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Akkadian Empire

Apr 13, 2018



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  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    Akkadian EmpireFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Not to be confused with Acadians.

    Coordinates: 336N 446E

    Akkadian Empire

    23342154 BC

    Map of the Akkadian Empire brown! and

    the directions in which military

    campai"ns were conducted yellow


    Capital Akkad

    Languages Akkadian lan"ua"e

    Religion #umerian reli"ion

    Government Monarchy

    Emperor of



    #ar"on of Akkad



    istori!al era Ancient Era
  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    $ Established %&&' +

    $0isestablished %-/' +


    $ %&&' +1-23, km4&3,33% s5 mi!

    "oda# part ofountriestoday1show2

    6art of a serieson the

    istor# of $ra%

    An!ient $ra%



    Akkadian Empire


    Neo$Assyrian Empire

    Neo$+abylonian Empire

    Classi!al $ra%

    Achaemenid Assyria
  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    #eleucid +abylonia

    6arthian +abylonia

    7oman Mesopotamia

    #asanian Asorestan

    &edieval $ra%

    7ashidun aliphate

    8mayyad aliphate

    Abbasid aliphate


    +uyid amirate of :ra5





  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire



    A5 @oyunlu


    Bttoman :ra5

    Mamluk dynasty

    2't()!entur# $ra%

    Mandatory :ra5

    ?in"dom of :ra5

    Repu*li! of $ra%

    :ra5i 7epublic -*/3(C3!

    +aDathist :ra5

    Bccupation of :ra5

    Modern :ra5

    $ra% portal



    The Akkadian Empire/k ed in/[2]was an ancient Semiticemirecentered in the cit! o"#kkad/ $ k $ d/[3]and its s%rro%ndin& re&ion in ancient 'esootamiawhich %nited a(( the

    indi&eno%s #kkadian seakin& Semitesand the S%merianseakers %nder one r%(e within a'athist_Iraq'athist_Iraq
  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    m%(ti(in&%a( emire) The #kkadian Emire contro((ed 'esootamia* the +e,ant* and arts o"


    .%rin& the 3rd mi((enni%m C* there de,e(oed a ,er! intimate c%(t%ra( s!m0iosis 0etween the

    S%meriansand the Semitic#kkadians* which inc(%ded widesread0i(in&%a(ism)[1]#kkadian

    &rad%a((! re(aced S%merian as a soken (an&%a&e somewhere aro%nd the t%rn o" the 3rd and the2nd mi((ennia C the eact datin& 0ein& a matter o" de0ate)[6]

    The #kkadian Emire reached its o(itica( eak 0etween the 24th and 22nd cent%ries C*

    "o((owin& the con5%ests 0! its "o%nder Sar&on o" #kkad23342278 C) 9nder Sar&on and his

    s%ccessors* #kkadian (an&%a&e was 0rie"(! imosed on nei&h0orin& con5%ered states s%ch as

    E(am) #kkad is sometimes re&arded as the "irst emire in histor!*[7]tho%&h there are ear(ierS%merian c(aimants)[]

    #"ter the "a(( o" the #kkadian Emire* the #kkadian eo(e o" 'esootamia e,ent%a((!

    coa(esced into two ma;or #kkadian seakin& nations: #ss!riain the north* and* a "ew cent%ries(ater* a0!(oniain the so%th)


    - ity$state of Akkad

    % 9istory

    o %.- Bri"ins

    & #ar"on and his sons

    o &.- Naram$#in

    o &.% ollapse of the Akkadian Empire

    o &.& he urse

    ' oernment

    / Economy

    C ulture

    o C.- Gan"ua"e

    o C.% 6oet(priestess Enheduanna

    o C.& echnolo"y
  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    o C.' Achieements

    ) #ee also

    3 Notes

    * Further readin"

    - EHternal links

    ity$state of Akkad

    Main articleI Akkad city!

    The recise archaeo(o&ica( site o" the cit! the (ater #ss!ro

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    +ron;e head of an Akkadian, probably an ima"e of Manishtusu or Naram$#inJdescendants of #ar"on National Museum of :ra5!

    Sar&on o" #kkad harr!"kinL ?(e&itimate kin&?* ossi0(! a tit(e he took on &ainin& owerde"eated and cat%red +%&a(

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    Fri&ina((! a c%0earer #absha$e to a kin& o" =ish with a Semitic name* 9r

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    ?the S%0art% mo%ntaino%s tri0es o" #ss!ria the %er co%ntr!in their t%rn attacked* 0%t the!

    s%0mitted to his arms* and Sar&on sett(ed their ha0itations* and he smote them &rie,o%s(!?)

    Sar&on had cr%shed oosition e,en at o(d a&e) These di""ic%(ties 0roke o%t a&ain in the rei&n o"

    his sons* where re,o(ts 0roke o%t d%rin& the 8

    eriod o" B1 !ears) The (atter kin& seems to ha,e "o%&ht a sea 0att(e a&ainst 32 kin&s who had

    &athered a&ainst him and took contro( o,er their co%ntr! o" what is toda! the 9nited #ra0

    Emirates and Fman) .esite the s%ccess* simi(ar(! to his 0rother* he seems to ha,e 0eenassassinated in a a(ace consirac!)[B8]


    #tele of Naram$#in,1%2celebratin" ictory a"ainst the Gullubifrom =a"ros%%C+.9e is wearin" a horned helmet, a symbol of diinity, and is also portrayed in a

    lar"er scale in comparison to others to emphasi;e his superiority.1%-2

    +rou"ht backfrom #ipparto #usaas war pri;e in the -%th century +

    'anisht%sh%Ds son and s%ccessor*Naram

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    To 0etter o(ice S!ria* he 0%i(t a ro!a( residence at Te(( rak* a crossroads at the heart o" the

    =ha0%r Ai,er0asin o" the HeMirah) Naram

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    re,ent the emire e,ent%a((! co((asin& o%tri&ht "rom the in,asion o" 0ar0arian eo(es "rom

    the Ka&ros 'o%ntainsknown as theG%tians)

    +itt(e is known a0o%t the G%tian eriod* or how (on& it end%red) C%nei"orm so%rces s%&&est that

    the G%tiansD administration showed (itt(e concern "or maintainin& a&ric%(t%re* written records* or

    %0(ic sa"et!> the! re%ted(! re(eased a(( "arm anima(s to roam a0o%t 'esootamia "ree(!* andsoon 0ro%&ht a0o%t "amineand rocketin& &rain rices) The dec(ine coincided with se,ere

    dro%&ht* ossi0(! connected with c(imatic chan&es reachin& a(( across the area "rom E&!t to

    Greece) The S%merian kin& 9r

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    !ear> ))) rei&ned 3 !ears> ))) rei&ned 2 !ears> -arar%m rei&ned 2 !ears> -0ran%m rei&ned B !ear>

    Qa0(%m rei&ned 2 !ears> I%M%r

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    The eriod 0etween ca) 2BB2 C and 24 C is known as the 9r --- eriod) .oc%ments a&ain

    0e&an to 0e written in S%merian* a(tho%&h S%merian was 0ecomin& a %re(! (iterar! or (it%r&ica(

    (an&%a&e* m%ch as +atin (ater wo%(d 0e in 'edie,a(E%roe)[38]

    "(e Curse+ater materia( descri0ed how the "a(( o" #kkad was d%e to Naram

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    reco&nised as0ar ki00atiL kin& o" =ish* and was considered reeminent in S%mer* ossi0(!0eca%se this was where the two ri,ers aroached* and whoe,er contro((ed =ish %(timate(!

    contro((ed the irri&ation s!stems o" the other cities downstream)

    #s Sar&on etended his con5%est "rom the ?+ower Sea? Iersian G%("* to the ?9er Sea?

    'editerranean* it was "e(t that he r%(ed ?the tota(it! o" the (ands %nder hea,en?* or ?"roms%nrise to s%nset?* as contemorar! tets %t it) 9nder Sar&on* the ensis &enera((! retained theirositions* 0%t were seen more as ro,incia( &o,ernors) The tit(e0ar ki00ati0ecame reco&nised asmeanin& ?(ord o" the %ni,erse?) Sar&on is e,en recorded as ha,in& or&anised na,a( eeditions to

    .i(m%nahrain and 'a&an* amon&st the "irst or&anised mi(itar! na,a( eeditions in histor!)hether he a(so did in the case o" the 'editerranean with the kin&dom o" =ataraossi0(!

    C!r%s* as c(aimed in (ater doc%ments* is more 5%estiona0(e)

    ith Naram to

    insta(( sons as ro,incia( ensi&o,ernors in strate&ic (ocations> and to marr! their da%&hters tor%(ers o" erihera( arts o" the Emire 9rkeshand 'arhashe) # we(( doc%mented case o" the

    (atter is that o" Naram

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    that ena0(ed the &rowth o" the hi&hest o%(ation densities in the wor(d at this time* &i,in&

    #kkad its mi(itar! ad,anta&e)

    The water ta0(ein this re&ion was ,er! hi&h and re(enished re&%(ar(!0! winter storms in the

    headwaters o" the Ti&ris and E%hrates "rom Fcto0er to 'arch and "rom snow

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    0! the &oa( o" sec%rin& contro( o,er these imorts) Fne ta0(et reads ?Sar&on* the kin& o" =ish*

    tri%mhed in thirt!

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    8ruk and eHiled to the steppe. #he be"s the moon "od Nanna to intercede forher because the city of 8ruk, under the ruler Gu"alanne, has rebelled a"ainst#ar"on. he rebel, Gu"alanne, has een destroyed the temple Eanna, one ofthe "reatest temples in the ancient world, and then made adances on hissister$in$law.1/-2


    +assetki #tatuefrom the rei"n of Naram$#inwith an inscription mentionin" theconstruction of a temple in Akkad

    Fne ta0(et "rom this eriod reads* 56rom the earliest days no"one had made a stat!e of lead,5b!t #im!sh king of %ish, had a stat!e of himself made of lead( 3t stood before Enlil7 and itrecited his 5#im!sh's 8irt!es to the id! of the gods) The coer assetki Stat%e* cast with the(ost wamethod* testi"ies to the hi&h (e,e( o" ski(( that cra"tsmen achie,ed d%rin& the #kkadianeriod)[12]


    The emire was 0o%nd to&ether 0! roads* a(on& which there was a re&%(arosta( ser,ice) C(a!

    sea(s that took the (ace o" stams 0ear the names o" Sar&on and his son) # cadastra(s%r,e!

    seems a(so to ha,e 0een instit%ted* and one o" the doc%ments re(atin& to it states that a certain


  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire



  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    .re).otter# ,eolit(i! B

    "(e ,eolit(i!

    "(is *o/0




    Q Mesolithic

    Fertile rescent

    Geantine corridor

    9eay Neolithic


    rihedral Neolithic

    @araoun culture

    ahunian culture

    Rarmukian ulture

    9alaf culture

    9alaf$8baidransitional period

    8baid culture



    6re$6otteryA,B!ell Aswad



  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    +oian culture

    +utmir culture

    ernaodV culture

    oofeni culture


    0udeXti culture

    orneXti culture

    umelniYa(?aranoo culture

    9aman"ia culture

    Ginear 6ottery


    Malta emples

    6etreXti culture

    #esklo culture

    is;a culture


    8satoo culture

    Larna culture

    Lin[a culture

    Lu[edol culture




    6eili"an" culture


    +eiHin culture

    ishan culture
  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    0adiwan culture

    9ouli culture


    \inle culture


    9emudu culture

    0aHi culture


  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    C%(t%ra( tendencies o" this eriod di""er "rom that o" the ear(ier Ire ear(ier t!ica( dwe((in&s were circ%(ar* e((itica( andoccasiona((! e,en octa&ona() I!rotechno(o&! was hi&h(! de,e(oed in this eriod) .%rin& this

    eriod* one o" the main "eat%res o" ho%ses is e,idenced 0! a thick (a!er o" white c(a! (aster

    "(oors hi&h(! o(ished and made o" (ime rod%ced "rom (imestone) -t is 0e(ie,ed that the %se o"c(a! (aster "or "(oor and wa(( co,erin&s d%rin& IIN (ed to the disco,er! o"otter!)[B]The

    ear(iest roto

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    -#ro)ittite statesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    7edirected from Neo$9ittite!

    6art of a serieson the

    istor# of "urke#


    +ron;e A"e1show2

    lassical A"e1show2

    Medieal A"e1show2

    Bttoman Empire1show2

    7epublic of urkey1show2

    +y topic1show2


    "urke# portal

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire



    The states that are ca((ed Neo-Hittite* or more recent(! Syro-Hittitewere+%wian*#ramaicand


  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    The co((ase o" the Qittite Emire is %s%a((! associated with the &rad%a( dec(ine o" Eastern

    'editerranean trade networks and the res%(tin& co((ase o" ma;or +ate ronMe #&e citiesin the

    +e,antine coast* #nato(ia and the #e&ean)[2]-n the midd(e o" the B3th cent%r! C* &reat &ro%s

    o" Greeksseakin& ancient .oriandia(ects mo,ed "rom the north thro%&h the a(kanre&ion tothe so%th) The Thracianswho occ%ied this re&ion* and northern Greece* were "orced to mo,e to

    the western coasts* and (ater to the in(and o" #nato(ia*where the! 0ecame known asIhr!&iansand '!sians) #t the end o" the B3th cent%r! C* the '!ceneana(aces in in(and Greece were

    destro!ed 0! in,aders and a(most sim%(taneo%s(! sea

  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire


    contin%e into the -ron #&e witho%t hiat%s* and those tem(es witness m%(ti(e re0%i(din&s in the

    Ear(! -ron #&e)

    Gist of #yro$9ittite states

    9istorical map of the Neo$9ittite states, c. 3 +E. +orders are approHimate only.

    The S!roQittite states ma! 0e di,ided into two &ro%s: a northern &ro% whereQittiter%(ersremained in ower* and a so%thern &ro% where #ramaeanscame to r%(e "rom a0o%t B C)#(tho%&h these states are considered somewhat %ni"ied* the! were tho%&ht to act%a((! 0e

    dis%ni"ied* e,en in searate kin&doms)[B1][B6]

    The northern &ro% inc(%des:

    abal. :t may hae included a "roup of city states called theyanitisuwana,unna, 9upisna, #hinukhtu, :shtunda!

    ?ammanuwith Melid!


    @uw^with a stron"hold at modern ?aratepe!


  • 7/26/2019 Akkadian Empire



    The so%thern* #ramaic* &ro% inc(%des:

    6alistincpital was probablyell ayinat!1-)21-32

    +it abbariwith #amDal!

    +it$Adiniwith the city ofil +arsip!

    +it +ahianiwith u;ana!

    6attinalso 6attina or 8n5i! with the city of ?inalua, maybe modernellayinat1-*2!

    Ain 0ara, a reli"ious center

    +it A"usiwith the cities of Arpad, Nampi"i, and later on! Aleppo!

    9atarikka$Guhutithe capital city of which was at 9atarikka!



    +%wianmon%menta( inscritions in #nato(ian hiero&(!hscontin%e %ninterr%ted "rom the B3th