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Page 1: Albemarle Prospectus 2011-2012
Page 2: Albemarle Prospectus 2011-2012
Page 3: Albemarle Prospectus 2011-2012

“Education is not preparation for life - education is life itself”John Dewey, Philosopher, Psychologist and Educator

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Albemarle has been our top independent sixth form collegein London for the past 4 years

Les Webb

2010 Results Table – published by, the leading independent schools and colleges website

A + B College Day/Board Boy/Girl

1 100.00 Cardiff Sixth Form College Both Co-ed

2 92.80 Concord College, Shrewsbury Both Co-ed

3 90.60 Chelsea Independent College Both Co-ed

4 90.40 Albemarle Independent College, London Day Co-ed

5 88.90 Duff Miller College, London Day Co-ed

6 88.30 Brampton College, Hendon Day Co-ed

7 87.96 Hurtwood House, Dorking Both Co-ed

8 82.30 Abbey College, Cambridge Both Co-ed

9 81.40 D'Overbroeck's College, Oxford Both

10 79.30 Cambridge Tutors College, Croydon Both


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5 Contents

6 The Albemarle Ethos

8 The Principals

10 Teaching, Assessment and Reporting

12 Choosing the Right Programme

14 The AS-level Programme

16 The One-year A-level Programme

18 The GCSE Programme

20 Preparing for Life

22 Specialist Programmes for University Entry

24 Medicine and Dentistry Foundation

26 A-level and GCSE subjects

27 Revision and Specialist Courses

28 Extra-Curricular Activities

30 What Our Students Say…

32 Fees and Dates

34 Our Location


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Based in the heart of Mayfair in central London, Albemarle is a top

performing independent sixth from college, offering a broad A-

level and GCSE curriculum for students from public, state and

private school backgrounds.

Why Choose Albemarle?The majority of students who come toAlbemarle do so because of our reputationfor excellent A-level results. This is true ofstudents both on our full two-yearprogramme, as well as those on the one-year intensive programme. Most studentswill progress on to a top 20 UK university.

Students are taught very much bytraditional methods, in small groups,

concentrating on the skills needed to passexaminations and to be successful atuniversity. All tutors at Albemarle aresubject specialists and most haveexperience as examiners. They areparticularly successful with young people:they are able to motivate andcommunicate with them in ways whichthey understand. Barriers are quickly brokendown, enhancing the learning process.

The AlbemarleEthos

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“a modern college with...... a traditional approach”

How Do We Get The Best Out Of OurStudents? Students benefit from individually tailoredattention outside of classes – a key elementof our successful A-level programme, andat Albemarle each student has a PersonalTutor who also provides advice on studyskills and career choices.

We expect full commitment from ourstudents and as such we have strict rules onattendance and submission of assignmentson time. Parents are able to monitorprogress through monthly reports, easilyaccessible using our online reportingsystem and Parents' Evenings are held oncea term in the Autumn and Spring terms.

We encourage our students every step

of the way and we help them to buildconfidence through examination success.We see the learning process as a successfulpartnership between students, tutors andparents.

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Albemarle’s founders and Principals, Beverley Mellon and James

Eytle, had two key objectives when establishing the college:

achieving excellent examination results, and success in placing

students at the top UK universities.

Beverley and James have used theirconsiderable experience in teaching andcareers counselling to guide students inchoosing the right A-levels and selecting thedegree course that best fulfils their needs.

Beverley entered the teaching professionhaving trained initially as an Accountant andretains strong links with the banking andaccounting sectors, useful for mentoringstudents wishing to enter these professions.She is a graduate in Maths & ComputerScience from Cardiff University.

James read Biochemistry at King’sCollege, and maintains his connections tothe world of medical and pharmaceuticaltraining, providing practical guidance andadvice to candidates with aspirations inthese areas. James is responsible foroverseeing the college’s highly successfulMedical Sciences programme including theInternational Medical & Dental programmewhich provides routes to training in Europe.

James and Beverley share vastexperience in liaising with university

The CollegePrincipals

James Eytle &Beverley Mellon,Principals

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“excellent exam results ...... top UK university


admission officers and have established aclose network of contacts in the universitysector. They teach Chemistry and Mathsrespectively, and as such, realise what ittakes to get the best out of A-levelstudents. They are accessible andapproachable, to both students andparents, throughout the year. The twoPrincipals act as personal mentors tostudents, overseeing their studyprogrammes and offering advice on degreecourses and career goals.

The Vice Principal Stephen Bailey, agraduate of the University of Nottingham, isresponsible for the smooth running of theacademic calendar, as well as acting asPersonal Tutor to many students wishing toembark on careers in Law or Politics. He isalso the senior tutor in Politics andSociology at Albemarle.

Dr Francesca de Bono is our Head of

English and Director of Studies with specialresponsibility for UCAS applications.Francesca read English Literature at QueenMary, University of London, and through herguest lectures there, she is able tointroduce students wishing to study Englishand Drama and related subjects to a realtaste of university academic life.

Ashley Richardson is a graduate of theUniversity of Cambridge and is the Directorof Studies with responsibility for overseeingthe Humanities and Foreign Languagesdepartments. He also teaches Philosophyand Psychology, and advises studentswishing to study these subjects atuniversity.

Ashley Richardson, Director of Studies Dr Francesca de Bono, Director of Studies

Stephen Bailey, Vice Principal

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Students at Albemarle benefit from the small class sizes, on

average five students in each class. Tuition is very much centred

on the students, who are encouraged to participate fully and,

most importantly, to think for themselves.

Our tutors are all highly qualified specialistsin their subject area. They use a mixture ofmotivation, encouragement andconfidence building to get the best out ofstudents. Tutors focus on examinationtechniques and make extensive use of pastexamination questions.

Classes are timetabled in 45 minutesessions between 9.00am and 5.30pm.The college remains open daily until

7.00pm on weekdays and is also open onSaturdays. These opening times areextended leading up to publicexaminations in January and June each year.

Students are expected to take notesduring class, with homework being assignedat the end of each lesson. Students mustcomplete all assignments on time and wemonitor all coursework carefully to ensurethat students meet their deadlines.

Teaching, Assessmentand Reporting

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“student-centred tuition ...... focusing on

the individual”

Our ongoing assessment programmefeatures weekly tests in each subject andformal mock examinations once a month.Experience demonstrates that regulartesting is vital for improving examinationtechnique.

Students who underperform in mocksare timetabled into supervised studysessions and given additional help outsideof classes by their subject tutors. They arealso coached in study skills and examtechniques, and given advice by theirPersonal Tutor as to how best improve theirperformance.

Formal reports are compiled eachmonth and these are accessible online inthe password-protected secure area of our

website. Parents and students can also viewprevious reports for comparison. Eachstudent is assigned their own password toview their own reports. Personal Tutors alsomaintain regular contact with parents andguardians on an informal basis.

Parents’ Evenings are held in theAutumn and Spring terms, where parentsare able to discuss a student’s progress withtheir subject tutors and Principals. Duringthe holiday periods students are providedwith revision packs to work through, butthey may attend the college for moreformal, structured revision courses ifdeemed necessary.

Mohammed Aneizi, Exams & Information Officer

Chris Mason, Finance OfficerJulia Millar, College Administrator

Tracy Higgins, Welfare Officer

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At Albemarle, our carefully structured academic programmes are

tailored to suit the needs of individual students. Students meet

with their Personal Tutors to choose appropriate subjects and to

plan a strategy for success in examinations.

The AS-level Programme (Lower Sixth) This programme is designed for studentswho have achieved a minimum of 5 passesat GCSE (grade B or above), or a suitableequivalent. For some AS-level subjects, apass in the subject at GCSE is essential (seethe supplementary course outlinesavailable on the website). Most studentschoose to study 4 subjects at AS-level in

their first year. Critical thinking AS is offeredas an optional 5th subject.

The Foundation A-level ProgrammeThis programme is designed for studentsneeding to retake GCSE subjects, whilststudying 1 or 2 AS-levels, as a precursor totheir full A-level programme.

Choosing the RightProgramme

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“a successful partnership... students, tutors

and parents”

The A2 Programme (Upper Sixth)Students entering this programme will bestarting their second year of A-level study,having achieved success at AS-level. Virtuallyall students will be prepared to sit somemodule examinations in January after thefirst term. These exams may be repeats ofsome AS modules, or a combination of ASand A2 modules.

The One-Year A-level ProgrammeStudents enrolling on this intensiveprogramme will have studied previously at A-level or are mature students. It is possible forcertain A-levels to be taken in one yearstarting from scratch, with no previousknowledge of the subject.

The GCSE ProgrammeThe one-year intensive GCSE programmecovers the Key Stage 4 curriculum in a widerange of subjects, and is best suited tostudents who have already completed year11 study or the equivalent in anothercountry outside of the UK.

Resit Courses These are intensive 14 week courses gearedtowards students who are retaking A-levels.Most students on these courses have alreadyachieved a pass grade at A-level, and areseeking to resit modules to improve on theirgrade. Students on these courses are also ableto benefit from extensive advice and help withuniversity application through the college.

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The Advanced Subsidiary or AS-level exams were introduced to

address the lack of flexibility in the post-16 curriculum and to

encourage broader programmes of study, encompassing key skills

in numeracy, communication and information technology.

The AS-level is a qualification in its own right,equivalent to half of an A-level, and studentsgenerally complete their AS-levels in the firstyear of a two year A-level programme.

For the majority of subjects, the new AS-levels, first introduced in September 2008,now comprise two units. In some cases thetwo units are not of equal weighting,allowing for sitting of the first unit in

January of the first year. For some ASsubjects, like the sciences, the three unitstructure has been maintained.

Most Lower Sixth students at Albemarlewill take 4 subjects at AS level, but theflexibility of our AS programme allows us toaccommodate students wishing to take 2or as many as 5 AS-levels, across a widerange of subjects.

The AS-levelProgramme

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“broadening horizons ...... the right start

is essential”

All students on the AS-level programmehave weekly University & Life Skills (ULS)classes which include sessions onpresentations, public-speaking, CV writingand job interviews, as well as covering allaspects of the university applicationprocess. We also invite guest speakers froma wide range of professions including Law,Journalism, Engineering, Medicine andInvestment Banking, to give seminars to ourlower sixth students as an integral part ofthe ULS programme.

A wide range of sporting activities isprovided during the weekly sports sessionon Wednesday afternoons, includingfootball, basketball, badminton, tennis,

dance aerobics, swimming and body-building.

During the Spring half-term all LowerSixth students are invited to take part in thecollege cultural trip to a European city ofinterest. This is an immensely popular andenjoyable experience for students andrecent destinations have included Istanbul,Venice, Florence, Athens, Rome and inFebruary 2011 Seville and Granada.

Students are given coaching in thenative language prior to the trip – an addedbonus! Separate departmental trips are alsoorganised by the Geography, French, Artand Photography departments throughoutthe year.

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This intensive programme is designed for students wishing to resit

AS and A2 modules over the course of a year, or those coming

from non-traditional backgrounds. All of our retake students

gained a place at the university of their first choice last year.

The strategy for sitting modular exams iscrucial to success on this programme, andall students have a consultation session todiscuss this with their Personal Tutor, priorto the start of their course. All students willsit some modular exams in January, afterthe first term.

Most students on this programme willhave already completed one or two yearsof A-level study, but need to improve their

grades to get onto their chosen degreecourse. Retake students on this programmewill need to achieve higher A-level resultsthan their first time counterparts, so it isessential that they get it right the secondtime round.

Students are able to achieve success onthis programme not simply because of theexcellent tuition at Albemarle, but alsobecause of the support and help they

The One-year A-level Programme

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“strategic planning iscrucial ... extensive help

outside the classroom”

receive outside the classroom from subjecttutors as well as their Personal Tutor.

Our Personal Tutors have a wealth ofexperience dealing with studentsundertaking A-levels in a year and theadvice they give is tailored to suit the needsof each individual. We are able to call on avast network of contacts at universities toassist us in getting students onto thedegree course of their first choice at agood university.

Francesca de Bono, our Director ofStudies, is also available to offer advice onan individual basis, helping students with allelements of the UCAS admission processfrom the production of a uniquelyattractive personal statement to the

finishing touches of the online forms andmock interviews. These are completed byearly October, to give students the bestpossible chance of receiving offers.

In the past academic year, students onour one-year programme have achievedplaces at many of the top UK universitiesincluding Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, LSE,Warwick, Edinburgh, Bristol and Durham.

We can also count a number of doctors,dentists, accountants, computer scientists,lawyers, journalists, to name but a fewprofessionals, among our past students onthis course.

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Students who join us to study GCSEs enrol on our one-year

intensive programme. Some will be retaking GCSEs and it is

possible in certain cases to combine retaking GCSEs with starting


Our GCSE students come from a widevariety of backgrounds, attracted by ourreputation for achieving excellentexamination results and the very individualsupport and attention they will receive atAlbemarle.

All GCSE programmes are highlystructured and lessons are generallytimetabled between 9.00am and 3.45pmevery day. Classes are of 90 minutes

duration and study sessions are alsotimetabled during which students are ableto complete homework or coursework. Thecore curriculum for most GCSE studentsincludes English Language, EnglishLiterature, Mathematics, InformationTechnology and Sciences. Other popularsubjects are Foreign languages, Art,Photography, History and Geography. A fulllist of GCSE subjects on offer at Albemarle

The GCSEProgramme

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“highly structured programme...... encompassing

Life Skills”

can be found on page 26.The Head of GCSE acts as personal tutor

to all GCSE students, closely monitoringstudent progress and maintaining regularcontact with parents or guardians.

Towards the end of the academic yearGCSE students may begin to consider Alevel choices – the Head of GCSE andsubject tutors are on hand to offer adviceand guidance throughout the decision-making process.

Our GCSE Life Skills sessions offer aweekly opportunity for all GCSE students to

visit a site of interest or to take part in aworkshop, debate or exercise organised bya dedicated tutor. Often these visits relatedirectly to the syllabus, such as a visit to theGlobe Theatre as a part of our English GCSEprogramme.

Our main objectives are to empowerstudents to obtain the best possible GCSEgrades through expert tuition in anenvironment that encourages hard work,independence of thought and examinationsuccess, and to build the right foundationfor students to progress on to A-level study.

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At Albemarle our two primary objectives are:

• To empower students to achieve exam success by encouraging hard work andindependence of thought.

• To provide students with a foundation on which to build, encompassing careersguidance, work experience and life-skills coaching.

Careers GuidanceEach student joining the college has aninitial consultation with one of thePrincipals to establish goals and objectives,plan a strategy for sitting modularexaminations, and to ensure that thecorrect selection of A-levels and/or GCSEs ismade. This is the first stage in a careersguidance programme tailored to suit theindividual student.

Personal TutorsAll students are assigned a Personal Tutor tomonitor their progress and provide helpand advice on academic as well as pastoralmatters. Albemarle’s careers guidanceprogramme has been strengthenedthrough partnership with a number ofvisiting professionals, and our network ofuniversity professionals from a variety offields.

Preparing for Life

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“empowering students and encouraging

independence of thought”

University & Life Skills SeminarsThese sessions provide a weekly opportunityfor all students to benefit from a range ofactivities. Visiting speakers from professionssuch as banking and finance, medicine, lawand publishing outline jobs and careerpaths; students learn techniques forisometric testing, debating, problem-solvingand essay writing. Students who successfullycomplete this programme are awarded theULS Diploma, another string to their bow,for the university application process.

Preparation for the Next StepAll our A-level students leave Albemarle togo on to study at a reputable university,generally in the UK. We have a range ofspecialist programmes including workexperience, which help to prepare studentsfor university and beyond.

Many students find choosing the rightdegree course a daunting task so we equipthem with the tools they need to make theright choice. We arrange university toursaccompanied by Albemarle tutors andthrough our extensive alumni network,students are able to gain a real insight intomany different degree courses at a widerange of universities. All of our senior tutorshave close connections with top universitiesand are available to give advice to studentsand providing mentoring.

The Principals themselves take an activerole in career planning and arranging workexperience, essential to setting students onthe right path to success. When studentsleave Albemarle, they remain very much apart of our extended family and can call onus at any time for advice and support.

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We recognise that for entry onto competitive degree courses like

Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy Psychology, English, Economics

and Architecture, students need more than just a good set of A-level

results. With this in mind we have developed specialist programmes

to better prepare students applying to these degree courses.

An important element of most of theseprogrammes is suitable work experienceand help is given with arranging this;particularly important as a pre-cursor forentry to medical, veterinary and dentaldegree courses.

We also have a network of professionalswe work closely with, who visit the collegeto give advice and help to students wishing

to pursue careers in a wide range ofdisciplines. These include Phil Moss and TimSeller, formerly with LSE and ImperialColleges respectively, Paolo Clemente withPrice Waterhouse Coopers and Dr GeoffreyHillyard, an A&E Consultant who advises onwork experience for Medicine.

Our dedicated programmes includepreparation for Oxbridge entry, summer

Specialist Programmesfor University Entry

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“dedicated programmes forLaw, Medical Sciences,

Oxbridge entry”

Foundation Art programmes and specialistcourses preparing students for the BMAT,UKCAT and LNAT aptitude tests, to namebut a few.

SPECIALIST PROGRAMMESMedical Sciences ProgrammeFor students wishing to apply for medicine,dentistry and veterinary science.

Social Sciences ProgrammeFor students wishing to apply forEconomics, Psychology and Law.

Oxbridge PreparationFor students applying to colleges of theuniversities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Architecture & Art FoundationFor students wishing to do degrees inArchitecture, Art & Design, Product Designand Photography

BMAT & UKCAT PreparationThe UKCAT course focuses on strategies onhow to approach the test, as well asquestion practise, study technique andidentifying weaknesses in reasoning anddecision analysis. The BMAT course coversthe full range of aptitudes and skillsrequired to take the test, as well as the KeyStage 4 core science and highermathematics needed. For moreinformation please see the supplementarybrochure on our website.

Dr Tim Seller, Student Counsellor(former Imperial College Director of International Office)

Phil Moss, Student Counsellor(formerly LSE StudentRecruitment Manager)

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The collaboration between Albemarle Independent College and

Medipathways delivers a unique programme for prospective

medical and dental students to re-take one or two A-levels and

apply to Medicine or Dentistry in the UK and abroad.

Although it has become increasinglydifficult over the last few years for re-sit A-level students to gain places at UK medicaland dental schools, it is neverthelesspossible with the right advice and astrategic plan for re-sitting.

Albemarle has had a 90% success rateover the last five years with re-sit studentsgaining places for direct entry to medicineand dentistry in the UK.

This pathway is suitable for:• International or UK students.• Students who wish to resit two A-levels

and apply to UK Medical or DentalSchools but also have the option ofapplying to International universities tostudy Medicine or Dentistry

• Students who wish to resit one A-leveland complete the CertHE enabling themto apply to UK Medical or Dental Schools

Medicine and DentistryFoundation

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“the A-level Medipathway... a unique collaboration between

Albemarle and the M&D Pre-Med Group”

and have the option of 2nd year entry atan International university to studyMedicine or Dentistry

Course Highlights• The first term is dedicated to re-taking up

to two A-Levels with the goal of re-sittingthe exams in January. This is complementedby two more terms at Birkbeck on the M&DPre-Med® programme.

• Students are assigned a personal tutorwho helps them to develop strategies forsitting modular exams as well as givingassistance where needed.

• The first term also focuses on completingthe UCAS application as well as undertakingpersonal statement preparation and one-to-one interview practise.

• Assessments are given at appropriateintervals during the course to track studentprogress and provide tutorials as necessary.

• UKCAT training helps improve scores formedical or dental school entry.

• Our personal statement preparation forUCAS applications sets our studentsapart from other students.

• Interview practise ensures anoutstanding first impression.

• Revision and examination techniques toenhance student performance.

• Weekly seminars on topical areas ofmedical science, debates anddiscussions, ensure all students keepabreast of new developments in themedical arena including those related tothe NHS.

COURSE STRUCTUREA-LEVEL RE-TAKE OPTION 1• Retake up to 2 A-levels at Albemarle College• Students then progress on to the M&D Pre-

Med programme at Birkbeck College,University of London, for a further two termsas shown below

A-LEVEL RE-TAKE OPTION 2• 1st Term: Retake 1 A-level plus M&D Pre-Med

Cell Biology, Organic Chemistry & Neuroscience• 2nd Term: Respiratory & Circulatory Systems,

Endocrine and Reproductive Systems,Musculoskeletal System

• 3rd Term: Gastrointestinal System, RenalSystem, Clinical Simulation and Ethics,optional Spanish taught for those consideringstudying in Spain

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Sciences, Computing & MathematicsBiologyChemistryPhysicsScience in SocietyComputingInformation TechnologyMathematicsFurther Mathematics

Business & Social SciencesAccountingBusiness StudiesEconomicsAnthropologyGeographyMedia StudiesPoliticsPsychologySociology

Arts, Humanities & LanguagesEnglish LiteratureHistoryPhilosophyReligious StudiesArt & DesignFrenchHistory of ArtPhotographyGermanJapaneseRussianSpanish

Sciences & MathematicsBiologyChemistryPhysicsMathematics

Business & Social SciencesBusiness CommunicationsBusiness Studies & EconomicsGeographyMedia Studies

Arts, Humanities, Languages & PEEnglishEnglish LiteratureHistoryReligious StudiesArt & DesignPhotographyFrenchGermanRussianSpanishPhysical Education



A-level and GCSESubjects

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Revison andSpecialist Courses

Student-centred tuitionTuition is very much geared towards theneeds of individual students, following acarefully structured programme.

Small classesThe maximum class size on our Easterrevision courses is eight, the average is fourper group, allowing for ample individualattention.

Past-paper question practiceStudents are supplied with revision packswhich contain revision notes and pastpaper questions. These are used extensivelythroughout each revision course.

Guide to revision and examtechniqueMany students find revision a daunting,arduous task, and so on our courses weteach students study techniques and howto organise a revision schedule. Muchemphasis is also placed on exam technique.

Saturday revision sessionsAll participants on our core Easter coursesare invited to join our summer termSaturday revision sessions at no extra cost.



BMAT is a subject-specific admissions testcompulsory for applicants to certainmedical, veterinary science and relatedcourses at the institutions listed below. ( for more info).


The UKCAT is a compulsory aptitude test forapplicants to the UK medical and dentalschools listed below. It does not containany curriculum or science content butfocuses on exploring thinking and analyticalskills, attributes considered to be valuablefor health care professionals. ( for more info).

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Students are able to benefit from a wide range of sport and leisure

activities provided by the college. Regular sports, including

football, tennis, volleyball, basketball, swimming, badminton, gym

and aerobics are played on a weekly basis at a nearby sports

centre, and competitions are arranged with other schools.

We also organise a range of other activities,including orienteering and theatre trips.

Each year during the Spring half-termbreak we arrange a cultural trip to aEuropean city. Cities visited include

Barcelona, Isatnbul, Rome, Prague, Venice,Athens and Florence. This year in additionto the planned cultural trip, students willalso have the option of participating in askiing trip during the Easter holidays.


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“wide range ofsport and leisure


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What Our Students Say

RAN (RYAN) JUA-level Grades:Mathematics: A, Further Maths: A, Physics: A, Information Technology: A.

“When I first came to Albemarle, I wassurprised to find the classes were small enoughthat everyone was free to raise any problems.With four subjects, this was vital for me so Ididn’t fall behind. I also had great freedom tomake my own study plans with great supportfrom my teachers, which really made my time atAlbemarle productive. The IELTS course alsohelped me greatly to achieve 7.5 in the test.There were plenty of activities going on all year,from Christmas parties to Easter trips, whichgave me great opportunities to make friendsand learn beyond bookwork.”Ran is currently reading Maths and ComputerScience at Oxford University.

KARISHMA PATELA-level Grades:Biology: A, Chemistry: A, English Literature: A.

“When I joined Albemarle I was initiallyapprehensive as I did not know if I could achievethe grades and university place that I wanted.However, through dedicated teaching andencouragement and guidance from my PersonalTutor I started to believe it was possible.Although Albemarle is a small college, thefriendly atmosphere and helpful staff andteachers there added a personal touch to theplace, which made learning there easy andenjoyable. I achieved the grades I needed togain a place at medical school and I doubt Iwould have achieved my goals elsewhere.”Karishma is currently reading Medicine at ImperialCollege, University of London.

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KATE DALYA-level Grades: Biology: A, Chemistry: A, Maths: A.

“Before coming to Albemarle I was on the verge of giving upon my dream to become a Vet, and would probably havesettled for doing a degree in Animal Science. However, thanksto the continued support and encouragement from all of mytutors at Albemarle, not to mention the brilliant teaching, I wasfinally able to realise my dream!”Kate is currently reading Veterinary Medicine at the RoyalVeterinary College.

ARSENY TIMOSHENKOA-level Grades: Maths: A, Psychology: A, Economics: A, Spanish: B.

“For me Albemarle was the perfect place to study. Not onlywas I able to study all the A-levels that I wanted to do, butalso all the teachers were really great. I was definitely enviedby all my friends who were studying at other colleges. I alsogot a lot of help when it came to making my university anddegree course choices.”Arseny is currently reading Economics at Royal Holloway, University of London.

NADIA JAGLOMA-level Grades: Govt & Politics: A, English Literature: A, History of Art: A.

“My whole Albemarle experience was a brilliant one. I reallyenjoyed the fact that teachers treated you as an individual andencouraged you to think independently. This was greatpreparation for university, but I do miss the Albemarleenvironment still.”Nadia is currently reading Archaeology & Anthropology atCambridge University.

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Autumn 2011 14th Sept – 16th December 14th Sept – 16th DecemberHalf term: 24th – 28th October 24th – 28th October

Spring 2012 3rd January – 23rd March 3rd January – 23rd MarchHalf term: 20th – 24th February 20th – 24th February

Summer 2012 10th April – 25th May 10th April – 29th JuneHalf term: n/a 28th May – 1st June

Short A-Level Resit CoursesSeptember to January 14th September 2011 – 6th January 2012

Half term: 24th – 28th OctoberJanuary to May 30th January – 25th May 2012

Half term: 20th – 24th February

Fees and Dates

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Number of Subjects Per Term Per Year Per Term Per Year1 £2340 £7020 £2025 £60752 £4300 £12900 £3730 £111903 £5850 £17550 £5330* £15990*

*Optional 4th AS with 2-year course


Number of Subjects Per Term Per Year5 or more £5330 £159901 subject £1815 £5445

Additional FeesLaboratory £120 (per subject, per term)Art & Photography materials £120 (per subject, per term)Registration fee £250Individual tuition £650 for a block of 10 hours


A Levels £4000 (14 weeks per subject)

All tuition fees are payable termly, no later than the first day of term.

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Albemarle Independent College18 Dunraven Street

MayfairLondon W1K 7FE

Tel: 020 7409 7273Fax: 020 7629 9146


Located in the heart of central London, Albemarle College is in Mayfair, just off ParkLane, close to Hyde Park and within easy reach of Marble Arch underground station.

Students benefit academically from being within a short distance of The BritishLibrary, Imperial College, St Mary’s Hospital, The Institut Français, The Science

Museum, The Natural History Museum and The V&A Museum.

In The Heart ofCentral London


Hyde Park

Green Park

Oxford StreetBayswaterRoad

Marble ArchPark Lane

Hyde Park CornerKnightsbridge


Woods M


Upper Brook



Park Street

Green Street MARBLE ARCH

Oxford Street

Park Lane Dunraven St

North Row

Albemarle Independent College18 Dunraven Street

London W1K 7FE

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Page 36: Albemarle Prospectus 2011-2012

Albemarle Independent College18 Dunraven Street

MayfairLondon W1K 7FE

Tel: 020 7409 7273Fax: 020 7629 9146

w w w . a l b e m a r l e . o r g . u k