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Isu ini Berita Al-Quds 2020: Projek Penempatan Haram Yahudi mengancam status rakyat Palestin Berita Full Jewish city dug beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque Analisis Is Tel Aviv attack revival of the Jerusalem intifada? Laporan 22 tahun sejak pem bunuhan beramai-ramai - Masjid Ibrahimi bangkit menentang penceroboh Yahudi Aktiviti Kami Pameran Al-Quds di Masjid Negera

Al quds newsletter issue no 90

Aug 03, 2016




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Page 1: Al quds newsletter issue no 90

Isu iniBerita Al-Quds 2020: Projek Penempatan Haram Yahudi mengancam status rakyat Palestin

Berita Full Jewish city dug beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque

Analisis Is Tel Aviv attack revival of the Jerusalem intifada?

Laporan 22 tahun sejak pem bunuhan beramai-ramai - Masjid Ibrahimi bangkit menentang penceroboh Yahudi

Aktiviti Kami Pameran Al-Quds di Masjid Negera

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Al-Quds 2020: Projek Penempatan Haram Yahudi mengancam status rakyat Palestin


Al-QUDS, (Pusat Maklumat Palestin) Seorang pakar dalam isu Projek Penempatan Yahudi, Khalil At-Tafakji berkata bahawa rancangan Ya-hudi yang mempercepatkan projek penempatan mereka di Al-Quds berlaku kerana mereka ingin merealisasikan rencana ‘Al-Quds 2020’, iaitu se-buah rancangan untuk meluaskan kawasan jajah-an Yahudi di Al-Quds seterusnya membangunkan negara Israel dan menutup Lapangan Terbang At-arot yang terletak di Timur Bandar. Beliau juga berkata dalam sidang media pada Ahad yang lalu bahawa Projek Penempatan Haram Yahudi melibatkan dua bahagian Bandar Jerusalem termasuk timur dan barat. Projek ini dijalankan untuk meluaskan kawasan jajahan Yahudi supaya mereka boleh ‘meyahu-dikan’ Bandar Al-Quds tersebut sehingga terbentuk sebuah negara Israel. Beliau menerangkan lagi: “Keputusan Israel untuk mempercepatkan projek tersebut dibuat supaya mer-eka dapat merealisasikan rencana ‘al-Quds 2020’ yang mensasarkan 58 ribu penempatan untuk Yahudi”. Tambah beliau: “Tentera Israel menjalankan projek ini secara beransur-ansur tetapi pantas sehingga ia mungkin disiapkan sebelum tempoh yang ditetapkan”.Beliau merujuk kepada rancangan Zionis untuk membina 15 ribu penempatan Yahudi di sekitar Kalandia. Mereka perlu merobohkan Lapangan Terbang Atarot untuk menubuhkan sebuah negara ‘Palestin yang merdeka’. Projek ini juga dirancang bagi menghapuskan komuniti Arab di Al-Quds seterusnya melakar sebuah peta yang baru di atas tanah Palestin.

Israel mensasarkan untuk mewujudkan 258 unit penempatan haram di Jerusalem

Laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh kumpulan pro-Is-rael baru-baru ini mendedahkan bahawa Israel telah merancang untuk membina 258 penempa-tan haram di Jerusalem.Kumpulan ini yang bergabung dengan tentera Israel berkata bahawa ahli jawatankuasa ran-cangan penempatan Yahudi di Jerusalem akan berbincang dalam satu sesi khas pada Khamis, 22 Jun untuk membina 258 unit penempatan di atas tanah Palestin di Wilayah Issawiyya, At-Tur dan Lefta.Sebanyak 734 dunam tanah Palestin telah dirampas oleh penguat kuasa Israel untuk memulakan projek penempatan Yahudi. Pada masa yang sama, menurut rancangan asal hubungan antara bandar-bandar dan kampung-kampung di sekitar Palestin akan terjejas kesan daripada projek ini.Projek ini juga melibatkan taman-taman, sekolah dan rumah ibadah Yahudi yang akan dibina pada fasa kedua. Projek ini akan memusnahkan kira-kira 23 buah rumah rakyat Palestin di kawasan antara Isawiyya dan At-Tur.Sejak kebelakangan ini, pihak perbandaran Israel telah menolak permohonan rakyat Palestin yang ingin mendaftarkan tanah mereka di jabatan tanah untuk memberi peluang kepada pihak mereka menjalankan projek penempatan haram dan memasukkan pengaruh Yahudi di Jerusalem.

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Tentera Israel menahan seorang pemuda Palestin dengan tuduhan bahawa beliau menyebarkan ha-sutan di laman sosial

Laman web hari isnin melaporkan bahawa pemuda yang berumur 20 tahun tersebut ditahan kerana beliau menyebarkan ha-sutan melalui laman facebook miliknya yang diikuti oleh 270 ribu pengikut.Laman web tersebut menyatakan bahawa pemuda tersebut menye-barkan post-post yang menyokong kegiatan kumpulan muslimin yang mempertahankan Palestin, khususnya Hamas dan tempoh pen-ahanan akan berlanjutan sehingga selesai proses pertuduhan.Laporan menunjukkan bahawa tentera Israel telah menahan lebih daripada 150 pemuda sejak tercetusnya intifadah Al-Quds pada Ok-tober yang lalu. Penahanan ini dilakukan dengan dakwaan bahawa mereka menghasut dan menulis komen-komen buruk terhadap puak Israel di lama sosial.

Zionis akan bina tembok bawah tanah sepanjang sempadan Gaza

Gaza, (MAAN) Rejim Zionis merancang untuk membina tembok konkrit sedalam 10 meter di bawah tanah dan di atas tanah di sepanjang sempadan Gaza.Kos pembinaan tembok sepanjang 60 batu itu dianggarkan seban-yak 2.2 bilion shekel (RM 2.35 bilion).


Around 42% of West Bank, Gaza Strip residents are refugees

Some 41.6 per cent of Palestinian residents in the state of Palestine are refugees, Quds Press reported Palestine Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) saying yesterday.In an official report, the PCBS said that 26.3 per cent of West Bank residents and 67.7 per cent of those in the Gaza Strip are refugees.According to UNRWA, there were 5.6 mil-lion Palestinian refugees in January 2015.It also said that a “devastating tragedy” hap-pened in 1948 when 66 per cent Palestin-ians were displaced from historic Palestine. According to the report, the refugees suffer from a high rate of unemployment.

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Sheikh Ikrima: Ikatan erat penduduk Palestin dengan Masjid al-Aqsa bawa mesej kepada Zionis

AL-QUDS, (Pusat Maklumat Palestin) Ketua Majlis Tertinggi Islam, Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, menegaskan bahawa kehadiran lebih 200,000 jemaah solat Jumaat di Masjid al-Aqsa merupa-kan mesej kepada rejim Zionis bahawa penduduk Palestin begitu terikat dengan masjid suci itu. Ia merupakan satu amaran kepada rejim Zionis supaya tidak mencemari tapak suci umat Islam itu, serta memberi peringatan kepada dunia Islam supaya berusaha menghentikan penjajahan Zionis.

80% of Jerusalemites live below poverty rate

AL-QUDS, (Pusat Maklumat Palestin) A report issued by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies shows a sharp increase in poverty levels amongst Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem. 82% of Jerusale-mites live under poverty rate, the report revealed. Analyzing the data, Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted that the occupied city’s approximately 300,000 residents have long been one of the poorest groups in Israel, but over the past decade their economic situation has worsened drastically. According to the paper, “the main reason for the deterioration was the construction of the separation fence, which cut Jerusa-lem off from the West Bank.” This caused “severe harm to businesses that relied on customers from the West Bank, and also raised the cost of living because there were no more cheap imports from the West Bank.” The paper also noted that the out-break of Jerusalem Intifada in early Octo-ber 2015 and the tighter security checks at checkpoints around Jerusalem also played a role by making it harder to import prod-ucts from the West Bank, which caused a marked rise in food prices. The paper un-derlined that prices in East Jerusalem ar-en’t any lower than they are in the city’s western part,” saying that one out of every three workers in East Jerusalem lives in a neighborhood outside the separation fence. That makes it very hard for them to work in the city. “Nevertheless, even having a job is no protection against poverty: Fully 89 percent of East Jerusalem families with one breadwinner were earning below the poverty line.” The Workers’ Advice Center said another problem is that “many East Jerusalem residents who are eligible for welfare benefits don’t receive them, usually due to bureaucratic obstacles. For instance, it said, only 7 percent of East Jerusalem families receive income support payments, compared to 10 percent of Jewish Israeli families, even though poverty is far more widespread in East Jerusalem than among Jewish Israelis.” Another problem, which is also relat-ed to the security situation, is that “over the past two years thousands of East Jerusalem residents have been arrested, the vast majority of them people of working age. Being arrested often leads to dismissal and makes it hard to find another job, since many employers won’t hire someone with a police record.”

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Full Jewish city dug beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque Full Israeli Jewish city was dug beneath and around Al-Aqsa Mosque had been revealed and pictures of this city were exposed.Palestinian sources said on Tuesday that the Israeli excavations beneath and around Al-Aqsa Mosque were in-creased, noting that currently there is full city with several facilities there. Such excavations undermine the foun-dations of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which the Israeli Jewish occupation is planning to destroy in order to build its claimed temple instead of it.It is worth mentioning that it the Israeli public is prevented from entering into the underground city. Only senior scientists and arachnologists are allowed there.The Palestinian sources, which ex-posed a number of pictures of the Israeli excavations beneath Al-Aqsa Mosque, said that they had collected tiny pieces of information about this issue for years. According to Q Press, information centre dedicated to Jerusalem affairs, the tiny pieces of information and the given pictures were put together to get a wider and clearer view about the Israeli Zionist activities being carried out ahead of demolishing Al-Aqsa Mosque.Q Press called for the Palestinians, Arabs, Islamic nation and the world to act urgently in order to undermine Israeli projects aiming at destroying Al-Aqsa Mosque, which would anger all Muslims across the world if it happened.

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Is Tel Aviv attack revival of the Jerusalem intifada?

On June 9, the Israeli government promptly decided to impose a series of collective punishments on the Palestinian residents of Yatta. Most importantly, Israel imposed a complete siege on the city and revoked the work permits of the perpetrators’ family as well as 83,000 permits from residents of Yatta and other Palestinian cities. The Israeli government had granted the Palestinians these permits allowing them to visit the West Bank and pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of Ramadan. Othman Abu Sabha, Palestinian National Initiative leader and an influential figure in Yatta, told Al-Monitor, “The Israeli measures imposed on Yatta include sand berms and military checkpoints blocking all entrances to the city and a siege that was not even imposed at the height of Al-Aqsa intifada in 2000. The fact that Israel is making the city’s residents suffer this much expresses a retaliatory Israeli approach to punish the perpetrators’ hometown. The siege is still imposed and it has resulted in heavy economic losses for the city. Many plants, factories and shops are located in Yatta, and the siege impedes the import and export movement.”

Also on June 9, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said in sep-arate statements that they believe the Tel Aviv operation to be a natural response to the Israeli crimes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They stressed that the Jerusalem intifada is still ongoing and will not be stopped by the Israeli arrests. For its part, Fatah considered the operation to be an individual response and spontaneous reaction to the use of violence adopted by Israel.


The pace of the attacks against Israelis during the Jerusa-lem intifada, which broke out in October 2015, has been increasing at times and decreasing at others. Up until early March, 620 attacks had been carried out in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem, resulting in the death of 33 Is-raelis and 209 Palestinians.

The Tel Aviv attack June 8 was the most ruthless Palestin-ian armed attack against Israelis, targeting a shopping mall in Tel Aviv, a short walk from the headquarters of the Is-raeli Ministry of Defense. Cousins Mohammad and Khaled Mahamra from the town of Yatta in Hebron governorate were able to pass through the security measures and the Israeli military checkpoints, and started shooting at people killing four Israelis and wounding six others.

" The latest Tel Aviv attack has raised questions about the Palestinian par-ty standing behind it, as some claim

it was an individual operation "Analisis Oleh: Adana Abu Amer

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However, the Palestinian Authority (PA) expressed its rejec-tion of operations affecting civilians from any party whatso-ever and whatever the justifications, calling for not resorting to violence or any action that would increase tension.On the same day, Israelis demanded the enactment of a law to move the perpetrators’ parents from the West Bank to Gaza and called on Israel to take radical action and secu-rity measures based on harsh retribution that would remain etched in the minds of the Palestinians.Samira Halayqa, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council for Hamas in Hebron, told Al-Monitor, “Israel is not waiting for pretexts to impose sanctions on the Palestin-ians, such as the recent Tel Aviv operation. The occupation is the main reason for the continuation of these violations against the Palestinians, before and after the [Tel Aviv] op-eration.The Tel Aviv operation also sparked a debate among the Palestinians. Some thought it may contribute to turning the current intifada into armed operations that would be a pre-lude to the coming stage and that the resistance action must regain its central role. Others, however, considered that this operation would reignite a controversial debate whereby Palestinians targeting Israeli civilians may be used as a pre-text by Israel, which claims that the Palestinians are engag-ing in violent acts and not in legitimate resistance.A Palestinian minister told Al-Monitor on condition of ano-nymity, “The Palestinian resistance is undisputedly a legit-imate right. But the Tel Aviv operation came at the wrong time as it coincided with terrorist operations carried out around the world, most notably, the attack in Istanbul in

early June that killed 11 Turks. This could give Israel the opportunity to claim that the Palestinian resis-tance is the same as terrorism that is rejected by the entire world.”The Tel Aviv operation took place only two days into the holy month of Ramadan. Before that and specifically in early May, Israel had warned about escalation in Palestinian attacks against Israelis and deployed more Israeli troops in the West Bank in anticipation of further operations.According to preliminary Israeli estimates, the Tel Aviv operation was an individual attack carried out by two Palestinian cousins from the city of Yatta who are not backed by a specific Palestinian organization, even though they are known to be Hamas supporters. But even when Hamas itself gave the operation its blessing, it did not claim official responsibility for it.Hani al-Masri, the director of the Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Strategic Studies - MASARAT, told Al-Monitor, “The Tel Aviv operation confirms that Palestinian individual operations are increasing, which requires a research on their causes and motives instead of rushing to condemn or support them. One must also think carefully about the targeting of civilians in Israel, so the Palestinian resistance can be deliberate and not random. It should not target children and public places, and [resis-tance action] should go in line with the Palestinian cause and its moral superiority as there are 1.5 million Palestinians with Israeli citizenship and Jews who reject the Zionist project.”The Tel Aviv operation will not soon be forgotten, and repercussions continue to take their toll in light of the ongoing siege imposed on Yatta, while Israel continues to cooperate with the PA’s security services when arresting Palestinians in the West Bank whom Israel suspects of planning armed attacks against it.


Analisis Oleh: Adana Abu Amer

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22 tahun sejak pembunuhan beramai-ramai - Masjid Ibrahimi bangkit menentang penceroboh Yahudi Laporan

Hebron, Pusat Informasi Palestin.Imam Masjid Ibrahim Hebron, Syeikh Adil Idris ber-kata bahawa tragedi pembunuhan beramai-ramai kembali menerjah memorinya dan beliau teringat suasana hari yang tidak boleh dilupakan dan tidak akan hilang dek zaman itu. Bunyi tembakan kedeng-aran dan rintihan para Jemaah masih lagi terngiang di dalam fikirannya.

Syeikh Idris berkata kepada Pusat Informasi Palestin “Sepupuku As-Syahid Ziyab Al-Karki dan juga para syuhada pada hari itu memberitahu kami malam itu bahawa tentera Israel mengancam mereka ketika para Jemaah sedang mengerjakan solat terawih. Ten-tera Israel berkata: “Esok kamu semua akan saksikan apa yang bakal terjadi kepada kamu semua.”Isnin hari kelima belas Ramadhan menandakan hari ulangtahun bagi pembunuhan besar-besaran di Masjid Ibrahimi yang mengakibatkan kematian 29 orang Jemaah masjid dan lebih dari 200 orang ter-cedera ketika mereka menunaikan solat subuh. Pem-bunuhan ini juga berlaku di kawasan-kawasan lain di Hebron mengakibatkan kematian 50 orang syuha-da dan beratus-ratus orang tercedera di bandar itu.Masyarakat Hebron sentiasa memperingati peristi-wa itu. Mereka tekad untuk menghalang pengaruh yahudi dan percubaan merampas Masjid Ibrahimi dengan menyeru dan melakukan kempen untuk so-lat di dalam masjid tersebut dan memecahkan tem-bok ketakutan yang dibina oleh penjajah Yahudi ke atas pelawat-pelawat masjid ini sejak pembunuhan besar-besaran tersebut.

Memori yang tidak bisa dilupakanSyeikh Idris menambah: “Ketika sedang melakukan su-jud tilawah tiba-tiba saya terdengar bunyi tembakan. Seorang Jemaah yang bernama Husni Ar-Rajabi menar-ik saya dan berkata: “Bertakbirlah!”. Maka saya pun hen-tikan solat dan mula bertakbir melalui mikrofon dan pembesar suara khas di masjid”Syeikh Idris mengakui bahawa Baruch Goldstein masuk melalui pintu utama Masjid Ibrahimi yang terletak di bahagian utara. Kemudian dia beralih ke kawasan Ish-aqiyyah di depan Yusufiyyah. Dia mula menembak Je-maah yang sedang solat dari belakang menyebabkan 29 jemaah syahid dan lebih 200 orang tercedera termasuk adik beliau, Salim yang juga seorang jurutera.Beliau memberitahu bahawa tentera penceroboh menu-tup pintu-pintu masjid untuk mengelakkan para Jemaah keluar daripada masjid dan juga menghalang penduduk setempat dari masuk ke masjid untuk menyelamatkan Jemaah yang tercedera.

Rancangan pembahagian masjidSaksi dan penganalisis tragedi ini bersepakat bahawa serangan ini berlaku secara tersusun dan telah diran-cang lebih awal dimana tujuannya adalah untuk men-guasai masjid tersebut dan membahagi dan mengubah peraturannya dimana keseluruhan penguasaan masjid terletak di bawah puak Yahudi.Pengarah Direktor Masjid Ibrahimi, Haji Munzir Rafiq Abu Al-Failat berkata: “Tempoh yang paling sukar bagi masjid adalah pada tahun tersebut, ketika mana seo-rang pengganas Baruch Goldstein dan juga sekumpulan


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22 tahun sejak pembunuhan beramai-ramai - Masjid Ibrahimi bangkit menentang penceroboh Yahudi Laporan

penceroboh menutup pintu-pintu masjid dan men-jalankan operasi pembunuhan beramai-ramai.”

Suruhanjaya ShamgharSetelah pembunuhan besar-besaran berlaku, Israel menubuhkan sebuah suruhanjaya penyelidikan yang dinamakan Suruhanjaya Shamghar yang ditugaskan untuk membahagikan masjid kepada dua bahagian dimana 56% kawasan masjid menjadi milik Yahudi dan 44% milik muslimin.Sejak pada itu, mereka meletakkan pembahagi di kawasan masjid dimana puak Yahudi dan sekutunya mendominasi kawasan Yaqubiyyah, Yusufiyyah, An-bar, Bilik As-Sadnah dan perpustakaan manakala ka-wasan Ishaqiyyah kekal dibawah penguasaan Mus-limin.Sejak berlaku pembahagian Masjid Ibrahimi, kaum Muslimin berjaya menggunakan kawasan dibawah penguasaan mereka bermula dari jam 3 pagi sehingga 9 malam pada sepanjang tahun kecuali 10 hari perayaan Yahudi dimana mereka akan meng-gunakan keseluruhan masjid dan menghalang orang Islam dari memasuki masjid pada hari-hari tersebut.

Pengharaman azanAbu Al-Failat memberitahu bahawa puak penceroboh Yahudi menghalang azan dikumandangkan sejak mereka menguasai Masjid Ibrahimi dan sehingga waktu ini, hanya sepuluh hari dalam setahun saha-ja diberikan kepada orang Islam untuk melakukan aktiviti di masjid. Bilangan waktu azan untuk tem-poh sebulan ialah 150 kali. Ini menunjukkan baha-wa puak Yahudi mengharamkan sebanyak 50 hingga 70 azan berkumandang pada setiap bulan ditambah dengan hari Sabtu yang memang tidak dibenarkan azan langsung, lebih-lebih lagi apabila bilik azan be-rada di bawah penguasaan puak Yahudi.Abu Al-Failat berkata: “apabila tiba waktu untuk me-laungkan azan, kami akan mengambil permit kebe-naran muazzin untuk masuk ke bilik azan. Seterusnya muazzin akan masuk ke bilik tersebut sambil diiringi oleh tentera bagi mengelakkan serangan penceroboh yang berada di kawasan tersebut. Selepas beberapa ketika, serangan dilakukan ke atas muazzin setelah beliau melaungkan azan isya.

Langkah-langkah yang diambil untuk men-ghalang pengaruh Yahudi

Pelbagai langkah telah dibuat sehingga ke hari ini untuk sentiasa memperingati tragedi pembunuhan di Masjid Ibrahimi termasuklah seruan untuk berkumpul dan be-rarak ke seluruh kawasan masjid dan menunaikan solat asar di situ. Pada hari Isnin sempena memperingati tahun ke22 pembunuhan , sepuluh orang penduduk memakai pa-kaian hitam yang bertulis “Bertahanlah dalam solatmu”. Mereka datang dari segenap penjuru kawasan Hebron dengan tujuan memperingati tragedi pembunuhan be-sar-besaran.Pengarah Khazah Umum Hebron, Ismail Abu Al-Hal-awah berkata bahawa pihaknya berusaha bersung-guh-sungguh untuk menarik orang datang ke masjid melalui kerjasama dengan media serta menjemput be-berapa ulama, syeikh dan orang ramai untuk menziar-ahi masjid. “Kami telah menjalankan beberapa aktiviti untuk memperkukuhkan hubungan dengan mereka.”Abu Al-Halawah berkata: “Kami berusaha dalam gera-kan ini untuk memecahkan tembok ketakutan yang wu-jud pada rakyat yang menyebabkan mereka tidak pergi ke masjid tersebut. Kami juga menekan puak Yahudi supaya mereka membuka beberapa bahagian masjid yang ditutup supaya kita boleh menunaikan solat dida-lamnya. Tindakan ini semuanya dilakukan demi men-ghalang percubaan me’yahudi’kan masjid dan mem-buang ketakutan yang ditanam oleh Yahudi melalui serangan ke atas masjid suatu masa dahulu.”


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Pameran Al-Quds di Masjid Negara9

Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia telah membuat satu pameran bergambar di Masjid Negara tentang penderita-an di rakyat di Jerusalem dan Al-Aq-sa di bawah penjajahan tentera Isra-el. Turut dipamerkan gambar yang menceritakan tentang kecekalan rakyat dalam menentang kemasukan pengaruh Yahudi di Al-Aqsa. Pamer-an ini diadakan pada Jumaat 24 Jun bersamaan dengan 19 Ramadhan. Ia mendapat sambutan yang menggal-akkan dari para jemaah masjid yang menghayati setiap gambar yang di-pamerkan sambil diberi penerangan oleh sukarelawan di situ. Beberapa risalah penerangan turut diedarkan. Antara tetamu kehormat yang hadir pada pameran ini ialah bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Mahathir Mohammad dan beberapa pegawai kehormat yang lain yang menun-aikan solat jumaat di masjid berikut.

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