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VOL. 3 NO. 1 JANUARY, 1969


VOL. 3, NO. 1 JANUARY, 1969





Table of Contents I

Officers and Committee Chairmen 2

President's Message 3

Marriages in Lowndes County 1830-1871 (To be Continued) 4

South Carolina Pension Applications which indicate some descendants

moved to Alabama 13

Hill Family Bible 17

Duffee Records 18

Brasfield (Brassfield) Cemetery 20

Will of Robert Chowning 22

1830 Census Madison County, Alabama (To be Continued) 23

Brewersville Cemetery (To be Continued) 40

Contributors - New Members 46

Queries 47

"Copyright, The Alabama Genealogical Society, Inc., 1968"




Pub I i shed by the


Organ i z e d November 17, 1958


President Mrs. Charles E. Norton

First Vice President Mrs. Henry Neil] Segrest

Second Vice President ,.. Mrs. L.L. Goggans

Chaplain Rev. Franklin S. Moseley

Recording Secretary Mrs. A. Hubert Jones

Corresponding Secretary Mr. Bruce Myers

Treasurer Mrs. W. Leonard Riley

Historian Mrs. Terry Huffstutler

Parliamentarian Mrs. Herman T. Ellison


Membership Mrs. W.E. Manning, J r . , Mrs. James Mayfield Ward, Mr. Robert H. O'Bannon

By-Laws Mrs. John S. E l l i o t t , Mrs. Herman T. E l l i son , Mrs. John M. Guttery

Pub l i c i t y Mrs. James M. Bonner, Mr. Bryan B. Marsh

Finance Mrs. W.L. Ri ley, Mr. J.N. Pearson, Mr. Henry Ne i l l Segrest

Publ icat ion . . . . . Ed i tor : Mrs. Charles E. Norton - 2724 Altadena Road

Birmingham, Alabama 352H3

Mrs. J . Frank Pugh, J r . , Mrs. 0.B. Wilson, Miss Mildred Jones,

Mrs. Richard Compton

Index Mr. F. Wilbur Helmbold, Mr. Harry R. Fletcher, Mrs. Frank Sims Moody


Mr. Wi l l iam Armistead Mr. S.E. Boozer Mrs. Wm. Burgess Mahan

Miss A l ice Lee Mrs. A.W. McCluskey Mrs. J.H. Murphy

Mr. B i l l y Jack Jones Mrs. J.C. Austin Mrs. Jack Tr igg

Treasurer 's Name and Address - Mrs. W. Leonard Riley - 227 Payne Street

Auburn, Alabama 36830



Health, Happiness and Everything good is my desire fo r you as we go into

t h i s New Year, and especia l ly progress in your genealogical research.

This past year the Society 's f i r s t big p ro jec t was completed, "Genealogical

Mater ia ls to be found in Alabama Courthouses," and the beginning of another, "Publ ish­

ing a l l 1830 Census of Alabama Counties." Because of the length of time i t w i l l re­

quire to complete the Census Pro ject , i t was agreed at the las t meeting tha t to take

care of these records, i t w i l l be necessary to increase the number of pages.

Webster defines Learning as, "acquired knowledge in a branch of endeavor";

and Knowledge as, "c lear and cer ta in perception of that which e x i s t s . " The Society

has continued to grow in membership, and from favorable comments and enthusiasm ex­

pressed by many, we know we shal l continue t h i s forward t rend.

Our D i s t r i c t No. 2 Di rector , Miss A l ice Lee, has secured and read a l l

the 1830 Census in the Counties in her D i s t r i c t except Conecuh County. She states

t h i s f i l m is very dim and is a f r a i d an accurate t ransc r i p t i on cannot be obtained.

Does anyone have a copy of t h i s Census you w i l l share wi th her and the Society?

Real iz ing the magnitude of t h i s task, our special thanks and note of commendations

are extended to Al ice.

With Best Wishes to a l l , I am


E rv i l Norton


INDEX TO FEMALES IN M A R R I A G E 1830-1871 IN LOW N D E S COUNTY Contributed by: Rev. Franklin S. Moseley



Norsworthy, Martha Jane Norsworthy, Sarah Ann Nutman, Mary Jul ia Nutting, Martha Annice

Odum, Harriet Odum, Rebecca Ann 0 Fa r re lV , Rebecca Ann

01 iver, El izabeth Eleanor 01 iver, El len E. C. 01 iver, Mrs.. Mary F. (Hazard) O N e a l / M . E . Opanione, Mary Ann .Orum. Bessie. J. Oswalt, Mary 0 t t s ; Cassandra B. Owen, Gincy Ann Owens, Maiinda

Paine, Getsey Paine, Mary Palk, Mary E. Palmer, MatiIda Paimore, C. C. Parker, Catherine Parker, Jane Parker. Sidney Parmer, Amanda Parmer. Jimmimah Parmer, Mary K. Par ro t t ; Avery Jean Patrick, Jane R. Patrick, Martha Ann Patrick, Mrs Mary Jones (Rambo) Patrick, Sarah E, Patterson, M= Laura PattMlo, M.F. Pattillo, N„C. Patton, Louisa G. Patton, Naomi Paul Rebecca Payne, Judith Chamberlain Payne, Kissier Payne, Marina C. Peake, Eli zabeth r • Peake, El i zabeth T. Peake, Margaret E. Peake, Mary Jane Peake, Nancy

4-15-58 Hambrick, Wi l l iam G. 11-19-41 Honeycut, John

I I - I 6 T 3 7 . Browning, David M. 6-15-59 Na f te l , Charles

12-30-55 Dry, Wi l l iam W. 1-1,2-51 Luker, Bernell

10-30-50 Finnigan, Henry 10-26-54 Crum, Benjamin Dulaney 12-23-46 Dudley, Jeremiah Smith - - 65 Meriwether, Nicholas 4-16-66 Harr is , James T. 3- 2-45 ' B e l l , Joel I- 2-71 Johnston, CM. 6- 6-58 i{ Hughes, S.0. 3-25-45 Po l la rd , Frankl in

11- 1-38 Blackmon, Wil1iam 1—11 — 38 Reives, Va rne l l B.

7-23-35 Duke, Joel 2-25-36 Bryant, Needham M. 1-12-48 Acre, John E. 1-28-58 Grant, Will iam

12-11-66 Whittle, Emsley G.W. 5-10-32 Bedsole, David I- 4-32 Jones, Daniel 5-10-32 Hall, Nathan II- 8-54 Lasseter, John E. 12-29-36 Fl inn, Travis 11-28-49 Ewing, Samuel 7- 9-49 Phil pot, Thomas J. 11-31-46 McQueen, James C. 8- 7-45 Waller, John A. I I- 5-40 West, Will is G. 6-30-42 Fronager, Michael 1-18-52 Borland, L.K. 9-18-66 Stringer, J.H. 2-14-64 Chapman, N-W. 3-18-49 Smith, Needham, Jr. 9-22-37 Griffin, David 3- 1-57 Haney, Jess 5-11-39 Elsberry, Michael

12-10-42 Dukes, Wil l iam 12-21-43 Perry, Andrew J. 12-10-39 Warrick, TheophilusW. 11-14-59 Gi lber t , E. Mi tchel l 11-21-55 Crane, Charles H. 1-17-67 Davis, John 7- 1-34 Wilson, Enoch



Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearce, Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson

Pearson Peebles Peebles Peegner

Amanda Mrs. Ann E. (Dunkl in) Anna J. Charlot te Eleanor M. El iza Fanny Marcel 1 a Martha A. Martha

, Catherine , El izabeth , Jane E. , Mary , Rhoda Ann

, Synthia , H.V. , Melinda Welch , Ann

Pembleton, Sarah Ann Penf ields, El izabeth Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perdue, Perry, Perry, Perry, Person, Pet r ie , Pet r ie , Petty Petty, Pharoah

Amanda Janie Carol ine Dorothy A. Elender El izabeth Narci ssa Ellen Emi 1 ine, S. E. Lucaeci a J. Lucinda Lucy C. Margaret Ann Martha J. MatiIda Clara Nancy C. Nathanine Permelia Caroline Rebecca A. Sail ie M. Sarah F. Sarah L. S i l v i a E.

Marina G. Peggy Pol ly

Sarah A. Clara Ann Susan

Marissa Mary , Madora

2-24-62 1 1- 6-70 5- 1-60

11-26-40 8-10-48 5- 6-41 1-12-53

11-15-60 7-16-44

10- 2-56 8-20-49 9-11-45

12-20-49 9-18-34


2-21-54 3-22-66 3-12-57 2- 2-41 9-11-34

12-25-53 9-14-65 1-23-55

12- 9-52 6-10-45 1-16-59 2- 3-67

10-14-40 1- 9-30

10-30-39 8-24-64 3- 5-60 7-21-58

12-21-53 12-23-51 11-26-47

1 -10-51 8-25-64 3-14-33 1-20-47 1-28-58

12-23-47 7-22-63 1-24-36 7-23-36 3-14-31 3- 1-55 2-29-59 1-23-34 6-18-54 4-22-64

Robinson, Thomas

Rast, Daniel

Rast, Horace D.

Buffington, Perry

Sul 1 ivan, James M.

Davis, Wilson

Quarles, Haml in

Canty, Gershom D.

Smith, Hardin

Moseley, Wil 1 i am Wade

Hawkins, Wi 11 iam H.

Gill, Uriah

Arant, John D.

Smith, Isaac T.

Palmore, James G.

Buffington, Thomas R.

Love, C.

Golson, Wyatt Washington

Haston, John

Buck, John

Dow, Lorenzo

King, John Thomas

Townsend, Thomas

Herlong, El i sha G.

Fields, Joseph W.

Giddens, Ansley

Armour, Joseph

Ivey, John

Watson, Perry

Harris, David R.

Perry, Benjamin J.

Todd, John F.

Todd, Lewis J.

Herlong, Daniel E.

Roper, Wi 11 i am A.

Brock, James

Roper, Eldridge M.

King, John Thomas

Armstrong, Francis M.

Slawson, Albert

Hicks, Thomas M.

Herlong, John H.

Payne, John S.

Hilburn, Benjamin

Farmer, John

Smith, Robert W.

Chesser, Stephen

Lee, Lafayette

Reaves, James

Bilberry, Isham

Mackey, Thomas A.



Pharr, Henriette M.

Pharr, Nancy C.

Phillips, Elizabeth

Phillips, Martha

Phillips, S.A.

Philyaw, Edith E.

Pickens, Frances A.

Pickering, Mary L.

Pierce, Mrs. Ann E. (Dunklin)

Pierce, Anna J.

Pierce, Frances

Pierce, Lucretia

Pierce, Martha S.

Pierce, Sarah E.

Pinkston, Emily

Pitts, Mrs. Adeline (Cottingham)

Pitts, Frances

Pitts, Mary A.

Pitts, Rebecca E.

Player, Mary S.

Polk, Diana

Polk, Frances M.

Polk, Sarah A.

Pol ley, Anna

Ponder, Martha E.

Poole, El len A.

Poole, El len S.

Porter, Nancy

Posey, Ann

Posey, Frances C.

Posey, Julia

Posey, LB.

Posey, Louisa

Posey, Maiinda

Pou, Jul ia A.

Pou. Lavinia A.

Pou, Rachel H.

Poulston, Amand Pouncey, MatiIda C.

Pouncey, Mary E.

Pouncey, Midda Ann

Pouncey, Sarah J.

Pouncey, Sarah

Powell, Adaline Rebecca

Powel i, Anna A.

Powell, Call ie V.

Powel 1, Carol ine M.

Powel1, CIarentine M.

Powel1, Emily

Powell, Jane

Powel1, Julia

1- 5-45



2- 6-54

I- 9-66




I I- 6-70

5- 1-60


6- 8-43







1- 5-54


6- 4-63


II- 6-52








2- 9-61




4- 5-66


9- 5-33






2- 7-61

2- 1-59


6- 7-68


4- 8-47

I 1-18-41

7- 3-45

II- 7-50

Marrassee, John B.

Ki rkpatrick, James M.

Merchant, Joel

Al 1 urns, James B.

Phillips, D.L.

Davis, Isaac F.

Pickens, Samuel L.

Varner, Azariah

Rast, Daniel

Rast, Horace D.

Buffington, Ethan A.

Mealing, J onathan

Walker, James

Jackson, Joseph B.

Crenshaw, James

Moseley, Albert

Gill, Marion

Watts, Nathaniel

Willi ams, Lorenzo

Alexander, Wi11iam

Brown, Wi11iam

Norsworthy, Ervin H.

McKee, Thomas J.

Moore, John A.

Rogers, Francis A.

Meadows, James

Bell, Joseph

Fisher, John

Hamilton, Peter

Monroe, Dana E,

Knight, Thomas A.

Knight, C.J.

Loveless, James C.

Pruitt, Lawrence M.

Howlett, W.T.

Shuford, Robert M.

Carruthers, John W.

Gordon, Andrew

Ward, John W.

Arnold, Albert P.

Bedsole, Henry

Armstrong, Wi11iam G.

Hall, G.M.

Cantelou, Wil 1 iam L-

McCord, David James

McQueen, George Washington

Goodson, El i T.

Russel I, Robert W.

Harbison, G. E.

Stewart, Alfred W.

Hurt, John W. P.



Powell, Mrs Julia A. (McCal1)

Powel1, Margaret

Powell, Mary Ann Elizabeth

Powell, Mary Ann

Powel 1, Nancy W.

Powell, Rebecca Elizabeth

Powel1, Rebecca J.

Powell, Rebecca Orgain

Powell, Susan

Powel1, Susan El 1 a

Price, Julia A.

Priester, Mol1ie

Proctor, Elizabeth

P r u i t t , Amanda H. Prui t t , Jane A. P r u i t t , J . P r u i t t , Jul ia A. P r u i t t , Martha Pruitt, Martha M.

Pruitt, Mary

Pruitt, Mary A. L.

Pruitt, Millwood, J.

Pruitt, Sarah S.

Pugh, Elmi ra E.

Pugh, Flora

Pylant, Carol ine

Pylant, El iza A.

Pyl ant; isabel la R.

Quinn, Jul iette W.

Quinn, Sarah F.

Rains, Eiizabeth

Rambo, Martha

Rambo, Rachel

Rambo, Thi rza L.

Ramsey, Winsie L.

Rast, Maria E.

Rattenbu/g, Barbery Ann

Rattenburg, Sarah

Ray, Mary J,

Raynals Anastacia

Read. Mary A.

Reddock, Eliza

Reddock, Mrs. Sarah A.

Reese, A'I ice C.

Reese, C Augusta

Reese, Cornelia Harper

Reese, Eli zabeth H.

Reese, Julia T.

Reese, Mary C.

Reese, Mary A,



4- 5-66




6- 1-64



11- 8-65

12- 5-54





6- 9-70


2- 3-35









12- 6-65


7- 6-60


10- 8-67


10- 5-31

9- 4-36



3- 1-35







8- 3-69






6- 9-36

Blai r, James 01iver

Guthrie, Thomas J.

Arnold, K.L.

Witcher, Will iam F.

Kurner, Wi 11 i am

Howard, Joseph Henry

Garrett, James H.

Wright, I.C.B.

Kol b, James M.

Meriwether, Valentine Ham

Adai r, John W.

Harris, J.W.

Daniel, Wil1 iam

Leatherwood, Thomas M.

Burt, Joel

NeSmi th, George M.

NeSmith, Samuel Perry

Womack, A. W.

Curtis, Thomas D.

Leatherwood, Fountain

Kembal1, John

Barry, Richard M.

Bogater, Nicholas

Morris, Wi11 iam

Ritchie, James

Thomas, Leroy

Dickinson, 01iver V.

Ell iott, John R.

Maynard, J.L.

Meriwether, John A.

Acreman, Zebulon R.

Huffman, David

Tatum, James M.

McQueen, James W.

Kennedy John H.

Caffey, Hooper Patrick

Cannon, John F.

Glover, Joseph

Coleman, Thomas L.

Washington, John

Cailoway, Henry A.

Gafford, Stephen W.

Rutledge, Dudley Adkins

English, C J.

Farris, Tecumseh Lowndes

McCurdy, Wi11i am Dixon

Smiley, Daniel C.

Robinson, Corneli us

Whitman, Cecil D.

Acker, George W.



Reese, Mary C.

Reese, Sarah C.

Reese, Susan Camilla

Reese, Susan E.

Reeves. Jul ia

Reid, C. Priscilla

Reid, Catherine

Reid, Ellen

Reid, Ellen

Reid, El iza Ann

Reid, El izabeth D.

Reid, Eugen ia Carol i ne

Reid, Gracie

Reid, Margaret

Reid, Mary E.

Reives, Sarah

Relfe, Emily E.

Relfe, Jane E.

Remington, Jennie

Reynolds, El izabeth A.

Reynolds, Maria

Rice. Josephine Judson

Rice, Sail ie J.

Rice, Susan A.

Rice, Susan McKee

Riley, Louisa

Ringstaff, Mary Ann

Ritchie, Dol ly L.

Ritchie, Dorothy Louisa

Ritchie. Elizabeth Ann

Ritchie Isabel F.

Ritchie, Jane

Ritchie, Sarah Matilda

Rives, Amelia

Rives, A. E.

Rives, Claudia S.

Rives, Florence

Rives, Jacquel ine

Rives, Jerusha May

Rives, Josephine

Rives, Lucy J.

Rives, Lucy W.

Rives. Mary Ridley

Roberts, Amel ia

Roberts, El izabeth L.

Roberts, Mary Ann

Robertson, Bettie

Robertson, Carol ine A.

Robertson, J,F.

Robertson, Margaret A.

Robertson, Mary E.

4-19-60 Dudley, Edward Andrew

7-24-64 Pearson, James M.

6- 4-67 McCurdy, Edmund Sellers

1-20-48 Hickson, James H.

1-24-67 Perdue, George

12- 2-52 Knight, Comer W. (or B. ) 7-31-39 McKeithen, James T.

II- 4-69 Lee, David 11-19-46 Bankes, Gordon

2- 7-41 Will iams, Thomas 4-29-52 Knight, John A.

5-12-52 Williamson, James Spullock

I- 3-65 Cook, John P.

10-10-44 Goldsmith, Elbert H.

5-12-53 Lee, Richard H.

2-21-39 Jeffords, John W. 9-16-57 McQueen, George Washington

7-15-59 Emmerson, James

10-19-69 McRea, R.W. 10-30-65 Jones, James M. I- 9-65 Burke, Daniel N. 8-24-62 Powell, Seymour H. 3- 8-70 Hairston, Thomas 6-13-72 Meriwether, Samuel W. 12-15-58 Howard, Seymour Powell 3- 5-40 Methun, Richard 11-20-30 Measle, William

10- 3-60 McQueen, William E.

5-12-57 Hedspeth, Henry P.

12-22-42 Butts, James

3-12-44 Andrew, Jacob W,

5- 9-57 Hedgpeth, John

1-28-47 Bishop, John

8-17-60 McCord, George E.

12-15-68 Dunklin, Charles P.

1-27-66 Dunklin, William J,

11-11-68 Browning, Peyton G.

12-20-66 Bryant, James

I- 2-56 Caffey, Hugh William

2-21-39 Threewits, Llewellen W.

3- 4-61 May, Joseph A.

6-21-48 Crumpton, Ulmer J.

7-10-38 McQueen, James William

3-16-43 Howerton, Thomas

1-28-58 Will iams, Richard H.

12-24-46 Hall, Wilson

1-21-68 Farrior, W.0.

9-29r70 Russell, Charles Graves

1-29-67 Sal ley, Thomas J.

11- 6-56 Shrewesbury, Stephen J.

1—11—66 Staggers, George H.



Robertson, Mary Jane

Robertson, Mel issa R.

Robinson, Eliza Ann

Robinson, Frances

Robinson, Jul i a M.

Robinson, Louisa

Robinson, Marcel la E.

Robinson, Martha

Robinson, Martha Frances

Robinson, Mary

Robinson, Mary

Rochelle, Charlotte

Rochelle, Sarah D.

Rodores, Mi randa A.

Rogers, Ann C.

Rogers, Ann E.

Rogers, Elizabeth A.

Rogers, Elizabeth Ann W.

Rogers, Jane

Rogers, Martha Louisa

Rogers, Mary

Rogers, Mary

Rogers, Pheobe A.

Roper, Catherine Amanda

Roper, Katherine

Roper, M. A.

Roper, Mary E.

Roper, Mary F.

Ross, Margaret

Ross, Nancy

Royal, Margaret

Royal, Terressee Ann E.

Rudgi 11, Amanda S-

Rudulph, Fannie E.

Rudulph, Mary B.

Rudulph, Sarah M.

Ruff, Henrietta R. (or A.)

Ruff, Martha

Ruff, Sarah S.

Rugeley, Mrs. C.J.

Rugeley, Mary A. C.

Rugeley, Mary B.

Rugeley, Rebecca M.

Rugeley, Sarah

Ruple, Julia

Russel1, Eudora A.

Russel 1, Martha E.

Russell, Mary Ann Walton

Rutherford, Margaret

Rutherford, M.J.

Ryals, Margaret




9- 4-45



5- 1-51





3-30-48 2-24-41


9- 7-30

7- 3-48


5-12-36 2-14-32 3-18-47 11-26-44

12- 4-41

11-10-36 3-15-66 1-12-32

II- 8-38 5-13-69

1- 5-43


3- 8-46


12-22-52 i- 8-57

II- 9-37



8- 4-58







1- 6-51


10- 7-58 10-10-65


1- 6-58



10- 7-40


Relfe, Blakely J.

McCall, Robert H.

Simonton, Wi 11 iam D. Davis, Thomas Miles, Will iam A.

Harrell, Francis M.

Barganier, John

Smith, Albert

Shelby, James A.

Brown, Thomas B.

Ingram, Isaac

Wooten, H.V.

Grisham, Shimie

Car, John P.

Parrish, James J.

Andrews, George R. Kyson, Wil 1 iam W. Manning, Gray L. Rel fe, Decatur J.

Elsberry, John

Howard, Calvin

Reives, T. Day, Will iam B. Farmer, J.M. Grigg, Henry M.

McFerrin, W. H. Day, Joseph

Brooks, Andrew J.

Powers, James

Bullock, Charles Chambers, John J. Humphrey, Henry M.

Little, John W.

Mushat, John P.

Moss, Thomas N.

Clements, James F.

Pea, ce, Charles R. (or B. Abercrombie, Alexander

Brownlee, Samuel P. Saurine, Frank

Baldwin, Wil 1 iam 0.

Rochelle, James L. Fisher, Horatio W.

Adams, Joel

Gramblin, J.W, Brodnax, Crowell Pruitt, Iverson A.

Wescott, Wi11iam Bailey

Werline, John

Green, W. K. Ful ler, Henry C.



Ryals, Mary

Ryals, Mary J.

Ryals, Sarah

Saffoid, Caroline Sarah

Sagarthy, Mrs. Emily (Nixon)

Sales, Mrs. Cal 1 ie A.

Sales, El izabeth R.

Sales, Emi1ine

Sales, Helen Carol ine

Sales, Mary

Sales, Sarah Ann

Sal ley, Mary A.

Sample, Lucy A.

Sampley, Mrs, Fannie

Samp ley, Naomi C.

Sampley, S.E.D.

Sanderson, Dorcas L.

Sanderson, Nancy A. C.

Sanderson, Sidney F.

Sankey, Mary E.

Saunders, E.C.

Saunders, Jul ia

Saunders, Margaret

Saunders, Sarah Ann

Savage, Sarah

Sawyer, Alia

Sawyer, Elizabeth

Sawyer, Mary T.

Sawyer, Sal 1 ie M.

Scaife, Elizabeth L.

Schof ie ld, El izabeth Schofield, Mrs. Harriett

Schofield, Mrs. Lucy Ann (Nixon)

Schofield, Rebecca J.

Schofield, Sarah Jane

Scott, Clementine

Scott, Cynthia Demovell

Scott, Mary Augusta

Scriven, Margaret

Scriven, Martha E.

Scroggins, Mattie

Seagl er, Sarah M.

Seidel, Clara A.

Seidel, Louisa

Sellers, A. Nancy

Sellers, Catherine

Sellers, Epsy

Sellers, Frances Ann

Sellers, Lavinia Jane

Sellers, Mary

12-12-43 Burke,,John I- 6-67 Davis, James W.

7-10-66 Blackwell, M.G.

4-23-51 Cilley, Phi1ip Noble

2-15-59 Summerlin, Reddin

12-29-70 Blake, Thomas

9-20-57 Jones, Thomas J.B.

5-12-42 Baron, Jared J.

3-16-48 Sims, Wingate

1-22-52 Hunter, John

12-26-55 Brazile, James K.

II- 2-42 Haygood, Middleton G.

9-28-54 Smith, James W.

I I- 4-69 Majors, S.D.

10- 8-60 Boatright, Nathaniel R.

I- 4-70 Perdue, J.W.

4- 7-36 Payne, C.J.

8-11-57 Rogers, Charles Piatt

I 1-24-58 Tyus, James F.

2-14-66 Taylor, Jacob A.

I-13-41 Duckworth, Samuel

12-26-38 Mather, Buel

12-23-39 Mathew, Thadeus

12-11-59 Davis, John Jr.

I- 9-54 Cooner, Russel 1

9- 5-39 McQueen, Daniel

3-26-35 McQueen, Samuel

12-29-65 Todd, Hardy

I 1-24-69 Wiley, William H.

10-29-56 Miles, Daniel L.

9- 4-45 Acre, John E.

I- 7-65 Cothran, J.J.

3- 9-50 McCaskill, Angus

10-11-59 Ingram, Will iam M.

4-15-61 McCarty, T. W.

1-25-32 James, Thomas

11-I 1-68 Haygood, Thomas Small wood

12-22-70 Shanks, Rufus George

5-14-39 Lee, Francis A.

11-25-46 Frierson, George P.

3- 3-67 Asken, W. S.

3-20-47 Baltzegar, Philip M.

2-21-61 Schneider, August

I I- 3-70 Folmar, John T.

11-13-44 Myers, El isha

I- 2-51 Adams, Tol1iver

I- 2-38 Walton, Eaton M.

9- 5-48 Butler, John M.

12-22-44 Anderson, Seaborne

1-10-53 Woodruff, Elijah M.




Sellers, Rebecca

Sessions, Early C.

Sessions, Jemima

Sewel 1, Martha Jane

Shackelford, Astoria J.

Shanks, Ann

Shanks, Anna S.

Shanks, Catherine

Shanks, El iza

Shanks, Emily

Shanks, Frances C

Shanks, Henrietta A.

Shanks, Jane

Shanks, Katherine

Shanks, Margaret M.

Shanks, Martha

Shanks, Martha A.

Shanks, Martha Ann

Shanks, Mary A.

Shanks, Mary C.

Shanks, Mary C.

Shanks, Mary J.

Shanks, Nancy E.

Shanks, Roseanna

Shanks, Roseanna

Sharp, Maiissa

Sharp, Mary Ann

Shaw, Georgia A.

Shaw, Nannie

Shelby, Ann

S hel by, A. Rebecca

Sherl ing, A. A.

Sherrel 1, Adel ine P.

Sherrel 1, Lou isa A.

Sherrer, Mary Elizabeth

Sherrer, Sarah A.

Shockley, Mrs. Rebecca J.

Shows, Charlotte

Shows, El izabeth

Shuford, Mildred

Shyand, Nancy

Sills, Martha E.

Sills, Penelope

Simmons, Frances

Simmons, Jane E.

Simmons, Lurena

Simmons, Margaret C.

Simmons, Mary C.

Simmons, Mary Jane

Simmons, Miami

Simmons, Nancy Ann

12- 3-39 Milton, Henry M.

1-18-58 Scott, John F.

II- 8-50 Wadsworth, James

-67 Harrington, Dennis

4-25-66 Davis, John William

11-27-45 Taylor, James R.

5-15-37 Hawkins, William

1-18-38 Arant, Reddick

10- 1-67 Hawkins, Henry

11- 19-65 Glenn, Lewis R.

12-16-58 Bruner, Jul ius

1- 9-67 Sullivan, Francis Marion

1—11—55 Balderee, Sterling

12- 8-46 Balderee, Hosea D.

11-14-54 Moorer, M.R.P.

7-24-67 Holliday, N.J.

12-20-53 McGaugh, James J.

12-13-59 Wright, John F.'

4-20-38 Lester, James M.

12- 5-54 Adams, Vincent

6-27-67 Smith, William J.

2- 8-60 Bruner, George H.

12-27-59 Hoi i iday, Marion

11-15-43 Scallome, Jesse W.

10-21-46 Balderee, Henry B.

9-20-57 Swann, James

12-19-59 0 Neal, Williamson

12-17-65 Cottingham, J.W.

8- 8-59 Swint, Lee R.

2-22-49 Cooner, D,M.

10-22-67 Fuller, John Boswel1

10- 9-60 Rives, Dempsey J.

5-29-54 Norman, W. R.

3-29-42 Hamilton, William

5-20-55 Barlow, Charles

1- 3-55 Hardy, Eldred W.

9-24-68 Baltzegar, P.M.

2-16-43 Rogers, Henry

1-27-57 Brown, Ezekiel

4-27-64 Croel, H.H,

5-16-37 Campbel1, John C.

2- 5-57 Buffington, Thomas D.

1-13-57 Burgin, David M.

8- 3-44 Finley, Gallant

4- 7-59 Bodie, Allen R.

11-10-64 Robertson, William

11-25-41 Smith, Andrew

2-21-33 Cooper, James C.

5-27-58 Davis, Daniel

4-23-37 Teams, Louis

10-13-36 Wood, James G,




Simmons, Sarah

Simmons, Sidney

Simms, Mrs, Helen Carol ine

Simms, Mary M.

Simpson, Rebecca

Sinclair, Adal ine P.

Sinclai r, Martha Ann

Sinclair, Susan E.

Singleton, El izabeth Y.

Skinner, Victori a V.

Slawson, Cynthia

Slawson, Eli za

Slawson, Eliza

Sloan, Anna Jane (nee Colvin)

Sloan, Jane T.

Smiley, Carol ine

Smith, Adella

Smith, Amanda E.

Smith, Ann A.

Smith, Caroline Frances

Smith, El izabeth A.

Smith, Emily Rebecca

Smith Jane

Smith, Laura

Smith, Luezer

Smith, Mahal a

Smith, Margaret J=

Smith. Martha

Smith, Martha Ann

Smith, Martha C.

Smith, Martha M.

Smith, Mary E,

Smith Mary Jane

Smith, Mary T.

Smith, Mary W,

Smith, Nancy Ann

Smi th, Polly Harrison

Smith, Rachel A.

Smith, Sarah

Smith, Sarah Angel ine

Smith, Sarah Ann

Smith, Sarah Carol ine

Smith, Sarah Catherine

Smith, Susannah

Sneed, Susan

Snel grove, Axse K.

Snelgrove, Drucilla Emiline

Snelgrove, Lydia Elizabeth

Snelgrove, Sarah

Snell, Mary E,

Snider, Cynthia

Snow, Margarette H.



2-20-51 5- 1-58

5-19-31 3- 4-47




2-27-70 12-16-31 4-20-47

4- 6-46



7-30-63 5-29-63 10- 9-57

5- 8-36 2- 8-43


1-19-42 6-26-34

12- 5-51


11-18-30 2-28-66



11-20-39 2- 4-58





2-20-40 4-27-37




2- 7-47

II- 8-54


1 1-15-55

1-13-57 10- 6-49





8- 2-35 11-30-68

Robinson, Wi11 iam

Hall, Kinnon

Todd, Altha

Cothran, Samuel P. Smith, Daniel

Sherrill, Barton H.

Weaver, Madison M. Spear, Augustus

Palmore, James P.

Coffman, H.C. Laurence, Robert Perdue, Andrew J.

Smith, Lazarus

Fonville, John Averette

Pickett, Andrew J.

McLain, H-

Gunter, George Thomas Anderson, James

King, O.P.

Gilmer, George Nicholas

McGehee, Allen F.

Jeffords, Joel T.

Canterbury, Wi 11 iam S.

Rast, Otis

Lockwood, James A. Edwards, Isaac P.

Sturgeon, James C.

Pearce, Till W.

Daniel, Josiah McGehee, Abraham Vickery, James R.

Graham, John M.

Cook, James Watkins

Sherrel 1, David W.

Owen, Dr. P, H, Ross, Andrew

Ledbetter, David Egbert

Gunn, James M.

Smith, Wil1iam

Mason, Joseph C.

Hilburn, Stephen

McLemore, Andrew Jackson

Graham, James Whitfield

Davis, Alexander

Gregg, John (or Greeg) Willi ams, Moses

Pearman, Orrin

Garrett, Hosea

Gafford, Josiah M.

Lester, John

Robinson, Rev. Allen

Dilbun, Samuel G.





Contributed by: Dr. Jean Stephenson

Continued from Vol. 2, No. 4, P-136

THOMAS WORD (S-39133) Thomas Word, aged 79, applied for pension 21 June 1841, in Conecuh Co., Alabama. He stated he was born on the James River, in Virginia, 19 August 1761; that he lived in Cheraw Distric, S. C., when he entered service in January 1776 and for about 40 years after the Revolution and "from that time in Alabama on the Federal Road called the Duberry Place." His discharge was lost when his father's house was destroyed by fire some time after the Revolution.

THOMAS WILLIAMS (R-I 1610) Thomas Williams, aged 84, applied for pension 22 Feb. 1843, in DeKalb Co,, Alabama. Abstract of the pension application of Thomas Williams - Rachel - R—11610, on file in the Revolutionary and War of 1812 Division Veterans Administration.

State of Alabama ) DeKalb County )

On 22 February 1843, Thomas Williams, aged 84, stated that he volunteered under Captain William Gray at place called Hanging Rock, S.C., in January 1781 as a private for a term of 9 months, was immediately marched to the Army of Col. Morgan which he joined in Ninety-Six District as he thinks. Was with Col. Morgan when he went in pursuit of Col. Tarleton at the Cowpens, was in the battle at that place and the battle lasted till about II o'clock a.m., it began early in the morning of the last of January 1781, Remained under Captain Gray, whom he thinks was made a Col. and was sent to N.C. with the prisoners taken in the battle under Col. Gray to a place called the X Roadsa At this place left the prisoners and joined General Green (under Col. Gray) in N,C and marched all night, swimming creeks, and was with him at the battle of Guilford, in N.C. He thinks this battle was fought in the Spring of 1781. After this battle he was detached as one of the Wagon Guard, remained with the Army under Gen. Greene in that capacity until after arrival at Camden, S.C. at this point he was detach­ed under Captain Wade to press wagons and provisions, he left the Army at a place called Santeem in S.C. When he was discharged his Captains name was Greer - this was in the Fall of 1781. Was at one time during that service with Capt. Clark who was killed by the falling of a tree. That he resided when he enlisted at a place called Guilford, N,C. That he now lives about 20 miles from the Court House and is not able to walk so far, and that it has been about 4 years since he was on a horse. That he is poor and dependent on his children for support. That he was born in Chester Co., Penna, at a place called White Horse in 1758; that he resided in Guilford, N.C. when he went into service, at the close of the Rev, he re­turned to Chester Co., Penna. and lived 6 years with Col. Thomas Allen, thence to New River in Va, where he remained 8 years, thence to Nolly Chucky in the State of Tenn. where he re­mained II years, thence to Sequachy Valley now Bledsoe Co., Tenn. where he remained about 6 years, thence to Jackson Co., Ala., where he remained about 20 years, thence to the neighbor­hood where he now resides in DeKalb Co., Ala.

On 6 July 1857 Rachel Williams of DeKalb Co., Ala., 80 years of age stated that she is the widow of Thomas Williams to whom she was married in Jefferson Co., Tenn,, on 3 August 1800 and that her husband died in Jackson Co., Ala., on 5 November 1847. On May 4, 1857, Thomas Longacre of Jackson Co., Ala. stated that he was intimately acquainted with Thomas and Rachel Williams, who is applicant for pension and bounty land due her as the widow of Revolutionary soldier, that he is the brother of the said Rachel Williams, that he witnessed the marriage




THOMAS WILLIAMS (R-U6I0) - continued

ceremony between Thomas and Rachel Williams, which took place in Jefferson Co., Tenn,,upwards of 55 years ago- that they lived together as man and wife and raised a large family, and that Thomas Williams died about 10 years ago next November,

On 28 April 1857, Alexander McCormac of DeKalb Co,, Ala., stated that he has been acquainted with Rachel Williams about 35 years and her husband, Thomas Williams, for about 25 years pri­or to his death, that some of their children were grown when he first knew them, that Thomas Williams died on 5 November 1847

W L Alien, Joseph Gentry and Joseph Potts, of Jackson Co , Ala , on 2 May 1857, stated that Thomas Williams died in their neighborhood about 8 or 9 years ago, that they have been ac­quainted with Thomas Williams and his upwards of 30 years, that they had II children,

Rachel Williams appointed Etisha King, Adairsville, Ga . as attorney to collect pension on 28 Apr.l 1857,

Another Thomas Williams, who served in N C and Ga. (3-7933) applied for pension from Macon Co , N C

JOSEPH COLEMAN (W-9738) Abstract of the pension application of Joseph Coleman - Si they Bowles - (W-9738) - Va Service

State of South Union District )

On !7 August 1846 Nathan Coleman, age 60 son of Joseph Coleman, who was living in Cumber­land Co , Va when he entered the service, stated that he has often heard his father say that some time after the war began he enlisted in the Va,. line and served to the end of the war; heard his father say that at the close of the war he received his discharge and that new shoes were distributed to the soldiers; that he had received bounty land for his services which land was located or attempted to be located in Logan Co,, Ky., but by some mistake it was located upon 100 acres of land which had been located by another and older warrant on and the bounty land was lost His father, Joseph Coleman, married Sithey Glenn on 24 January 1782, and s;nce his mother s death the family record has been kept in the possession of Sarah Coleman a daughter of Joseph Coleman, now the wife of Benjamin Ellis That his father and mother removed from Cumberland Co , Va. in !786 and he has always understood that while they were removing to this country the deponent was born upon the road, and his birth is recorded in December 1786 His father died in Union District, S.C, in 1806, his mother about !820 again intermarr.ed one John Bowles, with thorn she lived until February 1836, at time he died, and that his mother died on 16 July 1844

H.s father had 12 children by marriage with his mother, they were all living at the death of his father, but before h.s mother s death Daniel, Sithey; , Polly and Lucy died, and since his mother s death Pat.ence had died Lucy left 2 children, both males, by her marriage with William Hollingsworth one lives in La and the other in Ark, Their names are Joseph Coleman Ho11ingsworth and Ba.nett Glenn Hoi 1ingsworth Daniel, Sithey and Polly died without issue. Pat ence left alive 6 children all living in Union and Chester District except one daughter, the wife of George Cooper, who with her husband resides in Miss, The five remaining in this state are, Barnett Triplett Mary Triplett, William Triplett, Nancy Triplett, and Moses Trip-iett Elizabeth intermarried with John Crossby and when last heard from resided in Miss. Mason intermarried with Moses Crosby and when last heard from resided in Ala, Sarah inter­married Benjamin Ellis and now resides in Union District, S C Ann intermarried with Thomas Sortoer and resides in Union District. Susannah intermarried with John Anderson and





JOSEPH COLEMAN (W-9738) - Sithey Bowles - continued

when last heard from lived in Ga. Permealy intermarried with Nathan Glenn and now resided

in Union District, S.C. His father lived in Union District from 1786 to his death in 1806,

where his mother also died in July 1844. Has always understood that his father served as a

Sergeant in Va. 1 ine.

"Joseph Coleman, Esq. Sergeant in the 6th Va. Regt. having faithfully served 3 years the term

of his enlistment is hereby discharged and commissaries are requested to furnish the barer

Joseph Coleman with provisions till 3 February 1780. Given at Little York the 12th of Jan­

uary 1780. John Webb, Lt. Col. 5th Va. Regt. Fredericktown State of Maryland

4 days rations issued at this place, 14, 15, 16 and 17 January 1780. Richard Butler D Q M. Issued 4 days provisions.

J. Herndon, Alexandria 18 January 1780. Cumberland Court 23 September 1783.

The within name Joseph Coleman produced the within certificate and made oath that he law­

fully obtained the same and that he nor any person for him has before proved or claimed his

right to land for the services therein mentioned, George Carrington, Jr. Clerk."

Executive Department Richmond, Va. 15 May 1847. "I hereby certifythat the foregoing is a true

copy of a paper filed in this Department with the endorsement thereon, except that 2 letters

appended in the original to the signature of J. Herndon are omitted in the copy not being

legible. Wm. H. Richardson."

Joseph Coleman was married to Sithey Glen on 24 day of January 1782

Lucy Coleman was born the 27 day of January 1783 Patience Coleman was born the 9 day of March 1784

Elizabeth Coleman was born the 12 day of March 1785 Nathan Coleman was born the 21 day of December 1786

Mason Coleman was born the 3 day of March 1788

Sarah Coleman was born the 14 day of January 1790 Mary Coleman was born the 14 day of January 1792

Daniel Coleman was born the 5 day of April 1793 Anna Coleman was born the 5 day of May 1795

Sithey Coleman was born the 25 day of May 1797

Susanner Coleman was born the 22 day of November 1800

Permealy Coleman was born the 22 day of November 1802,

Dick was born in December 1770

Grace was born the last of August 1773

Jeffre was born in the year 1770

Lucinda was born 20 July 1783

Moses was born 29 November 1786

Nancy was born 4 February 1793

Sam was born 1796

Feby was born 27 November 1800

Peter was born 6 Decmber 1800

Harrey was born 25 April 1801

Ben was born April 1803

Nell was born January 1803 Levy was born March 1804 Alse was born June 1806

James was born February 27, 1832

Elizer was born March 1832

Jesse was born 2 1837

Green was born I Apr. 1838

Maude was born 8 June 1840

Frances was born 22 Jan. 1841

Jesa was born 22 June 1839

Peter was born I July 1822

Reginor was born April 16, 1822

Spi1sby was born in 1728

El mi re was born in 1728

Mary was born October I, 1830

Jacob was born October 29, 1833

Al gel i na was born Dec. 14, 1835




JOSEPH COLEMAN (W-9738) - Sithey Bowles - continued

Anderson was born February 1811 Jesse was born 21 June 1839 Jesse was born December 20, 1812 Thomas was born November 1811 Ledey was born 26 November 1816 Josaf Stard (?) born 25 November 1816 William born I November 1818 Peter was born July 2, 1822 Rejiney was born April 5, 1822 Sam was born 30 July 1826

Page of an old account book. 1785, Feb, 9, Joseph Coleman to Patience Coleman for Certf. paid Jno Lee L0:4:ll To Spilsbe Glen for c e r t i f i c a t e paid 12:10 Joseph Glen Sr, Dr to Spilsbe Glen 1:11:3 Nathan Glen Dr to Spilsbe Glen 1:15 James Glen fo r the year 1785 To Nathan Glen Reed to Jo. Coleman 1:1:3 Nathan Glen Cen to Certf . rec !d of Jos Coleman 3:0:0 27 June 1876 Jno Lee Dr 27 June 1786 Nathan Glen to Jo. Coleman under Certf 2:0:6 Jno Lee Dr.

JOSEPH COLEMAN #3 Union District S. C , 16 October 1847, Nathan Coleman, age 60, eldest son of Joseph Coleman, stated that his father in the first part of the year 1787 settled on Broad River in Union District where he resided with his family until 1806 when he died. That the following child­ren are still living in Miss,: Mason Coleman now the widow Crosby als, she having a man named Crosby a brother of the one who married Elizabeth; Mason lives in Ala.; Anna now Mrs. Sartor resides in Union District, S.C; Sal 1 ey now Mrs. Ellis lives in Union District, S.C. Susan now Mrs. Anderson resides in Ga.; Pamela now Mrs. Glen resides in Union District,S.C. All the other children are dead, Sithey Coleman, the widow of Joseph, married John Bowles in Union District, S.C about 1823. Bowles died about February 1836, and that she died in Union District on 16 July 1844 and left no issue by her last marriage.

John Jennings, 13 October 1847, Union District, S.C now and has been for many years a Clergyman of the Methodist Church, that he preached the funeral of Sithey Bowles, late the widow of Joseph Coleman, was not present at the death of Sithey Bowles but preached her funeral in the Spring or Summer of 1845, and my recollection is that she died some time the year previous, say in the summer or fall of 1844; she lived a few miles from me for many years before her death,

James B. Glenn, Union District, 13 October 1847. Union District, S.C. 14 October 1847, Dr, Daniel R, Sarter, regular practicing physician and has been practicing medicine in Union District for several years, stated that he attended Sithey Bowles in her last illness. I was on my way to visit her professionally on 16 July 1844, and was informed on the way that she was dead, I had been with her the day previous, at the time above stated, to-wit, 16 July 1844 (hearing of her death I went on to the grave­yard where she was buried and arrived after she was buried but before the company attending her funeral had dispersed). These precise facts appear from the entries made at the time in my books of account for professional services.




JOSEPH COLEMAN (W-9738) - Sithey Bowles - continued

13 October 1847, James B. Glenn, Union District, stated that the following are the children of Joseph and Sithey Coleman now living: Nathan Coleman; Anna, wife of Thomas Sarter; Sally wife of Benjamin Ellis; Pamela wife of Nathan Glen, all of whom are residing in this district. Susan Coleman married John Anderson and when last heard from was living with her husband and family in Ga.; Elizabeth and Mason both married men of the name of Crosby and when last heard from they were both widows and living, Elizabeth in Miss., and Mason in Alabama.

22 Aug. 1846, Elizabeth Glenn, Union District, age 78, stated that she was born in Cumberland County, Va. and that her maiden name was Elizabeth Wright; that she was well acquainted with Joseph Coleman and his wife Sithey both before and after their marriage; they were born and raised in Cumberland Co,, Va. and resided there until after the close of the Revolution, Joseph and Sithey Coleman removed to Union District, S.C in 1786 where they remained until their deaths, Deponent s husband, William Glenn, removed to Union District in 1788 and she still resides here. Joseph and Sithey Coleman were married in Cumberland Co., Va. in 1782, the marriage took place in the time of the war, and about 4 or 5 years before they removed to this State; they were, married by a clergyman of the name of McCrey; the said Sithey Glen,wife of Joseph Coleman, and the husband of this deponent, Wm. Glen, were brother and sister, she was at the marriage and saw them married; often heard Joseph Coleman say he was in the ser­vice in the Revolution in the capacity of Sargeant,

Union District, S.C. 18 October 1847, J.J. Trott, Judge of the Court of Ordinary, stated that the will of John Bowles was admitted to Probate on 12 August 1836.

Sithey Bowles 10368 $84,32 per annum to commence 4 March 1836, certificate issued 27 November 1847, 8283 $84,32 to commence 4 March 1843 c e r t i f i c a t e ending 16 July 1844, payable to Nathan Coleman, Elizabeth Crosby, Mason Crosby, Anne Sartor, Sal ly E l l i s , Susan Anderson, Pamela Glen, only surv iv ing ch i ld ren .

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ <

H I L L F A M I L Y B I B L E Contributed by: Mrs, Leon Creamer

The NEW TESTAMENT of our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, translated out of THE ORIGINAL GREEK and with The Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. NEW YORK: AMERICAN BIBLE

SOCIETY, Instituted In The Year MDCCCXVI. 1859. Rev. Charlie Hill was borned Nov, the 3, 1859 Mary M. Gray was borned October the 23 1872 Charlie Hill and Mollis Gray was married October the 24, 1888. George L, Hill was borned August the 18, 1889 Oscar E. Hill was borned April the 14, 1891 Sal lie Paulean Hill was borned June the 16, 1893 Zela L. Hill was borned February the 2, 1896 Cora Belle Hill was borned March the Nth 1898 Charlie Gilbert Hill was borned Dec. the 24, 1900

NOTE: The above Bible is in the Possession of Mrs. Leon Creamer. A zerox copy has been filed with the Editor and may be seen at any time. Mrs. Creamer stated part is written in pen, part in pencil. Later births, marriages and deaths are given but not printed here as they are after 1900. Rev. Charlie Hill was born in Marengo County, Alabama. Mary Magdalene "Mollie" Gray, daughter of Sam and Lucindy (Dennis) Gray was born in Chilton County. Members of this family were also in Autauga and Elmore Counties. Editor,



DUFFEE RECORDS Contributed by: Mrs. Thomas Seay

A, Record of Thomas Duffee Family, & c -

I, Thos _ Duffee Son of frederick Duffee and Martha Duffee who was a bruce Maring Frede­rick Duffee - all of Halifax County North Carolina - Was Bornd the 29th day of January, In the year of our Lord, 1800 - and maried in Jones County Georgia on the 4th of november in the year of our Lord 1819 - To Miss Nancy Bazemore Daughter of David Bazemore, formily of South Carolina - & -

1st Son Green Berry Duffee a Son of Thomas & Nancy Duffee Was Born August 17th in the year of our Lord 1820 - In Jones County Georgia — the 2 d - a daughter Maryann Duffee was Born Jan­uary 2d in the year of our Lord 1822 — the 3 d, a Daughter, Martha Duffee was Born 27th of February in the year of our Lord 1823 ~ the 4th a Son Thomas Jefferson A.J. Duffee was Born 2d of September in the year of our Lord 1824 - the 5th a Son William David Duffee Was Born 17th of February in of our Lord, 1826. The 6th a Son Henry Steeley Duffee was Born 26 - of February in the year of our Lord - 1828 - the 7th a Daughter Nancy Duffee was Born - 25th of August in the year of our Lord, 1830 - the 8th a Son, Washington Duffee was Born May 10th in the year of our Lord, 1832 - The 9th a Son, James Monroe Duffee was Born the 3d of Sept.r. in the year of our Lord 1835

Now Comes in the Second Set of Children By the Second wife - Whom I Married in Muscogee County Georgia being a widow Bryan & a daugh­ter of James hoi ley of Alabama - on the 10th of January in the year of our Lord 1837 - the first child of Second Set of Children was a daughter & the 10th child - Morand Elizabeth a daughter of Thomas Duffee & Martha B. Duffee & was Born December 29th in the year of our Lord 1837 - the IIth a Son John Lafayett Duffee was Born August 3d in the year of our Lord 1839 -in Randolph County Alabama — the 12th a Daughter Josephine Duffee was Born in Muscogee Coun­ty Georgia on the 4th of April in the year of our Lord, 1841 - the 13th A. Daughter Sophronia was Born in Muscoge County on the 9th of February in the year of our Lord 1843 - The 14th a daughter Henrietta Duffee was Born in Russel County Alabama - on the 12th of August in the year of our Lord 1846 - the 15th a daughter Marietah was Born in Russel County Alabama, on the 12th of August in the year of our Lord 1846 - these two are twins, - the 14th & 15th -The 16th a daughter Somantha Duffee was Born in Russell County Alabama on the 22d of November in the year of our Lord 1850.

Now Comes the 3d Set of Children By my third wife A. widow Odeme Whoom I maried in Russel County Alabama - A. Daughter of Gilum Dicken & citerson of Alabama The first a Son, the 17th Albert Buckanon Duffee Was Born in Russel County Alabama, on the 10th of June in the year of our Lord 1857 - the 18th A daughter Helen Alace Duffee -was Born in Russell County Alabama on the 5th of October In the year of our Lord 1858 - the 19th a Son Born Russel County Alabama, Noah Duffee was Born on the 27th of December in the year of our Lord 1859 - The 20th a Son Alonzo Lorenzo Duffee was Born in Russell County Alabama on the 27th of December in the year of our Lord, 1861 - The 21st a Son Robert Lee Duffee was Born in Chambers County Alabama, on the 17th of July in the year of our Lord 1864 - the 22d a Daughter Dorabelle Duffee was Born in Chambers County Alabama on the 13th of September in the year of our Lord 1867

Nancy Duffee the first wife of Thos Duffee Died March 15th 1836 & was buried in Crawford Georgia - Maryann, a Daughter of Thos. & Nancy Duffee Died in Monroe County Georgia on the 4th of July 1822 - William David Duffee, a Son of Thos. & Nancy Duffee, Died in Russell Co. Alabama - on the 1st day of September, 1847 -




Second Set of Children Morand Elizabeth Died in Randolph County Alabama August 26th 1838 - Henrietta Died May 2d -in Russel County Alabama in the year 1848 - Somantha a Daughter of Thos. & Martha B. Duffee Died in the year 1851 - in Russel County Alabama. Martha B. Duffee the wife of Thomas Duffee and the mother of henrietta & moranda Elizabeth and Somantha Duffee) Died April 15th 1856 .... Age 51 years 9 months & 7 days - Being the mother of 14 children & C -*************************************************

Henry you must excuse My Blunders & Bad Writeing, perhaps you can understand it so as to get Some Good Scribe to place it on a Book in proper form & c - I have nothing particular to write to you - we got home Safe & found all Well & these lines leaves us all in comon health hopeing they may find you all well and doing well & c - Give my Respects to all Enquireing friends - & you & family Recieve our Best wishes & c - Yours as Ever

Thos Duffee

NOTE: The above letter was sent by Thomas Duffee to his son, Henry Steeley Duffee, the grand­father of Mrs. Seay.

*********************************** *********************************** ************* **********


#3 Martha Duffee married Gresham

#4 Thomas Jefferson Duffee m. Susan S. tf3n'ey- ' J u , v> l857, D- Battle of Chicamauga, Sept., 1863, while serving with Confederate Army.

#6 Henry Steeley Duffee m. Elizabeth Margaret Rees, daughter of Daniel J. & Margaret Elizabeth (Tilly) Rees, 14 Oc-t. 1852, Columbus, Ga. Served with Confederate Naval Battalion & later Confederate Naval Ordnance at Columbus. D. 2 Feb., 1902, Birmingham, Ala.

#9 James M. Duffee m. Henrietta E. Stringer, Sept. 9, 1858. Killed in Battle near Atlanta, Ga. while serving with Ga. Infantry, Confederate Army.

#11 John L. Duffee m. Henrietta A. Blackmar, 4 Sept., I860. Served with Co. C Reg. Ga. Vol. Infantry, Army of Tenn., Confederate Army.

#18 Helen Alace Duffee m. George Hadaway

#19 Noah Duffee married Sarah Ophelia McDuffie.

#22 Dorabelle Duffee married Michael Cullinan.

#17 Albert B. Duffee - #20 Alonzo L. Duffee and #21 Robert L. Duffee also married.

The father of the above, Thomas Duffee, is buried behind the Bethel Baptist Church on the Fairfax Riverview Road, Chambers County, Alabama, next to his daughter, Alace (Duffee) Hada­way and her husband, George Hadaway, in a brick topped grave, not far from his last home and farm.

I have seen the original letter from Thomas Duffee to his son Henry Steeley Duffee re­ferred to above. Mrs. Seay states she has proof of all material mentioned under FAMILY NOTES.

Mrs. Hoi 1i s E. Woodyerd - 9/26/1967

Alabama Genealogical Society Magazine



BRASFIELD (BRASSFIELD) CEMETERY Contributed by: Mr. & Mrs. James C Armistead

This cemetery, grown-up with hickory and wild-pecan trees, is located in Greene County, Ala.,

near Forkland, on property still owned by the Brasfield family. Approximately 9 miles north

of Demopolis on U.S. 43, a U.S. Corps of Engineers signs points to the Forkland Public Use

Area to the Demopolis Reservoir on the Tombigbee River. 1.2 miles off U.S. 43 there is an­

other sign, on the drivers right, warning of the Boat Launching Area 1,000' beyond. Across

the road from this sign is a tractor pathway that leads past this cemetery about 50 yards

from the road. In addition to graves listed below, there were many unmarked "sinks", and at

least one, and possibly two, tombstones beneath a large fallen tree. Copied July 27, 1968 by

Mr. & Mrs. James C Armistead, Demopolis, Ala.

(Notice that the name was sometimes spelled with double "s").

TILMAN S. BRASSFIELD, son of T, P. & M.R. BRASSFIELD, who by an accidental discharge

of a gun was instantly killed

July 16, 1861, Aged 13 yrs and 8 dys

WM. F. BRASSFIELD, Born in North Carolina, March 21, 1820, died Aug 26, 1853

SINA H., dau of W. E. & J.D. BRASSFIELD,

she was born April 2nd, 1849 and

died Feb 8th, 1859.

(A pine tree growns through the right

shoulder and a small hickory near the

1-e-ft hip. )


Dec 26, 1826,

May. 15, 1864.

AURELIUS BRASSFIELD Aprii 4, 1838 Jan 27, 1862

MILTON R. BRASSFIELD Aug I, 1812 May 26, 1861

MARY J., wife of


Nov 2, 1841

Dec 2, 1870


Feb 10, 1887 (This tomb is down)

NICHOLAS J. WYNNE, Acitizen of Greene Co., Ala., who was born in Wake Co., N . C , the 9th day of July A.D. 1815 & died in LaGrange, Ga., on the 13th day of Oct, A.D. 1857

(The WYNNE graves are within an iron fence, partially fallen.)


who departed this life

Jan 18, 1853,

Aged 35 years 5 mos & 10 dys

(Footstone only)


(Footstone only)



Jan 10, 1846

Sep 14, 1868


July 28, 1843

Sep 24, 1866

MAMIE, dau of M.M. & M.H. WILLIF0RD, ANNIE, dau of M.M. & M.H. WILLI FORD, died June 4, 1864 died Aug 24, 1867

To the direct left of Annie Willi ford is a grave with a broken stone, the top being gone,

the bottom standing, read - died Nov 23, 1870.




BENJAMIN H. BOTTS, March 15, 1838 Sep 24, 1841

A footstone only, NW.

GEORGE W.S. BRASFIELD, Aug 5, 1851 Jan 26, 1880

H.T. HARRISS, Died Nov 10, 1847, Aged 27 yrs 5 mos & 25 dys

WILLIAM R, FLEMING, Died June 8, 1850 in the 25th year of hi s age.

JOHN R., son of ROBERT & MATILDA FLEMING, Died May 30th, 1852 Aged 22 yrs 3 mos.


Oct 27, 1827,

Dec 4, 1878,

Aged 51 yrs I mo. 7 dys (at foot of John R.)


July 6, 1849

June 20, 1851

SAMUEL W. CALDWELL, Nov 28, 1815 Oct 29, 1850

JANE B., dau of T.P. & M.P. BRASFIELD,

died May 28th 1848, aged 2 yrs 8 mos

28 days

JOHN B. BRASFIELD, died Nov 21, 1847, Aged 19 yrs 9 mos & 13 days

ROBERT FLEMING, Died April 30, 1852 Aged 54 yrs 20 days

(A broken tombstone)

" - died July II, 186 (?)

In love she 1ived."

MATILDA, wife of ROBERT FLEMING, Nov 6, 1799 Aug 21, 1866 (at foot of Robert)

A footstone of grave at foot of W.R. Fleming, marked "GWR"

A footstone "MEL"


Age 55 years

(Broken, incomplete)

GEORGE W. BRASFIELD, SON OF DAVID and JANE BRASFIELD, Born Feb 7, 1830, and Died July 29, 1858, in the 29th year of his age.

"Why should a mother weep for a son in


Broken Stone

Nov. , 1870 Died

MARY ANN, wife of H.T. HARRISS, who departed this life Oct. II, 1846.

Aged 30 yrs 4 mos & I day

Infant son of H.T. and M.A. HARRISS

Oct 10, 1848

JAMES T., son of T. P. and M.P. BRASFIELD, who died August 31, 1847, Age 9 mos, and 9 days.

(Nearby footstone, "J.R.B." The headstone is obviously under the fallen tree. Probably,

Jane Brasfield)




Contributed by: Mrs. Hoi lis E. Woodyerd

In the name of God Amen I Robert Chowning of Middlesex County in Virginia

give and bequeath unto my loving sons and daughters, Thomas, George, Samuel,

John, William and Elizabeth Chowning 340 acres of land lying and being in the county afore­said to be equally divided between my said sons and daughter when they shall attain to full

age of twenty one years

I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Ann Chowning my dwelling plantation.

I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Ann Chowning two negro girls

the remaining part and residue of my whole personal estate of what kind so ever be

equally divided between my said loving wife, Ann Chowning and my said loving children

Thomas, George, Samuel, John, William, Elizabeth and Ann Chowning.

Lastly I appoint constitute make and ordain my loving wife, my loving son Thomas and my lov­

ing daughter Elizabeth Executors

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal 4 Jan. 1697/8

Recorded 9 Apr. 1698

(Witnesses names blurred)



Contributed by: Mrs. Hoi l i s E. Woodyerd

I, Samuel Chewning do make this my last will. All the property that I have heretofore given to my children and my grandchild Milly C Woolfolk I confirm unto them and their heirs forever — I give unto my son William the land whereon he formerly lived — to the land of the late

Garland Anderson also two negroes Walker and Huldah.

I give the remainder of my land whereon I live to my son John — also one negro named Ben...

I give unto my son Garrot the land whereon he lives and one negro named Harry

I give unto my daughter Sarah Durret two negroes, Iverson and Bentley.

My negro man John and the rest of my property - not bequeathed or heretofore given away to

my children or grandchild Milly C Woolfolk I leave to be sold and divided between my

children William Chewning, John Chewning, Garrot Chewning, Sarah Durret, Frances Mason, John

Smith, Lucy Smith and Nancy Chewning.

I appoint my sons William, John and Garrot Executors of this my last will.

Witness my hand and seal this 16th January 1816.

Samuel Chewning

acknowledged in presence of Proved

Jno. B. Anderson llth March 1816

Elliott Estes Teste.

William G. Anderson Jonn Li P e ndleton C.C.C.



1 8 3 0 C E N S U S M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , ALABAMA Continued from Vol. 2, No. 4

Contr ibuted by: Mrs. Chas. E. Norton

Atk ins, Thomas Im 5-10, Im 30-40; I f 10-15, I f 15-20. (7 slaves) Davis, Pol ly I f 80-90. (6 slaves) Baker, Reason Im 0-5, Im 40-50; I f 0-5, I f 30-40. Cary, George Im 30-40, Im 50-60; I f 10-15, I f 40-50. Holloway, Samuel Im 15-20, Im 60-70; 2f 0-5, I f 10-15, I f 30-40. ( I s lave) Bro i les , George Jr. Im 20-30; I f 0-5, I f 15-20, ( I s lave) S t i l l w e l l , Joseph 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15, I f 30-40. ( I s lave) Corn, Ebenezer H. Im 20-30; I f 20-30, I f 50-60. (5 slaves) Nevis, Wi l l iam 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; I f 20-30. Baker, Zadock W. 2m 5-10, Im 50-60; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, I f 10-15, I f 40-50. (13 slaves) Go l i gh t l y , Hugh Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, I f 5-10, I f 20-30. (14 slaves) Eddins, Abraham 3m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 40-50; I f 5-10, I f 30-40. (5 slaves) Casey, Hiram Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, I f 30-40. Wellborn, Fel ix G. 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; I f 0-5, I f 5-10, I f 20-30. Howard, Badin Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 60-70; I f 10-15, I f 15-20. Howard, John 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; I f 0-5, I f 20-30. Roberts, Wi l l iam Im 5-10, Im 20-30; 2f 0-5, I f 20-30, I f 70-80. Jones, Wi l l iam 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; I f 0-5, I f 5-10, I f 20-30. Gibbs, Archibald Im 0-5, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; I f 0-5, 2f 5-10, I f 20-30. (2 slaves) Hardin, James 2m C-5, 3m 5-10, Im 30-40; I f 30-40, I f 50-60. Landreth. Thomas Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, I f 5-10, I f 20-30. Co l l i n s , Isaac Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, I f 5-10, I f 30-40. Landreth, James Im 0-5, Im 30-40; I f 0-5, I f 20-30. Jones, John Senr. 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 40-50; If 5-10, 2f 10-15.

Walker, James 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40.

(7 slaves)

Robinson, Margaret 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40.

Walker, Patsey Im 0-5, Im 15-20; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30.

Portwood, Benjamin Im 0-5, Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 30-40.

Carroll, James Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30.

Nance, Frederick 3m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30. (5 slaves)

Griggs. John Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30.

Moore, Abner Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 3f 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40.

McCarley, Wilson 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Farmer, Samuel 2m 20-30, Im 70-80; If 15-20, If 80-90.

Garrett, Robert 3m 5-10, 2m 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 60-70; If 15-20, If 30-40.

Boles, Thomas 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 50-60; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40.

Dill is, John 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 40-50.

Davis, Robert Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 20-30.

Andrews, Pascal Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. Andrews, Elizabeth Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 15-20, 2f 20-30, If 50-60. (II slaves) Hamilton, Isaac Im 15-20, Im 50-60; If 20-30, If 40-50. Jones, Shadrack Im 10-15, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 50-60; If 15-20, 2f 20-30, If 50-60. Gill asp ie, James Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 30-40,

If 50-60, If 70-80. (2 slaves) Sanders, Eli Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (I slave) Campbell, John Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30.

Campbell, William Im 10-15, Im 60-70; 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 50-60.

Pennington, Theophilus Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 30-40. (I slave)




Miller, Thomas Im 5-10, 2m I0:I5, Im 15-20, 3m 20-30, Im 50-60; If 0-5, 2f 5-10,

If 40-50. (37 slaves)

Hill, Alfred Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 15-20,

If 40-50. (5 slaves)

Simpkins, John Im 10-15, Im 20-30; 2f 5-10, If 20-30.

Hill, John Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30.

McDougal, William Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Booker, Richard Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 20-30, If 30-40. (I slave)

Jeffreys, Richard Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (10 slaves)

Criswell, Henry 3m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20,

If 20-30, If 40-50.

Coughman, James Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30.

Campbell, John Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 20-30, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, 2f 15-


Criner, Isaac ..-. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 30-

40. (7 si aves)

Walker, William 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30,

If 30-40. (5 slaves)

Scott, William F. Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40.

Landston, Hiram 3m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 20-30. (I slave)

McDugal, Nancy Im 10-15; 2f 10-15, 2f 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60.

Williamson, John 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (3 slaves)

Weaver, Jacob Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 40-50.

Oliver, Margaret Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40.

Davis, William 3m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 10-15, If 30-40. (2 slaves)

Davis, James N. 3m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 30-40.

Williams, Alfred W. 2m 5-10, Im 20-30; If 20-30.

Ewing, Thomas 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 10-15, If 15-20,

. If 30-40. (2 slaves)

Ewing, John Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 3f 5-10, If 10-15,

If 20-30. (4 slaves)

Meals, John Im 40-50; If 40-50. (15 slaves)

Broiles, George 4m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 60-70; If 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 50-60. (I slave)

Meals, Daniel Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 15-20, If 30-40.

Bias, Robert Im 0-5, 2m 15-20, im 50-60; If 0-5, 2f 15-20, If 20-30.

Heflin, Joab Im 0-5, 2m 50-60; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40.

Lakey, Francis Im 0-5, Im 10-15; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. (3 slaves)

Long, George 3m 0-5, 2m 10-15, Im 40-50; If 10-15, If 30-40.

Jones, Martha If 50-60, If 80-90. (I slave)

Thomas, William Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15,

If 15-20, If 30-40.

Brown, Fielding 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 3f 5-10, If 20-30.

Holloway, Samuel 3m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30.

Wilkins, Richard Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 50-60; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30,

If 50-60.

Turman, William 3m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 15-20.

Griggs, James 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10,

If 10-15, If 40-50.

McCain, Moses 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 40-50; If 20-30.




Criner, Granville Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 15-20. (7 slaves)

Manley, James Im 50-60; If 15-20, 3f 20-30.

Oldfields, John Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30.

Wi 11 burn, Fielding Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Griffy, William Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 30-40.

Moore, James 2m 0-5, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; 3f 0-5, 2f 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 15-20, If 30-40.

Taylor, George 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 20-30.

Jones, Seaborn 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30.

Wade, Mary 2m 10-15; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40.

Howard, Elizabeth Im 15-20; If 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60. (II slaves)

Di 1 lard, Francis L. Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30.

Scallorn, John 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, 2m 50-60; If 0-5, If 10-15,

If 15-20, If 30-40, (7 slaves)

Hancock, Gabriel 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 30-40. (6 slaves)

Hancock, Robert Im 10-15, Im 30-40, Im 70-80; If 5-10, 2f 20-30, If 40-50. (35 slaves)

Sale, Dudley 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15,

If 15-20, If 40-50. (29 slaves)

Vaughan, Dicy Im 5-10, Im 15-20; 2f 5-10, 2f 10-15, 2f 15-20, If 40-50.

Higginbotham, Edmund Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave)

McDaniel, John Im 15-20, Im 20-30; 3f 0-5, If 20-30. (3 slaves)

Deadman, Hannah Im 50-60; If 40-50= (17 slaves)

Walker, John Im 15-20, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15, If 15-20, If 40-50. (10 slaves)

Walker, Joshua R. Im 20-30; If 15-20=

Hamner, Samuel V, Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Williamson, Elizabeth Im 5-10; If 10-15, 2f I5"20, If 20-30, If 50-60. (I slave)

Rochelle, Littleberry !m 5-10, Im 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30.

Davis, Matthew 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 20-30, If 40-50.

Davis, John Im 15-20, Im 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 15-20, If 20-30.

Martin, John, Sr Im 60-70; If 15-20, If 20-30, If 60-70. (3 slaves)

Malone, Harper, Im 30-40, Im 50-60; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 50-60. (28 slaves)

Lewis, William Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40.

Morgan, Thomas Im 0"55 im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. (14 slaves)

Harris, Nancy Im 20-30, Im 30-40; 2f 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60. (7 slaves)

Burks, Richard Im 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 50-60, 2f 0-5, 2f 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30,

If 50-60. (18 slaves)

Burks, Matthew Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20. (2 slaves)

Harris, Edward Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 20-30, If 50-60. (32 slaves)

Burks, John P. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, 3m 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 50-60;

2f 0-5, 2f 10-15, 2f 15-20, If 30-40. (20 slaves)

Martin, Jerimah Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 10-15, If 40-50. (3 slaves)

Brewton, David Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 40-50;

If 0-5, If 20-30, If 40-50 (8 slaves)

Blankenship, William Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 20-30.

Glaze, Granville Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Walker, Samuel Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 50-60. (30 slaves)

Patterson, Alexander 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30.

Cocks, John 2m 15-20, 3m 20-30, Im 50-60; If 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60. (17 slaves)

Johnson, George Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, 3m 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 30-40,

If 50-60, If 60-70. (5 slaves)




Randall, Benjamin 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 40-50; If 20-30. Beard, Thomas Y. Im 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 15-20. (2 slaves) Adams, Joseph Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 50-60; If 10-15, If 40-50. (8 slaves) Newby, James Im 0-5, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30, If 50-60. (4 slaves) Chamberlin, John Im 30-40; If 20-30. Martin, John 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (I slave) Martin, Peter 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Webb, Thomas Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 5-10, If 10-15, 2f 15-20,

If .40-50. Wright, David Im 30-40; If 20-30. (3 slaves) Lane, Elizabeth If 30-40, If 60-70. (10 slaves) Wi 11 burn,* James Im 0-5, Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 30-40. (Wi 1 lbourn) (10 slaves)

Teague, John Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0~5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Cheatham, Ann Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 20-30, If 30-40. (3 slaves) Garrison, Valdaura N. Im 0-5, 3m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (2 slaves) Teague, Frances Im 20-30; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 40-50. (7 slaves) Ford, George 2m 20-30; If 20-30. (4 slaves) Mosely, John 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30; 2f 15-20, If 40-50.

(10 siaves) Sullivan, Noah Im I0"I5, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 40-50, If 90-100. Cunningham, Elijah 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. Wellborn, Isaac Im 20-30. (4 slaves) Wellborn, Elias 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (9 slaves) Gravitt, Jesse 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20"30, Nobiin, Lawrence 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. Davis, Robert 2m 15-20, Im 70-80; If 15-20, If 40-50. (20 slaves) McCaa, Mary Im 15-20; If 10-15, 4f 20-30, If 50-60. (3 slaves) Bell, Henry 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 10-15. (2 slaves) Roote, Aaron Im 0-5, 5m 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30.

(4 siaves) Pool, Roswell 3m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. (I slave) Carroll, Richmond Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 30-40= (I slave) Harton, Burwell Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 40-50, If 50-60. (7 slaves) Atkins, James Im 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40.

(11 slaves) Pitts, Joseph 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20. Thurston, Archibald 2m 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 20-30; If 20-30, (2 slaves) Webb, Addison Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 15-20. (I slave) Weilbourn, Isaac Sr. Im 5-10, Im 70-80; If 70"80, (26 slaves) Conner, Andrew Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40.

(12 slaves) Jones, Armistead Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 20-30. (15 slaves) Dupuy, William E. 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20,

If 30-40. (15 slaves) Townsend, Henry Im 20-30, Im 80-90; If 60-70. (21 slaves) Shotwell, Robert Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 15-20 (22 slaves) Stephens, John Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 40-50. (2 slaves) Moore, James Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 60-70; 2f 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 15-20,

If 20-30, If 40-50. (18 slaves)




Franks, Benjamin Im 10-15, Im 40-50; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40. (2 slaves) Yarbrough, Samuel Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. Howell, Edward Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30.

(5 slaves) Davis, Robert Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; 2f 10-15,

If 40-50. (II slaves) Robinson, James Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; 2f 5-10, If 30-40. Herman, Redeck - for Mayhew Im 30-40. (10 slaves) Hyman, Wiley Im 20-30. (4 slaves) Blankenship, Edmund 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 40-50. (21 slaves) Pettey, Zachariah Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 5-10, If 30-40, If 70-80. (16 slaves) Lewis, Samuel 3m 0-5, Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 30-40. Jeffreys, Richard Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (2 slaves) Logan, John S. Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, 4f 5-10, If 15-20,

If 40-50, If 50-60. (25 slaves) Battle, Margaret Im 20-30; If 15-20, If 50-60. (18 slaves) Sadler, Isaac Im 60-70; If 50-60. (6 slaves) Eastland, William Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 20-30, If 40-50, If 50-60.

(19 siaves) Smith, John T. Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 20-30, (23 slaves) Still, John Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. Power, James 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 0-5, 2f 10-15, If 15-20,

If 20-30, If 40-50. (6 slaves) Childress, James Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. Campbell, William 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30,

If 40-50= Carroll, Jacob Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 50-60. Smith, John Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 70-80. (7 slaves)

Beaver, Hezekiah D. 2m 0-5, 2m 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; 2f 5-10, If 10-15,

If 30-40. Kelley, John 2m 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. Amos, Ann 2m 20-30; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30, If 40-50.

Ford, Hezekiah 2m 5-10, Im 50-60; If 30-40. (45 slaves) Robertson, Richard Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 50-60; 2f 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 15-20, If 20-30, If 40-50. (I slave) Weatherly, Joseph Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15, 3m 15-20, Im 50-60; If 5-10, If 40-50. Holding, Richard Im 30-40; If 20-30. (24 slaves)

Petty, William Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 60-70; If 60-70. (10 slaves) Whitman, Daniel Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, 3m 20-30, 2m 30-40, Im 60-70; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10,

If 15-20, 2f 20-30, If 30-40, If 50-60. (5 slaves) Kelley, George Im 0"5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Kelly, William Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Wright, John Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30.

(19 slaves) Stone, Reuben Im 0-5, Im 20-30; 3f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30. (2 slaves) Stone, Reuben, Sr. Im 70-80; If 60-70. (4 slaves) Stone, Jesse Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 30-40.

(16 siaves)




Hathcock, Peyton Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Boyd, William Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 40-50. (5 slaves)

Bradley, Enoch 2m 0-5, Im 15-20; If 20-30. Jordan, Fleming, Jr. Im 20-30; If 20-30. (5 slaves) Lusk, William B. Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 10-15, 2f 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60. Weatherley, Asa H. 3m 20-30; 2f 5-10, If 20-30. (7 slaves) Fowler, Baxter Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 0-5,

If 5-10, If 15-20, If 30-40. (3 slaves) Hodges, James Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30. Fenwick, Joseph Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 60-70; If 50-60. (22 slaves) Bailey, Elizabeth 2m 15-20, Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 30-40, If 50-60. (4 slaves) Johnson, Thomas Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40.

Echols, William, Sr. 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 60-70; If 50-60. (25 slaves) Glascock, William H. Im 15-20, Im 30-40, Im 40-50. (21 slaves)

Bronough, James B. 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 20-30. (8 slaves) Otey, John W= Im 5-10, Im 10-15, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 15-20, If 20-30,

If 40-50. (16 slaves) McCrary, Thomas Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 60-70; If 5-10, 5f 10-15,

2f 15-20, 2f 20-30. (68 slaves) Hayes, William D. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, 3m 20-30; 2f 5-10, 2f 15-20. (24 slaves) Donaldson, Levi 3m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 5-10, If 20-30. (17 slaves) Jones, Samuel P. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Dement, John Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30. (7 slaves) Jones, Clinton C Im 15-20, Im 20-30; 2f 5-10, If 20-30. (15 slaves) Shotwell, Reuben Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 60-70; If 15-20, If 50-60. (32 slaves) Garner, Stardy 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 60-70; If 50-60. Maler, Richard Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. McGehee, Thomas Im 5-10, Im 15-20, 4m 20-30, Im 50-60; If 10-15, 2f 15-20, If 50-60.

(61 slaves) Wells, William E. 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30, Vaughan, Albert G. Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 50-60. (45 slaves) Dunlavy, Henry 2m 15-20, Im 20-30; If 15-20. (I slave) Mallory, William Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 30-40. (17 slaves) Dillon, John A. 2m 0-5, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30, Collins, Dickson P. Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 15-20. (6 slaves) Hancock, Joel Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 20-30, (2 slaves) Jeffries, Alexander Im 50-60; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. (14 slaves) Pitts, Pittman 2m 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20,

If 30-40= Satterwhite, Thomas Im 20-30, Im 50-60; 3f 0-5, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Power, John Im 5-10, Im 30-40, Im 40-50, Im 60-70; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 40-50,

If 70-80. (15 slaves) Cottrell, William 2m 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; 3f 10-15, If 30-40. (14 slaves) Townsend, Parks 3m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (24 slaves) Nunally, Elvira Im 5-10, 2m 10-15; 2f 0-5, If 30-40. (7 slaves) Stafford, John Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40.

Nunally, James B. Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 30-40. (24 slaves)




Townsend, Samuel Im 20-30, (10 slaves)

Ammonet, John Im 0-5, Im 20-30, Im 70-80; If 20-30, If 60-70. (10 slaves) Johnson, Ann Im 15-20; If 50-60.

Bagget, Hannah Im 5-10, Im 15-20; If 10-15, If 20-30.

Cabiness, William Im 20-30, Im 30-40. (I slave) Cason, William 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. Burton, Edmund 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 15-20, If 20-30. Williams, Thomas Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. Tate, Abner Im 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 30-40. (9 slaves) Tate, Ann Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 50-60. (10 slaves)

Coleman, William W. Im 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 50-60; 2f 10-15, If 15-20, If 40-50. (12 slaves) Bragg, Thomas Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 5-10, 2f 15-20,

If 40-50. Morgan, Edward R. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave) Mason, William Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 15-20, If 20-30, If 40-50. (8 slaves) Beville, Edward T. 2m 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. Beville, Edward Sr. 2m 20-30, Im 40-50, Im 60"70; If 10-15, If 20-30, If 60-70. Cason, Stephen Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20,

If 30-40. Pool, Wrecher G.P. Im 10-15, 2m 20-30, Im 60-70, Im 80-90; 2f 15-20, If 50-60. (5 slaves) Crow, Nathaniel Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; 3f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Pool, Samuel Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (6 slaves) Allen, Drury M. Im 0-5, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40. (6 slaves) Harton, James Im 30-40; 3f 0-5, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Hazle, John Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 15-20,

If 30-40. Flint, Pitman Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. Webster, John H. Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (6 slaves) Curry, Daniel Im 20-30; If 20-30. Rogers, Absalom Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 30-40, Im 70-80; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, 2f 30-40. McGowan, James 2m I5"20, Im 60-70; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 50-60. (I slave) Flint, Perry Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 10-15, If 40-50.

(5 slaves) Taylor, Joseph Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 20-30; If 5-10, If 20-30. (8 slaves) King, Wi 11 i am M. (error)

Taylor, John H. Im 60-70; If 20-30. (5 slaves) Gilley, Peter 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30, If 80-90. McGehee, Jesse 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 15-20,

If 20-30, If 40-50, If 80-90. (5 slaves) Busby, Elijah 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30-Whitten, Charles 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 20-30. Manley, Wiley Im 20-30; If 15-20.

Williams, Eldred W. Im 0-5, 2m 20-30; If 15-20. (10 slaves) Conner, Samuel Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves) McCartney, John Im 20-30, Im 60-70; 3f 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60. King, Stephen Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 15-20. (II slaves) McCartney, Thomas 2m 0"5, Im 20-30; If 20-30.




Estill, John W. Cromley, Major G. Green, Jefferson Holloway, Thomas Shackleford, Calvin Holloway, John McCaffry, Thomas B. Ruffin, Blunt B. McDavid, Patrick King, Henry

Lowry, Samuel Figg, Tineable Norman, Thomas

Ice, Andrew McMahan, Wi11 iam Ice, Thomas Erwin, Robert

Harper, James Hart, Susan Niblet, Mary Neihbours, Milly Bacon, Edmund P. Smith, Morgan Townsend, Edmund Beggerley, Benjamin Lowry, Ann Nixon, Uriah

Sanders, Eli zabeth Sanders, James Weed, John L. Mills, John Brown, John Roberts, Mary Lenard, Daniel L.

Ballard, John

Bromley, James

Geron, Simeon

Harton, Wil1iam Barton, Wm. G. Morgan, John

Im 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (8 slaves)

2m 15-20, Im 30-40; 2f 10-15, If 40-50. (10 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 5-10, If 20-30. (4 slaves)

Im 30-40; If 15-20. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 30-40. (I slave) Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 3f 5-10, If 20-30. (6 slaves) Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0=5, 2f 10-15, If 30-40. (35 slaves) Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 30-40. (5 slaves) Im 5-10, Im 60-70; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 40-50. (3 slaves) Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 10-15,

If 15-20, If 40-50. Im 0-5, Im 15-20, 2m 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (8 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30, If 60-70. (15 slaves) 2m 0~5, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Im 0T5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30, If 40-50. (3 slaves) Im 0-5, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave) 3m 0-5; If 30-40. (I slave) 2m 10-15; If 15-20, If 40-50. Im 5-10, Im 10-15; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. Im 5-10, Im 20-30; 2f 5-10, If 20-30. (20 slaves) Im 30-40. (63 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 40-50. Im 15-20; If 5-10, If 50-60. (3 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 10-15, Im 15-20; If 20-30, If 50-60. (2 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40. Im 0:5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. 2m 20-30; If 10-15, If 15-20, 2f 20-30, If 50-60. (4 slaves)

3m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 50-60; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15. (I slave)

Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, If 15-20, If 40-50. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 40-50.

2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 20-30.

(10 slaves)

Im 0-5, Im 15-20, 2m 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 20-30, (5 slaves)

Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (5 slaves)

Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 5-10, If 50-60. (9 slaves)




Morgan, Edward

Ingram, Wi11 iam

Mooney, Joseph Kelley, Christopher

Angel 1, John Key, Wi11iam Key, Job Pilant, Kinchen Franklin, Elijah

Walker, Samuel Webster, Ann Booker, Parham N. Weaver, George Wi 11iamson, Hoi 1y Bowls, Samuel Wainright, Will iam Key, Martha Osburn, Ephraim B. Sneed, John W. Robertson, Sal ley Hess, Joseph Davis, Samuel Beard, John Roberts, Naomi Sulsy, Sarah Ch ildress, Elizabeth Goodner, David

Powers, Levi Brinker, Susan Patterson, Anguish Gideons, John

Smith, Nathan

Metcalfe, Anthony H. Roberts, Robert W.

McPhail, Daniel Horton, Sally Page, Lewis

Ward, Matthias Eldridge, John B. Chenault, George

Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. (I slave) Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; 2f 10-15, If 20-30, If 50-60.

(12 siaves) 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 60-70; If 15-20, If 50-60. (2 slaves) Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 50-60; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20,

If 40-50. (2 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (I slave) 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 40-50. 2m 0-5, 3m 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 30-40. Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 50-60; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30, If 40-50. (2 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (5 slaves) Im 20-30; If 15-20, If 50-60. (10 slaves) 2m 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 60-70; If 20-30, If 60-70. Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30, If 50-60. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 15-20.

2m 0-5, 3m 5-10, Im 40-50; If 10-15, If 30-40. If 30-40, If 60-70. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30. Im 10-15, 2m 15-20; If 40-50. Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. Im 70-80; If 70-80. (3 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 5-10, 2f 20-30. (3 slaves) Im 5-10, 3m 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 5-10, 2f 15-20, If 40-50. 2m 10-15; 2f 15-20, If 30-40. Im 5-10, 2m 15-20; If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 40-50. (2 slaves) Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. If 50-60, If 60-70. (I slave) 4m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (I slave) Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 40-50. (13 slaves)

2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 30-40. (19 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, 3f 10-15, If 30-40. (14 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40. (19 slaves) Im 40-50. If 30-40. (I slave) Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15, 2f 15-20, If 30-40, If 50-60. (2 slaves) Im 15-20, Im 60-70; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 50-60. (13 slaves) Im 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Im 30-40; If 15-20, If 20-30. (3 slaves)




Wade, Littleberry Im 40-50; If 30-40. (I slave)

Kirkland, William Im 30-40; If 30-40. Thomas, James Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20. (3 slaves) Jones, William Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; 2f 5-10, If 40-50. (28 slaves) Ward, John C Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (10 slaves) Cavette, Moses Im 30-40; If 30-40. (7 slaves) Camper, Simon Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15,

If 15-20, If 20-30, If 30-40. Merrill, Pleasant Im 20-30; If 15-20. Ditto overseer for

Major Jones (17 slaves) McAdory, Mary Im 10-15, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 15-20, If 50-60. (II slaves) Terry, Nathaniel 2m 20-30; If 15-20. (38 slaves)

Kelly, George A. Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 40-50. (32 slaves) Shaw, Neal 2m 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 15-20. (6 slaves)

Stewart, James (T.?), colored (2 listed under slaves, I free colored) Delap, Jesse Im 15-20, 4m 20-30, Im 30-40. (2 slaves) Sale, Joseph Im 50-60; If 20-30, If 40-50. (13 slaves) Gilmer, George C 2m 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. (31 slaves) Manly, John B. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. Herring, David Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 20-30.

(3 - two listed as slaves, I free colored) McKinney, Alexander Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 15-20. (I slave) Warpole, John H. Im 30-40, If 0-5, If 15-20. (5 slaves)

Bell, Thomas Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves)

Watkins, Mary A. 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30,

If 40-50. (34 slaves) Draper, Walter J. Im 15-20, Im 30-40; 3f 5-10, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Ditto for Draper, Elizabeth 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30, If 50-60. (4 slaves) McCaa, Charles Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Thompson, Wiley Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves) Ditto for Walker, Mrs. M. (54 slaves) Thomas, James for

Ann Thomas Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 70-80; 2f 20-30, If 40-50. (10 slaves) Thompson, Henry Im 30-40; If 20-30. Newsom, William Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Wafford, Miles Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30, If 50-60. (5 slaves) Cavette, Richard Im 20-30, Im 60-70; If 60-70. (31 slaves) Wofford, William M. Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (15 slaves, I free colored) Wigginton, John B. Im 15-20, 5m 20-30, 2m 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40. (4 slaves)

Bell, Robert A. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Livingston, John B. 2m 30-40. (6 slaves)

James, Martha 2m 10-15, 2m 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 15-20, If 30-40. (8 slaves)

Cavette, Thomas 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 20-30. (19 slaves) Hamlet, John Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 20-30. Thomas, William D. Im 5-10, Im 40-50, Im 60-70; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, 2f 40-50.

(6 slaves) 32



Moore, James Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave)

Ray, Philip Im 15-20, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15. Johnson, John P. Im 0-5, Im 20-30, 2m 30-40, Im 70-80; If 0-5, If 10-15, 2f 20-30,

If 70-80. (12 slaves) Jones, Friley Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10,

If 30-40. (37 slaves) Wilson, James Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15,

If 30-40. (24 slaves) Vining, John 3m 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 15-20, If 20-30. (35 slaves) Seaton, John 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 30-40.

Ford, John Im 30-40, Im 40-50; 3f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (62 slaves) Loving, Meggison 2m 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (2 slaves) Watts, Nancy Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 40-50. (25 slaves) Lightfoot, Claxton Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 30-40. (25 slaves) King, Harrison Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40, Im 50-60; If 15-20. (10 slaves) Jones, Arthur W. 2m 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (26 slaves) Manning, James, Jr. Im 0-5, 4m 20-30; If 0-5, 2f 15-20. (18 slaves) Stewart, Abraham Im 0-5, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 20-30.

(4 slaves) Kibble, Beverly 2m 0-5, 3m 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 30-40. (14 slaves) Dowlan, Thomas 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. Hyman, Redick Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30, If 30-40. (I slave) Lewis, Bessie 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 30-40. Kibbler, Walter 2m 5-10, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 30-40. (7 slaves) Dabney, John R. 3m 20-30; If 10-15, 3f 15-20, 2f 20-30, If 40-50. Rickets, Benjamin T. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 15-20. Johnson, Thomas J. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (2 slaves) Ramsay, Joel Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 5-10, If 10-15.

Northcutt, Gideon Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; 3f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20,

If 30-40. Lamon, Owen D. Im 5-10, Im 40-50; If 10-15, If 40-50. (16 slaves) Walton, Robert Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 20-30,

If 30-40, If 40-50. (29 slaves) Perkins, Joshua Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 15-20, If 30-40. Rice, Edmund 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 20-30, If 50-60. Milam, Jarvis Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 40-50. (10 slaves) Booker, Thomas Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Stegall, Benjamin Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, 2m 50-60; If 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 30-40. Fowler, America Sr. Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 40-50. Childress, Agness Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 20-30, If 60-70. (6 slaves) Fowler, America Jr. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20. Richards, Wm. M. 2m 0-5, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 30-40. (2 slaves) Booker, Fayette Im 20-30. (3 slaves) Britten, George H. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 15-20.

Buckner, John F. Im 15-20, Im 50-60; 2f 10-15, If 30-40. (2 slaves) Williams, John Im 20-30; If 15-20.




Shotwell, John

Bynum, James

Hogue, James Hill, Valentine King, Isaac King, Abraham Moore, Ezekiel

Beggerly, David B.

Moon, Edward Frost, James Herod, Sarah

Fowler, Ann H. Ingram, John Sti 1 lwel 1, Thomas S. Robertson, John Ham, Russell Coughman, John Al 1 i son, John Wright, Daniel

Moore, Joseph Brown, Littleberry Duncan, Edmund Baker, Isaac

Nevis, John

Cary, George Tweedy, Abegnego Patton, Charlotte

Beville, Hockey Patteson, El izabeth Beville, Robert Yeates, John Chenault, Thomas Chenault, Elizabeth Winfrey, William Clark, Samuel

Grayson, Mary Ann

Branch, Christina

Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (14 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 40-50; 3f 0-5, 2f 5-10,

If 15-20, If 20-30, If 30-40. Im 15-20, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40.

3m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 5-10, If 20-30.

2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, Im 20-30. Im 15-20, Im 50-60; If 10-15, If 50-60. 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 60-70; If 5-10, If 10-15, if 40-50. (35 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30,

If 70-80. (10 slaves) Im 5-10, 2m 15-20, Im 60-70; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 50-60. (10 slaves) 2m 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 40-50. 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 10-15, 2f 15-20, If 40-50. Im 10-15, Im 15-20; If 10-15, If 40-50. (2 slaves) Im 10-15, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 50-60. (2 slaves)

Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 50-60; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 40-50. Im 20-30; If 15-20. (21 slaves) 2m 0-5, 3m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 3f 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. (I slave) Im 60-70; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 40-50. (15 slaves)

Im 20-30, Im 70-80; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 20-30, If 40-50, If 60-70.

(35 slaves) Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. (2 slaves) Im 20-30; If 15-20, If 60-70. Im 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. 2m 0-5, If 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40.

Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 60-70; If 10-15, 2f 15-20, 3f 20-30, If 40-50. Im 30-40, Im 50-60; If 15-20, If 50-60. Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 20-30. (3 slaves)

Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 20-30, If 30-40.

Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. Im 10-15, Im 15-20; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 40-50.

Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (I slave) Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 20-30, if 60-70. (2 slaves)

2m 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 5-10, If 20-30, If 30-40. (3 slaves) Im 0-5, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 40-50. Im 15-20; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60, If 100 up (2 slaves)

Im 0-5, If 20-30, If 70-80.




Branch, Joseph Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Pence, Jacob Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 20-30.

Green, John Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Freeman, Jacob Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 40-50; If 40-50. Fletcher, Joseph Im 20-30; If 20-30. Freeman, James W. Im 20-30; If 20-30. Wofford, Lucy (7 colored)


Patton, Wm. 2m 10-15, 5m 20-30, Im 50-60; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 15-20, If 40-50. (24 slaves)

Bibb, Thomas Im 5-10, Im 10-15, 2m 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 50-60; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 20-30, If 40-50. (6 slaves, I free)

Mitchell, James Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 20-30. (I slave) Bishop, Nicholas C Im 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. (2 slaves) Hathaway, William L. Im 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave) Lewis, Samuel Im 0-5, 3m 10-15, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 30-40. Borney, James G. Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. (7 slaves) Windham, Irvine Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave)

Shepherd, Levin W. 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30. (I slave)

Packard, Nathl. T. Im 30-40; If 30-40. (2 slaves) Reddin, Letitia Im 5-10; If 10-15, If 20-30, If 80-90. Tabler, William Im 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 70-80; 2f 15-20, If 50-60. Dines, John Im 30-40. (3 slaves, 4 free colored)

Hockings, John Im 50-60. (2 slaves) Tate, John Im 20-30. Martin, Woody Im 0-5, 2m 20-30, Im 60-70; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30. (I slave) Scott, James G. Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40. Elgin, Frederick Im 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (2 slaves) Murphey, Jeremiah 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30. (I slave) Beal, Henry Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 30-40, If 60-70. (I slave) Cross, Andrew Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m I0"I5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30.

Sheffield, Nicholas Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40. (2 slaves)

Sample, Jared J. 2m 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (6 slaves)

Norman, Moses Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Whitlock, Betsy If 30-40.

Pettis, Edmund B. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15, If 40-50. Brookes, Elizabeth If 0-5, If 15-20. (I slave)

Brandon, Thomas Im 0-5, 3m 20-30, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, 2f 15-20, If 20-30. (40 slaves)

Munn, Matthias Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 30-40. Martin, Henry Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. Humes, Thomas Im 50-60; If 15-20, If 50-60. Caruthers, Joseph 2m 0-5, 2m 15-20, 3m 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Green, Thomas B. Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 30-40. (4 slaves) Crawford, Beverly 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; 3f 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves)




Steele, George

Fariss, Dandridge Dickey, James McDowell, William Hambleton, Andrew

Hale, Will iam White, Fielding L. Murphey, Mary Ghormley, Willi am Thurston, Lemuel Robinson, Wil1 iam H. Hal 1, Adam Graham, Robert Ragland, Taylor Matthews, James Shidle, David Clifton, Caswell R. Long, John Thurston, Archibald Echol s, Will iam Jr. Wills, 01 iver Lynes, George

Peck, Jacob Robinson, John Kelly, Samuel McGraw, Letitia Lewis, John H. Power, Wi 11 i am H. Eanes, Thomas Spencer, Samuel McGowan, P.P. Stringer, Wi11iam G. Hood, James Gaston, James Small, Vincent Cain, Thomas

Morris, Wm. G. L, Murrell, Will iam L. Woodson, Phi 1i p Wood, Lewis Maddera, Archd. T. Lewis, Eli McCay, Will iam Jr.

2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30.

(15 slaves) Im 0-5, 2m 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves) Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 30-40. (2 slaves) 3m 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves) Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40. (4 slaves) Im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Im 5-10; If 5-10, If 15-20, If 20-30, If 50-60. Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 20-30. Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. Im 30-40; If 40-50. (15 slaves) Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (2 free colored) (2 free colored) 2m 30-40. Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 50-60. (I slave) Im 0-5, 2m 10-15, Im 40-50; If 30-40. (5 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave) Im 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, 2m 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (3 slaves)

Im 0-5; If 10-15, If 20-30, If 40-50. Im 5-10, 3m 20-30, 2m 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20. (4 slaves)

2m 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 20-30. (4 slaves) (4 slaves, 3 free colored) Im 50-60. (2 slaves) Im 0-5; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Im 30-40; 3f 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves)

Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 20-30. (4 slaves)

Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 15-20. (I slave) 2m 30-40; If 15-20. Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 50-60. Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. 2m 10-15, Im 40-50. (3 slaves)

Im 0-5, 2m 30-40; 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Im 20-30; If 20-30.

Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; 2f 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 30-40. (21 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 20-30. (I slave) Im 0-5, 3m 5-10, Im 20-30; If 10-15, If 20-30. (2 slaves) 3m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40. (7 slaves) Im 15-20, Im 30-40; 2m 0-5, If 30-40. (3 slaves) Im 10-15,, Im 15-20, 4m 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 20-30. (4 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 10-15, 2m 20-30, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (4 slaves) Im 50-60; 2f 15-20, If 40-50. (3 slaves)




Kinkle, John 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, 2m 20-30, 6m 30-40; If 10-15, If 20-30, If 40-50.

(21 slaves, 4 free colored) Blanks, Paschal (2 slaves, 2 free colored) Rison, Richard Im 0-5, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30, If 60-70.

(I slave, 2 free colored) Talbot, Clayton Im 60-70; If 20-30. (14 slaves) Clay, Clement C Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 10-15, If 30-40. (52 slaves) Herbert, Nathaniel Im 0-5, Im 40-50; If 30-40. (II slaves) Bradford, Daniel M. 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 10-15, If 15-20.

(8 slaves 2 free colored) Feeney, William Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. (4 slaves) Williams, Isaac Im 0-5, Im 15-20, 2m 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) Foote, Philip A. Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30, Im 30-40; If 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 20-30. (10 slaves) Maltbie, James R. Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 15-20, If 20-30, If 30-40. (6 slaves) Pope, Leroy Im 0-5, Im 5-10, 2m 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 30-40, Im 40-50, Im 50-60,

Im 60-70; If 15-20, If 30-40. (165 slaves) Sumner, Thomas J. Im 20-30; If 20-30. (5 slaves) Dunn, John K. 2m 0-5, 3m 5-10, 3m 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Adams, Smith Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 30-40. (I slave) Hoi 1 brooks, John S. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (3 free colored) Neale, Stephen Im 10-15, Im 50-60; If 5-10, If 40-50. (4 slaves) Jolly, Benjamin Im 20-30. Stover, James Im 20-30. Nunnally, Thomas W. Im 20-30. Coltart, Samuel 2m 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 10-15,

If 20-30. (2 slaves) Knox, David J. Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 30-40. (3 free colored) Bibb, Henry Im 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 15-20. (5 slaves, I free col.)

Bingham, John G. 2m 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (I slave) McCay, William, Jr. Im 20-30, 3f 10-15, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Cooper, Allen 2m 0-5, 4m 20-30, 2m 30-40; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (5 slaves) Patteson, Benjamin Im 0-5, Im 20-30, 2m 30-40; If 5-10, If 15-20. (5 slaves) Warren, Elijah W. Im 40-50. (7 slaves) Hunt, Lewis (4 slaves)

Smith, Abigail If 20-30.

Patteson, Alexander Im 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 50-60; If 0-5, If 30-40. (2 slaves) Ski 1 Ion, Isaac Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 30-40, Im 40-50; If 5-10, 2f 10-15,

If 20-30, If 50-60. (5 slaves) Bradford, Joseph B. 2m 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20. (5 slaves) Fackler, John J. 2m 0-5, Im 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20. (4 slaves) Cruse, Samuel Im 0-5, Im 20-30, 2m 30-40; If 5-10, If 30-40. (4 slaves) Pope, Benjamin S. Im 5-10, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, 3f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30,

If 50-60. (12 slaves) Benoit, Earnest Im 0-5, Im 5-10, 7m 20-30, 4m 30-40, Im 50-60, Im 60-70; 2f 0-5,

If 10-15, If 30-40. (5 slaves) Dennett, William B. Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (4 slaves, I free colored) Bulock, Richard B. Im 30-40; If 15-20. (I slave, I free colored)




Choate, John J. Ecard, Jonas Chapman, Samuel Ahrord (?), William Scott, Jesse G. Stainback, Sterling Floyd, Raider Spence, Jane Dale, Johnathon

Hall, Margaret Vining, Mourning Compton, Elizabeth Womble, Benjamin Atkinson, Fanny Kingsland, John Hunsler, Nancy Martin, Mary Baker, Mary Bol 1 ing, Lydia Yeatman, Preston

Purdom, Richard B. Davis, David Ragsdale, Levi Stainback, John Findley, Jenny Fitts, Marshall G. Martin, John Mastin, Francis T.

Browne, Wm. H.T. Miller, Martin Fearn, Thomas Harris, George W.

Flanagan, Phi 1 ip

Bradley, John

Allan, John

Morgan, Samuel D.

Wallace, Edwin R. McClung, James W.

Donegan, James J.

Wharton, Dabney M.

Watkins, Miles J.

im 5-10, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40. (I slave)

Im 30-40. (5 slaves)

3m 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 10-15, If 20-30. (7 slaves) 2m 5-10, Im 40-50; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30, If 70-80. (4 slaves) Im 5-10, 3m 10-15, Im 30-40; If 30-40. (2 slaves) 3m 20-30. (I slave)

2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15, If 40-50.

Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 15-20, If 40-50. (6 slaves, I free colored)

Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 40-50. (I free colored) If 20-30, If 50-60. (4 slaves) (I free colored) If 10-15, If 20-30.

Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 0-5, If 50-60. (2 slaves) If 20-30. (I slave, 2 free colored)

Im 10-15, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 30-40. (I slave, 7 free colored) Im 0-5; 2f 20-30. 2f 20-30.

2f 0-5, If 20-30. (I slave) 2m 0-5, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 20-30. (6 slaves) 4m 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (7 slaves) Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 40-50. (I slave) 2m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 20-30. 2m 20-30; If 20-30. (3 slaves) (I slave, I free colored)

Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 30-40. (7 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 20-30. (5 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, 2f 20-30, Im 40-50; If 15-20, If 20-30, If 60-70. (51 slaves)

Im 10-15, 2m 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40. (4 slaves)

Im 0-5, Im 15-20, 2m 40-50; If 10-15, If 15-20, If 20-30. (17 slaves) Im 40-50; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30. (10 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40, Im 40-50, Im 70-80; If 0-5, If 30-40. (5 slaves) 2m 20-30. (I slave)

2m 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (II slaves)

3m 15-20, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 15-20, If 40-50. (16 slaves) 3m 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30, If 50-60. (6 slaves, I free colored) 3m 0-5, 2m 20-30; If 20-30. (2 slaves) 3m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (15 slaves,3 free colored) 3m 20-30; If 10-15, 2f 20-30. (6 slaves)

Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; 3f 10-15, If 30-40. (4 slaves) Im 30-40; If 15-20. (3 slaves)




Caldwel1, John M. Brandon, Byrd

Posey, Phares T.

Howson, Wi11iam

Pleasants, James J.

Bradley, James

Read, John

Pickett, Edward

Turner, Daniel B.

Barker, Wil1iam

Clarke, Joseph

Rose, Neil B.

Martin, James

Roach, Michael

Rogers, Edward

Johnson, Thomas

Moore, Patrick

McKinley, Lucy

Im Im

Im 2m



(7 Im Im Im


(1 Im Im Im

Im Im

Im Im

(1 Richardson, ? for Kelly, John J. Stoneham, Will iam Wi11 iamson, Sarah Sprague, El izabeth Kendrick, Wil 1 iam P. Horn, James T. Littlefield, John Wilson, Wi11 iam Neely, James Brahan, John

Kent, Germanicus Lowe, Bartley M. Manning, James Oil iver, Peter G.

Huff, Will iam Speck, David Hopkins, Arthur F. Fearn, Richard Lee Thornton, Harry J. Cain, Wi11iam Aday, John DeVendel, Emi1ius Nettles, Reuben Phelan, John Jones, Alexander P.

0-5, Im 15-20, 3m 20-30; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves)

15-20, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 15-20, If 20-30, If 40-50. (4 slaves) 15-20, 3m 20-30; If 0-5, 2f 10-15, If 20-30. (6 slaves) 0"5, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15, If 30-40. (2 slaves) 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 20-30. (8 slaves) 0-5, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 20-30. slaves) 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; 2f 10-15. (8 slaves) 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) 0-5, Im 20-30; If 15-20, If 20-30. (5 slaves) 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 40-50; If 5-10, If 10-15, If 40-50. slave) 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 30-40. (2 slaves) 40-50. (5 slaves) 20-30. 30-40. 0-5, 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 30-40.

40-50. 0-5, Im 20-30, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. free colored)

(2 free colored) (I free colored)

Im 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15; If 5-10, If 20-30. If 5-10, If 30-40. (I slave) Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (4 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 20-30; If 20-30. Im 20-30; If 0-5, If 20-30. (5 slaves) 3m 20-30. (I slave) Im 0-5, Im 20-30; If 20-30. (I slave)

Im 0-5, Im 10-15, Im 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 0-5, If 5-10, If 10-15, If 15-20, If 30-40. (61 slaves) Im 0-5, Im 30-40; If 20-30. (6 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, 2m 20-30, 2m 30-40; If 0-5, If 20-30. (12 slaves) 3m 15-20, Im 20-30, Im 60-70; If 40-50. (224 slaves) 2m 0-5, Im 5-10, Im 10-15, 4m 20-30, 7m 30-40; If 30-40. (5 slaves, I free colored) Im 40-50.

Im 15-20, 2m 20-30; If 0-5, If 15-20. (5 slaves) 2m 10-15, Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, 2f 5-10, If 30-40, If 40-50. (8 slaves) 2m 5-10, Im 10-15, 2m 15-20, Im 20-30; If 15-20, If 30-40. (8 slaves) Im 30-40; 2f 0-5, If 5-10, If 20-30. (3 slaves) Im 10-15, Im 40-50; If 0-5, If 10-15, If 20-30. (3 slaves) 2m 5-10, Im 30-40; If 5-10, If 30-40.

Im 30-40; If 0-5, If 5-10, 2f 10-15, If 30-40, If 50-60. (4 slaves) Im 20-30; 3f 0-5, If 20-30. (2 slaves) 2m 10-15, Im 20-30, Im 50-60; If 15-20, If 40-50. Im 30-40. (63 slaves)



B R E W E R S V I L L E CEMETERY Contributed by: Miss Margaret Larkin

(with family notations in parenthesis)

Located next to Christian Valley Baptist Church, about 7 miles from Livingston, Alabama on Hiwy. 28 to Demopolis, Alabama. Beat 8 Sumter County.

Mack Adams, Born May I, 1886, Died Apr. 21, 1961

Kate Rushing Atkins, Wife of William Thomas Atkins (Daughter of James K.P. and Martha Jane Harrell Rushing) - Born Sept. 9, 1869, Died Nov. 2, 1951

William Thomas Atkins, Born June 6, 1872, Died Sept. II, 1907

Ernest Alexander, Born Dec. 13, 1880, Died May 29, 1945

Emmie McCarty Alexander "Polly", Wife of William Ernest Alexander (Daughter of Joseph Wood­ward and Lula Turner McCarty) - Born Oct. 13, 1906, Died May 2, 1958

Infant Son of Wm. Ernest and Polly M. (Emmie) Alexander 1928

Mary H. Alexander, Wife of Ernest Alexander, Born Aug. 27, 1874, Died Jan. 18, 1953

John Woodlif Beville, Born Jan. 6, 1852, Died Mar. 17, 1914

Albert Blakeney (Son of John Wm. "Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney), Born Mar. 19,1884, Died July 5, 1885

Cemanthia I. Blakeney (Daughter of John Wm. "Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney), Born July 21, 1881, Died Oct. 18, 1896

Estelle Lowry Blakeney, Wife of William Blakeney Jr., Born August 15, 1924, Died Oct.7,1965

Helena Blakeney (Daughter of John Wm."Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney) Born Jan. 22, 1879, Died Aug. 19, 1883

John W. Blakeney (Son of John Wm. "Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney) Born Sept. 16,1872, Died Sept. 28, 1885

John William "Jack" Blakeney (Son of Albert and Ann Ray Blakeney) Born June 21, 1841, Died July II, 1910

Leo Blakeney (Son of John Wm."Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney) Born January 19, 1890, Died January 12, 1967

Lula Lee Blakeney (Daughter of John Wm. "Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney) Born Dec. 7, 1875, Died April 1948

Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney (Wife of John William "Jack" Blakeney and raised by Isaac Horn), Born Sept. 16, 1850, Died Dec. 21, 1925

Roberta Edna Blakeney (Daughter of Robert Isaac and Allie Gilmore Blakeney) Born Sept.18, 1916, Died Oct. 2, 1916

Robert Isaac Blakeney (Son of John William "Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney) Born 1870, Died 1943

William Blakeney (Son of John William "Jack" and Roberta Edna Camel Blakeney) Born Mar. 21, 1887, Died Dec. 14, 1953

Wi11 iam Blakeney Jr. (Son of William and Annie Davidson Blakeney) Born Nov. 30, 1917, Died June 8, 1968

Edward Milton Boggs Jr. (Son of Edward Milton and Mary Clay Boggs, Alabama Pvt. Co. M. 2nd Regt. Alabama Infantry, Spanish American War) Born Feb. II, 1880, Died Sept. I, 1962

William Ranson Boling, Born in Wilkes County, Georgia, November 27 A.D. 1799, Died in Sumter County, Alabama March 1st A.D. I860




Cora Elizabeth Wrenn Bolton, Wife of Elsworth Ezekiel Bolton (Daughter of Josiah and Nannie Elizabeth Blacksher Patton Wrenn) Born September 3, 1866, Died March 26, 1966

Dennis Bolton (Son of Elsworth Ezekial and Cora Wrenn Bolton) Born Nov. 21, 1889, Died Dec. 29, 1891

Elsworth Ezekial Bolton (Son of Manassah Franklin and Sarah "Sal lie" Elizabeth Gulley Bolton) Born Sept. 27, 1863, Died Feb. 2, 1952

Infant Daughter of Elsworth Ezekial and Cora Wrenn Bolton, Born Nov. 16, 1890

Infant Daughter of Elsworth Ezekial and Cora W. Bolton, Born Jan. 28, 1892

Jessie Bolton (Daughter of Elsworth Ezekial and Cora Wrenn Bolton) Born Apr. 4, 1888, Died Apr. 14, 1968

Sarah Elizabeth Bolton, Wife of Mannassah Franklin Bolton, Born July 18, 1833, Died April I, 1916

Pearl Brockway (Daughter of Dr. D.S. and Sal lie M. Patton Brockway) Died Feb. 13, 1888 aged I year 5 mo. I day

Sal lie Murphy Patton Brockway, Wife of Dr. D.S. Brockway (Daughter of James Moses and Minerva Falconer Patton) Born Jan. 3, 1862, Died Sept. 25, 1887

Rex Orell Burnett, Born Feb. 27, 1896, Died July 24, 1943

Erin Elizabeth Carleton, Wife of Winton B. Carleton( Daughter of John Robert and Dora Turner Larkin) Born Aug. 22, 1903, Died Mar. 9, 1938

Winton Wheeler Carleton (Son of Winton B. and Erin Elizabeth Larkin Carleton) Born Nov. 1926, Died July 2, 1947

Allison Coleman (Son of Dr. William Henry and Margaret Allison Coleman) Born August 1852, Died October 10, 1854

Lois Myrtle Larkin Coleman, Wife of William Henry Coleman (Daughter of Rev. John Robert and Susan Aurelia Lee Larkin) Born March 20, 1888, Died Dec. 20, 1947

Robert Coleman (Son of Dr. William Henry and Margaret Allison Coleman) Born October 5, 1847, Died August 1851

Samuel Cruse Coleman (Son of Dr. William Henry and Susan H. Shackelford Coleman) Died in Monterey, Mexico Mar. 6, 1883 in the 39th yr. of his age

Samuel Cruse Coleman Jr. (Son of Samuel Cruse and Susadell McCarty Coleman) Born Feb. 29, 1874, Died Sept. 19, 1876

Susadell McCarty Coleman, Wife of Samuel Cruse Coleman (Daughter of Lewis Brock and Adele Fournier McCarty) Born Aug. 27, 1854, Died June 25, 1905

Dr, William Henry Coleman, Born Aug. 26, 1810, Died Oct. 28, 1853

William Henry Coleman (Son of Samuel Cruse and Susadell McCarty Coleman) Born Jan. 9, 1878, Died Feb. 2, 1955

John C Connelly (Son of J.C and Molly Matthews Connelly) Born Nov. 25, 1896, Died Oct. 15, 1918

Carleton Eugene Corley (Son of Minnie Mayton Corley Adams) Born December 16, 1909, Died June 28, 1964

Jane T- Crocker, Wife of Dr. John W. Crocker "Mother's Offering" - Born Jan. 3, 1833, Died Aug. 26, 1896




Dr. John W. Crocker, Born Feb. 20, 1830, Died Mar. 23, 1885

Martha L. Clanton Hand Cusack (Married 1st Obediah Hand and 2nd Cusack) Born Mar. 16, 1802, Died Nov. 27, 1876

Addie Curnutt Dame, Wife of George Mitchell Dame (Daughter of James H. and Elizabeth Curnutt) Born Nov. 24, 1873, Died Oct. 28, 1959

George Mitchell Dame (Son of David V. and Sarah J. Dame) Born Aug. 26, 1871, Died May 18, 1947

Frank English Davidson (Son of Frank and Ida Sanders Davidson) Born Oct. II, 1900, Died Nov. 15, 1963

Ida Sanders Davidson, Wife of Frank Davidson (Daughter of Elizabeth Ann Terrill and William Henry Sanders) Born June 7, 1863, Died Dec. 23, 1947

Ethel Edmonds, Wife of John Stewart Edmonds Jr. Born May 27, 1894, Died May 28, 1935

Katherine Boggs Edmonds, Wife of John Stewart Edmonds (Daughter of Edward Milton and Mary Clay Boggs) Born 1876, Died 1941

John Stewart Edmonds Jr. (Son of John Stewart and Katherine Boggs Edmonds, Alabama Pvt. 308 Engrs. 81 Division) Born Aug. 18, 1894, Died Feb. 13, 1934

Lizzie Lee Elliott, Born Mar. 19, 1868, Died Feb. 25, 1949

Johnnie Turner Estill, Wife of Samuel Henderson Estill (Daughter of John S. and Elizabeth "Bett" Gillespie Turner) Born Mar. 6, 1880, Died Aug. I, 1944

Samuel Henderson Estill (Son of Samuel Henderson and Sal 1 ie Hainsworth Estill) Born Feb. 27, 1864, Died Feb. 10, 1944

Mary Harriett (Eaton) Falconer, wife of Alexander Hamilton Falconer Born April 27, 1811, Died May 5, 1877

Joseph Grover Garland (Son of Walter W. and Narcissus Jane Grady Garland) Born December 22, 1886, Died March 31, 1966

Narcissus Belle Garland (Daughter of Walter W. and Narcissus Jane Grady Garland) Born Aug. II, 1880, Died April 8, 1962

Mary Ann Garland (Daughter of Walter W. and Narcissus Jane Grady Garland) Born Aug. 17, 1877, Died Nov. 2, 1916

Narcissus Jane Garland, Wife of Walter W. Garland (Grady) Born Oct. 9, 1853, Died May 22, 1945

Walter W. Garland, Born April I, 1853, Died June 29, 1931

Tommie Garnett (Son of M.J. and A.G. Garnett, Major and Anna Williamson Garnett) Born Dec. 31, 1894, Died Aug. II, 1895

G.H. Gatewood, Born April 4, 1859, Died Nov. 4, 1926

Abigail "Abbie" Patton Gibson, Wife of William Gibson (Daughter of Thomas Patton) Born Aug. 23, 1811, Died Nov. 6, 1884

Sarah Ella Gibson (Daughter of William and Abigail Patton Gibson) Born April 4, 1848, Died Aug. 21, 1901




William Gibson, Born Dec. 10, 1801, Died April 13, 1871

Gilder Gill is (Son of Rev. N.A. and M . C Gillis) Died December 1898 aged about 2 years

James Robert Grady (Son of Michael L. and Rebecca Grady) Born Nov. 15, 1862, Died Oct. 6, 1894

Lucy A. Fluker Grady, Wife of James Robert Grady (Daughter of Louis "Ludie" Fluker) Born Jan. 13, 1869, Died May 7, 1900

Matt A. Grady, Born Aug. 6, 1849, Died Mar. 22, 1925

Michael L. Grady, Born Feb. 2, 1835, Died Feb. 19, 1894

Mildred Elizabeth Grady (Daughter of Henry W. and Elizabeth Cora Grady) Born June 4, 1916, Died, Dec. I, 1918

Phil M. Grady, Born May 4, 1851, Died Dec. 24, 1912

Rebecca Grady, Wife of Michael L. Grady, Born Dec. 19, 1838, Died June 26, 1914

Joseph Graham, Alabama Pvtl , Co. K. 40 Regt. Alabama Infantry Civil War C-S.A. Born Nov. 25, 1840, Died Feb. 16, 1919

Cemanthia Camel Gulley, Wife of Ezekiel Slocum Gulley (raised by Isaac Horn) Born Dec. 25, 1848, Died Dec. 29, 1884

Ellen Bell Lee Gulley, Wife of Woodson Slocum Gulley (Daughter of James Madison and Catherine Rebecca Pope Deane Lee) - Born Jan. 15, I860, Died April 29, 1948

Ellen Hester Gulley (Daughter of Woodson Slocum and Ellen Bell Lee Gulley) Born Sept. I, 1881, Died Nov. 20, 1881

Ezekiel Slocum Gulley, Colonel of 40th Ala. Regiment C.S.A. Born in Wayne Co., N.C. Sept. 26, 1831, Died in Sumter Co.,Ala., Sept. 17, 1896

Infant Son of Ezekiel Slocum and Cemanthia Camel Gulley, Born Dec. 2, 1884, Died Dec.7,1884

William I. Gulley (Son of Ezekiel Slocum and Cemanthia Camel Gulley) Born Jan, 26, 1878, Died Aug. 19, 1882

Woodson Slocum Gulley (Son of Ezekiel Slocum and Hester Elizabeth Thetford Gulley) Born June 14, 1857, Died Oct. 16, 1913

Alice Patton McMillan Hall, Wife of Arthur Starr Hall (Daughter of Felix Grundy and Kate Gillespie McMilIan) Born Jan. 14, 1892, Died Feb. 25, 1954

Arthur Starr Hall, Born June 8, 1884, Died Feb. 25, 1953

Joseph Peter Hancock (Son of John Peter and Elizabeth Blakeney Hancock) Born August 1876, Died July 1949

Martha Ann Patton Hand, Wife of Samuel Patton Hand (Daughter of Joseph and Nancy Ella Murphy Patton) Born Nov. 19, 1840, Died Oct. 29, 1914

Cora E. Hand (Daughter of Samuel Patton and Martha Ann Patton Hand) Born Nov. 2, 1866, Died May 16, 1888

Carrie Vanderbilt Hand (Daughter of Samuel Patton and Martha Ann Patton Hand) Born Oct. 20, 1871, Died Oct. 6, 1875




Prof. 0. Clanton Hand (Son of Samuel Patton and Martha Ann Patton Hand) Born July 21, 1864,

Died Aug. 9, 1897

Robert Hand, Infant son of Samuel Patton and Martha Ann Patton Hand, Died Mar. 12, 1882 age I day

Sal lie J. Hand (Daughter of Samuel Patton and Martha Ann Patton Hand) Born Oct. 24, 1856, Died Sept. 13, 1858

Samuel Patton Hand (Son of Martha L. Clanton Hand Cusack and Obediah Hand) Born Jan. 5, 1835,

Died Sept. 5, 1903

Wayne Thomas Hand (Son of Samuel Patton and Martha Ann Patton Hand) Born May 2, 1858, Died Oct. 26, I860

Calpernia "Pern" Greenwood Henson, Wife of George Augustus Henson,(Daughter of DeWitt Clinton and Sarah Dale Greenwood) Born Feb. 23, 1874, Died Feb. 8, 1943

Corrie Elizabeth Snowden Henson, Wife of Dr. John McKemie Henson, (Daughter of James Anderson and Sarah Sophia Holder Snowden) Born Oct. 13, 1837 in Winchester, Tenn., Died Jan. 18, 1898 Sumter Co., Ala.

George Augustus "Gus" Henson (Son of Dr. John McKemie and Corrie Elizabeth Snowden Henson) Born June 17, 1866, Died May 27, 1921

Dr. John McKemie Henson, Born Feb. 8, 1830 in Burke Co., Nor. Car., Died Mar. 7, 1894 in Sumter Co., Ala.

Rev. John Walton Henson (Son of Dr. John McKemie and Corrie Elizabeth Snowden Henson) Born Mar. 3, 1863, Died July 9, 1929

Lydia Patton Lawler Henson, 1st Wife of Rev. John Walton Henson (Daughter of Robert W. and

Sarah Jane Patton Lawler) Born Feb. 1863, Died 1893

Ola McConnel1 Henson, 2nd Wife of Rev. John Walton Henson Born June 25, 1874, Died Jan. I, 1935

Sara Elizabeth Henson (Daughter of George Augustus and Calpernia Greenwood Henson) Born Dec. 22, 1894, Died July 21, 1926

Ida Wimberly Hord, Wife of James C Hord, (Daughter of S.A. and Emma Jackson Wimberly) Born Dec. 25, 1871, Died Mar. I, 1953

James C Hord, Born 1868, Died 1932

Willie D. Hord, 1st Wife of James C Hord - Born June 12, 1875, Died April 22, 1898

Alexander Grice Horn, (Son of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane "Betty" McMillan Horn), Born Jan. 14, 1883, Died April 10, 1962

Curtis Drury Horn, (Son of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn), Born April 16, 1859, Died July 23, 1920

Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn, Wife of Isaac Wood Horn (Daughter of Drury and Elizabeth McDaniel McMillan), Born May 8th, 1842, Died July 26th 1900




Felix Grundy Horn (Son of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn) Born Mar. 1877, Died July 30, 1907

Isaac McMillan Horn (Son of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn)

Born Oct. 20, I860, Died Dec. II, I860

Isaac "Ike" Wood Horn (Son of Thomas "Tony" and Ann Grice Horn) Born Jan. 25, 1825, Died Sept. 22, 1913

John Lee Horn (Son of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn) Born April 6, 1864, Died Feb. 5, 1940

Lizzie Lula Horn (Daughter of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn) Born July 10, 1866, Died July 4, 1933

Mary Horn (Daughter of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn) Born Feb. 24, 1868, Died Mar. 17, 1868

Preston N. Horn (Son of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn) Born Aug. 21, 1872, Died Aug. 16, 1904

Thomas A. Horn (Son of Isaac Wood and Elizabeth Mary Jane McMillan Horn) Born Nov. 21, 1861, Died Feb. 16, 1884

Ella Wideman Houston, 2nd Wife of Samuel Richard Houston - Born 1875, Died 1951

Infant Son of Samuel Richard and Sal 1 ie E. Houston

Sallie E= Ginn Houston, 1st Wife of Samuel Richard Houston (orphan raised by Fannie Pearce) Born 1871, Died 1914

Samuel Richard Houston, Born 1867, Died 1939

Samuel Richard Houston Jr., (Son of Samuel Richard and Sallie E. Ginn Houston) Born 1902, Died 1904

Herbert Vaughan Hudson, Born Mar, 29, 1878, Died December 7, 1953

Bessie Bell Gulley Hudson, Wife of Herbert Vaughan Hudson,(Daughter of Woodson Slocum and Ellen Bell Lee Gulley)

Seward Phillip Hughes, Born Aug. 16, 1886, Died Dec. 17, 1954

William B. Hunter, Alabama Pvt. 5th Marines Division Korea Born Feb, 7, 1929, Died Sept, 23, 1954

Lewis Johnson, Born Feb= 2, 1807, Died June 26, 1875

Abram Larkin, (Son of Dr. John Robert and Mary Ann Trigg Larkins) Born August 15, 1835, Died August 30, 1870

Alice Myrtle Larkin, (Daughter of Clarence Abram and Maggie Doe McMillan Larkin) Born August 20, 1906, Died November 26, 1926

Betty Larkin, (Daughter of Max Finley and Johnnie Williamson Larkin) Born May 17, 1916, Died May 19, 1916

Clara Mae Shaw Larkin, 1st Wife of Malcolm Gream Larkin Born 1901, Died 1934



CONTRIBUTORS Rev. Franklin S. Moseley - 107 Eutaw Avenue, Eutaw, Alabama 35463

Dr. Jean Stephenson - Apt. I 100, The Conrad, 1228 Eye Street N.W., Washington, D.C 20005

Mrs. Leon Creamer - 1002 Pinecrest Drive, Vidalia, Georgia 30474

Mrs. Thomas Seay - 327 Sterrett Avenue, Birmingham, Alabama 35209

Mr. and Mrs. James C Armistead - Box 144, Demopolis, Alabama 36732

Mrs. Hoi lis E. Woodyerd - 3810 - 9th Court South, Birmingham, Alabama 35222

Miss Margaret Larkin - Box 454, Livingston, Alabama 35470

Mrs. Chas. E. Norton - 2724 Altadena Road, Birmingham, Alabama 35243

Mrs. Eugene S. Bee

Mr. Charles E. Boyd

Mrs. Beatrice C Brackett

Mrs. Fred B. Bryant

Mrs. C.'H. Bryars

Mrs. Leon Creamer

Mrs. J.L. DeGroat

Mrs. B. Gray

Mrs. Gail Gurvich

Miss Beatrice Hannon

Mrs. Allen D. Healy

Mr. Horace J, Holland

Mrs. L. Wayne Johnson

Mrs. E. K. Latimer

Mr. Edward S. Smith

Mrs. Dan Strong

Mr. Graham C Thompson

Mr. Oliver C Weaver, Jr.

Mrs. Will ie Alma White

Mrs. H.K. Wiggins


630 Ridge Top Ci rcle

470 West 24th Street

209 Cleveland Street

2025 Leighton Avenue

Star Rt. A, Box 56

1002 Pinecrest Drive

2573 Rocky Ridge Road

Rt. I, Box II

3705 CI ifford Drive

I 13 Wash ington Street

115 E. Cedar Street

2904 Gall alee Road S. E.

Birmingham, Alabama

New York, N.Y.

Greenville, S.C.

Anniston, Alabama

Stockton, Alabama

Vidalia, Georgia

Birmingham, Alabama

Harwood, Texas

Metarie, Louisiana

Prattville, Alabama

Goodlettsvi1le, Tenn.

Leighton, Alabama

Huntsville, Alabama

Box 29364, T.C University, Fort Worth, Texas

P-0. Box 5654

1203 18th Avenue South

Rt. I

1229 Greensboro Road

Rt, 3, Box 136

Baltimore, Maryland

Birmingham, Alabama

Hi lis boro, Alabama

Birmingham, Alabama

Leeds, Alabama

1304 47th St., Belview Hgts.,Birmingham, Ala.




















New York Public Library, Div. G., Grand Central Station, P.O. Box 2237, New York 10017

The Genealogical Society of East Alabama, Inc. P.O. Box 45, Hurtsboro, Alabama 36860





Desire information on Thomas Jefferson Petty, born 16 December 1800, in South Carolina.

He married (I) Jincy Horton in Ga. She died; he married (2) Isabella Buster in DeKalb

Co., Ala. He died 5 Aug. 1877; buried in Rocky Mount Cemetery near Col 1insvi1le, DeKalb

Co., Ala. His marker has a Masonic emblem on it. Can anyone tell me if and where he was

a member of the Masonic Lodge? Also, who was his father, mother, brothers, etc. Need

County of South Carolina where he was born, as the 1850 DeKalb Co., Ala. census shows on­

ly the State.

Mrs. Zora Petty Billingsley, 1003 West 48th Street, Amarillo, Texas 79110.


Desire information on Andrew Francis, who resided in Fauquier Co., Va., in the 1820s and

1830s. He is known to be the father of Robert Henry Francis and John Francis. Who was

Andrew Francis: father, mother, wife, other children, etc.?

Mrs. Zora Petty Billingsley, 1003 West 48th Street, Amarillo, Texas 79110.


Seeking information on:

Daniel Dees and Mary Dees lived in Talladega, Alabama in the 1840s.

Mary "Polly" Guyton Bird (Byrd) and Bird lived near or in Pickens Co., Ala. Their

children were: Abraham Guyton, Martha, Tabitha, Amanda, Possey, Saphronia A.S.,and

Marion Evelyn (male).

William McDonald and Elizabeth (McCarthy or McCarter) McDonald lived in Marengo Co., Ala.

Elizabeths mother was a Davy. Their daughter, Martha Susan McDonald married John

Watkins McGowen in Linden, Ala., Marengo Co., 12 Jan. 1854. The other McDonald child­

ren of Wm. and Elizabeth were: Amelia, Francis Justina, Robert, Washington, Roberta

(twin to Amelia).

Mrs. J.J. Dudley, 917 Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105


Seeking information on John S. Edwards, died in Talladega, Ala. in 1840, married 22 Oct.

1818 in Talladega, Juliette Massey, daughter of Margaret Salmon and John M. Massey, of

Talladega Their children: Eliza L., Mary Ann, Thomas Jefferson, John Henry married 23

Nov, 1859, Talladega, Georgia Anna Eliza Ryan, daughter of

John and ? Ryan, of Talladega; William W., Maria C , and

Francis DeLafayette Edwards.

Mrs. J.J Dudley, 917 Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105

24. DAVIS- KESTERS0N. Who were parents of HENRY DAVIS, b. 15 Nov. 1829 in Randolph County, Alabama? He died 26 March 1912 in Jackson Parish Louisiana. One sister, Elizabeth Crawford Davis, married James Durham in Cuthbert, Georgia. Henry Davis married JEMIMA ELIZABETH KESTERS0N in Arkansas probably 1850. Who were parents of Jemima Elizabeth, b. 16 Mar. 1838 (?), d. 24 Nov. 1923. Children of Henry and Jemima Davis: G.W., b. 26 Nov. 1854; Larkin, b. I Sept. 1856; Elizar Jane, b. II Mar. 1858; Mary Frances, b. 25 Dec. 1859; Cicero Henry, b.27 Apr. 1862; James Wesley, b. II Oct. 1864; Alas, b. 7 Aug. 1859; Nancy Elizabeth, b. 8 Nov. 1870; Samuel Jones, b. 28 Mar. 1873; and Anny C , b. 16 Nov. 1875. Will share inform­ation. - Mrs. E.M. Watson, 1009 Frances Drive, Rosenberg, Texas 77471



Page 2 - QUERIES

25. RICE - ISBELL. SARA JACKSON RICE, b. 8 May I860 in Randolph County, Alabama, d, 1947 in Grimes County,

Texas. Her f a t h e r was CHARLIE RICE- Who was her mother? She had a brother JOHN RICE and

a stepbrother , Mi l ton Wheeler. SARA JACKSON RICE married 18 January 1878 ANDREW PENDLE­

TON ISBELL, b. I860, d. 1950, son of JEREMIAH ISBELL and w i f e , MATILDA ANN WADE, of

Georgia. Mat i lda Ann Wade, born 1827, d. 30 June 1904, in Grimes County, Texas. Who were

her parents? Andrew Pendleton and Sara Jackson I s b e l l ' s c h i l d r e n :

J .B. Earnest, b. 5 Nov. 1878; Ju le , b. 25 May 1881; Mat i lda I rene, b. I I Nov. 1882;

Grover Cleveland, b. 4 Nov. 1884; Walter Andrew, b. 12 Sept. 1886; Plutano, b. 20

Nov. 1889; Adger Wi l l i am, b. 17 Sept. 1893; Inez Ismay, b. 14 June 1898; Char l ie

Beason, b. 15 Sept. 1900. Wi l l exchange informat ion.

Mrs. E.M. Watson, 1009 Frances Dr ive, Rosenberg, Texas 77471

26. ALEXANDER. Seeking information on JAMES B. ALEXANDER (1850 Census Kemper Co., Miss.) age 53, wife, Mary, age 53. Children: Jeremiah, b. 23 July 1820, died 7 Oct. 1898, settled Neshoba Co., Miss.; Samuel age 16; Phainnel (?) age 15; Elizabeth age 13; John age 12; George P. age 10. All children born in Alabama. Where? Welcome correspondence. Mrs. Allen D. Taylor, 1346 Pidgeon Perch Lane, Memphis, Tennessee 38116


Seeking parentage of JAMES (called Jim) LANGST0N and wife, DELILAH (WEBB) LANGST0N who

lived in northwest Alabama about 1830. Their children: John; William; James Copeland,

b. 1831," d. 1914 Miss.; CW veteran from Lowndes Co., Miss.; Henry; Matt (or Madison);

Sarah Margaret (called "Tilda"); and Mary. My records show that the Langston family came from N.C. and/or S.C. Wi11 answer al1 letters.

Mrs. E.K. Latimer, Box 29705, TCU Station, Fort Worth, Texas 76129

28. GASTON - CAST I LOW - JORDAN. Desire information on THOMAS GASTON, of Montgomery Co. (?), who married SARA CASTIL0W, daughter of BENJAMIN F. CASTIL0W and MARY FRANCES JORDAN-

Also on MARY FRANCES JORDAN of Crenshaw or Montgomery County. She probably was born in Georgia.

Mrs. Richard H. Compton, 3921 Montevallo Road, Birmingham, Alabama 35213