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Company LOGO AKTIVA ENGINEERING w w w . a k t i v a . c o m . m k

AKTIVA Engineering

Sep 14, 2014



Vlado Lazovski

„AKTIVA" L.T.D. Stip, Republic of Macedonia, is one of the leading renomated building companies with high reputation and undeniable legitimacy of segment in metal industry, covering services for projecting, supervision and performance of any type of buildings.The company was founded in 1999, starting with mini-technologies and
several employees in the course of our intensive work , adjusting to the modern dynamic flows to achieve further development and market needs, effectuate strong rise in
production capacity in the metal industry, including all elements of craft - ­final work, as well as production of the necessary process technology equipment. Well positioned in the heart of the industrial region of Stip, as a private company, ­ first began to function in this part of metal industry, ie performance of commercial and business facilities. Equipped with a production plant of the highest standards, with full engineering coverage since the beginning, completely dedicated to the principle
of quality products and highest level of respect to partners and customers, something which contributed, despite strong competition „AKTIVA" to be held as the market leader.
„AKTIVA" L.T.D. Stip, as a company with high professionalism, is equipped with modern trained management and staff with the highest degree of competence, professionalism and skilled perpetrators with appropriate quali­fcations required for all phases of work. Our activities are based on fundamental values and principles of management of the company where, as a central stage in the scope of our work appear: manufacture and installation of all kinds of steel
constructions, covering, siding and sheet metal works with panel systems, pro­filed or plasticised sheets, installations for heating, cooling and air conditioning, electrical installations and automation, installations for water supply and sanitation, performance of horizontal and vertical tanks necessary purposes, manufacturing process technology equipment for the industry, oil re­fineries, storage and manipulation of fuels and complete engineering services. Also, in our production program we have full range of metal cable trays and supports additional circuit elements of the performance requirements for electrical installations. Justify the high position of constantly and continuously improving and upgrading the quality of production as a whole, primarily
with the procurement of quality raw materials and more continuously through the installation of modern equipment and monitoring of world trends in this area, which the company resulting in huge bene­fit or disposal enviable production capacity, a wide range of machine stock, custom auto-cranes and their own fleet. The pleasure and satisfaction of our customers is a key priority
and is the motto that does lead to the right way!
Дејноста на АКТИВА се базира врз темелните вредности и принципите на менаџментот на компанијата при што, како носечки фази во делокругот на нашата работа се појавуваат: производство и монтажа на секаков вид челични конструкции; покривачки, фасадерски и лимарски работи со панелни системи, профилирани или пластифицирани лимови; инсталации за греење, ладење и климатизација; електрични инсталации и автоматизација; инсталации за водовод и канализација; изведба на хоризонтални и вертикални резервоари за потребни намени; производство на процесна технолошка опрема за индустријата, рафинерии за масло, складови и манипулација со горива и комплет инженеринг услуги.
Во својот производен програм "АКТИВА" го има и целокупниот асортиман на метални носачи на кабли и додатни спојни елементи за потребите при изведба на електрични инсталации.
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Company name


AKTIVA ENGINEERINGw . a k t i v a . c o m . m k

ContentsCompany name

1. Introduction 2. Activities 3. Strategy

1. IntroductionCompany name

"AKTIVA" L.T.D. Stip, Republic of Macedonia, is one of the leading renomated building companies with high reputation and undeniable legitimacy of segment in metal industry, covering services for projecting, supervision and performance of any type of buildings.

The company was founded in 1999. Starting with mini-technologies and several employees in the course of our intensive work, adjusting to the modern dynamic flows to achieve further development and market needs, effectuate strong rise in production capacity in the metal industry, including all elements of craft - final work, as well as production of the necessary process technology equipment.

1. IntroductionCompany name

Our company is well positioned in the heart of the industrial region of Stip, where as a private company, first began to function in this part of metal industry, ie performance of commercial and business facilities. Equipped with a working plant of the highest standards and purposefully built offices, with full engineering coverage since the beginning, completely dedicated to the principle of quality products and highest level of respect to partners and customers, something which contributed, despite strong competition "AKTIVA" to be held as the market leader. "AKTIVA" L.T.D. Stip, as a top construction company and a serious business entity, is equipped with modern trained management and staff with the highest degree of competence, professionalism and integrity, quality engineering staff and skilled perpetrators with appropriate qualifications required for all phases of work.

2. ActivitiesCompany name

AKTIVA s activities are based on fundamental values and principles of management of the company where, as a central stage in the scope of our work appear: manufacture and installation of all kinds of steel constructions; covering, siding and sheet metal works with panel systems, profiled or plasticised sheets; installations for heating, cooling and air conditioning; electrical installations and automation; installations for water supply and sanitation; performance of horizontal and vertical tanks necessary purposes; manufacturing process technology equipment for the industry, oil refineries, storage and manipulation of fuels and complete engineering services. Also, in our production program we have full range of metal cable trays and supports additional circuit elements of the performance requirements for electrical installations.

2. ActivitiesCompany name

2.1. Manufacture and installation of all kinds of steel constructions

2. ActivitiesCompany name

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2. ActivitiesCompany name

2. ActivitiesCompany name

Covering, siding and sheet metal works with panel systems, profiled or plasticised sheets

2. ActivitiesCompany name

Mechanical instalations (heating, cooling and air conditioning)

2. ActivitiesCompany name

Electrical installations and automation

2. ActivitiesCompany name

Performance of horizontal and vertical tanks necessary purposes

3.StrategyCompany name

The strategy of "AKTIVA" L.T.D. Stip includes creating new values through the construction meet the highest requirements of customers and investors, and that only through quality and timely solution. We believe that quality production is a basic principle which is based on our work. We believe in teamwork and it is easy to work with us. The fundamental values of the company are: Quality; Integrity; Team work; Trust; Security and Client satisfaction.

3.StrategyCompany name

Based on fundamental values, the management of "AKTIVA" L.T.D. Stip, acts on the following principles for the work: The company must certainly continue to be reliable, virtue and responsible member of society; Continuous exposure to development of the company by implementing the latest technologies; We always try to make changes in ourselves, so we would act and would deal with the future as realize further progress; By developing and encouraging staff to form a team working environment that will act as a single whole group full of vitality and energy.

3.StrategyCompany name

"AKTIVA" L.T.D. Stip, as a brand company in construction industry, is dedicated exclusively to strive for improvement and development of the company, making it thus widely recognizable, with continued application of the latest global technologies and positive technical regulations, and raising the production capacity to conquer the market through competition in the competitive world only through honesty, fairness and respect for customers and employees, behaving toward them as they wish and to treat us. We support proactive and innovation. We believe that there is always a better way for the solution of problems. The pleasure and satisfaction of our customers is a key priority and is the motto that does lead to the right way!


Company name

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