacking lagrippecough. I began taking Foley's Honeyand Tar and when I had taken onebottle my cough was cured, my coldwas well." Hold everywhere.




Telephone 106. P. O. Bo 78. 211 South Walter Street

LUMBERAlbuquerque Lumber Company


s r, i


Page 5: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916


.,if's v,f





Boy Office Sales Up to LnMiChief BuitksSays HeTluwihl! Hard Marches That Equal

Nidi! Reached This Total; It Was All Ri;:ht When He! Villa's fast Movements Su

Estimate Flaws Total Gate Made That Represcntatio-i- jested by Li tut, Ol, F' i a l-

itisat $150,000. to the co Smi.Mi'iuel,

Ti ham whether Chief , c. Hurl- -

less' statement l.i Ilii' Hint th.'l( il. li.ln hi'!- - id, ii

nwii n r. 1.

II ilm- - tlitw is

(III t.ilhrilrapid ni

(he (imirrs'ir fifty mitt s

come to you as a cigarette creation worthy of comparison withnalId- -

l,i. hitiiMtfhill'iveeadvice fni- - III-- ,'iiptUM uf r.illrlli'

fire alarm s.islem was, working wuhcorrect, buir uhb nm-- hrlil .in mi-- ;prompt u lixf.iti y irM 'ith.v morning j

Thii tljillt lull hcl'Ull when threeI. hi. i in. mi ilii' h.k.i iii

Ahlcimtn Iimii m iim f iiiul;iJiuii' C. H heel H. il in mi til. inn'frniri Iji.i, .No. Fourth sttett unci.

In Iriit C..1.i.f tin' rim t it ut ii. mi list

ri i'iiM i Inn I li iu .iltli nt;i:i.iti)t Inm uf tills l il t

iniif-- l It pittiil niMllint

V'lllii givenNan Miguel,iirn.y, mmSI. Joseph s


'BY JOUHNAI MCIAI. UA.flD WI"INew V.irK, .Match .1 - up

l.i Hi.' W illuril-Mori- bout ni-x-

S.iitiiduy night, K'crii utlnr ring.ol.lcsU in M hi. h M". HIS than fouli tunnpluns will meet In dln.iiln al Ibooklyn ' mill Manhattani lul.s pimmse 1.) iimltp this tin- - lian-n- i

r week in New YnikV Mint hlslor,i.Kredd i' Wclitlt, the wmldv WnUl-w.-itt-

hit iiiiIimi, nn'l Phil Hlonm inisrimkiyn imilKht, Mini In the HHiii"

i.iii Al M .1 'uy who I'l.'iiniH Hi.' mid-

dle eight (H If mi hi kfl'N l"iil of(ic.rgr Chip, tnuk ..ii i lien, ufKtitte. Mont , in iiinnlii'i- - d

hunt, 1'olsh (ihk (mother ehgam imuit

any cigarette in the world, no matter what its price I

Blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camelsprovide a new flavor that is as delightful as it is refreshing. Andbesides, Camels are free from bite and parch, and leave no un-

pleasant cigaretty after-tast- e, no matter how freely you smoke them !

Camel cigarettes are worthy of your confidence because they'll standany test for satisfaction and for quality! Do not look for or expectcoupons or premiums. The value is in the cigarettes!

lead menue. It. I!. I.. Hut. vh"HS lit tile J t O Sail) the llllllllll'l'

failed to t in t These three alder-nun- ,

with i ' n n l ii in ti J. A. Skinner,then w. 'in l.i Idi' sl.iHon.

li. if they i I'liiiirii'd til.' In. pill ylililn't kimiv Hurtle".,

In, Hum Mii.l in H i' iU'H'1 n. i. in Unit

''HiiiIiiK." f.uii i l.i'iil. ii;int (i..iifl,win. Ii;im m'ivi-.- I wild I "a i in iizn "Kur-nli- il

id i it .i i lip li.'M in i In' nt.iin-.Uiii.-i-

,.inl ,i m i i ivpc ..! wiii'-f.ii- i-

,'.l. illn'l- - i, itli .iii. -

i a tin Knipili'n. I 14 fill.-- li.inp-f- ij Ii.. n.i hIi n. anil 111..V1K til

. nuil lln.t uiillxiil-- . i In-here t.i dux l'r iiilili 'lilino Krld.i) i

The t tamp ptted over endseals th package, whichkeeps out air, thereby pre-serving the quality of theblended tobaccos. By in-

serting the fingers as illu-strated, the stamp ailybreaks without tearing thetin foil, which folds bsokinto its place.

bight nt h lliii'li'tn chid and at the ( 'lm ( Hurtles" imuir Mi

t:iinr pin. .l.iliiiiiy Kllbnnc, tin! ih, u In' ill. .ml kiinn tinleal hoi w eight champion, i to iiii-f- t j nut uf commission whenJl. irv I iiiii.ilin.' uf Peoria, III. .council Monday nii:dt tli

uliiti iiiiTit f,,,iu,., if ,. Is t.i It .11. mill, rspt-- -

h.stt'tll Will. ,.;, !,, tlllt.'l uf III.-- . II'MI fl.ul.'l'IIIK.tol.l tin' Hi f.iWinW' hiiiintti liiiiK' in iiK.iin-- t

It Wiin nil i.iin Will i .' i. ii.' nun il htiindNeiirly nil of the best urn Is In I ho nu lit. ( me uf Ihe fir. men inud- he

garden have been disponed of fur ; statement h. '.Hi' tin- - IdfiiMi-- i h;i t

i i n..I r

t.tin- - WilUiiil-Mur.-ii- l Imtlif. mi.l Hi"- half tho li' liliuiii .1 Ii

(if ix t.ffi, ' mil's tip u IoiiIkIU Hhowi '1 fun. tn.hlim piupurly f., ll

iff IttTllly, l 111 il Mo HHI' j

IlilHi. hullh',-- of ki.IiItih utii-- i Inn.; huttin' puiHiirti h..'l!li s l!i up .'inl Mii-- jlonni! him,"

W III llhi-- I li -- I I lm I.S. in n Miii ,l i(,"i. ,'i.lih il t Iim t j

while ill.- offer ui ;i luUhl,"l liiiiiliite iiiierei in,. si eiiie the en- -

tnUil nf J I "O.ilH't. inly 11 f'Av l.'.i .HT.inliiiif .i In. Hni-- t

unit ir. NdilH iur left mill nil i.f iduj I'l.hf lltinli-c- ciild l.isi tiik.ii;n ,iinl flu rrni'1 vitiii.nH limv h.-- i n li,- I..'!i.'t, iln- .msIi-i- ni in lufc

(ni, I Thr i H'iiiIh ii( f". H'l.l 4 v h i I- i- I..I.I Id.- ii.illi'il t ii.i.l.will hi' put "ii -- ulf Thiirmlj) tiimiilnK-- wnrknii!. No iihinn liml . kiih- - i.v. rA n.liwiA allVf 'illiMitr, mi. id- - mil,'. v, Hi,. ixti'in fm mi W'l-li- W lull luiilllt.H lll tlllill U.ltf 111 II r.ll.lHUI. tlll'll It Olll M MI'I.I lllKhl, afl'l ll.l.k- -

ill. 1(1 t.lllU l.lllV II Klin It MillK M lllf 11,1'llil'lll III till' I'.. ilmoMilnu hut In1 hnnil ! fiint ihiiiiiIk uh not miiiUiiik iih It d.nil.l.

And the more Camels you smoke the moreyou'll realize you prefer this blend to either kindof tobacco smoked straight !


Camfls are sold evetywhersin scientifically sealed pack-ages, 30 for 10c; or ten peck-- )

(300 ci(rBl8) in aglansine-paper-covere- d car-ton fur $1.00. We stronglyrecommend this carton forthe home or office supply orwhen you travel.

(l)'l .lUl'ill ut lllule (if he IlilliVl,n. iii hoiM, en h ii rewind wnn 1,., nome. ills til 11. ! lo (ho sin resH uf theeVpeililion.

" hilt '.K the ill til lull.' of the M.'i- -

I'.'ili pi upl,. hhmhiI the pleH lit nu'ill-,'ilu- l."" the i.lti.,1 w;im i.sUed.

I'lli hettel (Ins--- , u limleriitiin.l thillit is 11 puintlw epe.litinii solely, nini

nutii nvinll,i- -

iM.i vnr It".' U;ht .ihl he .nilIlIloW Ihe lil.-lel-ll WHS Olll of Ol.ll'rIII ,.iiiil;i', mull' urn I thiti he i" li

lilllef III!!'! Ps WHS Hllli !" in

iliirrnf the ii f let noon with .Meiiipie,Afnnnliuh inn I Itoih I, The lumpwhlili Mutiiitiitit'tt I. low tiil'ii. I on

heinl wh ii rently n ilii' loihiy unil only hIUIii iIih-- i

o,ii-,iti.i- h;n h tt thf i mln templeWill IJot lent hl, Ttli IiIk fi'llnw foillihlluinl Mini fnut tntlny nml nt Inii'-- tillnot Hither vli'loimlv, niiiili to the

I .1..nut an itiviisii.ii." he 11 pliedm. h lleie Unil in. my ofrleets puM''I

HtM.ll'1111'lll to tile ' .MIIU, il. I

l.n."l nlKht the ii" culit to'I ip wol li hk xi i pt lii the Inulmiilr-- j

K.illlll of ('upper Uelllie, I ' lei h In llnWei-'- ' nt work oil I he W H en.

Mi -Hie eiiii'v ut tin- innlean leiiituty, hut whethermn MKili.'H mi d:l !' reiiee, fur

ih urtheyfirst.1.1 the rih rn of the ,,,sii...UI'VH.T u iAyr V

U IIIl Inef

eli.iKiln of hi ci;itTinK piirtni'm 111Morim ilhl nnlv lUht roml vioik thin! CpVFWTY.FJVF YfllliMfi

liinrnlnit nml then went to the f lint 11I -WOMEN ARE ENTERED 'FOLLIES' CONTINUE


Weighed sixty pnunds when put onthe feed and were marketed at nhouteU;ht. After Mr. Sumnii-r- eliarKesup the feed at market prlee, tho

mni ihe eos of transportation





'C. iiiiary 1.1 ih, frtiiieht nimursthat 011.' lieai.,, Hun '

s j , n isfljepillj 10 the .im-tieiu- i puiple, ehas m nt speeiiil agents here tu studyyour iiilture, nml juui' iiiellinds arieven iiuu h I1114 eniulated in many

The fiist ehh f. suppuiie'd l.ythe eilii. ,'itcd citizenri , u ill he aide tniiueii any dis.sui Isfaetioii shown hv the


i.f Tuilmr lewlH' liult' hop, WHIIi..who illeil StimJiiy tnornliikt from mi)a. nte nil, 11 k of illphlli) tin. MormCwnn 111111 h iittiiihe.l lo the hu . who)Kim IiIh P't ronipiililon In nil of hlrJliiiluililt ueSHloim liutli In Kliinr,' 0 ttthin fotiiiiry. Thi iJentti of iih "Intl. ;

miii ot" uffi I'teJ MniKii ileeplv nml j

helnie he retiirneil to IiIh triiliilnu!iiiiii eii thii iifiet noon he iniiile npi


l;iq via

The ipi.'i h .oiliest of the I'llllies:i i n ',i ha 1 still led.

Vi slei'ihiy m-- i nt f ive i f the prettyami pi. pillar 011lm wmm 11 of 111.' llyWele II nil lm I'll in tile ni litest and

ven larger crowd wasKlks i lull dmise lasl

n Ihe opening; niuht

pl'eSelllniht j

f the.

laud Mill ni;, tdere will he a handsome.nut plus left. He has (he additionaljiidantae of hinlnu markeied hiscrops on tin- farm ami having himanure to mi hnel; on the land.

An t

at t In-

tl. .hi i


eoiiteily i.c

ilriffilh inA a rent

horse- - p!a .

The !!irthlllilllI

111.,, llllnf ill.' ts no? it rt'rmp- - i ' SB CEHTI

deal of filmhut iaid W

,,f ;i Nation"d comedy is

I .lenses h. tl.

iiln iniml in. t,i 110 10 the i mini ni,, i niln ami it heeame een nuutlla n heloie that the i

pru es (hatt hit? la unit

il W it II votes eiil'll. The011. Iii.le.l. A 111.1 en- -

, Is'iiur.'mi i lass, H, Ministand ill.- purp.'seHtaten."

The In m. riant i n'

w ith pi the :n hh vennsi la en u u in,. In

s illie t I'ini'st maker andMitionedi f,,'iire "f the feeding Is llll- -

Will till li out to he one uf tin V than llici, i ne suppiv oi Miiaitil wasm.-- l

ellielltsS Hire.

.f "him!kIuiii. j lint i not

Win II 111" Pltl.ihui Ktl llinll leinheil the lli.'e hhip VVi'hti heuler iiimrti'iK, Iiouim-i- , Iii iiiimiI ipieenfotitiil 11 irnwil witlthm Hiixloiiixly to eiintem willn , hltn work mil. liathir t.uni illn ' 1111.I. r lh p

ehausle, admit ,1 weeks hefure the'at

11.1l if ilii; the l''olli"t i ;ii'eulltesi eomntillee 'I he

run one we. k ami m ill henulla sllpel Islon uf t he

sueeessiui nf lairs ever attempted hy oi.l sl l(. eviide methods,local Kliis. The main Miluahle ar-- i ''tie nf the hi'sl laMi;hs in "Theliehs d.maieil h from tirt of a Xathm" is the lovesickpat hs of Hie eoimtrv w-r- sold w il h sentry in the hospital scenea rush, ami :i hamlsoiiie sum wa.s real-- ! 't Klsie Smneman. This pai-tl- nhiriz. d as a result ,,f the eveninii's mil-- -i "f the "sure fii"" nrder. for

j Hudson for Signs jfoul ml,

Sun Mienel Wiiliinled"lie has dune in then, thi

more t,,r the welfare of tin

iippotnt tlH iii M,, 1, ,11 pun. he. I the hm: I'nlliemill tlfl.'l M.lllle rope ikippililf. huXeil ' iliit.iti

.0111111 11 ee, su thai all the inni I'll Tl e nsiOireil nf a S'lllal'e

feciliim' was com pleteil. Mr. Sum-- j

iiu-r- had a supply uf shredded fodthr wi'iihl ot hei'wise hae une

,,,.a t" waste. He e periiiiehted midH1 fonnil thai the lanil.M did eytreniely

,.k. well on the t,ht elided fodder when-

masslu ,1tiiiui I',, i In a, I n i .1 a, ompH tv hancitiK was imlulKcd in on! :l ,"'w r l!'"'s V" 'i';'i"'nce miss tnc rapi

wo hiuir. "I nil' .sentinel ami m Wall Paperthirty lh,.'. lie him- raised thelut men s w u m ..i .(. r that p. mai.e ami releiil.i had heen lliresh- -tin haiiinitv e.x 1'ess i . ii or the yniilc' t:ul

tn tmniilM null with l''rnnl( Keii'lall lie:. I

nit. I lilll Mt'Klnnoii. He wi'l'l.eil The hull r. reivliiK the must vote.ill thl'iiUMh mill Hppi nie, t.i he ill I ruwniil iiu eii nml pn tieiileilvi.lleiit lomlitmn. with u heuutifnl l.'.u illnniuml liim

..- - 1'1'Ue (llien Hill lllie n(r the lill'liiv ilWrLSH OUTROXES BI.nOMr hi mi m h. ..v- -

awards that, will he rehniiinL! liim with a miliinii-mil- . s- -

ii late.Vmoiis' the toiikrlu.limousine pill.

i.'way look.I'aiil la IMatic is the

y.unik' act. f w lio has ti

w ill In- a, ha ndso'iiet ' o him heitn sets,

from old Alexi- -

111. II ry cent' rpieee, llllen In her h..n

ed. mid thus uiir,ei nil ihis.Caulemen ale nlfuadv figui nic

with faruieis on mM;winte-- unc e.mleman has ol'fei't il

lo furnish a thousand cahes to atanner soul h of I he till, if he

uamo uf the.ailo ihe unex-ll- e

is a New- -

,hil. lien it l: lit In i.hle i.i an ciln-- i' alien nml I. ,il ii h. 11 l iu his When

(he look . liaise the .ui.'I;,.;.'e uf.the oiiiiin.n l.ihuivr an s,s iiiitans;

iinw u Is n.Mi, M Me,,,, hal nu. i'- ean lie m ked In I ha.churl lime'"

a Spanish hu--

co nml a Hall pe. teil hit in the part

HUDSON for PictureFrames

Fourth Si. anil Cnpiror Ave.

r Iim iiinniimi aI. ..Ill' .jlleill eull- -

'iininss ul ihe mer-ule-

in their hami.sfu, the h. iiefit ul

i it leans Creole hy lirth ami plaeriBENZ OUTPOINTS MXOY!- '-"

tl'Hl Will lllllke 11

hauls ami plaeein M0M.1.1 iuuinh iricui i lino wim, j

H ()(, si ),

of them articles that will appeal Pevery woman and that iiudmil.e(llwill attract ihe keenest competitionThe lii uti no ill .olii

part ill Ii ,1.1 Ih al i hi,,lli lli'e .1 v. lllft

cumeily rules with .111111'. liernharili '

h. lut e sroini? out to Kus Anneh s win re(Mr. (irilfilh discovered him. The cos- -

tumiuif of ihe oiiUK soldier is won-- !accurate tu lie period nf

(the I'olli, sha mi le theW ltd el'elA


lias takenlit leu ill in).I llll lit and

II the lei; atMiati dr. a

ihe m r, hauls w .11

ami sive them iiw.ixhase. The dlamumlin he w iiulnw nf II

I know n ,t w . lei mi

I' ilia, lie W.IN v .led ll. I. Sutlle Ol Ihe recent el' il warjMAKES HIT AT CRYSTAL;Muiili'iei . nml ul 111

UK 'In II. ii; fiimi a

.M-- l 1iill, l.lten .1. I'lellilteWelsh, huhtw.lulil, out- - I'hll Itloniu of lllllukllll 111 f'of ill.' I'll I'Mllul. i,f I., Ill in tt inkIvn luiiisihl Welsh I. uik Ihe firstlour 10111111-- . I'l... im's ni:i'ressi en.earned him the ln-- f.uir fouii.N Inthe .ishth VVelsh lield nrier lieelvm.;11 haul lu'lil ei..Hs Welsh IikiI In,

LUMBERin the and newsstandard heareremail. I ue. asion

l iim van he ,'.S alum the u

,1'elltlal ;.ellllThe ehti .nt.-- I

,ois 'I l ne

farmer will nmw "" feetl--th- e f -i UK lo he dune mi shares, without any

ilinesliiieiit en the part of the farm-- :t l The deal will liki'lv he l lo.-e- d.

The ramh near H.merinuiiwill put on the market nhout J."."

jhaln I, eves In anolher nioiilh. Tlu'Vwill Wei:;d in the neiKhhoi hood "fpuiimls, ami are from hist sprnm'si lop of eahes. The have l.een d

exii-eii- ly on the I'e. d. pr.oIieally all of w in, Il was Kiuwn oil thefarm. Jim W'illin insnn, niauamr ufthe lam I,. has' of this.

Pnlnts, OIK, fttiS unil

kiss, Maltholil Roof-I'.llll.lll- lf


w hum he shut, i inhe w lis eul listed I.'hi ol hi Wild iil.iuiipol I. .1 m an



papers are almost doublets of Ilihl' AIollv of the a ppy ' "'iitry t slmw inn what care t ; nf- -

cumedy sketch intersi'iersed withi1'1" Mas ,IJi,l ' cprudm-in- the ci il

. - et" sir.mtu: and dam-inn- was ih.-u-"- lAI1"- ,

hill presented vesterikn at the Crvstul Ul-s- KilHini Clsh wears her eos-

I heater la l'l'iov tishuvne's I'hicklets' l"""'s "f ,h 11 ''""' reconstnit ti..r,

hp tn hist mull! ' e:(III .1 ell ll Tierma,

t. r. I nil. .Marie Vi .lIlKnil i 'm sun, Inn. ,i

I'll st ehii t V

h he .


dislulii ,.f

1IOI, mi I',,.hell. I of Ihe l., l i, ,1 I. ..ill, Is IV. I,. h' einian. inn. i



hihe.l 1,1 - ntnl 1, line stwli,' Inn;lm

AimII, I. Th.. same play will he pn ' nines uiai a i e mire'iuns in iii-- lam- -"t - ; U ssle Si I uiin ( "mpan.i,

flunifoil l


t,, i' l.i i afiv, Ihe llll.

W liK II is i


Stein. I ml:Cniihnr. ton.Akii.s Clnhl- -

ll'n. liehee- -

i e. il,f nli

ul. uilihl sent oil loiiitht. It is evident that thAhK.-lli- II' ..(' 1:

11 lullAlim

s '..a . I.Iii. luii:

'hihlevThruUL:h Hriffith's skill till tin-

t's in Hi.- production are made tuar as if tn Hie manner hum and

I el s, li'll. I .'ilii h cuiul'.'ini will Income unite pupil la rit Ii the t healer poet's of A bmnioru no. ''I'l

Ken Hi ii.:. u f Unite, Mum ,

puiiitc.l A M. i "ui mi, I, II, w

i hanipioh. in s. i. u loiimls of n

loul',1 eolueH. T'ie fllsi iimmlen n ul the iiitui u!iif,,iinhitltlehuhh I 111 the 11. l i.i i n.

till ma., i Unmet-- , nn Anna Kind. "('it; a llnoilner. inn. hi tie Start.

t awkwardly nioviiit; about m habhim- Kllll I

hrlitade nti a lr



Cleaners-Halte- rs

inin.iiiili il

uf Hi,

which UjIn isi.ui

sh.. ;i,i'his Wel-- ,

las the I, in houses would indicate. InIhe . induction ofWIullv uf thelies" Tuesday ai., Wednesday, inm nilini iii Im is of the , nmpany made de- -cid.'il hits in their .specialty work.

iliments tu which they are unaccus-touie- d

"The Kirth of a Nation" willbe shown for week at the Crystallieui tin iny, Sunday matinee, April in.l.

t It,w :

.Mai. .ill.part ofHe hasDull Vefile.

leli. sai in ',i,--i i .isiA.'i'al dncnnniiti.u t. aim's inn rest i

ii nit li

'It. .' JhI i

W .a k

nl ! 'I leli. t. nmt M.

li,l.i Itllti eh.. Use, Oo

m i n, I nn .I .il la ii Im

W lima K lelnw n 1. Inn,as Inn. tdl',e Waller,

a undey. ml II. i n"(' t.l s Ma ml II,

A- Mean. ml I'etir li

l 'lul'llle I . hmpenieh. 1ml..lellllle Til. nil- -

i ni.. ):i, iivfee ll.'HMhlel,I nn , l Ul l tierid llhu If, pill;

220 West Gold Pboue 416

Baseball Resultsi'l'ho iiiusl.iil mini In rs were well rett-- i


ilen-i- and Hit ,l,i n, In s was far aht-v- i' Tl 1 1 ' Y l.KT HIM St.KWtin- - aveiae. H,..hhv livan unil Kovi n- T- Sirayiiu--e nainesville, tla., U.llimlii's are eslah!ishins enviahle, Ii. No. 3, was unable to sleep all nightrepiitatiu'i as eumedians. Air. (as- -

' without pettlni; up. "Sometimes onlyhi. rue aiuiuuiices many special fi aturesla ff'w minutes after Rninit in bed, 1

The i use of .1, H, Holmaii airudi.!ihe .V.e.iuia cliiimisal was tried

i in the district ennrt. The'court will inn- his insiriictiims to the!iur this morniiiL! and tdc ultornei s.1 auii'tice V. K.e fur tht! plaintitf ami'i'islrict AH. riiev Manuel r. Vli;il foi


,'hel .A I 'I n uu.ii I nilt i 111, wi I', .

- IphluNatlnllel- - il(

M.hle Ilea, ,,, k,l!. n tl Ih alri,'.



111, Idt il a, the cuniinK week and u chantv of, would have to Ret up, anil I Inod ev

A in, t e ., us ii'ie Helen, I, mi. ui armie ...... . .... ti t,a..,.

Albuquerque Gun ShopAIUIS AMI AMMIMTIOV.

K.xprrt Kenimleliiis anil i'uiiriiif.Unlit .Alarliino Work.

Ill) S. NI.VOMJ. AKHHI KIlQVi;Miiil orilrrs (slven pttunpt attention

t nil f'liit ell, . lllel',inn. Kti'.h- -

!'. I lli.:liii.Ililltlllis

At l

.": .t, in pitAt usl a

(V (thirteen

Hi ii

tt'l lm- kin Iim k.ulie' in.' Al.-- -cum- -

pletl- -St, I.u lluma.Ituniie.H i

jerythinfc I heard of for tho trouble,j Finally I tried Foley Kidney Pills andI after takinT one bottle I believe I amentirely cured, and I sleep soundly allnipht.". Foley Kidney Pills tone upweak, sltiKRish kidnevs, rid tho body of

Hnlmati asks .ImUnii'lii for ,;!, l.oicrs ,,f Ku, il.-ii- musicalall.-uin- that Hie aee,iiia flooded Hie eilv not miss seeniR thisMi .Milieu land, adjoinhii,' him. ainlldnl iiiniKiiit,thai the seepaue daniiiiietl Ins kind,Hultiian w:is granted a tempurari In-- !


iicii i .asms, i m m, ..lun.uUusw.ll. ,aieh :'l Slim-

mer ii aimn eam,, ,,i .,. s hi, hwas to have est a hlished near Santi

ii ii 11 n c Hi. ioiiunu t.ii m, mash;", e M It a' amlum d on account ufthe Mixnan incline, ai.ui.pnt', p. annnnuum lam in which cam.. In.... il

leu. Iim I.I.-,- , K, ,,,,,, ul, ,. Inn, ,!,.'Arum, inn Mir! Hope, Inn SalomeSL.tese II, Ilia lill:l t:,irj,l. III,'. '., -

,11: H iss. tl. im.. M., ell I'huhps.tu", Helen land Inn S .1 . . n, sun

Hcrinnn.inin Hun ihe riftoilin.. ,.i' tin Mrs. II'. Kchkanui, 2404 poisons, pive appetite, energy and re- -St., Co ills-ton-

. Ky LEATHER AND FINDINGSwrites: "I have frc-hir- sleei Sold evervwheroAl, Alilien land a short time asm.lieu. l:iiaheth W lllel. Ilia ill, c,l Km-I-DRESS HI 0 w M.'M. herllistu tu heen lisin I'liley's'for nearly two years

u Alihtmseho.d WiinVitmy

Honey and Tarami run find no

1 have elirhtltl Vltll OK HI I'll MII K K TO

I'l'lklU DTI a V I 'I .' I 'I i I

Tinofferi.'l Im

ki l.i'l. Aim. M..,.-e- I"", Until !',:nStat. son. lmi. Keitha Slew ni, l.(i.I'earl Tumt'kltis. In, I: lln la stunt.. t h

s P. he t uhli-hclI i .iiniin; to I1114I1

tilers wehlnu lolnettcr l oinih syrup.


Harm's. Saildles, le-vo- ralnU, Hoofl',

TH0S. F. KELEHERrnoxrc uo. 4os w, ckxtralAlhuijuerque

rronorrhiei ami Gleet'relieved m 1 to'K tr is lion piiisonduiand eltectlie in treat- -Ini. mt......i. a I.

Mm- - autaniHi;,- ,,i it. ii was to he:M' Mis, miliums AMI M en; it lo ml or ttioin.Ki i's They all were suhjcit to croup fromii ,.Vf,..' i .. a i,, i I'ablt's on." it is a safe iiml reliableKEEP FEET OR! :, , , Ullllel tile Slip.'l-- l islon of Major lien- -

1HU. ''' '' ''" '' rimstoii aiauidiiic I,, Ihe;

1"U. Vlnui Hahlt Idit.., inn, s,t,li is. I mi ( .'.i tiaide '.el hat, mi

;t ton. mn. Civ, la W'lsnn.' I "a phue i 'i.i.l.. inn, ( i, ,t y,

Will not sTfctare. J revtois cuDtag.ou.'

he ile-l- die in V Ih... i a,.... ... . l.ul rncilicine for men ami women as wellns children, bun't let the rough that M I'UltiblNTN,iieuiauie pimisi ami iindei uris(iit.

. ,,.,.i o .. ... ,, .. fi i , ', , ' Parcel Post if diri - !.. . u s..'.,.. ... ..A'lew uf i.ii'm ni conditions and thel .uii ke, 's iit.,,,1 ue no p. ss o, follows irrippo limit: cm ami weaken i ,.. " " "" "iHem

mn.K!hc; I,

lm" V.I.. If lii ..iiif ..... -- ..1 ....!.! frte 'I, Ml, J " I'.si' i ius'l."iui iiiuu.i EVANS CHEMICAL CO., CINCINN VTI. 4.l.i'Whi


;. i myii it l.s

t.eiv'iai r iiiisnm or an ol thnl'fh els c tile i( del 'all, tupHiniuiin. i d

: i ' n i. h. ii Sold

. nu-nc ir

a mlI'll les

uf summer allupon to i lean

all nuisanceswith the heiillh

Tells Rheumatism Suffeieis to

approach.. ns al ., ea !:i ifpr. iiusi s, ,,

comply stii.'ihof till ill.

or colli than of lis consequences,every w here.lluw er ih,. New M.-l,,- t Mihtaivlaki Salt a

' Tl , ffelli, tV'leek. i"!'.,'IM. Mold,l "u, spu I. iI '.vfh n I .. mi

l"'l. tell l

I. sieih V ii Irk, lmin, Inn I'm lief o

Vuuv. a. In nh. his. p,i'. Inn. Hoi tens. SwW .11. I l"n I It , i, e s

id Get

And,instituteami It itsummer

II uu ah- a. w il h lis plans.Ullp,.ssl.e tu euinhlci file

llll. tills e;lr, 11 s hopedU lieutI hat .nt.--

misli insp.-ii- i

tlOIl taken inhlllli'l s ,ik;),s

April fu st, lft Hi, ihoitl w ill be made andnl'd lllt to Ihethose not inmplyim;

I Si I tlUUite.


For Rheumatism, Stomach Trou-bles. Kidney Ailments;, Inflamma-tions, Arterial llar.lenlnfr, Loco-motor Ataxia, Nervous Breaking,etc. Perfect Treatment, PerfectClimate, Health, Pleasure. Large

Modern Hotel. Uooklet.

T. C. M'DERMOTTFaywoml, X. M.'til s. r l

HIS fullInt. hHull!

Albuquerque Foundry andMachine Works

rncrliiixtrs rounders MachinistsCastings in Iron, P.rass, P.ronze, Alum-inum, Kleetrlc .Motors, nil Engines,

rumps and Irrigation.Works and Office Alhuijuerque.

.inII. ,i "

nf tiue,1:hi'tim.tiira is im risp' fti r

rori svi i:.(n 'W'ediiesd.iy, the riitl day of

March. i 1, at n o'cbuk a. tin, infront nf the city hall on North Sec-ond street, I will sell one hay horse,about ten vial's old; will wen;li aboutMUl pounds; branded on left shoulder,blind in left huth ears split,'sunt 11 while spol on forehead.

THOMAS MeMIKKIX,City .Marshal.

Milliliter.n ii! limit 1.

shown in

Ae'i'i tiltlK- ma, 'i nitill.' sUUilier

dat im; tde m lto tile sciioolrest ha i h. en

a m p and Humsent tumble isif lb. prI Ilii I

t 111,,'

w ii n the sain.-- .

1 uhlicat'.i.u of ii,is resolution shallbe tleam.'d notice p. pioperty owners,ft nit stands, bakeries, markets am!.'HI otheis com. i ed.

Ha,-s-e, , m,. ,:ii,.,i of healih Ihis'.'Mil day nf Alar, r, IMS

tSI'am-d- i




s. t. ..or .,r rank. If nut Hie up i

d un;.-- ,111 of human f l licliutis tt Isnf the most P'llliflll. '1' nhle t

to lie!. It'll! islll sluilIU (.ilt il SS lllilll.di. sj, us w.irmly as possible, uroij aman, !u .X..'U.i. ami, ittnce ul!, dritii.lots ..f pine water.

Hie il'l at;sm Is ililsiil by tll lc In ,,lwal. d !, e, u i, ,(,.,! in (ho ll.lWI'N and

I In- I. Ms

' w nl be n al .ti

tints it'Htly forw tn h w III tahe

, a. lei ivi ps is

CHICHESTER S PILLSaiiuanl ins)liu c in vprtl.i unus'iHlli K1

Lad It- t Axk four UruarvUt h..1

n.Ti t elf. tiII uditn rami Anow ami uitiiiM'Htr m irtitinoNU if,! THE WM. FARR COMPANY

Wholesale and Retail Dealers inI'HU lu lit d n i Haitithe W is hellfle.l

V. ItClHV.S' IHiSKNWAKU,I'.. K.VI K.MAN,ti. lili.'l'

b- - II, show V7tMf. k4M tltl bUie Rt;:!will m


ski: M iir pi titi:The noted palmist, whothe at Ii uf Hresident McKinley and

'the teilvesion flood, tells past, pies- - ;

jeid future; t cads stti. tly from' i'i. v ami KU.irmit.-.-- satisfaction.

Tent. .",ii3 VV st Central.

1. Tftl Qlhrr. ICti gr if ronp V

ll AltlVlfe lilt IM. l. ir u."fi

'' In I' hubl,!l,lI le. 'ltd il

pi.. I...:, conni; nut in s

lit pet it im'


ha.Ti in,.V'si,.luhnHie .


.MAVi'K 1). ii. Kit ATliliillT."down tinsnil! in iln

et'sd mto 'he hluml. It Is the.Lull of the l.''l!'.'M (f. fllt'l' tllt.1

ii.-- ide l.b 'ml iiij.l east il out ini t ',. th, p. !! uf the skin alea in. Mm of fie, 'in it lha of

A A'I I.'l..lll.Ucta.n.--isU tau


f i;l.lll ,'


I, mul i

Id, w

FHESH AM) SALT MEATSSnusngp a spit-ialt-

For Cuttle mul in.g tho lMi:gestMatkPt Priws Are Palil

K ha i! . l er b,h.-r- i.-- met

i l.. Hie p."I than in

aratb ( S:a' .t l y n, i: ,li

.Members Hoard of Health.t 'pie



'm.i ears Th.iifttriiuuti Is wit- -

uf speclalutspetit' li I foil', 111,- - f HfiJHKS'ttv Clrrk.


k thI I er

Hi.'H '.mpcra. in lUmp mul i)r,li., (11 it in! lm th,, (.i.m poieii ule.lus.dthus f..l,iu.-- i L.fli i'. s to do iimii. I.

:,! m i. s Knli,;:mi till: 111 n f..r Mn- main! I Too i.xti- TO CUSSIIT.llii,,ik id tu

I'.llW I.I" i



,411.1 labotThomas

"ii'.i-- spply

is. Jm-- , fi:..,i,lj WiiLesn litl t'aii ! '

f I. Ii h s. i ps ,'i

,Hmr thru.u'i

'Ike I . ;

I ba ll s,'ll Was that

s el los I'.,half ef tile

and th- m.tu,K" I.', k a! e lll

The ITuluW sllushi.t,," w !l edami al.,1 i

I :! e esl.i e a - .

im- - w a k an. I &i' K'.shi.iinitte ihitt uric at lit

:! atii ii nml rirotithe ust. iii ivelnoailv

' i, ',,1 mils. i Hn.l paui

P ill South Second.hi i


lliellt iiKi-ll- i ii; irK."iKi iMl, II! ::v prop,

. insiieil l ui i - t 'Utite bath, sb i p.r.i;nth, Incl'.t.llnw w

of giiraee. lilt

setllinii li. t! .

It 11? 'i w ', IH ' s

mind rh''Uii,,,i!s,( ihe fun tv

' t floll! al.V I I

f C(v t OM(i0ic TO HfllNhl JCSIN14n.'e nf r!n ,imutis:ii: ma. ul.. eat font

put a t.iMc'r.11- -j

t r mul .trn.k be- - j

mcriniiic fur 11

' a. .m . Atan h : ,.;.l shipil.. I'l of I', l.lll, .y

liliLs )l.,S p. pp. ,1 !de ii liisasmarket. lb.- - fttteen huudn d latallem il oil the p., os aiie, ,

til- -

1,- -1

'by11 nsst -



QUEEN CONTESTOf the follies Carnival Starts Today

When making purchases askyour merchant for votes ;

til ess.'l s

stall P.


apartnien'.. ptiponh, :, pertt r litht, atWest t 'elitr .!

vTiv. sakiTTbeds, k t h

i hairs, d sh.'s ,

jintt North Hi, i

P"i; i:i-fv- ;

fur bt h! I ...

lights, i;.,s. !,,( hi:.isi c.,,,

olllii i s of Jad Sal's.ful i'l ii of w

fore h! f list elt'dWe. k Th.H IS (i.'l ulacid by st nut, l it iiij."


l t'e.kinii!tf.y.


to i hmiiiate nrl,th. 1.1.1 lie v n

normal .a. Hon, thus ridding the l,;,.,.ii'uf Hum- Imput it it s

' ii,Mr.s.Kfl inuasAs ..c,l LI..ID wmtlad- Ilhl I, Alaleb '. I u( , , .

"t l It . a v, , I',, death

mt ct i iut, :,, , j,,,ui , f sweb mi ip, K i sa s City mail,,.H lew ,!av .,ni lot Ji, v., yh,, ,,,, ,

lit of the IhiiM-- tias pi uinianeedbe Vila f.i.c, l i; Summersm r ..I Hie , ompaiii, h.,, per

V,. ii.l .' i f Hp ;,,., ,

ti, iuri,H jour,! ,f II;, total i st11'., e f;..r.s o,!i.t.;i,,i i,ih mn i,

" full ish1 roomsseU'-rpini- elect rieprim'p intrmice. .'. 1;

' hree-r.Mo- n h.u.s, s,Inmseket ping, e,slight .pa d. Appii

J i I Salts is ii e e, harmltss 'almid ia imnle from the Held of prsp. "fnml pun; lube, tilth ini:,, r rAmi!. W Cl 'W I, l. the . , :,1 fc.lth- -

w.iild iiox.-i- , wh,. i ol,',,ps.,, in tien.i lean,! ot a bout with M.i- -mill lit used villi rx. rlii nt I s !

'I; I.I XT --

furnishedve. w ,, -

!l Suu.ti J';, See Diamond Ring in Window of H. Yanow1tilt t

. thee lu- -

ikl.t mida.rdllll! I,

mi ut H

w a i'l,

.iiHiim i. in detail Put enuiiimkllOWll to be sure lie lemur.

lh..cs,inil of folks who (.r mil.jni t.. tn-i- hisI hfi.mutiMli. Hern you lot'-'- pleas-- j t' w tul'.iittHilt, t fferveit.Tiit III r tl ! Ill k Vet ,n t (.fill,v hp h inert oiiie nne mid ami '.e ht ii- -j nm-s- t ted.t.t

t.i jour kl.lnry well. iaud ml d!

I iidla''-r- .

'I ouetMain

hat in--

W Wi !.;.lv de.ii ery l.Hi'Cn.t a K Misnt The Umili W. eofiimde

t en;hi.uctveltvttl:s, tt.l;l fur deaih RnulU htm Jnaia4 'af Ada, x--

Page 6: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916





Cheap Wateri"ii 111. i.iiiMin iiw.ii mi V gl in w in ' i i uiiiuiMiiiW j r Wfw 41

Cn.m.i. L f .,. ' .:Jsi4t i m I

Worth Careful ThoughtDo you read the label to know whether

your baking powder is made from creamof tartar or, on the other hand, from alumor phosphate ?

Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is

made from cream of tartar, derived fromgrapes, and adds to the food only whole-some qualities.

Some baking powders contain alum orphosphate, both of mineral origin,, andused as substitutes for cream of tartarbecause of their cheapness.

Never sacrifice quality and healthful-nes- s

for low price.

rV UfV.NIMf journal aPtct.i wrintiLondon. March L'l i s I .'. n in. I

"Tin' 1'iKt'iituii 'iniMT'ii' vvnii! w:it midthe jir nfl'li-i- ' ran mil wail, m vcniiylit lie c.lili' In consider evenoonocilc yum.' uf your in s." ThinWas it cist of a la ml' r i i;tv. it to-d-- iv

h the Hurl of hello til :i ilrpa-- 1

0 uf uiairicil men u ho hailunci wlm ihnia mlril the ,n i' '1

men! (if i vi'Vr mi uiai rii il m illnp tin- oilier. Thi' ili inta-lii-

also urio-- I lie siibstil ul inn "IuiMii-ia- military nervier as an (iltoin-ativ- r

In llio Nisliiii; system.I,. "i! Iloihy adili-,1-

"No manor whi-i'ii-- married or."iliKlr, everv man should he iM

to .(".-)- I his rounlry."The directors uf roi l niliiiK explain-

ed that every effort madeIn release siiiLle men from inuiiil ionand oilier , laii ilie immi-iliti-

release of all sinfile men. lie wild.Would disi)i;;aiiir.e l.oth m miinll ion i

supplies and the Hernial Irade idthe ooiiiiu as marih-- nun wmiluneed training in older to take theirphiees.





' ft. MOftNlNA IftH.NAl i.i isn i.Delroil, .irh., Mareh - I -- Tw 1 y --

seven auto truck, manafaeiured oain t nsli order from the war depurt- -

ineiH for use in .Mexico,lute- thi nfleinooii for the Alrxiranprovide eile, hut fn far lilate to

' lulled holder. The order was rrecic.l yfs.lei. 1. ami the macllilles (lesicind forJAPS COULD IKE

How to Get litDo not be misled by ill-infor- persons and munici-

pal ownership advocates in regard to the cost of producing

an ample supply of good, pure water in Albuquerque foryour use.

It has been freely stated by many people who oughtto know better, that the city can produce water at from

seven to ten cents per one thousand gallons, and many

citizens favor municipal ownership of the water plant on

the strength of such foolish statements. Read the follow-

ing facts in regard to it:

T o. the proposition Hint tin- Kovernnieiit k into lh whippim; '

ban lieen opposed hy the influence of

tlie very men wlm are niKin eolo.---

sal fortunes out of the war and whose j

.money, if the example of Japan were

'military ii.e were loaded into a spe-

cial train of fourteen eats and start-i- t

d south late today, twenty ta yenminutes ahead of (schedule lime.

The ttaln is due. lit the. horder infifty-on- e hours, lie fastest time ever

M Ml MICE; followed, would he nsi?d to hinhl

cren.1 fleet for the I'niled Mill i made from Detroit to .Mexico. I lie

l nene men iini mei iniiei,. j. .u l t..'M iikii ioii m i"

Hhln of shins ul evers turn and (he i carofulh mmrded and anents of theIT, FIGURES SHOWinfluence linn prevailed- Vet they government refused to say ov- -r whatthrmselvefi don't lmild ships. They pines it would not spend any of their new and Win n a cull was made nl the

swollen fortunes to Kivejmohllo p!i'i;t for volunteers toeonlrol of the sea. idle the cars In Mexico tliero was al

Reports to State Department. most h riot. Hundreds of workersIt is the current helicf of studentsHer- - rushed forward C;im-- to enlist lorrv i' -- i oi i ..,: of thin niutter in Ilie tfoveiliiiient

ijive uisimci mock. to ivien vlr(. tv, the over-ric- h Americans do the work. Thirty-fou- r men were s"- -

ti . i . ici i. r... '

tint desire an American merchant , ee!od and tliev f.rt- - on their way toti'ucks.the front wilh theVVIIU IIIUU,i;ilL IVIaUU a , marine. Tiny heln-v- that these men

pire Poverty Stricken, have their money tn foreign shipswhen they do hnve money Investedin shins and that their patriotism is JAPAN SENDS DIPLOMAT

TO COURT OP ATHENS... Ar tu i.i..a . ures wh'itin'! kii eir nui.i . i.i.flatf a vessel flics as Ioiir as tin-

dends roll in.Ti f.v St i.j nf.t I'VlieCted thnt


WashiiiKton, March 21. With thearrival of late mails from the fariasl today came details of the amu-!,n- P great tide of nold now Mnwiiiis


Alliens. March (ia 1'aris, March'3, 12:35 p. in. I Fur the first time in

history direct diplomatic relations. . .....I i .rt u'.il-- rs.

the Cnited Stiites in paviiiciitItii! prosperity of Japan that pave a towardshock to those wiio have held for war munitions would lie used to

up the American merchantthai Japan can tint make war on the)I'niled Stat en or anybody else he-- 1

jOelweeo jaoau .ion wi.iv . .

jtal.-lishe- when Kinif ('oustantinethe newly arrived chaw

d'nfiiiirert, IJaron ntovi, today.laue she is too poor.j

AMERICAN TROOPERspeech describing lhe extreme The sinking of the Japanese steamrty of Japan was still eenointf) o v i Kenlioku Marti hy n suomaiine

of Crete ill December and lut- -MYSTERIOUSLY WOUNDED,' i

Ioiil. the corridors of the camtnl. theit .... .a. inc-- of ih-e- .lanaliese oilMale department was reading the

speech of Viscount Yata (to Mishi- -

Rovernor of the t'.ank if Japan,the stockholders uf Hint instil u- -


MoNim jouhnal ptciAi. i t aid wimi boa i il int h it torpedoed sicamc--r

totmlas, Arb... March 21.- - -- An un-- I hound lor lOg.vpt. the Jupati-iden1ifin- d

trooper of the Kil'st I'niled eSe government to send a diplomaticStates cavalry, stationed here, was ivpreseiititlive to this part of thefound toninht In a. wounded condi-- j w'oi ld.

'lion at Kndoo, and brmighl '.o JJanm Otovl told the Assolation'a local hospital. j fress correspondent that upon ask- -

in which he declared a dividendper cent on the last six months'

lionof 1

nsilless.IMoliN Made- on Munitions.

The most significant portion1


u-lle was shot through tlie heacl. MK j KiiiCoiislantinc point inanK

Army sulfieons said that his recovery Creece were noim; to war on the sidewas doubtful. iof the allies, the sovereign replied;

'PI... "iu fniin.l ill !1 hnv cat is 11 little country. Whennews from Japan lies in the rapid

at which money is pilinsr up inlherati

jiivi-- i nment coffers and lhe read-is jio place for i t I -

iimss w'ii which government nonos ....... . ,. .., i, . ..... at llodeo. .Near hini whs an nnn , doi:K.

Accordi,,. ,o n,ilro,,d ,.,- -M they had to 'he me. will, an-- j revolverr issue of Iioiioh. The chaime inipioves, inecar .. .,....


SUNK BY SUBMARINEimese circumslances is due. oi ueo ! 0111 nc.e.Jap1 the war in Kurope. uneioer ......

court.1 ii ... ii i en i i in ii.i.i ii.. in M .

mil c iu o , . i in- . .....not been di'lerniincil to- -eide had

Kiiito is selliniT an enormous oiiali-- ininlit. (BY MOBNINO lOUftNAL SPIClAL Lf AgfO Wli

S.vraioise, Italy. March 21 viaof war munitions to (he alliesSurneons stated that there were ntin-

Hat with this difference, in the fnit- -

States the sold is flowmu to theedpowder marks near tlie woundprobably would have been hadsoldier shot himself.

:is Paris, :i:4r j. in.) Arnold (.room,t he t commander of the Hritish steamei-iCo(uetle-

declares that his vessel wassoul. with, ul warninu bv h subma- -

Hu Pouts, the steel trust anil in pri- -

(The above costs do not include $15,00'a vear tor sinking fund, which must be pro-

vided for. and also in the City Kngineer's

lvpoit he estimates pumping water at only

fifty feet, whereas the average depth of the

wells used by the Water Supply Companyis one hundred ami fifly-eig- feet. The City

Kngineer also allows four cents m.t gallon

for fuel oil, whereas the price for such an

article now is five and one-fift- h cents per

gallon, K. (), II. Albuquerque in carload lots,

with the price going up like gasoline. Tlie

increase in the price of fuel oil and the ad-

ditional depth from which water must be

pumped to get a sufficient snpjily must nat-

urally considerably increase the above costs.)

As a matter of fact, the Water Supply

Company with its highly efficient plant and

economical management can, and does, pro-

duce water considerably cheaper than the City

Kngineer's estimates and have offered to sell

water at twenty cents m.t thousand gallons

on a graded scale, reducing' the rate to fif-

teen cents per thousand gallons to large con-

sumers. Judge for yourself from the alwive

figures whether or no this is a reasonable

price and whether or no under olitical man-

agement you would obtain water any cheaper.

If the municipal ownership people who

glibly quote seven cents per thousand gallons

for water have so misled you in regard to

the City Council's official estimates, how larwrong are thev on the subject of the cost ol

a water plant ?

It Raton has spent SK'.i.OOt) on an in-

complete water plant, and Raton does not

have half the population we have, how many

more bonds muM you of necessity .authorize

before the adventure is ended?

Watch for Saturday's edition and see

what the real col of a water plant is.

Snmc months afju ilu- - City Counciltlie City KnituvtT to prqunf an es-

timate on tlie cost 01" laiililing a nnwlcin.economical water supply sWem and the priceat which such a system could produce andsell water and remain Thisestimate was accepted hy the City Counciland used as a hasis for the proposed hondissue and lhe recommendations for munici-pal ownership.

During l'H5 the actual amount of watersold by the Water Supply Company was

gallons, heini;' an average of5S6.5 1 gallons per day, and the consump-tion at this time is approximately the same.

The City Kngineer's report on page 4

shows the cost of water on a hasis of 000,- -

K Ml gallons pcr'dav to he out nineteen andone hall cents per thousand gallons. Onegallon in (,'ury six. however, is used by thecity ilself, and l here fore only five-MXtli- s ofthis .mil unit is actually paid for by the citi-

zens. ,

The Water Company also pays in taxestwo and one-thir- d cents for each one hT-sam- l

gallons of water produced, and the cityand the county under municipal ownershipwill lie deprived of tin's reunite. The totalcost of water to the consumer, based on the

.City Kngineer's report mi an average con-

sumption as at present, is therefore twenty-si-

and two-third- s cent- - per thousand gal-


(The City Kngineer excludes fire hy-

drants rental in his estimates, but no allow-

ance is made for writer in fire fighting pur-

poses, and therefore in practice the abovefigures would have to he still further in-

creased. )

(If the city continues to grow and the'daily consumption is increased from 000,000to 1 .000,000 gallons per day. the City Kngi-

neer's estimates wilh the above corrections,calculated in exactly the above manner, show,lhe cost of water to be approximately seven-

teen cents per thousand gallons. )

niMirniuiriiT (MiiUIIM V X irioe flvinii the Austrian flan, HieUUV nnmviLiN i ohiiilillw captain and ci liaviiiK barely time

; in tun As

ate manufacturers and producers,and the nains are beyond Hie powers;of the illumination. Hut in Japan the;jmvcrnnient makes the munitions and

pi-- ' tils.The nione.v thus secured is beinn j

n r f A D MAICDQ to save tliemselvDI Oiunn ivmixuno

hy lhe J.ijianese government to,l, '.I. mini I.i lake the fullest ild-- j

!they were leaving the steamer. diecaptain asserts, the submarine r.m-- I

tinned In bombard the survivors.After eiKhl days lhe boats reached

(the Libyan coast where seven of tin1i sailors wlio occupied one. of Hie


Von- V...-L- Mareh "1 Charires ofliseilellalv.'intaue of the opportunity lurnisne-- ,.0usjn hot ween apients nl the In- -

lhe war to control ocean transh Mernal revenue depaitment and inanu-'factui-c-

of cimirs and cinarettes who:.ii-- II. e...l io have been evadim; Hie

Iiieiis Were taken prisoner hy lle- -

Th. ollw. l.oat eseaul-i- l

portation and new fields of foreignl ine tie..- sit-- oishin com anddoallis.

after ,'itii ther is -in uiKani'.e.l jaw have been hrouuhl to the otten-- i , , . . r(..1( .( u l.ihyan portpanyand of uovernnient officials, it i he ooirincrs were lakeii carethe government always kocs moi ,,,,,,

it, ,.,., known toiiithl iii connection.s n n.iriner am il sees totil ( nl of hy Italian cal'ihlners.thatthe

every line Uses lis lacintles Ioi WiHl Hu- - wholesale arrcsis neie ...

promotion of Japanese indusl lies tna mi fad urers accused of misusing nrjDEATHS AND FUNERALS.Japanese Interests ami trade. I He failing to use internal tev. niie sunups.,and

development a I rend v has been en-- , (illicials of the department oiin-- j

urinous and if the war runs ,.n frjternal revenue asserted that violation--- !1 of s,ftlz.

two or three years n nuer n is i

ted that Jupan will be the pilnci- -diof the law had Keen Koing " ,

years, and declared the government The luiieral of Mrs. H. A was

had been defrauded of millions of held ycslerday mornlns. Mass Wasi.. celebrated at the f'huich of lhe lin- -ocean carrier of one-ha- lf or im- -

palworld if not of both. d mai-tilai- Conception ut s o'clock.Niuety warrants had hi ;stp up.

to tonishl for alleged violators of the Uunal was m i.inaiy cemei'iy.inteinal revenue laws and orty.uiu-.-- j

had heen arrested. Kneli ut."

Uciillzos t'. S. Is Asleep.

That the T'nited Stales is asleep attli.- switch is realized here today as it

lias never been realized. Congresslias talked of an American merchantmarine. It also has tried to

lhe hccus-i- I was held in $1.r,no bnilfor the federal Ktand jmy. I WOMAN HAD



Kaleigh, X '., .March l.-- Tho

' death sentence imposed upon. .Mrs. IdaHall Warren, Hie first woman everj

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-

ble Compound Helped Her.1 CROSS. SiWest Danby, N. Y. "I havo had

nervous trouble all my life until I tookFEVERISH CHILDLydia L.Ptnkham slilinmnuuMuimiimii

Tax-paye- rs remember the city can only sell watercheaper than the above figures if you consent to make up

the difference.

sentenced m .North i nroiiua 10 oiein the electric chair, was commuted!to life imprisonment today by Gov-

ernor CraieTlie also commuted to

life imprisonment ,,ll sentence ofSamuel Preston Christy, convictedwith Mrs. Warren of the murder ofher husband in Isl-t-

The death of Kdith C'avel at thehands of a (ierman firing snuad wascited by CrOViTiiur Craig in lhe com-

mutation oiib-r-

Thero is no escape," smd the gov-

ernor, "from the conclusion that IdaHall Warren :s guiUy "f murder, de-

liberate and premeditated. I'.eruiany

liverIf little stomach is sour,

Vegetable Com-pound for nerveaand for female trou-

bles and it straight-ened me out in goodshape. I work nearlyall the time, as welive on a farm and Ihave four girls. I doall my sewing andother work withtheir help, so it

torpid or bowels


i executed the woman spy; r,iigiiinu nm Voite Agaiirigt:not. Tlie action of the military gov-

ernor of Belgium was condemned by

the conscience (,f tin. world. Tlieliillinsv of this woman would send ashiver through North Carolina."




Topeka. March L'l. The re-

publican state convention today elect-- ;

cd four delegates at large and fouralternates to the national convention The Bond Issue

Mothers can rest easy after KivhisCalifornia Syrup of Figs." because in

a few hours all the closeed-u- p waste,ur bile and fermenting food gently

moves out of the bowels, and you havewen, piavful child again. Children

simply wili not take the time fromPl".v to empty their bowels, and theyfcoenme tightly packed, liver gets slug-tf- h

and stomach disordered.' When cross, feverish, restless, nee

If tongue Is coated, then give this de-licious "fruit laxative." Children loveIt. and it can not cause Injury. Noslffeience what ails your little oneif full of cold, or a sore throat, diar-fhoe- n,

stomach-ach- e, bad breath,a gentle "inside cleansing"

h"Jld always be the first treatment" l ull directions for babies, chil-r- ,,

of all ages and grown-up- s arePf'niM pn each bottle., va! of counterfeit fig syrups

Vj- Joufr druggist for a nt bottle"California Syrup of Figs," then

JX p;.(efullv and nee that It is madu"v aa -- California Fig Syrup Com-ii"V'- i"

i VVe make no smaller sie."ri' 'mck with cWitempt any other

nhows that I stand it real well. I tookthe Compound when my ten year olddaughter came and it helped me a lot.I have also had my oldest girl take itand it did her lots of good. I keep it inthe house all the time and recommend

it." Mrs. Dewitt Sincebaugh, WestDanby, N. Y.

Sleeplessness, nervousness,' irritabil-ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen-

sations, all point to female derange-ments which may be overcome by LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

This famous remedy, the medicinalingredients of which are derived fromnative roots and herbs, has for fortyyears proved to be a most valuable tonicand invigorator of the female organism.Women everywhere bear willing testi-mony to the wonderful virtue of LydiaE Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,

of the pari v. adopted resolutionsthe Wilson administration

and f.iv.ring national prohibition, mi;tional woman suffrage, and adequatepreparedness- and adjourned withouta wrangle after a little less than threebonis deliberation.

Cole Younger Is Dead..March 21. ( oleLees Summit, Mo.,

Vounger, the famous outlaw of borderdnvs. died at his home here tonight,after a lingering Illness. He wasyear old and uumarricd.' t.i UJI,

-c- -

Page 7: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916


AN f.vpKPKtl'KNT KCWUPAPEB "THE STILL SMALL VOICE OF THE PEE-P-UL"Matter tbfin our present condition. It.f, then for. will bo preparedness" Sas Woman's Beauty

1morning Journa Depends Upon Healthrblltifi by the


IrChKKtMT ItuniDiM Maifi V, ' iaurW. T. c r, i. Vi-- ..,.,..'!- - ."i-- t i i f.i ;.- - r .V-V

fluht In which the individual will fig-

ure more than the party. Ily elec-

tion day the people hae foundout, and v.oe to the Individual candi-

date, It nmkcit no difference to wha!party he Pelonnn, who han preni-tite-

an enoio oiiH fol iiHiIallou of theprohlem.

The wur in Kuro)) may have endclhefoie the campaiKn In the I'nitedHtatea iTid, hut the eliding will notri'lcwlf th prepntediifni! lanue to theKCiap-lj- f up. Th cAd of the Euro-pean war la more lilely to leave usface tn face with tiii reality of a

world divided between great alii- -

f 4,.,Nl Klllor....l.'Itf 1'lllt'T

LililorA. N. MOROANu. l rox

Health and Vhjor r.i'Kil-lailo- n

of r;;itiis of1 lliininatlon.

Skin food and l'aep creams andpowders eatiliot make a v.oman beau-tiful. In c.uiso b'aiity bis deeper thanthai it depends on health. Jn momcases the basis of health avid thecause of s'cknesH i nn be traced to iheaction of the bowels.

The headache, the lassitude, thesallow kin, and the lustreless eyes

W Mtern RrnriartitMlvaC. t. AMIUl-O- X.

tUrqaetla Volldlna;, tbloaga.

Kaalera RrnrMiratatlva,MAI. I'll H. MIIJ.II.AH,

IS I'ark Kuw, w lark.t:.,i. i'. : ;;.u. ',.. h. i v. 44 "Vii rx:. , rEttar4 matter it tha

poatoffle f Altraqurrqus, N. U., ndr Aclof ConrrcM of Uarch 1, 1171.

ancea, cu h eager to recoup Km lotmc. are caused by coiislipation.An ideal icinedy lor Women, and onethat is especially suiteij to their deli-

cate organisms, is loiind in I'r. C'ald- -

V4i r. v

V- - .

'A: l"Wlfinlli,.:


circulation Oiaa Any otbtr pupurIn Nw Muloo. Th only ppr la NawMuloo laaued trrtf day la tha year.


, w.ii

TERM OK BUHKCiliPTIONDally by carrier or mill, ona mnnto, too

j well's .syrup Pepsin, a mild laxativej Compound, plca.vmt t i the taste and

free 1'iom opiate ami nareofifi tlrudsj of eveiy ib'serip! .Mrs--. Gertrude

Jordan, 122 North Liberty St., InNOTICE TO BLBHeiUMCHSPutrrlbfra to tha Journa) whan wiitln

to taava thrlr paprr changrd to H"r ad.drtaa nauat ba aura to flva lha old adilri-aa- .

at our expetine, and Irritated ultalnidUa for ImaKlnary cffciwcH or enviousof rfur iiiiHcuthed condition. EiUe-win-

v,ls can not tell wliut a day orweek may bring forth In Mexico.

politicians have, not only their po-

litical protlivitlen lo nHtntinutlr. tln-l- r

vlclun, but (heir ainffular conceit nndTo hae Kec uid Biol thirl

cIuhs luwvera iii'Klie Qiieatlona of mlll-lar- y

and nuval nccendty with thearmy and imvy expert U muh likea 1 lackmnllh iiipuIiik on muchiIoiim ofnHtroiiomy with Trofessor Lowell, liut

have that upectacle dally ahou!the capltol nt WaxhlnKlon.

rreparednesH imn no lonner theo-- j

.Mils, (iKlITKI DK IOI)

dianapolis, r,d., says: "it is Kimplyfine: 1 have never able to findanythiiiLC to connin''c v. itn Dr. Cald-well's Syrup Pepsin. started ONilif?It for tiie baby and now it is my fam-ily standby in all cast where, a laxa-tive is needed."

7)r. Caid well's Syrup Pepsin :s soldin driif! stores for fifty cents a. Do it Ip

"Tha Mnrnlnc Journal baa a blihar circu-lation ratltir ttian la aooorded to any olhrrl-- r In 'aw Ucilco." Tba AmentiaNipapr Dlraetory.

a trial bottle can la obtain, 1.

eliure,o, J,y v, fii :r-,- ' f i Dr. W. P.n St., Mont

in- -

ell,,.Well, 4 j 4 Wasiiilil-'-Illinois.rpiiE JOURNAL tAki and prima

lly houra and thirty rnluutea ofeiclualv Aasnciatod I'resia leapedwire ervic each week. No othernewapaper putdiahed In New Mexicotakta mora tbnn twenty-fou- r houraof Associated I'rena aervlca durlna;(ha week.


retlral .dandnrdH by which to rnens- -

ure ltd iideuuacy. The war revial" ConfidenceMii'idiu'd a,lieady t" Mted lit lylualWEDNESDAY MARCH 22. !!!

cainnaluiiH. Theati tandaii M will he

tiii: Mosoum and the h.v.even clearer by fall than they arethis aprlnif. The worth f militia,the value of training and it extent,the ineimuie of iiiunltlonn, ihu nece-all- y

of nuinh ip- - they will all be ac-

curately natiKed uml wTint they arewill lie ia iiilellluenlly aired up by

the ' loan In the utteet" a by the man


The. iiioe'iultota urn LrKlnrdng lo

l'ii7?i In AlluVir(iir and a few fllea

hive com out of winter quartet.The mof'iulto In n a necessity. T:

is a most important factor in the securingof credit. Your business may not need ac-

commodation today. Tomorrow a little aidmay be a great advantage. Get acquaintedwith the officers of

Is a ayrnptoni. Civilization can bo

pretty iioenrntely by riiun'a

attitude toward Insects. V(

Mate National Bank1

' LW4 ' ! centra, Aveno.

4$$v$UMr- ''tmi'k'iii!- - . HM'T ' U rnUVI Statol D,Pslt0lpy SanU Fe IUOwaj Depository

In the tmuonnl capital, before t lienational ( umpailiii In done Willi. WithHome lHKiieH politlfH can be plaed.Not el with pi epnrednein.

With both parliea deihiliiiK for u

HCleiiliflc larlfr board; with both par-

liea rpiu over what noil of prepar-

edness np Fhould have; with bothpatties ui(iecd tiint the ),inl-lu- n

l;iw la a vait Improvement overI tin one dtxpluced, It looks now ax i'the republiean fight on I'leHldentWllH'in and the deinoilatlc partywould be mainly made imaliiHt spe-

cific uetioiiH, lather than upon broadand Kvm'lfll poll1 leu. The prenldwnt'aMeXhan pulley will be attacked frommany different annlea; but the re-

publican will tmt u.0 on record vvlln

II definite policy of inv union of Mex

ico for the purpoKe of reatorhiK or-

der there and policltiR the loiilitrypoHKlhly of ntinexing purl i f it,

lo"K ilowii with contempt upon IbesItiboH which rcBlun themselves withpatience to those body and bedroompost from whose thrall our run .

fought thrmMi'lviH free. Lei u i

one he deceived, our nni'i'MoiR Im-l-

them, and a lot of other Uiltix whit h

wo acldoni mention now In polite --

(My.The't Ihnl we nave dubbed tin'

Jkuihh fly with u now ntiini', ty-

phoid fly, itiiirkn our oiiiko upwindIn i h ili'Mlloii. hIiiiII hoi, i) pan

ill of tln fly dlrnic. Hut ournit Mill wrnp)M'd ti a. iiIiiiIiuh ofIIHilllil(H.

1hi iitotMjiilto 1m a liiciiiii p, ulit t lo pint no mioio to h;

tidi'iutiul, iiutvvlthslmidiiiK ourditilua nnd the tiourby Ulu

!ruudp, thiin a nest of riUa in ai Ik oka fiu'tory. The iuoNiiltu Is imltiiH'nii(u"ifiihh', (in tlw other han I

It l t'iHjly deMlroyed, It lives in.ll.iifiieriiic only hy i;i:u of pi.l-iich-

and din. (Hher ilth'H, InrfiiTand Miuillcr limn AllnifiiieKnu1, h.iwlid theiiincdvi m of l he j nt.

'lie family i iiu't tlu It, and tellfamilies inn't do )t. The city llmdf

milit luiv" foini. difficulty in doiiu;it. I!nt If the city and county roul I

I Induced to work together, ill ta.skWcuil.l not .o either a hard or anpeiiHive one. AVe Hhould hae neith-

er flleM nor liiofiiultoeg hle.

The nblp policy will beattacked,' but 1 Ik-n- n attacking will - kiA fiS? fKl ygSi t;H

Some Pertinent Questions Asked ;;ny "H"i,e ,he ,',,8i,a,1 fa,li 5 r" JfC.lmiiier.ue was Ey,Jii 1 C Ik ' 11 5'Regarding Municipal Ownership wo,',, "m""e ,0 NrVa..,,,py ,!5,a,"j Vtcv raj Jj

! The building of the old Atlantic .t fV I! h V K1 Vr ,' ' "fc

Editor Morning Journal: Kite, vv hy was I be pi for a pe-- 1 I'aeifle railroad, coupled with thej W)SX I 1 AaMrh 11I waa verv much intercut, in l lax levy for the payment of inter-- 1 f'"1 't wan an established IraiTe I IA AffJAll' 11 t i I F. 'd

have no definite policy ly whichalilpa can ho aecured for the carryingtrade between the 1'nlted Statea andSouth American port. Much willbo made of the refusal of the presi-

dent to declare war on derma ny be-- i

nUHe of the l.naitanla and the Ar-

abic; but the republican) will notliliiiH into connrexn u residnlion do- -

vievvs of .Mr. Hurkhait on ti.e and fund put the ordi-- ! (OI'. Alhu.juer.iii..-- ) compelled f,. aiOi I ' ' ' Cjf Plna inthai III' is veryii. .Mr. Ihirkhart. from ,bis utt ,r- - s- JV 1 notice they fJ XWimfF t3cliirlnts war on (iennnny, altboiiKh ell Informed upon the lef.;al icimre-th- e

Lusitanla oiiestlon Is slill open. menu of the bond issu but do not auc- s, evident Iv roroMib'.cs that the '"' !'' year for water at Ua

oropcrly tax b; an unfair burden, and!'"" ""thi" h''ri'v..,,i,.... ..hi r. ,1,,. 1,11,. ,ni n,ii ioiiol' know whether or not be has bail the

mount of experience In piod'ic- - proposes to subsiitine the iiiofitsi "owever, the Santa Fe is no niesamekm 0(1 record as favorinuplatform :im. waier. Ii u i.i i h.. ..f which the e:tv v. ill make in the i.laee'"" " s men, and 1 ueiieve ir

they considered that a change wouldevci vboilv that as much information ol he properly tax. What suar.mtyam possible be kiv n In rcmii'd to tlicjhas .Mr. linikliart to off that the'1"'"1'1'1 lll lr employes, by lower water

rates, they would not feel much hint

war.Hut the public will hear all thene

thlliKfi discussed In the jireat (uad-rcnnl-

debating society, and, beforei .. . . . .

proposed bond Issue of t4a,Miia. 'ity win make a protitvWill Mr. Itiii'Uli irl. for the infonna-- j 1. loi t .Mr. liurkliart propose mi:

oj i ne piisiioicu increase in taxes. i y ua m m m pn; ..i. : . .Ili i lie re will be a urel tV Hon of Hi.. Inviiavers. '" - t.eiopuneu in meanswer ltin- fol-- . ni, ipal ownership as a means of mak

'wood undeistuiidinii of the merita of.lovvim; iiuestlons: ".

''.V'."' .J'"' I'..

ll,la'"1' Wabash,illnf money mi; ,,f the water sold to!Urn iilh made during the cam-- j ' Doe the city propose to furnish the consumer, and in what way does--' mlK'


' ' ''' '',.!l(10,"n' H"!"" 'a'

pa Ik li. ton which railroads and other bit:j..... . , i ,, i , in,.- - ii...,. .ii,.. j i - i nit- - i u i ia ,v -


i posed by the Water Supply company. ' er for the levy fixed by the proposed! financial enterprises split, nnd not thejwil-- of politics or corrupt politicians.From the time of Commodore Van- -

I of -- H cents and I : cents per ' " 0 nal-- ! ordinance providing for a bond issue":An KiiRliKh astrononier claima " Puis; and if so, at what uite and u hat &. What miarunty has .Mr.

r.:i liua anil wi-- lie i,.o. i, i i,...i r . , . i. 1. 1. i i,, . r r.. - ii,..f h ..:i.. ,.e o...

This trade-mar- k stands for

Duffy'sPure VISit Whiskey

It is not only a means of identificationbut also the maker's guarantee of quality.

Bear it in mind when purchasing.

A press u'-ri- t In New York la try.liiK lo work uji (ivmpatby for theTurk. Thai li about the name sortof job us trying to work up nvinpu-tb- y

u (his country for Elands, oVilla,

w ill be more successful in theipo-r.i--

Vent in i

iio i em, him ine puniie nei damned" polity and the Northern Pa- -

.1 . 'I 11.-- If l,l,,,llln,r A.. nil 1.

nniNt have hired .some help and there that such rates .shall prevail'.'Is a suspicion that several duphcu- - " If a properly tax was m IV-"- .than the ( ily of Katun ?

W. U. WHITNEY..... .1 . .......jl. .., ItllllllK 1111 till lllfttolis occnircd In Hie c( unt. ,

1 raff ii Would bear" until recent years,i

Till: N.VIIOWD t'A.MI'AKiX. Henry Lockhart Sees Ages-ol- d

Fight in the Water QuestionThe li port that lierniany has in-

dicated to the United States a des'iito instiUile discussion of peace termsmay be accepted with several larttour.'ilna of Milt.

the public had little to say until theSherman law, the Interstate Com-merce commission, the parcels post,the rebate laws and some other use-ful curbs went into effect.

The trouble with our water com-pany Is that it originally put on "allth,. traffic would beur," and that

the steady rale of in-

crease in population s(nf consumption,it has Just u.s steadily insisted on its

feould well afford, even if necessary,to stand a little raise in taxes, espe- -

Editor Mornii.R Journal:j The (Ustion of municipal owner -

snip seems to nave sciiieii tiown i i.i v as their own water rates wouldlis. i he reduc d, and the improvedippe.u.iie of properly plight ehuble

.ei nailer niusi oe soineinmn '"'the world-ol- d

a scrapper. In about filteeu min-- ! .mt, ;IU ali,truuK'.e between thee plebiaii; nr,at stress

the rents.a iso . ereat ueat-',loum- l f f0l,h- - Ppeause it wasutes ufter he became secretarywar he had taken on Villa. No Albuquerque Hornofbclmr laii by the amis on ihe projio-jSitlo-

that some people wiil have topay more taxes horaii-- e they own

i. ...... i ,;.i on an article; nominated in the bond."hasihd extensively advertised

some ploPerly and otiieis es ape nlto- -

them toof sires:, dfrom a

which sivv hetlu--


' ill i

A due regard for its own interestswith a view- - to the future, as well aseneoiirnsement in the greater con- -

solool ion of ilu rir,,tii.- il.l

tiithcr because ihey don't own niiv.paper published at Knton,ems to bo when boiled down.)trite or untrue, simply a vim-- 1

I'ur iiiadi national electioni'le ordeals by fire tut only for theandldateai lmt also for the.

Tin v nr.- also courses offor tha people, especially

aouie elections, ua that one of 1 S!"l,twenty yeaia aSo, If we uiistakit not.Hie one of llutl will also teach u b'l.

What "Keta by'' the national del at- -

fcoeiity into which the people re-o-

them reives, when the leal is-

sues, as dlsiiuKnlshcd from spuriousoiis, are to be determined, "kc!s by "

becaiihe it ba been trba and notfi nnd wantlne.

Theie will not be a ( il eal oftlilio Wasted tile lal iff ilurlns the

oih:I,k inoniba t caiupuinuinp,the people Kenerully nnd,Ibut the biyh protedive ost-

ein has teiu tiled and failed to i,

and because the theoiv of tut iff

I'.ejii-rn- l Aucch'K eNplains wh

failed. 'I'he .lolirnal nave tinexplanation some months ncociilarenicnt of the head.

it.ti tuuii'K on ine mayor 01 to have inflde 11 1, . ,1 .,, Lr

same j 'pp,, same line of lU tuim nt would.oute; bar Die income tax, the inhetltame

;tax, and most any other foi m of rais-- ;

UK revenue. Any way, the f, bow thatmore i elation eomi.,e.,.,. ,.. ,..,.,.own and baa no

"lion at issue llel ethatlo tlipurs.

ian ine,,ll(, n,tlirn OI1 its investment, a goodllniys ii, i taxes has no vole in th.- mat- - t of V." iL'O.-The fact that we are ciillstiny;aim low recruits may cause

business policy as w-- as eulitibleto the public and avoided the feelinir

'lor. !,n,l what i oiisalci at ion he lai' , ...... i . :

The ai(,. io ii,,cs not state that it isoppo: ,1 to municipal ownership andlo tremble list, we beviin miui'icM of jof hostility that has been prowing for

I',"-!.- , .11,11 eoiiai lo ,M,H-thiil the sauce tor the ponsc will also

lo the xander.allc-,i- a state of flits there in ron-tv- ,.

n rs.the noild ue.tion wild ihe system which couldnot y exist here. It recites a Arc pcale that is not flexible witha

srowins city is unreasonable, for

is C(tni)1oic vviiliuut the niodern keeping .oivh. Xo nn

sleeping purch is cni;lete whin nit I'orch Shades.di" ail the many porch tshades that have been introducedhere we have at last.-secure- the




nr-- i .o .iiieeo jnymises on i in- - j,aii(wj otisumplioii grows rapidly, theor wi" mayor anil w Here it states lie,1

lt, w ,1), ,u, children (,f hisof print paper keep town mitht as well object to pa in a: atabloid daily Will Pel'hool poll tax. because 11 benefits bis

the of next neighbor-- ' ihlldn-- and i.t biinseif.j tt is two-tho-- of ihe

mi u who iay load tax. - have no tax- -

If I he prlivon smiling thevv it li as In foi ey ell r

has lallen short m the perlot nianci s.Tl'.eiv is tin of Kraft, simplythe lie,. ,,f attack on a candi- -

operatimr costs are only aliBhtly In-

creased in proportion.If the city should operate ihe plant

a! a profit, evt n if this could not be

for revenue only pus been demon-- j

Minted a disamious to our industrial j

mi. I linnii,!-.- . 'I i,.. .......I.t llale mi Iti., .,, ,,f l... lw..i t

andvv II

if Cole Please will i;o to warnever i ome back a lot of peopbhave a kindlier feeling for war.

i applied to the interest or sinkingfund of the bonds, it need riot bethrown away, hot could doubtless bp., i f . . e

ante properly and personally Dotmil Ii use for (In- r,,.nl--- bat they donot i scape on that r, i ount.

Tax.s, hovvivcr, tariffs, y

find their way to the pocket ofthe ultimate consumer. no matter

rans may try to point to Hi,, jaospei --

li) of the country under the I'avne-Ahlin- h

ait. but liieir uriiumciiis willHot be onvlneim;. The prospctiiyv. as too spotted. The ats inn

Now w hat al e the facts: ltatonwiili a papulation of on. tbird of

has Issued bonds for $400,-i"O- i,

the same amount as is projioeedhere and is not ashamed.

With three limes the population

u mi- oui' r purposes an,i liitlitenthe taxation to that extent.

It is admitted" that this city hasbeen governed for about thirty yearsby honest and caoalde men of n,.ti.

UaaVnBKSSflBQSaCel,- lib loai any a he is anxious to

M to the front. Consent is ami certainly three times the re-- 1tiy lo make some people belli ye thaiDie rnd'-iwoo- lal. If jS In some vieviTi sponsible fop the ptospel Uy we aleenjoy iik at thin time, Dut thev mil '

sunt , es, is the water too cold for usto iin in"

jwhnt r.innfn aliens tin y nnderco injKotlmu there, whether he pays taxesor not

I People, who for tin- time en aret burdened with taxable property , e

that they nr, the soh prop andmainstay of the stale and he only

parlies w ithout taint of graft, and d..-- j'"' the best they could according; toT'le t:r,,ss receipt. of the Uaton '

plant are J:M,,)e,. 1 understand the?cross re, co ts lu re srw Mtuint llireel

Pep and Punch ineii otiiiis. v e nave no latwp toKiiide our future except by the light

Porch Shadein its const ruction Service, Heautv and Durability,

i on wil! profit by investigating the CCX)I.--MO- R

before vou buv.

, oi (iasi excellence, is it proliable Unittones to be coiisld, Idealtimes that amount.Ida iilv LAlmr ........ i ,. . . ... e .the siTh- - nexi n foiiii irusade this vvi

'ice, is is one to reform reformers. (the universe. The ical i'.,,t ,s, in .Hi. Kaviiolils' estimate of the nnd ibe i,r.,i,i,i,i.. (,.., L ';every om- knows, but will ln-- a iw ,;ys j In. rerised b;

ajadmlt. that piopeity, power and tov U'V credit f,!cn he forseis to cue: amenable to trraft and corruptionm st on the sinking than in the days when it was a "wide

Hot even fool thehlsi Ives, in view ofIhe (rend of ihinca from the pi ssa iiC

of that act nn to Die time the w arIn Euicpo i an.

Preparednesa promisea to be to thelore tliin year. What Is preparedm-si- .

uinl whut ia not ptepatedni-ss- , urlikely to be defined truthfully bifoicIhe lampult-- finishes. Connrt-'-- has

We lefiise to believe thaternnient, civil ied or uncivilized, are all t and. w hich won it be an increasing noun" i..n-- . k .,n:..t ii i on the satin nroail asset iis the t v..... ...... irniin inr a

limit?years roll- d bv.wives monopoliJo the home conversa-tion. Hero and th. te. we insist, aw,nii. in will be foiii, who has mar-ried a bill tier

Moe," an. wi-,- !h- - Inlo id

"The Man With the .'

er he has struiirfa-,- i;ppaying taxes or not,

I'ef r, n, e t, th. Santa IV rail-- jw h m ,y have teen the

in rent vcars. A!buqu. roueto the point ofis w i if. li e and

It miiiht be a mUihty tjood thing tohave more at stake In a public way ifit would induce more of the propertyowners to come out to the primaries

r. suittvvi ,! !every ymptom of fu ml'lltiar. and D"" j Meinorv In fickle;

responsibility dor nut rial with one if urn kiii on u if Itstie to its isteritis, care t thc--it often holds u,

nnd bu import-- i

Sollie-Pete- rs Furniture Co.rilOXK 422. 223 SOUTH SECOND STREET


hemic are well worth the attention ofthose who have. In th matter ofwater, if a reduction of his rale willenable Inn: to have a little m.ns plot

latui uiko some Interest in selectingpaity. Home of Hie democrat aivj iht slip. laid out at Walloc nbe kind of men thev desire t.i rim

stall.A tOWilM!,.

(nownorth of here, t

es',.' ;, ,l (),(..

wiiiiy-eiii- mites the city, Instead of delesiititia; that'It tired flea, o'cub hims, !f tmi or a few fiovv.-i- s and trees about his e na or the divislonldniv to the "bosses" and afterward

for adequate preparedneaa, as hisome republican!. l!ut most of theiiiembirs In each Of the parties atefor a makislitft that 1 Just a Htt'o

bewailing their unhappy fate.walked tilt after dawn; j home that he mold not nthirwise af- -

uliaetved the kennel tenantUs and! ford, or aiart littl- - 'hristmas fundaadly inuatii'J i'a sanul" j in vt:c vi cur saving tanks, Jdcpcrty

with a large " e

shops nnd aand maiiiliiinej for

house. " .XV.V

t'itRespectfully submitted.


Page 8: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916


ByBringinp Up Father, n r .,,,. . s.

foH.'HtRECOME I HOW 00 ftv,.v. 0;VMTA.MErwjrjzj H i j rSHCS. ACREAT COLLECTOR

OF ANTSQi ire. o

' I MET HE iN HOWHAVt 1 AM Et C - V V jr, Ur I.''



' 1'OK HICXT TToonis.


George McManus



HE ymi Roing to raisechickens for sale or

vonr own use?Do you want to strength-

en your flock w'ith new,thoroughbred, bloodedstock?

Do you want to buy eggs

for hatching or baby chicks?

Yon Do






At In nicy.Ilimmi 15, 17 nn.t is. i'iuiiimII Diiilillnis.

Ph. in.. 117!.

1UHH.Y ItODKYl TllltNKt S AT l..H .

::. I.o.v lluil'llni,v


UK. l. K K It AITDrnlnt SiimMin.

Hunini Il.iriintt Hid. Phnn 744Ai(n'lnnni-nl- Made I'V Mall.


Mtl.OMON I.. Ill It rON, M. II.I'lijulcliin und hmgeml

Phnna 17. Harnalt Bldf.

DltS, Ti l l, ft ItAKI'.NI'rai lire I United In I".), Ear, Nuaa

Throat.SUta National Hank Bldf.

l). 8. U. VON AI.MKNI'nKllea l imited In liva, Ear, Nm

and Tli rim I.Office Houra: 10 In 12; I to 4

210 Vi Weal Central Avenun. Pliona H

1)11. T. I'. TANMHMiirclnllat In Y.yr. hat, NoB anil Throat.

Suite 7 Iluriiett Hldx. Albuquerque,lloiira 10 a. tn. to 4 p. m. Phone Ul.


Tulirreulimla of Ike TTironl und I.un.(Tiy nffli-e- , Ill.'I'i Wont Central Avenue.

Office I lours lo II 11. ni.; S to 4 p. m.liioiio :.:.'ii Saiinliirliiin Phone 4:il.

W. T, Murphcy. M. U, llodloal Director


Practice Limited

Geriito Urinary Diseases and

Diseases of the Skin,- -

The Wassermann and Nuguchl Teata;"06" Administered.

I'ltlieiia Hunk llldff.Albuqilernuo, New Mslteii

E. E, R0YER, M, D,

HOMKUPATIIIU rilYKICIAV.offii i VVhlllnii lliilldlng. Phone tit

DR, W. W. DILLNew laienllon, 41:! West (entral Avenue,

Over Penney Store ' lo 4 p. m.


PITT ItOSS, founly Surveyor; HdmundItoss. U. a. Mineral Surveyor. tlO West

fluid avenue. Hoi 41. Albuquerque. N. M.

Pally passenger servico leaving ltoswellii nn i mi izn.o a 1 00 a. m.Through fare, one way lU.DiIntermediate points, per mile It

6 II Iba. bani-'iiR- froi Kxcess narrled.ItOsWHI. ALIO CO.,

Owners end Operators. Phone lit


SU-ho- I'assenger PervlcaLeave Silver City 1:30 p. m.Leave Mogolton :00 a. m.

Cars meet all trains. Largest and beatequipped auto lively in the southwest.

HENMiTT AUTO CO.Sliver City, New Meilco



CO.Wrat bound.

No. Class. Arrives Departs1. California Express .. 7:3tlp :J0p8. California Limited ..ll:0iia 11:30a7. Fast F.xpresa .. )II lOlia

Fast Mall ..llaiop 13:'.'0a19. De Luxe (Thursdays ... J:ioa I 00a

Suutlihouiid.SOU. El Paso Express ,..v. 10:50pSIS. 1! Pasu K.xpress sa

KasttMiiind.10. A (labile Express 7:S5a I tEa

L Kaetern Kxpress S:i:,p l:4up4 4'aiifortiia l.lniltetl ..... :4vi 7:00p

. K. C. Chicago Kl 7:15p T:tii'p10. De Lute t Wednesdays) . . :00p t:10p

frum South.110. Kansas City . Chicago... T:0a111, ciaiisaj City Chtcagu,.,

sfnnrtttvVi 1(111

International News Service.



1ME '


A house; sleeping porch;on car line; close-in- . Only $1,100; $."0down, $ I 5 per month.

P&irteirifliy' C021fl West Gold.

Heal I'sljitc, t'ir Insiiraue, Loans,

mit ki-:nt- .

Five-roo- m modern furnishedhouse. $21. HO per month. Two-mo-

furnished, $11 -- per month." Threegood furnished rooms for light house-keeping, 91 s pcTrnontli.

It. M'CJ.l l.llAX,210 West Cold. ' 1'hone 907.

Vail Ki;.N 1' ( ruiua mtlttln:ini; ii'irrh. 1,1 ,i,itli Blilh.

l'"l"U lllOX'l - l'W. j'.llll'l'l'lll'li I lll.H l'r'll(,'llt tliUIK tua Klllttl KnUVlh I

Mr. t.

jl'i.u: UI..NI' M'.'lini ritrnisiK . t im l,y(Iny "I' week. (Irani huililinK. III'.: W.el111 il III rlllli'.

nriiilu-i- . il i.Kr.i.iKiK. pi.l-iii- ic.ih..nitlilr; ih

ul.-k- lnus ,.iiih .I.'Oli lrffral,(" fnrniHlu'il in. n.i

cuilulile fur Uvn K'H'it

hmo .1 if Vi .Ni.nh Flfih.I'ull I IK NT 'itrin.Hln il n cn I 1111 III H "Ml

In... (.. ("mi rti'iniH j.lfipinu p.

Bll llllll lire II.' Imllts. lint N'.llliii.

1' Olt JiKNT -- Ni ly fnlliiKlicil .ulnlI '.i'llis nml aisi.i llf;ht 1" use U (.! ti K ruo-f-

roasiiliulile. Piece !H. I1.1I1I, iliCI

Nollh t'iisl Mivi't.S011II1.

i;i;.v'i 1. In- w ly uniiln-(- fi'intronllis. L'lll VV 'St : !.

Fott M'i.Ii in rmiina, mcaiii, 1111

nick. SOS '4 West Ontrnl avenue.

liilt liKXT 'lcio-iou. niry !. in. il.-- innnd u.M in ini-- v.'i-s- t.ind

1'T'ilN 1st Ul ho I water luai. uuKick, tin children. 414 Went Silver.

KuK JiKNT I'H 'i im.'dy fin ii rooniHfur liou.n in. iiini;; no alck. C17 Went

silver.K ill 1!K.tKiii imIk iI .ii.iu Mili.ihif.--

Itvi Ki ni Ii in. ,1. If ili.nli'i'il. 'I

tin nl Ii ITI III.

Vti It H H NT ( aielaiT!oriioiu Willi wnjlhaide ali'i'tditt i"ii:h, furninhcd for r.

$1 rnniiih. BMi VVem (.'onl.

KOli IIKXT '!'"" I'; 'Him and nh I'tiini;li"ri-ll- fnrnlidieil for lililll linllKckccl'llIK,

iiniilein. (iiir. Wis: Iron I'll LlllV w.t'UU HI.').' anily lui nihhi.'d i'ooiii'i,

running wati-- i every room. ViiiilomoAnnex. Mrs. John (JnriHlto, coiiK-- Kecniulmid Kih'tr.

4 . .IHIUSKKKKPIX'T Hid eleelllnf,' rooiftH, clean

and well fniniMi ml; llKht and water free;clone In; rent tr: 00 per month. American

Kiflh and Vtilriil.Foil iTn.vr Nhe clean fuinlFhed and tin-b- y

furnished roonia day or week, undernew inanftKemeiit. niltner Houae, tlSVSontll l'Tl'at ptreel. I'hona 221.

KOI I ; tilei !y furnlahedroonia with uleepin tiorrheii. riitinlUK wat-

er In l o'ini I'lio liounekeeplhit apart-rnen- t.

Call ill1: West (lold avenue.

Illrhinnda.KOK HKNT Two south rooms. 224 Boulu

W'alter.i Phone K57B.

Foil HUNT Furnished rooms, till MoulhWaller street. l'honn 202.

Ful I 11 k N T O in- Inr(ie7"ni vtly t u 1 h e droom for tin:i.e!(eepi!iK, wdtli good laiye

Bleeping xioreh; new paper and puit.tthrouRii.nir. cir, South Arno street.

MWtJUXNTJ 1 Itonnl.KOfl HFNT II0010K and hoard. Hates $1.00

per day M 1 South nrctdway.Foil KKNT and room, wlih

poreh, et .1.'a Eolith ilron'livny.FOP. HUNT rooms with board,

97.50 per week; close in. 124 BoutliEdith street.HPifl CLASS room and board,

l attention to health aeak-(r-

fil'i South liroadway. Phono J1I02.

WcKHLI.AFl HANi.'K Quiet and attraoilvehealth resort, two mlln north of poslof-fice- ,

fresh ecus, Jersey milk, frea convey-ance, sleeplnir poreh or cottUHe. 1'hone l.lOOW

LoirKH TiivF rt Il TlTe nT7t"olua7jrivehealth rsori. One mile iiurth of town.

All milk, cream and faKS produced on plure.Free cnrrlaxd for guesta. Klectric mail service. itoonis or cntiavea.Phone 101. Mrs. W. H. Heed.

MONKY TO LO!V.Til i.ii.VN jli't'i.O'l on first )ii.a li;aKe. Ail

.ilresM K H VV.. Journal.


ALL KINUS both new and aeoond-liand- ,

binigtit, sold, rented and repaired. Albu-querque Typewriter Kxchange. Phone SI4

e. unth t.',.iirth street

TOItltKVr--Kult HKNT Sioreroom oceupied by A. W.

Hayden at 413 West Copper. Inquire 41 1

West Ccpfr.




Jit.! aMWt i':Yift Wtfr MWWjfo

itie lee mmm co.Sfilts Cleaned, Steamed and

Pressed 7."j cents.Sails Pressed 50 cents.

no Norll, Tli r.1 1l, RtS, '

- rr - : i

, ...., i.vMliSA A N I'liH SAI.K.

10 ttl'I'i'll tn loll f t IK (villi wnldr, l'hninl.i VV, lit ll'i'ill

Kul! SA 1,1'. iiivcl 1 1)1 runt cornerllin A ll'tniui'i-ipi- saiintnl linn, no Itistrli:-'Iiiii-

('ill s::i KMver.

lull SALIJ OH 'JTIAHIS A (Hnn,within n mile of liijtnii. N. M., tn lh

valley. Forty ncroi of iiile orch- -aril, trci-K- i also forty ncron In

jiilfnirn; jr. mil Iioiini., Porn and rciinlni;. Willwi'll mi tcrnm or trndn for A lliuiUT(iin rtulen ii V VV. Stronic. A ItnKiiicniUK. N. M.

FOIt S A LI Houses.

I'llH s.v I.I lie 1. .mi brick Ionise, nun!- -

llll-- I I'd. i i' owner, f.l Wml Colli.riiTi'.i-- 11' "ion, iii.iili-t'i- loiUfi-- l"t

li:.xl-l.'- cimli nr cawy leiins. 1'lii.ncM t ill"i- 1,11:1.1

.'i u: .l.': liy owner I loom h1.11.10, cor-O- in.r L.i, lues. Muds clc, ll.lim.iio. II

(l.'ijl S'.lllll Kill 111.

" ?:.; t- -

JJ 't HFN'T Office Itoonis.., , ,n uTnuTApherieiri. ,l"Urnul offleKOU U KNT me-ii- a lf offlia linen, 111

Kin 111 Fuunli alreot. Apply W. P. Met- -

calf,-l,IOL NOTIC1S.

I'MTIM" STATICS pout office, Albu-(iier(ii- e,

N. M. ( il'tice of custodian,March 11, I'.ilij. Sealed proiosalH willbo received at lliia building until 2

o'clock 11. m., March 2S, 111 Pi, andthen opened, for furnishing electriccurrent, nas, water, ice ami miseel-- jlaneouo Kiipplici, removing hsIk-- and

'rubbish, and washlnt; towels duringthe fiscal year ending June lllli.Sealed PI'oioh;iIh will also lie. receiveduntil 2 o'clock p. in., April 21, liil-l-

nnd then opened, for M) Ions biluiiil-noii- s

coal and two cords wood. Theright to reject any and nil bids Isreserved by the treasury department.II. C. Lochl. Custodian.

Mil l I:.i.aMt Will and T'eWnuieiit of John ('"ineltn,

di ceas. d.TO Mary Coin. tin. nl,l all

wlioui it mayYou ai.- htr-i.- v in nil. d the nllei.--e-

l.nsi Will and Testament of John to.

ii i.M'il. bile of Hie (V. iiniy ofPernnliU.i and Slate of ,', w Mexico, wasprodoi-- ' d mid l. ,id lo lie Court ofthe C.illtilV of llerilll llllo. Stale of New Mex-

ico, on tic lllh dav of March, l'ill, andthe due f t Ik- i.I 'H Iiik or soilit nlleveil LastWill ,,nd TeiiCinienl was llierene,n fixed forTliesdiii he II Ii dav of A ii II. A. 11. 'IK.ill 10 i...i" k In Hie forenoon of friu t dav.

ili.oi iiiid.-- my liiocl and the "fthin t, lliis lllh day "f Mar. Ii, A. t ,

pin: A. il.,ki:ii.Sen ('"UlltV IT'llC. '


Mi l ii i; or i.m:( I I i;i. i

Ill Hie Mailer "f Ihe Kslup. of Noel F. Slev-ns- ,

de". as. d.Nolle Is her. by ill v. n licit Mabel stevena

Ilim eve. ulrU of the Last Will and T.I


lament of Noel K. sievens, dei eased.has fib (I In the Probate C wi t c'Tlernalllio Coiinty. NVv Mexico, her fiicilr. port lis sic It exei ulrlx, and Ihe curllias aiipolnted T'n(o.ila, Ihe. 4!li day ..fApril, l'llil. as lb.- die f..i licarlllB olijee-tion- i

If inc.- !"-- . to Hie ai.proial "fsiii.l finnl r.'iiort and tlie iliscluire of saidele.-mrii- A. i; WALK MIL

r". k ..r said Probate ( "lirt.Pated March ilth, In Id.

Ml II I. OF All VI I Mm I It VKIIt.In the Mailer if 'he listale of llalitiHh P.'.r. il . used.Noll.-- Is lun-l.i- given that W. .1. J .lili- -

s..n. Admit. lor of die llaie of ii n -

nah H. in-- ir. ,1." ease CM filed III HiePi.. bate nf li.'l I Ill',, New-

M' vlei, fill t as adinin- -

isiiaior. and llo Colli I, ,s atilu, lilted TlleS- -

.lo - the till dav of Vl II. 1'lt as tin- - dayfor hea: loir obi. II..UH. If anv there bethe a o, al of an Id final report and(31 Si but e of Ha! adininistrat-.r-

A. K. WVLKFP,.(lerk nf Proliaie

lialed March Cth. ISIS.

- o

h I V




Munitions Issues Suffer Severe

Declines, United States Steel

Feeljng Force of General

Downward Movement,


Now York, March 21. In its si

today's market was largely a re-

petition of yesterday's sessions, thoughit. was lighter and more narrow. Afteropening with a general deirionslrationof strength, shares of munitions com-

panies and stocks associated with thatdivision suffered material decline,some of the hotter known issues fall-ing under yesterday's minimum.

1'nited States Steel also felt, theforce of the movement, duplicationHie preceding day's low quotation of

after rising to X'thi. but dosingat 84. Bethlehem Steel was amainheavy on the sale. Crucible Steeland the better known Oiilpnients wereunder heaviest pressure.

Kails were relatively firm with act-

ual strength at times in New Vorl;

Central an J the anthracites, as wellas Cheasapeake and (duo.

Selling of the last hour lacked yes-

terday's feverish character and sup-port rendered in the final dealing(Stilted in partial recoveries, but the

undertone at the close was irregulartirtd unsettled. "

.Marine preferred was 'almost theonly leader to manifest consistentstrength, rising 2 ;H to 7 4 in connec-tion with unofficial estimates of thecompanies earnings for HUT).

The bond market was active, withtrading more diversified. Total sales,par value, $3,52;,000.

I'nited States bonds were unchang-ed on ( all,

Closing prices:Alaska Gold .. lH'i

ts . . 20America licet Sugar .. 71

American Can . . 02American Locomotive"' .. 75Amor, Smelt. Ac ltefng ..101 '4

Anier. Smelt. ei Uef'ng pfd... . .112American Sugar Kefining.... ..110American Tel. & Tel . . 120 --iAmcrV'an Tobaec ..I'MAnaconda Copper .. sou-Atchison . , 102 In

Ualdwin locomotive . . 101; !ir.altimore fe Ohio ..llethlehein Steel r( )

llrouklyn Kapid Transit . . S5'"iCalifornia 1'ctroleumCanadian Pacific . .10Cetttrat Leather .. 55'.sCheasapeake & Ohio .. 63Chicago, Great Western .. 13--

Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 1 4 ;

Chicago At .Northwestern ..127Chicago, K. I. Sc Vac. y.... .. f "1

Clilno Copper . .

Colorado Fuel Hi Iron .. 45UCrucible Steel .. 0

lictiver A-- Rjo Orande pfd. . . . .. 17

I'istitler'a Securities . . 47Krie . . 37 UGeneral Klectric . . ICS

Great Northern pfd . .121?;Croat Northern Ore ctfs ..41 '

CunBonheim Exploration .... . . 21Illinois Central . .104Interhorough "Consid. Corp... . . 17VSInspiration Copper . . 47International Harvester, X. J . .110Kansas City Southern . . 2

Lehjjth Valley .. , . 78Louisville e Nashville . .124'-- j

(Mexican Ft.troleum ..loos;Miami Copper '.. Sfi'Missouri Kansas & Texas pfd. .. io;;--

Missouri Pacific . . 4 Vi

National Biscuit ..123National Lead .. fi7

Nevada Copper .. 15New York Central ..101X. V., N. H. & Hartford . . 6ii

Norfolk & 'Western . .122Northern Pacific . .113'iPacific Mail .. 25 Vi

Pennsylvania , . 5 'i Ti

1'ay Consolidated Copper.... . . 23 NHeading 80liep. Iron & Steel 51 'aSouthern Pacific .. 99Southern Kailway .. 21s.''tudebaker Co ..114Tennessee Copper .. 53Texas Company . .l!0I'nlon Pacific . .133 "i1'nion Pacific pfd .. 82'''tilted States Steel .. S4S'jnltej States Steel pfd.. ..ii;-- ;

'''ah Coiiper . . si ',4

Western l:nion .. si;Weslinghouse Electric . . . HiS

Total sales for the day 6 3 a, ft ft



'hiiago, March 21. Wrear. prices"owed weakness today nwitis largely1 a decided increase of the Kuropean"ible supply and to reports of less

favorable conditions for the domesticcrop in the southwest. The marketclosed heavy, '4 to 'le net lowerwith May at $ 1 .08 fit l.OIt and dulyat $1.7 fir T,C Corn finished j, tolift:)i,c up, oats unchanged to '4c offand provisions with gains of 10 to1 7 Vic.

Notice of the enlargement of Ku- -

ropcan stocks of wheat was accompanied by predictions that arrivals'

would continue liberal. The bearisheffect which became "parent here!right at the outset, was emphasized!

I by announcement of declines in freignt f

rates on the ocean, especially from j

Argentina. At the same time reports i

jfioni Missouri told of fields greening!that were heretofore altogether un-

promising, liesi.les the official fore-- 1

cast pointed to rains in Texas undOklahoma, where there have been j

serious complaints of drought. Later,however, signs of activity on the part

: of exporters helped to bring about utransient reaction.

I.ate attempts by some of the bullsto realize on holdings of wheat werefollowed by disclosure of the fact that i

the market lacked and aggressivesupport. L'xport sales of wheat inall positions amounted to one billionbushels, including- 500,0110 bushels tothe governments of Holland.

Gossip that the Dutch governmentwas bidding for corn as well as wheat

j at the I'nited States seaboard tendedto harden the corn market. Karlier

j in the session the bears had for ntime made effective use of the reportsthat - the stock of corn in Chicagoamounted to more than 10.000,00bushels.

Oats were governed chiefly by theaction of wheat. I here were predic-tions that the acreage of oats thisseason would be largely increased bv j

plantings where wheat had beenubandoiK d.

A( tivily in foreign demand for lardgave strength to pork and ribs which'also were aided by higher prices on j

j hogs and cottonseed oil. 'fhe mar-- iket, hovv( vcr, failed to bold the ex-- ;treme advance,

j Closing prices: i

Win at May, $1.0X7,: July, 1.07-'U- .

Corn May, 7."ii..c; July, 70( lilts May, Ikc; July. 4;: ''scPork May, $22. H5; July, $ May, $1 1.50; July, $11.75I ii bs May, $12.10; July, $12.32.

KANSAS ( I V piioni (

Kansas City, March 21. DullerCreamery, 35c; firsts, 33c; seconds,31c; packing,

Kggs Firsts, 2 do.Poultry I lens, l(i!ac turkeys, 20c;

springs, 25c.


New York, March 21. Copper j

Steady. Klectrolytie, nearly $2S.00i2S.5D.

Iron Firm and unchanged..Metal exchange iUotcs tin, quiet;

spot, $l!i.00n 51.IUJ.


New York, .March 21. Mercaulilpaper 3 fa 3 '.4 per cent. Sterling:Sixty day bills, $1.72'-;- demand,$4.70.

liar silver 57riiC..Mexican dollars 4 1c.

Time loans Steady. Sixty days,2 Vi ft 3 per cent.

Call money Steady. Killing rate,2 per ent.

You mlsa many oppnrhmitlos dally If you.1,0 rmirl .fmirnal wnnt ada

FOI SAM -- MlMVlIn neons.(MCMAlt po.STri nnd fertilizer. i'hone 1542W.

Koll SA I. lo-

onier,tinderwood typevvrlter, good

J.'io. 1U2 South Fourlh. Phone 5tl 4.

A V.Tiii. Leghorn li ;

to Jlla.-- t,nii.linnm. Kant Coal.Phone sr.:.. v. II. Milln..

HAI.K Y..H1HK m.11. hand planter,Hiylli... eri'uni epnriuor biiiKain. (.'all

eveliitiiiM. ""IT Atlio tteot.

Foil SAI.t: 2,00'l-poun- Liel.aval separa-tor, excellent con.1!ti..n with hand and

power ailnrluner.tH. A ibuqueriiiie Creaninv. i

Fuli SAI.IO Holl 1..0 desk, en-ap- ; i(as"liiieeiialue 1 '4 horeepowier: sterefipilcan rmtfit

complete. :i North i'iKhih. phone 1SB4.

Foil SAI.K Skirl box. aliaden. akillela,dlslipan, warih toe'i-isi- mlesion rlock, meat

grinder, picture. fivS'.j West Central. Phono(1x5.

STlllKliAKKIt automobile. lull! model,brand new. four 0 Under touring c?r:

north and do not oare to snip. Pluneinto. Chan. I.. H!iaw.

KOK HAI.K Forty plants, II) of a Kind, $1,rvrr-nr- nil: iiianunii', itiaiii..-ii)- . ,

berry. Himalaya (roosenerrv and chryaan- -

themuma; comb honey, 12.40 a caae. BartonKeller. Phone 1292W.

FOP. SALE A 1700 Krell auto grand pi-

ano, with 1100 worth of music, nt a bar-pai-

easY terms; piano piays both ways;all lead tuhlnrr. fall forenoons. Mrs.

414 South Third street.KOH SALE Navajo blanketa. tjchmeddintj

atajidard. Direi t from reservation. Guar-anteed tj be absolutely genuine. Beatprices ever offered In Albuquerque. D. Ii.McKee, residence 41 North Thirteenthtreet Phone SSI.

I)I:tk tivr agkav.Ih V11U want a delecllve. write H'.a 2J:


iRi:snMn.rG. '

iVVANTKM Mre.snmakinK by the day; can

i;o oni; work (ruaranteeii. j'hone ,;a...i.


home or mine; no patterns, satisfartlguaranteed. Madam L. Wood (lust fromLna Angeles), room ?. ("rysnil let. I.

e'ouiU Sect nd atrevt. ITioae 71.

Tdffl i Tkoi! ii

FOIR SALE$1,200 cottage, bath, sleeping

porch, completely furnished, includ-ing fine gas range, J;uud hot waterheater and modern electrical appli-ances; good outbuildings, shadetrees; Fourth ward.

$2.500 modern bungalow,hardwood floors, sleeping porch,l'curlh wnrd. Terms.

$2,700 stucco dwell-ing, modern, lot 75x142; and

adobo on same lot.$3,500 modern, te

bungalow, built-i- n features; sleep-ing' porch; ab-- bungalowIn rear; Fourth ward.

$3,000 brick, modern, slenp-in- g

porch, cellar, good outbuildings;Third ward, close in.

lirlrli modern, well- -2iSSbulll, two sleeping porches, goodoutbuildings; terms.Many other bargains In Improved

and utiitnprovod property.

FLEISCIEIReal Ksliito) and Insurance.

Ill South Tomtit Street.

l.i ST - J'iilnti-r'f- i fi.'itclicl. n)HrlU'l V'. W.lliinn'.1. I'leape retain to K. "o S

North Kdlth.


WfV r 'rv' mpt''j m m "'v' nfv""i


hThivi sirn, i. l'lxiiie ;yt.Vi A.VTI'.I) iiu,..l funnel' Like .o u.i.

li'iir (Ji';inl'w i.n pilules vcr In ai it h nlfill 1. 1. ('nil U'is.-h- t la if

VAN"i'i:t Tn o vnunii nu ll Id U( i

li'H-l- , lets. hmiM.' i huusj :'n

for Mr. Slnr;;c

WANTKO llll'uiul hnyn. Apply Ecnnn- -mist.

Temnifl.WW XT Kl In il" ynilnl li. insert uiit.

Cull HIL't Xiillll Sixth.WANT KM ('.lvr"fi;7-i- n.-v("- K. (,...,

S..11II1 ltill. l'holli' l:i!iVWAN T "Wcinuii fur .n ili k nml Kciinr-n- l

liimsi'wofk. A'i'X Nnrili Ki'cond.WVNTI-I- (III I f'.r r:il lt.n. A I'-

llv ill.'. N.irth III. 111M1. litTwci mluVVA NT III ii f" nl Ic'iiM v.

Hmnll fionily. Jli:i'K, 7'IT Sunllilieinc :i. s

AN l'Ki-- miililli' UKcl A ilu-- l w olnunfor hi.UHi-wnr- lipcil not 8t.l

Ilmhtii. Mil VVi'nl TiiflnH

W.'W'TFD PositHKI'TN KM "inn; In. I; ii'. I hi.;illli.".i-Ui'l-

wiml.l hlo I., flay III) II II I' I' It it V illwidow, ns m .n ni.'ii ; HlllinK Pi pny p."

1IM-- I'll III' 'iL'i.

WANT KM SI ii"Hi';il'!KT, cxi''licl d In"ITI c work, vv lTies Iniini'diiili'

l'lllll"Vlll'llt. idl.'ilili', nnl nfiniit In winkA.IiIi'csk f. I'. ,1'iiirnnl.

V.V.TI-;l- T.nolior. KllKllsIl Helenyear.i ex i. I'ient i ill wlnli', jirnfi'MI'ili."cirltftcale, sjiciiUm Siianli'li. vvniits position.pnl'lic, in ii iiti: H.'h'iol. Koyei niH us. . AdilreBHTeiu-lier- cni-- .1 r n

WANTKI) Mlseella neons.Hoot'1 nml huumi iiitiniliar donu rcaHOtiuhlr.

J. T. Younsr. I'hniwi Hdllt.WANT'lili Uhuhm Inilldiiig .ml J0I1 carpeu-try- .

H111t1.11 Keller. PIioiib lir;W.CAtil'KT i:LlvALVU. fuiiilture nnd atuve

ropairntp. W. A. (Jnff. phonaI. ACE cuitalns carefully laundered by hand.

)n04 Kami Oifiper avnnue. Phnna 687.

WAXTKD Houne ihilntliiK, (inly beKi in (1

Tlnlleyterlals tiBPd. lsl.1, Slronir.Fall .Jeniea and Sulphur riiniugn engage.

Simon (iarela'a teams, t'hrup ratea. Cullt2"2 North Arno.WANTED Mulea auituble for Coal mine

work. Addreaa Alhiaiuerquo & Cerrtllos(,, ccmimny, Madrid, or Albuquerque,x. f.

- 1

North.FOIl tii;NT Klv .inert InrnlslH-d"- li".u,.'

with sleeping tcreh ai i, ivater paid.At nidi" North Second. I'ln-n- owner, ItoUVV,

('. f.. 11 ive?. 41(1 Koulh ltluh.ftiiutb.

FOR PKNT Unfurnished. bouae,modern. Inquire 410 Went Lead.

FC'H P.l-;- f modern Pi welllurnisln d und In d condition, too

Weet Lend.

Fill! lii'll!..'!!. 4 to 7 piiiips,fine ieeation-- acme fnnilfhed. W. H. Mi- -

Mlllbm. 211 VVcat (1. Id.

FC'l Ki'iNT Throe-ioon- i hoiiae, completely furnished, piano, bath room, 115 month,

water and llsrht paid: plan furnished romna,$.') nionin. Apply ii''8 Smith Firat.

Ililfliliinda.FOIt i'.IjNT "Ur-io'.(U cottage, completely

furnliihed. 15 P r ni'.nlh. 1115Arno.Fi.t: H K N I'-

ll'.I ui.dern f'llii.nli'-'-

use wi-- sloeplnu p. nil. 2 SouthHliTh.

Full It F.N lillle li'iie..', inn roomsBlot sleeping p.l.h. Apply t:U s..t!i

Arno. or phono 1 M VV

'Full HKN'I Tn lee room house, screenedporches, outlmildinrs. til per month, llua

South Arno. Irntliire U'l Booth Arno.FOIl P.KNT Ootiage, iieuily furnished;

three roon.s xxlth tiuth complete, largesleeping poreh, perfectly sanitary. Applyroomings at 1124 Kast central. Phone asi.


hav good 1'K.utioii for most any auid ofretail birslness. 2H Houtu Klnt atrect.

Inquire Savoy hotel office.

Five dose-I- n lots, small house, undlots of fdieds, $2,:ir,0.

Five-roo- cotlago, close in, South$1,3"0.

Five-roo- bungalow, North end,two lots, JSOO.

Two lots, North Second street, $225.Nine-acr- e close-i- n ranch, $2,250.


TOAITON & CO.211 West tiold Avenue

T, I(. McSnadden K. L. AlcKtadilen

HAUCALVS Washinu Machine,Water Cooler, Vacuum Cleaner,Ico Cream Froezi r, Clas Range,liarden Tools, Punch P.owl, CashRegister, Itestaurant Outfits, I'iikWool Mattress, Water lioller, GasolineStoves, Store Fixtures.SECOND IIAMi lioODS IIOIGUT

AX1 SOLI)lllcj'clo Headquarter

Phono 1111. 121) West Gold

LOU Sl.i: Poultry ami Fugs,O.I"! per l.i; l(c(l. c. W" jn io tin.

II. (.vie I'.rlnicl-J.iil- . Vlctlii'

lHlilS I.n ImOluiik'. lull Onu.l Ii. ('. II. ).Htil ana S. C. H liliy iM'iiliiKPm. IU4 s.iulli

I'Ult SAI,K-Hu- lf CH piimi'iu CKS frniiillrUIl'fl tl'Hlll. Tlc'iicii

Phono 4Ti4.

h't'K KAi.n- - kkkh. t : (.. iVSl le l.i -

linrtis, ;n IT un l hue Orpin.;! MI1H, I'llliH'UBt'irk "u: Ivcsl Fi.HAM'I'AISY l'(U'll l: V YAKH.-- i - l',.i,iliy;

iIi'o-h.m- pi- ullu'. lfi'iii! in. Mil. I'lciiii- .'!.:.; Kkkm ro-ll.

liiiiiiinu tr-i-

I. IteilB. Jl.incil V. 1:1 . u. rii-.- l'..llHi v

yMr.l 41 't 4 :t vv Ml inlic. Ph. nir- M:iVV.

KiaiS fur lmii-hui- Imm S. C. It. licilBioxtra fine liiyciii; hIho hreciilntf enck- -

('. P. liny, j.'ai Nnrili llliihK(lll HAI.K ri.000 ckh rruMl fill helm 111

OlRhl KlllKlB cnlllh Whlto IK- -

hmiu. Kifi's, II fur 111. T. B. Wlicy, Uml:is. I'limii' 140.1.1.

Full ISA l.i; Kkks mill frum fimtIirlzo H. C, Jlriiwri t.culitiriiM.Allinqui'riiit"

nrnt 1:1 Phud. J. W, Teen, dlil tieutliI'.dilh. I' l:i;, I.I.

KlK SAI.K- - llioli.o tiirk. y .'K.h, ."Jo cm Ii,

fl'oin siMiTi.4tnUin wimiorn nl Ki

I'.ur.. Idi'iil p.niliry linnrU, uidl'lioin l.::.K.

SI-i- IT.Mi DUili-- eiil Hiiricil li'ici),7'.e. per setiliifT of I:, Huff oriilniiOiiii,

tl: llh'i'le iMlnml 1:..Ih, fl. 4nl NorthThlrleeiilli Uli-rt- phone IMi'l.

"QUA I'.i'rlT "ixiilNTHTKkks f .r h.ili hlnit, 1 0 renia ein-h-

, ft'-- n

the finest Huff (M plliKlona and Illiiek M -

noreiia In I Im w ent. I.. II. Muraim and iVii,612 S'.'ii'h Arno. Phono KA I.1C -- Kkuii, H"H oninli lteda Kliile

A. P. A. fIiow, first cork, fliat and aer- -

nnd hen, firm pullet, flrat pen color andaliapii oi;iifl, $1, $2. ti per ir.. It..n("iiili II. I, while, 2 p. r IS. J. Uraniflecoil Ninth Klxlith alreet.TIIF.Y LAY, they win, they pay, that's

enouuh to say. Navajo II. I. lteda, 8. ('.Whllo OrpliiKtons, S. C. Ancnnas, H. K.

Iliiiiiburiia stock, carta and chicks, I.. K.

Thoinus Poullry Yarda, '17 Kast llaxcldliiellVfliue. AlbuquerilUe, N 4.

FOIt SA 1.10 HT:. W FiTa Leghorn bai lyolileka, (ho kind "that (jrow to be "Lnyera

and Paycrsi" chlcka 114. OH per MO; $.i.llper f,0; 14.00 per 2,1; eKa $1.60 pur 15. VV.

J Yott, Albuquerque, N. M., P. O. HoiM7. I'i'ir dlil a nee phono Ir.DliM.F("l: S A I . TCTTi f i rrTili tlioTbT-a- lii ilia

niate their pay so, Ithode InlandRedH und Hiaek Mlnoi-cnn- fammolh Ittonr.ot.uriri ys, can siiaru u limited number ofH'ttliiRs. aliljiplMr now. Ten kinds straw-berry plants, ship April 1. Jled FeatherFarm. Unite. I, I'.'rtnles, N. M.

1300 8. frWiilto Ili(irn,Jr.O hens laid 677 crkh one day. Many

cnekrrcli In use descended from hen withrecord of 440 frr--i In two ynars. Eifits,lt.r.0 per 1.1; J7 per 100; chicks J0o each;17.50 per DO; 114 per Mil. Hluatrated

free, tientry'a Poultry Italic Ii, Albu- -

qiieiiiiio, N. M.

FOU S A I , - VT m i ,( h or nn. Kuks forhatihinir. Ilaby chic-UH- Write for our

muting lint telling about cri! reeorils andprize winners. At the Inst New MexlonHlHte Fnlr we won mono fnut thanany oilier Whllo Leghorn exhibitor. A'mnreRisiered ruroo Jersey hoe-i- A. O. Wood- -

ford. Simla Fe, N. M.

l'f)lt SAL1 -- LivesloeU,

FOIl SALK-I'Ve- sll cow Willi calf.

KOI! s.v i.i: - Five head hoilib Vrn-

Full HA l.i: Three. omd joutig- niares.I'll, lie

Knit S.V LK nt le jinny, mittaiil'.--for children, t in. 'I VVesl

FOIt SA!,!-- ; line l.oviity c.w. drl.iiis li"i-n- ' 0 N'.lth Second.

Ki'il: S v'lTl f Vf.Wy cow.'L

12 bield, I,, OS I Hi K.lMi i Hl 111.

Po Ti "sis iTiT'on7 rco I'tTTf iTi o7" sT rwaiC'li, siticlo harliisa and separator

n. lllabe, phone L.'.oilt.

IN)I! HKNT ApartmenmT'VV I I ttl Jt i.VI aia ill. HI li,.jo:re

New hotel, conn r First and Tijerus.KOIl P.LNT- - Tln.i I 'lulu f.llllitlied apalt-ii- n

nt. modern, with slerpicK poreh.Hooili Sixih. Iniinlre Savov hole! office

Foil r. i ;n t iiitii-- i up! till onei.nue, hoiiniifiilly d living ri n.

private I. nil r- lila'sencloNed SleCi- -

Ing pon h Willi sun strnliy modero,practiiallv nrw, suitable for tun or f'.ui-ra- l

iie"pli : rnUHt be p. rln intent ix- -

dlnin: I noma In in oihtiorh"'"! :i

Wvst Jaad.


Page 9: Albuquerque Morning Journal, 03-22-1916


CRESCENT HARDWARE CO- - DEMOCRATS WILL YELLOWSTONE TOMom, Itiiru'i x, llium LiiriiMilittf toiotl, fuller?, Tool, . on I'lpo, Valtcn

iiinl I'M Hug, riiinil'liij;, Mu nml t ij ' r Work.

.tin ; n:xi it Aii axe. : i:i,i:riioxr. ais HOLD CDNVENTIQN BE SHOWN BEFORE



No troubleto fit any man in

Hart SchafFner & Marx clothes

have suits for big men, forWE men, for short men, for

stout men, for tall thin men for

every kind of figure.

Hart Schaffner & Marx have re-

duced clothes-makin- g to such an

exact science that nobody's hard to





Office nml WnrcliuiiHc, Tlp'rus

c'it rcadv


Pauline Frederick in "ZAZA" .

Mi. Leslie t nrlcr l iiinoim hum,- - I'hiv Severn) Xchi Xip,. I'ro-iluc- d

In llii' I in nuns I'll) vris I Hi, i ( iniiimiiy furI lie I'litii iik hi ill rriitiriiin.

PARAMOUNT NEWS PICTURE-- One Reelinn: or mioxx I :ini, jt::t. i :on. ,v;io. 7:m. s;:tn Md I r, p. m

Tomorrow Mary Pickfortl in "The Girl of Yesterday"

;iih! iiK'ii!ciU;i

taiim lil! in


Central Committee Meets andDecides to Wait Until AfterRepublican Gathering Before

Nominating Candidates,

At ii mirliiiK of the ("it v demo-rrtttl- e

cnrni committee lu ll) yestrr-ilu- jtifn i noon In llii' office of John

l .Sliinns, Tuesday nltfht. Mil loinicd hk llii' n;il mid I he hlKlischool auditorium us. tht plui'i fur

'holdini: tin1 r'itu cnl Ion that Im toiiniiilmito the ilcmni ruth' a n tl Ida (


fur eltv of fleer in the tu beI

In hi Spill I The tji, if nwined 1.x unuilnv f ullowlny of I he tepiihllenn j

convention, urul allow oviilotlv oneiweek f"r mtiklnu the cumpiilnit. I

whirl, till! hi' uiif uf till' Hliol ti'xt onrc'ld I

hi n i 'li.iiriiMii J. ;'ll eullodih,' luiiiMiiiiii' lu older idioitly ufler 4 j

0 rii " k yesierti.iy afternoon. It wusfniii'tl thnl only wn tlntos wcte ln'IflKurn M n il the member, next

Salurdiiy aivl next Tuesday. AfterMinie iHsetis-do- over the mutter ,it-- jiiru!..n w;ii iiilliil tu the fad that!Saturday would be thi K'liind llntitxuf the ti lu ITI k ts' hiiii.-ir- nml on ni:-- ii

iniiit uf the ptrmiK I'uiinlcr Httrnolloiithnl Unit would eiiiiti the diit( was.unu in i in hi nly ST Tiii'sdny.

( iiiid.ihili s re His. i

The enndidntn fur the Yiiriiiiin fit y ,

offh mi the deiiioor.ttic side uf the!feme have It-e- ery busy the last'd:iy two, Ahleiiniin UeorKe CS heer new looms up mm one of thefui nildiihl-- possibilities, for the mny-uialt- y

nomination, uml tils friendsu'rii iilay wi re predicting hip noinlmi-tii.n- .

Henry Wes.tei felil, however. Inlill the favorite of a siren: Wltif ofIn- - party, w hile I ir. 1. H. Ctirns amiV. A. Kelehel are y.-- t to he reek- -

iiicd w ith as t ontestaiitM fur the 11010- -

Hiation. Il woul.i not he KutpiisliiKl s. vi r.,1 lialluls were reuuired to H - i

Ilerinine u ho will ho th- - w inners hithe convention.

Slew Itoehl uoks to le the hi.ut liftfor the noitilnittion for city lerk. as'his friends are iictlv- - In liio In half,an. I no other demoinit Hcems to crave

jihe honor of fitihlinir It out with Tom1 Invite for the position which In--

latter now holds. Treasurer Al (lood- -


In )i'n tcut our

al mit i:alf.

Stern, Inc.Sdiat'nier & Marx cl







SimonTh ii iiia- -

t I" Han



Marcliar.t Calculator DoesProblems in Arithmetic

Almost Unbelievable U- -i

ity and Accuracy.

That A ll'uuiieniue is red unizrd I

the larirc industrial concerns of tl


Pearce C, Rodey to Give Lec- -j

ture, Showing More Than.100 Colored Slides of Na-

tional Park,

Friday afternoon I'm students ifthe hiuh Ki'hool will in. ike a visit, "1--

ilUfiX)" to tlic V'elli -- iune Xutiotlaljpsrk, and sec It through the eye ofthe cann-r- ami Htereopiicnn, IVurr.'j!. Hoiley, now an attorney of 'thisjcity, Mpeiit a lOtiMlileral-l- pirt of In;Miration time (luring law school train-- jIdk in the enijiloy of the Kaynu'ml .V

H'hltcoiiih tiitcel lu i fi ii, tliifiiuwlih li time he made a clone Kt title ofthe Hcenlc America, itieltnllnt; l!i- -Yellowstone, Mr, Umley lias moi'than OU colore, J lantern xlidr for;ime In the lecture on w hat nan J v;

heen tenind "our national recreationKTound."

Atnona t li lev.s which WiM In1

(diown ut the aiidltoi ium Friday wdljhe included intlmati' i niiu ra sunllc:of the wild atilinul life in Hit Yclio.v- -

Ktoil", HUeli lift deer, antelope. ImlTa- -

lu, bear, Me. The must lie.uuif'ul ofnearly 4.0HU hoi npi uns nml (jc .h i m;

the niany I'tyHtal lakes aminnowrppiMl nioiiiitaiiin nvallinn theAlps: mid Ihi: tireat falls of the Vi

twice the hciuht of Xiaunrigll will In- - pictured in their natnr-h- I

Many rare views of thelaiKi'Kt ifey.sers In netioii are aimilii;the collection.

Owilijf to the fart that many ofHie school pupils ami ilo-i- r parentsWill lie iinHlile to alt'-m- l the specialYelliiW'Htnnr lecture for the hif-'-

ri hool .tuilcnts, the sllip s w ill heshown in ti frcoiid hcture Friday

ft the iimim num. The evenin;fpnter'iilnnient i also fur universitvstmitiits anil friends. The address

lfi'H l." purely oducational nd no ad-A- ll

mtMUi will he cluin-d- . interested In national paiks are invited to

e these views of Yellowstone ;trk




lit- - was taken from his room at theAlvatado hotel to the sanitarium v es j

terday inorulnu. The cause of deathwas pneumonia. '

Mr. Wilkinson came here ivvtiilv j

yearn u;n Irom I.os AiiKt-les- , where:lie was In the wool scouring Imsincss,to take i liariff of the A lloiiiueroite j

mills Thev Mood then at the pres- -

cut site of Hit- - Water Supplv com-- I

tmny'n iHiinidti!; station. The Imsi- -n- sri'iv under Mr. Wilkinson jnuiiineiiieiit and with its increase ,

new tiiarters wt-r- tmll: en the SantiFo railway neat' the Mountain road, i

.Mrs. W ilkinson, the widow. s ex-- jpei led to til riv e here today or to- -

morrow. A Plei'iam war. sent Peryesterday morninn tellimr her thedank, run- condition of lor husbandand another was sum alter death i

en no Mrs. Wilkms "as in loi j

Anaeles. !

Mr Wilkinson was hoin in M is- -

Fachusei is. He was nearlv I

nl. I tin ,a ,,.i,llK.I- of theKnights Tempi, ,r and sl.rm r. Thahody was taken ti Stl'oin; Hrothers' j

lundertikinn rminis. Fun ral ar-

Iflllfellu nts will not In- - made untilMis. 'ilklnstill : irives.







Avenue ItHllimsil Truck.




Ocean-to-ocea- n Route Passa-

ble Except at One Point in

Arizona, Where Bridge Is

Out; To Be Repaired,

, .. ,., . .." ii Mir- - i.ini.n ii.; h iv , liltni iik: t iit DiiK It Xcvv Mi'Xiiu and Arl-- ;una. ai Inist. in r. ,d i'oi Hie sirm

jwave uf iiiilionul'lle louilst". 'I'liPlU only one tinp ta tin- nnii,. knownan (he hi can as Well as hy

'(tier luimcs, tllid that h. o lc ( losedsoon, in i m din,; ,, iiifi,rm.i(:.iMi'oi I' K li.

'I lie :m .i i la u, loiile prulichh isliaMlahl, as far as plcsical cu,nh-- .Hull has anwhtiiir io do unli I, ,

tnfii imilioi, in the (..titiarv has comeIn Cil'illcl i is. :iMil Hiiillu r , ,ui.itlllOllS KliiiVVii lu i.i.i ill i.i 111.. ...uili.

'' mi fun uf Hie Hi-I- r slatis fiM.itins luii. iIuuiiit fuli.iu.iW litis ;, ium aihi.-iH-y .iiiionioliuistatu take this ionic Iicmhh- - uf Us in ,rtd S lu Uv- - McvlrilM lull, r, lie .said.

Itililjjt- - tint Kcjoml Wlii-lot- t.

The route wcsl i f A nnt uor-- i tu- to- -;

uoiiocii. Ie, I v Col, , m Seilct Is!"''-"-- h n,,,,:, Taknm

'I'"' lte flolll Wtlislow tu Wtlll.UllH tu -.iiwe a liitiii: !i. out on tins sec- -

lion ot read.In a ,,, Cleuel Scli.-r- ttiminc

,:'- - '' "f Spriiik'ei ii . tu . saysthe roads fiuiii MaialaleiiH to Spi nie- -

I !ir ami fl inn llie 1. in. i.l i, ,..W liisluvv in.- - ill .c! l,-- t , uiiil timi." i

TileI f, .d I 'Mil Iff 1,1 W. liliii leiKltill) el v I. HI M um Will.., iii.

i in. in. a no i i,u rr.i r (I i uli:,he mtiit, M l:.., k. r wnthc-c.- IhwInf.'i malieti pariiv liem ., ni, fr.-- I

pi niKcrv le tu Sue. a i uml ,, .ullvium Imii iis.

Two Km I t., lifim-- r Her,-- .

The toad fii'i.i lunvei j,,He a .1 rcn ii; h.tlii. fur I'.. ul i

lifeline . n tilti.,t.!M , ,UV, .. ii ii' in ii, i il. us lrl'iiii.;;en. r mie in.o'niiii! ai i run him;

jrleh is likely tu he opposed Vr-- jren Ciahani. Mr, (Irtiham has 111 James. Wilkinson, inidenl uli--

Isin-ni- t party following, us well as a Mineral uianayer of the All'miiieniue!stioiii! I.eisonal following and llieiWool Scouring nulls, died at T:.'t.)

tiii-,- licitti cn htm and Mr. tioodrlch iKMi'elock last muht at a sanitarium. Memire to In- a wattn on-- . i was danutroiislv ill onh a short time.

country is uKtn emphasizctl hy thejjanneal am-- in this cite within the1 PASTIME THEATER


C'jpyritM Dirtlihiluif: & Mara


World's lAem.

OFF FOR A BOAT RIDEs mill A. ('oni'-dy- .

laiif Hrry mi, I

I'FAHI, 1 VM.I.i:iii 'I'liice ran. I'caliirln ssnn

A Ilia Scronni.

siiip- -

follow mir to iil'l'cr:


LI T KTV IHI II'I'lvcreol hraiiin. I caturiii";

Tally Mai-vlial-

T Tl'itiiiKlc-- l ine Arts

im: .im:tTriiini:lc-Ke- v toiio t oint lly


past few days of a representative ofthe sales department "f the celehrat-e- d

Mart haul CalculaUnu Machine.... ,.mvi

line of the nia'hines manufacturedthis i . v was exhii-ite- ill

the office and from a me- -

rhanicnl standpoint and mathenuiii-- 1

cal accural y proveil really startliiik'. j

m Mihsirai-t.'on- nmtt ;pli- -'

cation and div ision were worked out i

with such rapidity that it was t i

to Impo.-s- il ' to follow- the opera;ion;results of problems running Into the)m illions and l.illielis hy the simpleturn of the crank lirinuins thei.ct answers, toeetlier with thproofs of the prol-lein- almust withinthe twinkling of an eye.

In the march of prok'n s tie hawsri-- the iv the cash rek"s- -




You will appreciate ourlow price. Let us helpyou (jet acquainted. Wewill send you a generoussample.LARGE SACKS . . $2.00SMALL SACKS . . $1.00


(II Murlils . I 'turtle XIN-tf- l.



Cl I .... 4 Ionline IIIIUIILTSUndertakers

rnoMiT si itvu i:,V M IC t M. Ill k., f til'J'I K

M M l i,.44A...I


Mi- ("halis IVhncK IrlUllli-i- l c'til ii li ,., t; Its

r ui i to I -. v II, A Hill - w

Inriied M,ni,!,,v nulit fi i. in t in, ,,kTlir lloval NelMhhuls will ini-c- t J

' ' lu- - ii iiuiv ,, 1,,, v ii.i V.

liUlll'"'u ' Mr l Mr. Mu.icsto C

'"li ,.! A'. i, Mi.nihiviitu'lil. ., ..ii.

Ttte T ):. I. el.iv., , , ,1., ,.,:,Salula l i hu.-- l W ill Il tl Uli lie, ,

'i ii Diulm f let noun , , 11 n !,.(.Kmiei fk Mover. of ll.e r '

' ' ' is in t lie t it v on II,w ll irturn tiv Ins mountain lion ""II I , i it

Tin r. VV.!; .,- - ,, ,1, , t'llif f th( l..,t a. ; el 'lie . illltl, .s

,t,i' :,! l! cl' '"I'' ti''.: - .hio . t. il, ,n ii,,,,,

K i Mi ! H l. Ian. f I'h la,lcl-hia- ,

wid t .!,(.: t i it it I , mr.M al 111.- - tVlltl u Ami i.e M i ' a,,tlU'-- h Htm ev.-ic- ,,, ; ,,',(,,,

I'elef JldiJe C;i:i ,.,r,d, , ,. , ( twothe'!! sel l, II, t l le moil1" 'I- - uf tiHi-HI- III,--- , Mil,, Tinsrir I'coi-i- ., I'.,, ., i"..; Tniiio.

Tin ..l.l.., , - ,h- VV..!,e!-,- Colls .,,1 1.. .,


. ft r;;;,..,, 7,i ,t ;,;,:v

t.'IUI-t.- . el i..i .1,.,.' i ' : iii;, I 'o- le-a- ::.' .. : ..- i ,i

He,. l u,-- i i , s'.o , - ,; l liI i .IV, o s ,i ,! I ,1 MCCs-.ol-

.1 W, lii.n.-i,- . trot .f Co-"I-

e!.i,n t,,i . il anvis i m !,,.,( I,,

ii iibiv tor h ho, 11 1.

! ::.. H.ei e, I, !a- -' 11 a l;

I'M .!.-!- I. I'l'M' 1,1-J-

i 111.'f fi I!,.-- '

e e i ' a tiI - e C eie:": ' II

I d l

t r '

' d.I --

Mi- II'- - I'. e,.

b ' 1' t 'l.H

trr, the adding machine, and the de-i"- ii

ti cti.Liraph come into the businessworld, all takinu thcil place, hut, llielatest marvel and apparentli the l istword of the inventive tenuis of man,is the Ma re ha nt calcul.itiiiu; machine.

8are inir over I..VMI pound- - (.f frrsit fish omli .

iiifiit- - piailitallv every da.i. This iimrnim;

The oomin itioiis for aldermen In'the various wards ale likely to hriiu;.011 a Ku'-.- l deal of a scramble. ClydeiTIniilcy Is mo"t fi coucntly mentionedin I tit S. i uml ward and Y. V, l'.owci sin llo Foin Ui In the other twowsii da scnlimeiit lias nut crystallizedto a MUticitiil extent to warrant anvPi'tilicllon as to ,ho the vvinm-i- willIv.





The pi liirizalion of "VaiRa" l.v thnla moils I'la.Veis cuuipauv,which - now appeailiiu on the I ru


iiuuint i nt the I.vrio tlu-nt- t

tudac onh w ah Frederick inI lie cclct. rated title r..e. i, call tomind thai at the time Mis. - Carter made her u ppen I an. r", nthe rule several veils ao, theVoik ttrauialtc critics declined tl'l't!' was the one woman on the Am-

erican stake who could have nieces.--flll'- v

pl.ivetl Die pail It hasilivxavsas.--i, latcd with the ureal Fremiti , Kt.iane and I'.eillliardt, andIt -, tlieii f.ue if more than pas-li;- -;

lull si in iiii.l an aclitss who is1Willie, to brave compai ison on thescreen with tho work of th d!tin- -'

Kills!';,',! w omcu vv tin have made toj!lule l.tiiiu'is on the

litprivid of the Important lintiii'tnlof v uli Miss Frederick must it lyiulleily upon the power of pantomime j

an art at winch the French have nl- -

vavs P. en tolt pis. Hut those it hohave seen the jtreut screen itrtiso .n ,

her wt'inlei fal emotional liuerpl s isuf the Ic.uime rules in Th'"

CHS" imd "Sold." In win. ii

she lia'dv soyictf fur tit lbF.iiiuuis l'Utv,is Film t'ti.. will he the,rir.--t to dct'li'-- llv.-i- l Miss Frederic t

is the o'le Woman who t till miptoHelt'tli In Mti pernio: la.--k with a jiisi,fia-- , v.Me t pecialitai or ,li-- i ess.

It w.i 'be sum: st ion that she plaV j,,.V..t. t on t he M ret n that had a tlcp idinfluent e on M Fredel li k recentsUtll.ui; di isiu,i ;u abantiun thesink,- - imlt to appear evcliis j usi. ,ie s.reer, under K.iiiiii.ih!

i:::Xr "ix ", r;ilHI'l. idt lule and tin- - oppo! Utility af-

forded the Famous pi I i ts prov-ed :i sii a,!i .. (lie ainbit .tms Mi-- S

Fiedei!. k. who saw in tt the real- -

i::.iliot-- , i f her greatest desne.The ,ii , lo siivpHihv w till

w ht I tie oat h;t tiiteriiiTt.'d Cicltucomplex haunter of tin- - Farts music thohall sir.tit r :s a ac liuiiu ilt to hnltt l.oiiii-ni-l hisirii nl, nevvers. In!llie .b' eloiim."! the sioly on. '"'sets .vNo ,,- tlev eitipineft of th. Ii.i i i. ti-- r ,.f ilijul of the slums,vv.,,. ar,, ,. a , lM ,ss,pa, ...n.

whu,,:";-,,- . c.'ui lav.-t- , h',--r

lhole hci

...'"ii. o.iie '.il. tl 111" i.iiiictl ll I.I !';.! oM hatred tiv :l, dnplicPt t

the n;i,i Hill- - her b.e.iit secied I j

' "".i in , en or cit mi: Klttotl lllpM,..riiire h,, ,. ,e. h,., Alliit-- '

" '"'' th- - sc. mill i 11;U ,,,,( f,.,,,'t in i

j2.i;i Ii nr.tN 14 slulliiig .". pence intoKasilv the lamest refrik-crato-r in Amencnn monev at the rate "f

the cltt ai l ivtd vesteid.i- - and Is ) j $ jiT in ciEht secutids. or k'ivttnc installetl as part of ihc wiiii. interest of $2!3.3!4.t0 for srv-nici-

of tin. new incut niark.-- i thai Bt .lne da; at per cent in nineto be lomluctcd b the J..ffa ' o- - r . rn..- - plav work. It is

of i hi:m:i fish i



F. Al vo iihi: a I I I I. mm:SALT. I'ltlvl.kll AM


'.'hi IT t IATII M..

xvv. w ant orn r wnv. sonam ii ( ii tux hi-:- w mai (iu sait khvx t niiv



LET US SEND A MANTu Krplace That l'.rokpo XXliidow

GI.IS4A mi r01 k run : i.uMHf:it

lOMI'AXYriionf 4it 2S . T'lrst

Painting and PaperhangingMIOXE 1817


FOR SALE MESA LANDWo! ffV, any part of !y aires, all

hvel am! ch se in. Addr. ss I., vj.J , Joiirniii.

'tieiitrvV ctfjrs." 311 bold hlaffa. Muloy mud Hawkins.

To those who saw the evhibliimi it

was pronounced as equal to the hu- -.

iicin moid with Hie txctptiirt that itwas a thousand fold mole rapid Inobtaining the rtMills of the problemsliiveii, in addition to absolute accur-- I

in v of the ulitaineil.To eMracl tiie stpi.ire t of 1

I .i in iwentv set onus, or. cv. naiiKe

th.i f these niachiii-- s!jii i() ,i1(. woriv of ten men witho'V

inv- lira in faticu- to the operator.It is expected that several of these

machines will be m operation in Al- -

I iti.,ir,iMs in tin vet- -. Hour future asthe Man haiit coll i. anv will onen 'Is)u eiii.iiiartcrs for ihe slate ill thist.ty.


LeRoy OsborneFF.FslAT.s

The Dancing

CHICKLETSi v:Tir.i: rii wr.i: of




THE FOLLIESm t in 1 1. m:ii;iii.fsFi:ll slINHiV

20 Big Song HitsPretty Dancing Girls

Funny ComediansTWO sHs. ::.; N1I 8:00

Admission 10c 20c

eery company, on t einiMi itvcinie. i neIda cold storase bov Is of the latest

Man and a i.ip.ti-il-

tens ,,fThe imat maiket prutiabli will 'j

nude for si n s ,it xt . 'tis stated v i s:, i ilay bv It. i . Ja ff i.

Tin mai ki t is in the room t'oinn 'vIpleli liv the I'lii'i'ell siiniio and

Ionon ne, ted With the .t.iffa liroceryiltic.i lit In Ml ill a


adjourned becauseOF A SMALL CROWD

Tile vvaitr i;nv.-,.:k'- . for'lis? tiiK.-it-

. w.s .oCtniinttl bt-- i of:tsii',.1; i,tto,l..tce Aim:: w el e

lite hih s, h l at the tim s- t formeclim!. ihe met t'ns vv.n to

' n In i.l under the :i'.:s.i. es oftile r. advisory t trti.itt e

severa: p',.'t:-.nt-n- t men ,it:jh"v'' spoken




Thei r ! e j, meetinc of ;h,. w

ra'iiiiik-- llo- !. !. his.- - to women.Metueeth..i is iij-e- to all wmp t'who ipaiil ,.,. ,e. su'frif as llie

will b dHi'mT.t' I 'IIM.TiiH tt ii'l lliii'lland :.iii. . :;dai; e of Aliaiiee v. i.ot.'n ts ted

IHI! HI l Hir.-- . t Um- - CtsslHril. pil. Mis. Jt4m t'.triietto.

Xtmloiue nuev. Stiii, aiHl Si!vi".

fim:.-- t sMtiMji.mi: st An-:- .


I'lKI.NK !!!!



"TELMO"c.wxin ;oons AND voc




Rosltlencc - - . 7 J I XX'. Coal

sixt.Ki: taxi co.xir.WYrii.nie ltii.t 210 XX'. Central

Two Cars for citycalls, pleasure rides and touringtrips. Careful, experienced driv-ers. Bates by hour or day.

K. XV. MOORE, Manaser.





II ii D Sto''(.Trill9 Mote



I "i , ,,. it ,,, .. i.i.i. I it , tl...:iiul aiii uiiiil-i- l r ihm i '.i.l fr. , AltCHill-r-i- ie Snowvvaitr (e,m ;.,,. ii. in-- lias ,,!,.II, is i ,c.i,!,h ,,! ,!.,, s !', ;,i,l


II,- - .1.,. - t....i,u e,,n.c a i ',h.'miiuiis f,.ii,,tt (.,,, Ml. i,.,. i, ,,,,,,.l'et.l a, I :l, Mia, t,N , ,,f ileten.i

eker -- nl ..,..) The ... .o-- l .

'I' e - Islet :l -- t - ts cauv one I,e''"' lh t!'.i'!W.iV, fj , Colonel!

S'I'il- - '

uu 1'itil-i- x t,M," ' ' i s a r e i o I hat.,'',W""' H




lie it'! f. mb'l s ..i al' h I'lii.tiu , t ' r ,

! ,s 111, i,, il, ,. '.. ,

c;,M, lu a I ;l .. a inaile p i!.::ic.a r lit I'I.'" of tl.C c. -- ,, j

', lliil I,. .e no 0 :,rfi,-ieu- im'

'Pli.t-el- t vt i i : s a i,, m.t i

- '. , .11',! v W i' ,).i i t ,ii;t,t"i.1.

s ! o. ,: U ,l, aa iii-- i ; .1 i, i , i ,. - i.

i' ' b n ,, ., c , , ft of lie,o! t,, ,,!:'. liovicvi i . .';.,.i- -

.'i I "'el 't l oll 111 tl-,- lekoKtleu ,iI' a'l he- I'll e. -

''' - nt, I ,.,i. !i ,, .; ,.ci,.iis"" a - cs le-i - i i,;.i,,.,l..I II! b l p. ..( I,,,. .I,.,- - j. ,( j

l Ml t T, Hill JIMI , m!st I 11 t It sl'UIVt.s

I cave. .", B. ,,i. lor I it (orin ub. ii I'ln.ite ;,sn or SIT. F. IJoinero.1

NOTICEour , ci.l ta ,. iHIti js ,,,, ,),.an, I ikiiHbl.- - nt 41" Ui .i t rve I'. I H ' f II III t lit I y It,;n t.v .i.iitt, iti.tkt. it.ti.Mor1

Dr. C. H. ConnerI .-, lktlh

)fi. Sirrn hib I h.inep Jij.Expert Masseuse. Ph. 1 381J

IINI Ut. II t s Ht.. V(.,;ami ri;t ijjs FiitM i:

' K ' n ': ,(i.nb.,:., "'.v ?ii'-- uesiie t.., r.-- emi- -,

-- b.' ,s s,,,,.!,,,!, celled Iv ,,.. .,...iri"n "f 'h' '',.,v o, h,r Mi,.,n.,..,. ..HuSh r t - VVT.:"?,:X. v,.-.,,. f.HUtoXse ,,,,. tnctp.k t..s bee,-- , .abed Mrs.

d. ttovtne pis l,,.. The, 'he sir.,-- I j, tiai,,,,,.. lhl, cii.tirnotii of1.1,. hci for the man Hnd'tl, v, ,,,,,, ,s ,,,,.;-v- ,,f having' " ' st ' :;!! Ik v h.u o ier c, lare ater.! , f ;F1 w.nt n whouiiiil she , oinitiers the w.rht unban' miert-- i t: m the siifirja,' move-bi- n

:;s ,; to lit ! itt-t- llt; is ,,!i, of t'ti-- most eva.'t.ct; role ; Th" ot-- i . .f ,i,- , cnrt

ire, led. ll',,l e sl,a!l li'llHH t Unit V. is to -- e (, t e II li II . 0 ii III ell I toHie cniiMie ete.ii' ,.f t'auhre 1 r ! ! t he . nfti!t...! the Init..,

sl i'i al il ... I, a... I Vi,;..,, I ..

'I I'i - M l J .1 f..,. , v,it. Co; t'lc t i. M il u v. .(.,'. n ., .,

I' ti I' i .. i I -- e it ,, t i, e, , y

..I n t. '.,1k.,! , :t c u .: '

"t ue.1,1 ,. ,

-- :a'-; 'I - If - ii.,'I ! ' .! li .' I. . c I...

' . o'k ei .' ui- - .' a- - !i. i.l wI .! ft, ,, ( ..fW .1 I .,!.. ll ot -- '.r'"' ' ' - ' . . .)

e, i. k ill it st.e ' a- - ,.! of tl theni;t:e! vv ,1' k iier . mi i i

PRINTINGHerboth paints signs, hoiises::.,rd":vi;i,'1:rV;'!.M,'r,;,.:i,,V.1:and decorates. Phone H95Ji:: nve aC?: 17-


I o.'ircir--t- ; I,., .,i, i

NEW STATE HOTELI It -- I la- - hmuts

111 . Mlt-- I' -- I". t tltiVF sjnii



liallup I. limpCcrrillon Lump Hahn Coal Co. in

Henry hauls baggage andother things. Phone 939.


Citizens Bank Bldg.

U-f- T aii.t mtdl hor.-- . lYImhle'tIttxl It.rm.


CviL. MOJ XXtXHl. l utory XX ,mmI CordTAXI PHONE 887M. R OUS.