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NEWS LETTER From The Principals From The Administraon From Parents Associaon Pre-K : Interacon Between 2 Units K1 : Differenated Learning K2 : Life Cycle of Living Things G1 : Keterampilan Mengatur Diri G2 : How the World Works G3: Build Up Digital Cizenship G4: Energy is the Ability to Do Work! G5 : Cizen and Government MYP Science Fair 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Semester II,March 2016/2017 Al Jabr Islamic School TABLE OF CONTENTS

Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … · will have the Verification visit on May 22 – 24, 2017. Thank you

Mar 05, 2019



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Page 1: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … · will have the Verification visit on May 22 – 24, 2017. Thank you


From The PrincipalsFrom The AdministrationFrom Parents AssociationPre-K : Interaction Between 2 UnitsK1 : Differentiated LearningK2 : Life Cycle of Living ThingsG1 : Keterampilan Mengatur DiriG2 : How the World WorksG3: Build Up Digital Citizenship

G4: Energy is the Ability to Do Work!G5 : Citizen and GovernmentMYP Science Fair






S e m e s t e r I I , M a r c h 2 0 1 6 / 2 0 1 7

A l J a b r I s l a m i c S c h o o l


Page 2: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … · will have the Verification visit on May 22 – 24, 2017. Thank you

Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 2

Assalaamu’alaikum wr.wb.

The word “well-rounded” in our mission statement is a critical component. It is our responsibility to encourage each student to experience different learning engagement to meet the expected standards. How will do they do it?

Approach to Learning Skills in IB program enable students to develop skills which have relevance across the curriculum to help them “learn how to learn”, help them what prepare for, and demonstrate learning through meaningful assessment. As a solid foundation for learning independently and with others, they provide a common language that students and teachers (even parents!) can use to reflect on, and articulate on, the process of life-long learning –to be the well-rounded individuals.

Parents are integral partners in this process and we need you to join us in frequently monitoring your child’s learning. Here are some practical ways, from ATL Skills, you can do at home:

The good habits they establish now, will serve them well for years to come. Don’t forget to praise them when you heard great stories. They need validation for the good work they are doing.

From March 2017, the series of Try Outs, practical exams, written exams, UNBK simulations have been simultaneously conducted in Al Jabr for Grade 6, 9 and 12 which allow them to ensure they learning skills and strategies managed wisely. Indeed, academic achievement is not everything, yet having high standard of achievement might contribute to their confidence and becomes foundation for achieving another success in the future.

Our Students Led Conference on March 21-23, 2017 should be one of the efforts for students to develop their communication skills by running the conferences, informing their parents about how they’re doing, what their goals are going forward, and what kind of learners they are. Thank you for attending and participating in their growth of learning process.

Everyone will come to school on April 3rd 2017. Insya Allah Grade 12 will have their National Exams, followed Grade 9 and 6 students. And also our MYP will have the Verification visit on May 22 – 24, 2017.

Thank you for being our partners in learning at Al Jabr Islamic School. With intact effort and collaboration by all of us, we can help realize that mission statement, helping each student to learn to create a better world.

Hasbunallaah Wa Ni’mal Wakiil, Ni’mal Maulaa Wa Ni’man NashiirWassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

Achmad Safarie – Kartika Desy

f r o mThe Principals

• Go through their backpack each night, checking for important information to be read or assignments to be completed.

• Review the planner just as they should, for any long-term projects to begin such as PYP Exhibition, Community Project, Personal Project, or Home Project for summative assessment.

• Read to or with them every day. A high level of independent reading is one of the key indicators of school success—plus it is fun!

• Help them review the UoI, ask them to identify what they have learned in the day, or prepare for the next topics.

• If you have computer access, encourage them to utilize literacy and numeracy websites to help build their skill sets in reading and math.

• Talk with them about the importance of school and getting a solid foundation for learning.


II Collaboration Skills (4)


III Organization skills

(2) (3)


I Communication Skills

(1) (2)


VIII Critical-thinking Skills

(2) (16)


VI Information Literacy

Skills (2)

VII Media Literacy Skills (1)


I Communication Skills

(1) (2)

Page 3: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … · will have the Verification visit on May 22 – 24, 2017. Thank you

Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 3

Assalaamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Di musim penghujan ini kami ingatkan kembali kepada community learners of Al Jabr Islamic School untuk senantiasa menjaga kesehatan dimana tubuh rentan terkena berbagai macam penyakit. Kelembaban yang sangat tinggi menyebabkan keringat tidak menguap dengan cepat. Kiranya kita tetap bisa menjaga cairan tubuh dengan minum 8 gelas perhari dan mengkonsumsi makanan sehat secara berimbang. Makan sayur dan buah dapat membantu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan secara bersamaan membantu proses pencernaan serta mencegah infeksi.

Untuk mencegah penularan penyakit sebagai tanggungjawab kita terhadap kesehatan orang lain dan diri sendiri, kami anjurkan:1. Menjaga kebersihan tangan dengan mencuci

tangan minimum 10 detik baik sebelum dan sesudah makan, sebelum dan sesudah masuk kelas atau sekolah maupun sesudah dari toilet

2. Menghindari bersentuhan tangan untuk menghindari penularan penyakit

3. Menutup mulut dan hidung ketika sedang batuk atau bersin

4. Cukup istirahat, minum dan makan makanan yang bergizi dan sarat vitamin serta berolah raga yang cukup sehingga badan memiliki daya tahan yang kuat

5. Jika dirasa tidak enak badan maka minumlah minuman hangat yang mengandung madu dan jeruk nipis, dan tak lupa beristirahat yang cukup

Kami juga menyarankan kepada siswa yang kurang sehat untuk beristirahat di rumah. Kalau pun tetap masuk sekolah, sebaiknya membawa obat-obatan pribadi serta menggunakan jaket dan masker agar tidak menularkan penyakit kepada teman-temannya di sekolah atau bahkan dapat memperburuk kondisi siswa yang sakit. Bagaimana pun istirahat yang cukup dan mengkonsumsi gizi yang seimbang akan membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. InsyaAllah.

Khusus kepada siswa kelas 6, 9 dan 12 yang akan menempuh Ujian Nasional, jagalah kesehatan, stamina dan semangat mu dalam belajar. Ingatlah bahwa yang terpenting dari Ujian Nasional bukanlah lomba untuk meraih peringkat yang tertinggi, melainkan sebuah tes yang dilakukan untuk menentukan tolok ukur atas kemampuanmu sendiri untuk melangkah ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi.

Selamat menikmati Term Break, 27 – 31 Maret 2017, jumpa lagi pada hari Senin, 3 April 2017.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Siska Liliana

D a r i


Page 4: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … · will have the Verification visit on May 22 – 24, 2017. Thank you

Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 4

Assalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Al Jabr is contented with schedules in sustaining the amanah.

Alhamdulillah, pada tanggal 13 Feb 2017 Al Jabr Islamic School mendapat kunjungan balasan dari Universitas Kokushikan Tokyo yang diketuai oleh Prof. Tozu. Kunjungan balasan ini dilakukan setelah sebelumnya tim Al Jabr Islamic School berkunjung ke Universitas tersebut dalam rangka menghadiri Simposium Ir Soekarno dengan Ibu Puti Soekarno –anggota DPR-RI Komisi X– yang menjadi salah satu pembicaranya.

Al Jabr Islamic School senang menerima kunjungan para guru dan siswa dari Universitas Kokushikan ini. Selama kunjungan berlangsung, diisi dengan kegiatan keliling sekolah, menghadiri Science Fair, bernyanyi dan berolah raga bersama sebagai bentuk persahabatan yang Insya Allah bermanfaat bagi kedua negara.

Populasi, globalisasi dan technologi meningkat dengan pesat, oleh karena itu MYP New Chapter mengangkat Global Context, Area of Exploration dan Approach to Learning (ATL) Skills dipandang akan sangat membantu mempersiapkan generasi mendatang termasuk generasi saat ini. Penggunaan ATL Skills ini telah disampaikan oleh Mr Arie pd agenda Parents Workshop bersamaan dengan Science Fair 2017 yg lalu.

Adapun contoh ATL Skills misalnya Organization skills dengan mengatur waktu dan tugas secara efektif (managing time and tasks effectively) atau Critical-thinking skills dengan memeriksa kesulitan dan tantangan (identify obstacles and challenges) dimana keterampilan ini dipakai pada area of exploration misalnya personal efficacy and agency; attitudes, motivation, independence; happiness and the good life; atau ketika mengeksplorasi adaptation, ingenuity and progress.

D a r iParents Association

Sekedar mengingatkan kembali agar kita senantiasa “balanced” –seimbang dalam segala bidang termasuk penggunaan technologi, sosial media, pergaulan, dan perilaku konsumsi sehingga kita senantiasa hidup langgeng dan berjalan di muka bumi dengan selalu merendahkan diri (tidak sombong), seperti nasihat Luqman pada anaknya dalam Quran Surat Luqman (31) ayat 18:

“Dan janganlah kamu memalingkan mukamu dari manusia (karena sombong) dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi dengan angkuh. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri”

Insya Allah kita semua dapat bekerjasama dengan sekolah untuk terus menerus melakukan perbaikan dan berpegang teguh pada nilai-nilai Islam, Indonesia dan juga Internasional.

Jangan lupa untuk selalu mengecek agenda pada school diary agar kita tidak tertinggal dalam update proses pembelajaran anak kita di sekolah, seperti jadwal Ujian untuk kakak kelas 6, 9, dan 12; atau jadwal Summative Assessments setiap unitnya; atau bahkan jadwal liburan yang telah dipersiapkan oleh sekolah.

Terakhir, mudah-mudahan kita dan keluarga diberi kemudahan dan kemampuan untuk dapat membangun akhlak mulia anak-anak kita. Insya Allah. Aamiin...

Selamat berlibur mulai tanggal 25 Maret 2017 sampai 2 April 2017 dan Insya Allah jumpa lagi pada tanggal 3 April 2017.


Hilda C Purnomo

Students playing futsal with college students from Kokushikan University, Japan.

Page 5: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … · will have the Verification visit on May 22 – 24, 2017. Thank you

Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 5

In the last Unit 4 The earth’s natural cycles influence the activity of living things, we set the class environment into night view and set outdoor as day view. We observed and discussed different views and activities that occurred during the day and at night.

To connect between the weather and how to protect our bodies, teachers and students dressed up based on seasons that are created by the revolutions of earth. We then learned that people interact differently to weather and their behavior (including all living things) creates patterns in respond to earth’s cycle.

With the similar related concept of interaction, in the current unit 5, People play different roles in the communities to which they belong, we are learning variety of communities, the roles of people in the communities, and how it is organized. We started from identifying student’s family member as their basic communal. We also played dressing-up to strengthen our provocation.

To provide interaction between their very nearby communities, we are identifying school members and their roles at school by meeting the people and ask who they are and what responsibilities they have at school. We then draw and compare communities (we know and belong to) through T-chart and/or Venn diagram. By doing this, we are developing our research skills, thinking skills as well as communication skills.

We acknowledge that the features of good practice in early-years education do not operate linearly and in isolation from each other. And Insya Allah the environment we create, the plays we do, and relationship we build, will stimulate the growth of student as a well-rounded individual. (Ella/03/17)

P r e - K :Interaction Between 2 Units

At its most basic level, differentiation consists of the efforts of teachers to respond to variance among learners in the classroom. Whenever a teacher reaches out to an individual or small group to vary teaching creating the best learning experience possible, that teacher is differentiating instruction.

In line with differentiation, students of K1 were very excited to learn about the matters around them in the Unit 4 ‘how the world works’. With our central idea “understanding the way materials behave and interact in certain ways which determines how people use them”, we started the unit by playing solid, liquid and gas game. This game enabled them to understand the characteristic of three different states of matters.

We continued observing variety of matters around them by recognizing the characteristics of solid, liquid, or gas; how they behave; and how the changes occurred. Different experimentation were also introduced and done such as pouring the water from different containers to other containers, melting chocolate and froze it again, candle, and even cooking pancake!

We joined the Science Fair to show our understanding of the unit. Some of students chose to have stage

performance and some had group presentation. This differentiation giving students options of how to express required learning and encouraging them to create their own product assignments.

Ostroff (2012) mentioned that learning at this age happens authentically and seamlessly when children are immersed in an engaging and stimulating environment where practical, play-based learning takes place. We hope the effort in the unit 4 and this current Unit 5 will enable students to develop their learning skills as a preparation for their future learning journey. (Icha/03/17)

K i n d e r g a r t e n 1 :

Differentiated Learning

Students experiencing rain while wearing the safety equipments.

Students explaining their knowledge to Science Fair visitors

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Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 6

K i n d e r g a r t e n 2 :

Living the Learner ProfileHow did we live the inquirers, thinkers, and communicators at school?

In the Unit of Inquiry How the world works with central idea All living things go through a process of change was a basic for employing our learner profiles. This unit focused on observations of animals and plants in their nearby environment. The unit was designed to explore the important aspects of living things such as:

• identification of differences between living and non-living things

• recognizing habitats and adaptations process • understanding structure and function that is how

animal body structures enable them to be well-functioned and survival

• discovering the life cycle of living things

How did we do it? Students learned about these concepts by observing and investigating variety of living and non-living things. They recorded their observations in their science journal either with drawings or hand writing. They also learned to formulate question to drive their experiments through creating a question in their science journal by using scientific vocabulary. They also had to classify living things developmental stage by drawing the life cycles of their observation living things in sequences (connection, change). And finally compared and contrasted the similarity and/or differences among some living things based on data using Venn diagram and T chart.

Students learned that living things had similar characteristics which make them different to the non-living things. They learned that a beautiful butterfly was a caterpillar; tadpole becomes a frog; eggs become birds; and mammals give birth for their reproduction. From these facts, students found out that the way of breeding is divided into two types: give birth and lay eggs. To deepen our understanding, we visited Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Ikan Hias (LPPIH) to see an example of how animal reproduce as part of their life cycle.

Alhamdulillah, our inquiry process was well-presented in the last Science Fair with enthusiastic and collaboration! Students worked together making model and provided tools as support for their presentation.

Insya Allah, with proper stimulation and provocation, students will be able to be inquirers, thinkers, and communicator for now and for their future. Aamiin. (Tiza/03/2017)

Students are decorating Nasi Tumpeng.

Why do we have public space? How do public spaces serve the needs of people in community? What rules of behavior should we do? How our self-management skills implemented in specific public space?

Itulah sebagian dari pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru untuk menggugah proses inkuiri pada Unit 5 How we organize ourselves dengan ide utama “Physical and virtual public spaces provide people with opportunities to make connections and establish a sense of community” (ruang public baik secara fisik dan virtual memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat untuk saling terhubung dalam suatu komunitas).

Pada unit ini siswa mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan fungsi dari berbagai ruang publik di masyarakat, menunjukkan bagaimana berbagai ruang publik dapat melayani kebutuhan orang dalam komunitas, membandingkan fungsi ruang publik di seluruh dunia, dan memahami serta menerapkan aturan dan tanggung jawab di ruang publik.

Untuk melatih keterampilan mengatur diri (self-management skills) dalam hal mengatur waktu, membuat perencanaan, menyiapkan dan memilih alat dan kebutuhan, serta bertanggung jawab, kami mengunjungi Taman Mini Indonesia Indah untuk mengobservasi contoh ruang public dengan mengidentifikasi secara langsung fungsi dari tiap tempat umum dan menggunakan fasilitas tempat umum dengan bertanggung jawab. Lebih lanjut lagi, kami pun mengaadakan kegiatan menginap di sekolah.

Alhamdulillah, mereka belajar untuk menunjukan keterampilan tersebut dengan antusias. Bagi sebagian siswa, mengatur diri seperti bekerja sama, mengatur waktu, dan bersikap saat acara berlangsung merupakan tantangan yang besar sebagaimana mereka masiih belajar untuk melakukannya di rumah. Hubungan dengan rumah dan sekolah akan memperkuat proses belajar mereka.

Karena hubungan adalah bagian mendasar dari pengalaman anak, terutama pada tahun-tahun awal, pendekatan untuk pendidikan anak usia dini diperluas dalam mencakup aspek sosial budaya belajar dan mengajar. Insya Allah, bersama-sama kita bias melakukannya. (Imel-Distra/03/17)

G r a d e 1 :Keterampilan Mengatur Diri

Students examined the apparatus in their visit to LPPI

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Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 7

The IB PYP identifies five skills as essential for student success: thinking, social, communication, self-management, and research. Within their learning throughout the PYP, students acquire and apply a set of these skills throughout different learning engagement. In the Unit 4 How the World Works, for example, Grade 2 students started the first week by wondering about building and construction through different books such as “Listen to the Wind”, How to make a house” and “Bridges construction”. This investigation related to the central idea The design of buildings and structures is dependent upon environmental factors, human ingenuity, and available materials. To support the inquiry, the teachers also showed videos such as “The strongest shape” and “Houses in different environment”. Yet, the most interesting part was visiting BSD Green Office park to observe the physical facade of the building and learn how it was structured to be recognized as the first green building in Indonesia.

As lifelong learners, their inquiring process was not happening only at school, at home they continued researching guided by their parents to find out different houses in different environments. This was encouragement to investigate the construction of a building or structure and identify the materials used especially on what need to be considered when we build a building or structure. Further experimentation was done to the triangle theory that was tower with triangle base is stronger compared to square base, and it worked!

The process of acquisition of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation is continued to the Unit of Inquiry 5 How we organize ourselves. Students are identifying responsibilities people have in different organization. They are also explaining the purpose of rules and responsibilities in an organization. To stimulate their communication skills in viewing and presenting, they are constructing visual representations through graphs, charts, diagrams, timelines, and pictorial maps to clarify relationships within an organization. Indeed, carefully we provide encouragement in social skills by working in a group to establish a shared vision and purpose for the class organization.We do understand that all transdisciplinary skills must be taught every year. Throughout the units, the students have opportunities to learn and demonstrate skills with their teachers, peers, and parents through different form. The emphasis on the development of conceptual understanding does not preclude recognition of the importance of developing skills. The construction of meaning and, therefore, of understanding is complemented by the students acquiring and applying a range of skills. These skills are best developed in the context of authentic situations such as those offered through the PYP units of inquiry. (Dluha/03/2017)

G r a d e 2 :The Approach to Learning

Internet is everywhere! The network in all over the region including to the remote-small town. How can we manage with this digital networking development?

Speaking of network and internet, Grade 3 is learning about technology, digital media, access and information with the central idea “new digital media changes the way in which people access information and connect to each other”. This central idea supported by the concepts of function, connection and causation.

What is ‘digital’? What technologies that you used everyday? What do you know about media? How will you be responsible in using social media? These are the questions to provoke students’ inquiry. In the beginning student were differenciating the meaning of media, technology, and gadget. Then students continued collecting data related to media and technology by interviewing school community and reading different sources. Based on this survey, students later can create and conduct an action plan in relation to the interconnectedness of human made systems and communities, for virtual environments.

To discuss more about digital technology and what kind of responsibilities should be implemented, we invited a

guest speaker from Google Indonesia. As part of learning engagement in the classroom, they did flipped-classroom by making web, blog or video about various topic in math and languages in a group.

Inquiring this unit hopefully encouraging the student to use virtual environment wisely in order to get and/or transfer information and develops the ethic of using it. (Rara/03/2017)

G r a d e 3 :Build Up Digital Citizenship

Students showed their curiosity to the guest speaker

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Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 8

In the last Unit 4 How the world works, Grade 4 students were inquiring into the central idea: Energy may be converted, transformed and used to support human progress.

Different provocations provided to practice their critical thinking skills through different provoking questions related to the form of energy, how energy works, impact of energy to environment, how country conserves energy and possible action of a responsible human being.

Their investigation started from differentiating energy into potential, kinetic, light, sound, and heat and continued classifying different forms of renewable and non-renewable energy as well as practical basis of how energy became sustainable.

To engage more to the inquiry process, we visited Museum Listrik dan Energi Terbarukan (MLEB) and BATAN (Badan Atom dan Tenaga Nuklir) to analyze how energy is stored and transformed from one form to another from the perspectives of national usage.

As the unit going deeper, students participated in scientific experiments. They worked in groups conducting variety of experiments, going through scientific method, creating hypothesis, compiling their Science Journal, and preparing their presentation. Observational skills, recording and interpreting data collection were the key to this learning engagement as well as the self-management skills. The results of those experiments were presented in the Science Fair 2017 on February 7-9, 2017, with bunch of positive feedback and response. Alhamdulillah.

To wrap up the unit, the students made a proposal of possible alternative energy for us to use when non-renewable energy running out. Recommendation was also stated in terms of energy conservation and efficiency to be practiced in our everyday life.

Insya Allah, this unit will be more meaningful and significant for students in learning the impact of energy for them and people around the world. (Hana 02/17)

G r a d e 4 :Energy is the Ability to Do Work!

G r a d e 5 :Citizens’ Engagement Towards Government Systems

Prior to the PYP Exhibition, Grade 5 students are learning the roles of governments systems (social) and biodiversity (science) as an adjoin unit to the understanding of Unit 5 How we organize ourselves and Unit 6 Sharing the planet.

Students are inquiring the impact of scientific knowledge in fulfilling society needs and ways of government to work hand in hand with all citizens to keep biodiversity balanced through the regulations and policies.

To explore the form and function of government, we did brainstorming about who are considered as government and why we should have government. We invited Ibu Linda Gumelar and Bapak Effendi Gazali to deepen their understanding. The following week, we visited government offices, Kantor Lurah Pondok Labu dan Cilandak Timur, Kantor Camat Cilandak and Kantor Walikota Jakarta Selatan as the subordinate government representative. We discussed how regulations are implemented in the surrounding area and how all citizens are ensured following the regulations or laws that implied to human rights is a board view.

Different government systems in different countries were also explored such as democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship, socialism and communism which these types of government reflected on their regulation, rules, and laws and also their view of certain human rights problems. As the summative assessment, they created some media to promote the regulations concerning the rights and responsibilities of citizens in respond to the sustainability of environment. (Elok&Tria/03/2017)

Students observed how energy works using daily items

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Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2016/2017 9

Science fair is the annual event that is conducted in Unit 4 as a part of summative assessment. All the students from the lower grade until high school were participated to demonstrate the scientific process of project using their science skills. We classified the experiments into the science strands; they are materials and matters, earth and space, force and energy and living things.

PYP students presented the experiment based on the topic in their unit and presented the scientific explanation to the visitors. Particularly for MYP students, we used the criteria B, designing the experiment and criteria C, processing the data. These two criteria allowed us to create some modifications for the concept of presentation it was inspired by International conference presentations that are scientific poster exhibition and room session presentation for the chosen experiment.

Students needed to design the experiment based on the scientific method which started by finding the scientific journal to get the idea and identifying problems for the experiment, and then they continued to execute the scientific method and conducted the experiment. In processing and evaluating data, they analyzed and interpreted the data to make the scientific report in the form of scientific

poster. The result of the experiments were analyzed and interpreted to make the scientific poster as report. There were experiments which are chosen to be presented in the room session such as, Water spinach phytoremediation , The beauty of fruit cells, The effect of MSG to the growth of the plants, The effect of caffeine to the heart rate and Slowing down chilies decaying process.

Developing scientific writing skills based on scientific journal format were our focus because this was one of the required skills for those who will continue their study to higher education. Through this learning engagements, the students were developing their communication skills (they learned to read critically and for comprehension, make inferences and draw conclusions, paraphrase accurately and concisely, preview and skim texts to build understanding and write for academic purpose) as well as their critical thinking skills and self-management skills.

Creating meaningful and engaging learning experiences not only developing students initiative and collaboration, but also exercising our creativity as a teacher. (Dina/03/2017)

M Y PScience Fair

Misi dari Al Jabr Islamic School

Misi kami adalah menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk komunitas pelajar di sekolah guna mengembangkan semaksimal mungkin potensi yang dimilikinya melalui pembelajaran yang aktif, sepanjang masa dan kesempatan mendapatkan pengalaman yang nyata demi membentuk individu-individu yang seutuhnya baik mental, fisik, emosi dan akademis dalam rangka ikut mendorong terciptanyadunia yang lebih baik dan menghormati nilai-nilai luhur Islam yang ada di komunitas global.

Al Jabr Islamic School Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a high quality education for our community of learners to develop and maximize their potential through active, lifelong learning and real life experiences to become well-rounded individuals mentally, physically, emotionally and academically in creating a better world with respect of Islamic values in a global community.

Al Jabr Islamic SchoolJl. Bango II No. 34 Pondok Labu, Cilandak

Jakarta Selatan 12450, Indonesia